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tv   Full Court Press  Current  June 25, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> good morning, everybody. it is monday june 25th, and here we go. the full court press, your new morning show on current tv bringing you all of the latest from the front pages here in the nation's capitol, around the country and around the globe. not only letting you know what's going on this busy monday morning, but giving you a chance to comment on it, tell us what it means to you by calling us at 866-55-press. this is a big day in d.c. lining up in front of the supreme court to decide who is
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really in charge of this country any more. a few years back the supreme court decided who was going to be our president. a couple of years later, the supreme court decided corporations are people, can give as much money as they want in cam pages. today, talked talk to congress or the president, and it may be the supreme court will decide whether all americans qualify for healthcare. yeah, you know who is running the country, five unelected judges. what we want, we will talk about that and more. you bet on today's full-court press. but first, we get the latest. to the's current news update out in los angeles, standing by here is jacki schechner. good morning, jacki. >> good morning, bill. welcome back. good morning, everyone. as bill mentioned, today is the day the supreme court could rule on healthcare reform. it could be a ruling just after 10:00 a.m. eastern. if not t could be an extra day added to the session sometime later this week. four possible outcomes, one, the court could rule that the affordable care is fully
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constitutional. it could strike down the mandate and two provisions the administration argued were linked to the mandate, or it could turn around and say that the entire law is inconstitutional. also, the arizona immigration law is in front of the supreme court as well. some of the justices have expressed that they are okay with the idea that police would have to ask for people's immigration status when they are stopped for other reasons. but they are uneasy with possibly illegal immigrants having to carry documentation or the idea that they would not be able to look for work. the other issues on capitol hill would be trying to figure out how to stop interest rates from doubling in july. also, congress has to work on how to fund a highway program that's going to expire at the end of the month. and then, of course, there is a congressional vote tomorrow on whether or not to hold attorney general eric holder in contempt of congress for his refusal to turnover some documents in regards to the fast and furious operation.
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plenty to talk about. join us we will see you after the break. in >> he caved on the public option, he caved on the bush tax cuts, the guy has caved so many times there are miners trapped inside of him.
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desk top, lab top, ipad. iphone. >> pleasant your hearts. >> the big one. >> stephanie: all i know, the little flower is there and it means go to meeting. i love go to meeting.
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you've heard bill's views, now let's hear yours. politically direct means no b.s. just telling you what's going on in politics today. >>at the only on-line forum with
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a direct line to bill press. >>it's something i've been waiting for a long time. >>join the debate now. [ ♪ theme ♪ ] [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current t.v. this is the bill press show. >> tropical storm debbie heads for the gulf coast, and a healthcare ruling heads to the streets in front of the supreme court. i wonder which one will do more damage. good morning, everybody. what do you say? it is monday, monday june 25th and here we go with the full-court press this monday morning here on current tv. your local progressive talk radio station and on xm serious radio, this one hour together this morning. all three hours on current and
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on progressive talk radio. great to see you today. good to be back with you. i am bill press, host of the full-court press here on current tv. off for a few days to take care of a little business thanks to david shuster for standing by. filling in, doing such a good job as he always does with our regular team here who are back came back today. >> welcome back. >> i was sprayed they might abandoned shim. >> good to see you all. you did a good job last week. i was off in never-never land and i am back today. >> you look great. >> as we told our listeners, we know you had a minor procedure. i have never seen a butt lift look more natural. it looks just like pilates. very nice.
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>> and i wouldn't be here today, of course, without help of some pain pills, and all i have god to got to say is better living through better medicine >> better drugs. great, and i do know this that in the full court press, brought to you by oxycontin and percoset. >> who are you? rush limbaugh? >> it will not be the first radio or t.v. talk show fueled by painkillers. pain pills. whatever they are. >> let's say mr. press has been in touch with the pain pills. we will play it by ear here. >> play the tape. >> good to be back. good to be back. a lot going on. you guys had a busy time while i was gone? i told eric holder i wasn't sure i was going to survive. >> he needed some pain pills. >> i am sure he took a few. don't you think? >> yeah.
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>> how about it? man, we have got lots and lots to talk about. i am glad i am back today because over the weekend, out in petaluma, a town i know very very well, western sonoma county just up the road from west marine county where we make our home in california they had a big contest to decide the world's ugliest dog. the owner of the world's ugliest dog won it and said she will give it to two dog charities, rescue operations. >> i have two other dogs which come from different ones so i am going to give money to the rescue. >> i want to see a picture. >> oh, my god. there it is. peter, the ugliest dog in the world. >> those of you watching on current tv. you can see a picture. >> mugly is an appropriate name. >> that's a damn ugly dog. >> the whiskers on the dog alone
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go in every direction. they are not just wisconsinors. they look likely a brill 0 pad. >> the ears look like a great dane ears on that little dog. >> yeah. that dog is uglylier than a trainful of owls. >> mugly is not one of our guests. >> no. >> we have great gets. david sarots does on 758. thank you, dan. following us on am 760. he is a great author great writer, columnist and talk show host going to join us at the top of the next hour to talk about what's going on out in the west. jamal simons democratic strategist will be here as a friend of bill. we will pop down to the supreme court and say hello to ron
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pollock from families u.s.a. he might be in the studio. ron pollock heading to the supreme court if not already there. but, first: >> this is the full court press. >> on this monday, other headlines making news newark, new jersey you see mayor cory booker is -- >> your cell phone just went off? >> i apolgized for that. newark new jersey mayor cory booker. >> peter we allow cell phones to go off once? >> after that. >> never happened in this studio before. >> not three strikes. >> one strike. >> cory booker is developing quite the reputation for being on the scene in and helping in emergency situations. while he was not the hero in the latest incident he helped save a life of it a pedestrian. the star ledger reports the police officer was first on the scene and booker came to help while they waited for an ambulance ambulance. back in april, the mayor saved a
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mayor from a burning house. >> man on the scene. >> embarrassing on the fox newts while discussing the jerry sandusky, they rolled mitch daniels identifying him as jerry san dusky. they later apologized. >> they made a mistake. mitch daniel is only guilty of 40 counts sexual abuse. not 45. >> who neatseds new china. have your friends donate to the president obama's reelection campaign instead of buying you a wedding gift. it is becoming known for having fun with them. the latest one is no exception, a set of a gift registry on the campaign's website. your friends can donate money to the presidential campaign instead of buying you a gift. >> you are getting married soon. >> yeah. >> what do you think of this idea? register at
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i need a new toaster so i don't know how i feel about that. >> look, the weddings are one of the few times in life that you can just cash in. okay? so i would say, cash in. get the toaster. get the china and make your own contribution to barack obama. >> that's what i am saying. >> come on. you have to help the country. what's best for the country is not what's best for you. >> all right. thank you, dan. yes, indeed, all right so here is a question for you today. are you ready to see -- look okay. we've got' big fight right here where our studio is. a block away. we have a fire house. okay? and so the fire trucks roll out of there all the time surprised no hear them on the air. they roll up 8th street or 7th street or down pennsylvania avenue avenue many, many times a day. here is the question: in your community -- right? where you live, are you ready to
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see the fire trucks go by with a big sign on the side that said eat at wawa's or shop at safeways, great bargains at safe ways? all right? or how about this? fill up with exxon. well, that's what could be coming your way. it's a story front page of "the new york times" today a story out of baltimore but it's really happy happening in many cities. you have probably seen evidence of this. already a lot of cities, cities are strapped no doubt about it. and they are -- and counties and they are exploring ways to come up with some new revenue without having to raise taxes. one of the things going on for a long time which i can't stand are all of the stadiums that are named after corporate named stadiums and corporate logos, you know. fed ex field. right? or at&t park out in san
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francisco. i mean you can go on and on and on your community. peter, what are some of the more, notorious ones? they are all over. >> every city. >> basketball stadiums or baseball fields. with a big corporate logo that's nothing new. i hate we went down that road. but beyond that in indianapolis, those of you out there might have seen kfc actually asked for kfc on fire hydrants. they wrapped fire hydrants with an image of colonel sanders. school buses on the sides of school buses ads for pizza chains.
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if there is anything that is not appropriate on the side of a school bus t pizza chains? come on. for real. on top of that now what the city of baltimore is exploring -- they haven't decided yet, is, yes, running ads on the sides of fire trucks you know, cvs or mcdonald's or dunkin' donuts appleby's. maybe naming fire stations after you call your local at&t do you think if you called to report a fire, do you think you will have to hear an ad for mcdonald's br you tell them what you are calling about. ads on fire trucks and fire stations and you knew this was coming. ads on police car. you carll the cops. do you want them to roll up with a banner across the trunk of the police car that has an ad or is
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the police car going to have golden arches on top of it? like really? taxi cabs are bad enough. do you want police cars to be commercial vehicles running corporate logos on the side of them? police stations named after certain corporations? okay. so we've got what? call your local bank of america police station. yeah. if you are in trouble and you need help, call your local wells fargo police station. i mean come on. i just hate this idea. i don't think we ought to put up with this. i mean i think this is a case where we are just going to have to realize these are public services and we are going to have to pay for them if we want to live in a civilized society. we are going to have to man up tax up and pay for the services that we demand. and not have public service vehicles, public protection
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vehicles rolling around with corporate ads on the side of them. what is next? can you imagine? see a bad let me hand on the freeway, here comes the medevacs with the red at&t logo all over. it. i don't know. just to me, it's cheap. it's tacky, and it proves that, you know what? it proves that we want everything for nothing. i think it's time to fess up. we want these services. we have got to pay for them and we should be willing to pay for them with a small. metro stations another thing they are talking about. so here, great metro system on behalf of washington d.c. and great systems around the country. here we've got eastern market where we are. eastern market capital south, la font plaza, federal triangle metro central.
