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tv   Open Phones  CSPAN  December 20, 2024 2:19pm-3:01pm EST

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oppose. you don't oppose keeping the government open. this keeps it open until march 14. we're going to be voting for that in overwhelming numbers. you support aid to people in distress. this bill does that. you're going to be voting no. we're going to be voting yes. we think the rural economy is in crisis, there's important aid in here for it, aid you supported. we're going to be voting for it. you're going to be voting against it. that's just the facts. you consider legislation one piece at a time. there's not a single thing in here that you oppose except maybe the debt limit extension which is the same debt limit extension you supported two years ago. so i urge my colleagues to vote yes and keep the government open. help people in need. help the rural economy. and let us move forward with our work. with that, mr. speaker, i urge passage of the bill and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields.
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will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 10515. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 being in the affirmative -- for what purpose does the gentlewoman from connecticut seek recognition? ms. delauro: guess what? request a recorded vote. >> a loot going on in capitol hill. that debate is outdated and that plan was voted down. lots going on is under the surface. the republicans and democrats are meeting. it has to start in the house to see whether or not the government gets funded past
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midnight tonight. the republicans are filing out of their meeting. and when they come up to the podium and talk to reporters. we want to hear your voices on a potential government shutdown. about half hour ago, the "wall street journal" had this report on the latest potential plan for votes. republicans float novel idea to avert government shutdown. johnson plans to huddle with rank and file to lay out a plan to avert a government shutdown
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while reopening while they are still steaming. discussions in the g.o.p. focus on holding separate votes on different positioners of the package. two people familiar with the party's thinking said the votes will be likely divided, funding federal agencies for three months, i.e. a clean continuing resolution and providing disaster relief and aid to farmers. they would raise the debt ceiling and cut spending next year. president-elect trump has demanded that they raise the borrowing cap before he takes office. that is what is going on on capitol hill. let's listen to speaker mike johnson. >> i have a couple of things i have to wrap up in a few moments. we will not have a government shutdown and meet our
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obligations for our farmers who need aid and disaster victims all over the country and making sure that military and essential services that relies on the federal government is paid over the holidays. i will give you more details in a few moments. [indiscernible chatter] host: and maybe we will get some more details in just a few moments according to speaker johnson. clean c.r., disaster relief and aid for farmers and looking at taking those three votes potentially this afternoon. it's a revenue measure and has to start in the house of representatives before it gets to the senate. michael of "the hill" tweets out. right now it seems like the room is leaning towards the first
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one. and first option would consider last night's package minus the debt limit provisions under suspension of the rules. that's, as you know a moving story. it's changing minute by minute. republican line, what do you think about all this? caller: i mean honestly, we need to get everything passed and need to keep the government funded. there's so much in-fighting with the republicans and the democrats. the deems want constant aid to ukraine. at the end of the day, ukraine is not a u.s. ally or part of nato. do we need to be involved in these conflicts and a lot of this war?
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no, we do not. host: when it comes to government funding, how would you like to see this is all going to happen or come to an end at midnight, how would you like to see the republicans proceed? caller: i would like them to find common ground. republicans did find ground, but the democrats voted it down. we could have already had this done if it wasn't the democrats refusing to hold the vote. host: brenda is in chantilly, virginia, a federal worker. caller: hi. this is the reason the american people voted to oust a lot of the people in congress.
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the biggest problem is they want a 4% pay increase while telling us the price of eggs has gone up 40%, 50% and slide-in pork into the bill. we read it. elon musk is not saying the one saying don't vote for this. american people voted them out tore constantly spending and spending on everybody but us. look the north carolinaians who didn't get the money from fema. and great that he loan -- elon musk and we are sick of the lies. we need to move on and get together like the other gentleman said and come together and agree on a path forward. it doesn't include this anger. caller: . host: a clean c.r. funding the
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government at levels it is now with no add-ons, is that what you would like to see. caller: that's what i would like to see. are you worried about being a federal worker and potentially not getting a paycheck? caller: well, so far we have always been paid back and the essential people are still going to be working. the word shutdown is in my mind fear mongering because there is no shutdown but a paid vacation. host: more members are speaking on capitol hill. >> we are not going to let them leave our farmers out in the field. this is the right place for us to start and see what the numbers are.
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>> has johnson locked up the speakership for next year? >> my vote 110%. host: claude from ohio. democrats' line. caller: my question is republicans are in the majority. there's 211 democrats and 219 republicans and balance of 435 i don't know. why are they hollering democrats shut anything down. they got the majority. host: how would you like this to proceed? caller: let them vote it in. host: alan in mansfield, texas, a federal worker.
