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tv   Full Court Press  Current  June 6, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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to war.
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>> that's awesome! [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] ticking your e-mails at any time. this is the bill press show live on current tv. >> hey, hey, hey, if you want to know what's going on and talk about it there is only one place to go in the morning. and that's right here on the full-court press.
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i told you republicans would crow about this. lisa fox says told you so. we won because we have the lord jesus christ on our side. oh yeah. ♪ alleluia. ♪ >> yesterday, i said i hated "the star spang he willed ban banner" and thought we should replace it. so you hate the star spang he willed banner. another person here e-mails. i am not sure what his name here but says you and people like you are the scum of america. and russ parker suggests like so many historically based, the star spangled banner should remain. perhaps you pick another country with a more pleasing anthem like cuba or venzuela.
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♪ >> well, hello, everybody. good wednesday morning. it is wednesday, june 6th. good to see you today. welcome to the full-court press your new progressive morning show on current tv. so good to see you today. we have lots and lots to talk about. we are coming to you live from our nation's capitol with a big focus on wisconsin and the results of the election, the raul election yelled. scott walker managing to hold on to his post because of all of the big fatcat and corporate money that went into that. we will talk about that and a whole lot more here, but how
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about this? success, big success yesterday in the continuing efforts to dismandel and destroy al-qaeda the number 2 al-qaeda leader, mr. al liby killed by a drone strike in pakistan. >> that's what drones are good for. first, out to los angeles, say good morning to jacki schechner and get today's current news update. good morning, jacki. >> good morning, bill. good morning, everyone. president obama is going to be here in california today for two fundraisers. lgbt organizationnizers are putting together both fundraisers here in la. the first is the annual lbgt gala where pink was expected to perform about she got the flu. and by ryan david, the gala was originally scheduled to be helped at the sos hotel in beverly hills but had to find a bigger venue after president
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obama came out with support for same same-sex marriage. even with the extra seating, the event is sold out. $25,000 a couple. to cnn reports about one in every sixteen of the president's bundlers is openly gay. since bundlers don't have to list their sexual orientation the washington post estimates those numbers could actually be as high as 1 in 6. overly gay bundlers have -- openly gay bundlers have raised money since the end of march. orc international poll, the public support for the legal recognition of same-sex marriage continues to grow. it's at 54% today compared to 44% back in 2008. opposition is falling too. two years ago, 53% of people say that marriage is between gay and lesbian couples should not be legally recognize the that's downing to 42%. cnn says for the first time in its polling say a majority say
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they have a family member or friend who is gay or lesbian. we are back after the break. innovation matters now more than ever.
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we have a big, big hour and the i.q. will go way up. how are you ever going to solve the problem if you don't look at all of the pieces? >>tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. >>sharp tongue, quick whit and above all, politically direct. >>you just think there is no low they won't go to.
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oh, no. if al gore's watching today... [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the bill press show. >> you want to see the impact of citizens united? look at wisconsin yesterday. yeah. you can buy an election. what do you say? hello, everybody. happy wednesday june 6th. this is the full court press coming to you live on your local progressive talk radio station all around the country and, of course, in every corner of this great land of ours coming to you live on current tv. your new progressive morning show on current tv, good to be with you and so great to have you join us this morning.
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if you want to know what's going on and you want to talk about what it means to you, this is the only place to go in the morning, your one progressive morning show anywhere in the country. and you can join the conversation by giving us a call at 866-55-press. 866-55, that is, 77377. so much to talk about today. particularly at examining every angle, what happened in wisconsin yesterday. and we will bring you up to date on the news here from our nation's capitol, around the country and around the globe with the help today of one of the great reporters from politico, joe williams back in studio with us. white house correspondent, i should say for politico. hello, joe. good to see you. >> hi. good to be here. >> welcome back, and you are looking very sharp this morning, i must say. >> make sure i have a red pocket. >> so many people get dressed up, you know, to come in. >> too damn early for me man. >> yeah. >> red pocket hand kerr chiv,
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you look like roland martin. >> yeah. >> where is your ascot, joe? >> well, i can only carry so much of that fashion trend forward. the ascot doesn't work for me. i'm sorry. >> we got the team here, joe, peter, peter ogburn and stevie lee webb filling in. >> hey there. >> and cyprian boulding our great videographer. stevie lee are we over this jubilee? diamond jubilee, i meant to say. >> are you finally, over it? >> i think so. not entirely sure to be honest. i didn't know it was going to go on for this long. >> four days. >> yeah. >> party, party, party. who knew brits could party like this. >> partying like a rock star. >> she went to the rock concert with ear plugs. >> yeah. >> but she did have to listen to paul mccartney. >> they were color-coded. yeah. she had them. >> matched her outfit.
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>> get out. >> they did. yeah. a yellow dress on, a yellow hat and yellow ear plugs. % >> that's pretty good. >> that's styling. >> yeah. >> that's how to accessorize. not even roland martin could pull that off. >> what would you expect from the queen. the president sent or congratulations over that way. >> historic occasion of your diamond jubilee, michelle and i send you and all of the british people and members of the commonwealth the heart-felt congratulations of the american people. >> and the queen, herself, put out a little video thanking the british people for their support. >> the event did i have attended to mark my diamond jubilee have been a humbling experience. just touched me deeply to see so many thousands of families neighbors and friends celebrating together in such a happy atmosphere. >> isn't it funny that like in this country right? we scorn and criticize those who
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live totally on the public dole and on welfare. right? and in britain, they celebrate them. >> she is the head of state. >> honor them and they give them, you know four days, big celebration. and let them live in their lifestyle. >> i don't get the feeling that she is not really humbled by all of this. when she talks about her neighbors. what neighbors does she have? she doesn't have any snobs. >> they are neighbors. neighbors. >> they are neighbors. they may be miles away. joe, we got into wisconsin. what it means around the nation and as well as the other political landscape. we will do that. we are going to be joined at the top of the next hour by david shuster, current tv's david shuster from madison wisconsin. and a little bit later in this program, joe and i will be talking to mayor john barrett from north adams, mass who now has become a pretty prominent
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spokesperson for the obama campaign. but first: >> the full court press. >> here is what's making news. ann coulter is the latest target for larry flint, for hustler, he named her as his a-hole of the month. when the name ann coulter comes to mind inflammatory, hideous, arrogant and male. he refers to her as a male. it's certainly ruffled the feathers of some conservatives. the daily caller has come down on heart on mr. flint. everybody is entitled to their opinion. >> i thought he bought penthouse magazine. >> from one smut magazine to another. >> what's he trying to be? the rush limbaugh of the left? a little over the top. >> from 1 spathemut magazine to another, his old number 1 girl, you remember crystal harris
