tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current May 24, 2012 6:00am-9:00am PDT
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foot just going up the stairs -- >> downstairs >> downstairs. good morning jacki schechner >> good morning, that will teach you to exercise. jacki is like oh, you wuss i have been up for hours. marcia clark, that's one than didn't sleep very well. don't want to give anything away starts with an axe murders. [ laughter ] >> and now equally terrifying is the news with jacki schechner. >> good morning, stephanie. good morning, everyone. harry reid is set to file on the paycheck fairness act which would add to the almost 50-year old lilly ledbetter act. it explains that the paycheck protection act would make it safer for women to sue for pay
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discrimination without retaliation. they will hold a vote on june 4th. a vote that could put republicans in a tough spot if they have to vote against it. the agriculture department is introducing new plans to cut down on foot stamp fraud. but it's enough to go after people who are selling their cards for cash, either in person or online on-sites like craigslist or ebay. the ap reports that if someone asks for a replacement card for more than three times in a year the new regulations would let them ask for a formal explanation, up until now the states had no authority to do so. it's a delicate balance because there are 46 million people on
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food stamps and nearly half of them are kids and the usda doesn't want to penalize anybody. you can talk with us live online on chat, go to we'll be right back. lucky for me your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey! you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate.
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and above all, we are politically direct. the young turks with cenk uygur at 7, viewpoint with eliot spitzer at 8, the war room with jennifer granholm at 9, the gavin newsom show fridays at 11. and there's only one place you'll find us: weeknights on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> awe! >> awe! >> all right now. it is the "stephanie miller show." we're all playing hurt. you didn't sleep. jim has some sort of --
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>> thing. >> >>eptopic pregnancy. >> it is one thing. >> spontaneous glutin explosion. [ explosion ] . >> and i threw my back out not even moving. >> i think it's your bones getting brittle right before our eyes. or maybe you just don't stretch before you went on your 400-mile bike ride. >> that could be it. you know what, a little more vodka in the current cup this morning. we have senator jeff merkley coming up. marcia clark, i was saying maybe that's why i didn't sleep -- did i give away the beginning of the
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book already. >> you really can't give away the beginning of a book. axe murder! [ screaming ] >> try sleeping after that. in the meantime hey -- guess what? >> what? >> it's frisch. ♪ karl ♪ >> karl frisch, look at what dexter looks like when he is sleeping. paws up on his back out cold, just like mama. >> yeah. >> in this case i didn't even have to give him any booze. >> that's how he sleeps? that's the only way we could cheer ourselves up this morning is by looking at dexter von frisch. and the fabulous bear. the bear looks like he
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is -- it's like a shuffle ball change, kick. >> all right. [ laughter ] >> karl frisch are you calling from a wind tunnel. are you okay? >> no can you hear me? >> yeah, it's just a little windy. >> that's weird. >> all right. let's dive into the right-wing world. here we go. [ whacky comedy music ] >> the unemployment rate mitt romney said it will be zero or something ridiculous -- >> in mitt romney become president, the unemployment will be zero, because he'll go into every company, load us up with debt, and fire all of the workers, and people know there is no chance for a job, so they just won't work. >> yeah. >> he did say if he is president and his policies are implemented the rate will go down to 6 --
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>> right. and unemployment implies there is a need to be had zero employment means hey, we give up. >> yeah. stewart verney. >> why would the representative and the president do this? why would they attack capitalism. as you say america is a free enterprise country. but capitalism seems to be attacked by the president and some people in the house. >> i'm appalled at the way they are treating americans! >> karl you really did a excellent of explaining free enterprise capitalism and what bain capital does. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> yeah, i like hearing stewart varney say the word disingenuous. nobody -- especially the
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president. the president has been the most milk toast attacks on bain and romney. he has been very delicate in the way that he approaches this. >> uh-huh. >> and he could be going a lot, lot further. >> and even mitt romney said why, yes, why do look at my bain record. all right. >> yeah, we're going to look at bain and your time as governor. and show people you had no record of achievement whatsoever. >> he never brings up stuff he did as governor. >> yeah. >> in fairness to mitt romney they always bring it up for him when they introduce him, governor mitt romney. >> yes governor of 47th out of 50 in job creation, here we go. >> in fairness he was only 47th
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because of hurricane katrina. >> right. he would have done even worst if there wasn't a natural disaster. maybe god a mormon. just saying. bill o'reilly >> i don't belief this is a winner for president obama to attack capitalism through mitt romney. "wall street journal" is all over him. it just looks like it reinforces some people's belief that the president is a socialist. >> some say. >> some say. >> just saying you know. >> oh bill o'reilly. >> oh, bill. >> yeah, you have to get up really, really early to confuse bill o'reilly, and get him to go off of the same exact talking points as the rest of fox news, but for him -- >> go ahead. >> go ahead. >> no i was going to say -- >> for -- >> no you first -- >> no -- [ laughter ] >> they were going to do this
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first of all with any kind of attack on mitt romney, it is going to be unfair. >> they are going to call president obama at any of the litany of ists they have been practicing on him. communist, socialist maxist pianist. [ laughter ] >> regardless of what he says mind you. if you were to attack mitt romney's record as governor and i'm sure we'll get to the point where we do. he'll be called -- he is against democracy, he doesn't like governors. >> and you know what he wet from -- >> he is on this path -- >> go ahead. >> he is going to continue on the path. the way you know he is going to continue on the path is because it is making everybody on the right-wing so upset. >> that's what i was going to
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say. that's when we can tell that we are dead on when we go that was in the past. it didn't happen yesterday with mitt romney. >> so, yeah, it's hilarious. >> speaking of the past, have you guys preordered your book george w. bush's book that is coming out this fall on how to fix the economy? [ laughter ] >> oh, stop it, george. >> it is not even a joke. >> first you get rid of that big surplus. >> i haven't figured out if it is a coloring book or pop-up. >> and then he is going on tour conducting seminars on how to improve the economy -- >> oh terrific. >> i hope it is all televised. >> is he working for the obama campaign seriously? >> stephanie it's really hard out there for a former president, and i wanted to get a job. >> i don't get bill clinton's
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speaking feeings, i had to do foxes and friends. >> if the government ran more like a private enterprise -- >> come on. >> would certain people still have jobs. >> for instance eric holder some people say he botched the fast and furious thing, and now some are saying there is a cover up, if government were run like a private equity firm do you think he would survive? what about harry reid? would he still have a job? >> hum. >> wow. >> would any republican in congress have a job? no. right. >> how about every newspaper owned by news corp not one has turned a profit in the time that murdoch has owned them, so why not get rid of all of the newspapers. >> which house republican would have a job? no, i'm not going to do -- what
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have you accomplished in three years? nothing. i am just against everything you are for. >> i think if you are looking to hire somebody who was undermining the speaker of the house, you could always keep eric cantor employed. >> there you go. >> dana on the five. >> rape is actually a synonym for rob or plunder. >> if it is, president obama is raping the american taxpayer. [ laughter ] >> that usually makes rape better. >> yeah, wine makes it all better. wow. representative saying the same thing about bain capital as pretty much all the republicans said. >> the five replaced glen beck's show -- >> oh, dear. >> -- and for a while i assumed,
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wrongfully so i'm guessing, is the reason they call it the five is because it had five cohosts, well it doesn't, so it leads me to believe it is iq. because it is one of the most ignorant spectacles on fox news and that says a lot. >> dana lohse. >> we all saw newt gingrich's attack on bain capital and how that blew up the right side of the political sphere. why the obama cam contain chose to do it, i have to ask who is running that clown car. >> oh, you stole that. the republican primary is the clown car. >> does she understand that the republican primary and the general election campaign are very, very different? that obama can go after bain
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capital, by it might not have the same effect that gingrich going after bain capital has? >> the clip is a little sad. i generally don't like making fun of truly stupid people. >> right. >> it's not her fault that she is that ignorant -- >> besides we just did that with the five, so we're trying to think of something new to say. >> first of all, nobody on the republican primary attacked mitt romney with the gusto and with the money that this -- this president is going to have at his disposal. he has 10s of millions of dollars. very few of those republican candidates had anywhere near the war chest that president obama has, and he'll be able to bring these questions about mitt romney's experience at bain and the governor's office in massachusetts right in front of people, and it's going to make
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people like dana lohse extremely uncomfortable. >> yeah, i hope she doesn't get too screechy. >> all right. 18 minutes after the hour, i'll tell you what comes up in right right. in the meantime kids go to go to my pc. can't live without it. we recommending going to my pc by citrix. it connects you directly to your office, mac or pc. it turns your iphone or your mobile device right to your computer. go to my pc sets up in just minutes. it is so easy to use. we all use it here. i have it on my iphone, on my on
