tv Full Court Press Current July 20, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> good morning, everybody. happy friday. it is friday july 20th. glad to see this friday get here. glad to see all of you this morning on current tv and the full court press where we will bring you up to date on the big stories of the day give you a chance to talk, giving us a call at 866-55-press. we are used to mitt romney telling us how rich he is. now, it's ann romney's turn on good morning america, yesterday,
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she said mitt wouldn't release any more of his tax returns because, you people have all you need to know. you people. >> that's us. unlike, them, rich people. hey, talking a lot about that this morning and a whole lot more. we start out by getting today's latest, the current news update from lisa ferguson out in los angeles. good morning, lease a. >> good morning, bill. good morning, everyone we have breaking news for you out of colorado where a masked gunman has opened fire at a movie theater at the premier of the dark knight. fourteen are dead and 50 are injured. it sounds like police do have a suspect in custody. this is out of yourora, colorado. we will bring you more details out of that shooting as they are released. in blurbs politics, a new report from the boston globe is giving more details after romney kept ties with bain after 1999. shortly after leave to go run
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the olympics, he celebrated bain's 15th anniversary in palm beach. it became clearer romney would not return to the company but would keep his title with ceo. he signed dozens of documents after 1999 and leveraged his tenure package. bain is run by a management committee. the company accounts for some of romney's biggest donors. a new analysis from u.s.a. today shows current and former bain employees have helped raise at least 4 and a half million dollar. romney has so far refused to disclose his bundlers but u.s.a. today identified them through sec data and campaign invitations. romney says he will be at an event in new hampshire and ann campaigns in michigan the president and the first lady are hitting campaign trail today.
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does breathing with copd weigh you down? ask your doctor if spiriva can help. [ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> bill: karl rove accuses commerce secretary john bryson of being drunk and then has to apologize when he learns that secretary bryson suffered a seizure at the wheel. i told you you couldn't believe anything karl rove says. hello, everybody. happy tuesday. great to see you today. it is the "full court press"
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here on current tv. early this tuesday morning, good to have you with us. thanks for getting up early with us whether you're on the west coast where it is really early or here on the east coast where it is getting ready to start the day and pile in the car and head down the freeway to work. met a lot of people out in chicago over the weekend who have a two-hour -- hour and a half commute in the chicago area. i could not stand that! i've got a three minute commute. that's bad enough. having to do a three minute walk. we appreciate your being with us this morning. it is good to see you. we've got lots and lots to talk about. lots you're going to want to call about here on the "full court press" today. bringing you the news of the nation's capital, around the country and around the globe from our perch here on capitol hill in washington, d.c. in the shadow of the capitol dome. you can give us a call any time. let us know what that means to you and to your family.
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you join the show, join the conversation by giving us a call at 1-866-55-press. here. ready to serve you today. peter ogborn. >> hi, there. >> good morning. >> for a big friday show we brought in the entire term. hello, hello. >> and, cyprian bouldbowlding. >> it was a rough day at nationals falls park. >> they won when you weren't there. >> yeah and lost when you were. >> no more games for you. >> no more games for you. it must have been hot as hell out there? >> it was rather warm. >> the park does not have any shade no, relief from the sun or rain? >> no wind either. >> we were hoping for rain because that would have cooled things off in theory, but that never came. >> sit there in the rain. >> yeah. >> in an oven and bake. >> no.
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absolutely. yeah, we have to mention, just such a tragic situation s this is the first time i remember anything like this at a public movie theater for a first-run movie, the new batman film "dark knight," you probably heard a young gunman from auroar, colorado opened fire in the middle of the movie. so far 14 dead, 50 injured, one man who was in the theater describes what the scene was like. >> they got up and they started to run through the emergency exit. she said that when she turned around, all she saw was the guy slowly making his way up the stairs and just slowly. >> walked in, started walking up the stairs, opened fire and what a hor inc. situation.
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>> that's terrifying. in the movie theater. >> in a movie theater. >> there is no where to go. you can't see. there aren't any open pathways. i mean, god. >> no. crammed into those things, too. you are like literally like sitting ducks. the theaters, you know there are seats down below and seats up above. a lot of them are like that. you come in sort of in the middle and get down or up and wake up the stays and you can see, and there are rose and rose of people sitting there, boom, boom, boom, boom. >> you know because of the size of this movie, it was absolutely sold out. >> right. special midnight showing, the whole thing. sure it was filled. >> i don't remember al movie theater with disgruntle wouldd employees. shopping malls probably have been but pretty scary stuff. we will keep our eye on that. any news breaking on that during
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the show, we will certainly bring you up to date. we have a great line-up for you today. we haven't talked to john nickel for a while. he is back in madison, wisconsin. we will talk to him. check in with politico and the president's big day in a swing state of florida yesterday. congressman john larson, who is one of the leaders of the democrats, he is chair of the democratic caucus in the house of representatives will be here in studio with us as well tazeric burns from full-tide strategies who will be with us here as a friend of bill. and before leaving with london with some acidic comments about you and me but first. >> this is the full court press. >> i do have it. if you have a great potato chip recipe, the folks at lays potato chips want it. the company is taking to facebook. >> i will take lay's recipe. i think they are pretty good chips.
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>> they want a new recipe from you. >> i like them as they are. >> they want you to do them a flavor and come up with their next chip flavor. fans will vote on flavors submitted on facebook, and who is selected will win a million dollars or 1% of the new flavors net sales next year. >> i am not really for this. right? i must say. >> i do like how they give you the option of taking a million or you can invest in it. i have never contested that. >> that's pretty good. a straight potato chip, you know, green onion, sour cream and onion, barbecue once in a while but my favorite is just plain ol' potato chips as a result and vinegar, i am up on that. >> plain ol' potato chip and van ill ill
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illa ice cream. >> van illilla ice cream potato chip. >> shock in the tennis world, rafael nadal of spain has pulled out of the game. he said it's one of the saddest moments of his career but knee problems will keep him off of the the court and he does not want to hold his fellow spanish teammates back. gordan ramsey's foul mouth and cooking learned him a lot of money, took in $38 million for a year's period ending in june. rachel ray is second on the list, took in 25 million ahead of wolfgang puck, paula dean and mario patolli. >> does this count? >> paula dean on the list. >> i imagine this counts endorsement deals and all of that, too. >> not just on the restaurant.
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>> when you have big pharma behind you like paula dean does it will put you in the top 5. >> we take you yes, indeed ann romney's turn to take to the air waves. let's just get something. you will talk about it at 866-55-press. let's get something on the table right now, just dismiss it because i know some right-winger is going to call and say, oh, my god. listen, i thought first ladies or spouses of candidates were off limits. right? you can't talk about them. they are you are just supposed supposed to focus on the candidate. >> that's true, yes, i would say that is true. they are off-limits unless they get out there, unless they are out there making policy statements, unless they are out there doing interviews and if they do and once they do then they are fair game. michelle obama was fair game when in 2008, when she was out
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there stumping for her husband. and ann romney is fair game when she is giving interviews and marking is that correctsnarky preliminarying statements when he was on gma with robin roberts on abc, and this is just before she leaves for london. right? with her dressage horse in his specially outfitted 747 with probably 100 handlers and don't forget, you know, all made possible by you and me because we give them an 80,000 dollar break on their taxes to take care of that gd horse. >> how do you get a horse to the olympics? you have to fly it. right? >> fly it in a specially equipped plane. you can't take it. you can't even take it on first class. >> well, i have ridden with some pass engers who i thought might
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be competing. >> you have to fly it out there specially in a specially equipped plane like they have specially equipped plane to carry like tanks or military equipment. >> sure sdlu. >> to the battle litchfield. they have specially equipped plans to carry horses or these dressage horses, the dancing horses. think of them that way, to the olympics. just before she gets on her specially equipped horse plane, she gives this interview to robin roberts. and first of all, robin asks her -- the tone. it's tone of ann romney. >> what about is your husband going to release more of his tax returns? >> we have give all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how about how we live our life. and so that election again, will not be decided on that. they will be decided on who is going to turn the economy around for jobs for america. >> you see we have give all you people need to know. come on, you people. you people.
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it's like, you know mitt, we know, like donald trump, his buddy donald trump can't open his mouth without telling you how rich he is tells you about how many houses he has, about his car elevate or his wife's dressage horse, all of his friends who own nascar teams and all of his friends who own nfl teams. he shows up with his huge power boat where he can get 15 or two 5 grandchildren, how ever many he has on the boat at the same time. i mean mitt ex use wealth. so doesudes wealth. so does. how marie antoinettish. all you people need to know. there it is. yeah. you need to know. all you people need to know. come on. ideal do you have to ask any questions of how generous we are? >> you know, you should really look at where mitt his led his life and where he has been financially.
