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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  May 9, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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e all... and there's only once place you'll find us. >>weeknights on current tv. >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good, hey, all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: mm-hmm. it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 6 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 toll free from anywhere. check it out. you can e-mail us, chris lavoie, jim ward or me stephanie miller. why looky who is that shiny comedic toy? >> that's good coffee. >> coffee from carlos aldroby.
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>> you never have a second cup of coffee. >> mountain grown coffee. >> i was going to make espresso. >> juan valdez. >> good to the last drop. >> mm-hmm. >> stephanie: good morning carlos. >> good morning, stephanie miller. this might be decaf coffee with carlos but i'm coming around. world's most interesting man look this morning. i don't always do talk radio. >> stephanie: do you remember what -- producer chris lavoie you were the original voice guy for "the stephanie miller show." he was your buddy you introduced us to. remember when we used to preproduce comedy bits back when we gave a flying [ bleep ] about the show. remember he used to be asleep in the production room. you would wake him up to go do comedy bits. what would you say? >> wakey wakey hands up, nakey. >> it was comforting.
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when i didn't hear it anymore, i miss the good ole days. >> wakey wakey. >> sleepy, sleepy, hands on pee pee. >> comedy with carlos on current. >> stephanie: all right, jim i think it bears repeating people, what did we say yesterday? for god's sakes, we had the professional voice guy and the blow horn. >> what did i say about amendment one? hey! hello? >> stephanie: never mind. >> anybody home? >> they're trying in an ironic sort of bit of information they're trying so hard to prevent gay marriage. they're acting like gay men. >> it was mainly the people in the rural area. the people in the cities where we broadcast -- >> stephanie: i was looking at
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polling yesterday obviously rural voters but also suburban voters. they're saying this election, carlos will be so tight. you look at all of the gallup polls are neck and neck. when gay activists get upset with the president, you have to look at whether it is black voters or suburban voters, it will be so tight in some areas in some states he can't afford to lose. >> gay voters must understand the president is being expedient at this point in time. basically, if he gets elected we hope that he does. he's going to pull a genie as chris matthews says. i want the gays to get married. ha ha, ha. >> stephanie: i feel a wink. i feel a yeah. >> the president is -- >> stephanie: i might see him in person. there is a big gala here june 6th. with pink. i'm going to try to -- with my general subtlety mr. president. >> gotta make the sound effect. >> stephanie: second term. >> how do you feel about gay marriage mr. president? >> gotta make the flintstone
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sound. >> stephanie: fabulous new tv show in north carolina. >> the handy bigot show starring handy bigot starring virginia fox. brought to you by general fools makers of lack of reason brand. >> andy? andy she was with another woman. aunt bea. come on. >> i saw her at home depot andy. >> aunt bea was a spinster. >> stephanie: she was a lonely old spinster like me. [bell ringing] >> stephanie: oh andy, oh, dear. >> andy was well-groomed. >> stephanie: who was in my pie, andy. >> surprise, surprise, surprise! >> stephanie: oh, dear. well, but you know, this is what
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we knew the headlines would be this morning. north carolina votes to ban gay marriage, a warning for obama and democrats. >> danger, danger. >> that is better than the robot did in the series. >> you bumbling booby. >> stephanie: we get complacent here in l.a., you know in places where -- >> in cozy little l.a. >> of course everyone agrees with us. >> stephanie: oh, my god. >> good heavens. >> stephanie: i don't talk to anyone outside of hollywood really? >> boogida boogida boogida. >> your sexy liberal tour. audiences that are generally of the same accord. i on the other hand go to regular comedy clubs in rural parts of the country where everybody is not of the same accord. >> al's rocky. that's a muslim neighborhood. >> stephanie: the only heckle i get is we love you mama. stop interrupting me with your
