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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  May 16, 2012 6:00am-8:32am PDT

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♪ >> stephanie: hello current tv fans! here we are in the current -- in captain america's underpants. comedian rick overton live in studio all three hours. he's munching his breakfast. don't mind him. i think either that was a hannah montana guitar or i can hear jacki schechner. can i hear you? >> i can hear you. can you hear me? >> stephanie: yay! we have connectivity. >> no one has ever compared me to a hannah montana guitar.
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>> stephanie: hi, jacki schechner. >> good morning, stephanie. what a pleasure. >> stephanie: we've been humiliating you. >> i heard all of the humiliation. i've got it cataloged. >> stephanie: we know you worked with wolf blitzer. >> have to leave it there. [ laughter ] >> they have war flashbacks. >> stephanie: give me here's jacki schechner and now i have to go. >> here's jacki schechner. i have to go eat some hard cheese. >> stephanie: that's why i sound so constipated. jacki schechner. >> this is so very exciting. good morning, everyone. we're going to expect to see a new anti--obama push thanks to our friends at crossroads gps the karl rove funded superpac is launching a $25 million campaign that will last for a month. the first part of the push is a 60-second spot airing in ten states claiming the president hasn't kept his promises on
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taxes, healthcare and the federal deficit. at the same time, house speaker john boehner is pushing back against the white house today. he's threatening to hold up a debt ceiling increase, not unlike the stalemate that plagued congress last year. on january 1st $8 trillion in tax increases and spending cuts will go into effect. boehner wants more cuts and no taxes. republicans would love to force a showdown in the run up to november but treasury secretary tim geithner says the government has plenty of tools to keep everything running on schedule should house republicans insist on taking the debt ceiling hostage once again. and lunch should be interesting today as president obama is scheduled to dine with boehner and other congressional leadership including mitch mcconnell, nancy pelosi and harry reid but before that, he will focus on the next step on his congressional to do list focusing on small businesses. he will hold a roundtable and talk about proposed legislation that would offer up a 10% income tax credit to small businesses that create new jobs or increase
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wages in 2012. we will be back with more stephanie after the break. it is all exciting. we can all talk to each other. stay with us. tequila lime tacos. [ man ] delicious! [ male announcer ] it's festival of shrimp! for $12.99 try any two shrimp creations like new barbeque glazed shrimp. offer ends soon. we're servers at red lobster. and we sea food differently.
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we're the idea nobody wants to hear. until the truth reveals itself.
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and there's only one place you'll find us. >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number. >> flip-flops if you're going to be walking on sunshine. >> stephanie: sorry about that. who is that voice? it is the voice of comedy legend, why rick overton.
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[ applause ] >> good morning, everybody. i'm just crazy neighbor, rick. >> can i borrow a cup of funny? [doorbell ringing] >> stephanie: we're on tv, we can't do the radio sound effects. oh, now he's here. hi, rick. >> hi! >> i heard you were discussing dinner and just thought i would stop by and intrude. >> stephanie: where's my last track? what show? [ laughter ] >> my wife's meat loaf -- we're paving the driveway with it. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. so rick overton, star of stage screen literally. here's what i love. even though i've known you for 1,000 years, our friendship is older than god's pants.
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and yet every time they send me your entire resume. which is many, many pages long. >> yeah. and you're included on it. >> stephanie: oh, this show? [ applause ] i was going through my mental rolodex of canceled tv shows. so, yeah, speaking of comedy legends, dan rather joins us in about a half hour. what's the frequency? it's this one. >> i'm not saying you took it, dan but i also do a news hunk. i'm sure we're thinking on parallel lines. >> stephanie: stephanie here's the best thing about the gig, free hats. this one from mad dog frida in wisconsin. this is good. >> so is dyslexia? >> what? what? >> stephanie: the mitt mentum
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continues. george w. bush wins for most tepid mitt romney endorsement yet. >> i'm going straight to hell. >> stephanie: abc news reporter asked him if he endorsed mitt romney. the elevator doors were closing and he said i'm for romney. >> notice they haven't trotted him out at all. >> stephanie: polling shows many people still blame him as they should for the economy. >> everything else bad that happened over the last ten years. >> stephanie: he didn't bother giving the elevator door -- he didn't even bother with that. as the doors closed on him. oh and maybe i should -- >> hold the door. could you please hold the door? >> stephanie: he probably did the fake i tried. ooh, too late. >> sorry! >> stephanie: oh sorry hit the closed button. >> oopsies. >> stuff happens. >> stephanie: hit the close button by mistake.
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all right. oh, here's the other breaking news. he has a new cat named bob george w. bush. who names a cat bob? >> i toyed with naming my cat paul. stiff like the one name male. >> he had three other cats named john, george and ring bow. >> stephanie: he enjoys playing with lizards. probably torturing them. [circus music] >> make them talk. mittens causing 9-11. >> stephanie: that's where he got the idea. watching his cat. that was -- what. okay. so rick overton, you have not been here since the big breaking news. the president is speaking out in favor of marriage equality. some news stories making a little eh, it was one that sort of -- it showed it is not good so far. what was the quote i was
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thinking of today. i don't know who said it. the arc of history is long but it has been toward justice. thank you. he did a guest -- [ applause ] >> stephanie: thank you, jim. so startling. both that i got a quote right. -- >> i barely had time to process it. >> john king. >> no. >> larry king. >> stephanie: no! but you know, so far and it is hard to tell because you don't know -- they parse them so like -- every last -- but you know, basically it is showing that -- i think what it is, this is an emotional issue on both sides, it is an emotional issue. but it's like they were saying the emotion against something tends to drive turnout more. i hope that's not true. i hope because it is thattic factor the people that -- people will vote in greater numbers. people in the mid that will don't really care. >> i think in magician's terms
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they've brought the whole issue up as being the busy hand. while they're sticking the rabbit back in the cummerbund somewhere else. i think that they synthesize stuff like this to keep us focusing on it while at the same time they're robbing pulling more rights away. they're doing other things with the subtle hand. because considering the fact that the gay -- the gay community in the republican party is like a clown car. there's a lot of gay people in the republican party. >> stephanie: the one thing that gives you hope is you go this is becoming a nonpartisan issue even in the republican party when you have the dick cheneys and -- >> clint eastwoods. >> stephanie: people helping fund passing marriage equality. that's why i was a little -- not surprised because that's why i thought it took courage. your gut instinct is this could hurt him in the few swing states, in a country that's so 50/50. that's the one thing that really annoyed me is what was it?
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"the new york times" poll we did yesterday was the majority of people think he did it for political reasons and you go anybody would say that's why this takes courage is you don't know how this is going to play out which is what he said when he said it. he said this could hurt me politically in some places. i think it is the right thing to do. >> i feel the places it would hurt him, he would have lost there anywhere. >> stephanie: i'm hearing analysis all over the place. maybe it is the first gut reaction. you have to hope that over time -- >> luckily the opposition is romney. >> stephanie: well, there's that. [wah wah] >> stephanie: mittens with no core principles of any kind. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: forget the king thing. that's done. by the way king james was a homo. >> just look at the -- >> stephanie: i'm just saying, i don't know. [ applause ] >> stephanie: that's the thing is we're making such progress in
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gay rights. there's so many hopeful polls and things happening and then you look -- yesterday i don't know if you saw this. this was heartbreaking. vote by a gay republican kills civil union bill. the kid's mother is crying as this guy is voting against his son. republicans in colorado's house state veterans and military affairs committee voted to kill a proposed bill to legalize same sex civil unions expected to pass the larger house of representatives. it belonged to don whose son is openly gay. i'm reading, i think it was the npr analysis of it. republican whose son is guy cited his reasons for voting against the measure while his wife wiped away tears in the audience. >> how can he face his golfing buddies if he doesn't do this? >> stephanie: more important than your son. republican, more important than your family. that was heartbreaking. and this was just -- again not
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even gay marriage, just civil unions, to give his son, you know some of the same rights that he has. just that was just heartbreaking to me and kind of -- because that's the thing that you find is the more you know somebody, it is your son your favorite comedian, it is your whoever that you know, predicates polling, changing toward gay rights. that one -- but then we have to hand it to senator lincoln chafee. he's an independent. he was too sane to stay a republican. now, he's independent. he signed a bill so that chris what is it? so marriages done elsewhere gay marriage will be recognized in rhode island. he's leading the charge for marriage equality in rhode island. >> his name is lincoln. as republicans go. >> stephanie: thank you. yeah. then i hear stories like this where i think, i don't know, we're a great big joke. that's why romney could win.
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man first pumps for 16 hours for world record. that's a lot of firsting. james completed 16 hours in an attempt to set a guinness world record. he superglued his hand into a clenched first to make sure his pumps would documented correctly about a video crew. >> so, he's cheating to start. makes perfect sense. >> stephanie: just saying. >> yeah, yeah. >> stephanie: then here is another fine american man shoots friend in leg at his request. he had his friend shoot him in the leg because he wanted to know what it feels like to be shot. >> oh, man. >> that's nature working its -- we're overpopulated magic and just shutting the survival switch off like an m. knight shyamalan movie. >> i just freakin' shot myself! [ applause ] [ bleep ] shot my friend. >> the friend is no prize either. >> stephanie: get him to shut
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up. >> bang, okay! >> shoot him in the head, it would be more effective. [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] >> ow, you shot me! >> what does it feel like to be duct taped to a chair and rolled down a flight of stairs? little school desk. >> stephanie: 17 minutes after the hour. we use go to my pc at the "the stephanie miller show." chris uses it to print stuff on to my computer at home or on my printer at home from his computer at his house. it is magic. i tuesday on the road on my ipad, on my iphone when i'm on the road. with rising gas prices, the hassle of travel why do it? use go to my pc by citrix. you have access to the work computer from wherever you are or anywhere else you need to go. it connects you directly to your office mac or pc. it turns your ipad or tablet into your office computer.
