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tv   Full Court Press  Current  June 18, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] hey. hello, everybody. what you do you say? it's monday, june 18th. it is monday monday, june 18th.
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good to see you today. hope you had a good weekend. 18. good to see you
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until the fall. what happens if you ask her to tone down her opinions? >>sorry, i can't hear you. what? [[vo]]or tell her she has to stick to a script? >>forget it. [[vo]]that will never happen on current. >>try to be a little more conservative tonight. the new slogan should be "we own wall street." that's my view.
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desk top, lab top, ipad. iphone. >> pleasant your hearts. >> the big one. >> stephanie: all i know, the
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little flower is there and it means go to meeting. i love go to meeting.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> bill: karl rove accuses commerce secretary john bryson of being drunk and then has to apologize when he learns that secretary bryson suffered a seizure at the wheel. i told you you couldn't believe anything karl rove says. hello, everybody. happy tuesday. great to see you today. it is the "full court press" here on current tv. early this tuesday morning, good to have you with us. thanks for getting up
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early with us whether you're on the west coast where it is really early or here on the east coast where it is getting ready to start the day and pile in the car and head down the freeway to work. met a lot of people out in chicago over the weekend who have a two-hour -- hour and a half commute in the chicago area. i could not stand that! i've got a three minute commute. that's bad enough. having to do a three minute walk. we appreciate your being with us this morning. it is good to see you. we've got lots and lots to talk about. lots you're going to want to call about here on the "full court press" today. bringing you the news of the nation's capital, around the country and around the globe from our perch here on capitol hill in washington, d.c. in the shadow of the capitol dome. you can give us a call any time. let us know what that means to you and to your family. you join the show, join the conversation by giving us a call at 1-866-55-press.
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here. ready to serve you today. peter ogborn. >> hi, there. >> dan henning. >> good morning. >> and cyprian bowlding. >> we're all here. >> bill: how about it. here's a question for you today. one of my -- one of the big issues of the day. in georgia, where else, in georgia, you know, they have these -- you see them all over the place. these signs that this section of the highway has been adopted by the lions club or the rotary club. and they keep that little section clean. they go out and pick up the litter and everything. well down in north georgia, in union county, georgia, a group -- has applied to clean up a one mile portion of the highway. that's the kkk. they say all they want to do is adopt a highway.
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they want to keep our mountains beautiful. people throwing trash out on the this this this this we just want to be with white catch catch >> rodney, king. 47. he has had a rough life ever since he had the hell beat out of him by los angeles police officer, found dead saturday night at the age of 47. famous, of course, for in the middle of the rodney king riots saying, "can we all just get along." the 20th anniversary of those riots was just a couple of months ago. >> last month. >> that's right. last month in may where rodney king was out with a new book and at a book signing, he said boy, how lucky for him that somebody in a condo nearby had a video camera. >> i got lucky that night to have the cameras on me that night.
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and i was one of the lucky persons to be caught in history with a camera video camera at that point in time. >> that was before. right? iphones and everybody having a video camera. today, there would have been many, many different videos taken. one guy nearby with a video. >> i saw somebody. >> yeah. >> i had forgot how horrific it was i had the same thing. >> beat the crap out of him. >> i watched a documentary on the wraiths because it was the 20th anniversary. my god. you forget how brutal that video was. one person said in that video that was very interesting was that african-americans for years were saying the police are being violent. they are being too violent with us. us. the brutal beatings. nobody believed them. there was nobody that could prove it. this video cracked the whole thing wide open. >> i don't need to see that video. i lived through those, living in l.a. doing television at kcoptv
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right on labraya avenue and right in the middle of what was called korea town and they were areas hard-hit. from the roof of our t.v. station, we could watch gangs coming up, looters coming up from south central and you could see the cars in the distance. you could just see stores being torched, you know, one side of the street, then they go across the other side of the street. just see the flames scooting up. heading in our direction. then the radio station, it was -- that's where the worst of the riots were and worst of the fires. you couldn't -- we couldn't broadcast them. >> that's incredible. >> we had to aban on it. the station and broadcast from some remote location. it was -- it was scary. and most people didn't go out,
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but i had to go to the t.v. or radio station and driving home. every intersection, every intersection, there were national guardsmen with their guns out you know. it was a war zone. it went on and on. man. never forget that. all right. so we have a great show today to start off this week. i am so excited. joy behar, our new team member of the current tv team is going to be here at the top of the next hour. malanie sloan from crew, they do a great job. citizens for responsibility andethics in washington. they do a great job. they had something she wanted to tell us about and ed smith, a present of ulico to talk about some of the exciting things happening in the labor movement organized labor movement. but first. >> hi, dan. start us off. >> full-court press. >> in sports the miami heat to a 2 to 1 series lead over the oklahoma city thunder in the finals last night winning 91 to
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85. the thunder led by as much as 8 and lebron james scored 28 and kevin did you aanted and they had four fouls. game 4 is tomorrow night. >> peter, heat's looking good. >> they are. if the thunder lose this next game, they are in real trouble. they are in real trouble. >> mitt romney will not be going to london this summer to see his wife's dressage horse. >> oh, my. >> he was be too busy on the campaign trail to accompany ann to the games but then he made an awkward joke about her love saying ann is so in love with her horses he is going to have to send her to the betty ford drug. >> let's make fun about alcohol addiction or breast cancer or whatever. nice move talking about dressage. please. the dressage.
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>> out of hollywood. >> my horse is otherwise occupied. yeah. >> really? >> talk about, you know what gets me about this? they made fun of john kerri for windsurfing. windsurfing compared to dressage? it's a blue-clar sport. >> the dressage horses. 1%. >> no .000001% know what dressage is. >> out of hollywood, we could some day see a woody allen directed field starring lippedsey lohan. the hollywood legend was spotted having dinner. while nothing is in the works, he said he would have no problem working with her, finds her talented and wouldn't hesitate to contact her for a movie roll if he thought she would fit the booed. >> i want to see the woodie allen movie, by the way.
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all right. hey, want to bring you up to date on a very very important announcement friday and take your calls. president obama, from the white house announcing a new policy having to do with immigration. remember republicans and congress blocked the dream act which would allow kids who are young people, let's say, who are brought here illegally by their parents from -- would block them from being able to stay in the country and have an accelerated path to citizenship as long as they met certain conditions. republicans blocked it and the congress on friday the administration announced they were going forward to the extent that they could without legislation. first, the announcement from homeland security secretary janet non-gaapapolita in. o. >> young people brought to the united states through know fault of their own as children who
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meet several key criteria will no longer be removed from the country or entered into removal proceedings. >> what those criteria are, they had to have been brought here before the age of 16 by their parents. so they had no choice in what their parents were doing. they had to have lived here for at least five continuous years. they have to -- cannot have a criminal record of any kind. they cannot be a threat to national security. so they are all checked out. and they must be either students today, college students or high school students, high school graduates or have served in the military. if they immediate all of those conditions, they are he will eligible to apply for a two-year work permit that can be renewed. they will not be deported. pompom in the rose garden saying, here is the problem facing these kids. >> imagine you've done everything right your entire life: studied hard worked hard, maybe even graduated at the top of your class only to
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suddenly face the threat of deportation to a country that you know nothing about with a language that you may not even speak. >> the president says, you know, no matter what you think about them, they are just as americans as you or i are. >> they are americans in their hearts in their minds, in every single way but one: on paper. >> yeah, because their parents brought them here illegally. so it's a major, major new policy policy, an important new policy, and it shows that even though congress, republicans in congress are such obstructionists, the president request still get some things done. that policy was overhad owed by what happened when the president was making his remarks suddenly some jerk neil monroe from the daily caller throws out in the middle of the president's statement, shouts out at question to the president: >> what about american workers who are unemployed while you
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import foreigners. >> i want to check this but i was told neil monroe, himself, is not an american citizen. he is an irissue citizen. >> wow. >> i want to double check that but president obama wasn't happy to be interrupted. it was embarrassing. it was absolutely outrageouses thing to do and the president didn't like it. and he showed it. >> excuse me sir. it's not time for questions, sir. not while i am speaking. and the answer to your question sir, and the next time i prefer you let me finish my statements before you ask that question. is this is the right thing to do for the american people. theyt i didn't ask for an argument. i am answering your question. >> all right. good. now, i have got to say the response to this was just overwhelming. and what i was most disappointed in, first of all, i have to tell you, i apologize. and i will explain this later. i could not be there. i was not in the rose garden. if i had, i would have tackled that sob. i am telling you. i would have punched him out if
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i would have been anywhere close to him but i was really disappointed disappointed. >> that's tucker carlson's new blog, the daily caller. tucker is a friend of mine. tucker carlson defended this guy and said he would raise him if he had the money. i don't mean if he called him a hero. he praised him and said he did the right thing. tucker, you were dead wrong. this guy was out of line. i am a member of the white house correspondent association. i go those briefings every day. our job is to ask tough questions. you have to show respect and dignity for the office of the president. i don't care who was there. imagine, if that had been george w. bush and i had interrupted w. i would be in jail now. every right-winger in the world would be demanding my head. for tucker carlson to defend this guy is absolutely dead wrong. there was no way he should -- you should ever interrupt the president of the united states again. i don't care who the president
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is. i think it's outrageous. i think it reflects badly on all of us. i mean what the hell message does it send around the world if the president of the united states can't even make a statement in his own home in his own office without being interrupted. it is rude. it is over-the-line. it is obnoxious. it is outrageous. you come up with the right word. i will tell you what i think ought to happen. i would love to get your take 866-55-press. you cannot defend this guy. even fox news. bill o'reilly said he was wrong. chris wallace said he was wrong. shep smith said he was wrong. and then tucker compared him to sam donaldson, said they would never have come blamed about sam donaldson. he is one of the greatest white house reporters of all time. he never interrupted the president. never, never, never. he shouted tough questions after the president finished speaking.