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adoration. i'm trying to do the show. [wind howling] [crickets chirping] >> barn door. >> you know that in the rural population of this country that they're fed fox news. that's basically what they're drawing their information on. people in the cities tend to be more higher-educated. >> stephanie: for us city slickers, that was a horrifying thing about the anti-gay preacher we were playing. it wasn't even what he was saying the audience going amen. that's right. punch your kid in the face! yeah! >> punch the gay out of him. >> stephanie: yeah, the "national journal" story is the overwhelming vote is legal between a man and a woman is an unequivocal reminder that gay marriage remains unappealing in many parts of the country. obama is between supporters of gay marriage and resistant
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voters to helped pass it. >> it was already illegal. >> stephanie: i know. s. >> i didn't even think about it. >> it is more less legal. this is what i remind people about when i travel to these parts of the country. >> stephanie: it is a lot hotter when it is more illegal. boom chicka boom, north carolina. [ applause ] >> i live in los angeles. during the four months that gay marriage was legal. there was no rain of frogs. there was no lava pouring down the streets. i think i said this before the show. i have no problem with people getting married who are gay or straight because i don't think about my neighbors having sex. in some weird twisted marty mcfly doc brown thing about marty, i have a new machine. they can see in our neighbor's houses to see whether or not they're having gay sex. take it easy, doc brown. >> no, marty. this gay marriage, we'll go back in time to stop gay people from
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ever being born. we'll go in front of abortion clinics and find out which babies will be gay! look, there's the miller family. they're about to have a daughter who will play softball and later on have her own radio show. we have to stop this birth marty. we gotta stop it. you see where i'm going with this? >> stephanie: this is not decaf coffee with carlos. >> people that are pro-life -- are you life or progay life. i haven't thought about that. they could be gay if you let them be born. i don't know. why are you confusing me? you're going into a planned parenthood. you want to be egged. if you're going into planned parenthood and you want to do whatever procedure just go in with a flannel shirt with your wife and say we're going to have this baby. we're so excited. oh, my gosh.
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he's going to be -- he's going to watch glee. and he's just going to watch smash. >> see how fast abortion becomes legal. >> stephanie: whoo! yeah! i don't know. we'll talk to david bender among others today but you know, richard lugar of course, got tea bagged. i don't know what this means for 2012 but you go wow! orrin hatch has 99% conservative rates and he's getting tea bagged. he will probably get primaried out in murdoch guy is a little frightening. looks like herman munster. >> support for the tea party. >> herman. >> lily. >> stephanie: we'll talk about that. i was surprised -- chris, were you surprised by how much it won by, the north carolina -- i thought it would be closer. >> 61-39. >> stephanie: it is extralegal with another layer of legal. so everybody is safe in north carolina this morning. whoo! from the gays.
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>> they stopped evolution for another year. >> we're going to stop evolution from happening. >> we can't let it happen. >> i'm not though. i'm going to the middle of the country. i'm going to minneapolis. >> right you are. >> stephanie: i'm going to minnesota. >> downtown at one of the theatres. >> stephanie: you know what? everybody likes to bring a dish to pass when we do sexy liberal in minneapolis. kate and rad made their own promo. let's see my lovely talented girlfriend asked me to send promo. >> hello. high ya, sandy. oh yeah, i'm ready for the sexy liberal show. i even shaved my legs this month. ya! because you know i got the v.i.p. meet and grope tickets. ya, you betcha i did! oh, did you hear that stephanie is single now? ya! ya! ya! i don't think she would be interested sandy. i hear she likes them real young.
