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tv   Full Court Press  Current  August 14, 2012 3:00am-4:24am PDT

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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> bill: hey, good morning everybody. what do you say? it is tuesday august 14. good to see you today. this is the "full court press." welcome to the program here on current tv. good to see you this morning. we've got lots and lots to talk about over the next three hours and let's start with this. get this. so when his jet ski broke down, a guy swims to shore, climbs an 8 foot fence walks across two runways and walks right into the terminal before anybody spots him! yeah if tsa can't catch him
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what are we still doing taking our shoes off every time we check into a plane. it drives me crazy. think of all of the money we've spent on airport security and this guy walks across two runways into the terminal. we'll find out more about that and a whole lot more. paul ryan of course here on today's "full court press." first, let's get all of the latest. today's current news update from lisa ferguson out in los angeles. good morning. >> hi, bill. good morning everyone. president obama kicks off day two of his bus tour through iowa today. this time without new v.p. pick paul ryan. the two squared off against each other in the state yesterday. ryan at the state fair and the president on a swing through several cities. it was ryan's first solo campaign as v.p. candidate giving him a taste of the tougher side of politics. president obama attacked him for blocking emergency drought relief and protestors heckled him on stage. ryan seems to be taking one tip from romney though and that is
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not to talk about policy. walking through the state fair yesterday, he told a reporter we'll get to those things later. as for romney's policy, mace having a little trouble distinguishing it from ryan's. romney spent the day in florida yesterday where he told reporters he could not think of how his plan differed from ryan's on medicare. medicare is not surprisingly becoming a huge issue in this year's campaign. ryan plans to change medicare to a voucher system starting in 2022 but as the cbo reports there are big problems with that proposal mainly the fact it does not increase with rising costs which would leave seniors paying an extra $12,000 out of pocket. they would also likely get a lower quality of care. florida will be the big test of campaign strategy and voter approval in 2008, voters 65 and older made up 22 first of the state's electorate. more bill press coming up and as always, ware live in chat.
3:03 am (applause) the best political insight leads to the best political foresight. first pick, i'm going to shock the world and pick, paul ryan. brillant. okay... with the number that just came out he's more inclined to throw long. in which case, i think the long one is paul ryan because the risks are higher. here in the obama war room... putting satire aside, i agree paul ryan would be great for democrats. for us it would fame the intellectual debate. see the future "live" weeknights starting at 7pm. uygur. spitzer. granholm. only on current tv.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: broadcasting >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> bill: hey president obama tells nasa scientists if you find any martians up there give me a call. let me know. gotta change the campaign strategy a little bit. hello, everybody. good morning, good morning! good to see you today on this tuesday, august 14! i know it is early in the morning but we're off to an early start every day here on the "full court press." on current tv, on your local progressive talk radio station and on sirius x.m. this hour
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early. ask them, don't ask me why it is only one hour. good to see you today. great to have you with us. don't forget you can just multiply your viewing or listening pleasure by going into the chat room at any time and joining all of the "full court pressers" across the land talking about the issues of the day among yourselves. while we talk about them here on the air. we've got a lot to cover today. president obama today the second day heading off from des moines. the second day of his bus tour out in iowa. mitt romney also out on the stump. so is joe biden. so is paul ryan. all four of them out in key swing states. big shake-up in egypt where the new president told the generals we don't need your around any more. get lost. and yet another mass -- not exactly mass killing but multiple killing at texas a&m
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university. so we'll cover the whole waterfront today and of course, give you a chance to sound off on the issues by giving us a call at 1-866-55-press. great to see you today. and oh, my god, look who's back. he found out that north carolina and south carolina weren't quite as -- you know, entertaining, captivating. >> yeah, right. always entertaining all right. there's a lot -- >> bill: peter ogborn came back. welcome back peter. >> nice to be here. >> bill: the team all back together again. dan henning. cyprian bowlding here as well. good to have the first a-team back. >> here we are. >> bill: president obama was on the road yesterday in iowa. and first day of a three-day bus tour, first you met with a group of farmers. saw him walking into one of the fields of corn. it was all dried up and shriveled up. it was pretty sad. tom vilsack the agricultural
