tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current May 31, 2012 6:00am-9:00am PDT
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♪ [ theme music ] ♪ well hello current tv fans. here we are getting ready for the big show. what a show. we have karl frisch. we're going to play the four-minute video from fox news. >> the producer worked for weeks on that. >> for that news piece. >> yeah. >> jacki schechner is all hopped up this morning, and her news will be better than that. >> is nyquil actually a crock?
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>> horrible. it did absolutely nothing and then i just sat there wondering if your head could explode from too much congestion. >> this newscast could sound like nell. >> i was hoping for the demi moore thing, but instead i just got the totally not hot voice. >> good morning, jacki schechner. >> good morning, stephanie. good morning, everyone. this won't be the least bit awkward, the president are going to welcome former president bush and former first lady laura bush to the white house for the unveiling of george w. bush's portrait.
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vice president biden will also be there. up on the hill today the house is set to vote on a bill targeted at gender. republicans supporters claim the bill is about sex discrimination but abortion rights activists say it is exploitative and another chance to limit rights. with half of new york city either obese or overweight mayor bloomberg is looking to limit the size of your soda. he is proposing a ban on oversized sweeted drinks. the ban is the first of its kind and would prohibit sale of
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>>that's facinating. ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good, hey, all right now ♪ >> uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 6 minutes after the hour. yay, jim is back. yay! [ applause ] >> it was exhausting. >> working on a video game doing
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what they call mo-cap. >> right. >> wear the suit. >> yeah, you should have worn the suit today. >> no, i don't own the suit. >> then you would have to eat a light lunch. >> yeah. >> by the afternoon i was just delirious, dehydrated and exhausted -- >> sounding like you do here most morning. so by the afternoon it was like -- >> it came out the romney names. we probably wouldn't be able to follow jacki schechner's phlegmy newscast. >> i finally got the scene down. that's a young man's name. >> we're happy to have you home lassy. [ romantic music ] >> jim mcdermott is coming up
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robin abcarian, and cedric richmond all on the big show today. and kristin filled in for you, jim, in mocking my movie references. i said something about a hill of beans in this crazy world. chris writes jim, with stephanie just quoting the scene in casa blanca -- [ applause ] >> that's what i was thinking. >> because she was in a silent movie. >> actually her most famous line was . . . >> all right. look who is here it's time to get frisch. >> karl. ♪ so exciting to me ♪ >> hello, can i have some entertainment news because
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karl -- look at you, you sound phlegmy too. >> i think i caught something 3,000 miles away from jacki. >> reading your tweets one of the highlights of my life. mitt romney released a certificate of live birth birthers say it looks white -- or right to me. [ laughter ] >> hilarious mitt romney has less than half the twitter followers as the real donald trump. someone could ask romney if trump would make a suitable vp nominee if only for the awkwardness of his response. and then ask about his tax returns and offshore accounts. thank you, karl frisch. [ applause ] >> yeah.
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bye-bye. >> something tells me he wouldn't want to answer those questions. >> no. >> exactly. great tweets karl frisch. >> thank you very much. and people can follow me at karl frisch on twitter. >> karl with a k. the german spelling. >> are you saying that karl frisch is like hitler in every way? >> i would say that this last couple of days with mitt romney and fox news and donald trump has been some [ inaudible ] if they ever have been -- >> yeah, this has just been a -- wow. let's dive into the right-wing world. fox and friends airs what essentially is a four-minute free anti-obama ad as if it is like a news piece, right, karl? >> the value of airing such a
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commercial is calculated at about $400,000. but the story is the amount of personal lubricant. because it amounts to anti-obama fetish porn. >> might we sayastro glide? >> i was amazed when they came back to fox and friends and steve was holding a container of vaseline. >> the fox news organization -- that's the right-wing blog. >> but it is the claims made in the commercial. i mean, what people are missing
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here is not only did they run this four-minute piece of anti-obama fetish porn but the claims made in the video are completely false. >> oh gee -- are you request requesting fox's journalistic integrity. >> they say he is responsible for a higher unemployment rate before he took office. but before he took office we lost almost a million jobs, and it didn't turn around until the stimulus went into effect. and it has been going down consistently. >> you and your facts. >> all right. let's listen to some. ♪ >> 23 million people out of work. >> more americans are out of work. >> already feeling -- >> actively looking for a job -- >> at the lowest level in 30
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years -- >> we'll see those long gas lines of the '70s -- >> some of your every day items -- >> record high -- >> the debt continues to grow -- >> soaring interest payments -- >> it's slim pickings -- >> that's the power of hope. that's the change we seek. that's the change you can stand for. ♪ >> see how they cleverly -- >> i love the >> chris white great job putting that together. he remembered everything everybody said over the last three or four years. >> a tremendous amount of research. good job chris. >> they basically told the producer if he had a hand free he should pat himself on the back. >> yeah. >> fox pulled down the video from the internet, but it lives on, people can go to media
6:14 am if they would like to. the crazy thing is the -- is the kind of oh, you know, we didn't know this was just an associate producer. i hate to remind fox news but not that long ago they said anybody who made on-aramis takes in the graphics department would be fired. here is an opportunity to show you are sticking to your word. but fox news probably loved putting this together. fox news is a member of alec for people who didn't know. last election cycle they gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the republican governor's association, and done fund raisers left and right. this is not surprising, it's just in your face. >> anybody who has worked in journalism knows this had to have been seen by producers, the hosts, by a lot of other people.
