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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  August 7, 2012 6:00am-9:00am PDT

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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: good morning, current tv land. that fine gentle staff will start whenever. hello, jacki schechner, i know we have talked about that very special day in every little girl's life. >> yes, when she has her own jingle. >> stephanie: that's right. but we have never done it
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country style. ♪ it's schechner again ♪ ♪ she's my favorite news girl ♪ ♪ it's jacki again ♪ >> oh, look at that. that's impressive. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: there you go. >> yeah. >> stephanie: and there is a really alluring picture of you at a dude ranch or something. >> yes, on your facebook page. >> that's fascinating. somebody is getting good at photo shop huh? >> stephanie: every budding journalist to be photo shot in some ridiculous hat. now here she is cowgirl jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody. the pro obama super pac is out with a new ad today hitting mitt romney once again on his time
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with bain capital. this one featuring a man worked for the steel plant that bain capital shut down. >> i don't think romney realized what he had done. >> his lost his health insurance and then his wife got sick passed away 20 dates later. this is a fifth in a series of ad out attacking mitt romney on bain capital. and the romney campaign is hitting back by going after president obama on welfare reform. president clinton signed
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bipartisan rules in 1996 and romney claims obama is stripping work requirements. and that is just not true. we're back with more stephanie after the break. >>it's the place where democracy is supposed to be the great equalizer, where your vote is worth just as much as donald trump's. we must save the country. it starts with you.
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hey joe? yeah? is this a bad time? no, i can talk. great -- it's the 9th inning and your hair still looks amazing. well, it starts with a healthy scalp. that's why i use head and shoulders for men. they're four shampoos for game-winning scalp protection and great looking hair... go on, please. with seven benefits in every bottle, head and shoulders for men washes out flakes, itch and dryness. and washes in... confidence. yeah it does. [ male announcer ] up to 100% flake free scalp and hair with head & shoulders for men.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladi gentlemen, it's th! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh it is the "stephanie miller show." 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. check it out. you can email us all there. that's the first thing that
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caught my at attention. chris christie said he is still in the dark over his upcoming roll at the convention. he is going to be a water slide. [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. first of all, sexy liberal new york city just announced. annie, i thought by new york city tickets. i'm coming from st. paul to see the show. >> what? >> stephanie: this is the preelection extravaganza. with hal sparks john fugelsang, aisha tyler and me. annie a steph head this will be sexy liberal show number 10 for me. >> oh, my god. [ applause ] >> stephanie: oh, my god. wow.
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we think it has been discussed on twitter over the weekend. you should have roland open the show. he blushes when any of us ask for his autograph. [ applause ] >> i understand it's the city that never sleeps. >> stephanie: yes, that's what i'm told. i'm standing next to roland, and somebody turns around and says oh, my god, you are row land! [ screaming ] >> stephanie: i'm like -- >> what am i chopped liver? and now welcome to the stage chopped liver! >> stephanie: yes, that's me. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> i have sexy liberal news. >> right? >> stephanie: roleland has said a gayer thing. i'm having a bad --
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>> life. >> stephanie: yes. and we were comparing. he said oh please i was up night watching steel magnolias and sobs. [ applause ] >> stephanie: i said that is the gayest thing any man has ever said. >> that might be. >> stephanie: that's a cry for help. >> yes. >> stephanie: with a wine sprit er -- >> stephanie: you know how you can help people? you can buy sexy liberal tickets and calm him down a little bit. i think columbus is sold out. but you can try. the birthday bash in seattle almost sold out, and october 27th in nyc is going fast. so please help roland out. if he says anything gayer my head is going to explode.
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[ explosion ] >> anything with the girlfriend in it might be gayer. >> stephanie: he might be able to open that gay chicken place, chick-fill-hey. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: you were talking about the lunatic in the latest shooting, and you said that's not a bench press -- >> no no no. pat robertson. >> stephanie: oh okay. is always a prize for somebody who says the stupidest thing. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> yes. >> and we'll get to charlie pierce, and michael shure of the young turks. he medium turk. >> stephanie: yeah.
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and cenk uygur being the young turk. >> he is the actual turk. [ laughter ] [ inaudible ] >> stephanie: no do not stick your tongue on me when it is sold out. people learned that the hard way in buffalo when i was growing up. so lots to talk about with this. obviously as more and more details come out. cliff writes i'm a white male so i'm allowed to ask this question, why is the majority of these mass killers white males? yeah, and people are saying it wasn't an assault weapon. it is still the same issue with these high-capacity magazines. >> yep.
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>> stephanie: but that's -- because -- clearly i'm not a gun person. >> right. >> stephanie: that to me is still the issue. >> i don't see any reason for them. >> stephanie: and an expert was talking about yesterday there is no reason for civilians to have this. and i thought you can't even say something like that. we need to ratchet down our fire power. clearly mental health and hate groups. albert with interesting thoughts. steph once again there will be arguments about guns gun laws and our lack of adequate care for the mentally ill. this is not about mental illness, it's about hate. while a case can be made for hate being inherited from parents and made at a young age, it's a decision we reject or
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embrace. >> this is a hate crime and highly unfocused hate crime. >> stephanie: like, like most racist, they are stupid. >> moron, because he thought they were muslim and they were seeks. >> that happened in arizona right after 9/11 happens. >> stephanie: yeah, he stilled six people, seven including himself. >> yeah. >> those murder/suicide things you should start with the suicide part. >> please. >> stephanie: he might have been bum enough to fall for that. >> yeah. >> stephanie: u.s. army veteran, yet he did have the 9/11 tattoo he had linked to hate groups.
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and they are classifying it as an act of terrorism. >> on the five yesterday, bob right-wing hate guy and the rest of them came down on them do not use the word right-wing when you are talking about this guy. >> stephanie: well, he is. >> yeah. wait until you hear what greg gutfield says about that. >> stephanie: we'll dive into that next. patterns of misconduct drunk on duty a member of racist skin head band. he also tried to buy goods from the national alliance and neo-nazi group in 2000.