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you go from, let's see get off. we are at a tunnelled at and that's three three stops past bank of america. it turns it into a glorified corporate commercial. this is like turning city streets or public spaces and our public services into corporate logos. i hate it. i am totally against it. what do you think? 866-55-press. on the other hand, you might say, times are tough. we have got to do whatever we can do. we have to be xravenlt what's more cooperative than putting ancreative what's more cooperative than putting an . can't we decide in let's not go there. do we really want to go there? i don't think so. tell me what you think. 8665 23450i6 866555-7377.
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we will be right back. >> this is the full court press, the bill press show. live on your radio and on current tv. if you missed joy behar one week only... >>hey, time flies when you're having fun. >>don't worry because she'll be back. >>where are the lefties besides on current tv?
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discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens your throat or tongue swells you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? ask your doctor if spiriva can help. >> stephanie: why am i paying taxes for schools. >> i'd rather have hooligans running through the neighborrish leaving people's lungs on the sidewalk. >> stephanie: this is what comes when you don't have enough teachers. lungs on the sidewalk. that's where it ends. 40 minutes after the hour. he'll be right back on "the stephanie miller show"." >> announcer: call stephanie now. she's easy. 1-800-steph-12.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> heard around the country and seen on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> 24 minutes after the hour. here we go on a monday june 25th. we are talking about putting corporate ads, restaurant ads, you name it, bank ads, oil company, of course ads on fire trucks. really? police cars? really? nothing sakecred anymore? i guess not. tim is calling from rockville, indiana. hey, tim, what do you say?
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>> the city of cross point indiana has been doing that on their squad cars for about six to eight years now. >> no kiding? already already? on squad cars? >> yeah, the squad cars and they are not tacky or huge but they are local businesses are allows to pay for the advertising on the squad cars where is it on the cars? like the bunker or the trunk or where? >> it's on the sides and on the trunk. >> really? >> yeah. >> you know. >> do the police officers wear the logos of the restaurant or whatever they are advertisinging? do they come out in a dunkin' donuts uniform? >> i haven't seen that yet, but that's possible. >> you are right. >> that's coming up next. what do people think about it, tim? >> you know, at first, it was a big thing in the newspapers. and people just learned to ignore it, but in law enforcement, one of the things you don't want to do is you
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don't want to be -- well one of the things you want to do is you want to be identified as a police officer, you know, and in a squad car for people who come for help not for burger king. >> yeah. no. i agree. i don't want to get used to that. that's the problem. people start doing it and people say, well, you know, what choice do we have? you have a choice. pay for your services. joey in chicago. hey, joey. >> good morning, bi. i hope you are feeling well? >> i am doing great. i am a new man. new man. >> okay. great. i am kind of with you on the national anthem. we should change the last lines of it to the land of the ceos and the home of the corporations. this is ridiculous. what a cheap-ass country we are turning out to be, bill. unbelievable. >> people complain about corporate contributions to campaigns. this is allowing the corporation to take over. i mean everything we are doing. there is nothing more basic than police and fire protection
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probes in the city. right? >> why don't they just donate the money for the damn policemen? what's with all of this? got to get a profit, got to get a return on my money. i hate these gilesuysguys, bill. it's pathetic. >> exactly. if they care about it, they would put the money in there to help pay for the services. right? don't have to put their damn logo all over it. i am telling you, it won't be long, yeah okay, so hooters, hooters is going to have its name. who the decides, by the way? does anything go? right? so the latest strip club advertising on the police cars? probably. probably the blurts will have to wear the hooters uniforms. right? >> i hope the female officers would have to wear them. >> shorts and shirt. >> of course. you are under arrest topless. >> david calls from chicago. david, what do you say? >> good morning.
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>> i agree with you. i don't think it should be on public service vis vehicles like that. if they want to test it t but if they want to test it, maybe congress should do it. >> congress were the first to sell themselves out. i will tell you right now, yeah, you look. look right out the window here of the studio we can see the capitol dome. if you look closely, you will probably see exxon right across the top of it or maybe it's one of those billboards like the bill board just escrowtates because there are so many people who own it. but particularly, i have to tell you after citizens united, you might as well put logos on the shirts of these members of congress. yeah. and members of the senate. >> exxon. >> this is the bill press show.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] heard around the country and sign on current tv this is the bill press show. >> politically direct indeed we are here on the full court press. it's 33 minutes after the hour. welcome back everybody. good to be back with you today on this monday june 25th. a big did i indeed. people are expecting it to be a big day. it may turn out to be another day where we wait around and hear nothing from the supreme court. front page of the huffington post today, monday: court watch. if you look at the drudge
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report, front page can picture of the supreme court death panel, supreme set fatal blow to obama square? question mark? nobody has been following this case more closely and kept us up to date on what's happening in the supreme court and it's grappling with the constitutionality of the affordable care act than ron polac executive director who joins us in studio this morning. >> delighted to be with you. >> you are headed to the court? >> correct. >> as a mer, you get inside at least don't have to fight the crowds out front. right? so are we going to hear a decision today? this week? thursday? what do your sores tell? >> bottom line: we don't know. >> don't know. there is no way to know. you don't know until they hand
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it out. is that correct? >> that's correct. and they have only scheduled one day this week for announcements court decisions. >> today. >> today, but i expect that later today, they will announce that they will add at least one other day. i mean between the arizona immigration case the affordable care act and they have got four other cases. so i think it's going to be more than one day. >> and the way they work they are likely to say that they save healthcare until the last day. is that correct? >> that's my guess. >> so if they do it today, what time of day would it be? i am just curious? >> they start the session at 10:00 o'clock and they go right into announcements and decisions. so we should know sometime between 10:00 and 11:00 o'clock whether a decision has been issued and the affordable care act and what that decision might be. >> do we know who is writing the
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majority decision? >> we don't know anything. >> well the talk shows, sunday talk shows and the newspapers all for the last four days there has been nothing but healthcare. it's pure speculation is what you are talking about? >> those are saying don't know. >> some in terms of writing the opinion, we don't know who it would be? >> we do not know. >> so what are the options? everybody sort of assumes this echo chamber the poor excuse for journalism until washington, d.c. that we have, the echo chamber is saying that they are going to throw out -- either throw out the entire law or the individual mandate. is that -- do you accept that as a given? >> no. >> really? >> i mean it's possible. of course, there are a number of different alternatives here so i
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will give you a few of them. >> okay. >> one is the court can just allow the entire statute to move forward. another is for the court to strike what i call the individual responsibility provision. many people call the individual mandate and do nothing else. >> right. >> another option is for the court to strike this individual responsibility provision and along with it, cut some of the insurance market reforms that force eninsurers to be good corporate citizens. >> unlike the pre-existing condition or dropping clients that they start, you know, costing too much money to cover and that kind of stuff? some of the very abuses that were corrected by the affordable care act? >> that's right. so there are two key ones that i think are most connected. one is this pre-existing condition provision that
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prohibits insurers from denying health coverage for anyone who has a pre-existing condition like a child well asthma or diabetes, and the other is a provision that prevents insurers from charging a discriminatory premium. >> yes. >> based on health status. those two quo pos -- could possibly be invalidated along with the mandate. nobody, i mean nobody, is arguing that these pre-existing conditions that they are uncon-citiedstitutional. nobody has argued that. however, there is a question which we can go in to about if you invalid ate one thing, can you -- did the court invalidate some other things? obviously, one thing they also can do is they can say we struck this individual responsibility provision. therefore, the whole statute should not stand. and i think that would be the most extreme thing that the
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court could do because there is so many things in the affordable care act that have nothing to do with this individual responsibility provision. >> 866-55-press is our toll-free number. ron pollock, the director of families u.s.a., a great organization, pro-consumer organization, in support of the affordable care act and healthcare for all americans following this from the very, very beginning. >> he is in studio with us. be glad to take your calls and questions. this week, certainly, we will know how the supreme court has ruled on this. 866-55-press. what is the impact do you think? what does president obama do? certainly if they validate the entire statute, that's a big victory for obama. if they invalidate the entire thing, does he just throw it away walk away or start from scratch?
