tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current May 1, 2012 6:00am-9:00am PDT
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♪ [ theme music ] ♪ oh why good morning, current tv fans. here we are -- >> hi. >> -- preparing for our daily radio show. zach wahls the author of "my two moms: lessons of love, strength, and what makes a family" remember that handsome romantic man, he joins us in about a half hour. the most interesting man in the world, david shuster, joins us
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to talk about the most awkward man in the world mitt romney. mitt romney will talk about how president obama is politicizing killing osama bin laden. it was really his idea. although we have audio that proves otherwise. all right. all of that to come on -- it's a big tuesday show. in the meantime newsroom. good morning, jacki. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everyone. representative howard berman is going up against brad sherman and berman may have just gotten the best endorsement ever. i bring you betty white. here she is with hot in cleveland costar, in a new ad
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for howard berman. >> thanks to howard we have hundreds of more policeman patrolling the streets. >> and he very nice blue eyes. >> today is may day and the occupy movement protests are around underway. organizes have created more than 135 events nationwide. today's date is not without precedent may day is also international worker's day. occupy wall street reports that picket lines have formed at lax in los angeles. you can expect many pickets at different places throughout the day. in new york city crowds are
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[ male announcer ] cookies with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. jennifer granholm is politically direct on current tv. >>the dominoes are starting to fall. (vo) granholm is live in the war room. >> what should women be doing? >> electing women to office. (vo) she's a political trailblazer. >>republicans of course didn't let facts get in the way of
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i bedazzled this myself. >> i thought that was about the computer cooked up -- >> no. no. >> it is the "stephanie miller show." 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. we have a rollicking tuesday show. >> uh-huh. >> hang on product placement. zach wahls author of "my two moms: lessons of love, strength, and what makes a family." >> you talk about him like your two dogs. >> he is handsome. >> and also in hour number three. david shuster the most interesting man in the world here to talk about the most awkward man in the world, mitt romney. who said if we're to achieve the goals we share we must make an equality for gays my opponent
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can't do that, i will. who said that. >> ritt momney. >> no it was mitt romney. >> who said hum, in 2004 massachusetts should not become the las vegas of same-sex marriage. who said that. >> donald trump. >> no that was mitt romney. [ applause ] >> hum. >> oh i have a bonus from day one i have opposed same sex marriage. some gay couples are actually having children born to them. [ screaming ] >> who said that?
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>> tagg flurman. >> no, mitt romney. >> oh, my god! >> one more bonus round, who cares about they future as a candidate. who said that? >> glenn herb. >> it doesn't matter. [ buzzer sounds ] >> meanwhile, this is just -- this is really. apparently the president is celebrating bin laden's death. because no party would ever politicize something like 9/11. and mitt romney will talk about that with rudy giuliani today. >> in the shadow of the new world trade center. >> yes indeed. >> president obama --
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[ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> sorry. president obama said it was appropriate to mark an anniversary. stop making my competence an issue, and your president's former president's incompetence. the president recommended looking at previous statements for the 9/11 mastermind. like this you mean? this would be obama in 2007. >> if we had actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets, and the president won't act, we will. >> god he was a crazy warmonger. >> and he did exactly that. >> i'm sorry what did mitt romney say in 2007? >> he says he wants to unilaterally go in and potentially bomb a nation which
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is our friend. >> mccain said that too. he didn't say he was going to bomb pakistan. >> and he didn't at all. >> no. >> it was a surgical strike to get one man, and they got one man. >> indeed. >> and mitt romney said we shouldn't move heaven and earth to get one person. he is not one person. he killed 3,000 americans. >> i don't think i should do anything. i really think the president has no business doing anything at all, really. except counting his money. that's -- that's what a president should do. >> here is the president on this yesterday. >> as far as my personal role in what other folks would do, i just recommend that everybody take a look at people's previous statements in terms of whether they thought it was appropriate to go into pakistan and take out bin laden.
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i assume that people meant what they said when they said it. [ laughter ] >> that's been at least my practice. i said they would go after bin laden if we had a clear shot on them, and i did. if there are others who said one thing, and now suggest that they do something else, then i would go ahead and let them explain it. >> how many times do you think george bush had watched that clip. he is probably sitting at home going laura, i maybe -- i maybe should haven't said that. >> yeah. >> in retrospect i maybe should haven't let them get away and shut down the bin laden -- >> i probably shouldn't have put up that mission accomplished banner. >> he didn't unhook the leg straps. >> the focus group, you know how that looked on him --
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>> i think the cod piece was the one good decision he made. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> based on the number of unnecessary wars. i think that area needs to be beefed up a bit. >> it gave chris matthews a thrill. >> everything gives chris matthews a thrill. >> he was walking like a chimp because it accentuated his package. chris says he looks like he served, but he didn't serve -- >> now it's dress-up time. >> what a great costume. >> yeah. >> oh, boy. all right. so a romney spokesperson said it's fortunate that president obama would prefer to use what
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was a good day for all americans as a cheap political ploy. >> what. >> wait for it, president obama's foreign policy weakened our allies. >> he doesn't have been shred of proof to back up that statement. >> romney was scheduled to appear today with new york firefighters to mark the anniversary of the death of bin laden -- >> oh. >> the president said i think we american people rightly remember we accomplished in bringing to justice someone who killed 3,000 people.
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>> romney said it's not worth heaven and worth and spending millions of dollars. >> that money could go to bain capital. >> just to kill one guy. i'm a businessman. that's not a good use of funds. >> i would have you guillotine five. they are cheaper. or maybe four or three. >> yeah. speaking of business how much cheaper would it have been to use six navy seals and one bullet? >> yeah. and iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. >> thank you. had forgotten that. >> other than that -- >> yeah. >> stunning success. killing hundreds of thousands of people is -- >> yeah. >> i loved that romney by the way said, if asked if he would have given the same order. he said of course i would. then he said even jimmy carter would have given that order.
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>> even jimmy carter would have given that order. [ laughter ] >> rich-guy horse laugh. obviously he meant that as a jab at democrats in general. i love this invoking carter may cloud the message. he ordered an attempt to rescue several hostages in iran. if the bin laden had gone similarly, obama would have been badly damaged. >> i always thought that raid was sabotaged, because the reagan-ots. >> yes, but thank you for pointing out his competence again.
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>> why would he have to talk about his record when he is running for president, for pete's sake. >> that just seems rude. kevin in chicago on bin laden. >> hey steph. can you imagine what today would be like if it was george bush would have gotten him. >> oh, yeah. >> dick cheney would have been at the monument at mount rushmore starts to chisel his face in. >> bin laden thought about changing his name. >> oh, i don't like it anymore how about mickey mouse club. >> oh that's taken. okay. >> announcer: call the political party line 1-800-steph-1-2. >> all right. we are still up on the air. >> oh, no!
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wave hi to the cameras. it's rebecca, everybody! >> hi, everybody! >> we're back! >> good-bye. >> why are we talking like this? >> i don't know. ♪ ♪ keep it coming up ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ don't stop it now, don't stop it now ♪ >> da da da. it is the "stephanie miller show." >> oh, yeah. >> 23 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. stephen in chicago, hey, stephen. >> hey, stephanie. what your mine ask me yourself? [ laughter ] >> romney said he wouldn't put the resources or policies in place to do what obama did.
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and can you imagine him in the situation room, flip flopping between goal, no goal, goal no goal. the choppers would have run out of fuel before he made up his mind. >> yeah, and everybody involved said it was a gutsy call. >> one of the helicopters did crash. >> exactly. i love the description that there was no one briefed for however many minutes in the room. hilary stop it! >> i don't think hilary has that kind of humor. focus, stop it. [ fart noises ] >> how am i supposed to follow something like that? >> i don't know. >> if you saw bill o'reilly last
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night -- >> i don't watch anything by current tv and neither do you. >> he showed a clip of paul ryan. he showed him talking about how iran is his complete total reason for going into politics. >> yeah. >> and now he has issued a statement saying he does not follow that atheist ian rand. >> yes. >> so how do we get the word out about what a huge liar he is. >> well, you just did. and it happens on current tv [ bell chimes ] >> let's go to bud in seattle. >> hey, how are you doing? >> good. go ahead. >> romney leads from behind. >> yep.
