tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current May 11, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good, hey, ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 6 minutes after the hour 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. we are in the midst of fridays with sexy liberal john fugelsang who is in the madison bureau. katie in chicago, you are going to the -- john's show tonight?
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>> yes good morning, everybody. >> hi, datety. >> good morning. >> this is the official dog walking bartender of the "stephanie miller show." >> boy howdy. >> i'm going to your show today. i'm so excited. >> i am so honored. this is very serious theater. there is nothing sexy or liberal about this. >> but you will be on stage, so it will be sexy. but i'm going with people that i met in the front row of the sexy liberal chicago show who live in madison madison, they said you are not going by yourself. you are going with us. >> oh, the sexy liberal family. [ romantic music ] >> sexy liberal at the state theater, there are very few tickets left, so i would get them fast. that was two hours ago, though.
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>> and wasn't there a student discount or something? >> at noon tomorrow there will be a student rush -- [ screaming ] . >> -- we open up the mezzanine -- >> and this rush will not call you a whore if you use contraception. >> hey! [ whacky comedy music ] >> aisha tyler, really funny lady too. >> the recently emmy nominated aisha tyler. >> for "the talk." >> that's right. good for her. i'm so proud. kids one of my favorite reporters, for example and for example, of the l.a. times joins us now. robin abcarian joining us now. hi robin. >> how are you? >> i'm good. and we also used to do a little radio together. >> yes, we did back in the day. >> yes. we have been talking about this all morning like everybody has.
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you quote some people like saying this isn't going to hurt him. but we were saying, unfortunately it seems like part of a pattern with mitt romney. these policies to me are adult bullying, when you talk about writing discrimination into the constitution, et cetera. what do you think? >> it's really interesting. i have gotten a lot of feedback from readers on this and i think it really does fall along partisan lines. i heard from somebody who said you know what if you were bullied when you were a kid, this is going to mean a lot to you, this is going to really persuade you. so i think it's sort of what you bring to the issue, and whether you are a democrat or republican. people really are trying to minimize it on the right, that it but 50-year old of an immature high school student, but on the other hand he was 18 years old, and yes standards were different at that time
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but, i mean one of his contemporaries -- >> wait wait robin. standards weren't different. whether it's today on social media -- we all recognize bullying, and for him to say homosexuals we didn't know anything about that in the 60s. please. >> i do think that was disingenuous, but one of the witnesses to the event said that, you know, sure we didn't have the vocabulary, we didn't know the word gay, but we certainly knew about homosexuality. >> as you wrote robin this was a kid that was known for his quote non-conformity presumed homosexuality. >> yeah, and i think it's disenagain wows that even though
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it was 1965, which arguably was a worse period in time. >> yeah. but as you point out the other thing is this wasn't the only student. it was this closeted student in class that he used to shoot at-a-girl all the time. >> i think it would probably pretty difficult to be a gay kid in 1965 to be in an all-boys' prep school. but is this indicative of some character fall or can you say this hand when the guy was 18. he has changed. he has grown up. he is matured. he is different. he has apologized several times not to remember the incident. while claiming to have no idea
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whether this kid was gay. but he said i did pranks. they went too far. i apologize to anybody i hurt or offended. so he knows that this could be potentially damaging, and hi is trying very hard, i think to finesse his way through it. >> uh-huh. >> and i don't know whether there will be lasting damage. >> i think as you say first of all, as a reporter it doesn't pass this smell test it's like i apologize for an incident i have no memory of. >> it worked for reagan didn't it? >> it's a -- probably a time-tested policy [ inaudible ]? some ways. but the alternative is for him to say, yes, i did it. i'm a horrible person. what was interesting is the way
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the campaign handled it initially, which was saying everyone who knows him knows he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. instead of addressing what hand and what it was like in that school. and he clearly was the entitled son of the governor at the very top of the social pyramid. >> you point out that this one point in your story, one man said he wondered whether he would get in trouble, but no one was punished. in the end it is another story of a rich douche getting away with something that the rest of us wouldn't. >> yeah, the guy who wrote this story did such a good job telling about the story, because this kid who thrown down and his hair was cut by romney he
