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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  March 4, 2025 10:40am-11:07am EST

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announcer: we'll also take your calls and get your reaction on social media, over on c-span2 you can also watch a simulcast of the evening's coverage followed by reaction from lawmakers, live from capitol hill.
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watch president trump's address to congress,ive tonight, beginning at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, our simulcast live on c-span2, or on c-span now, our free mobile video app. also online at c-span, bringing you your democracy unfiltered. facebook.d on x at @cspanwj. washington times front page, trump says speech will tell it like it is. president trump will double down on his agenda and will make the case for smaller government, more tariffs, and stricter immigration. he promised the speech would lay it out for the american people. "tomorrow night will be big. i will tell it like it is," mr. trump said monday on social media. he will outline the blueprint that got him elected in november and tie it to the flurry of
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action he has taken in his first six weeks of office, expected to argue that those actions are key to implementing the drastic changes voters sent them to the white house to enact. and we will have coverage of that speech in its entirety tonight. i would live covera wl start at 8:00 p.m. eastern time, the speech is expected to start at 9:00 p.m. you n tch it here on c-span, also on c-span2, and on our app c-span now and online at let's look at democratic senate leader chuck schumer on the senate floor monday. he talked about what he says voters care about and how democrats will respond. [video clip] >> you can see frustration boil over in town halls in georgia, kansas, oregon, and everywhere in between. republican leaders are telling their members to cancel town hall meetings. they are running away from the
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people because they know how badly the people have been hurt by what they are doing. maybe they don't want to do it, but they are forced to. because president trump wants tax breaks for billionaires. you can see the frustration in the polls, too. the majority of americans believe that donald trump has ignored the number one issue they care about, inflation, rising costs. you can see the frustration online here last week i joined a zoom come over 3000 new yorkers got onto zoom ready to mobilize against republican attacks on medicaid. many of my colleagues had similar meetings with similar strong responses. people are ready, they are energized. we can also see it in the courts. the american people can rest assured that whenever the administration breaks the law, we will take them to court. it will be one of our best tools
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to protecting our country and putting a stop to the worst abuses of donald trump's agenda. and for the most part, the courts are rejecting much of what donald trump is trying to do. the more donald trump pushes our democracy to the limit, the more americans will push back. organizing is never easy, but it works. it works. that is what we will continue to do. we shall organize here in the congress, organize in the public square, organizing the court to protect the country we all know and love. nothing that donald trump says tomorrow will change that fact. host: and we will go to the phones now and start with and tone in berkeley, -- start with antone in berkeley, california. caller: i am not going to watch president trump this evening for these reasons. one, everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. two, he has salts women.
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three, he is a convicted felon on 34 counts, and now he is in bed with russia. as a child, i remember having to go under desks and my grade school because of russia's threat to attack the united states. i remember provisions in the basement because russia threatened to attack the united states. and i remember kneeling down in the hallway, ok, for air raid drills because russia attacked the united states. and every home had a bomb shelter built in it because of this. and now this president is in bed with mr. putin. so i do not even want to look at this man. i think he is thoroughly disgusting. and anybody who supports this man is just as sick and disgusting as he is. you have a great day. host: here is brian in pot topic
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-- in pawtucket, rhode island, republican. caller: good morning. the discussion is about donald trump, and a lot of people say they do not like donald trump, but i do not really think there is a problem with him. i have never met mr. trump personally, but i know he had a lot of involvement around here. me and my friend -- sorry, i have a bit of a cold -- we were talking about trump's policies and how a lot of people thought he was a bad guy and just because he is a felon, that indicated he is not capable to run the country. you have to keep in mind, all the protesters were harvesting a felon in 2013 -- host: kathleen in illinois, line for democrats. caller: good morning. no, i will not be watching trump set up there and make a complete fool out of the american people.