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well right ♪ >> right. ♪ you are bloody well right, you know you got a right to say ♪ >> say what? >> the chiron girl wants to know where you got your pancake shirt. >> pancakes, egg-cetera. >> no one of the characters on raising hope wears one. you can get it as >> do you think i have a nice rack anything? >> no. >> we need to get her drunk so she writes funny things on the cryrons. under karl frisch, of course homosexual activist. >> and i cannot believe that
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chris lavoie would say you do not have a rack. he has seen your wine rack many, many times. >> it's ginormous. this is brian sussman. >> yes. >> you had two well-known left-wing thinkers who had a pretty big audience and these were people that hated capitalism and christianity. they said capitalism produces pollution, and that pollution could change the climate. >> ah. >> and bring us into an ice age which would destroy all species. that was 1883. those two thinkers are karl marx and frederick finker. >> oh, that's some of that fancy
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science book learning -- >> i can't believe you would play that clip and give away our whole plot. >> sorry. >> there was a mini ice age in new york when that volcano exploded. >> you can't phyllis much of anything. you want to talk about who founded -- you know, theories. she is the original founder of a theory, the taller the hair, the closer to jesus. >> there you go. [ laughter ] >> all right. karl frisch see you next week, honey. >> have a good. >> all right. love ya. [ applause ] >> yeah, every once in a while on al gore's network we love to blind you with that science. ♪ science ♪ >> yeah being concerned and global warming is the same as
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communism. >> i get it. karl welcome. >> it's the official high school drama teacher of the "stephanie miller show." >> don't be so dramatic. >> my wife amy and i -- >> oh, you are the straight drama teacher. >> exactly. [ laughter ] >> hi, quirky. >> and you brought me a wonderful pantsuit. we were at the meet and grope in phoenix and it was incredible. >> thank you honey. >> i have big election news from arizona. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> jeff kelly that almost beat gabby gifford, he is running against ron barber who is gabby's aid and an incredible guy -- >> we have had him on, he is awesome. >> he is wonderful. i want to make sure all arizona
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voters get out there and vote, because he is an absolute right-wing tool. and also i had a request for jim. jim, today is my wife's amy, and my 15th anniversary. >> thank you. >> i was wondering if tom brokaw could say something angry. >> congratulations on the 15th anniversary of your nuptials. [ laughter ] >> nicely done. nuptials. >> angry mini kiss guy? >> because somebody -- because the camera angle -- >> hi -- >> tiny jim. >> the camera angle and the chair which is about three inches off of the floor. we have since fixed that by the way. >> yes, he is of normal size now. 29 minutes after the hour, right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>>scores of the most talented filmmakers in the world gather in new york city every year for the tribeca film festival. the eclectic slate of films draws an estimated 3 million people a year. cat coira's film, "while we were here," is about how travel can change the way we look at our lives and loves. >>you never know someone until you travel with them, because it takes people out of their element. >>(narrator) director morgan spurlock's films have taken him all around the world. his latest, "mansome," is about grooming in the modern man. the project brought him to germany to a professional beard
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- >> what the hell smells like shrimp? just my sensual womanhood. [ laughter ] >> it is the "stephanie miller show" now in smell-o-vision. you were saying you have to take your car in for service. >> yeah. >> do you want a sad little star story, my little thing came up
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and they asked how many miles i had on it, and then they were like do you not go anywhere? >> how many miles do you have on that car? >> like 30,000. >> and you have had it -- >> like ten years. >> think car is only 6 years old, and has 58,000. >> my is only four years old and has over 50,000 miles on it. >> that was a sad peak into my life. they are like oh, how old are you. josh, you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> hi, momma. how are you? >> i'm old. >> first of all thing god for
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current tv if i had to watch morning joe one more time i was going to check out early, i swear. i have two things for you, number one on w writing a book on economics. this is hilarious. >> yeah you are like onion headline or real? >> this is what i wanted to say to everyone. i think this is a bush family conspiracy, because this will absolutely kill romney's chances on the only issue he thinks he has. >> and then here comes jebby. >> jebby? 2016. it sets him up. that was my first thing, because how else could this possibly be a real thing. >> i know. >> it's insane. >> you look at the polling, most americans get it that bush is the one that caused this. so, no, i really thought it was a joke when i first read the headline. >> i did too. i really, really did.
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i couldn't be happier, i'm going to buy a lot of copies with that, and then line my dog crate with them or something. but i am a very proud marine corps veteran. >> thank you for your service. >> thank you very much. >> and simper fi. >> thank you. but the republican party has really, really lost a huge margin of the marine corps's support. >> look at any picture of president with the troops. >> yes they are so happy. my husband met bill clinton in one of those photo ops, and they loved him, you know, but some didn't because they really were kind of -- you know, really on the right. nowadays it's not that way.
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it is such a big deal they talk about the women and the latino vote. the military vote, they really respect obama in a way that i was surprised about because he hasn't served. >> this may be the first time ever that one candidate wins every carbon-based life form that there is. [ applause ] >> i know. [ laughter ] >> they are like well mitt romney lost everyone. i mean i'm looking at women, hispanics, they keep doing all of these polls -- >> i'm killing with people on my new planet which i'm going to inherit. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> he says his policies will reduce unemployment -- actually raise it higher than what is already projected to happen without him. he told voters his election would be very positive news to
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the american economy. >> i can tell you that over a period of four years by virtue of the policies we put in place we'll get the unemployment rate down to 6% perhaps even lower. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> hear is breaking news to mittens, that's where most government agencies are projecting unemployment to be at that time frame. and actually could be lower. >> yeah, i'm going to raise it to 6. >> a few weeks ago, romney said anything over 4% is not cause for celebration. >> that's kind of etch-a-sketch y, isn't it? >> yeah. >> you know what is doing well the auto industry. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> oops. >> let detroit die. >> here is the good news when most people saw that headline that mitt romney took credit after writing the famous
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editorial, the word that most americans spoke named a knew romney child. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> geeeh. >> is that a new one? ann just popped another one out. >> some economies say drive -- it is driving the recovery. and news from the industry only getting better. they expect to sell 14.3 million cars in 2012. that's 1.5 million over all. i am of no help of all because i don't go anywhere for thousand years. >> especially after the wine store started doing palate
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deliveries. >> right. some plants add third work ships. others are piling on worker overtime and six-day weeks, ford and chrysler are reducing the two-week july shutdown to add thousands of vehicles to their out put. it's like lucy and the chocolate factory. we can't make them fast enough. >> speed it up pearl! >> chrysler and gm have both reported their best profits in more than a decade. the industry has added more than 139,000 jobs in the last three years. >> thank you george bush. >> obama lost more jobs than he gained in the auto bailout. >> i saw it on the tv. >> yeah. >> stewart barney told me so.
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>> i think it was gretchen carlson, i can't tell them apart. >> heeeh. i just named another romney. >> that's the one that is born after he loses the election. all right. richard from texas. you are on the "stephanie miller show." welcome. >> hi, i'm glad to be able to speak to you this morning, and please bring sexy liberal to houston. >> we'll look into that. >> you will be a big hit, i guarantee. >> we had a great time in austin. >> austin is great. what i would like to comment on is the so-called reverend who wants to hang gay people from trees. >> oh, yes. >> what can we accept as religion in america. can you put a veneer of religion over any hate speech and it is
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okay? >> you are right. if it comes from a pulpit it is no less a hate speech. >> right. it is still hate. >> yeah, absolutely. i was asking for -- those of us on current can see me furiously -- that maria bamford bit we played where someone is calling delilah love clips on the coast -- it's totally different. that's the romney's kids after they are lost the election and the will to live. that is what their kids names will sound like. aar. >> you mentioned that carbon life thing. i know you were joking about it but i started thinking this could be the first election that
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nobody votes for a republican candidate. >> yeah. >> there will be 85 million people voting against barack obama, but not one -- i defy you to hand somebody a piece of paper and a pen that say list not ten reasons to vote for romney, list one reason to vote for mitt romney. >> david even republicans -- even prominent republicans, it was like a game show who is given the most tepid endorsement. even republicans can't muster anything that sounds vaguely for him. >> there is some name suggestions for romney children. >> love songs on the coast with delilah, what is your name? happy holidays haaaaaa. what is going on with you tonight, amy?