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years ago, she ditched him five days before the big wedding? they are back together. believe it or not. you cannot keep true love apart. followed by a tweet from harris that they had reconciled. >> i must admit, hugh heffner. how old is he? >> he is 86. 86. she is 26. >> scoring these young women. >> he's got it going on. >> yeah, he does. >> she is 60 years younger. >> oh. yeah. >> great, great granddaughter. good grief. from the sports desk the boston celtics are one win away from wiping out the miami heat and moving onto the nba finals. what seemed impossible is very possible. celtics with game 5 last night in a huge come-behind win. they will face the winner of the oklahoma city spurs and the
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oklahoma city thunder and san antonio spurs. that series is three games to 2 in favor of the thunder. >> so, joe, just a little word of advice now. if you -- do you ever bet on sports? >> my professional office prohibits me from answering that question on the advice of counsel. >> if you ever decide to bet on sports talk to peter ogburn first and find out his term. bet on the opposite one. always, a sure winner. >> i said san antonio-heat final. >> i think it's going to be wrong on both accounts. >> keep hope alive. >> it ain't over yet. that's right. joe, let's start with wisconsin. it is the big story of the day. scott walker, you know, it's interesting when i -- at 9 o'clock last night when the polls closed the exit polls showed 50/50. absolute 50/50 but it turned out
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not so close. 53.2 for scott walker, 46.3% to -- for tom barrett. what do you think it all means? >> i think that it means a couple of different things on different levels. number 1, citizens united has everybody talking. citizens united was this money bomb that unleashed all of this campaign contributions in wisconsin. the aftermath looks like a big smoking crater where the death star just channeled all of this energy and all of this money right down on this one particular race. it made a huge difference. money from all over the country. not only millionaires contributing. you had the party contributing. you had outside 501 c did, 501 c 3s, independent finance groups super p.a.c.s all contributing to the election. >> governor's association. >> trying to make it a referendum on the obama administration and on anti-union policies which will probably have an effect going forward. there are going to be a bunch of other governors and different
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republican led states going to try to replicate this. >> totally. >> scott walker's name has been affixed with a rising star. so that's kind of an interesting thing there. people are looking at him as somebody who is able to take care of, you know carry the mantle on a national level. although it was all about one thing, it was all about a lot of things at the same time. that being union strengths. they definitely have been weakened. the fact that wisconsin in my opinion was a referendum to a degree but, also not necessarily about economic policy. wisconsin is a good government state. probationmeyer, the golden fleece awards, 60 percent of the people polled in the cbs news exit poll said that recall is only appropriate in terms of official misconduct. >> yeah. >> that to me said that it wasn't necessarily a republican-only issuer some democrats probably crossed over and voted for walker merely on
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principle which seems to be part of wisconsin's dna but it said obama troujss romney by a fairly wide margin if the election were to be held right now. >> on that last point there is no doubt that the republican party sees this and they are already talking about it and we have gotten e-mails and read a lot of stories this morning. this proves, right, that wisconsin is at play obama is in trouble, reince priebus was at scott walker headquarters. he was at the top of the news at 9:00 o'clock before the votes were counted crowing, right? that this was a triumph for the republican party message in the right? which is basically continuing tax favors to the big corporations and the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. >> i think that's the wrong -- taking away the wrong message from the election in my opinion. i think that the republican party at this point. >> you know they are going to be sell that today. >> they will sell it but they
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have a very real danger of overplay are their hand at the same time the wisconsin election broke in their favor, you have a lot of people looking at the state and the results saying, well, yeah i can understand why wisconsins voted the way they did, baked in their dna as the good government parties. >> yeah. >> the republicans have the rather real property. they were weakened but energy jets. the electorate. 60% voter participation. >> that's something that they have to be worried about especially when the exit polls say that wisconsin's probably going to break in obama's favor at this point. >> yeah. there is no doubt the turnout to get out the vote operation was really impressive yesterday. the turn out exceeded anything they have ever seen. they had to call. they were photocopying ballots so they would have enough paper around. >> people standing in line for hours waiting to cast their ballots. >> it looked like afghanistan.
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right? >> with the purple fingers, yeah. >> now, exactly. i think you are right about the unions. there is no doubt, they are not going to walk away from this and say, well, you know, we are done. right? they will be twice as energy jets as they were in wisconsin. and they did win in ohio. they did. >> they won in ohio. again, it's, you know, slightly the same. only completely different. ohio has a bit more -- the same dna doesn't comport to the same way that wisconsin's does. >> plus in ohio you didn't have the the add vantage scott walker had in wisconsin, which is the money advantage. >> money bomb. >> tom barrett had a month. >> that's the only time i could raise money for the general al election and cam paper. scott walker for a year in wisconsin law could go around the country and raise unlimited no limits at all on the amount of money they could raise. so he was able to get 500,000
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from, you know sheldon addelson or 5 million from the republicans. >> national association of petroleum producers did he have did he have . another thing that comes to mind is the fact that if the raul had happened in january, when all of the energy was behind the unions, when there were headlines that were talking about walker's power grab, that were talking about all of the things that he was doing then, the state legislators who crossed state lines to avoid voting, i think it would have ended in a crushing defeat. you had a cooling off period there that worked to the union's disadvantage. >> absolutely. the primary, i mean it's part of a democratic process. it didn't mean that it was -- >> attention cast away from the central issue, which was, is scott walker doing things that are healthy? >> you are white house correspondent for politico. did the white house make a mistake? or did they do the right thing by kind of downplaying
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wisconsin? there is no doubt that they did. they deny that they did. >> there is no doubt. i mean the president in other situations, he has been compelled by his own conscience to speak out. trayvon martin comes to mind. there were a couple of other situations where he has gone. >> cokely. >> exactly in massachusetts. so martha cokely probably was an object license that medaling in a state race can be kind of political dynamite. but at the same time, you had a lot of people reminding wisconsin voters the presidentdrew 20,000 in 2009 or, 2010 ahead of the mid terms when he went to rally in wisconsin. he was popular there. could it have made a difference? perhaps. you have a situation where he would have been the issue and not scott walker. it would have ended up as a referendum for obama and not on walker's policies. the flip side of that is you didn't necessarily see mitt
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romney rushing to the state to campaign on behalf of scott walker. you have a dynamic where it would have ended up, the president might have looked like he was punching blow his weight. >> joe williams in studio with us, white house correspondent for politico. wisconsin, wisconsin, that's what we are going to be talking about today. i know most people, most of the commentators here on television are going to say, oh, this is it. this is trouble for barack obama in november. do you believe that? i don't. this is joe -- neither does joe. let's talk about it here on this wednesday edition of the full-court press. >> this is the bill press show. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] building up to this. >>bill shares his views, now it's your turn. >>i know you're going to want to weigh in on these issues. >>connect with "full court press with bill press" at and on twitter at bpshow. >>i believe people are
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hungry for it. ah, claim trouble. [ voice of dennis ] you should just switch to allstate, and get their new claim satisfaction guarantee. hey, he's right, man. [ voice of dennis ] only allstate puts their money where their mouth is. yep. [ voice of dennis ] claim service so good, it's guaranteed. [ normal voice ] so i can always count on them. unlike randy over there. that is one dumb dude. ♪ ♪ the new claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. are you in good hands?