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and this guy can get a gun. just saying? >> yeah. i saw an interview with the owner of the gun shop. and he said yeah i followed all of the laws. he legally got it. >> stephanie: yeah he was a 9 millimeter semiautomatic. and at first people go that's not an assault gun. >> some assault rifle have a really high muzzle velocity and can penetrate walls. but, again it's the high-capacity magazines. >> stephanie: yes. wisconsin thank you governor walker has some of the most permissive laws in the country. they have -- allow citizens -- and that's why they are saying a lot of these guys have chosen that because it's easily concealed. that's the kind of gun you can get in somewhere.
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and the high-cape is for killing the most amount of people possible you don't shoot a deer with that kind of a weapon. >> because you won't have much of a deer left. >> stephanie: no. >> this guy that called talking about that they had to waste the herd because of mad cow disease. >> stephanie: yeah but how often does that happen? yeah. yeah. he was -- again, there's all of these terms -- i mean obviously the law center has defined these. he was a white supremacist and a skin head. i don't know what the difference is. and remember when the justice department came out with these studies and the right-wing is like, know it's not! [ screaming ] >> stephanie: and this is
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exactly what is happening. yeah, and as -- in this particular story, they are talking about the hate crimes originate misdirected islamaphobia just because of the beard and the turban. >> yeah. >> stephanie: not just racism, but really stupid racism. so the issue was the shooting domestic terrorism, a hate crime or both. a really vomitous right-wing world when we get back. >> oh, god. >> stephanie: and we continue on the "stephanie miller show." >> that seems like a lot of misbehavior. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ over time, grease and residue
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>>oh really? >>"if you ever raise taxes on >>the rich, you're going to destroy our economy." not true! ughhh. trash builds up and can make your dishwasher smell. over time, grease and residue get stuck inside. for an intensive clean use finish dishwasher cleaner. it's taking out the trash for your dishwasher.
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ you are an obsession, you are my obsession ♪ ♪ what do you want me to be to make you sleep with me ♪ ♪ you are an obsession, you're my obsession ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." 22 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. the president yesterday. >> obama: we're still awaiting the outcome of a full investigation. yesterday i had a chance to speak to both the governor and the mayor as well as leaders of the seek community. all of us are heart broken by
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what has happened. and i offer my thoughts and prayers not only of myself and michelle, but also as the country as a whole. >> stephanie: the fbi treating it as an act of possible domestic terrorism. it's interesting because -- i was just saying people are going is it a hate crime or domestic terrorism. it certainly seems like it falls -- >> it does. it falls under domestic terrorism definition. >> stephanie: and jim you and i were just saying, this guy has been tracked for years. >> a civil rights group has been following him for years. >> yeah, the fbi tracked him too, but they didn't see enough to open a file on him. >> stephanie: they are saying
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that's what sets it apart from the aurora shooting. this is an example that -- yeah that's the debate terrorism or hate crime. jim, you were saying rise in hate crime since the president has been elected. >> yeah. >> stephanie: in 2001 only 6% has been targeted by extremists. people are less likely to understand that white supremacists can also been considered hate crimes. he said white supersy is also a
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political message. when the justice department came out with this -- you know report the right-wing screamed foul. and this is real. >> exactly. >> stephanie: in right-wing world the only kind of terrorists is islamic. the president yesterday. >> obama: i think all of us recognize that these kind of terrible tragic events are happening with too much regularity for us not to do some soul searching and exam additional ways that we can reduce violence, and as i have already said, i think there are a lot of elements involved in it, and i want to bring together law enforcement elected
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officials at every level. >> stephanie: right-wing world soul searching. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> and forget about even discussing the second amendment if there are any amendments to the amendments. >> stephanie: that is what scares scott in arizona. >> caller: good morning, i use an sks for hunting, and i do have a couple of 30-round clips, never even put them on the gun, but didn't benjamin franklin say as soon as the threat of revolt or revolt is the only way to keep the government in line otherwise we're just cattle? >> stephanie: okay, so you are -- >> if you have a 30-round clip and you have never used it why
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do you have it? >> stephanie: yeah, i was just going to ask that? is that a knickknack or what? >> caller: because item a disabled vet, and it was something i picked up at a gun show and bought it for $10. >> but you don't intend on using it? >> caller: no. >> stephanie: does it not concern you the amount of mentally ill people that have these. >> caller: yeah but timothy mcveigh didn't shoot anybody. >> yes but that's why they regulate the sale of fertilizers. >> caller: yes. >> stephanie: we're taking away your right to have a paper weight? i don't understand why you are concerned about it?
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>> caller: because as soon as they limit me to a five-round clip, then there's no chance of rebelled against the government. >> stephanie: you are going to be able to hold the government off with your -- >> 30-round clip. >> caller: no. >> the army is part of the government. >> caller: right. >> so you will be fighting the army -- >> which has nukes. >> caller: right. right. because it's kind of useless to have the dang thing -- >> that's our point. >> caller: but the whole thing is we can't have a revolution or revolt against the government when they mess us over if we don't have the means to. >> stephanie: scott are you somebody that thinks say if the jews had handguns they would have been able to hold off the nazis and their tanks.
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>> caller: no, they sent liberty 45 pistols to france, and they really didn't work -- >> stephanie: see that's our point. okay. thank you for your service, scott. >> i don't think he thought that out there very well. bless his heart. >> they have tanks, cannons, nukes -- >> and the air force. >> stephanie: yes. you'll hold them off with your 30-round clip. >> oh, you could vote. >> stephanie: i have a headache a little early this morning. should we do right-wing world on top of it? why not. double down! >> why not! >> stephanie: 30 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>> this court has proven to be the knowing, delighted accomplice in the billionaires' purchase of our nation. >> and you think it doesn't affect you? think again.
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hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in little drops of milk chocolate. and cookies n creme. pure hershey's. you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies.
