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tv   Washington Journal Washington Journal  CSPAN  December 23, 2024 10:03am-11:06am EST

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the 119th congress, watch the election of the house speaker, the swearing in of the members of congress and the senate, and the first a leadership for south dakota's john thune as new senate majority leader. watch vice president kamala harris preside over the certification of the electoral college vote with the historic session that will confirm donald trump as the winner of the 2024 presidential election. on january 20, tune in for all-day coverage of the presidential inauguration as donald trump takes the oath of office, becoming the 47 the president of the united states. stay with c-span throughout january for comprehensive live, unfiltered coverage of the 119th congress and the presidential inauguration. , c-mocracy unfiltered. created by cable. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these
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television companies and more including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center? no, it's way more than that. comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. >> comst supports c-span as a public service, along with these other televisionroviders, giving you a to democracy -- front-row seat to democracy. host: good morning. monday, december 23. over the course of the campaign, president-elect trump made numerous threats to investigate, prosecute, jail, or punish his perceived opponents, including private citizens. a poll asked respondents if they would support that. we're asking you, do you support or oppose president-elect trump
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targeting a political opponent. here is how to share your thoughts with us. if you support donald trump targeting a political opponent, call us on (202) 748-8000. if you are opposed to it, it is (202) 748-8001. you can send us a text to (202) 748-8003. include your name and your city/state. and you can post to social media, or on x with handle @cspanwj. we will start with that poll from monmouth university from december 12. headline, republicans would not be that bothered if trump goes after political enemies. here is some of the findings from that poll. 48% say president-elect trump is "serious" about laws and
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provisions to go after political enemies. 47% believe the president elect is eggerating, so he will not actually do it. 23% of republicans would be bothered if president-elect trump went after political enemies, little less than a quarter. 77% of democrats and 55% of independents would be bothered by that. an article by politico says trump promised to get revenge, here are his targets, from liz cheney to jack smith to mark milley, and lengthy inventory of people he has threatened to punish. let's hear from president-elect trump from a week ago, his first postelection news conference. he promised more defamation suits against the media. [video clip] >> you need fair press.
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icy see others. i am not doing this because i want to. i am doing this because i feel i have an obligation to. i am going to be bringing one against the people in iowa, their newspaper, which had a very, very good poster who got me right all the time and just before the election she said i was going to lose by three or four points, and it became the biggest story all over the world because i was going to win iowa by 20 points. the farmers love me and i love the farmers. it was interesting the way she did it, two weeks before she said i was only going to win by four. that was good because she brought it down from 22 points to four or whatever the number was, way up, easy win. i never would have thought to go there. i respect them and love them and understand there's no reason to go there. it went from way up, walked away, which it was commanded turn out to be in the election,
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too, by the way, a win by many points. then she brought it down very smartly to four a couple weeks before. people said that is amazing, he is only up by four points. then she said down by three or four, whatever number she is. that was the des moines register. it was their parent. in my opinion, it was fraud and election interference. she has got me right always, a very good poster. she knows what she was doing. and she didn't quit before and will probably -- and we will probably be filing a major lawsuit against them today or tomorrow. we are filing one on "60 minutes," you know about that, were they took kamala's crazy and horrible answer, they took it out and replaced it was something she said later on in the interview, which was not a great answer but it was not like the first one. the first one was vastly incompetent, weird.
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that was fraud and election interference by their newsmagazine, a big part of cbs news. we are involved in that one. we are involved in one that has been going on for a while and very successfully against bob woodward where he did not quote me properly from the tapes. then on top of everything else, he sold the tapes, which he was not allowed to do. he could not use them for sale purposes. i think we will be successful on that one. and then we have one very interestingly on pullets or because -- on pulitzer because reporters got prizes for their wonderful, accurate, and highly professional reporting on the russia, russia, russia hoax. it are not to be a hoax, and they were exactly wrong. host: i wonder what you think about the question of president-elect trump targeting his political opponents.
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our lines are support and oppose. also want to make sure you know about this story that just broke this morning, the associated press, biden gives life in prison to 37 of 40 federal death row inmates so trump cannot have them executed. it said president joe biden announced today that he is commuting the sentences of 37 of the 40 people on federal death row, converting their punishment to life imprisonment just weeks before president-elect donald trump, an outspoken supporter of the punishment, takes office. more on that as the story continues. but we will get back to our topic and take your calls. anna is first, line for support, north carolina. caller: good morning, mimi. i do not think it is whether or not it is supporting him in going after political opponents.