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you tell me what you think about this. 866-55-press. i have asked for the white house correspondent's association top condemn this guy and i believe he should be thrown out of the white house and never allowed back, and i believe he should be never, never, never loud back in again. this is something not partisan. conservative, liberal, republican democrat everybody ought to agree on this. we respect the office of the presidency of the united states. tell me if i am wrong. tell me if i am right. 866-55-press. i am right. >> heard around the country, seen on current tv this is the bill press show.
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♪ take just one more ♪ it's been dumbed down ♪ long before romney ♪ ever did ♪ >> thank you . >> stephanie: 45 minutes after the hour. we'll be back as we close "the stephanie miller show." >> on "the stephanie miller show" in suburban america this ♪ [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv >> he was wrong with interfering with the president's statement. you must respect the office of the presidency even if you don't like the person in it. mr. obama was correct in calling him out. >> man, it's a cold day in hell when bill o'reilly and bill press on agree on anything but o'reilly was right in calling knee neil monroe out of the daily caller as was president obama right in expressing his outrage at being interrupted. who the hell does neil monroe think he is? who does tucker carlson think he is? bill is calling from pawtucket rhode island. what do you say. >> how are you doing bill? i agree with you 100%. to me, even being able to be in there to ask questions of the
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president is a privilege that very few people get to have. >> by the way, you could not be more correct. i feel that were myself, just being in that room, in the presence of the president. even i happy to. being in the presence of the president in the white house is a privilege. it's a privileged position. >> along at the people like chris wallats. hellen thomas never interrupted a president of the united states. you wait. tarp, the other thing, monroe tried to say, well i thought the president was finished. well, come on. nobody else did. >> everybody knew he wasn't finished. >> yeah. you know what? having been there many times, you know when the president is finished because he says, thank you. right? >> exactly. >> he ends it. the other thing is hey bill, appreciate the call.
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is that's the time when sometimes the way it works, sometimes the president will say, i have a statement and i want to take a couple of questions or sometimes he will finish and say, now i will take a couple of questions. more often than not, he will make his statement and turn around to leave. >> that's when people shout out questions and try to get him to answer. and sometimes, they will turn around and come back and answers but you wait until that point. virginia is in alexander. hi, virginia. >> thank you for your wonderful show. >> thank you. >> thank you for taking my call. kids need to be trained in manners. it has to start from scratch. every single elementary kindergarten schoolteacher needs to teach not only manners but sympathy and empathy for others. >> i would add one thing to that, virg. i'm sorry to have to cut you off. i would add respect for the presidency of the united states, very, very important. >> this is the bill press show. debt and after they ran it up
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high enough, they would say oh my god, look at this national debt. we can't do this. they'll try to kill social security, medicare and everything they've always wanted to kill in the first place. basically a conspiracy leaving our national security at risk. >> bill: well, you know, that was a david stockman theory, right, who was reagan's budget director, omb director. and i'm just blanking a little bit. i think his phrase for it was feed the beast right? which was just as you say --
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> this is the full court press. the bill press show live on your radio and on current tv. >> you bet it is. 33 minutes now after the hour. it is the full court press on this monday, june 18th, brought to you today by the international international association of machinists. good men and women of the machinists union under president tom buffenbarger. for more information, visit their website at go iam, ed smith, the president of eulico is going to be along a
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little later to talk about exciting things happening in the labor movement. right now, we are talking about the president's new policy announced friday from the rose garden about allowing young people monthwho are brought people here by their parents to avoid deportation. we have talking about the heckler who interrupted the president and whether that was acceptable behavior or not. we will get back to your calls on that at 8665-55-press. we wanted to look at the policy itself. what it does and whether it makes since. angela kelly joins us. she is the vice president for immigration policy and advocacy at the gate scepter for american progress. angely, good to have you with us. >> our viewers and listeners first what do young people have to do to meet the conditions
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here. >> they have been in the u.s. for five years. >> that's important to recognize. this is not unfortunately going to cover somebody who arrived just a few years ago or somebody who arrived tomorrow. they have to have been under the age of 15 when they arrived. even if you came five or 6 years oorp. you have to be 29 or younger now. today. >> we were talk about a very specific window of people kids who have finished high school hors d'oeuvring in the military have served in the military. you know, obviously, no serious criminal record. so it's a good policy of course. this is an important step. right? >> how many? do we know young people might be covered by this? >> the numbers very, of course. i think the range people are saying is about 800,000.
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those 800,000 people could be subject to deportation. right? >> yes. just by virtue of being here they could be deported. >> that happens a lot where dhs, department of homeland security officials come upon people and they will do stops go to apartment buildings. >> right, you know, so yes, there are alternates of young people who are already in the process to get deported and they have gotten a lifeline thrown at them. they will not be deported. by their parents, these are not people grown-ups who decide you had i am going to go north and get a job? >> exactly. i am the mother of a 15-year-old and an 11-year-old. they go where we tell them to go. right sometimes they might put up a fuss but at the end of the
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day they don't have control over where they live. we are looking at a generation all but a piece of paper. because of our broken immigration system, congress hasn't been able to solve it, they are in jeopardy of being deported after being educated in the u.s. the president and the dream act, or is this a dream act? >> it's not a dream act. the big difference is the power of these two branches of government. the president can say, here is who i will deport. here is who i will not deport. i am going to use my recess to go after bad guys not deport kids. give them work authorization. that's it. what the congress would do if the dream act had passed is it would again define the group of people to not be deported but would also give them the opportunity to apply for a green card which gives them permanent
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residency. what the president has done is frankly temporary and whoever sits in the white house can change the order the very first day. >> that's all he could do. correct from. >> that's all he could do. the president has done the most he can do. now it's up to guest to finish the job. >> it was interesting the response on the part of some republicans let by mitt romney. >> to me, we are talking about angela kelly, vice president for immigration policy. the response is, republicans to me seem like they didn't know quite where to go. they couldn't attack it here for example was mitt romney's sort of weak response. >> it's unfortunate this comes up 4 and a half months. the president has been in office three and a half years. >> angelie, he says why didn't the president do this sooner? he tried sooner?
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didn't he? >> he sure did. he pushed really hard. >> house passed it, led by speaker pelosi at the time with only eight republicans supporting it. the senate couldn't get it through. the senate has to get 60 votes in order to stop the date, you know, and there were three republicans who voted for it. the senate the republicans are the ones who blocked any i am immigration legislation. certainly since they took office in the new congress, we've got, you know, a congress that can't act because of republican stubborn behavior. so the president had to do what he had to do. >> and mitt romney refused on "face the nation" with bob schieffer, he refused to say whether or not he would repeal were he elected, he will real peel this step taken by
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president obama for obvious reasons. right. he was caught off guard. if he says he wouldn't repeal it, are tepid in their embrace, the tea party would go nuts. if he says i would repeal it. then whatever chance he has of getting a single latino to support him in november is out. this is why it's tough to be president. you have to maim make some hard decisions. >> you can't waffle for several. right. >> you can't etch-a-sketch yourself away out of this one. >> angelie, thank you for your good work. best to your friends at the center. we will talk to you again soon all right. icic, angelie kel legally, american the right policy. absolutely the right policy and the krarnlingz are scrambling because mark 0 rubio had
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suggestedrepublicans are scrambling because mark 0 rubio had suggested suggested. they didn't know how to handle that. policy and procedurepom tried the dream act, tried to get it through congress. they couldn't. they rejected it t he is going off on his own. he caught them flat-footed. this is the right thing to do. from a moral point of view, from a public policy point of view and from a political point of view. back to the phones here our roving ambassador, arnold finds himself in fort myers, florida this morning. what do you say. >> good morning. how are you doing? >> listen, man. i have 2 xheptsz i want to make. >> the only thing i can say for pam pam. republicans are scrambling trying to find something to say. in my neighborhood, a young man who lives there. his family came here illegally. he wasn't born here he was born there.
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two turns. >> timessometimes when i am not home on the road, he will come and mo my lawn. i always pays him real good. he is real good. now, he wants to be a united states citizen. he did two terms of duty in foreign wars. >> yeah. >> he should have the right to do that. >> i believe so. absolutely. he is just the kind of person who is covered by this policy armed. what's your second point? >> my second point is that guy who disrespected the president that monroe guy. joe wilson. >> right. >> just continue to disrespect. the republicans have for the first black president. you how they treat black people, disrespect them and have
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a lot of bad things to say with people like that. >> you got it. hey, armed, good to hear from you. travel safely, drive safely. keep on trucking there. michael's out in san bernadino the grant inland empire. >> two points. the first one is i think it's a bad policy because it's going to invite more people that were going to ends up having to pay for if they get hurt with their work visas. >> come on, michael. you know, you don't believe that. >> this is fine. say a sid say a kid 9 years old. he doesn't have a choice. he has lived in this country. he doesn't belong in mexico. he doesn't know spanish. he has gone to school. he got a high school degree. he joins military. he does two tours of duty in iraq and then you are going to say you are going to deport him?
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>> it's not that i don't care. >> he is as american as you are. >> it's not fair but like i said, in another country, they are throwing people left and right. >> so what? we are talk about this country. you say we end up paying for them. michael, this is a guy out there. he is protecting your butt and my butt by wearing the uniform. right? so we ought to pay him in the military. we ought to pay our soldiers. we ought to pay them better than we do. he is no free-loader. michael, i know the great inland empire. you listen to those yahoos on right-wing talk radio. but use your head. this is a right policy. it's wrong to knee deport these kids and we are hurting ourselves by deporting bright young people like this. 866-55-press. this policy is the right policy let's talk about it. >> this is the bill press show. live on your radio and current tv.
