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tv   Campaign 2024  CSPAN  November 6, 2024 3:00am-7:00am EST

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she wanted. she and tim walz, the governor of minnesota, got it by five points. let's hear from carmen in cleveland, ohio. good morning. how are you? caller: i'm fine. i'm not fine. i voted for harris. i'm kind of upset at the way they played their ground game. i wish they had just told the truth on how everything went down. peter: who is they? caller: the lady who said, the things are better under trump. things were cheaper. that was all a result of what obama had done and it was during covid. after covid and the supply chain, everything went up, p eriod. a couple years when biden came
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in to get things under control. now things are starting to go back down again. you better believe the next two years, things will be going pretty good of what biden has done and trump is going to take credit for it again. peter: i have to ask you again. you got a new senator. sherrod brown went down. caller: i am heartbroken. he is such a nice and caring man. i met him personally. he would always come to cleveland and check around the polls. peter: and jd vance from ohio as the new vice president. caller: everyone thinks trump is the main thing. jd vance is going to be our president. peter: why do you say that? caller: i don't think trump is going to last. he's uncontrollable now. the people he wants to
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surround himself with, they are not politicians. they don't know how things run and it will be total chaos. they need a politician. jd vance is educated, smart and a politician. peter: carmen, do you think joe biden should have stayed in the race? caller: i love kamala harris, but this is what i really wanted to happen. i wish he didn't do the debate. or he should have sat down or just canceled and said i don't feel good, too. when he came back and gave his speech of leaving, he did a great job. but then, i thought about it, i think he should have ran. they should have let him run and he would've ended up giving it to her. i think he could have beat him. the way we felt about biden, i
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think if biden ran against him, he would have won. peter: final question. tell us a little bit about yourself. what do you do in cleveland? caller: i'm a retired nurse but i am disabled. i hurt my back at work and i have been disabled for some years. i do stay politically -- i watch you all the time. i love c-span. you're where i get my political news. i'm getting to the point i don't even want to hear the other news stations because it is so biased now. peter: that is carmen in cleveland. thank you for calling in at 3:00 in the morning. bonnie, -- donnie, goldboro, north carolina. caller: i'm a 100% disabled vet.
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i watched a lot of the commercials and the debates and everything. no one seemed to bring up the fact that when the president runs, you're also voting for the vice president. and, i just couldn't bring myself to vote for a party that had a vice president who stood on national tv and called himself a knucklehead. would you like someone who believes themselves to be a knucklehead if god forbid something happens to the president? they have their finger on the button. that was one of the big things. peter: why don't we leave it there. now, we are going to play a couple of videos for you from earlier tonight. we are going to play some of the victory speeches. we are going to hear from ted cruz, senator from texas, and you will hear from adam schiff,
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senator elect from california. and we appreciate you being with us. we are alive until noon on wednesday. you can continue to call in, talk, get results and hear the speeches. right now, we will hear from ted cruz and adam schiff. ♪ [applause] >> god be the glory. tonight is an incredible night. a huge victory here in texas. right now, we're up by eight
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points and over 600,000 votes. and they are still counting votes. it also looks very likely that we're going to have a republican senate next year. and i believe, and i hope and pray that donald trump will be reelected as president of the united states. i want to say thank you, number one, to my extraordinary wife, heidi. my best friend in the world. such an amazing partner on this magic carpet ride of life. and i want to say thank you to
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our two beautiful and amazing girls, caroline and catherine. politics at times exact a price on the family. i want to say i am so grateful for their love and support, and you guys are amazing. thank you. i also want to give a special thanks and shout out to alexis. [applause] alexis, thank you for your incredible courage speaking out for your precious jocelyn and your courage has made such a profound difference in this nation.
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we're going to. i also want to thank all the democrats across texas who crossed over and supported my campaign. including especially harris county different attorney. who has stood strong for prosecuting violent criminals. and i want to thank every texan across our great state who has stood with us in this fight, who
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worked, and who fought for texas. i want to congratulate colin allred on a hard-fought campaign. and i want to say to all of those who didn't support me, you have my word that i will fight for you, for your jobs, for your safety, and for your constitutional rights. but tonight, the people of texas have spoken. and their message rings clear as a bell across our great state. texas will remain texas.
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the media were ready to write off texas. and chuck schumer poured in more than $100 million into our state. well, i want to say thank you, chuck. and i hope we win a few more senate seats tonight because he wasted so much money in texas. they deployed every trick, every lie, and every hollywood celebrity they could find. chuck schumer tried to buy this senate seat like it was a piece of manhattan real estate, but he
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learned what we've always known, that texas is not for sale. and texans cannot be bought. amen. over the last two years, i've traveled every corner of this state, from the panhandle to the valley, from deep east texas to far in west texas. we have traveled 9094 miles, 53 rallies all over the state of texas. i've worn out my boots. at times, my voice. and certainly, the patience of my incredible political team who didn't amazing job on this campaign and i think is the very
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best team in all of politics. and what i found traveling the state of texas was worth every single mile, because everywhere i went, i found something that gives me profound hope. common sense is not dead. it is alive and well in texas. everywhere i went, i met texans who share a simple dream. to keep their family safe, to keep their freedoms secure, and to keep their texas values strong. tonight, we are witnessing incredible results, especially with hispanics across the state of texas. and we are seeing tonight
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generational change in south texas. the results tonight, this decisive victory should shake the democrat establishment to its core. i have spent months in the rio grande valley sitting in family kitchens, visiting small businesses, praying in local churches. let me tell you what i learned. our hispanic communities are not just leaving the democrat party. they are coming home to conservative values they never left. they understand something the liberal elites never will. there is nothing progressive
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about open borders. there is nothing compassionate about chaos. there's nothing latino about letting criminals roam free. and just for good measure, we are not tacos. we're small business owners who know that lower taxes means more jobs. we're parents who know that secure borders means safe neighborhoods. and we're families who know that texas energy independence means prosperity for everyone. and i found this same awakening to common sense everywhere i traveled. i saw it in the eyes of texas
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mothers, tired of being lectured to about their values, their faith and their children's education. i heard it from energy workers in the permian basin. men and women who know that american energy independence is not just about dollars and cents. it's about national security and freedom. it is about families being able to fill their gas tanks without emptying their bank accounts. but common sense is not complicated. it tells us that borders have to mean something. it means laws must be enforced. that children deserve innocence.
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and that prosperity comes from work, not a handout. here's what common sense tells us above all -- for the people who built texas, whether their families came five generations ago or five months ago understand texas better than any social engineer in washington never will. when i returned to the senate, i carry with me not just a victory, but a mandate. a mandate from the people of texas. let me be crystal clear about what that mandate means. first, we must secure the border. [applause] not with empty promises, but
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with concrete and steel and law and order, and with the unshakable resolve from knowing we are protecting those we love. the cartels who poison our communities, the traffickers who pray on the innocent, their days are numbered. second, we must unleash texas energy. the answer to america's energy need isn't venezuelan oil fields or iran, but rather, it is right here in texas in the permian basin and throughout the state of texas. we will drill, we will frack.
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we will produce and we will lead the entire world. nd we will never again let foreign dictators hold american independence -- american energy independence hostage. third, we must defend our god-given rights. not some of them, not most of them, but all of them. the right to speak truth in an age of enforced lies. the right to worship the lord god almighty with all of our heart, mind and soul without government getting in the way. and the right to protect our families without asking bureaucrats for permission.
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but above all, this mandate means fighting for what we believe in. fighting every day in every way that matters, fighting for texas jobs, texas values, texas families. fighting for the constitution and the bill of rights. and fighting without retreat and without apology. because this is not just about politics. it's about preserving a way of life that is made texas the last best hope for freedom for mankind. i know this in my bones. you see, this isn't just political for me. it's personal. like all of you, my family
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journey makes me who i am. many of you know my family, pastor rafael cruz. my dad arrived here from cuba with nothing but $100 sewn into his underwear. he washed dishes for $.50 an hour. he learned english watching john wayne movies. and he worked his way through the university graduating class of 1961. that journey from a cuban prison to texas freedom, from a dishwasher to a small business owner here in houston to today a pastor spreading the gospel across the state. that is not just my story, that
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is texas' story. likewise, my mom. [applause] who's irish and italian, born to a working-class family in delaware who became the first person in her family ever to go to college. she graduated from rice in 1956 with a degree in math. and she became a pioneering computer programmer at the dawn of the computer age. my dad is 85. my mom turns 90 this month. both are here tonight and i love you both very much. you are my heroes.
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and here is what texas promises. not the quality of outcomes, but equality of opportunity. not guaranteed success, but a guaranteed chance. not a life without struggle, but a life where struggle has meaning, where merit matters. and where dreams that are backed by swift and steel determination can still come true. that is the promise of texas. that is the american dream. that is what all of us fought to preserve here tonight and that is what i give you my word, i will continue to defend with
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every fiber of my being in the united states senate. tonight's victory belongs to all of us, to all of us across the state. thank you to each of you. may god bless you and may god continue to bless the great state of texas. i love you. [applause] ♪ >> we're so lucky to have rob as our speaker of the state assembly. isn't he incredible? it is such a delight to be here with you tonight. before i begin, i want to acknowledge my opponent, steve garvey. i know it is not easy to be a
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candidate for any office. it is hard on you, hard on your loved ones, and i wish him well. i join him in celebrating the dodgers' amazing win over the yankees. tonight, i'm especially grateful to the millions of californians who put their faith in me. i also find myself thinking about senator dianne feinstein who was a friend and mentor, and as long as i knew her, she was a giant in the u.s. senate. nobody will be able to fill dianne's immense shoes, but her memory will be my guide. tonight, i am so humbled to be your next united states senator. thank you, california. i will spend every day trying to repay the trust you have placed
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in me by serving this golden state with all of my heart and soul. thank you, california. tonight is going to be a very long night. we won't know the result of every race. we will need to be patient. and whatever the result of the presidential race, we know there will be serious challenges facing the state of california and the country. regardless of the outcome, regardless of the way people may have voted, i want to make one thing clear. as your senator, i am committed to standing up for every californian. i am committed to taking on the big fights to protect our freedoms and our democracy. california will continue to be at the forefront of progress. the bulwark of democracy. the champion of innovation.
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and the protector of our rights and freedoms. we are a big, beautiful, diverse, and generous state. we look out for each other. we stand up for each other. we extend our hands to lift up each other. we celebrate and appreciate our different backgrounds and cultures. i have seen it firsthand. from the first day i launched this campaign to the visits i made to nearly every corner of the golden state. from a meeting with local leaders in the border community of calexico, seeing their redwoods. i have met the most amazing people all across california. i listened to your concerns, heard your fears. i have shared your hopes and imagine the future you want to see for yourselves and for your children. and because of this, every day, i woke up energized and hopeful.
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in bakersfield, i met with entrepreneurs who turned their passion into successful small businesses and lifted up their communities. in salinas, i heard from farm who toiled in the fields from sunrise to sundown, rain or shine, to ensure that families across the country have food on their tables. in oakland, i felt the joy and energy of an early morning service at the allen temple baptist church. in merced, i sat down with college students and heard about the careers they were building for them elves. in lakewood, i saw firsthand a heart and rewarding labor of childcare providers. i witnessed their patience, kindness and the love they bring to their work. our state has its struggles, like every state, but none are insurmountable because we are the golden state and we get big
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things done. and my promise to you is that i will deliver on day one, week one, year one, and keep on delivering for this amazing state because together, there is no challenge that we cannot overcome. we leave no community behind. we do not stop. we do not rest until all of our citizens have a safe place to live, clean water to drink, clean air to breathe, safe neighborhoods to raise their children, good hospitals, clinics and health care, and the best public schools in the world. in pursuit of this dream for all of our people, i will not rest, california. in the senate, i will be a champion and voice for all californians. whether you voted for me or not, whether you live in the big city or a small county. whether you grew up here or came to america searching for a better life. we are going to build more affordable housing so that you
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are not forced to choose between your rent and putting food on the table. we are going to ensure that our fellow neighbors do not have to sleep on the street. we are going to help hard-working families by lowering costs. we are going to fight tooth and nail to protect abortion access, and defend democracy and our freedoms. we are going to bring resources and jobs back to the golden state to create opportunity for all californians. we're going to fight on behalf of our dream workers, our farmworkers, immigrant families so they no longer have to live in the shadows. we are going to protect our planet. fight climate change and bring good paying green jobs here to california. it is a big task, i know. but, we can do it because we are
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going to do it together. i'm determined to fight every single day on behalf of this great state and its great people. and i am so thankful for your trust and your support. and i can't wait to do this i want to thank my incredible wife, eve. yes, we are adam and eve. my kids lexi and eli. lexi's boyfriend eric gets a shout out. my brother daniel and his wife amy. my brother david and his family. my nieces and my nephews and of course, the one the world revolves around, baby maia. i could not have done this without your endless love and support it and it's so wonderful to get to celebrate with you tonight.
