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tv   [untitled]    October 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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i'm a dan evans republican and i think that the answers lie in the middle. if we have a bipartisan bill for immigration, it would be hard not to vote for it. i was an immigrant to this country. i could tell you about the night i arrived in miami and there were a lot of people. they were there at the airport to receive me. that fire that my mother had to come to this country is the fire that every immigrant that comes to this country has. [speaking another language] the dreamers came to this country not to their fault that they broke the law. i don't know why we haven't given them citizenship already. the other individuals that have been here that did break the law but have lived great lives here, are our neighbors, we don't even
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know they are illegal. we should have a path to legalization, may a permanent residency. for those who break the law, you won't come to our country to break the law. i understand that washington state relies a lot -- our economy relies on immigrants. that is why i am a big proponent of workers and i will always support immigrants in this country and be a champion of them. ms. laven: to clarify, senator cantwell, that bill came up for a vote again in may. when it was divorced from some aid to ukraine and other matters, lost some democrats in that boat as well, but you are saying that you would stick with this bill if it were to come up again? sen. cantwell: yes. obviously, it is a legislative process, but yes. the core of the deal is to have
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some normalization of our immigration process and put more resources on the border. that is an important thing. to have a bipartisan bill, not have republicans kill it because they would rather talk about the issue than actually solve it. ms. laven: if it was supported by both parties you would support it? dr. garcia: i would support. every sovereign nation deserves the right to vet who comes in and out of their country. when we lose that, we are no longer sovereign. the embarrassing point for our government today is we don't know who is coming in and out of our country, but the cartels know exactly who is coming out of our country. we need more discipline and leadership at that border. again, i support immigration 100%. ms. laven: we have covered a lot of ground so far. we are going to take a quick break. we are addressing the climate crisis and efforts to keep kids
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safe online when we return. if you're just tuning in, maria cantwell on my left and dr. raul garcia on my left addressing the biggest issues facing our state. we continue with the topic of online safety. the average child spends four to six hours per day looking at a screen according to a study this year conducted by the american academy of child and adolescent psychiatry. for teenagers, that number is close to nine hours per day online. the surgeon general recently issued an advisory about social media having a negative impact on the mental health of children. the ftc is raising the alarm on how companies are collecting children's data. what would you do at a federal level to ensure that children and their data are safe? sen. cantwell: we have been working hard on this issue. we actually passed and any bills out of the united states senate that put more restrictions on social media companies to communicate with the tools
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themselves that allows parents to limit access to those websites and put new penalties in place against those companies. unfortunately, conservative elements in the house of representatives stymied those bills moving any further to the house for. i will -- house floor. i will continue to fight to get those over the goal line. i introduced legislation with my republican colleague from spokane on a major privacy bill that would give the united states and i -- the united states citizenry private rights. if they violate your information and cause serious harm to you, you should have your day in court and be able to stop these bad actors from the things they've done with your information. in the world of ai, we can't have insurance companies who know how you drove your car and charge you more. we can't have someone like uber see that the battery on your
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phone is about to die and charge you a higher rate. we can't have hospitals sell your information or make information to the network available who is they are in the hospital at that time. we need to have rules of the road for everyone, but especially good these kids' bills over the goal line. ms. laven: what would you do at a federal level to ensure that children and their data are safe? dr. garcia: you don't know the times that i've sat at the dinner table and asked our children to get off their phone and live present in our house instead of whatever environment they are in on their phone. i wouldn't say that the government needs to get in on that, that's our job as parents, but the government's job is to protect the privacy of our citizens. the privacy especially of our children. i will support any piece of legislation that will enable us to have that privacy.
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senator cantwell talked about the bill she has put forward with a friend of mine and mentor . i am happy that senator cantwell has come to our side on these privacy issues. meaning, we believe in privacy. unfortunately, the washington post had an article about senator cantwell talking about her being the biggest impediment for privacy over our internet over the last few years. i'm glad we are on the same page now. privacy is of the utmost importance for the government to protect its citizens and for us to feel that our internet interactions are private, and our information is ours and ours alone, not anybody else's to get. ms. laven: i'm guessing one of the things that your kids are paying attention to his tiktok.
