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tv   [untitled]    October 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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2025 is here. it created documentary that can inspire change, raise awareness, and to an impact. answer this year's questions, what issue is most important to you or your community? whether you are passionate about politics, the environment, or community, show your message with the world with $100,000 in prizes including a grand prize of $5,000. this is your opportunity to not only make an impact, but also be rewarded for your creativity and hard work. enter your submissions today. scanhe scan the qr code for details on how to enter. the deadline is january 20 of, 2025. >> book tv on c-span2.
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the latest authors discuss their latest nonfiction book. a look at what happens when medical institutions make mistakes with public health recommendations with the book "blind spots." at 8:00 p.m. eastern, bob woodward shares his book "war," where he talks about wars in the ddle east and ukraine and the 2024 presidential election. at 10:00 p.m. eastern on "after words," stephanie baker a bloomberg news looks at the global impact of u.s.-led economic sanctions against russia following vladimir putin's invasion of ukraine. she is interviewed by a brookings institution senior fellow. watch book tv every sunday on c-span2. watch anytime online at >> 50 million americans are
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addicted to smoking. 420,000 of our fellow citizens die each year because of tobacco and tobacco related illnesses. americans want to know why. americans also want to know why american ceos and executives continue to deny basic response ability -- basic responsibility if they are not accounting for hundreds of deaths each year in this country. at a highly publicized hearing on tobacco. and that's our topic this week on our series. congress investigates. well, it was in april of 1994 that it was april of 1980 foreman ceos of major tobacco companies went before congress as part of an investigation into health hazards posed by their products. testimony in that seven hearing
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was controversial, and it led to tobacco companies admitting the products are addictive. joining us for a look at the history of the tobacco debate and the 1994 hearings is the director of the d.c. office of the leaven center for oversight and democracy. bean we had been debating the impact of tobacco products for decades. by that point. what was it about 1994 that brought this all together? well, i think the key was an announcement by the food and drug administration. and commissioner david kessler that they had evidence that the tobacco companies were deliberate, manipulating the levels of nicotine in cigarets to get people more addicted to them. and because of that, the fda was considering regulating tobacco products. henry waxman, democrat
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california, who chaired this subcommittee, was very well known for being anti tobacco go. what was the tenor of the hearings? well, henry waxman had been holding hearings for decades, as you mentioned, about the has health hazards of smoking cigarets. he held the very first hearing in congress in 1982 on how smoking was linked to cancer, heart disease and other problems. he held a hearing looking at smokeless tobacco products and showed how they caused throat cancer and other kinds of problems. he had a hearing about how even if you didn't smoke cigarets yourself, if you were exposed to smoke tobacco, smoke from others who are smoking cigarets you could get ill from that exposure. so he had had a long history of learning about the health impacts of cigarets and i think he was also frustrated that so many people didn't seem to care.
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30 to 40% of the american public were smoking cigarets at that time. and he was still trying to get the facts out to the public about the health dangers involved. now, the ranking member on that committee at the time was tom bliley, republican from virginia. he was known jokingly as the congressman from philip morris, who did not agree with henry waxman. is that correct? that's correct. tobacco was a big product and virginia and a bunch of other states as well. and there were members of congress that were fierce defenders of the industry. did the american tobacco industry, 30 years ago, in 1994 have strongly lobbying and economic power? oh, they did. they were very powerful industry that had been holding off the health findings that henry waxman and others had been trying to promote for a long time. and they had a huge marketing campaign for children and for
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adults to get them to see smoking as sophisticated or attractive. and they were a very powerful industry. elise bean and the seven ceos who came to testify. would you call that hearing a dressing down? well, it was even more than that. i mean, that hearing became iconic in the united states congress for how it attack a very serious problem. there was a very famous photograph of the seven ceos holding up their hand, swearing to tell the truth. and then you had the hearing itself that was televised to millions of americans. talking about were there these health hazards and having the ceos simply deny that cigarets were addictive. deny that they caused health problems. deny that they were killing 300 to 400000 individuals every year in the united states? well, let's look at a little bit
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of that hearing now. this is an historic hearing. for the first time ever, the chief executive officers of our nation's tobacco companies are testifying together before the united states congress. they are here because this subcommittee has legislative jurisdiction over those issues that affect our health and know health issue is as important as cigaret smoking. it is sometimes easier to invent fiction than to face the truth. the truth is that cigarets are the single most dangerous consumer product ever sold. nearly a half million americans die every year as a result of tobacco. this is an astounding, almost incomprehensible statistic. imagine our nation's outrage if two fully loaded jumbo jets crashed each day killing. all aboard.