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it's go time. >>every weeknight cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >>the guys in the middle class the guys in the lower end got screwed again. >>i think you know which one we're talking about. the overwhelming majority of the country says"tax the rich, don't go to war." >>just wanted to clarify that. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> on your radio and on current tv. this is the bill press show. >> whoa already 26 minutes after the hour. mayor -- not tom barrett. >> that's the buy in wisconsin. mayor john barrett from massachusetts, north adams, mass is going to join us. us meaning me and joe williams white house correspond for politico here joe, let's jump out to the rest of the country and take a couple of calls. jim is calling from las vegas. jim, what do you say? >> hey, bill. >> i am good. thanks. >> cool. one thing you are not mentioning and a lot of people are mentioning is the citizenship united. one of the biggest things is the an i amimity of the money. in small elections like we have in november for senators shelly can berkeley. dean will get a ton of money from sheldon adelson and karl
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rove but it's horrible where you don't know where the money is coming from, if it's coming from like the koch brothers sponsored wisconsin. everybody knows that. but, also, all of these other people, there is no way we could proceed test. we can't argue we can't fight. it come come from china, russia africa. you don't know. >> joe, hey, jim, appreciate the call. it is right. under the 501 c -- 501 c3-4. >> yeah, 4. yeah, that there are two different organizations taken out. you know who gave money and the other, jim's right. right? >> right. these are supposed to be -- they are supposed to be public service organizations that addvocate public social causes like the naacp, to name one. but they are trying to crossroads gps is trying to use that as a subtra trevfugeh.
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so are we at crossroads gps. that's one big problem. this is where the flood of money comes in because people don't want to be tied to their donations. they don't want to be revealed because exactly right. they don't want to be protested. they don't want to be called out as advocating a certain position. >> so in terms of trans pieceparencytransparency, there isn't any. >> it's designed to be oblique as possible, as opaque as possible judged under the law. what's happening is even though we have laws that prevent this sort of thing from happening, the fec, federal election commission, largely toothless. they haven't had a case like this in a long time. >> clearly. i think everybody is waiting to see, you know, how far these super p.a.c.s go and then, maybe there will be a movement to overturn citizens united. i would hope so. >> this is the bill press show.
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jennifer granholm is politically direct on current tv. >>the dominoes are starting to fall. (vo) granholm is live in the war room. >> what should women be doing? >> electing women to office. (vo) she's a political trailblazer. >>republicans of course didn't let facts get in the way of spin. >>do it, for america.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> it is 33 minutes after the hour on wednesday, june 6th. three days away now from the big invasion of chicago by yours truly, very, very excited to go up to chicago on saturday june the 9. come on come on by. i will be at the frugal muse book story in darian, illinois. you know where that is. i don't know but i am going to get there. from to from:00 to 4:00 saturday
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afternoon. i will sign copies of my book, "the obama hate machine." we will talk politics, 2012, wisconsin, obama and romney and all of the stuff we are talking about every day here on the full-court press. no charge, no nothing, no cover charge. just stop by. >> the minimum. stop by the frugal muse on saturday. joe williams, white house correspondent for politico is here in the studio with us. and, you know, joe the obama administration has been saying a lot of times talking about bain capital, mitt romney's record at bain capital and about a week ago, david axelrod senior political advisor for the campaign showed up in boston and said let's start talking about mitt romney's record at governors of massachusetts as well. >> somebody needs to. romney isn't. >> romney is not. standing there with david axelrod, the former mayor of north adams, massachusetts, he was mayor while mitt romney was governor, mayor john barrett
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joining us on the news line this morning. mr. mayor, good morning. >> good morning to you. >> good to have you with us. so let's start with mitt romney and how he did on jobs. he is calling himself the job creator. what's his record in massachusetts? >> well, as i have said many times in the past several weeks, he was rather disengaged. i was mayor of really the smallest city in massachusetts but, also, one of the poorest, and when i first came in to office, we lost, you know, close to 3,000 manufacturing jobs. and we had to re-invent ourselves as many industrial cities did around new england and things like that. and we always got -- and i worked with seven governors. republicans and democrats over the years much the most dismal record of job creation was mitt romney. he never understood the state. he never understood the
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communities. in fact, in the four years in office, he never once sat foot in the city of north adams which was facing, like i say, a very difficult economic times, and nor did he engage the mayors of the commonwealth at all. he met with us once and that was in his third month in office and after he tried to give us a powerpoint presentation, which we didn't really want to listen to he left the room and we never saw him again. the same thing with job training and job types of programs. while other states were planning for the new economies out there and understanding of manufacturing jobs were leaving, he just didn't understand that we had an available work force but they weren't trained for those new jores. >> mr. mayor, how would you describe his legacy? what would you take away from the mitt romney term in massachusetts? >> there was a book written
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about john kennedy, an irish saying, johnny, we hardly knew you. same goes for mitt. we different know this guy. >> he was the undercover governor? >> he really was. in fact, the state rep in my % area, when he vetoed some legislation that would have impacted, helped the economy in the berkshires, you know, he made the comment, he has been to kuwait city more than he has been to north adams which was true. he never understood. he never engaged the people here the other thing, too, that seems to be hidden in all of this he decimated the republican party in the state of massachusetts. he had no involvement with them. he was a loaner with no plan. >> you know that word that you used disengaged. i have heard other people describe his time in massachusetts. it's as if he just needed to get that stripe and then move beyond. is that how you saw it that
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this was just kind of a design stepping stone on his part or deliberate stepping stone? >> absolutely. he started preparing for a run for the presidency as soon as he got here. i mean here is a guy that showed up even with eight security people around him. you know, and he looked presidential, and he acted presidential. and when you talk about disengaged, i will give you an example, you know, 20s miles down the road from north adams is the city of pittsfield, of which bain had an impact on them. but he appeared in that city twice in the four years that he was here and, you know, he stepped up to address the chamber of commerce in the city of pittsfield and basically said it's so great to be here in the city of springfield. not only did he say it then. he said it three more times during the speech. needless to say, in the primary he only got 51% of the vote out here. i mean he is just -- it was just
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about mitt being acting presidential of the most of us felt he was an empty suit. >> ironically i was in boston during romneyts tenure. when he was running the olympics and jane swift was the governor. she was the interim governor who had sus ceded paul kaluchi. you would see the ground swell happening because she had made a couple of public mistakes, used a state helicopter to get home started to crop um. there was obviously you could see it from a mile away that they were setting mitt romney up to come in and cast her aside. and that caused a lot of consternation in the republican party. jane swift felt like she had been swift boat only by this big jaugernat and it caused her consternation because they felt like romney said little lady,
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step aside and let the big boys take over. >> absolutely a correct assessment. the way that he treated her on her way out the door was really pathetic. i mean he just had no interaction with people. he didn't care about people. and whether -- and he really had a disdain for political leaders throughout the state. he didn't understand 2340rd to get things done, you had to have a strong private public relationship. he specially in old industry cities. in order to attract private sector investment, you had to have government help. the same thing that he did in detroit. i mean -- or same thing obama did in detroit. that wouldn't have happened under mitt romney's reign because he didn't believe public money should be, you know partnered with private sector money. he just doesn't believe in that stuff. >> mayor john barrett is our guest, a former mayor of north adams, massachusetts. mr. mayor, let's talk about healthcare. if i think a lot of us feel that