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and yet all they do is throw this little producer under the bus. >> yeah. chris lavoie knows that at least it takes one drunk dial from me for anything to get done. >> chris -- i'm surprised chris hasn't worn a white t-shirt on the show with bus tracks across it. [ laughter ] >> that's the truly crazy thing about this. the idea this was just a producer. look at the response from the crazy trio of fox and friends after they finished watching the video. it was obviously a packaged piece that was put together with knowing this was going to happen.
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>> it was sort of the audio version of a ransom note put together with a lot of different letters. >> kudos to news corp because they didn't use any information obtained through illegal wiretaps. >> exactly. >> and it sounded like a of the audio came from fox new itself. >> yeah. i don't know if you saw the tag line at the end, but it said paid for by the people saying some say. [ laughter ] >> all right. bill o'reilly. >> governor romney needs to put obama on the defensive. he needs to get in his face with the finger, and listen you, this is what you have done wrong. this is why you're hurting
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american people. i think people want to see a warrior in the debates, and that's what i would advise the governor to do. >> i know you! >> i know you! >> or bring in jan brewer. >> can we just imagine for a moment what that would look like with mitt romney. walking up to barack obama and saying, hey, barack obama, president, these podiums are sure the right height. >> first of all the american people don't want to see somebody put a finger in the president's face. >> and why is bill o'reilly giving debate advice to mitt romney. >> because that's what fox does. they offer the free advice but yes, there is a segment of this country who watches fox news and they would love to wag their finger in the face of a black
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man. >> exactly. they want that same scene with jan brewer on the runway. you listen to me boy. this runway is a white's only runway. >> and there is a certain type of pie i would love to say -- [ laughter ] >> all right. karl frisch remains in the side car. 17 minutes after the hour. >> the combination of low self esteem, low blood sugar, and mixing red wine with my dog's painkillers. >> we're still up on the thing. there is a big box over here. [ show playing in background ] [ indiscernible ] >> yeah, we might want to see if
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>> stephanie miller >> healing soup. >> jacki just sweeted a fixture of the chicken maza ball soup we sent her. >> it's hard to fit that in an envelope. >> and by the way jim said it is the favorite or the san diego jew. >> and roleland rye. >> hello karl von frisch. >> gutten tog, fräulein. >> i want to break some news today and make an endorsement.
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[ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> oh, yes please. >> there is a senate race going on in california my home state of birth, birth certificate available upon question and why i have not seen the release from the psychiatric ward i do know the top two candidates will face off this november. there are like 80 crazy republicans running to unseat [ inaudible ], all of which have no money and really no chance of winning. that being said there is one candidate who has caught my eye because she is a lawyer a real estate, and a dentist. >> uh-huh. who is the pretty birther in the window there? >> i would like to encourage every democrat and conservative listening in california everybody listening in
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california, to please on tuesday of next week please vote for orly taitz in the u.s. senate. >> yes, please. please. >> you will never have a more qualified lawyer, dentist, real estate agent. >> yes the sexy liberal tour could go for a hundred years if we were ever have a debate with orly taitz. let me finish! >> it would put a cherry on top of the crazy sunday that is the california republican party. >> it would be even better than the huffington schwarzenegger debate. oh, please god give us orly taitz. they are always the best entertainment ever. john scott on fox news. >> are we looking at a campaign
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where the obama campaign wants to demonize rich people or successful people? >> they have to set up the evening's prime time conservative lovefest somehow. this is just a great example of how fox is not a news company -- >> what? >> -- and for anybody to report on this four-minute video as some kind of break down in policy at fox news is just baloney. i'm sorry jim, we have already gotten a thousand emails and jim need to do the debate. [ mumbling ] >> okay. thanks. >> and translation, since i obviously speak german, that was just thanks for hosting us
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today. [ laughter ] >> yes exactly. mary katherineham -- ham. >> barack obama is a really bad investor, and mitt romney is a pretty good investor, actually really good using private money, which he is perfectly able to lose -- use. >> oops your freudian slip is showing. >> i happen to know her well, but mitt romney's only responsibility was to shareholders so that's what separates him from the job of president. he president's job isn't for
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investors. the president's job is for every american in this country, and you can't have somebody who's entire mindset is profit at any cost. >> yes, the president is investing in clean energy like any president would, and i heard a great tag line for what we should use against the romney campaign. he's not in it for you. it's perfect, right? >> yeah. he is not in it for -- he is in it for himself. this is a guy who has never stopped running for president. he talks about being a businessman. he has been running for president, and that has been his business for the past six years -- almost eight years -- >> karl we need to hold you in the side car through the break. okay? >> all right. >> okay. all right. i dragged him along. more right-wing world on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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current tv presents: the campaign ads that changed history. brought to you by pradaxa. the george bush promise. >>read my lips. no new taxes. >>this bill clinton commercial marked a new milestone in the "flip-flop" tv ads. now a days with video tapes, you can go and find a piece of footage of them saying one thing and then find another piece of footage of them contradicting themselves. >>we're never ever going to be able to totally control immigration. i promise you we can end illegal immigration. >>and, sometimes the candidate does the work for the commercial producers. >>i actually did vote for the $87 billion before i voted against it. >>he bragged about voting for the $87 billion to support our troops before he voted against it. >>in this new media age a flip-flop ad is just a verbal gaff away. >>current tv's look at campaign
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ads that changed history is brought to you by pradaxa. i have the most common type of atrial fibrillation, or afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but my doctor put me on pradaxa instead to reduce my risk of stroke. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate) reduced stroke risk 35% better than warfarin. and unlike warfarin, with pradaxa, there's no need for regular blood tests. that's really important to me. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition like stomach ulcers, or take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners, or if you have kidney problems especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all medicines you take any planned medical or dental procedures and don't stop taking pradaxa without your doctor's approval as stopping may increase your stroke
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- >> delusional girl that thinks it's a stepping-stone to main stream success. >> yeah, right. check it out, living the dream. look at this jim? >> look at that. >> they have quite an active tchotchke department over there. [ applause ] >> they certainly do. >> thank you and it matches my wonder woman sign. >> we need a stripper poll in here like the old days. >> oh, could karl frisch
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entertain us. >> i did get off of the pole. >> what was your original stripper name? >> my original stripper name? >> yeah. >> wasn't it the name of the first pet you grew up on? >> yes. >> that was be rex truckston. >> that's hot. >> i think rex truckston sounds like a leading man in holloquist. [ laughter ] >> all right. bill helper. >> the romneys on his faith and more on his family and perhaps a side you have not seen or been introduced to him just yet.
