tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current June 7, 2012 6:00am-9:00am PDT
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tampers tramps, and thieves ♪ but every night the men ♪ would come around ♪ and lay their money down ♪ >> that's my new best friend cher. who said what on the blog chat or whatever? >> this is on your facebook page. oh, shoot, where did it go. >> oh, cher-- >> dwayne said, oh, steph, she could be your younger sister. >> isn't that cute, isn't that sweet, thank you dwayne, thank you ass wipe. that's not a nice picture of me. only jacki has my back as usual. she said it's a pashmina. don't make me teach you fashion. it's a thing, it's a wrap. >> i don't know if anybody has worn a pashmina since 1973. >> it goes with my uggs. i don't like anybody this
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morning. >> oh, my god, is she wearing a pashmina. >> oh, my god you think i would would have been mocked openly. only my best friend for life jacki has my back. >> was it a nautical themed afghan. >> i should not have worn it with the picture with cher. >> i would have advised against that. it looked like a wrinkled table cloth. [laughing] >> just another picture. there were probably hors doerves stains, which probably helped tiny lambs. >> they were not tiny lamb stains on it. >> tiny lambs. >> i was wearing a perfectly black lace dress, and i ruined it with my stupid table cloth. it's the only picture i'll get with cher in my lifetime and i ruined it. >> david bender didn't say anything to you?
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>> he thought about not being home. what is the point of having a gay in your house if he's not home when you get dressed. >> he'll edit your outfit. he would have given the pashmina away and said, eat all of these. here, president obama with a gathering--that's us, about the gays. he said it was a broader fight amongst the americans. but he didn't mention same-sex marriage, but for those who were there it was readily apparent. that's how i would is described it. to lance black who was there the standing ovation that occurred when president obama appeared, and he was literally started by saying, stop, i'm blushing. i for one was standing and
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yelling, thank you, thank you, we love you mr. president! and then there was the four more years chant and all that. [whatever] >> what you would do at an obama rally. >> yes, the presidential thing. there are other details that i have forgotten here. tyler ferguson from "modern family," we took pictures with him. he couldn't be sweeter. >> he's very nice. i saw him on twitter. he's very nice to all of his fans. >> he retook pictures with my friend because her kids love him. no, this is not a good one let's do it again. >> where are all these pictures. >> i'll get them. >> i only got cher. >> look at me in a table cloth and cher. the president last night ♪ who's the pretty girl ♪ in the table cloth ♪ >> president obama:president obama: it's still about hope and change.
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i still believe in the american people and the innate goodness of this country. i still believe in that vision where we all come together. >> yay! [applause] all right, mittens meanwhile was talking about the wisconsin thing. hehe said people are doing the right thing and voting for conservative principles. no, romney said i think people recognize we want go down the same path because it ends up in calamity. >> mitt romney: the blue state said we have seen a conservative governor. he has scaled back and held down taxes. we want more of that an not less of it. i think you'll find that in the decision made in november. >> he's such a coward. he wasn't even there.
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he said it's really a vote for me. i don't care what the exit polls say. they look at what is happening in europe. i'm convinced that the the american people recognize there are two very different paths. >> yes e and yourses is the wrong one. >> yours a of austerityof an austerity is a wrong path. yeah, first of all because they also pointed out what we did about our grandiose, we know he has delusions of grandeur, but he said we tell people around the globe. people are just glued to the television. >> people in rwanda don't give crap. >> what is happening with governor walker. >> i like the cut of his jib. i don't know what a jib is, but i like it. >> they like leaders who stand up and make tough decisions.
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[booing] walker is entitled to assume that yakkers from mongolia and his courageous leadership on the level of abraham lincoln, and making tough decisions walker kept under wraps during his first gubernatorial race his driving dream of curtailing the collective bargaining rights of bubble employees. this was his strategy. he didn't run on it or say it, but they talked about the hush-hush strategy and explains the seismic shock when walker revealed his full agenda. the night he unveiled this he compared himself to ronald reagan standing up to traffic controllers in 1981. reagan broke the air traffic controllers in response to an illegal strike. whether you agree with that or
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not, it does make all the difference as it goes on to say in this article. in wisconsin there was no public employee strike. just the budget tear shortfall, which he caused by giving tax breaks to the rich. without a crisis, walker went on in a way to neuter the unions and it was an act of war and many voters assumed it was off limits. in truth there is little honor for walker and being only third governor to face a recall election. this is not a huge victory. for all walker's talk about doing things wrong, he had to spend millions to keep from being booted out of office after 15 months. huge victory. right back on "the stephanie miller show." ♪
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>>do it, for america. music >> and in this corner, weighing in at 130 pounds, it's the owe the obarian barbarian, let's put our hands together for stephanie miller. >> it is "the stephanie miller show." what are the snarky comments about me and the cher picture. >> angela said, i have a sheet just like that. it goes with my bed in a bag set. >> you know what people--by the way, i'm having a highlighter frenzy. because you get a check list of things you want bring and it
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includes pens. i don't know if anyone tried to harm a president with a pen, but apparently you can't bring a pen. i had to empty my purse of things. my friend said, do you think there are snipers here? yes, don't make any sudden moves. we tracked him down in providence. yes, here he is. karl frisch. at bullfight strategy' there you are, you little scamp. hello, karl frisch. >> so cher was the gypsy. were you the tramp or the thief. >> probably both. thank you. karl frisch. >> how is net roots nation going? >> it's great. there is a big crowd already building. i think they're expecting 3500 people which is their largest conference ever. >> wow. >> so it's going quite well. and last night was-- >> pink did not say she was going to appear, did she?