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eve, i don't know where to begin, but this adam would be lost without this eve. i love you and i am grateful to you for your strength and love. lexi and eli, being your dad is my favorite job in the world. i love you and i am so proud of you. and i also want to acknowledge my mother and father, cheryl and ed schiff. while they are no longer with us, i wouldn't be standing here before their love, guidance and support. my father lived to be 96, he passed earlier this year. and i so wish he could be here with us tonight. dad, give mom a hug and tell her i hope she is still not upset with me for not being a doctor. i also want to thank every volunteer and supporter who made calls, sent texts, knocked on doors and chipped in a few bucks because your hard work not only
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made this senate race possible, but you are going to deliver the house of representatives majority to hakeem jeffries tonight. and i want to thank nancy pelosi, the greatest of all time, the most incredible speaker in our history. for her mentorship, her leadership. there was no one who stood more in the breach defending our democracy the nancy pelosi, and i thank you. we set out to build the largest grassroots campaign in california history, and i think we hit the mark. to my wonderful staff, i thank you. you are all dedicated public servants who have committed countless hours, nights, weekends to this effort in this victory is also yours. to my wonderful, wonderful constituents and the 30th congressional district who have supported me for over 25 years,
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i cannot thank you enough, we are confident for the honor of representing you. i hope that i have served you well and made you proud. and to my new constituents all over the state, whether you voted for me or not, i am committed to being a champion for every californian in every corner of this wonderful state. california, i thank you for your trust, i am grateful to serve as your u.s. senator, now, let's get to work. thank you, california. thank you, everyone. god bless this day and country. thank you so much. >> welcome back to c-span's continuous coverage of election night 2024, it is just after
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3:30 am here on the east coast. after 12: 30 am out on the west coast. we are in the middle of 17 hours of election night coverage. as always, we want to hear from you. if you are just joinhe are the phone lines, do yo support vice president, the number is89zero. if you cast your ballot for former president donald trump the number is 202-748-8921. all others you can give us a call at 202-748-8922. we also welcome your text. you can send that to 202-748-8903.we will get to you, in just a few minutes. but we also want to give you an update on where the race currently stands. looking at the electoral
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college. former president donald trump is currently leading vice president, kamala harri 267, 224. the magic number there is 270, meaning former president trump needs just three more electoral votes to win the election. inenate, the republicans that didage to pick up the seats needed to retake control of the upper chambey picked up both west virginia a ohio and in the house, the house is still up for grabs, you can seethe publicans currently lead the democrats by ouse. the needed number they are to control that chamber is 218.
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we want to orientate you as to what you are seeing on your screen right now on the left-hand side. you are seeing the latest when it comes to the balance of power in the house and senate, as well as the current electoral vote. and the popular vote. that's across the bottom of your screen. you can see the races where they stand across the country, and also if you look down in the bottom left-hand corner, you will see a qr code. if you scan that, it's going to take you directly to our website ,, and you could see all the results, including concessions and victory speech is happening tonight. as we mentioned, we are hearing from you, our audience tonight with reaction to the 2024 election. let's hear from orion calling from phoenix, arizona on the line to support former president
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trump. >> good morning, thank you for having me on, you guys have been doing a good job, we appreciate you. >> why did you support former president trump? caller: number one, you can't reward bad behavior. here administration, biden administration a lot of illegal immigrants coming in. just real underhanded. i don't know what the point of that is. i didn't like that. that was number one. just letting the economy and inflation get out of control. it was tough on a lot of levels. just didn't trust those guys. it's just too bad, they just didn't seem to have america's interest at heart. >> you are in a key area for the election, you are in a swing stay and also in eras -- an area of arizona that is a battleground. what has been your experience, what have you been seeing the
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past year, the past few weeks? caller: you definitely see a lot of people for both. again, my friends who go for both candidates. i voted early. but it's been pretty good down here, the way that it set up. i haven't heard of anything about ballot boxes on fire or something. a couple little things but overall, everybody needs to come together now. trim, hopefully he holds onto this victory and everybody needs to come together and give them a chance. i realize he's a nationalist. he wants to do well. he has elon musk in he has kennedy. a lot of good allies. i think you could be a great thing and we can't be sore losers. people have to come together. we have to get this country back on its feet again.
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>> you said you had friends who supported vice president kamala harris. what have your discussions with those friends been like, have you guys been able to talk about the differences in where the candidates stand on different issues? caller: i have friends and family that support kamala. the family less want to talk about it it's there where the highway. but i have friends where we have debated and people get passionate about it. you can't force your opinion on anybody. i voted for obama before, i'm not a republican. but for me, trump is more authentic. he just seems more like a real person. there's a lot of reasons. i liked his personality better. >> one last question for you, if you were to take office, he's just three electoral votes away from that happening, what do you want to see him focus on first? >> the deficit would be good.
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he needs to get the deficit under control. focus on that. peace in the world and all that would be great. but we should be more of an isolationist. definitely roll with a strong hand. the other thing i liked about him is, he will keep us out of conflicts. everybody is freaked out he is so crazy and does all this crazy stuff. it was peaceful when he was in office. i actually liked that he get along with north korea and russia. it's good to keep your enemies close. if you can be friendly with your enemies, why not. all these people think he is colonizing america. the guys a patriot, he loves the country, he was shot at. like they were saying during his speech, he doesn't have to do that. i thought it was really cool. his speech was good. it was history in the making. i was seeing trump, such a
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polarizing and unique character. elon musk, the tycoon of our era, that's history. >> that was his -- that was ryan in phoenix, arizona. also on the line for support of former president trump, good. >> good morning, how are you doing today? i have been watching c-span since 2012 since the election of barack obama and mitt romney and i really like y'all and i really appreciate y'all doing this for us. quick thank you for that. there is a huge team behind tonight's election results in the months leading up to it, so that -- i know they appreciate hearing that. tell us about your decision to vote for former president trump. >> i really support him on the border wall, that's the main thing. and, i just want to say that god must have a purpose for this guy
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because he's been had two assassination attempts on many still up and running, so god must really have a purpose for him. quex you are in austin, texas, what have you seen this election cycle when it comes to the different candidates? call them -- color: a lot of people are free harris here. >> your senator, senator ted cruz managed to hang onto his seat. caller: i love him. i absolutely love him. >> you voted for him as well? caller: i sure did. i used to be a democrat. i voted for obama. but after that i just realized the republicans are more in line with what the bible says. >> and a former president trump
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does get the last three electoral votes he needs to take office again, what do you want to see him focus on first? >> build the wall. >> adrian in miami, florida. they voted to support vice president kamala harris. adrian, good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for this program. it has encouraged my insomnia to stay up during the election. i just wanted to call and reach out because i feel like we are witnessing the greatest con of our nation's history. trump used our working class and manipulated them into believing he actually cares about them. he claims to have the greatest first term but yet 400,000 people died from covid under his lack of leadership when he was in office and focused on supporting his friends like russia and north korea during his presidency. the common theme, in my opinion, is the cause of citizens united
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being allowed back in 2010. now companies and billionaires can support financially with a lot less financial restrictions and they had before, which allows their vote to have more influence than ours. then i hear people talking about the border wall. that's a joke because certain parts of the border are physically unable to be built upon given the landscape of the land itself. and then other parts, we've seen documentaries being done where you are cutting through people's private property. for people calling saying he said he was a knucklehead, that's why i didn't vote for him. what about the fact that the person that you all are voted for was convicted 36 times on felonies? isn't that enough of a reason not to vote for that person. i will be surprised if he's even allowed into certain countries that don't allow felons to visit. we are the joke of the world right now and while he hasn't
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been officially elected, i'm really scared because he's never really been pro-unity. he's always been divisive. even on its platform tonight. he brought up a and ross, which continually talks bad about black people and uplifts white nationalists. so i'm still not seeing how he's going to unify us and i'm kind of scared. >> adrian, you are there in miami. it was a state that former president trump did win the electoral votes. he also saw your senator rick scott win reelection. did you vote democrat down the ballot? caller: yes i did. and it wasn't just because i wanted to vote blue, i do mail-in ballot so i receive my ballot, i look up all the different people before i make my decisions and their records, what they've done in the past for us just outlined more for me to vote with the democratic ticket.
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>> adrian in miami, florida. holly, washington, d.c. on the line. good morning, holly. >> thank you so much for taking the call and thank you for doing this. it's been a great program. i really appreciate c-span. >> tell us about your vote. did you vote in the election? caller: i did not. before trump spoke, peter made an observation about the electoral college, and it had to do with there being more republicans in california than tennessee. so, i have a different observation for people who don't like the electoral college and that is, if it was a national vote by state -- and not by
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state, the whole campaign system would be different instead of geared toward swing states. also i think people's voting would be different. i live in the district of columbia where we have one pitiful electoral vote, and it's also overwhelmingly democrat. so however i voted it really wouldn't make much different. i did not want to vote for either one of the major candidates. i probably would've voted for jill stein. but i'm happy that trump seems to be winning because i really have been disgusted by the democrats and their pretense of calling for a cease-fire in palestine where they keep supplying arms and money and political cover and vetoes at the u.n. in support of this genocide.
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it just impossible to reward them for that. i don't know what terms going to do, i don't know that he's going to be any better on that score, but i'm glad that they were punished for that. >> you mentioned the electoral college in the popular vote. right now former president trump is leading vice president kamala harris by just over 5 million votes, does that change your opinion at all? caller: no, it doesn't change my opinion at all. >> mdc, you didn't vote at all, not just for president but at all on the ballot, there was ranked choice initiative on the ballot, how do you feel about rank-choice voting? caller: in general i supported. it was linked to another
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initiative and there was a lot of argument about it. as i say, i am elderly, i didn't feel very well, i didn't feel like bothering to vote about it. quex isaac in michigan on the line for support for vice president harris. isaac, did i say the name of your city correctly? caller: you did, thank you. i would like to start out by saying, thank you for your calm, neutral voice on c-span, and again, calmly allowing people from both sides to speak their piece. i voted for kamala harris and i did so because i believe she represents a path forward that is less divisive, believes
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climate change is real and it's a problem that we need to address, and is not an isolationist, where i viewed donald trump as a demagogue, someone who seeks power by sewing division and praying upon people's hate and fears. and that tends to lead to a dark place. >> iaclet me ask you a question. you are in michigan, a key battleground state, in that state has yet to be called. the associated press has not called it. but right noworr president trump is leading vice president harris by just over 300,000 votes. what have youeein the past few months? >> i have seen a lot of hateful language. i go out to get groceries and i see people waving signs, clearly
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in the pro-trump camp that is language to attack present all democrats as much of a language that i don't feel is appropriate for c-span. but basically calling democrats all the vile things that have been heard on fox news and such. liars, cheaters, thieves. and it gets worse than that. >> that was isaac in michigan. wanted to give you an update on a race that has been called and that is for the senate, ohio senate race, the incumbent sherrod brown has been -- she's
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the senior senator, he has held the seat since 2007, he was defeated last night by his republican challenger bernie marino. right now looking at the votes there. it looks like just over 300,000 votes. bernie marino is leading with a 99% of the vote in. 50.2% to 46.4%. it is notable that don mckissick, he is a libertarian candidate, did get 3.4% of those votes. both candidates votes this evening, we will let you listen to bernie marino. and then senator sherrod brown.
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>> the yeezy's and gentlemen, please welcome the next senator.
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>> i need to get this off the microphone. thank you. thank you. look, today starts a new wave. we talked about wanting a red wave. i think what we have tonight is a red, white, and blue wave in this country. what we need in the united states of america is leaders in washington, d.c. that actually put the interest of american citizens above all else. we are tired of being treated like second-class citizens in our own country. we are tired of leaders that think we are garbage. and we are tired of being treated like garbage.
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my opponent talked a lot about helping the working man. and i will agree with him on the need to help working americans. what we are going to do, thanks to now having a republican majority, in the united states senate. chuck schumer, if you're watching, thanks for the help in the primary, but you are fired, buddy. this is a new dawn of republican leadership. where president trump and jd vance in the white house, we are going to advance an agenda that is an american agenda. an agenda that says we are pro-immigration but not pro-invasion. we are going to make certain that the people who come to this country are invited here. are invited here like i was,
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like my family was, on our term. we will make this country an energy dominant nation so that my kids do not grow up in a country where we ever rely on a foreign nation for energy ever again. and we had that energy right here in ohio. that means coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear. in terms of easy mandates, they need to be gone first thing in january. and we are going to make certain that we tell california, you don't get to dictate to the whole country what our emission standards are. we will dictate that at the federal level and we will allow consumers to pick the kind of car they want. the other thing i want to talk about is where president trump is brought to this country. which is peace and stability around the world. america will be a leader of the world. we will always be a leader in the world.
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american leadership has made the planet safer, more prosperous and more secure than at any point in human history. but it means we ensure peace through strength. the weakness of joe biden and kamala harris is rejected. i know that whether it's from jerusalem or kyiv, or anywhere else on earth, or taiwan, they are cheering this election because they know american strength will ensure peace. peace around the world. and if you are police officer, if you are a police officer in this country, just know you have a senator in me and the republican party that will always have your back. we got wind of chuck schumer tonight. but pretty soon we are going to get rid of another couple of people that need to be gone.