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even if they throw out the individual mandate, what does the the addobama administration do. >> if they just strike the individual responsibility provision, the rest of the statute goes forward. and a lot of people mistakenlink think that -- mistakenly think this mandate is the heart. is it important? yes. the most controversial? certainly the heart of the statute? no, it's not close. there are so many provisions. we talk about the pre-existing condition prohibition and stopping discrimination due to people's health status. this provides enormous subsidies for middle class families to afford healthcare coverage. it extends coverage for tens of millions of people who are currently uninsured. it provides health to senior citizens who have a big gap. >> even without the individual
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responsibility, to use your phrase, provision, there is a lot of good stuff in the healthcare act that would survive, you are saying? right? >> that's -- that would be my hope. if the court strikes the individual responsibility provision, it could lead to rest and the rest is just extraordinarily important for people. >> the argument that is made by insurers by the president and originally by the heritage foundation, the conservative right-wing think tank that came up with this provision the conservative idea before it became a liberal idea, they say you can't afford to cover everybody unless everybody is in the system without the individual mandate. >> they don't quite say that. they come close to saying that. what they say is that these provisions that stop pre-existing condition exclusions and that stop discrimination premiums, that if those things go forward without
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a mandate, then you are going to have older and sicker people in the insurance pool and if you don't have younger, healthier people, then costs go up. but there are several things to keep in mind about this. the affordable care act, as i mentioned, provides big subsidies on a sliding scale. and i understand the term "sliding scale," for a reason i will mention in a moment to middle class families and individuals. now, when it's on a sliding scale, it means those people with the lowest income get the biggest subsidies. now, young adults are the ones who will get the biggest subsidies because they are anin entry level jobs or they may not have a job. so there is substantial help that's provided to young adults so that they can afford health insurance. so there really are opportunities for expanding the pool for young adults. now, mind you, if that's not enough t congress can do some more to fix thou. one of the things they can do is
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a lesson that's learned from what happened in 2003 when the medicare people was expanded to cover prescription drugs for seniors. when that happened in 2003, congress did not require seniors to buy prescription drug coverage. however, they said for each period that people delayed purchasing coverage, they would have to pay a surcharge. so that's another incentive that could be created for people purchasing health coverage. >> so there are so many different ways that they could rule on this. you know, i will tell you, for me, the biggest question of all is: going even beyond the healthcare debate is: what does this decision say about the power of the supreme court today, the separation of powers today? it just seems to me that we are allowing the supreme court to take on more and more power and basically the supreme court to tell congress and the presidency
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what you can do and what you can't do. >> and what we are seeing are -- >> is that exaggeration? >> i don't think so. increasingly. >> i think it's a serious constitutional point. >> well, it is, and, you know, we are increasingly seeing five to 4 decisions along partisan lines. we saw that in terms of installing president bush into the presidency. we have seen this for citizens united case. >> exactly. >> we saw it again last thursday in a ruling that hasn't gotten a lot of attention. that was designed to criminalun criminalun -- cripple unions being able to raise funds for political purposes. so if we have yet another 5 to 4 decision, whether it's on the affordable care act or the arizona immigration case i think people will begin to feel if they haven't started to feel that this is not an objective court. this is a court that has been doing partisan decision making and they are not calling balls and strikes like an objective
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umpire. >> which is exactly what john roberts said was the role of the court in his confirmation hearings. ron pollock executive director of families u.s.a. big decision could be today for the supreme court on healthcare. how do you think they are going to rule? what do you think it means for the american people? and when we come back we have to talk about the politics of this, too, because obviously this is happening right here in the middle of this 2012 eriction year. it's the full court press on current tv. your log progressive talk radio station, xm sirius radio, your call is welcome at 866-55-press. >> this is the bill press show. lungs on the sidewalk. that's where it ends. 40 minutes after the hour. he'll be right back on "the stephanie miller show"." >> announcer: call stephanie now. she's easy. 1-800-steph-12.
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taxes for schools. >> i'd rather have hooligans running through the neighborrish leaving people's lungs on the sidewalk. >> stephanie: this is what comes when you don't have enough teachers. lungs on the sidewalk. that's where it ends. 40 minutes after the hour. he'll be right back on "the stephanie miller show"." >> announcer: call stephanie now. she's easy. 1-800-steph-12.
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>>we have such a big show today it may, uh, actually explode. >>(narrator) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>we're hogging all the sexy on our side. hello!
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[music] >> this is the bill press show. >>. >> we are here could be the decision from the supreme court today on healthcare. something is going to happen this week if it doesn't happen today. ron pollock, ron, appreciate you coming in this morning and being a guest as you and i have talked over a dozen times, i am sure about this, through the life of this case. and you can check out their good work at and follow their good work at, ron will be in the court today. have you prepared your statement depending upon what the court rules? >> we have different statements. >> ready to go? what impact will this decision be no matter what they rule on the 2012 election, do you believe? >> i don't know.
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it's very hard to say. there was survey about a week ago that they said they didn't think it would make a huge difference. it's hard to predict that at this junctionure. as more and more people understand what's in the affordable care act. >> and more and more people take advantage of some of the provisions. >> that's right. i think people will see that they are losing very significant protection and benefits. so one of the benefits of this debate that's been taking place is that it calls on more and more people to understand what's in the law as opposed to the fictionalization of so many of the myths created by the opponent. >> where are the death panels, by the way? >> they are dead. >> but they never existed? >> they never existed. i mean there is no such thing as death panels. >> that's one of the fixes that the opponents, you know, the whole idea was to make sure that
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physicians and patients learned more about what are the clinical services that help people and don't help people so that physicians and patients can make that decision? there was never any kind of a panel, death panel or otherwise that was going to make decisions for people in terms of their clinical care. >> we will get do your calls in just a moment at 866-55-press. i want to go back to a remark you made about that we really do see a very, very now increasingly powerful partisan five-member majority court making major major decisions on -- that limit the ability and authority of congress and the president. what would the reaction be from the right if this were a partisan partisan, liberal democratic court that were making these decisions 5 to 4? >> you would have to go back to
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impeachment or worse. i have no doubt that we would be hearing screaming from the top of the -- you know rooftops. but i think that the public, however, is beginning to understand that. you see that in the survey data. the survey data shows that the supreme court's support for the american people some really at a very low level. it's diminishing. >> i have intrude john paul stevens last week. i asked him about the latest decision, you know, i am blanking whether it was 30 or 40%. it's an amazingly low number of approval ratings americans have of the supreme court. and i asked justice stevens if he thought some of that was due to bush v. gore and he said he thought most of it was due to citizens united justice stevens has been saying that case has got to be heard once again and
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reconsidered. you know, anybody who reads the wonderful piece about a month ago that scribes the evolution. citizens united indicates. ted olson who was the counsel in that case he argued the case on narrow statutory grounds. and yet the court wound out having this huge pronouncement on constitutional grounds. it really was an abuse of the normal procedure that the court is supposed to use in considering cases. supposed to decide cases as narrowly as possible and not get the constitutional issues that they are otherwise deciding. they did the opposite. >> they did the opposite because that's what john roberts, chief justice wanted to do. that was his agenda. he came into the court with that agenda. nothing like he could have an agenda and we will find out on healthcare as well. >> interestingly enough the
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justices pushed the hardest for this broad agenda. justice kennedy, who is viewed as the swing justsis. >> we will see what he does today. ron pollock, you have to go to court. we want you down there. listen we will talk to you tomorrow if we have a decision today. otherwise, we will stay in touch and see you later in the week. go down there and beat some sense into the head of john roberts. families u.s.a. >> radio meets television, the bill press show, now on current tv. what it means is there are bigger class sizes and there are fewer teachers to serve these students and to work with parents and making sure their kids get the best education and it is hurting. tonight john fugelsang is filling on viewpoint with eliot spitzer. >>that was mitt romney showing once again his fearless fear of
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taking a stand that helps make him all things to no people. unwrap your paradise. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. almond joy and mounds. unwrap paradise.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time, this is the bill press show live on your radio and current tv. >> hey, how about it? and david sarota from denver will be joining us at the top of the next hour. nancy g says, bill it's great to have you back looking healthy. thank you, nancy. david shuster was wonderful but there is nothing like the real thing. that's me. the real thing. robert says, good to be back. robert says as a person with limited income and an ailing wife whose insurance coverage has reached the infamous doughnut hole, medicine is expensive. if at a time affordable care act is ruled unconstitutional, won't the death panels become a
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reality? >> yeah. they're not doing this to win sympathy. chris jones, yes they can adopt joining us. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me, man.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> what do you say, everybody? happy monday monday, june 25th. good to be back with you. thank you for joining us here today for today's full-court press, taking a look at the big stories of the day, taking a look at the nation's capitol, around the country and around the globe and giving you a chance to weigh in with your comments and what it all means to you. give us a call at 866-55-press as we start talking about in the last hour, what do you think of this? the city of baltimore is weighing a proposal -- they are thought the only ones either --
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to allow corporate ads on city fire trucks. what happens if a fire truck with golden arches rolls up to a fire at a burger king. >> bad idea. >> bad idea. we will talk about that and everything else we can think about to talk about on today's full-court press. first, we get all of the latest, todd's headlines and today's current news update. jacki. >> what an interesting quand re. good morning, everybody. president obama travels to new hampshire and massachusetts for a series of campaign events. the first is at durham new hampshire where he will speak at oyster river high school. an anonymous donor has come forward for the town to accommodate public safety issues as the rely campaign had been asked to cover that. they said no, that was an issue instead for government authorities. after the speech the president
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is going to go to a bestro in boston with the 25 sporters for a pricey lunch, and a symphony hall fundraiser and an 18,000 dollar a head dinner at a the private residence. it's supposed to net around 3 and a quarter million dollar. while the economy is voters' top concern in poll after poll the president and mitt romney have a new agp poll that shows half of americans think it won't matter who it is. the winner of the election will have little to no impact on unemployment. as for the economy abroad spain is now formally requested a bail-out for banks. independent audits said the banks would 1,962 billion euros to stabilize. we know your o zone countrieseurozone
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countries have agreed. we are back of the the break. stay with us. cuts, the guy has caved so many times there are miners trapped inside of him. while you're out catching a movie. [ growls ] lucky for me your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey! you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] mayhem is everywhere. so get an allstate agent. are you in good hands?
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desk top, lab top, ipad. iphone. >> pleasant your hearts. >> the big one. >> stephanie: all i know, the little flower is there and it means go to meeting. i love go to meeting.
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if you missed joy behar one week only... >>hey, time flies when you're having fun. >>don't worry because she'll be back. >>where are the lefties besides on current tv?
