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tv   [untitled]    October 18, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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as anyone. i'd love to know what's going on. i never saw any sort of technology like that when i was in the service. i'm not sure i'd fully trust congress, you know, to be able to figure it out. maybe elon musk can. when you're talking about secrets, here's the secrets i think nevadans need to know about. is why senator rosen has violated the stock act multiple times. as someone with a $15 million trust whose net worth went up 61% while most of us are suffering with high prices and less take home pay, we're worried about paying rent, putting food on our table. some people have to leave the dignity of retirement and go back to work. we want to know what is senator rosen trading on and why does she have hundreds of thousands of dollars of big pharma stock while she continues to profit and we suffer? >> because it >> that had nothing to do want you to know, i am the
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granddaughter of immigrants on my father's side, and on my mother's side, my grandmother a single mother, union worker. i put myself through college as a waitress. i always worked hard. all of this has been debunked. i introduced and sponsored bills to prevent members of congress to not trade stocks and not own stocks when they are in congress, so this has been debunked. i always work for hard-working families. i came from that kind of family, and i'm going to continue to work for the middle class. >> now we are going to move on to a different part of the program. these are individual questions for each of our candidates. there is no rebuttal. >> we are going to start with you, ms. rosen. you are already sponsoring ethics legislation for the supreme court. would you take it a step further by adding justices to the court
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for imposing term limits? >> i can tell you that our supreme court needs to be held to the same code of ethics that every other judge an elected official is held to in this country. i do not agree with increasing the size of the supreme court. some people have talked about creating term limits for supreme court so that there is a rotating group of supreme court justices. i do think we have to look at how the supreme court ruled, and we absolutely 100% need to hold them accountable and transparent in their transactions for cases that come before the supreme court. >> seeking a point of clarification, would you add more justices? >> i would not add more justices. >> let's talk about the proposed but never completed yucca mountain nuclear waste dump about else outside of las vegas. in 2022, you said yucca mountain is an incredible loss of revenue for our state. in may, you said it is abundantly clear it's dead.
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mr. brown, the question for you -- 30 seconds to respond -- can you explain what you have changed your position? >> i did not change my position. all i said was that there are opportunities for us that we should explore on what can drive revenue for this state. i made no determination on yucca at that time, but having done research, i can tell you yucca mountain is dead. i would not support a reopening of yucca mountain just to store fuel from other states, but what is clear is we do need to take seriously our energy security and green energy like a proposal from this administration to cover millions of acres of nevada with solar panels is probably not the solution either. >> that's the end of our individual questions. we are going to move back to questions for both of our candidates. let's turn now to the topic of women's reproductive rights. there have been legal protections for abortion in
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nevada for more than three decades. right now, the issue is on the ballot to put it into the state constitution. mr. brown, we will start with you -- what is your position on a national ban on abortion? >> i have been clear, and let me just state this upfront -- i would not vote for any national ban. however, this is a personal issue for so many people, for so many women and families, and i coming this as someone informed by my wife's experience. unfortunately, she had a unexpected pregnancy and a traumatic situation that ended with an abortion, and it was very traumatic for her. what she told me as she was recovering from that is that she wishes she had more support. i think that this partisan issue needs to be -- we need to refocus on supporting women. i also stand by the law that allows for abortion up to 24 weeks. i stand by that we should allow
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women to have exceptions for rape and the life of the mother. nevadans made our laws clear 34 years ago. i stand by that law and i would not vote for a national abortion ban. >> thank you for sharing a personal story as well. with one minute, are there any limits on abortion that you would support? >> first of all, i support restoring roe v. wade, and i support question six, which my opponent says he will not support. he says he is a no. he says his positions are not negotiable. he has a decade-long record of saying he is against any exceptions on abortion even in case of rape and incest -- not negotiable. women are dying. 1/3 of american women do not have access to care. you can see in a city after city in this country, women are being turned away from emergency rooms or dying in hospitals. this is fundamentally about freedom, and i will tell you that complications late in pregnancy -- they are tragic. they are horrific, and they are rare, and i will also tell you
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that at a doctor's office or hospital room or emergency room, it is too small a place for a woman, her family, and her doctor. you have a politician like sam brown, mitch mcconnell, or anyone else sitting there telling them what they can and cannot do, watching them potentially die like they did in georgia, too crowded, and if you don't believe that he would support a nationwide abortion ban, then i got some oceanfront property to sell you on the las vegas strip. >> let's give you 15 seconds on the record to respond to what she said. >> thank you. i have to go on the record again and again because of the deceptions of senator -- >> this is a decade-long record -- >> this is his time. >> this should not be a hyper-partisan issue. we are talking about the lives of women. i have been clear that i would not support a national abortion ban. i do voters would appreciate me