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my feeling is that if there is just cause to do so, then i think he should. i am kind of leaning towards -- i have seen a lot of people targeting trump for eight years, just brutally. i do not think the legacy media has treated him fairly. they do fact-checks on him, but in the debate, they did not do kamala harris. i don't know, i just feel like with that j6 hearing they had, not the hearing or whatever, the committee -- host: the january 6 committee hearing, yeah. caller: and the documents that
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disappeared and cannot be found, that needs to be documented. i don't know. i don't think he is targeting his political opponents. but you have got to also understand that the biden administration did that to trump 's folks, too. just by the subpoenas and arrests and all this stuff. but i don't know, just things like -- host: you feel that that was not fair? for instance, national security advisor michael flynn, paul manafort, whose campaign -- caller: yeah, because so many people were subpoenaed by the biden administration but nobody arrested them for not showing up. you know what i am saying? don't you think it is a double standard? that is my opinion. host: this is lily in maryland, opposed. caller: yes, good morning.
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i just want to let all of america know how -- it is just astounding to me that he got reelected. this man has proven himself to be nothing but a psychopath, and arranged -- deranged. and for him to be allowed to continue and go after the people that he perceives as his opponent, and if nobody stops him, there is no end to this man's madness. host: respond to anna, who said he was targeted unfairly by democrats. caller: i would like to say to -- what was her name? host: anna. caller: anna. you just have to look and see
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what he did. there is going to be consequences for this kind of behavior. it is astounding to me that people do not see that. i mean, the way he has conducted himself over the years, just talk to the people who live in new york. they know him like the back of their hand. that is why he lost new york. he is just -- this is a man who needs professional help. he has a mental problem. please, america, all of you who voted for him, i have no doubt you are going to have buyers remorse. he is out to destroy this country. host: let's go to houston, texas, melva. caller: i cannot stop laughing at that lady ahead of me. too trump derangement typical. yes, everyone has the right to
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defend himself and his name and her reputation. i think this is unfettered unleashing against him without any restraint or any fact checking, and it is not acceptable. we have to stop that in america. we just have to stop that, and we are better than that. host: with that beaches for the media were everybody -- would that be just for the media or everybody? caller: for the media especially, because they have finally gotten their comeuppance . they finally been exposed to the bias, you know, unbalanced and unfair opinions they have been putting forth here. and i am just hoping they do better going forward because i cannot do any worse. host: here are some other targets, according to the politico article. president joe biden, ss trump has is frequently called biden
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corrupt -- it said trump has n corrupt, and in june, it said he should be arrested for treason. he says i will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the united states of america, joe biden and the entire biden family. do you agree with that? caller: all of the above, and he --i hope he takes them to task. host: here is marianne in california, opposed. caller: good morning. i really love how you kind of dig go back and forth, and i hope you will with me. but of course i oppose people going after people. this is not kindergarten or we are not going to throw down in the schoolyard or something. but i like the point of some
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things that happened here in this country like killing out the business people, giving them smallpox, breaking their tools so they could not exist down here, the 49ers are now a great football team while the real 49ers -- killed innocent people, children. i hope mr. trump will think about it because it is a huge moon, and of course there is the one about slavery, hello. host: marianne, are you saying that he should focus on those injustices rather than his political opponents? how is that related? caller: disco related because i do not think this country is going to move forward in any way -- it is related because i do not think this country is going to move forward with what this country was built on, the
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violence. and he comes from an alcoholic family, his brother died in his early 40's of alcoholism. i just think he must know that -- i think the guy has a human bone in his body, i am hoping. i am not opposed to him completely, but i am just hoping for some healing out here. we are in california and have hours, and there is the trail people had to walk 3000 miles. try walking 13 miles. it is just a wound i think we cannot get over. one time you had the question on this show, is the american dream still possible? i just do not think the american dream is going to be possible until people look at what has been done, what we have done here in this country. host: all right. let's talk to rick next in saratoga springs, new york. what do you think?
