tv Washington Journal 03052025 CSPAN March 5, 2025 7:00am-10:00am EST
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is back. [end video clip] host: this is the washington journal for march 5. president trump used his first joint address of congress in his second term to not only highlight his action since his inauguration but expressed future goals on the economy, government spending, foreign policy and other matters. he also took to task for a lack of support for his agenda. our program today focuses on your reaction to president trump's first address of his second term and the themes discussed. here's how to join the conversation, democrats, (202)-748-8000. republicans, (202)-748-8001. independent, (202)-748-8002. if you would like to text your thoughts, you can do that (202)-748-8003. you can also post on our social media, his and on at at --@cspanwj.
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a lengthy speech last night, here's the 30,000 foot view of the major themes of the spee, cusing on matters of the economy, saying mr. trum said the focus on how to do fleet -- defeat inflation will be on reducing the cost of energy and taxpayer savings through doge. reuters picked up the foreign policy aspects last night, saying mr. trump received that letter earlier in the day from the ukn president saying he was ready designing proposed critical minerals deal, and mr. trump said the mastermind of the 2021 bombing during the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan had been detained. the washington times focusing on the speech, discussion of topics ont comes to immigration, saying the president also took cred f "swift and unrelenting action on immigration," noting border crossings are down from last year. and the washington post focusing last night speech,geaction of
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representative al green got the night off with an auspicious by hollering at mr. trump and refusing to drop down. democrats also held up signs that said things like muska steals and falls in response to his claim -- and musk steals and false in response to his claims. you can make comments. (202)-748-8000, democrats. (202)-748-8001, republicans. independent, (202)-748-8002. text us at (202)-748-8003. and post on our social media sites. joining us through the course of the morning is our guest to give you highlights from last night speech. guest: you went through some of the speech themes.
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first, the length of the speech was the longest annual presidential address ever at this point at a few seconds under 100 minutes. let me show you the c-span chart to see a comparison of the length of previous presidential first addresses. this one by donald trump was 40 minutes longer than his first address to congress in 2017 back after 2016 election. this 100 minute address beat the previous record by bill clinton set in 2000, 88 minutes that bill clinton spoke that year. in terms of who is watching this address last night, it was a largely majority republican audience, this is a cbs news poll, 1200 americans polled, over half, 51%, were republicans. one in five of those who watched identified as democrats. about 27% identified as independents.
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in terms of what those heard last night, here is a data team, the most used words by donald trump over the course of that 100 minutes, you will see the most used words -- we are going to do this in the coming months, weeks and years. s and dollars with other top boards. trump mentioned dollars more than he mentioned tariffs in the borders. the hearst media team noted 15 countries were mentioned in trump's address to congress and the most mentioned was ukraine, which trump said seven times, followed by panama, panama canal, china, russia, mexico, and canada. and then there is one name donald trump kept coming back to last night, and it was joe biden , the political story noting joe biden was mentioned 16 times
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last night, calling that striking and unusual, the quote from their story, especially in the president's first address after the election when a president usually chooses to look forward rather than backwards. you will see in 2024, joe biden mentioned donald trump 14 times. that was in the year in which she was running against him for reelection. that chart there is from politico. and then one more note in terms of words that were spoken last night, the word military west side six times last night. as leo shane -- was saddled six times last night. as the ocean mentions, there was no mention of veterans or veteran issues in the speech. trump only said better and wants in reference to the man killed at his campaign rally over the summer. that is some of the speech by the numbers. we will get more into it throughout these three hours on washington journal today. host: and we will hear from you. john in san antonio, publican
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line, go ahead on the president's speech last night. caller: yeah, i think the speech was excellent, it was one of the most i think i ever heard. my question, has a member of congress ever been thrown out like that before? i don't think i've ever seen that. host: good question, we can try to find that out. frank, delaware, democrat. caller: i listened to it, and he said you can have free speech as long as you don't speak that about him. he threw that guy out, and, secondly, i did not hear him say anything about how he will lower medicine to help people. and nothing about medical. and he is talking about all the flaws with social security and so forth, he is a habitual liar, and i watched them for a while and i had to turn him off because he made me sick.
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he talks about it is supposed to be the american language, his wife cannot even speak american. host: good morning, go ahead. go ahead. caller: i was about 30 yards from trump when he was shot in pennsylvania. i think that speech was just wonderful. and one thing behind these democrats, why they are getting weird and strange is their ideas don't work. we tried their ideas for 50 something years. just throw money at a problem and take money from real people are people who have money or pay taxes, we will just throw it at the problem. it doesn't work. it is far more complicated. people have to have discipline, they have to be willing to get up in the morning and work, and
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they have to have this equity stuff. that is communism. host: specifically, how does that relate to the president's speech last night? caller: everything that he talks about it makes sense, it is logical, rational. we had to get away from the silly nonsense that people would hear the same old stuff. they're going to make changes and nothing ever changes. he's trying to make changes, he's trying to get things in a better situation. we cannot have this crazy debt, but i think it was a wonderful speech, very encouraging. i think people are afflicted. host: doug, south dakota, democrat. caller: good morning. even on how much ukraine lies
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were u.k. [indiscernible] and then there's the deal about social security, all these dead people drawing millions and i bet you these republicans are getting down and kissing trump's feet. you need kneepads in that state. in dusty johnson, why don't you come on one of these days and flap your jaw since you like to do a lot of talking. and mina you tell us why rc capitol building has the name spelled wrong on the state. host: on matters of social security, the marketplace website takes a look at claims about who was receiving social security and at what age. you can find it,
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only about 89,000 over 99 are receiving payments on the basis of their earnings, and there are only an estimated 108,000 centenarians living in the u.s., according to the u.s. nations data, while the oldest known human being live to the age of 122. the idea that millions of centenarians are still receiving benefits is "preposterous," said eric kingston, professor at syracuse university. saying, "this is a part of an attack on social security." they say social security has received records on millions of people but that does not mean they are actually receiving payments. that is from the former public trustee for social security and medicare who served as deputy director of president george w. bush is national economic council. they lack information about their death, just like we like information about people living
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along time ago. dan, kentucky, republican. go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call. i think it was an excellent speech. it is really trying to bring people together, but the democrats keep pushing back. they have not learned their lesson. it seemed like they would learn their election. they are so stubborn, and 43 days, he has quite a bit of conflicts. i tried to call couple of weeks ago, i would have given him an a and the only reason i would not give him an a+ is because it has only been 43 days, but i'm sure will be one by the end of his administration.
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namely that wildlife thing for that girl from houston, and the democrats are sitting over there would not stand up or clap. how disrespectful can they be? i wonder if they would cry a river if one of their children got killed or hurt or something, would they still sit there and not clap? host: austin, texas, independent, cindy. caller: hello. first female caller of the day and we are how long into the show? anyway, what i would like to say is trump is a blowhard. anybody who cannot see that, especially after his long-winded, winding speech is stupid. i have no interest in hearing what the orange, willy wonka oompa-loompa has to say. host: let's stick to the speech,
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what did you not like? caller: he cannot keep a coherent thought, and let me see say this, pedro, the democrats putting up a list as a rebuttal, she is a democrat, really? she went to two ivy league schools and such of the dollar on the world in different countries. that is really relatable to me. host: why does it disqualify her as a democrat responding to the president? caller: it disqualifies her speaking for the downtrodden. she has money. somebody pulled strings for her, how did she get into two ivy league schools and then into the national security system? somebody pulled strings for her. nobody pulled strings for most of us. host: let's hear from california, republican line, alice. caller: hello. host: go-ahead. caller: [laughter] yes. i like my president and i love
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my president. he's the best president. i'm a republican, so, you know -- host: what exactly of the speech did you like? caller: i liked every thing about the speech that he did he was very good. very, very, very good. i don't know why -- you know what? i think some of these democrats, they are so jealous. they are. they really are, pedro. they really, really are. they are jealous. they are just jealous of him. host: that is alice, california. phone lines are available. if you would like to post on social media, you can do that. if you like to text, you can do that, too. a caller asked about
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representative al green getting escorted out of chamber after disrupting the president during his speech and if it ever happened, this happened within minutes of the speech. here's that exchange from yesterday. pres. trump: we won the popular vote by big numbers and -- [yelling and shouting] [chanting "usa"] pres. trump: and won counties in our country, 2700 to 525. put a map that reads almost completely red for republican. [applause]
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now, for the first time in modern history, more americans believe our country is headed in the right direction than the wrong direction. in fact, it is an astonishing record. 27 point swing, the most ever. [applause] likewise, small business optimism, so single largest one-month gain ever recorded. a 41 point jump. >> members are directed to maintain decorum in the house and to cease any further disruptions. that is your warning.