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if you are looking for policy that's not why we went to california, this is to get to know this man. >> and you look at the likability numbers, which he has had a tough time with to a certain extent. this gives people some time to understand a little bit more who he is. >> she basically just admitted they did a puff piece on romney. >> yeah. >> can i guess what the first question was? >> sure. >> i would hope they looked at mitt romney, talking about his faith, and said mitt you group in michigan with a very large african american population, what was it like thinking so yourself that wow, these fellows are never to going to make it to
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heaven? >> i think they probably ended up on list of rejected questions, karl frisch. >> hum. romney takes about his faith very generic christian sounds. they just don't talk about the ins and outs of romney's faith. >> i guess every question was more like how can we help you get elected. >> have you seen the constitutional amendment that romney touted on the campaign trail the other day. >> yes, that you must have three years of owning a business? >> yeah. how about three years of having a backbone. >> or three seconds in his case. >> anybody who would want to eliminate eisenhower roosevelt and even john mccain from being
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viable presidents doesn't deserve to be on the ballot. >> you know who was? george w. bush and herbert hoover. all right. >> i have never been a birther. it's pretty significant? >> absolutely and it is very suspicious he is got coming forward his college transcripts. >> apparently he went to college in kenya is what they are trying to say? >> yeah. yeah. >> you know what is suspicious to me is that mitt romney only released his certificate of live birth from michigan. i'm not saying i am a birther, but i'm just saying. it's ridiculous to claim that these people don't take you know, great relish in bringing
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the subject up over and over again. it's crazy, if you look at -- like the breitbart sites for example, they are saying that barack obama is the one that has been planting this seed all over the place. it is obama who has kept this going. obama tried to handle this a long time ago by handing out what the state of hawaii was issuing at the time. but nothing will apiece these crazy people. the problem with conspiracy theories is when you present factual information to them it only proves how keep the conspiracy goes. even in the slightest way, hence that the conspiracy theory might be true it only presented the
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idea that it goes even further. >> yeah. >> i want to see mitt romney's birth certificate from mexico. >> yes. all right. rush limbaugh >> the occupy wall street movement has been nothing but a protest movement. this cannibal down in florida has more in common with the occupy movement than anybody else in this country. the same kind of perverted stuff goes on within the occupy movement. >> i see. so, sure based on -- [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> clearly he was an occupy guy, the naked face-eating zombie. >> of course. he wasn't a corporation picking off of those who made the country strong, but rush limbaugh taking advantage of anything he can to push his agenda agenda. i think -- i think the video
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made him hungry. [ laughter ] >> everything makes him hungry. >> and whenever i see one of these stories all i think, really, florida? really? >> maybe we should give florida to castro. >> karl frisch thanks for staying through the break. we appreciate it. see you next week honey. [ applause ] >> dragged him through the bottom of the hour with me kicking and screaming. >> yeah. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> here once again proof that our side is just funnier than their side. 17,000 people sign a petition in arizona to investigate whether romney is a unicorn. those are 17,000 of our people, our people. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> how are you doing? >> ken bennett -- >> he is the one who said i am not a birther, but this is something we should look into --
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>> but listen to me. he promised to kick president obama off of the state's ballot until president obama once again reiterated, and once again, and once again -- >> 17,000 people signed a petition asking him to prove that mitt romney is a unicorn. it's not certain whether he could run for president if indeed he is a unicorn. [ applause ] >> there is nothing that says you have to be a real person. >> it doesn't say you can't be a unicorn. >> yeah, you have to be a natural-born citizen and over 40 or something like that. >> no. it doesn't say anything about a single horn. and please god, please if you are in california vote for orly.
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so she is the dentist/lawyer/birther queen and now california senate candidate. she is thrilled about the whole donald trump -- she said i do believe the romney campaign is sending a message that they are questioning obama's eligibility. >> they are subtle that way. >> yeah. joseph farah, the publicer of the world nut daily, which devotes the vast majority of their time to the birther thing. we still have doubts about president obama birth, while still trying to save himself. [ dramatic music ] >> isn't that clever? he said trump whether he is out there talking about eligibility or not during the campaign has already won the hearts and finds
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of people out there who are suspicious about this. farah does concede that trump's rather trumpian-trump approach was asked if he believes in the birtherism issue? i don't know. [ applause ] >> but he appreciates the help. >> oh, wow. >> what a maroon. what an ignoranimous. >> all right. 45 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: i got her number off of the men's room stall, 1-800-steph-1-2.