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>> in every way, and the other thing is too, that he's making a lot of issue about accruing a lot of wealth and people are jealous of it. it would be really nice if we could attribute a little bit more to the vets that come bag all mangled up -- >> exactly. mitt romney always does what he thinks is politically safe at the moment. and you are absolutely right i don't think he would have made this call. >> yeah, and the guy is saying, well obama is over his head and he can't lead. well this guy is reactive. he leads from behind -- >> it's the new leadership. >> exactly. and he has to watch obama, and obama has to show him the way. >> yep >> and then he has to react to
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it. it's like a bumper sticker, mitt leads from behind. >> yeah. last time he was caught on tape saying i don't care about the very pour, and now he names trees, and objects -- >> pancakes. >> now he is like i want to help everyone. >> i want to help the poor and the middle class -- let's focus on those people that need the most help. >> he is a tool. >> ken in cleveland pointed out that it is the one year anniversary of obadabod. ♪ >> okay. blauz -- [ applause ] >> which is why i'm wearing my
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bedazzled obama shirt. >> we're in the women's hater. >> and why did we do that jingle? >> because it is a funny name. ♪ obodabod ♪ ♪ >> okay. we will -- yeah we're get to the bin laden story, because it is hilarious. andrew in san francisco. >> hey, steph. how are you doing? >> hello andrew. okay. so this is going to be the stupidest thing that mitt romney said, we're not going to move heaven and earth to get one guy. >> yeah. >> because that's all baggage from the past. we need to move forward.
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let's just get rid of law enforcement and stop investigating crimes. what a stupid thing to say. >> among everything else. ann good morning. >> i think what you all have been talking about is mitt flips. >> that's right. >> i think we can just say it's a mitt slip. >> yeah, etch-a-sketch y, flippy floppy. >> yeah. >> zach wahls is the guy -- everybody remembers this moment. he was on the ohio -- >> no i think it was just before a city council meeting in iowa. >> he has a book called "my two moms: lessons of love, strength, and what makes a family." >> woe! >> he is coming up next on the
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"stephanie miller show." >> what are the odds? ♪ we will not settle for easy answers. (vo) the former governor of ny eliot spitzer, joins the new news network. >>every night we will drill down on the days top stories in search of facts that inform. >> we don't stop until we get answers that are truthful, serious, and not based on simplistic answers. >>we're here because we're independent. while you're out catching a movie. [ growls ] lucky for me your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey!
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you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate.
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in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. >>liberal and proud of it. lovely. [ laughter ] >> it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. jim that was a very good observation about bin laden. >> i'm just so glad he didn't live to witness the death of whitney houston, because it would have broken him. >> yeah, that would have been tragic. ♪ i will always love you ♪ >> he was a whitney houston fan. and the b52s.
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not the planes the band. >> you may remember this video. was 19-year-old zach wahls. >> good evening, mr. president. i was raised by two women. my biological mom told her grandparents she was pregnant and they wouldn't even acknowledge it. it wasn't actually until i was born that they succumbed to my infantile cuteness did they break down and acknowledge me. my sister was born in 1994 we are actually full sibling, which is real cool for me. we go to church together we eat dinner we go on vacation.
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my mom perry was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, but we're iowians, we'll fight our own battles. we just hope for equal treatment from our government. >> wow wee. ♪ >> zach wahls, author of "my two moms: lessons of love, strength, and what makes a family" joining us now. good morning, zach. >> good morning, everybody. >> your infantile cuteness has blossomed in to full-fledged adult cuteness. >> thank you very much. >> what motivated that testimony at the time? >> that was the iowa house judiciary committee. this was back in early 2011, this was the string of suicides that we saw starting with tyler
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clemente out here in new york. and was related to a dozens of suicides. at that moment it was a very dark hour for a lot of us. was right after the 2010 elections, so it was a moment -- we were all very tense and when i had this opportunity to stand up and share my story and maybe make a little bit of a difference, i jumped on it. >> it is interesting. you said something that really struck me. you said we were in the midst of an unspoken holocaust. >> that's right. and you said silence is no longer an option. >> that's right. >> that is so on point. and when you were watching rights being stripped from fellow citizens, it was your family. >> that's exactly right, stephanie. you are standing there and wondering what has this come to? you were living in a state where you had people who were supposed to be protecting our rights, trying to strip them away. beyond that there's this
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cognitive disdense that prevented them from seeing the effects these policies were having on young children. there was a 14-year-old in northwestern iowa that committed suicide after coming out. he was the subject of relentless bullying. teachers refused to step in. >> well, zach you have such an interesting perspective. because you are straight, correct? >> that's correct. >> but you know what it is like to feel different. what was that like if you could describe it. >> i write about that in the book. even though i'm not gay, i do know what it feels like to be in the closet. you feel like you are trying to
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be something or somebody who you aren't. and that's hard. so growing up there were definitely differences. i'll never forget watching in 2004 the republicanal national convention and mitt romney and rick santorum saying same sex marriages were anti-thetcall to american values and having the realization that there are people in this country that literally do not want your family to exist, that's terrifying. and beyond that at school i was target, you know, in a lot of respects, and it was something -- it wasn't always easy or fun having lesbian parents, but at the end of the day, wouldn't trade it for anything. >> you raise a good point, because speech does matter. when you have leaders of republican party like that, you
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know, basically telling people i don't believe that you should be able to marry the person you love, or grow up and serve your country. why do you think they are less than and they are never going to have a happy life? >> yeah, it's important too, there is certainly a very very fine line to walk. i'm a very strong believer in the first amendment, especially with those whom i disagree with. but this lack of understanding really does come from a place of two things. one fear, and second ignorance. and i don't mean ignorance in a shaming way, but literally lack of experience with lgbt people. these are largely advocates of these anti-family folks are coming from a position that they believe people engaging in a lifestyle choice they believe they are choosing to spend a lifestyle that will cause an
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eternity in hell and they can't understand why anybody would make that, quote unquote, decision. it's ridiculous obviously that attraction is never a choice whether you are gay, straight whatever. none of us have any control who we are attracted to otherwise newt gingrich would still be married to wife number one with the little blue dress. >> look at you. >> but sometimes it's hard to remember that. >> i was just quoting mitt romney earlier, zach back in 2005 he called the marriage ruling a blow against the family, and he said some gay couples are actually having children born to them. >> ah! >> this is the party of small government and keeping government out of your personal life. >> yeah, and if he only had that revelation in 2004 he is a little behind the times.
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i was born in '91, and i'm not by any sense of the imagine the first child born to same-sex parents. >> there are over 2 million now. >> that's correct. and even though i'm certainly part of the largest generation this far -- largest slash oldest, but i'm by no means the first. >> unfortunately you proved the right-wing's point that gay people can't raise children. you said the 99th percentile on the act, you are obviously not well-spoken. >> yeah, if gay people keep having babies god forbid we might have a bunch of young articulate educated people. it's very scarey stuff, steph.
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[ laughter ] >> yeah, when you look at marriage equality is an important part. i came out just a year or two ago finally, because i think it crosses partisan lines. when i told my mom many many years ago, and burst into tears and hugged mow. she just thought i was a loser. >> you are not a loser, you are the other l-word. >> look at what happened in new york state, right? it is not partisan. >> look, everybody who wants to stand on a soap box and say, lbgt rights is going to cause the end of the family clearly is not looking at the facts. the data is extraordinarily
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clear. i was an environmental engineering student when this came out. so we are trained to look at all of the data. because otherwise a bridge may fall down, and nobody wants that, unless you are a republican voting for anti-infrastructure bills. divorce are rates are down straight people are still married, davenport has not yet been swallowed up by the pit of hell. it's scary stuff, guys. >> i have now gone from gay to questioning just talking to you. [ romantic music ] >> so that happens. >> zach, i know you have lots of interviews to do. thanks for a taking time for us. >> yeah, thank so much guys. >> oh, my god. >> see what happens when you have gay moms.