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[shouting] >> member is continuing into quorum and the chair is prepared to request sergeant and arms to restore order to the session. [applause] mr. green, take your seat, sir. take your seat. members continue to engage in willful and disruption of decorum, the chair restores the circuit of arms to restore order. remove this gentleman from the chamber. [applause]
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>> members are directed to maintain and hold the corm the house. mr. president, continue -- hold the corpsman the house. mr. president, continue. [end video clip] host: you can see that on our app, website, and there is more to that, and here's john mcardle. guest: the new republic took a look at the history of the sort of thing happening, calling it unprecedented in the history of addresses. they write that congress members
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are usually not removed, even if they shouted at the president, although they noah green, who has already introduced articles of impeachment against trump, probably would not mind being the first. steve scalise told cnn that al green will obviously be considered for censure by the house of representatives, saying that "he knows what he did was a clear violation of house rules and it should not have happened, and it is going to be dealt with." al green spoke to reporters right after being removed from the chamber and said in part, "i will accept the punishment, but it is worth it to let people know that there are some of us who will stand up against this president's desire to cut medicaid, medicare, and social security." al green last night. we are likely to hear more from al green. in terms of other firsts in the speech last night, this is from the washington post, a list of words you never heard before in
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a presidential address. they go through quite a list from last night, including circumcision, pocahontas, openai, deepfake, volleyball, and doge, a few firsts for words used in a presidential address before congress. host: back to your calls, cynthia. go ahead. caller: hi. trump is a dictator. he proved it again last night. he is alienating us from mexico, canada, that is the biggest trading force in the world, the most powerful trading force which is hugely successful in working together. he is alienating us on both borders. and he reiterated in his speech,
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and the thing that is very dangerous about him, he is like hitler's. he can stand there and get to people and uses the same formula. he lies. truth and lies means nothing to him. if you listen to the follow-up on msnbc and some of the other outlets and listen to all the lies he told, he does not care if people call him out on it, like the amount of funding that ukraine has gotten from europe to the united states like they do not have to pay it back to europe, but they said it was unfair, that is a lie, but people don't hear it because it is like a high that people get from his charismatic use of
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language and his way of continuing these lies, and he keeps telling them over and over again. and why is it ok for the republicans in the audience to be out of order when they were shouting but not the democrats? host: rob, michigan, independent. caller: good morning. i'm an independent, and much of what donald trump is doing, he is doing badly. but i would like your perspective, the democrats have suffered a disconnect and resorted to calling people names when they cannot do it on the merit of argument, but last night, president trump introduced a gentleman who was a 27-year-old or 27 year worker of the steel industry and served as
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the captain of a volunteer fire department, raised seven children, and he and his wife have been foster parents to 40. he was recognized and got applause, but if you look at the democrat side, i'm wondering how to the democrats think that will enhance their image? maybe i missed something, could you add perspective? host: how would you answer your own question. caller: i would think they are digging a hole deeper. it did not matter what he would do if he found a cure for cancer , they would still reject any effort on his part, it is very are the highway. they will call him hitler or a liar because they cannot present a valid argument. they have lost touch with
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america. host: escorted on -- let's go to don, michigan, democrat. caller: good morning to the american people. that last caller blows my mind how everybody would like to attack democrats when the republicans were talking about biden and trump can do all kinds of things and it is ok, but when a democrat yells or screams about something and makes a high point about something, it is the democrats -- i don't know what is going on -- host: what was your reaction to last night speech? caller: same trump, lies, tell the people what they would like to hear, make up stories, and
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his base just eats it up. it is amazing. the stock market is in the tank right now, and these tariffs keep prices going up, not down. let's see how they will feel in six months when there social security or medicaid, or family member so use it are kicked off of it, then i would like to hear these republican calls. host: ralphs, virginia, republican. caller: good morning to you. i really enjoy your program. i watch it every morning. anyway, i think president trump did a wonderful job on his speech. he has a lot of compassion for people, and no matter what he does or what he says, you will never convert some of those democratic party people to listen to what is going on, even
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to a total of american people have let them know from this vote that president trump won the election with a landslide, and they call him hitler and all their stuff. it is unbelievable. host: if i may ask, what from last night speech was the most impressive to you? caller: the most impressing was that he is compassionate about the american people and loves this country, and he would like to do right, and those democrats ignored him and did not rise with the rest of the senate and members that have joined this party there tonight, and i just do not understand them, and god bless him. i know some came over to the republican side, and i know they are great democrats, but i cannot understand why they are ignoring him and fighting him all the way through this
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process. it is the most terrible thing i've ever seen in my life, yet, they can get up and say how bad he is, call him hitler and all this stuff. host: we will continue with your calls. if you are just joining us, you can see the entire address to congress on a variety of platforms we aired during the day on various networks. you can go to our app at c-span now, and the website is available at if you would like to see the themes from last night speech. as go to and more -- anwar, washington. caller: there is a cancer in this country, and it is spreading across the entire world, and it is a white supremacist, this man trump. and as for the speech, it was beginning to sound a lot like a
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type of a planned meeting. this wokeness he talked about in the military, they showed all these general sitting down and i wondered what that was for. a major ally he said was 38,000 americans died building the panama canal and they were going to take the panama canal back. i wonder where he gets his numbers from or where he even thinks that is possible. the only people who died building that were black jamaicans or black people from barbados. they were literally no americans, i would like all the white people listening to my voice, there were no americans in the panama canal, no americans died building the panama canal, and what about our students who are no longer able to protest. would you like to tell the students in college where they
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paid their money that they don't have a right to protest? isn't that against the first amendment? host: go ahead. caller: isn't that part of the first amendment that all the students who pay to go to school have a right to protest, isn't that in the first amendment free speech? now, this person who now says it is the goal for america -- gulf of america? host: the tariffs imposed on canada, mexico, and what he feels he gets from the placing of the tariffs, here is a portion from last night. [video clip] pres. trump: april 2, reciprocal tariffs kick in, and whatever they tariff us on their countries, we will tariff them, it is reciprocal, back and forth. whatever they tax us, we will
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tax them. if they do nonmonetary tariffs, to keep us out of the market, then we will do nonmonetary barriers to keep them out of our market. there is a lot of that, too, they don't even allow us in their market. we will take in trillions and trillions of dollars and create jobs if we have never seen before, i did it with china and others, and the biden administration cannot do anything about it because there was so much money. we have been ripped off for decades by every country on earth, and we will not let that happen any longer. much has been said over the last three months about mexico and canada, but we have very large
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deficits with all of them, and more importantly, they have allowed fentanyl to come into our country at levels never seen before, killing hundreds of thousands of our citizens and many, many young, dutiful people, destroying families, nobody has ever seen anything like it. we pay subsidies to canada, to mexico, hundreds of billions of dollars, and the united states will not be doing that any longer. we will not be doing that any longer. thank you to our america first policies you're putting into place, we have had $1.7 trillion of new investment in america the past few weeks. the combination of the election and our economic policies -- softbank, one of the most brilliant, announced a $200 billion investment, openai,
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announcing $500 billion investment, which they would not have done if kamala harris had won. apple announced $500 million investment, tim cook said i cannot spend it fast enough, it will be much higher than that. they will be building their plants here instead of in china. yesterday, taiwan semiconductor, most powerful in the world, has a tremendous amount, 97% of the market announced a $165 billion investment to build the most powerful chips on earth right here in the usa. host: fact checks from last night speech, they talked about the aspect when it comes to subsidies to canada and the president's claim we pay
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subsidies to canada, to mexico, for hundreds of billions of dollars, the post saying this is misleading, the trade in goods deficits with canada has consistently hovered between 50 billion and 70 billion per year, according to the census bureau, while the mexico good step as it was 172 billion in 2024, the deficits often are reduced by trade in services where the u.s. has advantage, but trade deficits are not subsidies so trump's obsession with trade deficits are misplaced. as of the facts you can look at from last night speech. we are also giving you more information about last night speech. john mcardle. guest: it is interesting after the speeches, whether it is the first speech after an election or a state of the union address to know where the president goes in the days after he gives his address, there's nothing on the official white house schedule today except 1:00 p.m. press briefing with carolyn lovett, so we will keep watching that. president trump is up and down his truth social media page.
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this was his post a few minutes ago, citing the cbs you go pole on views of his speech last night, saying 76% of those watchers approved of his speech last night and 23% disapproved. although you will note, as we talked about earlier, when it comes to who watch the speech last night, 50 1% who watch the republicans, 20% were democrats, so no surprise on the numbers of approve, disapprove. in terms of where folks are going in the trump administration are going today, jd vance is heading to eagle pass, texas, to visit the border , a very big issue last night, and then we saw elon musk at that address last night there in the house of representatives. today he will be back in the house of representatives, meeting with house republicans to talk about doge.
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that is set to take place at 7:00 p.m. eastern today. here's the quote from speaker mike johnson, according to the hill, about the gathering set to take place. he's going to give an update, answer questions, the closer we coordinate, the more we are in a position to codify the savings that he's finding. that is what the meeting is about. the hill with the reporting today, there probably will be more when elon musk is back on capitol hill. host: as john told you, the press briefing expected to take place later today. c-span has an opportunity to ask questions, so we will turn the microphone over to you, so to speak, and if you have a question we should ask, you can send it to us. here is how you can do so if you would like to included, whque when you do that, include your name, city and state.
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jerry, north carolina, democrat. caller: good morning. i watched the speech last night, for him to be loyal to him and not oil to the constitution, he has no compassion for the american citizen. he is downtrodden. and he's talking about the debt, it has been going up ever since he's been there. more and more as i watch the stock market. he's talking about money, money, money and how it comes in, but most of the time when the democrats come come out like
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when joe biden was a member for the left, they were getting more stable. and now there's more corruption in america. and when johnson was in there and obama made his speech, he said he was a lawyer. host: ok. robert in maine, republican line. caller: good morning. i thought his speech was excellent. it was historic. and i would like to focus on the doge aspect of it. i was surprised about the stat he said heavily 21% of the audience, the viewing audience was democrat. i would like you to queue up the
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portion where he goes through all of the usaid and other fraud that has been inflicted on us over the last no matter how many years, so the democrats can hear the type of things are money was going to. host: mel, jamestown, hello. caller: i almost turned his speech often i saw the decorum of the situation. however, i stayed with it, and i appreciated what president had to say. i'm so grateful that he is an is easy mandate, withdrawing from the world health organization, the paris prime -- is climate accord, the restoration of security at the border. it is a tremendous list of things that have already been done, like ending d.e.i. from
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the federal government, ending coastal marxism and the nation, and proclaiming that there are only two genders. i so appreciated him restoring common sense and simply restoring sanity. pedro, how can trump be this puppet of protein when he brought back -- putin when he brought back mark vogel. where was joe biden those years? i appreciate what trump has been doing, in getting investment back into our country, not through taxing us, who worked, but to companies who would like to do business in america. it was tremendous, unlike the previous caller said about doge, this was a great list, the one that took it for me was that $8 million for transgender surgeries for mice.
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i'm wondering, was the president correct in saying that europe is spending more money buying oil from russia and defending ukraine? host: several comments from the president last night concerning doge and his efforts. you can see the speech from start to finish on various platforms when it comes to the actions of doge, here's the president from last night. [video clip] pres. trump: this is just the beginning, the government and accountability office has estimated annual fraud of over $500 billion in our nation and we are going to stop it, we are identifying shocking levels of incompetence and probable fraud in the social security program for our seniors, and people that
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we love rely on. believe it or not, government databases list 4.7 million social security members for people aged 100 to 109 years old. it lists 3.6 million people from ages 110 to 119. i know there are some people who are rather elderly but not that elderly. 3.4 7 million people from ages 120 to 129. 3.9 million people from ages 130 to 139. 3.5 million people from ages 140 to 149. and money is being paid to many
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of them. and we are searching right now. good luck. you are going to find it, but a lot of money is paid out to people because it just keeps getting paid and paid, and it really hurts social security and our country, 1.3 million people from ages 150 to 159 andover hundred 30,000 people, according to the social security databases are aged over 160 years old. we have a healthier country than i thought, bobby. [laughter] [applause]
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including to finish, 1000 3000 people watching 220 200 29, 1 person between 240 and 249, and one person is listed at 360 years of age, more than 100 years, more than 100 years older than our country. we are going to find out where that money is going, and it is not going to be pretty, by slashing all the fraud, waste and theft we can find, we will loosely -- we will defeat inflation, protect seniors, and put more money in the pockets of american families. [end video clip] host: just a portion from last night speech, rachel, florida, the public in reacting to last night's joint address of congress.
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hello. caller: yes, hello. it is unbelievable how disrespectful the democrats are to trump. he's only been two months in right away they have to put up a big act, similar to what pelosi did by tearing down the speech before. and i cannot believe, i just cannot believe their behavior. and these are some of the things he's trying to do, try and stop war, stop the killing of our most vulnerable, children and women, from the illegals. he is allowing women to participate free from harm and injury in sports, and trying to improve the health of our population. yet, he is an evil man, he should not be treated the way he was yesterday, and anyone who voted for democrats is inclusive
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in this behavior. it is just pure evil. the man is trying to do things for us and look at what people are doing to him. host: rachel from florida, calling in on the various lines. we will do that for the course of our time together this morning, with stops along the way from last night speech. dr. john mcardle. guest: it's interest -- back to john mcardle. guest: it's interesting to see how these addresses play around the political media, so let me start with newspapers trade this is an washington, d.c., this is the washington post. the headline -- trump touts rep to rowdy crowd, acrimonious speech. this is the pittsburgh post-gazette, pressing forward, the president promises to keep up swift and unrelenting action. we will go to president trump's hometown of new york, trump
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touts success and rousing speech to congress and says the best is yet to come. newborn in the usa is the new york post headline. the other paper there in new york, the daily news, tariffs, job cuts, trump boasts, and then in the online political news, this is the huffington post on the left, gloat blow is what they went -- gloat bloat is what they went with. the president plays with fire. and right, breitbart, here is their series of headlines from last night, the renewal of the american dream, trump fight, fight, fights for our country, torch's dams for waste and abuse, epic doge list of fraud. that is how it is playing out in media across the country. host: eez, michigan, democrat.