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arrrrrrrr. [ laughter ] >> so you and matt broke up. that's hard? that's tough. what -- what do you want to say to matt tonight. aaaaaaah oooooooo. >> we'll play that for you. that penny lover by lionel richie. >> that would be funny her hosting a financial show. >> ahhhhh. >> what does that mean? are stocks up or down. >> we might as well have allen greenspan back. the eagle flies at midnight but he will not stop for cigarettes at the piggy wiggly. >> this just in about facebook stock ahhhhh. oh, that's hard. ahhhhh. 45 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie
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miller show." >> it is really weird, but it is also the coolest thing i have heard in my whole life. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >>we're going to places where few others are going. >>it doesn't get anymore real than this. >>occupy! >>we will have class warfare. >>i'm being violated by the health-care system. >>we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies. >>we go in and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. >>the award winning series "vanguard" new episodes coming soon. only on current tv. if you have copd like i do you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like.
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and enter the promo code stephanie. >> what do jim and i do during breaks, we giggle when we hear words like pentrant. >> yeah. >> this is more of a love story. [ romantic music ] >> oh, nice. dear steph i tested the power of flowers. about a month and a half ago my wife and i decided to separate after nine and a half years of marriage. on mother's day weekend i decided to make a gesture of goodwill ordered a mother's day bow way from pro flowers, and of course remembered to type stephanie in the box.
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[ bell chimes ] >> last saturday she drove up to south carolina to bring me back home. i believe i have you to thank for it. thanks for everything. [ applause ] >> well, good. that's my role in life. >> to save other people's marriage. >> yes, i have a purpose. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> i'm a giver. >> your life is not in shabls. >> you are right. i'm happy. happy, happy, joy, joy. you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> good morning. i'm hoping to become the official stay at home dad of the "stephanie miller show." [ bell chimes ] >> thank you. >> when mitt romney was trying to turn this whole bain capital thing in his favor, he was
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saying how he had private sector experience. >> blah. blah. blah. >> but there has never been a successful president with private sector experience who has helped the economy. last one that had private sector experience was w. and how did that turnout for you? go back over the last 60 years. if they want to hold them up as the example, he has got it all wrong. there are two different skill sets. and regardless of what you think of his private sector shenanigans, it doesn't mean he is going to be a good president. >> yeah, exactly. >> eisenhower lived most of his life in the military, which is the quintessential private sector job. >> exactly. did you see the ads of the actual workers that are laid off from bain?
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the romney camp -- [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> -- is going after the workers in the ad. it's gibberish. >> whatever! >> those are real people that lost their real jobs. that mitt romney's company took over. >> they are faking it. >> the spokesman said the idea is not very persuasive, the idea that people are walking around with less of a paycheck because of something that bain capital did 20 years ago is absurd. >> they lost their job because of the actual actions of bain capital. >> yeah. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> mitt romney welcomed scrutiny. oh after you.
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>> no, you. >> oh, no, you first. >> thank you. >> all right then. >> yeah he -- he says he is far more qualified steward of the economy than president obama. and he says what our caller just said. right now we have an economy in trouble. someone who has spent their career in the economy is moore equipped to fix the economy. here it is. >> the fact is i spent 25 years in the private sector and that obviously teaches you something that you don't learn if you haven't spent any time in the economy. the president's experience has been exclusively in politic and as a community organizer. >> romney charged millions of american childrens of getting a third-world education under obama. here we go. >> millions of our kids are
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getting a third-world education, and america's minority children suffer the most. >> he cares. >> this is the civil rights issue of our era. [ dramatic music ] >> oh, please! >> so he wants to give vouchers to people. >> yeah, so they can go to cranbrook or whatever. >> yeah, here is 500 bucks. >> message i care. oh, please. >> here is a coupon. >> gag. >> don't spend it all in one place. >> yeah. >> he offered few details so far on health care and education, following a play book that criticizes obama. if he wins he wants congress to wait until he takes office when the tax cuts kick in. he said it was until he had a chance to shape a permanent solution. [ bell chimes ]
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>> yeah, i think we know what the permanent solution is. >> here is a coupon. >> yeah. >> that would cover your books. >> maybe. >> he defended his work in the private sector but struggled to identify specific skills he learned at bain that could help him. he later identified trade labor and foreign energy policies -- >> i'll -- i -- i -- i -- i'll think of it. >> he said it gives me a perspective on how jobs are created. but somebody who has never spent a day in the private sector like president obama simply doesn't understand. and asked when willing to focus on his time as bain, he said, why of course. >> oh, no you first.
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>> thank you. >> he was supposed to be talking about education, and he outlined a voucher-like thing. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> it's a vouch -- roid. >> he wanted to hand out coupons. >> his plan doesn't include any money for education. he said the teacher's union is the clearest example of a union that has lost its way. the law he signed in when governor caused 14,000 school teachers police, firefighters their jobs. [ applause ] >> we'll continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>> really? >> she seems to know ago somebody things that went on in l.a. in the courts. it's about a hard-drinking prosecutor. i wonder if she knows somebody like that. here is jacki schechner in the current news center. i think she is sober. i don't know. good morning, jacki. >> good morning, stephanie. good morning, everyone. do you remember the spanish language ad that mitt romney ran last week saying what he would do on his first day as president. this morning we got an email announcing dia o doce. day one part two says the romney would announce deficit reduction, and repeal regulations that have caused job loss, no specifics on that one.
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timing wise recalculated that would be romney's plans for dinner. and it looks like mitt romney is going to need all of the help he can get when it comes to the latino vote. a look at the past ten presidential elections shows that the democrat has won the hispanic vote by an average of more than 30 points. there is a new ad out in arizona today. [ indiscernible ] >> the ad goes on to show mitt romney with two people who are extremely unpopular in the latino community. it will run in english and
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spanish. you can chat with us online at we'll be back with more show after the break. stay with us. ♪ hello. is this where we do that bundling thing? let's see what you got. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. oh! check it -- [ loud r&b on car radio ] i'm going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that's progressive.
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politically direct. the young turks with cenk uygur at 7, viewpoint with eliot spitzer at 8, the war room with jennifer granholm at 9, the gavin newsom show fridays at 11. and there's only one place you'll find us: weeknights on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> it is the "stephanie miller show" welcome it to. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere.
7:05 am the website check it out., for all of the upcoming dates and merch as they say in the touring business. >> merch. >> all right, jim, who said jeff merkley is pathetic and senator jeff merkley was wrong. who said that? >> senator butttarrington. harry reid. >> oh. >> good morning, senator. >> good morning. >> rob reiner gave a passionate speech about the filibuster. >> yes. we have gone to a super majore,
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that goes the direction the minority thinks is the right direction. >> senator, but -- do a civics 101 class for a lot of people that don't understand what the filibuster is. because i know you guys -- you were part of an effort last year to rain in abuse of the filibuster. >> you bet, this stems from a basic courtesy that goes back a long ways of saying in the senate we don't have that many members, we can hear everyone out before we make a decision. what it evolved to was a formal rule that it took a super majority to shut down a debate. that was rarely invoked, because it was understood to be against the constitutional premise.