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sets up in minutes. you can work wherever whenever. try go to my pc today with a special 45-day free trial. go to my and enter the promo code stephanie and download the appear to your phone. try it free. the promo code is stephanie. when chris is frowning that way something has gone awry. >> is that the one you leave on vibrate and put in your pants? >> stephanie: no. it is not. chris, are you constipated or has something gone horribly awry technically? >> something has goner tobly awry technically. >> stephanie: we'll be right back or not. 18 minutes after the hour. >> announcer: there's a tea party in her pants and you're invited. call 1-800-steph-12.
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(vo) don't miss your chance to catch the premiere of the gavin newsom show. with special guests: >> i'm lance armstrong. if somebody put my back into a corner, i'm coming out swinging.
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♪ >> stephanie: oh, you're smiling. it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 23 minutes after the hour. >> let's go, let's go. >> stephanie: let go, let god. jehovah god. oh dear, jehovah god the end of the show technically is near. >> the show just started. we haven't even done dan rather yet. >> stephanie: no. 23 minutes after the hour. it turns out on the radio side, we're actually not on the air. they're running the best of because something else was being said through something. that's why chris was not
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constipated. [farting sounds] >> stephanie: see, we're on tv. people can see you ignoring me. >> i was asking you questions and i was like -- don't! >> stephanie: he's a professional husband and i should know the not now honey look. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: why you being so distant? what you thinking over there funny face? >> penny for your thoughts. >> stephanie: oh, we're not on the air, okay. [screaming] >> minor glitch. >> stephanie: 1-800-steph-12 the number toll free. we're on the tv. that's the important thing. [phone ringing] >> stephanie: our big jangly 1940s phone is ringing. >> stephanie: he has no sense of what we do or what time. he tends to call us live and then he tends to send us news stories. you get those, jim? >> three days after. >> stephanie: did you guys hear the president is in favor of marriage equality. oh, yeah, we didn't have
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newswires or televisions or any sort of -- okay. so yes! so that's what we're talking about. this is i think "l.a. times" piece, analysis gay marriage decision not working in obama's favor so far. rick, do you think that's just the first knee jerk reaction in polling? >> i don't trust a first poll. >> stephanie: i don't know what that means. >> as far as stripper joints and stuff like that. i find that it is -- you know, polls are influenced by influenced people so it is going to shake out toward the end of the summer, this is all going to shake out. >> stephanie: they're or the of all over the place. >> the debates will change. >> stephanie: dear god yes. the "l.a. times" saying the first wave of polling aren't looking particularly good for obama. four different national opinion surveys over the past week by reputable organizations that indicate the president's stand could well hurt him politically. the numbers are fairly close.
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tight elections are decided by small numbers of voters. and that's why -- that was the thing that was most surprising to me is people say it was political. to me, that was real leadership and courage because he said this could hurt me politically. but that's when he said it is the right thing to do. listen. this is how you know -- pat buchanan demonize gay marriage. he flip-flops on slavery. because pat buchanan, bigotry is bigotry is bigotry. >> msnbc's pat buchanan. >> stephanie: not anymore. >> finally! >> god! >> they ought to thank us for the free boat ride. >> stephanie: thank you jim for paraphrasing. when then-senator obama gave the race on speech -- the speech on race, a more perfect union in march 2008, that's when pat buchanan decided to pen this. america has been the best country onate for black folks. it was here that 600,000 black
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people grew into a community of 40 million were introduced to christian salvation and reached the greatest levels of freedom and we hear the grievances. where's the gratitude? where's the thanks for the free boat ride? >> and the lynchings and the bombing of churches. >> stephanie: yesterday, he's on -- at fox news, he says the american people aren't accepting of gay marriage. do you think 2,000 years of western civilization has been engaged in bigotry because they denied the rights of homosexuals to marry. megan writes we were discriminated against blacks. the idea of slavery is -- that's what you talked about when you talked about how really great it was. >> he had a little meeting. they brought him in. okay. we're going to put you back on tv again. but you've gotta slip in how that's bad. >> stephanie: slavery is evil.
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say it with me. we all agree. >> we want to get some letters that don't have -- >> almost as evil as liberalism. >> no, no, no. >> pat to the main office, pat to the main office. >> stephanie: how many times did that come over the p.a. at msnbc. pat buchanan, please report to my office. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: after awhile, you could hear it on air. on air. excuse me a minute, ed. pat buchanan, please don't say anything. no, now, report to my office. >> some of these people think homosexuality happened in the '60s. >> stephanie: according to mitt romney, they didn't have that. >> it didn't cross their minds in the '60s. >> we called it hazing. >> stephanie: it doesn't matter when you went to school, you knew the kid who was perceived to be different that got bullied. romney is like i don't remember the incident at all. i do remember i didn't know he was gay.
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oops sorry. >> while he chuckled, remembering the incident. >> believe me, i tried. i mean -- [ buzzer ] >> mitt to the main office. >> stephanie: mitt please report to pat buchanan's office. anyway, i think as i've said, it is what leadership is. the obama effect, major who have come out for marriage equality. that's what leaders do. there's been -- i'm talking about part of this is really bipartisan. this is -- governor lincoln chafee issued on executive order requiring all state agencies to recognize same-sex marriages even ones that are performed in other states. so i say -- ♪ let's hear it for the boy ♪ >> stephanie: go, lincoln. ♪ let's give the boy a hand ♪ >> stephanie: 29 minutes after the hour. i've avoided my whole career to say dan rather next on "the stephanie miller show."
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we will not settle for easy answers. (vo) the former governor of ny eliot spitzer, joins the new news network. down on the days top stories in search of facts that inform. >> we don't stop until we get answers that are truthful, serious, and not based on simplistic answers.
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>>we're here because we're independent. ♪ >> seriously. >> stephaniestephanie miller, you are my oprah. >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 toll free from anywhere. this is very exciting. i never thought i would get to say good morning, dan rather. good morning, dan rather. are you there? >> oh, dear. we're really having a technical day of things. hello, dan, are you there? okay, then. all right then.
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[ wah wah ] >> that's the way it is. >> if dan were here, he would say -- >> stephanie: if i was of a conspiratorrorial nature, i would say the fact that dan rather is about to talk about what happened to him at cbs -- [ applause ] >> a snausage. >> stephanie: should i try again? rebecca is trying to see if he's there. interesting. the right wing blog -- to get dan rather fired from cbs news, perhaps they can knock us off the air. >> he was accused of using phony documents about the bush -- the story is true. everyone knew that was the guy you went to if you wanted to get your kid out of serving in vietnam. >> stephanie: this book is really -- rather spoke of my life in the news.