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later was kicked out of the school for smoking a cigarette. >> yeah. philip maxwell told abc he witnessed the incident, and called it assault and it is funny how vivid it is for all of the other people and romney doesn't remember it. >> yeah. >> you said there are going to some that talk about high school, if you really think that is important, be my guest. you know what i do. i think what he did at bain was bullying. >> and what mitt romney did to this kid in high school would not bother me at all, if he said what i did was wrong, my heart and mind is open, and i
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want to take care of our gay brothers and sisters. >> i haven't even been to aa yet, and i make amends to people all the time. [ laughter ] >> i think it's interesting that this is gay marriage week, he did go on neil cavudo's show yesterday afternoon and completely reiterate his stance against gay marriage and wants a national standard, enshrining marriage as being between a man and a woman, so on this issue, his heels are dug in. >> yeah he is against civil unions if they approximate marriage in any way. >> yeah, and he thinks states should have beability to define the rights that would apply to gay couples. so he said it's okay for a gay partner to visit a gay partner in the hospital, maybe another state advocating that kind of patch
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work to gay civil rights, i think is only going to firm up his support on the far right and the -- >> robin you mentioned character, and as i torture my cohosts all the time with american president quotes, when he said this job is not partially about character, this job is entirely about character. and barack obama showed his true character. and this shows romneys. how do you think this will all play out in the fall? >> they are battling over the strife in the middle of the independents and moderates, and i think -- i mean -- i don't think we can know at this point how it is going to play out, but i will say this, the march of history seems to be on the side of gay marriage, and if you look at the polls and how they have changed and even in the last 20 years, it's a dramatic change in the people who are now
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supporting gay marriage. and if you look at the youth -- i think it's like 25 and under, 60% of that demographic support gay marriage. so i just think you could argue that people who do not support gay marriage are on the wrong side of history. >> yep. >> because there is an inevitable march toward that in history. i don't think it is going to win him people he didn't already have in his corner. >> robin abcarian, you know you have been my favorite reporter forever, and i would ask you to marry me right now if it weren't for the fact that i'm and i am a loser. >> i know. it's so sad. i could make an exception for you. [ laughter ] >> thank you so much. [ applause ] >> boy, she and the american people are
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getting better. we're seeing evolution. when i moved to greenwich village in the '80s i wouldn't have believed there would be this kind of outpouring. >> i'm on a tear, i'm all over the place. >> you asked courtney to marry you last week. >> in the current news room really? >> yeah. >> steph maybe some pro flowers would help you. >> that might put my name over the edge. never know. i can ignore somebody's straight marriage. [ mysterious music ] >> i can handle gay marriage, but gay-straight marriage no way. >> john, hi my friend is getting married, and we are going to
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your boston show to have our bacheloret party. whoo! >> i got a month to regroup. [ laughter ] >> all right. 18 minutes after the hour. back with more fridays with fugelsang on the "stephanie miller show." >> this is brilliant. >> announcer: it's stephanie miller. >> all right. five minutes. [ recorded show playing in the background ] ♪ >> what have you got for the [ inaudible ] -- i'm sorry. >> 13-hold on. ♪
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and we don't stick to party lines. >>people who buy politicians got to cover their bets. >>we are the investigators fiercely independent, and we don't hold back. >>we're here because we're independent and that's what we love. >>...and we don't do talking points. >>i think the hypocrisy is so blatant. >>and above all... and there's only once place you'll find us. >>weeknights on current tv. it's gonna be a casual thing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the tight-turning,
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>>the gavin newsom show is a search engine for solutions, and that's the focus. we want to focus on solutions and ways of bringing people together. that's the only way we're going to solve the world's great vexing problems. >> he had produced a country album -- a country star like remake. it was successful but we had him in studio talking about that, and during a break, he turned to his manager and said am i really here right now? is this really happening?