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caller: government employee's stand point we can't keep kicking the can down the road because every time you have a c.r., you put the government workers in a panic thinking we are going to get furloughed. they need to do what needs to be done from a federal employee's. get the funding passed and don't kick the c.r. down the road. host: how would you get that funded? caller: however they deem it necessary. i don't care if it is republican or democrat however needs to get done needs to get done. host: brian, independent line in minnesota. caller: i'm sick of all
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politicians when you get about 90% of them are career politicians and don't care about this. >> we should do one bill and you've got congress and slush fund of $17 million they paid out on sex scandals and everything. who's doing that? we need to pass these things and get money to north carolina and farrellers. and put in money for stadiums
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pay raises and all these different things. like, ok. if you are going to do this stuff, do it in the public not behind people's. i'm a retired federal worker. i'll let you answer. host: i appreciate that. jordan tweets that police asked if congress is going into the weekend? quote, there is still a possibility of a vote today. scalise said it hasn't made a final decision and debating going through suspension or a rule. we could have the rules committee meeting to -- the current plan is three different votes, a clean continuing resolution. a vote on aid to farmers and thirdly a vote on disaster
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relief. that is what we know so far. the debt limit is in play in some capacity but that is still unclear. next call comes from dallas, texas, democrat. caller: i hope you have a wonderful weekend coming up. i'm going to comment on the fact that a lot of republicans are no deal, democrat i honestly don't hear about the economy. but i'm for social programs. [indiscernible]
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i get that. but i just don't appreciate the faght that republicans are so gun ho about no deal with democrats i hope you have a good weekend. host: you as well. franklin, engel wood, florida, republican line. caller: my name's frank and i agree with the 38 republicans who had the guts enough to stand up and finally take a stand. the american people voted for a radical change in this country to stop the spending. 1, 447 pages of pork spending is not a change. and we voted for a change. i'm a middle-class american,
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union person at that. we want a change. this is ridiculous. the american people were to conduct our checkbooks and homes the way government officials are conducting our government checks, we would be bankrupt. and we will be put out of our home. this america needs to change and needs to change now. i thank god for representatives like marjorie green and chip who have the guts to stand up and stand in the face of rin omp republicans that want to fund stupid stuff instead of getting our country back on the right track. we can't afford to allow the next three generations that are coming underneath it despite this massive bill. it's total ridiculous. i voted for this and i want a
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radical change like millions of other americans. it's not business as usual. host: number one, do you think mike johnson should be speaker in the next congress? caller: i like mike johnson and born-again christian and seemingly looking like on the weak side. i understand what his motives and i know he is in a trick bag and in the middle of a trick bag trying to get this thing through. he has to support the president and the president has to support chip. i can't understand that one. but i think mike is going to end up getting replaced. he is acting on the weak side and needs to show backbone. but i do respect the guy.
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[indiscernible] and they also had quite a shut downs -- [indiscernible] and that's the game they play. that's not going to get paid. if you are not, you are going to have a holiday. they are making a big deal. shut me. 95% are tickled pink because this happened.
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host: thank you for calling in. ralph norman, a republican from south carolina talked to reporters a little bit ago. [indiscernible question] >> two options is far better. option arch ace clean c.r. and broken down into disaster relief, farm and c.r. i would bet it is option b. >> what about the debt limit? handshake 2.5 -- 1.5. >> what would the timeline be? >> first reconciliation. >> if you do a rule, how long
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would that take? >> we will meet today, probably 12 -- >> and vote tomorrow during the day. >> no. in the morning. >> when does he plan to make a decision? >> right now. [indiscernible] >> he has his job cut out. >> would you merge? >> that wasn't finalizedded. senate is the one you have to be concerned about. [indiscernible question] >> i don't know, he has to make
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calls. lot better than what we had. >> will it pass on republican support involve. >> suspension, you need democrats. [indiscernible question] are you going to a rule or suspension? >> i don't know. >> you'll support reporting the rule out of committee and support the rule on the floor and support? yes. >> if it is suspension, you'll vote no? yes. francis scott key bridge -- [indiscernible] i don't think so.