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she should still start packing her bags. what we need in this country is school choice for all americans. as i look at my children, i am blessed with four kids. can we give my wife an amazing round of applause please. thank you. we need to make certain that we honor teachers, that we honor teachers. they are doing great work in every corner of the country. teachers are our front lines. unfortunately they have a teachers union that doesn't care about them. we will make sure we empower teachers to teach our kids what we need to do. that means getting the federal government out of the way and
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allowing states to take on this responsibility. and finally i'm going to say this. we are 36 trillion dollars in debt. this is not sustainable. we cannot continue on this fiscal path. what we are going to do is massively reduce the size and scale of the federal government and do it from congress. because it's congress that has the power of the purse. now that starts with getting rid of agencies that we don't need. relocating them out of washington, d.c. we will have a bold and ambitious agenda for the republican party. and i know that president trump is going to bring greatness back to this country unlike anything we've ever seen. so president trump, if you're watching, thank you, thank you for being decisive in my primary. thank you for being the greatest president of my generation. and thank you for the sacrifices
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that you made for this country. this country owes donald j. trump a debt of gratitude. in the senator jd vance, ohio loves you. ohio loves you. i love you. i cannot think of a more brilliant period than when president trump selected jd vance. i know jd, he's a great man. he will be an incredible vice president. i can't wait to help him lead his office so i can be the senior senator from ohio. i also just got off the phone with my friend jim jordan. jim is a great human being, a great power here in ohio. jim jordan, thank you so much for what you've done. i'd also like to thank my
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campaign team. we've built the greatest campaign team out there. if you're watching this and you want to go to washington, d.c. and you are from ohio, and you want to go down there to make a difference, let's talk tomorrow. let's talk tomorrow. because we are going to build an incredible campaign -- an incredible senate operation, incredible constituent services operation because i believe people will pay taxes deserve a government that works for them. finally, let me just say to my kids, thank you so much for being on this journey with us. i have absolutely been blessed by god almighty. amazing life, amazing kids, three amazing grandkids but i want to introduce you to my extended family. we are over performing catholics. i will bring my siblings up on stage.
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they are all over here. let's give them a round of applause. i'm going to say one last thing. my mom and dad left the safety and security of knowing what they had. when they left columbia south america. they didn't know what america would mean to them. they didn't know what it would mean to the seven of us but they did it anyway. whatever dream you have, whatever ideas you have you can make come true if you're willing to work hard enough and persevere. my mom and dad are not alive to watch this moment, but i know they are up and have been watching down upon us and thinking, this is a great country, and they made the right decision.
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and i know from one person that my mom and dad would be looking down and saying this is an amazing thing, my sister vicki. would be so proud for everything you've done. you've been our substitute mom along the way. vicki, you are almost like my mom growing up because both my parents worked really, really hard. so vicki was the one that made sure i stayed true to myself. thank you for your leadership and guidance. sherrod brown and chuck schumer owe you a little bit of an apology. i don't think it will come. i don't think it will come. jose, alex and richie, thank you so much. thank you for taking a crack -- out of me when i was younger. i appreciated. you made me tough.
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you may be tough. to all of you you celebrate tonight not as republicans. we celebrate tonight's americans. and to the people out there in ohio who didn't vote for me. just know that i will always advocate for you, i will always have your back and i will work for the next six years to win you over. because my responsibility for the entirety of ohio will always work tirelessly to make sure that we do everything possible, that i work my tail off to make your life better. . tell the people i've met on the campaign trail, to the thousands and thousands upon people who pray for me, prayed for bridget and kept us in your prayers, i cannot tell you what this means. this is the greatest honor of my life to represent you in washington, d.c. and i will not let you down.
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if you so much.
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♪ ♪ >> thank you. we may be tempted to say hope is not enough. we might be tempted to second-guess ourselves and question whether we worked hard enough or long enough. that is not our story tonight. we believe that all work has dignity, we always will. we believe in the power of people over corporate special interests, we always will. we believe if you love this country, you fight for the people who make it work, we
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always will. this is a disappointment but is not a failure. you will never be wrong, you will never be wrong to fight for organized labor, you will never be wrong to fight for the freedom of women to make your health care decision. it surely will never be wrong, it surely will never be wrong to fight for civil rights and human rights. tonight i am sad but i'm never giving up, and neither is connie. in the light of day i know most of you are never giving up either. i will close the same way of close pretty much every speech in my career fighting for ohio because the values i fight for have not changed, they will never change. i wear this pin. you might've heard this before. it was given to me decades ago
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at a workers memorial day rally. you know the story. the turn-of-the-century, coal miners took the canary down to the minds with them to warn them of poisonous gas. the mine worker in those days knew he didn't have a union strong enough or government that cared enough to look out for him, he was on his own. over the last century and a half we have done so much to change that. all of those flights required going up against powerful special interests. i think about the lesson that any union organizer knows. they don't just give you fair wages, safe workplaces, good benefits. they don't just give it to you, they coat -- you go out and take it. that's how progress has always worked in this country. wall street incorporations didn't say one day, what people work so hard out there, we ought to have social security and we ought to have an eight hour day, time and a half and a ban on
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child labor. we demanded it and we got it. a lot of people are sick. we vote for it, we demand it and we got medicare. . and in the 1960's, a bunch of segregationist southern senators didn't just decide one day, you know, everybody ought to be able to vote in this country, no, we fought for it, we demand today and we got voting rights. and then last year, last year politicians did it all aside and say, we really ought to stop interfering in women's personal health care decisions. of course not. we fought for abortion rights in ohio, we demanded it and we got it. and in all those fights progress
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didn't happen on its own. we know there are so many fight still ahead. when i first came to the senate, like all new senators, they gave me one of those expensive fancy pieces of jewelry. you can walk around, i'm a senator, i'm a big deal. i work for a couple of days but it didn't feel right. so i put my canary pin back on. i have warned that canary pin every day since. so tonight, nothing changes. i don't take off this pin, i'm not giving up on our fight for workers and i know you won't either. thank you. ♪
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claims that was ohio senator sherrod brown, nceson speech this evening after being defeated by republican challenger bernie marino. 99% of the votes in. bernie reynaud is leading 50.2% to 42.4%. -- 46.4 percent. i want to show you where the current presidential election stands. looking at the electoral votes. right now former president donald trump is leading the vice president, harris 267-two
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hundred 24. the number needed is 270 to clinch that presidency. it's just three electoral votes away from winning the 2024 presidential election. you will go back to your calls. down in washington state is on the line for former president donald trump. caller: good morning, thank you for letting me speak. quex there wasn't even close, i've seen signs but didn't know how to say it. tell us about your vote. caller: this is my third vote for donald trump and a vote for
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him every time because i thought we needed to move away from the block voting tendencies of the democratic party. as opposed to republican party allowed a great deal of diversity to show up. in the senate votes and in the house votes that the democratic party did not allow. the democratic party seem to rule from the top down and enforced members of the party to follow the block voting rules of the leader. i think that every individual has to express the opinion in his heart that he holds dear to him and follow his conscience on the day of a set of moral rules. that's quite different than what
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i see manifest in both parties today. but i prefer the republican party and being a conservative myself for 88 years. i learned to be conservative at a very young age. i remember president sermons election and saw he duly won. and when he was reelected in 1948. they were elected for the first time. >> let me ask you this, you are in a red area for what was considered a blue state. what have you seen in your area over the last year over the past few months, over the past few weeks? what kind of conversations have you had with your neighbors? caller: a number of them,
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really. in the first election in 2016, for example, i saw quite a few trump signs. including myself. this year i saw quite a few republicans because i've paid close attention to the politics and attempted some local meetings from the democratic party or the republican, rather. what i did is chose to support the people running in the local county seats for government and senatorial seats in the states
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and republican representatives. also didn't see much in the way of promoting trump. and they understand that because trump does so much damage to himself with his ego that i don't think he really appreciates that. but nevertheless i respect the man for his leadership abilities. and there is no question that he has leadership abilities beyond any candidate we've seen running in the last number of decades. host: the former president is just three electoral votes away from becoming the president once again. what would you like to see him focus on first? caller: i would like to see him first secure the border. secondly, i would like to see him focus on education in public schools.
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when i was a child, learning how to use numbers at an early age was standing operating procedure. these day's high school graduates don't know how to make change without the aid of a computer, and some don't all of it -- don't even know how to use a calculator. very disappointed in the loss of the ability to solve problems that need quantitative solutions. so my first priority would to be to change the method of teaching numbers in elementary school and using numbers to teach elementary age schoolchildren how to vote and how to use numbers to promote unity among
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the population. you begin not by indoctrination, but by letting children learn for themselves how numbers can influence their life so powerfully. i am an engineer. host: you are also in an area that has a lot of agriculture. former trump has suggested a plan for deportation. how do you think that will impact your area? caller: i don't think it would have a huge long-term impact, but there have been short term effects. one of the impacts has been that a good part of the agricultural workers actually go back to mexico.
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and last year they weren't able to get back in. that created some hardships. workers to get back in. this year we happened to have had a very strange occurrence of bad weather that destroyed about 80% of the crop and there was no need for all of the agricultural world. so we haven't seen the long-term impact. and that's one of the common things that so wrong with the general view, public view today. that we look for short-term results without considering the long-term results. when i say long term, i'm not
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talking about decades, i'm talking about centuries. one of the thing i'm so proud about this country is the people in it are so good that i am associated with for my entire life, and known them to be very good people, and yet there are very few people in government that learn how to maneuver opinions within the government and change the rules of government to the detriment of american people. and that has got to be turned around. and that is why education of students in elementary school is the way i would solve that problem. host: that with don in washington state and georgia you're calling on the undecided line. good morning. >> good morning.
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it looks like president trump is going to once again win the election and he's going to have both chambers of congress under republican control similar to his first two years in office. during that time he was unable to achieve most of his goals he set out and laid out in his first election. do you think this one will be different for him? host: it says you are undecided, did you go in the election? who did you vote for? caller: i wrote in a candidate. a georgia native and individual who i consider to be a good man who i've met several times, jimmy carter. host: tell me about the decision to write in former president carter as opposed to voting for vice president harris or former president trump. were you undecided and couldn't make up your mind, you do not like either? caller: i wasn't impressed with
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either one. i looked at the policies that former president trump was able to enact under his leadership and i noticed that a lot of what he was saying wasn't actually what was not being enacted. similarly with vice president harris, i wasn't really able to get a good sense of what she actually stood for and what she wanted to achieve in office. and i went back with a man who i consider decent and hard-working and that was former president carter. host: chase, the state of georgia was called for former president donald trump, he won by, it looks like about 120,000 votes. do you know anybody else that di't vote in the presidential race? caller: i'm actually in college right now and we had a presidential watch party that i got home from about one hour ago . we have a lot of dual enrollment students, these are high school
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students. they weren't eligible to vote. but we also have a large portion of individuals who are ineligible -- ineligible to vote due to felony convictions are due to the fact they are not citizens in the country. we are in a large area of first generation americans. host: if former president trump does get those last three electoral votes and become president, the senate has already been flipped to republican control. the house is still up in the air. we don't know who's going to control that. but as you mentioned, it does come down to where republicans control all three chambers, the senate, the house on the white house, what do you think will happen? what you hope that they focus on? caller: mostly i think it will be the same we've seen for the last 12 years. that's mostly getting most of
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the administrative stuff -- not going to hold up the judicial nominations were the nominations of officers in the u.s. military but i don't see policies getting enacted. but one of the things i think young people have been focusing on, especially those i've interacted with on my college is the local elections. and that's really where the change we see in our everyday lives will happen. we look at access to health care or abortion rights, these are changes happening at the state level. one thing that happened this election that i haven't seen in previous ones as more people were interested in down ballot measures. we are seeing more turnout for the house of representatives for the senate races, for my specific area, for some of the ballot measures that we have. all three constitutional amendments passed in the state of georgia. unfortunately, we had a transit referendum that failed in my county. but we had a higher turnout for
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that than anyone really expected. so i'm excited to see young people especially looking down the ballot and not just at the president. host: i'm looking at an article in the atlanta journal-constitution, the headline, something you just mentioned, it trump closes in on a victory after record voter turnout in georgia. the article says that more than five point 2 million people voted in the general election and broke the state's previous record of 5 million voters in 2020 general election. let me ask you one more question, you said that you have individuals in high school that are not yet eligible to vote in the election, what were their biggest concerns? what were the issues they were concerned about? caller: some of the things they expressed concerns about was access to education funding. through the updated fafsa forum,
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is something college students -- it's a big struggle. the rollout was extremely slow. it takes about four hours to fill out as opposed to the old one, which was only 45 minutes. and as well, there's no ability to finish filling it out unless your parents have filed their taxes. an individual whose parents may not be filing their taxes through the irs for people who might not be in the country legally. it's a huge burden. it makes it much more difficult. so a lot of people were looking at vice president harris thinking that she would continue the biden administration's loan policy and looking at that. another thing is access to health care and access to abortions. always a big ticket item on young voters. young voters are more likely to
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vote early and we really saw that. of those 5.2 million who voted, we had almost 60% voted early. which was just an unbelievable number. i'm not sure on what the record was, but i believe in 2020 was around 40% that voted early. we saw a 50% increase in early voting this year, which was crazy. host: that was chase in georgia. hazel calling from colorado on the line supporting vice president kamala harris. good morning, hazel. caller: i'm actually also a college student right now. host: tell me about your vote. caller: on the one hand, i was really excited to go in this election because it's the first time i could vote for the presidential race. i voted in the midterms but i was still in high school for the 2020 election. but i'm also really disappointed
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in how harassed overall. i was really hoping that she would win the presidency and now it's looking like that's most likely not going to happen. host: hazel, you voted for vice president, harris, former president trump is just a few electoral votes away from winning a second nonconsecutive presidency. knowing that, what would you like to see the former president focus on if you were to return to office? caller: i just want him to not be able to do most of the stuff he wants to do. i disagree with pretty much everything he stands for. one of the things i'm really concerned about is the access to health care, abortions specifically. a lot of people i know also need access to gender affirming care,
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transgender individuals. i know a lot of states have banned it that for people who are underage and i'm worried that that's going to be expanded , like maybe even federally. so that's what i'm really worried about. something else i don't want him to do is i don't want him to do all the mass deportations he's been talking about of sending 15 and 20 million people. in my mind there's no way that could happen without -- i don't know. without essentially a concentration camp. so many people are going to die if that happens. i don't know. i'm really scared. host: hazel in fort collins, colorado. matt in north dakota on the line for support of the former president trump. good morning.