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mitt romney did a pretty good job bringing both parties together on healthcare in massachusetts. certainly president obama felt that way. learned a lot from it in shaping the affordable care act. mitt romney doesn't want to talk about it. and not even the individual mandate does he support any more. >> well, mitt romney read that wrong, and mitt romney thought that by doing this healthcare legislation that that would help him in the national scene. he just read it wrong. and i thought, and i honestly believe he thought that would help him down the road in the presidential stuff. the same time he was signing that legislation, he had vetoed key parts of it that really lessened the burden on businesses. so he is a little hypocritical when he did that. and he is even more hypocritical today by saying, well it was a state type of thing. he did that purely to show that he could work bi-partisan and it
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was right there. >> yeah. with it as were the leaders of the house and senate. >> there is no doubt he supported the individual mandate at that time. right? >> absolutely. and that's where he read it wrong. he thought it would help him nationally. >> in a realist inc. world it probably would. in a world where the republican party has not moved so far to the right, it would helped them. >> that's a part where he might have read wrong, where he has to disavow his signature legislative accomplishment as governor. >> no doubt about it. that was just a bad political move which everybody makes over the years, but this one, some make mistakes. some are bigger than others. that was a big one on his part. >> we want to know as much as we can. it's important that the american people know as much as they can about mitt romney not only days at bain capital, not only what he is saying or not saying on the campaign trail but what he did and what he stood for and what he didn't do when he was governor of massachusetts.
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mr. mayor, we appreciate your insight this morning and your information, and your good leadership up there for many years. thanks, john. >> thank you. >> mayor john barrett north adams, mass. he is in the smallest town in massachusetts. >> very, very small. >> so i don't feel badly about never having heard of north adams before today. it's just up the road from pittsfield which i do know about, which is not springfield. >> not springfield. >> but mitt romney -- he got nominated. i was at the convention. >> you were? >> yes. he got nominated in springfield. i don't know how they made that mistake. >> why don't you have a boston accent? >> i left it in my other shoe. >> all right. >> joe williams here from politico politico, white house correspondent and, again, join the conversation. we will tell you what's happening. you tell us what it means to you, what you think about it at 866-55-press, on wednesday's full-court press. >> this is the bill press show
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live on your radio and current tv. ♪ how are you ever going to solve the problem if you don't look at all of the pieces? >>tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. >>sharp tongue, quick whit and above all, politically direct. >>you just think there is no low they won't go to. oh, no. if al gore's watching today...
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as a culinary manager i make sure our guests have an over the top experience. being hands on is key! i make sure every plate looks just right. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's four course seafood feast, just $14.99. start with soup, salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits followed by your choice of one of 7 entrees. like new coconut and pineapple shrimp or shrimp and scallops alfredo.
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then finish with something sweet. all four courses just $14.99. [ reza ] it's so much food for such a good value. i'm reza, culinary manager. and i sea food differently. what makes hershey's s'mores special? pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. don't miss this week's "the gavin newsom show" with special guest: hollywood icon oliver stone. >> i'm not an activist, i'm outspoken. i'm a dramatist.
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>> heard around the country and seen on current tv this is the bill press show. >> it's 13 minutes before the top of the hour. we are talking news of the day particularly political news of the day with joe williams, the white house correspondent for politico and a good friend of the program. >> an fob. >> a fob today, a friend of
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bill. i am going through the trash here it's but following you on twitter, too. >> right @jw321, @ dub 321. >> the other news of the day, the the white house announcing that the number 2 al-qaeda guy, alibi got killed by a drone strike. he moved up to number 2 after bin laden was killed.
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he must be looking over his shoulder. >> that's the point. >> there is a political connection in that republicans used to own the national security issue. >> not any more. they are still trying, give them credit for trying. >> they say obama is weak on terrorism. if anything, more lethal. >> exactly. quite lethal. the object of that, if you are a republican, is to do the old jujitsu number where you try to use an opponent's strength against him and in this case, they are trying to suggest that the obama administration does not have a clear strategy in pakistan or afghanistan and that the wars are simply out of control which there is -- >> if you want to look at obamats'srod and afghanistan and libya and you look at bin laden and mumar gadaffi and the number of drone strikes, it's 10 times more than george bush.
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>> breathtaking. not only that, you look at the "new york times" had this spectacular story about stuksnet and the effort to stabtage the reinian program that's a big deal. not that we are using a covert operation but the fact it's so advanced and it's cymricber technology and runs a lot of risks that could backfire in the longrun. the stutsnetvirus is loose on the web right now. >> that's another advancement of policy but saying this is a tough strategitionc decision. the president made it. it's hard to see where that's a weakness at all. >> i wanted to ask you about something that i think is very extremely important in this country. i just wrote a column about it. >> that's efforts at voter suppression across the country in 20-plus states of laws that passed last year. all various ways requiring a photo id or purging the voter
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roles or closing down voting on sunday or you can't register to vote at the polling places. >> that's right. >> you could in wisconsin? >> ballots being restricted. >> all of that stuff and in florida. today, the reason i bring this up is today is the day where the attorney general said to florida, today, by wednesday, june 6th, you have got to defend and explain why you are trying to purge the voter roles because it looks hanky-pagey to us. what's going on florida? what do you hear. >> in florida, i hear the state board of e elections is unrepennant at this time. i talked with them yesterday. they are basically saying, we are continuing. we are going to send the letter to justice and let them know why we are doing what we are doing. it doesn't mean. >> many county election officials have said they have stopped. they said we don't want to touch them until we know what the ground rules are. >> exactly but you still have the state aparajic of the state governed by rick scott who has
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has own problems you know, largely unpopular. inside the window for a primary, i think it's the senate and house congressional race primaries and you have the specter that this happened two years or happened back in 2000 right before the recount. so all of those factors have combined to lead a lot of state or county board of e elections officials to say, able to touching this with a 10 foot pole but the state is forging ahead in counties where it can. they are supposed to justify that decision today. we may see a justification. if we do we may see a cessation and push back from the justice garment. >> isn't this a case where it's abuse that's crying out for the department of justice to step in under the voting rights a account and just say to all of these states hey wait a minute here take 5? >> a total violation denialinging people the right to vote. >> especially when you look at
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the fact that voter fraud is minific u at best based on the total number of votes that have been cast, maybe one out of 100,000 or one out of 10,000, what are the ratio is. it's really astronomical. the justice department here is worried about looking hyper political telling a state what to do so and have the blowback from the republican party saying, you are medalingdling. i think any attempts like this need to be dealt with forcefully and notvory worry about political repercussions. >> there is nothing hyper political or political about defending the constitution and defending our sacred right to vote in this country. it's being taken away or diminished or limited in state after state after state. >> even if you have the problem in florida where you have foreign nationals voting. they are taking the time to show up to the polls to cast a ballot
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for justifiable reasons. they are participating in an electoral process. joe williams, if you and i were in charge, boy, this world would be absolutely perfect. >> no doubt about that. >> thanks, joe. thanks for coming in. all right my? >> my pleasure. >> i will be back to tell you what the president has on his plate and to the west coast. a little secret. >> on your radio, on t.v. the bill press show. new on current tv.