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>> i have been hang out with pink. >> shut up. [laughing] awesome, it's always a great event. and sexy liberal in boston. >> i saw shano and daniel. i'll try to see them as well. >> here is my favorite tweet, 150,000 californians wanted orly tates to be their senator. >> there is a market for crazy in this country. >> in the state of california. >> let me finish. >> there are parts of this country where they elect people like orly tate. just be counting your blessings. >> i was hoping for the debate with dianne feinstein to see how many times we could count. >> let me finish. let me finish. >> i don't know if you've been reading her blog. i do on occasion. >> oh, is it entertaining even without the accent? >> she's trying to explain why she lost the primary because she
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did very many polls, and she didn't reach the level that she did in her polls. she wrote a very mean letter to the secretary of state of california, she said there were fewer this time than last time, and you must not have finished counting all the ballots yet. >> that's it. all right, let's dive into the right wing world and see what is doing--goodness, now what has west virginia brought us? >> caden cowenger, a 14-year-old talk show host. >> oh, boy. >> have you heard of this one? >> i know of it, though. >> is he trying one-up the five-year-old of the ain't noho no homos going to heaven? >> homosexuality is a belief. it's not mandatory in that person. that person is not born that way
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no matter what is said. it's getting worse where i'm at. i see younger people that that is turning out to be homosexuals. they're turning to homosexuals. we've got 30 teenagers in the--in this county that i know that are homosexuals. >> oh no. >> and it is sickening. >> maybe he should learn to speak english before starting a talk show. >> i think that your testicles should descend before your give a microphone. >> i know i didn't get mine until mine did. >> i wonder if his testicles are descended. >> you know, when we say that you can be anybody on the right and get your own talk radio show, rereally mean it. >> you're not kidding. you're not kidding wow. >> later on in that little rant he said that obama is causing
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the sickness that is causing homosexuality. >> i don't know how many homosex homosexualities in my county. >> i don't know i don't know if that is a crime against nature but that is a crime against grahammer. >> you could hear him parroting what his parents taught him in homeschooling. >> exactly. >> i think they probably just turned to rush limbaugh and leave the room. >> or just sit around the dinner table. >> rush limbaugh is his table. great. that is neat. >> pass the gravy unless. >> i have a list of known homosexuals in this county. >> i put them on the dinner napkin. >> he's becoming barak kardashian. he's becoming the male kim kardashian with this stuff, and it has been building. he's celebrity of the united states. he is not the president. and he's actively--and his whole team is out there pushing this.
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>> yep, because after the fundraisers in last night in hollywood, pushing the whole celebrity thing again. now let's go to ted nugent and chuck norris to talk about how ridiculous that is. >> it's beyond ridiculous especially when rush limbaugh talks about all the time that he's a comedian and he shouldn't be taken too seriously. he's just a comedian. this is politics. if mitt romney had the support of more than two people in hollywood, he would run with it. >> i found that nothing drives republicans more crazy than realizing their lack of hip supporters in hollywood. >> yes, yes. >> well, i mean, they have a lack of hip supporters and then they have a bunch of supporters who are worried about breaking their hips. [laughing] >> all right, david limbaugh, rush's brother, and-- >> i don't agree that people
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want cool. >> do you know where we get that, david? we get that from people not being informed. do you really believe that every american is informed about all the issues right now? now we could argue it's because we're six months away from the election or because people just don't get informed. >> hmm, hmm, guess what, karl we have all the cool kids. ha, ha, ha, ha. >> and david limbaugh will never be cool, just for the record. either will rush. >> it's an army of people who got the books knocked out of your hands. >> all right, sarah palin. >> somebody could encourage our good union brothers and sisters there in wisconsin, and i say it as a former ibw sister and husband as a steelworker that maybe it's the union leadership there, those thug who is wanted to deceive their members into believing that growing government is the answer. well, perhaps it's those union
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leaders that need to be recalled and replaced with those who understand what perhaps an union role could be in state government. not a selfish role, or a role that allows government to continue to grow and create an insolvent situation in a state. >> is that a child saying, shut up, my ears are bleeding. >> it was someone trying to taking down a transcript of whatever it was she was saying. >> slow down and take a breath! i see, with unions we should replace leaders with leaders who will just lay down. >> she's frankly shocked because her ibw local, the president and the secretary have served their entire term, and she's like, i don't know what to do? they just won't leave. they've been there for a year and a half. [laughing] >> all right, deena, you have 7% of the workforce go goaded on by
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fat-cat union bosses who live out of state. union boss rats modern day plantation owners. make no mistake about that. >> wow wow. yikes. >> oh my goodness. >> belonging to an union is slavery, forcing you to have a vacations, pensions. >> and would it have killed dana to modulate just a bit. >> when i listen to her, i would contemplate being an indentured servant in order not to have to listen to her. >> we finish with brian kill by with fox and friends. >> this was too close to call. where people are telling the truth, and when they're asked the question, president obama or governor mitt romney were they telling the truth? was it to close to call. look at the results of people who showed up, 51-44 that state
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belongs to president obama right now according to the exit polling. >> they're clearly lying. >> yes, the exit polls are always wrong. >> when you lose an election it's voter fraud. when you're heading the polls, it must not be the truth. and when it's science all right, matthew, it's liberal bias. there is no winning with these guys. >> karl, what is your take as a well-known strategist, what is your take on wisconsin? >> well, you know, sometimes it's just impossible to combat that kind of money. they spent what, $70 million on the right? >> i did not even hear that number, did you, chris? when we were reporting yesterday, that full number was not even out there yet. >> right, right. >> i think that's all of the groups combined on the right. i think on the left we spent $15 million or $18 million all combined, all told. >> yeah. >> when you're running for governor of california you don't even spend that kind of money to get the nomination.
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so at a certain point it becomes, okay, it's obvious how this happened. i think it's a good thing that we won the state senate back there. because that's initially how this started recalling state senators. but at its core it's important to realize that we put a lot of good people through a round of practice. they've got to keep going, and they got to be ready for november. and i don't think i'll ever understand how somebody can vote against recalling walker and for obama. >> that percentage, what? well no, we were laughing about the other thing, the exit polling that a lot of people were saying, recall should only be used in the case of criminal corruption. well wait for it. it's only thursday. >> right. [chuckling] what may end up coming out of this, we may not have governor
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scott walker to kick around any more, but we'll his lieutenant governor in short order. >> can i just say that would be the most hilarious outcome he wins the recall, and then he's indicted. >> he's so delusional after being indicted he would claim that he's not the center of the investigation. >> yeah, okay, governor john doe. karl frisch, we love you. hopefully we'll see new boston this weekend. >> i hope so. >> all right honey. there he goes, karl frisch. [applause] by the way, only very few tickets--i have an announcement about the boston show. >> an e-mail went out about it yesterday. >> it doesn't happen until i say it. 46 minutes after the hour. "the stephanie miller show." >> for a good time call now 1-800-steph-12.
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♪ reveals itself. we are fearless, independent trendsetters, problem solvers, and above all, we are politically direct. the young turks with cenk uygur at 7, viewpoint with eliot spitzer at 8, the war room with jennifer granholm at 9, the gavin newsom show fridays at 11. and there's only one place you'll find us: weeknights on current tv.