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sect. he told farmers, we're going to do -- congress of course, didn't -- hello paul ryan did not pass a farm bill before they left. they would rather go to the beach than pass a farm bill but the president said we'll do what we can by executive order to provide some relief. >> obama: today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish right now while prices are low, we'll freeze it for later. we've got a lot of freezers. >> bill: got a lot of freezers in the agricultural department. they'll take care of that. buy up some stock. and then a little bit later on, the president went to the iowa state fair. paul ryan was heckled there in the morning. president obama went to the beer tent, of course. and got a little better reception. he walked in and was asked about whether he was going to buy a round. he looked in his wallet and put money down for ten beers and the
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crowd picked up the chant. >> four more beers. >> bill: four more beers. he also stopped for sno-cones yesterday. on the road -- they always find these great little places for him to stop and chow down. >> and the fair food, i mean, come on, it just gets more and more diabolical each year. >> you notice that michelle was not with him. >> bill: no. >> at the fair. >> bill: right. >> if she was caught within -- within a distance of her being able to be photographed in front of a deep fried twinkie or deep fried oreo stand, it would have been bad. >> bill: i heard him say he didn't think he could take a deep fried twinkie. >> that's what i look for in a president. >> bill: he knew he wouldn't be welcome home. >> when we see president christie, then maybe we'll talk deep fried twinkies. >> bill: they're going to keep
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him away from the iowa state fair. all right. john stanton, the washington bureau chief for "buzzfeed" will be along later. it is tuesday. tuesdays with judd. from think progress here on the "full court press." and then we'll go to london and talk to anthonyfy ola from "the washington post" about post-olympic euphoria in the u.k. but first... >> this is the "full court press." >> other headlines making news on this tuesday the 2012 election cycle debate moderators were announced yesterday. politico first reported the commission on presidential debates chose a woman to moderate a debate for the first time in over 20 years. >> two women. >> one for one presidential debate. one for the vice presidential debate i'm talking about. cnn, state of the union host candy crowley will host a town hall debate on long island while jim lehrer who said he would never host another debate said the offer was too good. he will host in denver.
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bob schieffer will do one in florida. the other woman to moderate the vice presidential debate is abc's martha radich. >> bill: martha rada. she's about this tall. >> really? never met her in person. >> bill: you see her in flak jackets. >> she's tough as nails. >> the legendary long-time editor of "cosmopolitan" magazine has passed away. helen gurley brown passed away. she invited millions of women to join a sexual revolution. she wan cosmo for 32 years saying her goal was to tell a reader how to get everything out of life. the money recognition men prestige authority, dignity whatever she is look at through the glass her nose is pressed against. >> bill: she famous for writing a book sex and the single girl long before sex and
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and -- before "sex and the city." single women have lots of sex and they love it. here she is late in life talking about sex. >> sex is one of the three best things there are in my opinion. i don't know what are the other two. >> bill: one of the three best. what are the other two? >> my kind of lady. >> bill: i love it. >> fans of triple dog dares including our own peter ogborn will be happy to hear the 1983 classic movie "a christmas story" has been made into a sequel. ralphy is back as a teenager instead of wishing for the red rider bb gun he wants the 1938 hump mobile skyline convertible. it stars daniel stern as his father. you won't find it in theatres. it is going straight to video. >> why do they have to take all of the great memories of my childhood and ruin them with stuff like this? why do a sequel to that movie? >> bill: i don't know. i don't know.
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why not put it in theatres? >> not good enough. >> it was a bad idea. >> bill: so they're just going to put it on dvd. all right great. dan, thank you. yes, indeed. listen, how do you like this? how would you like this on yesterday? the first business day let's say the after you picked paul ryan as your running mate. here are the three -- three headlines that caught my attention this morning. how about this one. g.o.p. prose threat over paul ryan. this one. ryan picked deeply unpopular. how about this one. is ryan a ticking time bomb? already! negative headlines about mitt romney picking paul ryan and the problems that that could bring.