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like lindsay lohan young and pretty. okay then. i'll see you about noon on saturday. we gotta get that sexy on early. whoop whoop. stephanie miller sexy liberal at states theatre. let's party with john fuglesang and aisha tyler and stephanie miller. ♪ ♪ sexy liberal ♪ >> stephanie: look at that there's a bunch of marge henderson type conversations. this saturday, ya, state theatre. >> kind of funny looking. >> is there a buffet in the area? is it reasonable? >> i betcha there are a lot of reasonable buffets. >> asian guy goes oh gee stephanie, you're such a super lady. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. 17 minutes after the hour. kids big, do it get it. if you're not selling whatever
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you sell online, you're missing out. someone sent me this baseball cap. they didn't tell plea who it is. >> what does it say? >> all of my children have paws which is true. [magical sound] >> stephanie: i don't know who sent it so i can't plug it. but here's what you do. you go to ecommerce. it sets you up and gets your business online successfully. it helps you build your business online and make it successful in driving sales for your company. you get everything you need. you get web design they create payment options for customers. they guide your marketing efforts and theyage rise results and -- they analyze your results and more. >> it sounds like it couldn't be easier. >> stephanie: thank you, chris. then you don't have to do cheesy infomercials. >> no, you do not. >> comes right in conversation. >> stephanie: i highly recommend big commerce to anybody looking to generate or increase sales online. i have a great limited time offer. when you sign up for any paid plan, you get $500 worth of google advertising to drive
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traffic to your site for free. an hour of consultation plus an exclusive sales performance guarantee. get started with big commerce today. get started at the site. type in my name, stephanie. big and type in stephanie. also a rollicking start on coffee with carlos. on "the stephanie miller show." >> it is the happening spot. >> announcer: it is "the stephanie miller show." >>(narrator) gavin newsom, lieutenant governor of california, and former mayor of san francisco is coming to current tv. >>every night on cable news networks everyone's focusing on what's wrong. i want this show to move past that. i love creative people, and with all the vexing problems we have we need creative thinking.
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>>(narrator) with interviews with notables from silicon valley, hollywood, and beyond. >>at the end of the day this show's simple. it's about ideas. ideas are the best politics. ideas can bring us together. >>(narrator) the gavin newsom show. coming to current tv. it's gonna be a casual thing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the tight-turning, space-saving eco-friendly smart. escape your stuff. ♪ ♪
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we have a big, big hour and the iq will go way up. you are welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. thanks current fans. awesome!
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♪ >> stephanie: it is the "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 23 minutes after the hour. that was almost like a vampire movie. don't look into the light! we have shades down for tv lighting. >> we have no marine layer this morning so it is very bright out there. >> no marine layer. >> let the right one in. they open the blinds. >> stephanie: it is already not over 40 lighting in here. >> ironically, it is coffee with carlos and there's no coffee. i had to go make some.
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>> i have my own coffee. >> stephanie: gee shouldn't i be doing that? getting over there and making you some coffee myself? with the war on women? wisconsin with wisconsin -- wisconsin -- >> it won't happen again. i'll make sure there is coffee ready tomorrow. >> ever since that bitch had it coming act passed. don't make me sandwich your whore amendment. >> stephanie: 1-800-steph-12. toll free from anywhere. dana in maryland on amendment one. hey, dana. >> caller: hey, stephanie, how are you? >> stephanie: good. >> caller: twice in one week. i'm so excited. i read your bit about don't blame all of north carolina. i have friends there and i agree. but i didn't know if you had seen about this pastor sean harris beat the gay out of your children. >> stephanie: the beat your gay out of your children. >> that's part of the problem. people like him have a full church and really just a sad day
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for us. >> amen! >> stephanie: dana, that's what was horrifying to a lot of us. it wasn't just how he was saying, people were saying amen. that was blatant -- it was blatant promoting child abuse. >> caller: it is despicable. i feel like we've taken a giant leap toward ignorance. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: that's how i feel. i have one more thing. why don't you come to washington, d.c.? >> stephanie: we'll see if there are any sexy liberal elves working on that. >> caller: i'm sorry to miss you. >> stephanie: move back. >> caller: come to the capital. >> stephanie: we're work on it. >> there was one gay member of the church. they were like beat him. slap him! scratch him. scratch his eyes out. >> scratch him! smack it out. >> that one happened to be in the choir. >> hit your pillow with a tennis