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♪ ♪ >> stephanie miller. stephanie miller. ♪ it's getting hot in here ♪ so take off ♪ all your clothes ♪ i am getting ♪ ♪ and your table cloth leave the table cloth on. ♪ you can leave your ♪ hat on ♪ >> i know, i can't believe a room full of gays let me wear a pashmina to meet the president for god's sake. >> look what the homosexuals have done to me. >> and to have my picture taken with share. after all i've done for you. >> when posted on sexy liberal
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facebook it's cationed stephanie and sol lady. the big announcement. boston--at the wilbur theater--current television will be filming it for a documentary which will air on the current television network. a documentary about the sexy liberal tore. the phenomenon that is the sexy liberal tour. to be filmed for the documentary which will air, i believe in the fall. >> sweet. >> we taped in madison the last madison show and we have early grainage shootage. >> black and white. >> do you have some from the original new york one? >> no, i don't think we have that. oh, the experimental version? >> yes. >> which included interpretive dance? no. >> it looked like it was mtv
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unplugged with people sitting around you. >> no, no, we don't have that. >> aaah. rule.raul paul was at that one. >> i know he went there again. >> maybe we can get him to tell that later on when he joins us. >> okay, rocky mountain mike, a good friend--former mike and raleigh, this is taking hostage thing with liam neesam. >> i don't know who you are. i don't know what you want. if you're looking for a ransom, i can tell you that i don't have money, except for the $200 million. but what i have are skills, my friend, skills i have acquired over a very long career. skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. that will be the end of it.
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if you don't, i will look for your company. i will acquire it, and i'll outsource your jobs to china my friend. >> rated g.o.p. 13, now showing. >> thank you rocky mountain mike. did you see that mitt's private e-mail was hacked. i wonder what those e-mails are about, what's for dinner, stuff like that. i was thinking rain man for the competition. >> did you see how they hacked it? >> yes i'm by guessing romney's favorite pet? i guess it's relative. you can fill in your dog on car joke. >> you don't treat your pet like that. >> that was his favorite pet? imagine how he treated his less favorite pets. right wing hypocrite. >> yes, receiving millions in state and local government
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subsidies. >> he's living out the government piece. >> yeah, get off mittens. he's like that baby on tv. >> baby, he looked like he was about five. >> the endless subsidy, the proof of a free working marketplace itself. blah-blah-blah. as it turns out, bain capital when romney ceo had little trouble during his years as chief executive. they got millions in benefits. romney has been citing steele dynamics steel dynamics benefited $37 million. >> he's a welfare queen. >> and then a couple of cadillacs. >> sure, and a car elevator.
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>> his wife has a couple of cadillacs. all right, so yes, scott walker yesterday hmm governor wanker. >> the state and local level got together, and those are all things that people clearly told us to do not just yesterday but throughout the campaign. we're going to everyone. >> oh, yeah, working together and talking together, that's called collective bargaining. someone called them on the live blog yesterday. what he's describe something how he would governor? it sounds a lot like collective bargaining. what a bully. >> what an union thug. >> what a great idea. all right, scott walker. >> they need it in washington. they need it in madison. they need it in every state across america when they say they want you to take on the tough challenges. if president obama wants to take wisconsin he can. he needs to tackle those union.
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>> he needs to knock them out or something. >> have you heard that he's targeted to the top of romney's vip list? >> romney did not even come to wisconsin. >> i would just love to see that dumb ass look on his face when he debates joe biden. i would love to see that. just the face of hit in the middle of the face with a plank look. >> are you a moron. >> coming to you in three. >> it's really sad. i think you have some developmental disability. >> speaking of etch-a-sketch. it's like you shook the sketch and just--no expression at all. let's photo shop him with cher--put him in my pashmina and see who has more fun.
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>> his eyes look dead. nothing is going on there. >> with mitt romney his face and his eyes don't match. with walker, nothing is there. how many times a day do you think someone does that to him. >> hello? >> hello? >> anyone in there? oh mittens. >> the blue state, we've seen a governor who has scaled back and held down taxes. we want more of that, not less of it. i think you'll find that in a decision being made in november. >> yeah, i think we're not mittens. that's what i think. thanks for checking in. 58 minutes after the hour. much more to come. mark kennedy shriver this hour as we continue on with "the stephanie miller show." ♪
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governor tomorrow night. she is awesome. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> oh i have one thing to say to you, jacki schechner really? you just tweeted that you got what? a pashmina as a parting gift when you were a bridesmaid? >> yes, i was in a wedding once and i got a pashmina as a bridesmaid gift. that was in october of '99. >> there go. you've turned on me as well. >> i still have it, though. that's the sad part. >> do you wear it? >> i don't wear it but i have it. [laughter] >> i'm an old woman who wears a
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shawl now. that's what happened to me. you sent me this great thing about how many seniors are online these days. >> yes, it was a cool stat. but you had to pick the one time that i didn't have it in front of me. >> does your mom? my mom does not. she does not own a computer or a cell phone. >> totally tech-savvy. she had an iphone before i did. >> my mom, she's afeared. she saw the guy on the machine that said, no one is available right now. >> try to call back later. no one is here to answer your call. >> guess who is available right now, jacki schechner in the news center. >> good morning. secretary state clinton in unconfirmed reports of a pro government massacre that has
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killed 78 people doing children. they said that sir i don't know troops are blocking monitors from going in the area. secretary clinton said she's sending her representative in to see what is going on with this. russia and china are resisting the idea of removing leaders from power. according to the associated press, it's not so much that conservatives trust romney but they dislike obama that much. now they're out of time and out of luck. some conservatives say if romney actually wins the election they'll trust their charge to the republican housekeeping romney tucked away in the white house to just sign the bills. and republican donor sheldon adelson is coming around to romney finally. giving $20 million to winning the future of the super pac supporting newt gringrich, now
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he'll give $1 million to restore our future. we'll be back with more after the break. stay with us. ♪ with special guest: hollywood icon oliver stone. >> i'm not an activist, i'm outspoken. i'm a dramatist. for the energy to keep you going. who wouldn't want to be a part of that? payday. the sweet taste of energy.
7:02 am
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huh! and then the baby bear said "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪ ♪ vanguard: the documentary series that redefined tv journalism. >>we're going to places where few others are going.
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>>it doesn't get anymore real than this. >>occupy! "vanguard" new episodes coming soon. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walking on sunshine ♪ whoa ♪ i'm walking on sunshine ♪ whoa ♪ and it feels good ♪ hey ♪ all right now ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> it is "the stephanie miller show." 6six minutes after the hour. wow, this is very exciting. we have the tv show so i can hold up the book.