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first of all, he ran on getting rid of the illegal immigrants in which nobody in this world is illegal because we are all god's children. so he has not accomplished that. but he also ran over getting the price of eggs and milk down. that did not happen. and what did he say when he got in there, that he was going to get rid of americans and their jobs? how in the world can you be america first and you got a man taking the federal workers' jobs ? how could you do that? and you said you were president of all the people. that is impossible. now you got people around here -- homes. and all the stuff he is doing with elon musk. elon musk was not elected to anything. you said he don't care for immigrants, why do you have an emigrant running this country and you sitting there letting it
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happen? so what he says tonight will mean nothing to the american people. people are out here hurting because this man came in here and hurt the american people, not the immigrants. host: so, kathleen, you said you are not going to watch it. what do you think democratic lawmakers should do? should they boycott or attend? what do you think democratic lawmakers should do? caller: they should not even show up. because we know what he is going to say, nothing. he is going to stand up there and act like he is going to deal with america, what people wanted him to do. what america? somebody like you taking americans going out here everyday -- you're supposed to make jobs for people. host: here is democratic senator chris murphy on why he is not attending tonight's speech. [video clip] >> i think that state of the union speech is going to be a
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farce, i think it is going to be a maga pep rally, not a serious talk to the nation. i think donald trump is going to spew a series of lies about his alignment with russia, about what he is trying to do to allow elon musk to essentially monetize the american government to enrich muska and his billionaire crowd, and i am just not going to be a part of that. the case i am making with democrats is that we have to fight every single day. republicans flood the zone with lies, we flood the zone with truths. we have to stop this takeover of government. we have to stop the destruction of democracy, which they have to do because what they are attempting to do, get medicaid to feed tax cuts to elon musk and his billionaire friends. it is unpopular. we're going to stop that takeover, only by fighting them every single day. a lot of democrats maybe you should fight every third day,
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reserve your power and jump out of the bushes at the right moment. i just think we have to be on the offensive 24/7. host: this is bloomberg saying americans want trump to do more for the economy, according to two poles, which signaled that president donald trump risks putting off americans worried about the economy and inflation with a broad flurry of measures during his first weeks in office, while about 80% of adults surveyed said trump should home in on the economy and inflation, they said they believed his top priorities were the u.s.-mexico border, his effort to slim the federal workforce and tariffs. only 29% said trump was prioritizing inflation a lot, and 36% said the same about the economy. i wonder what you think about that. we will hear from kathy in colorado, independent. good morning. caller: good morning. no, i will not. i agree with the first lady.
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i agree with kathleen. no, it is just going to be stand up and tell a bunch of lies, just like he always does. so, no, i will not watch either. yes, i do think democrats should boycott it. why sit through that? why put yourself through misery to listen to all this bs from him? and another thing i would like to say, i tried to call, i believe it was friday, when you were asking about how to cut the budget down. one thing that could be done is trump could keep his butt at the white house and do his job instead of running to his golf courses, mar-a-lago, every few days, the super bowl, the indy car race. give me a break.
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let's talk about taxpayers' money going to nothing but a bunch of users. and that is exactly what he is doing. that is why he wants to be president. he wants to use people in this country, wants to use the government, just like elon musk, he wants to use the government to keep getting rich, to keep getting power. and i cannot believe that people cannot see through him. host: all right, kathy. jeff since this on facebook, i want to hear the ttho matter how bad it is. it will be refreshing after what i heard from the past administration. revitalizing. hee ire -- here is john in portland, connecticut, republican. caller: great question today. did we do this four years ago to president biden, the way democrats are rebelling against -- don't cut me off, i am watching your finger -- did we
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do this to president biden four years ago? host: hold on, you cannot watch me on tv because there is a delay. so don't look at the tv, just talk in the phone. we heard what you said about former president biden. go ahead. caller: did c-span do this to biden four years ago? did the republicans revolt against him the way the democrats want to do tonight to president trump? host: ok. caller: that is my question. host: what else you got? caller: ok, i saw chuck schumer first thing this morning. it is like you are talking like china just invaded us. we are all in this together with the president. let's try to get this country straight again. every time i listen to your program, you are not unfiltered,
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first of all, you're more biased than anything, every one of you. host: ok, thanks for the feedback. staying in connecticut, this is democrat josh, you are next. caller: hi, so -- host: and here is mike, norwalk, ohio, independent line. caller: my, my. boy, that last guy, perfect example of what we are dealing with here in america. of course i am going to watch trump. he has woken up my eyes and the last week on us getting ripped off by the government and bureaucracy, right there behind you, mimi. in perceivable how people cannot understand an open their eyes and see the fact of what is going on. it is theft, trillions of dollars that have been stolen from us, and people are more or