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♪ take just one more ♪ it's been dumbed down ♪ long before romney ♪ ever did ♪ >> thank you . >> stephanie: 45 minutes after the hour. we'll be back as we close "the stephanie miller show." >> on "the stephanie miller show" in suburban america this
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♪ >> radio meets television, the bill press show now on current tv. here we are, politically direct, the full court press on your local progressive talk radio station, on serious xm this hour only and current tv all three hours june 18irius xm, this hour only and current tv all three hours june 18 the heckler interrupting president obama at the rose garden friday, this is unacceptable behavior. i don't care who the president
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is. we were as americans outraged when that iraqi journalist threw shoes at president george w. bush. we ought to be just as outraged when daily caller's neil monroe interrupts president obama in the rose garden, 866-55-press. your calls, a quick word and a word of advice about if you are looking at the ends of the month, filling, oh, man, how am i going to pay all of these bills? i want to earn some extra money. here is something you might consider getting in touch with the folks at income at home. you can do this earn money on your home computer, your laptop from your own kitchen table and you can do it 24/7. with the help of our friends at income at home american's leading work from home business. so if you are sick of living pay can which check to paycheck if your degree is to earn extra income from home part-time or
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full-time, income at they are adding my listeners in record numbers. even giving away a thousand bucks to somebody today just for checking them out al you havego got to do. visit income at home income at again, i am not the only one. current or former member of the white house correspondants' association to condemn the behavior of neil monroe. tucker carlson might have thought he was a friend at fox news. i don't know anybody at fox news actually. i haven't heard of anybody who has defended neil monroe. we played earlier bill o'reilly saying monroe was wrong. here is chris wallace, who went on shepp smith's show friday afternoon. >> i think it's outrageous. i covered ronald reagan for six
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years. with sam donaldson, we used to scream our lungs out asking questions, but we always waited until the president had any -- any had finished speaking. the idea that you would interrupt the president in the middle of prepared remarks and shout a question, i don't think the guy should be allowed back in the white house, you know, on a press pass. >> i couldn't agree more. i have already told the leadership of the white house correspondence association of which i am a member, that i think we as a group should con condemn him and i think we should support and ask the white house to pull his pass and never allow him back at any other event in the white house. kathleen's calling from kimbridge, virginia. kathleen, what's your take on this. >> good morning, bill. keep up the good work. i love your program. >> you are very kind. >> thank you. i am incensed. i am so angry with this guy, monroe. manners begin at home.
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as small children, we should be taught basics, just basic did. it guy is a sank timmonious pompous, rhymes with grass. >> got if. >> as far as the policy i think it's an excellent policy. let's see. who among us wasn't brought to this country? think about it. the only people that were here in the beginning were the indians, my cousins in the black hills. this is just ridiculous. it's going to help a lot of people and i think it's graduate policy. >> good. >> i tell you another thing. it's going to put -- nail some feet of run-away romney corner him and make him tell us who he is and what he is, and what he stands for. >> they tried to do that kathleen. it didn't work. it's good to hear from you. thank you. jerry is out in sacramento california. hi, jerry. >> hi, bill. i think you are giving tucker too much of a pass
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here you kale him a friend. but when this guy allows one of his hirschmen to go in and do this it sounds awfully calculated and to still consider tucker a friend i think it's just kind of weak. >> well, i'm sorry. you know friendship means means -- maybe it means different things to you. i can still be friends with a guy who does something stupid. you know i have heard that this was all calculated ahead of time. i don't believe that. i think monroe is just a horse's ass. i think it's as simple as that. right? where i thought tucker -- i am not accusing tucker of sending him in there ahead of time. where i think tucker is wrong in defending his employee when the employee is clearly wrong. i think it would be -- speak volumes of tucker if he were to
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stand up and say, look. i am a conservative. i don't like this president. but i respect the office of the no matter who is there and my employee, neil monroe was wrong. in fact, i would fire his ass. >> this is the bill press show. a direct line to bill press. >>it's something i've been waiting for a long time. >>join the debate now. the new slogan should be "we own wall street." that's my view.
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. what happened to george prescott bush. >> no, he was jeb bush's son. >> oh, that one. >> the ricky martin look-alike yeah. >> going in another direction. the direction away from his father.
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♪♪ >> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time, this is the bill press show lives on your radio and current tv. >> amount of e-mails, people really like laurie walac on
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friday talking about the trade deal, they thought she was a great guest. so do we go into it peter. you and i, they were talking about fake chicken now selling at whole foods in san francisco. we didn't think that was necessarily a good thing, . ann benton says i can't believe your ignorance. it's del tearous to our subject to grow this meat. you should know that. my husband and i are both bothvegterians. for years, we have been -- we love the wheat-soy meet. >> don't call it meat. >> no. exactly. but chris says, bill i have to say the quote of the week was when you boldly today said if you are going to be a vegan, then be a freakin' vegan. don't come up with fake meat. i agree. no soy meat for me. >> this is the bill press show.
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>> bill: pile up your trash and cake it down to the kkk highway. >> they may have swayed me with that one. >> bill: he heard the kkk changed its mind when they realized the highway was paved with black asphalt. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht!
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] what do you say? hello everybody. great to see you today. monday, june 18th. welcome to the full-court press here on current tv, your progressive morning show and the only progressive morning show anywhere on cable television. great to have you with us today. lots to talk about. we will bring you up to date on the news of the day and take your calls at 866-55-press. and mitt romney says he doesn't like president obama's new policy on immigration, but he won't say whether or not he would repeal it if he were ever
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elected president. typical mitt. all he does is attack president obama but on immigration or education or the economy or jobs. he has no ideas of his own. what a lose her. we will get into that and a whole lot more here on today's full-court press. first, we jump out to los angeles to get the latest. today's current news update from jacki schechner. hello, jacki. good morning. >> good morning. good morning, everybody. as bill just mention, mitt romney has been quick to criticize president obama's latest immigration measure allowing some young people to stay in the country without mentioning any solution. with face the nation yesterday, romney repeatedly toy say whether elsed repeal the policy. >> we will look at that setting as we reach that. but in my anticipation is i would come into office and say we need to get this donning done on a long-term basis, not kind of a stop-gap measure.
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>> it's a common theme, nothing the president but failing to come up with any definitive solutions of his own. this includes plenty of unanswered questions. also when it comes to what mitt romney would do about the economy and how he would pay for the massive tax breaks that he is proposing. congress got a lot on its plate in the next couple of weeks. still lingering is student loan interest rates set to double july 1st. also construction workers are at a risk of losing their jobs if congress doesn't act on a transportation bill a short-term funding bill set to expire and the supreme court could be deciding both on citizens united or whether or not to revisit citizens united and the affordable care at next couple of weeks of the the montana supreme court has ruled to keep its state limits on campaign funding in place and that's what's going to kick citizens united back up to scoda. as far as healthcare is concerned, house republicans are promising to repeal the
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affordable care act if the sport rules any of it unconstitutional. we are back on more after the break. stay with us. until the fall. what happens if you ask her to tone down her opinions? >>sorry, i can't hear you. what? [[vo]]or tell her she has to stick to a script? >>forget it. [[vo]]that will never happen on current. >>try to be a little more conservative tonight. it doesn't matter who you are. she was trying to be cool. she walks in, bonus, bonus bonus, bonus. [ screaming ] by the way in heels, the same height. [ applause ] >> wow. >> stephanie: she's awesome. as is john fuglesang. thank you, boston.
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18 minutes after the hour. let's continue on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: for a good time, call now. [ train whistle blows ] [ ball hitting paddle ] [ orbit girl ] don't let food hang around. yeah! [ orbit trumpet ] clean it up with orbit! [ orbit glint ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling. try new orbit micro packs. desk top, lab top, ipad. iphone. >> pleasant your hearts. >> the big one.
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>> stephanie: all i know, the little flower is there and it means go to meeting. i love go to meeting.
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>> broadcasting across the nation. this is the bill press show well trust the greeks. they got it right. they are staying in the eu and the euro is safe. and the american markets ought to reflect that today by having a good day. hello, everybody. great to see you today. thank you for joining us. it is full-court press here on current tv and your local progressive morning -- local progressive radio show this monday morning, june 18th. great to see you and thank you
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for joining us. >> the big issues of the day here in our nation's capitol, around the country and around the globe and then taking your calls, of course, at 866-55-press. we always save a seat for you at the table. you can grab that seat by giving us a .8866-55-377. all in place ready to go. what do you say, guys. >> happy monday. >> good morning. >> good weekend? >> yesterday indeed. >> everything went well. >> fantastic weekend. >> sods we. we had crotchety friends down from up in pennsylvania visiting us this weekend. great friends down from up in pennsylvania visiting us this weekend. 4-year-old meddy and 4-year-old bella. >> you had an under-1-year-old and a 4--year-old staying with you? >> plus their parents. >> man. >> wow. >> that's draping. >>? >> it was fun. it was fun. we had a lot of fun together.
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>> bella told me about dinosaurs dinosaurs. i told her i would say hello. she amps enough of the full-court press and switches to dora, the explorer. >> i would rather be watching dora, too. okay. bella, you can watch dora from now on. >> bye-bye. >> a big weekend for nick wolenda. he did it. he crossed the falls, and when he gets to the canadian side? who is there to greet him? the customs inspector. >> what is purpose of your trip sir. >> to inspire people around the world. >> you have. she sounded like she was a little prejudice there. >> that's right. >> that's how it went. >> the way it was. what a great show.
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our newest member of our current tv team, joy behar, melanie sloan from crew will be along a little bit later and ed smith, the president of eulico but first, dan, what do you got. >> bill, a marriage proposal at the whitehouse. friday's lgbt pride month reception, a trans gendered man dropped on one knee and asked his partner to marry him pities. scout is his name legally goes by one name. he had planned for almost a year to pop the question to lynn lynn margolie. the marriage will be a legal heterosexual marriage since scout is legally recognized as a male. in the east room. >> i don't know, man. >> that's a busy day at the whitehouse on friday.
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right? >> the president had time to head out for will you know in d c. this time with people who had entered another one of those contests for a chance to have lunch. they went to link-in restaurant. >> yeah. >> the hitll he ate an all-natural burger with which he hadder cheese, kale salad. >> it's healthier, small plates. >> sweet tea. >> sweet tea. >> that's not health. >> that's not health. >> the international olympic committee has opened an investigation into ticket sales for the london games after the sunday times newspaper reported tracts showing up on the black market in over 50 countries, priced at up to 10 times face value. normal prices go anywhere from 30 up top a thousand dollars depending on the event. >> they want to pay extra to see ann romney's dressage horse.