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break the ice with breath-freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. vanguard: the documentary series that redefined tv journalism. >>we're going to places where few others are going. >>it doesn't get anymore real than this. >>occupy! "vanguard" new episodes coming soon. only on current tv. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> this is the bill press show. >> all right. we jump out to madison, wisconsin again at the top of the next hour and talk to david shuster shuster, correspondent from current tv. there are interesting things in the united states. president obama gets to go to san francisco and los angeles today. i am jealous. i am jealous. heads out. he leaves the white house at 9:20 on marcheen 1 out to andrews air force base hops on air force 1, landing in san francisco just before noon today. today. he has two fundraisers in san francisco, a big one at the landmark tower or a private one at the landmark tower and a big one at the julyia morgan ballroom and down to los angeles and a fundraiser at the beverly wilshire hotel and at a private residence. tonight, spends the night in los angeles. we will be back with david shuster. >> this is the bill press show.
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who wouldn't want to be a part of that? payday. the sweet taste of energy.
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♪ >> hey hello, everybody. happy wednesday. wednesday, june 6th, 2012. this is the full court press, your new morning progressive talk show on current tv coming to you every part of this great country, from our t.v. factory here on capitol hill in washington, d.c., bringing you the news of the day and giving you a chance to sound off about it by giving us a call at 866-55-press. big question: what happens when you have unlimited campaign money? what happens when you can outspend your opponent 8 to 1?
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i will tell you what happens: you can buy an election. >> that's what happened yesterday in wisconsin. the koch brothers bought an election for governor scott walker. we'll cover that from every angle with david shuster at the very top of the show. but not before we go out to los angeles again and get today's current news update from jacki schechner. good morning, jack. >> good morning, bill. good morning, everyone. does the white house have a high-level leak? >> what some top senators want to know after the "new york times" published an article on friday on the united states use of cyber weapons against iran. it was a program called olympic games that used a nuclear virus. john mccain and dianne feinstein are dahling for hearings both allegedly having spoken with carl levin about this and expressing this to -- concern that this type of leak is a threat to national security. the white house has responded
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simply by saying that it is committed to keeping classified information classified. >> we are closing in now on the july 1st deadline when current student loan rates are expected to double unless congress takes action. excuse me. both parties want to keep stafford loans at 3.4%. they can't agree on how to pay the 6 bill quan dollar tab. the obama administration rejected two new g.o.p. proposals. one would increase cost of retirement for federal employees and the second cut into medicaid. democrats wanted to pay by letting some small businesses avoid paying payroll taxes. every senate republican has voted against the paycheck fairness act for the second time in two years. the bill would have stopped employers from retaliating against employees who disclose salaries and made it easier for women to sue for paycheck discrimination. we are back with more after the break. you can join us online
4:59 am we we will see you there. photos current tv. >>you just have to conclude that the leadership of high finance just doesn't get it. >>(narrator) independent unflinching, and above all politically direct. really? no. it comes with a hat. see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline, anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow! [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's ok. i've played a pilot before.
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"stephanie miller show." while you're out catching a movie. [ growls ] lucky for me your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey! you guys are great.
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and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] mayhem is everywhere. so get an allstate agent. are you in good hands? don't miss this week's "the gavin newsom show" with special guest: hollywood icon oliver stone. >> i'm not an activist, i'm outspoken. i'm a dramatist.
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♪♪ >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the bill press show. >> well, what do you know? if you have got enough money from the koch brothers, you can buy an election. they bought one in wisconsin yesterday. hello, everybody. on this wednesday morning, june 6th, a big good morning to you here on the full court press on current tv and your local progressive talk radio station around the country, great to see you. thank you for joining us today as we take a look at what's happening here in our nation's capitol, around the country and around the globe here in our
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nation's capitol, republicans yesterday in the senate killing a chance to provide pay equity for american women continuing their war on women, around the country. a big disappointment with the loss of tom barrett yesterday in wisconsin and around the globe a hugely successful -- they are calling it the most successful drone strike in the last eight years. this in pakistan and al liby, the number 2 al-qaeda leader killed in a drone attack. take your calls at 8665577, 377. good morning to all of you and to our team here peter ogburn. >> hi, there. >> stevie lee webb handling the phones this morning. >> hello sir. >> hello stevie lee webb? >> and cyprian boulding on the
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videocam. i want to remind you all of our good friends in the chicago area. i am excited to get out to chicago this weekend, saturday i will be at the frugal muse. we have a copy of my book the new book, the obama hate machine. i will sign it now and we will talk politics 2012. what's happening in illinois, what's happening in wisconsin and around the country and what's happening with the obama and romney campaigns. it's going to be a lot of fun. love, love chicago. very excited to get back and love seeing all of you out there. we always have a great crowd every time i come to chicago. i will see you saturday afternoon. we lost another real ledgend. the last living member herb
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reid of the platters. ♪ oh, yes, i am the great pretender. ♪ >> incredible voice. ♪ pretending i am doing well. snoots. >> i think this song swept the country. i forget the other one but. >> i never really reached for this music to listen to it but every time i hear it, i say i should listen to this more this old stuff ♪ yes, i am the great pretender. ♪ >> they were an incredible group. great impact on the american music scene so we will talk to david shuster and congress woman barbara lee in studio with us at the half hour. >> first, this is the full court press. >> yestion indeed, who is the most hated person in america? >> stevie lee webb. >> a very good guess but if you believe the readers of the new
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york post, it's casey anthony. the post put the question to the readers. they voted she is the most hated person in the country followed by kim kardashian and number 3 is disgraced pedophile former coach of the penn state fwoobd. >> alleged pedophile. >> don't want to get sued. >> o.j. simpson is number 7. i am surprised he has the staying power. some are more current names, john edwards on the list, tiger woods number 9. mel gibson at number 8 and paris hilto hilton showing staying power at number 10. i asked you to think about who your submission would be. >> i am still up on the octomon. >> i said donald trump. i will add one more, lebron james from the miami hiteat? >> because he left cincinnati. >> turned his back on his
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hometown in a tacky fashion. >> i want to ask our viewers and listeners who their most hated person is. >> that would be fun. >> i hope i am not on the list. >> who knows? we will have to see. this is no joke. comedian bill marr owns a stake in the new york mets. the economic this past weekend revealed he bought a minority share of the term. meet mets senior vice president of marketing and communecations david newman confirmed the deal was done and that marr is a new limited partner. >> that's what is great about baseball. he said i found something i can be a political about. they lost in 12 innings. >> i was going to say, bill marr is making a good deal of money at hbo if he is buying any kind of a share in a baseball term. that ain't cheap. how germsy your office? if you are a man, your work is more likely to be germy.