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racket. smother. >> why did you do this to me? >> hilarious. pastor gene, you beat your children? kill that boy? stop it. if he starts to reach for the barbie instead of the ken, kill him! >> stephanie: you hook up electrodes to the barbie. [ buzzer ] >> his life. >> stephanie: john in arizona you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi john. >> caller: hi, stephanie. my son and i watch your show every morning. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i'm a gay buddhist teacher in arizona. romney reminds me of like one of those bosses that takes all of the -- all the credit for your good ideas. he disagrees with them until finally he goes to the board meeting and they say it was a
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good idea. oh, that was my idea. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. >> caller: say hi to my son jeshua. you need a baseball cap that says "forward." >> i'll have the president send us one. >> stephanie: article on mitt romney it is horrifying. i hope they spotlight what he did at bing capital because it was absolutely the opposite of creating jobs. they were saying every meeting before they went to take over a company, it was about how many jobs they're going to cut. it is not about creating jobs. it was -- you read it and you go shouldn't this be illegal? sort of looting companies and taking money out and leaving them with debt? >> cutting and creating have some of the same letters in it. >> the exponential version of george clooney and "up in the air." i have come to give you some news. we're creating jobs but it is elsewhere. see ya later. >> stephanie: not yours. billy in texas. hi billy in texas.
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you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> watch your language this time billy. >> caller: good morning guys. >> stephanie: you shush buckwheat. >> caller: say again? >> stephanie: go ahead. >> caller: i have been listening about this proposition i guess that was passed in north carolina with regards to the gay marriage thing. i've been kind of following the history of this a little bit trying to figure out just what the gays problems is -- >> stephanie: i want to give you a regular feature now. billy from texas knows what the gays problem is. >> caller: going back to the day when they were like stay out of our bedrooms then it got to the point where they were yelling out we're here, we're queer get used to it. now they want to get married. i've maintained all along that the gays, they just want to -- >> stephanie: they want to get married just like you can isn't that something? >> that's horrifying. >> caller: that's not the point. >> stephanie: oh, it's not?
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>> that's the point. >> stephanie: that's the point. >> caller: but they're the same sex. >> stephanie: billy, we'll have to explore that after the break. that has not occurred to me. they're the same sex. >> i didn't know my neighbors that were gay were the same sex. tell me more, billy. >> stephanie: we will, after the break. right back on "the stephanie miller show." it's go time. >>every weeknight cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >>the guys in the middle class the guys in the lower end got screwed again. >>i think you know which one we're talking about. the overwhelming majority of the country says"tax the rich, don't go to war."
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>>just wanted to clarify that.
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[ train whistle blows ] [ ball hitting paddle ] [ orbit girl ] don't let food hang around. yeah! [ orbit trumpet ] clean it up with orbit! [ orbit glint ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling. ♪ eat, drink, chew orbit! ♪ very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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>>liberal and proud of it. >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> armed with nothing more than a great set of incisors, mother beaver her teeth never stop growing. if she didn't wear them down every day, they would soon outgrow her head. >> stephanie: what? okay. enough about life on the road. 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. witdz just come from -- from madison, wisconsin. gave money to the recall efforts against walker and let's see. >> boots are made for walker.
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>> stephanie: democratic mayor barrett is set to face walker in next month's recall. graham zielinski joins us now. hey, graham. >> thank you for having me. >> stephanie: thanks for coming on. so first what's your first take on this? was this the candidate you think is strongest that you were hoping for? tell us what's happening in wisconsin. >> we had four great candidates. kathleen faulk did so much to start the recall movement. mayor barrett is very strong. you'll see all four candidates that ran at a unity event. unlike the republican primary where they couldn't keep enough acid on each other our primary was very unified. everybody knows the stakes. everybody knows that to combat this mountain of corporate cash that is going to flood in here to buy our state again we're going to have to be unified.