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putting in to their care. >> may i have one sentence on that please? >> no, we are moving on. kamala harris has proposed getting rid of the filibuster in order to make roe v. wade federal law. is there any scenario where you would support getting rid of filibuster? >> absolutely not. when republicans have control of the senate, i was against getting rid of the filibuster. when democrats had control of the senate, i also would be opposed to getting rid of the filibuster. the filibuster is there for minorities. at this point in time as in our entire history, it is important that we protect the minority voice in this country. the senate should not be a place where we just ran legislation through regardless of which party has control, i would not eliminate the filibuster. >> thank you, mr. brown. would you be in favor of eliminating the filibuster to pass a national standard for
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abortion? >> i will tell you this, take sam brown at his record and that women cannot trust him with change in his position. it is his third run for public office. the question is this -- the filibuster. we have supported carveouts for the filibuster to restore roe v. wade and restore voting rights, but i do support reforms that help make us >> -- less stuck in the senate. there are ways we can reform the filibuster and make it work for everyone so that no one on either side can use it as a weapon and we can continue to pass bills. >> thank you. john has our next question. >> right now, there is ongoing controversy over transgender athletes in college sports. the university of nevada reno women's volleyball players are refusing to play against san jose state because of a transgender member on its team. this raises questions over federal title ix protections on women in sports.
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what rights if any should transgender athletes have while competing in women's sports? >> i can tell you that all student athletes deserve to have a fair competition and a level playing field, so i support parents, coaches, and the governing league. they are the governing bodies. they are the experts. i believe that they are the right ones to make these decisions, not politicians. as in every other sporting issue, we allow the governing bodies to make those decisions. i think we should do that now. >> mr. brown, same question for you. what rights if any should transgender athletes have while competing in women's collegiate sports? >> let me be clear -- what we just heard was a politician say that she does not have enough knowledge on an issue to know if biological males should be allowed to play in women's sports. i will not support biological males playing in women's sports, and i was proud to stand for the university of nevada in reno's
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women's volleyball team on tuesday evening as they came out and took a stand in a courageous act to defend their ability to have a fair and safe and also private locker rooms for their own safety. it is said to me when these young women are having to take a courageous stand and our politicians cannot even say that they have enough expertise to be able to weigh in on this issue. it is a shame. >> thank you. ms. rosen, you have 30 seconds to respond. would you care to respond? >> we do have governing bodies. we have coaches, parents, and leaks and they make decisions for sporting events, so i think we should leave the decisions to the experts who make them, not to politicians. i fully support that all athletes should have a fair competition and a level playing field, and allow the governing bodies that we have now like the ncaa and others, depending on where you are competing, to make those rules and set those
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parameters. >> thank you very much. >> we are going to focus on a topic that is dear to both of you and to our country as well as to veterans. facilities have been investigated for the deaths of two people. you are a veteran, mr. brown. do you feel you received adequate care and you were treated at a va hospital? >> yes, let me tell you that as a veteran -- i do get my care from the va hospital. i was just at the marino va hospital this morning. i also realized that they via system, just like any federal system, does not cover everything it needs to. he does not have perfect care. it's one of the reasons i started my business when i moved here, to provide emergency and urgent care access to pharmaceuticals when hospitals were not able to. the v.a. is an important part of
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our system. it is one i personally utilized. my wife is a veteran who utilized it, but it does have room to get better. largely what i see is incredible providers, nurses, doctors, and so on, but the bureaucracy and the processes create some of these missed spots where people end up in a really bad situation. >> you also have one minute, ms. rosen, to respond. you sit on the armed services committee even though you are not a veteran. would you feel comfortable having the v.a. as your primary care hospital? >> we were proud to support and pass the packed act to expand health care for our veterans exposed to toxic burn pits. i asked the president to put in his budget a new va hospital in reno so that our veterans did have the best care possible. he said yes. they are currently searching for that 50-acre site. we have expanded telehealth. we are making permanent my bill