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>> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ go crazy on you, crazy on you ♪ ♪ let me go crazy crazy on you, oh, oh ♪ >> it is the "stephanie miller show," welcome to it. 49 minutes after the hour. oh, hold on i need to assume the role of a gay man. 20 years ago i hooked up with a man in san francisco, and now we are married and living in
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switzerland. who says it couldn't last. and today is our anniversary. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> oh. >> chad welcome. >> ever since the impeachment of bill clinton, the voter suppression, citizens united the republicans are working to eliminate the democrat party. where is our fdr in where is the kenendys anymore? where are our here rose? jack and bobby would have attorney this party apart. they won't stand up for anything. obama is not in wisconsin? are you kidding me? >> chad, i can say i disagree with you on some of those parts. the obama in wisconsin thing, i'm not sure about. i do think the dnc and some
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money should be there. >> what about the justice department. >> yeah, i think they ought to look at what is going on in florida. because they basically said we're just going to keep going. this is the problem -- they have no shame. massive voter purge ordered by governor scott in florida has been plagued with errors. resulting in officials notifying hundreds of voters that they are ineligible to vote. they compared their list of registered voters to the state motorcycle database. you should not lose your right to vote -- >> just because you don't drive a car. >> it is never rich republicans that are disenfranchised.
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>> the scott administration has made it clear they are just getting started. unclear how the procedures were solve the systemic problems with the voter purge list. apparently, we have procedures -- we're just streamlining. they mean getting more people off of the list. this used to be major problems beyond outdated systems regulation. the database is notoriously unreliable. the first list was also created with information accessible to the state motor vehicle association. rick scott got a guy in there that will do it. you know? and, yeah, i certainly hope they are really taking a close look at that. because i know it's crazy, jim. [ coo coo clock chimes ] >> sometimes the whole election
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can hinge just on florida. [ applause ] >> why don't we ask our new boss. >> yeah. >> i'm guessing he doesn't want to talk about that. >> mitt romney couldn't be president of amercia. >> what? >> it featured an error americea. they connected the typo but the candidate. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] . >> computer says naaa. >> i saw this story yesterday. president obama officially called mitt romney to congratulations him. >> uh-huh. >> on what? >> clenching the nomination. though mitt mittdom, and all. >> do you hope he just went
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mittens? it's on beotch. >> the president is a little more sophisticated than that. >> eat my gravel soup beotch. a former classmate of the president said the president will smoke mitt romney in the debate. he says while he respects both of them, president obama will smoke mitt romney in the fall. his name is sidney bartwell he was the only black member of romney's cranbrook class. i'm guessing he did not have the
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right hair do. [ laughter ] >> while both candidates campaigns, he finds obama to be the stronger competition. he said he is a district court magistrate now. he said mitt will find out the hard way you don't debate obama. >> he will smoke romney like a blunt. >> no. [ bell chimes ] >> that was a long time ago. >> he went on to describe romney as an average student and not very popular. >> with barack what you see is what you get. a nice humanistic compassionate individual, and that's is what he is. >> and smart. [ applause ] >> yeah -- >> romney just sounds like such a dope. he's profoundly shallow.
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>> yes. >> there's no know there. >> he's packing. >> stop it. >> i love oakland. >> it is a lovely place. oh, my god. >> we were talking about the whole bin solyndra comparison. mitt romney pushing back against those comparisons -- they are so good about analogies i don't know where to start. the president is not picking winners and losers mitt romney's purpose was to make profits for himself. >> there are winners and losers but mitt romney always won, she said. the way he is talking about it is just wrong. it doesn't qualify him to be president. thank you. >> all women named stephanie
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rock. [ applause ] >> this is the really important news for us. ♪ >> there has been a bill introduced to prevent the dncliquor route. >> i know. we totally dodged a bullet. >> you ain't kidding. those heading to the dnc -- that's us -- need not worry about the lack of liquor. wow! dodged a dig dry bull threat! and my republican family lives there, so i have got to have some booze! [ laughter ] >> the states republicans and democrats found common ground oh, see, booze, the common ground. that's what i said when my dad was in congress they went out for drinks -- >> that's the only thing that you have to kill the bug -- >> up your ass republican
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party. >> expected to pass without much opposition. where do you hear that in politics today. [ romantic music ] >> because they would lose a ton of money too. >> yeah they would. on current law north carolina liquor stores are required to close onning labor day and also required to close on sundays. [ dramatic music ] >> createings a logistical nightmare for bars and liquor stores. >> on monday? that's who days in a row you can't get hooch. >> i'm going to have to pack an extra bag of hooch. everybody will be knocking on my door. we hear you have the hooch. ♪ >> 58 minutes after the hour we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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"stephanie miller show." ♪ [ theme music ] ♪ oh, the jewish penicillin worked. listen to these guitar licks. >> all i want to say if you thought you couldn't enjoy maza ball soup at 6:30 in the morning, you would be wrong. >> let me just say the crew as usual had nothing to do with it. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> i can never get any help from
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the backstage crew -- >> yes you did. >> i heard you personally made the maza balls. >> yes, in my apron this morning. >> i thought chris made the balls? >> no, chris just wears tight things and show up. and my back is still tweaked so you missed jim sexually assaulting me. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> we were doing the scene with jody foster and -- [ laughter ] >> that's awful! >> good morning, jacki schechner. >> good morning, stephanie. good morning, everyone. the obama recollection campaign is coordinating a press conference with state law makers at the massachusetts state house at 11:30 this morning. david axelrod has sent out a memo going after romney's role as governor. to go along with the press
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conference, the obama campaign has a new four-minute video out featuring former state lawmakers. and the video talks about taxes and fees debt, and employment. >> massachusetts' growth stopped. companies stopped coming. >> we knew we were losing manufacturing jobs, and we never found out any solutions. >> by the time romney left office we were 47th in the nation in terms of job growth. >> it also juxtaposes romney from 2002, 2008 to 2011. the romney campaign is now comparing the bain capital and
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>> we're not through just yet, mr. vice president. >> they're swimming against the tides. ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine well, i'm walking on sunshine well i'm going to feel good ♪