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tell me about your vote. caller: i voted for donald. for one, he's not a politician. he is a businessman. in the first term he was and he did this country really well. didn't care for a lot of the twitter and all that stuff that he did. if he could just stay with his concept of doing what he was doing, it was great. but the butter and all that. no. stay off that. just do what you are doing. he did a phenomenal job otherwise. my question is, why is it so hard to get our country back to what it was 20 years ago? why is it so divide? host: i'm so sorry. we are going to have to leave it right there. that is a great question though.
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tim sheehy, the candidate in the race for montana senate is speaking. we'll listen live to those remarks. >> about me, my family, you guys. i have had campaign staffers specifically singled out. it has been a rough time for everybody. been part of this campaign. my friends, family and partners, you continued to do your job, put your head don. despite all that, everyone else who has helped us out, thank you for your dedication to the country. thank you. everybody who voted for me, thank you. since i was 18 years old, i served this country. i signed on the dot line. i was proud to serve my country overseas. came home, served my country fighting fires.
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for those who did not vote for me, i will also serve you just like did in the military. i took an oath to serve all-americans and all montanans. we have to save this country. to save it, we have to come together and figure out how to heal this country. we have to make progress. to our miners, loggers, plumbers, carpetters, to the people who work with their hands, our ranchers and farmers, you are the people that make this economy run. we have to make sure the folks who go to work every day work with their hands, put food on the table for americans, make the economy work for us again. bring inflation down.
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make sure if you work with your hands you can make a good living in this country. and a key part of that is our resource economy. we have to bring back our resource economy. that hits home especially hugely in montana. we have to bring our minerals, our coal mines. we have to unleash our coal. make sure they don't worry every year they are going to lose their job. our timber industry. we do it better, safer and greener here in america than anywhere else in the world. let's do it here with montana jobs and to our veterans, our police officers, our first responders, our military members, our firefighters out there, you have a sacred duty. we're so grateful every day you put on a uniform and protect the rest of us. it is time to rebillion dollar our military prism make sure it
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is ready to fight our next war. prioritize -- and we're going to give it to them. montana, our native brothers and sisters. it is about time we turn the page. get our tribal community back economically. give them sovereignty. so they can grow businesses on the reservation and have the economic freedom to grow and have prosperity and have a successful organic economy on every tribal community today. and finally, you heard me say it a million times. common sense. it is about time we bring common sense back to this country. and in montana, we run a grassroots campaign. we couldn't outspend our opponents on the air. couldn't beat them in the media. burned a lot of shoe leather and
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diesel. been to every county most of them multiple times. people want a secure border, safe streets, cheap gas, a economy that is good, boys are boys and girls are girls. most of you know here know the real tim sheehy. you feel most people know shady sheehy at this opponent. over the last few months hopefully they will get to know the real tim sheehy and learn i have dedicated my life to this country and my wife and family. this role will be no dcht. we're going to dedicate our time and energy to make sure we get this country back on the right track. thank you so much for your support. god bless. host: that was tim sheehy. the republican challenger for
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montana's senate seat challenging incumbent democrat john tester. he was talking there about the race. that race has not yet been called. reen.umbers there are on your you can see 62% of the votes arn he is leading senator john tester 52.7% to 45.5%. also wanted to update you on the state of the presidential election. right now former president trump is leading vice president kamala harris 267 votes -- electoral votes to 224. the magic number needed is 270. meaning former president trump is just three electoral votes away from winning a second term in office.
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we will hear more of your calls in reaction to that. fist i want to show you a video of former president trump speaking at mar-a-lago in florida earlier this evening. >> quality mares. this cycle, republicans and the senate races, some pretty darn good candidates gave them a shot where republicans face an uphill battle. there might be a little margin there. >> let's see where wisconsin is. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome president-elect donald j. trump, first lady melania trump and the trump family accompanied by vice president elect j.d. vance, second
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lady usha vance along with friends and campaign staff. >> ♪ i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her till today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the u.s.a. to the hills of tennessee from sea to shine i sea.
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detroit down to houston and new york to l.a. the pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her till today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the u.s.a. i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who
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died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her till today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the u.s.a. ♪♪ >> thank you very much. wow. well, i want to thank you all very much. this is great. these are our friends. we have thousands of friends in this incredible movement. this was a movement like nobody's ever seen before.
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and frankly this was greatest political movement. now it is going to reach a new level of importance because we're going to help our country heal. we have a country that needs help and it need help very badly we're going to fix our borders we're going to fix everything about our country. we made history for a reason tonight. we overcame obstacles nobody thought was possible. it is clear we have aachieved the most incredible political thing. look what happened! is this crazy? [applause]
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i want to thank american people for the extraordinary honor of being your 47th president and your 45th president. i will fielgt fight for you and your family and your future. every single day i will be fighting for you with every breath in my body. i will not rest until we have delivered the strong, safe and prosperous america that our children deserve and that you deserve. this will truly be the golden age of america. that's what we have. this will allow us to make
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america great again. and in addition to that, having won the battleground states of north carolina, i love these places. georgia pennsylvania, wisconsin. we are now winning in michigan, arizona and nevada and alaska, which would result in us carrying at least 315 electoral votes. it is much easier doing what the networks did because there is there was no other path. there was no other path to victory. we also have won the popular vote. that was great. [applause] [chanting u.s.a.] >> thank you.
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thank you very much. winning the popular vote was very nice. very nice. i will tell you. it is a great feeling of love. we have a great feeling of love in this very large room with unbelievable people standing by my side. these people have been incredible. they made the journey with me. we're going to make you very happy, very proud of your vote. i hope you're going to be looking back some day and say that was one of the truly important moments of my life when i voted for this group of people beyond the president. this group of great people. america has given us an unprecedented and powerful mandate.
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we have taken back control of the senate. wow, that's good. [applause] >> and the senate races in montana, nevada, texas, ohio, michigan, wisconsin, the great commonwealth of pennsylvania were all won by the maga movement they helped so much. and in those cases, every one of them, we worked with the senators. they were tough races. the number of victories in the senate was absolutely incredible. we did tele rallies with each one of them. sometimes we did two or three. it was amazing to look at all of those victories. nobody expected that. nobody. so i just wanted to thank you very much for that. you have some great senators and some great new senators and it
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also looks like we'll be keeping control of the house of representatives. [applause] and i want to thank mike johnson. i think he is doing a terrific job. terrific job. i want to also thank my beautiful wife, melania, first lady. [applause] who has the number one best selling book in the country. can you believe that? she has done a great job. works very hard to help people. i just want to thank her, but i want to thank my whole family. my amazing children, and they are amazing children.
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we all think our children are amazing. everybody here thinks their children are amazing. that's a good thing when you think they are. don, eric, ivanka, tiffany, baron, kimberly, lara, michael. jared, thank you all. my father in law victor is tremendous. we miss very much melania's mother. we miss her. she would be very happy right now. standing on this stage. she would be so proud. she was a great woman, that one, beautiful inside and out. she was a great woman. i want to be the first to congratulate our great -- now i can say vice president elect of the united states, j.d. vance.
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[chanting j.d.] >> and his absolutely remarkable and beautiful wife usha vance. and he is a feisty guy, isn't he? you know, i said go into the enemy camp. you know the enemy camp is certain networks, a lot of people will go sir, do i have to do that? he just goes ok. which one? cnn. msdnc. he is like the only guy i have ever seen who looks forward to it and then he goes and absolutely obliterates them. say a couple of words, j.d. [applause]
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[chanting j.d.] >> well, mr. president, i appreciate you allowing me to join you on this incredible journey. i thank you for the trust you placed in me. i think we just witnessed the greatest political comeback in the history of the united states of america. under president trump's leadership, we're never going to stop fighting for you, for your dreams, for the future of your children and after the greatest political comeback in american history, we're going to lead the greatest economic comeback in american history under donald trump's leadership. >> thank you very much. he has turned out to be a good choice.
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i took a little heat at the beginning but he was -- i knew the brain was a good one. about as good as it gets and we love the family and we're going to have a great four years and we're going to turn our country around and make it something very special. lost that little thing called special we have to make it. we're going to make this so great. it is the greatest country and potentially the greatest country in the world by far and right now we're just going to work very hard to get all of that back. we're going to make it the best it's ever been. we can do that, if we had to wait longer, i don't know. it was going bad and it was going bad fast. we're going to have to seal up those borders and we're going to have to let people come into our country. we want people to come back in
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but we have to -- we have to let them come back in but they have to come in legally. they have to come in legally. let me also express my tremendous appreciation for susie and chris, the job you did. susie, come, susie. come here, susie. chris, come here, chris. susie likes to stay sort of in the back. let me tell you. the iceman. chris. come here, chris. susie like to stay in the background. she is not in the background. >> this was unexpected but i want to thank obviously president trump for this journey. it was a great one. he is a hell of a candidate and he is going to be a hell of a great 47th president and this team that we had, the best team, of course even my boss, susie
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wiles, the best. thank you. >> thank you. i've never seen her be shy before. susie. everybody up here is great. everybody up here is very special. trump -- who did you say? let me tell you. we have a new star. a star is born. elon. he is. he is an amazing guy. we were sitting together tonight. he spent two weeks in philadelphia and different parts of pennsylvania campaigning. he set the rocket up two weeks ago and i saw that rocket and i saw it coming down. i saw when it left it was beautiful, shiny, white. when it came down it didn't look to pretty. it was going 10,000 miles an
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hour burning like hell. i said what happened to your paint job? he said we never made a pain that could withstand that kind of heat. i saw it come down and turn around. it was 22 stories tall by the way. it looks a little smaller than that but it is big. it came down and down and you saw that fire burning. i said only elon can do this. i told the story last night. i had a man on the phone. i had the screen muted. no sound. i was talking to a very important man who happens to be here. that very important guy, one of the most important people i would say in the country, actually, but you know, i was president and now it looks like i was going to be maybe president again so i figured i could ask him to hold. so i asked him to hold because especially because you're going to be president again they hold.
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so i took the phone down and i'm looking at the screen and i'm seeing this crazy thing and it looks like it is going to crash and i said oh, no. do me a favor. do you mind holding for a couple of minutes? i want to see this. i thought it was a space age movie. i put the phone down. i didn't pick it up for 45 minutes and he was holding. the spaceship came down and an i saw those engines firing and it looked like it was over. i saw the fire pour out from the left side and put it straight and it came down so gently and then it wrapped those arms around it and it held it just like you hold your baby at night, your little baby and it was a beautiful thing to see. i called elon, i said elon, was
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that you? he said, yes, it was. i said who else can do that? can russia do it? no. can china do it? no. can the united states other than you do it? no. nobody can do that. that's why i love you, elon. that's great. you know when we had the tragic hurricane helene and it hit north carolina. they were really devastated. this was a big water hurricane. it built lakes out of nothing. fields became lakes. the danger was unbelievable and the people from north carolina came to me and they said would it be at all possible for you to speak to elon musk? we need starlink. said what's starlink? it is a form of communication. so i called elon. i'll tell you what he had. it was very dangerous. people were dying. they had no communication. all the wires were down. i called elon musk. i said elon, you have somethin called starlink. is that right? yes, i do. what the hell is it, i said?
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he said it is a communication system that is really good. i said they need it really, really badly in north carolina. he had that there so fast. it was incredible. it was great. it saved a lot of lives. he saved a lot of lives. he is a character. he is a special guy. he is a super genius. we have to protect our geniuses. we don't have that many of them. we have to protect our super geniuses. i want to thank -- we haves the s.s.p. the u.s. open champion, a fantastic golfer. hits the ball a little bit longer than me. just a little bit. bryson dechambeau is here. where is he? bryson. he is hitting balls. oh, he is on the way. he is hitting balls. bryson. oh, look at him.
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he has a great career going. great u.s. open, bryson. that is a fantastic job. we also have a man, dana white. [applause] he is a tough guy. [chanting dana] >> so dana started ufc and came to me. do you mind if i use your -- nobody wanted to give him a -- it is a rough sport. a little rough. i helped him out and i went and i said this is the roughest sport i have ever seen. i began to like it and he loved it. nobody has done a better job in sports. you know he is a very motivational kind of guy, what he does. he gets these fighters and they really go at it? it has become one of the most
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successful sport enterprises anywhere, any type. doing so well. i like to ask dana to say a couple of words. people love to hear from him. >> nobody deserves this more than him and more than his family does. this is what happens when the machine comes after you. what you have seen over the last several years. this is what it looks like. couldn't stop him. he keeps going forward. doesn't quit. he is the most resilient har working man i have ever met in my life. his family are incredible people. this is karma, ladies and gentlemen. he deserves this. they deserve it as a family. i want to thank some people real quick. i want to thank aidan ross, theo vaughn, the mighty and powerful joe rogan.
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thank you, america. thank you. have a good night. >> that is a piece of work. he is really an amazing guy, but most of all, i want to thank the millions of hard working americans across the nation who have always been the heart and soul of this really great movement. we have been through so much together and today you showed up in record numbers to deliver a victory like really probably like no other. this was something special. and we're going to pay you back. we're going to do the best job. we're going to turn it around. it has to be turned around. it has to be turned around fast. we're going to turn it around. we're going to do it in every way. so many ways. we're going to do it in every way. this will forever be remembered as the day the american people regained control of their country.
