tv Viewpoint With Eliot Spitzer Current August 13, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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romney's presidential campaign which seems allergic to defining proposals now seems ready to defend. buried within paul ryan's budget is a complete restructuring of our nation's health care system and extreme rewriting of sources of insurance for disabled and young people in our country. all seniors are guaranteed coverage, and will be switched to a voucher plan. the amount the voucher increases year to year would not match the rise in health care costs leaving seniors to foot the difference, a gap that will quickly become enormous and posing a burden on scene yours that most will not be able to afford. and medicaid his proposal would
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simply kick the issue back to the states leaving 14 to 28 million people mainly million people mainly children without insurance. company insider speaks out on how corporate pr is killing health care and deceiving americans, wendall potter. thanks to much for your time tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> let's begin with medicare. is the critique that you just heard correct that paul ryan's budget would fundamentally alter medicare, and over time leave many seniors incapable of paying for the services they now get. >> well, you are exactly right, because i think paul ryan is the hero of the health insurance industry, but this would be a nightmare for a lot of senior citizens and young disabled
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people as you mentioned. because it would make them pay so much more out of their own pockets for premiums, and getting care at the point of service, because you would be handing the medicare program over to private insurance companies to run. >> the reason that the ryan plan does this, is it increases the voucher only at a fixed rate where the cost of health insurance goes up much more than that rate. does the ryan plan do anything meaningful to control the increased pace of healthcare insurance? >> no, it really does. except you would probably see some people just simply couldn't afford to get coverage or get care. and that might be what his full intention is. if you are making them pay for care out of their own pockets, they just won't get care. people are forgoing care that they need because the insurance
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companies have been shifting so much of the cost of care to individuals and the families. >> what i hear you saying is that when it comes to medicare an increasing number of people get no care or less care which fits into paul ryan's overarching theme that we can't do everything for everybody, so who cares. >> that's exactly right. the medicare program was run as a government-run program, because private insurance companies were simply not charging premiums that older people could afford and they didn't want them. over the past ten years, health insurance premiums for people in the private insurance market have increased 113% this is by the caser family foundation
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which problemings that. and that's far above inflation. so to peg these premium support each year on the rate of inflation, doesn't get you anywhere close to what it costs to provide medical care. >> health insurance has increased at a multiple by the cpi, and they are going to increase these vouchers according to the cpi. >> it is very grim. it absolutely is. and they will be trying to sell this in ways that -- with my book "deadly spin," they will try to spin this as the only way to save medicare. it certainly is not. but we'll be seeing a lot of spin over the next few months. >> let's switch to medicaid. paul ryan says he wants to block
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grant this, kick it back to the states, and over time significantly reduce the amount of money the federal government puts into it. what impact will that have on the number of people covered? >> undoubtedly it would shrink the number of people who get medicaid benefits now. the affordable care program tries to bring more people into the program as it should. but by handing the medicaid program over to the states in a block grant would undoubtedly ensure that a lot of people from a lot of states will just be dropped from the roles. >> i can tell you if you leave it up to the states there will be untold millions that go without care. you put the romney tax plan, repeal president obama's health care reform, and then do these
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things to medicare and medicaid what does the health care market look like in five to ten years? >> well, the uninsured would increase by 10s of millions undoubtedly, because more and more people would simply be unable to afford care. those who are on medicare would lose coverage and people would be paying far more out of their own packets for care. that again is because insurance companies can make money to meet wall street's profit expectations have been raising premiums, but also shifting costs. and we would see more and more people in that predicament. >> you weren't do everything for everybody. come on. we want to live back in the 19th
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when it comes to the gop's war on women, paul ryan is the greatest. when it doesn't fit anywhere else, we put it in the viewfinder. ♪ >> join me in welcoming the next president of the united states paul ryan. >> all in medicare as we know rising. >> look, we have this plan for medicare, and if you are elderly, it is going to wind up pushing you off of the cliff? >> is there any chance that these elderly voters romney is
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keeping alive could actually end up voting for obama instead? >> the black candidate? no, no, no. >> is romney running on the ryan plan or not? >> he is running on his own version of those ideas. paul ryan is the second on the ticket. >> let's remember too, the phrase change medicare as we know it. >> it would, quote, end medicare as we know it. >> medicare as we know it. >> medicare as we know it. >> it is going to end medicare as we know it. >> the end of medicare as we know it. >> ends medicare as we know it. >> end medicare as we know it. ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ >> we're debating paul ryan's plan -- and the obama administration is loving this. >> every now and then i am known to make a mistake. [ laughter ]
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roman catholic paul ryan is stanchly opposed to abortion. he has tried to make some forms of control birth and invitro fertilization illegal. paul ryan is not just a member of the gop's war on women, he is a full blown cultural warrior, he voted twice against a law against hate crime. oh, and he also received an a from the national rifle system. for
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for more let's bring in bill press. them" as well as host of "full court press," which airs every morning here on current starting at 6:00 am eastern. boy, you are up late tonight, you got to do a 6:00 am show eastern time. boy, thank you for staying up with us. >> hey, elliot it's good to join you tonight. thank you. >> let's begin with women's issues. we have been talk about a gender gap, and gender died and mitt romney puts on the ticket somebody who is as staunchly pro-life as you can get. how does that make sense? >> it doesn't make sense to me. we were been talking so much about the paul ryan bunt, and people will soon realize he is every bit as extreme right on the social issues as well. anti-abortion without exception.