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ten minutes after the hour now and i have to tell you i am so excited as we welcome to the program this morning first of all, one of my very favorite people in the entire world. i loved being on her previous show and she is there on the view every day, and so excited to welcome to current tv the newest member of our current tv news team, joy behar. what do you say? >> bill how are you. >> i am good. congratulations. >> what time do you get up? >> 4:00 o'clock. >> 0, god. >> hey at least your show is in the evening. right? >> i know. no. i can't do the 4:00. you would have to pick me up with a spatula. i can barely do this hour. >> thank you for getting up so early for us this morning. >> i get up at this hour. i just don't talk. >> so you are filling in this
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week at 8:00 o'clock eastern? for eliot spitzer? >> the eliot is going to the gallapogos. i call him the eliot. >> he is the eliot. you know what? i hung out with him. he knows everybody in new york and washington. >> and everything. he also knows everything. and he will tell it to you in 10 minutes. >> that's right. >> my show was starting in september sometime. they are not exactly sure of the date but this week i am sitting in for eliot. i have so many shows to do this week, i am getting -- having a breakdown. >> between that -- you used to do two shows a day. >> i did and it was a killer. then i said i think i will do it again. i am an idiot. for some reason, i just said yes to this because i got a couple
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of, you know, some interest to start you again after my show was cancelled on hlm. >> which is dumb as didb as cancelling "crossfire." >> it's funny because you can't get it back. you don't see crossfire any more now. >> i loved doing your show on hln. you know that. i did it every time i could come to new york and you were always very kind to welcome me there. >> i like you very much. i think you are very good. i can't wait until you come on my show again. >> i will be there. >> can you, or are you going to be like, you know always in washington? >> no. well well, i burn the candle at both ends. >> excellent. >> there are planes and trains and things like that. remember? in this business, this has been a good year for us in terms of herman cain, michelle bachmann donald trump. >> i remember years ago i remember in '91 or '2 and i was working at wbac radio, a rather
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right-wing. i was like a fish out of water. i preceded rush limbaugh and i would get these calls from these rabid right-wingers who hated me. they never even saw me. they didn't know me. they would say you are so ugly. and i said, you didn't even see my face yet. when you see it, you can tell me i am ugly. >> people would call and say i position position on the gay rates. you liberal bitch. like a date rape. i hate to minimize rape but that's how it felt like i was being staked. without my knowledge of any kind of thing. >> a lot of you can ugly stuff.
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you get thick skinned after awhile. you got today. >> i don't care what they say. let them say as long as they don't come near me. rush limbaugh was there. clinton won when i was there. it was like '91. >> '92. >> and, you know, i was just gleeful. i kept playing this song "rainbow" to aggravate the right-wingers. anyway, so limbaugh, i said to him, ha-ha, we won. he said i am going to have the best time now for the next four years. he did. all he did was attack clinton. his numbers went through the roof roof. >> uh-huh. i am saying god forbid if romney wins we will do just fine. you and i will people like us because we will have a time someone to make fun of. but i don't want him to win for that reason. i am not so selfish i only consider my own career. >> when i started in television
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ronald reagan had been elected those were the best eight years of my life in the sense of the material that i had like every day. >> let's talk about romney. have you ever met or seen a politician so long out-of-touch with the american people? >> he is so lame. the wa-wa. i am in a stupor. i only had three hours sleep and i hear him saying i was at the wa-wa. what is the matter with him? the wife with the dressage. >> i love the dressage. when you go to natural childbirth, there is something called a flourage or something they do. it reminded me of the dressage. i don't know why. >> they say romney is like he represents the 1%. right? dressage has to be .00001%. >> i know. it's not horseback riding in the west. i have done a few things. this is a dancing horse.
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>> right. by the way, i was looking online. >> even only like the 1% of hours are interested in that. >> of course. i was online this morning. don't ask me why. i wanted to see what a dressage horse costs, you know, like about $250,000. right? >> yeah. sure. and then the upkeep. >> the upkeep. and they have got to fly this freakin horse around the world? right? they have to fly it to london. imagine the trainers the experienced planes, all of that. how many people and remember hey, remember with john kerri and the windsurfing and they accuse him of being an elitist. everything they accuse the democrats of and they do and ignore it as if they never issaid it. >> do you have a car elevator? your garage? >> yes. doesn't everyone? >> he have a car elevator? >> he will in his new house in la hoy a. ann drives so many cadillacs,
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right? joy, they have to have different -- --? >> i think when you are rich like that and when you are a republican, nobody says about it because they expect them to be like that. the republicans certainly do. when you are a democrat, you are not supposed to have that cankind of money. >> that's the way i see it. when kerri did it, it was look like at him. he is an e latest? >> this is who we are. i have never seen anybody who has such a difficult time. it's like he can't open his mouth without telling you how rich he is. >> don't you love it when he poses with donald trump. >> do you know? >> i know him pretty well because he comes on the view many times. he has been on my hln show. >> is he as crazy as he seems? >> no. >> does he belief this birth certificate thing? >> i don't think he does. i think he just says these
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things. like last time t it was to, to promote celebrity apresent is. >> he gets the publicity. >> he is like p.t. barnum. >> you you know what gets me? i was in chicago a couple of weeks ago. it was this trouble tower, his name, right? he does it in new york. he does it and las vegas. he is a brilliant businessman. >> he is a great promotor. he promotes himself really well. you have to give them credit for that. >> is he a nice person? >> you know, you never know with him. he will turn on you on a dime if you say something against him. and he will say -- i made a couple of jokes about his hair. he doesn't like that. he doesn't like it when women do it. it's okay when men do it.
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maybe his ego gets bruised when a woman does it. he wrote in his book i had no tall he wouldn't. he will say things like that. he will go off and hit you below the belt. look what he did to rosie o'donnell. it was below the belt. she also, you know two of them got into it. it wasn't she was completely without any kind of fault but he we want back with like 14 guns. you shoot him with a bb gun and he comes back with an uzi. >> do you have any idea what they are doingyou are going to do on the show tonight? >> this is like flying by the seat of your pants week because it's not my crew. it's not my producers. it's eliot. it's the eliot's show. so i think i am -- i think it will be a fun show. i will try to put the things that were success on the other show back like to analyze politicians and why they are
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behaving the way they do. it's so much fin for me. i love that type of thing. >> god knows there is a lot of material there? >> you know, like seriousness. it's great stuff. my panels, i love my panels. i used to like to put smart comedians on who had a different take on the world. i want it to be a live fun show but informative. >> the heart of this show i don't want to flatter you too much but you make the show. you are the heart of the show. and it's just so grated having you as a friend. noing you are going to be there on current t let's not kiss each other's butt here because my back hurts as it is. but i really want to come on your shown as soon as possible. >> thank you for getting up
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early. >> have a great summer. i expect to have a wonderful time this summer not thinking about any kind of job. >> all right. thanks, joy. talk to you soon ? >> okay. >> we will see you tonight. # o doll. >> joy behar all this week for eliot spitzer and then her own show starting in september that's going to be a blast. >> heard around the country hand seen on current tv this is the bill press show. after the commercial. >> it is a combination of low self-esteem, low blood sugar and missing red wine with my -- and mixing red wine with my painkillers. >>it would be terrible if america lost faith in wall street insiders wouldn't it.
4:21 am
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♪ ever did ♪ >> thank you . >> stephanie: 45 minutes after the hour. we'll be back as we close "the stephanie miller show." >> on "the stephanie miller show" in suburban america this [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> on your radio, on t.v. the bill press show, new on current tv: >> 26 minutes after the hour now. don't forget to check out our website as always at bill press
4:25 am if you haven't already done so, your chance to pick up a signed copy. tell us how you want it signed, my new book, the obama hate machine, all about the koch brothers, paperback comes out end of august. hard cover still available. get that signed and also at the website, sign up for a podcast. so if you don't catch all three hours of the show the show will be automatically downloaded to your iphone or your computer or whatever every day. commercial free. again, all at bill press peter, ever played golf at the ped hospital country club? >> i have not. >> it's down in atlanta, one of the most prestigous clubs in the entire country. maybe no longer: a member of the club wrote this letter: it was released pointing out some incidentses of what i would say rather unusual behavior. several members decided to play
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several hoe holes with no shirts. okay? that may be allowed or not allowed by the rules. one member decided to play the 14th hole completely naked. >> okay. >> that could be a crime in georgia. several members, urinated on one of the greens in the presence of a female caddy. oneme decided to show off to other members his ability to pick up a golf ball with his naked butt cheeks. get this on friday night in the grill, one of the drunken golfers passed out so another member opened his pants, pulled out his penis and slapped a passed out member's head with his penis. i am sure that's a crime in georgia. what's going on with the golf? does tiger woods know about this? >> this is the bill press show.
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[[vo]]joy behar is coming to current tv for one week only until the fall. what happens if you ask her to tone down her opinions? >>sorry, i can't hear you. what? [[vo]]or tell her she has to stick to a script?
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ah, claim trouble. [ voice of dennis ] you should just switch to allstate, and get their new claim satisfaction guarantee. hey, he's right, man. [ voice of dennis ] only allstate puts their money where their mouth is. yep. [ voice of dennis ] claim service so good, it's guaranteed. [ normal voice ] so i can always count on them. unlike randy over there. that is one dumb dude. ♪ ♪ the new claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. are you in good hands?
4:29 am
a great tasting mint core, frosted in powerful cooling crystals. ice breakers frost. feel the frost.
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her unique mix of comedy and politics to current tv. >> it's like a reality show, they're just turning cameras on and we just do our thing. >>politically direct to me means no b.s., the real thing, cutting through the clutter. i'm energized to start my show everyday because it's fun, because i care about what's going on in this country, rather than some sort of tired banter it is actual water cooler talk it's the way people really talk about these issues. we've always considered ourselves a comedy show. let me just say i am not ready for my close up. i think it's important to laugh. i think it will be exciting, because you can't script three hours of radio. what is going on? i can't tell you how many times right wingers call the show and say, "i don't agree with anything you say, but your show is funny as hell." the only thing that can save america now, current tv. can i say that?