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>> stephanie: good morning tom brokaw. >> during the olympic -- >> stephanie: okay. >> let's send this show to the museum of broadcasting. >> stephanie: i think it has already been entered into the smithsonian. >> stephanie: is this related to this technical issue? >> dan's not on the phone. i think we're in the --doit! >> stephanie: somewhere al gore is shaking his head sadly. oh, no, what have i done? >> just like florida in 2000. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: we'll get back on track. i'm not conceding. i was talking to rick overton about leadership, courage as dan rather would say. this is just -- this week in wake of president obama taking the lead on marriage equality, senator jack reed, democrat of rhode island offered his support
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not only for same-sex marriage but -- i didn't know this existed. the respect for marriage act which would repeal the dris crimnatory defense of marriage act. harry reid said it is no business of mine if two men or two would not to get married. he would support legalizing same-sex marriage in nevada. kind of embarrassing to have las vegas in your state for keeping the sanctity of marriage. where britney spears can get married for 14 hours. steny hoyer said extending marriage equality is the right thing to do and will not undermine the institution of marriage. bob kerrey running for re-election running again voiced his support calling increased awareness of the struggle of gay and lesbian americans. pat quinn came out for marriage equality on friday. he said this week he's committed to working with state lawmakers to make it a reality in illinois. james clyburn added his support for same-sex marriage as a civil right which he believes should
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be support by national policy. that's just this week. [ applause ] >> stephanie: are we ready to rock n' roll? i always thought i would never be able to say good morning, dan rather. >> good morning! >> stephanie: sorry, dan we've been having technical issues this morning. what a thrill to talk to you. >> thank you very much for having me on. i appreciate it greatly. >> stephanie: i never thought i would get to say good morning dan rather and you have the same publisher as i do. your book is fabulous. rather outspoken, my life in the news. we were saying while we were waiting to talk to you, you have to get into what happened to you at cbs because i grew up with you. you're an institution. and you know you were reporting a story that was correct about george w. bush. take us inside what happened at cbs then. >> well, i will do that. it happened eight years ago i left cbs six years ago. i'm well past it but for anybody interested, it is a relatively
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small part of the book. there was no joy in doing it. it was unpleasant but when we got to the truth of a young george w. bush's military service, what we found was true. undeniable. number one he got in the so-called champagne unit of the national guard through the influences of his father to avoid the possibility of going to vietnam. and two, after he got into the service, he disappeared for a long period of time. now, if you're a soldier in afghanistan and iraq and you disappear overnight, that's a serious offense. and he was never held to account for that. he at the very least was awol and given how long he left, the pentagon officials said to us he was guilty of desertion which is a very serious offense. we reported a true story. powerful interest, powerful partisan and ideological interest, did didn't like the
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story. what they sought to do was discredit us. they launched a big campaign which unfortunately the corporate powers that be and the ownership of cbs news, because they have a lot of business to do in washington, they decided to fire a bunch of people and eventually put me out. that's what happened. how it happened. it has been a long time ago for anybody who's interested. there are three chapters somewhat less than a fourth of the book that deal in detail with my side of that story. >> stephanie: dan, one thing i hadn't heard is senator red stone who of course is the chairman of viacom had signaled his unequave cal support by saying a republican administration was better than a democratic one. >> that's true. that was at the base of our difficulties. let's note that redstone has every right to say who he's for in a presidential campaign. what he doesn't have a right to do, in my opinion and i think the public would share this to
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say and therefore, because i favored george w. bush's re-election, i don't want our news department reporting unpleasant facts about him. this has to do with the corporatization of news which i think the public needs to understand that very large corporations, no more than six now control more than 80% of the true national distribution of news in the country. this is not healthy for the country. it is not a conservative issue or liberal issue a democratic or republican. i think we can all agree that we don't want a few corporate chieftains such as mr. redstone deciding what we see and how we see it and calling reporters off of deep digging investigative stories. >> stephanie: dan, i think -- not to suck up to my current employer, that's what i love that they're trying to do at current is counter some of the corporate influence. some of the mainstream media drives us crazy. there has to be two sides to every story. sometimes there aren't. sometimes the facts don't support one side or the other. don't you feel that corporate interest makes everything --
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everybody has to go let's present this side and that side. even if -- they feel no journalistic inkling to have to tell someone that's incorrect. the facts are incorrect that you're stating right now. >> this is exactly so. when i talk about the corporatization of the news in the book and that's a thread running through the book which i could use language that was gentler but very big international corporations are in bed with big government, whether that government be republican or democrat. and they need each other. they need -- and they influence the news than much more than should be the case. this is a real problem in the country that news is in a crisis. one reason it is in a crisis is because the internet has become -- if it isn't dominant already, it will soon be dominant in a place where people get their news. these problems i think they'll
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short themselves out in time. but in the meantime, we do have to be concerned about the huge corporate interests in coercion with very big government, influencing. the point you make, there are independent places on television and radio which are trying to buck this trend but up to and including the present moment they haven't been able to crack through it. >> stephanie: here's the reason i've always trusted to you is dick nixon hated you. i love that part of the book that you were distrusted by president nixon who could be heard on one of the infamous tapes telling his daughter rather is a bastard. there was another story. that's a perfect example of investigative journalism. and you know, you reported on all of it, right from watergate to way back when, right? >> well, that's true. i've been really lucky and blessed. i've been on some big stories in my time including the watergate story and watergate is one word
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short hand for and is never any joy in saying this, there was a widespread criminal conspiracy unfortunately led by the president of the united states himself out of the oval office which is what drove him the only president in history to resign. again it wasn't pleasant to report that story. i was hoping against hope as the story developed it would turn out the president was not involved. when he was involved. of course when you report that kind of news, there is a price to pay for it. >> stephanie: we've been talking about the marriage equality fight, how that will play out in this election. as someone that obviously reported on the civil rights movements in the '60s, the protests in birmingham, how do you think this will play out and how do you see it? >> well, over the long haul, i think it will play out similar to what happened with the civil rights movement of dealing with the voting rights and other rights of people of color. but in the short term, i think
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i'm in a minority among reporters. i think this is somewhat damaging to president obama's chances in the fall. let me make clear. i think he made the right decision but in the middle of a presidential election campaign my assessment is it hurts him. the economy is the main thing that hurts him and it is one reason why i say my own assessment at this time in may it is still early is that president obama is no better than even money to be re-elected. this is going to be a very tough, very expensive very nasty campaign and i'm not saying he will lose it but i'm saying that it is certainly possible he will lose in november. >> stephanie: dan, always such a pleasure to watch you and to -- really a thrill to meet you. rather outspoken, my life in the news is the book. dan thank you so much. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it greatly. [ applause ] >> wow! legend! >> stephanie: see. he's right. it is early. i know.
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>> if the election were held today -- >> stephanie: yes and if my aunt had a [ bleep ] she would be my uncle. back with more with rick overton on "the stephanie miller show." >> this is all very strange. i agree. something's not right. >> it's "the stephanie miller show." and on twitter at smshow. if you have copd like i do you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. expect from my show is the unexpected. >>stephanie miller challenges the system, now it's your turn. >>it's a little bit of magic. >>connect with "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at and on twitter at smshow.
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>>(narrator) gavin newsom, lieutenant governor of california, and former mayor of san francisco is coming to current tv. >>every night on cable news networks everyone's focusing on what's wrong. i want this show
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to move past that. i love creative people, and with all the vexing problems we have we need creative thinking. >>(narrator) with interviews with notables from silicon valley, hollywood, and beyond. >>at the end of the day this show's simple. it's about ideas. ideas are the best politics. ideas can bring us together. >>(narrator) the gavin newsom show. premiers friday at 11 eastern/ 8 pacific. only on current tv. ♪ ♪ hit it ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ workin' up a sweat ♪ ♪ action h, push it, push it real good ♪ >> i'm pushing i'm pushing. >> stephanie: we're pushing already. it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. this hour brought to you by go
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to my pc, access your mac or pc from anywhere. we love it. go to my pc. try it free for 45 days. go to my and enter the promo code stephanie. chris, why are you smiling warmly at me? >> because everything is good. ♪ everything is beautiful ♪ >> it is all fine. [magical sound] >> stephanie: producer chris has a technical bug up his ass. you need a lot of drinks to kill that bug up your ass. >> i do. >> help me! >> stephanie: we're all fine now. we're back on the air. we were in lost radio land due to the thing a ma hizzle being misused by a thing a hozel. >> it is connected to the thingamajig. >> stephanie: shoptalk. rick overton remains live in studio. >> live! >> stephanie: you can see rick
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overton live in los angeles. >> tomorrow at comedy and magic club in hermosa beach. it is george carlin's birthday show. a lot of fine folks will be there doing some comedy in honor of dear uncle george. >> stephanie: yea! >> will he be saying seven words? >> i'm sure someone will. >> you each get a word. >> stephanie: all right. oh! this has all come magically full circle. we just talked to dan rather who nixon famously called a bastard. asking about the -- my crazy liberal wife and i have tickets to your sexy liberal show at the pantages theatre. he wrote the wrong date. it is july 28th, not august 28th. check your tickets. did you know that richard nixon broadcast his famous checker speech from the pantages. i did not know that. yeah. the sappy speech about his dog
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that saved his political butt and led directly to watergate. >> you better wear a republican cloth coat. when we're teabagging. wear a respectable republican cloth coat and nothing else. >> stephanie: i just got a visual of a drunken pat nixon naked except for a coat getting teabagged. you know what, jim? thanks a lot. [ buzzer ] >> someone in the chat room thinks it might have been the ghost of richard nixon who put out the wrong date because republicans are good with dirty tricks like that. >> i got you! from beyond! they don't call me tricky dick for nothing. >> stephanie: since we're both ex-catholics how about we found a defrocked priest to get rid of nixon's ghost. we have our personal comedy jesus. >> he's never been frocked. ♪ ♪ jesus ♪
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>> stephanie: okay. debbie in oregon you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi deb. >> caller: hi, steph. i was talking to my mom the other day who is 17 years older than me. the reason that i -- >> stephanie: really? >> caller: the reason that i'm calling is because one of the things that she brought up i think is one of the reasons that dan rather's a little concerned. and i think that thoses -- the heavy duty religious side are scared that if we do the civil rights thing and the proper thing which is to, you know, just let everybody get married. it doesn't matter who the heck they have to marry that that is going to lead to people trying to force the churches to marry same-sex couples. and i think the one thing that we need to do whether it's us pushing the president or it's us starting it and letting him pick it up, maybe do a biden, i don't know what else to say is what we
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need is civil marriage. and then they could do religious marriage all they want to. try to get married in this country and have any legal authority except without a marriage license, good luck. that has to be given to you by the city hall which is the government. that would be civil marriage. >> stephanie: i think everybody's -- the president especially has been clear about it. there should be separation of church and state. he's not forcing -- we're not forcing churches to do anything. this is about equal rights. but yeah, by the way, i think that might have been the ghost of dan rather that knocked us off the air earlier. excuse me, the ghost of richard nixon that knocked us off the air. i'm going -- we're not going to have that bastard rather on. >> show him. >> get the hook. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. rose in illinois. >> we'll have dick nixon's ghost to kick around anymore.
