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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  August 23, 2012 6:00am-9:00am PDT

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(vo) john fugelsang is filling in on full court press with bill press. >> i love jesus, it's just that i view jesus the way i view elvis. i love the guy, but a lot of the fan clubs tend to freak me out. (vo) john fugelsang will be back tomorrow morning starting at 6 eastern. ♪
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ the things you say, you're unbelievable ♪ >> stephanie: um. speaking of unbelievable how is everybody enjoying my sea bass? [ applause ] >> wow, that smells like ass. >> stephanie: yeah. >> you guys in d.c. be glad you are not here. >> is stephanie setting off the smoke alarm with last night's dinner? >> yes. she brought left-over sea bass.
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>> stephanie: all right, stewart wright on sean hannity last night. >> he says i'm going to do what is right. >> so they had time for stewart barney and not me. >> if you had gone on the show i would have paid to hear you do it with an english accent. >> as an american. >> that's right, sean hannity, i don't like this akin either. >> stephanie: rush limbaugh on the todd akin situation. >> i didn't issue a former factua. if i had demanded that ache kin drop out he would be gone. i didn't do it. >> stephanie: oh. >> i didn't say whatever akin did is going to dog romney. >> stephanie: wow. >> when he issues a factua it
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happens. >> in 1994 when republicans won control of the congress back. they made rush limbaugh an honorary member of their delegation. he has a bus outside of the state capitol in missouri. and had he said something, akin would have been toast. but it's interesting that all of these people like mitt romney couldn't get, you know akin out of the race which shows their lack of garavitas. >> stephanie: right. >> what does it say about mitt romney that he can't do something that reince preibus can do. >> because ryan prebus! you will follow my orders!
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>> stephanie: the trains are going to run on time. >> if the hurricane doesn't come through. >> the hurricane will not come through tampa! >> what is cause the hurricane to run through tampa it's the gay republicans. >> stephanie: yeah. what is he going to say? >> if it does he will say this is good weed. >> when i was a kid in '86, that's when gloria was going to hit pat robertson's place in virginia. so he prayed and it went to long island where it kills several people and pat robertson said it is because they didn't pray hard enough. >> only to pat robertson is the weather like spiritual bogle.
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>> the guy is running for senate, but is it as big of story as it has been played? >> stephanie: yes. >> this week or is that something that plays into a narrative that people who don't like the republican's stance on social issues are using? >> stephanie: see it is our fault. >> you know who you should ask, the one in four women who are victims of sexual assault in their lifetime. >> stephanie: yeah, i got to tell you karl, i got an email from some incredibly powerful women -- this is really hit a nerve -- >> are you talking about my spiritual leader cher?
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>> stephanie: eric bolen. >> they are running with paul ryan in the same spot is going to say, hey, we did built this because when president obama said you didn't build that he kind of exposed what he is all about. he is a big government guy. you have to thank government for everything you have. >> no. >> stephanie: i think it's fitting karl that the theme of their convention is built around lies. >> first of all i'm calling day two of the convention sit on this and spin. >> stephanie: yes. rocky mountain mike has some alternate slogans. taking our country back -- to 1957. we have always been at war with east vagina. give those slouchers vouchers.
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and so beautiful for privatized. >> hey. [♪ circus music ♪] >> the themes of the convening have been being tested by fox news for the last year. i wonder if there's a connection to -- you know, whether or not fox is going to pick up much of the convention as to whether or not they have picked the themes. >> but mitt romney has been spreading this whole we built this thing, and he has had the sup more of the right-wing media and the politicians, so he didn't build that lie on his own. >> stephanie: by the way, if there is a hurricane i'm certain they don't want that kenyan to send fema in. >> yes. >> stephanie: all right. karl frisch -- >> if they want to privatize everything, they should have had their convention in haiti. >> stephanie: thank you, karl frisch. right back on the "stephanie
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miller show." ♪ (vo) every news network will cover the convention. but only current coverage will put you at the collision of tv and social media. we'll provide unsurpassed insight into the most buzz worthy tweets, posts and pontifications, from the entire social stratosphere including you. join in, tweet us, and you could be a part of our on-air and online coverage. >>now that is politically direct.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> who the hell do i have to screw to get laid around here? [ laughter ] >> what is that from? >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. it's thursdays with fugelsang. what are you doing tomorrow? >> i'm here in our nation's capitol filling in for bill press.
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>> stephanie: he is a wild man, that bill press, i have been on the road with him. i hope they include these fun facts at the rnc. >> what? >> stephanie: democrats versus republicans by the numbers. >> oh. >> stephanie: this is the last 50 years. i have got myself a graph, and it is on a flag, so you know it is american. this is in the last 50 years. years held presidency, republicans 28 years, democrats 22 years. total jobs created by republicans 22 million, 42 million created by democrats. stock market return, 992% under democrats. >> wow. >> stephanie: that's how bad we are for the economy. stock market return -- stock market return annualized 2.7% under republicans, 11% under democrats. income growth under republicans
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0.6% democrats 2.2%. [ applause ] >> woe. >> stephanie: u.s. department of labor, official statistics. i hope that include that on the scroll. >> yeah, i'm sure they will. >> stephanie: yes. 1-800-steph-1-2. let's go barbara in pennsylvania. >> caller: hi. i just wanted to point out that todd akin and paul ryan are so concerned about fee cusses they want to cut food stamps in health care to help them. >> stephanie: yeah. poll obama holds the national lead. attracted big crowds and fawning from republican leaders. i tuned in last night to
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hannity, lot of fawning over paul ryan. >> he is bold. he has done two flip flops in two weeks. >> stephanie: but a new national polls he has not done much to boost the campaign. president obama has a 4-point lead. mitt romney is starting to accumulate a number of negatives on the personal issues front. are there any other fronts? mitt romney has a lot of repair work to do with his image. ryan's national image is a wash. 48% have a positive view of the president. fyi. >> again this is that left-wing rag, the wall street journal. >> yes, and he has a 94% to 0 lead with african-americans.
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>> stephanie: george bush said he has a 2% favor with the black americans. within the margin of error that means he was hated by more black americans that were alive. >> right. >> but certainly he has the women all tied up . . . literally. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: we still have old white people. let's pick the guy who wants to destroy medicare. >> yeah, perfect. i bet ya some spites and fairies. >> stephanie: this may be the lowest percentage of the women vote.
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romney's personal favorability rating remains underwater as pollsters say. [ singing underwater sounds ] >> mitt romney's personal favorability rating is indeed -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: yeah it's -- that's the thing it literally has been mostly fawning by fox news essentially. let's go to joanne in maryland. hi joanne. >> caller: hey, steph can i be the official retired school teacher of the "stephanie miller show." >> stephanie: the what? >> caller: retired. >> stephanie: oh okay.