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caller: thanks for taking my call. the way i see it is, what 78-year-old man who is the presumptive republican nominee for president of the united states, who has never been arrested, who is under four jurisdictions with 84 felonies? that does not make sense. said the laptop was false. prior to the 20 election, they had 51 former caa operatives -- cia operatives say that it wasn't, and it was true. they have done is over and over again. host: hold on, so those former intelligence professionals said that the laptop was in line with russian disinformation? they did not say it was, as they did not have access to it. do you think they still should be prosecuted for that? for saying this sounds like
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something russia would do? caller: wait a second, and here you go again with c-span, leaning to the fact that you know the fbi had the laptop and you know they had access because they had high clearance. host: i am talking about the 51, because you're right, president elect trump has said that he wants to prosecute them, as well. what do you think? i will let you finish your comment. caller: yes. leon panetta went on fox news and said that it is completely false, he does not care, it was russian disinformation. but when you look at it, hunter biden sitting with his father telling somebody that unless you sent us $5 billion, we're going to wreak havoc on you. host: ok. here is what politico is
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reporting about the 51 intelligence professionals who signed the letter about the hunter biden laptop. a letter from intelligence professional weeks before the 2020 presidential election, intending that a release of reported emails from hunter biden "has all the classic earmarks of a russian information operation." officials acknowledged that they did not know for certain whether the emails were genuine but said the disclosures were suspicious. you can see that at politico. here is cal, new york city. cal, what do you think about the targeting of political opponents? caller: good morning and happy holidays to c-span and everybody listening. i suppose what is clearest in my mind about the attacks he was having on journalists, the media , i think a lot of those are over exaggerated threats.
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as far as the media is concerned, i think his point is to just damaged the credibility. about the earlier hearings this year with congress and how they were browbeating the heads of these various universities for their supposedly anti-semitic policies and how they were just browbeating to the point where there jobs were in risk, some of them. a couple actually quit their positions. i think trump, the lawsuits are a scare tactic. i think he would rather have these folks testify in public and admit, as some journalists already have, that they were with biden on terms of the age issue and his other policies. rather than restitution or imprisonment, i think the
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greatest victory with b2c joe scarborough -- would be to see joe scarborough or somebody from msnbc be fired. the ratings are so bad and they lose credibility. host: all right. i want to bring something to your attention, also some breaking news. the matt gaetz ethics report is expected to be released today. cbs news said the matt gaetz ethics report shows his drug use and sex with a minor violated state laws, says the former representative, florida republican who briefly stood to become president elect trump's nominee to be attorney general, was found by congressional ethics investigators to have dated numerous -- paid numerous women, including a 17-year-old, for sex, and used illegal drugs, including from his capitol hill office, according to a final draft of a comprehensive investigative report obtained by cbs news.
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that report is 37 pages long. this is bruce in lexington, kentucky. good morning. caller: hello, can i start with a joke? host: ok. caller: what do you get when you cross a hummingbird with a doorbell? host: what? caller: a humdinger. baby, you are a humdinger. host: ok, let's get back to our topic, trumps political opponents. caller: i think those who have done wrong have had their recourse. i think it is being characterized a little incorrectly. i do not think this is one of the major problems right now. i am amazed that we do not have -- you have not had any shows about the congressional report on january 6 and the two articles about biden's mental
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acuity. i think those are way more important. but i do think mr. trump, president trump, does have the right to seek retribution or he was wrong to. i do not see anything wrong with that. host: all right, bruce. you mentioned january 6. we have an interview on msnbc, new york democrat dan goldman. caller: please, msnbc -- host: we will play that and some other stuff, don't worry, we will get it all there. this is dan goldman, he played a role in president trump's first impeachment trial. he spoke about the threat against january 6 committee members. [video clip] >> obviously, the january 6 committee did an investigation authorized by congress, upheld by courts of law, totally legitimate, and it was part of their duties. but the fact that because donald
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trump does not like what happened means those people should go to jail says everything you need to know about what his expectation is for cash patel and the department of justice. that is why they are there. that is why kash patel is there, because he has also promised to go after donald trump's political enemies. i sat on a weaponization subcommittee for two years here led by the republicans. they did not demonstrate his single instance of weaponization of the federal government by the joe biden administration or by house democrats. and here they are trying to ally the fact, ignore the fact, that donald trump's entire purpose with his election for the fbi is to do just that and to jail his political enemies. that is banana republic stuff. it is not just bad for the political enemies and for the political system, it undermines our entire rule of law, undermines the credibility of every single prosecution out there. you see that because defendants