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i tell where you a lot of those problems are going to come from when they start look at paul ryan on the social issues. now, some of you may have seen i was on current tv last night with eliot spitzer on the "viewpoint." great show. we talked about this. what we pointed out is eliot and i, that there's been all of this talk about the ryan budget and there should be and there will be and there has to be because you know, he would end medicare as we know it. he would end medicaid. he wants to get rid of social security and make it a -- privatization scheme. he calls it a ponzi scheme, actually. he would give the wealthiest of americans another tax cut. he would raise taxes on the middle class on and on and on about the ryan budget but there's not been enough talk about ryan on the social issues. that's where i wanted to start this morning and get your take on it. because ryan is every bit as extreme on the social issues as he is on the fiscal issues.
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in fact, paul ryan is the poster boy for the religious right. this is the religious rite coming back with full force. and mitt romney has brought them back to center stage. there's nobody happier about paul ryan being on the ticket than ralph reid and gary bower and pat robertson and all of those extreme religious right conservatives. because you look at ryan on the issues, right down the line, he's 100% extreme right. on abortion, he's not only anti-choice, he's anti-choice in all cases even rape or incest. paul ryan sponsored legislation which would force a woman force a woman to have an ultrasound, force a woman to have a medical procedure before she could have an abortion. paul ryan authored legislation cosponsored it in the house of
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representatives, a resolution which would declare a fertilized egg to be a person. what called the fetal personhood amendment. this is what was on the ballot in mississippi and the people of mississippi said no, this is too extreme. the people of mississippi said this is too extreme. paul ryan is all for it. he coresponse ired it. that means that most contraception would be declared illegal. condoms, illegal. diaphragms illegal. bit control pills illegal. birth control pills illegal. as well as in vitro fertilization. that's paul ryan. on same-sex marriage, totally against it. gay adoption, totally against it on guns, 100% nra voting record, he's for owning any gun no matter how many of them, any amount of ammunition. totally against any background checks. of course, on obama care, he
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wants to repeal obama care. which, of course, would mainly, mainly hurt women because of preventive services or access to contraception or other things important to protect women's health. and he was the leader in the house of attempts to overthrow the new hhs regulations providing access to all american women for contraception. so on all of these issues, all of the social issues, paul ryan is as far right as you can get. here's what i would like your take on. i don't really understand it. 1-866-55-press. that this is the republican party which kind of moved away from the social issues even though pat buchanan wanted to go there. moved away from it in 2008. john mccain didn't run around talking about abortion and same-sex marriage and gay adoption and all of those issues. and neither has mitt romney so far. mitt romney kind of avoided
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them. didn't want to talk about them. he just wanted to talk about jobs and the economy. but now with paul ryan, these issues are front and center again. again. paul ryan is a poster boy for the religious right and if proves once again this is not the romney/ryan ticket, this is the ryan/romney ticket. ryan changes the equation. changes the conversation. changes the focus of this campaign in two ways. yes, on the fiscal issues and on his budget. but also, yes now on the social issues. what do you make of this? do you think it will work? 1-866-55-press. i don't think the american people are as extreme on fiscal issues as certainly not as extreme on social issues. i think they're losing issues for the republican party in the general election. in the primaries yeah, you want to get the yahoos and the extreme religious right fine. you run around talking about same-sex marriage and abortion but that doesn't get you through the general election. i don't get it. i think romney is making a big
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mistake. final point paul ryan says oh, i just believe all of this stuff because i'm a catholic and i was an altar boy and i'm a genuine sincere catholic. don't buy that. remember, paul ryan's budget was condemned by the conservative american catholic bishops conference. they condemned it because it is too hard on the poor. gets rid of too many programs necessary to help the poor. so he's even too extreme right for the american catholic bishops. mitt, that's pretty extreme. gotta tell you. paul ryan on the social issues. 1-866-55-press. will this come back to bite mitt romney in the ass? i think so. it is only a matter of time. only a matter of time. remember those headlines. is paul ryan a ticking time bomb? damn right. when you look at his position with social issues, he is. this is the "full court press" on a tuesday. we're just getting started.