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>> stephanie: hello rose in illinois. >> caller: i'm sure you're tired of hearing. you guys are wonderful. >> no, never! >> back up the truck. bring it on. >> different it on us. >> caller: yesterday you were talking with -- oh, my. that was a cat very happy that i finally made it on, i guess. [meowing] you were talking of ian yesterday. the subject of gay adoption had come up. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: i do have to say my parents were young when they had me. they kind of got married because of me and my aunt who her and her partner had a very, very large part of my upbringing. and i learned mostly about empathy and caring and compassion for others from watching them. i watched them go through so much in their lives financially
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emotionally, healthwise and they stuck with it through thick and thin. >> stephanie: wow. >> caller: i watched my parents go through multiple marriages divorces, marriages, divorces and for stability i had my aunt. i actually took her out to breakfast for her birthday and i thanked her actually for being there for me. for all of these years, she's still been there for the past 40 some odd years. >> stephanie: wow. >> caller: she told me you know, we actually wanted to take you, we wanted to bring you and have you live with us but the court actually said no. >> stephanie: oh, wow. you never knew that story till now? >> caller: no, not about the court part. i didn't know. and i wonder -- i like myself and who i am but i wonder what it could have been like if i had been with them full time. >> stephanie: what a beautiful story. thank you for that, rose. that is very sweet. >> caller: thank you guys for being you. >> stephanie: aw. greg in denver wrote the same
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thing. it was interesting after we talked about that yesterday. steph, wait, so if i get this straight, no pun intended a baby can be raised in a catholic orphanage by nuns who are all women but they can't be raised by two women who can give the child a lot more attention than the nuns? wtf. i heard tony perkins trying to justify this in an interview on hardball. these people are [ bleep ] crazy. [ applause ] >> i suspect some nuns might be -- >> stephanie: sister bronston would be appalled that you said that. >> i had an actual sister luke and sister phillip michael in my school. >> miami vice nuns. >> sister luke looked like a bulldog. >> stephanie: i had one of those. 58 minutes after the hour. >> it is really a dog collar. >> stephanie: right back on "the stephanie miller show."
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>> stephanie: she's playing guitar. she's on air guitar. here she is, jacki schechner. hi jacki schechner are you there? we're having some technical bugaboos or you did it on purpose for those impossible throws we've been doing. >> i can do better than that. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: dan rather, journalistic legend, how about that? >> that's quite a coup.
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>> stephanie: although you worked with wolf blitzer. why does wolf blitter always have to leave it there? >> because he runs out of time. there's not enough hours in the day. he has to leave it there. >> stephanie: guess what. today is super jacki day. we have representative jackie spear coming up this hour. >> how does she spell it? >> with an i-e. >> you gotta cut it out at the i. >> stephanie: look at the snappy reparte now that we can hear each other. double jacki. the only jacki in our hearts, jacki schechner in the current news center. >> good morning, everyone. we've got an interesting video to show you thanks to chris christie, the new jersey governor and potential g.o.p. vice presidential pick. put a new video up on his official youtube channel and it features him with newark mayor cory bierk. it is a party of the classic
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seinfeld newman rivalry and it starts with kristy looking for a way to boost his image. >> i think we're all set here. >> what have we got? >> mayor, thank you for coming. there is a two alarm fire down on state street. we have a car broken on on route one and a little girl has lost her cat in a tree. >> governor, i got this. >> you may remember that booker worked with -- rescued from a neighbor from a burning house last month. it shows booker allegedly helping bruce springsteen replace a guitar, fixing the governor's flat tire and catching a falling baby. at the end of the spoof booker is on the phone telling mitt romney that he wouldn't make a good vice president. chris christie says he's got it. the video debuted last night at the new jersey version of the white house correspondents association dinner and it is funny but it is totally unclear why chris christie would make a video that makes cory booker look so good because he's a
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democratic rising star. we'll be right back with more "the stephanie miller show" after the break. stay with us.
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very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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>>liberal and proud of it. ♪ katrina and the waves ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." no really this time. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free. you can e-mail us, chris lavoie,
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jim ward and me stephanie miller and comedian rick overton live in studio. [ applause ] >> you don't say. >> we're having a technical day. >> stephanie: technical difficulties in the last hour. i did not realize radioland did not hear the dan rather interview. >> hmm. >> people who watch current did. >> people who listen on the u stream heard it. >> they didn't have the big test pattern with the indian head on it. >> stephanie: current tv fans got the added benefit of seeing the wacky engineer wandering around screaming on the phone touching things and that was kind of -- >> that was kind of necessary to do that. >> stephanie: rick overton was kidding playing the wacky neighborhood. this is like the engineer from wkrp. >> wires out sparks are flying. >> stephanie: exactly. apparently people were calling the phone calls were all about the topic they were running on
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the best of. we're back! ♪ >> stephanie: tell them to do it again as a skit. >> i don't ever want to do that again. i had to move really fast. >> stephanie: all right. so yeah, we were talking -- one of the things i thought -- depressing and yet dan rather should know, he's reported on everything ever. yes. as we're reporting as we said from captain america's underpants, he's reported from god's underpants which are old. [ applause ] he's covered everything. he was saying he thinks that this really could hurt the president in this election cycle, the marriage equality issue because it will be so tight. >> what's the poll in america of people who go for it? >> stephanie: i was looking at the "l.a. times" analysis, gay marriage decision not working in obama's favor so far. hopefully that's a knee-jerk because the people against it tend to react more like -- ugh! then over time it may change.
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>> the poll takers like to put a negative spin on things. i think they're cherry picking who they ask to. >> stephanie: right. this made me feel better because gawker brings us three different polls. happy, sad and oblivious. a new report says nearly 1/4 of american families have no savings, probably why another are pessimistic. a third are re-soundingly optimistic. 58% predict they'll be good a year from now. we are morons. >> they're asking one guy. how's it looking? terrible. i asked you, how is it looking? >> not bad. >> one more time. >> great! >> stephanie: they asked one bipolar man. >> i'm tripolar. i'm better! i got one more! [ laughter ] >> stephanie: this is why we can sell so much prozac. >> sometimes i'm happy. >> stephanie: are you ever
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slightly anxious or depressed? yes, i'm human. >> restless leg? that's what made elvis famous. >> stephanie: i finally got through all of this. you asked rick overton. they're talking about all of the polls that were mentioned. an aggregate of four. kind of what some of them said. perhaps the most encouraging comes from a new abc news "washington post" poll. independent had a slightly more favorable. dan rather was telling us, this is going to be tight. it usually is in this country. we're generally always a 50/50 country. he pointed out -- they pointed out independents acted most strongly to the decision tilted against it. that's what i mean. that would be their knee-jerk. >> i'm outraged. i don't know about what yet but i will be. i'm told i'm angry. my radio says i'm infuriated. >> stephanie: that strong sentiment can better predict voter turnout. it is going to mobilize more
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young people and gay people and you know, some of the people that elected the president the first time or is it going to mobilize the evangelicals who are turned off by romney. >> 27%. >> stephanie: right, right right. gallup poll found overall the change was a net minus for obama though. the organization cautioned that results could change depending on the degree to which same-sex marriage is is or is not a campaign issue in the fall. "the new york times" poll for instance found -- this is what i found troubling. 38% of americans favor marriage equality which is much lower than -- they even say that in here. longer term trends continue to move in the direction of public acceptance. that's the lowest number i've heard. i've heard majority support in the 50s. >> those polls include civil unions along with marriage equality. >> i would love to find out -- when they do a poll, is it one in 1,000 people they ask? it is kind of a gray area, the
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fact that they say these are our concise poll numbers. >> stephanie: a lot of interesting thoughts in the "l.a. times" analysis. there is a reasonable argument to be made those opposed were never to vote for the president anyway. which is what we with said. this will continue to energize supporters though it is having the same effect for evangelicals who were cool to mitt romney because he's mormon. overall, the poll data among voters in the middle who decide close elections would seem to validate obama's earlier decision against endorsing same-sex marriage prior to the election. all i'm saying is you whineny liberals screaming about -- if he loses the election, oh, i'm going to -- then we have mitt romney and we go back 1,000 years on gay rights. >> or any kind of rights. >> from the center of new zealand, it is "the stephanie miller show." >> stephanie: exactly. we did that piece on -- healthcare, right? we're getting faced by ghana.
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we would have to move to ghana. >> rwanda. >> one of the poorest countries on earth. >> stephanie: we'll probably have better technical service and better healthcare. anyway, "l.a. times" analysis finishing, it is important to note the poll results give americans a sense of -- immediate reactions. >> knee-jerk reactions. >> yes, no maybe, i don't know. >> stephanie: i'm panicky. >> yes, i'm no. >> stephanie: the impact of obama same-sex marriage will be greater or less depending on the attention paid. so dan rather did say that, too it is may. it is early for a lot of things. >> a lot of things can be repaired or shaken out by releasing that word now. you know. i think the debates are going to erase a lot of this. >> stephanie: it also -- because i think on television, you can tend to see that -- [magical sound]
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>> stephanie: president is authentic. did you see the hilarious james lipton piece trying to teach mitt romney how to act human? >> where was this? >> where did you find that? >> stephanie: i saw a clip of it yesterday on tv. he's going your eyes, don't match when you're laughing. [ laughter ] all right. let's go to loretta in florida on the polls. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i've called you several times and i've always been too nervous to say how much i love your show. so glad it is on tv now. >> stephanie: we love you back. >> caller: i want to tell you. i've been a volunteer with organizing for america. i've been going for the last seven or eight weeks. to their office to make calls and stuff. number one we have been mobbed with volunteers. we have had people just -- every one of us commented on how everyone we call is beyond for
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the president there. is no question no. we have a lot of older democrats down here. we're in florida. and they're saying i can't volunteer, honey but if you'll tell me what the address is, i'll send in some money. so i'm wondering where these polls are coming from because this is freakin' florida. if we're having this kind of results here, i just don't know who they're talking to and what's going on. >> stephanie: yeah, that's the thing. look, larry the landslide lizard could still be stretching and warming up. you never know. we could be unnecessarily nervous. >> i wouldn't count on that. >> i think we need to move forward that it is going to be really, really close and we need to work really, really hard. >> larry the landslide lizard was killed by the victory elephant. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: change is always hard. my 89-year-old republican mom. i remember when this issue first came up. she loves me.