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he is a very general res purn. we give fen % of our income to our church every year. >> do you think that is the kind of person who has tried to hide things? no. >> talk about apples and oranges. fine. they tithe. >> that's what mormons do. >> that's like beat into them to tithe. okay. well, good for them. they tithe. that doesn't mean they don't have to release their tax returns. it doesn't mean he doesn't cheat on his taxes. i mean it doesn't mean anything. it means they give 10% to the church, period. but she is using giving 10% to the church as an excuse for not pay producing his tax return and says look how generous he is when he was governor of massachusetts. >> then when he was governor of massachusetts, didn't take a salary for over four years. you know. >> why not. >> because -- >> a moot point. >> there are so many things that will be open again for more attack. 0 yeah, 0 yeah, because if we release our tax returns, there will be stuff that's open to more attack.
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>> that's a very, very telling statement. i love the fact that come on. he didn't take a salary. you know, as if anybody who takes a salary is dog food. right? why don't you -- why don't the rest of you people like my husband, why do you take a salary? how dare you take a salary? what are you doing? why don't you give up your salary? see, that's the only people that they can relate to are people like him. a lot of people have it wrong. then she says that they lord it over everybody else. now, what about the fact that -- so there is more of that interview that we can get into. i think i made the point. i mean it is just in the ann romney being just like mitt looking down all of the rest of
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americans. the point is, it's so like marie antoinette: let them eat cake. there is to bread? let them eat cake. like us. like we do. right? i think it gets to the real heart of what this campaign is all about. and president obama says this: it's this choice of who do you stand for? who do you relate to? who do you -- who are you going to fight for? who are you going to work for in the white house? and it's clear from mitt and now ann romney that the only people they understand, care about, can possibly relate to, are people who are as rich as they are. and their idea of how to help the economy is give more tax breaks to those very very very wealthy top 1%, and that's going to dribble down and then the economy is going to move forward. president obama's approach is just the opposite which is: which is. . don't give those guys any more tax breaks. don't give the romneys and the trumps any more tax breaks. give the tax breaks to the middle class, to the working
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class americans. let them build, rebuild their lives, their families their economy and that will lift everybody up. i have got to tell you something: obama has the right approach and ann romney and mitt romney, there is no way they can relate to you and me the 98% if not 99% of americans. she proved it yesterday. ann romney fair game. 866-55-press. "let them eat cake," she says. >> radio meets television the bill press show, now on
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>> this is the bill press show. >> twenty knife minutes after the hour, the full court press on friday, july 20th. not only fun to watch. on current tv not only found listen top on, on your local progressive talk radio but it's fun to get in the chat room during the chat room and you can go back and forth talk to your fellow full-court pressers throughout the show this morning. again, we are talking about ann romney. yesterday, she was asked whether or not she was disappointed that president obama refused to apologize for suggesting that romney may have committed a felony when he filed false documents with the sec. >> i am not disappointed. i am not surprised. i believe it was beneath the
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dignity of the office of the president to do something as egregious as that. >> uh-huh. >> the president to attack someone on that level is i believe -- >> an the question ann romney why did romney say in 1999, when he filed documents with the sec saying he was still chairman president and sole shareholder of bain capital because to file false documents with the sec happens to be a felony. don't attack president obama. just answer the question. oh, no, but she won't because, you people don't have a right to know. nita is calling from down in the state of florida. donita. >> moo word. good morning. it is an honor mr. press.
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it's an honor bless your heart. >> donita. >> we all know what's going on, on the extreme right. but when i heard the "you people" thing, i mean it just shook my head. >> uh-huh. this is louder you can imagine. i am from the south so i am tuned into the whistles. >> we know where the you people is coming from. >> i grabbed my dog and said, oh my god i cannot believe she said "you people." > with racist under tones and certainly condescending, and those two words speaks volumes about what they think of average americans, and if you don't belong to the country club and if you don't have your own dressage horse no count in the
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>> all right. it will be very interesting. a very energetic crowd. >> campaign stop. >> campaign stores with the forward signs and springsteen music and the whole bit. the the second stop was alta senior citizens complex here in west palm beach where almost as soon as the president started speaking, you heard people to sit down because they couldn't see or hear because the speakers weren't up loud enough. sort of every -- every seinfeldian character. >> is there a draft in here? >> people started discussing like which of their friends they could see on the stage behind the president. >> people scolding obama about
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he is going to catch a chill. >> scenes looking out of dale dale bokovist. >> the president talks what? healthcare in west palm beach? social security? medicare? >> and he made -- he made a reference to medicare but these were pretty much his standard stump speeches. >> uh-huh. >> there was one new line in both of the speeches about mitt romney and what he would do to medicare but for the most part there wasn't much new in this. it was your standard your standard barack obama campaign speech. it was, you know, with sort of shots at mr. romney and in defense of his four years, touting the healthcare act and middle class and he was out. >> were these fundraisers, or were there also fundraisers in these cities as well? >> there were also fundraisers here in south florida. you had one actually in the same building as campaign event that
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was host to the press and he is raising money again today in between stops in fort myers and/or lando. >> what is the came pain. >> what is campaign saying about florida and how does it look like there? i forget whether obama carried florida. did he? >> he certainly did carry florida in 2008. >> okay. >> and jacksonville was one of the few areas of the state, few metro areas big major metro areas that he didn't carry. he lost by 8,000 votes to john mccain in duval county 4iers ago. >> that's really an area that he is -- that he, you know, needs to if not win at least cut down on the margin that romney might carry the john kerry in 2004 lost duval county by 60,000 votes. that was a pretty significant margin that the president made up from --
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>> right. >> from the kerry baseline. he needs to, win most if not all of that if he is going to win florida again. >> is the campaign saying they believe florida is in play. >> they think florida is in play. there is pretty much, if you look at where -- where they are traveling and where they are spending the bulk of their money, they are really looking at florida, ohio and virginia. >> yeah. >> you know, looking at the electoral map, if obama carries in one of those three states, he would seem to be in pretty good shape. romney really needs to run the table on all three which the polls are very tight in all three of those states that he certainly could. but i think the president's stretch is to pick -- strategy is to pick one of those off and they think they are in pretty good shape. >> you know, with the exception of texas last week which i still don't understand, other than getting whatever cash you can out of texas. right? texas is just not going to be in play. but i looked because we all receive the schedule yesterday
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for the president's travel, i think monday and tuesday or tuesday and wednesday of next week it's going back to nevada back to california. >> that's just to get the cash. california is pretty safe. but up to oregon up to washington and then to louisiana. >> well. >> of all places. >> the events next week are not your typical campaign rallies. the event in reno is a speech to the vfw, which is just, you know, one of the key points of his. >> that's right. >> veterans. >> new orleans is the urban league? >> new orleans is the urban league so that sort of touches another base. in virginia and florida, for sure he needs as big or as close to the african-american turnout as he had in 2008 to combat some erosion of his popularity elsewhere. >> were there any otrs yesterday? we are talking with reid epstein from politico here on -- political reporter for politico
3:39 am and you can follow reed on twitter. everybody has a twitter handle these days at reidepstein, reid r-e-i-d r-e-i-d. were there any otrs? color full part of the vice president's travel. >> there are. they most certainly had them planned. there were some weather difficulties that caused his flight to be delayed by 45 minutes, almost an hour from jacksonville into the west palm beach airport. >> really? yeah. >> and so it was -- >> he didn't get to the doughnut shop then yesterday? >> and actually, when he landed in jacksonvi he made a note of that. he apologized for being late and said even air force one has to fly around the thunder. >> yeah. jeez. something interfering with the president of the united states'
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travels, pretty powerful indeed. >> tell us where he is heading today and what's on the agenda. >> he has more fundraisers but two big campaign stops in fort myers and southwest florida, another area where he was comparatively -- come pavered to the rest of the state four years ago, it's an area of midwestern retirees as opposed to the west palm beach being new york retirees. so it's a lot of the same folks he was targeting in ohio, sort of your more conservative retirees. it's a more republican part of the state. and then he heads to orlando, which is sort of an area of growth for democrats. it's an area that's becoming more and more hispanic, a lot of -- a large port reek rican community there. we will see stops that reference them
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them. >> reid, safe travels. thanks again for your reporting on the scene this morning from west palm beach florida. good to talk to you, re the id. we are back to ann romney yesterday showing the same sort of haughty, damn the middle class, damn certainly the poor. damn the working class americans. you people don't need to know any more than you already need to know and if you were really really good americans like we are, are, you, too, would work without a salary. yeah. that's her -- that's her standard. right? for whether you count or not it seems from what she told robin roberts on gma yesterday. hey, reid epstein is traveling with the president. we have our ambassador on the road all the time. arnold in rocksboro, north carolina. hey, arnold, are you part of you people. >> good morning, bill.