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>> caller: 40 years ago the todd akins of the world were called mail showvannist pigs. and now we call them republicans. >> stephanie: yeah. i'm burning my bra for this -- does a sports bra count? >> yes. >> stephanie: welcome. >> caller: i would like to be the official challenged accounting superhero of the "stephanie miller show." >> stephanie: oh, good. we needed one. that opened up just this morning. >> caller: i wanted to pick up on what john fugelsang said earlier. the only good thing the republicans have done in the last 30 years is the ada.
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>> thank you, sandy. >> caller: ron paul has problems with the ada, and these republicans make me sick. i had to have a bottle of ginger ale ready to watch the news this week. >> this is the biggest problem with the libertarian argument. they are against the ada. that happened under a republican president. that is so inspiring to say we are a moral, evolved, and decent society. >> stephanie: by the way i asked for that piece yesterday about -- there has been so much talk about medicare and what ryan's plan will do and one thing they haven't focussed on is how badly this will hurt the
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disabled. >> i printed that out for you. >> stephanie: all right. i must have it somewhere. [ ♪patriotic music♪ ] >> stephanie: b-box labeled akins comments a direct outgrowth of what she sees the extreme abortion issues. she said there is a sickness out there of the republican party, and i'm not kidding. maybe they don't like their moms or first wives. mommy issues anyone? [ applause ] >> i met somebody who was upset about the ramps put in the curves for people in wheelchairs. >> stephanie: slackers. they can't even make it over a curve. >> it makes it easier for everybody. you don't have to step up. >> government! big government! >> oh, my god really? >> stephanie: we posted a couple of great pieces on my facebook page, said quizzically -- >> yes.
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>> stephanie: as if i had seen it. has rape fatigue and you when there is no more anger left. there is a picture of all of the republicans, and it just says oh, shut the [ censor bleep ] up. it is hilarious. since around 2:00 pm on monday i felt like being tested on the sadistic japanese game show but instead of cash i'm trying to process and react to america, i'm in official rape fatigue. he is finishes by saying -- [ ♪patriotic music♪ ] >> stephanie: she says -- so you
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win, rape outreach limit has been reached, i have give this and [ censor bleep ] f-words, so many more f-words need be given and i have exhausted my supply. but in the meantime please accept this 10% off fedex coupon. [ applause ] >> you know who else is an ass hat? judge tom head. he is the guy who says there is going to be civil war if obama is reelected. >> stephanie: oh i have that when we come back. hal sparks yesterday says as for date rape, i think date rape hal put it best once the raping starts date over. [ applause ] >> stephanie: we'll tell you
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about what sheriff ass hat saturday. it is thursdays with fugelsang. >> announcer: for a good time call now, 1-800-steph-1-2. ♪ (vo) this is joy. >>who the heck does mitt romney think he is? (vo) this is joy on current tv. >>if mitt romney treats his magic underwear the same way as his tax returns, then he's been going commando for the past 10 years. >>since when do you get to say stuff like that on tv? >> listen, if you'd read your email once in a while, you'd know i have a new show. (vo) always outspoken. >> you think because this is an election year you can just say anything? >> hello! say anything, that's the name of the show. we know that back to school time means back to school germs. that's why lysol partners with schools all across the country providing resources designed to help teach healthy habits. so make sure you add lysol no touch hand soap and lysol wipes to your "back to school" list. that way, the healthy habits they learn in school
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will reinforce the good habits you've already taught them at home. to learn more, visit lysol. mission for health.
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>>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. they're doing this this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>that's an understatement, eliot.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ uptown girl she's been living in her uptown world ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. uptown at the beacon october 24th, beacon john fugelsang, hal sparks, and aisha tyler, and
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me. i would be the fourth. >> you are like tracy playing the tambourine. >> stephanie: yes. >> you are what we call audience bait. >> stephanie: and we have pictures up from columbus. at, on facebook et cetera. john fugelsang in the d.c. bureau. what is up with that? >> yeah, right. >> stephanie: jim who said the president is going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the united states to the un. >> john lindsay? [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: sheriff head. not sheriff head. judge head. don't judge head. he went on to say -- hang on a second -- where is my -- can you give my deliverance music please. i got it?
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. i'm thinking civil war maybe. oh, i see he would like to reverse the civil war. >> as in the south will rise again. >> stephanie: sure. >> okay. got ya. >> stephanie: what does that mean when people say that? >> that means you get to keep people as pets again. >> stephanie: yeah. and we're not just talking about few riots, we're talking lexington concord, and get rid of the guy. the president is going to send in un troops. i don't want him in lubbock county, so i'll stand in front of their personnel carrier, and said you are not coming in here. and the sheriff said i'll back you -- >> i don't want a bun rookies back there, i want veteran officers to back me. >> stephanie: wow. wow. so that's a conversation that happened in america, ladies and gentlemen. [ applause ] >> on the tv. >> stephanie: wow, this hour brought to you by go to meeting.
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i wonder if they had a go to meeting about that the sheriff and the judge. >> i don't think he is going to need un troops. he'll send in the navy seals. >> stephanie: okay. all right. fred in manhattan. you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, fred. >> hi steph, chris, jim, john. two quick things, manman is about to have its first frac-ing well. >> stephanie: what could possibly go wrong. >> caller: there has been no media coverage. 15th street, on the new high line. and he put $20 million in [ inaudible ]'s back pocket in order to get them to sign on. he sold public property without approval $2.7 million to the
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company spectra that you know in california. that's an alert i wanted to give you. >> there goes that famous new york drinking water. and also there is the earthquake possibility. >> stephanie: yeah, there is that too. all right. they have named gop celebrates rape unawareness week. after steve king backed up -- and also said he has never heard of a child getting pregnant from statutory rape or incest. >> huh. >> stephanie: we also posted -- did you this an open letter to todd akin. she had the baby and she wrote -- she wrote a great open letter. she said i'm shauna pruitt you don't know me, but you should i'm one of the approximately
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25,000 women who became pregnant from rape. yes, i thought hysterically and changed in ways afterwards i couldn't imagine. so your statement -- representative akin your statement has not landed on deaf ears. i will fight to distinguish your inflammatory statements -- [ applause ] >> stephanie: power of letter. this has hit a chord with women that i have never seen before. it -- it really has. john fugelsang we have been learning so much about magical va -- vagina powers.
