tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN October 30, 2024 5:08pm-6:04pm EDT
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>> this election night, c-span delivers something different. not just the presidential race but the state races. note pundits, spins or commercials, just the candidates come of the results, and you. this election night beginning at 7:00 p.m. eastern on tuesday on tv, online, or c-span now video app. >> discover the heartbeat of democracy with c-span voices 2024 as we engage voters ahead of election day asking, why is it important to vote? i feel it is very important to vote so that we can pick the proper candidate to lead our country.
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whether you are not sure, definitely get out and vote. >> i vote because my ancestors bled and died for me to vote. >> i vote because it is my civic responsibility. it's a direct way a citizen has a way to influence what goes on in the country. >> this election is vitally important. there is a lot at stake. no matter how young or old, get out and vote. >> be part of the conversation. >> the house will be in order. >> this year, c-span celebrates 45 years of covering congress like no other. since 1979, we have been your
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primary source for capitol hill, providing balanced unfiltered coverage of government, taking you to we are policy is debated and decided, all with the support of american cable companies. c-span. 45 years and counting. powered by cable. more campaign 2024 coverage now from new mexico where the incumbent senator debates the republican challenger, whose father represented new mexico in the senate for six terms.
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i have known as senator heinrich and have worked with his staff while gathering various statistic and information for my films. finally, i am a registered independent voter. thank you. today's rules first of all and then we will get started. they were put together by our hosting organization, who also curated the question for today and i might add context or follow-up. opening statements by each
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candidate will last 90 seconds. each question will be addressed to both candidates and each candidate will have 90 seconds to respond to each second -- question, after which the other candidate will be allowed to 60 seconds as a rebuttal. questions will go back and forth between candidates and in closing, each candidate will have 90 seconds to make a closing statement. the order of speaking was decided by according to toss earlier today. the order will be reversed for the closing statement. we will start with candidate melody michie. >> thank you all of you for coming and for the team who worked on this so hard over the last two weeks to prepare us. it is very important for our
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community and our state. i also want to highlight that my mother, who is 89, it would -- is joining us along with my husband, daughter, sisters and cousins even so it is great to have you all here and you all know as most people know i am running for office because new mexico is in a crisis. mark heinrich has been a political leader for 20 years and a new mexico senator for 12 years and he has had one responsibility, to make sure new mexico thrives just once so let's see how he is doing against that one responsibility. new mexico first in crime, first in drug use, first in doctors exiting, at the bottom of education, bottom of economic development, bottom of early
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childhood well-being and u.s. news and report ranks new mexico at the bottom again, 49. it is time for a change and time for a new leader. chris: thank you. senator heinrich. >> thank you. i am so proud to represent new mexico in the u.s. senate. if you are here or listening at home you probably care deeply about the state. you will hear very different visions today about the kind of new mexico we will pass on to our kids and grandkids. i grew up the son of a factory worker. i believe in a future where good jobs are plentiful and families can access health care and our
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kids feel safe in their classrooms again and i believe in a future where every single woman can decide precisely what is going to happen to her body herself. my opponent is a multimillionaire hedge fund executive who has spent most of the last 50 years living on the east coast. she spent most of this campaign refusing to take a stand on some of the most basic questions. two weeks ago she finally admitted that she supports donald trump. that means higher prices on the things we buy. it means cuts to social security and medicare. it might mean tax cuts, but not for all of us, but for billionaires. i think we should have a different path forward. one of freedom, hope, and progress. chris: thank you.
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your decisions, should you be in the senate, affected not only our state and nation but really the world. those decisions will not be made because of politics, but made for the good of everyone. so where you get your backgrounds, where you get your information is really important, especially in this day of disinformation. my question to you is where'd do you get your information to make decisions on how do you ensure the accuracy: what do read regularly? senator heinrich: i read extensively every day. i read the news across the political spectrum but through the lens of the current information environment we are in.