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all of the candidates understand that all would have been great nominees. we have a very great nominee in my mayor tom barrett who i'm proud to have him here as mayor in milwaukee and he's done a great job as mayor and will do a great job as governor. >> stephanie: gaaeme, you bring up the money there. i was reading a story. the group is stupid enough to say we're swift voting him. these are koch brothers. it is koch brothers money. the name of the ad. >> this coward, the coward who ran the swift vote ads is one of scott walker's main donors. he wrote a half million or million dollars in checks. so the same creepy-crawly swamp creatures from around the country who are giving money to the other groups are right here trying to put their fist up wisconsin again. >> stephanie: by the way interesting that scott walker has to go somewhere else to get money. it doesn't seem like the people in wisconsin are very supportive. >> he had a victory party last
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night. i was surprised he didn't do that in texas. it was really grateful to have him in our state for a little bit. we get so little look at him nowadays. he's on this kind of fox news rock star tour. where he goes around, kind of sneering at folks in new york and texas and california. the amount of money -- wisconsin is a little itty-bitty state. you've been to our state. >> stephanie: yeah. >> this money is going to represent like three elections combined because we have $1 and they have $20. the media says it is even steven because labor unions that represent some thousands and thousands of members here coming in to try to help their members beat back this attack but we're not going to have anywhere near the amount of money. the good thing is at the end of the day even though scott walker can't make it. we have an incredible ground game. >> stephanie: i've never felt such -- you know, energy and excitement as i did as the couple of times i've been in
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madison. it really is ground zero for the 99% movement. you have people like mitt romney when he says i saved the auto industry. you know, people aren't stupid. you had the head of the uaw yesterday going no you didn't! >> what's good for the goose -- i wanted to work that in there. in wisconsin, it is not just madison. that's one thing you have to remember. scott walker wants to make it all about the bongo -- god bless them. i went to school in madison. this is from all parts of the state. the protests, the action, the organization is in little places like spooner wisconsin superior wisconsin. when this first started the actual first reality was in a little town called horricon, it was working folks, it was tradesmen and women who came out on a cold sunday after the packers won the super bowl. so you gotta remember scott
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walker wants to limit it. he wants to make it about all of the big labor unions and make it about madison. they're an important part of our coalition but this movement extends to every single corner of the state. you can drive the length of the state and you'll see little farmhouses with recall walker signs. you'll see places all over our state because he's just offended our values in a way that offends the good, midwestern decency. >> stephanie: i hear you get free ice cream on recall day. free cheese. an appreciation day or something? >> we call it custard here. >> yeah. >> stephanie: i'm going to take your benefits and give you ice cream instead how's that? >> right. >> they've given just the shaft to public employees here but what's coming next is right to work for less. you hear it -- scott walker himself introduced right to work for less legislation in '93. and the same kind of bs rhetoric where we're -- oh we don't know if we're going to do this.
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where scott walker is not denying it. the private sector unions are also under attack and you have to remember that in 2010, about 35% of private sector -- of all union households voted for scott walker. i don't think they'll be fooled again come june 5th. >> stephanie: as we've said over and over again i think most economists i've heard have said more like 7% if we didn't have these egregious cutbacks of public workers because obviously the private sector has been doing great. it is these republican governors like walker that are cutting all of the teachers and firefighters and policemen correct? >> kind of -- wisconsin is the republican fantasy world of budget cuts, corporate tax cuts, of giveaways to special interests. they did everything that they wanted, that they want to do on a national scale with the romney ryan budget. wisconsin led the nation in job loss. we led the nation in job loss.
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we're near the top of the nation in diminished property values. now we have a whooping cough outbreak that may be directly tied to public health, cutting public health here in wisconsin. so this kind of right wing fantasy world that they wanted, they did here in wisconsin. it just doesn't work. it doesn't work. >> stephanie: wow. there's a bumper sticker. thanks for the whooping cough governor walker. >> but yeah, wisconsin has never led the nation in job loss before. we've been pretty recession-proof, we've had a strong manufacturing sector. scott walker somehow manages to lose jobs. i would think that he would by accident, create a job one of these months. states like illinois and minnesota keep adding jobs and one thing he does, he does a lot of slogans and bumper stickers, he keeps badmouthing illinois even though illinois is adding jobs and even though his criminal defense lawyer is from chicago. that's one job he did create was for a criminal defense lawyer.