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ow ♪ >> happy? >> yes. say hi stephanie miller! >> hi, stephanie miller. >> oh miranda. we believe in the children around here. >> katie in chicago i almost called my child a douche nozzle. >> oh! [ buzzer sounds ] >> i tape my show every day. and listen to you on my earphones. my husband and son think i'm crazy cleaning my house while listening to your show. i was making tacos, and hi little one said where is the cheese? and i said it's mixed in and he
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said well, that's not how daddy does it. and i said well, eat it anyway you little du uuu -- [ buzzer sounds ] >> hugh from colorado says i'm installing satellite in my geo metro just so i can listen to your show. [ applause ] >> how. >> geo metros were cheap back then. >> i don't want the geo, i just want the xm radio. [ laughter ] >> julie in seattle sends -- speaking of douche nozzles. republican in illinois went completely mental. this video is going around, state representative mike bosta, republican was not happy with
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the democrat backed reform bill so he throws his papers in the air and tries to punch them as they fall to the grown. >> that's emmy-winning actor jim ward -- >> yeah, make sure you recycle those papers, please. >> we're going to recycle everybody watching current -- >> i punched them directly towards the recycle bin. [ applause ] >> republicans with anger-management problems. [ romantic music ] [ jim yelling ] >> it's comedy magic. we thought if he physically punched the bill, he would make his point about people getting their pensions.
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stupid pensions! [ applause ] >> thank you for that julie that was hilarious. >> men taking on their frustration with their annnin -- annnnn -- hi tyler you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, tyler. >> hi, stephanie. i just wanted to talk about these birthers real quick. karl frisch said it earlier these people are spewing complete nonsense and even if we gave them everything they wanted, that still wouldn't satisfy them. it seems like they are stuck in a fantasy land where truth means nothing and facts don't exist. >> here they are screaming for -- how many additions of his birth certificate does he need to produce. and in the meanwhile how about
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mitt romney's tax records. >> yeah, they don't care about the facts or the truth, all these people want to do is stir up controversy and create scandals so they can get attention. >> you are right. it is never going to be enough. when he produces that then they are screaming with something else, and meanwhile they are fine with mitt romney not releasing his tax returns -- >> how can i be angry when you gave me everything i want! >> jim just cannot let go of that skit! >> they give me everything i want and now i can't complain about it! oh! >> see now that we were on tv it was both the audio and visual -- >> that's right. we're learning this tv thing. >> that's right. joe in wisconsin, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, joe. >> hello. i just wanted to say something
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quickly about how having barack obama come to wisconsin would be a bad thing. first of all there could be a secret service, and air force one has to stop air traffic, and the presidential visit cost about a hundred thousand dollars, then fox news says president obama is using tax dollars, and you have walker [ inaudible ] and on to obama, and then the [ inaudible ] and actually has a pretty good get out to vote staff, and this is a grass root event where we -- grass root event where we really need to get out to vote. >> joe, i take your point. now i saw one poll -- [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> scott walker is up by seven, and but then i saw another where it said they are tied. >> they are all pretty much
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tied. it -- it's -- really it's just -- literally even here recently with the guy who did the [ inaudible ] -- >> right. >> -- which by the way is where walker got kicked out of, but he even said it's pretty much tied. >> yeah. well, that's why you are absolutely right. it really at this point it's turn out turn out, turn out. and that's why i agree it is such an important election and you can't get disspirited with all of this money he has got. it is very very close and it is going to come down to turnout. >> i think tom barrett is going to win by let's say 2%. i think it will be very, very close. we were talking at the majestic theater in madison last night with tom barrett, and chris tailor, and everybody is ready to get out to vote and a lot of
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people have voted early, and we're going to push this thing through. >> i hope you right, joe. that would be awesome. all right. rick in new mexico. hey, rick, welcome. >> hi, stephanie. how are you doing? >> good go ahead. >> i want to mention something that i feel is a bit of an elephant in the room that doesn't get mentioned. obama has all of this accomplished fighting ever single republican in the country, imagine if he had a little help. think about where we would be right now? because he is able to do this much -- >> i don't know if you have heard us talking about health care about how the conservatives waivering on parts of the health care. you are like now? now they are going there are lots of things in near that are really good. and it's like yes, you could have come to the table and helped, because now they are
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nervous, because they know they have nothing to replace it with. this was just a way to be against the president, right? >> right. but i still feel nobody ever mentions how much hi has gotten done without any help. >> i menning it almost every day, but yeah -- >> i would like to see him mention and really get that message across to the rest of the country. >> yeah, he can't win, and then they accuse him of whining. this health care thing is making me crazy because you are going, yes, this is what the president kept saying come to the table. how many meetings did he have with them? >> tons. >> this bull [ censor bleep ] they keep saying he rammed this down the american's throat -- and now they are saying, oh yeah those elements
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are important because they are popular. no preexisting condition -- and keeping your kids on parent's policies -- [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> influential conservative groups are urging republicans not to waiver on their vote to replace it entirely. >> yeah. >> well, we did this with our hands. >> yeah. >> they are weighing a replacement plan that involves reinstated popular -- what! not! work together in the first place? okay. the thinks i said that also is closing the doughnut hole. >> they said all along they want to make the president a one-term president. and that's their goal. >> [ inaudible ] complete wasn't
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mean partial. it means complete. we urge the so-called tea party republicans to keep their promise to voters. blah blah blah. it goes on to say the pledge of full repeal [ inaudible ] widely seen as unsustainable. yes! that's what the president said! and the various patch work plans put forth by republican lawmakers wouldn't come close to fixing problems with the system. nor do they have sufficient support agong the gop, let alone the democrats. [ screaming ] >> ah. obamacare despite conservative [ inaudible ] government takeover remains to date the most comprehensive free market approach to tackling the problem of uninsured americans, which is
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why it was mitt romney's and bob dole's plan. >> you punched the paper! >> i had to get that out of my system. >> oh, my god. >> it is fun. >> it is fun, isn't it? i'm going to do it all morning. >> it's going to be crunches new class. >> crunching republican bills. all right 18 minutes after the hour. kids you know it carbonite, do what we do here at this small business it's a ramshackle little rickety thing, but we need our silly sound bites, our fart noises -- >> it helps the world go around -- >> what could we do without our fart noises.