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>>joy behar is getting her own show coming to current tv this fall. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. what do you say, everybody? it is monday june 25th. so good to see you today here on the full court press. coming to you live coast to coast from our t.v. factory and radio factory and the book factory right here on capitol hill in washington, d.c. good to be back with you today. thank you for joining us to talk about the issues of the day. where they happen to be in the
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nation's capitol around the country and around the globe. we will bring you the front page of the websites and take calls at 866-55-press. good to see you today. thank you for david shuster for filling in last week for me for three days while i had a little medical fix-up but we are back stronger and better than ever and good to be back with you and the term. peter ogburn and dan henning and cyprian bowlding. thank you for helping david carry the load. >> a medical fix-up i have never seen a set of hair plugs look as natural as those. really, really nice. >> do you want to see my scar? >> no. ? >> it's still pretty black and blue. i will tell you. i am pretty swollen but with the help of pain pills, damn it, i am here. thank you, by the way, you know, we do have a certain fraternity
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among talk show hosts, so when i knew i was going in for surgery last week, i did get in touch with rush. he did send me a little package. >> oxy? >> thank you, rush. they are as good as you said they were. >> jesus. >> flying high. >> and i tell you who else is flying high rielle hunter is not going to let john edwards get all of the attention. she was out with of all people chris cuomo and she tells him what it was like -- here she is. make a great relationship and they are going into the future together, and she turns on the t.v. and she hears him deny that he is the father of their child. she said it just broke her heart. >> what it meant to me was that he was temporarily insane. and he really had gone off of
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the deepened. it was painful to witness. >> how could he do that? how could he do that? >> you know how he did it. he did it because he was trying to save his political skin at the time. didn't work. did it. >> i wonder if she got paid for that interview. >> i don't know. i am sure we will find out. >> why would she do it if she weren't paid? >> she as a book. >> the book. >> she has the book. yeah. i wouldn't be surprised. >> i wouldn't be surprised. i don't know whether nbc has a policy or not. we will find out. very excited to be joined by david sirota from colorado's progressive talk show at the top of the hour, to talk about what's going on out in the west with david sirota jamal simmons, good friend of bill will be here in the next hour and molly from atlantic talking politics 2012 in the studio with us about 20 minutes from now. a lot to cover. so first: >> big headlines.
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alex tribbek is recovering from a mild heart attack 71-year-old jeopardize host, thehold reporterreport the hollywood reporter says he will be ready in july. he had a mild heart attack five years ago and you remember he injured his achille'sheel chasing down a burglar last summer. >> iranman. >> the first lady will lead the u.s. presidential delegation to the london olympics. the white house announcing she will be joined by the u.s. ambassador to the u.k. dominic daws basketball star grant hill and swimming gold medalist summer sanders carol and i got our tickets yesterday. >> going to be fun. >> for the dressage event. didn't want to miss those. >> the postal service has been
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cutting back services in an effort to save money but probably no place has seen more of a service cut than the post office in sugar hill new hampshire that office open 30 minutes a day, from 10 can:15 to 10:455 in the morning. about 600 people therelive there. 30 minutes at the post office. >> wow. you could go in and mail letters "buh-bye"ing stamps? >> yeah. a stamp machine. okay. cutbacks. all right. thank you, dan indeed. he is a good friend. he is a great author and a great talk show host, and he joins us this morning, live from denton's 760. david sirota. >> feeling better? >> feeling great. thank you. and good to be back. good to be back in the saddle again. sometimes we have to take a little time off but here we go. i want to ask you, first of all, watching the news last night,
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the wildfires out in colorado, both in the fort collins area and the colorado springs area like the worst possible combination of heat and dry tinder and everybody? >> it's awful. it's scary. i was up in estes park colorado, when the fire just started. my friends were up there. we were on as of a mancation and my friends said those clouds look pretty weird. >> no. >> that's not a cloud. and the state is on fire. a lot of the west is on fire. record temperatures. it was 100-plus here yesterday. it's drought conditions and, you know, it's a reminder in the paper this morning about how many of these big wildfires happened just in the last 10 years. i think it's a reminder of the fact that really you can't blame any one fire on climate change but in aggregate, you can blame record high temperatures
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and the conditions, all of that on something in the atmosphere clearly changing. >> also, i forget how many states now 12 or whatever, western states where wildfires are coming out and we are fighting them with really, really old equipment. right? >> absolutely. >> the republicans, cory gardner in fort collins have been voting against better funding of fire fighting fighting wildfires. so they are heading into some tough e lex and they are actually having to answer questions. and it's actually good news. you want e elections to be about substance so they have to answer the question: your anti-government rhetoric, this is what ultimately -- if it doesn't create it, it makes it harder. >> the chickens are going to come home to roost. anti-government, anti-government, anti-government but when you need them, you need them action and you need them to be there. the equipment they need to do
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the job. david, washington is of course obsessed with the fact that today could be the ruling on the supreme court ruling on healthcare. what's your read from outside the beltway about the impact if the court does what most people expect it to do, and that is to invalidate and find as unconstitutional the individual mandate. is there anything else left? >> if they only invalidate the individual mandate, it's not necessarily the end of the world. here is why. i think a lot of folks have missed the idea that the republicans -- this has been a situation where the republican hat red of president obama has been against the interest of campaign donors. it was an idea created by the insurance industry to guaranty themselves customers. the insurance industry is a huge been factor to the republican
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party. republicans hate barack obama so they filed this suit against the healthcare bill wanting to try to embarrass him and in the end, what they might have done is undermine one of their biggest donors. if they could get rid of the individual mandate and if that's all that is gotten rid of and all that's left is the others pre-existing conditions they can't deny new coverage but you don't have to buy it. what's going to ultimately end up happening i think the insurance industry will say you guys go back to the drawing board because this is not fair to us and so i think it will be a renewed chance to actually make the bill even better. >> that's a good response i haven't heard before, but i think you are right. i am glad you reminded us and our viewers and our listeners that this idea didn't come from the obama white house? right? it didn't come from the hillary clinton campaign although she was for it at the time. it came from the heritage foundation. it came from the insurance
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industry, itself conservatives were always for it until obama became for it. right? >> that's exactly right. >> if he is for it we have to be against it. >> uh-huh. kind of the dark confluence of forces, that the republican hat red of obama has actually put them in a policy position to take down something that has been a conservative ultra conservative republican position. >> david sirota, our guest, the talk show host on am 760. follow him on twitter twitter handle is@davidsirota. you have written an interesting piece lately for the piece reads, on mitt romney conservatives no matter how well you tried to paint himself as a true conservative, that conservatives still don't really trust this guy. why? >> well, i think it's not just because he was a governor of
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massachusetts. he wanted he was a fairly moderate government if you look at some of the policies he was pushing tax collection policies, et cetera. this is not the presidential candidate mitt romney. i think it's actually more than that, though. i think it's that when mitt romney talks and so often he will say something that's fundamentally challenges the basic narratives of the conservative movement, that the conservative so relies on. for instance the big one was a couple of months ago that controversy where he was asked, you know, were your ancestors polygamists and he made the point my parents came over by the government and off they went to be successful. mitt romney, the republican for president saying the government helped my family put my family on its feet and helped them get ahead. if you actually listen to this guy -- i am not saying i necessarily believe that his
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agenda agenda, his policy agenda comports with his rhetoric. rhetorically speaking, this is a person who isn't as nearly as into conservative myth making as a typical republican candidate. i think that makes conservative leaders frightened because they know without their myths, without their legends it's hard for them to sell ideas. >> it is also interesting how little mitt romney talks about his time as governor of massachusetts. we know why, if you look at his record in massachusetts, he was not a john kasich or a scott walker kind of republican governor. in speaking of romney i was surprised last week on the dream act and his response to president obama's executive action in effect going as far as
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he could from the white house in embracing the dream act since congress had refused to do so. mitt romney had a chance to go down to this group in florida. he spoke in front of them. basically all he said was, obama was wrong, and i will do it long-term. right? i mean i thought he missed an opportunity, i guess is what i am saying on that. >> i thought he missed an opportunity, too. i think there was a story in that story that was just fascinating, that here is a guy who is the son of a mexican immigrant, a guy during vietnam choice to avoid serving in vet vietnam, which was his choice. i am not criticizing him for that but who comes out and says the one thing i will say is that the path to citizenship is that if they are in this country, they have to go into the military. and i think what was fascinating
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to me about that is that here is a person who had a life experience who any of us -- i think a lot of people would be sort of self-conscious about taking a position like that, about being in the military if you are an undocumented immigrant, if we had gone through what he had gone through through. but i think the over-arching thing about mitt romney that freaks people out is that he is a person who doesn't seem to have any kind of emotional connection to how he grew up or any personal connection. you think somebody who is a son of an immigrant who didn't serve in the military would be the last person to tell other immigrants, you have to serve in the military if you want to become a citizen. >> seeing the difficulty mitt romney has in identifying with anybody other than the elite of the elite. >> that's right.
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>> he is like the terminator. >> he with his car elevator and ann romney with her dressage horses. if you are lucky enough to listen to the denver area you can listento on am 760, colorado's progressive talk. for the rest of us we will wait until david is back here on the full-court press. david, good to have you with us. thank you for your time. >> thanks, bill. >> thank you for your good work, too, man. you are keeping it up there out in the west. david sirota and the supreme court, everybody watching for the big decision. maybe, maybe as early as 10:00 o'clock this morning. the big question to me is: so who is running this country anymore? do you really think the white house is? do you think the congress is? i think it's the supreme court. i think we are going to see it again this week, and i don't like it. 866-55-press. how about you?
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we will be right back. >> on your radio, on t.v. the bill press show, new on current tv. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >>every weeknight cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >>overwhelming majority of the county says: "tax the rich don't go to war."