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"a good man: rediscovering my father, sargent shriver." we have mark kennedy shriver joining us now. good morning. >> good morning, how are you. >> i am fine. i just looked down at this book, and your dad looks a lot like my dad. who also ran for vice president. >> thank you, thank you. >> handsome jents both. but there must be something about politicians of that era. what a great man he was and what a great book this is. >> i appreciate it. a lot of folks, when he died, said on the newspaper and television that he was a great man for having created the peace corps and president creating the war against poverty and starting head start and legal services for the poor. after the fuel ran a lot of people came up and told me he was a good man. i thought it was such a nice phrase for someone who lost their dad, but i realized they were taking the phrase back. not only was he great on the
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initial and international stage, but he was also a good man. he was happily married to the woman of his dreams for 56 years, my mom. he had five kids who all loved him. he raised all of us in a wonderful environment. he had a daily relationship with god and countless friends. a lot of us get pulled in different directions, dealing with children, aging parents, inlaws, commitment to work. i'm struggling with that and i thought, gosh, maybe i can learn something from dad and how he balanced that, particularly in these tough economic times. i hope the book provides insights. it has helped me to become a better father, better husband better friend and colleague. >> you mentioned his faith. it's interesting how many politicians these days sort of trumpet their faith. meanwhile, he never missed morning mass, every day whether he was at home or on the road. >> yes, that was the first question he asked when we checked in a hotel the mass
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schedule for the next day. he clearly had a daily intense relationship with god, got on his knees and asked for help and guidance, but his view of faith was the gospel call for feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and helped sheltering those who didn't have shelter. it was an inclusive faith. it didn't try to segregate or put people in boxes or corners. when he did the work of our father, that's god, whether you're muslim jewish or christian or any religion, he was trying to trying to pull all people together later in his life working with my mom in special olympics, i think he saw that as an effort to knock down walls and understanding and
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discrimination against people of developmental disabilities. he didn't talk about it as much as he lived it. >> you talk about a speech your dad wrote. he penned these dozens of hand-written notes many of i with you saved. i think the hand-written note is sadly--we don't do it as of these days. but you talk about how much those meant to you and you keep some of them. >> i do. there were dozens. there were dozens every month. i got one every day. when i was in high school, he would slip them under the door. it could be about a score from the baseball game the night before or something that happened or discussed at dinner or a book that he had read and a chapter and an article, you know. those notes kept coming. sometimes i was so inundated by them when i had gotten married that i put them in a file and never opened them up. he gave me one or two a day and i thought, oh god, i oh got so many other things to do. but now reading those notes
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provides an insight to himself and how he handleed himself. >> my favorite is the shaving advice using lots of tissue. >> he put a lot of toilet paper on my face. we had just gotten married, this is 20 years ago. we're about to celebrate our 20th. he said you're looking crazy with all the toilet paper on your face. use this cezar shaving cream and septic pencil, and your wife will probably think you look better and love you more. he cared about the little things and he had a good sense of humor, too. >> mark, i know the book is described what it's like to grow up in a legendary family but one that is so publicly scrutinized. what was that like? >> for a long period of time it was my father, my mother, and my sibs and lots of cousins around. when the secret service come to your house or surrounding your
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father for months on end it's a different experience. and when people want to take your picture when you're a little kid, it can be disconcerting and you don't know what to make of it. the great thing about my mom and dad, they never focused on it, or never talked about how to get their name in the paper. my father never in his life mentioned the word legacy. he never was concerned about how he was going to be perceived. he was concerned about the day and loving every moment of the day in god's grandeur, if you will, and how to make a difference in the future. the craziness that was going on and being involved in presidential campaigns and this family from 1956 to 1980, and not to mention any senate races in between there and congressional races. it was a fun and loving environment. there is also a spotlight on there, but this story, i hope universal. a lot of families struggle in
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competitive families. people that have all sorts of different insecurities. i talk about those, but how my father helped me through that process, and really made life joyful. >> mark, you know, i'm not sure you know what we have in common. but your dad was a vice presidentvicevicepresidential candidate and my dad ran with goldwater. it reminds me of my dad, and just a different of politics, where people really did work across both sides of the aisle. i think it's so different from what it's become today. >> politics is a tough sport and competing ideas should be discuss and eventually so. but ultimately in the 1700s and 1800s and the era we're talking about, people cared about the country. not just cared if i was better off than i was four years ago
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but how the country could do better and how we all could do better. there was a sense of compromise to move everyone forward than there is today. i hope we can move back to that area. >> one of the things that i was struck by how much barry goldwater and john f. kennedy really liked each other and looked forward to the campaign. >> and they had relationships when they were congressmen before becoming vice president. and kennedy ran against him in '60. i think there was more respect in building the community, and the community being the entire country. i think we focused--there has always been this strand of individualism in the country and that has helped propel us forth, but that has tempered by and focused on the country. i think we've lost that. >> yep look, i dragged you in one of my editions of these damn kids these days. what's wrong with them.
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>> no problem dragging me in there. i hope the book comes up on father's day. maybe it's different for you but i find just getting pulled in different directions from family and friends and faith and your job and the blackberry and being scheduled that i lose track of what is really important. my father, i think, could balance that. he fought in the war. he survived the depression and did great things on great stages. but more importantly when the cameras weren't on and when he was talking to people who couldn't help his career, he was the same as he was when dealing with the president or the cardinal. >> with father's day coming up, my dad has been gone but it makes me miss him all over again. the book, "a good man: rediscovering my father, sargent shriver." by mark kennedy shriver. thank you, and i hope to see you really soon. >> i don't know if your dad wrote you notes on that, but you can go back and read them again.
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i'm learning more even though my dad has been 18 months. i hope that's something that people can think about. thanks for having me on. >> thanks. my sister just sent me a bunch of letters. i don't know you how she had all of them that i had written to my dad. oiy, "a good man: rediscovering my father, sargent shriver" is the name of the book. back on "the stephanie miller show." but first, don't i know you? >> hey, you, i know you. >> right? we had to going to meeting yesterday. i know. >> you i know you. >> we start every meeting like that just to be annoying. go to meeting with hd faces. i don't know how people did% business before. the hassle of flying, driving--forget it. go to meeting with hd faces. it's a simple on-line meeting and helps you to get better connected with the people you work with and depend on for your success or in my case mediocrity mediocrity.
7:15 am
it takes just a webcam to collaborate, and you can see the same document, power point graphics, whatever it is that you're working on. and you can do it on the go from your ipad. i have it on all my devices. go try it for three for 30 days. go to go and use the promo code stephanie. >> what is that promo code again? >> stephanie. >> and then you can see the pashmina. >> shush. >> there is a party go now, 1-800-steph-12.
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♪ na-na-na-na-na ♪ n ana-na ♪ >> stephanie miller ♪ na-na-na-na ♪ >> i get it. are you playing the fashion music because you're mocking me because i wore the pashmina when i had my picture taken with cher? >> someone suggested that you should have worn a black one. a green one, no. >> i was trying to do contrast or something. [whatever] >> you know who i should have asked? marco rubio, who is a fashion crit. >> okay. i heardcritic. >> i heard. >> he's color blind. >> what makes him a fashion critic if he's color blind? he took a shot at the gotham fashion seen.