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yet that's the same number of americans that cigarets kill every 24 hours. sadly, this deadly habit begins with our kids each day. 3000 children will begin smoking in many cases, they become hooked quickly and develop a lifelong addiction that is nearly impossible to break. for the past 30 years, a series of surgeons general have issued comprehensive reports outlining the dangers these children will eventually face. long cancer, heart disease, emphysema, bladder cancer and stroke are only some of the diseases tobacco causes. and now we know that kids will face a serious health threat even if they don't smoke environmental tobacco, smoke is a class-a carcinogen, and it sickens more than a million kids every year. in fact, five former surgeons
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general of the united states have said before this subcommittee this year that the most important legislation in disease prevention that we could enact would be restrictions on smoking in public places. this subcommittee will soon act on that legislation, and it will consider other measures as well. this hearing will aid our efforts by presenting an important perspective. but these hearings are important for another reason as well. for decades, the tobacco companies have been exempt from the standards of responsibility and accountability that apply to all other american corporations. companies that sell aspirin, cars and soda are all held to strict standards when they cause harm. we don't allow those companies to sell goods that recklessly endanger consumers. we don't allow them to suppress
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evidence of dangers when harm occurs. we don't allow them to ignore science and good sense. and we demand that when problems occur, corporations and their senior executive must be accountable to congress and the public. this hearing marks the beginning of a new relationship between congress and the tobacco companies. the old rules are out. the standards that apply to every other company is in. we look forward to hearing the testimony this morning and to working with these companies to begin to reduce the extraordinary public health threat that product poses and old proverb says that a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. today is the first step. many more are to come as we deal with the most serious health problem facing our nation. before calling on our witnesses, i want to recognize members of
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the subcommittee for opening statements and to call on mr. bliley first. chairman, ladies and gentlemen. i certainly would like to know who is there and a smoking group's pr agent. because this person has done more for the name i.d. this small town virginia mayor. over the past few weeks than all the press secretaries come. all my press secretaries combined for the past 14 years. seriously, ladies and gentlemen, over the past several weeks, we have witnessed an unprecedented assault on tobacco that has unfortunately been driven not by science, but by a press release. now, i have come to expect such behavior from the zealots and anti-choice smoking community. but it seems that when it comes to tobacco that these tactics have acquired mainstream credibility. it is clear that tobacco is not politically correct. i must say that i was saddened by what took place in this room a couple of weeks ago.
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i witnessed the commissioner of the fda, who is both a trained scientist and a lawyer, takes four arms of truth and weave them into whole cloth of rumor and innuendo. the members of this subcommittee were rude and hostile to any witness who dared to attempt to offer a different explanation. i hope today is different. i welcome the leaders of the american tobacco manufacturers before our subcommittee to set the record straight. i pledge to you that i will do what i can to ensure that this proceeding is fair and that your voice is heard. i am proud to represent thousands of honest, hard working men and women who earn their livelihood producing this legal product. i am proud of all that positive contributions to my community, and i'll be -- if they are to be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. this congress must not turn its back on science and reason just because of the bubble of popularity. though it may be only tobacco
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today. what lies next? thank you, mr. chairman. elise bean those were some statements by henry waxman and tom bliley. what was henry waxman's goal in 1994? i think he was really trying to showcase the latest findings to the food and drug administration and that tobacco industries would deliver only manipulating nicotine in cigarets to increase addiction to them, that they were doing, that they were doing it knowingly, that they knew tobacco had health hazards, that they were marketing to children, and they were just trying to deny the facts about what was going on in that industry. well, let's go back to the hearing. these are the seven tobacco ceos and their interactions with the members of the committee. do you or those of you have asked your company to object to appearing before this subcommittee under oath? if not, i'd like you to rise.