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would you support a ban on tiktok, senator? sen. cantwell: i had help working with my house colleagues, republicans and democrats, the white house, the fbi, the department of justice, state department to craft a solution that basically allows our federal government to say that the chinese government cannot have an outsized role in the information that is on tiktok. that now has passed. it went to the president's desk and was signed. we are asking to make sure that no villa tory us information by a foreign government affects u.s. citizens or our u.s. military. ms. laven: would you support a ban on tiktok? dr. garcia: absolutely. i think what was passed was the right thing for us to do. again, privacy is paramount. not only for companies out there to get our information for the benefit of making money, but for another government to have our
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information for strategic planning, that should never be the case. i 100% support it. ms. laven: we will move along to the subject of climate change. according to the national oceanic and atmospheric association, last year a record 28 disasters cost taxpayers more than 92 billion dollars. recently congress allocated $20 billion to fema for hurricane season and $9 billion almost half of it was spent almost in one week following back-to-back hurricanes in the southeast. that brings us to this question from our viewer on mercer island. >> hurricanes milton and helene have reminded us all that no place is safe from the increasing effects of climate change. what are the most important policies you believe congress could pass to reduce carbon emissions? ms. laven: what are the most important policies you believe congress could pass to reduce carbon emissions? dr. garcia: well, i think that
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i've already said one of my mentors was governor dan evans who created the department of ecology in washington to preserve how pristine and beautiful our state is. i think that we all need to make sure that this is something that we cross the aisle to work, democrats and republicans, to keep our environment as clean as we have for our children. hurricane helene and milton ring up another subject. i grew up in miami. it was always obvious that we were going to have a couple of hurricanes in florida every year. i think that it's outstanding that the government is still not ready for it. we see in the news that people are without food, without electricity, without water. we know these things are coming. as a physician during covid, i can tell you that it was very frustrating to sit there and
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have to wait for ppe to come from china because we weren't ready for that pandemic. we need to have a rainy day fund. we need to be prepared for natural disasters. we need to preserve our environment. our country has the strictest laws on preserving our environment. let's bring manufacturing and industry back to america instead of outsourcing it to countries that don't care about the environment. ms. laven: senator cantwell, what are the most important policies that you believe congress could pass to reduce carbon emissions? sen. cantwell: i will get to that, but i wanted to say, to make clear, that the legislation we passed regarding tiktok said that we could not have government influence. hopefully they will sell it to someone and continue to operate, just not with the interference of a foreign actor. climate change is critical. we must address this. we have been able to
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successfully diversify our grid from 52% reliance on coal on a national basis down to 19%. i've helped in those policies that have incentives clean energy, wind, solar, biofuel, and with the hydrogen hub looking at everything from battery technology at our labs to doing everything that we can to diversified hard to decarbonize sectors. we have done a good job of getting the industry moving towards electric vehicles. now, we are talking about aviation jet fuel from a cleaner source. they are hard to decarbonize sectors. maritime being one of those. agriculture being one of those. making sure that we make progress on industry that uses heavy chemicals. with the inflation reduction act, it put into law more incentives and clarity of for a longer period of time so that we
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can continue to unleash the hundreds of thousands of jobs that have been created in these new innovations sectors. that innovation, higher wages, is helping us to diversify off of fossil fuels. ms. laven: thank you. you have shared your differences civilly and respectfully today, but it brings us to the next question which is, according to a gallup poll from last month, a record high of 80% of american adults believe that the nation is divided on its most important values. that division is also evident on capitol hill with partisan gridlock. if elected, how you prioritize country over party to work across the aisle and what actions would you take to protect and strengthen our democracy? sen. cantwell: i had to do this. i actually saw people storm the capital. i saw the discourse that came from people getting on cable tv every night and arguing instead of trying to solve problems. i made a commitment that i knew
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our state did not send me there to just argue. you sent me to get things done. we passed one of the most monumental pieces of legislation, the chips and science act, in the aftermath of that attack on our capital. it was very important policy, it was. during the supply chain home. it was also important to show the rest of the world that the united states was not so divided as it showed on the steps of the capital. and instead pass monumental legislation that brought the innovation and investment into the united states. billions of dollars of private sector investment has been unleashed across the country. not only that, it is helping us grow the middle-class again. this policy of having the manufacturing supply chain come act is critical. we have to do other things. we have to save local journalism. i am the leader in the united
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states senate of fighting to make sure that we stave off social media companies, what they've done to our local community newspapers and radio and tv stations. we will continue to fight for that. ms. laven: thank you for looking out for my job. i appreciate that. how would you prioritize country over party to work across the aisle and what action would you take to protect and strengthen our democracy? dr. garcia: when i came from cuba, i never thought that i would get in a football game in america where democrats were competing against republicans. when i came from cuba, i thought of a country that had freedom of speech, freedom to do anything that you wanted, that had the best innovation in the world, that were always leaning. those people were americans. i fell in love with america before ever stepping foot in