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>> i are not giving democrats an upper hand. host: representative ralph norman republican from south carolina and we heard from mike johnson live. he says he will be updating reporters and all of us shortly on what the plan is for the republican congress to move forward. in the meantime, we are taking your call on a potential
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government shutdown at midnight. representative mike thompson elon musk ply a bipartisan government funding bill suggesting we cut funds for health care clinics, childhood cancer research and veteran benefits and more to fund tax breaks of millionaires. and republicans are bending to the whim of a billionaire looking out for only himself. forcing seniors to pay for tax cuts benefiting the wealthy. terry, florida, independent line, what is the potential of a government shutdown? caller: i think the separate bills make good sense. farmers and disaster relief money. that should be a no brainer. the rest of the spending,
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general government spending they should divide out and make it date specific so they can pass a bill december 20 when the new government takes over in january 20. as far as spending past that into march, this congress shouldn't even be voting on that. somewhere around the 7th of january, new congress gets sworn in and they should be passing bills regarding general government spending from that point on combos -- because we are going to have a new government. trump administration shouldn't have to deal with spending levels by the previous government. host: current plan would fund the government through march.
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at this point, early march. washington, republican line. caller: thanks for taking my call. i'm a veteran and retired from federal service. and i had to retire because of my health. i like how they are breaking down the separate bills and should have been doing this years ago. i don't support trying to throw this pork in either the democrats or republicans said they will give this pork and not going to -- what happened to we the people. the mandate was set on november 5 and clear to republicans and democrats. we are tired of this wasteless government spending and i want mike johnson out of there. i like the guy he is a man of god. he is in a tough spot.
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you took that position for a reason and you knew you had to stand your ground on certain things. if i was there, if you don't like how i run this or the decisions i'm making, then get rid of me. i wouldn't be in that job. it comes down to we the people. if you can spend hundreds of billions of dollars to support wars in ukraine and all this other stuff and our people in north carolina are living in tents and are stask and farmers can't afford to put food on our table or do their own work because of this. and i'm all for a clean c.r. how do we do that? shut it down. i know the democrats are throwing a fit and they are saying this is because of
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republicans, these three bills on the table like yesterday they voted no, it was something that democrats agreed to. what is the problem. if you don't have anything to hide, vote yes and let's fight the battles later on. it's about we the people. host: it is not mike johnson who is not speaker, you remember when kevin mccarthy was ousted? >> it caused more infighting than anything. president-elect trump said if mike comes in line and does what he was hired to do or voted in to do he should be able to stay as speaker. i would say the same thing. people say well, elon musk or vivek ramaswamy. you don't have to be a member of
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congress to be a speaker and maybe -- if alone loan is in there, i like him on doge. they can't buy his vote. but at the same time, he doesn't have any government experience. and maybe that's what we need there, too. people like me, i wasn't of the union at the shipyard and i had some political background and can't stand politics and maybe we need somebody in there like lay men type terms, blue collar person to go in there and say i am going to support the people of the united states. host: thank you from washington, we appreciate your time this afternoon. cnn is looking like the house
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will bring one vote, that includes the c.r., disaster aid, farm and farm bill extension. this vote would require 2/3 of those present and voting. a.k.a. lots of democratic support. major caveat, speaker mike johnson still needs to talk to donald trump about it. now there is reporting one vote this afternoon. lori, townsend, massachusetts, a federal worker. caller: hello. i have been a federal employee for over 38 years and i have never seen the likes of what we're seeing right now. and it becomes a point it has to
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stop being political and what's best tore the country. the last caller that said that we need somebody blue collar worker and mentioned elon musk makes no sense to me. there should be people in there that are voted in and i don't remember ever seeing elon musk on a ballot for anything. and as a federal employee willing and will not get paid for the congress to do the right thing. and it just -- i'm tired of them holding whether or not they are going to approve the c.r. or the budget as a political tool. it's people that they are impacting and they don't care. that has been made perfectly clear. host: you said you are a federal worker for 38 years.