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there is a question whether it is the same as crickets. they have anti-rape devices in ducks. >> who among you hasn't confused us with crickets. >> stephanie: yes. it's like science facts every day now. >> should i read it in an all strayian accent? >> stephanie: no. black crickets, quoting from the study, she has to mount him voluntarily, and she is unlikely to do so unless he has a sexy song. ♪ i'm bringing sexy back ♪ >> like nelly. >> yeah. >> stephanie: once she has mated him, and he has attached a bag
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of her sperm to her abdomen, she often chooses to remove it. it's like paper or plastic? it's a bag. >> sounds like something that dan aykroyd would have? bag of sperm, bag of vipers. >> stephanie: the scientist went on to say an entire political party has become a caricature who seem terrified of losing control of reproduction. [ applause ] >> stephanie: that was a scientist looking at republicans in america. >> some guys love this. >> stephanie: here, honey, i bought you a bag of sperm. >> the internet-based research that i do. >> stephanie: she has the choice to just go ah get it off of me bob in new york you are on the
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"stephanie miller show." >> caller: hello. good morning. i just wanted to say the simple question to mr. ryan would be why did you put the un-american term forcible rape in your hr 3 bill. because if you make the sentence any longer they will slip and slime away. you know? it's almost like you got to be a scientist to narrow the sentence down so tight so that they can't slip away, and his reply naturally has to be -- the goal of their reply is to make sure it sounds good in a sound bite after the fact. and they are willing to risk looking like idiots in the short-term more than normal than having a sound bite that could go on later to do them in. and then i had a quick joke. >> stephanie: oh, yes, please finish with a joke. >> caller: when paul ryan -- this is kind of serious -- when paul ryan told
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mitt romney that his budget would make his tax rate less than 1%. >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: mitt swung around and refused and said how many times have i told you, i'm not raising anybody's taxes. [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: okay. that was a joke john. >> under paul ryan's budget he will pay .82% of his income in taxes. >> stephanie: exactly. there you go. and what is not fair about that. >> can i just say paul ryan's biggest flip flop of the year. he is already backtracking, they asked him so many times about what is his face. he says he doesn't ayn rand he likes thomas [ inaudible ]. >> stephanie: all right.
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chely wright to share her hannity experience next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ 1c1cccm01372
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penson anymore. >> stephanie: you do not. it is the "stephanie miller show." 24 minutes after the hour. lee writes steph too bad the hurricane bearing down on tampa -- they have to name storms -- we should nickname it hurricane karma. [♪ circus music ♪] >> well the isaac derives from [ inaudible ] which means laughter. >> it also means the bartender on the love boat. >> it means we're not going to be fundamentalist douche canoes. but keep in mind the same thing happened four years ago at their convention. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> stephanie: oh, really. it is the gays that cause them.
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>> hurricane isaac come to tampa and [ inaudible ] [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: here is the major of tampa, if we had to make that decision, we will do that noing full well my obligation and the city's obligation is move people out harm's way. >> stephanie: it's not funny. every time they have natural disasters, they have thoughts about why. >> and the tampa mayor is a democrat by the way. >> stephanie: really? >> yes. >> stephanie: their slogan is going to be we built that. >> we built that. exactly what obama said. you didn't build it on your own. ♪ we built this slogan we built this slogan with splicing tape ♪
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>> stephanie: thank you, rocky mountain mike. ♪ >> stephanie: oh, i guess there's instrumental. >> stephanie: a lot of instrumental. [ applause ] >> stephanie: john in florida. hello, john. >> caller: hello. i have a question. and jim -- >> yes. >> caller: they are having that republican party's convention down here at tampa, and they are going to have that big banner on there, we built this. i called the local tv stations this morning and told them i really want them to focus their cameras on that sign because [ inaudible ] it's another lie, they didn't build that building the 62% of the government and the unions build that building.
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>> stephanie: that's what i heard. that's hilarious. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: let's go to kimo. >> caller: good morning, i'm a disgruntled republican. i call them the moose head. the snake oil salesmen have taken over the republican party. there was a book called state of confusion, and a movie called gaslighting, and he says republican are gaslighting the public. you need to have him on, and spread this concept that my party was taken over by gas lighters. and there is a scientific study of the minds that deny signs. >> stephanie: yeah absolutely. >> 2012 is the 100-year anniversary of teddy roosevelt
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quitting the republican party to run as a third-party progressive. >> but we'll being gas lighted. >> stephanie: damn! shirley in philadelphia. john it's for you. >> caller: before i speak to john, i have to tell you we're get on that socialist amtrak and heading up to see you guys in new york. >> stephanie: yay! >> caller: john, what is with the magic pants? would that keep us from getting pregnant? >> the magic underwear you mean? >> caller:. >> yes, they will keep you from getting pregnant. >> stephanie: she is also missing the magical va-j-j. it's mudcat saunders next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>> stephanie: like he could >> this court has proven to be the knowing, delighted accomplice in the billionaires' purchase of our nation. >> and you think it doesn't affect you? think again.
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♪ >> stephanie: how is that -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> it's only day three, but i understand how the whole world works now. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: 34 minutes after the hour. i screwed up mudcat is at the top of the hour. we have a bigger name now. ♪ it's schechner again ♪ >> stephanie: good morning, jacki schechner. >> i'm second choice? what is that? >> stephanie: no, you are first. i just screwed up the time.
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>> i'm the last cookie on the tray that nobody wants. >> you are the last girl picked for dodgeball. >> stephanie: no, she is not. >> we'll eat your cookies any daye. >> stephanie: she is my bff. we have to be circum sexed about -- circumspect about this. shut up. >> i called you yesterday. >> it took me an hour to return your call. and you were like, where were you! >> stephanie: i'm a little clingy. i can't say who said this yes. i ended up with email of this
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huge powerful women, and this has hit a nerve like i have never seen in politics. there are a lot of women who really want to do something big, because literally we feel like we have woken up in saudi arabia. >> i hope this translates and people turn out and vote. a lot of times we as voters have the tendency to get angry and then do nothing. and it passes. and i hope the anger that is bubbling up now is in fact somewhat unprecedented and translates into action. >> stephanie: yes. let's not do the silent treatment. i'm not talking to you people anymore. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: but anyway we were talking about what to do -- what kind of stuff in terms of drawing at attention to this. because it has hit critical mass.
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as you have been pointing out, among many of us this is not just one guy saying one thing. it is their entire platform. >> yeah i does feel like an assault. it does feel like we'll being attacked. and there is a sense too that there is a lot of men having a lot of conversations about women and women's bodies and what women should and shouldn't be allowed to do, and i think we are so powerful, and if we come together and stand up for ourselves especially as a collective -- and i don't know that it has to be partisan i just think there it's women that can stand up for each other as women. >> stephanie: that's right. we repor earlier. president obama continues to beat mitt romney among african american voters 94% to 0. >> it was 1% at one point. >> it is zero now.