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this country. coming from a totalitarian system, i can tell you that appreciating what that american dream means is not lost on me. i have fought hard all my life to defend this country for what it is worth, for what it stands, for what we created with that fire to build a better place in the world than anything else. i have already said a couple of times, and i am a dan evans republican, and he said, i would rather cross the aisle then cross the people of washington. that is what i intend to do in the united states senate with hard decisions. talking about abortion. talking about climate change. talking about the topics that usually my party doesn't have great answers to so far. i want to bring my scientific mind to politics and be a bipartisan group that is proud to be americans. ms. laven: thank you both very
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much. we are nearing the end of our time. each candidate will now have 90 seconds for their closing statement. according to that coin flip done before we begin, senator cantwell, we start with you. sen. cantwell: i'm asking for your support in the race for the united states senate. as i said earlier, i didn't go to washington to argue with people or get on cable tv. i went there to get things done. we have been able to do things that are lowering costs and increasing wages. we have an opportunity to grow the middle-class. to make our country the land of upward mobility. this is so important to us. we need to invest in skilling and training people in apprenticeships. we need to invest in our community colleges to help high schoolers who want to take courses while they are still in high school and continue to invest in those policies that will help us lower costs, like
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on prescription drugs. stopping the middlemen that are pocketing so much money that they are literally causing problems in our communities by closing pharmacies. and continuing to make sure that we as the united states stand up on privacy and continue to advance the health care that we need. i'm going to defend a woman's right to choose. i'm going to fight for what washingtonians know is what they deserve in their lives. i ask for your support and i think the league -- thank the league of women voters for having us in this debate. dr. garcia: i want to thank everyone for this opportunity. my goal was to instill in you the confidence and hope that together we could build a better washington. i know that change is hard. my opponent has asked you four times to give her another chance to make it right. i'm asking you for one time. as a healer, and a candidate for
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unity, i asked today for your vote. for more than that, i ask you to join me in creating a new path forward for the future that we can put away the shadows of death in the streets, of division, of the things we want to change in our communities, and give america a new morning. washingtonians have always been pioneers. let us be the example of accepting our diversities and unifying and giving america that new morning where we don't have these problems anymore. as your next united states senator, i promise you i will be present and reliable for washington state to make these changes happen. and every day with every step i
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take and every action as a u.s. senator, i will defend the greatest country in the world and i will pay her back for everything it has done for me. thank you. ms. laven: thank you, dr. garcia. >> with one of the tightest races for control of congress in modern political history, stay ahead with c-span's comprehensive coverage of key debates. this fall, c-span brings you access to the top house, senate, and governor debates from across the country from races that are shaping your state's future and the balance of power in washington. follow our campaign 2024 coverage from local to national debates anytime online at and watch tuesday, november 5 for live, real-time election night results. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics, powered by cable.
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>> tonight, inmbt senator tammy baldwin faces off against her republican challenger in a race for the wisns senate seat. watch that debate hosted by the wionsin broadcasters association live at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now, or online at >> republican senator john barrasso and his democratic challenger scott morrow are running to represent wyoming in the u.s. senate. they participated in a debate discussing cutting federal spending, wildfire management, and creating nuclear power in the state. senator barrasso was first elected to the senate in 2008 and serves as the chair of the conference. he's running to be the republican whip, the second-highest leadership in the next congress. the nonpartisan political report with amy walter rated the race as solid republican. >> good evening, welcome to
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wyoming's 2024 senate debate. i am the senior producer for public affairs at wyoming pbs. the debate is coming you from the campus of central wyoming college and we thank the college and mr. kendall for hosting this event. it is statewide on wyoming pbs and wyoming public radio and streaming live on wyoming pbs's youtube channel. the debate will be available afterwards on demand online at wyoming pbs. the u.s. senate portion is being carried live on c-span as well. we make mention at this point that wyoming pbs and wyoming public radio and its parent wyoming public media have similar names but are independent, unaffiliated organizations. thank you to the chief executive officer wyoming pbs for
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welcoming remarks before our live audience. the debate is being coordinated for television technically by wyoming pbs production manager and his production team. our station has been organizing, hosting, and aaron campaign debates for more than 30 years as part of we view as a mission to inform and engage the people of wyoming and civic citizenship. that mission is important and we take it seriously at wyoming pbs. joining me as panelists are two experienced and knowledgeable wyoming journalists. claire mcfarland and chris clements. now, ground rules that candidates have agreed to ahead of time. the debate is scheduled to last no more than 60 minutes, two minutes for an opening statement in alphabetical order. candidates will be questioned in order by the panelists. each candidate as the new question will have two minutes