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>> yeah that happens. so that happened. [ laughter ] >> wow! he is an amazing kid. his moms have got to be so proud of him. >> this is a book for everyone who has ever felt like an outsider. that covers all of us. look at our island of misfit toys here. [ applause ] >> all right. >> we all don't have it together as much as zach wahls does. >> no. >> good lord. >> and apparently we have never had depression like bin laden. >> he is a sad panda. >> oh noes he has the sad. we'll talk about that. >> announcer: i got her number off of the men's room stall. 1-800-steph-1-2.
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and there's only one place you'll find us. [ mom ] to me, chex is not just a little bowl of cereal it's kind of a big deal. to find nutritious and gluten-free cereals my whole family actually loves? well, the word "wow" comes to mind. and then a friend told me chex has five flavors that are gluten-free. even a cinnamon one the kids love.
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[ mocking tone ] i'm ms. brown. i'm soooo chocolatey. i'm giving away money to make people like me-eee -- is what he said. and i was like "you watch your mouth. she's my friend." friend is a strong word. [ male announcer ] chocolate just got more irresistible. find the all brown bag and you could win! (vo) every week night, cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >> are they worried about the politics of it before the election? of course!
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ >> down. down! >> down. it is the "stephanie miller show." 50 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. bin laden a b52's fan. who know. >> i'm going to a dance and mess around. and i was once going to change me name to olihosha but i decided to change it to fred snyder. >> his scaife as big as a whale. >> on the one-year anniversary
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of obadibah there is a picture of a sad osama bin laden. ever wish you could escape your troubling by changing your name and moving away. osama bin laden new the feeling. hunkered down in his obadibah as al-qaeda suffered disaster after disaster. >> he loves the yiddish. >> really. [ laughter ] >> he encouraged its operatives to flee to areas away from photography and bombardment. and even thought about changing the name of the organization. >> i think i'll call it al green. ♪ i'm so in love with you ♪ >> yeah, that was a good point,
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jim, whitney houston's death would have crushed him. ♪ and i will always love you ♪ >> oh, please, why did you leave me. >> bin laden also worried about recruiting terrorist talent. that is really a problem these days. >> you are fired. >> but i haven't even given you my resume yet. >> the rise of lower leaders who are not as experienced would lead to repeated mistakes. they had some of those boobs later on -- >> yeah, and the number two guy kept getting killed. >> yeah, didn't the number 2 guy blow up in his pants or something? >> some of them said they were affiliated with al-qaeda but they really weren't. >> i'm al-qaeda-ish.
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>> it's like the later bands. >> yeah, whoever is touring for journey now, you weren't the original journey. >> well, no, they are replaced the singer. i think everyone else is the same. >> bin laden himself -- oh by the way i love this. this is more about how the president's policy was correct. a large portion of muslims around the world have lost their trust in al-qaeda. bin laden said they largely stopped using the phrase war on terror. >> thisproofs that the bush administration policy was making things worse. >> yes. [ applause ] >> any way i wish i was there to one of the spitballing sessions. >> i think i'll change it to al gore. >> no. [ laughter ] >> let's go to ron in detroit.
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>> hi, steph. can i apologize, because during your commercials i switched over to daily rundown. >> how dare you. >> i'm sick about saying how this guy was assassinated. john kennedy was assassinated. martin luther king was assassinated. guy was brought to justice. >> yes, thank you. >> hey here is a message from dick cheney. we need a -- >> i'm not really sure what he said -- >> it didn't sound good. >> i think we had an f bomb. >> yeah, we did. >> hi, ron in cincinnati. >> hi, you were talking about
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bin laden's being brought to justice. years prior to that when george w. bush was in office there was a sniper that had bin laden in his cross hairs at one time and was awaiting the order to engage the target -- >> yeah let me guess. bush was bicycling? >> i don't know. he was probably down in texas, i don't know. >> somebody made the decision they needed him alive. it would have been a better propaganda tool. >> here is my point. if we were trying to get this man, and we had somebody who actually had him in his cross hairs, we could have taken him out a long time ago. >> yes, but then you wouldn't have been able to start the unnecessary war in iraq. >> he was our guy, bin laden was. he was going on tour to -- >> yeah, i'm going to guess that
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he was coloring on ruggy and eating a grape sucker. i'm just guessing. >> yeah. >> hi, deb. >> good morning. i saw you up in kent washington last year. >> yay! all right, go ahead. >> the republicans are always talking about money, money, money, money. they keep arguing about everything. i would like to know how much the photo opwith the mission accomplished banner cost compared to the mission to actually get bin laden. >> yeah. >> i would like to know what the difference is. >> yeah, the puppet show. i like that. president obama yesterday. >> i hardly think you have seen any excepttive celebration taking place here. >> that's true. >> if it had been bush this would be a national holiday.
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there would be a macy's day parade with a big float with an eye missing. >> bush flying on to the air carry that was successive. >> yeah, exactly. morning ed. >> how are ya? i find it very ironic that horse face mitt romney is meeting with rudy today. >> yeah. >> because he is largely responsible for the intense loss of life of firefighters. wayne ballad wrote a very important book called "grand illusion." >> uh-huh. >> and he wrote in the book about how rudy didn't take the time or trouble to get on the radio with the commander of the
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police. >> yeah. >> the point is is that the firefighters didn't know what the police knew that the first tower had gone down to get the heck out of the second tower -- >> and can you believe rudy giuliani is accusing the president of politicizing -- >> he didn't even care about this top of topic until 9/11 occurred, and then he saw he could make political hay out of it. >> yep. 58 minutes after the hour right-wing, and david shuster, the most interesting man in the world coming up as well on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> side effects might include shortness of breath, and sore abdominals in the morning.
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what in the world is up? >> announcer: it is the "stephanie miller show." ♪ ♪ [ theme music ] ♪ well hello again current tv fans. here we are preparing for hour number 2. >> uh-huh. >> of the "stephanie miller show." all right. >> in germany. it is the thumb. and -- >> welcome to the international house of fart jokes. good morning. >> yeah. >> chris christie says he may end up as mitt romney's running mate. >> that's huge news.
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>> that's huge! >> huge! >> he is big. >> he said if romney calls he owes it to him to sit down. well, that better be a big chair. >> an armless chair. >> maybe a bean bag chair. >> no, he might sit on dick morris. >> yes. >> there goes that dick morris booking. thank you. [ laughter ] >> we were this close. lots of vomitous stuff coming up. in the meantime good morning, jacki. >> good morning, stephanie. good morning, everyone. . the white house is announcing new grants which will support projects at 398 centers nationwide. and they emphasize the importance of these health
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centers in increasing employment. did you know it costs $10,000 to have your picture taken with the president? now that mitt romney is the presumptive nominee he is upping his prices to match. you could have your picture snapped at a fund raiser with mitt romney for $2,500. but now starting tomorrow $2,500 will only get you through the door. and now there is chatter about vp picks. chris christie does well cnn that if mitt romney asks him to sit down and talk he will. gop insiders said they would like to have ohio senator bob portman as the vp. he is well vetted and they don't thing he will bring any surprises. there is also discussion about virginia governor who will appear on thursday with mitt romney in his state, but his
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state approval ratings have dropped since he mandated that women get ultrasounds. we'll be right back after this break. ♪ while you're out catching a movie. [ growls ] lucky for me your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey! you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate.
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>>do it, for america. ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm talking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. 6 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. the website, check it out. you can email us all there.
7:05 am get it. minneapolis almost sold out next month. get it hurry. almost sold out. boston, in june l.a. get it fast. go. particularly since the cannibal shrimp invasion as begun. [ screaming ] [ suspense music ] >> there is shrimp-eating shrimp. they have been spotted in waters from north carolina to texas. >> i bet those shrimp have been soaking in oil for a few years now. >> the asian tiger shrimp is what they are called. they are very bossy. [ screaming ] [ eerie music ] >> anyone who spots the tiger shrimp, is asked to report it's
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location. >> in the water. >> on the cocktail fork. >> the asian tiger shrimp. >> tarter sauce that will help. >> yes. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> i didn't tell you the breaking pathetic news. i went to the eye doctor yesterday. i had floaties in this eye. this is not really funny, but a lot of times this show is the place where dreams go to die including mine. but now one dream could be coming true. and that is i could be getting cuddles the guide horse because i have to get a glaucoma test. >> you can get some medical marijuana. >> there is some everybody or something -- >> you are probably going to weigh like a hundred pounds.