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and there is a 3.1% marge of error. so conceivably -- >> stephanie: black fetuses and black poltergeists also hate mitt romney. the president has already had 15 points or something. but this has really hit a nerve, hasn't it. >> he is not particularly likable in general, and he is certainly not likable when it comes to any sort of pension for caring about women. for me personally i don't see the physical appeal. that is lost on me completely. and i don't find him charming. his favorabilities are low. people don't find him particularly likable. >> stephanie: and we talked about the paul ryan pick. seriously? i think sean hannity has a bigger crush on him than any woman i have talked to. his policies are horrible.
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>> who soulless corporates running for office. that is fantastic. >> stephanie: john there is a theme. jacki sent me this you are on sandra fluke's email list. >> i think it was from the obama campaign. and they are using her as a surrogate. >> stephanie: right, but she is the one that rush limbaugh called a slut for a week on her show because she was talking about birth control. but she writes mitt romney and paul ryan have tried to distance themselves from the akin remarks, but they are in lock step with akin. the policies are dangerous for women. there is a clear chance in this election stand with president obama, that's what i mean there is a through line. >> right. >> why do you think it makes men so angry. why is there such anger.
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>> i have a theory on that -- >> what the hell are you talking about, woman! [ laughter ] >> stephanie: get back in the news center and make me an omelet! [ laughter ] >> stephanie: go ahead, john. >> i think that it's -- i think that a lot of them don't actually care about abortion one bit. the bush family is not anti-abortion. they supported women's reproductive freedoms until the very day that reagan asked to be his running mate. they controlled the house and senate for six years, and never once did they try to defund planned parenthood. they do this now because it is an election year, and they are trying to get evangelicals to show up and vote for a mormon and a catholic.
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>> stephanie: sandra fluke pointed out this contains a platform -- the transvaginal ultrasound. past year paul ryan and more than 200 republicans cosponsored this legislation that would have narrowed the definition -- i think there is such a threw line on all of these issues. >> stephanie: speaking of state laws that have passed somebody yesterday sent me a link to an article about parental rights for men who rape women and the woman has the baby and the man has the right to seek parental influence in the child's life. >> yes, if you are a rapist who wants to big out his own baby momma, this is the ticket for you. >> yeah. if you don't go out and vote even on a local level, you are part of the problem. and you really need to make an impact where you can.
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>> stephanie: and saundra fluke's letter says romney and ryan pledge to go back to insurance companies that discriminate against women. it's a war on women on every front. >> yeah, we bear the brunt of anything that comes up health wise. we definitely have more health care -- not everything obviously, but we have more healthcare concerns, i think if the insurance companies used to say being a woman is not a preexisting condition, because insurance companies would charge you more just for being a woman of child bearing age. >> stephanie: they misunderestimate the power of the sister hood! [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: i'm gay so i don't need contraception or abortions, but i have your backs anyway. >> at your age, you aren't going
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to have anymore abortions any way. >> stephanie: you don't know that. >> stop it! >> stephanie: jim brought this to my at attention from gawker. this is a study done by republicans women who have unprotected sex are happier and smarter. >> yes. >> that has always been my theory. >> stephanie: he has done -- >> it was the frat boys that wrote that one. >> stephanie: researchers have authored a study which claims that certain chemicals found in seemen can have a positive effect on women.
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>> here we're doing a study, drink the punch out of a trash can. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: done by mr. squeezy mcfeel, using data that came from an anonymous survey, they were able to determine that women who engage oral sex or had sex on a regular basis are happier -- >> if they weren't happy they wouldn't be performing oral sex in the first place. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: seminal plasma in women's system have excelled over their non-sexual female counterparts -- >> that's why it is called a job! [ buzzer ] >> if anyone out there is interested in doing field research. >> i have got just the field.
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>> stephanie: you give and you give, you boys. >> i do. >> stephanie: jacki thank you for coming into the fort. >> it's my pleasure. not that kind of pleasure. >> it's not that kind of job! >> stephanie: now get back in the news room and make jim a sandwich. >> all right. [ applause ] >> stephanie: all right. 45 minutes after the hour right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> well, i guess that makes your naughty parts tingle. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ (vo) every news network will cover the convention. but only current coverage will put you at the collision of tv and social media. we'll provide unsurpassed insight into the most buzz worthy tweets, posts and pontifications, from the entire social stratosphere including you. join in, tweet us, and you could
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be a part of our on-air and online coverage. >>now that is politically direct.
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so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and, and...and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition.
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nah, he's probably got... [ dennis' voice ] allstate. they can bundle all your policies together. lot of paperwork. [ doug's voice ] actually... [ dennis' voice ] an allstate agent can help do the switching and paperwork for you. well, it probably costs a lot. [ dennis' voice ] allstate can save you up to 30% more when you bundle. well, his dog's stupid. [ dennis' voice ] poodles are one of the world's smartest breeds. ♪ ♪ bundle and save with an allstate agent. are you in good hands? gaeme inc. thank gaemezilinsky, thank you for joining
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vanguard: the documentary series that redefined tv journalism. >>we're going to places where few others are going. >>it doesn't get anymore real than this. >>occupy! >>the award winning series "vanguard" only on current tv. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ now shake it up baby now ♪
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♪ shake it up, baby ♪ ♪ twist and shout, ♪ ♪ come on come on baby now ♪ come on and work it on out ♪ >> stephanie: this hour brought to you by go to meeting. the best way to host an online meeting. visit click on the try it free button, and type stephanie in as the promo code. >> why are you laughing? >> stephanie: the head of our syndication company, john we thought we forgot to communicate -- she's like i just needed to get my hair done. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: women and chicks need notice. >> sorry. sorry, amy. >> stephanie: sorry. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i haven't had my hair --
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[ screaming ] [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. another addition of chicks big john fugelsang. >> oh, stop. chicks big hal sparks. only catholics gravitate towards me. >> stephanie: it was a little bit of a par-tay in columbus. and somebody ended up naked in the back of a cab wearing nothing but a sombrero. >> excuse me? >> stephanie: the president on the campaign trail. >> obama: the fact is that everything i have done has been focused on how we rebuild that strong middle class. >> stephanie: yeah. and then he had a question for mittens. >> obama: i have question for governor romney? how many teacher's jobs are worth another tax cut for millionaires and billionaires. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: he weighed in on the todd akin thing. he said he somehow missed science class.
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>> yeah. >> he is on the science committee or something. >> stephanie: i know. you really think it's a joke. ♪ science ♪ >> stephanie: you think it is a joke. the president. >> obama: cutting back on teachers is the last thing we should do as a country. >> stephanie: oh by the way, the show i got canceled from last night, the topic civility. we were pretty sure he was going to sandbag with a clip from sexy liberal. >> because it is out on tv now. >> joe is so uncivil when he is defending the president. >> stephanie: exactly. and here he is joe biden. >> we inherited a deficit, a bill for $1 trillion before the president sat behind his desk.