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>> then we would have to go with the really gross ones. just use carbonite once and then it will be backed up automatically -- >> what will be backed up automatically? >> that. [ flatulence sound effect ] >> back up your piles, what? >> should i send this to them? >> no. >> we're going to get more carbonite subscriptions out of this spot than anything we have done so far. you mark my -- [ flatulence sound effect ] >> you can back up more than just sound effects where carbonite -- >> right. carbonite dot -- [ flatulence sound effect ] >> right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> something was exiting
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♪ ♪ somebody turn on the -- >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ we're going to have a party, starting tonight ♪ ♪ and the feeling, when you're dancing on the ceiling ♪ >> until you fall off and land on your head. >> yeah. 24 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. jim mcdermott he'll punch papers with us after the break.
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>> yeah. >> he is introducing payer poll advertise on a state by state basis. ♪ let's give the boy hand ♪ >> azziza from massachusetts. >> hello. this is my first call darling, and i love your show both radio and tv now. >> thank you. >> you are doing such a great service, but i also have a couple of points i want to make. >> all right. >> you know, when they ask the president for his birth certificate -- because i feel like we should fuel a little fire with fire, you know then we need to be asking them for mitt romney's taxes. >> yeah. >> every time they mention it we need to say where is his taxes. because the president has produced his birth certificate. >> yeah. >> and the second one is the polls.
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you know there is such a thing of social engineering where you put into people's minds what you want them to think. >> right. >> they have the power of most of the media, you know. so they can put it out there and allow them -- once it has been said it is something like when you are in a courthouse things have been said and they say, oh, you have to cut that. >> the juror has already heard it. >> yes. that's why they are using that methamology because they have a plan all over the united states, you know, they are going to tell america he is running this and this. if he was running neck and neck why would they suppress the votes. >> i have to say don't let them disspirit you. >> exactly. they want us to think he is more ahead than he is. >> they are creating a legend.
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>> exactly. and any time an african american is first at doing something, they see a hard time. we have to think about that. >> yep. >> and then the last -- the two things i want to say is i want to give a south out from the great democrat state of massachusetts and tell wisconsin we with you, wisconsin. >> yeah. >> and the other things is americans don't let your vote be bought. i don't care how much of the koch brothers and the rest of those folks -- because our country is at state. >> that's right. and can i say something. [ patriotic music ] >> they sent our jobs overseas. >> that's right. >> even the money that bush gave, where did that money go? overseas. the talk show host that i love he always says where are the
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jobs, republican? >> that's right. can i say something, you are awesome and i love you. and you are the smartest girl in class today. >> baby i have -- i do one month talk show out of northeastern. >> well, i would listen. >> and i knew i had to put some time in and run through this right quick, but you all keep up the good work. but one thing about you guys why i'll call you more is because y'all have the national stage. and thank you so much for being there. >> all right. thank you so much. awesome. [ applause ] >> i liked her because she mispronounces things like me. methanology. >> you have never said anything like san diego jew. >> no. you have never mispronouncefied
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anything. >> yeah. >> good morning [ inaudible ]. >> this is formerly mary in new mexico, like mike in raleigh, i have relocated, to tucson, because new mexico is just not hot enough. >> and in addition to being the extra hot chile momma of the "stephanie miller show." i would also like to be the mitt romney be-otch of the "stephanie miller show." [ bell chimes ] >> mitt romney released his birth certificate, it says certificate of live birth. >> ah-ha. >> and his father was born in mexico! >> 29 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show."
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller -- >> you don't even like wine, do you? >> yes i do. i just have never had it right after brushing my teeth. >> i have had it while brushing my teeth. [ laughter ] >> it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> breaking news a court ruled that doma is unconstitutional. >> huge! >> huge! >> the first us circuit court in boston said it discriminates against -- >> and also retarded.
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>> yeah, the appeals court a agreed because it interferes with the right of a state to define marriage and benefits given to heterosexual couples including the right to file joint tax returns. >> wow. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> huge! >> kids i was just punching healthcare papers into the air, because republicans seem to be suddenly warming to parts of it. [ romantic music ] >> even tea partiers like allan west are coming out for parts of it. >> they want to repeal it and replace it with the exact same thing, and say that was our idea. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> see what we did. if jim mcdermott were in the studio with us he would punch papers as well i'm sure.