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>> the floaties are just an age thing. and i said why are they only in one eye. and he said don't worry, you will get them in the other. oh, my the way you may have glaucoma. so i may get cuddles the mini guide horse. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> can you tell the doctor i have glaucoma. >> it is contagious. >> i have guacamole. >> so that's the pathetic news in my sad loser continues. >> this just in, bin laden has noticed to rename his organization al snyder!
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>> or al franklin. >> bin laden apparently had a sad. he was thinking about changing the name of alaska to something zippier. >> pizza hut. >> let's go to buddy in columbus. you are on the "stephanie miller show." hey, buddy. >> hey momma who things. we're all going to be working for zach some day. >> i know. how awesome. >> maybe i could cut his grass or something. in that guy is so on top of everything. it was amazing. but the second thing is with mittens palling up to rudy. remember what rudy said on 9/11 watching people jump to their death. thank got george bush is president. >> oh, god, i know. i know. exactly. thank god he is president.
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>> bush kind of let it happen. >> all right. >> if he would follow through on the presidential briefings. >> you covered your ass now. >> let's dive into the right-wing world. [ whacky comedy music ] >> rush limbaugh saying something completely opposite of the truth. >> if i have this right -- >> you don't. >> -- i know i had this right. they had osama ready to go for like three weeks, and they couldn't convince obama to go. and somebody had to tell them they were going to lose their window if they didn't move now. it was obama who was reluctant to go. they had to push him to this. ♪ you're a lying sack of crap you're a lying cheating
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stinking nasty liquid bag of crap ♪ >> that is completely the opposite of the truth. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> they went around the room and almost everyone said no. >> except for biden. >> he said it's a big f-ing deal. we need to do this. >> so rush limbaugh lied to his audience again. >> sew i lied. >> goldberg -- >> if we didn't have the bill clinton scandal, we wouldn't have goldberg -- >> and his mom was the one that convinced linda trip to save the blue -- >> yeah and his mom wouldn't go on the today show with me.
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she wouldn't go on until after i was gone. >> i'm not going on with her. >> can somebody light my road flair. >> he said he wasn't going to spike the football about it. running campaign ads gloating about it and saying the other guy isn't tough enough to do what i did. i think it's reprehensible. going by obama's own standards i think it is reprehensible. >> how could you possibly politicize a trivial thing like that. >> yeah. wowy. eric bolling. >> these people do more in a day than you will ever do sir. they deal with roadside bombs. they risk their lives, sir. and how about stop insulting americans who see right through
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you while you deliver a left-wing campaign speech while pretending to give a damn of their service. and quit using our military as a photo op. >> oh, my god. >> president bush who routinely used the military including the puppet show we talked about. >> look, i have injury too. >> that was quite the little lecture. >> how dare you. >> listen to me! [ laughter ] >> whatever eric bowling. peter johnson who's name is peter johnson. [ laughter ] >> the point is if the justices look at this and say well reasonable suspicion, all of this is a mirror of the federal law. why can't police officers look into a car and say god these
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people don't look like they belong here. >> because it's racial profiling. >> yes, they used to do that a lot in the south. >> yeah. >> peter lababara. it for the americans for truth about homosexuality. >> he does a lot of research. >> reagan's greatest accomplish was stopping soviet communism. i think there is a lot of silent support for our position. the media, and hollywood, and ak anemia are a thousand percent for perversion for
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homosexuality. and i think if you had a candidate like santorum that explains how religious freedom will be trampled over by the tiny minority, i think americans would rally to our position. >> it is going to be trampled over by a tiny army only homosexuals in fabulous footwear. >> that's right. >> i'm going to all of the raids and protest what is going on. >> this article in the "new york times," homophobic, maybe you are gay. >> yeah i saw that. ♪ >> one theory is -- >> is this. >> i love the "new york times." one theory is because they are gay! >> yeah. >> little rent boy. >> one theory is homosexual
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urges when repressioned out of shame can be expressed as homophobia. we provide empirical evidence that homophobia can result from repressed homosexuality. >> benny and the jets said they are focusing too much on the poor. >> jesus only talked about homos. >> not at all. >> i'm kidding. >> let the other homophobes run the republican party. >> he wants a makeover of the
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whole nun organization. you know who is perfect -- ♪ i am feeling super, nothing bugs me ♪ ♪ everything there is super when -- don't you think i look cute in this hat ♪ >> you do not look cute in that hat. please don't make a habit out of it. hey! [ whacky comedy music ] >> i'm just saying he is the man for that job. to do the extreme nun makeover. >> to barack obama the entire united states of america is one big giant ku klux klan. >> what? >> and the constitution for barack obama is the membership charter for this giant ku klux klan. and i honestly believe this is
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how barack obama sees the united states of america. one big giant kkk. >> these family shows not widely listened to, are they? >> i don't think so. especially with that hum in the background. >> yeah, not much for the audio quality. >> but it is important we know they are out there, because some of these views may become -- >> yes. >> approach main stream. >> all right. that concludes -- >> obama thought his mother was the ku klux klan. it's so obvious. >> i think it's the repetition -- >> i'm going to say it again. ku klux klan. >> i heard you! >> maybe you didn't get it the
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first five times. >> 19 minutes after the hour. carbonite, carbonite carbonite. kids i have so much stuff on my computer, and all it takes is losing one of those files to create a disaster. your files are stored safely and securely off site. it backs things up continually. it has already restored over 7 billion computers. go to now. type in my offer code stephanie with your prescription, offer code stephanie. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> not bad. like frisbee golf i'm glad i
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ here i go again my my how can i resist you ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ now i really know my my i can never let you go ♪ >> i do not know what i am saying. >> yeah, they had no idea what they were saying seriously. >> it is the "stephanie miller show." 25 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. joe in chicago, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hey, joe. >> yes, hi. >> hi. >> i was just calling to add -- about the republicans
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audacity to claim that obama was politicizing the death of osama bin laden. if george bush would have done it when he was in power, they would have used that to institutionalize all of their policies of torture and claiming it was such a successful means of keeping national security and everyone would have been subjected to their fascist rule along with secret military contracts and so on. >> yeah. >> they clearly would have done that. >> the patriot dismantled the bill of rights essentially. >> they politicized 9/11 to no end. and so say you are politicizing competence on finally delivering
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justice is incredible. bill in texas. hi, bill. >> yeah stephanie we are more or less a political back hole down here in bush country. thank to you and current tv we're finally getting the truth. >> in texas they probably celebrate george bush's amazing victory in getting bin laden don't they? >> oh, yeah. everything down here is bush. some of the local stations have tried to portray obama as trying to take over the country like hitler did in germany. there is one local station down here, channel 640 on the radio, and the other day -- i don't know if i can give his name or not, the commentator. >> it doesn't matter. >> michael berry, and he is trying to be another rush limbaugh wanna be. >> uh-huh.
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>> and he is acting like obama is trying to take over the country like germany did. >> yes. >> and to bush -- >> analogies are not their strong suit i found on the right. yeah, that's the thing jim, just when you think, oh they wouldn't possibly say something like this. remember this a year ago, i think we can all agree this was george bushes victory. and i was like well yes -- huh? why? because he shut down the bin laden and didn't get him -- what? >> bush is allowed to spike the football, but obama isn't. >> yeah. >> obama gave the order. >> yeah. >> gotcha. >> thanks for that. bob in orange county. hi, bob. >> hi, stephanie a little historical perspective on that photo opfor bush.
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>> yes. >> they kept that out for one month so he could go down to san diego and fly 20 miles off of the coast to have that photo op. >> yeah. to me -- didn't you love that how they explained -- explained that, bush got to fly the plane a little bit. >> no, he didn't. >> like he is eight. i can fly it. >> supposedly he flew f102 ins the national guard. i find that hard to believe. >> yeah. hello you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> hi, stephanie. my comment is all of the right-wing nuts give credit to romney for handling the olympics. okay. my snob remark is anyone could have accomplished the same. >> yeah, exactly. >> he did it in french. >> 29 minutes after the hour.