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-- eva, michigan, democrat. caller: good morning. my two favorite moderators. let me say this. i actually was watching last night. there was no way i was going to sit there and give this buffoon, this speech he gave, he was preaching to the choir, and the republicans talking about they were listening, yeah, they are listening because you been listening for the last eight years or whatever when he was there before, and then they stopped him and then he came back in again. no. this man, here's going to get our a kicks with these tariffs because the neighboring countries like canada, they are not going to take this laying down talking about he's going to put a tariff on them.
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he needs to relieve -- really, i don't understand what we are having here with this man, and what love affair there are having with him. and he's talking about decorum in the speech last night, what about marjorie taylor greene? and i will say this again and i've said it before, donald trump has something going on with putin. everybody knows you would like to be a dictator just like his idol putin. with that being said, democrats was not watching this buffoonery going on. host: douglas, new hampshire, independent. caller: i think it is great we finally have a president who loves this country. overall, we have optimism back again, what he said yesterday
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was a lot of positive stuff. overall, it was a great speech, i think. host: exactly what did he say that had most of an impression with you, what made a positive and great speech? caller: he talked about doge clearing up the fraud, equalizing the trade. a lot of people say they don't like the tariffs we are putting out, but those people probably would say they don't like the canadian or mexican tariffs on us. a year from now, i think the economy will be a lot better off. host: we will hear next from william, ohio, democrat. caller: yes, pedro. and john. and this is an old knocking on a 90-year-old hillbilly. i grew up back in the 1930's and
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1940's. i know what it is and i know what is coming with his maga --make america go away. and his doge --department of government elimination. he put us in $8 trillion in debt to his previous four years, so how can we stand another? he has an unlimited debt limit, our great grandkids will not serve a china men's chance and you know where to survive. luckily, when i was growing up, we could grow our stuff, but, no, we can't. we would grow it and put it in the ground and pick it up as we needed it. we would break a chicken's neck to have meat. and then the fall we would butcher a hog, but we cannot do that now. and that idiot, every time his lips move, i get diarrhea.
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host: russell, louisiana, republican. caller: it is hard for me to understand that some people call them subs americans but they don't want to do right by their own grandchildren. my sister and i go back and forth, she's a democrat and, republican, and she told me the other day, don't you realize our mother and father were lifelong democrats. and i said, yeah, but they also knew right from wrong. host: how does that relate to last night? caller: it relates because he's about america. how can this man doing all these good things and the democrats don't even see one shining part? i think the democrats are willing to distort our country
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for the fear and hate of one man, and that is donald j. trump. it amazes me how childish they are. they are not american, they are traitors. i'm 59 years old, what i have seen america come to, i'm not as proud to be american. my father fought in korea, and i learned to love our mayor -- our military and right from wrong and we should punish criminals. we don't do that today in america, we just slide right over to the border and hurt our own families. i'm all about keeping them out of sports. i don't understand, do any of these democrats in congress have daughters that play sports or daughters that play sports? how would they feel if the she
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was on the other foot? obviously, they don't know right from wrong. i'm blessed and have been raised by the parents i have because they knew right from wrong. host: je nae, washington, d.c., independent. caller: good morning, pedro. i would like to comment a couple of things on the speech last night, let's not forget january 6, let's not forget donald trump hard and a lot of the people who committed crimes on capitol hill. it's not forget these people are out, running around, and he talks about crime only for one side of the country, only for those who do not vote for him, only those who are not supporting him. also, doge as unelected by the people, elon musk paid $225
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million to the campaign of donald trump. i just wonder if george soros was running next to joe biden what that would look like and what people would be saying because that is what they have been saying, but we have an official man who i think he is an immigrant, he is technically not an american city, and he is a polygamist. and he has everything that is so wrong about being married and having children, and he is idolized by these republicans. moreover, a lot of the numbers he's viewed up last night our hyperbole. they are not vetted and have not been verified. a lot of the fraud, there are no receipts for it. he talked about fraud elections, stopped the spiel, and the brainwashing of fake news, and that has been the mantra of this party, that they can rebrand or
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brand anything and it goes. this is the ignorance of the country that voted for trump. he is a con man, a convicted felon, 34 felonies, and he paid his way through that. i just don't see what is so wonderful about what we will see the next four years. host: let's hear from stephen, virginia, republican. caller: how is it going? the last woman responding, i'm just laughing. it is ridiculous. last night, trump, it was better than i thought it was going to be. i am very ashamed of the democrats. i never paid attention to politics until he came down on the escalator. host: how does this relate to
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the speech last night specifically? caller: the speech last night, no, he did great. democrats sacked on their -- they did not do nothing, they do not applaud. i'm so disgusted with where we are going. really, come on. can we all just get together? trump is not that bad. when he was on the bus and they recorded him talking about what i would do with a woman -- you know what, that is locker room talk. guys do it all the time. host: got the point. your comments for the course of almost two hours plus, (202)-748-8000, democrats. (202)-748-8001, republicans. independents, (202)-748-8002.
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our program is dedicated to the president's joint address to congress last night. we will show you portions of that during our time together. we will hear from you and get information from last night speech, as well. joining us with the responsibility is john mcardle. guest: i would like to go back to some of the disruptions in the chamber last night, the disruptions are starting to become as common as these early presidential addresses. here's the headline from axios, trump speech repeatedly rocked by democratic disruptions. al green was the poster child for that, the democrat from texas being escorted out, questions today about whether he will be censured by the house of representatives. there is also this chart from usa today, and it looks at lawmakers objecting, obstructing during the state of the union. it was pretty rare the past couple of decades, once in the 1970's back in 1975, once in the
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1990's, couple of times in the 2000's, and then 2010's and 2020's, these disruptions are becoming more and more common. it happened last night before president trump began speaking as he made that usual walk down the aisle and was being greeted by members of congress. c-span viewers and those who watch the procession saw valenti stansberry holding that sign saying -- melanie stansberry holding that sign saying "this is not normal." the democrat from new mexico was on his left, a member of the doge subcommittee in the house, and she was holding that sign. xes then goes through what happens next as she was holding that sign, it was congressman lance goodman, the republican from texas, who reached across the aisle, grabbed her sign,
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yanked it out of her hand and threw it up into the air. and melanie stansbury took to twitter, and when he got a lot of attention, said hi, that's me. we will not be silent. join me in the fight, with a link to her fundraising page for her congressional campaign. the republican who yanked the sign out of her hand also was tweeting last night about the incident -- putting the american people first is normal. no one will disrespect president in front of me. he went on to tweet, it's not normal for men to play in women's sports, it's not normal for children to have gender surgery. it is not normal for tax dollars to fund trans mice. what today's democratic party stands for is not normal, speaking directly to the congresswoman melanie stansbury. host: one of those democrats also responding to the president's speech last night chosen by the democratic party
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to give the official response, democratic senator from michigan elissa slotkin giving the democratic response. michigan advance the publication highlights it this way, u.s. senator elissa slotkin engages in -- urges engagement, not doom scrolling. you can see the full speech from the senator on our various platforms. here is a portion from yesterday. [video clip] sen. scott: can our aspiration has been the very aspiration of the world. right now it's at risk. when the president decides which rules you can pick and choose to follow. when he ignores court orders and the constitution itself or when elected leaders stand by and just let it happen. but it is also at risk when the president puts americans against each other, when he demonizes those who are different and tells certain people they shouldn't be included. because america is not just a patch of land between two
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oceans. we are more than that. generations have fought and died to secure the fundamental rights that define us. those rights and the fight for them make us who we are.. we are a nation of strivers, risktakers, innovators, and we are never satisfied. that is america's superpower. and look, i have lived and worked in many countries. i have seen democracies flicker out. i have seen what life is like when a government is rigged. you cannot open a business without paying off a corrupt official, cannot criticize the guys in charge without getting a knock at the door in the middle of the night. as much as we need to make our government responsive to our needs today, don't for one moment fool yourself that democracy isn't precious and worth saving. but how to we actually do that? i know a lot of you have been asking that question. first, don't tune out. it's easy to be exhausted but american needs you now more than ever.
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if previous generations have not fought for this democracy, where would we be today? second, hold your elected officials, including me, accountable. watch how they are voting. go to town halls and demand they take action. that is as american as apple pie. third, organize. one issue you are passionate about and engage. doom scrolling does not count. join a group that cares about your issue and act. if you cannot find one, start one. some of the most important movements in our history have come from the bottom up. in closing, we all know that our country is going through something right now. we are not sure what the next day will hold alone the next decade. host: starting off our second hour of cause, helen in north carolina. democrats line. good morning. caller: good morning. i didn't hear president trump speak about medicaid, medicare, food security, affordable
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housing, social security. in other words, what is really best for the american people. elon musk and president trump, they are criminals destroying america. host: this is mary in indianapolis on our independent line. caller: good morning. thank you for having me on this morning. i sat here for the last two hours listening to everyone's opinions which i value, but three things came out that speech last night that i would like to voice my opinion on. one, just the beginning, president trump coming in and seeing both sides acting not very engaged for the u.s. citizen. that is one. two, i am a mother, and i am
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appalled when he said that a human being was taken, they life was taken, not one democrat stood up to that mother as she was grieving for her daughter. that is a disgrace. two, when our prisoner is brought home, not one democrat stood up and applauded for that man being brought back to the homeland. three, again, appalled. a little boy with brain cancer. he is acknowledged, and not one democrat stood up to acknowledge that young man. i don't know what the democrat'' policies are anymore, i don't know what they are fighting anymore, but between the speech and these people are supposed to represent us in the united states, they all need to go. host: that is mary in indianapolis. ray in tennessee. republican line. caller: good morning.
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yes, i have one major thing to get to the american people. those democrats that sat on their hands and didn't engage our marxist -- are marxist. they have been in this country since the early 1900s, they have been in our higher education. they have tried to brainwash our young people, and that is an example of it right there. now, the reason i can say that is because i have seen it creeps in and they want one world government, and we are the united states of america. and they talk about the social security and medicare, medicaid.