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and a middle class that was devastated! [ cheers ] >> and now -- and now it's amazing, they discovered the middle class, and they care about it. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: one more about the middle class, joe biden. >> they have been ravaged but they are starting to come back. we have helped them keep their homes and their healthcare. >> stephanie: yeah. roger in florida you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> stephanie: hey, steph, how are you guying doing? >> stephanie: good, go ahead. >> caller: i thought i had been outraged to the max. i want you to visualize this. if this isn't a campaign ad for [ inaudible ] i have never seen one. and the fact is what jenks was saying is that they have legalized visitation rights for convicted rapists. >> stephanie: yes. i know.
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roger, i didn't know that did you? >> caller: i bet president obama and joe biden doesn't know it either. there is women in 31 states that don't know it either. here is a woman that has been raped. she has brought the child to term, and then she is forced with the reality in 31 states that she has to bring this child to some state prison every other weekend for 13 years. >> stephanie: i know. david in new hampshire who is running for the state senate. >> caller: yeah thank you. >> stephanie: go ahead. >> caller: yeah, i'm david pierce, i'm running for the state senate and what i wanted to talk about is -- the gop has a war going against everybody.
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a war on women, or on on the middle class, and the war on gays. i have been in the out now for six years and in 2009 i lead the right where we passed marriage equality into law. i talked about my husband of 20 years, our two kids and not how literally mundane our life is and i think that made it normal for a lot of people. >> stephanie: gays can be just as boring as straight people. trust me on that. >> caller: and we are the poster children for that. but whenever you talk about gay familiar list, the conservative hair just catches on fire and their heads pop off. >> stephanie: and you had this national organization of marriage after you right? >> caller: yeah, there's some talk that there is going to be some national organization for
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marriage money coming in because i lead the fight for marriage equality rights in new hampshire. and they tried the same thing against governor lynch a democrat. they wanted to send a signal to other governors around the nation. >> stephanie: right. david they are on the wrong side of history and they are hugely losing the fight. thanks for calling in and good luck. we will be routing for you. >> caller: thank you. >> stephanie: thank you, david. david pierce there he is. new hampshire! >> vote for him. >> stephanie: kevin in d.c., i haven't talked to you in ages. good morning, kevin. >> caller: i was so excited crew, i got to say what is up to
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you guys? >> hey are you doing, kevin. >> caller: and you are there fugelsang? >> i'm here. >> caller: i really have to catch up on this network. >> really, really really good real estate. >> stephanie: yeah. yeah. yeah. go ahead kev. >> caller: i don't understand why you and chely wright would get to within 100-miles of sean hannity, you probably wonder why we deal with flavor aide. but any way. [ laughter ] >> caller: please people get out and vote. if you are black they want to limit your voting rights. if you are latino they want to have you self depart. why would anyone vote for them unless you are allegedly a
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straight christian male. why would you do that? >> because millionaires have had it tough for a long time. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: of course. of course. >> stephanie: this country is tired of them keeping the millionaire man down. >> yeah! >> caller: liberals please, please, please for all of you giving up excuses why not to vote, that it's rigged, blah blah, blah listen -- >> yeah, shut up liberals and if you are discouraged about the candidates, show up and vote local. obama has been great for ya, but you can't use the fact that he didn't give you a unicorn as a reason to stay home. >> stephanie: kevin i have missed you. thank you for calling. >> caller: thank you. >> stephanie: 58 minutes after the hour. mudcat saunders now! >> yes. >> stephanie: next on the
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"stephanie miller show." ♪ she is awesome. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." [♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: hello, current tv world. all right. dave mudcat suanders coming up. this just in -- jacki schechner i don't know how much of the screen you take up over here. i'm like a mime i can't get to her. there's too much wind. however, i'm reading tweets will take over the screen during the convention coverage.
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less than half of the screen will be al gore and everything else -- i don't know if it will be like cnn like onlial gore's eye will be there -- >> largest control ever. >> stephanie: yeah. and they will probably say jacki schechner is hot. >> if i'm any part of it. i'm sure i will take a backseat to al gore. i don't anticipate having a starring role in that one. >> stephanie: you should. here she is in her starring role right now. >> good morning, everybody. the rnc says the show will go on if tropical storm isaac turns into a hurricane and heads towards tampa next week. the arena where the convention is being held is in a mandatory evacuation zone if the storm
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becomes a category 2 hurricane. the good news is that even though the forecast models are fairly uncertain, it doesn't like lie the storm will get up to that intensity. the major said his city is prepared to call off the festivities, but florida governor rick scott isn't saying anything to that effect so far. and an rnc spokesman says his party will nominate mitt romney next week no matter what. the news coverage of the presidential candidates is more negative now than any election in recent times. narratives about the president and mitt romney's characters are overwhelmingly negative. the president is seen as not doing enough for the economy, while mitt romney is seen as an
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corporate elitist and corporate vulture. the negatives are so high they say because people are getting more information from the campaigns as opposed to journalists and independent reporters. we're back with more after the break. as his tax returns, then he's been going commando for the past 10 years. >>since when do you get to say stuff like that on tv? >> listen, if you'd read your email once in a while, you'd know i have a new show. (vo) always outspoken. >> you think because this is an election year you can just say anything? >> hello! say anything, that's the name of the show. joining us. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me, man.
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you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. this is a roller coaster this morning. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. sexy liberal john fugelsang in the dc bureau.