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here we go! >> announcer: on your radio on tv the "bill press show." new on current tv. >>only on current tv. back to school time means back to school germs. that's why lysol partners with schools to help teach healthy habits habits you can reinforce by adding lysol wipes and no-touch hand soap to your back to school list. learn more at you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it.
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this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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(vo) cenk uygur is many things. >>oh really? >>tax cuts don't create jobs. the golden years as the conservatives call them, we had the highest tax rates, and the highest amount of growth, and the highest amount of jobs. those are facts. >>"if you ever raise taxes on the rich, you're going to destroy our economy." not true!
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>> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> bill: hey, it is 24 minutes after the hour. >> announcer: on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> bill: 25 minutes after the hour. here we are, the "full court press," tuesday august 14. great to see you today. by the way we're talking about paul ryan on the social issues. one other thing that surfaced is that according to mitt romney's definition of who could run for president or vice president paul ryan doesn't even qualify.
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remember what he said a little while back about needing three years' experience in the business private sector? >> one of these business owners who owns a couple of restaurants in town and he said ya know, i'd like to change the constitution. i'm not sure i can do it, he said but i would like to have a provision in the constitution that in addition to the age of the president and the citizenship of the president and the birthplace of the president being set by the constitution, i would like it also to say that the president has to spend at least three years working in business before he can become president of the united states. >> bill: paul ryan spent about six months working at mcdonald's. that's his private sector experience. guess he's off the list. jerry is calling from tacoma, washington. what do you say? >> caller: hey bill, what do you say? >> bill: what's up? >> caller: i wanted to make an observation. it seemed on the social issues and pretty much in every other respect, he's like rick santorum
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with brains. >> bill: there is a good analogy. if you wanted somebody -- he's as far out there as rick santorum is on all of the social issues. >> caller: i think he's farther out. i just don't understand where this guy is coming from. he's such a hypocrite. his dad died when he was 16. and he used that to help himself go to school. he got himself a college education with ssi then he wants to -- now he wants to eviscerate the very program that helped him get through. >> bill: totally. he's also a guy who has brought home a lot of bacon to his district from -- what do they call those? tax offsets and all of that kind of stuff in congress and then he reels against them and wants to shut them down. the onion is unpeeling a little bit. people peeling the onion. we'll learn more and more about
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paul ryan. jerry, great to hear from you on the west coast. let's go down to the republican santa cruz california. hi justin. >> caller: great to hear you again. >> bill: what's up? >> caller: well, paul ryan is so far to the right i think he scares republicans. >> bill: he does! i read some of the headlines at the top. g.o.p. prose threat over paul ryan. >> caller: he couldn't get this thing passed in mississippi of all places. i'm only hoping that this will hurt him with the women voters so much that he does it for romney. >> bill: i hear what you're saying justin. look, i think this is really going to hurt the ryan/romney ticket with women voters across the country. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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i'll look it up during the break. a phrase there. but he said -- exactly what ed to the best political foresight. first pick, i'm going to shock the world and pick, paul ryan. brillant. okay... with the number that just came out he's more inclined to throw long. in which case, i think the long one is paul ryan because the risks are higher. here in the obama war room... putting satire aside, i agree paul ryan would be great for democrats. for us it would fame the intellectual debate. see the future "live" weeknights starting at 7pm. uygur. spitzer. granholm. only on current tv.