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you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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>> stephanie: why am i paying taxes for schools. >> i'd rather have hooligans running through the neighborrish leaving people's lungs on the sidewalk. >> stephanie: this is what comes when you don't have enough teachers. lungs on the sidewalk. that's where it ends. 40 minutes after the hour. he'll be right back on "the stephanie miller show"." >> announcer: call stephanie now. she's easy. 1-800-steph-12.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: this is the "bill [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> heard around the country and seen on current t.v. this is the bill press show. >> all right. 26 minutes after the hour. here we go. molly ball from the atlanta ilk ilkic joining us in the next half hour of the program in studio and interesting story washington anticipating the supreme court decision could come down as early as today. if not, it will come down thursday on healthcare reform
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and the affordable care act. the talking points memo reporting this morning that the bloomberg news did a survey of constitutional dollars in law schools around the country. they asked 21 respondents, people who teach constitutional law like barack obama used to do at the university of chicago whether or not the individual mandate is constitutional. 19 out of 21 said it is definitely constitutional. these are constitutional scholars. that the individual mandate as part of the healthcare act is constitutional. however, is that what the court is likely to do? five of the 21 said the court is likely to strike down the individual mandate. eight believed it is a toss-up,
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and so the other eight said they would probably uphold it. so interesting on that mandate. the big question to me is: with this decision, how they rule, i think we are seeing an all-powerful, more powerful than ever supreme court that is basically running this country today. it's the supreme court that told us in 2000 who they thought by a 5 to 4 decision who they thought should be the president of the united states and a supreme court, the roberts court by a 5-4 decision telling us that corporations were people and could spend as much money as they wanted to in election campaigns and now, whatever decision this is today, if it strikes down the affordable care act, it will say by 5-4, we americans don't have a right to healthcare. >> this is the bill press show.
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nice to talk to you. [ applause ] >> when someone stumbles across the show, it usually doesn't end well. >> stephanie: it ended better do. all right. just a truce. all right. 45 minutes -- it was a wash. 45 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show."
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> on your radio, on t.v., the bill press show, new on current tv. thirty-three minutes after the hour, roll on this monday june 25th, and the pain pills are still holding out. pretty. >> you look great. who knew they made prosthetic arms that looked that realistic. >> if i knew they were this good, i would hit rush up for pain pills. he has had enough to go around. >> your daughterd trans called, he is in the parking lot with a
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cigar. >> which doctor? dr. nick? i have got so many of them. all of them delivering cigar boxes. >> the guy with the bandana on his head out back. >> getting serious here we have a lot to talk about. waiting with batted breath. maybe they will wait. i will they will wait until thursday that's what washington is anticipating the supreme court which will come down this week. keeping our eye on that and mitt romney campaign and the obama cal pain. for atlantic magazine and for us here at the full-court press, molly ball political writer for "the atlantic." how are you? >> good to be here. >> everybody good? >> everybody is good. how are you doing? >> i am doing great. i am doing great. so much i want to talk to you about. so let's start with immigration.
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president obama tried the dream act, to get it through congress. congress wouldn't go along with it, shot it down in the senate. last week -- week before last nows he came forth under executive order going as far as he could to say we are just not doing to -- i am not going to. still in high school, you know, don't have a criminal record or whatever. sort of caught mitt romney by surprise. don't you think? mitt romney acted like he didn't know what to do about it. so he goes down to the group of national e leaked latino officials last week in florida and he didn't have anything to tell them? did he? >> not really. you saw him trying to put this back on the president by saying he had, you know, three years to do this and it's just now an
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election year. he is finally, doing something for you. >> but obama had tried and congress shot him down. >> well, but this is something he could have done. right? issuing this executive order. there is no reason he couldn't have done that before. saying that, you know there are other broken promises and that hispanics have suffered with the economic troubles and everything else. but everyone was waiting to hear what he would say in terms of his own position. he said he had a couple and we don't know what he would do, the dreamers. >> at least they wanted to hear whether or not he would support and keep this order in place. >> and he even said there was a line in his speech a prepared remark. he wasn't add lining and he said i suppose you have asked i will tell you what i am going to do. i am going to have my own order and he didn't say what it would do or what it would say or how
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he would get it through and it was the usual, congress should have been involved. so it was just so conspicuous that he was avoiding being pinned down on this issue, he really was in a box. he made some promises that were very conservative during the primary. he actually attacked a lot of his republican primary opponents from the right and at the time there were predictions this is going to come back to haunt him. he had to have known since then that this is something he was going to have to deal with and he hasn't come up with -- there may not be a way to square that with the more politically popular general election position and actually, you know take a stand on this without alienating either the mainstream or the right. >> why didn't he do it sooner? or why did he do it only as a temporary measure? >> this is political. this is -- he is doing this because he wants your vote.
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to which a lot of hispanics think that's fine. he did it. >> if you have got a group probably 90% of whom support what president obama did, from them, would that be the mention? >> he did get some credit for having gone in front of them and spoken and he did articulate positions on legal immigration talking about what he would do with certain kinds of visas and green cards and red tape. i think he did get some points because during the primary you had a whole debate being cancelled because none of the candidates would go in front of the univision audience. >> republicans are under no illusion they are going to win a majority of the hispanic vote or inspire an enormous migration of hispanic voters to the republican party. the idea is to minimize your losses. right? sort of stop the bleeding, if
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you can get the latino vote over 30% ideally as high as 40%, then you are doing well. if you are a republican. so the idea is not, you know, to take this wholesale away from obama but to cut into it? >> so at the same time, you have been following the romney campaign. you went out to chicago not so long ago and sat down with the campaign manager for the obama campaign, jim messina. what were your impressions of the obama campaign? are they on it? are they up to speed. >> they are terrifyingly organized. everything you have heard about the hundreds of staffers. >> where are they located? >> on one prudential plaza, this beautiful one giant floor of this giant building right over the water, and it's a very nice suite. apparently they got a good deal on it. it's all sort of open-plan, everybody on laptops and cell
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phones and all communicating with one another. they specifically, i think, had it on one floor so that people are not racing up and down stairs and creating as few points of disconnection as possible so that it's sort of a very dynamic process. >> the scene there, does it exude confidence? or are they nervous? >> i set out to find out whether they were nervous because especially a couple of weeks ago when i spoke to him but even now, you do get the sense that it's sort of gut-check time for the democrats. right? a lot of things have not been going so well for the president. and when i spoke to messina, it was after the fundraising numbers came out, showing they were losing the fund raise for that month for the first time ever or since early 2007 or something. and things wasn't going well.
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you had a lot of democrats outside campaign freaking out and calling for some kind of shake-up or a change in strategy or some bold new announcement that would somehow take things in a new direction. i think we saw this with the last obama campaign as well. there is a very above-the-fray, stay-as-she goes, no-drama ethos to the operation. they know better than to get come place was, but they are convinced that they are on the right path and their strategies are very much grounded in the ground games in the field operations and in what's happening on the individual state level. being in chicago is as well, it's a first incumbent's president's ree legislation campaign in deck assessed at the very least, certainly in modern presidential history not to be
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located in and around washington, d.c. so they feel like that gives them some head space, some isolation from the beltway echo chamber that's healthy because it keeps them grounded in what's happening on the ground what i have heard from several people who will have interviewed messina or axelrod, and i was wondering if you found this, that they have various scenarios, you know. there is one scenario with these states and/or if we lose one of these states we go to the second scenario with these states. they got it all kind of mapped out. is that still the case? >> it is. and i think the bigger take away from that is that this is a very sort of tactical campaign. right? it is one that is very focused on, you know building electoral vote by electoral vote whereas i think you see in the other side, in the romney campaign a campaign that's much more national with the idea that they will either get a sort of
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national waive that sweeps across all of these different states or they won't. the obama campaign do feel like they have all of these different pathways and that's a departure. you know, one of the things i quote is that it used to be that be all democrats did was bang their head against wall in florida and ohio and they either won those or didn't. whereas this is much more a global sort of 50-state strat jeechlt not all 50 states obviously. part of that, too, was 2008 was a landslide and they won a whole lot of states and they would have won even without a lot of those states. so they can afford to lose a lot of the states that they won last time and still win. >> are the obama people concerned about lack of enthusiasm or enthusiasm gap or lack of passion on the part of their supporters? it's just not going to be as great as it was in 2008. >> sure. >> can't be. >> no. they would not put it in those terms or acknowledge it quite so
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explicitly. i think you see in this strategy exactly how concerned they are. if they thought they were going to have the same kind of col allegation list they needhad, they wouldn't need to bank on these wedge issues. they wouldn't need to be banking so much on a field program. gets you a point or two on the margin. it doesn't win the election unless it's very, very close. so they have grinding out every time the event, that thing. they are working to expand the electorate. >> the president, himself, is taking the message. we will get into that with molly ball. the president, himself, taking that message to mitt romney by name, calling him out at the ends of last weekly, calling him, he was a pioneer, gave mitt
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romney a pioneer in outsourcing jobs. molly ball here from the atlantic, talking the political front here in 2012. welcome your calls at 866-55-press. monday, june 25th. >> radio meets television the bill press show now on current
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weeknights on current tv. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> heard around the country and seen on current t.v. this is the bill press show. >> at 12 minutes before the top of the hour, jamal simmons in
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studio with us as a friend of bill for the next hour. how about that? and we are visiting right now with molly ball from the at atlantic. i will get back to molly ball and your calls in just a second here first, a little question, imports question. how much money do you need to earn, extra money do you need to earn each month? well, that's what my friends at income at home will -- probably the first question they will ask you if you get in touch with them. then they will help you hit your financial goals. how? by joining up with their proven system of earning extra money from home. is america's leading workfromhome business. this is something you can do. no matter your age, education or experience. you can do this. earn money from your own laptop at your own kitchen table. do it 24/7. so check them out. if you are sick of living paycheck to paycheck worrying about job security or retirement and if your dream is to earn extra income from at home
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part-time or full-time action income at is adding my listeners in record numbers. they are even giving away a thousand bucks today to somebody for check can them out. check thet they can out at big decision on healthcare molly, no matter which way it goes, it's going to be the talk of the town for the next couple of weeks at any rate. julyien calling with a question about it. >> bill, glad you are back. >> thank you. >> ms. ball, i was just wondering if the healthcare bill is struck down, would that then open up the obama campaign to then start running ads against governor romney if you want to call him that to -- against him for scodas, to name -- >> i got you.