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>> stephanie: graeme, i know you're focused on wisconsin. when you see people like richard lugar getting tea bagged, what do you think is going to happen in 2012 politically? you thought oh, that's what happened in 2010. certainly the republican party has gone farther and farther to the right. >> i think when people vote their economic interest and when the question comes down to the economic security of the middle class and whether they want to throw grandmas into the streets whether they think they're going to be protected in their own retirement or they think their healthcare costs will put them in the poorhouse, i think that conversation is happening here in wisconsin. you see people rejecting it. it is not going to be easy because we're going to be badly outspent. the amount of money -- you can't turn on the tv, you can't watch your cooking shows or your ball games without having to see scott walker on it. and that's going to be the model for the rest of the country. they're going to spend so much money to pervert the agenda and sell it to the american people.
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we'll see. we think we're writing the blueprint on how to fight back the money. we'll be out 20-1. money doesn't vote. people vote at the end of the day. >> stephanie: to me, the more you see that doofy cross-eyed face of his the better. >> you may see it in a police line-up. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: there he goes. graeme zielinski, thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> people vote. but other people count the votes. machines count the votes. >> machines. these machines are 100% accurate. why question the results. >> stephanie: you heard him. throwing grandmothers out of the street carlos. grandmothers making their poodles dance for their food. >> i want to see the packer game. >> get outside grandma. >> oh, my spine! >> i hope barrett can get one of the guys like clay matthews and aaron rogers to endorse him. get some packers behind him. >> stephanie: get some of them
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socialist packers. >> things i don't get about citizens united is we're going to spend billions on electing a candidate who will not take taxes on our billions of dollars. >> stephanie: yes. >> it makes sense. >> stephanie: it does make sense. >> why didn't you say you had billions of dollars. >> stephanie: mary in detroit. you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi, how are you? >> stephanie: good. >> caller: i'm really hoping that you don't yet have an official child age middle age loser raised by republicans straight girl of "the stephanie miller show" show. >> stephanie: you're in. >> caller: i need to be an official something. i've always wanted to be an official something. >> stephanie: there you go. >> caller: my husband is from minnesota. tomorrow we are leaving from detroit to drive to minneapolis to celebrate his birthday on sunday. and i convinced him to come with me to your show saturday night. >> stephanie: whoop, whoop whoop! >> caller: mostly by showing him
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that picture of aisha. >> stephanie: that works. >> caller: that did it. i'm a little bit concerned. i'm huge fan of your show -- >> stephanie: i'm outraged of who keeps putting nearly naked pictures of aisha tyler that exploits her in this way that makes us sell out shows everywhere we go. >> caller: it is terrible. he looked at it and he said oh, my god she's almost naked. >> stephanie: i have launched an internal investigation here at the "the stephanie miller show." i'm horrified by it. >> if you look closer at the internet, you could find pictures that are more than nearly naked. >> hello. >> caller: well, yeah but you know, he is my husband come on. anyway, i'm a huge fan. but he's not listened to your show even once. >> stephanie: oh dear. >> caller: he's a former republican. and he doesn't like frat jokes. this is like me buying a present that's really for me and saying it is for him. >> stephanie: it is like when guys buy you a negligee.
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you're like i live in minneapolis in the winter. i don't want a negligee. >> caller: you're right. give me the flannels. >> stephanie: we've had lots of right wing spouses dragged along that have enjoyed the show immensely. you just tell him to grin and bear it. >> surprisingly, at sexy liberal, the fart jokes are kept to a minimum. >> you don't have to worry about him looking at aisha tyler. just worry when they look at house sparks. >> i didn't do the meet and grope. i made sure we're back so we're not going to take part in exchange of body fluids. we're in seats 13 and 14. >> stephanie: back with more coffee with carlos on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show" show.