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[applause] so i just want to say that o behalf of this great group of people, these are hard working people, these are fantastic people. we can add a few names like robert f. kennedy jr. he is going to help make america healthy again. [applause] [chanting bobby!] >> he is a great guy. he really means it. he wants to do some things. we're going to let him go to it. i just said bobby, leave the oil to me. we have more liquid gold, oil and gas, than any country in the world, more than saudi arabia, more than russia, bobby stay away from the liquid gold. other than that, go have a good time, bobby. we're going to be paying down debt. we're going to be reducing
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taxes. we can do things that nobody else can do. nobody else is going to be able to do it. china doesn't have what we have. nobody has what we have. we have the greatest people also. maybe has the most important thing. this campaign has been so historic in so many ways. we built the biggest, and broadest and most unified coalition. they have never seen anything like it in all of american history. young and old, men and women, rural and urban. we had them all helping us tonight when you think. i was looking at it. i was watching it. they had some great analysis of the people that voted for us. nobody has ever seen anything like that. they came from all corners, union, nonunion, black, hispanic american, arab american, muslim american.
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we had everybody. it was beautiful. it was an historic realignment. uniting since the of all backgrounds around a common core of common sense. you know we're the party of common sense. we want to have borders. we want to have security. we want to have things be good and safe. we want great education. we want strong and powerful military. ideally we don't have to use it. four years we had no wars. accept we defeated isis. we defeated isis in record time. but we had no wars. they said he will start a war. i'm not going to start a war. i'm going to stop wars. but this is a massive victory for democracy and freedom. together we're going to unlock america's glorious destiny and we're going to achieve the most incredible future for our people. yesterday as i stood at my last stop on the campaign trail, i'll never be doing a rally again. can you believe it?
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i think we have done 900 rallies approximately. can you imagine? 901, something. a lot of rallies. it was sad. everybody was sad. many people were sad. i said this is our last rally but now we're going on the to something that is far more important. the rallies were used for us to be put in this position where we can really help our country. that's what we're going to do. we're going to make our country better than it ever has been. i said that many people have told me that god spared my life for a reason. and that reason was to save our country and to restore america to greatness and now we are going to fulfill that mission together. we're going to fulfill that mission. the task before us will not be
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easy, but i will bring every ounce of energy, spirit and fight that i have in my soul to the job that you have entrusted to me. this is a great job. there is no job like this. this is the most important job in the world. just as i did in my first term, we had a great first term, a great first term. i will govern by a simple motto. promises made, promises kept. we're going to keep our promises. nothing will stop me from keeping my word to you the people. we will make america safe, strong, prosperous, powerful and free again. i'm asking every citizen all across our land to join me in this noble and righteous endeavor. that's what it is. it is time to put the divisions of the past four years behind us. it is time to unite and we're going to try, we're going to try. we have to try and it is going to happen. success will bring us together. i have seen that. i saw that in the first term when we became more and more successful. people started coming together. success is going to bring us together and we are going to start by putting america first. we have to put our country first for at least a period of time. we have to fix it because together we can truly make america great again for all-americans. i want to just sell you what a great honor this is. i want to thank you. i will not let you down. promises made, promises kept. nothing will stop me from keeping my word to you. we will make america safe, strong, prosperous, powerful and free again. i'm asking every citizen all across our land to join me in this noble and righteous endeavor. that's what it is. it is time to put the divisions of the past four years behind us.
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together we can truly make america great again for all-americans. i want to just sell you what tell you what a great honor this is. i want to thank you. i will not let you down. america's future will be bigger, better, bolder, richer, safer, stronger than it has ever been before. god bless you god bless america.
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thank you very much. ♪ young men there's no need to feel down i said young man lift yourself off the ground there is no need to be unhappy young man there is a place you can go when you're short on your dough you can stay there and i'm sure you will find many ways to have a good time it's fun to stay at the ymca it's fun to stay at the ymca
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they have everything for you to enjoy it is fun to stay at the ymca it's fun to stay at the ymca you can get yourself clean you can have a good meal young man are you listening to me i said young man i said young man you got to know this one thing no man does it all by himself young man put your pride on the shelf and just go there to the ymca it's fun to stay at the ymca it's fun to stay at the ymca
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they have everything for a man to enjoy you can hang out with all the boys it's fun to stay at the ymca it's fun to stay at the ymca you can get yourself free cleanyou can have a good meal host: welcome back to c-span's continuous coverage of e lebs night 2024 it is 5:07 on the east coast. 2:07 on the west coast. we wanted to give you an update as to where races currently stand looking at the electoral vote now former president trump is leading vice president kamala harris 267-224 electoral votes. 270 is the magic number meaning former president trump is just
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three electoral votes away from winning a second term and also wanted to update you on where the senate currently stands. the senate republicans did pick up a few seats meaning they will n corol of the upper chamber come next year. they picke up west virginia as well as several other races, several other senate seats are still undecided. and over on the house side, right now, you can see that republicans are also leading in the race to control the house. 21is the number needed tos. control that chamber. there are still 62 races left to
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be called. we will continue to bring you updates on all of the races this morning. we are in the middle of 17 hours of election night coverage and as always, we want to hear from you. if you are just joining us here are the phone lines if you support vice p kamala harris, the number 202-748- if you support former president trump, the number is 202-748-8921. and all others, you can use the line 202-748-8922. you can also send us messages at 202-748-8903. we'll go to your calls and hear from keith in birmingham, alabama. he is calling on the line for
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others. good morning tell me about your vote. caller: i didn't go for either one. i just wanted to voice my opinion on the election. i believe that trump will be the right one this time anyway. i just want people to understand when the last election -- i don't recall mr. trump at any time saying go attack the white house. tear the white house down. but everybody want to put the blame on to him. i just don't understand that. host: it sounds like you support former president trump but you didn't vote in the election? caller: not really. i just wanted to say that the thing about the whole thing is that when you defund police
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department and they want to say trump -- when you defund police department and all the states had crime and burnings and ok, so you want to defund the police department. where is the security? where is the protection once you do that? those people have family. they got to take care of them. when you defund the police department, you're defunding the people. they can't support their families the police department lays off officers. they can't hire more officer, more security. beyond. i'm kind of in the middle. i'm kind of like a neutral person here. i believe and i've always been a firm believer that the republican and democrat party should be gone. for the simple reason it should be gone when people vote for you
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to be in the office, that is your job to see and don't function, argue and battle over. your job is to be in there to find out and solve the solution instead of bickering before each other. and fighting with each other. that doesn't make no sense to me. host: the former president is just a few electoral votes away from getting back into the white house. if that happens, what do you want to see him focus on first? >> welling i would like for him to focus on security. security, our schools, our we need security guards.ers. we need more security in our scores. i worry about it every day about my grandkid going to school.
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i worry every day about my kids going to school but my kids are grown now but my grandkids aren't. i worry about them going to school, even getting on a bus. are they going to make it to cool school? are they going to get back home? we need more security. we need more officers. pa troalg our schools and campuses. what i do believe in once a person sees a union formed officer armed, unarmed, either way, it kind of turns or
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they want to work -- they talk around the issue. aren't proud about who they voted for which i think is strange. it is sort of a general sense that they look down on third party voters. the democrats didn't lose this election because of third party voters. they lost because they -- their own voter base.
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not only the latino -- the voters but also their muslim brothers and people who have empathy for cases in the world such as climate change which the democrats have taken steps to reverse and counteract. host: let's talk about other races in your state. it sound like you're pretty tuned in for an 18-year-old in terms of why you support a candidate or not. what about the other races? were you as well versed and knowledgeable in those? caller: yes. i will say i supported the democratic option for pretty much every local. every local position here in california and los angeles. i was very passionate about many of the propositions that were proposed. prop 6 i was very passionate toward because i think the
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labour is abhorrent. the rent control did not pass either. i was tuned in on the federal as well as the local level. host: what are you studying in college? caller: architecture. i'm in the studio now. working on a project. we are tuning into the news. host: thanks for tuning into us. appreciate your call. sarah in massachusetts is on the line. saying she voted for other. good morning, sarah. hi, sarah. caller: hi. host: tell me about your vote. it says you voted for other. what does that mean? caller: so i -- i voted for everything else except more the
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president. i just honestly couldn't bring myself to vote for either candidate. i thought it felt like the options that the american people were given were just i don't know. the ultimate form of disrespect. we were not given any good options. even though i'm from massachusetts, i felt like i couldn't vote for the democrat or kamala harris and certainly couldn't vote for trump. host: did you vote in 2020? caller: did, yes. host: who did you support in that election? caller: i voted for biden. and in 2016 i voted for hillary. the 2016 election, i had just turned 19. so like donald trump has been the like overwhelming political figure throughout my entire
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adult life that i could be involved in politics. he won't be gone until i'm in my 30's. it's just -- i don't know. but it is honestly it incredibly disappointing though unsurprising but it is incredibly disappointing. i feel like -- host: what are you biggest concerns there? caller: honestly, my biggest concern i would say ultimately is i think donnel trump is too easily flattered and swayed. i don't know that he has any convictions. j.d. vance is scary aggressive, anti-woman. i'm worried about that honestly. honestly saying it is a state issue is kind of mind-boggling
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to me. i don't know. host: you said you did vote in other down ballot races? caller: yes, yeah i did. host: tell me about those. did you vote straight democrat? caller: i believe so. it is massachusetts. the senate race i voted for elizabeth warren. it was a republican, i don't know who it is that was rung against her. i like her but i disagree with her a on a lot of things. i think she is very principled and i respect that. there were a lot of interesting ballot questions. but i think pretty much a couple of independents. but it was massachusetts. host: jerry in clinton, wisconsin, on the line supporting former president trump. good morning.
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caller: i would like president trump to focus on giving god the glory for his victory and success. reading his bible. i would like him to tell it like it is. don't minutes words. the baby in the womb is a person, not part of woman's body. him to hold accountable, -- laundered money to the ukraine. i'm proudst of the young men who voted for president trump who care about their future. host: did you support former president trump in 2020 or and or 2016? caller: i did, both years. host: and you said that you want him to focus on --
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caller: for his victory and success. host: what about policy-wise? what would you like to see him focus on policy-wise? caller: eld like him to strengthen our border again. all the things he talks about. using our resources, getting back on our feet. he is a man of peace. we didn't have wars with him in office. biden kamala started those wars. host: richard in greensboro, north carolina on the line for support for vice president haste. good morning, richard. -- vice president harris. caller: good morning. thank you to c.p.r. span. thank you for the privilege of being allowed to express my opinion on your air. i was enthusiastic about my support for kamala harris. our nation did not elect a republican today.
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they basically have installed a personality cult. i am, you know, the woman who was on previously said that you know, trump, you know, won't be gone until she is in her 30's. my primary concern is that trump now with a republican senate is going to be able to install more right wing i i'd logs into the federal bench, the legacy of donald trump and the damage that is going to be done to our civil rights and civil liberties for the next generation or longer. it's just brutal. i mean, from -- he is a convicted felon. he has been found liable for sexual assault.
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the access hollywood comments that he made are just reprehensible. he is a convicted felon. when i went to vote today, i wouldn't have been allowed to vote if i was a felon. if there is a convicted felon on the ballot. you know, anybody who would have voted for trump today simply hasn't been paying attention to what's been going on in the last eight years. he took all of those documents, classified documents down to mar-a-lago and interfered when the f.b.i. came to execute their warrants and tried to secret away bankers boxes full of those documents. he wanted to subvert the election in georgia. just find me 11, 780 votes.
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he led an insurrection on january 6. i fear that one of his very first acts when he is in office is going to be to pardon or to mute the sentences of all of the crimmins recollectionists. he calls them patriots. they are criminals. they tried to steal the election on january 6 of 2021. he's just so, so dangerous. i mean, ex-generals that were in his inner circle during his first term have all warned us. host: richard, the former president trump is just three electoral votes away from winning another term and returning to the white house.
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if you could get a message to him, what would you tell him? what do you want him to focus on? caller: boy, oh, boy. i want him to focus on actually doing something for the working people in this country that he duped into voting against their own working class interests. in the election. he's an autocrat. he cozies up to vladimir putin. a love affair with kim jung up in north korea. i just want him to truly try to do what niece the best interests over the country but i'm afraid that his own self-interests is the only thing that he is going to be pursuing. the only reason he is back in
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power, why he was so eager to regain the presidency is simply to avoid all of the liebility liability for his criminal actions, his civil defenses. delay, delay, delay. the dcf a la court voted unanimously that trump was not immune for prosecution but the hand kicked ideologues he put on the supreme court coupled with roberts, thomas and alito basically have given him blanket immunity for all his official acts. we have a republican house and a republican senate and trump in there. the damage that can be done to our civil-rights and our civil liberties. it's just beyond the pale. i used to thank that trump was
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the worst thing that has happened to this country since 9/11. but now i think that this election yesterday is now even worse than that because rather than terrorists flying planes into the capitol and the world trade center, the havoc that will be wreaked upon this country has been endorsed by the american people. that makes it catastrophic. anyone who voted for him simply hasn't been paying attention. i think that november 5, 2024 is going to be looked upon in history as one of the darkest days in this country's history.