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i don't understand. if people are in that and taking money that is not theirs, belongs to the system, how in the world can you be against that? then when you can sit on your hands when people's rights, life is at risk by people coming into this country and taking over, something is wrong with you people. host: renee is next. pennsylvania. democrats line. caller: yes, hi. it bothers me, all of these people, american people. i am a democrat but i don't hate republicans. i disagree at times. all these people losing their jobs, republicans feel good about that, they feel that is
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fine? no one took time to really go through these departments and find out what is what and what can be eliminated. the way that it is being done is disgusting. host: how does that relate to the speech last night specifically since we are talking about that today? caller: i am just saying there were people there who lost their jobs, sitting there along with the democrats. but i'm going to speak about one thing that he did speak about last night. social security. yes, there may be some people that are over the age of whatever, 100, a couple of them that i know. for me to believe that you can have millions of people that are
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150, 120 -- my great grandparents, that is their age group. if they were alive, they were born in the early 1870's, and the family members that cared for them are long gone. i was a small child when they passed. one was 99, 1 was 97. the people that cared for them that had the paperwork, long gone. some of these people never received or applied for social security. i don't even know when social security began, which exact year, but it cannot be millions of people between 100 and 200 or whatever our own social security. unless they are people outside the country, hacking in and setting it up. host: rhonda in california,
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independent line. hi. caller: good morning, pedro, john. this is rhonda in california. yes, i watched the speech, the whole speech. it made me proud to be an independent for many years. i grew up in a democratic household. every member of my family is a democrat, but yesterday, it made me proud watching the speech to be an independent. the democrats, i'm so ashamed of that side of the aisle, like everyone else who voice to the part they couldn't stand up for the people there who were getting recognition for their dead children, that gentleman who came back after being imprisoned in another country. pedro, john, also, you know that leaders of the world watched the speech last night and they saw the dissension between the democrats and republicans, and that doesn't make us look good. my last point that i want to make to both of you is this. i wanted to hear more about the
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domestic problems we are having. $11 for a carton of eggs when i went to walmart yesterday. i want to hear how come i'm paying now seven dollars to fill up my car. i want to know law here in california we have thousands and thousands of homeless still living under the freeways. the one thing that from made me proud of, when he said this, he mentioned us law enforcement people. i'm a retired probation officer. i am 65 years old, i collect social security, but i was happy when i heard him talk about us because we need help. the crime in california, pedro, john, is horrible. host: that is rhonda in sacramento, california. the editors at the modesto bee in california have this reaction from the speech. you can find it online. mr. trump and his team aren't real risk of a pattern that the
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fill president biden, paying too much attention to the niche political issues that his most fervent, most online base cares about and not the big picture concerns of the vast majority of voters who don't live full time on social media. for the former president, it looked like administration with its head in the sand on inflation led by an increasingly feeble, aging chick executive devoted to unpopular language wars and race and gender. potentially reckless action by elon musk and doge, conspiracy theories about jeffrey ein and overhauling the fbi, not concrete steps to reducerices or help americans find annable -- affordable house to buy. that is the modesto bee. the pages of the new york post, their editorial on last night speech in part reads, new presidents to such joint addresses in an official state of the union speech but this is none of the try list taking off trivia affairs even though the president didn't shy from telling details to make a point. elicit promises made and
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promises kept with more promise keeping well in a motion. he joked and inspired and baited the opposition and spoke to the country and owned the room. it was one speech on one night still early in his term but donald trump did his cause and the nation as much as good, insuring america that for all the sound and fury, for many, the confusion of the early going he is in total command and has americans dreaming. you can find both of those online if you want to read more for yourself. john in ohio. democrats line. you are next we go ahead. caller: good morning, pedro. i'm a lifelong democrat. i could not be more ashamed of my party than i was last night. it is something, just something that they would act that way. the great martin luther king and john fitzgerald kennedy must be rolling in their graves at this
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time. i think my party has turned treasonous against this country. and they threw women clear under the bus three days ago i think it was, voting against women in sports, that they have to compete with men, whether they are faking it or real, i think is atrocious. the disrespect of my party. i am saddened. i think we are heading for an absolute revolution in this country to save this country. host: rhonda in georgia, independent line. caller: hello. host: you are on, go ahead. caller: how are you? good morning, pedro. blessings to you, blessings to the nation and the whole world. i am calling in because there
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are some things i wanted to say. i'm a first time caller. there are some things i wanted to say, addressing. i wanted to let everyone know that this is a platform for everyone, everyone to call in and address your opinions, because it is needed. i have appreciated the bad and good from whatever you represent. now, when it is based on what the president addressed the other day, i will say this. i am not going to give a strong opinion on that. i am going to let it play out, give it to god, let god work it out. what i will say to you all, nothing is a fact until we prove it. if you cannot prove what you are saying, it is not so much addressing about how you say
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what you know, but how you prove, and you can look it up. host: that is rhonda in georgia. thank you for calling in. participating in this platform where you can give your opinions, particularly today when it comes to the president's address last night. democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001, independent, (202) 748-8002. john mcardle. guest: on hot microphones, this is the headline from the examiner. mike johnson caught on a hot mic with jd vance ripping president biden ahead of the trump speech. it was after jd vance entered the chamber when that hot mic moment happened. the moment happening, jd vance saying i think the speech will be great but i don't know how
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you do this for 90 minutes, to which house speaker and mike johnson said the hardest thing was doing it in front of biden when the speech was a stupid campaign speech. that was caught before mike johnson then folded the microphone down, returned to the conversation. a couple callers have brought this up already, social security fraud. i just want to point to, who took up the topic last night in the wake of donald trump mentioning it in the speech. they noted that donald trump talked about money being paid to many of those who are over 100 still alive. they say and we have written internal audits by the office of audit in the social security administration's office of the inspector general have identify that millions of deceased individuals were still listed as living in the social security database. however, the number of debt recipients still being sent the
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benefits is likely in the millions. in total, the social security administration distributed payments to 89,000 individuals aged 89 and older in december of 2024. july 2023 report published by the office of audit found there were 18.9 million people with social security numbers born in 1920 or earlier with no record of their debt. the vast majority of their records are clearly outdated. the pew research service estimated that there were only about 101,000 americans who were 100 and older in 2024. one of the fact-checks from if you want to follow up on that. host: let's go to steve in new york, republican line. go ahead. caller: good morning, pedro. give me a minute. i want to talk about the speech last night. it was full of lies. i'm a republican but i'm
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anti-maga. the democrats are playing p ong, while the republicans are playing 2k. they have an ambassador pushing pure lies. there are not people on social security 300 years old. if fraud is a crime and doge has found fraud, how come no one has been arrested, no one has been called on, who is under investigation for committing crimes? also, since 2003, elon musk has received $38 billion of american taxpayer money. host: how does that all relate to last night? caller: last night was a speech that was full of lies. how can you say you are here to protect americans, save them money, when elon musk, you cannot name an american who has
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personally received more money from the american taxpayer. if you want to save money, start cutting their. if fraud is a crime, wouldn't pam bondi be out investigating? there are no names, just numbers being thrown out. there is no truth being thrown out. once again, republicans have a brand ambassador, donald trump. anybody from new york city remembers crazy eddie, practically giving it all away. host: christine in pennsylvania. democrats line. caller: hello, this is christine adams. i am calling because i was lied to and i've been stolen from. americans are deeply hurt. the lies, they have been fact checking with the lies. i appreciate the gentleman before me who is a true republican. our social security information has been stolen.
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we are told, don't expect to get your social security on time now, that is what i read. host: and how does it relate to last night? caller: i waited for the clips. i was on the internet. host: what was your impression about how you gathered information about the speech? caller: i was disappointed. i did turn it on to see the democratic speech. she did a lovely job, good job of pointing out the issues, the fact that our democracy is on the line. this is fascism. what would putin do? that's what i've been saying for nine years now. this fiasco in the oval office, oh my gosh. host: that is christine in pennsylvania. britain and alexandria, virginia
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on last night speech. independent line. go ahead. caller: thank you for having me. i just want to echo what steve from new york said. i'm an independent come originally from jersey. we have known that trump is a liar and grifter for a long time. he is right about doge, and that is what i wanted to call about, trump and his speech identified elon musk as running doge. i know a lot of the lawsuits have been recently updated to reflect that. elon musk has not been elected, not confirmed by congress. the website on doge are making false statements about savings. i encourage everyone to look at the website, look at it one day and then the next day when they have taken down the falsehoods and not said anything. there are people who are paying into social security that will never see benefits. those are the immigrants being rounded up. where is that money going? with concerns about things like
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laken riley, democrats not standing, democrats not cheering for a person being returned. i am sure they are happy about it, but giving an audience to a tyrant who identified himself as king above the law is not something i want to see from democrats. i'm happy they are trying to hold a lot about the illegal behavior. once the illegal behavior of musk and truck stops, that we can talk about solving the american people's issues. right now there is fascism, as the color before said. as steve from new york said, these are lies. i am against maga republicanism. i would love small r to come back. i look forward to the fact checking. host: republican line in kentucky. this is bill. bill in kentucky, hello, good morning. go ahead, please. caller: what i would like to say about last night, i am 73 years old. he is the best president i can
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remember in my lifetime. and i have people that is democrats, and they are asleep like a lot of those people that i saw last night sitting in that middle row, asleep. they don't even know what is going on. i can understand why a man would vote for policies and uphold gayism and all of that stuff. my bible doesn't teach me all of that stuff. a bunch of people's tails will be busted wide open. host: democrats line. pamela in maryland. you are next. caller: hi, pedro. republicans have very short memories. they never stood up for president obama or president biden when they spoke. now, all of a sudden, it is disgraceful. it is kind of funny how hypocritical that is. just wanted to say that. host: sean up next in baltimore. independent line.
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caller: good day to you. i enjoy the speech last night. i don't agree with everything he said last night but i think trump is on point with a lot of stuff. in my opinion, all these people interrupting on both sides, it needs to stop. overall, i appreciate what trump did. all of these people calling him a fascist, i don't know what dimension they are from. biden and obama, the stuff they did, it was just unreal, communism, socialism. al green, that clownish behavior, that was unheard of. i tell you what. these democrats better get it together because the stuff they are doing, the way they acted last night, it is going to allow
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the republicans to run washington for the next 20 years. they are going to vote against the bill to keep biological men out of women's sports. unbelievable. all the other stuff they are doing. what doge is doing, getting rid of all of this waste. the last few, talking about unelected officials. did they forget about fauci? he was not elected and look at all the mess he started. host: shown in baltimore giving us his thoughts on the president's speech, mentioning some of those disruptions, specifically al green, democrat from texas. we showed you the portion where he was let out of the chamber. once he got to the hallway, he was interviewed by reporters about the experience and what he did it. let's hear from steve in massachusetts. republican line. stephen massachusetts, hi.
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one more time for steve. marilyn in illinois. democrats line. caller: good morning. i am recovering from covid, so you have to be a little bit patient with me talking, ok? i am very proud of the democrats for sitting on their hands. why would you clap for anything that was said in that speech? i don't know about the rest of the americans, the united states, because i tried to get medication. i am 81, on social security and medicare, and i tried to get a prescription and they wanted to charge me $500 to save my life.
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that is a third of my social security check that i live on. so i ask you, america, united states of america, what good is he doing for you now this minute? what has he done for you? my neighbors, the people in my state, tell me, the farmers, tell me how you are doing, then listen to the speech again. only the rich are getting richer. host: marilyn in illinois again talking about the aspects of yesterday, disruptions, al green in the hallways of congress after being let out of the chamber. here are some of his response. [video clip] >> what were you shouting to the president? >> the president said he had a
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mandate. i was making it clear to the president has no mandate to cut medicaid. i have people who are very fearful, these are poor people and they have only medicaid in their lives when it comes to their health care. i want him to know that his budget calls for deep cuts in medicaid. he needs to save medicaid to protect it. we need to raise the cat on social security. a possibility that it will be hurt. we have to protect medicare. these are the safety net programs that people in my congressional district depend on . and this president seems to care less about them, and more about the number of people he can remove from the various programs that have been so helpful to so many people. it is the best way to get it across to a person who uses his incivility against our civility. he is a person who has
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consistently used incivility against civility. >> is that what you said? sen. green: i am willing to suffer any punishment for me. i will suffer the punishment. it is worth it to let people know that there are some of us who will stand up against this president's desire to cut medicaid, medicare, and social security. >> were you saying that he has no mandate? sen. green: he has no mandate to cut medicaid, none. i don't know. whatever the punishment is, i am not fighting the punishment. this is about the people being punished by virtue of losing their health care. this is the richest country in the world, and we have people that don't have good health care. we have to do better. and that we are about to cut medicaid which is for poor people. health care has become wealthcare for a lot of people. >> is that the only thing you
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are protesting? sen. green: i am protesting other things and i'm also working on my articles of impeachment. this president is unfit, should not be holding office. 34 felony convictions, two times impeached. >> what were you shouting? sen. green: he has no mandate to cut medicaid. host: just to clarify, representative al green being let out of the chamber yesterday talking to reporters about why he did what he did yesterday. you can see all of that on our website, platform, app, if you want to watch the whole speech. we will show your reactions to it. (202) 748-8000, democrats. (202) 748-8001, republicans. independent, (202) 748-8002. joel in illinois, independent line. you are next. caller: thanks for having me on the show. as an independent, i didn't weep
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whenever joe biden was elected. i thought he was an elder statesman, was in washington forever, let's see what he has. but i think we have to conclude, at the end of his election, this country is not better off than it was four years prior. you know, the democratic party -- host: before you go too far, how does this relate to last night specifically? caller: the democratic party reminds me of kind of spoiled children who didn't get their way, without outburst from representative crane, that was not the forum to do that. he didn't give president biden time to go into his speech. maybe he would have addressed that. they don't have the speed before them prior to its delivery.