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>>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. do you share the sense of outrage that they're doing this, this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an understatement, eliot. >> i'm not prone to understatement, so explain to me why that is. i think the mob learned from wall st., not vice versa.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> come on. let's face it your entire job could be done by a bulletin board. [ laughter ] >> what? >> stephanie: this is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. chris in oakland, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hey, chris. >> caller: hey, this scott in oakland was really frustrating. i hope you'll let me go through a few points. if we need a 30-round clip even though we're never going to use it. why am i not allowed to possess
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a rocket launcher or anthrax. >> stephanie: right? why can't i have a nuke? >> caller: right. the second thing is you know, i hear all of these people that call up that are so worried about the government. all of these people that they think they need these guns to fend themselves off from government. i don't hear very me of them concerned about voter suppression, which is the tool we're supposed to used to form and guide our government. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: i happen to be a gun owner myself but i would personally throw every weapon i own into a shredder or furnace
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or whatever vehicle of destruction myself before i would give one thin dime to the nra. >> stephanie: all right. honey thank you. i wouldn't put it in a shredder? >> i think the shredder would get shredded. >> stephanie: it would be like when i wrapped the potato in tinfoil and put it in the microwave. [ explosion ] >> stephanie: i forgot. [♪ circus music ♪] >> oh even it's harry reid again. >> this is disgrace season. the hypocrisy of democrats. it's democrats and liberals in the media who take endless pride in having opposed mccarthyism.
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the purpose is to make unsubstantiated charges and destroy other people by means of doing that. this is a blind acquisition on harry reid who said i have in my head the one person who remained innamed that says mitt romney didn't pay his taxes. >> stephanie: the appalexy on the right is making this unbelievable. to me this proves there is something in there that is so incredibly damaging. all he has to do is release the returns. >> that's right. yet he hasn't. >> stephanie: yes, and i trust him more than i trust mitt romney. >> stephanie: yeah. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: we're trend setters. liberals have dirty harry's back on the tax issue. i was the one leading the
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charge. don't weany out everybody. >> it's not weanying out to say this sounds -- >> it could be karl rove because he has pulled something like to before. >> stephanie: who cares. >> i care. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: >> stephanie: nancy pelosi fired back about -- republicans accusing harry reid of lawing. she said he made a statement that is true somebody told him. she said it's related to the contents of romney's tax plan. here is a guy who wants you to pay more when i think i,
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meaning harry reid wants to pay nothing. she talked about the american people will decide and make a judgment. i think it's a losing issue. [ applause ] >> very salient. >> stephanie: shut up. >> that's my favorite movie when harry met sallient. >> stephanie: i hate you both. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: this is like a sliver of them trying to get out of paying their property taxes in san diego. >> yes. >> stephanie: dana lohse. >> the mitt romney with the chick-fil-a story, and michele bachmann with the brotherhood. >> most voters want their president to take a position, but he is not on these two.
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two hot-button topics and he is staying out of it. >> stephanie: yes, you better get on that mittens. i would hire dana lohse as your campaign manager. and maybe michele bachmann as a running meat. [ applause ] >> great plan. no, she is not even speaking at the convention. >> i think romney should hire dana lohse she has certainly proved herself not to be hot headed. >> stephanie: yeah, he needs a steady. >> no, she doesn't get easily rattled at all. [ cuckoo clock chimes ] >> stephanie: and you can attest to your many twitter fights with her. >> with their inborn sense of
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class war fair as well as their funny clothes, they are doing exactly what their mothers told them. recall though they would never admit it. marry a good -- preferably rich man, raise your children full-time, and dress like a lady. come on girls, play fair. >> female journalists are jealous of ann romney, because ann romney is doing what her mother told her to do. >> stephanie: my gosh i failed on every single level. dress like a lady. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: no. >> have kids. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: no. marry a rich dude.
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[ buzzer ] >> no. >> marry a man at all. >> stephanie: you heard her. all you olympic athletes get out of those clothes and have a baby and find a rich man. first of all pat -- no really? pat robertson on the tragedy in wisconsin. >> what is it? is it satanic, some spiritual thing, people who are atheist, they hate god, they hate the expression of god, and they are angry with the world, angry with themselves, angry with society, and they take it out on innocent people who are worshipping god, and whether it's a sikh temple or baptist church or whatever it is, i abhor the kind of violence. but what do you do? >> well. >> well. >> stephanie: do we have
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confirmation this guy was an atheist? >> no, we don't. right wing extremist that -- white supremacist generally come from a christian -- [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: i was just going to say. that would be mostly your religion -- >> yeah. >> hitler wanted to be a catholic priest when he was a kid. >> stephanie: really. greg on the five. >> you can go higher to stalin and hitler to the left -- >> hitler was not part of the left. >> hitler and stalin -- >> really they had a non-aggression pact in the 30s, because they wanted to not step on each other's toes when they
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were carving up poland, but other than that totalaryism -- >> that was him trying to divorce the right from the right-wing extremism. >> stephanie: just like mou and hitler. >> yeah. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] . >> if president gets his way the special voting rights of some of america's fine les be eliminated. members of the military will have less chance to cast their votes. ♪ you are a lying sack of crap ♪ >> stephanie: okay. for those of you who just watched fox news. here is what the truth is. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: the republican legislature is trying to curve early voting and the white
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house is willing to let everybody vote early like they always have in the past. >> right. >> that is taking away early voting rights for the military according to shannon. >> stephanie: why does mitt romney want to restrict voting rights for more than 900,000 veterans? because if you are retired you are no longer covered. that means the early voting law which mitt romney wants to undo provided hundreds of thousands of more veterans to vote. so that would really be the story -- >> that shows that shannon breem is a liar. yeah. that story inflamed by the romney camp patently false. the president's campaign trying to keep expanded voting rights
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in place for everyone military included. >> so almost exactly the opposite -- >> opposite of what she said. >> stephanie: restricting the voting rights of over 9,000 military veterans. it clearly results in the disenfranchisement of voters. this is so blatant to try to -- >> isn't there some way of holding fox accountable for lying about that. >> stephanie: that's so cute. that is the most hopeful thing he has ever said. [♪ romantic music ♪] >> they can say whatever they want. >> stephanie: they just report. you decide. >> yeah. >> stephanie: 46 minutes after the hour -- >> they report the lies -- >> stephanie: and then you decide if they are true or not.