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i sit on the intelligence committee. one of the things i see is how active our adversaries are in trying to shape that information environment. i remember one of the things i did after that 2016 election as i asked for all the ads that were paid for in rubles and credit cards and then run in new mexico. so i have a pretty good sense for disinformation versus information. in addition, i regularly consume information from npr and pbs and international sources, the guardian and the bbc. chris: you have a rebuttal of 60 seconds and then you can answer the question >>. >>sure. i think one of the most important things that he didn't
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mention he gets his information from direct discussions with people who have boots on the ground who are dealing with the real issues. i have spent the last eight months traveling the state, meeting with all kinds of people one on one and having extensive discussions. i have met with emergency room doctors. i have met with people who are the heads of mental illness organizations. i have met with all sorts of doctors from you and m who are frustrated. i have met with the cattle ranchers, sheep farmers, and that information is incomparable to the information of course that i get from reading all sorts of publications both on the far left and far right and to the middle. for example i read the wall street journal but i read the new york times. but i think the third category,
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which is also books he didn't talk about. one of my favorite books in the last year is tony hillerman's autobiography on his life in new mexico and his relationship with the native americans. chris: you have another 90 seconds if you want to keep going. what do you read, how are your news sources? >> i will explain a little more and add a fourth category. not only do i read books, i leverage periodicals and have incredible one on ones. i also am very fortunate to have access to many people in washington who were formerly on my dad -- dad staff who worked with them for decades who in a nano second will take my call and help me understand a very complicated issue. so those are the four categories but i want to go back to this martin heinrich point. it is so important because on my
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journey to have one-on-one discussions, to learn from the people who are closest to the problems, i heard repeatedly from people we went to washington to meet with martin but they only let a staffer meet. we saw him in his office but he would not come out. and at least five of these groups said after we were not able to meet with him, we saw him walking his dog outside. at first i thought these were just one off answers but they were consistent answers i heard repeatedly. they could not figure out how to get his ears to help us represent us. senator heinrich: that is just false. i meet with new mexicans every single week. i meet with them here.
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i meet with veterans. i meet with childcare workers. in the last debate my opponent bragged about how many meetings she has taken with ceos. i meet with union people and childcare workers. i meet with regular folks all the time. and i would urge my opponent since she has such incredible , access based on her last name, that when speaker johnson comes to new mexico again, which she has come twice, that she got a meeting with him and urge him to pass the radiation exposure compensation act. he is the one individual in washington holding up that bill. there are people suffering, post-1971 miners, because he won't pass the legislation. use your influence to get it passed. >> i well and i will get it passed.
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chris: miss domenici. standby please. if we could have security here and just hang on. security, please. security can come down. we will get to the gaza question we are talking about here in just a moment. let me move to something else and then we will come to that ok. , everybody ok? good. by virtually all accounts, the 2020 election was actually, , let's go to that. if this is an issue now, the israel issue is important and has been passionate throughout the country. it is passionate here certainly in congregation albert. one question that came in was talking about thousands of civilians dying in gaza. the question is what is your stance on that situation and what is your stance on the u.s. sending arms to israel? we started the question with mr. heinrich so we will start now with ms. domenici.