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i pray to god we survive the first four years of trump. you just wait until clarence thomas and same will alito resigned their positions on the supreme court so he can put some 40-something-year-old right-wing ideologues in there to take their places and with the three he put in there last time, we won't get a decent decision out of the supreme court for over a generation. i'm a retired attorney and when i read case law in law school, that justice is, when they were able to have majority were the ones that promoted our civil rights and our civil liberties. and now that's all gone. you know people talk about send this back to the states with regard to abortion. i hate to think that our civil rights and our civil liberties you know a woman's choice to do
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what she says is in the best interest of herself her family her body that's not up for a ballot i was here in north carolina in my experience we wouldn't have voting rights for minorities had it not been for the voting rights that and the fact that so many of the justices and their opinions affirm that time after time. >> that was richard in north carolina. we appreciate richards thoughts. richard was calling from one of the key battleground states. another battleground state is michigan. not just for the presidency but also for control of the senate. the presidential race has not been called there. neither has the senate race between mike rogers, a rean, and elissa slotkin,
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the demc reesentative taking him on. the vote there is very close. you can see that the percentage mike rogers as the slightest lead at 48.6% compared to 48 .4%. this headline from the trade news talking about rogers taking the lead over slotkin and the open seat they are fighting over. former u.s. senator debbie stabenow is stepping down. again that race has yet to be called. both of the candidates did speak to their supporters this evening. we will show you what mike rogers had to say followed by elissa slotkin. [crowd cheering]
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>> love it, love it. by the way, i hope the bar is open. listen, don't pay attention to pollsters on tv. we are tracking precinct by precinct. there are no trends we can find in those numbers, trust me. this is going to be a very long night. thank you -- first of all, let me thank christie. i could not have done this without christie. and my family -- there they are -- we were all celebrating that 80th birthday. they did not realize how important that event was to getting us in the race. and, there she is, she was going to become the unofficial mascot
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of the campaign for a while. when you think about all the time we spent at this. and all the people that said michigan could not be won. i can't tell you hominy times we heard that. i couldn't tell you how many times people said it is not competitive enough to be interested in helping out estate like michigan. what we said is why we think that is wrong as we talked to so many people. my wife talked to some of the people around the state. they expressed the hurt and pain we are all going through from the last four years of economic hardship. of the fundamental change of our automobile industry. 2400 layoffs at stellantis, 1000 at general motors recent 700 layoffs at ford. we thought, boy, there is a better way to do this. i believe in every fiber in my
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being with every michigan citizen that ingenuity, that grit, that spirit that makes us who we are. we knew if we engage to, we could be competitive in the state. because of you, all of you, we became the most competitive u.s. senate seat in the country within the last few weeks. [crowd cheering] and so, my wife, we have been joking along the campaign trail. my wife and i decided about two months ago that we would split our time. oh, come on, that is funny, people. she did not think it was funny either by the way. she said don't tell that joke. he was going to the west side, i was going to the east side, then we would cross again. we started doubling our numbers and our conversations and getting people excited about this race. something really phenomenal
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happened -- i don't know, maybe eight weeks ago now -- it started with one big endorsement by the way. we were able to get the endorsement of michigan's farmers. [crowd cheering] they hadn't endorsed a republican in this seat since 2006. they decided that this was the time because we sat down and talk to farmers and worked through their issues and decided the regulatory burden that was coming out of washington, d.c. was a bit too much and this was the first time in our history we had to import more food than we exported. as i like to say about farmers, in politics, they know where bs belongs. it is on the field, right? when they did that people set up and took notice. 45,000 family farmers. a million agro workers across the state took up and took notice. we fundamentally start to see
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this switch like maybe something is going on here. maybe people are more engaged than they had been in the past. maybe people are saying this is not a state to give up on, this is a state to work for. yeah, you bet. and then we created the best, and i'm not just saying this, the best ground game in the country -- [crowd cheering] just think of that. last week alone leading up to the election, 88,000 doors. we have touched over 3.5 million voters through voter contact. we have not done that in years in a statewide race. not with all the money in the world grade we have been outspent six to one i think. we did it through people power. because people believed in something bigger than themselves. they believed if they hit one more door or drop one more hanger, or had one more conversation, we could be in this race.
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we could be here to make a difference for our state and our country. and man, did we do it. the last few polls have been tied. don't pay attention to the precincts in and precincts out prayed that thing will bounce around all night long. the most important numbers at the end of the night. i believe this will be a nailbiter. my folks are telling me we are likely not even to know the results tonight, of this race, yeah, that's not great news. here is what the good news is. that means you have made this race competitive. [crowd cheering] so for all of those people we have had the good fortune to talk to, the police officers who believed they had been mistreated over the years. for the farmers who are under siege right now in their ability to put food on our table. for the auto workers who are terrified about their future.
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for the teamsters who have talked to me yesterday who said our number of car hauls is going down and we can see it which means layoffs are coming for them, too. the teacher saying man, we need some help -- [crowd cheering] hey, there they are. for the men and women of the united states military who are saying man, just give us a service worthy of our service. think of that. all of those people and we have talked to all of them. who are ready to do something different for this state. that's why this race was important to us. why it was important to my wife. light was important to so many of you who got in the rain and the cold some days. those saturday mornings when everyone else was doing something fun, you are knocking on a door, or putting up a sign. that's what this campaign was always about. christie said it best, it wasn't about me, it wasn't about us.
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it was about all of us. and what we want for our future. what we can do for the future of our kids. do we want an america that represents prosperity and freedom in all the things we know and love or is it a country where the government tells you what kind of stove you can have and water heater and what kind of car you can drive? that's where we're at. that's going to be the difference in this campaign. tonight all the work is over really. all of the doors have been knocked, the literature hung, the phone calls made. my wife was watching tv the other night, she said, i don't know who that guy is but i sure wouldn't marry him -- talking about me by the way. [laughter] certainly was not pleasant going through it. but what we know is that guy that we met the other night who told us, you know, i came here
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10 years ago as a legal immigrant and i told the guy i would be his best and hardest worker if you would take a chance on me. he got that job. he was a bell man and a valet. he said, you know what was crazy was i couldn't get this job in my home country without paying somebody for it, and then they would charge me to have this job every month. he said this is an amazing country. i'm doing this by my own hard work. and he said i just saved up after 10 years enough money, my wife and i are going to put a down payment on our own house. think of that. that's the difference between american and everywhere else. but it's also the difference between conservatives and republicans. and what the left is presenting for the future of america. this is our chance to stand up for those people who won't be engaged in politics.
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this is our chance to stand up for those people who have thrown their hands up and said man, life is just too hard. for all of those, help me do this tonight, let's do this. let's keep our spirits high. is going to be up, it's going to be down. if this really goes well we will be here at midnight going we won, this will be great. but for all of those people who can't get involved or couldn't have the time, for the mother who is spending the last two or three days at the food pantry this month because of the high inflation that came out of washington, d.c. for her. for the military. for the police. this is our chance to stand tall and say come november, come november, we will have your back. thank you very much. we will be back later tonight. with a better upgrade on numbers. stay fired up. we can and will win this race!
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god bless. [crowd cheering] >> we had planned to show you representative elissa slotkin's comments but we are instead wanting to let you know that the presidential race has been called for former president donald trump. he has been elected the 47th president of the united states. wanted to show you how he got here walking you through those key battleground states. won pennsylvania by the one to 48%. he an north carolina. also, 51 to 49 percent. foer president.lled for the you can see the numbers on your screen with -- apologies,
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georgia 97% vos in. he is leading vice president kamala harris. also, wisconsin, is the e that put him over the 270. he won that state 49.9% to 48.6%. a few states have yet to be called. michigan has not beeed. as you can see, the former president also has a lead there, 52% to 47%. in ari, it's the same story in arizona, where he is with 60% of the vote i he is leading 51.9% to 47.2%. nevada also has yet to be called. the votes there are still being
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counted as well. 84% are in. and he is leading vice president harris 51.5% to 46.8%. former president donald trump has been elected the 47th president of the united states. we will continue to hear from you and get your reaction. jim in ohio on the line supporting former president trump. good morning, jim. >> good morning, how are you guys today? >> we are doing well. >> i voted for former president trump, i guess president trump now. but i think you will have a lot more trouble trying to get this economy back up. this economy is pretty wrecked from my standpoint. it is going to take a lot for him to even turn it or even slow it down.
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my main reason for voting for president trump was his foreign policy. i'm hoping that he can do something to slow down what's going on in the rest of the world with russia, ukraine, the middle east. with china. i've got two son-in-law's that are in the military. my best friend he's got a son stationed at barak right now. -- iraq right now. i'm hoping he can slow down or at least bring this back from i don't want to say world war iii, but an escalation of the confcts that's going on. that's my biggest concern right now. >> have you previously supported former president trump in 2020 or 2016? >> in 2016, i did not.
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matter-of-fact, in 2016, i left the presidential ballot blank because you know i was going by the media. basically the debate between him and hillary clinton embarrassed me as an american. it took a couple of years for me to warm up to hey, this guy is really doing something. i did vote for him in 2020. it took me a couple of years to warm up. >> you mentioned the economy as one of the key factors for you. talk to me about what you are seeing in ohio. what is the biggest concerns when it comes to the economy? >> general motors is not doing that good. we have a plant here. just all around general motors is not looking good. and we have the same problem here with they are just not
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filling jobs. inflation is pretty bad here. i think, considering when i go to the grocery store, when i go to the gas station. people with the bank rates the way they are -- i did refinance my house back when he was president, they are trying to get me to you ought to refinance, why would i do that when i am paying a low interest rate? the interest rates are up, i have seen foreclosures go up, things like that. overall not too bad but definitely not what it was before, basically because of covid, i think. that wrecked a lot of things. a lot of the mom-and-pop organizations, businesses that were around. some of them never opened back
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up. they got hit too hard. >> former president trump will be sworn into office again come january 20th. what do you want to see him focus on first? >> i'd like to see the border secured. i would like to see that. something done with that. whatever he can do with the economy. we have got to slow this inflation rate down. it is coming down but not to the levels we had under him. i think his foreign policy, i mean come on, let's get putin and zelenskyy to sit down. get something going there. israel and iran. you can't say hamas and hezbollah because they are funded by iran, let's get those two to say hey, something's got to give here. and we got to do something about china. they are getting very aggressive.
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i want to see that. if we can slow down -- we are giving away arms, that will put more money back into the united states our taxpayer dollars back into the coffers, so that will help a little bit. >> that is jim in defiance, ohio. jim mentioned foreign policy. several world leaders have already begun congratulating former president trump on the election win. indian prime minister modi tweeting out "heartiest congratulations my friend real donald trump on your historic election victory, as you build on the success of your pervious term. look forward to renewing your collaboration to further strengthen the india-u.s. global strategy partnership," and
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one from french president emmanuel macron, he says " congratulations, president trump, ready to work together as we did for four years with your convictions in mind, with respect and ambition for more peace and prosperity." and u.k. prime minister keir starmer says " congratulations president-elect trump on your historic victory, i look forward to working with you in the years ahead." back to your calls and reaction after former president donald trump has won election as the 47 the president of the united states. jeremy in california supports vice president harris. >> did morning, how are you? >> doing well. >> great. wish i could say the same. my stomach is in knots.
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very disappointing result hoping for the other way around. just for the future country, the future for my children to grow up in, and it's really hard to see him take the presidency again. after trying to raise my children to learn to live by build people up don't knock them down, and yet, the president of our country continuously tears people down. it is really hard to watch and hard to accept. >> jeremy, how old are your kids? >> they are 9 and 6. >> and are they tuned in at all? are they aware of the candidates, have you been helping them follow along? >> my nine-year-old, yeah, we have discussions and everything. the first time trump ran, we tried to keep it pretty neutral and open, because you never know.
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maybe these kids their parents tell them they are a supporter of someone and you don't want to do that. you don't want to offend people. but this time around, i'd say we expressed more of our own viewpoints of the character of trump, and how we, my wife and i, do not find his character something to look up to or strive for or let alone lead an entire country of people. >> former president trump will be sworn into office again come january 20. if you could give him a message, what would you say to him? >> oh boy, um, i would say can you please not just focus on your own interests? the interests of those in the 1%. the country's richest. and also the interests of dictators from around the world. that would be great. >> that was jeremy in
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california. cam in chevy chase, maryland line for supports former president trump. good morning. are you there? cam. cam has been on hold for a while. i believe he may have fallen asleep. if you wake up, give us a call back. sasha in richmond hills, nevada line for supporting others. >> good morning, i'm in new york not nevada. >> sorry, my eyes are getting tired. looked like a v. tell me about your vote, sahsa. >> i abstain from the top of the ballot. i wanted another choice and i could not find one. for me, number one was the war
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in gaza, when i heard the debate neither candidate said anything that meant anything to me. i would have voted for rfk but he didn't make the ballot in new york and suspended his campaign. so that choice was gone. and nothing else really fit, so i couldn't make myself vote, i couldn't vote one or the other. my conscience wouldn't let me so i abstain. but i did felt the rest of the ballot. >> tell me about the rest of your ballot. >> okay, i went along party lines very generally. the rhetoric of the past four years has really put me off. i feel like people have been marginalized, ostracized for having the wrong point of view. your political affiliation does not make you morally superior. and i am tired of i love my country, i love our nation, we
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are not divided, we are plural. i appreciate c-span's coverage of this election night and today for a top activity -- objectivity. i get to hear from other americans and other points of view. i appreciate the lack of punditry. because i go to vote and i see my neighbors and we are not tearing each other apart. it is normal in real life. but this world that has been created by the media is just wild. and i was put off by the rhetoric. i'm just being honest. every time i try to vote democrat, i voted the rhetoric over the past four years and iphoto republican. and when i had the opportunity, i voted third party. i would like more of an opportunity to vote third party because i think this major two
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party system is not serving us. we are more plural than the choices we are being given. >> you cited the palestinian israel war as one of the reasons you didn't vote at the top of the ticket. how would you like to see former president trump handle the situation once he's back in office? >> honestly, i want him to -- i feel for the people in ukraine as well -- to diplomatically get us out of the situation in ukraine because the biden administration involved us. so we have to diplomatically remove ourselves. our weapons and our money from israel. i do not believe we should be involved in that conflict. i want us out of it. i don't like what is happening i think it is wrong. >> that was sasha in richmond hills, new york, not nevada.