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and those who will be testifying as well with you to rise. if you raise your right hand. do you swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth? the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? i do. but please consider yourself to be under oath. let me ask you first. i'd like to just go down the row whether each of you believes that nicotine is not addictive. i heard virtually all of you touch on it and just yes or no. do you believe nicotine is not addictive? i believe nicotine is not addictive, yes. mr. johnston, congressman cigarets and nicotine clearly do not meet the classic definitions of addiction. there is no tax. we'll take that as a no. and again, time is short. if you can just i think each of you believe nicotine is not addictive. we just would like to have this
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for the record, i don't believe that nicotine or our products are addictive. i believe nicotine is not addictive. i believe that nicotine is not. i believe that nicotine is not addicted. and i to believe that nicotine is not addictive. all right. i appreciate this opportunity to discuss a number of important issues concerning the tobacco industry. i am proud to be here today to speak for the 45 million adults who choose to smoke and the growers, retailers and the other 2.3 million americans who are part of the tobacco industry. i'm proud to represent the more than 10,000 people. and reynolds tobacco, who are dedicated to making the best cigarets we can make. my company and i take very serious sleep. the allegations that have been leveled against us. and i would like the record to
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clearly show that reynolds tobacco does not spike its products with nicotine. in fact, our process results in the loss of nicotine. we do not ad or otherwise manipulate nicotine to addict smokers. finally, there is no justification for the fda to regulate cigarets as a drug. i also want to talk to you about the real issue before the american people and this subcommittee. the real issue is should cigaret be outlawed. let's make no mistake about it. the goal of the anti smoking industry is to bring back prohibition. this morning i intend to show you how they hope to achieve that goal. but first, i want to address the
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charge that reynolds tobacco manipulates the level of nicotine in its products. the implication is that we're somehow doing something sinister to addict smokers or to keep them addicted. we do not. we do reduce the amount of nicotine in our products. we do monitor and measure tar and nicotine yields because we are required to publish those figures in our advertise. and we do maintain the consistent taste and quality of our brands which our customers expect. but we do not do anything to hook smokers or to keep them hooked. let me repeat, we do not manipulate nicotine to addict smokers.
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we no more manipulate nicotine in cigarets than coffee manufacturers, manipulate caffeine in their products. there is nothing sinister about it. i think the subcommittee should also be aware that dr. kessler's definition of addiction would classify most coffee cola and tea drinkers as addicts. caffeine addicts. many people experience a strong urge for a cup of coffee each morning, and there is a well-documented physical withdrawal syndrome associated with the consumption of coffee and caffeinated, soft drinks. nonetheless, i seriously doubt that the american public would say that these characterize six put caffeine in the same classes addictive drugs such as cocaine and heroin. and i don't think anyone would seriously suggest that the fda
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consider regulating coffee, tea or soda as drugs, even though soft drink manufacturers routinely add caffeine to their products. in the same vein. the manufacturers of alcoholic beverages constantly monitor the alcohol content of their problems. products through the fermentation process to precisely control the level of alcohol. in addition, some wines are fortified, fried with added alcohol. nonetheless, reynolds tobacco is not aware of any efforts to regulate wine, beer or spirits as a drug. and we certainly don't believe that efforts of that type are necessary or desirable. much of the recent controversy surrounding our products has focused on our on our use of various techniques that help us reduce the tar and nicotine
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yields of our products. let me be clear. we could stop using those techniques. we could chop up the tobacco and roll it in paper. but the consequence of doing that would be a return to the 1940s, when the average cigaret yielded 40 milligrams of tar to point eight milligrams of nicotine. that would increase the tar and nicotine in our cigarets by 3 to 400%. i trust this committee would not endorse such an effort as a matter of public policy, regardless of your personal views about smoking. at the last hearing on this subject, some people ask why we don't simply eliminate nicotine from our products. nicotine plays an essential role
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in the overall smoking experience. it enhances the taste of the smoke and the way it feels on the smoker's palate and it contributes to overall smoking enjoyment. during the past several years, there have been a wide variety of attempt attempts to convince the american public that cigarets are addictive and that some public officials have even gone so far as to put cigarets in the same class as cocaine and heroin. you don't need to be a trained scientist to see this isn't true. all you need to do is ask and honestly answer to simple questions. first, would you rather board a plane with a pilot who just smoked a cigaret or one with a pilot who just had a couple of beers or snorted cocaine or shot heroin or popped some pills?
