tv Full Court Press Current July 27, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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[♪ theme music ♪] good morning, everybody. happy friday. it's friday july 27th. welcome to the "full court press" here on current tv, where we bring you all of the news of the day and get you involved in the conversation, give you a chance to give us a call at 866-55-press. taking a look at the big stories here in our nation's capitol, and around the globe. and have you hear the manchester
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union leader up in the country has joined the chorus of conservatives demanding that mitt romney release all of his tax returns or at least 12 years of them. now you know why mitt romney is in europe. he is running away from his fellow republicans. but first we have the latest from lisa ferguson out in los angeles good morning, lisa. >> good morning, bill. good morning, everyone. mitt romney is gearing up for another day in london today where it has been a shaky start to say the least. the trip meant to showcase his international prowess is so far doing the opposite. he questioned whether or not the security was ready for the olympics and that sparked a comment from cameron saying salt
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lake city was in the middle of the country. london mayor used romney's remark to incite a crowd of 60,000 people in hyde park and the london telegraph wrote that romney is the only politician who was devoid of charm and slight i will insulting. and romney met with the head of m1-6, the brits take that pretty seriously since the whole secret service thing is supposed to be a secret. it seems romney is pretty confident about his chances come november he toll the crowd he looks forward to returning the bust of prime minister winston
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churchill to the oval office. president obama removed that statue when he took office. >> this court has proven to be the knowing, delighted accomplice in the billionaires' purchase of our nation. >> and you think it doesn't affect you? think again. septic disasters are disgusting and costly, but avoidable. the rid-x septic subscriber program helps prevent backups by sending you monthly doses right to your door so you will never forget to maintain your system. sign up at
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spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free. spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens your throat or tongue swells you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? ask your doctor if spiriva can help. i can't stand these spots. those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle.
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gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine. ♪ >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the "bill press show." >> things get underway today, boy, i can't wait for that dressage contest. man, because that's the -- that's the tea all. get ready for that. good morning, everybody, what do you say. did you know it's a friday. ♪ alleluia ♪
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>> it is friday july 27th. ♪ alleluia ♪ >> and here we go with a fave raid friday edition of the "bill press show." it has been a busy week with the olympics starting and lots of sports to watch on the tube. nbc doing a good job so far, i think, bringing you the games. and the uk doing a good job of organizing the games despite what mitt romney might have said yesterday. this is your "full court press" coming to you live interest your nation's capitol. all three hours, of course on current tv and whether you are watching or listening, join our chat room by going to and signing up so you can talk about the issues back and forth with other full court pressers every day and join the conversation so many ways you can participate in the
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show and we appreciate you doing so. and of course you can give us a call at 866-55-press and if you can get through our mean screener, dan, maybe you can get on the hour. >> good morning. >> good morning. what do you say guys? >> happy friday. >> i know people have to sweet talk dan to get on. >> absolutely. you better be nice to me. >> yes, that's it. send him cookies and stuff. and we come to you video wise thanks to our videographer. the first lady was at the olympics yesterday -- >> she has a dressage horse in the olympics right? michelle obama? >> no she has a mule. she can't afford a dressage horse. no, she bought bo. who got a haircut for the
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summer. >> we got our dog trimmed. they can look awful, by the way. >> so can humans. >> yeah. >> there were a couple of reporters at the white house yesterday who got a summer cut. huh-uh. don't do it. >> mark's beard is now six inches shorter. [ laughter ] >> so we were saying the first lady was in london and she said we're all proud of you kids. >> we are all proud of you, we really are. >> and she said it''s important that you are hear because the kid back home taken spire ration from you. >> all those young kids who think of you when they spike a ball or put their toe in that
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first water. >> and in london just a couple of years ago to mark the official beginning of the games -- i don't know if this is something knew, but they are going to have the chimes to start off each day of the summer olympics. today was the very first day, and the very first day we heard this sort of -- >> call it whatever you want. i don't know what this is. [ bells chiming ] [ laughter ] >> that's so strange. >> isn't it though? >> they composed this just for the olympics. >> it's sort of like outer space. >> yeah, i don't like it. if that's my wake-up call and i download that off itunes. >> yeah. i would roll over.
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we'll talks to ginger from "politico." she has been reporting about the olympics. bill mccibbon will be in studio with us and as we do maybe every -- once a month on a friday or whatever we're just going to let loose and taste some beer in the last hour today. this is anchor beer all the way from san francisco to the studios of "full court press." i brought some chips. >> did you, pretzels? >> but first -- >> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> all right. take a run, ben. >> all right. the opening ceremony -- >> just don't tell them you are getting pretzels for you beer this early in the morning. [ laughter ] >> the opening ceremony is in
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london today. the $42 million production will be tape delayed, and airs live at 4:00 eastern. 10,000 cast and crew members are taking part in this including paul mccartney the queen of england, duran, duran and michelle obama -- >> one of these things is not like the other. >> what is the queen singing? >> yeah right. and there will be 70 [ inaudible ] 12 horses [ inaudible ] the big secret is who is going to be lighting the olympic flag. >> i want to come back to the geese and the sheep and the chickens. >> the pope the queen barack obama and simple red will be performing for the opening
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ceremonies. i mean -- [ laughter ] >> god. >> millions of people actually had to talk to each other yesterday, because twitter went down. the social media service crashed for a couple of hours -- [ screaming ] >> there were more tweets on a single day last week than there were during the entire beijing games. >> amy came in yesterday, and i go huh oh we can't tweet about the briefing. and she said twitter is down. i thought she meant only at the white house. but nationwide i guess. >> yes. >> everybody went to my space, i guess. >> or they were texting.