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less worried about trump. trump did not rip us off. your representatives ripped us off, democrats and republicans, now trump is going to try to fix this because it is such a mess, and it will take more than six weeks to fix the mess biden created in the four years. as far as him being out of office, wasn't biden out of office for 500-something days because they did not want us to see how incompetent he really was? wake up, people. host: mike, what do you want to hear tonight? caller: the exact truth. talk about zelenskyy. he went to see the democrats before the meeting with him, and they got him all riled up. next thing you know, he is backing out of a deal he already agreed to. come on, people, wake up. the problem is our own government. they are not out for us, they're out for themselves. thank you. host: speaking of ukraine, front page of the wall street journal,
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u.s. halts arms for ukraine in sharp turn away from ally. says that the u.s. will pause all military aid to kyiv until president trump determines that president zelenskyy of ukraine is making a good-faith effort toward peace negotiations with russia, according to the white house. this is joey in atlanta, republican. caller: yes, i just know that it is amazing how these democrats are so pathetic. it is amazing how they can call and spread their hate and lies. just amazing. i don't understand why they cannot put their hate to the side and give this president a chance. i mean, it is amazing how they are so angry, they hate this man for everything he has done, everything -- he could do anything that will make this country great and they will not give this guy a chance. they will not even give him a
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chance to prove himself. they are so full of hate. i just feel so sorry for these democrats. they're such hateful people. host: what are you going to be listening for tonight. i am assuming you will be watching. caller: i am proud of the president. i think he is doing great. host: what are the topics you will be listening for? caller: i tell you, the things alone on immigration, how immigration alone has been turned around. the democrats are saying and yelling that we have had a broken system. if it was so broken, why in less than a month the system has already been proven that it has worked? it is just that the democrats never wanted to have a secure border. it is just amazing how much waste and abuse has been going on in this country, and these politicians have been putting things under the rug and not addressing the issues. it is amazing how this guy in
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less than 30 days has done so much, so much you can see it and hear it, everybody is talking about it. he is a good man, not perfect, but he is a good man, and you can tell he loves this country. the democrats just twist everything he does and turn it around to make it look like he is trying to destroy america. how? why would anybody want to destroy -- if he is such an evil person, what would benefit him by destroying america and destroying the economy, destroying all the people? what would be the benefit for someone that they say he is so hateful, what benefit host: does he get? host:host: ok, joey. senator ron wyden on oregon says on x, for folks asking if i will attend trump's joint -- address to congress on tuesday, no. instead, i'm choosing to hear directly from oregonians and will be hosting an open to all town hall on facebook live. this is tim in rochester, new
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york, democrat. caller: good morning. i am going to watch it. he is president, you nope you'd he got voted in. it is called respect. republicans acting like democrats is all this, all that. we are americans first. divided we stand, divided we fall. so i am going to watch him. i have no problem. i have really been paying attention to politics since august -- i have not really been paying attention to politics since august because when they put kamala harris up, it was too much for me. they could have had two better candidates, republican or democrat. host: did you vote? caller: no, i couldn't, because the democrats did not have a primary and biden should have stepped out two years ago. it was crazy. i probably would have voted for
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another republican instead of trump. that is how the country is. host: you said you will be watching tonight? caller: yeah, i will watch some. i will watch basketball and go back and forth. i got no problem with trump, he is the president and it is called respect. people need to show up and show that man respect. have a great day. host: larry in gaetz county, north carolina, independent. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. the gentleman that just spoke, thank you. as an independent, i try and look at both sides. and right now, we have democrats that, unfortunately, are resisting everything that this administration wants to put forth. someone talked earlier about trump traveling here, there, and everywhere, but i can swear that
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former president biden was at a beach almost every weekend. so this tit-for-tat, i just cannot stand anymore. and i really wish -- well, after tonight's speech, which i will not be watching because i will be sleeping because i have got to work early, is going to be tomorrow's monday morning quarterbacks. all of the republican or conservative stations are going to say what a great speech, it was fantastic, it is so positive for the country. and then every liberal station, which outnumber the conservative stations at least three or four to one, will be saying it was the worst thing ever, oh my gosh, the end of the world is coming and we will never be able to do anything for the country, ahhhhh.