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all right. 46 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> a beautifully wrapped glossy, sleek-smelling show. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ (vo) cenk uygur is many things. (vo) cenk uygur is many things. >>oh really? >>tax cuts don't create jobs. the golden years as the conservatives call them, we had the highest tax rates, and the highest amount of growth, and the highest amount of jobs. those are facts. >>"if you ever raise taxes on the rich, you're going to destroy our economy." not true! so, you guys grew up together. yes, since third grade... what are you lookin' at? not looking at i anything... we're not good enough for you. must be supermodels? brad, eat a snickers. why? 'cause you get a little angry when you're hungry. better? [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry™. better. [ male announcer ] snickers satisfies.
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[ charles ] when you can make a person smile when they taste the food that you cooked, it does something to your heart. i think what people like most about the grilled food is the taste. the flavor comes from that oak wood. the shrimp, the fresh fish the steaks. it locks in the flavor it seals in the juices so that when you put the fork in it, it just goes through it like butter. it's beautiful. [ laughs ] i'm proud to be a grill master. i love food. my name is charles himple. i'm a red lobster grill master and i sea food differently. you've heard stephanie's views. >>no bs, authentic, the real thing. >>now, let's hear yours at the only online forum with a direct line to stephanie miller. >>the only thing that can save america now: current television.
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>>join the debate now. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ why don't they do what we say, say what they mean ♪ ♪ one thing leads to another ♪ ♪ tell me something wrong, i know i listen too long but then, one thing leads to another ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. 51 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. charlie pierce
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coming up with high lairous stuff once again. hi, carol. >> caller: hi, good morning. great show. i think that over the past two years our congress has done nothing, i'm talking about the house of representatives specifically. we should resend their salary -- >> stephanie: that's not true they have repealed affordable care over 32 times. >> caller: that's my point. we ought to shut the door and throw the key away. because they are not going to do anything ever again. >> stephanie: shut er down. >> well, i think nothing would happen --
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>> stephanie: hi ace in north carolina. >> caller: i had two things to say and the first was if mitt romney's taxes were on the up and up why hasn't john mccain stood up as he tends to do when he has heard things he doesn't like and railed against harry reid. john mccain hasn't said a word. >> stephanie: yeah. >> he is the only one that has seen the actual tax returns. >> caller: exactly. and how could he have made his trickle-down economic argument running as president, as if his own vice presidential candidate hadn't paid taxes? >> stephanie: exactly. >> caller: and i hope every democrat running for congress right now listens to this. this is the laziest congress to have been in session under the
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republicans -- >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: -- ever. >> stephanie: when you go on record as saying your number one priority is to defeat the president that's what their number one priority is. the job creators -- the precious fragile job creators -- >> don't disturb the job creators -- >> stephanie: they are saying they are holding off hiring because of this congress. they are going to take us to the cliff again, and this is what they want. they want hiring to slow before the election. here is a story in the "new york times" i thought was interesting. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: this is a tiny sliver of what might be in mitt romney's tax returns. and again, i think i said this yesterday i don't think anybody is accusing him of being a crook, i think his tax returns are exhibit a about the
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unfairness of the tax policies. he can find every tax hole -- tax hole? >> tax loophole. >> stephanie: yes. romney caught is housing bust got tax cuts in la jolla. it's just the length you can go to when you are in that environment. mitten and romney were easily able to afford this $12 million la jolla home after paying cash. >> wow. >> stephanie: i got that on me! $12 million after paying cash for the house with 61 feet of beach front, they asked for dramatic tax relief. a month's long effort to reduce
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their property tax bill. their initial assessment $12.2 million, they asked to be reduced to $6.8 million. >> wow. they were calling for a downturn. >> stephanie: maintaining their home lost about 70% of its value. and then the romneys filed an amendment appeal from 7.3% to $8.9 million, and filed an appeal to the 2010 tax year. and 38.7% less value, as a result the romneys saved about $109,000 in property taxes over the years. [ applause ] >> why are they fighting for basically what they consider nickels and dimes. >> yeah, that's lunch money for them. taking care of rafalca for a
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week. >> stephanie: again, not illegal. and it's not to say it is not done, but it's like that's pretty drastic, and it's a pretty drastic attempt to avoid paying taxes. >> exactly. and it's just to stick it to the government. >> right. they are enjoying the goods and services that the government provides without paying their fair share for said goods and services -- >> stephanie: are you saying they did not build that road to the beach house mansion. >> they did not. >> stephanie: clint welcome to the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i had a comment about the mitt romney situation, i think they are using some of the same dirty tricks that the republicans have been used for
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years to get elected. i feel like it is the same as the attack on obama's birth certificate. >> stephanie: except the birth certificate thing was a complete lie. and the only way we can prove this is to release his tax returns. >> caller: understood. i'm an obama fan and i'm going to vote for obama -- >> i see your point. he is not required. >> stephanie: but the same as the story i just read out of the l.a. times. apparently different rules for really rich people. >> exactly. >> stephanie: his excuse seems to be, i don't have to because i'm mitt romney. >> right. >> stephanie: that's what it amoments to. >> right. >> stephanie: 58 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show."
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two lungs were found on the sidewalk of south central. >> who lungs walk into a bar. [♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: you know, such dispute in the blog-o-sphere as to whether jacki schechner and i are mary andor rhoda. i am thinking of changing the name of the show to punch line and pragmatic in the morning.