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that is more like an air raid sigh sirene. it's terrible. back in the old days you hear that, "you people kwud. you people, you learn how to respect. she said before that, we don't want to reveal our taxes because you might dig up some more information, may reveal some more things we don't want to be on the street. how can you make them kind of statements if are not arrogant? so far as, you know, the wife being fair game michelle obama, i am finally, happy to go an american citizen she caught holly hell for that. don't say nothing. just keep on going. y hell for that. don't say nothing. just keep on going. speaking spanish to the people,
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land mine, same way. i'm sorry. he is on the battle litchfield. >> yeah. yeah. that's right. now when she goes on gma and makes statements like that arnold, you are absolutely right, then she is fair game. certainly no apologies for that. and i don't know why you people just don't understand that. this whole attitude. it really does -- i keep coming back to that. it really does show what -- and the president made the statement: what this election is all about is a choice: do you help the top 1%, or do you help working-class, middle class families in america? now, which? which way is going to get this economy going? i have to say the 99% of the people in this lower group, they are the ones that are going to rebuild this economy. >> that's president obama's approach. the romneys will be fine. we don't have to worry about them.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> ann romney stirring things up yesterday. michelle bachmann stirred things up a couple of days ago. we will get back to your calls on ann romney but first, this item in the news caught my attention out in texas, down in houston, a cancer center had to notify patients that they better watch out because a physician's laptop had been stolen
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that number for identity theft protection, lifelock ultimate 180059967 on ann romney and from lansing, michigan hi ann. >> hi, bill. >> good morning. >> good morning, dear. i want to thank you for addressing ann romneys words, "you people." but i would also like you to comment on the time she used the word "kill" in reference to like they want to kill romney or something. it was about a week ago. so i am not sure if you remember that. >> they want to kill mitt. >> they want to kill mitt. yeah. >> could you comment on that? i didn't really hear much backlash on that. and i thought that was a pretty strong word. >> yeah. >> to get away with. >> it really was, ann. i think we did talk about that at the time. i don't know. there must have been too much else news going on. i just think look arnold said this just a couple of calls ago. here is the problem with the
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romneys. they want to be above it all. they want to be treated with kid gloves. they want to say anything at all about president obama, say he pals around with terrorists he is un-american, romney said that yesterday. john sununu the other day said he wishes obama would learn how to be an american. they want to make the most personal, ugly vicious attacks against president obama. but when the obama campaign or people speaking for obama suggest that mitt romney should release his tax returns, that's not a personal attack that mitt romney should explain what -- how much money he's got in the kaypan islands and in bermuda and swiss bank account and what's that all about? and is it just to avoid paying u.s. taxes? those are very legitimate questions, not personal attacks. when they come their way and then she says, they are just trying to kill mitt. right? well yeah. stop whining. you are running for president of the united states. answer the question. put the information out there.
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and what is the debbie wattserman schultz say the other day. >> put on your big boy pants. >> put on your big boy pants. >> that's really right. got to give john mccain credit here kudos to john mccain. we know the ding-bat crazy wearability -- got to be careful with my language -- michelle bachmann i am talking about, who came out with the wild alleges like huma amadine, hillary's top aide john mccain went out and condemned that kind of language in the strongest possible terms. here he is. >> huma abadene represents what is best about america, the daughter of immigrants who has risen on the basis of her
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substantial personal merit and her abiding commitment to the american ideals she embodies. >> right. yesterday, it was john boehner's turn. john boehner was asked by reporters, do you go along with this stuff that michelle bachmann like joe mccarthy accusations like this? and boehner condemned her as well. >> from everything i do know of her, she has a sterling character. and i think accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dang dangerous. >> of course he was talking about huma abadine being a sterl character and michelle bachmann being very dangerous. you know, not often do we get to say anything complimentary about john boehner or john mccain. i did not want to miss the opportunity one time in maybe 10 years. >> mark your calendars.
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>> they did rise to the occasion yesterday. shame on michelle bachmann. minnesota, america deserves better. >> this is the bill press show. live on your radio and current tv. that's about 150,000 a month, over 2 million people so far. with finish quantum you get incredibly clean sparkling dishes without having to rinse them first. now see for yourself why millions have switched to finish. join the finish revolution. and now you can try finish quantum for free. visit us on facebook.
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>>at the only on-line forum with a direct line to bill press. >>it's something i've been waiting for a long time. >>join the debate now. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time, this is the bill press show live on your radio and current tv. >> okay. how about this? love getting e-mail from joe goldberg.
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the obama hate machine, i just finished the book and i loved it. thanks for confirming many of the things i had suspected. thank you, joe. of course, there are more copies available theat our website there are more signed copies available. the paperback will be out next month, in august. on tom vilsack, labor agricultural secretary not saying anything about global warming in relation to the drought, i talked about that. oh, john explains that it's simple: this is why they don't talk about guns. obama is going to play it safe and smart for the election. juanita bailey says check the amount of money spent for lobbying and political contributions by the fossil fuel industry. that answers your questions as to why no one dares talk about global warming. leslie says, you didn't mention monsanto. >> that's one of the worst things for the american economy. you know what? we are going to get into that
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> hello everybody. good morning. it's friday, july 20th. welcome to the full-court press here on current tv. good to see you this morning. got lots and lots and lots to talk about. can you believe it? one third of the nation's counties 1300 of them have been declared federal disaster areas because of this drought that we are experiencing. crops are burning up and prices are going up. it's the worst in over 50 years, and it's only going to get worse
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than that according to agricultural experts. can anybody say "global warming"? does anybody dare say, "global warming"? this is global warming. we will talk about that and a lot more here but first, we start out by getting all of the latest. today's current news update from lisa ferguson out in los angeles. hi, lease a. good morning. >> hi, bill. good morning. good morning everyone. just a quick update here for you on the shooting out of colorado police say the suspect let a smoke canister off before opening fire in an aurora movie theater. 14 people are dead and at least 50 are injure did. officers have found the suspect's car with a gas mask and at least three weapons inside. aurora is a southeastern suburb of denver. a new study out this morning shows the style used by sub-prime mortgage lenders has made its way onto college campus. what do we mean by that? private lenders gave out student loans without considering who
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would and would not be able to repay them. they then bundled those loans and resold them to investors. that is the same style of lending that caused the housing bubble and helped bring about the 2008 financial crisis. now, students are paying the price. americans still owe more than $150,000,000,000 in private student loan debt and if you factor in federal loans, too, they owe more than a trillion dollars overall. another new report, this one from the congressional research service has found the bottom half of american households own just 1% of the country's wealth. the richest 1% share is still growing. they are now in control of 34 1/2%. news in romney's search for a vp pick, former secretary of state condoleeza rice is top choice followed by florida senator marco rubio.
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rice previously said she has no interest in the position but romney's wife ann romney, has mentioned she would love to see a woman. we are back with more bill after the break, and we are life in chat right now. >>we talk a lot about the influence of money in politics. it is the defining issue of this era. the candidate with the most money, does win. this is a national crisis.
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spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? ask your doctor if spiriva can help. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the bill press show. hey. what do you say? it is friday july 20th. this is the full court press coming to you live on current tv, coast to coast from our little radio factory, book factory, t.v. factory here on capitol hill in washington, d.c. good to see you today. it's been a wild week and it's a wild friday, too. lots going on and lots to talk
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about. >> that's why it's good to have you with us. we will talk your calls at 866-55-press. we are keeping up to date on that horrific situation out in aurora, colorado, you know. i am sure you have heard about it now, a 24-year-old young man from aurora colorado opening fire, three different guns in a movie theater last night. the premier screening of "the dark knight." the latest count now is 15 dead and 50 injured, and the young man is in custody. just a tragic, tragic situation, first time i can remember a shooting at a public movie theater, and again, any more news on that we will bring it to you throughout the -- throughout the show this morning. great to see you today. our whole team is here this morning, including peter ogburn and dan henning, of course. >> happy friday.
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>> videographer cyprian bowlding and a man here so often, we consider him part of our team eric byrnes with bull fite strategy. >> here as a friend of bill. >> that's rightbullfight strategy. >> here as a friend of bill. >> that's right. >> i have launched a new project, new organization. >> very exciting. >> very, very excited about it. we have a lot going on call the message? >> it is called the message. people can check it out. the message and it's essentially a site that does duration of online video beut we are working with folks in hollywood and music industry and professionals to do original video productions that kind of shake the trees a little bit. >> we talked about this last week. made a big splash, of course with your first video, which was
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sort of a little mock-up of mitt romney being briefed by his advisors before he addressed the naacp. >> yes. >> his advisor telling him to be white bread on because you are white bread. >> it was very good. very clever. >> i want to hear more did about it and about your latest. >>. >> sure that has been released here we have -- lots to cover this morning. you know, meter, i think we have to give john boehner a little credit again because michelle bachmann came out with this wild accusation about the muslim brotherhood infiltrating america. >> despicable. >> and huma abidine was an agent of the muslim brotherhood. john mccain went after michelle bachmann. yesterday, john boehner was asked about this. >> from everything that i do know of her, she has a sterling
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character. and i think accusations like this being thrown around this are pretty dangerous. >> yeah. >> that's twice in one day that you have given john boehner clear theed. >> i know. >> let's not get too comfortable with this. >> this is the one day in my entire broadcasting career i can say anything nice about john boehner. i want to take advantage. >> i have moments to give him problems. he has been much less of a fire brand. he doesn't run it. eric can'tter does. what we should see is eric canter saying shame on michelle mccarthy as i am going to call her from now on. >> that's who she is. i think if eric canter would say everybody has a right to freedom of speech. >> i am going to ask for hearings. >> mitt romney would say those are not the words i would use.