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jeremy in california line for support for harris. >> it's a pleasure to talk with you. my name is jeremy. it is quite late in the great state of california. i ran for san bernardino city council in 2020 and 2022i have a great dedication to the mission of our country which is democracy. our country would vote for a felon and also a traitor to our constitution. i would like to lay the blame on our current president who is joe biden for not showing any accountability to this treasonous, soon to be elected president. he undermined our democracy and try to steal the election in 2020, and in 2021, 2022, 2020 three and 2024 we saw no accountability for outright treason to our constitution. >> 30 to vote for for president
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in 2020? >> 2020 i was a proud joe biden supporter. i felt like he was someone that could lead our country strongly in the areas of illuminating economic equality, fighting climate change, and also, taking our country out of the covid pandemic. >> jeremy, we are going to have a president trump come january 20 what would you like to see him focus on first? >> well, you know, i would really like him to denounce his prior ways of trying to undermine our constitution for one. and i would like to see him trying to bring about more peace in the global stage. i feel like joe biden, all of the good he has done for our country, has had a large legacy in terms of his foreign-policy. and i would like to see donald trump be a represented for the american people and their
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willingness to see less of their tax dollars going to supporting foreign wars. >> jeremy, did you vote the rest of your ballot as well? what did that look like? >> absolutely, yes. i think everyone should vote for the local propositions. the local laws that take place in both their city, county, and state. i am definitely someone that feels like every american should engage in the american process, the electoral process. >> you said you ran for office a couple times >>. how did you do? i was an underdog in every campaign iran. iran on a string -- a shoestring budget. that is something i am proud of. i had a message for my city and i felt i tried to hit something to every person that can make their lives better.
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i wish the democrat party did more of that and at this point i feel like i am betrayed by democratic party that has not held donald trump accountable and will be doing exactly what i feel is necessary, supporting a third-party candidate in 2028. >> that was jeremy in california. brittany in new hampshire on the line for support former president trump. good morning. >> i wanted to say congratulations to trump for winning his campaign because that is amazing. and i wanted to say that i did support trump and i did vote for trump in 2016, 2020, and >> >> in this year election.
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and i am very thankful that he won. i do support him because of the borders because right now we need to focus on our people and just getting food for us and just all of that focused on and getting everyone legally to come in and then i did not want our amendments getting taken away, so that is another reason why i voted for trump, because i did not want our rights being taken from us. >> tell me about the rest of your ballot. did you vote republican down the
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ticket? >> i did. >> what other elections -- remind us what was going on in your state. there was a governor's race? the governor's race? i believe the republican won the governor seat? what is your reaction to that? >> i am excited for that as well. very excited everything happened the way i voted. >> that is brittany in new hampshire. former president donald been elected the 47th president of the united states, winning several of those key battleground states. we have much more to come this morning and we are hearing from you. you can go ahead and give
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call. if you are just joining us, here are the lines. if you support vice president kamala hhe number, -- if you support somebody other than those candidates, the is 202-748-8922. you can also send us a text message. we will hear next from chris in dallas, texas on the line for supports former president trump. >> i am a foundational black american and i am glad to see the fall of the democratic party
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. just years of people of color -- to push agendas is -- and kamala harris basically pulled the same move she did -- that hillary clinton did but just worse because it is so disrespectful. she t even have the audacity to speak to the black kids that did fight for her and try to get her elected. it is really amazing and i know mainstream media and a lot of liberals are going to try to blame black people. at this point, we really do not care no more because i feel like
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trump is going to be good for black people anyway. you listen to the right grassroots groups instead of the black immigrants that infiltrate grassroots groups -- he will go down as the best president ever, especially in black americans' eyes. >> have you supported former president trump previously? >> no, i did not vote both years. the last time i voted was when i was 18. the second time i did not vote for him because i just seen how he was trying his best to not identify with black americans, which we understand why now, because he was like an anchor baby, a tether. >> what were some of the issues most important to you that helped motivate you to vote this year? >> immigration was big.
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although we do not push the reparations issue and it got served by the democratic party yet -- usurped by the democratic party, i feel like trump talked to the right people. he can come up with a plan that will not make white america feel uncomfortable by giving us the payment that we all know black americans deserve. >> that was chris in dallas, texas. connie, new york, on the line for vice president kamala harris. good morning. >> my name is tawny. that is ok. vice president kamala harris, do not concede. you have -- right off the bat
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who supported your campaign. please do not concede. i do not acknowledge this. i do not recognize it. do not concede. that is really all i have to say. >> why don't you want her to concede? did you support former president trump and his reaction to the 2020 election? >> i am still on the democrat line, but i was pretty much independent. the fact that he has said that if you vote for him you will never have to vote again scares me and i am surprised how many people heard that message -- or if they heard that message in swing states and said, i do not feel like voting anymore. i cannot believe that. i refused to believe that of this country.
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vice president kamala harris, do not concede. >> if she does concede, former president trump will be sworn in on january 20. what message do you have for him? i believe we lost her. we will go to lewis in california, line for others. good morning. >> good morning. i voted for kennedy this election. from what i have seen, trump has won. i would like to in a sense congratulate. i feel quite indifferent. i am visually impaired. i am blind. so i guess the message i want to give to donald trump is i congratulate and hopefully he
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will take people like me who are blind into account. i remember living comfortably when he was president from 2016 to 2020, so hopefully this time will be just as comfortable. >> you said you voted for robert f. kennedy, jr. what policies attracted you to him? >> the main one was the fact that he did support that he did codify the war in ukraine and i perceived that to be antiwar. that was my main attraction to robert f. kennedy, jr. >> did you vote in 2016 and 2020? >> now. i am only 19 years of age peer this is my first election. >> congratulations. karen in florida calling on the
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line for supports former president trump. >> i am glad that trump won. i voted for him the first time and voted again for him. i know it is going to be a mess. and he is a businessman. he knows how to do this stuff, which is why voted for him. then you have the personal stuff he has done in his life. the job at hand is being president and taking care of everybody in the united states. i think he will do a great job like he did before. that is all i have to say. >> former president trump be sworn in again january 20. what do you want him to focus on first? >> the american people and the border and to keep people out.
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that is it. the others know they did not do. but i feel trump will clean out most of them and everything will be fine. he will lower taxes and just do the border, the wall. build the wall again. keep people out, i guess. >> when you say weird people, what do you mean? ey come in here they do no -- pay taxes. and they want to live off americans and that is what they do. they do not do anything. they comeherend cause trouble. we do not need anybody like that over here. >> do you see a lot of
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immigrants where you live in florida? what city are you in? >> england, florida. it is a small town. i am from tampa. >> larry in ohio, line for supports vice president kamala harris, good morning. >> good morning. how are you doing? i voted for harris because she votes for the trends -- trans and she helps us out. i do not like trump. >> is this your first time voting or did you vote previously? who did you vote for in 2020? >> biden. >> what about vice president
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kamala harris did you like? what policies? >> yes. >> that was larry in ohio. britney from missouri, line for supports former president trump. good morning. >> good morning. i voted for trump. i am speaking from a minority group of black women. i am a native american black woman. we have a lot the same points. i believe with kamala i was very insulted with the ants she is for her campaigns, like megan thee stallion. it is insulting that she used a lot of our entertainers and push that narrative to the forefront
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of america. it is a bear sing because as a majority of black women most of us are not like that and i feel like it is insulting and playing with our intelligence and this is not the 1990's anymore where our grandparents in paris taught us black people are democrats. we have the internet now. we have youtube. we do our own research. and knowledge is power. i believe -- >> did you vote in 2016 or 2020? >> no. i voted in 2008 for barack obama . i do not vote for him because i was disappointed and i have no voted again until this year because i lost hope in democracy and everything but then i
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realized that is what democracy is about and i believe president trump -- i do not like how -- there narrative that all the racist people foot for donald trump or the donald trump does not like black people. i believe that donald trump sees american people and he is a businessman, no matter what caller you are, as long as you are a citizen. i hope they do not do one of those -- police brutality exists. i hope another one of those stories does not blow up because the people that did follow him are not -- how can i say it? i do not believe it is donald trump.
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i hope it is not radical because the united states should be working together. >> the former president will be sworn in again on january 20. what do you want to see him focus on first? >> that is hard for me. it is a tie between the economy and immigration. i believe those work hand in hand. with immigration, a lot of people come over the border illegally. a log them end up getting -- a lot of them end up getting aid. my mother and grandmother were born here. i believe the focus should be on people who are here already. >> do you know who your mother and grandmother supported?
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>> they are -- i believe my mom's morse on the democrat side -- more so on the democrat side. i am not sure of my grandmother. when i was younger, i did not understand. now that i'm older, i can acknowledge. >> did you vote the rest of your ballot? what did your other ballot selections look like? >> i guess i did. i actually voted for a mix. some democrats, some republican. i voted more so with individuals . so whatever happens i voted more so individuals. >> what time is it where you're at?
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>> it is 5:18. >> have you been up all night or are you getting up? are you on your way to work? >> i actually work overnight. i have been watching it. >> we have that in common. thanks for giving us a call. that was britney in missouri. andrew in staten island is calling on the line for supported others. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> doing well, andrew. >> i think we are in trouble. most of the callers really do not understand history. they do not. and i foresee the next three or four years will be very troubling years for the united states. i foresee that the next year and
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a half is going to be very bad for people that are immigrants here legally and illegally. from my studies of history, people just -- i do not want to say this, but i have to be truthful. most americans have very low iq. and this is what trump was playing off. >> you are calling on the line for supported others. who did you vote for? >> i voted for others. i'm not even going to say because i do not know what these people are going to do once they get to office. they have the house and senate. individuals really do not know what is going to happen. believe me, it is not going to
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be good. >> did you vote the rest of your ballot? what did the rest of your choices look like? we have lost him. we will go to frank in florida, calling on the line for supports vice president kamala harris. good morning, frank. >> -- harris. >> tell me about your decision to vote for her. what drew you to her? >> i have always voted democrat and the thing with harris, she has been there. she is very intelligent. she is what we need. trump -- i did not vote for him the first time. the guy came into the presidency and lied about everything.
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obama left him the covid solution and he gave it away and did so many different things. he is the only sitting president that put his family in key positions, who truly did not have any knowledge or political background to be in those positions. and he allowed them to make money. his daughters and sons. even he made money as president. nobody in the sitting office is allowed to make money while sitting as a president. he has spentve law that you could possibly bend and everyone keeps --
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think of the people first. do not think about your pocket again. do not put your family members in key positions to negotiate deals with foreign people with no political background. and just think of the people. >> that was frank in florida. mel and kansas on the line for supports former president trump. good morning. >> good morning. it is a great morning. >> talked me about yourote. why did you support former president trump? >> because -- this is going to be a long story made short. then-hais administration took over and everything went to th toilet and down through the
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drain. >> give me some examples. >> the money that they funded iran to start the war in the middle east. they stopped our pipeline. emptied our reserves, buying trash oil from venezuela. our economy is nonexistent. all this is caused by biden-harris administration. they were given almost a perfect example of how we should be living. everybody lives better. prices were down. people could afford houses. and by the grace of god we will get back to that. >> would -- what would you like
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to see former president trump focus on first? >> start drilling. get our economy down. it is going to take a while to round up all the illegal immigrants that have been living on our pocket. and deport them. if they want to come into the u.s. legally, by all means. close that border. shut it down. >> did you support former president trump in 2016 and 2020? >> both times. >> what does the rest of your ballot look like? did >> you vote straight republican? republican straight across the board. >> that was mall in kansas. we will go to diana in arizona, calling on the line for supported others. good morning. tell me about your vote. who did you vote for? >> i left it blank.
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i do not support either. i disagree with the fact that we did not have a democratic runoff. i do not believe kamala should have been our nominee for the democratic party. it is a hard choice between sandwiches, basically, at this point. my votes went to state and regional votes. >> who did you vote for in 2020 and 2016? >> independent. paul johnson. >> would you have -- you were talking about not having a runoff and that kamala harris was not part of the primary process. if it had been biden at the top
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of the ticket, would you have voted for him? >> absolutely not. too old. too out of context. both were out of context for me. >> you were in the battleground state of arizona. what has the past few weeks been like for you there? nonstop phone calls. nonstop text messages. and it is what it is. >> diana in glendale, david in east aurora, new york on the line for supports former president trump. good morning, david. >> howdy. i voted for president trump because what biden did and harris did not do -- they change
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things in the border. they let over the border 9 million people. i said no. that is not going to happen. and harris goes over and says we are going to charge you the money you make on your investments, stocks. she wants to tax that. i do not think it is right to do anything like that. i think mr. biden and ms. harris was the worst thing that ever happened, which i believe was stolen by -- i watched in 2020 where the cardboard went over where people were talking votes. there was cardboard going over windows. that is not right. this time, it did not happen.