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>> yeah, right. >> they are pulling erica hill off of the set and replacing her with nora oh donal. no word on who will take her place in the white house briefing room. >> yeah we said before one person can save a show and i'm not nora can save that show either, but good luck to her. dan, thank you. i got to tell you, it was so embarrassing to watch mitt romney in london yesterday. the guy goes to europe right? the purpose of the trip is to show he is presidential timber to improve his image of being ready to be president by showing that he not only knows how to create jobs fix the u.s. economy, but he can hold his own
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as a world heard and show off his dip plea mattic skills and what happens? day one he proves to be a total monumental klutz. first of all he has this fund raiser yesterday in london. he is there ostensibly and he has a fund raiser with the head of barclays bank, who has just been investigated in the libor scandal, and he throws a $75,000 per plate fund raiser. secondly, he is there for the dressage event, an event which
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most americans haven't heard of can't identify with and can't freaking just check out a dressage horse, and tell me this is what the doctor orders for everybody that has ms. that's a bunch of baloney. and then mitt romney goes to 10 downing street and comes out and tells the reporters that oh yeah, i had a lot of wonderful meetings in fact very important meeting. i made with the head of mi-6 and we were talking about syria. there's a rule -- i don't know this existed, but apparently there is a rule in england that you never talk about any meetings with the head of intelligence. it's like a meeting with the head of the cia. you never discuss where the head of the cia or mi-6 might happen
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to be, or you certainly never admit that you ever met with them. mitt romney should have known that. he didn't. he blabbed it to reporters. they had a field day with that. he also said as president to show his indication with the british people, he could not wait to get the bust of winston churchill back in the oval office. that was going to be his contribution to improving relations with the united states and the uk. oh, boy, that's profound isn't it? by the way, yes, the bust of winston churchill was in the oval office during the term of george w. bush. barack obama replaced it with a bust of martin luther king, jr. jesus mitt romney where does your loyalty lie? yeah let's put mlk in the back
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of the bus and put winston churchill right up front. god, romney. and then he gives this interview with brian williams where he asks do you think the brits are off to pulling off the olympics. >> do they look ready to your experienced eye. >> it's hard to know just how well it will turn out. there were a few things disconcerting about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials -- >> oh, this is great. this is great. go to england and dump all over the brits. go there for the olympics and say it looks like it is going to be a total bust. it's hard to say how it will turn out. he didn't make any friends among the brits. >> if you go through all of his
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mistakes yesterday he is george w. bush. >> no, bush was smooth compared to romney. so i tell you the prime minister really shot back at romney. and basically said you yahoo, what do you know. it's easier -- well let david cameron say it. >> we are holding an olympic games in one of the busiest most active bustling cities anywhere in the world and of course it is easier if you hold the olympic games in the middle of nowhere. [ laughter ] >> right. yeah, easier if you hold it in the middle of nowhere like in utah, like in salt lake city. and the mayor of london last night in front of this huge crowd of brits celebrating the olympics, man, he really ripped
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romney a knew one. >> there are some people coming from around the world who don't yet know about all of the preparations we have done to get london ready in the last seven years. there's a guy named mitt romney who wants to know if we're ready. are we ready! >> there's some guy called mitt romney. >> i love that. >> but the whole point is what a klutz, what a joker what an embarrassment for the american people. the guy is certainly not ready for the world stage. and compare that with barack obama's trip to europe when he was a candidate as president who
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was received as a rock star. he still has an 80% approval rating in the uk and here is this clown pretending he is ready to take his place. if the republicans were smart they would be looking for somebody else in tampa, because this guy ain't got it. didn't he prove it. 866-55-press. what a joker. >> announcer: radio meets television, the "bill press show" now on current tv.
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jay baker wants us to know that he has been a listener and viewer for a long time, but it occurs to me now, he says after watching meredith shiner the other morning -- yesterday morning -- it occurred to him he said that you guys have really stepped up your game instead of just televising yourself on the radio, you are bringing entertaining and informative guests on into the studio. in short the show has gotten even better. thank you, jerry, we try. tina williams says she disagrees with my position on knowing the political support given by corporate owners. she wants to know so she can vote with her vote and her money. that's a good point, tina. i understand that. and i appreciate the comment. appreciate all of the emails
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[♪ theme music ♪] it is friday july 27th good morning, everybody welcome to the "full court press" on current tv here your new progressive morning show. good to have you with us as we tackling the big stories of the day wherever they are taking place here in our nation's capitol, around the country or around the globe. give us a call at 866-55-press. h. and mitt romney goes to europe
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to show he is ready to lead on the world stage. and what happens? he makes a fool of himself on day one saying that the brits don't know what they are doing, and they are not ready to host the summer olympics. do we really need an ugly american in the white house? no. no. no. now we'll get today's current tv update from lisa ferguson. >> good morning, lisa. >> good morning, bill. good morning, everyone. the obama campaign is out with a new ad called i believe, this one takes a more positive tone and talks about the vision for the middle class. >> we're a nation of workers, and doers, and dreamers and all we ask for is that our hard work pays off. i believe the way you grow the economy is from the middle up. >> the obama campaign is spending $6.5 million running
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ads during the million is dedicated to the opening ceremony. as for the president's schedule today he is signing the enhanced security cooperation act with israel, then heads to a campaign event. police and gun-control advocate fors are asking the president and all of washington to take a stronger stance against gun violence. president obama says he work within existing laws to fight crime. but the brady campaign says it refuses to accept that answer from washington, and it is time to find a solution. the foundation says they are not even looking for new laws just enforcement on what exists.
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the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. if you have copd like i do you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free. spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms.
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tell your doctor if you have kidney problems glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens your throat or tongue swells you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? ask your doctor if spiriva can help.
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♪ >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the "bill press show." >> mitt romney goes to london and insults the brits on day one. yeah, his european tour is off to a great start. what do you say? hello, everybody. great to see you today, it is the "full court press" coming to you live on your local progressive talk radio station, and on current tv. bringing you up to date on the big stories of the day happening here in our nation's capitol
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around the country or around the globe and taking your calls. giving you a chance to weigh in and telling us what these topics mean to you and your family at 866-55-press. that is our toll free number. busy, busy busy on a friday morning with the whole team here. >> happy friday. >> good morning. >> yes, yes happy friday. i needed a break the way things have been going so far this morning. and our videographer. >> i just keep losing things and forgetting things -- >> i'm sure it will get better when we drink beer next hour. >> that gin in that current mug isn't doing you any favors. >> ease up on that big boy. >> what is that gin we had -- >> oh henrik.
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>> yes. straight. straight. fred miller you remember him? yeah, we remember him. not for what he wants to be remembered by i guess. we'll always be remembered for getting busted in the adult theater next week. but he is bouncing back, so to speak, and he was on the jimmy fallon show last night, and he said one thing he did learn from the whole experience -- >> it's the last time i'm going to listen to my wife when she says go out and see a movie. [ laughter ] >> the only way to survive this is with a sense of humor. >> absolutely. >> he is not like pee wee. >> yeah and he didn't legitimately expose himself to anyone. he was just sitting there in his seat -- >> well, that's what he says. >> he has one side, the cops have another.