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anyways. that was not really the place for representative crane to -- green to voice his opinion like that. hakeem jeffries, from what i understand, told the democratic party, just sit there and be polite. the democrats didn't even clap for that poor child that got his, wanted to be a police officer. i think that is a little bit childish. there are things that we can all agree with. diversity, equity, inclusion, all great ideas. but they take it to the umpteenth degree. it is ridiculous. what president trump said last night about telling a child they are perfect just the way they are. he scored a lot of points with people. i think he just went back to the
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roots. that is what i heard growing up, and i am 60. host: joel in illinois. keep calling. if you are on the lines, hold for a few minutes. part of the purpose of today is to give you information, background, things that happened during the course of the speech for you to put it in context. john mcardle has been doing that yeoman work. guest: some information on today. the house is set to come in at 10:00 eastern, the senate will come in at 10:00 eastern. you can watch that on c-span1 and c-span2 respectively. on c-span3, 10:00, confirmation for the next director of the national institutes of health. there is a hearing on on sanctuary city policies happening at 10:00. a lot going on today on the c-span networks and on capitol hill, of course, in the wake of a very late night last night. you had to stay up pretty late
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because it was the longest first presidential address in history at just under 100 minutes last night, which meant members of congress who wanted to talk to the media afterwards had to stay up pretty late. here is a few of the leadership posts and media interviews last night after the speech, including speaker mike johnson. he tweeted just before 1:00 a.m. last night, president trump speech was in a speech for the mainstream media, it was a speech for the american people. saying the way that democrats behave was unserious and embarrassing. senate majority leader john thune saying the american people gave the president a decisive mandate in november to secure the border, unleash american energy, and rebuild our military. senate republicans have wasted no time in getting to implement that agenda. he will be the first to speak in the senate today when the senate opens at 10:00 a.m. following him will be chuck
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schumer, minority leader in the senate. this is what he had to say just before midnight last night. the night, president trump riled up broken promise after a broken promise and lie after lie. there was more truth in 10 minutes of senator elissa slotkin's rebuttal than two hours of donald trump's long with the diatribe. of course, she gave the response after donald trump's speech. elissa slotkin was the subject of a street from elon musk, saying elissa slotkin, is anyone in america are comfortable with elon musk and his gang of 20-year-olds using their computer servers to poke through your tax returns and your health information? elon musk saying, doge is exactly what i voted for. elon musk on x last night. host: one of the things that happen, the previous caller referred to, dj, young boy, a fan a law enforcement getting
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with brain cancer. the doctors gave him five months at most to live. that was more than six years ago. [applause] since that time, dj and his dad have been on a quest to make his dream come true. dj has been sworn in as an honorary law enforcement officer, actually a number of times. the police love him, police departments love him. tonight, dj, we are going to do you the biggest honor of them all. i am asking our new secret service director sean curran to officially make you an agent of
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since 1975, rates of child cancer have increased by more than 40%. reversing this trend is one of the top priorities for our new presidential commission to make america healthy again, chaired by our new secretary of health and human services, robert f. kennedy, jr. host: that whole speech as we have been telling you, you can see it online at is c-span now. a lot of ways that you can watch the complete speech at all the events that took place last night. in new york, this is david, republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. i grew up in a pretty simple life. i went from picking up trash, helping neighbors and stuff, all the way through ge, a good test job at the end. in my whole time, we started off
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at ge, for instance, with over 20,000 workers back in the 1970's. by the time i retire, we were down to 1500 workers. our government should work the same way. you don't need all of these people in chairs anymore. the thing is, with this -- when they come around, they don't ask me if i should be laid off. i got laid off more than 10 times with the time i was at ge. host: draw this back to the speech last night, what parallel are you trying to make? caller: i'm trying to make a parallel with the layoffs coming. people are afraid of the downsizing of the government. we have to downsize the government in order to get the waste and fraud out of it. we don't need all of these people. as i said, we still made money at ge with that. the thing is, you don't need
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those people. you have to accept the layoff. i went back, as i said, 10 times also. i started at three dollars an hour, got up to $40 an hour before i retired. i worked on farms. they say people will not do this. it teaches you something. now that i retired, i would rather work outdoors. host: let's go to jerry in massachusetts. democrats line. caller: how are you doing? host: fine thank you. caller: i found the speech very appalling. i don't think the rhetoric that trump spewed out was factual. i don't think what he wants to do with this country is a benefit to the country. i think he is hurting us totally
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across the board with the world organizations and the help we need overseas to keep america's name great. usaid, world health organizations, that is how the science and the weather, climate change from everything else is needed in this country. then he has things in this country with social security that he is going to cut. he is going to say what he is going to say, but he will cut it. he is looking at the way things are, and i don't believe medicaid is going to withstand his and musk's cuts. people need that wholeheartedly. there are children who will be cut besides. it is appalling that people on
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the republican side don't seem to see that. i cannot see how they see that. it is unbelievable. host: sarah in new york. independent line. good morning. sarah in new york. hello. caller: good morning. i am a 93-year-old lady and i have lived through the fascist period when hitler's reeked his vengeance across the world. donald trump is our hitler's. he is a liar, a convicted felon, possible rapist. and has hoodwinked the american people, often the angry and uneducated to his way of thinking. host: how does that relate to last night's speech? caller: i apply the democrats for standing up to him because trump wants americans to join him and his personal vendetta. thank god for the democrats.
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i hope they remain a bulwark against the anger and the craziness of this guy. all i can say is i hope somebody has to stand up to trump before he ruins america. i thank you and i pray for the future and i hope the future remains in the hands of the democrats. i applaud them for what they have done. host: sarah in new york. one of the story is just coming out this morning was the reaction from greenland, which was mentioned in the president's speech yesterday, this is from yahoo! news, saying the prime minister of greenland morning the president about his controversial ambition to acquire the territory. riding on wednesday, greenland is ours. mr. trump expressed a desire to take control of the island which is a semiautonomous territory within denmark and his speech yesterday. he said america would acquire the strategic territory one way or the other.
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the prime minister of greenland dismissed mr. trump's remarks in a post to facebook. "greenland belongs to greenlanders. we are not americans, are not deigned because we are greenland ers." let's go to dean on the republican line, new jersey. go ahead. caller: hi. as far as the speech last night, the democrats just showed who they truly are, that they don't care about the country. and there vendetta against president trump is what they put above everyone else. to hell with the country. they will do anything because i don't like trump. they thought he was going to prison but now he is their president, and they cannot get over that. they cannot get past that, no matter what he does for the
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benefit of the country, they just can't get past that they thought he was going to prison and now he is the president. as far as representative green's outlandish behavior last night, he is just trying to make scenes for his coming political advertisements. in the future, we will see him on tv shaking his cane, vote for al green, standing up to trump. that is all it was. thank you. host: north carolina is where ricky is. ricky on the lawn for democrats. talking about the speech last night. hi there. ricky in north carolina, hello. one more time for ricky. let's go to norman in new hampshire, independent line. caller: hello, good morning. host: you are on, go ahead. caller: i watched the speech
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last night in its entirety. i'm a disabled american veteran, served under three presidents during vietnam. he failed to mention anything about the sacrifices of veterans. in order to heal the wounds of this nation, i believe he has to start with americans veterans. for him to whitewash everything, he is a man of deception, he is a television entity that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. between him and the two dunces behind him, they are going to lead america down the wrong path. i grew up in massachusetts, i knew the kennedys. for him to whitewash everything and use sympathy toward the american public is an
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embarrassment. not only to the american people, but to the whole world. everything is money, money, money. billions and billions, we are going to become rich. who says that? really. i met john and bobby kennedy when i was five years old, in fact, played pool with them. he is my age. those people were heroes. john kennedy was a hero. world war ii. trump is so far removed from the love and honesty of god. he uses god to try to get his ways from the sympathy of american taxpayers. and we are going to build ships with billions of dollars? he is the one that is looking at
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world war iii, it is on his watch right now. host: norman there. brian in minnesota. republican line. caller: good. in response to al green, he is talking about the poor people not getting medicaid or whatever. how come he let all of these border runners, 20 million of them across the border? we have to support these people. minnesota's share was $640 million. what a joke, what a flipping hypocrite. he needs to get a different job. anyways. host: democrat line in independence, missouri. we will hear from alice. caller: hi. i listened to the speech last night. i found that it was a joke. donald trump contradicts himself so much about how he feels for kids, social security, whatever.
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then the next day we are talking about social security and doing away with it. i think the people that he brought in, it is like a show to him. that is all that was to him, a show. for the republicans, i don't understand how they can follow somebody that has 34 felonies, was convicted as a rapist. we all know the reason why that was delayed, because he was convicted by his own peers. host: we will leave it there because we want to focus on the themes of last night's speech, the purpose of this program today, give you a chance to react to it, things related to it. here is john mcardle. guest: always interesting after a big speech like this to look at how it is playing overseas, and international papers. let me give viewers a quick tour of some of the headlines from some of our neighbors around the world, starting to our neighbor
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to the north. the province newspaper out of vancouver. you can see the photo on the front page, democracy dies in apathy. the trump effect is the headline. tariffs overshadow the british columbia budget, the debt focusing on a potential trade war. the daily mail out of london focusing on the war in ukraine. zelenskyy's olive branch to trump after prime minister's plea. on the brink of starting a mineral deal with the united states. president trump announcing that last night during his speech. the irish times also focusing on the war in ukraine. zelenskyy ready to seek peace deal under donald trump. this is from the indian express, going back to the potential trade war. global trade war begins as high u.s. tariffs chicken. -- kick in. from sicko, the headline, --
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from mexico, the headline, questioning whether a trade war is about to begin, showing the leaders of the u.s., mexico, canada. i showed a couple of tweets earlier from elon musk, the head of doge. i mentioned this one where somebody said doge is exactly what i voted for. it was retweeted by elon musk to his account. that was not what he wrote about himself, although he wrote this yesterday himself at around 1:30 a.m. last night. after tonight, after the speech in the house chamber, i am increasingly convinced that we can get to 60 senators. talking about a filibuster-proof majority for republicans in the senate. that was elon musk's twitter page late last night. host: thank you, john mcardle. you heard john mention reaction particularly to trade when it comes to our neighboring countries, canada and mexico.