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but every now and then they would extend the debate even if they didn't have anything to say. that has evolved into an effort to delay everything. it is that silent objection -- the silent filibuster is the way it works -- i said why don't you make them talk. >> right. yep. >> and turns out the rules have never required someone to talk you can object to sample majority, and then it is left to everyone else to summon the super majority to shut down debate. when this is done on a motion to proceed to a bill on the amendments of the bill, on the text of a bill, and each time it basically triggers a number of hours of debate prior to the vote to shut down debate and that then means delays. so you can effectively paralyze
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the senate and under mitch mcconnell that's what the republicans have chosen to do. >> senator reid has acknowledged several times that he was mistaken in his quashing your effort to reign this why. he said there was a time when they were prophetic it is tonight he said on the floor of the senate. what is your sense on what is going to happen next? >> well, we're going to -- tom and i are going to continue to lead this effort to reform the senate. the social contract that held it together in the past is gone. the main emphasis is two things. create a regular process for amendments so the minority and majority have a chance to present their ideas for consideration. second of all, take -- and if you are going to object to sample majority vote and you
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say there is more debate needed, you have to be on the floor debating it. the point that there is no one left to say anything we automatically go to the vote. it is one thing to object and go away to dinner and vacation, it is another to object and say i'm going to make my point and spend the next week here and take responsibility for our obstruction. that wouldn't happen on a routine basis. >> this was the point that rob reiner was saying the senate needs to be fixed no matter who is in power. do you fear god forbid that the republicans take over the majority in the senate -- do you know what i'm saying? because a lot of people say this could backfire. >> sure. folks say when we're in the minority, we want to obstruct.
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and we will support them in the minority or the majority. you have plenty of checks in the system. the committee process, two chambers of the legislative branch, and then the reaction of the american people if these institutions go overboard one direction or the other, and they will replace you with the folks who present different ideas, so you -- but i'll tell you if a different set of ideas were proposed that basically gutted the ability to participate then i wouldn't support those in the majority or minority that's why this is part of the package we put forward. >> you can look at any chart that shows this is beyond unprecedented the use of the filibuster in this last republican congress, right? >> absolutely. and it's just like you can count on one hand the bills that you are allowed to go forward on a
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simple majority, and those happen after long negotiation that is almost equivalent to a filibuster. and if we can lock up the legislative process, and nothing will get done then the american people will get frustrated and vote for the folks that are quote out of power. that is so destructive to democracy. it is in the interest of both parties to have a process where you can debate and decide. we have got to get over our fear of the majority making decisions and restore the ability for that to happen. >> senator you know, on another subject i know you have talked a lot about wall street reform. mitt romney said yesterday the unemployment rate of course will plummet under his presidency. and he talks about it's too much regulation that is causing this. your thoughts? >> it's just empty rhetoric.
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he is talking about returns to the bush strategy that lead to the meltdown of our entire economy. so i think the challenge has to be for him to put forward specific proposals and then weigh those. in fact every proposal should be tested on both fronts. it's one of the reasons i have put forward this idea of saying let's take programs take one third to the deficit, one third to infrastructure, one third to education, and that way we both reduce the deficit and increase jobs at the same time. and it is that approach that should be put forward. >> yep. how do you feel thus far -- the debate is going in terms of his record at bain capital and this whole argument about free enterprise or private equity.
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>> a favorite tactic at places like bain is to buy a company, put it into bankruptcy strip the pension off of it and you end up with a company that sometimes is destroyed by that process, and oftentimes working families that are greatly injured by that they have been there 25 30 years, and suddenly their pension is taken away. great profit for bain but great destruction to the families so i think it is an issue of brood debate. >> senator i think you have hit on the absolute key to this. romney says there is always win ores and losers in business. interestingly bain always won. >> yeah. really. and if you take and look at world war ii through now, you would find that in the period through 1974, from world war ii to 1974 as productivity
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increased real wages for workers increased, and from 1974 until now. we have a process in which workers -- real wages have been flat and declining in the last ten years, while the real wealth in america has increased. so workers are getting squeezed and that's in part due to companies like bain. >> yes exactly. senator, thank you. >> thank you. >> i hope he is able to get that done. >> it's not right to say i'm more sorry than i am. >> could i have some nostalgia music. our friend said mitt romney gave a vague detail-free speech yesterday on education, and confirmed as if there was any doubt how far back he would take us. he includes former education
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secretary rob paige and other officials from george officials from george wbush. romney's position on indication have evolved over time. >> i thought we turned that page. >> they call him flipper, flipper -- >> he once supported no child left behind but now comes out against the policy. and it was never any good because they underfunded it and overtested -- >> whatever! >> their race to the top competition for example have encouraged states to lift caps on the number of charter schools, and doesn't leave a lot of room for romney to draw
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contrast to president obama. many republicans praised obama's education policy. [ applause ] >> nice try again mittens. nice try. did you see he is raffling off -- he is going to have a bite to eat with he and ann. so they can -- you know -- [ romantic music ] >> pretend to care about you and your real life. awkward! kids who in business does not have carbonite these days. think about whatever it is you are working on. i am working on a book. i have a bunch of stuff in there. using manual efforts takes time and is risky. you might not remember to do it. there is a better way. do it automatically on line with carbonite. no hardware, no special equipment, you don't have to remember to do it.
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>> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ >> uh-huh. yeah. >> yeah. >> you are way to booty licious. >> thank you. i try to tone it down as much as i can. >> there is only so much you can tone that down. >> right? >> yeah. >> buddy in columbus you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi buddy. >> hey, momma, mooks jacki schechner. >> stop it. >> jacki schechner she sets off my love detector. >> make your point. >> momma, two things. it's time to bring out an old
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friend larry the landslide lizard. >> let's not get ahead of ourselves. >> romney is losing in every demographic big. and i have yet to see one person jump up at a speech and yell out, i love you! >> i'm sure that is coming. >> i hope everybody in your audience gets a chance to hear the president's address to that graduation class, if you can hear that and not cry -- >> i cried at the new video that jane lynch narrates on marriage equality with obama in it i cried. >> this class that got hit by the tornado, just great. >> i heard about it. thank you buddy. >> i understand you had tornados in here. >> i understand that that is some sort of big wind -- weather event.
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>> i'm not familiar with those, but i assume they are exactly the right height. >> mitt romney's eyes are just completely dead. >> yes. nothing happening back there. [ affected laughter ] >> it's kind of creepy. >> that's what jane lynch was talking ashe. >> now when he talks i can't help but look at his eyes -- >> the eyes don't match. >> the eyes don't match. you are a true. [ mysterious music ] >> this is the rom bot 2000. there is something wrong with my empathy chip. you didn't make the eyes match >> i know things haven't quite been right with me lately. >> who was the guy that was in charge of making my eyes match my soul.
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>> hi, lavender. >> morning momma. were you aware of the study that finds that watching fox news makes you know less about american politics than national events? [ explosion ] >> if you watch nothing you know more. >> yeah, if you watch paint dry you are smarter even if you eat the paint chips. >> some fox news person came out and started bashing the university that took the study. >> yeah. >> exactly. so they are trying to destroy the messenger instead of addressing the message. >> who was saying fox is trying to destroy america. >> right? i didn't say it you did. let's go to terry. you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, terry.
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>> good morning, steph. >> good morning. >> i was calling on the education, and i have to date mice somewhat. i was in existence before they had the nea, so i was in the 60s, and at that time, we were rated number 1 in the world for education. now we have had the creation of nea, all of the good stuff, and now we're like 24th. >> so it's all the nea's fault. >> yes. >> really? >> okay. let me -- >> okay. [ laughter ] >> thank you. okay. back to -- you know, our days okay, the teachers were selected by a -- we had a -- neighbors -- we all hired the teachers for our schools. okay? >> uh-huh. >> now if a school teacher did not performance, we fired her for whatever. >> okay. and they had no protections of
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any kind? >> why do you need protection if you do your job. >> you just had a possy of neighbors -- who judges the performance? >> we're talking about the real world -- >> how do you determine the performance of the teacher? is it by the grades? >> no, you don't do that. >> how do you do it? >> you have sort of a spiedy thing. >> you can tell how the kids react. >> how the kids react? >> yes. if the kids are coming home -- like myself i was not much of a studier -- >> oh, really couldn't tell. >> i bet you couldn't. but the whole thing is that -- >> all right. terry, sorry we're out of time. >> i'm not a smart man -- >> that is kramer hiring the teachers -- >> depend on what the kids tell you about the teacher. >> sure.
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>> all right. >> all right. >> 29 minutes after the hour, right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ street. >>the leadership of high finance just doesn't get it. >>(narrator) the former governor of new york, eliot spitzer is on current tv. >>somebody somewhere can listen, record, track, gather this data. >>arrangements were made. >>(narrator) independent unflinching. >>there is a wild west quality to it that permits them to do whatever they wish. >>(narrator) and above all politically direct. >>facts are stubborn things.