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to veterans assistance helpline to make it permanent. we are doing everything we can to expand our medical workforce. i can tell you we are thousands of nurses short in nevada. my train more nurses act passed unanimously in the senate, so we can have better medical professionals here to provide that care. what we need to do is increase our medical workforce. we have a new hospital in southern nevada. we are going to get a new one in northern nevada. our veterans deserve the very best care. my father was a veteran. all of my uncles, my grandfather -- i come from a veteran family and i'm going to do everything i can to support veterans. >> do you feel comfortable with the care the v.a. is currently providing? >> i know that the men and women who work at the va hospital's and work for the v.a. -- and the v.a. is the largest employer of veterans -- the post office is actually the largest, is the second largest employer of
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veterans, but they do everything they can to serve their fellow veterans, the men and women who serve and comfort care. my dad got his care at v.a. for his whole life, so he got excellent care. we need to continue to support it. >> we have had a lively discussion so far. it is time now for closing statements. we will give you each one minute for closing tonight. >> we had a choice to make. this is a choice about our future. this is a choice about our families. this is a choice about if we continue to have the leaders, the insiders like senator rosen continuing to vote and cast their vision for us. you heard tonight that she wants to hit these talking points, these d.c. buzzwords, make accusations, and it relies on so much deception and money from
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the coastal elites that supported her while we are hurting in time for her champion to go to d.c. who understands our issues. for someone to be there who knows what it is like for a small business owner, to be there as a veteran, to go there to work to make sure that they lower our taxes, that we decrease regulations, to make life or affordable again, to secure our border, i am asking for your vote. i'm asking for your trust to not survive another six years like this. >> i want to thank everybody for turning in tonight. it has been the honor of my life to serve as your united states senator, and i hope i have earned your support and trust to continue serving in this role. i'm proud to be one of the most bipartisan, effective, and independent senators with 90% of the bills i introduced being bipartisan, and everyone knows that i'm not afraid to stand up when it cannot hurting nevada.
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just check out when i fought against the post office. i was in nevada nearly 50 years. i work here, raise my family here. i took care of my parents and in-laws as they age here. i buried my parents here. they are buried at boulder city, veterans cemetery. i love our great state, and that's why i'm running for reelection, to continue to serve all of nevada in a pragmatic, problem-solving, bipartisan way. i'm jacky rosen, and i'm humbly asking for your vote. >> thank you both for taking part in this and thank you at home for watching. >> before we sign off tonight, we want to remind everyone that early voting in nevada is right around the corner and starts on saturday. you can vote at any polling location, same day registration
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is also available. you can put those ballots in the mail or drop them off at any of those polling locations, and as a reminder -- our candidates know this very well -- election day coming up november 5. asked so much for joining us. goodbye. -- thank you so much for joining us. goodbye. ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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♪ >> with one of the tightest races for control of congress in modern political history, stay ahead with c-span's comprehensive coverage. c-span brings you access to the nation's top house, senate, and governor debates from across the country, debates from races that are shaping your state's future and the balance of power in washington. follow our campaign went to 24 coverage from local and national debates any time online at and tune in november 5 for life, real time election
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night results. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics, powered by cable. c-span's "washington journal," our live forum involving you to discuss government, politics, and public policy. coming up saturday, a contributing writer for "the new york times" magazine talks about the impact of the north american free trade agreement on policy and elections, and emergency use of artificial intelligence in campaign 2024 open quote washington post's" policy reporter. join the conversation at 7:00 eastern saturday morning on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile app, or online at >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government.
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passionate about politics, the environment, or community stories, studentcam is your platform to share your message with the world with $100,000 in prizes, including a grand prize of $5,000. this is your opportunity to not only make an impact, but also be rewarded forcreavity and hard work. enter your submissionsoday. scan the code or visit to learn how to enter. the deadline is january 20, 2025. >> up next, incumbent democratic representativeat ryan debates his republican challenger alin esposito in the race for new york up8th congressional district. topics include inflation, abortion, and u.s. foreign policy. the contest has been rated "leans democrat," by the nonpartisan political report's amy walter. this is about an hour.
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♪ >> good evening and welcome to spectra news' debate for new york's 18th congressional district. >> we are coming to you live from poughkeepsie. this program is being broadcast on all of our stations across the state. >> the race we are focusing on tonight is considered pivotal as both republicans and democrats look to control the house of representatives next year. republicans could hold a majority with 220 seats to the democrats' 212. there are three vacancies. 218 seats are required for a majority.