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♪ >> radio meets television. the bill press show. now, on current tv. >> it is 33 minutes on a beautiful monday morning, june 18th. great to see you today. welcome back to the full-court press coming to you live from our nation's capitol brought to you today by the american federation of teachers the good men and women of the aft under president randy weingarten making a difference every day in the classroom. you know they are and their website is teachers under attack by particularly large read by mitt romney. the aft is fighting back. i am proud to have their port.
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we have been talk a lot about the president's new immigration policy announced on friday by homeland security secretary janet napolism tano to at that ache look at some of the political ram physicians of that. a ma'am anda perksell senior political reporter on politics and politics managing editor at the huffington post. >> thank for having me. >> scepter for american progress. huff post. this immigration policy let's talk policy. the president, brought here by those who were brought here by their parents illegally on the
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15th but they have been here at least five years, gone to high school, they served in the military. they don't have a criminal record. they will no longer be deported. is it a right policy? do you think? >> this could affect up to 800,000 individuals. >> yeah. >> these young people have committed no crime. they were brought here when they were children. they have followed the laws. they are trying to get an education. they are as american as you or i are. so this is -- i mean this is a policy that will bring people out of the shadows and a pretty bold step by the president. it's applaudable he tried to do something since congress wasn't really taking up the issue at all. >> right. mitt romney's response i thought was rather weak. he seemed to be flat-footed. he was asked boo by bob schieffer whether or not he would reveal that policy if he was president. he did not answer the question. >> right.
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>> he did not answer the question. this is all that he found to say about what the approximately announced? >> it's unfortunate that this comes up 4 and a half months. the president has been in office three and a half years. romney is saying why didn't he do this a lot sooner? he doesn't say he would have supported it. what is the answer to why the president hadn't done this sooner? >> well, the president was face a congress that didn't want to take this up. remember at the beginning of his term, he was taking up healthcare reform which was a huge undertaking in itself. arguably, only take up so many large issues. he was stopped by members of his own party. mitt romney is saying he will get on to office and do this right away isn't quite realistic. i don't think he realizes the way congress worked. >> the president did try to do this, as you pointed out, for congress, the dream act. >> the dream ac. >> that's right. >> passed the democratic -- then
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democratically controlled house and the republicans filibustered it. >> that's right. president obama said that he would have liked and preferred to see the full dream act pass, but that didn't happen. in the meantime we have the policy directive. if growths takes it up he would be happy to support that. >> he says i will do what he can. the most he can do is let these kids, apply for a 2-year work permit, which can be renewed. >> uh-huh. >> at least the administration or the department of homeland security will not be deporting them. so let's talk about, then the political ramifications of this this is an election year. everything has political consequences. what are the consequences for obama? >> it initially, polls show it
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can help him especially with latino voters. >> of course. >> could it hurt him with more con conservative voters who may be more conservative? the president sees not only is this the right policy but it will help him. it puts mitt romney in a position of addressing latino voters and he has been hard line. you saw him do that dance on sunday where he refused to say if he would repeal it. >> all right. romney, we want the latino vote but every time on any issue, he is either against it or waffle. >> right. mitt romney action every time you ask him about immigration, he wants to secure the voters first. he still is saying i think we need to do some comprehensive version. he is not answer whether or not he would reveal this policy. he knows doing so, saying he would repeal it would be incredibly unpopular with
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latinos. >> right. first of all, i think he is doing the right policy. the dream act. particularly not only but the military, going to college, got jobs. they weren't -- it wasn't their fault. they came to the united states. they don't know mexico. they probably don't speak span spanish. a lot of them. >> this is trad -- traditionally had bi-partisan support the people like john mccain have supported it. texas governor rick perry has supported some version of the dream act. so this is something that is bi-partisan. it's becoming more political. it's become more polarized. >> i think politically, it's a 10 stroke. it definitely is going to help him in the latino population. it's something they have been
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talking talking about for a long time. when the president announced it, i go to the briefings every day. impart of the white house press corps. i could not be there friday. i had a doctor's appointment. so i missed the heckler. i missed neil monroe. thank god not from huffington post. from daily caller. you are a journalist. what's the reaxction to that? hadnize monroe's behavior acceptable? >> most journalists i have seen and talked to. the white house correspondent's association says this is unacceptable. the only people i have seen defending him are people at daily caller. >> not even fox news defended him. >> no. chris wal as action host of fox news sunday, and shep smith were talking about it on friday. they said you don't interrupt the president. after he is done giving the statement, feel free to shout out questions but not in the middle of it. >> that's what we do.
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i have done that. others do. as soon as you know the president is finished he will take questions. more often in the rose garden he turns to go back. and that allows us to shout out questions. usually, the loudest one is the one that carries and sometimes i have seen the president turn around and come back to the podium and answers a question. >> right. >> sometimes, he ignores it. genius. al polite thing to do. not in the interest for the public for a journalist to answer. by interrupting him and inserting yourself and shouting out these mumbled questions that the public can't even really hear, it's grandstanding, trying to get a tension for yourself and your publication. but not in the interest of the public. >> amanda turkel is our guest. she is the senior political
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reporter for huffington post. glad to take your calls here on the president's new immigration policy and on the heckler, carlson defended him, said he would give him a raise if he had the money. i think he should fire him. 866-55-press. i think he ought to be banned from the white mouse, by the way. you have been just coming back from wisconsin. >> that's right. >> and the raul election there. does this, the outcome of the raul, have any implications beyond wing, do you believe? >> i don't think it's as severe as some people are saying. this shows that the president is going to lose wisconsin. republicans are going to take it back for the first time since 1984. at the same time, i think it was a blow to the moral of many people, of many progressiz and labor unions in wisconsin. people were excited, thought it would at least be a close race maybe scott walker would win. the results show scott walker won by quite a bit. a lot of it was recalling public
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officials, prime or something like that. i think progressives may be able to shift and move on. >> the money absolutely played a role. i think it played the outside role. progressives would have won. i am not sure because i think the recall itself was unpopular. >> the money still had an impact. on ads in terms of going on air scott walker and the republicans were able to out spend democrats and when you blanket people with that much coverage, again, it made people sick of the recall and wanted it over. >> amanda terkel here immigration. talking wisconsin and 866-55-press, your ticket to join the conversation here on this monday, june 18th. we will be right back.
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today, on the radio, on current tv, this is the bill press show. >>it would be terrible if america lost faith in wall street insiders wouldn't it.
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the new slogan should be "we own wall street." that's my view.
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what makes hershey's s'mores special? pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. ♪ take just one more ♪ it's been dumbed down ♪ long before romney ♪ ever did ♪ >> thank you . >> stephanie: 45 minutes after the hour. we'll be back as we close "the stephanie miller show." >> on "the stephanie miller show" in suburban america this
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♪ [music] >> this is the bill press show live on your radio and current tv. >> citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington their executive director, melanie sloan joins us at the top of the next hour. right now, we are talking politics with amanda turk he will and will take your calls at 866-55-press. amanda, before we go to the phones, i have to ask you how many dressage horses do you own?
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>> doesn't everyone own at least 10? >> don't you think? yeah. listen to mitt romney, you might think it was the number one sport in this you want tree. right? steven colbert named it the sport of the summer. >> i hadn't heard of it before all of this happened. >> no. really? well isn't it -- doesn't it just sort of re-look, ann romney is a fine lady. she can do whatever she wants. but it does reenforce the nation, the romneys are not like the rest of us when they have got enough money to buy this horse and then ship it all around the world and they are into dressage? >> right. it does not -- it does not make the image that romney is part of the 99% sitting around watching nascar or wwf or even just sort of slowing a football around. >> some of his best friends own nascar teams. >> and football teams. >> i don't think it proves any
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part of the 1%. joe behar at the top of the hour, we mentioned he is part of the .00001%. beverly call from saint david illinois. what do you say? good morning. >> great to hear from you, bill. how are you doing this morning. >> great. thank you. >> just wanted to mention to ms. turk he will first of all, i happen to like your reporting. you have always done a very good job. >> thank you. >> when i have seen you. but you failed to mention that in wisconsin, even with all of that money, the democrats took over the senate by two seats so i see forcing, mr. lame duck i call him. he is going going to have to work with the needle points if anything gets through. his right-wing agenda is now stalled somewhat. >> yeah, i guess that was a silver lining amanda? hum? >> john layman did beat van
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van wangard meaning the democrats took back a slim majority but the problem is the legislature is out of session for the rest of the year. and in november, more e elections so democrats could hold onto the state senate or lose it. the democratic leader thinks it will be easier for them to hold onto the legislature now that they have it in november. unless scott walker calls a special session and both chambers agree to come back, the legislature won't be doing much. since scott walker knows that, i don't think he will be doing that. >> in other words, they have control but they won't be able to where size control. >> right. because they will not be meeting. >> yes, sir is in madison, wisconsin. >> thank you for listening to 92.1, the mike. right? >> you know, i would a couple of
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comments i wanted to say. >> please. >> about the raul election as a whole. i don't feel the democrats picked the right person to put up against scott walker. i think if they would have worked harder, maybe they could have found somebody different. he had lost twice running for governor. >> had he run twice? >> yeah. you know, put somebody up that's already lost. my own personal feelings. and the fact that, you know, it was harder for the community to swat swallow the fact, like you had stated they were sick and tired of hearing about it because a lot of people understood that, you know, it's a recall but we are not rauling this person.
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saying what he was going to do. he ran and wanted to push through. he said he was going to do. >> all right. chris, in the interest of time i want to give amanda a chance to respond on whether, you know, he is the right candidate or not. he won the primary. how about the second one? scott walker? >> i got the impression that he did not tell the people. the republican employees or did he? >> no. he absolutely did not. it took many people by surprise. i have seen videos come out where he said he wanted to divide and conquer the labor unions. but people did not -- people thought scott walker would be conservative. they didn't think he would be as conservative as he is in going after the agenda. so that is what upset people and why they wanted to recall him.