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they looked at random offices in new york city, san francisco and tucson. they identified 549 different kind of back tee i can't most of which come from human skin, nose, mouth or intestinal cavities with far more being found in the offices of men than women: >> i defy them. look at this desk right here. right? this is germ-free. >> micro scopic germs, black light, i am sure, there might be some -- some issues. >> no. >> they say the reason men are filthier is because of their size. they are larger and have more skin cells to pollute. >> have you ever seen instead of me niller's shes probably hat the most germ-ridden desk in talk radio. >> barbara lee will join us. the news from wisconsin is in. it ain't good.
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the final count there in case you are just joining us, scott walker skating by with 53.2%. and tom barrett coming in at 46.3%. their there last night at the headquarters on current tv, watching it all, for us, current tv's david shuster is joining us from madison action wisconsin. david, good morning. good morning. ? >> good morning to you, bill. >> so at 9:00 p.m. as the polls closed, i saw the exit polls showed a dead heat at 50/50. what happened? >> the exit polls were wrong. the democrats have said all along if the vote is 2.5 million voters over all or more, that they would win. well, what they weren't counting on is that yeah, they got the
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2.5 million participants left yesterday in wisconsin but republicans bring up the numbers in a really big way particularly until rural areas. the best example is brown county home of the green bay packers. remember the green bay packers were saying they were adamant against scott walker. this is a county that president obama won by nine points over john mccain. on the 2010 election between barrett and walker last night, he won by 20 counties. the republicans are running up the numbers, rural areas they turned out in a huge way for scott walker. turn out was the key. god knows it was a huge turnout
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yesterday, all of the stories about people waiting in line, you know, for an hour or so and had to go out and get more ballots and more tables and more election workers. bi the turn out wasn't all on the democratic side. >> look at dane county which is madison or milwaukee countys percentages that barrett won those were the same at 2010. 68%, 61% in milwaukee and more democrats in each of those counties participated, there were more republicans who participated. >> what daughter think the fartors are that would allow wisconsin go from a million signatures to recall scott walker to scott walker winning by 173,000 votes? was it money money, money, as some democrats are saying today. >> i think it was a couple of
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things. i think it was money scott walker put up on the air that the democrats did not respond to because they were focused odd their primary battle. scott walker had several months to promote himself and keep his numbers above 50%. the other is a cultural won. a lot of folks on the coast forget. they are very polite earnest, forget about midwesterners. a lot thought i am not a fan of scott walker but i believe it's unfair to have an election just in two years when it should be every four years. said said, look, you have to vote. but i think there were just some people who voted because they didn't like the process. >> yeah. principal getting in the way again. right? um 0. david, are you there? let's get him -- let's get him
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back. it is interesting the principal. i say this with a lot of admiration for the people of wisconsin. wisconsin is where the progressive movement was born kept alive for over 100 years. thing do respects the democratic process. they want things to be done correctly and failure and a lot -- fairly and i talked to some of them, too, progressives who say, we 100% disagree with scott walker, but we don't like the recall process. david. we got you back? >> yes. i'm sorry. >> don't hang up on us even if you don't like what i say. you know what i mean.
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>> scott walker said there is a powerful message here here it is today. >> tonight we tell wisconsin, we tell our country and we tell people all across the globe that voters really do want leaders who stand up and make the stuff decisions. >> so david, did we see a new republican star born here last night? >> yeah. absolutely. i mean at least for the short-term. ? there are problems in the john doe, people with talk about him for 2016 if mitt romney were to fail. i am sure he will have a big role at the republican convention assuming the indictment that i thing is more than likely that is coming doesn't come for a couple of months. so, you know, republicans look at him as a hero. >> wait a minute. wait a minute there. you just said you believe that scott walker is going to be indicted in this criminal
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investigation? >> yeah. i think it's better than an even chance. we reported last week that federal prosecutors have made him a tart of this investigation, the f.b.i. has collected evidence. the allegations on the ground are pretty spectacular. 13 people who have reached immunity deals with prosecutors to testify procedures have their hands fuel in terms of allegations of embezzlement from the time he was an milwaukee county executive. there was news last week there are some court documents that indicated scott walker and his associates had stonewald the investigationled the investigation investigation. so there is a betting among the legal community here as and certainly confirmation in washington that there is a decent chance he gets indicted. will it half in the next couple of weeks or months? i think it's going to happen but
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in the meantime, scott walker is a of her 0 for the tea party. >> the ultimate irony. right? you win the recall and then you go to jail. you can't make this stuff up. david, thank you for jed and today. good to have you on the ground out there on current tv. >> we will talk to you soon. >> again, your comments and what it means. some people say this means president obama, this, in itself means that obama can no longer with in november, which is just total nonsense, but you are going to hear it all day today. put it in context. don't believe it. we will take your calls at 8 situate 655 pass >> on your radio, on t.v. the bill press show, new on current tv.