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he was asked about orlando being the worst dressed in the u.s. he said some of the things in new york are hideous. but he would not have known that the pashmina was green. >> that red pashmina is just--what? it's not red? >> never mind. >> well, everything looks red when you're an ain't communist. >> oh, jim ward. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number. tyler in california, hi, tyler, welcome. >> good morning, stephanie. sorry i could in the say this yesterday. i wanted to leave a little message for all the idiots who voted for walker in wisconsin. what in the hell were you people thinking? your' out of your frickin' minds? do you want a man who is so deep in the pockets of billionaires that he has lint coming out of his ears. >> i'm not sure that all the
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votes were counted properly. >> i don't think there is any that have. >> of course not. there never is. >> i don't think name calling is helpful in any case. >> this messaging is the same as november. should we limit the government spending to what we can afford? yes or know. that's what scott walker did. he led on that issue. that's the same thing that barack obama will have to answer to in november. >> oh please i'm suspending my no name calling because's little twit. [muttering] >> i think what will come in november, and i think that we've won numerous times in wisconsin on the ground, and i don't have any reason to believe that we won't begin in november. >> what i was saying sexy liberal was the first cause we give to. and everything we give to we win. and someone pointed out that we did win partially because we
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gave to the recalls of republican aid, and there is democratic control now. we got enough recall, it's half and half. walker obviously survived. but as one article that i was reading. it's not a badge of honor to spend $70 million to keep your job after a year and a half. >> and it's not good that nearly half of the state voted to recall you. that's not a badge of honor, sir. >> exactly. so no, what i'm say something we got two republicans on the first recall. we got one on the third and took control. i'm still keeping my record ♪ na-na-na ♪ >> some of the recalls in wisconsin. i'm sticking with that. >> so anything that you give sexual liberal money to-- >> do not compete with me. i always win. >> when you give money to the obama campaign-- >> what do you mean? where did i just come from. >> no, sexy liberal.
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>> we give to all kinds of sexy liberal causes. >> we need obama to win in november. >> i will take it under advisement. >> thank you ♪ you should learn not to compete with me i always say >> are you kidding me? that's my pashmina money that i spent last night. >> you can get a pashmina for $3 on the streets of new york city, come on. >> it might an little soiled. >> hey, everybody. hi, i just wanted to thank you so much because yesterday morning after i had worked at the polls from 6:00 in the morning to 9:00 at night, and then i got home. by the time i got home, they had already called the race, which i was just stunned. but you guys made me laugh yesterday when i really needed a laugh, when i first woke up yesterday. you and everybody just got me laughing. >> you got to laugh or you would cry all day. and number two you got to let this fire you up.
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not dispirit you. >> you know, the thing is we worked very hard for a year and a half. really, really hard. people got out of their comfort zone my husband is very shy, he was knocking on doors. i finally got my 28-year-old daughter involved in this. she kept saying, politics is your thing. it's your thing. i said you know what, i'm not the one who needs birth control. you do. these are issues that effect you. i finally got her involved. she got a friend to vote that normally they don't care. so we won the senate. this is a big deal. >> it is a big deal. >> we won the senate. >> yeah. >> i don't think you go back you learn what you did wrong. you learn what you can do better and a lot of people got energized. we have a well deserved-- >> let me say, we were there. that's where sexy liberal started. we gave twice. we gave to the recall twice. you have to remember you did win. we recalled enough of the
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republicans to take back control of the legislature. so you know, it's literally the win some-lose some politics. >> it is. >> that's the way it goes. i actually enjoyed pulling down and taking down my signs after having my house decorated with them everywhere. i enjoyed pulling them down, throwing them away, moving on. that's behind. we're resting and we'll move on. it's not like we had nothing better to do than to do this. some of us disrupted our lives. i had choices between visiting my elderly visits who i take care of, or going out and canvassing. i had to cancel canvassing because my parents got sick, laundry did not get done. >> you guys should be very proud of yourself.
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it's no badge of honor governor walker spent that kind of money to keep his job after a year behalf. >> right, we're not running with our tails between our legs. we're learning and learning. >> we're learning for november. we learn to fight another day. >> we will. thank you so much for making me laugh because i really needed it. and i love you guys. >> we love you too, thank you for all you're fine--on wisconsin! [applause] just sayin'. with the wrong honey badgers you know, november is coming. 29 minutes after the hour. we have rude pundit. he's at the top of the hour and joe courtney, with much more to come as we go on with "the stephanie miller show." ♪
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>>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. >>liberal and proud of it.
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♪ >> you are the most awesome person i've ever known--well, second most awesome. >> right, the first being-- >> stephanie miller. >> oh no, i got to move on. "the stephanie miller show." jim, are you okay? 34 minutes after the hour. >> yes, jim is showing nothing on current tv. >> jim was taking a little nappy. that's okay. he's sleepy. so am i. i was all revved up after the obama fund razor. by the way if people are commenting on my green pashmina. i'm not the green hornet.
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that is really an unfortunate picture. >> my friend wants to know why you brought your snuggy. >> shut up everybody? i don't know how it got like that. i was wearing perfectly all night. i think in my excitement to get to cher, it fell across one shoulder. i'll never get that do-over again. nope. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number. tara. good morning. >> hi, stephanie. i'm not as articulate as i should be, i apologize. >> we're a starter show. go ahead. >> i just want to say scott walker and the republicans and the conservatives, they really have this divide and conquer strategy down because they got us little class folk against each other. the private people being private, the companies are fighting folks who are public
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workers, and we live next door to each other. we go to the same ballgames and go to the same churches. you know we don't make tons of money as a public worker. i'm a public worker. divide and conquer, it's like crabs in a barrel while they continue to-- >> tara, they won this spin cycle with all of their money. but the thing that you got to keep saying over and over again he did not have a budget shortfall. scott walker created it with giving away tax cuts to his rich cronies. and by the way, the unions did already agree to a lot of concessions. this is not-- >> yeah. >> i heard rush limbaugh or somebody saying, oh, they were just asking them to pay a little bit more--no that's not what happened. they already conceded everything. what his goal was to union bust, to take away their right to collectively bargain forever. >> that's right. >> sorry. all right. wewe had dr. jill biden on
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yesterday. check me out and her lesser known husband joe biden. >> we have to do more. we have to keep fighting through this period of transition and this god-awful recession we inherited. >> yeah, you know, what can i just read a little bit more from fine american--i read some of this yesterday for a guest quote. this republican economy, he puts it in such great perspective. mass ismath is math and this is part of the spin cycle that the media, there are two sides to everything? not really. look at total government spending. that's all we hear. we're always the big spender. a big spender. the federal state and local adjustment for inflation such spending has recently been falling at a rate not scene since the korean war. it resembles what jim always talks about when fdr slashed spending in the middle of it.