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>> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> bill: what do you say? 33 minutes now before the top of the hour. it is the "full court press." 33 minutes after the hour i should say. hello. what's going on. the "full court press" here on tuesday, august 14. so good to see you today. we are taking your calls and talking about paul ryan on the social issues. this could be the sleeper issues everybody is talking about the budget. wait until they get into paul ryan on the social issues. one person in addition to ourselves. we'll get back to your calls at
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1-866-55-press. but we're not the only ones talking about this. "buzzfeed" has been all over it. john stanton, the washington bureau chief of "buzzfeed" joins us now on our news line. good morning john. good to talk to you. >> good to talk to you. >> bill: this is like the ticking time bomb for paul ryan. gary bower and ralph reid and pat robertson must be jumping with joy. social issues are back, huh? >> well, you know, it is funny. certainly with paul ryan, they've never actually left. he has definitely been ultra conservative you know, when it comes to social issues. he's in some ways, right now it appears more conservative on contraception than the pope. because the pope now said that condoms can be used by people who have a.i.d.s. and h.i.v. to avoid the spread of it and he has -- paul ryan has spent a lot of time trying to block money to
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spend on programs overseas and stuff like that. he is very, very, very conservative obviously. >> bill: he's more conservative than the pope but is he more conservative than rick santorum? [ laughter ] >> well, that's an excellent question. >> you know what? it is interesting to me if romney wanted somebody who was so extreme on the social issues, why he didn't go for rick santorum. but i guess you get a two-fer with ryan. he's extreme right on the fiscal issues and extreme right on the social issues both. >> you know, the one thing about his social side is that it has never been something that he has sort of made a priority in his life. he's not taking the lead on this stuff. he doesn't author the bills. he simply cosponsors them. it is something he does believe strongly in but it is not something that he necessarily
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believes has to be sort of out there and be the front of anyone's agenda. >> bill: hab that's what -- maybe that's what distinguishes him from santorum who made the social issues like this top priority. yet paul ryan cannot escape those decisions. that's who he is. that partly defines him. so my question to you is when you look at it from a strategic point of view. john mccain in 2008 put the social issues on the back burner right? he knew they were losing strategy when it comes to the general election. mitt romney himself doesn't go around talking about a lot about same-sex marriage or gay adoption or abortion or fetal personhood. but picking paul ryan really brings those issues back to the floor. why? why would romney do this? >> everybody's known this that knows paul ryan knows this about
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him, i guess. but because he has never really talked about it and does not talk about it, i think to a certain degree, folks have looked at him and said it is not something we have to worry about. he does budgets. they just don't necessarily think about it when they think about him. >> bill: now they're going to, right? for sure. so i guess you know, i was looking at some of the headlines this morning. i'm not sure where all of these come from. i wrote them down as i saw them. ryan pick deeply unpopular. is ryan a ticking time bomb. g.o.p. prose threat over paul ryan. it looks like -- i thought it might take a little more time before people might have some second thoughts here, john. what do you think? >> yesterday i was talking with a friend of mine who's known paul ryan forever, certainly his
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entire time in washington since he was an intern in washington. you know, he said look, he can either be this genius thing that really does change this thing and help win the election for romney or it could be an absolute disaster. and you know, right now, it is a little too early to tell. there are a lot of folks that are picking out with the class in washington. he cautioned a little bit, did not freak out right now but he acknowledged there is a potential there. i think the thing for ryan that in the end is problematic is that his strength, his efforts to do something on the budget. whether you agree with him or not, he's one of the guys who has been specific in what he wants to do and has proposed changes to entitlement programs to try to save them. those are also his biggest deficit from the things that can hurt him most.
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people decide they don't like what he has said, you know, just because he's been the guy one of the few people that's been.brave enough to do it, probably won't save them. that's the big thing. >> bill: you're getting to -- i'll tell ya, it is what my big problem with all of the coverage about paul ryan. and it predates, in fact, in my book the obama hate machine i talk about this. the adulation that admiration that so many in the media have shown for paul ryan, they talk about how handsome he is and his blue eyes and here's the word, bold ideas. joe biden got into this a little bit yesterday. he said about his gutsy ideas. but like what's so bold about saying i'm going to get rid of social security? i think it is bold is not the word i would use. i think it is dangerous or pseudal but the media -- orsidal. he has bold ideas about ending medicare. is that bold or dumb?