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he would force a woman -- he sponsored legislation to force a woman to have an ultrasound before she would have an portion. he has sponsored legislation that would make a fertilized egg a person, which would ban even most forts of contraception. this guy is more extreme than you can get, more so than romney. maybe it should be ryan versus romney. >> but we don't know where mitt romney stands on anything. i don't think he believes in anything. we used to joke all of the debates were going to need to have two podiums for mitt romney. but his putting paul ryan is a
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choice for the far right. i can't imagine that swing voters, women in the particular are going to look at this and be happy with it. >> you know better than anybody what politicians do in the primaries they tack left or tack right, and then in the general election they come back towards the center to get the swing voters and republicans or democrats who might be interested in switching parties. this is out of character and certainly an extraordinary move on mitt romney's part. i honestly know who he picks up that he doesn't already have. he doesn't have to energize his base. barack obama energizes his base. >> you hear so many people saying i'm a fiscal conservative, but a social liberal, and they are looking
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for that alternative voice that melds those core notions together. instead they have gone so far right, let's switch over to the issue of same-sex marriage where the president came out in favor of same-sex marriage. and then he puts on the ticket the same paul ryan who is opposed to virtually every aspect of extending rights to same-sex couples, and people who happen to be gay. >> and marriage equality an important issue particularly for young voters. and again, here you go and why -- i think we have to start calling this the ryan romney ticket, as opposed to the other way around. because paul ryan opposed gay adoption as well which mitt romney at least as governor of massachusetts was very supportive of. so again, you have a break
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between the two candidates own this issue, and i think shows paul ryan more extreme than the american people on all of these issues. >> i think when you compare him to rick santorum, he is even to the right of rick santorum. sanatorium was viewed as completely out of step with the american public. >> yeah, you are right. and this is the reemergence of the extreme religious right. in 2008 john mccain didn't have these social issues up front deliberately. but mitt romney has decided to put them right back on -- with paul ryan, right back front and center. i got to tell you, nobody is happier with paul ryan being on the ticket than rick santorum and ralph reid and gary bower, and pat robertson, and the extreme religious right. >> right. rick santorum wanted to be the
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poster boy so he will be jealous, but you are right. [ laughter ] >> very quickly the last issue of the three guns where paul ryan has toed the nra line on every vote. >> every vote. and that's fine. but the nra has given you an a as you pointed out earlier, and he is against any background checks, even sensible background checks which i think most law enforcement officers support. >> hunting is fine by me but you don't need a semi automatic gun to kill a deer. the nra is nuts on this stuff. all right. bill press host of "full court press," which airs every morning at 6:00 am eastern, here on current. >> thanks, eliot.