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right? >> about as strong as he would get. >> redistribution of wealth. >> slut, prostitute terrorist, spy. those aren't the words i would use. >> this is a classy crew. john boehner, i think, occasionally, he steps up. you have to give him those props. >> stepped up to the plate. we have a lot to talk about. not just mitt romney but ann romney, too, and lots lots more. mitt's tax returns. we will get into it with eric byrnes but first, the full court press. >> on this friday, other headlines making news george zimmerman and on the sean han hannity show but it turns out barbara walters had the first shot at landing the exclusive interview on abc but rejected zimmerman after an outrageous demand. the new york post is saying he demanded that theypire for a
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hotel for an interview month. walters would not confirm or deny that on the view. >> he is not allowed to leave the county down there. >> by the way, she came pretty close close. she didn't confirm it but she blasted him and said, he and his wife have money problems. they need money. they were making crazy demands. she said it all out on the vu yesterday. >> did she? >> yeah. >> did he demand a certain hotel? >> no. but he asked for a hotel for an entire month. >> did fox -- did fox pay for it, i guess? >> i don't know. >> no. no. hannity interviewed him downtown. he had to go down there because he keep coming back to he is not allowed to leave seminole county. i can't believe it. >> i never heard of anything. >> hang on a second. i don't know if my heart can handle you giving barbara walters a compliment. >> what are you doing? >> i am not sure if my heart can handle anything. >> this isn't about barbara waw wawa. now i am going to compliment
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both of them? i have turned into a weenie here or a wimp. >> are you going to xlimcompliment bain capital. >> no. i am not going to say anything about bain capital. >> adams shot at the royal lythem at the british open. the ties for the lottest round, just ahead of paul lowry and zac zach johnson. tiger woods shot a 67. in the hunt, three shots off of the lead in today's round. >> i shot a 64. it was a putt-putt golf course. i have done 64. >> first nine holes. >> if you have a potato chip recipe and a good one, the folks at lay's potato chips want it. the company is taking to facebook to ask you to do them a flavor and come up with their next -- >> stop that. the i hate that. >> that's not my -- >> that's clever marketing. >> is it? >> i am going to start using it. >> is it really? >> you know, they clearly paid
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somebody a lot of money. >> if you come up with their next potato chip flavor and enough people vote for it and you are number one they will give you million dollar or 1% of the net sales next year for that flavor. >> they must be out of ideas. >> how much? >> 1% for a million dollars. >> 1% is pretty measly. >> i would guess and this is sort of a guess that lay's is probably the biggest potato chip company in america. >> frequently lay. >> free toe lay. >> they have probably got a lot of distribution. >> net sales f this thing goals wild could be a lot of money. >> i take the million. >> your vanilla ice cream somebody great. >> mine is whiskey. >> cream gravy goes well on everything. i am from texas. cream gravy chips. >> a bag of regular chips and dump gravy above it and shake it up and give me a million dollars. >> my plea it leave the damn potato chips alone. i like my plain potato chips and
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vanilla ice cream. >> when was the last time anyone walked into a 7 lend and said we need more flavors of potato chips. >> right. >> theme flavors of doritos do they have now? >> i went to a big market up in rhode island last week doing the shopping for a family weekend. the potato chip rack, there are too many choices. too many choices. >> for a million dollars, you can have one. >> one more. >> like robin williams where he like freaks out in front of the coffee i'll. >> >>. >> the idea of some new video, stirring things up maybe go the sense i get is that you are willing to go in the political arena maybe where some people are not. where others are not willing to go? >> yeah.
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>> you dare to go where others are not? >> we dare to go where we think the party and the movement should be going because, you know, as you know very well, bill, i have long felt that democrats and progressives -- we don't have the courage of our convictions. we aren't out there, you know, having the arguments with the force and power and certitude we need to be if we want to be consistent in winning the hearts and minds of the american people. and, you know, video is, you know the new medium online and i don't think that up until very recently we really knew how to use it effectively. >> all right. now, let's go to, so that the first one again we played part of it last week. >> yes >>. >> was mitt romney being coached. >> speech writers. >> supposedly, it was a whole spoof by his speech writers on what he would say to the naacp. the one that you just released is about the republicans slobbering all over ronald reagan. here is how it starts.
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here is this sound. >> republican candidates, we are dying to let you know how much they love ronald reagan. >> president reagan. >> president reagan. >> the reagan revolution and the jobs created in the reagan years. i looked at the reagan der diary. >> must have been a great president. the most admired president by americans today. it's about almost 24 years since ronald reagan left the white house. why don't we take some time to revisit the legacy of the begingi. per. >> it's about a 5 kneeled video fact-based and direct. it's hosted by m.c.solcon, who is a really fantastic, you know, rap battle master in the music industry passionate about politics, which is a key formula, combining the best of political messaging and entertainment and culture. it's a straight takedown and really not a takedown. it's a reevaluation, a real i
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think istic of what was reagan's real legacy? what came out of those years? not just scorearboroughscarborough's fantasy and magic drag options. >> mount rush more. >> a lot of debt an iran contra scandal. >> they were selling weapons to islamic terrorists in iran. in a post-9-11 world that sounds a little different. >> it was 7 out of 8 years, new taxes, not tax cuts. >> that's right. >> new taxes? >> new taxes. >> to me astounding how far removed from reality is the republican rhetoric about ronald reagan and what his presidency was about and the last two or three years, maybe because he was already sick, he was awol. he wasn't even, you know like he didn't even check in. >> this video we think is important right now.
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>> how do people find it? >> on >> put a link up there, guys. >> we are pushing it out the link to a lot of other sites as well. also, the message has a facebook page. you can find it there as well. >> eric is with us. there was a clear message, eric that came out yesterday morning yesterday morning on gma with robin roberts from ann romney when she was asked, among other things she was asked of robin roberts about whether or not her husband was, in fact going to bow to the pressure from a lot of republicans. >> uh-huh. >> and release more of his tax returns. here is why ann romneys explains we are not to? >> we have given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how we live our life. and so that election again
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will not be decided on that. they would they will be is beside they will be decided about how to turn the economy around. >> we have given all you people need to know. you are from the south. >> i know what "you people" means. it has a very, very specific connotation and it's a very, very racial one and, you know, it goes back to why we did that video before the naacp. it's a message because we want to show, this is what this party and the culture of this party is about. >> the whole attitude, you people. you people. stay in your place obama is not working. >> that's the tag line of the romney campaign. let's thing about what the subtext of that. >> that's not an accident. we see that everywhere but now we have mrs. romney who was sainted by wolfe blitzer after, you know, her run-in, you know with hillary rosen. now she is is saying let them eat cake. we are going to have caviar and we have given you little people
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enough. they know we are rich and we are going to go back to our life. romney calling the barack doesn't understand america? these folks can't do more than anyone i know in america. it's bizarre. >> the other thing she was asked. i love this. here is why her husband is so special: because when he was governor of massachusetts, well let's let ann romney. this is a role models for all of us? >> when he was governor of massachusetts, didn't take a salary. >> didn't take a salary. >> you know it has a point. there are so many things that will be open again for more attack. >> he is a generous man, bill. >> so what's wrong with you taking a salary? >> you know, i am -- >> i am ashamed of the fact that i take a salary? >> i have a wife i have to feed you know.
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and, you know, i will tell you in that same interview, you know, ann romney also said how generous they were to the mormon church, give 10%, which is the min minimum requirement of the mormon church and also more than they paid in taxes in 2010 and 2011 which is like less than 10% of their income. >> they have their priorities straight. >> do you know anybody who paid 9% of their income for income taxes? >> i also don't know anybody who could afford to work without a salary. i don't look down at people who take their salary. 866-55-press is our toll-free number with eric byrnes here on the full-court press this friday july 20th. the real world and politics collide on "the gavin newsom show." this is the bill press show. philip kaufman asks "is war the ultimate aphrodisiac?" find out on "the gavin newsom show." only on current tv.
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unwrap your paradise. the real world and politics collide on "the gavin newsom show." this week director philip kaufman asks "is war the ultimate aphrodisiac?" find out on "the gavin newsom show." only on current tv. unwrap your paradise. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. almond joy and mounds. unwrap paradise. so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and, and...and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame.
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points to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. we have a big, big hour and the i.q. will go way up. how are you ever going to solve the problem if you don't look at all of the pieces? >>tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. >>sharp tongue, quick whit and above all, politically direct. >>you just think there is no low they won't go to. oh, no. if al gore's watching today... [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> on your radio, on t.v. the bill press show, new on current tv. >> how about it? 207 minutes after the hour john nichols, washington correspond ent for "the nation" magazine joins us in the next segment. "us" being meander i can burns meanderic clsh . >> lots of calls stud up me and eric clsh . >> lots of calls stud up. >> if folks see something on the site, they have something they want to say, pope open their iphone, record a 30 second message, submit it to the site. we will put it up on the site.