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second, if cigarets were addictive, could almost. 43 million americans have quit smoking, almost all of them on their own without any outside help? i think that mr. jim johnson, in his opening statement, characterized the nature of what we about the real motive behind most of this is to ban the use of tobacco and not a whole host of other things that that are being asserted. the gentleman from oregon on cnn last night said that he was not interested in banning tobacco, but my perception is that the contrary is true. and and and i think we should virtually approach it that way. and that if we're going to abide by the chairman's opening statement, then the same standards that we apply to tobacco should be applied to
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other products and i think that's been suggested here today in a number of ways, including a wide range of products of alcohol, caffeine, content and product, sugar content products that content products. and we could go on down on down that list. and i think it's important to be candid in what we're talking about. i have smoke in the past. i've used alcohol in the past. nicotine, i think, is essential to the use of tobacco. alcohol is essential to the use of alcoholic products. i drink coffee. i don't like it if it doesn't have caffeine in it. i like candy. i don't think i'd like that. it didn't have chocolate or sugar and so the question is not whether, but the question is how do we deal with the fact that used to access or misuse certain
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products may be harmful in one way or another? they can be harmful and physically they can be harmful. psychologically, they can modify behavior and somehow or another. and all of this so far we don't seem to be applying any commonly accepted standards to any of this, and i don't know how we deal with it rationally unless we do my first question really would have to do with the fact that with the much ballyhooed last so-called secret list that became public, why was nicotine not included on the list of 600 items that were disclosed? anyone can answer. mr. congressman, it's because nicotine is the natural component of tobacco leave. nicotine sulfate was on the list. it's present because it is required to be there by the
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batf. it's in minuscule quantities. this cup, if poured into a 3000 gallons swimming pool, would would represent how much nicotine is present in that nicotine sulfate. it can't even be measured and it's required to be there by the batf. we don't require a secret list of the 30 to 40 plus additive that go into a bottle of gin and excessive alcohol. do we? oh, and beyond alcohol. well, mr. congressman, i don't even know what they are. the the ingredients release out by these manufacturers yesterday goes far beyond what is ever been provided by any manufacturer of a food product products they're not required to disclose pricing processing agents. we have supplied those data to the us government for over ten
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years. we have fully cooperated with the department of health and human services a prior chairman of this company testified before congress in 1964 and offered our ingredient list to congress 30 years ago this year. we've not been trying to hide anything. we've been fully cooperative on this. we've been highly responsible in having not only each of those ingredient analyzed, but analyzed in totality, analyzing the by independent toxicologist and a little bit distressed, as i hear some of your answers with respect to your flippant attitude on the impact of nicotine and its addictiveness and the impact of cigarets in general. i called your attention to your left. that stack of books, medical evidence, overwhelming over the last 25 years of the addictiveness, as well as the hazard of the product that you
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produce. mr. campbell, two weeks ago, congressman waxman released a study written by dr. victor e de novo, and i asked unanimous consent and in the record at this time, exhibit five, a without objection, that will be the order. it was a as you know, dr. de novo was a research scientist at philip morris during the early eighties. you have in front of you the de novo study. dr. de novo was studying the nicotine of rats in 83. he found that rats will self-administer nicotine when hooked up to an intravenous nicotine solution. in other words, they will work to get nicotine. and as dr. kessler told us in the hearing that he testified in self administration of this type is hallmark to addiction. i'd ask unanimous consent to enter in the record exhibit six. without objection, i will be released.
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mr. campbell before you as a police your press release that said the dr. de novo study showed exactly the opposite. i have a copy here which is a marked and it says that the noble study showed that nicotine is quote, in a class of non-audit active chemical compounds such as saccharin or water. i don't think any of us are ever going to find mr. campbell a study that shows rats or any other animals will self-administer saccharin or water intravenously as a way they do. nicotine. i ask unanimous consent to enter in the record exhibit seven. without objection, that will be the order. mr. campbell this is a letter from the director of the national institute of drug abuse regarding the novel study, which is in question here.
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it letter it this letter directly contradicts your assertions. according to expert federal agency on drug abuse. and let me quote from it, quote these findings from the noble study indicate that nicotine has reinforcing properties. one of the hallmarks of addictive substances. and yet with this overwhelming evidence by medical laboratory experts, you continue to contend that your study shows the opposite. would you have this subcommittee believed that the national institute doesn't know how the study was conducted or understand it at all? i can't comment. i obviously just received the document for the first time. mr. campbell was dr. de noble's work part of your company's effort to develop a nicotine analog, which are chemicals that would have addicting or reinforcing features without any of some of the nicotine side effects? yes or no? yes. okay. i have here and i ask unanimous
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consent to enter the record exhibit eight. without objection, that will be the order. it is a 1980 internal memorandum written by one of your scientists, j.l. charles. this memorandum describes nicotine receptor research that your company was funding at the university of rochester. was this related to dr. noble's work? i studied this matter in general, but you've now entered into a depth of study that i. can i ask dr. ellis to help me know, campbell, was this part or part not turn around and ask them, was this part of mr. de noble's work for the. yes. i ask unanimous consent to enter the record exhibit nine. without objection. that will be the order. there's something that bothers me, mr. campbell, even more than your complete misread presentation and characterization of the noble wo


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