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>> to name the supreme court justices. >> i got you. >> women's groups and, you know, for women's groups and, you know, healthcare reform. you know what i mean? >> sure. no. raising the issue of the importance of the supreme court as an issue in any pensioncial election. what do you think, molly? >> yeah. you can expect to see that on both sides. the re on the oral arguments, both sides tend to appeal first and foremost to the party base. it's the one thing presidents get to do unilaterally and number 2, it's sort of a lasting, predictable, long-term effect the president has on the direction of policy. so you saw around the time that these oral arguments were happening and people were starting to freak out about what the court was going to do because they were unexpected tough on the government lawyers here, you saw romney start to mention in speeches that it
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was -- the importance of respecting the court, starting to position himself as a friend of the court and you thought, i think, the president and other democrats tentatively because we don't know what's going to happen but tentatively starting to lay the groundwork for this idea of attacking the court and calling this a political decision and tracing back perhaps, to bush v. gore and pointing the finger at this conservative court as overstepping its bounds. and so i think your caller is right, that it's not, t.v. ads specifically you will see as a line of messaging both sides positioning themselves and you will have a lot of people on the left very intimates by the direction of this court since citizen united and the other thing the court, feeling like that is one of the most urgent reasons to try to change that equation. >> i think it always is in any
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election. >> yeah. and any presidential election i always said the number 1 reason for voting is because that president may make one or two or three or who knows appointments to the separate property and they are the -- among the most important decisions that any president ever makes. that case will be certainly easier to make no matter how the supreme court rules on healthcare. if you add that to bush v. gore and citizens united and whatever they do on healthcare this is one of the most powerful partisan courts i think we have ever seen. yeah. >> yeah. it will be interesting if something else happens, if court decides to uphold it, imaginelymagically, you would find the positions changing but that would be a counter argument to the idea that the court has become too political and the only concern was deciding policy on a partisan basis, but, you know, i
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have no idea what the court's going to do either but certainly based upon the arguments very few seem to expect a wholesale. >> the at is where you find her work. follow her on twitter. we love her twitter handle handle, @molly esque if you please. have a good one. come back soon. >> will do. >> i will be back and tell you what the president is up to today. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> this is the bill press show t spitzer. >>that was mitt romney showing once again his fearless fear of taking a stand that helps make him all things to no people.
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en [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> radio meets television the bill press show, now on current tv. >> jamal simmons, friend of bill in the next hour, the president has a couple of meetings at the whitehouse today, get the dallying briefing meet the secretary of state, hillary clinton and also the big campaign swing up in the northeast, he joins the new hampshire, first portsmouth new hampshire at oyster river high school and on to boston where he has has no fewer than three fundraisers this evening, campaign events at hammer lee's peeved tro and at the symphony hall in boston and at a private residence and elizabeth warren will introduce the president at one of those events tonight. soon to be senator from massachusetts, elizabeth warren of course. jay carney will be gag ling on air force. >> this is the bill press show.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> good morning, everybody. it's monday, june 25th. great to see you today. this is the full-court press on current tv and your local progressive talk radio station. great to see you today. thank you so much for joining us as we tackle the big stories of the day. what's happening here in our nation's capitol? everybody waiting for the big decision on healthcare from the supreme court. what's happening around the country? tropical storm debbie in the gulf coast. wildfires out in colorado springs and fort collins,
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colorado. what's happening around the globe, a new president from the muslim brotherhood in egypt. we will talk about that. take your calls and also get into the supreme court, the big decision today: who is really in charge of this country? is it congress or the president ort supreme court? we will find out. but first, we get the latest. today's current news update out in los angeles standing by, our friend, jacki schechner. >> good morning, bill. you just mentioned it was a historic moment for egypt. the first democratically elected president will become form agnew government. the muslim brotherhood candidate encouraged all egyptians to strengthen national unity. he could be sworn in as early as june 30th. mitt romney is hosting a lunch in scottsdale if the court rules
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on the arizona immigration. they will decide it's con constitutional to require police to check someone's immigration status if there is reasonable do you not. he supported states rights to pass such immigration laws. a new u.s.a. today gallup poll found that president obama has a huge lead over mitt romney with latin 0 voters, 66 to 25%. what may be surprising only 12% said immigration policy was their top concern. healthcare unemployment economic growth and the wealth gap between the rich and poor all rated as higher kern's. the upside of the pol for romneys is his parents were -- -- that parents born in the united states are more open. it means the g.o.p. has a chance. a small group of postal workers are starting a 4-day hunger strike in d.c. today. they will hold a press conference with dennis cue sin
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kusinich. back with more after the break. stay with us. in >> he caved on the public option, he caved on the bush tax cuts, the guy has caved so many times there are miners trapped inside of him. . what happened to george prescott bush. >> no, he was jeb bush's son. >> oh, that one. >> the ricky martin look-alike yeah. >> going in another direction. the direction away from his father.
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desk top, lab top, ipad. iphone. >> pleasant your hearts. >> the big one. >> stephanie: all i know, the little flower is there and it means go to meeting. i love go to meeting.
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it's go time! >>every weeknight cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >>overwhelming majority of the county says: "tax the rich don't go to war."
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> here we go, the full court press on monday, june 25th. hello, everybody. good to see you today. thank you for joining us. it is the full court press, the bill press show coming to you life all the way across this great land of ours from our little studio here on capitol hill in washington, d.c. good to be back with you today and thanks to david shuster and the whole gang for filling in while i took care of a little
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business at the end of last week. good to be back with you today. again, thank you to david. good to say hello to our team this morning, peter ogburn and dan hennings and cyprian bolding and a and a guest, jamal simmons, democratic strategist. good morning, jamal. you look sharp this morning? >> you have these t.v. cameras in here now. >> i know. >> to show everybody up. >> yeah. my detroit tigers baseball cap. >> you can't look like us. >> yeah. everything good? >> everybody is good. it's a good summer coming on. >> the supreme court, surprised they are not down -- you are not down there lined up with every political politico?
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>> the beautiful of the twitterverse. >> which isen is the first tweet going to be? the from the supreme court? >> the supreme court will tweet itself. do they have a twitter handle? >> i think they do. but it will probably come from someone in the media room. you can't actually tweet from the shame ber but you can tweet. i had a friend who works in the media. he is there this morning. he will be in the media room where it's right next to the chamber and you can actually tweet and be on your laptop in there. it's a live feed into the courtroom. you can you can see what they do in the courtroom. >> i imagine like in the old movies, trying to rush to get the scoop. >> for the door with the word "press" written on paper and a little hat and a fedora. >> they have a little pay phone in the rayburn building you can close the door and talk on your
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cell phone. >> jamal a friend of bill will dobson from slate will join us a little later. he was in last week with david shuster talking about what might happen in egypt. now, we know the new president of egypt. we will get his take on that as well. and a lot more to talk about. jamal, 20% of americans according to abc news last night said they still don't know how to make up their minds who they are going to vote for, for president. 20%, one out of five americans. what does that mean for this whole campaign? i want to get your take on this. big story. >> i do. general hospital was the big winner. the day. em mcmorries awards taking home five awards including best drama, regionis filbin and kelly ripta and jeopardize best game show. kevin currently for best performer in a children's series. it was broadcast on hln.
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first time it has not been on network television. >> married with children? >> did not win that. >> no. >> lifetime achievement award maybe? >> it was prime time. general hospital wins best drama. are there any other republicans left? >> only one yeah. >> view produces a pretty good drama. >> new hbo show. not the rest less. news. >> newsnewsroom. >> i haven't seen one positive review. i haven't washed it yet. i don't know. >> "new york times" this morning says cnn ought to adopt it. >> better than anything on cnn. >> cable news, an embarrassing mistake by fox news on saturday while discussing the jerry sandusky, they rolled footage for mitch daniels and identified
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him as the indiana governor. they -- as jerry san defrocky laterusky later later. >> fox made a safety? weird. >> sports, big trade in baseball. >> mitch daniels has 42 counts. >> oh. painkillers. let's take it easy on him. okay? a big trade. >> works for me. >> you in baseball trading kevin youkilis where he will be paid about $5 million they owe on his contract. they get two players in return. an all star player hits to 86 and 133 home runs. >> how is boston doing this season? >> yeah. >> not great. not great. good idea. let's give it the one good plan. smart move. >> all right. thank you, dan. >> so jamal president obama
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heading up for -- he is working it, man. he is up on another campaign swing today to new hampshire. three events in boston. >> not just going to new hampshire. he is going to god's country, in portsmouth. >> portsmouth. >> one of the most beautiful places you've ever been. i suggest you go if you haven't been. love it. love it. >> i don't think i have been there. >> an entire winter in 2003/04. >> brought to you by the portsmouth's guide of tourism. >> i must admit i like new hampshire but i have never seen it when it wasn't covered with ice and snow. the the only time i ever go is in the presidential primaries and i usually end up in nashua or manchester. >> go summer late pham portsmouth new hampshire, a lobster and a beer and sit outside and enjoy your afternoon. >> works for me. three fundraisers tonight which reminds me, when the obama campaign was thinking about,
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okay, we have to have the debates and we have to have somebody play mitt romney, they got the perfect person. didn't they? >> they did. they did. >> talked about furthering the story line. god love him. >> picked john kerry. first of all, you want somebody in massachusetts? >> check. >> you want somebody who has a great head of hair. check. check. right. % >> you want somebody who has a lot of money. and who has a reputation for being an elitist. >> a reputation for being a elitist and characterized in national media as someone who flip-flops it. >> almost every box, check check, check. you are right. good for johncare for being a good sport and doing it. >> absolutely. >> john kerry, he can relate as he has proven in his career.