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>> yeah. maybe the only people who knew ahead of time on the agenda were the koch brothers who had basically if you wanted him. >> all right. they wrote a lot of his, with the legislative exchange council. >> that's my impression. people were blown around thrown by scott walker, when it came out aggressive against public employee unions from in particular. >> i think that's why tom barrett, the milwaukee mayor who ran and lost in 2010 and this time thought maybe it will be different, a different race. >> scott walker. 2010. >> amapped a, it's really good to see you today. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> covered amount of ground.
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come back and see us soon. >> exactly. >> i will tell you what pom president obama is up to today in cabo san lucas, mexico. >> heard around the country and seen on current tv, this is the bill press show. >>it would be terrible if america lost faith in wall street insiders wouldn't it. it starts at $59 for the entire year for back up. put in code stephanie for your subscription. 18 minutes after the hour. it starts at $59 for the entire
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[ nervous ] i hope no one recognizes
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us... think these disguises will... no. [ male announcer ] salty. sweet. and impossible to resist. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> here we go. president obama, off at another international summit. this one being held in cabo san lucas mexico, at the tip of
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bajh, california. he starts with a bilateral meeting with president calderon and meets with president putin of russia and will go to the convention scepter to attend the g 20 plenary session and today by participating in a working dinner with g 20 leaders. great memories of cabo san lucas lucas. we went before it was a big fancy resort, used to go down from california to lapas. there was an airport, respect a car and drive down to yabo. i remember peter, we stayed in a great hotel there. we paid $2 a night. >> wow. >> slept on a straw mattress. >> nice. >> things have changed. this is the bill press show. while you're out catching a movie. [ growls ]
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lucky for me your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey! you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] mayhem is everywhere.
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>> ♪ hello everybody. it is monday june 18th. what do you say? good to see you today. thank you for joining us and welcome to the full-court press this beautiful monday morning. we will tell you what's happening around the country and right here in washington d.c. and take your calls at 866-55-press. congress may not pass the dream act, but president obama said he is going to act anyway. announced a new policy on friday, which allows young people who are brought here illegally by their parents before the age of 15, those who have graduated from high school or served in the military to stay here without fear of being -- a risk of being deported it is the right policy.
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we will talk about that and a whole lot more here on this monday morning. first, let's find out all of the latest. today's current news update from jacki schechner on you out in los angeles. >> good morning. a new poll released says 75% of people are worried we are heading for another recession, but but respondents are split on who's apologized they think would be better. president obama gets better marks on who would help the middle class. mitt romney better for businesses. personal income has an impact on people's answers. 83% of people who make between 40 and $4,060,000 a year are more worried about another recession while those who make $100,000 a year are less concerned. republicans are more worried than democrats. >> a new democracy party will work to form on a:al list today after a narrow election victory.
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the vote could stabilize global markets, your o and european stocks. it's to restow the near bankrupt economy and protests could break out over the new government. reall hunter has written a new book detailing her affair with the former presidential candidate. it's a due out on tuesday, under claims she wrote the tell-all for her daughter, so she had a quote truthful public account of her daughter's story. the book reportedly reveals edwards had other mistresses and details hunter's experiences as the other woman. she reportedly defends edwards, attacks elizabeth edwards, is vague about her current relationship but will tell more about it on abc in an interview friday. back with more after a break.
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current tv for one week only until the fall. what happens if you ask her to tone down her opinions? >>sorry, i can't hear you. what? [[vo]]or tell her she has to stick to a script? >>forget it. [[vo]]that will never happen on current. >>try to be a little more conservative tonight. joining us. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me, man.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >>pom announces a bold new policy on immigration. if congress won't pass the dream act, the president will do it by executive order. hello, everybody. haley monday monday june 18th. great to see you today. good to have you with us here on the full-court press. coming to you live from our nation's capitol bringing you the good news of the day, talking calls at 866-we will bring you up to date on what's happening here in our nation's capitol around country and around the globe. nobody keeps their eye on the doings here at the nation's capitol to make sure that the members of congress are not crossing the line.
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then the citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington, executive director mel melony slow back in studio with us. >> nice to be with you bill. >> i love the work that you are doing and always glad to see you out on a new line of attack. you will tell us about it this morning. our regular team here, peter ogburn and dan henning and cyprian boulding. >> by the way, you have to point out when the president made his announcement on friday in the rose garden, i couldn't be there. i'm sorry i wasn't there because if neil monroe had interrupted the president while i was there, i would have tackled the sob. >> bill press, rose garden linebacker. >> i would have been. yeah. tucker carlson is the only person, his boss is the only person i know who defended mr. monroe even on fox news where tucker is a contributor,
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the people on fox news came out and said interrupting the president, any president in the middle of a statement is a sign of disrespect and is totally unacceptable. here is chris wallace friday afternoon. >> i think it's out rageous. i covered ronald reagan for six years. with sam donaldson, we used to scream our lungs out asking questions but we always waited until the president, any president, had finished speaking. the idea that you would interrupt the president in the middle of prepared remarks and shout a question i don't think the guy should be allowed back in the white house, you know, on a press pass. >> exactly. chris, you are absolutely right. i would pull his press pass i hope they have done so. melany is with us and we will be joined by ed smith, the president of ulico to talk labor issues but dan. >> the full court press. >> on this monday, other headlines making news dare delve nick wolenda completed his
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walk across niagara falls. >> i could have done it. >> with the walk from the u.s. to canada took 25 minutes on a wire suspended above the falls. he was wear a safety harness which takes the excitement away the broadcasts cord big ratings, 10.1 million people watched it. gave the network its highest viewership in nearly 5 years. >> is that right? >> uh-huh. they wanted to see him fall. hard for me to imagine wanting to see somebody fall. >> i know. you like to see him define death. you like to see him beat, you know, danger here. >> you put that better. >> in sports, the miami heat took a lead over the thunder.
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they won 91 to 85. the thunder once led the heat by as much as 8 points, labron and durant had four fouls that kept him on the bench for several minutes. >> i know you hate the heat. >> and the olympic club in san francisco proved to be a tough test for golf's greatest and a new winner emerged, web simple sorn playing only his 5th major tournament. a final record 68 to wind up one over. he held off michael thompson and graham mcdowell, both two over, $1.4 million. michael thompson and graham mcdowell mcdowell. >> he came out of nowhere to win that tournament. >> absolutely. >> your name. >> all right. dan, thank you. so melanie, what's the latest
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corruption in washington, d.c.? i almost hate to ask but it has to do with aetna insurance company? >> yeah. >> what's it about. >> that's such an outrageous situation. one problems we are having this election cycle and frame in 2010 as well was the immersion -- the emergency of 501 c 4s, which is something, how they are organized under the tax code as major political players and the thing about donating to a 501 c 4 versus the super p.a.c.s which we hear so much about is that donations to 501 c 4s are anonymous. >> an offense muss. >> totally but they have a huge amount. >> thank you anthony scalia. it is the scourge? >> of our society these days so much money, american crossroads the super p.a.c. and american crossroads, gps, the 501 c 4, we found one, american network action work, run by former senator norm coleman from minnesota and we have been looking at that organization for a while because they violate
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their tax status all the time. they are not allowed to have political activities as their primary purpose under law yet over 66% of their money has gone towards negative attack ads against democrats around the current tree. so we filed irs complaints about that in the past. but then last week we heard complaints from a financial reporter at a newsletter called snl which i wasn't previously familiar with and he told me aetna had donated over $3 million to this 501 c 4, the american action network and it turned out aetna donated over 4 million to the chamber of commerce. we are stunned and found aetna had inadvertently filed something with the national association of insurance commissioners indicating it had spent 3.3 million with aan and then another 4 with the chamber of commerce. by the way, it's dues are only $100,000. so really, over $7 million has gone to funding negative ads
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against democrats. so we wrote a letter to the chairman of aetna's board saying, what are you doing? especially since he had in may been at a shareholders meeting where he had argued against a proposal for more disclosure of etna's campaigns and said he was in favor of trans piece see and accountability and any further disclosure was unwarranted. this seemed to contradict aetna's american but was out there. this was one of the reasons this was such a big deal. we know these corporations are funding these negative ads but we don't know which courses and how much they are spending. so this is the first time we are actually catching someone in the act, over $7 million on ads. what we don't know is aetna having the capacity to tell aan, these are the politicians we want you to do the ads against action do they have a role in helping creates the ads and aetna, of course, isn't talking. >> did they give any money, first of all, to there is at least one democratic super p.a.c. that i know of priorities u.s.a. led by bill burton sitting right in that chair a couple of days ago.