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all around the country are making these allegations that their prosecutions are political. he has already undermined the institutions, and he will go much further if kash patel is confirmed. i think senate republicans will uphold their duty and uphold their oath to the constitution, not to donald trump, and they will recognize that kash patel is unqualified and dangerous and should not be fbi director. >> political enemies of donald trump that you served in the first impeachment trial of trump when he was in office the last time, would you be considered a political enemy? are you fearful you could be targeted or prosecuted? >> i have been on lists, enemies lists. i guess that is a possibility. i welcome that possibility. i hope they put their attention on me and not the good men and women who were career public servants in the federal government, who are just doing their jobs and who are really
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subject to retribution. i can happily and ably stand up for myself, and i have a bigger bone hearing congress. i have a speech and debate clause defenses. if he is going to attack his enemies, please, bring it on, donald trump. host: back to calls. bertha in new jersey, you are opposed. caller: actually, my name is eartha, like eartha kitt. i'm opposed to democrats and republicans. now everybody is forgetting they are actually american people. that is what it is all about. i do not hear anything about us, the american people who are really basically suffering out here. all i hear is revenge and back and forth. these same democrats and republicans are so beholden to the billionaires and special interest and big pharma.
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i do not see them really caring about us anymore. i have been a democrat all i live, and i am so disappointed in them, and i have always been disappointed in the republican party. fox news, mainstream media, all of them, they are a disappointment, too, because they're getting off track. it is all about the american people, not about what is going on, and our education begins there, that has failed us. a lot of these comments say the education system has failed us. it is not equal and never has been. that is what i have to say. happy holidays to you. host: happy holidays. kurt and mount union, pennsylvania. caller: good morning, and merry christmas. host: thank you. caller: i would like to reflect on the wisdom of the past generations, which is, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. let's see if all these people can withstand the same scrutiny
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that they put on him. host: i want to ask you something, we got a text from larry in michigan, and he says, as a maga, i don't care how trump goes after peoplhe has grievances with with his own resources, but he should not use the justice department. what do you think of that? caller: exactly what i told you. i said what is good for the goose is good for the gander. they used it against trump, so let's see if they can withstand the same scrutiny. host: all right, let's go -- sorry. ruben in philadelphia, opposed. caller: yes, good morning. i oppose this, like the person from new jersey, there are other things we need to be doing other than revenge. donald trump actually tried to get someone to lie about what
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was going on. manafort got locked up during the mueller situation and others. sterling, an election official in georgia, warned president trump that someone was going to get hurt in violence. and on january 6, it happened when the police officer shot ashli babbitt. in the police officer and brent signet, he was killed on that day. and donald trump are still continuing these lies. he just lied about the people in ohio eating cats and dogs, and the mayor comes out -- should have said, please stop spreading these lies. it is donald trump as the reason this is happening in america. he has been promoting violence. it is just donald trump doing
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this. host: all right. this is a text from larry in new jersey. the incoming administration needs to concentrate on the business of carrying on america's busines his own. ed from north texas, trump administ should focus on criminals no mwhat their title or background is. for falses and all thosemedia getting kickbacks from false claims. so an investigation on how politicians like liz cheney got her extreme wealth, making her official salary now worth millions. here is a recent interview with president's daughter-in-law lara trump responding to a question about what should happen to liz cheney. [video clip] >> this thing from the beginning has been a hot bunch of garbage. the idea that they have tried to force this down the throats of the american people since
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january of 2021, they thought this was the ticket. they want anything to happen to make sure -- donald trump never got back in the white house. we are 35 days away from that moment right now. i cannot wait for it, the country cannot wait for it, the world, frankly, cannot wait for it. that they said we will take this thing and will blow it up out of proportion, will ruin people's lives, throw people in jail regardless of whether or not they did anything, but those people on no-fly lists, make people admit to things that they did not do because we are the government and can threaten you, the department of justice and you should be afraid of us. everything that happened with this january 6 nonsense, anyone who did anything illegal ought to be held accountable. i am not a legal expert, but i do know that when you break the law, that means you go to jail and serve time. what they have perpetrated on the american people by way of this january 6 hoax is
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absolutely terrible, and it is a stain on our country's history. these people ought to be ashamed of themselves. i know they aren't, so we will shame them. we will make sure they never forget that history recalls every single day from now until forever what these people did and the way they personally and single-handedly tried to destroy this country. thank goodness god is good, and he shines a light in the dark places. this is just the beginning. if you think this is good, wait until donald trump gets in there, wait until kash patel gets in there, wait until tulsi gabbard gets in there, and they start shining laces that democrats and the establishment never wanted us to go. host: for the next half-hour, the question, do you support president-elect trumps targeting of political opponents? phone numbers on your screen. if you're in support of that (202) 748-8000.