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[ train whistle blows ] [ ball hitting paddle ] [ orbit girl ] don't let food hang around. yeah! [ orbit trumpet ] clean it up with orbit! [ orbit glint ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling. ♪ eat, drink, chew orbit! ♪ vanguard: the documentary series that redefined tv journalism. >>we're going to places where few others are going. >>it doesn't get anymore real than this. >>occupy! >>we will have class warfare. >>i'm being violated by the health-care system. >>we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies.
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>>we go in and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. >>the award winning series "vanguard" new episodes coming soon. only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- >> what are you so chirpy about? >> she is still drunk from last night. >> i think so. whoo! [ laughter ] >> it is the "stephanie miller show." >> you just picture the rom bot on tv. and the eyes are not there. >> yeah, see. we are like it doesn't match. >> it doesn't. ♪ oh, beautiful for . . . ♪ >> yeah the rom bot might felt
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down entirely before the election. >> yeah. >> the eyes don't match. there is something wrong there. >> all right. barbara in los angeles you are on the "stephanie miller show." hey, barb. >> good morning, everybody. >> good morning. >> i feel everybody has missed the core of what fox really is and i would like to share it by analogy. >> okay. >> real news is to fox as the "new york times" is to the national inquirer. i feel that everybody has missed the fact that fox is basically the national inquirer of television news. >> right. if you look at what rupert murdoch publishes in the newspaper, they are all tabloids. >> exactly. all right. looky here. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> i was mentioning before the
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break, president obama enjoys a sizable lead over mitt romney among latino voters. 34 points to be exact. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] [ speaking spanish ] >> turnout will be key. latinos aren't as excited about the upcoming election. that's compared to 81% of all voters. so i keep saying, turn out, turn out, turn out. [ applause ] >> right? republican congressman compares immigrants to dogs. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> isn't he the one that wanted to build the electrified fence along the border yeah -- >> that keeps pigs out of his
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corn or whatever >> yeah. he said the u.s. should be elective when admitting them choosing pick of the litter. he likened immigrants to bird dogs and explained to the silent audience -- [ crickets chirping ] . >> -- yes, stunned silent audience. that the u.s. should admit friskier immigrants. >> friskier? >> like prostitutes. >> and, quote unquote not the one sleeping under the sombrero. >> wow! >> wow! >> oh my god! maybe the test i should be the game i play with fred --
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>> he was rather have mexican jumping beans here -- >> who is the frisky immigrant? turn around! wow wee, i leave the show on current to go to max and friends now -- now i go hi, fred, turn around. >> he probably knocked over a table or two. >> i'll come home to just wreckage. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. let's go to mike in san francisco. welcome. >> hi, momma, hi mooks. could i be the military mormon of the "stephanie miller show." >> wow. >> yeah, i'm an army of one. the prosecutor in virginia who wasn't selected because he was gay. the argument with the republicans is because he wasn't
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qualified. how far can you roll that argument in terms of what rights should gays have and not have? if they have gay points of view, they are going to want to vote for the rights that support that. and then how much farther do you want to take it from there. obviously we shouldn't want them in the military. what about teachers? i think we should be trying to pin the republicans down on how far their gay bashing really goes. >> yep, absolutely. by the way -- you want to hear the fun facts of the pledge that mitt romney signed. the rom bot -- they didn't make the eyes match -- >> but the auto signing function -- >> yeah, the auto signing function is working really well. i will support sending a federal
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constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one women. and judges committed to restraint, and thus reject the idea our founding fathers inserted a right to gay marriage into our constitution. >> they didn't say corporations were people either. >> yeah. defend the defense of marriage act vigorously in court. and investigate and document reports of americans who have been harassed or threatened to exercise key civil rights to vote for marriage and to impose protections if needed. >> what? he signed this? >> yes. those are the people being bullied. five advance legislation to return to the people of the district of columbia their right to vote on gay marriage. [ applause ] >> speaking of the people of the
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district of columbia, did you see that trent franks of arizona is trying to shove a completely anti-choice bill down the throats of the citizens of the district of columbia. >> because they don't have a vote. >> because they don't have a vote. the people in congress determined that for them. >> isn't that something? >> and meanwhile the people are overwhelmingly pro-choice. >> that's interesting. >> yeah. >> joe in long beach you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, joe. >> hi, steph. i wouldn't want to win any contest to dine with mitt and ann romney. i could see showing up to this thing and myth and ann are dining in the private wine cellar and they have me set up by a table by the kitchen door and i'm having filet of spam and rice and beans. >> you can eat with the dressage
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help. >> absolutely. and why doesn't somebody in arizona write a law to prevent hair lips from being elected. [ buzzer sounds ] >> now you have to go in the penalty box. >> he does have the best hair lip in congress though. >> stop it. hi jim welcome. >> morning momma. what if the rom bot does get elected, i figure the first thing he is going to do is fire congress and offshore those jobs -- >> and you call your congressman -- >> hello. [ inian music ] >> speaking of polling. we --
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[ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> the president's campaign say poll numbers on same-sex marriage is increasing in their favor. 53% of americans are for marriage equality, 39% against. a separate vote -- so bully on that. [ applause ] >> colin powell said he has no problem with gay marriage. he said i know a lot of friends who are individually gay. rather than collectively gay. >> it is easier for straight people to get a handle on the gay community if they start to know individual gay people and couples. >> right. somebody was saying this is why this seems to be moving even faster than civil rights for
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blacks happened, because people -- >> black oh, my god! >> yeah, oh, my god. i had no idea. >> unless you were really really dumb. >> but they are in relationships with loved one. >> they didn't seem black. wow, how did i miss that? [ laughter ] >> in 2010 powell of course reversed his decision on don't ask don't tell. there is a difference between people like colin powell and the president evolving on something, and romney who flip flops on any position. >> yeah, he has to be updated. >> colon powell always commented on mitt romney thinking dolph lungrin is the biggest threat to america. >> governor romney said the russian president is our number
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1 political foe. come on, mitt think. that isn't the case. [ laughter ] >> anita in arizona. >> hi, stephanie. your previous caller terry who called in about the unions -- >> yeah. >> i'm okay with the teachers being in the union because i need my child taught while i discipline him at home, so if he decided who is the teacher, he will be playing dodge ball all day. >> the nea is founded in 1857 -- >> oh, wow. >> so terry is really, really old. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> he is the crypt keeper. [ evil laughter ] >> back in my day -- back when
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jan brewer was a child. >> thank you app contain onion belt. >> we can't bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways! fun trick is to tell them stories that don't go anywhere, like the time i caught the fairy over to shelbyville i needed a new heel for my shoe. so i decided to go to morganville, which is what they called shelbyville in those days, so i tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. now to take the fairy cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bees on them. gave me five bees for quart you would say. the important thing was i had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. they didn't have white onions because of the war.
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the only thing you could get was those big yellow ones. >> all right. [ laughter ] >> thank you. >> we haven't had a reason to play that in a while. i just remember the one that starts back in my day -- >> that was it. >> no, that's not it. we'll find it. it's the one about sitting on a pie, i think. 46 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: call the political party line now, 1-800-steph-1-2. ♪ calls out the mainstream media. >>the guys in the middle class the guys in the lower end got screwed again. >>i think you know which one we're talking about. the overwhelming majority of the country says"tax the rich, don't go to war." >>just wanted to clarify that.
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breathe, and to love -- >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ >> i have a dog hair in my eye. >> oh, my god, you are a mess. >> okay. ♪ sometimes all i need is a dog hair in my eye ♪ >> joe biden. >> you all know what we inherited, and how -- and what governor romney's line of argument is. he says that since we have gotten in office things have gotten much worse. he says our policies are the problem. well as former senator pat mournhahn used to say, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but they are not entitled to their own facts.