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did they give any money to any democratic super p.a.c.s. >> as far as i knowif they gave money to super p.a.c.s that would be disclosed. >> priorities u.s.a. does have a c 4? >> we don't know. it seems not because this filing, they would have listed anybody they pulled those filings right away. >> which that money will be used to support republican can dates only. now, did what they do, that $7 million, is it legal? >> it's legal for aetna to do that. it is, is not legal for the american network action to spend so much on the ads when that's not what the irs says they can do. >> the c 4 supposedly just research? isn't it? supposed to be a serb welfare o and supposed to do things that benefit, benefit people. lots of organizations have c 4s. traditionally you will see groups like the aclu will have a
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c 3 and c 4. you see that on the right side of the spectrum like the right to life committees will have a c 3 and c 4. the c 4 gets more involved in politics mostly because they can lobby but they are not smoothes to spend american their primary purpose can't be political activity. they blow by that line and have for several years now. >> isn't this just the latest example with aetna? before i get to that is there anything that can be done about this? are you asking aetna to get the money back? thepac to get the money back? or are you asking aetna invest organs or policies holders to raise hell or what? >> we think people should be aware where their insurance peoplie are going because at of aetna's cust mezmembers are going. aetna is spending our insurance dollars telling us, trying to sway our votes without actually telling us that they are behind it. do they sell health insurance? is that their issue? >> i think aetna is an insurance
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giant. i think most people would be sprooird surprised to discover aetna insurance holders their moan was being spent. >> that's important to know if you are buying a company from a -- policy from a company and their profits, your money in effect are going just to fund ads for one candidate. >> right. >> you may want to get a different product or insurance policy. >> we saw this in 2010 when it came out that both best buy and target had been involved in some political donations for a right-wing candidate in minnesota and there were boycotts against those companies for their ads. they said they were going to stop doing that. >> isn't this just one more example of what we see today which is thanks to again, citizens united, corporations are people, my friends, that corporate leaders are just buying candidates and buying
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races? and it's yeah, 7 million from aetna but 400 million from the koch brothers? >> right. >> they got another -- i think at the end of this week, they have another -- the koch brothers have another gathering, you know, convocation of all of their corporate fat-cat buddies to pump in hundreds of millions of dollars again. >> one of the problems with all of this is just because aetna doesn't tell us who they are supporting or opposing, doesn't mean they aren't telling those candidates. people who get elected may have the benefit of aetna's largess. they can be grateful. we can expect there will be people voting for certain companies for legislation that favors certain companies because they have been helped out to win their e elections by those companies the but we as americans have no idea that that's happening. >> aetna policyholders, are you aware of this? 866-55-press. this is a toll-free number melanie sloan for citizens for
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responsibility and ethics in washington. >> that's a good idea. don't you think? the name, crew. so melanie, you also did a report this week on what's happening in the area of left-over campaign funds. this fascinates me. these are people who have been in. they are raising money all the time. anyhow. so they are always having fundraisers? right? they amass huge sums of money. >> right. >> part of that is to hold off maybe from any challenger. but then often, they either get defeated or retire or whatever and they have got a lot of money in the bank. right? >> right. >> what happens to it? >> that's what's so interesting. we decided to look at what happens to it because in the mast past, youized to see them donate money from charity. >> right. it does happen. in some respects. those days have come and gone because now they go into lobbying right away. what they do with their campaign funds is they use that big pot
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of money to make campaign con trigbutions, themselves this is the mother's mic of politics. that helps smooth their entry into the lobbying world and gets them greater access and probably better legislation. we see so many members now retire iing with huge war chests. some members of congress might know they are planning to retire but they keep fundraising and do it because they want to amass that war chest and it can benefit them in their private career, something other people don't have the add vantage of, spend make campaign contributions with other people's money. >> right. >> we also saw that sometimes, these campaign funds and exam pain committees remain active after a member of congress has died. a good example is a former congressman, tom lantos who died in 2008 and his campaign committee has continued to be active and paid the treasurer ear. >> doing what. >> paid a treasurer over $150,000 and made donations to his daughter who was running for office, i believe it was in new
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hampshire. tom lantos said he wanted the money from his campaign committee to go to a foundation. now it is going but it doesn't take four years to set up a foundation. >> so these are contributions from the dead really from the grave? >> from the grave, yeah. that we had another one where mcdonald's campaign committee paid a loan to the congress woman after she died. >> good lord. >> you know, you guys have to work 247 there, i think. there is so much crucial. how can you keep on to have of it all. melany stone 866-55-press. we will be right back. skwlfrn. >> heard around the country and seen on current tv this is the bill press show. from one part of the country to the other without any air traffic controllers. i mean this is ridiculous and mitt romney ought to know better. i stand with our public employees and cops and firefighters and their teachers?
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and everyone likes 50% more cash -- well, except her. >>it would be terrible if america lost faith in wall street insiders wouldn't it. the airplanes are going to get from one part of the country to the other without any air traffic controllers. i mean this is ridiculous and mitt romney ought to know better. i stand with our public employees and cops and firefighters and their teachers? and everyone likes 50% more cash -- well, except her. no! but, i'm about to change that. ♪ every little baby wants 50% more cash... ♪ phhht! fine, you try. [ strings breaking wood splintering ] ha ha. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? ♪ ♪ what's in your...your... ♪
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[ train whistle blows ]
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[ ball hitting paddle ] [ orbit girl ] don't let food hang around. yeah! [ orbit trumpet ] clean it up with orbit! [ orbit glint ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling. ♪ eat, drink, chew orbit! ♪ ♪ take just one more ♪ it's been dumbed down ♪ long before romney ♪ ever did ♪ >> thank you . >> stephanie: 45 minutes after the hour. we'll be back as we close "the stephanie miller show." >> on "the stephanie miller show" in suburban america this [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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this is the full court press, bill press show, live on your radio and on current tv. hey, so what do you know? aetna, giant insurance company, the latest caught pumping millions and millions of dollars into right-wing attack ads against democratic candidates. they tried to do so under the radar but they were caught by crew, citizenship for responsibility and ethics, the executive director of melanie sloan in studio with us. i want to ask you just quickly before we get the call, so on this aetna now you announced this last week. you reported it. will there be any hearings in congress maybe to try to bring
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it to light and expose it? >> there has been a remarkable silence from congress. >> no. i wonder why. maybe because they are getting the checks? >> right because they are all getting the money and they hope more money will come their way. i don't see doing -- anybody doing anything en though the senate has in the past been very concerned about the misuse of 501 c 3 and c 4 airshields but total sigh legislation from the senate committeeorganizations but total sigh legislation from the senate committee. >> james, good morning. >> good morning, yeah, one of my biggest questions is the fact that talking about aetna, is that is there a law that says that the candidates or their representatives, whomever, should doesisclose who pays them money or who is giving money to them or their p.a.c. is? >> a law that says they have to do that? one. no. 2 is when i watched bob
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schieffer yesterday, and they had mitt romney on. >> yeah. >> and when he was talking, romney made a statement that blew my mind because i never heard of a presidential candidate say all i want is one term. and what i got from his interview was that that's all i am looking for is one term. because i have got a job to go back to. >> whoa. hold on a second here i must say. >> he also doesn't have a job to go back to because mitt romney is retired. he is quite rich from his service at bain. >> he is going to build a pipeline, the keystone pipeline. that's his job. how about the first part? >> right. >> that's a good question. yes, there absolutely are disclosure requirements, campaign committees and p.a.c.s must disclose donors. sadly, that kind of disclosure is not significant enough these days. >> that's $2,500 contribution. a thousand dollars in
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contributions, talking about money to 501 c 4s, we are talking abouttentions of millions of dollars, money the super p.a.c.s, by the way, must disclose but that is why so many corporations are not giving to super p.a.c.s, instead choosing to give the money to the 501 c 4s which by the way are filtering the money to super p.a.c.s. it's all the way the money -- to launder the money and keep the identities of the biggest donors cigarette secret. >> unlimited amounts of money. nobody knows they are giving the money. >> exactly. >> it's cres. >> at citizens for ethics. find out what rrews is asking -- what crew is doing to present that. >> this is the bill press show. >> thanks, melanie.
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[music] >> on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> hey, what do you say? 33 minutes after the hour. this is the full court press on monday june 18th, and we are coming to you live from our nation's capitol. brought to you today by uilico proudly serving the u yun workplace for over 80 years providing specialty insurance, risk solutions investment products and services under ed smith. find out more about their work by going to the website at www.ullico, and find out a lot more. we welcome ed smith.
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>> great to see you bill. great to be here. >> ed, particularly, these last few months there is a war on working families going on across the country. >> last few months last few years, for deckates. unions have been under attack. unions quite frankly have been under attack. what's new is they smell blood in the water that they can wipe us off of the face of the earth. >> that's what's going on. in wisconsin. it's been going on in the private sector. the national labor relations work does not work. there is no way for workers to form a union. you look at that with wal-mart. never worker allowed to be in a union, you know, how they screen workers to make sure. it shows up in a lack of wages
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for regular class people. it shows up in that pensions are being wiped off the planet. our country is going backwards in so many ways. so what you have seen is they smell blood in the water. now, they are trying to drive the final nail in our coffin. >> that's what's going on. >> mit rollney picked it up. as you pointed out. been going on for a long time. it started on the private sector unions, particularly the construction workers. >> yeah. >> right. >> and then now lately, it's been focused it seems, starting in wisconsin on the public employees and then mitt romney says the message of wisconsin is we don't need as many cops and firefighters and teachers and public employees and basically. >> you never need them until you need them. >> right. >> yeah. >> and, you know, who are our
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heros? you think about who our heros are. our heros are the teacher who helped us along the way, the police officer that was there when we needed him risk his life every day. think about 9-11. think about 9-11, the firefighters. you know. >> first responders. >> first responders, all of the heros that go about protecting save us every day and never get the credit and now, all of the sudden sudden, that's what's wrong with america? this is crazy. and what's happened is everybody is in a budget personally. states county ease are, you know, trying to make ends meet. so, you know, wisconsin is a great example. what happened? they were in a budget fight and the unions did what? ghat to concessions. agreed to concessions. but that was never about that.
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it was about crushing the wing of the democrat party in wisconsin. it was about crushing those workers voiced through their union unions. the workersl agreed to the concessions. they said we understand we are in a tough spot here we will work with you to get through this thing, and then as things get better come back. but they were crushed. >> i think a lot of americans don't understand. i mean you come out of the labor movement. you are a leader of it today. how important collective bargaining is and what collective collective bargaining allows and what it doesn't allow. >> it's not a guarantee that you get everything you ask for. >> never does. it gives you a seat at the table. it's the difference between bargaining and begging and having a seat at the table and not having a seat at the table. you know, if you get collective bargaining, workers are at the table. >> never means you are going to get everything you want because you never do. but you have got a voice.
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& company that operate under a collective bargaining agreement are smart because the people who make the company go are the workers. the workez know best what needs to hatch and working with management, you know, you can have a successful company. companies that have operated union for deck assess and deck it's a have been very very profitable. and what's happened is when there is no collective bargaining, workers don't have a voice, you know, they are simply at the will of management. and that's a recipe for disaster. >> that's what's happened. >> ed smith is the president of ullico, incorporated. is the website. he is our guest in studio. it really is all comes to a head in this election year. doesn't it? 2012? >> you know what? we always say it. this is an election because it always is it seems like, you know. >> yeah. >> so, you know you can't have a more stark contrast than what we have this november.