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,if you're are against that targeting, it is (202) 748-8001. peter in new york, good morning. caller: good morning. how are you today? host: good. caller: i am against it because i do not want to see donald trump sing to the democratic level. it is politically motivated. it is hilarious. and it is sad that the democrats have been doing this, and now they are trying to turn it around. if you watch msnbc, you know how crooked the democrats are because you are listening to their lies. thank you for taking my call. host: kelly in north carolina, good morning. caller: good morning. merry christmas, everybody. and i support this because it is not what people are saying, it is not that he will just be going after them because they do not like him, these will be over
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actual laws that have been broken. he will only go after people who have broken the law. and as long -- the ones that they went after him, that was political. that was exactly political, if you know the law. no, i am not a lawyer, but i watch one a lot that does show me what was correct and what wasn't correct. but these people, you are going to find out, it is all going to be exposed, and you will find out that a lot of our government , on both sides, republican and democrat, that they have been involved with diddy, and they have been involved with epstein. it is a very sad story, a very
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sad story. and he is not just going to go after people he hates, he is going after people that he likes, too, because they broke the law. host: people he likes, like who? caller: well, like republicans. i cannot give you the exact names because the list has not been exposed yet. host: all right. here is denny's in freedom, new york. good morning. caller: good morning. i am asking that you bring up the interview with him with lesley stahl where she, right before the election, said that the laptop was false. show people that. i think that he has every right to go after people that -- it is fraud what they did, the white house working with the mainstream media is the biggest
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fraud on the american people, and it started with the russia collusion for three years. we dealt with that. but bring up the lesley stahl interview. show how she treated the sitting president of the united states. he should go after her. host: there is an article from nbc news that says this, kash patel, the nominee to be the fbi director, once said he would come after journalists. it now hangs over his fbi candidacy, trump's pick for fbi director has vowed to come after the media. he later emphasized that his comments apply only of people broke the law. that is at nbc news. this is his quote, we're going to come after the people in the media who lied about american
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citizens, who helped joe biden rig a presidential election. whether it is criminally or civilly, we will figure that out. democratic senator john fetterman was a guest on sundays "this week" on abc, and he talked about meeting fbi director nominee kash patel. [video clip] >> you met with kash patel, right? he has talked about going after trumps enemies. >> yeah, and we have had conversations, but all of these interviews were all off the record and those things. so i am not going to go into detail, but he absolutely -- that is never going to happen. >> he is not going to use the fbi to go after trumps enemies? >> no, that is not it.