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right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ we will not settle for easy answers. (vo) the former governor of ny eliot spitzer, joins the new news network. >>every night we will drill down on the days top stories in search of facts that inform. >> we don't stop until we get answers that are truthful, serious, and not based on simplistic answers. >>we're here because we're independent.
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>> announcer: stephanie miller -- >> because if that trashy big-lipped slag said it it might be a little bit true. >> you don't have big lips. >> thanks jim. 1-800-steph-1-2. dream die hard. a official said bin laden wanted to see president obama assassinated. >> isn't that ironic. >> yeah, it is ironic. and said he got the navy seal
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eye test. ♪ >> that's s that a b for bush? no an o for obama. >> kablamo. >> is that a mitt romney name? >> yes, it is. welcome, barbara. hi, barbara, go ahead. >> i'm calling to ask for the return of the obadibah music. >> we have already done the dance fix a couple of times, but we're doing that again for you. ♪ obadibah ♪ >> by the way, there is excessive celebration going on here, barbara. >> here too, yes. >> we're allowed to spike the football here. >> every break. every break. >> that's right. i was in new york for 9/11. i know people that lost people.
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so that's what i mean -- that is a good moment for america, and it's just -- it's incredible. >> uh-huh. >> wow. i think we mentioned this before that chris christie. he was so coy, wasn't he? i'm not going to be vice president. and now he said he could be convinced to join the ticket. >> but not i meant maybe. >> yeah, he said he might be able to convince me. he is a convincing guy. >> that's a huge flip flop. huge. >> in governor romney called me and we sat down and talked [ inaudible ]. >> okay. better have a big chair ready. >> yeah, with no arms. >> geez can you picture him at the state of the union address. >> yeah.
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>> when governor christy sits around mitt romney's house he really sits around the whole! [ whacky comedy music ] >> he sits around the white house. [ whacky comedy music ] >> okay. let's go to jake in houston -- >> you can't find my bones. >> jake in houston. how are you doing, jake? >> i just wanted to thank you for having a pretty logical voice on the radio, because i'mdown here in the south and sometimes it can feel like the twilight zone everybody is looking at you like what do you mean you didn't hate blacks and gays? what is wrong with you. >> yeah. >> a lot of people especially in the poor areas of the south do not believe that barack killed osama at all.
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and their excase would be well then why didn't they release the pictures? and i tell them because they new it was incite of lot of leaders. and they are like oh how convenient. strange to hear, and i just wanted to call in and let you guys know a little bit -- >> that's impressive how you channel some of your -- >> next you are going to tell me that they walked on the moon. >> yeah exactly. it is really frustrating because i was born in houston and have traveled around, and sometimes it makes you pretty upset because you feel like you are represented by those people. i feel like speaks on behalf of rednecks because they upset you so much with the craziest things that say. >> you are like thanks goober. thanks for making us look bad
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again. >> yeah. there are so many people who believe that barack is actually the devil, some sort of antichrist. >> yeah, and that's a step up from our last caller that said hitler. >> yeah. >> hitler and/or satan. >> i don't think you can vote out the devil. >> right. >> i don't think we could just beat him with a romney and a christy campaign. >> yeah, i don't mean to suppress turnout. but your vote is not going to count anyway. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> let's go to tony in missouri. >> it's donny actually. >> oh, sorry. go ahead. >> i want to talk about romney basically trying to take credit for the osama kill and thought
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of romney's new campaign slogan. osama bin laden i could have done it too, but i didn't and actually wouldn't have. >> yeah that doesn't exactly fit on a bumper sticker. here was president obama in 2007. >> if we had actual intelligence and the president will not act, we will. >> yeah, remember the right-wing saying -- [ screaming ] >> he says he wants to unilaterally go in and potential i will bomb a nation which is our friend. >> no, that's not what he said. romney went on to say we shouldn't spend billions of dollars to get one guy. >> it was a single bullet. >> yeah. >> hi, chuck you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> if bush and cheney had gotten bin laden, the supreme court would have voted them for a third term regardless of what the people want.
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>> yes. yes. >> and also bush's secret society, the bone -- skull and bones society have actually taken over this country, we just don't realize it yet. enjoy your show. >> well, thanks for that buzz kill at the end there. andy in florida. >> can i say i'm calling from an undisclosed location not with dick cheney. >> yes. thank you. >> there are four reasons that president bush didn't care about osama bin laden. they wanted to go into iraq way before 9/11 happened. because they wrote a letter to president clinton urging the military to overthrow the
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regime. and ten others were serving in the organization. now the other thing saudi arabia acknowledged that 15 of the 19 suicides were citizens not iraqis. so if we wanted to attack why didn't we attack saudi arabia? right. >> i think he didn't want to offend the bin laden family. because over two dozen members. 27 of osama bin laden's family were urgently evacuated from the united states -- >> all right. all right. andy. >> and young members of the bin laden family -- >> thank --
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>> and then to washington -- >> all right. andy okay. you know what a little time for a nappy. [ applause ] >> most of that we have kind of been saying for the last hour -- >> yeah, and the project new american century said if only we had a catastrophic event like pearl harbor -- >> listen, you take one breath and you are gone -- >> and another thing -- >> oh, dammit! >> sorry chris in l.a. you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, chris. >> hi, how are you? with regard to the supposed comment that -- i cannot be in
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favor that two wrongs make a right. these are the exact questions they raised about obama, and clinton with the 4:00 am phone calls -- >> 3:00 a.m. >> sorry. 3:00 a.m. look if you want a strong leader, he is the guy. and it's a perfect legitimate thing to say. >> yeah and when you look at the contrast chris, first of all no mission was accomplished and he had this big military almost tribute to himself. whereas do you remember when obama -- obama pretty much said we got him. thank you. any questions? >> yeah, he has a press conference, a serious tone of an intelligent leader as opposed to some guy strutting across -- >> and president obama let me
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point out does not need a cod piece. >> and you know this how? >> joe biden said he has a big stick. >> like a ramrod. >> what would you know about that? >> because i know stuff. jr. in miami, you are on the "stephanie miller show." welcome. >> good morning, stephanie. i love your show every morning. >> i love you too. >> i have a quick couple of things, though. first of all, i think we just always fall into this trap where the republicans are -- bring up the issues and we're not doing anything. of course we know romney didn't support going into afghanistan or even pakistan and trying to get osama, and the thing about it is president obama, to me he is so talented -- he is bringing up issues before they do. do you remember when he went into the republicans and he had a meeting with them -- >> yeah.
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>> anyway he brought up karl ryan. they fell for that. and now you are see that paul ryan is a fool. but it's just that you have to use your sense instead of -- you can't fall for what they are trying to do. we got to bring up the agenda and we are going to win in november. >> yes, we can 2012. i'm in. [ applause ] >> listen, i'm in my obama t-shirt today. >> bedazzled no less. >> i know, right? 46 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> not bad, like frisbee golf i'm glad i tried it once. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >>just wanted to clarify that.
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>> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ might as well jump jump ♪ ♪ might as well jump ♪ >> might as well. ♪ go ahead and jump jump ♪ >> oh, yeah. >> okay. jump. ♪ go ahead and jump ♪ >> shouldn't i have a parachute. 50 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. this hour brought to you by go to my pc. for exclusive order go to go to my and the pro foe code is stephanie. richard in jersey wants us to know he's really drunk. hi, richard. >> hello steph -- >> good morning. >> i -- i'm sorry -- i'm -- i'm
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just calling to say that i remember when john mccain used obama -- i mean osama as a political ploy. >> uh-huh. >> do you remember when he said i know where to get him, and if elected i will. >> john what -- where you been drinking at 11:00 in the morning eastern time in jersey? >> hello? >> oh, the bars open up early -- >> oh, awesome. >> oh, no. hello? hello? [ applause ] >> and yet he made a more cogent point than some of our right-wing callers. [ mumbling ] >> oh goodness. nice to hear -- >> and another thing i -- i . . . >> really long pauses are always
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good in radio. stephanie in illinois, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, steph. >> now that we're on foreign policy with mitt does it scare anyone he is so uncomfortable with the southern part of his state that he is uncomfortable with grits and cookies -- >> and pancakes. >> how is he going to be comfortable in some other country. turn it nose up -- >> this is sub standard. >> this is really -- my god this is awful. oops. [ explosion ] >> not very amused. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> mitt romney said democrats hate golf courses. >> i know plenty of democrats who hate golf courses. >> he said what a home this is. what grounds these are. the pool, the golf course.