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>> i wasn't there. i don't think the cops have any business being in an adult theater. we know why people go there, but i -- i just like the fact that fred willard is going to just fess up and move on. >> he is a genuinely funny guy, an old school hilarious comedian, so he is doing the right thing here i think. >> i love the wife comment. paul covers the white house for the west ring report. he is going to be joining us in studio a little bit later, as will bill mckibbon. we'll talk about global warming and whether there is any connection with the drought that's going on. and then we're going to round out the day today by telling you all about anchor beer and sampling some of their new
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products. looking forward to that. did we get the chips and pretzels? >> no, we have not. >> all right. i don't drink beer without pretzels. but first -- >> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> where can you find a nice chicken wing this time of day? overhead lines on this friday harvey winesteen spoke about the aurora, colorado shooting. he reiterated that he is a strong supporter of president obama but it's time to quote, put up or shut up about gun control. he is behind many violent films including including glorious bastard. >> he has some violent films.
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>> yes he does. and then warner brothers has a film that has a shooting in the theater. >> they are postponing that. >> katherine jackson is back home in california with her grandchildren and fuming mad. a judge took away the mother's custody of michael jackson's kids after she went missing for several days. she says she is just fine and expects the court to reverse the order. paris jackson tweeted yesterday she was very happy to have grandma back in the house. i'm telling you this is a reality show, didn't it? >> totally god. >> if you are going to north korea you will be able to watch the olympic games. they have agreed to provide the reclusive nation on a feed for
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the olympic games. they are competing in mare dhon running, archery and many other event. >> no dressage? >> no dressage? >> you mean mrs. kim does not have a dressage horse in london? >> he does not. >> thank you, dan. i got to tell you folks, i had one of the most frustrating briefings since i have been covering the white house yesterday. on the subject of gun control, and as dan just pointed out there with harvey winesteen's comments, more and more people are saying isn't it time for
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responsible sensible gun control? president obama even speaking to the national urban league a couple of days ago in new orleans raised the issue again, and remember he gave a powerful speech after gabby giffords was shot. he expressed the same kind of urgency to the urban league wednesday night it was down in new orleans. >> but i also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that ak-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals. [ applause ] >> that they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities. >> you know, and for some of us who believe, again, that we ought to do something about background checks. we ought to do something about licensing handguns.
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we ought to do something about bringing back the assault weapon's ban. and requiring background checks particularly at gun shows. maybe we ought to do something about regulating how much ammunition you can buy online. things that don't trash the second amendment at all, that don't deny people's rights to own a gun or take guns away for legitimate purposes. no, for all of us hearing those words from the president was kind of said -- maybe we're going to do something, maybe we're going to finally see some action, but that's what was frustrating about the briefing yesterday. the white house is doing nothing. and the white house has done nothing. the president promised in 2008 he was going to work to restore the ban on assault weapons.
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here we are in 2012 he has done nothing. nobody else has done anything either, but he leadership has not come from the white house. the president went again to tucson and said again renewing his call for sensible gun-control measures. what has happened since then? as they say you can't just talk the talk you have to walk the walk. what has hand since then? nothing. the president gave a speech to the urban league saying we got to do something. what is he doing? nothing. listen to jay carney dancing around -- here is the question that reporter after reporter after reporter asked at the briefing yesterday. the president says this. what is he actually doing? what is he actually going to do? and the answer is nothing. and you can hear it in jay carney dancing.
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here he is just sort of, you know, saying what we have done -- kind of what we have done -- excuse for what we have done and why we can't do more. >> president obama has called for common sense measures that protect the second amendment rights and improve public safety by keeping guns out of the hands of those who should not have them under existing law. >> he said that over and over and again, but the question keeps coming back what is the president willing to do in is he going to call a special session of congress? he is going to go up to capitol hill and demand a vote. here again jay carney dancing on the issue. >> he believes we can enhance the enforcement of existing laws
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by making it more difficult for those that should not have weapons under existing laws making it more difficult for them to obtain weapons. >> so -- so -- on the one hand the president has these great speeches saying we got to do something, and then he says he have to enforce the existing lous. obviously the existing laws are not working. and jay carney pointed out -- there we go -- you should see my notes from yesterday. i couldn't tweet my outrage and my frustration at the vague and -- answers we got yesterday, and just evasive answers, so i wrote them in my notebook but carney said -- you know he made the point it is not just gun
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laws. right? we have to have the cooperation of everybody. the cooperation of teachers, parents, the cooperation of the movie industry. i'm like yeah, that's true but the question remains what are you going to do? and carney says you know, again, well we say it's not just government's role. again, churches have to be involved and schools have to be varied. yeah, that's true, but what are you going to do? well, we support sensible measures for keeping guns out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them. yes, but what are you going to do? the president supports the assault weapons ban. yeah, but what has he done about it. and the answer is nothing. it's pretty clear what is going to happen to the end of this
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term. nothing. and i think it's pretty clear when president obama gets a second term. nothing. i think he is just afraid to touch it. i don't think he should be. i think he have support of the american people on this issue, who is just outraged and appalled that the only question about aurora, colorado is when the next one is going to happen. i don't get it. yeah, a lot of cowards in congress, but i'm afraid barack obama isn't showing any backbone either. kevin in chicago. what do you say? >> i'm saying why are we trying to lose the election. i understand what you are saying, but right at this moment in time we don't need to taken the nra, because they will turn it all around after that after your guns.
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>> i hear ya kevin, and i hear that all the time, but let me remind you, in 2008 the nra supported john mccain and they spent millions and millions against barack obama, telling everybody he is going to take away their guns. so what happened? barack obama beat them. i think it proves you can stand up to the nra and win. >> but there are a couple of other different demographics too. we have the voter suppression thing. but let's focus on those types of things and i'm sure president obama always comes through and does the right thing. he never knew he was going to face all of these headwinds, so let's just win the election first, and then we can get on his back. >> you know what, kevin leadership. i think leadship is what we're talking about. and leadership is willing to
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take some risks. and barack obama showed -- he is living proof of the fact that you don't have to be afraid of the nra. and the other thing is that's the argument we always hear. no, now is not the time. after columbine, now is not the time. after virginia tech. now is not the time. after gabby giffords. no, not now. the hell it is not. if not now, when is my response. 866-55-press. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ >>only on current tv. dose of politics from a fresh perspective. >>i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me.