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>> he has written it. >> that is what he claims. i have found out his family's origin story and immigration and we talked about that. and my wife and my family's immigration and things. i learned things about him. i never knew he was a public defender. >> are you liking kash patel more than you thought you would? >> well, how much can you absorb in 30 minutes? but i have learned things and have heard things, and i have no regrets for having these -- i never left any of those interviews saying it was a waste of time or i regret that. host: danny in georgia, good morning. caller: good morning. a couple things i will try to get in real quick. it is amazing that everybody has got a crystal ball that knows what trump is going to do. i'm sorry, but none of us know
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what he is going to do. so let's don't jump to too many conclusions and let's see what he does and go from there. i was a born registered democrat ever since i could vote, two or three cycles ago. i started out conservative, and i started voting that way. i live in very north georgia. but give him a chance. i don't understand, people. hunter biden, we know what he did. it is not a secret. the people of this country are not stupid. that is the problem. i am, i guess, a lower middle-class person, make about $40,000 a year, $50,000 a year. that is really no money. but i know what is going on with people, and my county knows what's going on. and you talk about election stuff, that ad on the tv, i live
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in a county of 16,000 people, 10,000 voters. i know three personal people that election fraud was on. i know one man been dead five years and voted, and he is already registered to vote in the runoff. somebody in a little town in trenton, georgia, with 10,000 voters. you don't think stuff happened and the rest of the country, don't be naive. come on, we are smarter than that. even a person like me with a one-your college education, no degree, i am smarter than that. and the people in these counties were a live in north georgia, we are stupid just because we are old country hicks. host: all right. this is abc news this is this, trump fax house gop accusation liz cheney tampered with january
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6 committee. she calls the allegations malicious, cowardly, assault on the truth, says republican representative barry lowder met -- barry loudermilk in new report suggests former gop representative liz cheney should be investigated for alleged criminal witness tampering, claiming she played an integral role in shaping key witness testimony before the january 6 committee investigating the attacks on the u.s. capitol by a pro-trump mob. president elect donald trump post this early wednesday morning on his social media platform, liz cheney could be in a lot of trouble based on the evidence obtained by the subcommittee, which states that numerous federal laws were likely broken by liz cheney, and these violations should be investigated by the fbi. well, liz cheney put out a
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statement. she says this,s chairmanat. loudermilk interim report intentionally disregards the truth anselect committee's tremendous weight of evidence and instead fabricates lies and inflammatory allegations in an atmpt to cover up what donald trump did. there allegations do not rece the review of the actual evence and are a malicious a carol glee assault on the truth. no -- and cowardly assault on the truth. no reputable lawyer or judge would take this seriously. here is charles in virginia. what do you think? caller: hey, good morning. thanks for taking my call. let me turn this down. as i am sitting here buddy, a word came to me, and that is that for all the so-called christians in this country that say they believe in god, and i
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heard a few people call in and say how they trust in god and pray and are glad trump is in office because god ordained him and so forth, i just want to say, god does not like folks to take revenge. vengeance is mine, said the lord. so for a president to take vengeful acts against people who investigated the truth on january 6, i think it is appalling if all these folks who honor and worship this speaker and president, i still go back to one question. it came out about where he could judge anybody's vagina because he's famous and could get away with it because he is famous,
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all these women and men who love donald trump so much, if he could touch your daughter's, your mama's, your sister's private parts, would you still vote for him and worship him the way you do? god is looking and listening. what we're doing right now is no example to the world. in my lifetime, i can clearly say that i can see that one man is above the law. america, you get ready because you going to get exactly what you asked for. thank you. host: let's go to new york, teresa. what do you think, should donald trump target his political opponents? caller: good morning. i am a little torn on this. i do believe with the gentleman said about vengeance. but i do think we have to shine the light, and he should use that how he wants to.
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i think me and the american people are crying out for justice, because a great injustice has been done by the ones who hold a great responsibility to the american people, through the media and through -- the government is just, especially the democrats but also some republicans, whoever is guilty, i think they should pay because no one is above the law. you know. that is my opinion. host: and this is gary on x, who says trouble repeat the last administration on political interference since this is now the political normal. richard in las vegas texted, this is not about revenge, it is about telling the truth. john in pennsylvania, turnabout is fair play, as democrats like
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to remind us, nobody is above the law. jonathan in waynesville, ohio, you are opposed. caller: yes, i am opposed. liz cheney called him out. he is a crybaby, first of all. and she called him out. the deal is, he got called out for all his bs. i am going to call it how i see it. and these people just walk around and talk about -- and think he is god and all that, he is not. 34 convictions, and the list goes on and on. sorry, i am going to tell america, wake up. you just voted him in. host: he is actually liable for sexual abuse, and that is something that got abc a lawsuit, george stephanopoulos
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said he was convicted or liable for rape, and it wasn't. what did you make of that situation with abc? did you follow that? caller: i followed some of it. it boils down to he is liable. whatever he is liable in the court of law, he is liable in the court of law. he is a 34 convicted felon here. wake up to this. american people just think that -- i don't know, it is brainwashing to me. in somebody -- and somebody stated here with another opinion, i am sure. she called him out on it, that is the whole point. 34 convictions -- host: we got that point. this is a recent interview about the des moines register iowa
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poll, you remember president elect trump talked about that in a previous crib i showed you. this is a poster who talks about her findings versus the end results and the accusations that came out of that. this was reported before donald trump filed the lawsuit against the des moines register. here she is. [video clip] >> the reality is that more people who supported donald trump turned out. i am eagerly awaiting the secretary of state's turnout reports that will happen in january to see what we can glean from that. but there was not an adjustment to my data. when we saw that it was going to be a shocker, that i would have said, ok, let's adjust it. it is not like i know ahead of time what the right numbers are going to be in the future. so you kind of take the data, and it is designed to reveal to me our best shot of what the future will look like.