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republicans come here and say everyone should live like this. oh, rich guy horse face laugh. [ affected laughter ] >> no democrats say you should pay your fair share. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> yes, and earn it by not selling companies over seas. >> all right. mittenings on the campaign trail. >> it's in part because of the president's policies. he has cut in half the number of licenses and permits used to drill on federal land. so drilling on those lands will not be coming forward in the coming years. >> we're drilling more than ever. >> and besides it's not linked to the stock market. >> and by the way, gas prices are coming down. >> yeah, quite a bit. and when bush was in office he said the president has nothing
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to do with gas prices. >> kelly ayotte is supposed to be on the short list for v.p. >> they are out of touch, special interest driven and they aren't listening to the people of america. >> talking about the romney campaign? >> she has the talking points down, but can she actually do something? >> that worked for them before. look, we have a chick gambit for vice president. >> jody in columbus. >> hello. welcome back to columbus. >> yay, go to the sexy liberal show august 18th! >> oh, yes. >> yes. >> you were talking about dick cheney earlier, and i found it appalling that after getting a new heart and a new lease on life that the first thing he would do is go on tv and spew
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hateful lies about the current president of the united states. >> yeah. >> how un-american is that? >> yeah, you might say it's heartless, but for once you would be inaccurate. >> if he only had a heart. >> if i only had a heart. oil can. >> i'm sorry. oil can? robert in texas hello. >> i'm calling from texas and i just wanted to make three quick comments. we're really glad george bush is no longer in office and we have a sign on our front door that says we support obama. >> brave man in texas. somebody is giving him directions in the background. [ applause ] >> tell her that you can keep all of oots down there in texas. >> why didn't the wife just get on the phone?
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>> it was like charlie brown's teacher. [ mumbling ] >> all right. "politico" piece. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> mitt romney's friend-enemies. one is more tepid than the next. a number of national high-profile republicans each one giving praise with their blessings. >> i guess i'll do, kind of. >> their statements range from harsh to sparse. the quintessential moment of hold your nose and endorse a candidate. when i was operated on for prostate cancer, i didn't go to the nicest doctor, i went to the best one. >> wow. that's praise?
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>> i guess. >> he had been one of romney's most blistering critics. >> even back -- just in april. >> yeah. >> mitch daniels said you have to complain to govern not just to win, after a pause, he added with disappointment romney doesn't talk that way. [ somber music ] >> hail to the -- really? >> hail to the best we have got. hail to the -- oh he'll have to do. >> a number of republicans said privately that he yet to inspire fear or retribution within his party. really mittens doesn't inspire fear? >> grrrr. >> he inspires fears in dogs. >> yeah. >> david shuster and much more when we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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♪ [ theme music ] ♪ >> oh, why hello current tv fans. here we are again getting ready for hour number 3 of the big show. we'll be talking to the most interesting man in the world, david shuster. >> yep. >> he'll be talking about mitt romney's woman problem and potential presidential picks. >> don't walk about ann that way. >> no the difference in goals in female voters.
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lady voters. what do the ladies like? that and we will continue to talk about mitt romney i guess taking credit for gm being alive and bin laden being dead. what? we'll continue to talk about that and much more. we have celebrity stack coming up, and more importantly there is a giant current news petro-plex news center and jacki schechner is in the eye of the storm right hi, jacki. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everyone. now you have it from the man himself. >> i want to take this opportunity to give you an insider advance notice that on wednesday, i'll be officially suspending the campaign. >> in a video just posted gingrich goes on to say he wants you to know first because of all of you have done he wants to
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thank you personally because none of it would have been possible without you. and rick scott's stand your ground task force will convene today. 17 people will take a look at the law and determine whether it should be changed. they will start in tallahassee. you can see a list of the members online at that includes state lawmakers, attorneys, law enforcement officials and a neighborhood watch volunteer. the department of homeland security is launching its investigation into the secret service scandal. and the probe the military is doing into whether or not it's troops were involved. two house committees have submitted questions to mark sullivan, and his answer to those committees are due today.
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if you want to talk about this or anything else you can always join us in chat, we'll be right back. [ growls ] lucky for me your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey! you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate.
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serious, and not based on simplistic answers. >>we're here because we're independent. ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. 6 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. join the party, check it out. wait, how did this get here
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chris. sexy liberal comedy tour volume one. i mean i -- i don't even know how -- how did that get placed there? that's just ridiculous. >> the comedy album that has topped the charts from itunes to, stephanie miller sexy liberal comedy tour volume one has broken records and shattered republican means. what once was only digital is finally getting physical. you can experience stephanie and her sexy liberal gang on cd. featuring the talents of john fugelsang. hal sparks >> it sounded like popcorn with the heads exploding. a victory on the terrorism front? >> and progressive radio
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superstar, stephanie miller. >> it is getting too mean in the republicans debates. >> go to or to own the album that chronicles history. now available on cd. >> yeah! [ applause ] >> go to sexy liberal on facebook and twitter. we have dates coming up next month in boston and l.a. get it. from mark in san francisco, we like people that write respectful letters with a little snark. san francisco where they moved me off of their show. and their ratings have gone 90%. "stephanie miller show" was a daily complain i don't know, we
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were loyal and vocal customers of your station advertisers, but due to the recent shake up our family has found our smartphone availability to listen to stephanie miller in the morning. also your shake uphas eliminated the need to have an old-fashioned radio laying around our home. and i'm sure your station's ratings increased during stephanie miller's time slot were obviously justified. so this has been a win-win for both your station and listeners. congratulations, and thank you. [ applause ] >> no name calling. >> that might be the best letter ever. >> yeah. >> it seems like a sincere thank you. >> greetings. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> apparently we have tripled
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our ratings on current so now they are replaying the least crappy hour of our show. >> i guess some people were trying to call the show during that time yesterday. >> i think they were flashing on the screen, not live. not live. don't call. >> but some people don't pay attention to us. >> why is she ignoring me? >> you were saying some people don't pay attention? what were you saying? >> nothing. >> yesterday jim and i were obsessed with a frog. he was like sitting up on his legs going -- >> hey, how are you doing. >> we expected him to break out into song. ♪ hello, my baby ♪ >> and now have you seen this video of the guy. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> fastest man on four legs.
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the world's fastest man on four legs for nearly a decade, he has been perfecting a running style based on one of the monkeys of africa. he said my face and body kind of look like a monkey but i wasn't bothered because i liked them. and from that point i practiced running like a monkey every day. >> his speed at running a hundred meters on all fours just under 20 seconds. >> wow. >> occasionally he gets together with fellow four-legged runners to have races. his passion has not been without setbacks. i went up to the mountains for about a month. and on the first day a hunter
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mistook me for a wild bore and tried to shoot me. i hate when that happens. >> yeah. ♪ running on a big baby monkey ♪ ♪ baby monkey, baby, monkey ♪ ♪ this world has gone insane and you don't know what is right ♪ ♪ get on and hold on tight ♪ ♪ baby monkey ♪ >> that was the actual video. >> yeah. >> that someone put to music. but the frog may have replaced that -- >> with all of the radiation in japan, we may have a planet of
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the apes world. >> all right. debbie downer. can i have squeezy music, please. [ romantic music ] >> a gynecologist said he found the elusive g-spot. >> i'm wearing a white lab coat and no pants. you can trust me i'm a doctor. i'm a doctor bah, shaka, bah bah. >> he found the gpot by means of a seven hour dissection. he found it deep deep in the vagina. >> deep undercover. several experts are highly sketchty call. saying his paper is short on proven research. here is the part that is not hot. he said he performed a layer, by
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layer dissect shun on an 80-year-old woman who died of head drama. >> wow! that is not hot! >> wow! all right. now that is a bad day when you have head trauma and then have your vagina dissected -- >> for seven hours. >> wow! [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> woman sues dentist, says she swallowed tool. [ laughter ] >> you shouldn't have taken the novacane. >> no, he dropped a screwdriver down her throat. >> she is suing the dentist accusing him of dropping a small screwdriver down her throat.