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politically, i'm talking. >> that's the problem. one man's -- is another man's radical. if the folks in the middle, the swing voters, the voters that they're hoping will be attracted to him look at that and say that's not bold, that's radical you know, that's sort of the end of it for him. they're hoping they're going to go along with the bold line. no one that i know really trusts that right now. they hope it if they're republicans but i don't know that anybody really trusts that idea yet. >> bill: yeah. well i have made my personal pledge and i want to kind of encourage all of my brothers and sisters in the media to avoid the word "bold" when it comes to talking about paul ryan. hey, john, thanks for getting up early for us this morning. appreciate it. we'll get you back in the studio soon. >> any time. >> bill: john stanton new bureau chief for "buzzfeed."
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check them out. great web site. they cover everything. you can follow john stanton on twitter. i love his twitter handle. it is adcbigjohn. >> one of the biggest dudes i've ever met. he's a giant. >> bill: heavily tattooed. he's a real statement in and of himself. john stanton. paul ryan, the sleeper side of him, yeah, we've heard enough about the budget. take a look at him on the social issues. he's extreme right wing as you can get. what's mitt romney thinking? kevin out in chicago. hey, kevin, good morning. >> caller: good morning, bill, how are you? >> bill: good. what do you think about all of this? >> caller: this is a hail mary to the far right wackos that believe that this big story book the constitution -- they're going to try to galvanize this group. ralph reid -- obama's grassroots
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thing again. they'll just try to rally up. we all know it is going to come down to the swing states. it always does. >> bill: i'm sorry kevin your cell phone is cutting in and out but you made your point pretty clear. i would just add to that there's no doubt that this is going to fire up the base. and i talked a little bit about this with eliot spitzer last night. why does romney have to fire up the base? the base is fired up. you know who fires up the right wing extremist tea party base? barack obama. they hate him. again, the obama hate machine. by the way paperback is out now. not quite. comes out the end of the month. i got my first copy yesterday. there it is. they hate obama. they hate him so much. they can't stand the fact there is a black guy in the oval office. mitt romney did not have to go this extreme right to fire up the base in my opinion. jerry from liberty maine.
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what do you say jerry? >> caller: hey, bill. nice to talk to you. thank god for current tv. kudos to al gore and your show is great by the way. >> bill: thank you. >> caller: here's what i think about ryan. first, he was handpicked, groomed and indoctrinated by the heritage foundation. he's been pushing their agenda from day one. number one. number two look, this guy is against saving a woman's life in the cases of a medical necessary abortion. >> bill: right. doesn't care. >> caller: doesn't give a damn about that. one other thing i want to throw out there real quick is romney. you know, i think people ought to be aware of the fact that this guy is just an empty suit. he's full of nothing other than the desire to be president. he has no plan other than hating obama but here's what scares me. he's surrounding himself with these neocons and he will be jumping through their hoops, the same one that -- he surrounded himself with bushies. i don't think that gets very much attention. this guy is going to pick right
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up where the cheney/bush administration left off. >> bill: jerry i think your point is proven by his choice of paul ryan. because he got pressure from "wall street journal" and the national review and it was pretty clear he was leaning toward somebody like pawlenty, who's not going to make waves like a romney type of person. but they were pressuring him and so he caved in. every step of the way he's caved in to the right wing extremist in his party because he himself romney i mean, doesn't believe in anything, doesn't stand for anything. he's just a cipher, really. jerry, great to hear from you. liberty, maine i love that. liberty, maine indeed. paul ryan on the social issues. watch out! this could be as bad not just for the american people but as bad for the republican ticket as paul ryan on the fiscal issues.
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it is the ryan/romney ticket and it is bad news all the way across. >> announcer: radio meets television. the "bill press show." now on current tv. the troops love me. >>only on current tv.