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>> wow. >> oh. oh. >> eugene handy or whoever it was, psychiatrist, pusher. [ recorded show playing in the background ] >> nice gentleman, but really -- >> yeah. not all there. >> no. ♪ >> they call me -- >> announcer: stephanie >> ♪ they call me hell they call me -- >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ they call my name ♪ >> okay. got it. >> i call you monatmouse. >> all right. 25 minutes after the hour.
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bill hi. >> good morning, steph mooks and john. >> hello. >> i would like to be the jay polish truck driver of the "stephanie miller show." >> oh, there are so many jokes in there i can't even start with themem >> a a an unhealalyy crushnn chri rilalaie etet inlili. >mm allowed to call you a polelock for that because i'm a polelock. >> yeah. i think we have to demand that the media stop getting views on this from people like tony perkins. >> yeah. >> they actually make it look like there's credibility -- >> yes. >> by the way we heard during a break, i don't know if it's news, but john is writing a book sort of like an idiot's guide to
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the bible, which is the best idea ever. >> ever! >> we need that book john. by the way the' kleeses and call mook here is causing a lot of people to confession. hi steph my confession when i was eight years old, i used to fill my water with water from the mountain and spit it on pipe the pumpkin outside of my teacher's classroom. the funnened when one of the girls reported me. i was petrofied that i would be sent to our ghoulish wall eyed principal. i also felt guilt, shame, my
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question is if i can remember all of that in such detail why can't mittens remember this incident. >> i recall them as being zany hijinks. >> when you are bullying vegetation, that of fens me. >> yeah. britt writes momma and the mooks, i was playing my sand volleyball game we usually get drunk before the game and then stick around after the game for more drinking. >> the sand. >> thank you. i was stuck behind a very slow hummer with a bumper sticker that said "i stand with scott walker." i started to sing "i sand with
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stephanie miller." so while scott walker may be ruining wisconsin he is getting more listeners. ♪ her boxed wine for a double and the jokes fell apart ♪ ♪ what a sexy liberal, who's radio show is so smart ♪ ♪ we will stand by stephanie miller ♪ ♪ because she's really not that old -- >> yeah. ♪ not as old as phyllis diller ♪ ♪ we will stand by stephanie miller ♪ >> to thank you, scott walker. ♪ her show is well thought out ♪ ♪ yeah right. ♪ with very little filler ♪ >> all right.
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>> it has been a month since i was in madison with you, and i still have that song in my head. >> i'm taking to calling imperial walker. >> there you go. [ laughter ] >> all right. we have been chatting. >> i know right-wing world, celebrity stack, including details from the george clooney show. >> james brolin was there, and didn't mention his wife was there as well. >> oh no. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ we will not settle for easy answers. (vo) the former governor of ny eliot spitzer, joins the new news network. >>every night we will drill down on the days top stories in search of facts that inform.
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>>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. >>liberal and proud of it. ♪ >> at least try to tone down the -- >> announcer: stephanie miller -- . >> -- in your otherwise fine programming. >> beth says i realize mitt romney has to [ inaudible ] to go back in the future to fix this problem. >> who is secretary of the
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treasury? >> you can't be my running mate. thanks chris christie. >> bob in chicago. you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> hey stephanie. maybe bristol needs to practice a little lesbianism and then the taxpayers won't have to pay for her illegitimate children. >> that's right. >> here is what leviticus has to say. then they will bring her out of her house and stone her that she will die. >> whatever! [ applause ] >> something else. >> it's almost like that book was written by insecure men.