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>> we don't stop until we get answers that are truthful, serious, and not based on simplistic answers. >>we're here because we're independent. we will not settle for easy answswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswsw >>every night we will drill down on the days top stories in search of facts that inform. >> we don't stop until we get answers that are truthful, serious, and not based on simplistic answers. >>we're here because we're independent.
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♪ i don't wanna be right ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if being right means being without you ♪ [ record scratch ]
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the gavin newsom show is a search engine for solutions and that's the focus. we want to focus on solutions and ways of bringing people together. collective action is the only way we're going to solve the
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♪ >> you said you wanted an evil-restitution, you got one from your president today. here on "the young turks" we'll break it down from the help of michael heyings. our own michael hastings has been on the phone with the white house to find out what happened to get the president to this point. it's something you don't want to miss. also in charlotte, north carolina, at the bank america shareholders meeting they're occupying it, they're stamping their feet and they're saying, we want you out and then they're giving them a $7 million sally salary. we'll look at that can zach carter of politico and the "huffington post." we'll be back to talk about a guy who you may have heard of, probably not.
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john lovett. if you didn't think he was funny then you will think he's less funny now. "the young turks." [ male announcer ] snickers satisfies.
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♪ hey, now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ you're a rock star, go on and get paid ♪ ♪ all that glitters is gold, only shooting stars break the mold ♪ of it it is "the stephanie miller show." what are you guys watching over there? >> hilarious information porn piece on the coal industry. wind power -- solar -- >> blow the planet out of its orbit. >> stephanie: what's your
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point? what's incorrect about that? >> it is dangerous. >> stephanie: are you going to blind us with science again jim? 51 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. carlos alazraqui in studio with us. comedian extraordinaire. let's go to vicky in north carolina. welcome. >> caller: hey, stephanie. as a resident of north carolina, i wish i could say good morning but i'm still sick to my stomach. so many of us worked so hard against this amendment. i'm just worried about what's next for us. going to have to start donning pink tattoos. >> stephanie: vicky, i have a question for you. where did this come from being that gay marriage is already illegal in north carolina. what was supposed to be the point of this? >> caller: your guess is as good as mine. it is just pure hatred. i have no other explanation.
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>> fear. >> it is the bible belt. what can i say? >> stephanie: interesting. i was surprised about billy graham. were you? >> caller: i was. i think he's bordering a puppet at this point. >> franklin graham is pulling all of the strings. billy hasn't spoken for himself in a couple of years now. >> it is a ban on a ban. it is likeilling an ant with an iron. it is dead dead! >> you're not dead enough. >> bury it, freeze it, chop it up. still not dead enough. >> kill it. >> stephanie: matthew in asheville, north carolina. hi matt. >> caller: hey mama. calling from the cesspool of sin. >> stephanie: doing the backstroke in that cesspool of sin in asheville north carolina. >> caller: i figured you needed to hear from some of us redneck hillbillies on this issue. it is ridiculous.
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i've told you i'm straight but i don't hate. that's the motto we should have adopted here. and the sad thing is that i'm sure that a lot of democrats voted for the amendment as well which you know just purely out of ignorance. >> stephanie: matt can you answer that question i just asked vicky. the proponents, what was the point of it? i don't understand. gay marriage is already illegal. this is now taking away protections from unmarried straight couples. it is taking away protection from victims of domestic violence. i'm not sure -- what were they saying you needed this for? >> caller: well, the main point is it was a republican primary year and they figured hey well, the republicans are the only ones who have a reason to come out. let's throw this on the ballot. by the time it came voting time, romney already had it locked up. but you know, that's the only thing -- >> stephanie: that's a pretty simple bill booyah -- no taxes for the rich then a little gratuitous gay bashing.