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to respond and the other will have 90 seconds to respond to the same question. the original candidate will have 30 seconds for rebuttal or follow-up if desired. if the candidate were to fall off topic the moderator may allow a candidate to respond if a candidate is attacked personally. i beseech us not to have to go there. for each candidate to respond to the topics presented by the questions we ask them. the debate will be concluded with a two minute closing statement from the candidates speaking in reverse order from the opening statements. the candidate can see a red, yellow, green timing light. yellow will illuminate with 30 seconds time. they must end when the light turns red and they will also hear an alarm. the timer for the debate is christina george of wyoming pbs. it is time to introduce the candidates for the u.s. senate debate. closest to the panelist table is
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u.s. senator john barrasso of the republican party. scott morrow is the nominee of the democratic party. candidates, ready to begin. senator barrasso, a two minute opening statement. sen. barrasso: thank you for all of the supporters of wyoming public television and radio. it is wonderful to be with you. thank you for allowing me to serve as your physician for so many years in wyoming, state senator, and united states senator. i first ran for the senate and said i would show up, stand up, speak up, and shut up. i would shut up for votes in -- i would show up for votes in washington and around wyoming every weekend. i would stand up for wyoming people and our values. i would speak up in washington and wyoming on the issues that are concerning us. and finally, i would shut up. the job of a united states
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senator is to listen more than they talk. there is a wonderful book that i often refer to and my friend talked about it as well because for many years we worked together in the senate. it is called hidden america: from coal miners the cowboys. an exploration of the unseen people who make this country work. those are the people of wyoming who i fight for every day in the united states senate. i traveled to state extensively. last week i traveled to a couple of schools. i was in sheridan to also visit the firefighters on the front line in the fire in the big horn mountains. the student said, what is a job of a united states senator? part of it is voting in washington for votes that are important to the state of wyoming. also protecting and promoting wyoming. our jobs, economy, environment, people, special places, resources, and values. there are people in washington
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who do not understand wyoming and are a threat to the future of our state. those are the people i am fighting every day on behalf of the people of wyoming. i want to continue that fight and i ask for your vote. >> two minutes for an opening statement. mr. morrow: i'm grateful that you showed up. you didn't have to. you are the incumbent. the incumbent for the house did not show up because she didn't have to. thank you. i also want to thank mr. peck who has been communicating with me so i knew what was going on, which is helpful when you're going to a debate. i want to thank all of these people who took the time out of their busy days to come and listen to john and i debate the issues. and i hope we debate them. i would like to tell you something about myself. i will be asking for your vote just like john did. the reason why is i believe i have earned it.
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i have earned a chance to work in the united states senate serving the people of wyoming doing the impactful work required of a u.s. senator. john and i agree. we need to look out and take care of our workers, our energy sector, all of those things are very important. we are in agreement on that, which i find amazing because we are supposed to disagree about everything. i would like to preface the debate with a promise that i will always be dedicated to the facts, the truth, honesty, transparency. i think that that is mandatory for anyone in public office. i will work in that manner. in 1975 i learned the true value of dedicating myself to this action. i started an amazing family and eight years later i had five
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kids. i turned out to be a single parent of five children. i started at the united states postal service after a lifetime of wrestling, martial arts, struggles, and setbacks, i know full well how it feels to be literally and figuratively knocked down. i also know how to look up, get up, and never give up. i ask for your vote. >> the first question is from me. senator barrasso, you will be the first to respond. repeated ongoing surveys show historically low public approval of congress and for many public institutions in general. what can be done by the public and by congress to improve the standing of congress among the american people? people? thank you. sen. barrasso: i was watching the previous debate when we talked about social media and what happens with the devices in our pockets that can be polarizing? it's better if we focus on the
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issues than personalities. there are issues that do unite us. there is bipartisan work being done in the senate. very little of it ever gets reported in the news because people want to see the fights. that is the way it tends to be. what gets reported mostly our people disagreeing with each other be much better if you focused on that better what we see in wyoming when they get to know the governor, local representatives and years and years ago if you are here and do not know you have a chance to meet the governor or the senators and the first year you move to the state of wyoming, that is on you. it's not on them. we repeat the question please?
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vote public approval rating you as a senator might do to recruit that situation. >> the promise i made to everybody watching to be transparent, honest, forthright and factual. to make decisions based on the truth. on the rail to help a lot the election cycle a convicted criminal, make stuff up. all the time, every day it does not help with potus or congress. and when you endorse somebody like that you have a responsibility to say that's not right. you need to stand out. need to say patients aret eating dogs and cats. note sharks in the water and batteries in the water


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