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>> yep. >> black mailed the president to continue all the bush tax cuts of the wealthy so that tax cuts are near lows since ronald reagan presidency. this is already a republican economy. it's worth pointing out that the economy performance has been disappointing. none of the disasters that republicans predicted have come to pass. remember all the assertions of soaring interest rates. well, it's just hit a record low. and the inflation, the republicans have put warning we're about to turn into greece because president obama was doing too much to boost the economy. economists like myself warned that we were on the risk of turning into japan because we're doing too little, and and to a level that except misery the japanese never had to endure all of this.
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the best bet--giving obama advice--to do the harry truman do nothing cropping which in reality has blocked proposals that would have made 2012 a much better year than it ever will be. we've already seen the republican economic future and it does not work. thank you paul krugman. >> people don't understand history. it's not emphasized enough. if they knew what happened in 1937, and see the pattern, they would realize it's stupid to repeat that. >> and take the right lesson from greece and what is happening. >> austerity doesn't work. >> right. >> which isexcept for a handful of people like mitt romney. >> the up clinton club a clinton spokesperson clarified. i get what he meant.
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they were dealing with what clinton said. he said--which is probably true politically. he said they'll probably have to put everything off until early next year. he's talking about what he's always up against are the republicans. my point is that's what clinton said. and republicans seized on that saying that clinton believes in their position, which he doesn't. he was talking about the political realities of what would get done before the election. clinton spokesman said on spending the bush tax cuts as said many times before as part of the budget agreement but does not believe that the tax cuts forrality wealthyfor wealthy americans should be extended again. did you see boner.
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he said extending the tax rates for a year is really important to help job creators a gain a little more confidence to put americans back to work. bill clinton came out for it before he was against it. oh please. >> god! >> how many times-- >> can we have tax cuts and they're not creating jobs. >> why does no one ever make him answer that question. why are they not creating jobs now if they have the tax cuts. >> we have to leave it there-- there--huh. >> they make these job creators as skittish massage horse. >> we wouldn't want to startle a massage horse. >> elva. you're on the stephanie miller. >> the people in texas felt they had to apologize for giving the country bush. i want to apologize once again as our state gives the country
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walker. this actually, this loss is not as hard as before. that one we went to bed and thought we were victorious and then it was snatched. people didn't know what they were getting the first time. they knew what they were getting the second time. the numbers, people showed up to vote. they motivated their base, and of course i want to say the money was talking, not necessarily the people. we tend to focus so much on madison and milwaukee, but there is a large portion of the state that really does not have the progressive voice that we really need to work on those areas. i don't want to be a donor about november. we did win the senate, the state senate, which is really great but the senate really isn't in session and won't do anything major until november, and that's with the election and the new redistricting. >> right. >> elva, you're right-- >> we need to take a break and
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gear up for november. we need all the senate. >> learn the lessons and move on. and rude pundit writes about this, this week. we need money and organization and all those things to fight effectively in november. i think you're absolutely right. >> it's a great lesson. >> yeah, yeah, i have to say--can i say something about one fine american. al gore put his money where his mouth is. we talked about it from our point of view but progressive infrastructure. there are so many ways to fight back, and wealthy democrats will have to fight back in a number of ways. and one of those ways could buying or leasing radio stations. i'm just saying a little self-serving, yes, however there is a big--i think instead of citizens united sucks but you know, this is what rude pundit writes about. this is the world we're living in, and we should figure out how to fight back. >> maybe you should pony up the
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$20,000 tonight back. >> maybe you should shut your pie hole and stop spending mama's pashmina money. you know, although i have to say we are on many fine clear channel stations--can i say something about our flagship station, am 1150, we have a great sales staff. they're bringing advertisers every day. there is also a lot of money to be made in infrastructure like this. thank you, al gore. 45 minutes after the hour. lots more to get to as we continue on "the stephanie miller show." >> announceer: i just snarfed oatmeal out my nose. it must be "the stephanie miller show." ♪ >>every weeknight cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >>the guys in the middle-class
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the guys at the lower-end got screwed again! i think you know which one we're talking about. >>overwhelming majority of the county says: "tax the rich don't go to war." i just wanted to clarify. as a culinary manager i make sure our guests have an over the top experience. being hands on is key! i make sure every plate looks just right. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's four course seafood feast, just $14.99. start with soup, salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits followed by your choice of one of 7 entrees. like new coconut and pineapple shrimp or shrimp and scallops alfredo. then finish with something sweet. all four courses just $14.99. [ reza ] it's so much food for such a good value. i'm reza, culinary manager. and i sea food differently.
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>> stephy, stephy ♪ do you love me ♪ >> stephy, stephy. >> i think jim was the one out partying with president obama. >> what's the matter are you okay? >> all right, it is "the stephanie miller show." >> you look there every day. >> i didn't sleep. this hour brought to you by go to meeting. livers can try go to meeting flee for 30 days. type in the promo code stephanie. i was still buzzing from my night with the president at the--where was it with the the wilshire hotel. >> and cher. >> and cher. >> and bobby sherman there? >> no, he was not there. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number. senator mitch mcconnell.
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>> it's pretty obvious that the economy needs the concern certainty of the extension of the current tax rate for the next year. >> please. >> the certainty of tax rate for the next year. >> senator harry reid, accused house majority for sabotaging for gains. yeah that's clear at this point. he said, there is canter and boner, and captor said it's not better. >> i look younger than him. i moisturized. >> eric canter's big chase? >> yes. >> michelle in madison you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> hello. >> hello. >> a couple of different things.
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i can't listen to you all the time, but have you guyed talked about the voting machine issues out here in wisconsin? >> yes. >> do you know command central? >> what is command central. >> they are a small business in minnesota that offered last september, i think offered 46 counties here in wisconsin to trade out their old scanner for touch screens models for no charge. who is paining for that. these touch screen models are known to flip votes. now they're touch screens replaced free of charge by a small company of three people in minnesota. only one person is doing the programming. >> wow why do free voting machines sound suspect. that's like saying we just won
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the nigerian lottery. we would be happy to replace your machine for year. is there a catch? >> this has been going on for a long time. people don't want to discourage people for voting by telling them that their vote are probably not being counted. >> you can't say nobody's vote is being counted. >> not nobody's. >> pennsylvania pole leading obama by 12. they find ways to suppress the vote--every group that comes out ahead, hispanic, women african-americans, they find a way to try to suppress at least that part--i mean, this is incredible in florida. the headline this morning florida prepares to deny justice department and continue voter purge. governor rick scott plans to defy the department of justice continue purging registered voters from the rolls. a scott administration spokesman said that he had no intention of ending the purge. this is the only good news, all 67 counties election supervisors
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in light of the doesn't of justice letter has spended executing the purge. some even reinstating voters purged previously, yeah, by the way, that shoots their whole, oh, this is a sure-fire system. so the local election supervisor said the state does not have authority to remove names. thank god there is a spotlight on it. that's yes we have ari berman. >> poor ari. he's a fun guy. >> we have steve from washington. good morning. >> good morning, stephanie. extending these tax cuts is clearly not creating any jobs to this point. when do they expect that in the future? this is putting us in further in debt. for the g.o.p. to claim that scott walker was just trying to save his state treasury by breking the union. that'sthat's a blatant lie.