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>> ya think? [ laughter ] >> let's go to clark in phoenix. >> hello. george clooney had a dinner last night $40,000 a plate, and i guarantee you every one of those people that bought a ticket there have their accounts offshore -- >> you do guarantee that -- >> i can guarantee it, because it's how account acts set up people with -- >> i don't think you know that -- >> multi-millionaires don't throw money away -- clark -- >> and yet sir these are all multi-million neirs who are fighting to have their taxes raised to help the country. >> but the meantime they have their money offshore -- >> clark, you don't know that -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> they may actually believe in america unlike mitt romney. >> mitt romney and bain do nothing different than what obama did with the auto bailout? >> oh. >> what? >> hang on a second -- you mean
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saving jobs is the same as outsourcing jobs? >> when you take over a company that is going to fail and you cut off parts of it you employee some people while you reap the rewards. bain took over companies that were collapsing. >> no in many cases not, the took over healthy companies and all they cared about was him sucking the profit out. >> they are rich -- i guarantee you -- you guys are just as evil and selfish as i am -- >> why do many of the right-wingers sound like drew carey. >> and why don't they modulate! >> they have to talk louder! >> all right. speaking of people that need a detroit rescue -- >> announcer: stephanie miller -- >> yes, a communications guru posted this. stephanie miller fans angry at
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program change. by the way we are on many channels. he writes fans of the popular liberal talk show hosted tuned in at 9:06 expecting to hear steph and the mooks, and they were angry to they had been released by some right-wing guy. they exploded with comments ranging from how they will never listen to the station to others. this happens to what happened when steph was replaced and the ratings fell 90%. bain capitol one of the primary owners of clear channel. i'm just saying a lot of fine
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clear channel stations have my show across the country, a couple of stations -- you know. stephanie miller is a big supporter of president obama. stephanie miller top-selling comedy album, top-selling comedy tour -- please don't pay attention to me. she also trimmed current tv ratings, blah blah blah she is number 11 in the country. whatever. thank you, communications guru! i appreciate your fine americannecessary. >> you can connect us and let them know how you feel. >> politely. don't be rude. >> after you. >> oh no you first. >> and do not threat tone give them haircuts. >> no you appear to have made only errors in your programming.
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here are a set of suggestions i have. anyway fundraisers all of this money for the president! president obama was here yesterday in los angeles. $15 million. i am giving the wrong kind of parties. i don't know what -- [ laughter ] >> he called his endorsement of marriage equality an obvious extension of his vision for the country. he is captain understatement -- >> a little bit. >> he said the truth is it was the logical extension of what america is supposed to be and we as a country gives everybody a and treats everybody fairly. earlier at a fund raiser in seattle, he drew cheers that american should be able to success no matter what you look like, what your last name and no matter who you love. [ applause ] >> the famous hope poster was an image of he and george clooney
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together. he said this is the first time george clooney has ever been photo shopped out of a picture. and it will never happen again. [ whacky comedy music ] . >> that's very funny. >> i know exactly where the house is at. heading to clooney's house, children manned a lemonade stand with a sign that said president's drink free. >> oh. >> a our gay family says thanks mr. president. [ applause ] >> oh. >> oh. >> just handsome and romantic. wow wee, i used to try to climb the fence -- because they actually had the party on his basketball court, and i used to gawk at him and his friends playing basketball without their shirts on. i decided to skip this one
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because they had anti-terrorism unit and air support among many others -- >> yeah. oh, my god. >> i must have hit a breeze yesterday. i decided not to brave that gauntlet. >> that sounds like a helicopter orgi. >> can you imagine what the neighbors said. hold it down over there. >> cher romney is a douche. she slammed romney and paul ryan. he said these people don't care if people starve and then she got tolded by all of the concerned trolls. somebody said go [ censor bleep ] your old [ censor bleep ]. >> wow. that's one way of convincing cher you are right.