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far from homophobic but i remember her saying that's the way it's always been. a man and a would. even when you try to go well, yes but -- we didn't let women vote and black people -- sometimes, emotional issues doesn't resonate. >> airplane cabins weren't pressurized. >> you had to fly through thunderstorms because you couldn't fly above them. >> dodge smoke from people's cigarettes. >> if the mountain doesn't kill you, the cancer will. >> stephanie: when the flight attendant comes out of the cockpit with an alarmed look on her face. tries to look normal. everybody act normal. it's all good. >> whatever you do, do not panic [ screaming ] >> stephanie: that's the way i look coming out of the dan rather interview about marriage equality. okay, i'm sure it will be fine. >> here's an on-camera joke for you. here's on real time, here's every guest on bill mahers
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conservative guest on real time with the sound-off. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: okay. all right. >>. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: thanks for tv land. >> he's sweating and blinking too much. >> stephanie: they all look exactly the same. >> he knows he doesn't belong there and he's doomed. >> stephanie: all right. 17 minutes. that was also good impression of a christian in front of a lion back in -- okay. >> all right. >> he's playing the lion. >> stephanie: especially the tugging at the collar. 17 minutes after the hour. back more with live with rick overton in studio on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: kid tested, john conyers approved, it is "the stephanie miller show."
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(vo) don't miss your chance to catch the premiere of the gavin newsom show. with special guests: >> i'm lance armstrong. if somebody put my back into a corner, i'm coming out swinging. >> all i could do was broadcast to the parking lot outside. >> we just went out the window and shouted the show. >> i had to send a letter to president harding to ask for a new vacuum tube. oh, my god.
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>> trying to make up their mind. should i go for it? ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ video killed the radio star ♪ ♪ i think radio killed the radio star ♪ >> stephanie: oh boy. it is the "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 23 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. comedian extraordinaire rick overton live in studio with us, all three hours. >> live? >> stephanie: jackie spear coming up. hi debbie. you're on with rick. >> caller: hi. >> come in, deb. >> go ahead.
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>> caller: okay, i'm going ahead my sister-in-law was gay. she died a few years ago. and before she told my brother her husband, she told me. this was in the '80s. i loved her right off the bat. we were friends best friends for all of those years. and we brought her brother around. i raised my children with that same giving and live and let live philosophy. he didn't go to the last election, my husband. he's going to this time. we have four more members that are going to vote all for obama. i just wanted to say i wish to god that she would have been able to listen to you talk because she missed that and i want to thank you very much for everything you've done and for all of your friends who have also done the same thing. >> stephanie: debbie, thank
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you. thank you, that means a lot to me. that's why i think it meant so much to so many people. i mean -- frankly debbie, who doesn't have a gay friend or relative these days. to see a sitting president of the towns live to see that, just that's a great moment, isn't it? to know there are probably gay kids that are not going to kill themselves because they watched the president of the united states tell them that they're okay. >> caller: yes and not go through hard times and also to have somebody like you speak out for them. >> stephanie: thank you, deb. i appreciate it. your sister had a really good sister. we appreciate you listening. >> caller: thank you. >> stephanie: all right. aw. [magical sound] >> don't start crying. >> stephanie: i tend to cry a lot. that's my gig. i'm the chick that cries on the radio. i'm not drunk in the morning when i cry on the radio. can we broadcast this from a
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tavern? couldn't we have better technical luck? >> something to wash down your food with. >> caller: hi, steph. good morning. just sticking to the facts and regarding a polling if you're calling me on the phone for my opinion or money, forget it. i don't know who you are or what you're going to do with the information and you don't really want my opinion. >> stephanie: frankly, fred, i hang up on all of those people. >> caller: exactly. who are you talking to, right? and then as far as the marriage thing goes, i don't need your opinion -- or your permission to get married. i can go get married. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: so i wanted to throw that out there. you know, i can get married. >> stephanie: you're right. there is an insulting ting to that. do i have your permission to exist or conduct my life or make
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my choices the way i would like to. i'm getting good at that where you know the tone of voice. there is a long enough pause that you know that a telemarketer of some sort and you get that. i've gotten a land speed record. hi! stephanie. no thank you! [dial tone] >> stephanie: thank you, no. whatever it is no. >> well, the church, the actual technical reason the church is against gays, gay marriage is gay, married people don't produce people who go to church. it shuts off the matrix line of batteries. that's the real actual technical reason they don't want it. the people in the middle and down from there don't know that part. they believe the dogma. all of the people at the top in church, they don't believe in god. they're laughing. partying and using the money. >> stephanie: as we were talking about with dan rather last hour, the one black preacher i'm going to vote against obama now because of this.
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they interviewed some boxer i don't even know who. criticized the president. he gets punched in the head for a living. who cares what he has to say. >> something to the effect that gays should be executed. >> stephanie: sure. >> there's no chance this guy could have some money problems that they just showed up and solved, right? no chance that the punch drunk knucklehead had some issues that they could make go away. >> stephanie: bristol palin giving the president parenting advice. really? let's see. brian in michigan real quick. welcome. >> caller: good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: stephanie, i got two things i want to bring up. one on the polling. they're still using land lines to do the polling for phone polling, people under 30 or 35, most of them don't have land lines. >> i don't have a land line anymore. >> that's leaving out a big liberal group of people that's not being polled. the second issue is i wish you
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guys would stop calling it fox news. how about fox and not news. most of it is opinion conjecture and made up stuff. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. >> caller: how about fox not news. >> fox opinion network. >> fox spews. >> stephanie: thank you. [circus music] >> stephanie: in fact i missed that part of bristol palin's thing chris and she ended it with saying maybe the president should parent instead of reflecting what a teenager thinks that's seen one too many episodes of glee. where do i even start with that? >> there are so many levels of hypocrisy. >> doesn't the giant irony hook come down and dump you somewhere? like at the arcade. just lift you right away. >> i'm sorry bristol, you were saying. 29 minutes after the hour. clink. back with representative jackie spear next on "the stephanie miller show."
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it's go time. >>every weeknight cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >>the guys in the middle class the guys in the lower end got screwed again. >>i think you know which one we're talking about. the overwhelming majority of the country says"tax the rich, don't go to war." >>just wanted to clarify that.
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[ male announcer ] cookies with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. >>(narrator) gavin newsom, lieutenant governor of california, and former mayor of san francisco is coming to current tv. >>every night on cable news networks everyone's focusing on what's wrong. i want this show to move past that. i love creative people, and with all the vexing problems we have we need creative thinking. >>(narrator) with interviews with notables from silicon valley, hollywood, and beyond. >>at the end of the day this show's simple. it's about ideas. ideas are the best politics.
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ideas can bring us together. >>(narrator) the gavin newsom show. premiers friday at 11 eastern/ 8 pacific. only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> story of my life, my cuteness interferes with people hearing my message. >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 toll free from anywhere. comedian rick overton in studio with us munching on mama's leftovers. >> are you forcing that shrimp stuff on him? >> stephanie: yes. the giant vat of food had a baby. >> it was only sitting in the sun for a few days. >> stephanie: it will be fine. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number. one of our very personal favorites, representative jackie speier of the great state of
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california joins us now. >> good morning, stephanie. how are you? don't eat that shrimp, it is probably not good for you if it is that old. >> not bad when you're worn from long distance on the phone. >> stephanie: she knows about healthcare. representative, i'm doing as well as can be expected in the midst of a prairie fire of debt as mitt romney calls it. a prairie fire of debt is sweeping across iowa and our nation every day. blah, blah, blah blah. and yet again, how many times can we say it, totally ignoring the tax cuts for the rich this these two wars not on the books is what ran up this debt. >> presizely right. $5 trillion over ten years is what the bush tax cut is costing each of us as americans. unsustainable. >> stephanie: as jay carney said, the obama policies that reversed the cataclysmic decline now has us growing for 11
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straight quarters. how do you feel like mitt romney is making his case so far? >> facts don't mean anything. that's what's so disturbing. facts don't mean anything in this dialogue anymore. he just keeps saying what he says and we have to keep refuting it and you know, the conservative talk shows kind of do their number. and falses get repeated and they become truth. it is frightening really. the american people i think need to do more due diligence in terms of understanding what's really at stake here. and recognizing what is fact and what is not. >> anything on fox news i think falls under that. >> stephanie: that's a starting point. he said yesterday in iowa, mitt romney, my time spent building businesses and leaving state government, first of all, i think the president's first ad is pretty good. he didn't spend his time building businesses. newt gingrich, as you know, referred to him as a corporate raider. rick perry referred to him as a
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vulture capitalist. maybe you should use sound clips from the republicans in the primary. >> i hope that they do because bain capital was created to make money. to take companies, they turn them around by dumping all of the labor union employees and you know, reconstructing them. and then selling them off. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. i think there's that argument. the other thing obviously what's going on in congress right now, once again in terms of addressing the debt, john boehner has threaten toed take the debt limit hostage again. this deal we just made, we just -- we were here last august right? >> that's the most frightening thing that's been said all year. in truth. if, in fact, we're going to play games with the debt limit again it will be cataclysmic. if you -- look back at those few days, i mean the stock market tanked. it had global repercussions. and it would be absolutely
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irresponsible for us to engage in that kind of political theatre. >> stephanie: here he is. john boehner yesterday. >> when the time comes, i will again insist my simple principle of custom reform is greater than the debt limit increase. >> stephanie: are we really -- really? we got downgraded the last time we did this and they're going to do it again? what's your take on how this is going to play out this time? >> i think that you know, their goal has been very consistent. just make sure the economy tanks so that we can win the election. and they're willing to take this to a september october and do the same thing all over and they think they'll have enough going for them at that point that it will get them the presidency. >> stephanie: i hate to have facts to back you up but according to the economic policy institute, the cuts demanded by the republicans in exchange for raising the debt limit would cost the economy 1.8 million jobs this year. at some point, you go yeah, this
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looks really deliberate. >> the charts that show the decline of jobs under george bush that were sizable millions of jobs. and then since president obama has taken office after the first three or four months, the increase in jobs over that period of time says it all. jobs have been created under one administration and destroyed under the other. >> yep. >> stephanie: it could be why we got that resounding endorsement of mitt romney from george w. bush yesterday as an elevator closed in the four seconds -- maybe they don't want him involved so much. [ laughter ] >> i guess he'll do. whatever. >> stephanie: no one even bothered to put a hand in the elevator door. >> would have been better if it was a bathroom stall. >> i believe in romney -- someone's in here. >> i'm in here. >> stephanie: yeah representative, i think that that says everything you need to know. why isn't george bush out there? why don't they want george bush's face on the campaign trail for romney?