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he sat in front of congress and said that it would save them zero dollars. >> that's what i mean, steve. you have to give it to them. they won the spin cycle with the money they put into this, but you're right, the whole thing was based on a lie. let's go to carolyn in pennsylvania. you're on "the stephanie miller show"." good morning. >> hi, good morning, great show. >> thank you. >> why don't the koch brothers and all these other rich people in this poor economy take their ill-gotten gains and appropriate up our country like in 1912 when our country was going down carnegie and others contributed to the government. what is in it for them and why is it not investigated? where are they getting all this money when everybody else is so poor. >> you're exactly right. if you're such a patriot and you have that kind of money they don't use it to help
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anybody by but themselves. >> where are they getting getting it? apparently the country is in an economic down turn. how come they're not affected. >> millions of dollars. >> insane amounts of money. >> nimrods on fox news are complaining about all the fundraisers that obama has to have. it's no wonder, obama is not going--he's not going to get koch brothers' money so he has to have fundraisers. >> obama has been out here for fundraisers, and jay carney responded to a question whether spending a lot of time around celebrities is sending the wrong message. like mitt romney, if he had any celebrity supporters the difference between president obama financial support and his opponent is stark but not in the way he described.
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president obama has vast numbers of small donors who support his campaign. it's such a stupid talking point. the president is what, just sit on his hands and not raise money? >> he's trying to make money. >> by hanging out with celebrities. >> again, let's go over to ted nugent and see what he thinks about that. unbelievable. they always had that double standard. they literally--when did charlie daniels become an iraq war expert, what? he was on fox news. >> sure, and bill o'reilly has been having jeannine turner on. >> to talk about dopey hollywood celebrities supporting the president? >> exactly. >> sara in madison. good morning. >> i love your show. you guys are great. the sexy liberal show are great. you're way to smart to relate to those who voted for scott
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walker. i hate to say larry the cable guy. we need someone to relate to the 56%. you guys are way to smart. >> we need to get dumber comedians on the sexy liberal tour. but that would be counterproductive. >> we need something funny short sound bytes and attack them with the short sound bytes. >> all right, i will take that under advisement. let me think about this. sexy liberal tour is entirely too smart. i heard a lot of people speculate what happened in wisconsin. i never heard that it was my fault, the sexy liberal tour is too damn smart. >> you kids and your brain. >> hello. >> i'm from wisconsin visiting
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los angeles. i just discovered your show last monday and i find out you are in wisconsin. >> yes. >> i have a comment yet or the day before they were talking about corporations are people, too. you were saying that unions are people. i just want to point out unions were created to help people and you know, better people's position in life. corporations were created to protect assets and money from the screw-ups of the ceos. i agree with warren buffty. buffet in a bankruptcy situation all he asks are all corporate people be on the line. >> i agree. rude pundit next on "the stephanie miller show." ♪
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♪ >> there she is, on guy tart. the lovely talented jacki schechner. good morning jacki. >> i'm not a fan of the nickname nickname. >> no? all right, spunky. >> you'll have to come up with a new one. did you like my music, the techno remix. >> you kids from south beach. having your own little rave there every morning in the current news center. we have a big hour coming up on the show. the rude pundit, and joe courtney from the great state of
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connecticut, and more joking about my green shawl that i wore to meet the president and meet cher--bllllh--you're just jealous. i didn't have my friend jacki schechner to help me. >> i was asleep. >> what good are you except for news. here she is. >> that i can do. good morning everybody. congressman steve israel says the lesson learned from wisconsin is that a handful of people are writing checks and buying our democracy. in an interview israel compared the post citizens united landscape to a baseball game where one team is having to play without bats and gloves. pro label forces are taking a hard look and assessing what it means for unions going forward. the concern is is that other conservative lawmakers will push
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collective bargaining and other union rights. other governors would not wanting to through the wisconsin type challenge, but the shortfall is making unionsen easy target. cutting pay and benefits. that's what is happening in california with voters in san jose and san diego pass cutting benefits for public workers. a lawsuit claiming that the government undermined her marriage to her partners who passed' way in 2009. normally she could have passed her estate on to her partner, but now windsor had to may $400,000. the court agreed with windsor saying that it violated the equal protection guarantee. they ruled them unconstitutional last week. we're back with more after the
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hey! you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] mayhem is everywhere. so get an allstate agent. are you in good hands?
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unflinching, and above all politically direct. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walking on sunshine ♪ whoa ♪ i'm walking on sunshine ♪ whoa ♪ and don't it feel good ♪ hey ♪ >> all right, everybody get it out of their system making fun of me in my green pashmina scarf with my picture of cher. it's on the stephanie miller facebook. >> and it says that stevie's color of pashmina looks like a
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weather map peed on it. >> all right, appreciate it. [applause] >> let's see here. rocky mountain mike, our personal favor, staff, i've struggled with what compelled me to move 2,000 areas out to vale. it turns out that my job is just a mile or two away from "beavers lickers." [laughter] joann writes i'm not always your favorite fan, but i missed a podcast off your latest show. but when you returned to the theater, i was the first to jump on that. look at this receipt pushed in in 2011 for the june 2012. for sexy liberal weekend and you'll be part of history
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because current is filming it for a documentary that will air on the current television network, which is a fine, fine network in my opinion. get it. >> progressive patriots of boston. leave your puritan roots behind and join stephanie miller for an evening of debauchery. they're coming back for a second helping of beantown. >> i remember boston. it's as sweet as the cream pie for which the town was named. >> on june 12th "the stephanie miller show" comedy tour returns. joining john fugelsang, aisha tyler, and stephanie miller. tickets are available online at by calling 1-800-745-3000 or going to the wilbur theater box office in boston's historic district.