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i didn't even know i had one of those. >> when did we built that one. >> you built it. >> bill press built it with his own hands. >> stephanie: yes., you can email us all there. oh, it's our new favorite day of the week. ♪ mudcat ♪ [ laughter ] >> stephanie: big mudcat dave saunders joining us now. ♪ >> stephanie: good morning mudcat. your buddy chely wright was just on. >> oh, she was? >> stephanie: yeah. >> oh chely she is a good one. >> stephanie: yeah, we want to hang on your porch and whittle. >> i hung out with chely one
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time when i was in nashville and rodney kroul and his wife and chely and i were getting to dinner, and i stopped a bill [ inaudible ]'s house. and i stopped and picked flowers out of his yard for chely to take to dinner and i was trying to get arrested because i thought it would be really good to get arrested for picking flowers out of bill fresh's yard. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: that is hilarious. let's check in on your race. your awesome candidate wayne powell, which we just had wendy malloc on yesterday, and i forgot to tell her about the 1
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degree of separation -- [ inaudible ]. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: once this campaign is over, we have to get back to haiti right away because she'll be getting the film in revenge, and we can get back down there and get to work, and all of this stuff i have done in politics will make me go to hell maybe i can clean some of that off down there. >> stephanie: interesting. in the middle of this whole todd akin thing he has called on eric cantor to explain his cosponsorship with 32 abortion bills with todd akin. have we heard a word from mr. cantor? >> he has remained completely silent on it. this skinny dipping deal was good for him because he can talk
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about that and how he chastised everybody. i didn't see the big deal with that. i see the big deal with this. 32 pieces of legislation. in fact he was on that bill 3 that -- you know first introduced the language forcible rape. the unborn child pain awareness act where they tell you how much pain that the abortion is going to cause an unborn fetus, and it's about guilt. they are good at using guilt. and it's crazy that -- you know, that he will not, you know speak to it because he can't run from him. >> stephanie: yeah. yeah. as he said cantor and akin are joined at the hip on the issue. that's what is so unfortunate, i think that didn't get a lot of press the whole forcible rape thing, but now todd akin has put
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a spotlight on that right? >> oh yeah. but i still don't understand what legitimate rape is? >> stephanie: yeah. >> what is a legitimate rape? is that when you get your rocks it's legitimate. i don't understand it. >> stephanie: yeah. that's what i was saying -- i don't know how that is any less offensive. forcible rape is just as offensive. like the president said rape is rape. since when did we get into trying to parse it like that? >> well you know, it's extremist. over here the seventh district was about split on this issue two years ago, and with all of the government ultrasound stuffs, and the transvaginal ultrasound the district now is 68% pro-choice. and they know unfaves are really
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high, and he doesn't want to talk about it because it is so out of the main treatment here right now. >> stephanie: mudcat this is a perfect example as you know you know who was in charge of writing the republican platform transvaginal bob. >> yes. >> stephanie: it's part of the entire policy. >> well, bob mcdonald -- you know, he was trained at pat robertson's school of jesus, and, you know, it shows. i call him sodomy bob. >> he has got to earn that name. >> he has already earned it. he put in this bill about anybody who was put on the bench in virginia had to sign an oath this was when he was in the legislator that they had never committed sodomy and the guy
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asked him if he committed sodomy, and he said he didn't recall. like i told people i'll forget where i put my car keys but there are some things in life i'm not going to forget. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: this is todd akin. >> i don't know the future. >> stephanie: people said he was opening the door to maybe getting out. what do you think? >> i don't think he'll get out. i hope he doesn't get out. any democrat that calls on him to get out. i'm at odds with that. claire can beat him now. >> stephanie: yeah, the people have been making a lot of he is still winning, but he was up by one point, and he had been up by like 7 before this. >> yeah, and claire is going to hit her stride here in a month or so, anyway within a month, and the momentum has clearly shifted, and, you know,
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everybody knows who has been around politics you can take all of the components of electoral politics and [ inaudible ] trumps them all. and the fact that she made such a gain in polls is indicative of her hitting her momentum and she'll be hitting her stride. >> stephanie: have you in your years seen a poll like the 94% to 0 the president has among african american voters over mitt romney. >> no. [ laughter ] >> that came out this morning. >> any time you are at zero -- that's -- >> stephanie: that's pretty bad. >> and there's 3.1% margin of error. >> really? you know, the african american community is -- is energized again. i just hope that energy, you
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know goes back and to where it was and -- in 2008, and it will never be where it was in 2008 because that was possibly the greatest momentum election of all time in the history of presidential politics but it is showing in african american communities that the momentum is back, and i think with some of the stuff that the republicans have done including this welfare you know -- >> stephanie: lie, yes. >> -- talk i think this has offended the african american constituency big time and rightly so and has reenergized them. >> stephanie: yep, i have been saying all morning, you know, this could be -- you know from being a woman to just following politics for a long time i have never seen the kind of white hot anger that all of this stuff has ignited among women. i have a feeling that women
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voters will be mobilized like never before this election. >> i think so. we're at 68% pro choice in this district because of all of the things that hit. rachel [ inaudible ] was on letterman last night. never in my life or since i have been working on politics have i seen parties -- you know, it has become tribal. >> stephanie: yeah. >> it really has. it's tribal. and that's why the great hostilities exist, and that's why the great push on partisanship exists, and, you know, we got to get away from that. tribalism is not the way to get stuff done in washington. >> stephanie: yep. yep. well, apparently -- apparently it's all the president's fault. he ran on hope and change and then apparently he was just incredibly angry and hateful.
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>> well, that's true. i'm just hoping this hurricane doesn't hit down there in tampa so we can get this over with and hear what they got to say, but if they don't get a pop out of this, i think mitt romney you know with the democratic convention coming the following week, i think that -- the lack of momentum that he kicked up with the ryan selection -- >> stephanie: yeah, that's kind of historic the lack of a bump for ryan for all of the people fawning over him in this republican party he got no bump at all. >> i remember in 2004 -- of course i did the edwards campaign that year, when carey announced him, he got a 21-point bump. >> stephanie: yep. >> but what has happened with paul ryan is the choir is singing louder. it's just -- there's no more people in the choir. >> romney can count on 6% of the
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african american vote. they are in his back pocket. >> stephanie: exactly. mudcat, love to talk to you honey. see you next week. >> all right. y'all take care. >> you too mudcat. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> got that guy is so pretentious. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: kids carbonite, carbonite, carbonite -- am i supposed to do this here? >> yes, you are. >> >> stephanie: how many oh, no letters have i gotter chris? >> millions. >> stephanie: and i have saved them all on my computer. think about it take a second think what is in your computer if everything is gone. all of the stuff in your computer, thatcarbone. aiscl cpu clicksl yeartncs any time access from your computer or smartphone. >> or your ipad.
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>> will it work from your dumb phone? >> no, sorry. >> stephanie: go to and type in the offer code stephanie. 19 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> a beautifully wrapped, glossy, sweet-smelling show. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." in on full court press with bill press. >> i love jesus, it's just that i view jesus the way i view elvis. i love the guy, but a lot of the fan clubs tend to freak me out. (vo) john fugelsang will be back tomorrow morning starting at 6 eastern.
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[ voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have... [ voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah we are.
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no...we're not. ♪ ♪ ask an allstate agent about the value plan. are you in good hands?