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polls show that most americans agree with us. >> the disaster of his last year in office and the number of jobs lost, under the guise that all of the tax cuts were going to create economic growth speaks for itself. it didn't create economic growth. it created more money in the hands of the wealthiest and everyone else in unemployment lines. >> stephanie: you know i think george bush gave a speech, you can't raise taxes on the job creators. no explanation of why that didn't work during his term. right? >> that's right. >> creative, i mean destroy. ship overseas. >> stephanie: representative speier, we hear about this war on women. they keep proving it, things that should not be partisan, the violence against women act re-authorization. what is going on with that? >> so here we have a bill coming over from the senate with a
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lopsided support that's bipartisan. 68-31. it has been -- the violence against women act has been around for 18 years. it has been re-authorized a number of times. it has always been a bipartisan bill. what is not bipartisan about wanting to make sure that domestic violence is addressed in this country and to be serious about it and to treat it like a crime like it is. and yet that's exactly what my brethren on the republican side are doing. they want to create an environment where gay couples aren't going to have the same benefits as everyone else. that native-american women are not going to be able to get the kind of relief that they deserve. and it is -- it is just -- i can't understand why they think this makes them look good or how this gives them points on the popularity scale. >> stephanie: letting student loan rates double. how does that help with you the
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youth vote? had no interest in that until mitt romney was forced to say okay, i'm for that. you just think -- you literally think even things that would seem smart politically, they're not ready to do because the president is for it. right? >> that's right. and yet, i'm now serving on the armed services committee. i have to tell you it is such an eye-opener to have ship building going on in this country right now where we spent $6 billion on a ship that can't float. >> stephanie: yeah. >> a ship that can't float. of it it is like the -- >> stephanie: it is like the island of misfit toys. >> we're not willing to take $6 million to prevent the interest rate to go up on student loan programs. >> stephanie: it is the island of misfit military toys. the plane that can't fly. it can't fly in the rain. >> the optional system on the f-22 doesn't work so pilots won't get into the plane and fly
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them. we have a mothball fleet of them now. >> it is hard to fly when you're unconscious. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: jim is our flight expert here. speaking of veterans, representative, it is time to end the delay in may. you're asking veterans are backlogged claims to a fix it meeting coming up monday, right? >> that's right. an average of 320 days for a claim to be housed at the oakland v.a. it is an abysmal record. and a new audit has just come out that shows that 39% of the claims that have been audited had mistakes in them including 57% of the cases involving traumatic brain injury. we're real good at wanting to support our soldiers when they're overseas but boy, when they come home and they become veterans, different story. >> stephanie: mm-hmm. >> we'll have case workers available. it will be may 21st at the war
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memorial building in san francisco from 1:00 to 4:00. we'll have the director of the v.a. in oakland there to testify. and having the case workers there to help people who have got claims is going to be a great benefit. i went and spent about two hours with the v.a. in oakland a couple of months ago. took them nine cases. interestingly enough, of those nine cases, eight of them have been resolved. >> stephanie: you are a curious creature, congressman. you continue to do real things for real constituents. it is not the way of congress these days. veterans should sign up with the fix it meeting in advance so the claims somebody can be reviewed. they should call your office? >> that's right. >> stephanie: you know what? i don't know what to say. >> you're amazing. >> no, i'm not. i'm just doing my job. >> stephanie: you should be the rule and yet you're the exception in congress. before we go, we've been talking -- there was an analysis in the "l.a. times" about how the marriage equality issue so far is hurting the president.
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how do you think that is going to play out by the time we get to november? >> i don't think it is going to hurt him by the time we get to november. i think the younger voters really get it. i do think that they rolled it out artfully. i give vice president biden a lot of credit and they should have just rolled it out through that without this whole apologies and i didn't mean to do it. it just sort of -- it makes it less genuine. i know that president obama has been supportive of gay marriage for a long time. and he just felt politically he couldn't take that step. >> stephanie: i hope that's not right. the one line in the "l.a. times" said it could bear out the president's -- because god forbid as i was saying today if we get a president romney, we're going to go back a zillion rights on gay rights. >> on gay rights, on women's reproductive health issues, you name it. you want to talk about turning
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back the clock. >> stephanie: we're back to preemptive war because he's listening to john bolton more than anyone else. it is terrifying. >> we'll be everywhere in a war stance. we've also gotta get back to paying as we go when we engage in war because as long as it is off the books, the american people don't feel it. >> stephanie: right. >> and yet we're now in debt to both china and japan for over a trillion dollars. i mean, wake up, america! >> stephanie: well said. when jackie speier tells you to wake up, wake up, america! [ applause ] she's ours, you can't have her from california. thank you, congresswoman. there she goes. [ applause ] >> mitt romney wants to tie the country to the top of his station wagon. >> stephanie: exactly. we're going to think of some more island of misfit military toys during the break and be back with that with rick overton live in studio on "the stephanie miller show." >> eke, i just spewed on my dashboard again.
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it is "the stephanie miller show." room. >> what should women be doing? >> electing women to office. (vo) she's a political trailblazer. >>republicans of course didn't let facts get in the way of spin. >>do it, for america.
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♪ >> stephanie miller. ♪ do you remember when it was last september ♪ ♪ love was changing the minds ♪ ♪ while changing the clouds away ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 51 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12. how awesome. representative jackie speier love her. >> she's great. >> stephanie: i've thought of more island of misfit military toys because she was talking about -- i didn't know that jim, do you?
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we're building ships that don't float. >> they're submarines, supposed to be able to float part of the time. >> stephanie: planes that can't fly in the rain. we have a tank that squirts grape jelly. [ wah wah ] >> that would be fun! >> stephanie: all right. >> wagon with square wheels. >> stephanie: there you go. >> here comes the gravy tank. kids love it! >> the doll cried something. it wasn't tears. it was like gravy or something. >> stephanie: something. that's the paula deen doll. carl in nashville. >> caller: listen, don't forget the water gun that shoots jelly. >> stephanie: we have a tank that shoots grape jelly. >> caller: absolutely. you know, as far as polls i've never -- i've always been skeptical of polls and this is the reason why the only person i know that has a land line phone anymore one is my 86-year-old
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grandmother. that's it. no one else. and all of the years i actually lived in houses and had land lines, no one has ever called me. never. not once to poll. we had a household -- >> stephanie: it is never good when your home phone rings. >> caller: seriously. i guess as of about four years ago when i looked around, i noticed that me, my wife and my oldest daughter had cell phones and i'm thinking to myself why do we need a land line? i took it out but before then all the time i've been married i've never received a call from a pollster. so i always thinking who the hell are these people polling and why are they speaking for me? >> stephanie: carl, the point is no kids have land lines. they all have cell phones. obviously the polling skews vastly toward marriage equality the younger you get. it could be we're getting unnecessarily hysterical. [ screaming ]
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>> call from -- >> they know right away. >> stephanie: you look at the phone. telemarketer, crazy ex. no. [ applause ] >> you have the thing that announces who's calling. so weird. >> stephanie: jim's been doing that for me. every time i call, he says miller stephanie. >> it is like a gps trying to guess spanish-named streets. >> sepulveda. >> stephanie: yeah. it is like -- >> turn right at la jolla. >> stephanie: it is the tone. hello, ms. miller. no thank you. [dial tone] >> before you run down the whole sheet, i used to have your shop job. you're doing a great job but i have to go. so they don't get hurt by their boss. >> stephanie: i'm polite. i'm just very -- >> firm.