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i am not surprised about what the motivation anybody thinks i had and would act on in such a public poll -- i am surprised. i do not understand it. the allegations are taken seriously. this was election interference, which was a crime. so the idea that i intentionally set up to deliver this -- i have never done that. i have had plenty of opportunities to do it. it is not my ethic. but to suggest without a single shred of evidence, if i was in cahoots with somebody being paid i somebody, it is all just kind of -- it is hard to pay too much attention to it, except that they are accusing me of a crime. host: want to know what you think about that. this is kurt in brownsville, new jersey. are you supporting this? caller: good morning, speaking for myself and the stories,
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seven years late, if it really matters, throwing bombs at this point is kind of stupid. but the truth is it says that donald trump, now he is a better man than me, i am thinking. if your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat, if they are thirsty, give them water to drink, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads and the lord will reward you. so i think trump said that he is -- his success will be his vengeance. so i think he is a better man than me. but the truth is i would love to see joe biden actually answer questions in the court of law. host: i am not clear, what you read from the bible would indicate not going after your political enemies. are you saying that you would support president elect trump going after joe biden and others
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or are you saying that he should just be successful and that will be his revenge? caller: well, i am telling you what he said. i believe that no one is above the law. and if you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about. but i believe everything is on its head and the justice system has been corrupted since they spied on trump. who knows, it goes on and on. but the truth is they will never be brought to justice because they plead dementia these days. if you watch these people that are in power, they get in front of a group of questions and they plead stupid. so get used to it. and god will have the final say. host: on the line for oppose, this is nicholas in kentucky --
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this is in kentucky, eric. caller: most people, especially republicans, are missing a very big point here, which is trump wants to go after people who investigated an incident and also witnesses who testified on january 6, people from his administration, a lot of them he appointed himself. and although some of the people -- those are some of the people he wants to go after, too. so this is not about democrats or anything democrats are trying to do to trump. trump is going after anybody that has anything negative to say about him or expose about him. and that has been primarily people he has appointed himself.
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even when it comes to him complaining about judges, many of those judges have been judges he has appointed. host: you talked about january 6 . this is in politico about the people that trump has said he wants to prosecute and one of them is u.s. capitol police lieutenant michael byrd. says trump has joined with his supporters, some took part in the january 6 capitol riot to call for the prosecution of the u.s. capitol police officer who shot and killed ashli babbitt as she attempted to breach the entrance to the speakers lobby warehouse members were being evacuated. the justice department had ruled against any charges being called against byrd. but trump said he is a coward and said ashli babbitt was murdered.
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what is your reaction? caller: you look at those videos of january 6. if those were democrats, what would republicans be saying right now about who should be prosecuted and what type of actions would have been justified by the police? host: this is julie in rhode island on the line for supporting. caller: hi, i do not necessarily support going after his political opponents. they have done a number on him. they have gone after him from the minute he came down that escalator. they lied about him, try to put him in jail, tried to bankrupt him. he even got shot. and january 6 is not an insurrection. nobody got put in jail for that. and i watched this woman and her
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husband was military, they went to her house to come to her husband who was at the capitol but did not go in the capitol, the military came bombing into their house. she was standing outside holding her four-year-old son who was petrified. she was pregnant. she had a miscarriage the next day because of the biden administration going after this man for doing nothing wrong. and i believe that gentleman byrd who shot ashli babbitt, i believe he should be brought to justice, because he shot her in cold blood. thank you. host: joan in pennsylvania, good morning. caller: good morning. i don't know what is wrong with these crazy women that are supporting trump.