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i believe everything was done correctly this time. trump won. >> former president trump be sworn into office in january. what do you want him to focus on first? >> border. number one, border. by doing the tariffs he is doing, he will take care of getting things back with our economy. the reason why our economy went bad, the first thing biden did was knock off all our oil. it raised prices, which raised the whole rest of everything. everything that got raised -- everything went up in price. houses went up in price. apartments went up in price. >> talk to me about the rest of
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your ballot. did you vote straight republican? >> all conservatives. 100%. >> what house district are you in? there were key districts there. >> i did not like -- the person in new york city. she is actually from our area. i am trying to figure her name. >> i am sorry to put you on the spot. we will leave it there and appreciate you getting in this morning. that is our last call for this portion of the program. wanted to make sure you noticed in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen there is a qr code you can scan. it will take you directly to the
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c-span website showing the results for all the races across the country, including the electoral vote, which former president a donald trump has won . he won 277. vice president kamala harris is at 224. there are still a few races yet to be called, but former president donald trump is officially the 47th -- has officially been elected as the 47th president of the united states. that wraps up this portion of our election night coverage. the extended washington journal is next. there will be five more hours of election results and reaction from across the country. former president trump again has won the presidency. he spoke to supporters in mar-a-lago early this evening.
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here are those remarks. >> candidate quality matters. this cycle, republicans fielded some good candidates and give them a shot in states where republicans face an uphill battle and it looks like there might be a margin there. >> in wisconsin? >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome president-elect donald j. trump, first lady melania trump, and the trump family, accompanied by a vice president elect jd vance, second lady lucia vance --usha vance along with friends and campaign staff. >> ♪ i'm proud to be an american
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where at leasti know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died to give that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea from detroit down to houston and new york to l.a.
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where's there's pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say that i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i'd gladly stand up next to you
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and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ [applause] >> thank you very much. >> usa, usa, usa. >> i want to thank you all very much. this is great. these are our friends. we have thousands of friends on this incredible movement. this was a movement like nobody has ever seen before. and frankly this was i believe the greatest political movement
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of all time. there has never been anything like this in history. and now it is going to reach a new level of importance because we are going to help our country heal. we have a country that needs help and needs help badly. we are going to fix our borders. we are going to fix everything about our country. we made history for a reason tonight. the reason is going to be just that. we overcame obstacles that nobody thought possible. it is not clear that we have achieved the most incredible political thing. look what happened. but it is a political victory that our country has never seen before, nothing like this. i want to thank the american people for the honor of being
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elected your 47th president and your 45th president. and every citizen, i will fight for you, for your family and your future. every single day, i will be fighting for you with every breath in my body. i will not rest until we have delivered the strong, safe, and prosperous america that our children deserve and that you deserve. this will truly be the golden age of america. that is what will happen. this is a magnificent victory for the american people that will allow us to make america great again. and in addition to having won the battleground states of north carolina -- i love these places.
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georgia, pennsylvania, wisconsin. we are now winning in michigan, arizona, nevada, alaska, which would result in us carrying at least 315 electoral votes. but it is much easier doing what the networks did or whoever called it because there was no other path. there was no other path to victory. we also have won the popular vote. that was great. >> usa, usa, usa. usa, usa, usa. >> thank you very much. winning the popular vote was
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very nice. a great feeling of love. with a great feeling of love in this very large room, with unbelievable people standing by my side. these people have been incredible. they have made the journey with me and we are going to make them very happy here and i hope you are going to be looking back someday and say that was one of the truly important moments of my life, when i voted for this group of people. this group of great people. america has given us an unprecedented and powerful mandate. we have taken back control of the senate. that is great. and the senate races in montana,
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nevada, texas, ohio, michigan, wisconsin, the great commonwealth of pennsylvania. were all won by the maggot movement -- maga movement. in those cases come every one of them we worked with the senators. they were tough races. the number of victories in the senate was absolutely incredible. we did rallies. with each one of them. sometimes we did two or three and it was amazing to look at all those victories. nobody expected that. nobody. i just wanted to thank you very much for that. you have great senators and great new senators and it also looks like we will keep control of the house of representatives.
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and i want to thank mike johnson. i think he is doing a terrific job. i want to also thank my beautiful wife, melania, first lady. who has the number one best-selling book in the country. can you believe it? she has done a great job and works very hard to help people, so i want to thank her. i want to thank my whole family, my amazing children. they are amazing children. we all thank our children. everybody thinks their children are amazing, but that is a good thing when you think they are.
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don, ivanka, michael, barron, thank you all. what a help. my father-in-law is tremendous. we miss very much lonnie a -- melania's mother. she would be very happy right now standing on the stage. she would be so proud. she was a great woman, that one, beautiful inside and out. she was a great woman. i want to be the first to congratulate our great now i can say vice president elect.
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and his absolutely remarkable and beautiful wife, usha vance. and he is a feisty guy. i have said, go into the enemy camp. the enemy camp is certain networks. a lot of people are like, do i have to do that? he just goes, ok, which one? cnn? he will say, -- he is the only guy i have ever seen who looks forward to it and he just goes in and obliterates them. say a couple words.
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[chanting] >> i appreciate you allowing me to join you on this incredible journey. i think we just witnessed the greatest political comeback in the history of the united states of america. under president trump >> leadership, we are never going to stop fighting for you for your dreams, for the future of your children, and after the greatest political comeback in american history we are going to lead the greatest economic comeback in political history under donald trump's leadership. >> thank you very much. he has turned out to be a good choice. i took a little heat at the beginning, but he was -- i knew
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the brain was a good one come about as good as it gets. and we love the family and we are going to have a great four years and turn our country around and make it something very special. plus that little -- that little thing called a special, we have to make it. we are going to make it so great. it is the greatest country and potentially the greatest country in the world by far and right now we are going to work very hard to get all of that back. we are going to make it the best it has ever been. we can do that. if we had to wait longer, i do not know. it was going bad and going that fast. we are going to seal up those borders and let people come into our country. we want people to come back in, but we have to let them come back in but they have to come in legally. they have to come in legally.
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let me express my tremendous appreciation for susie and chris. the job you did. come here. come here. susie likes to stay in the back. we call her the ice maid. come here, chris. susie likes to stay in the background. she is not in the background. >> this was unexpected, but i want to thank president trump for this journey. it was a great one and he is a hell of a candidate. he is going to be a great 47th president and this team we had, the best team. and my boss, susie, the best. thank you. >> thank you.
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thank you, susie. i have never seen her be shy before. they are great. everybody up here is great. everybody up here is very special. but the trump -- who did you say? oh, we have a new star. a star is born. elon. he is an amazing guy. we were sitting together tonight. he spent two weeks in philadelphia and different parts of pennsylvania campaigning. he sent to the rocket up two weeks ago. and i saw that rocket. i saw it coming down. when it left, it was beautiful. when it came down, it did not look so pretty. it was going 10,000 miles an hour and burning like hell. i said, what happened to her paint job? he said, we have never made a
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paint that could withstand that kind of heat. i saw it come down and turn around and it was 22 stories tall. it looks a little smaller than that, but it is big. it came down and down and you saw that fire burning. elon can do this. it must be an elon. i had a man on the phone, i had the screen muted, no sound. i was talking to very important men, very important guy come out one of the most important people in i would say the country, actually. you know, i was president, and now it looks like i was going to be may be president again, so i figured i could ask him to hold. i asked him to hold. especially because you are going to be president again, they hold. so i put the phone down and i'm looking at the screen. i am seeing this crazy thing going around and coming down that looks like it is going to crash into the country. i say, oh no.
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you mind holding? i thought it was a space age movie or something. i put the phone down. i did not pick it up for 45 minutes and he was holding. but this spaceship came down and i saw those engines firing at it looks like it was over. it was going to smash and then we saw the fire pour out from the left side and put it straight and it came down so gently and then it wrapped those arms around it and it held it just like you hold your baby at night. and it was a beautiful thing to see. i go, elon, was that you? he said yes, it was. i said, who else can do that, can russia do it? can china do it? no. can the united states do it other than you? no. nobody can do that. that is why i love you, elon. that is great. when we had the tragic hurricane
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hit north carolina, they were really devastating -- devastated. this was big water, as big as we have ever seen water hurricane. fields became lakes. the danger was unbelievable. two people from north carolina came to me and said, would it be possible for you to speak to elon musk? we need star link. i said, what is starlink? it is a form of communication. i told elon. people would die. they had no communication. i called elon musk. i said, you have something called star link. is that right? he said, i do. it is a communication system that is very good. i said, they needed really badly in north carolina. can you get it? he had that they're so fast it was incredible. and it was great. he saved a lot of lives.
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but he is a character. he is a special guy. he is a super genius. we have to protect our geniuses. we do not have many of them. we have up here today the u.s. open champion. he is fantastic. he hits the ball a little bit longer than me. just a little bit. bryce daesch ammo -- and -- bryson dechambeau is up here. he is hitting balls. he is on the way. he is hitting balls. bryson. look at him. he had a great career going for him. rate u.s. open. i said, that is a fantastic job.
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he is a tough guy. so dana started ufc and came to me. nobody wanted to give him a rinse because they said it is a rough sport. and i helped him out a little bit and i went and said, this is the roughest sport i have ever seen but i began to like it and he loved it. nobody has done a better job in sports. he is a very motivational kind of guy. he gets these fighters and they really go at it. it has become one of the most successful sports enterprises anywhere and into time -- and any time. i would like to ask dana to say a couple words because people love to hear from him.
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>> nobody deserves this more than him and nobody deserves this more than his family does. this is what happens when the machine comes after you. what you have seen over the last several years, this is what it looks like. he keeps going forward. he does not quit. he is the most resilient, hard-working man i have met in my life. his family are incredible people. this is karma, ladies and gentlemen. he deserves this. they deserve it as a family. i want to thank some people real quick. i want to thank theo vaughn and the mighty and powerful joe rogan. and thank you, america. have a good night. >> that is a piece of work.
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he is really an amazing guy but most of all i want to thank the millions of hard-working americans across the nation who have always been the heart and soul of this really great movement. we have been through so much together and today you showed up in record numbers to deliver a victory. like really like probably like no other. this was something special. we are going to pay you back. we are going to do the best job. we are going to turn it around. it has to be turned around fast. and we are going to turn it around in every way, in so many ways. this will forever be remembered as the day the american people regained control of their country. so i just want to say that, on behalf of this great group of people met these are hard-working people. these are fantastic people and we can add a few names like
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robert f. kennedy, jr.. he is going to help make america healthy again. he is a great guy and he really means it. he wants to do some things and we are going to let him. i just said, bobby, leave the oil to me. we have more liquid gold than any country in the world, more than saudi arabia. we have more than russia. bobby, stay away from the liquid gold. other than that, go have a good time, bobby. we are going to be paying down debt. we are going to reduce taxes. we can do things that nobody else can do. nobody else is going to be able to do it. china does not have what we
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have. nobody has what we have. we have the greatest people also. this campaign has been so historic in so many ways. we have built the biggest, broadest, most unified coalition. young and old, men and women, rural and urban. we had them all helping us tonight. i was looking at it. i was watching. they had great analysis of people who voted for us. nobody has ever seen anything like that. they came from all quarters. union, nonunion, african-american, asian american, arab american. we had everybody. it was beautiful. it was a historic realignment. uniting citizens of all backgrounds around a common core
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of common sense. we are the party of common sense. we want to have borders and security. we want to have things be good and safe. we want great education. we want a strong and powerful military and ideally we do not have to use it. we had no four -- we had no wars for four years. we defeated isis in record time. but we had no wars. they said, she will start a war. i will not start a war. i will stop wars. this is also a massive victory for democracy. together, we are going to unlock america's glorious destiny and achieve the most incredible future for our people. yesterday as i stood at my last stop on the campaign trail -- i will never be doing a rally again, can you believe it? i think we have done 900 rallies approximately.
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900. a lot of rallies. everybody was sad. i said, this is our last rally but now we are going on to something that is more important because the rallies were for us to be put in this position but we can really help our country. that is what we are going to do. we are going to make our country better than it has ever been. many people have told me that god spared my life for a reason. and that reason was to save our country and restore america to greatness and now we are going to fulfill that mission together. we are going to fulfill that mission. the task before us will not be easy, but i will bring every ounce of energy and fighting that i have in my soul to the
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job that you have entrusted to me. this is a great job. there is no job like this. this is the most important job in the world. just as i did in my first term, we had a great first term, i will govern by a simple motto. promises made, promises kept. we are going to keep our promises. nothing will stop me from keeping my word to you, the people. we will make america safe, strong, prosperous, and free again. i am asking every citizen to join me in this righteous endeavor. that is what it is. it is time to put divisions of the past four years behind us. it is time to unite. we are going to try. we have to try. it is going to happen. success will bring us together. i have seen that. i saw that in the first term
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when we became more and more successful. people started coming together. success is going to bring us together and we are going to start by all putting america first. we have to put our country first for at least a time. because together we can truly make america great again for all americans, so i want to just tell you what a great honor this is. i want to thank you. i will not let you down. america's future will be bigger, richer, safer, and stronger than it has ever been before. i'd bless you and god bless america. thank you. thank you very much.


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