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the candidates will now finally have to debate something serious. i know that's hard to believe, but i'm talk about it in my view. first let's check in with jennifer grandholm in "the war room." >> , governor what have you got for us on this monday evening. >> like you and cenk we are going to be all over this ryan pick. what does it mean in florida pennsylvania, iowa wisconsin. what does it mean for young people and women? we have willie brown in the house, celinda lake, and we have our political round table to chew it up and spit it out. >> you have the all-stars there. let me ask you quick, does anybody think that mitt romney gained electoral votes based on this choice? >> that's what i want to ask them. because i see it only as a loss. in fact, i feel like mitt romney
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is the incredible shrinking candidate at this point. >> i could not agree more. he even declared paul ryan will be running for president. >> i don't think it was freudian. >> all right. you are more conspiracy theory than i am. mix. >>now it's your turn at the only online forum with a direct line to eliot spitzer. >>join the debv mitt romney is about to get the down side of having been an empathy vessel for the past year. the etch candidate has now embraced paul ryan and after the momentary excitement wears off, there will be one small of
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good news for romney. the good news is that we will finally have the intellectual intellectual engagement that the public returns. and good news for romney is because his taxes and work at bain capital will drop off of the table for some time. he will now be held accountable for the ryan perspective on the entire raft of issues on my the vp nominee has spoken. and romney will soon find out that the voters are nowhere near as radical as paul ryan. ryan is not the social moderate fiscal conservative, who might have appealed to the general public. the swing voters in the swing states will soon discovery that the new romney republican party has veered to the right, indeed to the fringes and is now
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irrelevant to the main stream. he believes life begins the moment a fetus is conceived and there is no right to abortion even in cases of rape and incest. he toes the nra line on all second amendment gun issues. on fiscal issues the ryan plan is supply all over again, a perfect model of the failure of the buscher are. and tax policies that will endanger all go spending other than defense spending. from education to r&d in critical sectors the investments that the government providers that are necessary for the economy are simply not part of paul ryan's world view. he is pleasant and knowledgeable enough, but his policies would
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and great looking hair... go on, please. with seven benefits in every bottle, head and shoulders for men washes out flakes, itch and dryness. and washes in... confidence. yeah it does. [ male announcer ] up to 100% flake free scalp and hair with head & shoulders for men. at a time when the divide between rich and poor in this country, the new ticket will
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undoubtedly hurt america's weakest members. food stamps and medicare is now a rallying cry for the nuns who comprise network, who organized the 2,700 tour nuns on the bus tour to protest romney's plan. they invited romney to join them on a tour writing . . . as of now, romney has not responded. with me now is sister simone campbell, who lead the nuns on the bus tour through nine states. we appreciate your time tonight. >> glad to be with you. >> does former governor -- excuse me, paul ryan misunderstood his faith? >> i think paul ryan has a very
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limited understanding of his faith. he gets one part about individual responsibility but he misses two other key parts, one is that responsibility only works when you are in strong solidarity, understanding the whole of society, and the second piece that catholic social teaching says the roll of government is to offset the excesses of any culture. and what paul ryan misses is that his faith calls him to balance that individualism and community. >> what you just articulated is a very different conception of community that i and many others think is completely based biblical teachings, and yet paul ryan sees it very differently. how to you engage him to show him a more powerful notion of
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the bible. >> we had a chance to have a conversation a few weeks ago, and i tried to engage him on those issues and basically he said you have your understanding and i have mine and we agreed to disagree. i think the only way that he'll be touched is to meet some of the people that we met on our bus trip to meet tia in de beque, iowa and others that can show him what communities are about. >> individuals with their own stories in the sense of everyone pathy. the numbers are terrifying in terms of the percentage of our population living in poverty, and yet those are the programs he wants to cut. can you appeal to a sense of
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justice, empathy and sympathy? and what is his response. >> his response is we have to cut these programs now so we will have these programs later. billy and his family in milwaukee, they use food stamps to get by. billy had a full-time job, was doing okay, but in this recession his job was cut, so he is working part-time. his family has enough money to put either a roof over their head or food on the table. and his employer is benefiting also, because the employer has a worker who can work who is not so hungry so the only way that i can really see forward is that if businesses begin to speak up about the needs of their workers, and how these programs
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are not for, quote, lazy people as the romney people wanted us to think but rather hard-working folks. >> right. you just hit it on the head. the image that is protected of that's in need is that it is their fault. they are lazy. rather than society isn't always fair, there is inequity imposed on even those folks that want to do their best. >> i think we have so isolated in our society, and we got this idea that the u.s. myth is that we're supposed to do it on our own. and that's really unpatriotic to continue with the myth. it's we the people. we the people are together in forming this more perfect union, and that means we have to know each other talk to each other,
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go to different parts of our town or state, and find out how we all are doing. only together can we make a difference in this. >> i think it comes back to the phrase that president obama used which is you didn't build that. we as a collective as contributed toward the capacity of any one individual to succeed. that somehow is missing in this individualism that you talked about just a moment ago that seems to run through everything that mitt romney talks about. >> right. and as congressman ryan points out is that we who see the communal side don't often talk about individual responsibility. so i'm trying to say each of us is responsible for building up national catholic social justice lobby, who led the nuns on the bus tour through nine states. thank you for your time. you're going to hang around and we'll do
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