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>>the dominoes are starting to fall. (vo) former two term governor, jennifer granholm, is politically direct on current tv >> what should women be doing? >> electing women to office. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> it's 25 minutes after the hour. everybody assessing what with a happened in wisconsin last night and what it all means, and we will give you a chance to do so. after a brief refinder. some of you finding it hard to make ends meet at the end of the month, looking for how to earn a little bit of extra money. got an idea for you. it's called income at this is something you can do no matter your age, education or experience. you can literally be earning extra money from a home, in a part-time or full-time, and
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using your own personal computer at your kitchen table. all you need is a little extra time and some of the coaching that the folks at incomeathome will give if you are sick of worrying about job security or retirement, if your dream is to earn extra income at home part-time or full-time people at incomeathome are adding my listeners in record numbers. they are giving away a thousand bucks a day so somebody for checking them out. that could be you. check them out at incomeathome incomeat >> andy calling from jonestown pennsylvania. what do you think it means, andes? >> i am again to go question whether we have a democracy left in this country any more. >> good question. yeah. >> because for several reasons first of all, if scott walker with purchase the governor's office through money donated to him, or if mitt romney will be
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able to purchase the presidency i don't consider that democracy. >> it's not. >> that's exactly what happened. >> isn't it called plutocracy. >> yeah, or just i don't know. high crime. but he, yeah, he bought the governor, koch brothers bought the governor's office for him two years ago, and they bought it back for him last night. >> yeah. there is another saying i question the validity of what we call our democracy. if people can use something like the birther conspiracy theory and get votes from it, you know, i mean i mean, i consider a democracy where the politicians debate the issues. my program is better than your program because of this and, you know, vice versa. >> i know. andy, sadly, those days have kind of come and gone. hey, quickly barbara lee,
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congressman from california up in the next segment, next half hour here of the full-court press. yesterday, we talked a little bit about the national anthem. i made the point that i think our national anthem is lousy unsingable, ununderstandable and doesn't say anything about the country like god bless america or america, the beauty. my god. the right-wingers are going crazy. i looked at your sight because you mate an ass of yourself over the national anthem. i can't believe there is anyone to stupid. max kion said i am from iran. you say you feel disgrace about our national anthem, maybe you should move to iran. i am disgraced to have you as a fell fellow american. >> there is nothing patriotic about the star spangled banner. get rid of it. >> this is the bill press show.
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♪ we will not settle for easy answers. (vo) the former governor of ny eliot spitzer, joins the new news network. >>every night we will drill down on the days top stories in search of facts that inform. >> we don't stop until we get answers that are truthful, serious, and not based on simplistic answers. >>we're here because we're independent.
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♪ >> this is the full court press, the bill press show, live on your radio and on current tv. >> here we go with 33 minutes after the hour on this wednesday, june 6th. don't forget, saturday if you are anywhere in the chicago area, watching us on currents t.v., in the chicago area or listening on wcpt and all of the affiliate stations there, hope to see you saturday afternoon at the frugal muse bookstore in darian, illinois. i will be there from 2:00 to 4:00 and signing copies of my new book, the obama hate machine and talking politics. and, speaking of politics, you know, i didn't just fall off of the turnip truck. i had a good time in politics in
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california for many years and one of my best friends and closest allies in california politics is barbara lee. she is now congresswoman barbara lee. she wasn't there when we knew each other. congresswoman barbara lee representing the 9th congressional district in oakland. in studio. nice to see you. >> nice to see you. we miss you in california but, you know, you took the state party to the next level. it's still a blue state. >> i miss california. believe me. yeah. i love getting back there. a quick word. we have been talking a lot this morning, obviously, about wisconsin i guess you can see citizens united at work inwic? >> yeah, we see money at work and we see how karl rove, citizens united, the flu of money and what it can do in term of our fundamental democracy, koch brothers, corporation,
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welcomey people, 8 to 1. >> 8 to 1. >> that's outrageous. i hope people wake up and realize we have to have public finance in the campaigns. >> do you think it's a big loss for labor unions. >> it's a battle we did not win. i tell you one thing and i come from a strong labor union area in alameda county. i know what it's doing making us retool and become more assertive and more aggressive and more active in terms of making sure the working men and women have a voice in the american dream. so we need to get to work. we need to re-double our efforts. >> yeah. i think they are going to, too. the good labor sponsors of this show lee saunders was here and went towic. they made a trans effort out there. the public employee unions and the private sector unions if they lost this battle t doesn't mean they are going to stop.
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what people realize is what labor stands for is good for not only labor union members but it's good for the country. when you talk about police and firefighters and teachers being laid off, their pensions cut, no ability to negotiate a contract, you are talking about your next door neighbor. so we have to stop this onslaught of money. >> not in the house about the senate there was a bill that was up, paycheck fairness act to make sure women would have like the follow-up to the lilly ledbetter act, you know so that women could find out the inequality of pay in their workplace and do something about it. it came up just for a vote again, a closer vote to see if they could vote on the mayorets of the bill and republicans united shot that bill down. >> bill, some say there is not a war on women. there is a war on women.
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gentser discrimination is real. latino women and asian and pacific women, it's greater in terms of the wage disparity. all women need to stand up and fight the tea party republicans strongly. >> i don't understand why particularly in this election year 2012, you know, an issue like this would be a partisan issue for one thing. equal pay for equal work. what's wrong with that principle? >> there is nothing wrong with it, but, you know, they are so dug-in ideologically they are so determined to make sure as mitch mcconnell said, president obama will be a one-term president. they will do anything.
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is this about attack, the president and democrats and the agenda which is the agenda for the american people. >> it is part of the war on women. >> it is. it's system attic. it's stimystematic. over and over, every day we have to try to findght them back. >> the big battle seems coming up in the house and john boehner has signalled it is, here we go again, on the debt ceiling or the republican intrans sequence against considering in any way revenue, increasing revenue a part of the solution. >> yeah. >> do you see any, you know, break in the concrete here? >> not yet. i think you see once again they are willing to sacrifice this country, this economy, take us over the cliff for their ideological agenda. there is no way that this country can sustain -- that the economy can sustain itself with
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and only-cut. budget and, you know a fiscal strategy. you have to have, okay some cuts. when you look at the expense, you look at $700 billion plus cold war air systems, waste, fraud and abuse, two wars, off budget. yeah, there are major savings in the defense budget. how do you justify that in cutting 30 something$30 something billion dollars out of food stamps. they want to protect big oil continue with the subsidies continue with the millionaire and billionaire tax cuts and decimate the safety net in this country and dismantle government. >> that's what it is about. go for what you know. the wild west, the survival of the fittest. >> i was in the car yesterday and as i often be do listening to right-wing talk radio to find out, you know, how absurd their comments are and they say we are the party of ronald reagan.
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we believe what he did, smaller government, lower taxes, that kind of stuff. ronald reagan, we remember when he was governor, still the largest tax increase in the history of the state of california was signed into law by ronald reagan. when he was president, scenario out of eight years he was president, there were tax increases. right? getting rid of loopholes or whatever. he was a dr.inair conservative. he knew how to compromise. today, they don't. >> they do not want to compromise. all they want to do is make sure that barak obama is a one-term president. they don't care how they do it. they don't care who about who gets hurt. when you look at dismantling government and look at social security, for example, medicare, they want to privatize all of this. they want to privatize schools. they just want to dismantle any type of common good structure and framework that we have. >> i was going to ask you: do you know that these tea party freshmen believe in government at all? >> i don't think they do.