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[♪ circus music ♪] [ laughter ] >> it's punch mattic. >> stephanie: here are the fart jokes and now here comes my pragmatic friend. here is prague mat nick the current news center. >> i stopped trying to be the funny one a long time ago. no more asking if there is an app for that. okay? the democratic national convention is out today with its new mobile app. it will have a convention blog a press release section and social networking tabatha will link all of the tweets from the host committee and the dnc, you can watch all of the convention speeches live on your mobile device. if you happen to be planning to go to charlotte, it has maps and information for visitors. first, though, we have the republican national con venning. a one is august 27th in tampa.
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we have a second wave of speakers to report. there were seven names yesterday, including condoleezza rice. today we here several more are going to speak. missouri voters today will pick a republican challenger for the senator's seat. businessman john bruner is out in front in the latest polls. former state treasurer sarah steelman is second. she has the endorsement of sarah palin and the tea party express. and third is representative todd achen. he is also one of the first to join the tea party caucus in 2010. he has the endorsement of former republican mike huckabee. outside groups like freedom works and american cross roads have been pouring a ton of money
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into ads attacks the incumbent. we're back with more after the break. stay with us. ♪ >>it's the place where democracy is supposed to be the great equalizer, where your vote is worth just as much as donald trump's. we must save the country. it starts with you.
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what's my secret for sunday lunch? my little helpers... and 100% natural french's yellow mustard. it has zero calories for me, and a taste my family loves.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: wa hoo! it is charlie pierce hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. the website., sexy liberal on facebook for all of the up coming dates. someone requested rowland to
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open the show he says there is not enough xanax in new york city for me to open the show. he is a little high-strung. >> stephanie: and marvin hanlish died this morning. >> stephanie: terry writes thanks for the trip to the big apple. we love you. >> the year's hottest political show, the stephanie miller sexy liberal comedy tour is finally coming to the city that never sleeps new york. >> you come crawling back to broadway. well broadway doesn't go for booze and dope. >> the stephanie miller sexy liberal tour will take the stage at broadway's world famous beacon theater. >> there is nothing like the thrill of doing a show on broadway. >> featuring john fugelsang, hal sparks alicia tyler and
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stephanie miller. for tickets go to ticket, or call. don't miss your one and only chance to see all of the sexy liberal comedy players live on one stage. that's the stephanie miller sexy liberal comedy tour. >> i love new york. you know why? because it's open all night. >> stephanie: that's what i am told. alicia is going from vermont. we just got ticketed. we're so excited. squee. >> squee! >> stephanie: i now can't go a day without momma and the mooks. what the hell is a mook? >> it's some kind of jerk from among island. >> it's a noun young male ignorant and garish. [ applause ] >> mostly from new jersey. >> and they mostly say things
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like oh! >> stephanie: friggin mooks. >> you are not from the city. >> stephanie: i lived in the city. >> you did. >> stephanie: i even saved the friday show to watch on saturday and sundays. like chewing gum. just chew it over and over. do we have mooks in vermont? probably not. [ applause ] >> vermont has that -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: wow -- [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: -- we were saying a lot of bigots not very bright. start with the chick-fil-a, and -- anti-gay protester accidentally sets fire to lawn out of general mills with a box
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of burning cereals. >> cheerios are gay? >> the company has domestic partnership -- >> wow? i have been eating gay cereal. >> most large companies across the country have domestic partnership -- >> stephanie: the headquarters the protester inadvertently sets fire to the lawn after torching a, quote unquote, box of homosexual cheerios. [ applause ] ♪ you are an idiot ♪ >> there's video of it and it's hysterical. >> stephanie: you would have
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thought he would have chosen fruit loops. >> that's kelloggs. >> stephanie: jim who said it's like robinhood in reverse, it's rommy hood? >> britt nielson. >> stephanie: no. >> franken berry was gayer than count chalkula. >> stephanie: captain crunch and crunch berries. >> he was pretty butch. >> stephanie: he has pink berries. >> i think they are more red. >> stephanie: at least they weren't blue. >> lucky was a homo. >> stephanie: all right. now a fight has broken out about what is the gayest cereal --
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>> cuckoo for coco puffs! >> stephanie: all right. >> i'm pretty sure it's not wheaties. >> stephanie: no. jeff writes -- >> snap crackle and pop. they all love together. >> stephanie: can i get on with the -- >> snap crackel and hey! >> stephanie: hey girl! [ laughter ] >> telesnaps in a circle -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. >> sorry about that. go ahead. >> stephanie: everybody settle. settle, and scene. okay. jeff writes i think [ inaudible ] is the smartest boy in class today. [ crickets chirping ] [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: mitt romney is asking for our vote and asking us to commit a metaphorical
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sacrament. he is asking us to trust him, he however, doesn't trust us to show us his tax returns. he wants us to trust him, but he doesn't trust us. [ applause ] >> stephanie: that's all we're saying, mitt. help us help you. >> show how deserving you are. >> yes, show us you are so fiscally responsible that you can run the country. >> stephanie: right? there you go. i went all jerry mcguire right there. unphased harry reid keeps hammering romney on taxes. ♪ let's hear it for the boy ♪ >> it's that boxer mentality. >> stephanie: that's right. >> think think, jab, jab. >> stephanie: his spokesman burgess meredith said that. go harry! >> go!
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>> stephanie: you are going to eat lightning and crap thunder. >> i never saw that move i have. >> stephanie: okay. harry reid. >> this whole issue is not about me. mitt romney is the first presidential candidate since his dad ran not to release his income taxes. this whole controversy would end quickly if he would release his income taxes like everybody else has done. >> stephanie: go harry, go! [ applause ] >> stephanie: yes, the -- [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: -- pushback from republicans against harry reid appears to only be fuelling his quest. this is what someone said yesterday. like he loves this. >> yeah. >> stephanie: he is telegraphing he has no interest in letting up. his chief of staff calls republicans a bunch of cowards and lynchman for romney.