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vanguard: the documentary series that redefined tv journalism. >>we're going to places where few others are going. >>it doesn't get anymore real than this. >>occupy! >>we will have class warfare. >>i'm being violated by the health-care system. >>we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies. >>we go in and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. >>the award winning series "vanguard" only on current tv. ♪
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>> announcer: this is the "full court press." the "bill press show," live on your radio, and on current tv. >> 26 minutes after the hour. talking about my frustration with the white house on the gun-control issue. the president gives nice speeches about it, but hasn't done anything about it, and pretty clear he is not going to. they have made that very clear. but jeff on our facebook page -- or from the chat room i'm sorry. jeff makes a comment that i think sums up what i hear from a lot of people. the white house needs to stay out of the gun rule since it is congress's job to suggest bills. and by screaming gun control, obama will just be killing his own campaign. that's what is wrong. that's what i believe too many
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people in congress think you can't take on the nra, and too many people at the white house think you can't take on the nra. renewing the assault weapons ban, okay. every law enforcement agency in the country support it. cops support it. george bush supports it. barack obama supports it. just one move. let's just focus on that. jim is in weartown new jersey. >> good morning, bill. how are you? >> good. thank you. >> listen it's easy to point the finger and blame barack obama and basically the democrats, but i think the issue really comes down to each individual state. colorado has very week gun-control laws compared to new jersey. the press just did a story about the difference.
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and our gun-control laws are so strict. but yet, colorado's laws are so weak, and if the states get together and form their own gun-control programs then it will help the federal government make several laws for gun control. >> the states have their job to too, that's right. but the assault weapon's ban is a federal ban and that's where it has to be. the ban was in place for ten years, that had bipartisan support, and -- yet we let it lapse, run out, in 2004 and for the last eight years even though both john mccain and barack obama -- well mccain i'm not sure, but barack obama projected he would restore it and nothing has hand in the last four years.
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>> announcer: radio meets television, the "bill press show" now on current tv. >> 33 minutes after the hour an a friday morning, july 27th. great to see you today. this is the "full court press" coming to you live from our nation's capitol on current tv and on your local progressive talk radio station. tackling the big issues of the day, no bigger issue or bigger challenge facing the american people, in fact the residents of this planet than the issue of
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climate change and global warming. one man who has been leading the fight on that issue and writing about it, and talking about it the founder of is in studio with us. good to see you. >> good to be here. >> what is the organization all about? >> it's the first big global climate campaign and has an odd name. it is the most carbon we can have in the atmosphere, 350, and we're already at 395 and growing every year. organize in every country around the world, except north korea. >> so you are a membership
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organization online? >> if you go to online you will be a member immediately. >> all right. good. how long have you been around? >> four years. >> and one of your recent battles was keystone pipeline. >> this time last year we were here to organize civil disobedience outside of the white house, that turned into the biggest civil disobedience action in about 30 years. >> oh, yeah. >> i saw it every day except when i was in central cell block here in dc. it was great and did heighten awareness around an issue that people didn't know about before then, and head to the president to postponing consideration of that pipeline. that was a temporary victory. as you know those are the only
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kind environmentals ever win. and big oil is not used to losing, and they have put a collection of their pennies into the fight to make sure it is overturned. still people did manage to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and it was a powerful moment. >> we talked a lot on the show the last couple of weeks, about the drought, about the heat wave and one more manifestation in my opinion of climate change and global warming and the need to do something about it. i was disappointed last week i asked the secretary when he came in to brief us about the drought whether there was any connection, and his response was, i'm not a scientist. i'm just interested now in helping the farmers, but before -- before we get to that what do you tell the doubters
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today? what do you tell the people who are still maybe not sure that the science is right? what are the manifestations you see of climate change. >> happily the daughters are fewer and further in between. and i think it's precisely for the reasons you say. people can now see with their own eyes what used to be a theoretical problem. i wrote the first book about 25 years ago, called "the end of nature," in 1989. this is exactly what climate scientists have told us will happen. the pertinent factor is this warm air holds more water vapor than cold, that means because we have raised the temperature of the earth by about a degree the
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atmosphere is 5% wetter. and that means the dice are now loaded for both drought and flood, and we see both of them happening with more regularity now. so right now, you know, on the planet at the moment we have heat wave and drought not only across our greenbelt, but also across southern europe, which is one of the other large grain-growing regions of the earth. the monsoon is in deficit in india, and they are about to declare a drought emergency. meanwhile we see incredible storms and flooding on the wet sides of the planet. you get some sense of that extra energy in the atmosphere in this part of the world a couple of weeks ago, when that incredibly violent line of storms moved 700
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miles from indiana to the atlantic coast in 12 hours. it was the equivalent of a kind of inland hurricane. there's a lot of extra energy trapped in this envelope of atmosphere expressing it's a in all kinds of ways. >> the "washington post" reporting the other day, the greenland's sheet, the biggest thaw in 40 years. in a three-day period this month, the greenland surface ice cover suffered a broader thaw than in nearly four decades of satellite record keeping. >> yeah, we have never witnessed an event like this -- >> you see stuff like this, and it's almost impossible to deny. >> well, you would think. >> yeah right. >> if you are the fossil fuel industry, which is the richest industry on earth, and who's
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future prosperity depending on pouring yet more carbon into the atmosphere find it easy -- well at this point not even for them to deny the ceo of exxon said yes our former statements are inoperative, but then he went on to say it's an engineering problem with engineering solutions. and the one he proposed is moving our crop-production areas. i believe he means farms. >> yeah. >> there's really -- presented with an atlas of the world -- >> so we have to move our american corn crop to canada maybe? >> where they are in fact already growing things on the good land that is available. you can't grow corn on the tundra tundra. >> yeah, it is appalling to me in the face of all of this
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evidence that is present, on and on and on and on, that there is no serious legislation moving through the congress and no serious proposal from the white house to deal with this. why? >> because they can count votes. i mean the republican party has turned into a kind of arm of the fossil fuel industry. and there was a very weak very tepid bill that would have done not very much, but at least it would have been a start. it was approved narrowly in the house three years ago, and when it got to the senate two years ago, the power of the fossil fuel industry meant this harry reid didn't even bother bringing it to a vote. the only way that we will build political counter force is to build a movement.