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ms. domenici: so like ronald reagan, i believed unequivocally in peace through strength. and what we have had happened in the last four years under the biden harris heinrich regime -- [laughter] chris: quite pleased. -- quiet, please. ms. domenici: we have shown weakness. it began in afghanistan. can you all remember our own soldiers and translators hanging onto those airplanes as they were flying off and they got dropped and died in a desperate effort to leave? that was a leadership failure. the way we dealt with the border, wide open, heinrich kamala harris, and biden has been a leadership failure and we
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have shown that to the world. worse yet, with iran, we have not only shown weakness, we have enabled them to be a powerful enemy. we have enabled them to have everything they need to go after israel. we did that because the radical progressives, the super left leaders, did not adhere to the sanctions that iran has. they allowed iran, after trump left office, when biden took over, to generate billions and billions of dollars, which is now used for military weapons in the middle east. chris: mr. heinrich, if we could keep quiet in the hall please, first you will have 60 seconds to rebut and then another 90 seconds to answer the question. sen. heinrich: first off, i just want to recognize the very real pain --
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[crowd yelling] chris: if we can have security again? folks, we need to listen to some answers here. this is obviously a very passionate issue. if you want to get security, jeff, to take care of this? we will wait for this to end. and now we will hear an answer. i know it is a passionate and difficult question. you have 60 seconds to rebut and 90 seconds to answer the question. sen. heinrich: passions are high on this issue, and a lot of innocent people have been hurt, and i deeply understand that. i want to start by recognizing the pain in this community after october 7, which was a terrible and heinous act of terrorism. i believe where we should be right now as a nation with respect to this conflict is to
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seek a cease fire that includes the return of 100 percent of all of the hostages. chris: ma'am. security, please. [crowd yelling] we will continue on. and we may be ready to take a break in just a second. we will have the response here and if this happens again, we will plan on taking a 60 second break? we will continue on. go ahead. ms. domenici: will we make sure
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he gets adequate time? extra time. chris: yes. we've got it here. thank you. we appreciate that civility. sen. heinrich: we should use that cease fire to get aid and medicine back into gaza, and we should also use that cease fire to start to build for a long-term solution. a two state solution. my opponent brought up iran. iran is a very destabilizing -- i have another 90 seconds, correct? chris: yes. correct. sen. heinrich: iran is a very destabilizing influence in the middle east. and i would love to see everyone involved in conflict in the middle east show restraint because we do not want to see this spiral into a regional war. but i want to correct the record with respect to iran because what i did is i worked with the obama administration and
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secretary muniz to make sure they were disarmed from their nuclear program. it was an incredibly important moment. the trump administration walked away from that so iran is more aggressive today and doing things they committed not to do but there was a time when we successfully disarmed their nuclear program and shutdown the reactor that could have caused their program to be much more effective. that is my record on iran. chris: very good. you have 60 seconds to respond. ms. domenici: thank you. first of all, i fully support israel. and i think we should be backing israel but enabling them to make their own decisions as they fight their wars in the middle east.
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and if you reflect upon the last few weeks, the decisions the israelis have made have been excellent and the execution of those decisions has been truly extraordinary. martin heinrich is one of 10 or 11 very liberal senators who worked with bernie sanders and aoc and the like, who proposed legislation that would require israel to check every move against some humanitarian standards before they would be allowed to do it. so effectively, this group of 11 very extreme progressives wanted to tie israel's hand and we've seen in the last three weeks their hands don't need to be tied. they're worldclass executors and they're defending freedom in the middle east. chris: thank you. if we could make sure all of the phones are silent, there seems to be some sound here that is distracting. virtually all accounts of the
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2020 election say that it was the most secure and accurate election in our nation's history. none of the lawsuits brought after that election were upheld or found any false voting numbers that would have had any effect whatsoever on the election. one, do you believe we have safe and fair elections, and two, will you accept the results of our upcoming election? we will start with mr. heinrich. sen. heinrich: i will absolutely accept the results of the election here in new mexico and the election across the nation. elections should be about math, not about mobs, and as long as we can all see transparently
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what the results of an election are, then we should all accept that outcome. in new mexico, we have things like random audits, paper ballots, electronic counting that can all be backed up so that someone can come in after the fact done to see precisely why the results are what they are. we keep the paper records and at the same time use the electronic visual scanners for quick results. we have very, very fast reporting but also very accurate elections. what worries me is when election boards start to be dominated by people who say up front that they're going to put their thumb on the scale. that is what we should be concerned about. we should make sure all election boards, all secretaries of state and county clerks have one fidelity, and that is to the actual math of how the electorate voted.
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chris: a rebuttal? 60 seconds and then you will have one minute 30 seconds to answer. so you have a little time here. ms. domenici: you asked about january 6 and then about election integrity. with regards to january 6, i think it was one of the worst days our country has ever experienced. and i think the election was clear, biden won, and i am not one of those people who is constantly contesting the election outcome at all, and i am extremely extremely disappointed in the way that day was handled. it has been litigated extensively in the media for a couple years. i do think we need to make sure it's in history and everyone learns from it and we make sure lessons are learned but we also need to move forward.