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that's "the stephanie miller show" sexy liberal comedy tour. it's sure to be wicked and awesome. >> wicked hot. >> awesome. >> awesome, see you saturday in boston. by the way we only got very few tickets left. i got to get a pair for this guy. massachusetts man claims the medical staff ignore his direction to watch a baseball game. and had to wait an hour after arriving. not with standing his call for help, the physicians continued to watch the baseball--listen it's red sox territory. and he claimed it was a federal suit. he was transferred transferred, and he had to wait for four hours, but the red sox were waiting. >> that's wicked. >> why do i start with a rude story? >> the rude pundit. pundit. ♪
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>> good morning papa. >> good morning. >> now i'm here. i'm here. >> now we're not disabling erection, my friend. i'm just telling you. >> if he would have just visited beefer lickers, that probably would have helped it. >> that's rude, i love your observations on the recall failure. this is what i've been saying, it does not mean that we cannot learn from them. the lessons were clear and they should be kicks to the head to the democratic party. but you also talk that the world is different and the they'll have to construct a machine against the right. >> we have the donors. it's not like we don't have a bunch of rich people on our side. they need to realize--unless they want to be content with
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whatever happens, they need to pony up. this is all about money. and that's what--that is, in fact, what the 2008 election showed us, too. yes, obama had a movement, but he had a movement that was--that had a ton of money behind it. >> yep, and i don't know, i was quoting you earlier, and that's why i was saying not to suck up to my new boss, but you know, that's where al gore put his money where his mouth is. he created a network. instead of pitching, he ponied up. you're right whether it's money for campaign or infrastructure, it's all going to count. it's a whole new world with citizens united. >> and the right successfully shamed the money people on the left to an extent, yes, al gore did put up current, which is great. i think that that's positive movement. we need that message out there
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in the way current does it, not to suck up to your boss. >> yes. >> but also successfully shamed left-wing donors. imagine if they gave the same amount of money that the koch brothers did. imagine if he was behind $1 billion fund to help reelect obama? they would lose their minds. >> right, right, all i'm saying is that i think your point is correct. look fox news clearly an arm of the republican party and i think that we just have to compete with right wing radio for instance. they've been there for 30 years, and believe me there is money to be made on odometer side. look, our ratings are great in radio and television. you can make money and compete in the marketplace of ideas, i think. >> that's actually probably the best message you can send out there. try out our side, and try--we can make money. you know ignore the failures of the past that shall go unnamed
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and move forward. >> the other point you made, democrats can't unify worth [bleep]. that's one of the other problems. it was all hands on deck for walker. >> right, right, the only person who really didn't go in behind him other than he--other than in statements he made was romney. romney did not make an appearance, but romney certainly didn't shy away from supporting walker. and it's just something that the democratic national--the national democratic party totally missed the boat on. imagine how that would have electrified the voters to say we have that much power to go in and overturn election and how frightening that would have been to republicans that democrats have that much power. it was a totally missed opportunity. >> as only you can phrase it you say we have to nut up and go after them with a savagery that
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would make a tiger shark [bleep] itself. >> wow. >> because they're brutal. they're awful. they are the huns. they're going through and devastating our nice towns. they're raping and pillaging while we're raising torches and hoping it will chase them away. it won't work. >> one piece of advice you gave, two steaming heaps of [bleep] advice of [bleep]. you say, pathway of losing every [bleep] election for every candidate you provided strategy before. you said that obama should not run his campaign on how much bain capital sucks. >> if we can ban them from coming toward to any candidate.
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>> i ran into mark penn and i had an urge to kick him in the back and ask him for hillary's money back. >> everything they touch turns to crap. it's worthless. yet, he's the reason that kerry lost. if you want to boil it down just like you can boil down mark penn being the reason that hilary lost. >> i was at this fundraiser and saw obama speak in person. you realize why he is where he is. but i have to tell you he did this really funny little thing that really connected with the crowd where he just said, i have a little--i have a little to do lest list in my desk in the oval office, and he went through his accomplishments, can youing the auto industry, check. healthcare, check. don't ask, don't tell check. and he ended it with this funny rip about all of this with moderate help from the other side. that's the case he has to make.
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he does have a great record against unbelievable obstructionism. >> that's not enough. i do believe he can run on his record as opposed to what has been said. but i believe he needs to put that out there, and he needs to be prepared for the argument that says that the swift voting of his accomplishment which is what is right is going to do. they'll turn every accomplishment into some kind of failure. that's the way they attack. that's not just defense, but i think that romy's face should appear on every ad that mentions the healthcare reform act. they need to take it and use it as a way use it as a bludgeon to beat romney down rhetorically rhetorically. >> rude, do you think--for instance, this latest thing yesterday, there are these e-mails in this original op-ed
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that romney arguing for the mandate better than the administration did in front of the supreme court, right? >> right right, that's what rick santorum. >> oh no. >> rudeness. >> he went into a tunnel. >> i wanted to mutter. >> it's a way of bleeping yourself. >> yes, i'm allowed to finish the son of a phrase on current. >> yes, go ahead. >> rick santorum must be punching himself in the crotch every da about this. >> that's an image. [laughing] >> ouch, ouch, ouch. >> why am i hitting myself? we'll see how this all plays out. there is just nothing credible about mitt romney's stance on healthcare. >> no, no, nothing. and i love newt gringrich and others who try to use that
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attack. now sit back and suck up to romney. >> and then the story of how much--how much government subsidy money bain capital took in business after business, right? >> that's the thing. that's how a lot of these companies keep going. not only do they themselves take government subsidies but they're often involved in companies who take subsidies. >> let me bring this back full circle. the company i'm talking about clear channel, we're on many clear channels that were taken over by bain capital, a ton of people were fired. and there are a lot of great stations around the country. here at kplk we have an amazing sales staff that sells an amazing amount of advertising for this station and my show. they are doing that despite--no
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help from bain, you know what i mean? >> the second--when left-wing radio and tv reaches a tipping point, which i think it's pretty close to as being as profitable or more profitable than right wing, you'll see a shift in the general perspective of the airwaves that will be stunning. >> obviously we're on so many fewer stations poor signals it reminds me of what the president is up against. that's whereas you say we need to nut up, invest in obama and make that tiger shark [bleep] itself. >> that's right. it's waiting there. it's waiting there. if you don't make it. if you don't scare it, it's going to eat. >> you i i love you, rude pundit. see you next week ♪ we're going to make it after all ♪ >> you heard him. nut up, everybody.
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19 minutes after the hour. kids, one of the ways we nut up here at "the stephanie miller show" is carbon nite we have all this stuff that runs this ramshackle little thing that we have here. we have all the names and for the guests. rebecca has all that. we have all the sound bytes. >> i have pictures of cher. can you imagine what would happen if i lost that picture of cher and you? you're fired. >> i can imagine. i got all my stuff. people say now that they can see me on tv, they see that i work for this show. i don't just show up. i do all this all this paper. it can be set up, and you don't have to remember to do it. it just backs it up and continually whenever you're connected to all the webs. plans start at $59 for the
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