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>>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. do you share the sense of outrage that they're doing this, this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an understatement, eliot. u>> i'm not prone tot. understatement, so explain to me why that is. i think the mob learned from
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wall st., not vice versa. >> announcer: radio meets television. the "bill press show." now on current tv. >> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> bill: 12 minutes before the top of the hour. we go to london at the top of the next hour. we'll be talking to anthony from "the washington post." bureau chief london bureau chief for "the washington post"
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about the euphoria in england now over the -- over how well the summer olympics went. they have a right to be proud and happy! taking your calls about paul ryan. we'll continue to talk about paul ryan particularly on the social issues throughout the morning show. there's one other story you probably heard about. i just got a comment on this morning. that's what happened up at jfk airport with this breach of security. get this. as we've learned the facts this jet skier is out with some buddies out in jamaica bay off the jfk airport which is one of the busiest airports in the world. and his jet ski breaks down. he calls for help. doesn't get any help, i guess. it was dark. it was at night. again, that surprises me. i didn't know jet skis went out at night. >> if you're going to go jet skis maybe do it when the sun is high in the sky. >> bill: his buddies were too
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far away. he doesn't get any help. he decides gotta go for it. so he's wearing his life jacket, a yellow, big life vest, right? swims to shore. and of course, he lands on the jfk property. there's a perimeter fence. 8 foot high. he climbs over the fence. now he's dripping wet with his bathing suit wearing again a bright yellow life jacket. walks across two runways still undetected. even though the fence is electric meaning it's got monitors and sensors on it. there are all of these lights around. all of these cameras. there is ground radar to get -- to pick up any movement of cars or trucks or people on the property. this guy walks across two runways, walks into the terminal the delta terminal at jfk dripping wet. wearing this life jacket before
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he's finally stopped by authorities. and then they arrest him for trespassing. [ laughter ] it is unbelievable! think of all the gazillions of dollars that we have spent since 9-11 on airport security. think of all the pain in the ass stuff you and i have to go through, taking our shoes off our belts off going through the damn machine throwing our little water bottles away. can't have something than that big with your shampoo in it or else you're a terrorist. all of the -- it is humiliating pat-downs and searches of bags and all of that kind of stuff. all that crap! and here's a guy who walks across two runways climbs a fence and they didn't even spot him.
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un-freakin'-believable. they arrest him and charge him with trespassing. no. you know what they ought to do? give him a medal. they ought to make him the head of tsa. because at least he knows how to beat the system! they ought to give him a medal. some kind of reward for saying have exposed to us that all the security we've got is freakin' worthless! unbelievable. and just -- just think about that the next time you check in for a flight and you have to go through all of that nonsense at tsa. they drive me freakin' crazy anyhow. >> what a waste of time! >> bill: i'm always on my good behavior because i know -- >> not always on your good behavior. i've flown with you before. >> bill: i try to be. because i don't want to blame those people there at the tsa. they're not making the rules. they also know all i need to do is raise hell one time and someone is going to take my
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picture on their cell phone. that will get out there and then it will be -- oh, this tv personality thinking he's hot stuff, kind of stuff. so i'm very -- >> plus, you would end up on some sort of a list where you would get the special search every time. >> bill: i would. something like this just really proves the whole thing is a bunch of crap, isn't it? >> totally! >> bill: i love the guy with -- hello here i am! i got my life jacket on, i'm coming across the runway. >> he's looking for help! and they can't even find him. >> bill: right. imagine if he can do that, somebody who like wanted to sneak in, who wanted, like a terrorist, wanted to sneak in and do some damage, imagine how easily they could get through. what's up with this ground radar? what's up with all of the lights and the cameras? is there anybody watching that stuff? man, i gotta tell ya, i think some heads should roll!
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on this deal. and i hope they do. all right. be back. i'll take a look at the mailbag. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." kids get the best education and it is hurting. there she is ! hey, i got a leak ! yoo hoo ! wait a minute, come back ! um, miss ? up here! right. like 85% of us you have hard water stains and that cleaner's not gonna cut
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ense of outrage that they're doing this, this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an understatement, eliot. u>> i'm not prone tot. understatement, so explain to me
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