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good morning. >> good morning, stephanie how are you? >> i am good. can you tell us what -- you are giggling. i made you giggle already. [ laughter ] >> well you know, i'm -- i just -- i walked off of the dais of the ways and means committee where the republicans are now trying to repeal the financing of the president's accountable care act, and while other members are walking around saying how good some provisions are, they are trying to -- and the committee i'm sitting on at this very moment is repealing -- you can see them on c-span trying to repeal the financing, so they are trying to have it both ways. they want to cut it up on one hand, and on another hand they
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found some stuff that the people really like, and they realize we better not touch that. >> this is why they ask people to come to the table to work on this stuff with them. and now politically they are starting to go oh now we better -- even the polling is not so good because of the way they have demi goged it for so long. >> exactly. they were looking at all of the terntives, and all of the alternatives is if they strike the mandate, then they have to strike the whole law which means no longer will parents be able to cover their kids to age 26, no longer will there be a prohibition against insurance companies saying we won't cover you, because you have a preexisting condition. all of these things that are
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already out there operating will be taken back. >> yeah. >> and the american people have no idea what kind of catastrophe that is going to be for them, because they don't see it coming at this moment -- >> that's why the mandate was a conservative idea originally mitt romney did in massachusetts, the bob dole plan -- because we all understand, representative that you can't take that out and be able to keep the preexisting and all of the other things in there, right? >> it has never been about the mandate. it has been about the fact that president barack obama brought health care to the american people, and the republicans are afraid that if this goes into effect it will be 40 years before we see another republican president. they remember when franklin delano roosevelt put in social security and unemployment insurance and all of the proms of 1935 and how long it took
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for them to get back up on their feet, and they are afraid that this bill will have the same long-term effect. people will say hey, democrats brought us health care we aren't throwing them out. >> excuse me representative, it's exactly like mitt romney realizing the auto rescue was unbelievably popular and successful, and so now it is his idea. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> they want it both ways. they want to attack barack obama and take away anything that he did that was successful, at the same time taking credit for what he did that was successful. it's -- [ laughter ]. >> it takes you giggle. you have the best man giggle in congress may i say. you are supposed to introduce legislation that would allow a medicare for all or single payer to be rolled out on a state by state basis. tell us about that.
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depending on what happens with the supreme court or not? >> i believe in working ahead, and i said to my staff let's imagine the worst-case scenario and the supreme court strikes the whole thing down. what do we do as a country at that point? and i listened to governor schweitzer from montana and the governor from vermont, and i said maybe we ought to figure out how we can make it happen for -- from state level if -- if the federal level is going to go down. i'm supportive of the president's bill and pushing for it, and running again for recollection so i can be here to implement it but if in the worst stays the supreme court throws it all out -- [ explosion ] >> i'm ready for a new plan. because this affects all americans so much that we just can't not -- we can't spend the
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next 20 years standing around saying what should we do? i'm going to have a plan. >> that's awesome. and the states i'm reading about, they would be able to create their own funds while pooling with medicare -- >> yeah. this idea came to me from governor schweitzer from montana. he said i looked north of me. they have the same-sized population the same number of native americans as i do, they spend the same amount of money i do, yet they cover everyone and i have 25% or less covered. i could put together a program like they have in the province north of me. and i thought, well you know, there is some sense on that. and if a governor wanted to take it on -- because when tommy douglas took it on in
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saskatchewan, it was a huge political uproar but he is now the most famous man in canada because he put it together? schweitzer is saying why can't we do it again? >> all conservatives agree that the current system is unsustainable. yes! that's what we were saying. and if they repeal it, they are going to replace it with some similar elements. in the meantime it's the american people that suffer. >> you hear many romney saying that he is going to throw this out if he is elected. he'll throw it out for 15 minutes and then put it back in just like he did in massachusetts. it's really duplicitous.
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>> you are overwhelmed with mitt romney this morning in that he just won the nomination. >> all run for the hills. [ laughter ] >> it sounds like you are feeling pretty confident. >> i don't for one minute take him for advantage, but i believe history is on your side and i believe we'll be successful in reelected the president, but money is -- we saw a race down in texas where a guy named reas and he was knocked out because of money. we know the republicans are going to dump gobs of money on
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everyone. >> you are going to face new voters. you have a redrawn district. how are you feeling about that? >> i have about 30% new. it's not -- a democratic-performing area, so i shouldn't -- i'm confident i'm going to be reelected. but you have to introduce yourself to the people because even though i have been around a long time one of my friends said to me jim, if you think you are important go out in the street and ask the first ten people you meet and ask them who their congressman is and if one of them knows, you are really important. >> let me start by saying attention state of washington this is the most awesome congressman in the history of congress. [ nbc "nightly news" theme ] >> there you go. we love you jim mcdermott. >> you are very kind. >> all right. good luck. we'll talk to you soon. >> all right.