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[ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> who would like some obama facts. i have a chart! >> there is not a phone number of major "politico" on there, is there? because you tend to hold up phone numbers of people. >> no, no. it is a chart. i would like to apologize once again for giving out van jones home phone number. the crushing spending spree. how many time have we heard that? >> yes. >> that argument has infused the national dialogue shaped the public debate over the last three years. the numbers though -- speaking of being entitled to your own facts. the fact that the national debt has risen makes for easy attacks. the vast bulk due to the 2008/9
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economic downturn due to bush tax credits. obama's policies have caused the slowest spending of any president over any last 60 years. >> facts! >> is obama really a big spender? look at how graphy and charty that is. [ whacky comedy music ] >> my goodness. annual spending growth the slowest in decades. why, look the biggest is reagan. '82 to '85. second place, george w. bush. and then third, george bush from 2002 to 2005. >> but obama -- muslin kenyan -- >> i understand. there, there. he signed a law in february necessitating new spending laws are paid for. and the signed into law over 2
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trillion in debt reduction over the last decade. and they accused of obama of a prairie fire of spending. and he added as much debt as almost all of the past presidents combined. ♪ lie, lie, lie, lie ♪ >> if you look at the graph here, so reagan, as i was saying is the highest here at 8.7% from '82 to '85. who is the lowest? y, it's president obama at only 1.4%. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> well, there i go again. >> right? exactly. >> exactly. >> i believe jay carney said something similar he was citing a "politico" piece. he quoted it of all the
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falsehoods told about obama the biggest one is the spending spree. federal spending is rising at its slowest pace since dwight eisenhower -- >> hapless hubert hoover. >> say that five times fast -- >> when you are a drunk. >> that is a fact never mentioned by the republicans. he said don't buy into the bs in regard to fiscal restraint in regard to this administration. ted you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> hi, steph and the mooks, how are you doing today? >> good, go ahead. >> i was watching the o'reilly factor for giggles. and next time you watch look at
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his hands. because he has the hands of an elderly woman. >> they are enormous jan brewer hands. let's go to gail in new york. >> hi, how are you. regarding the gentlemen regarding education, he stated that the teachers were not in an union, unions go way way back. and in new york we didn't have a problem until parents started to basically interject with education. i was a product of education. we had everything going in new york. i raised three kids on that education. we didn't have a problem until late 1980s when parents were told come in and give your opinion. once that started, everything went to pot, and i do mean went to pot, and they weren't smoking it. >> all right. let's go to laurie in west virginia. >> hi, how are you guys today?
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>> good. >> the reason i'm calling is just a little input. i'm always hearing the republicans bashing the welfare system, and the other day i was sitting in the doctor's office talking to these two young ladies, and the conversation came around to welfare, they both get food stamps and by the end of the conversation, i realized that these two women were owed $70,000 in child support. and you never hear anyone saying, well if we're going to reform the welfare system let's first of all tackle getting these dead beat dads or moms to pay what they owe their children -- >> yeah, good point. absolutely. sorry out of time here. we have marcia clark prosecutor author extoward
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-- extraordinary coming up as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ ♪ [ theme music ] ♪ well hello current tv fans. here we are getting ready to go hour number three of the big radio show. marcia clark prosecutor extrordanaire comes up she has a terrifying new -- it's about murder. >> murder. >> jacki schechner say it with me, murder. [ dramatic music ] >> there you go. >> oh, she is back. okay.
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[ laughter ] >> hi, jacki. >> i blame colonel mustard. [ laughter ] >> i told you never to go to the conservatory jacki. >> with my candle stick? >> yes. >> that was a bit of a mystery. we have a report on the happiest countries in the world coming up, and we're not one of them because of the rom bot. jacki schechner meantime is alive and in the current news center. >> mitt romney has turned his attention to education. he laid out three key proposals the first if a student wants to go to a private of charter school, the federal money goes with him. and second how much federal money a state will get will depend on certain contingencies, and then there's the third proposal -- >> we have -- boy, i don't recall the number but it's
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dozens of teacher-quality programs at the federal government level, i would like to take those moneys bundle them up, send them back to the states to educate their teachers. >> mitt romney said the american children get a third world education. this campaign turn to education is a way for mitt romney to reach out to hispanic voters who care about the issue, without having to talk about immigration. there is a white house photo that may become iconic. it shows jacob philadelphia touching the president's hair to see if it feels like his. jacob's father worked at the white house and is now in afghanistan with the state department. jacob is now eight years old, and he tells the "new york
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times" when he grows up he either wants to be president or a test pilot. we'll be back after the break. join us in chat we'll be right back. >>it's a little bit of magic. >>connect with "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at and on twitter at smshow. while you're out catching a movie. [ growls ] lucky for me your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey! you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate.
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8:02 am
>>(narrator) eliot spitzer is on current tv. >>you just have to conclude that the leadership of high finance just doesn't get it. >>(narrator) independent unflinching, and above all politically direct. ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> caught us doing our research again. >> so they are saying -- >> it was a german word that has -- it sounded like sperm,
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and i was checking with jim to make sure i wasn't saying anything dirty. >> it sounds like sperm in german and sperm in english are the same thing. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> i can sing silent night in german. >> who can't. >> it doesn't have sperm in it. [ singing in german ] >> you can email any of us in german or english at gina with an another unsolicited fan. steph, aisha, aisha aisha.
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so i'm stepping up to assume the duties of the official convenient black friend of the "stephanie miller show." while aisha is busy. steph anybody who has seen you on tv will agree that you had to shoot, your health could be threatened by a teenager brandishing a pack of high fructose corn syrup. many nights when i get home i'll fire up a soda stream, sometimes with a side of turkish grandholm. many congratulations on your current show, after the first three shows, i have to put
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myself back on the audio only crunchy goodness, because i found myself moved by poor tiny jim. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> dixie an -- >> that's what i meant. >> i was trying to figure out how to say sperm-ian in german. this one from karen for billy in texas. steph may i respectively correct your right-wing love muffin from texas. we gays and lesbian do not have the same rights as you do. several things that you, billy take for granted. there i go wanting to be treated equally and stuff. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> i hope not while delivering letters. >> is this 14th or 5th avenue?
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>> florn. >> there is a street a couple of blocks from mine that is an inversion of the name so i wonder if we're getting each other's mail. >> thank you for that, jim. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> now here is the story. [ mumbling ] >> just because it has sperm in it, it is still science fact. >> the allure of gay cavemen. >> that's a niche. >> well -- >> do they have a bar catering to that. >> the weekly german derspiegle printed a rumor that the 5300 year old frozen mummy -- wow, a
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frozen gay man -- >> i'll tell you the story. >> it was discovered in the alps contained evidence of the world's earliest homosexual act? >> they had "glee" 5,000 years ago? [ laughter ] >> in otsie's hinturn oh, the hinderland -- >> sperms were found there -- >> oh, jim! see if you require translation chances are you didn't want to know anyway. it turns out to have been an april's fool prank posted in an
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austrian gay magazine. >> what was it? >> asteloch. >> that's not what he told you it was during the break. >> yes i did. >> april 6th, 2011, czech archeologist talked an exindication of a buriel in project suggesting a third gender identity. >> wow. >> whatever! >> it sounds like it's a "saturday night live" sketch. frozen gay cavemen. >> sounds like a saturday night at the eagle! [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] oh, jim that dinosaur you bought on sunday was probably stolen and now you look like a jerk. >> fooled again by the phony
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dinosaurs. >> remember that skeleton it was sold over the weekend for $1 million. also the president of mongolia is claiming it was stolen. don't you hate that? >> yeah. >> a lawyer represented the president. and there goes that. >> dramatic fair. we're still on the gay caveman story. >> president gay caveman, lawyer. >> in the most fabulous way. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> weird things online. buying and selling breast milk on line. >> yeah, i have heard of it? >> yes, apparently a lot of grown men looking to by -- >> oh, really? >> i just think i'm going to barf! >> oooooooooh. >> we were talking about how
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long it is okay to breastfeed -- and she said from her time dating men, she knows they are never finished. [ whacky comedy music ] >> but why would you want to [ inaudible ] the booby -- he is like you take out the delivery system what is the point. >> i think there is a fetish involved. >> it turns out not just women are shopping around. there is a section post for men. >> oh. [ buzzer sounds ] >> will someone think of the children. >> i drink it for its health benefit. [ laughter ] >> sure. >> all right. all right. >> and i read penthouse for the articles. [ giggle ] >> somebody please think of the children. all right. the happiest countries in the world, ladies and gentlemen ♪ happy, happy, joy, joy happy,
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happy joy, joy ♪ >> once again the united states failed to make the top ten happiest nations while companies like australia, israel, and the scandinavians do. these nations are actually running a surplus like we did under bill clinton. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> norway which has the second highest score has a government surplus of 162.5% of its gdp. they must have some sort of a norwegian bill clinton. and dixieian. >> yeah. >> it's dixieian here. number 1 denmark, number 2 norway, oh here is a fun fact about norway norway is able to
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provide quality public health and education services while maintaining a budget surplus of and they have a aaa rating -- [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> you also get free education. >> and then the netherlands, number 3. i'm going to say it's because of abba. >> that's sweden. >> it's scandawhovian. the government plays a significant role pertaining to almost every aspect of activity. regulation yikes. 75% employment rate this regulated economy has thrived in recent years. imagine that. [ applause ] >> regulation? >> what?