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with regards to election integrity, i think you know this really might be one of the areas where martin and i agree. believe me, there will be many more where we don't agree, but on this one i do think think we generally agree. i want to talk about the election matter that i think is really important for all of you in this room and it relates to some of the concepts he brought up about transparency in elections. there have been many rumors that martin heinrich wants to run for governor, does not really want to be a senator, rumors that he actually wants to be secretary of interior. there are secondary and tertiary rumors around all these questions. for example, he bought a new house up here in new mexico just
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in time for the five year residency rule for running for governor. and what is really important, please take note of this, if he runs for senator and wins and then decides he wants to run for governor, he is actually running for two spots. so a vote for martin heinrich is a vote for him and a vote for someone else, because if he becomes governor, stick with me, he will appoint a united states senator. you will not have a vote. if he becomes governor, he will appoint a united states senator and you will not have a vote. he will choose. so for those of you who are excited for us to have extreme radical progressives dominating us, you -- chris: your time is up. 60 seconds, mr. heinrich. sen. heinrich: i will start with january 6 and then get to the fun stuff.
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[laughter] my opponent is voting for the architect of january 6 and i do not know how you can have it both ways. look over what happened that day, i knew people, i knew a cop who is not with us anymore because of that day. so how you can overlook all of that, i do not know. i don't traffic in rumors, and i will always serve new mexico however i think i can do the most good for new mexico and right now that is in the united state senate. chris: very good. let's start with easy questions now. [laughter] what is your plan to extend the solvency of social security? you have 90 seconds. ms. domenici: i want to respond to a comment he made saying rightly or wrongly that trump
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was responsible for january 6 and how can i vote for him. in this presidential race, i think it's imperative for all of us to vote on policies because kamala harris's policies are particularly, particularly dangerous for new mexico. she is an anti-oil and gas leader. she is anti-fracking. the oil and gas industry in new mexico provides 130,000 very very good jobs, some of the highest paying jobs. the oil and gas industry in new mexico pays for our children's education and pays for much of our police force.
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the oil industry in new mexico will help our country be energy independent so we can be stronger globally so we don't constantly get into the kind of very very serious wars that we are here now. secondly, harris believes strongly in wide open borders and we are gonna talk today about all the damage that has been done to our state because of the wide open borders. and martin -- chris: and your time is up. we now move to a 62nd rebuttal to that and then you will have 90 seconds to answer the question about solvency of social security. [laughter] sen. heinrich: what my opponent fails to recognize in the very one sided way that she paints harris's record as vice president, and fairly, the president biden's record, is
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that they have simultaneously been able to produce record amounts of oil and gas, including a new mexico, while at the same time not ignoring the climate crisis. and making the biggest down payment on a clean energy future that any country in the world has ever accomplished. i know, because i wrote substantial sections of that law. it is called the inflation reduction act and it is the biggest thing for climate that the world has ever seen and it is bringing thousands of jobs. jobs like the ones at our coasta wind towers, jobs like the ones at array technologies that's expanding right here in albuquerque, jobs coming to do new manufacturing right here in new mexico. chris: and now you have 90 seconds to answer how you would make social security solvent. sen. heinrich: i hope we can get back to both of us on that question.
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the way i would do it, and i have cosponsored legislation to solve precisely this problem. if you look at folks, most of the people in this room, probably us being an exception, pay payroll tax on all of their income. teachers, firefighters, most people do that. small business people do that. if you look at people that make more than $400,000, way above the caps for social security, and you applied the payroll tax to the income they receive from passive income, and what i am talking about is private equity, hedge funds, you completely eliminate the solvency issue in social security and you buy us an additional 20 years of medicare. chris: you have 60 seconds.