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this isn't the first time you have been through this looming deadline, is it? caller: i remember we would go years and years and years and was never getting up to the deadline, whether or not they are going to approve a budget. there used to be civility and now it's party before country and it's really sad to see and i don't know you just mentioned i guess johnson has to talk before he even proposes this? host: what cnn is reporting. caller: i mean he's not the president yet and i don't know they are could you to youing to him -- same thing happened with the border bill. and if they could agree on something and now they are pulling it back. it's just sad, i am really sad
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to see it at this point. i am happy -- i'm not happy. i am willing to forego paychecks for congress. we should not be raising that debt ceiling so trump can give away those tax breaks or whatever he has planned. it is so contradictory. host: thank you for your time. jake sherman of politico, democrats are set to caucus once he speaks to leader johnson. he said he would like to get this resolved today. gary is calling in from new jersey, independent line. give us your thoughts on what's going on. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am a 70-year-old who receives
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social security and this shutdown business has been going on for quite some time and used for political theater for both sides and there needs to be some mechanism to make it stop happening but that's not what they do. i hear that it causes disruption and kay use. the image and the politician suffers and not good in any way. what can we do to make this not happen anymore. we need more pressure on the politicians because they are the ones responsible. their jobs are secure for two years, what else can we do to put pressure on them? they get paid -- people in congress get paid even if there
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is a shutdown, so they feel no pressure at all for the shutdown. that would give them more pressure if they don't get paid just like all the other federal workers. electric-wise they are secure for two years. their job is secure and we need to put a squeeze on them. now would they pass a bill to make that happen? make them feel extra pressure to avoid a shutdown. that's a suggestion because this keeps going on and on. and they say we need top stop doing this. the people suffer. the country suffers. what can we do to stop it? host: reporter max cohen is
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tweeting that house democrats are open to the new johnson funding proposal whether the three votes or the one vote, that there is widespread agreement that they are waiting for any guidance from hakeem jeffries. they are frustration that their wins are gone but acknowledged that nobody wants a shutdown. ryan, louisville kentucky, republican line. >> explain to me what's going on again. there are three parts. host: one is a clean continuing resolution, funding the government at current levels. that's the entire bill through early march, secondly, bill on
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farm aid, then disaster aid. and then it is reported it might be combined into one bill. we haven't heard from mike johnson or hakeem jeffries. caller: my point is, what do the people think? if you vote for trump, trump and elon i see you. i see your plan. you want to raise the debt ceiling you are going to give the rich more money. how can you get this if you don't -- i get it. but thoroughly vent. [indiscernible]
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host: brian, we'll leave it there and talk to leonard in pennsylvania, federal worker. what kind of work do you do do? >> i work for the air force and army as a civilian. host: what do you think is going on in washington? caller: way i understand government is number one it goes to the house and then it goes to the house and then to the president to be signed. now they have a bipartisan bill and they don't have enough backbone to vote on that and they are messing around here now holding things up. my opinion republicans should put it up for a vote, send it to
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the senate and the president to take care of it. what are they doing? they are playing politics with peoples' lives. host: dorothy in omaha, democrats' line. caller: i have more of a question and do you know -- does the president have the power to do an executive order to not pay congress if they can't get this done like your caller gary was talking about i think they will be encouraged if they don't get their paycheck, they will be encounselinged to do the work. host: darrell.
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caller: one vote for those three bills. disaster and the farmers. i think that's the way they ought to go and that would be my vote for the people. host: why don't you support putting them into one? caller: as the republican had made mentioned these are the things they have in common with the democrats. they are all for all that with the democrats are opposed to voting on the good stuff is that the other stuff is not in there and just like the representative, don't vote no on this bill what it doesn't have, vote on it because of what we have in common. host: thank you for calling in. dawn, a federal worker in napa,
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california. caller: hi, i'm a federal worker or was, i'm retired and i have a solution to this problem. i don't know if congress will ever vote it in. the solution is no fundraising until they get their budgets done. that's it. that's all i have. host: dawn in napa. and daniel in scranton, pennsylvania. independent line. caller: a short observation here. if they go with the single vote, that is a again ian slap in the face to elon musk, our unofficial president and trump. what it is and i can't prove this right now, but if this is like anything, constituents are calling. and these congress people are feeling that pressure and you saw that yesterday with representative luna sitting there and promising her
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constituents that eventually the fema funds will come through. the only reason she did that i believe is because she knew that her constituents were banging on her door saying if you don't vote this way, you can forget about us. and it shows you and get involved. get involved. be courteous and don't call a congress person and accuse them but you say i don't care about elon musk, i'm living in a fema hotel room in northern florida and i'm not going down without a fight. that's all i wanted to say. host: daniel from scranton, pennsylvania. and it is changing minute by minute in some cases as we hern here on the air tonight where we have three votes coming and potentially a one vote coming and should be hearing from
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speaker johnson at some point this afternoon with an update and we will bring that to you live. in the meantime, let's look back earlier today at the house democrats talking about funding the federal >> how could i not be nervous? absolutely. for my district also. this is something i continue to say to my constituents back home. it is not good for the country to have billionaires calling the shots. just imagine, if we do a thought experiment here, can you imagine if george soros or warren buffet had ever weighed in via tweet on what we were doing here. it's outrageous. it is so far beyth


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