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>> between obama and romney when it comes to organized -- for working families. >> whether they are union or not in a union. you know, this is about, you know, the -- i have got to give other opponents credit. they come up with great names like job creators. but it's the workers assets, you know, it's the workers that make the companies go. you have got to have both. you can't simply do it without workers and that's who is getting short changed. >> we know the real job creators are the people who make over 250,000 or a million$250,000 or a million or a billion dollars a year and get their tax cuts from george w. bush. they are using that money. we see it. you know i can't -- it drives me crazy the repatriate money offshore. repatriate. how about patriotism? any way to not pay taxes when
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they owe their fair share. nobody's tax rates are high and low. you think ballpark job creators. consumers, they are the workers who spend their paycheck and demand out there. people had money in their pocket, they spend it. which creates demanded creates jobs. these businesses have record profits setting on the sidelines. they are not using it to create the jobs. working families create the jobs. >> now working families found that they are not getting much cooperation, in fact, a lot of hostility from the nation's governors but the united states congress coming forth, thereby the president shot down by republicans. you have been talking about
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which i really admire. a maximum. >> we are doing it. ullico, there is no company in america like our company. it's 85 years old. it's owned by the trade union did, owned by the labor movement. we have a history of creating our own jobs. we had a program called j for jobs union pension dollars. we have created over half a billion hours of work in america. those hours are created by us financing construction projects. and buildings and hotels and industrial complexes and shopping centers and things like that. we have recently expanded that to infrastructure to use union pension dollars or public pension dollars.
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there are all kinds of workers' money into these projects when you are creating jobs. and what we do is we require in our documents that they have a safe workplace. family healthcare. minimum wage. those are things so that workers are protected when their dollars go. i always say we don't have to wait on wall street. we don't have to wait on washington. there is over $50,000,000,000 in what's called multi-employer pension plans. there are $3 trillion in the public sector, your home state those are all dollars. those dollars reason used to generate jobs and rebuild our infrastructure. do it with those labor standards and sustainability environmental standards, we can do it right and that's what we can't wait any longer.
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>> these are some of the jobs that didn't get funded because congress wouldn't pass them. >> that's what i was saying. we don't have to wait on them any more. we are tired of waiting on them. so let's move forward ourselves. >> that's what we are doing at ullico. >> i love it. the president has been doing some of that, himself. he has had this we can't wait. >> god bless him. >> it's true. you sit around waiting for this congress to act, nothing. >> he showed leadership and, you know so he is a little more harry truman here. >> yeah. the president of ullico. there is a war on working families in this country. no doubt about it. >> helping working families. save always save a seat at the table. our conversation the question or comments, 866-55-press.
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join the full court press this monday morning. >> on your radio, on t.v. the bill press show. new on current tv. not only firefighters going back to work and having good, middle class jobs and spending and helping this economy to grow. but providing the services that those neighborhoods, those communities and those citizens expect when they experience their worst of times. >> bill: we're talking with harold schaitberger, the general president of the international association of firefighters. you can find out more about their program, their great work and also their involvement in this 2012 election season by going to the web site at president schaitberger, they say the lesson of wisconsin is that americans think we don't need as many firefighters, teachers and police officers on the job. what do you think is the message of wisconsin?
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i know your people were active there and we didn't get the result that we wanted. people? what can you tell us? >> bill: -- >> bill, obviously i don't agree with that and i'll tell you why. i believe part of the lesson of wisconsin was an electorate that had faced seven elections in a 16-month period. i think there was a lot of just simple campaign and election fatigue. i do believe that that is a factor. but let me flip it over to ohio. because ohio, who face at very similar situation with john kasich and his -- when it went to the people, when the people were allowed to vote on what they wanted -- whether they wanted to support their firefighters and cops and teachers, by 62% to 38%, they overwhelmingly expressed that support. you know, the people get confused. i understand we really understand the economic
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pressures that this country has been facing. and certainly our union and our members and leadership, the firefighters, 300,000 across test test part to try to make sure that we help to bring solutions, if you will, to the table. and we participated in finding ways to try to take some of the pressure off the communities. but bill, fire fighting is still simply a labor-intensive job. you have to crawl down the hallway to make the rescue. you gotta make the extrication out of that car that's been in a severe crash. you're trying to respond to the elderly that's having -- you know, a heart attack in a home. there aren't machines really that can respond and do this. this still takes people. this takes labor. >>it would be terrible if america
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lost faith in wall street insiders wouldn't it. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> this is the bill press show. >> it's 13 minutes before the top of the hour. here on the full-court press this monday morning. pleased to welcome in studio ed smith, the president of ullico incorporated. they are out there telling working families, listen. we don't need congress to act. we hope they would but we are not going to sit around and wait for them any longer.
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we are going to invest in our projects and make them union projects and get the work of this country done. ed, i want to ask you before we go to calls and your calls welcome at 866-55-press, you know being from california, around the bay area i am so upset about the fact that building this new bay bridge there, and they are using steel made in china and importanted from workers to put it together. there are some american workers but the whole idea. what about building products made in america? >> absolutely it is. do you think there is no specification lang requirements. what we do is we have our infrastructure firm, all of the building and maintenance is done members of the building trades. all of the permanent workers, a waste water treatment, a port, any infrastructure projects
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those permanent workers will be union workers. okay? and then we have a third component we call the fab education of manufacture -- fabrication of manufacturing where there is that fabrication of those products in that infrastructure to be done with domestic union shops because there is still hundreds of union shops in america that have a union work force that do it right here domestically and we want those shops not only employing their workers but calling back those laid-off workers to make sure that they are a part of these projects. >> sure. otherwise, it's sort of defeating yourself. here is linda. linda is calling from west haven, connecticut. hi, linda. good morning. >> hi, bill. how are you. >> i am good. thank you. what's your point? >> the point i wanted to make is why are republicans like getting away with this stuff about being job creators, so-called job creators. it's people that get this
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country working, the union workers who kept it on top for so long. >> i don't know how they get away with it to tell the truth, linda. ed, maybe you've got a comment on it. they keep putting this out. boehner talks about a job creator? >> workers are never part of their e coordination. they are so disrespected quite frankly. linda, you are right. the point i was making you want to create jobs, when workers work, they spend their paychecks. consumers drive demand and when demand is up, business is higher, you know these companies have had record profits, but you don't see the jobs being created but when workers have -- when workers are working, they -- jobs are being worked. >> the background and the economy creates more demand more jobs. but look. we've got eight years to test this theory. >> that's right. >> that the the waveletiest people in the country, with more money in their pocket they will
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create jobs. they lost. plus 8 million jobs. >>. >> romney's plan is more of the same. >> jean is calling from your home state of illinois. good morning. >> i have two questions. one is: why are union members voting against their own best interests interests? npr did a segment a half hour ago, interviewing a union shop inshire ohio who most likely voted for obama and now are going to vote for romney, most of them. i don't understand it. unions are not educating their members. your opinion, please. >> okay. all right. thank you, jean. you know ed there are studies that show that not all but there is a certain percentage of union members who seem to vote against their own best interests. in wisconsin? >> yeah. that's not a new phenomenon. workers have a lot of other interests and they hear from a lot of others whether it's their church they go to or the nra or
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all of these other interests, you know, and there are certainly too high a percentage of union members vote against their own interest every day. i would say not only union workers but workers in general. the proof is in their lack of keeping up with their income and benefits and things like that. so unions, you know here is another point on that, though. if you look at demographics let's take -- break it down with white workers who traditionally voted higher in the republican cats gory except for white union members. when you brake it down by hispanic and african-american women, white males white males voting more republican than ever except when they are union members. they are being educated. workers, a percentage of workers have voted against their own
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interests, you know, for hundreds of years and we have got to do better. but quite frankly, there is always going to be some percentage going to vote against their own interests. >> as president lincoln once said, there are always some fleas that a dog can't catch. >> that's right. >> i am afraid that's the truth. we all have to do, you know talk radio television union leadership, a better job of making sure people know what the facts are. >> absolutely because when they have the facts, they will get there. they will get the -- they will come to the right conclusion. >> the fact is that mitt romney and john boehner and mitch mcconnell are out to destroy the way of life for working families across the country. >> doing it every day. >> ed smith, so good to have you on the show and being at good friend for a long time. you are leading the fight. >> that's right. thanks, bill. pleasew to be here. >> don't for get and i will be back with a quick
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parting shot. >> this is the bill press show. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] senator, i go down there all the time, outside of every door in the house office buildings and the senate office buildings is either the american flag or the state flag that they represent or both. not michele bachmann. she has replaced it with a tea party flag. i ask you, isn't it a lot more unpatriotic to trash the american flag than it is to suggest that we be better off with a new national anthem? you're damn right it is. so why isn't -- where are they? where's sean hannity and bill o'reilly? where's michelle , the people that accuse me of being a traitor. why aren't they out there taking on michele bachmann. that's what i want to know. why not? she's trashed the american flag.
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all i did was say let's dump the star-spangled banner for god bless america. >> that's way worse. way worse. hers is way worse. >> bill: there's the proof that i am a pitryiot -- patriot and michele bachmann is not. i'll be back with a parting shot. >> announcer: radio meets television. the "bill press show." now on current tv.
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♪ [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> the parting shot with bill press, this is the bill press show. >> how about it? on this monday june 18th, my parting shot for today, it's too bad i couldn't make positive president obama's announcement on the roadse garden. had i been there i would have tackled neil monroe who so rudely interrupted the president as he was making his statement on immigration. i am especially disappointed that nobody else decked him and that tucker carlson, his boss at the daily caller instead of
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firing him praised neil monroe and even had the audacity to compare him to sam donaldson. let me tell you, sam donaldson was a tough white house reporter, one of the greatest but he never interrupted a president. he had more respect for the office of the presidency than that. that kind of behavior of neil monroe is unacceptable no matter who occupies the oval. republican or democrat. and i think there is only one way to make sure that that kind of behavior doesn't happen again. i believe and i've called on the white house correspondent's association of which i am a member to con democrat monroe's action and then they ought to pull his white house pass and he should never be invited back again. my parting shot for today. tuesdays with judd and new york magazine's frank rich tomorrow here so we will see you right back here. >> this is the bill press show.
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