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>> and cher wrote back nice mouth, did you learn that on how to press your clown costume class. and monica crowley wrote ouch. i bet you just lost half of your fans. cher wrote, thank god i have the half that things. [ whacky comedy music ] >> cher will always win. >> cher will [ censor bleep ] you up. i tell you what. [ laughter ] >> okay. let's go to -- let's go to diane in chicago. hi diane. >> hi good morning. >> hi. >> i keep listening to -- and first of all, i applaud what you do. love the show and i am very proud that president obama gave his opinion, and, you know, i am so tired of hearing [ inaudible ] he is going to
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lose his base and, you know, the black churches or whatever. i have gone to a black church all my life. one thing i can tell you is gay people are there. >> what? >> nobody cares. >> they are everywhere. they are gay people! >> that just proves it's a conspiracy. [ laughter ] >> by the way, john, i'm going to come out a bumper sticker, log cabin republicans, really? still? >> the log cabins art clark cooper was quick to discredit obama. really? >> yeah, that was a douchy move. >> calling it cold comfort, and offensive, and callus. >> i know a lot of gays said it was very, very warm comfort. >> wow, you are saying that log cabin republicans are being illogical. >> they said -- he said that the president has chosen today when
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lbgt americans are mourning the passage of amendment 1 as callus? lgbt have a right to be angry, that this calculated announcement comes too late. so you are going to continue to give your dollars to people that hate you. >> exactly steph. we care about gays and obama doesn't. so we're voting for a man that hates us. >> yeah. >> oh hey, ted nugent in green county the editor said an armed revolution will be necessary if the president is reelected. i have to say the editor's name because it is punch mcafee. >> it is not. you are lying to us and the
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audience. >> i tell you what! i'm punch mcphee. >> punch. >> christopher hecker was charged with a felony for threatening to kill the president. this is your republican party today. [ applause ] >> punch. >> punch. >> mcphee. >> punch mcphee. [ deliverance music ] >> i bet he starts every sentence with i tell you what. >> i have an uncle that starts every sentence with i tell you what? >> and what they usually have to tell you is not good. >> no. >> all right. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> what in the hell is going on here? >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >>(narrator) gavin newsom, lieutenant governor of california, and former mayor of san francisco is coming to current tv.
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>>every night on cable news networks everyone's focusing on what's wrong. i want this show to move past that. i love creative people, and with all the vexing problems we have we need creative thinking. >>(narrator) with interviews with notables from silicon valley, hollywood, and beyond. >>at the end of the day this show's simple. it's about ideas. ideas are the best politics. ideas can bring us together. >>(narrator) the gavin newsom show. premiers friday may 18th. only on current tv. while you're out catching a movie. [ growls ] lucky for me
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your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey! you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate.
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we have a big, big hour and the iq will go way up. you are welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. thanks current fans. awesome! ♪ >> you are live in "the young turks'" newsroom where we're putting together the most fantastic show you can possibly imagine because mitt romney keeps wanting to get himself on television. he keeps wanting to run for president, and we keep learning about mitt the bully.
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it's fantastic. we go to another bully in arizona. the sheriff, yeah, that's what he is, he's going against eric holder. finally a civil rights case between sheriff joe, and i want to see, goes he goes. not only that, we have "time" magazine. a controversial cover on "time" magazine where you see a woman breast-feeding and is that woman going to keep breast-feeding for years and years? we're going to call together a t tyt supreme court. the justices are getting their robes on right now we'll be on in 15 minutes watch "the young turks" tonight. some we'd been experimenting with for years others...we just found a cool ingredient. many we brewed just once to see how they would taste. why? -- because at sam adams we love beer.
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>> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ here it from the people ♪ ♪ every night the men would come around and lay their money down ♪ >> that woman was a tramp! >> oh yeah! that should be a regular feature. >> yeah, your epicness chris, can you please make reading chairs tweets a regular on the show. >> tramp thief! woe! >> extra babies tamps and thiefs! >> exactly. this hour brought to you by go to my pc we love it to will you. and click on the microphone button and enter the
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word stephanie to try it freir -- i just named another romney kid. >> bristol is giving advise on parents and marriage? >> yeah. [ applause ] >> tony in texas. you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> hi, how are you? >> good go ahead. >> i think mitt romney is a coward like most bullies. >> yes, sir. >> bully is a bully is a bully. >> and satan is making a special room in hell for all of those guys who supported serving other people to vietnam but would not serve themselves. >> all right. let's dive into the right-wing world world.