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some of the most competitive races are right here in new york state, including tonight's contest, which is why we are broadcasting a statewide. >> the 18th congressional district county covers several countries in the hudson valley including middletown, newburgh, poughkeepsie. early voting begins a week from saturday on october 26, and election day, of course, is on november 5. we are going to tonight by two major candidates, democrat pat ryan who has been senator since 2022 and republican alison esposito, a retired fbi inspector and former candidate for new york lieutenant governor. >> each candidate will have 50 seconds to respond to questions and will also be given the opportunity to respond if directly addressed by their opponent. we will also have a cross-examination round where either candidate will be able to ask his or her opponent a
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question. plus, there will be a lightning round where answers need to be short yes or no responses. you can also watch the debate on the spectrum news app. our order was determined earlier this morning by a random drawing. alison esposito will go first. >> good evening. thank you so much for hosting this debate. thank you to the students that are attending. this is certainly a beautiful campus and we live in such a beautiful part of the hudson valley, especially in october. i'm very, very happy to be introduced to you as your candidate for new york 18th. i am not your traditional cop or politician. i am a new york city cop and was for 25 years, but i saw the city, state, and country that i love go upside down and i had to walk away from my career to try to continue my public service and make a difference. i believe you are going to see a stark contrast here tonight.
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i am a public servant and my opponent has been in politics for years, and you are going to see a vision for going forward, one that returns prosperity, one that lowers taxes and regulations, and one that secures our southern border. we owe our people safety, security, and prosperity, and i'm going to work hard every single day to be able to ride for that for the people of the hudson valley. >> hey, everyone. it is an honor to be with you all. it is an honor to represent this community for the last two years -- almost two years, the community where i was born and raised. graduated proudly from west point where we are raising -- my wife rebecca and i -- our two and five-year-old boys. i'm so proud of this community and everything we stand for and everything that we are and where we are going, but we also have a lot of work to do.
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i mentioned the last few years and my hope the next few years is to really focus on three pieces. one, make our community more affordable. bring down the cost of living, housing, health care, gas, groceries, utilities, prescription drugs, and more. two, make our community more safe, and three, make sure that our community remains free. i'm looking forward to having that discussion tonight. looking forward to a vigorous debate. to our house, thank you so much for doing this. >> thank you >> we will begin with our first topic, which is migrants. according to data usa, more than 95% of the residents of this congressional district experiencing a very different situation then we see in new york city, but safety and asylum concerns are issues all over the country. your website makes frequent reference to "illegal migrants,"
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and you have also called for limits on asylum-seekers who by definition are here legally seeking refuge in our country. >> first of all, legal, lawful immigration is what this country was founded upon, but that's not what is happening now. we don't have traditional asylum-seekers going to the ports of entry following international loss who requested asylum. what's happening on the southern border is unsustainable and impacting our quality of life and the quality of life for all americans. there is of dollars going to fund, clothes, house, care for illegal immigrants. we need immigration reform, but we need a secure southern border right away. my opponent may disagree.
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we have to secure that southern border >> what should u.s. policy be toward those people who are afraid that if they stay in their home country? >> they are coming right over to america. what we need is those to reinstate the remain in mexico policy. they need to follow the ports of entry and not be paroled in this country where we don't know who they are. we have millions of illegal immigrants that have crossed our southern border. since the year 2023, 300 known
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terrorists crossed our southern border. 400 crossed our northern border. this is not only unsustainable, it's dangerous. we need legal, lawful immigration, and we need proper immigration reform, but right now, what is going on with our open border policies from the president biden and harris administration that might counterpart has been a rubber stamp for, this is absolutely unsustainable, and it will hurt us in the long run. in order to make sure they are safe and protected, we have a humanitarian crisis at our southern border. 300,000 children have been lost in this country and we don't know or they are. we don't know what kind of help they wake up to. we need to do better. -- we don't know what kind of hell they wake up to. >> we agree on the founding principle, which is one, we have to secure our border. that should not be a partisan issue. the problem is it has become one. i have been one of the small number, unfortunately, a democrats willing to stand up to and call on and essentially call
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out president biden for not doing enough to secure our border. thankfully, he listened. we are seeing the numbers come down in terms of folks crossing the border, but there is more work to do. this is the difference between pointing out a problem and working in good faith in a bipartisan way, which is what i have been doing the last two years, to try to fix the problem. for example, i am a proud cosponsor along with my colleague, republican michael lawler, to the south, of the dignity act, the only it would put more border security agents on the southern border and improve and expand the number of work visas, so folks coming here can provide a better living and life for their families, just like mine, irish ancestors did many generations ago. moderator: let me ask you a follow-up, mr. ryan. you voted against what's called lakens law, which would have allowed local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration and custom


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