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well, the democrats, i wish they would get off the al sharpton scenario. thank you for your time. host: all right, larry. a reminder that our coverage starts at 8:00 p.m. tonight, and you can watch it on our website and on our app c-span now. you can go back and watch it later if you're going to be going to bed early and not able to watch the whole thing. jason in ohio, republican. good morning. jason, are you there? nope -- oh, go ahead. caller: do you know what i will be watching tonight? host: carrie in illinois, democrat. caller: yes, good morning. i am going to watch tonight because i will watch to see how much more he follows up the
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government because he is halloween the government out. we have a measles outbreak, ebola growing, and we got kennedy in charge of our health. so someone tell me, is he better than fauci who knew how to control aids and keep the country healthy? by the way, joe biden did not let elon musk come in and take everyone's personal information, social security numbers. what this president is doing is destroying this country. you can be red, you can be blue, but you going to be feeling the blues when you watch trump. and he is giving it to all of us, and it needs to stop. because donald trump is nothing but a crimer. he is grafting this country out of billions of dollars, and people cannot even see it. host: one of the callers was
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saying, why would he do that, he has nothing to gain. when you say he is a grifter, what does that mean to you? caller: because he is firing people who should not be fired. he is hollowing out the government. all he wants is the money and power. that is all he wants. if anybody believes that, come next month, let's see if everybody gets her social security, medicare, medicaid, because if you put those people out on the street and those people living in those retirement homes, that is where they are going to go. he has been drifting since he got in, has been grifting since he was born. his father gave him half $1 million, and he blew it. why would you treat your allies like that, and then this guy talks about he is going to take canada? he going to talk to the u.k. about that?
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that going to be next? the country better start coming together before it gets to an end. the man is a grifter. host: let's show president trump with reporters in the oval office yesterday about what he says it will take to restart talks with president zelenskyy. [video clip] >> i just think he should be more appreciative because this country has stuck with them through thick and thin, given the much more than europe and europe should have given more than us because it is right there, the border. this country really was like the fence of the border. it was very important to europe. i am not knocking europe, i am saying they were a lot smarter than joe biden because joe biden did not have a clue, gave money hand over fist. they should have been able to equalize with us, so where we gave a dollar, they should have given. were we gave free hundred $50 billion, they probably gave 100.
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and they get their money back because they do it in the form of a loan, a secured loan. i have known about that for a little while, and i said it is time for us to be smart. same time, it is great for them because they got us in the country taking the rarer, which is going to fuel this big engine, especially the engine that we have, in a very short time, created, and we get something and we are there, we have a presence there. with all of that being said, i want one thing to happen, i want all of those young people to stop being killed. they are being killed by the thousands every single week. last week 2700 were killed. 2700 young, in this case, just about all young boys from ukraine and from russia. and that is not young people from united states, but it is on a human basis. i want to see it stopped. host: that was the president yesterday. he did mention the amount that
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europe is giving. this is showing a chart of a percentage of total government support to ukraine. on this side is europe at 49.5%. the u.s. less at 42.7%. other countries at 7.8%. as is the government support is made up of financial, humanitarian, and military help. ricardo in philadelphia, independent line. host: hi, yes, i hear a lot of the republicans talking about, oh, what does trump want to get out of this, ohm he, -- oh, he is shrinking the government. he is shrinking the government so he can do tax cuts for the rich. he


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