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we are never going to outspend the fossil fuel industry. so we better find other currencies, passion, sometimes our bodies to spend in this issue. >> great piece in rolling stone, global warmings terrifying new math, which you can fine at, right? >> correct. >> and you can go to to mind out more about climate change. bill, you mentioned you are in washington because there will be an action or activity around frac-ing. we talk a lot about fourth quartering here. it is a big issue up in new york, but this administration seems to be -- i asked secretary salazar also
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about this at the white house, and he said he believes it is possible to do frac-ing safely. is it? >> not so far in practice. they continue to have enormous problems. they trigger earthquakes when they put the dirty water back underground and so on. but the real issue for me is we no longer have any space to put more carbon in. when we get that natural gas and burn it, it emits carbon. and at the current pace we're 16 years away from passing the limit that even the most conservative governments on earth, the oil-producing companies, the bush administration, everybody has agreed is the drop-lead line a 2% increase in temperature.
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we have got to turn to the sun and the wind and we have got to do it fast. now that's difficult, but technologically possible. last one month one day germany managed to generate half of the energy that used from green sources. >> talking climate change global warming bill mckibben. on monday -- no friday. i know we're going to drink beer next hour. i'm already looped. it feels like it. 866-55-press, join the conversation. >> radio meets television. the "bill press show" now on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: this is the "bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> 12 minutes now to go before the top of the hour we're talking climate change global warming. a story caught my eye, an irs employee using information she had gleaned from taxpayer returns to apply for credit cards in multiple states sometimes using official irs letterhead to get more information from people so she could use their -- use that data
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to illegally apply for credit cards, and when -- you know basically it's a classic case of identity theft and one of those stories that should remind you, you ought to do something about protecting yourself from identity theft if you haven't already done so. i have. i have life lock identity protection. the only id left the protection company that actually monitors your bank accounts for takeover proud to. call now mention press 60 for 60 risk-free days of life like ultimate identity protection. if you are not happy give them a call within 60 days and tell them you want to cancel. give them a call
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1-800-356-5967. bill this headline from cbs news says report shows record u.s. drought intensifying. >> it is really tough across the grain belt in this country. really tough on farmer's who are watching a year's work wither away in a couple of weeks. you can't make corn pollinate if the temperature is this high. we're facing serious shortfalls. food prices are headed on the way up. for most people in this country we can kind of deal with that you know. when you buy a box of corn flakes, you pay more for the box than the corn but if you are
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someplace around the world, where you go out to the market and buy enough corn meal to make tortillas for your family 40% increase in price, that's a big deal. >> talking about the greenbelt here from illinois hi stephanie welcome to the paragraph. >> hi, bill. we are feeling that drought here, we are a farm community, basically. i have seen probably close to a third of the farmers that have already plowed their fields under. and that's not just corn the soy is going fast too. the stocks are green at the top, some of them, but they are very very brown at the bottom. but this is my -- my question about mitt romney. the reason a lot of these big businesses want him is because
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if the dpa follows their regulation, we'll have more pollution and climate change in situations, and i don't know why people don't push that just as bad, because our regulations are lax enough and people like him who are going to eat, but whether the corn is higher or not doesn't understand. so we need to push that on him, and why he needs to drop all of these regulations. >> yeah, i think that's a good point, stephanie. and i'll take your answer on the air. bill that's the koch brother's agenda as well right? >> it's really -- given that mitt romney appears to change his agenda depending on who pays the bills, you are right, that's the koch brother's agenda, their biggest desire is to keep intact a special break
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that no other industry has. they are allowed to pour their waste into the atmosphere for free. if you had a restaurant the cheapest thing you could do is throw your trash into the streets at the end of the night. that's why civilized countries have people clean up after themselves, the only exception is the fossil fuel industry. it pours carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at no charge. >> and we do nothing about it. bill mckibben, you are really right out in front on one of the most important issues facing this planet. thank for your leadership and thanks for coming in today.
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>> thank you. >> check it out at join the campaign. i'll tell you what is the president is up to today when we come back. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ of sununu, you're wrong. mitt romney, you're wrong. we need more teachers, not fewer teachers and more cops and more firefighters that support our
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] ♪ >> announcer: on your radio, and on current tv. this is the "bill press show." >> paul covers the white house for west wing report. we'll be in studio with us at the top of the next hour. the president with a busy day. he begins with the presidential briefing. he gets with the vice president about a quarter of 10:00 this
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morning, at a quarter half 10:00, we'll be signing the security cooperation act with israel. and followed by a meeting with the ambassador to afghanistan who is leaving his post soon. then the president and the vice president will meet with secretary of state hilary clinton. early this afternoon. president obama over to the jefferson hotel here in washington for a campaign event. back to the white house and then off to mcclain virginia and then back to the white house. jay carney will be briefing us at the white house this morning at 11:30. i'll be there. probably with paul as well. and maybe today we can get some answers out of them on what the president is going to do about gun control. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and, and...and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition.
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[♪ theme music ♪] good morning, everybody, what do you say this friday july 27th? welcome to the "full court press" coming to you live all away across this great land of ours, on current tv, and bringing you up to date on the news of the day, before we head off into the weekend. lots to talk about today including the fact that the most conservative newspaper in the country, the new hampshire union leader is joining the chorus
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calling on mitt romney to release all of his tax returns, maybe 12 years like his daddy did. now we know why mitt romney went to europe. he is running away from his fellow republicans. we'll talk about that and a whole lot more today. but first today's current news update from lisa ferguson. good morning, lisa. >> good morning, bill. good morning, everyone. maybe you won't be eating at chick-fil-a any time soon, but some companies are taking the opposite road. target is out with a new same-sex wedding registry ad, featuring a gay couple holding hands and reading be yourself together. target came under fire for donating to anti-gay politicians, but it is also a major contribute for gay organizations.
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and am son is chiming in to the tune of $2.5 million, the founder and his wife agreed to donate that money to help pass a same-sex marriage referendum. bloomberg noted politicians who say they support police officers can't possibly come out against gun control. that is the same strategy republican senator tom coburn used to bring down an ethanol issue. the house is voting on a new farm bill, but needs to address the lack of food in the process.