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>> stephanie: time-efficient. i used to do it too. now that i'm old and cochety i don't bother. i'm sorry, no. >> most of them now are robo calls. they're computers that are calling you. so you don't need to be nice to a computer. i'm sorry, could you repeat that? stop. please stop. i'm scared. >> stephanie: any democratic campaign robo calls no need to call me. i feel like -- do you know who i am? >> i'm on your side. >> stephanie: of course i'm going to vote. >> will you still vote for obama if you knew he was a gay martian. >> it is governor jerry brown. >> i got your back. >> can you send me a check? >> stephanie: okay on that no. robin in new hampshire. hey, robin. >> caller: hey, steph. great to talk to you guys. i just wanted to weigh in on the issue about marriage equality. i'm an ordained baptist minister
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lesbian in a committed relationship. >> stephanie: my goodness. >> caller: we exist. [magical sound] >> change from the inside rather than complaining on the outside. >> we do a lot of both. >> good for you. i think that's very effective is to get in the middle of it and start changing it, too. >> i'm the executive director for a group of churches and the association of welcoming and affirming baptists. we've been around for -- as a church organization for 20 years and as people for over 35 years working inside baptist communities to make it okay for queer folk to participate and get married and be ordained and all of that sort of stuff. >> stephanie: wow. >> caller: one of the pieces about this conversation that's important is to really watch our language about the church. you guys talk about the church. as if it is a monolith and it is not. there are many progressive christian, jewish, muslim and other religious organizations out there working really hard to
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change the narrative about what it means to be a person of faith and to be inclusive. i know that my organization and my community stands strongly in the stream of justice and rights that martin luther king worked in and a lot of other folks who see this as a benefit lickal -- a biblical, moral imperative and not just a political football to be pushed around. >> stephanie: you're getting the bible -- they're getting the bible owl in the bigotry. good deal. good use of the word monolith here on "the stephanie miller show." [ applause ] >> speaking of -- hon know lith. -- monolith. >> i think you should take a stress pill and think things over. i know things have not been quite right with me latedy. >> stephanie: so creepy. liz in virginia you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi liz.
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>> caller: hi. i'm a protestant clearingy. go robin. i was calling with pretty much the same point that there are crazy homophobic, racist, mossogeneous christians all over the world but not all of us are and there are clergy who are just like she was saying, standing in there. i will tell you my greatest hope is that you know the generation that's making these crazy decisions, they're going to die. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: it is the only hope i really have. >> stephanie: liz on that note wts in virginia, the house just rejected a judge because he's gay. did you hear about that? >> caller: yes, did i. >> stephanie: because of his quote-unquote behavior. as if he's an unruly toddler. >> clarence thomas is still -- not right. >> stephanie: we'll teach mitt romney how to act more human as we continue on "the stephanie miller show."
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>> stephanie: there she is. it is jacki schechner. rock star. and news star in the current news center. hi jacki. >> good morning, steph. >> stephanie: good morning. we've never had a dueling sean connerys introduce you before. boys? >> we did have dueling. go for it. >> what i lack in hair, i make up for in common sense.
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and when i listen to news, i listen to jacki schechner. >> stephanie: you're like a bond news girl. really. >> really? >> stephanie: hot. >> that's better than being a hannah montana guitar. i'll give you that. >> stephanie: you're hot and newsy and now, here's more news with jacki schechner in the current news metroplex. >> i like the feedback compliment thing. this works. this hour, we've got reports from reuters that shareholders have now filed two lawsuits against jpmorgan chase over the $2 billion loss saying that ceo jamie diamond misrepresented the risk involved. on capitol hill at the same time this hour, house subcommittee and the financial services committee rather is holding a hearing on the issue of how to regulate the biggest of banks. the hearing was scheduled before the high profile jpmorgan loss but that's obviously bound to come up and has already as lawmakers talk about which banks are systematically important enough to need the strictest of
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regulations. president obama's financial disclosure forms are out today and no, he's not mitt romney rich. he's doing all right. he and the first lady hold assets somewhere $2.6 and $8.3 million. the range is so broad because of the way that lawmakers have to list their assets on the forms. the obamas own a mix of treasury notes, treasury bills, retirement and checking accounts. they do reportedly have a checking account with jpmorgan chase of all banks. the disclosure formed the president has earned anywhere between $250,000 and $2.1 million on the sale of his three books and he and the first lady hold a 30-year mortgage on their home in chicago. in comparison, forbes has done an extensive financial analysis of mitt romney's wealth and estimate that he comes in somewhere around $230 million. also numbers are out for the obama re-election campaign. and it says it raised $43.6 million in april. while that number is down from
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$53 million reported from the month before, it does not include the $15 million raised at dinner at george clooney's house. we'll be right back after the break. you are welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. thanks current fans. awesome! [ kristal ] we're just taking a sample of all our different items in our festival of shrimp. the crab-stuffed shrimp are awesome! tequila lime tacos. [ man ] delicious! [ male announcer ] it's festival of shrimp! for $12.99 try any two shrimp creations like new barbeque glazed shrimp. offer ends soon. we're servers at red lobster. and we sea food differently.
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weeknights on current tv. ♪ katrina and the waves ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." we're having -- we're having a day! it is "the stephanie miller show." six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere except on television where everything is magical all the time. [magical sound] after not being
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on the air at all for most of the first hour including the dan rather interview now we're -- i don't know sending the wrong tones or something. all of the stations are going cattywampas. we apologize. it is my fault. it is my fault for attempting to live with dogs and cats together. i apologize. i've made the world go wild. >> it is not me sending the wrong tones. >> stephanie: no. something. he will be in simmering rage about all day. >> we're troubleshooting it right now. >> stephanie: perfect during a live broadcast. we're just spitballing. >> you know that thing where you know, when i was a kid and i couldn't get the lincoln logs to look exactly like it looked on the box? >> stephanie: right. >> i'm having flashbacks to that. i want to throw the show against the wall. >> stephanie: you asked if you could go home. i said no. jim and i would barely have -- we'll just hit all of the buttons at once. rick overton comedian
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extraordinaire saving the show with his comedic genius. >> saving it for later. >> exactly. >> it is a pleasure to be here. i love that you're on tv. >> stephanie: we've gotten considerably more patriotic. do you like all of our stars and stripes? >> it is captain america's underpants. >> the right doesn't deserve to be the only one with the flag. >> stephanie: that's right. >> i don't think they deserve an elephant. you haven't earned an elephant, okay? elephant is an awesome animal. you haven't earned it. >> stephanie: the magic continues in the republican primary. the headline is rivals airbrush anti-romney words. remember newt gingrich calling mitt romney a liar. rick santorum calling him the worst republican in the country. >> mitt romney is the greatest guy ever. stand by. >> stephanie: everything will be edited with a meat ax. mitt romney is -- >> the greatest guy on earth.
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>> stephanie: they're hoping you act like it never happened. most of the words are clicks away online with the exception of ron paul, the g.o.p. ran some coughed up endorsements including our personal favorite, i thought it would be tough to win the most tepid endorsement but george w. bush before an elevator door closed on him i'm for romney -- >> i'm going to vote for romney. >> i guess if i have to. >> he could have said romulin because we don't know. >> the other kardashian. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: we're helpers as is james lipton. did he a little seminar for mitt romney to try to teach him how to act more human. >> since politics have become pretty much used and since you've been criticized by some for not coming across as authentic to your public, maybe we can sort of work on that today. let's start with your laugh. >> i live for laughter. [ laughter ]
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>> it isn't working! [ laughter ] it just doesn't come across as general you on a win. worst of all while you expect us to be amused, you're not the least bit amused yourself. i've advised people who are watching you to freeze the frame and then put their hands over the lower part of your face and look at your eyes. there's no pleasure there. that could depend on a great director named constantine. one of his central principles for actors was relaxation. >> it is an unusual interview. all right. let's do it again. >> i'm speaking. i'm speaking. >> i remember once in rehearsal for an actor who was trying much too hard on the stage. relax. he got the job. well now it appears that you're going to get the republican nomination. i would propose to you that you
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relax. not so easily done but it is something you have to work on, i think. only then can you begin to get in touch with yourself and only when you get in touch with yourself will your audience begin to be in touch with you. that seems to be the problem. [ applause ] >> stephanie: four minutes long. >> i'll post it up on your facebook page. >> it is very funny. >> true. >> overton who has been an acting class or two himself. >> someone in the chat room said who's doing james lipton? >> james lipton. >> it is actually james lipton. >> i love america and seen. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: he has that kind of sociopathic thing that george w. bush had where it didn't match -- no giggling about -- executions. >> they will be put to death. >> pat robertson has that, too.