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yesterday, canadian prime minister justin trudeau talking about his reaction to the newly placed tariffs by the united states. [video clip] >> just like i did a month ago, i want to speak directly to the american people. we don't want this. we want to work with you as a friend and ally, and we don't want to see you hurt either. but your government has chosen to do this to you. as of this morning, markets are down, and inflation is set to rise dramatically all across your country. your government has chosen to put american jobs at risk at the thousands of workplaces that succeed because of materials from canada or because of consumers in canada, or both. they have chosen to raise costs for american consumers on
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everyday essential items like groceries and gas, on major purchases like cars and homes, and everything in between. they have chosen to harm american national security, impeding access to the abundant critical minerals, energy, building materials, and fertilizers that we have, and that the united states needs to grow and prosper. they have chosen to launch a trade war that will first and foremost harm american families. they have chosen to sabotage their own agenda that was supposed to usher in a new golden age for the united states. and they have chosen to undermine the incredible work we have done together to tackle this gorge -- the scourge of a
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drug called fentanyl that must be wiped from the face of the earth. on that point, let me be crystal clear. there is absolutely no justification or need whatsoever for these tariffs today. now, the legal pretext your government is using to bring in these tariffs is that canada is apparently unwilling to help in the fight against illegal fentanyl. well, that is totally false. host: back to your calls. this is carrie in caller: caller: virginia. independent line. hi. after listening to the speech last night, i have to say that we have a very sick country on both sides. democrats had elected a man who really shouldn't have been there, it was past his due date. republicans elected a man who basically is a criminal and a fraud. and about the child who has cancer and was to be a
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policeman, not once did child smile. he didn't look happy to be there. every time his father raised him up, his eyes were asking, can you put me down? it looked like a prop. i hate to say that and it is very sad. as a country, we are going down the tubes because neither side has got it together. host: donovan from california, republican line. you are next. caller: good morning, it is early out here. i was born in the late 1960's, so i'm on the tail end of the baby boom generation. i have lived through many presidents. not only is my opinion that donald trump is the most consequential president in my lifetime, i really believe he is the best. his policies, ideology, everything he has done for the country, again, just like he mentioned about musk. he didn't need to be president but he felt compelled to be president. i really respect that.
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all these collars, and that are slamming him, to me, it is very sad. it is very clear that perception becomes reality. a lot of these people, they are brainwashed by the mainstream media to hate to trump. it is all propaganda. it is said to me. talk to me about the substance of the speech last night. it was uplifting, a clear vision for a prosperous america. the golden age that president trump was talking about that is on the way. i respect that. i admire a person of optimism who has hope for the future. what do the democrats offer? they offer petulance, testing this, pettiness. they couldn't even bring themselves to put country over party for moments that should have been universal, that should have been applauded and praised by everybody. they couldn't even clap for those types of moments, like the
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young boy with cancer, or the hostage returned from russia. the young man that was excepted to west point. those are things that should have been universal, everybody should have been applauding that. instead they were just into their tribalism, putting their party over the country. host: ok. donovan in california. we mentioned the canadian prime minister and other international news. france 24 reporting that french president emmanuel macron will address the nation today around 8:00 local time. part of the speech, in this moment of uncertainty, for the world is confronted by large challenges, i will address you tonight, as european leaders were poised to hold a special summit. countries in europe are scrambled to boost defense and spending for ukraine against invading russian forces. watch for that to play out
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internationally as the day goes forth. focusing on the events of yesterday here in washington, d.c., joint address to congress by president trump. this is karen in pennsylvania. democrats line. hi. caller: thank you for having me. i want to let people know why the democrats did not stand or clap. trump ended the w.h.o., which is the first line of defense, lets us know when there is an epidemic coming. we did not get the message on covid because he took us out of the w.h.o. he got rid of people in the epa who could caught the chemical that boy was exposed to. worst of all, usaid. part of that budget goes to the people who screen for ebola. before those folks get to leave the country on a plane. host: karen is finishing off our -- going into the third hour.
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we have been taking your calls from the address last night. you can do so in this final hour. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. independents, (202) 748-8002. several posting on social media. and on x at @cspanwj. text your thoughts to (202) 748-8003. if you want to see the speech in its entirety, go to our website and our app. watch the networks. we will show you that address from last night. you can comment as well. independent line in virginia. mark. hello? caller: good morning. thanks for having me on. i would like to thank mr. mcardle for his insight on the
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speech and picking up some of the headlines across the world. i would like to ask that maybe he could bring some focus to anything that was positive or true instead of pointing out all the falsehoods, which i don't disagree or condone. as for the speech itself, i watched the entire thing. it was really long. for those who did not watch the speech and are making comments, i would recommend you watch before you just speak about th . bits and pieces. whether it is biden, the democrats, the republicans, there are truisms and falseisms. what is going on as it was spoken about, execution versus action. host: what is a truism and
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falseism? caller: i don't know. that is what i'm asking about. can you point out what was true? host: i will let you react since you watched it. what is it do you think? caller: i believe the -- as for immigration and the crossing of the borders and maintaining what was going on, immigration is down. illegal immigration. whatever words were supposed -- we are supposed to be using now, it is down from last year, month-to-month. that is working. i don't necessarily agree with how some of the actions right now to replace or remove or send
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individuals back is working. execution versus action. all of a sudden, in the last administration cutting off all of the pipelines of oil and focusing on electric and green energy. that needs to be done but we need a plan. i don't see a plan right now going forward. some of the things we are doing, just like yourself, i can point out falseisms and truisms. let's try to find those. host: let's hear from alex in new york, democrats line. go ahead please. caller: i wanted to reply. i'm here. when you hear me? host: hello. caller: i want to reply to the
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last caller. immigration actually -- more people are being deported under biden then under trump. that is why he fired his head guy deporting people here. that is false. there is a new wave of immigrants coming. all these things you people out there in the republican party think that is a good thing, none of this is good. there are hundreds of thousands of people in the federal government that will be fired. we are going to be in a crisis with bird flu jumping to humans. we don't have anyway of being part of the world health organization. there is chaos coming. what i will say as a democrat, i have no idea why democrats even attended this thing. if you want to protest, if you really, really want to be able to be a voice of opposition, you should not have been there.
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there is no point in al green trying to interrupt the propaganda tour to make a point. there's no point having a sign saying this is a normal. why are you trying to normalize this by being there and make a point? the whole democratic party has to extract itself from this ridiculous craziness happening up and that republicans own everything. every failure they will make. guess what, republicans? the last president and handled the budget and able to make things better was clinton. he left bush zero to deal with. he actually made the federal government smaller. republicans do not understand you cannot think you can go firing everybody because you want to make a point and then say you're doing better for the country. you are not. democrats, if you want to fight, don't be on the defensive.
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host: bill in michigan, republican line. caller: good morning. i'm calling to tell you the truth. a lot of hot air last night but i love what he's doing. as for mr. musk -- host: you are still on. caller: as for mr. musk and doge, god bless them. get rid of all that waste. we went to the 1980's and 1990's and such, we learn how to be manufacturers and service people. our federal workers, state and local too, started taking the same hit. you need to save us money. i'm not worried about social security. i have two pensions i have earned. i only have a junior high education. i need to work hard. i did -- i knew to work hard.
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i did. i've planned for it. host: we will continue with calls after we hear from john mccarty. host: we said what we tracking what president trump is doing. looks like there could be an announcement on tariffs. we noted president trump used the word tariff or tariffs 14 times in that speech last night. one of his keywords from the speech. this is the news today from bloomberg's josh when growth. secretary of commas howard lu -- commerce howard lutnick says president trump make a new announcement this afternoon on canada and mexico. he may cut the tariff in some sectors like automobiles while keeping the rate at 25% for others. perhaps some news out of the white house after a newsy evening on capitol hill.
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you had a caller asking about stats on border crossings for the past couple of decades. wondering where it ranked in terms of recent years. border crossings, as aaron blank points out, one of the bright spots for president trump. he was sure to talk about it last night. aaron blake saying the best story for trump is the huge drop in illegal border crossings. monthly apprehensions on the was-mexico border in february -- u.s.-mexico border in february dropped to the lowest level since 2000. donald trump highlighting that last night during his speech. host: thanks for the segue. peer is president trump from last night talking about the issues of immigration. [video] pres. trump: last year -- [applause] -- a brilliant 22-year-old nursing student named lake and
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riley -- lakin riley went out for an dog on the campus of the university of georgia. that morning she was viciously attacked, assaulted, beaten, brutalized, and horrifically murdered. laken was stolen by a savage illegal alien gang member who was arrested while trusting -- trespassing across biden's southern border and set loose into the united states under the heartless policies of that failed administration. it was indeed a failed administration. he had then been arrested and released in a democrat run sanctuary city, a disaster, before ending the life of this beautiful young angel. with us this evening our her beloved mother, allison, and her sister lauren. [applause]
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act. allison and lauren, america will never forget our beautiful laken hope riley. [applause] thank you very much. since taking office, my administration has launched the most sweeping border and immigration crackdown in american history. we quickly achieved the lowest numbers of illegal border crossers ever recorded. thank you. [applause]
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the media and our friends in the democrat party cap saying we needed new legislation. we must have legislation to secure the border. it turned out all we really needed was a new president. host: that was from last night. tony in virginia, independent line. caller: hi. thank you, pedro, thank you everyone at c-span for allowing this interaction with everyday citizens. i want to say thank you to everyone who's calling in and sharing your opinions. what i really want to talk about, especially last night. with the speech, first and foremost, yes. i understand we have democratic party and republican party. on both sides we saw people supporting the president or we
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saw people showing their disapproval. performing disapproval, like the congressman, mr. green. quite frankly, i think there needs to be more education and more transparency in the information that is being shared. addressing the nation and telling us and informing us of what their plans are and what they are doing is great. i think we need to be informed by our electorate and politicians and our bureaucrats. it's important for them to disseminate information, because in reality they work for us. i think what needs to be happening is you very much see this when -- whether it is president trump or someone from the republican party gets up, or
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also on the other side with the democrats. a lot of times people throughout buzzwords and information which we often see regardless of who's giving the state of the union speech or who is talking to the news media in front of the cameras and online. i think there needs to be more transparency and more fact checking. quite frankly, i think this off the coast speeches and information -- why not submit your speech or something you will talk about to the public? allow the public to pre-read it so when you're giving your information, you know, we can sit there and be like that is not accurate or, you know, that is part of what you do as part of the news media. you know.
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it's important for the news and other everyday citizens to hold our politicians and bureaucrats accountable. host: ok. caller: i commend you on the work you are doing as well. host: thank you, tony. we will leave it there. before that, back to john mcardle. host: breaking news out of the supreme court. you saw members of the supreme court as they always are. always a handful there but these presidential addresses. they were there until late last night. steven maisie is a reporter with the economist. the supreme court denied president trump's emergency bid to cancel nearly $2 billion in usaid spending. the vote on the court was 5-4. this is from scott mcfarland of nbc news. john roberts and amy coney barrett joined the liberal members of the court in that majority, that 5-4 decision.