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we're live in chat. hope to see you there. >>it's the place where democracy is supposed to be the great equalizer, where your vote is worth just as much as donald trump's. we must save the country. it starts with you. i can't stand these spots. those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] ♪ >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the "bill press show." >> hey mitt romney goes to london and on day one, he bashes the brits. what a way to start your world tour. good morning, everybody. what do you say? it is friday july 27th. this is the "full court press" on your local progressive talk radio station and on current tv. good to see you today. we got a lot to talk about here today before we let you loose
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into the weekend. we're booming out to you live coast-to-coast, and eninviting you to join the conversation. we always save a seat at the table for you. and you can take your seat by giving us a call at 866-55-press. we talk about it just about every day when we have a white house briefing. i am there at the white house to capture whatever we can glean out of jay carney about the latest from the white house point of view. joined by good friends down there, including paul brandeis who covers the white house for "west wing report," which he began himself. hey, paul, good to see you. >> how are you? >> nice to see somebody else gets up early in the morning. >> anything for you bill. >> careful. >> and to say hello to our team here. >> happy friday. >> good morning.
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>> we love fridays around the "bill press show." >> we do. >> and our videographer who gives the great big wave. are you there? >> he is there. >> mitt romney is not the only prominent american in london lest the first lady is there, representing the american people. she met yesterday with the olympic athletes, and said hey, you are doing a good job and we love you. >> we are all proud of you all. we really are. you have a country back home who is rooting for you every single second. >> nice. >> yes, very nice. >> michelle obama. >> michelle obama and she told the athletes that kids here in the united states are following everything they are doing and looking up to them. >> all of those young kids who will see a vision of you as they spike a ballor put their toe in
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that first water. >> and the women's soccer team got the united states off to a great start. >> they did. and yesterday the big surprise was that the japan soccer team won over spain, which was not expected at all. >> this is my first olympics watching it with kids that are old enough to understand it. which is a seven year old. and as soon as i toll them about the olympics he went out and ran a marathon. >> is your 9-month-old watching? >> she might be. no, she is absolutely watching. so hello to julia. >> all right. we have a lot to cover here. we have paul brandeis here for the first part of the hour and then we'll move into the really serious stuff and do your
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sampling of anchor beer all the way from san francisco. >> am i invited? >> you can hang around. [ laughter ] >> all right. and now the big headlines. >> the 2012 summer olympics start in london today, 4:00 eastern time is when the opening ceremonies. they are being directed by danny boyle. it's a $42 million production 10,000 cast and crew members taking part to put this thing on the air tonight. paul mccartney on the queen of england and duran durant will be there as well. >> one of those things will not be like the other. >> sheep horses chicken and geese is somehow involved in this as well. >> five lords aleaping. >> yes. >> and no one knows who is going to officially light the olympic
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flame. >> i still can't get over the fact that duran durant gets lumped into that. >> yeah. here is what i love too. they started out the day today -- england. they have something new, which is each day of the olympics begins with this little medially of bells. it sounds like this. ♪ >> oh, dear. >> go figure. >> i don't get it. >> yeah isn't that weird? >> it sounds like a pink floyd album. >> yeah. this was heard for the first time in london today. >> michael phelps was at ease yesterday as he prepares to become the most decorated olympian of all time.
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teammate said phelps only gets by on talent rather than hard work. >> that's unusual for olympians to be snippy at each other. >> they are a little snippy. >> he seems to get this. people don't like him. >> yeah and the agriculture department got into trouble with meat yesterday. a campaign on their website, saying a meatless monday. lawmakers quickly blasted the message. the hill reports the usda quickly said the statement which encouraged its own employees to not eat meat on mondays that was an error and they are sorry. >> the department of agriculture of all people. >> have you ever eaten in that
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cafeteria cafeteria? it is probably good advise. >> paul you and i talked about a lot of issues while we're waiting for the briefings. bill mckibben who was just in studio with us and we were talking about it the other day, the evidence to me it seems is so overwhelming, and yet it has become a partisan issue, so nothing is happening. why should it be a partisan issue? >> i don't think it should be. and the fact that it is is just baffling. there are people who still deny that it is happening. i think you guys were talking about what is going on here on
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the east coast. just go down to for folk where the sea level over the past 20 years or so is up something like 4.8 inches. that doesn't sound like much in terms of eroding the beach, threatening businesses it is a huge issue, and all the way up the east coast all the way up to philadelphia and new york city several inches have been lost. so for people who deny that is happening, i would just say, hey, take a trip to the beach. >> yeah, i was in rhode island last week talking about a man up there very involved in conservation issues, 2.5 inches they have seen in the last decade or 15 years or whatever. and that's significant. their roadways will be lost, the beach communities they are talking about have to be
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relocated. and here is what gets me. it seems to me that from an economic -- even if -- if the environment you don't give a damn about the environment, in terms of the economy, so you have your coastal industries coastal properties, and the crop plants that are going to be -- you know, damaged if not destroyed, right. from an economic point of view, you would think both parties would be able to get together. >> i think one of the problems is that it's hard for some people at least to see a problem that is evolving slowly and gradually. they have to see it right in front of them to believe it. >> but now you can see the glaciers gone, right? >> well, we can, but it's very hard for people to see change that evolves slowly. but here is the paradox, the
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most conservative institution in the country the united states department of defense takes this very seriously. they now say that climate change is a national security threat. i'm talking about the pentagon. so they have plans. they are very worried about this, if you don't think this is serious, you go to the e-ring of the pentagon and ask them. >> that's very interesting. >> paul brandeis you can follow him on twitter at west wing report, and thousands and thousands of people do. another area in which there is surprisingly no action is the issue of gun control. as you pointed out it's ironic because they have done pretty well for the last few years. >> i think pretty well is an understatement.
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when obama was sworn in in 2009 -- these are the gun industry's own figures, when he was sworn in it was a $19 billion industry. last year it was a $31 billion industry. employment in the firearms industry is up 30%. again, that is an industry figure. so the rest of the country may be struggling but the gun industry is doing pretty good. >> why is that because of the fear -- or -- put out by the nra that obama is going to take your guns away, so there have people are buying more guns? >> i think that's certainly part of it. just like the pentagon needs an enemy during the cold war. and on a smaller scale, i think we have fear of obama has been propelling the gun industry, but frankly obama kind of hurt himself. during the '08 campaign he was very condescending to the gun
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owners, so that -- if you pardon me pun -- gave them something to aim at. [ laughter ] >> so they -- >> easy puns. >> easy puns. so they have done very well and yet -- and also the -- the nra it seems to me people are so afraid of the nra and yet in 2008, the nra opposed barack obama, right? they spent millions of dollars trying to defeat him. and he stood up to them and he won. so it is possible to stand up to them, and win an election. i think barack obama proves it. >> i think -- that doesn't mean he is going to do anything about it this year. >> how could he? the republicans will continue to control the house.