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>> his priorities have been for the middle class and with working class american families. >> definitely. the the man has been fighting for america since he was on that boat. >> policies. but he has that reputation. but i mean compared to nyguen windsurfing. right? >> dressage? i mean talk about a sport that's out of touch with most americans. >> that and the elevator. that takes the cake. >> he takes it, the car elevator. >> sorry. >> takes it really to the extreme. with mitt romney, no longer represents the 1%. it's the .00001%. >> absolutely. >> with dressage. all right. now, i want to come back and ask you, the washington, d.c. news last night, with david muir and they had this new poll that showed that 1 out of 5
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americans, 20% have not decided who they are going to vote for, for president this year. they were making a big deal of this, that this is a very high number. >> it doesn't seem that high to me. 18% may be normal. 35, % democrat. 35, 40 republican. the rest, that would leave you with about 20% of people. >> it's not that unusual. you know, we live here in the beltway where everybody is talking politics all the time. >> right. >> in the reeledal world, not necessarily the case. right? >> no. some people have to try out little league, you know, people like getting their summer camp plans finalized and vacations done and all of that. >> right. >> people aren't talking about, you know, what mitt romney said at the nelayo conference. >> who knew. >> may be sane and normal. they haven't focused on because they are not fixated on the
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presidential election. but if you know let me take your premise that 40% are here, 40% are here, what does that say about the kind of campaign you run for president of the united states either way? >> either democrat or republican? >> you are running two campaigns at the same time. you are running one campaign to keep them tweaked up and raise and go and come up for you. and then the rest of the time you are spending all of your time talking to this middle 20% which often frustrates people who are in the base because they feel like the candidates aren't talking to them which is why our friends in california and friends in new york want to see the candidates when it's time to raise money because the democratic candidates when it's time to raise money, because they aren't talking about the issues of the california and new york. talking to iowa and now north carolina, village, colorado are those new states people care about the most. >> they have to find out where those opponents are. >> that's what they focus on and
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then they talk about the issues that are going to appeal to the independent, not necessarily their rock base. >> that's right. i had a friend of the republican party who said in the republican party, while women picked the nominee and white men pick the party. african-americans, latinos probably picked the democratic nominee and then i do think at the end of the day, white women are going to be a deciding factor in this election along with latino swing voters about who gets to be the president of the united states. >> i would say but it is interesting to me that that's how narrow, if you will the base is. they have to get 51.1% or 51% of that 20% who haven't yet made up their minds. >> absolutely. they are scattered all over the place. running for president is like
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running for governor in 40 states or 50 states. need a little -- turns out nine skates that matter the most. national conference in new orleans this week from the obama campaign. >> he could? >> he was talking about this group, how important it's going to be to get that turn out, out and how this sort of going back to voters making sure they show up on election day in nine key states is what's going to determine the election. >> the dominant issue this week is healthcare starting perhaps, with today's decision from the supreme court. it may be delayed until thursday. the dominant issue last week was eric holder and fast and furious and the move of what it looks like is going to happen with the house of representatives to find him in contempt of congress. how is this playing politically? >> first of all, it's unprecedented for them to go after the attorney general.
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it hadn't happened before. they have gotten close with other generals but never actually done it. eric holder has gone in to see chairman isa. they have given, i can't, something like 7600 pieces of property over the committee. 9 and 11 it committee hearings 1 on 1 meetings of the the idea that he is not trying to with congress is a political witch hunt and that means the white house is good at their job. those people on the progressive side are you good at paying attention to this. this is a political witch hunt. they are mad at eric holder because he is going after issues of voting rights in all of the states that the voters are trying to institute voter id laws and he is not defending doma in the courts, mad at eric holder for judicial inactions. mad at him because he gave the speech in the first year of the obama administration, we talked about race and said they are a nation of cowards. we don't like to talk about race
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when it's uncomfortable. you can argue with the use of the word ". but the matters he is pursuing not because of fast and furious trying to punish him for being a strong attorney general. >> isn't today's replay i am impeachment impeachment? >> i think you are right. >> look. there are some complaints against eric holder. i had complaints against eric holder and the way he can you go that operation much the fast and furious thing was a disaster, what he said. and it started under former president bush. i think there are some legitimate issues with eric holder but it's like there were issues with bill clinton, too, but to take it to the extreme of impeaching the president of the united states, to take this to the extreme of holding -- not trying to get in contempt of congress. they can't help themselves. >> the hardest thing in politics
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is to not swing at every pitch. the republicans are making a mistake by going after this when they should talk about the economy and try to help americans get jobs. >> very good point because right now, they say, this job, instead, what do we have to talk about? birth control? >> yes. >> student loans and now it's eric holder, contempt of congress. what are they going to talk about? >> healthcare. they don't have a healthcare plan for all of their, you know, complaints about obama care, they don't have a plan to insure 30 million americans. now we have 3 million children on who have now been covered under the healthcare plan as of this week when it kicks in. so from people up to age 26, from kids to college graduates who can't get a job staying on thank yous' healthcare, all of that is in this bill. who knows what happens with the supreme court this week. whatever happens, we know the
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republicans are against keeping comprehensive care. >> jamal as a friend of bill. join the conversation. we always save a seat at the table for you. it's right there. grab that seat by giving us a call at 866-55-press, on this monday june 25th. we'll be right back. >> on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. facility >> stephanie: this is what comes when you don't have enough teachers. lungs on the sidewalk. that's where it ends. 40 minutes after the hour. he'll be right back on "the stephanie miller show"." >> announcer: call stephanie now. she's easy. 1-800-steph-12. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's four course seafood feast, just $14.99. taxes for schools. >> i'd rather have hooligans running through the neighborrish leaving people's lungs on the
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sidewalk. >> stephanie: this is what comes when you don't have enough teachers. lungs on the sidewalk. that's where it ends. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. see how much you could save with allstate. are you in good hands?
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if you missed joy behar one week only... >>hey, time flies when you're having fun. >>don't worry because she'll be back. >>where are the lefties besides on current tv? >>joy behar is getting her own show coming to current tv this [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> this is the bill press show. >> 26 minutes after the hour. will dobson from "slate magazine
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magazine" joins jamal and simmons and me in the next segment. right now, talking about amount of the different dimensions of the political seen here in 20s 12. by the way, you know, jamal while you and i are talking, we have this parallel universe the chat room going on at we encourage our listeners, you can join other listeners and viewers to the show and talk among yourselves about what we are talking about. so keep that conversation going and join the chat room at >> they can follow you on twitter right? bp show? >> at bp show. at bp show. get the @. the twitter handle. all kinds of ways you can plug in. we are talking jobs. the obama campaign hasn't forgotten the jobs issue. and they keep nailing mitt romney on it.
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priorities u.s.a. out with their latest ad. here is this guy. a chance to play a little piece of it peter. >> out of the blue one day, we were told to build a 30-foot stage. we built that 30 foot stage not knowing what it was for. just days later, all three shifts were told to assemble in the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plan is now -- >> got to cut it right there. jamal, one more case of bain capital taking over a company and shutting it down. >> it's bad. we are going to here a lot about it between now and november. >> i mean this issue is not going to go away and should not go away. right? >> that's right. you know what? if you are running for president as a big-time financier, you can't outsource the state of michigan, sell it off tocapped. you have to... >> this is the bill press show.
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he's certifiably insane! and just signs a deal for $100 million and people listen to that crap! i just can't believe it. 1-866-55-press. your latest on glenn beck.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] this is the bill press show, live on your radio and current tv. >> it's monday june 25th, it is 33 minutes after the hour. this is the full court press coming to you live all the way across this great land of ours from our radio factory and t.v. factory and book factory here on capitol hill in washington. i am bill press with jamal simmons as a friend of bill democratic strategist. jamal? >> good morning. >> always good to have you on board, in studio particularly. and we are joined by the politics foreign affairs and jurisprudence editor.
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how do you like that? of slate magazine will dobson. hey, will, good to see you today. >> david shuster, and now thank you for coming back so soon. >> if you cover politics and foreign affairs, is there anybody else working? >> you could call that news you know. you could just be much more succinct and call it news edit editor. >> a one-manned band. >> all right. so on the foreign policy front last week, you were analyzing the david shuster, what was likely to happen in egypt. generals decided they would let the muslim brotherhood guy take over after all. surprise? >> no, i am not surprised given that it was on the election. >> he won the election. it was so -- in our country, we don't do it that way. >> true. >> exactly. it was such a strong showing of
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support for him that i think at the end of the day, the mood in tahrir was incredibly tension. so i think to some degree the nightmare was sort of what if they don't? i think to some degree, i don't want to say they blinked but i think they also realized they can probably accomplish a lot with this guy in. what let this course play off and other ways to control the. first of all mohammad morissey what we have heard is it's as close as you can to al-qaeda i guess, and not the al-qaeda -- >> right. >> we know about him and how radical is he? >> i have intrude members of the
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muslim brotherhood and this is a very sophisticated organization. i have been to their headquarters. this is a political wing of the muslim brotherhood and it only has influence movements all around the world. having this happen here is something that's resonating in many places. they foreswore violence many, many years ago. their roots, their intellectual roots, far enough back in time are tied to a radical brand of islam. that concerns people. but today, this is a political party. this is a massive political party. they have been a banned party. they weren't technically allowed to exist until recently although in the weird worldunder mubarak, they did win offices. he was sort of their legislative leader. he wasn't their first choice. their first choice for the
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president was disqualified by the generals. people refer to him as the spare tire candidate. he was not the one they had in mind. he is a boring guy, a engineer. he has a ph.d. from an american university. he is not a great speaker. he is the run up, you know, characters they put up and he still won because the muslim brotherhood is so popular. >> like the mitt romney. >> muslim brotherhood is such a sophisticated political operation which has a viewpoint, i think, a tremendous worldwide global i am politician indications that shows they have been organized politically in a non-violent way. >> everyone said before as the kind of egyptian uprising was taking place. they were the most organized group in the country and if they had elections quickly -- which was why some were nervous about having them quickly, nobody else could get organized in time to
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be competitive. >> it turned out to be true. sorry. >> the second question about him, though, is how much power does he have and didn't the general say, okay, we will let you become president, but first we are going to, you know strip you of all of your potential power? >> yeah. >>. >> about two weeks ago, they solved the problem first, and the first sort of democratic e elections they had, they dorfed it dissolved it and as the e job descriptions were finishing their voting over a week ago, they stripped the office of almost all of the powers. so he doesn't have the powers of the budget. he doesn't have the power to declare war. he doesn't have just a whole range of it, you know. and the regime that he is now headed headed, is heading running is filled with mubarak. he is a man who has to figure out how he is going to be more than a puppet because he is boxed in.