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ms. domenici: i want to go back to all the jobs he's talking about that come from the inflation reduction act. i want to talk about a company here in albuquerque called maxion, one year ago about one year ago today martin heinrich boasted he got tons of good press and he talked about this great clean energy company that was going to be located here it's going to bring 1,800 jobs, be in the business of solar panels, be specifically in the solar panel business so that we would not be relying on china. maxion now has gone from approximately a $500 stock to $5 stock. the company is on the cusp of bankruptcy. it's not employing anyone as best our research can find and it now has a chinese investor that's taken over the company because it has so many financial problems. so when he talks about all the jobs coming from this massive
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bill that was passed that's causing inflation, that's hurting all new mexicans, think about maxion. chris: thank you for your answer. this is actually a simpler question. mr. heinrich, assuming you are in the senate next year, which two committees would you ask to be assigned to and why those particular two? sen. heinrich: i have already asked to be on the committees that i think i could serve the state best on and i intend to continue to serve on those committees. the energy and natural resources committee is a committee that is absolutely key to the future of our jobs, our energy, our state. so let's return for a moment to the inflation reduction act. i do not count any jobs until they are real. i can tell you the jobs at our
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coasta wind towers where the young people from valencia county are welding some of the biggest pieces of steel that i've ever seen in my life, those jobs are real, hundreds of them. >> we are going to leave this program but you can watch it in its entirety on we are going to take you to a rally of donald trump, joined by brett favre and ron johnson. you are watching live coverage on c-span. >> look at how different the two parties are. what does president trump and i want to do? make america great again and restore the american dream. [cheers and applause] what does kamala harris and senator baldwin want to do, they told us four years ago, we want
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to change america and man, they sure did, and it is not for the better. what do president trump and i want to do? we want to promote and foster our free-market capitalist system that has made us the wealthiest country in the history of mankind. [cheers and applause] what has senator baldwin and harris want to do, drag us down a path of socialism where only the people at the top benefit. what do president trump and i want to do? preserve our beautiful constitution and our first and second amendments and all the amendment. -- amendments. what does kamala harris and
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senator baldwin want to do, they want to rip up our constitution, let liberal judges write laws, you already saw how they operated with our first amendment during covid, shut us down, do not let us express our views and every time they get a chance to vote they wanted to take our guns away from us. what do president trump and i want to do? we wanna protect and strengthen the traditional family, which is the bedrock of human society. [cheers and applause] what does kamala harris and senator baldwin want to do, they want to redefine them american families and by the way, they can't even decide what a woman is and what a guy is!
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lastly, what does president trump and me, successful business people we are result matter and you get things done, what is harris and senator baldwin, career politicians who never get anything done x left a path of destruction. so vote, it is really simple, we have got a couple days to decide which way it is gonna do -- which way it is gonna go. president trump and i are the tip of the spears but we need all of you. [cheers and applause] harris and baldwin, they have got big tech, mead -- big media, big corporate issues, but we
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have the issues on all of you and with all of you by our side not only going out and voting but talking to the people, the colleagues, the people you go hunting or fishing or whatever activities you do with you, we can take this country back so the question is, are you ready to go restore the american dream and to make america great in -- great again? [cheers and applause] let's go! [cheers and applause] ♪
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please welcome to the stage united states senator ron johnson. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> thank you. thank you, fellow patriots. thank you for coming here to show your support for the next president, donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] you know joe biden's i guess political gaffe, when you actually tell the truth, what he
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actually thinks of you. let's face it that's not the first time the democrat leaders have told half of america what they thought about them. he said we are all potential domestic terrorists and harris is basically out there saying we love the nazis, we love fascist's, and prior to that hillary clinton as a candidate called us deplorable. and of course it was president obama who, who, who basically said that that we cling to our guns and religion. like that is a bad thing? i remember his wife talking about how she was never proud of america until her husband got
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elected president. i remember the pastor whose pew they sat in who said no, no, fill in the blank america. this is the pattern of the leaders, their leaders, not like this is their country but let me tell you i think the most insulting thing that obama ever said was five days before he became president he said in five days we are going to fundamentally transform america. now do you even like much less love something you want to fundamentally transform? i wake up in the morning and i looked at my friend jane and what if i said jane i love you and i'm going to change everything about you, you need a little fundamental transformation, that did not -- that would not go over very well and it should not go over well with the american public when their leaders, their leaders
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denigrate hassles america. opposing that were contrary to that is what we see here today, what we saw in madison square garden with the democrats suppressed compared to nazi rally what we see in this arena and what we experience and feel is america and this arena is a bunch of patriots who love this country who fervently love this country. [cheers and applause] gathering to support a man, a former president, who they also love -- who they also know loves this country and who has risked his life. you know donald trump didn't need to do this, he had a great life, he did not need to risk his life but he knew, he knew that he had to do this in order to save this country from the democrats.