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this from jimmy hoover of the national law journal. quoting from samuel alito's dissent. "i am stunned about this." that is the news out of the court this morning. the supreme court denying president trump's emergency bid to cancel $2 billion in spending from the u.s. agency for international development. host: robin in pennsylvania on the republican line. caller: there are so many people that said everything i was going to say. i am so happy with the speech donald trump gave. it was a wonderful speech. he told a lot of information. i'm appalled at the way the democrats sat there and acted like they did. we elected these people. they have to show respect. there was no respect for the american people or the president.
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what do other countries think about this? it's a disgrace. anybody that puts democrat has got to have a screw loose. i'm sorry. that is all i got. host: anne from new york state, democrats line. caller: good morning. i think there were many lies and misstatements but mostly lies out of trump last night. transgender operations in mice? no, it was trans genetic which is a way to do research to help us solve the problem of cancer and other horrible diseases. that whole thing about someone 300 years old getting social security, that has been debunked numerous times because social security lacked the funding because of republicans to update their computer system. getting to doge, they are
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using these words to fire people like transition. they accidentally did away with programs that help students with disabilities transition from high school to the adult world of work because they thought transition meant transgender, a tiny portion of our population who should not be vilified. trump is using all of these lies as a power grab. it is no longer about is it true, does he have evidence, it's about whose side are you on. if you are in the cult of trump, you are going to go with whatever he says. we need a lot more critical thinking in america. thank you so much for taking my call. host: from los angeles, this is larry on the independent line. caller: good day, pedro. good day, c-span audience. longtime listener. i would like to say about the speech last night that president trump, you know, he has done a
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lot of good things in terms of immigration. you know, the border. i don't agree with the open border. i also don't think the democrats would not respect the kid that aspires to be a policeman that had the brain surgeries. i don't think that just because they did not stand up and clap that it was disrespect. they were just trying to send a message they did not agree with a lot of trump's issues. i'm a veteran. i worked in greenland from 1981 to 1988. i went to alaska for 13 years. came back to greenland. work from 2001 to 2007. i'm a veteran. like i said, there is good on both sides, pedro. on the democratic side and the republican side. i'm a little appalled the
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republicans don't speak up and speak out. as far as president trump speaking about god, having a purpose for him, if god had a purpose for him, i don't think god would have allowed the shooter to shoot at him. i look at it also as, you know, the hamas versus the palestinian issue. you cannot hide behind the palestinians to get the hamas message out. i don't believe in hiding behind innocent people. host: sandra in texas, democrats line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i want to respond to a caller who called earlier. he said he had i believe a high school education. he has two pensions. he does not need social security. as far as he is concerned, they can cut social security. i'm a 59-year-old woman who has paid into social security for 40 years. i have been working since i was
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in my 20's. many of the jobs i have had have not had the benefit to be able to save in a 401(k). i struggled my entire life. i have been disadvantaged. i have had disadvantaged education. the only thing i have is social security. yes, it is a truly important to me. i am 59. i just became unemployed. i find myself now trying to find work in the job market. i understand it is going to be difficult. those of the cards i have been handed. as women, we get paid less money. again, social security is electing i have. it is very important to me -- is the only thing i have. it is very important to me. i have friends and family, that
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is all they have, social security. i am glad he is blessed. again, here is where we see the privilege. he is a male. he has been handed better opportunities than women. women have been paid less. women very much rely on social security. this is all we have. yes, it's very important to us. i don't appreciate a south african -- a south african -- not even a born citizen of the united states -- this is a south african man, ok, saying it's a ponzi scheme. get rid of it. host: that is sandra in texas. one of the people giving his response via livestream was bernie sanders. a response after the state -- the address to congress. get a senator sanders from yesterday. [video] sen. sanders: smoke for over 90 minutes.
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it seemed longer than that. he almost completely ignored the issues that are keeping working people up at night. they worry about how their families are going to survive in these very tough times. i will tell you exactly why trump had very little to say about the real crises facing the working class of this country. think back six weeks ago when trump was inaugurated for a second term as president. just six weeks ago. standing right behind him were the three wealthiest men in this country, mr. musk, mr. bezos, and mr. zuckerberg. standing behind them were 13 other billionaires who trump had nominated to had major government agencies -- head major government agencies. many of these billionaires
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were in the capital tonight listening to that speech. in other words, it is there for all to see. the trump administration is not hiding it. trump -- the trump administration is a government of the billionaire class, by the billionaire class, and for the billionaire class. notwithstanding some of the rhetoric, this is a government that could care less about ordinary americans and the working families of our country. my friends, we are no longer moving toward oligarchy. we are living in an oligarchic society. host: senator sanders from yesterday. the wall street journal highlighting democrats lawmakers --, critic lawmakers walking out of that speech. there he is, walking out.
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let's go back to calls. joanne in new jersey. republican line. hello? caller: hello. i want to say bernie is a millionaire. he is talking about -- if he wants to talk about the other people. the caller about this is social security, the woman who is 59. i'm a 60-year-old woman republican. i'm not afraid that trump is going to stop social security. what is going to do is clean it up. we will clean it up and take out all those checks that are going to people who are either nonexistent or should not be getting checks. all that money will be saved. that money will come back to the people who are actually in need of it. the democrats out there saying that, you know, they will lose their social security. no, you are not. you were going to gain your social security.
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the money being stolen and sent wherever the heck it's being sent by the democrats that are all these congressmen. they all have -- they make so much money a year, but apparently they are worth -- where are they getting that money from? are they getting it from our social security? are they the ones that are the people that are getting those checks that they are not supposed to be getting? if you're a democrat out there and you can't see trump is saving us money by finding all this fraud, you clearly need some help mentally. it doesn't have to be trump. it could have been anyone out there showing us all the stolen money and all this money going to things that are nonexistent. host: donna in ohio on the
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democrats line. caller: good morning, pedro. thanks for taking my call. i'm concerned about more than anything the division and divide within this country, starting at the top and the federal government. it is -- in the federal government. the division. the fighting. the backbiting. it is us against them all the time. there is no coming together here. even in my own community at the local level -- i live in a small village outside of cleveland. in a small suburb. we are surrounded by other communities. in my small suburb outside of cleveland, we have some republicans that are just --
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especially a little maga cult. i have been so pissed off lately. they have one newspaper they stick in our mailboxes every month. it is called liberty news. as time has gone on they have become more and more maga with this paper. even here in my own community -- i want to tell people it all starts at the local level. we need to be at our local city meetings, our state meetings, all the way up to the top. if you will do good or not, i don't know. people are so divided. how do we ever resolve anything? host: that is donna and ohio. half an hour to go -- in ohio. half an hour to go. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. i for --(202) 748-8002 for
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independents. host: the supreme court has declined the trump administration's efforts to pause $2 billion in foreign aid funding for usaid contracts, being seen as a defeat for the trump administration at the highest court this morning. this is scott mcfarlane reporting. it was john roberts, amy coney barrett, and the three liberal members of the court who joined together in that 5-4 decision. interesting to note john roberts on that. this was last night as president was leaving the chamber -- president trump was leaving the chamber. he shook the hand of john roberts. as npr reported, he said and give again, thank you again. one forget. those were his words -- thank you again, thank you again. won't forget. those were his words to john
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roberts before 11:00 last night. this decision coming this morning about 10 hours later is when it broke. that was last night. speaking of news from last night and scott mcfarlane of nbc news, here is his alert. he's a court watcher of the federal courts. there's an appearance today for the abigail terrace suspect --abbeygate terror suspect. the fbi affidavit here alleges he as part of his service to isis-k conducted surveillance of he could prepare the suicide bomber and then transported him to the target area at abby gate. the justice department filed their motion days ago to keep the case sealed, arguing premature disclosure of the charges against the defendant would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation and may lead to the destruction of evidence.
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the need for secrecy ended during president trump's address last night when he made the announcement. the next get a reaction and continuing -- that announcement getting reaction and continuing. the republican senator from oklahoma with this tweet. "them estimate of the bombing in afghanistan that killed 13 u.s. service members and 170 afghan civilians is being transported to the united states to face this sort of american justice. thank you, president trump." senator markwayne mullin this morning. host: kathy in iowa. independent line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i choose to look at facts as an independent. i'm middle-of-the-road. i like to look at policies. i must say i am taken by the hipper cattle nature of what is going on with president trump -- hypocritical nature.
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a lot of callers have been calling of the democrats sitting down or senator greene interrupting the speech last night. i don't know if those are the same people when biden was president when the republicans sat down. marjorie taylor greene interrupted his speech. she was screaming in the chamber. nobody took her out. i don't understand some of the hypocrisy. same thing in trump's speech when he talked about unelected bureaucrats running the government. he has elon musk in there as an unelected bureaucrat with doge. he is talking about making sure we have people gaining citizenship in the country. he is again -- border crossings. the border needs to be closely monitored. however, i don't know our citizenship should be for sale.
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he talked about a gold card for people can buy citizenship for $5 million. i guess that is pretty insulting. you only belong here if you are rich. i think people have been saying i wonder what other countries think of the democrats sitting down. if they wanted to know what other countries think, they should look. we have access to lots of news through -- with a click of the finger on google. you need to look at the sources and make sure they are accurate. most countries are not seeing this in a positive light. host: david in north carolina, republican line. caller: hello? host: go ahead. caller: i think trump said everything he needed to say last night. i think he did a good job at what he said about what he's doing. i think navy the democrats showed their true selves last
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night. the guy that stood up, you know, if you don't like it, he should have went on out. i do know there is a shortage of superglue right now. they proved that last night. host: that is david in north carolina. the washington times. the federal government is cutting costs, planning to sell 400 agency buildings on the list. the administration listed 400 federal properties it wants to dig coming putting high-profile agency buildings in washington and the office building in san francisco that bears, former house speaker nancy pelosi. the buildings total 78 million square feet of office space that the general services administration says has been deemed non-core assets. the buildings have become too obsolete and unstable federal agencies to use.
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congress does not have enough money to fix them. gsa will consider non-core assets for divestment from government ownership in an orderly fashion to ensure taxpayers no longer pay for empty and utilized federal office space -- underutilized federal office space. potentially saving whether $430 million in annual operating costs. let's hear from sharon in minnesota, democrats line. caller: good morning, pedro. i have not taken a hiatus since the election. my first call back. today is the first call in. i think bernie was kathy from iowa a few minutes ago pointing out that trump is a tyrant. boy, was she dead right on. i did not watch the speech. i just can't do it anymore. my time is way too valuable to sit and listen to somebody who lies through his teeth
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constantly. who is a rapist. i don't even understand this anymore, pedro. the reason i'm calling is because i heard a lot of republican whiners this morning calling in and complaining the democrats did not cheer and stand up and kiss his feet last night, for heaven's sake. they have short-term memory block, delta. -- don't they? kathy from iowa pointed out that biden gave a great speech. they should just maybe put that into google and see how republicans reacted to that. let's look at obama, for his speeches and how rude and disrespectful the republicans were. another caller said the democrats should not even show up. i agree. they should not have wasted their time either. i appreciate your time, pedro. host: independent line.
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rufus in florida. caller: good morning. i appreciate what you are doing with c-span. let me be sustained. --the decorum or lack thereof is now becoming annoying. that is sad. i want to address a couple of things. one, is a mixed bag -- president trump is a mixed bag. there are things he brought out in the speech -- we are talking about the speech -- that needed to be said by either party but was not. for example, i applaud president trump saying there are two genders, male and female. you can be liberal, conservative, whatever you call it, but we have lost that.