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happy, happy joy, joy. let's take one quick one. terry in an an attorney know. >> i would like to be the official shrimp-eating cock cue bien of the "stephanie miller show." >> oh, wow. the guy calling [ inaudible ] dogs and stuff -- >> yeah, he said we should be choosing the friskier immigrants. that like the belly rubs. 17 minutes after the hour. much more to come, including marcia clark prosecutor, author extrordanaire. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." [ recorded show playing in the
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background ] >> we're still up. are you okay? >> i don't know what is happening? >> do you need a midol? >> [ inaudible ]. >> your eggs are dusty. >> i blame you two. [ recorded show playing in the background ] >> oh, well. wow. >> yes? >> remember that story i told you about trenton franks and the anti-[ inaudible ] shoved down [ inaudible ] throat. >> uh-huh. >> um eleanor holmes who is the representative from d.c. who has no vote she was barred from testifying at [ inaudible ] anti-trades bill. apparently on the floor she just went off on franks -- for $12.99 try any two shrimp
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their municipal complaints because -- wow this thing is just getting huge fast. >> hah hah hah hah. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ burning burning, burning ♪ >> oh speaking of which the tea party in colorado cut the firefighter. linda in colorado welcome. >> hello, stephanie, just love your show. >> thank you. >> on our local news just a few days ago is one firemen is all they can afford to send out on a firetruck. he drives the truck gets out
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the hose and puts out the fire himself. the tea party right-wing crazies dominate this town now. and last year when they cut out watering all of the parks, and taking out the trash cans, i stopped calling it the republican party and started calling it the dead grass party. >> we have 29 republican governors, they come in to office and slash funds, but it is obama's fault, now that's -- mitters yesterday. >> here is a president that spends his time blaming other people that he has been
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unsuccessful in turning around this country because of what he has done. he is simply not up to the task of guiding this country. >> the numbers say something else entirely. >> can you dispense with he might be a nice guy, but -- >> yeah. >> mittens yesterday. >> the american people are interested, not so much in you know, the history of where i was at bain capital -- >> oh yes we are. >> but has the president made things better for the american people? >> yes. >> are they better off than they were four years ago? >> yes. >> it's no wonders so many of his supporters are calling for him to job this job creation.
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>> hi, patty in kansas. >> i got [ inaudible ] got one of those 23 governors that are cutting everything. everybody on the right, the louder they beat their chests and bibles and scream. they are the nastiest, most vial people i have ever heard. >> yeah. >> i watch a girl who is four and her grandmother is talking about baby jesus this and that. and her dad has been known to swore, and we were out walking and she wipes her forward and said baby jesus christ it is hot out here! [ applause ] >> hi, ken? >> hi, steph. i have got a problem with the job creators. we gave all of these tax breaks to the job creators, and they
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are giving all of their money to the politicians and mitt romney to fund this campaign. >> so they don't have to pay taxes, exactly. >> and use newt gingrich for example, $25 million, one man. $25 million. >> yeah. >> how many jobs could that have created? >> thank you. why don't you just create some jobs, rather than stupid negative ads. >> shaon in california. >> good morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> i just want to talk about mitt romney one of his biggest surrogates mark hallpren. he was doing an interview. and apparently, you know he -- he served -- mitt romney might as well have been interviewed by fox.
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but this was the same reporter that called the president the [ inaudible ] word a morning joke. so he is conducting one of those fake interviews with mitt romney, just remember this is the same gentlemen that disrespected the president on a morning show -- >> i forget what the b word is. >> the d word. >> oh, yeah. >> if you watched the video, not only were romney's eyes dead, his upper lip was sweaty. he was getting the softball interview of softball interviews. >> danny you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> great to see you guys on tv. i love you guys. have a question and/or comment about willard mitt romney. when you see him on the campaign
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trail, you see him oftentimeses with his five young healthy sons, and i wonder how many have served -- >> he said they that are serving a higher good, and that's getting him elect. >> yeah, i remember that. but i was a medical in the philippines, and i was only 20, and took care of hundreds of young guys with one to three limbs missing. and i have been a passivist ever since. most of those guys haven't served. >> yeah, and romney is reportedly listening to john bolton. if isn't that terrifying. >> yeah. >> 29 minutes after the hour. marcia clark is next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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vanguard: the documentary series that redefined tv journalism. >>we're going to places where few others are going. >>it doesn't get anymore real than this. >>occupy! >>we will have class warfare. >>i'm being violated by the health-care system. >>we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies. >>we go in and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories.
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>>the award winning series "vanguard" new episodes coming soon. only on current tv. ♪ >> oh blast you! >> it is the "stephanie miller show." 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. do you remember me telling you the most embarrassing moment of my life, chris? >> which one? >> yeah, that's my point. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> on my disastrous late night show i called a superhero called marcia clark kent. and henry winkler walked by.
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and that's when i met him, and i was dressed as a supper hero. and it was based on a real life hero marcia clark who joins us now. good morning, marcia clark. >> good morning, stephanie. how are you. >> i am well. thank to you, because i was up all night because of you and your new book -- can i give it away, it begins with an axe murders! [ screaming ] >> complete with sound effects. i read your first book "guilty association," and this is the follow up, "guild by degrees." >> i'm so glad you like them. i love nancy drew and all of that. and even when i was a prosecutor. >> oh you were a prosecutor. i didn't look that far back.
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any famous trials? >> no, no, big deal. >> yeah. rachel night, it is the follow up by "guilt by association." is she based on anybody you know? >> i cleaned her up. and they still call her potty mouth. what is up with that. >> because i have hung out with you. >> if anybody knows you know. you were the first to bust me on national television and told everybody that i was a goof ball. >> yeah i was like wow you don't see that in court. >> yeah. >> there was a review that said clark's spot is gritty and intriguing, but it is the hilarious potty mouthed characters that make it come to
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life. >> yes. this is a reoccurring series. they come back in book two, and this time the murder starts with a hideous axe murder. there is not a lot of blood and gore i'm not into that gratuitous kind of stuff but there was a reason for this. but other than that first scene it really is more -- it's twisty. there is a lot of action but it's not a gory thing. >> i was getting ready for today's show, so i thought i will start reading a little bit until i fall asleep and then it started with the axe murder and i'm like get me go shut the dog door and lock my doors. >> i try to keep it real even
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though the characters are fictional. i unfold the case the way it really would, and do the investigation the way the investigation would really happen, and i don't cut corners, so if there would be a legal obstacle, i work with it. and the reader knows about it. i don't just change it. and i think readers are a little too sophisticated. >> it is described as a thrilling ride through the world of the l.a. courts. what would you know about that, marcia? >> i ask a lot of people. i do research. >> what do you know about o.j.
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simpson. >> i ended up covering that case for entertainment tonight. and i would be he did this and that. and they would go, yeah, but what is he wearing? it's crazy. >> by the way, i got to get your take obviously the case right now in the news is the trayvon martin case. >> yeah. >> do you still follow stuff like that, or are you burned out on court stuff? >> i'm unfortunately still gripped. i think it's lifelong. i also cover comment on these cases for cnn on anderson cooper 360 a lot. so i'm always staying up on it. we're on verdict watch now for the john edwards trial. >> oh, wow. what do you think is going to happen? >> i think he is going to get nailed.