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this is something that folks can participate in as well . >> all right. >>. >> ken's got a comment here what do you say. >> i heard eric say the progressives have to reach out for their message to americans. i definitely am listening to the progressive message. there is some beauty in it. but my biggest concern is that when you listen to paying inheritance tax and how we are going to live our lives through the affordable care act, and it seems almost orwellian to me the progressive movements says we will tell you how you are going to live your life. >> we have about 10 seconds. i'm sorry. >> i was going say, look making sure that every american family has the protection of healthcare is good for people. it's not telling people how to live their lives. it's helping people live their
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[ music ] >> this is the full court press, the bill press show, live on your radio and on current tv. >> all right. thirty-three minutes after the hour on a friday, friday july 20th. boy, friday, our favorite day of the week. i am sure it is yours, too. we are coming to you life all the way across this gradeeat land of ours from ourtude yes on washington, d.c. we are brought to you by afsme, the largest public and employee healthcare union in the entire country under the leadership of
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new president lee saunders. for more information about their good work, go to the website at leading the fight for public employees at the state and the cities, the county and the federal level all the way across this great land of ours. hey, we haven't had a chance to talk. eric byrnes is in studio with us us. >> they are unapologetic. >> they are on the front lines. >> they are, absolutely. absolutely. >> i will tell you who else is on the front lines, our good friend covers washington covers the nation's capitol for the nation magazine that i have been a subscriber for, for the last, i think, 125 years. john nichols. hey, john. how are you? >> good. peter. you know, in a couple of years we are having our 150th anniversary and going to put you front and center as our longest
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subscriber. >> 150 years? i wasn't there at the very beginning. >> baseball cap now. >> hey, john eric byrnes here with bill. how are you doing? >> great brother. it's great to hear your good voice. afsme, both of you are right. >> that's a union that not only has had a long history of militancy going back to 1932 when it was founded in my home state of wisconsin one of the things is that it has historically had leadership that has erred and i am going to say it bluntly,erred left. they have not been afraid to be progressive and be way out front. now, they are the most under attack union. >> yes >>. >> in the united states. >> but you know why? >> yeah. it's because they -- it's also because afsme doesn't just defend its workers. there are some unions, you know their job is to represent its workers.
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afsme has a dual mission. it must defend the public sphere. it has to defend public services. they have to defend the work that nobody else wants to even talk about. >> they have got to defend the municipal government and it's real vance and that's a model more unions should aadopt. mitt romney doesn't agree with that. >> john, i know you are back from a trip to europe. we know why you were there, checking on your swiss bank account. how is it going, your swiss bank account? >> it's been a little rough this year because of some of the banking blow-ups the libor scandal. >> i tell you what you have been on top of. i thought of you this morning, you pick up the headline. this is page 8-12. london fundraisers put romney in a scandal's glare and i know that before the "new york times" got on top of this story about mitt romney going to london with his wives dressage horse, of course? >> yes, of course. >> you had already reported on
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the fact that here romney is putting himself right in the middle of the libor scandal. tell us about it. >> this is a very big deal. you need to know what libor is. it's not the lost olympic sport we all know we should have followed. libor is the london inter-bank system by which if you believe you could do this with your radio ratings. >> they get to set their own rates. >> interest for the overnight loans? >> exactly. although it's not really for overnight loans by setting the rate, you set the standard that watches out across the world. if some sub assistance former is trying to get a micro loan to get some seeds, that's affected by if you are getting a mortgage in
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the united states, it's affected by it because it sets the basic sense of what the international interest rate is. >> and as i understand it, we have major bankers from barclays that are basically involved in fixing it. >> they don't even care about us. we are the most irrelevant people in the world because we are just human beings. but what they did, were doing with libor is setting falsely low rates you would think that would be good. but they weren't loaning money. they were setting the falsely low rates so investors thought they were stable when they weren't and people would keep investing in the banks. >> sounds like a ponzi scheme. >> where does romney get involved in this. >> the head of barclay's bank had to quit. theyed to pay a fine of almost
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$500 million for this and dozens of other banks are involved. romney is going to london. the banker who had to quit the banker from barclays who had to quit, he was the chairman of romney's fundraiser in london. now, this guy has had to step back. okay? he is out. but his chief lobbyist is now the co-chair of romney's fundraiser. >> good lord. >> romney is going to london to do a fundraiser in central union, to the financial districts where these banks are and the committee doing the $7,528 a plate fundraiser. >> by the way. it includes top executive of
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barclays, of credit suisse of deutsche bank top executive of wells fargo europe. are you getting the picture? >> all of these crooks? right? >> literally. literally. >> literally crooks, yeah. as i understand it, john dimon. >> bob. >> actually couldn't go to the if you wanted rayer because he has court things he has to deal with. romney can't acknowledge they have discussed it. >> i can't go to the fundraiser. i have to be in court that day. >> the romney campaign shame lesley he is there with his hand out still to things colleagues and this cabal of financial mom sisters. >> do you know how embarrassed they are about this? they are not too embarrassed to turn the money away. this is the interesting thing. the invitations which we got a hold of the copy which are quite
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fascinating, they say the event will be held at a central london location. they are trying to hold it someplace where people can't find it. >> john. >> one of us will find it. >> our best buy phone with eric byrnes and me here on the full-court press. follow john's work always at the and that's where your piece on london is posted. right, john. >> yeah, you this morning. >> up this morning, this is really good stuff. this kind of, maybe in a big way really, does relate to romney and his wife's being like so out of touch and living in this world of wealthy, wealthy, wealthy people and they don't think it matters. right? the start of the piece was in fairness to mitt romney he didn't schedules this fund racer after learning about the libor scandal. >> all right.
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>> that takes him off of the hook now. what i am saying is this is his world, his people. >> can i ask you you know, what do you think this says about mitt romney's character, his judgment, and his ability to still really say he is moving forward with this? >> i think it says something. i think it says by the people who want to be next to him and want to give him money and that's the important thing. these are the most powerful bankers in the world. these are people who will do anything to make money. this week, they are going to sit with mitt romney paying 75,000 or more a piece for the privilege of doing so. they are not doing that because they like the guy. they are doing it because they believe mitt romney will either
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on his own instincts or by their pressure be willing to create a circumstance where the criminal activity, the fraud in which they engage in london in the libor scandal will not be regulated or prosecuted. >> that's the simple reality. they see him as a bankster like them. >> what a wonderful picture to pate, you know, of the g.o.p. presidential nominee presumptively in the u.k. >> wearing a white wig at the house of lords. >> criminals. >> i want to point out and come back to the fact that what's taking mitt to london is his fundraiser fundraiser. he is there with his wife and her dressage horse. now, okay. that interview on abc, before she gets on, the special e e equipped 747 to carry the horse.
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>> the horse plane. >> the horse plane to carry the horse to london the horse that you and i are paying for because he gets an 80,000 dollar a year tax break every year for that freakin dancing horse. think of the entourage. ann doesn't feed it or groom it. >> she rides it when she gets stressed out being on the campaign trail and she has to come back. >> i don't mind. i don't mind folks who ride horses. >> a lot of working folks who do and a lot of folks who love horses. there are kids in that dressage horse competition who have, you know, worked every day and every night. >> that's not the problem. >> right. >> the challenge here is that the romney family, you know this romney operation, is so elite, so kind of above this process and, also understand
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if mitt romney was flying to london simply to watch his horse, his wife's horse do dressage, that would be great. >> that's not the point of this. >> that's not what this is about. he is going to london for two purposes, number 1 because he thinks the olympics is the only thing he can talk about in his past that doesn't cause scandal. >> right. >> can't talk about being governor of massachusetts. he cannot talk about his business background. so he is going to go -- he is going to use the olympics as a pr tool for his presidential race and even that wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for being on the eave of doing so he will spend the night before the opening of the olympicsve of doing so, he will spend the night before the opening of the olympics with the biggest bankers in the world. >> all i have to say is you people just don't understand. all right? john nichols, always great to talk to you. welcome back. great on this big story hear about mitt romney.
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and the bankers going for the gold in london. thanks john. thank you talk to you. >> thanks to both of you. take care. >> we will be back with eric byrnes and your calls at 866-55-press. this is classic mitt romney t hauling your dressage horse across country. >> $75,000. >> from criminals. >> from the crooked bankers. >> to run from the united states. >> this man clearly has the judgment to be president. i can't stand these spots. those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your >> this is the bill press show, live on your radio and current tv. so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine. the real world and politics collide on "the gavin newsom show." this week director philip kaufman asks "is war the ultimate aphrodisiac?" find out on "the gavin newsom show."