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>> i love that. a dirty liar. >> stephanie: yeah, it just shows how scared they are. reince prebus! >> stephanie: he is like pavlov's dog. >> he is just playing this game. and it's amazing to me that there can be any honor in a position he holds, that he has degraded so far down the tubes. so it is what it is. he's a dirty liar and we're moving on to defeating this president and saving this country. >> no, you're not. ah-ha. >> prove he is a liar by releasing the tax returns. >> that's right. just go to kinko's. >> stephanie: even the "wall street journal" argued mr. romney's problem is that he can only disprove the charge by releasing his tax returns.
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[ laughter ] >> stephanie: one of reid's spokemen invited romney to dispel the comment by releasing his tax returns. lindsay graham -- oh now it's a bar fight when lindsey graham jumps in. >> i think he is lying about his statement knowing something about romney. >> stephanie: hum. i know you are, but what am i? >> that's what i think. >> he sounds oilily. that sounded weasely didn't he? >> i think he's lying. >> stephanie: this is all just name calling. and that's what harry reid is smart about. the only way to solve this is to show the tax returns. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: press secretary jay carney said i would simply say you all know senator reid speaks for himself. i think it's a fair point.
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it did not start with the president's campaign. it started in the republican primary. that's theed a we should run. >> yeah. >> stephanie: he said it's not every candidates favorite part but it is important to the american people. the reason why this is an issue at policy level is the president believes very strongly that we need to have greater tax fairness. that's exactly my point. that's why because it's exhibit, a. bell [ applause ] >> yep. >> stephanie: carney also said i would refer you to senator reid. he knows his source. this was an issue, again raised by contenders in the gop
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nomination. [ applause ] >> thank you, rick perry, and newt gingrich. >> stephanie: tee he. >> and chris christie said judge, bologna. >> stephanie: all right. 17 minutes after the hour. it has been speculated among other things that perhaps mitt romney just forgot to get carbonite and everything got lost. [♪ somber music ♪] >> that's exactly why he is not releasing his tax returns. >> stephanie: maybe he is going to go with rafalca ate them. don't just put it on your to-do list. that's when something will happen. let carbonite back everything up in there for you automatically. it automatically continually
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backs up in your computer. stores it safely and security in the cloud. >> the cloud is where it's at. >> stephanie: $59 for the entire year. what? that's right. so even if you are on the road and you need to access something, there you go. >> yeah, you can get it through the app on your ipad and iphone. >> stephanie: yeah, right. also if you have a small business like i do it will back up all of your computers for one small fee. it's, the offer code is stephanie. 19 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: call stephanie now. she's easy. 1-800-steph-1-2. ♪ >>oh really? >>"if you ever raise taxes on >>the rich, you're going to destroy our economy."
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not true! break the ice with breath-freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers.
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♪ this -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ party on people let me hear some nows -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ in the house ♪ . >> that's too many obstructions for me. >> keep up. >> stephanie: yeah. >> there it oh, there. >> stephanie: all right. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. all right. charlie pierce coming up from >> the trix rabbit was pretty gay. >> silly rabbit. >> stephanie: all right. bud in thousand oaks you are on the "stephanie miller show." hey, bud. >> caller: hey steph. you
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first-time caller and me and my brother record your show every day. >> oh, you are one of those. >> stephanie: did i call you? i don't remember. but if you say so. i probably drunk dialed you. go ahead. >> caller: i wanted to talk about how jenna jameson just endorsed mitt romney. >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: finally he has someone that changes positions as much as he does. >> oh! >> stephanie: oh! [♪ circus music ♪] >> that was funny. >> stephanie: which way is ron jeremy going? is linda love lace still alive? >> no. she died. >> stephanie: yeah we have to use that what did she say? if you are rich you want a republican in office. [♪ somber music ♪]
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>> stephanie: go ahead. >> caller: the reason mitt romney can't show his tax returns at least until he gets done with the republican election is because he escaped prosecution from the united bank of switzerland. they paid $800 million to the treasury department. >> interesting. >> caller: because they knew on ont that this was an illegal thing. they allowed u.s. citizens to amend their returns, pay the penalty and pay their taxes, and go on their way. because the government was going to take away their right to do business in the united states. and mitt will hold on until after the convention and then say this was a minor thing that was put together which the
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accountants. you are not going to go into a convention when you were subject to criminal liability for cooking the books on your taxes. >> stephanie: wow. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: there might be a reason romney didn't stop in italy. bain ripped off italy tax free. >> yeah. >> stephanie: there are some amazing stories. >> yeah. i don't think we need to elect someone who has already pissed off the entire county of italy. >> and england now. >> stephanie: poland. jonathan in pennsylvania. hey, john, welcome. >> caller: stephanie, two points. you should do a sexy liberal
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calendar, and second i don't see how republicans can criticizen in when after a year the cia doesn't realize that obama was born in kenya. >> stephanie: say that one more time. >> caller: first you should do a swimsuit calendar. and i don't see how the republicans can criticize anyone when they accuse the cia of claiming that obama was born in kenya. >> stephanie: yeah, that's right. rick in the city by the bay. hi rick. >> caller: hi, steph, are [ inaudible ] are they romney hood's merry men? >> yeah. >> caller: i don't want to see chris lavoiey in tights that's for sure.
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>> stephanie: oh ouch >> caller: when obama took office, if he started at zero we would be a 9.0 gdp right now. and 20 million americans have gotten jobs or kept their jobs relative to the job loss that was taking place in 2008 because of the democratic policy. >> stephanie: yep. yep, exactly. yeah, the stimulus 3.3 million jobs were created. again, these are the agencies that people have sited as non-partisan in the past. >> right. >> stephanie: right back with charlie pierce next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ i wanted to talk about i think a lot of the things about the
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[ whistle ] >> announcer: stephanie miller . ♪ get this party started right ♪ ♪ get this part started
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quickly ♪ >> stephanie: yeah, speaking of -- on the left, what was i doing during commercial break? i was talking about how handsome and romantic alex grayson is. boston. he has a haircut. [ applause ] okay. speaking of cuteness on the left. he's back. eric boehlert from media matters to continue right-wing world. bill crystal, who, eric, as we've said, there should be a chiron saying he's always been wrong about everything ever. here he is. >> i would like to see who bill clinton is really going to vote for. i think bill clinton will vote for mitt romney. >> you do? >> he probably thinks romney would be a better present. clinton is a grownup who didn't have a decent economic record. barack obama is clueless about the economy. he's proud that he took the democratic party to the center. he rescued the democratic party from its failures from the dukakis/mon dale party.