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that's the same play every time, right? >> caller: that's the way -- i am straight but i don't hate and die understand why anyone else would. it is not affecting me. >> bad parenting. >> stephanie: you speak for all straight men that -- >> that ban. don't even think about parking here if you're gay. >> stephanie: exactly. >> keep it moving. >> you clearly don't hate enough. >> it is called charlotte north carolina not har let north carolina. >> stephanie: we've come a long way on gay rights and in the polling nationally since 2004. this is what they ran in 2004 against john kerry two grooms on a wedding cake. [whatever! >> i'm wondering if this is going to affect bank of america's decision to maintain its corporate headquarters in charlotte. >> hmm. >> stephanie: a democratic pollster says it is clearly giving the white house and those
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in the campaign pause. i don't think it is just north carolina causing them concern. every time this has come to a vote with the exception of one case it has not turned out well for the pro marriage equality side. the problems for obama "national journal" reporting man test across his entire elect oral map. human rights campaign did a round of states. he would be on the wrong side of majority in all of those states. he would create the perception he's trampling over residents to decide what's best for themselves. i'm surprised about it, carlos but i think it is a volatile issue. >> it is a nice wedge issue for an election year when the issues are supposed to be about jobs. it is a good political play. >> stephanie: in iowa, for instance, another swing state that obama's counting on, voters, as you know, ousted three justices who had ruled the gay marriage ban unconstitutional. interesting, they broke it down further beyond swing state
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sensitivities, he's negotiating cross currents with social liberals young people to support gay marriage. african-american voters are divided. we talked about the suburban vote, same thing. north carolina results underscore what democrats could pay for their success on the road toward gay marriage. we've made so much progress on gay rights. the biggest tragedy would be president mitt romney because then -- he literally has signed this -- what is it called, chris? nom? >> pledge to do a federal amendment to ban gay marriage. >> which is what the states really don't want. >> trampling on states' rights. >> you can trample on states' rights as long as they go our way. >> stephanie: there you go. >> jesus wants you to be who we want you to be. >> stephanie: lynn in north carolina hi, lynn. >> caller: hey there. i was there voting yesterday and you know, i'm disappointed. what can i say. i'm not surprised but i'm
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disappointed. i've been here 11 years. i've lived in new york city. i've lived in baltimore. i've lived in atlanta. this is my first experience moving out of a big city and i'm living here in hangin' dog in the smoky mountains of western north carolina. and it was a culture shock. it really was. but on the other hand in the 11 years i've been here, i've noticed there are more and more people that are moving here. things are getting better, for instance yesterday hey we also voted on whether we can have beer and wine outside the city of murphy. that's big for us. >> stephanie: wow. >> caller: ya know. >> stephanie: they're letting you have moonshine now? >> caller: we can have beer and wine outside the city limits if it passes. >> stephanie: well, ya know, progress. >> hey y'all, we can get the blood of christ outside the city now! woo, doggy. >> stephanie: back with more carlos alazraqui on "the stephanie miller show."
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>>now let's get some real news. (vo) first, news and analysis with a washington perspective from an emmy winning insider. >>you couldn't say it any more powerfully than that. >> current tv, on the roll. (vo)followed by humor and politics with a west coast edge. >>ah, thank you. >>it really is incredible. (vo)bill press and stephanie miller, current's morning news block. weekdays six to noon. [ woman ] oh, my gosh -- it's so good! [ kristal ] we're just taking a sample of all our different items in our festival of shrimp so we can describe them to our customers. [ male announcer ] red lobster's festival of shrimp starts now! for just $12.99, pair any two of 9 exciting shrimp creations like new barbeque glazed shrimp or crab stuffed shrimp. the crab-stuffed shrimp are awesome! [ woman ] very creamy. that's a keeper! [ woman ] shrimp skewer. [ woman #2 ] sweet, smoky. [ man ] delicious! [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] any combination just $12.99! [ woman ] so what are ya'lls favorites? [ group ] everything! [ laughter ] we're servers at red lobster. and we sea food differently.
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