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it's james dobson. >> praying even harder about this upcoming election because there is so much at stake. marriage must be maintained. it's been in existence on every continent on earth since the garden of eden -- >> they weren't married. >> but wherever man kind has taken root marriage relationship between one man and one woman has been -- >> no. >> no. >> -- has been honored in law and practice. >> no. >> adam and eve were never married. >> the world has flourished in
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many places. >> you haven't read the old testament. >> personal comedy jesus? >> adam and eve, never married? who performed it? the snake? [ laughter ] >> every society has documented same-sex relationships. sane people say this is part of god's plan. >> except for the 60s in the united states of america at cranbrook school. >> exactly. >> then there were no gays. >> no just weird people we have to punish for being different with zany hijinks. >> this president successfully hid who he really was -- >> so this is not surprising -- >> this reinforces that he is radical left no president has ever taken this position. >> yeah. >> and he was put in a box because if he didn't do it he
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was hiding his agenda just as he promised putin -- >> nobody puts -- >> barack in a box. >> yeah. >> wouldn't radical left be hey, gay guys have all of the gay sex you want and you can never get married? >> yeah. >> here is gretchen carlson. >> president obama makes history, but is there tolerance for both sides or is he demonizing those who disagree with him now? >> what? >> he may have already -- >> is he demonizing those who are demonizing gays -- >> yes. you demonizing people who demonize people -- >> kind of those who were invading iraq were demonized by fox news. >> yeah. >> boys and girls are having their views formulated on gay marriage through the public school system and that's why it is becoming generational.
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this is not what kids are being taught at home, and that's why you are seeing this discrepancy, younger people support gay marriage, their parents and grandparents do not. >> rush limbaugh who is on his fourth marriage? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> so we're talking about gay marriage. we're sitting here. we're minding our own business and they put gay marriage in our face for three, four straight days. they have introduced social issues, and it's perfectly understand why they wanted us to shut up. >> the far right in north carolina introduced this amendment so the far right is the one that put it in your fat face rush limbaugh? >> and what business were you mining in the dominican republic? >> this is a man who hires
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hookers, hates gay people and i hope his wife thinks about this. >> and john bolton. >> our vice president made some news in the past couple of days when he said the following. we wanted to get your reaction, sir. stand by. >> when we took office let me remind you, there was virtually no international pressure on iran. >> i think vice president biden should stick to gay marriage. the fact is there were successes, security counsel resolutions, including after i left the job imposing sanctions on iran. >> we could have a literally a secretary state john bolton -- [ screaming ] >> the building in new york has
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38 stories, if you lost 10 stories today it would not make a difference. >> yeah that building is not the right height apparently. >> won't someone stand up for the dick? really? >> get behind that dick. >> kids have a happy mother's day weekend, i want to thank steve again for sending me the squirrel singing walking on sunshine. >> that's so strange. >> yeah. it is awesome. [ applause ] >> okay. that is it for us. john fugelsang and i will see you tomorrow night in indianapolis for sexy liberal. tickets going fast. john is at the barrymore tonight with his one man show. >> thank you, stephanie. >> thank you john fugelsang, i'll see your sexy ass tomorrow. and we'll see you monday back on the "stephanie miller show."
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♪ it's go time. >>every weeknight cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >>the guys in the middle class the guys in the lower end got screwed again. >>i think you know which one we're talking about. the overwhelming majority of the country says"tax the rich, don't go to war." >>just wanted to clarify that.
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♪ ♪ so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now we don't care anymore? we just eat whatever tastes good? excuse me? [ man ] like these sweet honey clusters they're awesome so no way they're good for you. but i guess that's okay right? actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? ya know? cancel the gym membership. bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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