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] this is the bill press show. >> by the way, talk about celebrities, sigourney weaver joins us at the top of the next hour. she is part of that show that's getting a lot of great reviews called political animal. >> heard it's great. >> hillary clinton. she is going to join us at the top of the next hour. john larson, congressman from connecticut who is head of the house democratic caucus will be in studio with us as well. eric byrnes is here this hour as a friend of bill from bullfight strategy. >> thanks for having me. >> talking about ann romney mimi is calling from atlanta, georgia. >> hi, mimi. >> i am a newly converted listener to your show you are
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morning bill to me. >> thank you. >> i think between these two people, they think that they are selected to be the president and first lady of the united states so like he ceo, he doesn't feel like he has to show the little people his paperwork as long as he shows the appropriate people. >> but the arrogance of them i am speaking to them like you people because they are the ones who want to be elected to an office that we, the little people, are going to vote them in. she speaks in an air like why should i show you anything? >> she is. celes like thurston how will mr. and mrs. how will where when the ship is going down, they are grabbing for their jewelry. i shouldn't have to fight for anything. i am sled into this. you should be -- you should be happy i want to be there.
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even when he speaks, the smirk on his face. if he is uncomfortable, why are you smirking? like you are down to someone. >> i think it exudes just this arrogance and i think you are right. they live in a different world. they really, really do. the people they hang out with, right? are people who can easily afford to work for 4 years without taking a salary. right? >> absolutely. absolutely. they can tear it down and have a car al vator. >> there are a lot of wealthy people who work hard. >> that's not the romney by any stretch of the imagination. we see it over and over day-in and day-out. >> mimi, thank you for the call. you are absolutely right on. but eric we have to end on this
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note, but i think it gets to what president obama keeps saying this election is all about, and that is okay, you have got a choice. right? >> yes. >> all right. who is that person going to fight for in the white house? and it's pretty clear that mitt romney only identifies with only understands and will only fight for the very -- the people like him and ann. >> sure. >> people in that 1%. and barack obama, who by the way is not a palmuper? he is a wealthyman. >> but he, like teddy kennedy? >> has earned it. >> is going to fight for the middle class fight for working class families. >> fight for country. >> yeah. >> 99% as opposed to thinking if you give the 1% more that they will let enough dribble down to keep all the rest of you people happy. >> i have one little thing if i can quickly. mitt romney will also do whatever he thinks is right in the moment. i don't really think that he has a strong background other than
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his own financial interest. >> you have a strong backbone. the message, themental is a new one. >> >> i will tell you what the president is up to in florida today when we come back. >> radio meets television the bill press show, now on current tv. penalties so if you violate the voting rights act, it is just not something where you go to jail but you could, in fact, be required by the court of law -- by a court to stop and i guess
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current tv, it's been all building up to this. >>bill shares his views, now it's your turn. >>i know you're going to want to weigh in on these issues. >>connect with "full court press with bill press" at and on twitter at bpshow. >>i believe people are hungry for it. [ ♪ theme ♪ ] [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> this is the bill press show. >> president obama, his second day with a whole series of campaign ents in florida. today, he starts off in west palm beach where he spent the night last night and then hopping across the state to the
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gulf coast and 40 meyers with a big campaign event leaving and going over to orlando delivering, 4:00 o'clock this avenge, remarks atacam pain event in orlando in winter park florida, actually, and heading back here to washington, d.c. arriving back at the whitehouse at 8:20 tonight. you can bet that there will be some unscheduled stops along the way. what they call otr off the record stops. he will find a burger joint or, you know, a gator burger joint. >> plan on >> maybe go to disney world. >> may be. might have to take a little stop. jay carney will be gag ling on air force one. there will be no briefing. we will come back and talk to
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] scomplvenling. >> well, what do you say everybody? good to see you. welcome to the full-court press here on current tv this friday. friday july 20th. good to see you. thank you for joining us. lots on our plate this morning lots to talk about including the fact that we know mitt romney is always telling us how rich he is. well, now, it is ann romney's turn. that's right. yesterday, appearing on good morning america with robin roberts. she said that mitt wouldn't release any more of his tax
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returns because you people need all you need to know. that's right. >> that's the term she used, "you people." that's us. not like them rich people. >> yeah. >> talk about that as we have. continue to talk about it, i should say. a whole lot more. but first, let's jump out to los angeles, say hello, again, to lease a ferguson with today's current news update. hello, lease a. good morning. >> hill, bill. good morning. good morning, everyone. pompom has recently been notified of the shooting out of aurora, colorado, where at least 12 are confirmed dead and another 50 are left injured. the president has just released a statement on this tragedy saying he and mrs. obama are both shocked and saddened and that his administration will do everything it can to support aurora during this difficult time. we are hearing from local witnesses on the ground in aurora. here is what one of them had to say about the shooting. >> it took me a second to
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realize what was actually going on. and as people were running away, i hit the ground so i wouldn't be hit. all i saw, i heard the sound of metal canisters clinking around and i saw plumes of smoke. >> the shooting took place at a local movie theater in aurora during the premier of "batman: the dark knight." the denver post is reporting two are in critical condition at a local hospital. police say the suspect is in custody. mitt romney has responded to the shooting as well and said he will be praying for those families. looking ahead into the rest of the day and into the weekend, pompom will wrap up his two-day swing through florida. he won the state in 2008 but a bad economy and a tough housing market could spell trouble for him there this year. is plan is to court the elderly quote saying mitt romney medicare proposal would leave seniors finding forpending for themselves.
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>> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> one-third of the nation's counties have now been declared disaster arizona because of the drought. it's only going to be getting worse. can anybody say, "global warming"? hey, what do you say? hello, everybody. great to see you today. it is the full court press, welcome to the program here on this friday, july 20th. good to see you today. you are looking good. we are coming to you live from our nation's capitol. what do you say? with the big stories of the day
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here in the nation's capitol. not much going on. president obama down in florida actually for the second day of campaign events. mitt romney on his way to london where he will be hosted at a 75,000 dollar a person fundraiser chaired by the leadership of barclay's bank which, of course, has been under investigation. some of them had to quit, had to quit because of playing games with the libor rate, the bank interest rate. we are keeping our eye on the latest from aurora colorado, a horrific situation at the midnight premier of the "dark knight" where a crazed gunman 24-year-old young man opened up fire, had three guns stashed in the theater. opened up fire. fox news reporting the death toll is up to 15 with 50
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injured. any more news on that this hour we will bring that to you. i have the whole team here, peter ogburn and dan henning. >> hey, hey. >> hello guys. good morning. >> happy friday. >> and cyprian bowelding, ourlding, our. we have a lot of news and great reviews. the new mini series on u.s.a. network called political animals, star of the show, sigourney weaver, you remember her in the great four alien movies and the political animal she plays a former first lady and now secretary of state. gee, i wonder who that could be modelled after. sigourney. >> hi. >> a big fan. great to have you with us this morning? >> it's a pleasure. >> you are a fan not only in the entertainment world but also your leadership on a lot of good environmental issues which are important to me, too. so thank you for stepping out
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there on so many good causes. so what's it like to be hillary clinton? >> well, you know, we all due respect to mrs. clinton, and we are all admirers of hers. actually, the show is about a political family. i am a divorced mom of two boys who are young adults, and i think our crater on observing we had had three women secretaries of state in a row was asking the question of why are we so happy to have these amazing women repping the power of our country but we are not willing to elect a woman president? it is actually a family drama. it pulls aside the veil who these very famous, you know fascinating people are and it probably the best role i have
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ever been given. he lane is one of the most interesting, articulate funny, gorgeous, you know, like the role of a lifetime. i hope especially women -- i would love men to watch but i hope women me /* especially tune in. >> all three very effective, very dynamic secretaries of state. but i would have to -- i love the premise, but, you know, it may not be too late, schlsigourney. there is 2016 for hillary. >> absolutely. she has done such an incredible job. this shows you one of the things it shows is how -- what a different kind of energy a woman can bring to these high powered situations because there are a lot of ol' boy network, game playing in washington and we have wonderful actors playing juicy pars but to see a woman --
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parts but to see a woman speak truth to power and do it in a way that's very inclusive and more about team building and speaking your heart, it's actually a really kind of revolutionary show, i think. >> think of west wing, of course, all centered around the white house, the presidency, air force 1, washington politics. right? how much time did you have to spend here in the nation's capitol? did you meet with condi rice or madeline albright to talk about this role? >> i didn't have much time to do that resource. i worked one the groups i worked with over the years is now called human rights first. the guy who ran it mike posener is a billian man who works in the statement department. i have been to washington and number of times to discuss human
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rights or the environment. i worked on capitol hill when i was in college. so i didn't have really a chance to research and sit down with people. but i actually used some of my mentors in life people, you know, my teachers heads of non-profits that i had worked with men and women were never afraid to speak their minds but were dim plumdmroment attic about it. but i channelled them. >> our guest sigourney, "political animal," airs 10:00 o'clock eastern six shows. >> six shows. all one more dazzling than the next. i would especially love it if women could tune in. i feel it's a great show. it has two very strong women characters, not only elaine, my
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character but carla, a wonderful actress plays a member the press these are two very strong women as well as a whole cast of fantastic actors i think it's actually a very addictive show. for me as an actor, after three years of having sort of sal ads to eat getting a big juice e steak to sink my teeth in. >> i can't wait to see this sunday night show. congratulations. great work. i want to ask you, also, we are in the middle of this, in the middle of this 2012 campaign important campaign. president obama is on the road in florida a king swing state. are you going to step out in any way in the 2012 campaign taking a stand? >> you know i did help get the
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vote out in the last election. i would hope to do that in the november. i have been doing a play at lincoln center so there is a limit to how much i can travel but i will be, you know working, you know, to what extents i can for obama to get a second term. >> definitely for president obama? >> yes. >> what motivates you? a lot of progressives feel he has let them down and don't feel as excited as the last time. he said something interesting. he said i have been concentrating on policy it makes as soon as to me has been working on a lot of different issues for various reasons including a sort of stuck congress has not been able to put a lot of these ideas into action. i feel he deserves a second term to be able to fulfill what he promised he would do, and i
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think he will do that. i also think one of the things that's come up with our show is to what extent these guys are political animals. you have to be enough of a political animal to enjoy the game like clinton was one of those people and i think johnson was and that we very much channels those two presidents in my ex-husband bud hammond but i don't think either romney or obama are political animals in that sense, and i think it's a challenge for both of them to render some of these into action especially with a congress in which the parties aren't really speaking to each other and i actually feel that when women go into political office, we have about 16% of the representation and we have 51% of the population. bill bring a different approach,
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much more about listening and team building and rolling up our sleeves and getting thins do so it may be too late for this november. but i hope that whoever the president is, we get more women into politics because, as a mother, i know mothers get things done. >> i don't know whether you saw last week, i had to last. i used to do crossfire with pat bu kangan. pat buchanan said there won't be a female president of the united states until at least like that 2050, the year 2050. i think he is dead wrong. >> i hope so. i have heard that from other people, you know crazy. >> we are full of admiration for people like angela merkel and can see what a huge difference it makes. >> yeah. >> when countries like india and pakistan, all had these remarkable women presidents but one of the things we look at in our show is when a woman says i want to be president the very fact of her ambition makes her unattractive even to other women. >> i know you have to run but i
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want to ask you this, parting shot: how about you? why not you? why not run for office? >> i think the country deserves someone who is really qualified. >> come on. >> it's much harder to be a president than to acone. >> well, maybe. >> but maybe i will have time if we are able to continue this series, it may be that elaine gets in the white house. >> all right. the white house or sigourney in the senate. thanks. congratuations again. we will tell everybody, watch this sunday u.s.a. network, "political animals" great series getting great reviews with a great actress, sigourney weaver. >> radio meets television the bill press show, now on current tv. while also neutralizing odors at their source. the real world and politics collide on "the gavin newsom show." this week director philip kaufman asks "is war the ultimate aphrodisiac?"