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ you are the one -- the way you
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make me feel you are really turning me good ♪ ♪ you knock me off of my feet ♪ ♪ my lonely days are gone ♪ ♪ come on girl ♪ >> stephanie: come on girl! yao! it is the "stephanie miller show" welcome to it. 28 minutes after the hour. jean smart actress extrordanaire coming up at the bottom of the hour but first, he is in the d.c. bureau. ♪ fugelsang ♪ >> every time i look at you, i don't understand. >> stephanie: i love this one from columbus. hey, momma just got out of the fog, and it's official my sister and i are steph heads. you are right you are a hugger. so funny and pretty and skweet
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in person. [ bell chimes ] >> is this the one about the sombrero. >> stephanie: no. john fugelsang was so gracious and watching women swoon were like chickens rolling around in think dirt. >> oh please. it's hal they go crazy for. >> stephanie: know. >> hal has to bring a baseball bat around to beat them off. >> stephanie: here is this. the after party absolutely awesome, and i'm not saying that because the next morning i passed out in the backseat of a cab, swearing nothing but a sombrero. again? it is an educational outreach at
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the highest level. [ applause ] >> stephanie: after which you sometimes wake up maked in a sombrero in the back of a cab -- >> in toledo. >> stephanie: toledo bud hens -- women around john fugelsang they act like mud hens. speaking of -- [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: people very, very upset that i wasn't on hannity. >> they are upset because you made them dvr it and now they tivos are tainted. [ fighting cats ] >> stephanie: he is probably right now licking his paws. george wrote he i just won my
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office poll i bet that he wouldn't put you on. [ applause ] >> stephanie: jeff in massachusetts. hi, steph, he -- number 1 he only found out today that you play for the other side. number 3, he realizes he is no longer prettier than you. number 4 he thought he was booking stephanie zimbolist. you are not laughing with him, you are laughing at him. your slide whistle is bigger than his. >> or maybe they thought that were getting that other radio host that used to look like you. [♪ "jeopardy" theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. if it's about mitt romney's return, we don't win, it if it's about whether people like mitt
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romney better than president % obama then we don't win. who said that. frothy. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: he doesn't seem to be a fan of the mittens. here is mittens now. >> romney: i know it's very tempting as a politician to go out and say, you know what i'll just give you some money -- the government is just going to give you money and pay back your loans for you, i'm not going to tell you something that is not the truth, because that's just taking money there your other pocket and gives it to the other pocket. >> stephanie: yeah. just ask your parents for money. or shop around for a cheaper school. >> this is one of the biggest lies mitt romney has told. do you remember when he spoke past the ncaa to the racist watching, and he said he knew he would get booed and got booed when he talked about repealing obamacare.
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and then he talked about how they want free stuff. is obamacare costing people money? or it is free >> stephanie: and he didn't have the courage to say that to their face, that they want free stuff. maybe that's where he won that zero percent in the polls. >> yeah. >> stephanie: act, 29 minutes after the hour. actress jean smart next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ [ ♪ music ♪ ] (vo) every news network will cover the convention. but only current coverage will put you at the collision of tv and social media. we'll provide unsurpassed insight into the most buzz worthy tweets, posts and pontifications, from the entire social stratosphere including you. join in, tweet us, and you could be a part of our on-air and online coverage. >>now that is politically
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when a carpet is clean and fresh, it's irresistible. experience this in your home with resolve deep clean powder. its moist powder penetrates deep, removing three times more dirt than vacuuming alone while also neutralizing odors at their source. it's a clean you can see smell, and really enjoy. resolve deep clean powder. don't just vacuum clean, resolve clean. [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. >> freaking head is pounding! >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." 34 minutes after the hour. jim and i are looking at puppies. one puppy is eating the other puppy's face like he is on bath salts. no, puppy, no. >> you are so weird. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: so are my listeners. steph and the mooks, we wanted to get pictures of stuffed dogs on our roofs on the way to the
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rnc. by the way john fugelsang what is the fugelsang-et. >> massive. >> stephanie: he is going to do really well at toddler fight club. have you seen this? >> no. >> stephanie: i love when gay people aren't supposed to have children. the gawker brings us a story. the last toddler fight club shut down. three day care workers in delaware have been arrested for giving toddlers a place to release their anger. women encouraging the toddlers to battle one another.
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in the footage police claim is the video has evidence. number one no pinching. in the video, one of the child is heard he pinched me. one of the day care works said no pinching just punching. one child attempted to avoid the fray only to be pushed back in. all previously scheduled toddler fights have been moved behind lord & taylor. >> that's evil. >> stephanie: that is wrong. it's just wrong. john fugelsang. >> did the taliban do that? no. only americans got that board.
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>> you brought a knife to a toddler fight. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: bob in illinois you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi i want to compliment your guest, chely. >> chely wright, yes. >> yes. for being big enough to take her stand on an issue whether it's on the left or right, which i do sometimes. >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: and i'm -- i don't know who i'm going to vote for this year. i very reluctantly last time around voted for obama and the democrats. >> stephanie: why reluctantly? >> caller: because i'm 100% opposed to his positions on abortion and, you know legitimizing gay marriage and -- >> may i ask why? is that for religious reasons? >> caller: yes. lifelong roman catholic.
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>> where did jesus say anything about gay people? >> caller: he stayed that man should leave his father and mother and cling to his wife. >> so were unmarried men an abomination. >> caller: no, they are called to celibacy. >> but that's not jesus saying being gay is a sin is it? and how do you feel about men who marry women and hide their gayness and still go out on the side? >> caller: it's dead wrong. >> but why shouldn't people be the way god made them. >> caller: i really don't think that god people made them -- >> the vatican and jesus are against death penalty. are you against death penalty? >> caller: absolutely. >> stephanie: bob why did you vote -- why did you vote for
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obama, then? >> caller: because number one the workplace fairness act. i'm for justice in the workplace, and number 2, i thought he was going to come up -- and he didn't in a couple of respects with justice under health care for all. >> but he improved it. didn't he? we're closer to having medicare for all because of what he has done. >> caller: he took some good steps in the right direction, but -- >> stephanie: bob how do you feel about the catholic church condemning paul ryan's budget? are you going to vote for romney and ryan? >> caller: i don't know at this point. it's a real toss up. i know as a working man and as a consumer, and healthcare consumer i'm cutting my throat
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if i vote republican. and if i vote for president's recollection, i -- i -- cutting my own throat as a roman catholic, because i really believe he showed insensitively towards all people of faith when he road rough shot over the positions of the church and compelling the -- >> you mean birth control? >> stephanie: but he didn't. the church has an exception. >> if you are catholic you don't have to accept birth control. >> and there is nothing in the bible that says the birth control is a sin. >> caller: try chapter 38 of genesis. >> ohnan -- ohnan was told to go into the tent and impregnate his dead breather's wife. he stilled his seed on the
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ground, and god killed him. there's nothing in there about not using birth control. and by the way if the catholic church had any faith with they power, would tell their flock not to use birth control. >> stephanie: bob, i like you. >> caller: i hope i haven't been your worst nightmare. >> stephanie: no. >> you are a sane conservative. >> stephanie: yeah, i like him. he called on -- ♪ fugelsang, fugelsang ♪ >> >> stephanie: he called when personal comedy jesus was here. you got do be bringing it and bring your biblical [ censor bleep ]. >> i loved that movie. >> what movie?