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he instructed her to eat a diet high in fiber. [ flatulence sound effect ] >> oh, i'm sorry. >> what was he doing with a screwdriver. >> that will teach you to swallow. [ buzzer sounds ] >> what? what did i say? >> okay. wowy. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> dentist reacts to bad break upby pulling out ex's boyfriend's teeth. a 34-year-old dentist in poland under investigation formal practice after she allegedly pulled out all her ex-boy's teeth. he arrived just a few days after the split. >> probably other dentists. >> she said i tried to be professional, but when i saw him lying there i thought what a
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bastard. >> oh, my god. >> when he awoke, and said i knew something was wrong for one he could no longer find his teeth. >> that's a sign. >> when i got home i looked in the mirror and i couldn't [ censor bleep ] believe it. the bitch has removed all of my teeth. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> and then she killed him. i'm sure. [ laughter ] >> all right. so those are a couple people having worse days than you are. >> hum. >> let's go to cynthia in missouri real quick. hey, cynthia welcome. hello. >> i would like to common your staff, your crew for the perfect job you are doing, and i would like to comment on mitt romney the ridiculous joke. >> yes, go ahead. >> good morning, steph and crew -- i just wanted to thank you all for doing a perfect job.
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>> is this groundhog day? somebody hi the cher music. ♪ they see ♪ >> that was that scene in groundhog day. >> i think you missed her punch line, and you said go ahead and so she did it again. >> oh. all right. >> pardon me. she had a bad connection and that sort of went awry. and now some more cher music. ♪ >> good morning! how are you? >> rise and shine! >> all right. 17 minutes after the hour. david shuster is coming to save us shortly. don't worry. kids go to my most of your work is tied to your office computer maybe your home computer, and then you feel like you are chained to your desk or office.
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you don't need to be. go to my pc it corrects you to any computer or even your iphone or ipad. you can access your computer from anywhere. if you are at a soccer game, or at the dentist getting all of your treat removed from your spiceful ex -- >> it can happen. >> yeah, you can document a file right from your mobile device. sets up in just minutes. >> hum. >> hum. yes, exactly. try to go to my pc today. special 45-day free trial just for my listeners. enter the promo code stephanie. the promo code is stephanie. >> what are you laughing about? [ laughter ] >> because i get so excited sometimes about my sponsors so
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now when we're on television, i just spit, when i get excited i just spit. i apologize. i need one of those dental -- like the things that sucks it out of your mouth, because i get really excited about my sponsors. all right. 18 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: call stephanie now. she's easy. 1-800-steph-1-2.
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drive me crazy ♪ ♪ i need a lover that won't drive me mad ♪ >> boy howdy. >> yeah. >> right? >> 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. this hour brought to you by go to my when you -- >> what? >> we want -- >> are you okay? >> i'm spitting again i'm so excited. visit go to my and type in the promo code stephanie for 45-day free trial. let's go to phil in boston. >> momma! hey, mooks! >> i would like to put myself in as the official blues gistuitarist of the "stephanie miller show." >> oh okay.
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>> i would like to respond to the lying sack of mitt about obama cutting down on drilling permits. our dependence on foreign oil has gone from 57% to 44%. and we're drilling more than we have in the last seven years, and i would really get our right-wing listeners to please avail themselves of some fact-based political journalism. >> that is so polite. please, we ask you to avail yourselves -- >> oh, no, you first. >> oh, have some facts. okay. tom you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, tom. >> hi. just a couple of quick comments one it is amazing that romney could make a nasty mark about jimmy carter when you figure he was very happy to get his draft
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deferment and jimmy carter served. >> yes. >> and his sons have a higher purpose to serve. >> and i think all conversations about health care should start with bush giving iraq and afghanistan universal healthcare in their constitutions. >> yeah. >> and the third thing everybody blames obama for the gas prices and bush had a reporter tell him that gas prices were going up to $4 a gallon at a news conference. >> yeah. we were talking about the tepid endorsements of romney. also they were saying mittens apparently not inspiring the fear he needs to. of course people are unafraid.
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romney is like a freshman knocking 6th graders off of the hill. here is another endorsement, ready? former governor pitacki. it's hard for economic conservatives and families like mine to connect with him. he is struggling with latinos -- >> but other than that. >> he is not a strong swimmer. >> he is not a strong candidate. >> hi, carol. >> hi, i'll try to be succinct. first of all about osama bin laden, he was saudy, and we have
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to remember that the saudys were the ones that backed bush. >> uh-huh. >> and the other thing is isn't it funny how bush looks a little bit like alfred e newman and scott walker looks like the ventriloquist dummy. >> yeah, he does. there is that weird -- [ mysterious music ] . >> -- lack of facial expression. >> yeah. >> kind of like mitt romney. >> yeah. >> captain botox. >> in three two -- [ crashing ] >> oh, and he seems briefly stunned. >> what? what just happened? >> he is not union bashing. [ laughter ] >> okay. jeanie in georgia, you are on the "stephanie miller show." welcome, jeanie. >> hi, how are you?
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>> good. go ahead. >> i just want to say i love your show and just started watching a few days ago. i'm a faithful viewer from now on. >> thank you. >> and i'm really angry at the fact that romney and julianny are going to capitalize on osama's death. >> yes. >> i can't stand it -- >> in new york with some firefighters. >> yeah, it just makes me angry that they totally take away the credit that president obama should have. >> yep. yep. exactly. 29 minutes after the hour. the most interesting man in the world from current tv, david shuster, joins us next. ♪
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it's go time. >>every weeknight cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >>the guys in the middle class the guys in the lower end got screwed again. >>i think you know which one we're talking about. the overwhelming majority of the country says"tax the rich, don't go to war." >>just wanted to clarify that.
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jennifer granholm is politically direct on current tv. >>the dominoes are starting to fall. (vo) granholm is live in the war >> what should women be doing? >> electing women to office. (vo) she's a political trailblazer. >>republicans of course didn't let facts get in the way of spin. >>do it, for america.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- >> you increasingly attractive looking woman. you know, you are really pretty. >> oh, stop. >> no, you could be in magazines and not just like jugs or cream sickle. [ laughter ] >> stop sending me the picture. i am not the burnett in the baseball hat that stole the baseball from that kid at the rangers came. it was not me. they were celebrating getting
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the ball and the kids was like -- yeah. >> it was like they didn't even see the kid. they didn't see they had stolen it from the kid. >> yeah they are just like bu yaw! all right. that was not me. [ laughter ] >> although it could be. >> all right. >> acting like childless losers so -- >> yeah, i'm the childless loser. you know what, it's -- you know what time it is. >> for current tv or good friend david shuster. >> as if tuesday isn't exciting enough. david shuster coming up. ♪ shuster ♪ >> he is the most interesting man in the world. >> and here he is to talk about the most awkward man in the world, david shuster. good morning. >> good morning, stephanie. and don't feel bad about stealing baseballs from kids i do it all the time. >> and take their candy while you are at it.
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let's talk about the most awkward man in the world, mitt romney. he has a woman problem -- not a bill clinton kind of woman problem, but he is clearly i think ten points behind in the last poll, right? >> women basically hate his guts. and then there are the women who don't know anything about him who think they hate his guts but don't know why, but soon will find out. he creeps out a of men and women. and his policies take us back to the 1950s in how the values women. so between his strange personal ticks, and weird behavior and he comes out with the policies he articulated, and i think that's a huge problem for the republicans. >> if thus far is any indication of how they will run the campaign, did his spokesman really say the bailout, that was his idea.