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." live on your radio and current [music] >> this is the bill press show. live on your radio and current tv. . >> all right. now, we have 22 minutes after the hour here on the full court press, on a friday morning. john larsen congressman john larsen from connecticut who is head of the house democratic caucus is going to be in studio with us the next hour. we will also get to our clips of the week here in just a moment. but first, i know a lot of you hard times for many, many millions of americans having a hard time meeting -- making ends meet at the end of the month. this is something that you might want to consider getting in touch with the folks at income at you have heard me talk about
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them before. they are america's joint business in over 80 countries today. they know what they are doing, and they can help you and this is something you can do no matter your age, education, or experience, you can literally earn money in your own kitchen table using your own laptop 24/7. get in touch with the folks at if you are sick of living paycheck to paycheck worried about job security or retirement, looking to earn extra money at home part-time or full-time, check out incomeathome. they are giving away a thousandbucks for checking them out. visit >> that's did i mention it's a friday? >> right. every friday we take a look back at some of our favorite sound bytes of the week favorite clips of the week. and bring you top 5.
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we start in the bottom and work our way up to the top. romney spokesperson, john sununu out there firing back at president obama saying, he ain't even an american. >> number 5. >> the men and women all over america who have worked hard to build these businesses, their businesses from the ground-up is how our economy became the envy of the world. i witch this would learn how to be an american. >> yeah. i wish he would learn how to be an american says john sununu who was born in cuba. what the hell does he know? man, i tell you. anton antonin scalia talking with piers morgan says i am sick and tired of hearing about bush v. gore. >> number 4. >> it comes up all the time and my usual response is: get over
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it. >> that's it. yeah. we stopped an election. we refused to let florida count the votes. we decided who was going to be the president of the united states. we appointed, five of us, appointed a president of the united states and took the vote away from 300 million americans. get over it. >> george zimmerman, killer of trayvon martin on fox news. why he was on fox news is another question with sean hannity this week and he says, so why did this whole thing happen? because god wanted it to happen. >> number 3. >> is there anything you regret? do you regret getting out of the car to follow tray von that night? >> no, sir. >> do you regret that you had a gun that night? >> no, sir. >> do you feel you wouldn't be here for this interview if you didn't have that gun? >> no, sir. >> do you feel you would not be here? >> i feel it was all god's plan and for me to second-guess it or
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judge it... >> is there anything you might do differently in retrospect now that time has passed a little bit? >> no, sir. >> no? all part of god's plan for him to carry a gun when he wasn't supposed to, get out of the car when he was told not to pursue tray von martin, initiate a confrontation and kill that unarmed teenager all part of god's plan. he ought to burn in hell for that. ann romney on good morning america yesterday morning, she says, don't think you are going to get any more of my husband's tax returns because you people don't sdoefsh it. >> number 2. >> we have given all you people need to knowdeserve it. >> number 2. >> we have given all you people need to know about our financial situation and about how we live our life and so that election, again, will not be decided on that. they would they will be designed on who is going to turn the economy around and how are jobs going to come back to america?
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>> you people. you people have all you need to know. you people. >> yeah. >> allotted of people in the south have heard that phrase before. he specially a lot of people of color, you people. finally, ed gillespie, another advisor to the romney campaign, in trying to explain the discrepancy between mitt romney saying he left bain capital in 1999 and the documents filed with the sec that says i was there until 2002. he said there is an easy explanation. >> it would have been a huge embarrassment because of mitt romney's leadership skills he took a leave of absence and ended up not going back at all and retired retroactively to february of 1999 as a result. >> retired retroactively. why didn't i think of that. right? manual if we all had that
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license to change our lives and change our decisions and explain everything away by saying, we just did that retroactively. >> yeah. >> finally, a great big rasberry today to chick-fil-a. first of all, i wouldn't go in one of those restaurants anyhow. they said they are, yes, indeed they are 100% against homo sexuality and against same-sex section marriage so no gays welcome. the daily caller is suggesting this morning that they have a new slogan the biblically defined family unit that eats chick-fil-a together stays together. >> there you go. >> put that a little long. over the door of any chick-fil-a. discrimination still thrives in some quarters. in every chick-fil-a restaurant. john larsen coming up next.
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with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. her unique mix of comedy and politics to current tv. >> it's like a reality show, they're just turning cameras on and we just do our thing. >>politically direct to me means no b.s., the real thing, cutting through the clutter. i'm energized to start my show everyday because it's fun, because i care about what's going on in this country, rather than some sort of tired banter it is actual water cooler talk it's the way people really talk about these issues. we've always considered ourselves a comedy show. let me just say i am not ready for my close up. i think it's important to laugh. i think it will be exciting, because you can't script three hours of radio. what is going on? i can't tell you how many times right wingers call the show and say, "i don't agree with anything you say, but your show is funny as hell."
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the only thing that can save america now, current tv. can i say that? >> announcer: this is the "full [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> this is the full court press, the bill press show, live on your radio and on current tv. >> here we go, 33 minutes after the hour on a friday, friday july 20th. good to have you with us on the full-court press coming to you live from our nation's capitol and our studio on capitol hill brought to you today by the labor laborers under president terri o'sullivan building a better america, liuna, liuna-i-u-n-a
5:29 am i was up in, i think i told you up in providence rhode island. the beaches down in south rhode island last weekend and i get back to the providence airport, checking in through security and the woman at tsa looked up. oh, bill press, you are going back to washington. she said, please go down there and tell those guys to get something done. stop fighting and get something done. and i said, lady, that's what i tell them every morning but they don't seem to listen. well, here is a man who has been trying to get some things done in washington, without much success, john larsen congressman from connecticut chair of the house democratic caucus. good morning, congressman. good to see you. >> great to be on. >> thanks for coming in studio. why aren't we getting more things done? >> certainly i appreciate the frustration that the member from tsa, the lady felt she expressed. we hear it all the time. >> yeah.