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>> and jesus looked exactly -- >> jesus christ superstar. >> i didn't know a movie was made of it. >> some day i want to direct the real film adaptations. >> stephanie: hang on! speaking of some fabulous acting. jean smart is here. we found her! hello jean smart. >> good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. we got to talk to your costar in this play. >> love her. >> stephanie: if only you had a good cast. >> i know it is kind of pathetic. >> stephanie: yeah apparently they cannot find any names. >> and joe is the narrator. >> stephanie: well, and it is also one of my favorite places.
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>> oh, it's gorgeous yeah. >> stephanie: tell us -- this play sounds hilarious, it follows the exploits of the mourning glory baking circle for self-defense. >> that's it. >> stephanie: y'all bake to raise funds for revolutionary causes. >> yes, these are a bunch of gals who are in their later, middle years, who used to be in their 20s and 30s, used to be activists, and now the only thing they are doing is sitting around raising money by baking to -- to donate to radical political causes. >> stephanie: your character is described as a wood stock era hippy who still keeps of the 60s fires of burns. >> oh, totally. and we end up kidnapping lisa
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bownay. >> stephanie: were you a wood stock hippy. >> i was a little more conservative. i used to put on the long, long bell-bottom jeans that you would walk on until they shredded and my hair was long and straight and i looked okay. but i was usually super casual and one morning i had to go to a job interview, and i was all dolled up, and i ran into some little old lady, and she said it is so nice to see a young lady dressing like this these days. >> stephanie: they were very slimming for the thighs. >> exact loi. >> stephanie: what is interesting with all of this war on women stuff, designing women
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was just a feminist show in its ractd delta berke's character was not. we were sort of shockingly backwards. certainly dixie and anne's characters were definitely very outspoken. >> stephanie: and the bloodworth tomlinsons were good friends of the clintons. >> oh, yeah. >> stephanie: you heard the comments of todd akin saying legitimate rape. yadda, yadda yadda? >> yeah, it's -- boy, do you have two hours? >> stephanie: i do for you, yes. >> you realize at some point that there are some basic philosophical differences between the right and the left and basically it comes down to i am my brother's keeper or i'm not my brother's keeper. okay. and whichever way you believe, that's just the way you believe.
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but it's interesting that the side that is always waving the bible and calling themselves the christians are the ones who don't live their lives or speak like a christian. >> stephanie: yeah. >> it's -- and it has become so mean-spirited on the right, that it's hard me to forgive anybody anymore if they align themselves with the republicans. i don't know how you can be even a -- a thoughtful intelligent person, even get those words out and say i'm a republican. >> stephanie: yeah, i -- i agree -- >> it has just gotten insane. >> stephanie: yeah. yeah. i think this -- this particular guy, todd akin, he didn't just misspeak one word this is their whole platform towards women. and i don't know how many women i have heard say i felt like i
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truly believes that scientifically is true how did he even graduate high school let alone end up united states senator. it's jaw dropping. >> stephanie: yeah. he has apparently been blinded by science. >> stephanie: is it more anti-science or anti-women? >> they are equally as infuriating to me. i just -- >> stephanie: and isn't that like the setup for a sit come is he is on the house science committee. >> oh, my god, that's right. >> stephanie: yeah you can't write this stuff. you can write stuff like recipe for jean smart. >> it is a great fund raiser gorgeous outdoor theater, and -- >> stephanie: and what a cast.
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>> yes. >> stephanie: and we -- we have a link up on our website >> can i talk to jean smart for five seconds. >> stephanie: oh, for god's sake. >> i want to say it's very rare we find monologues in cinema and i think jean smart has the greatest monologue in the last 20 years in a film she is amazing in called gwinavere. >> yeah older men with younger women. >> stephanie: sounds like that came from the heart, jean smart. >> it -- maybe i can throw that monologue into the play this sunday. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: go ahead. just improvise. all right. jean smart always a pleasure honey. talk to you soon. [ applause ] >> she is so brilliant.
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>> stephanie: indeed. 49 minutes after the hour back with the waning moments of the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ including you. join in, tweet us, and you could be a part of our on-air and online coverage. >>now that is politically direct.
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what the current audience can expect from my show is the unexpected. >>stephanie miller challenges the system, now it's your turn. >>it's a little bit of magic. >>connect with "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at and on twitter at smshow.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ we can dance, we can dance everything is under control ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 53 minutes after the hour. sexy liberal john fugelsang in the d.c. bureau. he'll be filling in for bill press tomorrow morning very exciting. >> as he did this morning. >> stephanie: yeah. tweets will take over the screen
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during current tv's convention coverage. i'm sure will be doing this. al gore will the host jennifer grandholm and others. the coverage will occupy less than half of the screen and on the right side we'll have the current twitter lists. but do not cover john fugelsang's hair. >> it's going to be like mystery science theater. >> the science tweeter. >> stephanie: hey. john fugelsang, your friend rosy odonell got a get-well tweet
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from donald trump. >> i did see that. >> stephanie: the porn is shutdown here. we have a syphilous out break. >> we have a porn star down a porn star down. >> stephanie: is that news a porn star going down? seriously? [♪ circus music ♪] >> see what you did there in >> stephanie: everybody can relax, it looks like anderson cooper and his boyfriend have kissed and made up. he was seen making out with him -- not anderson another guy -- and it's not richard quest. >> oh, he is so disappointed! put the wrapper on his willie! oh, there is the queen! >> stephanie: no.
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[ buzzer ] >> stephanie: he was not making out with richard quest. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: we had a tragedy out there, [ inaudible ] scott -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: they are searching for answers. it was the vincent thomas bridge out here. this is kind of weird. it was used in gone in 60 seconds and to live and die in l.a. ironically. >> i think it is the biggest bridge we had here in los angeles. >> i thought it was san pedro. >> that is part of los angeles. >> that is a huge town you have there. >> stephanie: representative douche nozzle joe walsh is defending todd akin. he said he is bothered by the republican response.
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he said i'm bothered by this rush to pile on. >> yeah, it's a shame how he got in his face for hating rape -- hating women and going easy on rape. >> stephanie: exactly. let's go to jen in ohio. >> caller: hi, stephanie i love your show, the problem is i don't get anything done between 9 and noon here. >> stephanie: unproductivity we highly encourage it. go ahead. >> caller: when you look at mitt romney at his rallies and walking the line and other than maybe the security, maybe one, two black people, other than the one clip of him with the youngsters and the theme is who let the dogs out. >> stephanie: those numbers tell you exactly why they are going
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to such lengths to suppress the vote. kids sexy liberal get your tickets. john fugelsang in tomorrow for bill press. >> and today would have been [ inaudible ] moon's 66 birthday. so throw a chair
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