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>> again, wrong about everything ever! >> stephanie: eric, your thoughts. >> obama is not a leftist by any stretch of the imagination. >> chris's source is inside the clinton camp. >> the larger issue was this clinton -- you know, something about the beltway press and bill clinton and they are just decades later, i mean it has been almost 15 years. they still go bonkers. the idea that his -- bill clinton's two comments last week that weren't completely on message. we're going to sway the election. voters in sacramento and dallas were listening for the next bill clinton comment. give me a break!
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>>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. do you share the sense of outrage that they're doing this, this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an understatement, eliot. >> i'm not prone to understatement, so explain to me why that is. i think the mob learned from wall st., not vice versa.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> talking to the editor of the "new york times" cross word! >> look, let's give this party a chance. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. hold your calls, we have the gayest cereal fruity pebbles. >> yes. and barney used to dress in drag in order to steal the cereal. [ applause ] >> that's right. >> stephanie: this just in -- [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: -- ron jeremy did
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endorse mitt romney before jenna jameson. >> yes. >> stephanie: all right. let's move on. there is only one man now that understands -- >> pierce ♪ >> stephanie: charlie pierce political columnist for >> i was working on gay breakfast cereals and then you pulled an audible and went to porn stars. how is a man supposed to keep up? they were after his lucky charms and i don't think he was talking about the rainbow, and the green clovers if you know what i mean? >> would you like to see my lucky charms. >> in your comment section -- >> yes, i have a wonderful
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comment that -- >> it's urine-crib-seat, anagram for reince preibus. >> we are starting the segment off on a very high level. >> stephanie: of all of your stuff, i just love the sunday round-up stuff. because he was -- i have to say you said reince preibus who is a newgety [ censor bleep ] himself. >> yeah. but he -- reince was just outraged. that dirty liar! >> stephanie: i'm not going to dignify that to that dirty liar ar. >> and courtney sinclair was -- >> stephanie: you are bastard people! >> and i hate your ass face.
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>> you are bastard people! >> why did i know that was in the bank. [ laughter ] >> i just hate you! and i hate your ass face! >> stephanie: but other than that, i'm not dignifying this with a comment! >> harry is really driving them nuts. >> stephanie: i know. >> i can't figure out why they haven't figured this out. he has nothing to lose. >> right. >> stephanie: yes. >> he is 72 years old. he is probably not going to run again. and he has decided to have fun with their presidential candidate. and the very serious pundits are spoking their chins and trying to shame him into stopping. what exactly -- what club over his head do they have to make him stop. and we all know mitt feld the
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tax returns to rafalca with his oats. >> stephanie: yeah it's like that simpson thing. ow, quit it. our quit. and you said before we begin, we should note for the record preibus after being something but a complete and utter failure in wisconsin. then he became state republican chair which fast tracked him to the job he has said. in short. those who can, win, those what can't get appointed. >> he was very big in the prebus boom which was prior to this one. that's what really got him his job with the republican national committee, but the guy couldn't get elected registering for
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bratworst. >> stephanie: yes, and you said i don't know what the hell he means by not having filed a single page of tax returns ed a people from nevada said he had to release them every year. >> yeah, it's up there with the assessment that john kerry hadn't done x, y, and z. and that's because they had been out in the public for 16 years. >> stephanie: yeah. >> they used to drive around and look at the pretty houses and aspire to live in the pretty houses. >> stephanie: yeah, and prebus now leads a party that has spent the last four deck indicates ensuring that no one can be a union electrician anymore. and moms and dads lost the houses that bank once sold them.
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i listen to that whole story, and i'm like what the hell are you talking about? >> now we're in the middle of the mitt romney bus tour of america. >> stephanie: right. >> and somehow america is expected to go about its business while doubled over? laughter. >> stephanie: that's right. you say -- yeah. -- just great stuff. and your ann colter stuff -- >> yeah what is that all about? >> stephanie: i don't know. >> hasn't she gone way past her sell-by date. >> stephanie: yes.
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joe mccarthy -- cheap shibly and bong resin. >> bong resin. very nice. >> not many people remember the adhesive quality of bong resin, but i do. what is the current vino of them right now? >> i think it's reuniti on ice. >> stephanie: yes. and colter got a chance to call jfk a drug addict while every looked away while the old lady feeds therapy gones in the park. >> if she was ever entertaining
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it was an awfully long time ago. and roughly around the time when everyone was chasing bill clinton's penis all over washington. >> stephanie: yeah. >> you just saw the other four people on the panel look over and go -- we all had careers here once, and now we're on the subway train stalled in between stations, and it's getting a little hot, and we don't really trust this person. >> stephanie: of course i would -- i was talking about jon stewart, who we all agree is brilliant. but you were talk here about jon stewart, editors -- no wait we seem to have a new matrix on what is fair or unfair. that's what i was trying to say. i think he is great, that doesn't mean we always have to agree with him. >> yeah, it is funny. i wrote this on the blog today. the people who -- the people who
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must think this is the most hilarious, this [ inaudible ] family. >> stephanie: yeah. >> we had two congressional investigations and once special prosecutor got fired because he came to the wrong conclusion, and now all of a sudden we're into rules of civility that nobody can understand. all of a sudden harry reid is being uncivil because he is having a little fun. >> stephanie: yeah. >> there's no more obvious attack you can make on mitt romney right now. >> stephanie: absolutely. and my favorite post this week the rnc has a bad case of the unpopulars. the names of the speakers for the up coming rnc are beginning to leak out. try reading off the names in your best voice. >> south carolina governor nicky haley, most recent ratings 38%.