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that is a sad indictment on our society. second of all, the order he would not allow men to play on female teams. there are several democrats and independents that as well. that takes some courage to say this is how it is going to be. now, the thing with the eliminating of government waste and so forth, president clinton was actually the one that initiated the scaling back of government. that was a democrat. republicans and democrats have all talked about it but nobody really took the courage to do it. my point is, i'm not a fan of
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president trump. i think he is a mixed bag of inconsistency. there are some things i think he is bringing out that will be consequential to us as americans, both positive and negative. all i'm going to say is, america, we put them in there. be careful what you ask for because you might just get it. host: again, we have 20 minutes left of your calls before we go to the house of representatives. we will stop and visit with john mcardle. host: an update on congressman al green, democrat from texas who stood up at the beginning of the speech last night and shouted out his protest, refused to stop when asked to do so by the speaker and was removed. this coming this morning from
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the official twitter page, x page of the house freedom caucus, the conservative branch of the house republican caucus. the house freedom caucus will be introducing an official censure resolution against al green today. jake sherman of punch bowl news saying saying it should pass easily. the l.a. question is will there be any democrats who vote for -- the only question is will there be any democrats who vote for it? a reminder of what al green said last night after being removed from the chamber. "i will accept the punishment but it is worth it to let people know there are some of us who are going to stand up against this president's desire to cut medicare and medicaid and social security." we will see what happens. the houses in at 10:00 a.m. eastern. the senate at 10:00 a.m. eastern. it is a busy day after a late night last night.
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host: bob in illinois on the republican line. caller: good morning, pedro. several things. al green was warned to sit down. after two or three warnings, that is when they escorted him out. he should google yesterday's -- stephen smith defined what a mandate was. it was a mandate. the prime minister of greenland should put it to a vote to his people to see if they want to become u.s. citizens. lastly, i was a democrat for 45 years. i'm ashamed of the democratic party. none of them people could stand up and applaud for the young kid that's been through brain surgery or the family that took in 40 foster children, they are heartless. these people are heartless. if they don't get a clue, republicans are going to rule for 25, 30 years. i hope the dems come around and
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help president trump. host: deborah in pennsylvania on the democrats line. caller: hello. i have a couple of comments. i would like to say as a democrat i'm willing to give trump a chance, because he is try to clean things up. i agree with a few of the things he brought up, like the laken riley act. the transgender athlete thing. i know they should be trying to clean everything up. there is too much waste. but going in and chopping every thing up before they actually get in and identify exactly where the waste is is crazy. i know some people who are federal employees that were just given that option or dismissed without any real reason. i do have a comment about
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taxes.i have been working for since i was 14. i have been paying taxes for all these years. it is unconscionable to me why i have been paying taxes and many millions of other people, yet the billionaires aren't paying the taxes they should be compared with the average citizen is. are these tax cuts going to benefit the average american or just for the billionaire boys club? i'm hoping we come to a resolution with ukraine. unfortunately, i'm not sure why we had to take 50% of the mineral rights rather than 25% or less and why we can't give them security guarantees. i just hope that all gets resolved. i hope they don't do anything to social security. myself and millions of people have been paying into that for several years. thanks are taking my call. host: she brought up the topic of ukraine.
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a point last night. [video] pres. trump: i received an important letter from president zelenskyy of ukraine. the letter reads, "ukraine is ready to come to the negotiating table as soon as possible to bring lasting peace closer. nobody wants peace more than ukrainians. my team is ready to work under president trump's strong leadership to get a piece that lasts. we really value how much america has done to help ukraine maintain its sovereignty and independence. regarding the agreement on minerals and security, ukraine is ready to sign it at any time that is convenient for you. i appreciate -- convenient for you." i appreciate he sent this letter. we had serious discussions with russia and have received strong signals that they are ready for peace.
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wouldn't that be beautiful? [applause] wouldn't that be beautiful? it is time to stop this madness. it is time to halt the killing. it is time to end the senseless war. if you want to end wars, you have to talk to both sides. host: viewers, that full speech available to you on our many platforms. if you want to watch the events play out that took place yesterday. mike in florida on the independent line. caller: good morning. i'm watching the speech last night and i see a lot of noise coming out of the president but no policies. the only policy i saw was for energy. it was drill, baby, drill.
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we have been drooling more than we ever have and prices are not going down. the oil is going overseas. as far as ukraine is concerned, why is ukraine being made to pay for the war when russia starting at started -- russia started it ? as far as that kid, the cancer survivor, why are they cutting funds for cancer research? he's always backing the police and talking about the police. 1500 of these people rioted on the capitol. i don't see any policies. nothing. the guy is a disgrace. that is alive got to say. host: susie on the republican line. caller: yes. i hope i can speak like the democrats do. bill clinton, he fired 477,000
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federal workers to cut the budget. zelenskyy, they are calling him -- trump a dictator. what about our american journalist that zelenskyy put in prison and tortured and beaten to death? -- beat him to death? putting in prison his opponents and shutting on the media? martial law. shutting down the christian orthodox churches. where are the billions of dollars unaccounted for that zelenskyy does not know where it is? host: tell me how this relates to last night's speech please. caller: it is a disgrace that they did not applaud for those poor children that died. the little boy. it is disgraceful. i'm sorry.
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host: ron in pennsylvania on the democrats line. caller: a little bit of fact checking. he had mentioned the economy being the best. let me go back to news analytics on your program. the best economy in 35 years was under the biden-harris administration. the lowest crime rate and immigration under the biden-harris administration. the lowest about immigrants coming into our country up until that point. there are a lot of things we have to fact checked this guy starts talking. it's nonsense. like the one caller said, he said the police assaulted -- the police assaulted the protesters on january 6. can you believe that? he has a thing about praising the police.
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unbelievable. you talk about hypocrisy. this guy is something else. that was the most boring, unbelievably stupid speech i have ever heard. i hope most people really realize this guy is a phony, a con man, and he should be ousted . host: ron in pennsylvania. john mcardle has been visiting with us to give us information and things you can take away from last night's speech. go ahead. host: i want to give viewers one more look at what we are watching for today on capitol hill. the house is in at 10:00 a.m. the senate also at 10:00 a.m. you can watch on c-span, c-span2. on c-span3, the next director of the national institutes of health. at 10:00 a.m. also hearings that, including one on sanctuary cities. that is just this morning on the
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c-span networks. other news we are watching for today, 1:00 p.m. eastern, we expect caroline levitt, the white house press secretary to hold a briefing the day after the presidential address. those are interesting to watch. jd vance is heading to texas to the u.s.-mexico border today in the wake of that speech last night on border issues -- and border issues being such a key part. as josh when grover bloomberg points out, we are finding out that president trump may make some news on new tariff announcements this afternoon on canada and mexico. we make out the tariff in some sectors, like automobiles, while keeping the rate at 25% for others. some medication from commerce secretary howard lutnick this morning that we will hear more from president trump. of course, there's the breaking news this morning about the supreme court denying president trump's emergency bid to cancel
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$2 billion of usaid spending. some news and response to that to watch out for today. like we have been saying, a busy night on capitol hill. it will be a busy day today. host: thank you for your time with us. the information you gave to our audience. the press briefing later on today. c-span is part of the coverage of that. hoping to get a question from the press secretary directly from you. we are asking you that if you have a question you wanted to see answered from the white house press secretary, send that to if you sent a question, please include your name and your city and your state. a few more minutes before the house of representatives comes in. bill in alabama on the independent line. caller: how are you today?
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host: fine, thank you. caller: a couple of questions. i watched the speech last night. i thought it was a shame the democrats sat all night long and could not applaud for a number of nonpartisan things. if your children acted that way, how would you handle that with your children? how many people out there would be ok with a biological male walking into the locker room with her daughter? -- their daughter? are you ferment and women or for transgender? -- for men and women or for transgender? it's been 43 days. we had four years. inflation went to 9%. it was at 1.4% when we started. i keep hearing about elon musk being a nonelected bureaucrat. all the aides that work for
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senators in congress people are not elected. two they have access to my social security number? do they have access to personal information? they are not elected. how are they vetted? are they any different from what elon musk is doing when they have access to information as well? nobody has asked that question. i would love to have somebody answer that question for me. host: nancy in california, democrats line. caller: how are you? host: thank you. go ahead. caller: al green is a hero for what he did. it is what every one of us should be doing. we talk a big talk, but when it comes down to it we don't walk the talk. al green walked the talk. he protested. p protested. he said afterwards i will accept whatever punishment is coming my way. that is what we should all be
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doing. the president -- i call him our hitler -- he threatens students who demonstrate on college campuses. he will deport them for some reason under some theory. we all should be taking the risk. we all should be out there yelling, screaming like al green. every democrat in the house should have walked out of that point in support. as far as the woman from alabama saying, why did they say sitting -- stay sitting? don't you remember sit ins? that is what they was. they should have walked out. that is what each one of us should be doing. it is what i am doing. if i get arrested, i will pay the price. host: alan in maryland on the independent line. caller: i wanted to call because i didn't want to try to prove a point. i wanted to offer some thoughts
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about cooperation. it is -- we have all gotten a little soft and lazy. we have all these nameless bureaucrats passing out billions of dollars as they see fit. pennies on the dollar gets to the people who really need the money. my suggestion for people to contemplate is, why don't we slow the role of the government spending? if you want to give money to gaza, start a new geo and you can give money -- an ngo and you give the money. let people put their money where they want and not have government pay for everything. host: trina in gary, indiana. democrats line. caller: i have a request for all the citizens of the united states. please read proverbs.
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chapter six. versus 6-19. it is president donald j. trump. my comments about the speech to congress last night. i thought it was disgraceful. the man who has been registered as having told 30,000 plus lies during his time in and out of office over the past eight years . he was speaking to the audience last night. why would you listen to someone 34 times convicted? twice impeached. did not place his hand on the bible when he took the oath of
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office for this presidency. he may have done it the first time. host: craig in cleveland on the republican line. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. we are running short on time so jump in with your question or comment about last night please. caller: the liberals and the democrats calling in here crying up a storm. maga americans love it. have a great day. host: harry -- perry in new jersey. go ahead. caller: all i can say is the democrats were a disgrace last night. this happens on both sides of the aisle. i don't see why. everybody is so up in arms when we are $37 trillion in debt. there is too many of these nongovernment officials taking our money and pissing it away.
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i support trump all the way. host: luis in fredericksburg, virginia. caller: i think the american people are getting ready to -- are being gas lighted on the tariffs, just like we were gas lighted on covid. on the democrats shut down the schools, shut down the businesses. six feet apart and all this other stuff. we are getting gas lighted. host: also? -- how so? tell us how. andre in washington, d.c. independent line. the clock is ticking. go ahead. caller: hello. i was watching the speech last night and he said he liked the deportation plan. in 1954, that plan to deport
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immigrants was called operation wet back. i don't know if anybody supports that. that is crazy. that is all i have to say. host: one more in. tennessee, linda. jumping. -- jump in. caller: hi cannot believe how disrespectful -- i cannot believe how disrespectful the women on the democrats side were. they are there to portray women but they did not do it last night. host: ok. that is linda in tennessee and the end of our calls for this three hours of calls. looking at the joint address to congress by president trump. if you want to see that in your entirety and the time that works best for you, our website is our app is c-span now. watch out for at all on the various net
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