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i think they really, you know, believe in, you know what they believe in, and that is go for what you know. pull yourself up by your boot straps. it doesn't matter if there is a safety net. and i don't believe they believe in the common good. i don't believe they believe in the very structure and framework of our government, which has its foundation, democracy and we look out for each other and we do things together as a united country. >> the greatest good for the greatest number of people. >> that's right. i don't believe they believe that. >> why do they run for congress? >> to dismantle everything. they are in an institution they want to destroy. >> that's their agenda? >> yeah. >> democracy. you have mentioned the word several times, and democratic institutions, it seems to me there is a fundamental onslaught, assault, rather, against democracy at the state level today, particularly in
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florida when it comes to the most sacred right of all which is the right to vote. republican governors in state after state are trying to limit and suppress in any way they can. >> sure. you have many, many states. we have about 34, 36 states who have -- which have voter suppression laws on the books voter id required. my 100-year-old aunt who died. how do i get her birth certificate so she can get an id to vote? please. you know, it's set up to destroy the fundamental democratic party. >> all the time, every time i talk about this, the general impression among the american, too many people is that everybody has a voter id. i go to -- i got an e-mail this morning, i go to any flee bag motel, i have to show my voter id to get a room? right? >> there is misinformation out there. first of all, people think there is voter fraud. when you look at the statistics,
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there are few incidents of voter fraud. where they have, we have laws that address voter fraud. putting forth a bill or legislation which we state that requires you to get a government id to be able to vote is downright repressive and takes us back to the days that i remember in texas where african-americans had to go through and jump through all of these hoops just to vote. and then you get to the polls and then something else was wrong and so it's a real fundamental issue that is set up to deny democrats, seniors young people, people of color the opportunity to vote which, of course would help take us back to the year 2000 to when these elections were. >> when you were the head of the -- or co-head or whatever of the progressive caucus i remember you and lynn wooley and maxine waters, the three -- you had a name. >> the triad. yes. we were going to be the triad at
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a press conference. >> you traveled around the country expressing sirerious concerns about the war in iraq and afghanistan. are we getting out of afghanistan fast enough. >> not fast enough. i have been working -- i didn't support the initial blank check. >> right. >> when was the authorization to go to war against forever, you know, the american people are war-weary. we are trying to put forth proposals. we have written to the president with over 100 signatures saying look. we think you are moving in the right direction. thank goodness you get it and you understand that this is not going to won in a military context. but we want the time frame accelerated. we need to bring our young men and women home provide for economic security, reinvest in providing johns in security and come up with a smarter security strategy in the region that will in ensure our security in the ream on. >> congresswoman barbara lee.
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she will be glad to take your calls. we will continue our conversation here on the wednesday, if you will court press. 866-55-press. we have an extra seat here at the table. so you can take it. 866-557-7377. we will be right back. >> radio meets television. the bill press show. now on current tv. >> 46 minutes after the hour, right back on the "stephanie miller show."
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don't miss this week's "the gavin newsom show" with special guest: >> i'm not an activist, i'm outspoken. i'm a dramatist. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> it's 12 minutes now before
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the to of the hour. on this wednesday june 6th, good morning, the wisconsin primary, congress woman barbara lee a good friend of the program, good friend of mine here in the studio with us. and welcome to the conversation. congress woman, let's say hello to carl from out in chicago here this morning. carl, what deuce. >> hello, carl. >> how are you? >> good. how are you? >> you know, if the justice department doesn't step in immediately to stop the voter suppression, especially when the league of women voters are not allowed in florida we are going to have a major problem. the league of women voters i believe they should go in and do what they normally do and challenge florida, get arrested just like the freedom riders did in the civil rights movement and
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make it come to a head. it's like a boa constrictor squeezing the votes out. we are letting it happen. it's going to be a no-brainer if you have enough voter suppression, you can't win the election. it's a fundamental thing. >> good point, carl. take your answer on the air. i appreciate your call. >> carl you are absolutely right. the justice department did step in, in florida. they stepped in today. that's right. and i think that they have been slow, but i hope and i believe, because the congressional black caucus which i am a member of we met with the attorney general. we are reaeinsured the justice department is going to step in. i want them to do it much faster. it's in -- i won't say in any candidate's best interest but in the best interest of democracy and we see what's taking place. believe me. this is a very fundamentally
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anti--democratic move on voter -- with the voter suppression laws. so they have to move quickly. >> for years, nobody has done more in voter registration than the league of women voters. god knows they are a non-pipolo organization. >> that's right. >> they pulled out of florida because in the new restrictions on voter registration efforts down there just don't permit them to operate. >> that's right. when you look at what they are doing, purging the roles, going back to the drawing board on allowing incarcerated individuals to vote after they had done their time, laws on the book that have allowed them to vote and now go back to the drawing board on that, i mean it's totally outrageous. so we have to urge the justice garment to move swiftly on this. but i do believe they are moving. >> president obama a couple of weeks ago said that he has now evolved to the point, congresswoman, where he supports same-sex marriage. he has gotten some blowback in the african-american churches. is it going to be a big issue in 2012? going to hurt him is it. >> i think once because i was there many, many, many years
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ago. and let me tell you, let me tell you, once i sat down with my ministers and ministers throughout the country and explained that this was as a secular member of congress who has responsibilities as it relates to discrimination and constitutional responsibilities that that's the issue that i have to be concerned about is non-discrimination against anyone. as religious individuals, as churches, as ministers, you know, there is no way i would want to insist that they uphold marriage equality positions they have in their chufrlingz. they don't have to do that. there is a clear separation of church and state. and so i believe this is mostly about educating the african-american community because it has nothing to do with their religious obligations and duties and responsibilities and how they uphold their religious tenants but as a secular person, as a person who has to deal with the constitution and ensure fairness and equality, then there is no
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way i could not support marriage equality and i am so happy that the president made that statement very clearly and it's about now educating the public about the separation of church and state. >> do you find the same support prong progressives for president obama? do you think it will be there, the support of the base, if you will, in 2012? >> i am telling you when you talk about first of all, the alternative of romney presidency, yeah right. when people realize what the president has done in the obstruction of the tea party congress, people get excited. we have to remind our progressive base first of all, what he has done. >> yes. >> the hand he was dealt from
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the bush administration. we can't forget that. you know, even though the economy still has not completely turned around, but we have been to lay out the political agenda of mitch mcconnell and the republican tea party. they are doing everything they can to make sure they can to make sure he is a one-term presidency but the idea of a romney presidency with a tea party. >> they will put you out there every single day, the best surrogate i have heard so far. thank you congresswoman barbara lee. >> good to see you. >> i will be back with a quick parting shot. >> this is the bill press show. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] what makes hershey's s'mores special? pure chocolate goodness that brings people together.
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