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i think they will lose a few seats in the senate. so there's an expectation that he may even have -- if obama wins -- he is going to have an even tougher congress next year. he might be lucky to get a mother's day resolution through let alone gun control. >> mitt romney off to london showing he is ready to be a world leader. didn't quite go as we planned, right? and basically insulting the brits and telling brian williams that he didn't think they were quite ready maybe for these olympics. it was disconcerting. and david cameron said yeah, you should talk, it is easy to stage an olympics in the middle of nowhere. you hear about these europeans
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who complain about these ugly american tourists, and they are usually referring to people in these bermuda short who are fat and only speak english. i didn't know they were referring to mitt romney. but not off to a good start. >> but he is going to israel. and republicans said see, barack obama has never gone to israel. and that proves that mitt romney is in support of israel and barack obama is not. >> the fact that president obama has not gone to israel as president means two things. it means jack and swat. if you look back at the history of presidents and when they have gone to israel nixon wait 5.5 years. gerald ford never went.
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jimmy carter went one time. ronald reagan never went as president. george bush, sr. never went. clinton went six times. bush, jr. waited several years to go. >> bush, jr. i know did not go until his second term. >> yes, but he waited seven years. so the history going back to nixon suggests that it is not a big deal. so when people say barack obama is not a fan of israel i think that's a reflection of how little history they know. >> or how little history they are counting on the american people to know right. >> paul brandeis we have touched a lot of topics if you want to join in on the conversation call
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paul brandeis, follow him on twitter at west wing report. check it out. sign up. we have all been following this campaign, and you see these national polls where romney and obama are tied neck and neck. do they mean anything at all? we don't elect president by a national referendum right -- or national election? don't you have to go state by state, and if you go state by state, what does it look like. >> well, my friend larry sabdoe think obama at this point is likely or leaning 247 electoral votes. 270 to win so he is about 23 short. that leaves in their view seven
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swing states. 43 states won't matter. >> so we're talking virginia ohio -- >> florida, virginia ohio, iowa, new hampshire, colorado new mexico -- and there are others who put wisconsin in there. i think wisconsin is tighter than people think, so those are the seven. >> yeah, and maybe wisconsin then, right? >> right. >> and how is obama doing in those. >> it looks like florida, which is the biggest of the swing states 29 electoral votes is probably starting to tilt ever so slightly toward florida. >> so we'll see barack obama going back to florida pretty often probably. >> yeah. >> hey, paul great to have you in studio, thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> we'll see you later at the white house. and thank you again for coming
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in. >> thank you. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ her unique mix of comedy and politics to current tv. >> it's like a reality show, they're just turning cameras on and we just do our thing. >>politically direct to me means no b.s., the real thing, cutting through the clutter. i'm energized to start my show everyday because it's fun, because i care about what's going on in this country, rather than some sort of tired banter it is actual water cooler talk it's the way people really talk about these issues. we've always considered ourselves a comedy show. let me just say i am not ready for my close up. i think it's important to laugh. i think it will be exciting, because you can't script three hours of radio. what is going on? i can't tell you how many times right wingers call the show and say, "i don't agree with anything you say, but your show is funny as hell." the only thing that can save america now, current tv. can i say that?
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♪ >> announcer: this is the "full court press." the "bill press show." live on your radio, and on current tv. >> all right. what do you say? it's 33 minutes after the hour here on a friday morning, july 27th. it's hot hot, hot. yesterday all around the country. it has been for the last three weeks. and what do you do to cool down when it's as hot as it is? you grab yourself a good beer. that's what you do. we have it this morning here for you sampling some of the best from anchor brewing company based out of san francisco
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california. you heard me talk about that's where i got my start after i left delaware and consider myself a californian. i have a house there, and still vote in california. carol and i still vote in california. >> i didn't realize that. >> oh, yeah. and san francisco i think the most beautiful city on the planet. and i'm here with the brew master mark carpenter. good to see you. you have been around anchor steam for a long time. >> yes, since 1971. >> i started teaching high school in san francisco right about the same time. you got the better deal, i think. >> it has worked out well for me. >> anchor is located right in san francisco. >> yes, it is it is in the
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[ inaudible ] hill district. >> you can see it right from the freeway. >> yes, you can. and not that far from the new ballpark. >> you are responsible for all of the beer they produce, but are you like sampling beer all day long? >> we sample it on a fairly regular basis, yeah. and it's a good job to have. >> you don't even have a pot belly. >> oh, yes, i do. i hide it well. >> he is responsible for mine though. >> yeah, as well as many around the country. >> what are they called micro brews -- >> craft brews seems to be the term now. >> mirin -- and i'm trying to think of the one our sons like.
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but our other son lives up in bend, oregon and that's a great place for micro brew. >> oh yes. >> are you able to compete with all of these little pop-up micro brews? >> we were the very first micro brewery. and they gave inspiration to all of these other breweries. when i starred with anchor there were about 100 in the united states, there is now 2,000. with another 300 in the planning. >> all right. now what brings you to washington, d.c.? >> actually what started this -- this did start the trip actually. >> oh, yeah. >> we were asked to be on so we did start it. but because of that we're doing
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beer dinner at the hamilton. >> beer dinner is what? >> where the chef will pair courses with our beers. and the chefs, a lot of them are doing this now. and they do some interesting food. >> you think of it with wine but you are doing it with beer. >> d.c. is a great city for that too. >> all right. enough talk here let's get to some serious drinking. we're going to sample four today. anchor steen liberty alleluia brekco's brown. and harmonyville ail. >> you got it. >> how many do you produce. >> we're about up to ten, not all year-round, some will be seasonals. >> where do we start? >> i think we should start with
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the stein here. it was a funny beer made with old-fashioned methods. when they would tap the beer they were warm and highly carbonated. and somebody said it looks like you were trying to tap a keg filled with steam. and it was a funny nickname. so we should try it. >> this is where you started? >> yes i started with anchor and this was all we made. >> oh, really? cheers. >> cheers. >> i love it. >> of course. spending time in san francisco, i have had this. >> it's a great classic beer. lots of nice malty beer flavor. nice level of hoppyness.