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the man said he could grab women's crotches, he assaulted a woman in a department store, a twice impeached president. he is a liar. he incited an insurrection. women, what the hell is wrong with people? this country is pathetic at this point to have these bunch of people trying to make excuses for this man that is the worst president that ever got to the white house. and they voted to put his behind in there again? hopefully they get what they deserve, because this man is the worst thing that ever happened to the united states of america. and that is all i have to say. thank you for listening. goodbye. host: ryan in ohio on the line for support. good morning. caller: you know, there's a lot
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of divisiveness already in this country, sure seems to me like this entire subject, the way it is being posed to the general public, is pretty divisive. i do not necessarily support the way you are terming support. however, justice is part of our constitution, a big part of our country and our founding fathers put it into the constitution to try and maintain a little bit of civility in this country. ok, one example, first example, adam schiff. good thing mr. trump decided to have that call recorded by the archives, because that guy went out before the general public and made up the entire story. he declared what was said on that conversation, it was all lies. if you look at the mischief that has been going on in the background nonstop, what is your definition of support?
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how about let's change that definition, like the democrats like to do, let's change it to justice. host: but i am not following what you are saying about adam schiff and the conversation. tell me more about that. caller: adam schiff came out in front of the entire world and cleared that trump had an unjust phone call. he told the world, this is what he said -- host: what phone call are you talking about, about ukraine? the one where he asked for an investigation of hunter biden? caller: yeah, where he is asking about joe biden saying son of a you know what, you got to fire this guy, and there's political nonsense going on with the taxpayer money being held hostage over bureaucratic politics of another country. so he makes a phone call to zelenskyy, and adam schiff
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recorded -- it was recorded properly to another chain that the intelligence committee did not have privy to, then adam schiff tells the entire world what was the conversation, all lies. that is misconduct in the highest kind that could ever happen in this country. if you are a representative to the united states taxpayers, you do not go in front of the world and lie about that. host: i am not clear on -- you are saying the audio was never released at that phone call with zelenskyy but the transcript was released, but i do not think it was the complete transcript. is that what you are talking about? caller: yes, ma'am. it was documented by a different source than the intelligence committee. they did it as a safety net to understand that these guys have
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no interest in furthering the united states as a whole. they want to in any way maintain control in some capacity, even lying in front of the world about a conversation. then they attempted to impeach him, don't forget. host: ok, that was twice. ethel is in shreveport, louisiana, on the line for oppose. caller: good morning. i have a couple of points i would like to bring to the forefront. number one, donald trump has an issue with anyone at any time. first of all, it was dr. fauci. he was considered an outcast because of the covid. then he chose to -- sorry, first it was obama. obama did not have a birth certificate. he badgered obama and his family about his birth certificate. then dr. fauci. he has used the news media as a
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way to keep his name in the public eye and on everyone's mind. the news media have made an obsession with donald trump. this is his way of not being held accountable for his misbehavior, like a child. i am going to blame everyone but myself. he is not talking about how he is going to make the american people's lifestyle better. he is only talking about himself. that was his campaign slogan, he was going to make america great again, yet now he is talking about his political enemies. he is getting the news media to focus on other politicians, past and present, as opposed to talking about the american people. do not buy into the unnecessary falsehoods of donald trump coming into 2025.
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and i would hope that you all would give more constructive subtitles to talk about, discuss about. do not buy into donald trump's misbehavior, not being held accountable for his behavior, and because other people to have gone to prison, to have lost their lives, all because of he wanting to be number one. thank you. -- host: randy in michigan by tex i don't agree with targeti political opponents. i hope people feel the same way when the party in charge changes to a different political party. rob in fairfax, virginia said amen to the caller nth carolina, it's not about targeting political opponents, it is about equal justice under the law. that is the time we have. we have a lot moreimlater in the program for taking your
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lls. coming up next, we continu this week's holiday authors series on washington journal. eight daysf coersations with america's top writers from ss the political spectrum on a variety of public policy and political topics. we will talk today with batya ungar-sargon, discussing her book "second-class." >> during christmas week, each night at 9:00 p.m. eastern, c-span will feature interviews with party members of congress. republicans, democrats and independents from both chambers will discuss their careers, key legislative achievements, the state of politics -- congress and american politics and their farewell speeches.
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tonight, we will hear from west virginia independent senator joe manchin. wednesday, north carolina republican congressman patrick mchenry. michigan democratic congressman dan kelly and oregon democratic congressman dan blumenauer. friday, delaware democratic senator john carper and california democratic congresswoman rachel paula tom. this week, starting at 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile video app or online at >> witness democracy in action with


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