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>> i think for the public to appreciate what's happening, everyone lived through last summer, when frankly, john boehner and what i thought was a great gesture and demonstrated his institutional appreciation for the house went to the white house to work out a grand deal over the debt ceiling with barack obama. it was reminiscent of,well, frankly tip o'neill going to ronald reagan to cut a deal. they worked out a deal between the two of them. and again, frankly -- >> boehner and obama. >> obama and boehner. it wasn't one democrats were all that keen on but nonetheless, it was a deal. but when boehner went to his caucus, they pulled the proverbial rug out from underneath him. the rest is history. they took the nation to the precipice of default and, of course, the market ratings went down and we ended up with the
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artificial committee and solutions and sec questration which we are dealing with currently. this has been a tact of this group, which is kind of hard to understand unless you understand history. washington interestingly enough warned about this, in his fair farewell address respected the fact that there were federalists, anti-federalists, understood there was the agrar aagrarian south but it was a dynamic that was working that they could work toward compromise on ins and did. however, what washington warned about, he said the most dang dangerous thing, however, with parties is that when a party is at war with its own government and what we have in washington
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is a party at war with its own government. so much so that they would rather see obama fail than the nation succeed, which explains why they haven't taken up his jobs bill, which explains why they have taken on the role of obstructionist and why so little is getting done in washington and how frustrating that is. >> now, you know talked about this this week. norm ornstein was here in studio right there just a couple of weeks ago. he and thomas man have written this new book. it's even worse than it looks. >> right. yes. >> the one thing which talks about the gridlock or the lack of any progress in congress one that's especially important about that book is unlike too many people in the media today, they don't say: both sides are at fault. right? >> right. >> neither democrats or republicans are trying to get anything done. they lay the blame squarely on
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the republican party. >> they do. and they were in our caucus just this past week. of course, for your listeners, these are two of the more veneriated people who have been covering the capital more than 40 years. >> uh-huh. >> and they what makes this so unusual is they do always play it down the middle but as they said, the facts just don't add up. in fact, i think it's on page 8 of their book, they say in rather striking manner we identify two overriding sources of disfunction: the first is a series mismatch between the political parties which become vehemently adversarial as affirmativepardon
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me parliament itch style parties in a separation of powers government are a formula for willful obstruction and policy irresolution. the second is the fact, however, awkward it may be for the traditional press and non-party analysts to acknowledge -- referring to themselves as well -- one of the two major parties, the republican party has become an insurgent outlier, ideologically extreme, contempt would you say of the inherited social and economic policy regime scornful of compromise unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts evidence, and science and dismisses -- dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition. when one party moves this far from the center of american politics, it is extremely difficult to enact policies
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responsive to the country's most pressing achievements. >> insurge event outlier. in other words, they don't want to get anything done and they have thrown sand in the gears to prevent anything being done. how can you change it? >> well, we hope through an election. but it is more frustrating because there are decent people on the other side of the aisle. we were talking before the show. john boehner is a decent person. he is an institutionalist. frank lobiando. john sullivan bill schuster. you could go down the list of people that are really, really want to come here with their sleeves rolled up and get things done. >> and get things done. but if your mission, if you are at war with your own government and the goal is frankly, frank luntz lined it up for them in february in 2009 in a 33-page
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document that said look what you need to do to change this brand is obstruct everything that this president does. deny them every success and you have the institutional ability to do it. when we were in the majority, they did it through the senate. they blocked 400 in 97 bills through the cloture vote. >> that's a record. there is nothing like it ever in the history of the two chambers. 497, 70% of those bills were bi-partisanly approved. the republicans are greatdmraning about the democrats january. when i tell our republican colleagues what happened to us they don't believe it. but that is the truth. so this obstructionism wanting to see the president fail rather than see the nation succeed is
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just incredible. >> the question i get all the time is there is no doubt that republicans -- and mitch mcconnell said it best. right? our number one goal is to prevent barack obama from getting a second term. and they have been for the last four years, republicans in the senate, the 2 last two years the house agenda has been for the tea party controlling their caucus to be against anything barack obama is for. they complain about the fact that there are too many americans out of work and they kill every jobs bill that has been presented from the house. the question i get is: if the president gets a second term, and they realize that that strategy has failed are they going to be more willing to work together with democrats and the president? >> i can't comment on the internal makings of the republican conference but i get
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indications from members who are fed up with the strategy a strategy that they have bought into which is to obstruct. >> "i didn't know" as we used to call them. >> the goal would seem if they obstruct obama, stop any suck ses from happening, that that will reflect on his administration and with 14 million people out of work, as you point out, that they will lay the blame, then on obama. a funny thing happens on the way to the forum the public is starting to get wiser about what is going on there. take for example during the last summer after the near fiscal default of the nation, the solution was to come up with a select committee. that select committee focus was to deal with the deficit. there is a very clear way to deal with the deficit, and we
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pressed this case very hard on the democratic side, which was job creation equals deficit reduction. in fact, if we took the unemployment then at 9.1% below 7%, we would reduce the deficit by a third. there is no other silver bullit out there that does it. and then, it would also make it easier for us to address the other attendant needs through growth and, of course, a balance between revenues and cuts but it would allow us to deal with our important issues. >> and leave revenue on the table? >> we did. they wouldn't do that. they stalled. and so the president said well, let us introduce a jobs bill again. he introduced that bill which as chairman of the caucus i was proud to sign. and we are stale waiting for the republicans to take the jobs bill up while they continue to go out and at this and say the
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president hasn't done anything on jobs. >> right. >> they won't even take his bill up. now, whether it was bush the elder or josh w or ronald reagan, when the republicans were in charge. as a courtesy to the president of the united states, you would take up his bill. they had the votes clearly to defeat them if they want. but he certainly is owed that courtesy. but that's not part of their strategy. he specially not with a group at war with their own government. >> congressman john larson in studio representing the first district of the state of connecticut. but maybe more -- well as comport,importantly, importantly, we are glad to take your calls at 866-55-press. i want to talk a little bit about michelle bachmann when we come back here on the full-court press. >> radio meets television, the bill press show now on current
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> radio meets television the bill press show now on current tv. >> hey, here we are. good to have you with us whether you are watching on current tv or listening on your local progressive talk radio show this is the full court press on friday july 20th, congressman john larson, head of the house democratic caucus in studio with us this hour. congressman, michelle bachmann says, sort of elk owing joe mccarthy that the u.s. government is just loaded with
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terrorist sympathizers of the muslim brotherhood. she mentioned particularly huma abadeen, the top aide to secretary of state hillary clinton. to his credit, john boehner, we were just talking about, peter, if we have the speaker asked about huma abadeen. is she really a terrorist sympathizer. >> from everything i know of of her, she has a sterling character. i think accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous. >> i do have to add because we have had e-mails from our listeners saying don't just mention michelle bachmann. she was joined in this assertion assertion, wild accusation by trent franks of arizona, lin westmoreland, and louie gomert from texas and what's going on? >> these members deserve minimally to apologize directly
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on the floor. anyone who knows huma huma abadeend -- and i do -- this is an incredible american and an american public servant who has done an extraordinary job for the secretary of state. and -- >> and for all americans. >> it breaks your heart to hear something like that and it's a shame when you poison the airwaves with this kind of rhetoric. i am surprised at our colleagues. i understand how partisan things can get in seeking an edge but this is over the top. they need to apologize and our heart goes out to huma who i hope knows that -- and certainly john boehner john mccain. >> john mccain. >> and certainly the entire democratic caucus and i would
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say most of the country is sam pathetic and empathetic when you are hit with a charge like that. >> we talked about obstruction and lack of -- inability to get some things done because of the obstructionism of republicans in the house. the other concern i hear from people around the country and our listeners and viewers all the time is, money money, money, and politics. we have never seen so much money in politics. thanked partly to citizens united. maybe largely to citizens united. any hope? >> i will tell you there is a ground swell that's working out there and we are working on a couple of bills again as the chief sponsor of the fair e elections now act, but what we have recognized, bill is that we need to bring everything together. we have to deal with disclose, which we currently have a discharge petition on the floor. we have to deal with a constitutional amendment because that's the only way we are finally, going to get at this
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thing and reverse the court decision, and lastly reform. the best way to do that is to elect democrats, of course but i know that there are like-minded republicans out there and when you do any of the polling data on this it polls off the charts. people see it. they feel it. they understand when you have a guy like edelson who can more money unlimited into newt gingrich and now into the young guns program and this money is unaccounted for. of course, he derives a great deal of his money from macou china. and what washington feared is outside money coming in to influence campaign elections. when you figure, i think it's about harry reid said on the floor, 17 people, the america could wake up the day after the election and find out that 17 whilet white males who are bazillionaires control the outcome of the election.
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let us hope that the american people who are slow to kind of respond to things like that but once they understand and get the facts, i think will respond in a manner that will be gratifying and reaffirm the great republic we live in. the core rose i have affect money has on our system. >> congressman john larson thanks for joining us in studio. come back soon? >> i will look forward to it. >> you have a full plate, and i will be back with a parting shot. >> this is the bill press show. [ music ] dose of politics from a fresh perspective. brought to you by expedia.
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press. this is the bill press show. >> very quickly on this friday, july 20th, my parting shot for today, we know mitt romney loves to tell us how rich he is. yesterday, it was ann romney's turn. in effect, telling abc's robin roberts that we rich people just aren't like the rest of you people. yeah. that's the phrase she used on why they are not going to release any more of their tax returns, because she said, we have given you people all you need to know. well, the very rich as they say, are not like the rest of us, and certainly she proved it again yesterday. mitt and ann romney can never identify or understand or fight for or work for or support people like you and me. >> that's my parting shot for today. folks, here we go into the weekend. hope you have a great one. relax. make the most of it. come back and see us again on monday. >> this is the bill press show.
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