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this is how incredibly symbolic it is. this is the first islamist to win the presidency in the arab nation 81 million people. he will be now, he is going to get a stage where he can sort of jocky with the military but where the rubber hits the road, he doesn't have a lot. >> i have heard some concerns about how they are going to react with the e job description christian community. have they made any accommodations for diversity in the country? >> the first thing, what he said, you know yesterday was that i am going to governor for all egyptians. he is signalling to could nottic christiansptic christians christians. he is saying he is their president, too. so they are doing everything they can to sort of reach out now. we will see. we will see. we will see what follows. here is the thing, though that
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the military probably also knows is that islamists come to power, they usually very long a decline in popularity for the reasons we see everywhere. saying islam is the solution doesn't get your garbage picked up. they are probably counting on that as well. >> what can he do sort of another revolution to get some of those powers back? >> he has to be a stand-up guy. >> but they have got the guns? right? >> they do. they do. he has to sort of put them into a corner and not let them paint him as a do-nothing president which is, i think, what they are going to want to do. >> all right. now back to a country? >> i think we are better than egypt. >> set the barlow there. we face a -- not just a decision about healthcare from the supreme court this week.
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i would like both of you to comment on this. but i think more and more we are facing a decision about who is running this country today with the supreme court decision. on top of bush v. gore and citizens united, this healthcare thing is really, if the supreme court, which they may, givevalidate an entire law it seems to me unlike any court in history is saying look aside to congress -- we will decide what you can do and what you can't do. five of us will. not even eight or nine. five of us will. is this something we ought to be as americans ought to be nervous about? >> the juris prudence? >> it's incredible that we find ourselves in a something else if you think about what roberts said, he said he wanted to be an umpire. how is he going to call this one? if you get 5-4, this eviscerates obama care we will no longer be talking about the supreme court or justices.
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we will talk about republican justices and democratic justices. we are not supposed to do that. there is a reason why ideology is something we don't really attack justices, you know, going through the confirmation hearing the way we do federal court judges what has that meant? we don't get federal court judges appointed. >> that's why we have a bag log in so many vacancies across the country. what does it look like if we have 5-4 i needing obama care or seriously hampering it. the other points you pointed out, bush v. gore and citizens united and a confirmation hearing hearing, why we ought to yell it would not be fair game. if you are a democrat, that says how you are going to rule. we are going to talk about it. wir not going to appoint you. so in a sense, the constraint on roberts right now is how do i find a way, i would hope. we will see. i am the fool who is trying to
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predict something a few minutes before it happens but how do you find a way to split the difference here or not get a 5-4 and get some of what you want but give the other side something? i mean, democracy is about compromise. we will find out if our court is capable of it. >> we will see it. do you find this is a troubling development? >> i think the united case is especially troubling because the implications about what it meant would seem that the justices were either oblivious to those applications -- implications or nefarious. those are the only two choices because there is no way to open this up to having this big money come back into politics and not see the kind of things that we are seeing. sometimes during the republican primary, i felt like it was like watching russia these days with these oligarchs funding little parties, you know, and for as long as they could to try to impact the process. we don't want to get where
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billion airs can decide. i am going to run one candidate. >> we are there. we are there. justice canada in his citizens united decision that the majority decision wrote said there is 07 allowing all of this corporate money in campaigns creates any level of corruption. what planet does he live on? right? it's so obvious for anybody. so i think there are huge implications to this supreme court decision. how will it come down? what are they likely to do and what does it mean for mitt romney and for barack obama? we will continue our conversations with will dobson and jamal simons right here on the full court press. stay with us. if you want to join the conversation, we will find a place for you at the table. give us a call at 866-55-press. we will be right back. >> on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show.
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once again his fearless fear of taking a stand that helps make him all things to no people. filling on viewpoint with eliot
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>>(narrator) we are the trailblazers, the truth seekers. we are the idea no one wants to hear until it grabs you and won't let go. we push, we prod until the truth reveals itself. we are fearless, independent trendsetters, problem solvers, and above all, we are politically direct. the young turks with cenk uygur at 7, viewpoint with eliot spitzer at 8, the war room with jennifer granholm at 9, the gavin newsom show fridays at 11. and there's only one place you'll find us: weeknights on current tv.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> heard around the country and seen on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> yeah, the only death panel part of healthcare may be the supreme court. that rule will come as early as today. we are talking about that issue and a whole lot more with will dobson from "slate magazine university and jamal simons democratic strategist, both in studio with us. let's say, jamal, which the supreme court, which most people expect will leave the law in
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place, affordable care act or obama care or whatever you want to call it but strike down the individual mandate. where does this leave obama? >> i was in a briefing about a week or so ago at the whitehouse where they sort of generally said they thought a lot of the bill would survive without the mandate. the question is: what happens to states that have already started to put some of these practices into place? what is amazing is that the republicans are attacking the mandate, first of all, because it's their idea. this is their idea. healthcare reform 10 years ago was a mandate. >> a cost containment measure. >> they are for it before obama was for it. >> absolutely. >> yeah. >> lost their idea. and said we better come up with something else. >> it was sold by the insurance companibs companies and the heritage foundation as a cost containment measure. >> this is the cost that con conservative movement has and if you wanted to control costs which everybody recognizes you
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have to control healthcare cost if you have any hope of controlling the budget, this is one of the ways to do that. >> your maintainer point is that they say that the substance of the law survives even without the individual mandate? >> yeah. i think the number they use is 80, 85% of the law they think still is in place. >> well, you know, the justices can write their ruling as they see fit. you know, there is a good possibility when you get a narrower ruling then what the white -- than what the white house is saying, maybe it's 90%, maybe even better than that. to what degree do they want to give a victory to some aspects, some heart of the argument that they heard? >> do you think that's a shot a chance that they could validate the entire thing? >> here is the thing that's so incredible. if we go back before the oral arguments in march, if you were to ask the smartest people in the land the supreme court watchers who know sort of the
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history of each visit and how they come at these action they were expecting 7 to 2 to uphold and not a thin reed of it. no. to uphold because really, from a legal standpoint what the administration put forward is not controversial stuff for all of the reasons jamal said. it wasn't really re-inventing the wheel here since that argument in march, everyone has been thrown back on their heels. >> oral arguments, they asked tough questions, which is their job and, number 2, our attorney general didn't have the finest hour. >> that's fair to say. they always ask tough questions. they ask political sound beside sort of questions, questions that were sort of made for prime time. maybe questions even. >> all of the speculation is based on that session. right? >> yeah. when you go to law school one
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of the first things is not too judge too much from oral arguments because that's optics to some re. >> the pandering from legal experts, that and in the last week. one of the things that was interesting was that they were making a case about which arguments would have been better the one offered, including the george washington argument. so the justices in most cases, you know, so many people the oral arguments matter but it seems to me that you are a justice and you thinking this part of the law, you are -- you are evaluating this part of the law, you will be your own e evaluation of it. >> i saw on one of the sites bloomberg news did a survey contacted $21 constitutional dollars, professors of constitutional law at various universities around the country. 19 out of 21 said the mandate is constitutional and should be upheld as constitutional. it didn't say that it will be but that it should be. >> right. >> on the merits of the case,
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it's a pretty strong case that as written. ? >> a lot of thought went into that. you know, it was carefully designed so that it would be constitutionally. the other thing, there was no mention of, you know, court precedent or case precedent, case law. this was a very strange three days in the supreme court oral argument where it seemed the facts that there was a body of juris prudence that wasn't referenced. there was more talk of broccoli and green beans than actual case law. i mean it's, you know, for that to seem so politicized, for the court to be in the sort of environment where in "the new york times" story a couple of weeks ago saying how the court's popularity is so low, we are not supposed to have this conversation. it's supposed to be above the fray. if they wanted to deliver a 5-4 not make it 80% but leave the
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obama administration with much much less, i mean, wow, we are going into what is going to be a difficult terminex year with the immigration and so much more. >> do you think we are going to have another justice opening in the next year and a half or so? >> i do. i do. i think within a two-year window, definitely. >> i am not a lawyer, but i am available. >> president press case. >> you can readbe my campaign manager. good to have you, my friend. will, great to see you again. >> thanks for having me. >> last week and today my pleasure. >> we will know within an hour whether today is the day we will have a supreme court decision on healthcare. i will be back with a parting shotboo about the vatican highering a communications director from fox news. surprise, surprise. >> this is the bill press show.
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m0 current tv, it's been all building up to this. >>bill shares his views, now it's your turn. >>i know you're going to want to weigh in on these issues. >>connect with "full court press with bill press" at and on twitter at bpshow. >>i believe people are hungry for it. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> the parting shot with bill press, this is the bill press show. >> yeah, my parting shot for today on this monday june 25th what a disappointment to see the vatican hire as a new communications director the fox news correspondent to the vatican, a guy named greg burk. i would think that catholic leaders of the catholic church would think twice before turning the catholic church of john f. kennedy and mario cuomo into the church of rick santorum and roger ailes. that is what it's become. >> this is the bill press show.
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