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they put on a really strong case. i can't remember given the testimony -- if you believe the testimony of andrew young, the guy who did all of the work for him and took the money and hid real hunter, if you believe him, he is toast. if you don't believe him, then there's a way to wiggle out from under it, but i suspect they are not going to. >> as girls, you and i let's stipulate he is a dirt bag. [ laughter ] >> but it seems like it is amazing of all of the cases to prosecute, that one seems -- to me it seems sort of borderline but you think not legally? >> no, not legally. is it the crime of the century? no. he didn't kill anybody. it's a diversion of campaign funds, but you shouldn't do that. so i can't say -- it's not that i don't believe that sometimes prosecutions can be politically motivated, especially on the federal level, what about the
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clemens trial that -- the baseball player caught doing steroid -- >> yeah. >> do we really have to spend taxpayer money on this. >> i was shocked to find there was steroids in baseball -- >> yes, but how much did you care? >> right. >> what is your take on the trayvon martin case? >> yeah. you know, that one seems to have something unfolding every minute, so my -- i'm kind of in a wait and see mode because just like one week ago they had a big document talking about the new evidence that they had and what it meant and yesterday we find that a few really key witnesses had changed their statements from one to number two, and when the feds went out and talked to them, they said i'm not so sure who was on top, and i don't know who was yelling help. so it is constantly changing shape. if it stays that zimmerman was
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the one who attacked trayvon martin it stays that he was the provokature if you will of the confrontation, he'll have a really hard time proving he was -- >> that seems to me to be the most relevant thing. the 911 operator told him stay in your car. that seems to be -- and that the lead investigator wanted to charge him with manslaughter that night. i don't know what you think about police work i know sloppy police work has probably never annoyed you -- mark furman. [ laughter ] >> yeah. i don't know what that might be like. >> sorry to hit a sore spot with
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you. >> what sore spot. >> the book is fabulous. you are going to be at the grove tonight at the barnes & noble tonight? >> i am. we're going to be signing and talking and laughing and stuff. and these books -- book three is already turned in. it is coming out next year, "book by ambition." but these books have fun because that's the way it was where the detectives because you had to have a sense of humor to do that job. >> and marcia clark in person is delightful, body hilarious. speaking of which. i am having a party and here is the magic words, i have scotch. >> where are you going to be? >> yeah. >> all right. what time tonight? >> 7:00. >> all right. honey talk to you soon.
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[ applause ] >> i love her. >> when i met her all you saw was the courtroom, and you meet her in person and it's just whatty cushions and slide whistles. she is hilarious. jean in cleveland, hi, jean. >> yes, steph. >> hi. >> fox us in reminds me of an infoe commercial for republicans. >> it is. thanks for paying attention. >> and if you vote for mitt you get this power crystal. >> call now and while supplies last this brazilian power crystal absolutely free. >> if you were betting on president obama's chances to win
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in las vegas, you might be wise to put your chips on president obama anyway. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> despite the many factors working against him, romney has an 8-point lead in the latest poll. romney -- oh, by the way the other big thing, the houses crieses, and romney saying let's speed up these foreclosures. [ somber music ] >> there is a dose of reality, that obama didn't create this economy, we saw this starting back in 2005 and 6 before obama was even a candidate. >> it is still his fault. >> and also in nevada the republican a well-known bunch of boobs. [ whacky comedy music ] >> moreover -- >> that's right, they are the ones that put forth the second amendment solutions. >> yes. >> okay. >> nevada democratics are also
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conducive to president obama's population. the mormon population was amplified due to a relatively small turnout in the republican primary. [ crickets chirping ] >> so little slivers of hope. >> yay! >> yay! >> silver lines ings for the silver state. >> are you kidding there? >> i'm kidding. >> 46 minutes after the hour. back with the remaining moments of the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: okay, i just spewed on my dashboard again. it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ we are the idea no one wants to hear until it grabs you and won't let go. we push, we prod until the truth reveals itself. we are fearless, independent trendsetters, problem solvers, and above all, we are
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politically direct. the young turks with cenk uygur at 7, viewpoint with eliot spitzer at 8, the war room with jennifer granholm at 9, the gavin newsom show fridays at 11. and there's only one place you'll find us: weeknights on current tv. if you have copd like i do you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free. spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens your throat or tongue swells you get hives, vision changes or
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>> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ i'm on the right track, baby, i was born this way ♪ ♪ don't have any regrets, i'm on the right track, baby, i was born this way, born this way ♪ >> it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 50 minutes after the hour. did you see it? >> what. >> the video, oh my god, i cried. lady gaga claps, barney frank has a cameo. president obama's recollection campaign released a new ad to court the lbgt vote. he talks with your leader lady gaga she was wearing 16 inches heels. lynch said in 2008 we elected a man who understands our struggles. it is a tear-jerker, you have to watch it.
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he calls the repeal of don't ask, don't tell one of my proudest moments. and actions to expand hospital visitation rights. and not only preserve the gains we have made, but make sure discrimination is eliminated. i am the strong advocate it's who i am it's what i care about. >> it's not a matter of what? >> it's not a matter of head it's matter of heart. >> okay. all right. >> it was a very touching video. [ giggling ] >> well? >> romney is like, heart what is that? what is a conviction huh? [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> is that going to prison for firing people. >> hey, here are some people that might be getting kicked out of the republican party. the representative of maryland
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said the keystone pipeline will not change the price of oil. >> oh, no! he is going to be disappeared into the corn field! >> you get nothing! [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> and allen west says he is willing to talk about raising taxes. [ explosion ] [ screaming ] >> west made an announcement on tuesdays willing to discuss raising taxes in order to address the nation's budget shortfall. he said it was time to talk about raising taxes -- [ screaming ] . >> -- as a means to make sure we keep our debt and deficit at a manageable level. >> what did he do with allen west? >> i think the jet eye mind meld or something -- [ laughter ] >> these are not the laws you voted for.
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>> cracks in the norquist are starting to emerge. [ dramatic music ] . >> oh, dear. oh heavens. >> just don't grown grover norquist in a bath tube. >> that would be wrong. >> poetic justice, but wrong. [ buzzer sounds ] >> gym, please. >> katie couric is going to invite sarah palin on her show. >> i'll try to find you some and i'll bring them to ya. >> yeah palin indicates couric with the heat of a thousand white hot pointy suns. >> so, sarah, what are you reading? >> shut up. >> i hate you. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> matthew mcconaughey who is so
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handsome and romantic, he has been cast as jfk in the movie "the butler." and stars forrest whitaker. >> you went to school with him. >> yes. jane fonda will play nancy reagan. [ explosion ] >> matthew mcconaughey is jfk? that's weird. >> yeah. >> and oprah winfrey as whitakers wife. [ applause ] >> wow. >> i am a jelly doughnut. that would have gone better if i had taken my shirt off. >> naomi campbell has called for peace in the far east. >> oh there. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> why is she calling for piece in the middle east?
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>> that could stop building settlements and -- oh, she has a horrible temper. she lit candles, and she was there for her 42nd birthday and she would like world peace for her 42nd birth. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> she hoped to stop bloodshed in the region. he said i care about health -- well none of the employees that work with her, but in general, health. >> why are the palestinians and israelians going to listen to naomi campbell? >> because she is fierce and has an awesome temper. here is good news. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> dog the bounty hunter has
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been canceled by a&e. he was recorded in a phone conversation by his son while he made repeated use of the n word while berating his son for dating a black girl. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> kelly clarkson -- says having a boyfriend is ruining her creativity. that's why emea single loser, otherwise all of this would go to hell. >> that's because she writes the best breakup songs ever. >> yeah. >> behind these hazel eyes right? >> that wasn't one of her best. >> i loved it. show said it is killing me. i'm trying to right a tough song and it is coming out like butterflies and rainbows. >> you are my candy boy --
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>> no! >> people are going to be like what the hell happened to you? [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> that guy needs to break up with her for all of our sakes. >> we don't want the unicorns farting flitter. >> yeah, because of you -- [ flatulence sound effect ] >> exactly. leprecon farting. >> john fugelsang is joining us tomorrow for all three hours. and he is doing a bang up job sitting in for eliot spitzer on "viewpoint." >> he is busy. >> and disturbingly beautiful. i would like to thank chris, jim, rebecca, courtney and the gang in the current control room. see you tomorrow on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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