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getting bin laden that was his idea. what? >> yeah, these are his top advisors. oh, yeah the reason the bailout worked is because president obama did exactly what mitt romney wanted him to do. if mitt romney would have had his way detroit and the state of michigan would have been allowed to go belly up. and republicans say there was something of a structured bankruptcy, with how the president went about it the president and the obama administration said we are going to allow government money to be spent to try to help out and manage the auto makers. mitt romney there was no way he was going to allow government money to be spent. he is flat out lying from beginning to end. >> our friends at media matters did a great piece on the bailout
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saying when will rasmussen ask if they want pet unicorns. they ask about oh, they should have used regular bankruptcy procedures. according to every economic expert that wasn't available then. because all of the credit had dried up. that was not a path that would have been doing correct? >> absolutely. credit was tight. you had to make a choice. you had to decide. is the government going to get involved to help out the auto makers, or not. and romney very clearly said no, let them die. no government should be spent. and the obama administration said we're not going to allow detroit to do that. we're going to try this. if romney wants credibility, argue on the points that you can
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argue. the president killed osama bin laden, and saved the auto industry. he did those things. if you are mitt romney argue other points. >> exactly. the idea that you somehow have to diminish the things the president has done. it's absurd. >> and if you are a businessman how can you just say this mythical thing that couldn't have possibly been done that's the way he should have done it. it has no credibility. >> and some other things it doesn't take drilling very deep into what mitt romney has said to peel this apart. he said government stands in the way of things. and we can't have a government being involved because it stands in the way of efficiency. and he talks about his successes as a businessman and he sites a
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steel mill he was able to turn around. and that's true, but the deal included more than $90 million in government funds on a local level from the county and state, but nonetheless it was a government partnership that enabled romney to pull off this deal. so he says government always stands in the way, and then in the same ad he cites the steel mill and he is talking out of both sides of his mouth. you can't trust a word he says. >> hello, i lied. >> what biden said bin laden is dead, gm is arrive. >> yeah. and the irony in all of this is that i do think to a certain extent -- i think it is great that the president is talking
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about osama bin laden. should the president done something different? you could argue both sides. but at a certain point any romney campaign needs to get off of it and realize there is something about president obama because most americans would give credit to the military or cia not as much the president of the united states. if they are simply trying to say, oh, well the president shouldn't deserve any credit it's crazy. >> and david, i mean isn't it unfortunate when you have mitt romney obviously on tape saying we shouldn't move heaven and earth to get one guy. ho criticized obama's strategy which turned out to be exactly correct. >> yeah. and there will be the anniversary of the bin laden, or
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the anniversary that obama made the decision to bailout detroit. if you are the opposition let them have their day and move on. you are just going to have to take your licks, and in a way i think progressives and democrats should be very happy that they wanted to extend these issues. because the bin laden's death is now a week-long story. it extents the story, magnifies it, and that is to the president's benefit. >> yeah exactly. why don't you also do another ad about how cool he is? [ laughter ] >> yeah, i love the jimmy kimmel joke that president obama is able to slow jam to the news and mitt romney couldn't slow
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dance to anything but the merv griffin show. >> yeah. >> what do you think of the vice president nominees, especially chris christie. >> yeah. the woman i'm hoping -- and i'm getting a lot of more seriousness in washington, a lot of people are talking about paul ryan. and there was paul ryan on cnn talking about it would consider it. and the romney campaign seems totally enamored for this it doesn't take much reading or research, think paul ryan budget that he proposed is the most ridiculous divisive, mean
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spirited and dishonest budget that this nation has seen in 30 years. the numbers do not add up. it does not make any sense. if you adopt the romney ryan budget you are talking about throwing 25 million americans off of medicaid you would have a huge $4 trillion hole in the budget. the numbers are crazy. they are absolutely crazy. and if mitt romney wants to stand be paul ryan god bless him. >> yeah, latch them together, i say. chris christie has been speculated. rubio, jeb bush even. who would be the worst news for democrats? >> i think the worst news -- a lot of people know we're fearful about rubio because of hispanics. i think he is a stiff, young in
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a way that -- if the argument that republicans want to make is that somehow president obama was inexperienced i think rubio would be a great counter to that. the best thing the democrats want to do is to remind the country of the bush years. that's true, except jeb bush could solve some problems. if he can help win florida then the electoral map becomes challenging. >> i canned a congressman the other day, i said are you as insulted about them picking a hispanic as i was about them picking sarah palin. and he said some things are
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obviously so hand handed. and if you look at the polls, the hispanics are not buying it. >> yeah, he has been extreme on immigration, and he would have a hell of a time trying to compromise between romney's view and rubio's. rubio is also a little bit more corrosive. and i think that has something to do with [ inaudible ] if they put rubio on the ticket -- >> are you implying that republicans are somehow not in touch with some of the minorities. >> i think they pick whatever vice president they want don't do any research background checks or any polling, that's the way they ought to pick all running mates. because there are all sorts of
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mine fields out there for the republicans. they are terrified that the romney is going to do what john mccain did with sarah palin four years ago. >> as we speak david shuster they are doing a study on we lady voters and what they want. >> yeah, maybe something like health care for women, and being able to protect our privacy and women's privacy. >> not being accused of being sluts. >> yeah, sandra fluck. >> monica crowley was one of the more intellectual thinkers out there -- >> yikes.
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>> she said all democrats must be lesbians. >> david shuster you are the most interesting man in the world. >> always a pleasure and i'll go find some baseballs for you. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> 47 minutes after the hour back with the remaining moments of the "stephanie miller show." >> this was so funny in my head when i planned it. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ ♪ >>we're here because we're independent.
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how's your cheeseburger macaroni? [ female announcer ] cheeserburger macaroni hamburger helper. now even cheesier and tastier. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. [ male announcer ] for some reason those five food groups sound a whole lot better when you put them in a taco shell instead of a pyramid. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican.
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♪ you can't get enough you know you're going to have to face it you are addicted to -- >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ >> oh, yeah. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 52 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. marlene in indiana, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, marlene. >> hi, stephanie how are you doing? >> good. go ahead. >> i wanted to make a suggestion that you take mitt romney out on a tour with you because that man is funny. he lies so much with his blue jeans and how he saved gm and got bin laden. that guy is funny. >> he is funny. his wife said this morning, he is wild and crazy --
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>> i'm marvellously zany. >> wild and crazy guy. >> i'm a panic. >> he is steve martin's dan akroyd sketch. david shuster was just talking about the paul ryan budget. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> it seems cutting medicare isn't paul ryan's only past time. he declared his love for cat fish noodling. >> sounds dirty. >> i don't know why, jim it seems it borders on animal cruelty. >> because paul ryan is cruel. i could haven't imagined that. >> in many southern states cat fish noodlers to catch fish.
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you get your hands on the fish and just squeeze somewhere you are -- it's like strangling a fish with your bare hands. he says i know it sounds a little crazy, but it is really exhilarating. >> wow. >> the practice poses significant danger because the noodler can drown by being held underwater by a large cat fish [ buzzer sounds ] >> anything called noodling cannot be dangerous. >> you could have a beaver problem beavers and musk rats could bite the finger off of a
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noodler. >> if a beaver gnaws your finger off. you need medicare. you really shouldn't get near a beaver because it has teeth. >> right? >> yeah. >> how weird that he would really care about that. >> but you see it and you have strangle him to death! >> yeah! it's so hot! >> and then -- i thought they were pro-life. what happens to the baby cat fish then? ♪ baby cat fish ♪ >> yeah. now they die because you strangled the mother to death. you heardless medicare strangling bastard. won't somebody think about the cat fish children? only me i guess. fine. >> somebody please think of the children! >> that's not going to make it into a disney movie.
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>> cat fish noodling. or cat fish knoodling. >> speaking of douches. >> it made us feel good about him. the help [ inaudible ] john mccain was about a 142 years old. but he never would have gotten there without his historic nature. >> ah. or for his blackness. because being black in america is always such a bonus. >> yes it's always a step up. >> yes, it makes it so much easier. that's why so many black people have been president. because it's a leg up in this country, as you know. >> okay. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ]
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how about this conservative groups accuse dan savage of bullying students who walked out of a recent lecture. he said we ignore bull [ censor bleep ] in bibles about all sorts of things. the bible got slavery wrong. if the bible got the easiest moral question wrong, what are the odds that it got something like human sexuality wrong? 100%. >> so they were bullied. [ baby crying ] >> yeah, it's funny how these bullies turn into such whiners and criers -- >> hey, you can't say that. >> all right. that's it for us. we'll see you tomorrow here on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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