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now he has established an amazing coalition of really smart people but again, whether it is elon musk, robert k jr., tulsi gabbard and now a new member of the coalition that you will see in just a couple of minutes, brett favre. [cheers and applause] this is a realignment of our politics. we are the party that represents the workingmen of america. i was an event last night with tulsi gabbard and she asked the group, how many of you are or were former democrats. half the audience, about half the audience raise their hand as a former democrat or current democrat. that is what gives me hope. the fact that trump and bobby
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kennedy have put their differences aside and in this case are addressing chronic illness, it gives me hope that not only address chronic illness but it shows and demonstrates exactly how you heal and unify a very divided nation. god bless those two men. [cheers and applause] so here is my final appeal to anybody listening to me. republicans, independents, government -- democrats. if you love this nation is i believe most of you do, join this new coalition of patriots. we realize we have a lot of problems we have to fix in the nation and realize that the best way to do it is by being united, making america great again. god bless all of you.
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green bay at various times, but i never thought i would come back in this setting. [cheers and applause] i think there has never been a more important time in our lives than right now. in this election. um, first and foremost, are there any packer fans in the house? [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting go brett go] >> i had a chance to visit with ag dylan prior to coming out
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here and but there is nothing like packer fans, and you know, this is bigger than packers right now, this is a special place so thank you for the unbelievable welcome that you gave me. i love you. [cheers and applause] my wife and my grandson, i have three grandsons, parker is going to kill me for saying it, is here tonight and i bring up parker because our young kids, grandkids, our own kids, nephews, nieces, are the ones who are gonna be affected directly so i wanted parker to be here to hear this because it is very important but it is an honor to be back here where it all started to campaign with the next president of the united states, donald j. trump.
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[cheers and applause] much like the packer organization, donald trump and his organization is a winner. and in the united states of america, won with his leadership, so. [cheers and applause] but i want to address the comment that joe biden made yesterday, last night, that said the supporters that donald trump, us, our garbage, are garbage. i can assure you, we are not garbage. how dare he say that?
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looking out, i see police officers, teachers, nurses, grandparents, students, i see every day americans that make this country great. [cheers and applause] and as i said earlier, i have not done an event like this before, but i decided it is time. why? do i even have to explain why? because the stakes are incredibly high. families across wisconsin are struggling to make ends meet. people's salaries have not kept up with inflation. it is getting harder for younger people to buy their first home. people are losing hope in the american dream. and it is not just about money. people are losing their lives.
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last year 50 people here in brown county died of fentanyl overdose. that is 50 to many. and our kids face the prospect of world war iii. really. we have already had president trump once. we have already seen kamala in action. we can compare, and we know which is better. [cheers and applause] you know the definition of insanity, i think we all know it, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. sounds like the first couple years of my tenure here with the packers.
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mike holmes would say, what in the hell are you doing, brett? and i would say, i don't know, mike, but we figured a way to get it done, um, but getting back to the point at hand, it would be insane to give her four more years in office. [cheers and applause] so it's time to bench kamala and put in the star quarterback. thank you. thank you.
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i agree with you, usa, it's a great country. we all know this. kamala harris broke it. trump will fix it. and as i said to you earlier about our youth, i have lived the american dream. what i want to make sure that future generations get to as well. and that would be my grandson parker and his two brothers. so remember this. let's make america great again. thank you. ♪
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♪ announcer: c-span is live in green bay, wisconsin where donald trump is set to speak to supporters at a campaign rally underway. the former president expected to speak in about one hour at 7:00 p.m. eastern time and we will have his remarks live and it gets underway. until then we will show some of today's washington journal. washington journal continues. host: george conway is back with us. lawyer, pungent and the president of the anti-psychopath political action committee. what is your explanation for donald trump erasing kamala harris' lead in national polls according to the a
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