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>> i do not have my bull horn at the ready. >> it's right over there. >> i'll get it. >> yes listeners of kptk vote for jim mcdermott. >> yes do it. all right. 45 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: eke i just spewed on my dashboard again. it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ i have the most common type of atrial fibrillation, or afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. >> we're not through just yet, mr. vice president. >> they're swimming against the tides. (vo) brought to you by pradaxa. i have the most common type of atrial
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fibrillation, or afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but my doctor put me on pradaxa instead to reduce my risk of stroke. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate) reduced stroke risk 35% better than warfarin. and unlike warfarin, with pradaxa, there's no need for regular blood tests. that's really important to me. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition like stomach ulcers, or take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners, or if you have kidney problems especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all medicines you take any planned medical or dental procedures and don't stop taking pradaxa without your doctor's approval as stopping may increase your stroke risk. other side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. pradaxa is progress. having afib not caused by a heart
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california, and former mayor of san francisco is on current tv. >>every night on cable news networks everyone's focusing on what's wrong. i want this show to move past that. i love creative people, and with all the vexing problems we have we need creative thinking. >>(narrator) with interviews with notables from silicon valley, hollywood, and beyond. >>at the end of the day this show's simple. it's about ideas. ideas are the best politics. ideas can bring us together. >>(narrator) the gavin newsom show. friday at 11 eastern/8 pacific. only on current tv. ♪ ♪ one, two, three -- >> announcer: stephanie miller -- ♪ hey, ah hey ah ♪ ♪ hey, ah ♪
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>> all right. hey! hey! washington vote for jim mcdermott. there you go. >> washington state. >> hey hey, yeah. >> washington can't vote for jim mcdermott. >> no. vote for barrett in wisconsin. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> representative mcdermott was telling us about the kind of spend -- did you see this number? the gop super pacs are going to spend $1 billion. john mccain had $370 million. that was all his entire campaign raised. barack obama the most prolific fund raiser in history, $750 million last cycle. unbelievable. thank you, citizens united.
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i would watch that clip forever of lito going no you are gong. >> no. [ laughter ] >> bobble head. nicole in arizona you are on the "stephanie miller show." hey, nicole. >> good morning, "stephanie miller show." i happen to live in arizona a state in which i could be fired if i'm on birth control. >> oh. >> here is the challenge we're facing, gang. those of us with reasoning capablesty can understand the difference between barack obama and mitt romney. i had lunch with a friend last week, who lives in mesa arizona, which outside of utah is mormon capitol of the world. >> yeah. >> she hates mormons.
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and i said to her, so are you going to stay home on election day. and she said no, she is going to vote for mitt romney. i said are you kidding me? this drives me crazy, a she said my biggest concern is protection of the country and i said the fact that we have ten times more military spending than the rest of the world combined is not enough for you? she is still voting for mitt romney. how do we challenge this? unless barack obama says we are going after a man that believes in magic underwear and a god that lives on the planet kolar or something? >> kole eb. can you believe it? >> this is a president that even according to many conservatives has had one foreign policy success after another, including killing bin laden. what do you mean protecting the
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country? >> right. >> how much better could he be protecting the country. >> exactly. so what does his campaign do at this point? >> just keep putting the facts out as they are. the president yesterday on the economy. >> america has come through some tough times together and it is going to take more time than any of us would like to get to a place where all of us have fully recovered from the worst recession in our lives. >> we were talking about this ridiculous four-minute anti-obama ad they played on fox and friends. >> yes. >> say here is where we were -- >> yeah, we lost a million jobs before obama took office. >> they want him to be one-term president that's their soul goal. >> yes. the president yesterday.
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>> there are steps we can take right now to speed up this recovery help create jobs restore some of the financial security. >> of course they aren't going to take those steps. let's go to jean in minneapolis. hi, jean welcome. >> morning steph. >> morning. >> may i having a access to your meg gra phone for a moment. at attention progressives get on your phones, call the white house, tell the white house to investigate florida for this voter suppression. i called the white house this morning and they said they had had no calls. the woman i talked to said she hadn't taken any calls about the illegal activities going on down in florida. >> and we still have the same
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electronic voting machines. >> yep. >> now is the time to do something about it not -- you know, not after the election. >> the 202-456-1111 number for the white house is all people have to do. call up and say eric holder needs to investigate this. and they need to do even more than they are already doing. i know people are doing a lot, but even if it's 10 15 bucks, put money behind candidates that we need to have in office. i called -- i went on line to barrett for wisconsin yesterday. >> yeah. >> and made another donation because he is being out spend 10-1. >> yep, and elizabeth warren, there are a lot of races that are really close jean you are absolutely right. if everyone listening and watching could send $5 to this or that person. look at this story i just did.
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$1 billion the koch brothers and karl rove and their friends are going to spend. >> and i love the 17,000 people in arizona who got up the time and courage to sign a petition to investigate romney for being a unicorn, but if they can do that, they can give five bucks. [ applause ] >> that's right. those are my people. because they are smart, have a lot of free time and funny. >> yeah. >> it sounds like the people at the tucson show last summer. >> there you go. >> let's go to susie in wisconsin. >> hi, stephanie. glad to be on the show. love it. >> thank ya. >> you bet. i was calling to comment on obama coming to wisconsin, and one of the 800-pound gorillas in the room is the white supremacy
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is alive and well in many parts of the country, including wisconsin. i think biden could make a difference. and if you haven't experienced it, it is alive and well. there was a christian men's coalition that wanted to have a gathering up north, and it turned out to be a branch of the kkk. >> wow. >> so -- yeah. you know, so those old prejudices are arrive and well, and i'm sorry to say that for my state. >> wow -- well i'm not sure that is the best reason not to go that he is black. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> i think -- i do think it's hard for the president to get involved in every local race, so -- and other people have mentioned other reasons -- >> he has other things going on. >> like i said i do wish the dnc would do a last minute infusion of cash there. henry in tennessee.
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welcome, henry. >> hi, y'all. i just want to get to the point real quick, i know we're probably getting short on time. but this deal going on down in florida, i can't understand why the justice department is not down there doing something, because this ought to be legal against the voter necks. how are you just going to put names over there just because of their political affiliation and throw them off. it's wrong. it's just wrong. >> yeah. >> and then talking about coming out with a second list. his own attorney general don't agree with what he is doing, but yet he is pressured to do it. >> he got rid of the guy who wouldn't do it. so i agree call the white house. 58 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ she is awesome.
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