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florida governor, one time medicare scam artist rick scott, most recent approval rating 31%. and john kasick, most recent approval rating an astronomical 47%. it's lull la pa losers. [ applause ] >> i am honored to have my work read by jim ward. he could probably do the entire summary of the weekend talk shows in all of their voices. does he do a wouldn't touch her with a -- well you know. >> well, okay. >> stephanie: he wouldn't -- [ censor bleep ] ann colter with her [ censor bleep ]. okay. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: you say my money is still on the stripping joints out drawing everything else --
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>> absolutely. we have research data that show that the republicans in places like utah is much more into places with porn. and look who is piling up the endorsements. >> stephanie: yeah. >> and does anyone know where jamie gillis has come down on that matter? [ laughter ] >> what? by the way, chris what was reunite? >> stephanie: it was a seat wine. >> thank you stephanie. >> stephanie: i was very into reunite. charlie pierce great stuff as usual. see you next week honey. all right. 45 minutes after the hour.
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i just booked my bff. we have a girl segment coming up on the olympics. have you seen all of the sexism going on with the olympics. >> i know. i'm very proud of the american girls beating canada yesterday. [ applause ] >> stephanie: yes. >> we need a little estrogen up in here. >> on the stephanie miller radio show in suburban america this morning. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ highest amount of growth, and the highest amount of jobs. those are facts. >>"if you ever raise taxes on the rich, you're going to destroy our economy." not true!
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7:45 am
hey joe? yeah? is this a bad time? no, i can talk. great -- it's the 9th inning and your hair still looks amazing. well, it starts with a healthy scalp. that's why i use head and shoulders for men. they're four shampoos for game-winning scalp protection and great looking hair... go on, please. with seven benefits in every bottle, head and shoulders for men washes out flakes, itch and dryness. and washes in... confidence. yeah it does. [ male announcer ] up to 100% flake free scalp and hair with head & shoulders for men.
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what the current audience can expect from my show is the unexpected. >>stephanie miller challenges the system, now it's your turn. >>it's a little bit of magic. >>connect with "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at and on twitter at smshow. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller.
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♪ up in there, up in here ♪ >> stephanie: um um um. right. right. >> no. no. don't do that. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: it's the "stephanie miller show" up in here. 50 minutes after the hour. >> it's girl talk up in here. >> stephanie: yeah right. julia rights job opening for me. my husband will be hope starting all day tomorrow. rebecca finally escaped. jacki only appears once for a minute at the top of the hour and there is way too much testosterone in that studio. is there room for a female mook in that studio. >> stephanie: i'm sorry. it's my bff.
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jacki schechner ingest some estrogen into the scene, please. >> you were wearing a blazer that, quote, just barely covered your cleavage. >> stephanie: yeah, that's right. here it is it is the double standard, isn't it bff, jacki schechner. >> your bits were hanging out -- >> stephanie: yeah it was inappropriate. i am appalled and i certainly hope gavin newsom didn't know. >> you like my outrage to build over time. >> stephanie: yes. i heard rush limbaugh talk about this. first of all gabby douglas who is beautiful, and an olympic athlete, and he was talking about her hair. and he was saying her hair is
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too straight. she said i don't know where this is coming from. i just made history and people are talking about my hair. >> i'm wondering why rush limbaugh is the authority to comment on anybody's physical appearance. >> exactly. >> i have a feeling he is quite the specimen. >> stephanie: hair wise and body wise. >> stephanie: yes. and i haven't heard one liberal say anything about your hair. >> and you want to keep your hair out of your face when you are flying upside down. >> yeah until he can fly through the air with that great athletic ability he is not allowed to comment. >> stephanie: that should be an olympic event, him and chris christie on a teter totter.
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and critics have called them fat, including an australia swimmer and the entire brazilian women's soccer team. >> it's absurd. first of all when you train for any sort of sport, whether you are doing it for personal fitness or competitive sport your body is going to take on muscle. and it's about how physically strong you are. and how you can push your body. so why we would judge somebody based on an appearance is so unbelievely absurd on any level. these women are so strong and powerful and confident. >> stephanie: right. within reporter said women still get comments about their appearance that men don't. one athlete quit in 2008 for the
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sake of her health after an eating disorder brought on by her coach telling her she was fat. this sparked an angry outrage by teammates. there was a british simmer said she was not going to read twitter entries because so many were negative about her appearance. >> yeah, when you can go out and do what these athletes do then you have earned the right to comment. >> stephanie: yeah. this is my favorite one. british weight lifter zoey smith hit back saying she looked like a lesbian in a bloke saying
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chauvinistic blokes can heel heel -- you go sister. >> yeah, that's amazing. i sign up for that fan club. she is terrific. when did he stop looking at food and fuel. at some point if you are going to be an olympic athlete, need to eat. somebody is going to cut back on eating because -- >> and you see all different types of body types. there are some very grassisle bodies -- >> grassisle -- >> stephanie: wow, word of the day. [ bell chimes ] >> and you end up playing different positions on the team because of that. >> stephanie: yes, there is one american weight lifter that is
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big, but if you are going to bench press a buick, you can't be jacki schechner's size. and by the way, if you put your fingers up to the television, that's exactly how big she is. and lastly fox news doesn't think gabby is patriotic enough because she is wearing pink. [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> have you seen the full picture uncropped of her leaping on the beam. >> stephanie: no. >> you post that up in front of the fox hosts and say let's see if you can do that. >> and she has a brace on her ankle and one of her wrists. >> stephanie: yeah. a tea party host said how
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america has lost overtime because of the feeling that americans can show their exceptionalism. >> what? >> you have to wear red white and blue or you are not american enough. >> yeah, well they should call mitt romney and see where those costumes were made. >> stephanie: all right. bff -- >> i got to do news. >> stephanie: get in your news superhero outfit now. go, run. >> all right. bye-bye. >> stephanie: all right. we have michael shure of "the young turks" coming up, as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm going to be on with the governor tomorrow night. she is awesome. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show."
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