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i think it is just a wonderful beer. >> yes, i like that. i have to remind i have three more to go. >> yeah. >> so i don't have to drink the whole thing. pete, of course just knocks them back. >> come on i'm pacing myself. >> every time we have one of these, people say you ought to watch peter he just throws it back. >> we have already put in a pretty long workday. >> indeed. how do you rank it? >> this is a beer that is regularly in my frig at home is anchor steam. a friend was like you got to try this. and i was like oh, it's readily available in dc. >> this is a perfect daily beer. >> all right. good. how about liberty ail.
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>> this is an ail, probably the most copied ale in the united states. we developed it using the cascade hop, and then many of the other micros on the west coast started using that hop and now there's -- breweries around the world using the cascade hops. so this is a -- >> the cascade hop that grows up in oregon? >> oregon and washington yes. and it has a very unique aroma. you should be able to get a nice little hoppy aroma coming off of the glass. >> all right. guys here we go. >> oh, yeah, right up front. i like that. >> yeah. >> boy that's great. >> hoppy taste. >> yeah. >> really kind of a hop-forward beer. >> i have never heard that phrase, a hoppy taste.
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>> yeah. >> with the micro brews and the hoppy beer is the hop crop expanding as well? are more people planting and growing? >> the hop industry -- it's funny it has gone up and down over the years hop growers have made hops be a lot more bitterness, so they need less of them. but now with the micro breweries they want more hops and they want unusual hops. so yes the hop industry is very active right now. it's a good time for hop growers. >> i like that too. >> you can tell that it's a different beer than what we already drink. >> absolutely. >> we made that for the 200th anniversary of paul revere's
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ride. >> all right. so liberty ale. how about brekels brown. this is a fairly recent addition to our line up. i found out about a pop called the citra hop. and i liked it so i made this beer around that hop, and it was really started out as a one off but people liked it so much that we started making it all year long. >> and this is your recipe right? >> yes with the help of others absolutely. >> brekel's brown. here we go. >> cheers. >> cheers. >> oh, that was good. i was really excited to try this one. >> this is my favorite beer so far. i love this.
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>> it's a nice sweet maltiness, and kind of a citrus flavor to the hops. >> absolutely. some of these dark beers can come off like a pork chop in a glass. this is not. >> yesterday it was 100 degrees in d.c. you can't drink certain dark beers in 100 degree weather. thissy absolutely could. >> humming ale. >> yes this is another new edition, we found a hop from new zealand, and i liked it very much. and the best part of that hop it is in new zealand so i had to go there to test it. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> i heard they have wonderful hops in bermuda. >> oh, great.
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>> let's go on the road to where the hop is. >> now we're talking. >> okay. so we round it off with humming ale. >> this is all pail malt but it is a nice hoppy beer, and i hope you like it. i just love it. >> cheers. >> all right. >> very hoppy. very good. but still refreshing. >> yeah. >> good for happy hour. >> that is delicious.8:00 eastern counts as happy hour. >> that's right. >> 5:00 somewhere. >> not only are these beers great, but they are really great at 8:30 eastern in the morning. >> you are right. >> this could change your lives. >> beer it's not just for breakfast anymore. >> mark thank you very much. these are great. >> thank you very much.
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>> these are available anywhere in the country. >> almost anywhere. but yes, almost anywhere these will be available. >> all right. most importantly for you they are available here in dc. >> oh, okay. yeah. no, no absolutely. i knew that. i have seen them on -- on the shelves. >> every one of those beers are delicious. >> thank you very much. >> this is fabulous. >> my pleasure. it's great to get out here. >> next time we're out in san francisco we'll swing by as well. it is anchor brewing. you can check out all of their line of beers at thank you very much for your time. >> thank you for inviting me. >> i'll be back with the clips of the week. >> announcer: radio meets television. the "bill press show" now on current tv. ♪
5:43 am
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♪ >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> all right. only 11 minutes now before the top of the hour. oh, stop it. we like to continue to drink beer for the rest of the hour but we have a little business to do here. ♪ >> yes, it's a friday. and on every friday we bring you our favorite clip of the week looking back at the good sound bites that we have enjoyed during the week. we start at the bottom and work our way up to the top.
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starting with mike huckabee who has come out in strong support of chick-fil-a, and announced that next wednesday august 1st, is chick-fil-a appreciation someday. >> enough was enough when i hear all of this incredible hate speech being directed toward dan cathy and the cathy family all because they support traditional marriage. they don't force it in their stores, it's just their personal beliefs, and last time i checked america was a place where people could have a belief and express it personally. >> but we don't discriminate in this country. mitt romney trying to make a big deal out of something president obama said. here is old mittens. >> announcer: number 4. >> speaking about small business and businesses of all the kind, he said this, if you have got a
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business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. how many people here -- >> yeah, mitt romney how many tax breaks did you get? how much did you hide overseas mitt romney? how much government help did you have along the way. mitt romney also saying, though -- then he goes to london to show what a great diplomat he is. >> announcer: number 3. >> in the short time you have been here in london, do they look ready to your experienced eye. >> it is hard to know. >> oh, ho. >> there are a few things that are disconcerting. the stories about the private security not having enough people. >> oh yeah dump on the brits.
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not sure how that will turn out. david cameron said hey mitt yeah, it's a little different between -- i'm sorry -- boris johnson, mayor of london, he had fun ripping into a guy named mitt last night. >> announcer: number 2. >> there are some people coming around the world who [ inaudible ] about all of the preparations. there is a guy called mitt romney who wants to know whether we're ready. he wants to know whether we're ready! [ cheers and applause ] >> a guy called mitt romney. >> i love that. >> now david cameron. he said hey you might have been in charge of the salt lake city olympics, but there's a big difference between that and
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london. >> announcer: number 1. >> we are holding olympic games in one of the busiest most active cities anywhere in the world, and of course it's easier if you hold olympic games in the middle of nowhere. [ laughter ] ♪ >> take that, mitt. yeah mitt romney proving on the first day of his grand european tour that he is not ready for prime time, and he is certainly not ready to represent the united states of america on the world stage. and guess what? we have got a parting shot coming up next. i'll be right back. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ dose of politics from a fresh perspective. >>i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. >>only on current tv.
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