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>> there's a lot of people dying in africa but i love my diamonds. >> stephanie: yeah. that's what we were saying that he chuckled when he first brought occupy the high school bullying incident. someone offstage -- >> there's a guy that looks like giamatti in a trailer going no! he didn't listen to anything i said to him before! what are you doing? >> i worked with him for hours on this. >> stephanie: my favorite part of "the washington post" piece described even in high school, his laughter is panicky. >> he's like the guests on real time. ha, ha, ha ha, ha, i know i'm in the enemy -- >> stephanie: look, i'm just as funny. >> gofer norquist looked uncomfortable last week. >> he should. >> when did he earn comfort? >> stephanie: they had to sign a pledge to be nice to him. [circus music]
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>> i'll bet they did. >> stephanie: willow in michigan. hello, willow. >> what about twig? >> caller: get through to you and talk to you. i'm so impressed with your show. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: you were talking about polls. and i used to teach elementary school, fifth and sixth graders we would start talking about statistics toward the end of the year and we talked about polls. one of the things i used to tell them is that using polls for making important decisions is like picking like a life mate or brain surgeon by reading bumper stickers and t-shirts. when i see a poll, i want to know what were all of the questions, how were they framed, who conducted them, who paid for them. what population was polled. what time of day was it conducted? how it was collected. and i don't -- i don't see any of that. i see all of these numbers but i don't know that there is a web site where you can actually read
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the entire script that was read to them, you know. >> stephanie: right. >> usually you can go back to the polling organization's web site and look at all of the questions and how it is framed and everything they use there. >> stephanie: the fox news polls, those are the comedy just for the wording. is the president more kenyan or socialist. >> i do know if it is really cold, you shouldn't put your tongue on a pole. >> stephanie: exactly. thank you. >> learned that in "a christmas story." >> stephanie: hi, phil in boston. >> caller: good morning, mama. good morning mooks. love having rick aboard. can we keep him? >> stephanie: i'll feed him. he doesn't eat much. >> caller: i have a couple of points i would like to make if you don't mind. number one, i think some of the attacks we've been running on romney could have some unintended consequences. the bullying ins debt with the cutting of the hair. i can hear some hard core -- we
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know he's had a hard time rounding up the hard core base. i can hear some guy in alabama saying i thought he was a moderate massachusetts mamby-pamby but now i know he likes to slap gay people around and cut their hair. he might be my kind of guy. >> stephanie: good impression. thank you very much. >> the big question would be around that, are there enough of those guys to make a difference? because i know they get a lot of press. but in overall american numbers how many of them are there? we're told there are more of them but they inflate everything else too. >> stephanie: that's the other question about polling. jim, you brought this up about are people scared to say -- that could be good or bad in terms of marriage equality. some people would be -- they're embarrassed either way. they're embarrassed to say they're anti-or that they're for. you don't know the true how it is going to shake out until people actually vote. >> stephanie: let's dive into
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the right wing world. bill o'reilly on income and equality. >> here's what i'm concerned about. the economy stinks because the federal government has botched it. if they get out of the way and let people develop small business, there would be more jobs and then you would have more income. that's what i'm concerned about. >> income and equality are -- kicking up nonstop. >> you earn it. >> stephanie: i see. >> why does anyone ever go on his show? >> stephanie: i know. >> i don't like to be yelled at. >> he's not right. no bully is ever right. that's why they have to be forceful. >> i'm going to put you on the floor and cut your hair! >> here is the aquito move on them. any bullies that has to talk to you like this, he's instantly wrong and is using fear to make you agree with him the way a gun makes someone agree with you when you're wrong. without a gun, they wouldn't agree with you. >> stephanie: exactly. thank you rick overton. rish limbaugh.
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>> the democrats are actually trying to build on clinton being the first black president. obama is the first every minority president. they look at america. they see groups of people. they see victims. they see people in misery. they see people in poverty. they see people in oppression. they see people being discriminated against. those are the people they're gunning for in the campaign. >> one of the groups they've attempted to make believe is miserable is women. >> stephanie: but enough about your ex-wives. explanation of all of his ex-wives. poor miserable. 17 minutes after the hour. kids, we have carbonite on each and every one of our computers. chris lavoie does, rebecca taylor, i do. >> i don't want carbonite to save today's show. >> stephanie: no. we want it to magically disappear forever. we're going to take carbonite off our computers just for today. oops. we lost today's show. accidents happen to all of us
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like today's show. you know, you delete a file by mistake, there is a power outage, a virus, you drop your laptop. it can cost you if you lose everything in there. that's why you need carbonite online back-up. your files are backed up automatically and continually. for me, technical ease is key. >> yeah. mac as well as pc. >> stephanie: thank you for asking. >> it will even save your alan smithy productions. >> stephanie: like today's show. carbonite has a back-up plan right for you. prices start at 59 a year. for unlimited back-up. i have carbonite because i can't afford to lose all of the stuff in my computer. go to get it. try my offer code stephanie for a special offer. free trial plus two months free with your subscription. the offer code is stephanie. back with more right wing world and comedian rick overton live in studio as we continue with "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: it is "the stephanie miller show."
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>>no bs, authentic, the real thing. >>now, let's hear yours at the only online forum with a direct line to stephanie miller. >>the only thing that can save america now: current television. >>join the debate now.
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♪ step right up and don't be shy ♪ ♪ she's right here behind the glass ♪ ♪ you're going to like her because she's got class ♪ ♪ you get to talk to a -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ she's one in a million girls. >> stephanie: 23 minutes after the hour. it is 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. rick overton in studio with us, comedian extraordinaire. dan my right wing love muffen in seattle. >> good morning.
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i'm listening to you guys with all of this nitpicky rhetoric. i think it is apparent to me and everyone else -- >> stephanie: which nits have i picked? >> mitt picking. i said nitpicking but since you said mitt. people are worried about the economy and the one thing about -- i could go on to a lot of stuff but about romney's incident, if it did happen -- >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: that doesn't mean he's the same person. he was a child. he was 18 years old or something. >> stephanie: if that were true, why wouldn't he just be apologize and be a man about it? >> caller: he said if whatever it was -- okay the thing is you guys bring up -- i used to do nothing like that. but i wasn't a bully. i'm the most gracious person there is now and i'm 50 some years old. that has nothing to do with this. and you guys -- >> stephanie: i think what people were reacting to is he said i don't remember it
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happening but i do know i didn't know he was gay and he chuckled. >> caller: you're bringing in this gay stuff. people want the economy now. >> we're talking about the character of the guy running for president. >> caller: you guys don't let anyone talk. you guys know deep down obama is going to lose. >> stephanie: okay. >> caller: it is apparent -- so you must be happy. >> why do you sound so angry? >> i'm not angry. i wonder why you guys go off on these character assassinations. >> stephanie: because i think the character of the man running for president is important. and we've talked about why obama is better on the economy endlessly on this show. >> caller: anyway, that's -- >> do you know about bain capital? do you know about that? >> caller: of course. you guys don't apparently because i've heard you -- you don't know anything about what he's done. >> stephanie: i'm sitting in a
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radio station that was taken over by bain capital. i can tell you how many people lost jobs. >> caller: that's the economy. >> stephanie: it tends to happen a lot more often when mitt romney takes over for a company. >> do you know how many lives he's destroyed? >> he doesn't work for bain capital anymore. >> so everything he's done. >> he's not in high school anymore, it doesn't matter. he doesn't work at bain capital. >> stephanie: stop looking in the past. >> that's in the rear-view mirror. so you were drunk. they're in the past now. >> he was a vulture capitalist, he destroyed companies and profited from it and wiped a lot of people's careers and lives out. that's our main concern. we're only using the other issues for tax evasion to try to get him on everything. it is a war against a guy who was a vulture capitalist. it is a philosophical war. you're not going to change our mind about it is going to be a war against him. if you agree with the fact he did those things, that's a character flaw of yours. >> stephanie: hitler did --
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>> whatever! >> that's in the past. >> if you think that's okay he did that to other americans you're not the gracious guy that you say you are! >> stephanie: that was fun. that got our blood going. >> he got like shouty angry quick. he's not that gracious. >> i'm not angry! >> you're not realistic. >> be happy that obama -- >> i'm not happy or angry of the shut up! >> sounds like he's a little worried his guy is not going to win. >> stephanie: let's continue right wing world. sean hannity. >> the president has a record. his record has failed miserably. he doesn't want to talk about the $5 trillion debt and no net new jobs. he wants to focus on the superfluous. this war on woman has fired according to the cbs poll. >> stephanie: women aren't stupid. you can look at state after state whether it is transvaginal probes or it is -- women's healthcare. jackie speier was talking about,
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of course that's where they're going to go, women's health program so we can have the ship that doesn't float. >> they're pretending that obama is a king and everything is up to him. it is the republicans who admitted that they want to deny him a second term and they'll do everything in their power to make sure the economy crashes to make that happen. they've admitted it! >> stephanie: charles krauthammer. >> if romney wins the election, this is moot. obviously obama has a program on the debt. the house of representatives will support him and it will be enacted assuming he's elected. if he's not elected we're back to where we were last year and what republicans have discovered is that you cannot govern america from a single house of the congress. if it they try it again they get punched in the nose again. >> stephanie: i see, the only solution now is to elect romney and a hugely republican congress. yes. >> that will fix it. you know how you do.
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>> stephanie: did he just admit at the beginning they wouldn't do this to romney. that they're only doing it to president obama. >> he said they're ruining everything he's trying to do. >> he tipped the hat. >> stephanie: you would think magically the solution would be to re-elect president obama. it would work that way too wouldn't it? just saying. >> if you're going to be consistent. when has charles ever been consistent. we have pat robertson coming up in right wing world. >> outstanding. >> stephanie: as we continue a skosh more of right wing world on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: call the political party line now 1-800-steph-12.
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lieutenant governor of california, and former mayor of san francisco is coming to current tv. >>every night on cable news networks everyone's focusing on what's wrong. i want this show to move past that. i love creative people, and with all the vexing problems we have we need creative thinking. >>(narrator) with interviews with notables from silicon valley, hollywood, and beyond. >>at the end of the day this show's simple. it's about ideas. ideas are the best politics. ideas can bring us together. >>(narrator) the gavin newsom show. premiers friday at 11 eastern/ 8 pacific. only on current tv.
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