tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current October 15, 2012 6:00am-9:00am PDT
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♪ ♪ ♪ on, girls ♪ ♪ do you believe in -- >> stephanie miller. ♪ because i got something to say about it and it goes something like this ♪ ♪ respect yourself ♪ ♪ respect yourself ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 22 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. queen bee in nashville tennessee. hi queen. it's your girlfriend. >> caller: hi, y'all. >> hi, queen bee. >> hello, sexy chris! >> caller: i'm not in nashville.
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i'm in east tennessee. >> stephanie: oh okay. thank you. >> caller: i understand it is illegal to do robo calls to a cell phone. >> stephanie: oh really, uh-huh. >> caller: i need the number for the s.e.c. i want to know how romney's campaign got my cell phone number. >> stephanie: ooh. >> you probably have not done business with the romney campaign before. so that is -- >> caller: no. >> that is illegal. >> caller: yes, it is. >> stephanie: i sometimes talk to robo calls when i'm lonely. do you? >> no. >> stephanie: that's just me. hi, how are you? oh you're a recorded voice. amy in columbus, you're on "the stephanie miller show." welcome, amy. >> caller: hi. two points. one, romney and all of them want to talk about smaller government but they want to tell me what to do with my body and two with pbs. they talk about getting rid of big bird and all of those people. it is more important that people behind the camera are losing their jobs. and it will be a lot harder to find jobs because they're so
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specified. it adds to the unemployment rate. >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: plus all of the other problems with getting rid of pbs. >> stephanie: exactly. i read this to jacki. my new favorite bumper sticker. there's one thing women's bodies can shut down. it's called the republican party. [ ♪ circus ♪ ] vote this november as if your women's rights depended on it because they do. >> also getting rid of pbs would be getting rid of a free service for very, very low income people that can't afford cable channels and who aren't voting for romney anyway. >> stephanie: romney is not concerned about the very poor. tammy in austin, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi tammy. >> caller: hey steph. i'm totally jacked up for the debate tomorrow night. i want to see president obama pivot to the economy and bain. and i'm trying to -- i was thinking i would love to hear one of the citizens there, one of the undecided voters just ask the one question that nobody's asking which is you know, mitt
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romney business guy he says, you know, that's his calling card. and yeah he made a ton of money during the go-go '90s out of the business business in '99 so i would like to hear somebody in the audience ask him what makes him think his vintage experience gives him what it takes to help america grow in the 21st century? >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: i mean this guy he jokes about the green economy you know, at his convention speech and you just wonder what would he have said during the civil war era when we were transitioning from agriculture to industry? >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: what would have been his big joke line then? >> stephanie: i know. no, i hope -- i really do, i hope they get into all of it. taxes, bain, because i think it is all relevant. carol in pennsylvania. you're on the "the stephanie miller show." hi carol. >> caller: hi, steph. >> stephanie: hi, go ahead. >> caller: i have some interesting information.
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my daughter who is the good eveningiest political -- the geekiest political geek in the world. that apple didn't fall far from the tree. she was bemoaning the fact that the president didn't do well in the debate. and my son-in-law who hadn't been home at the time said you know, what's going on? you know, who is saying what? and she said well, you know, he was too respectful. he was trying to be presidential. he said laughingly and al gore even said it was because it was in denver. and he looked at her and he said he's exactly right. he goes to denver three or four times a year on business trips. that's why they never schedule our business trips the day we come in. we always have to come in the day before. >> acclimate. >> stephanie: a lot of people have said that. romney was able to come in the day before. of course, the president's busy being the president. so he came in right before.
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>> caller: my son-in-law said when i get off the plane, i could just fall right into bed. i'm so exhausted from that. >> stephanie: carol, i haven't talked about it a lot because obviously the obama camp hasn't, the president hasn't to most people it will sound too much like excusey. who knows if it is true. could be. but i think they made a calculated decision. they won't say that because it sounds excusey. >> caller: when you think of how he looked, he looked very lethargic and very tired and you know, i think that totally explains it. but we cannot -- >> kind of like the way we looked when we were in denver four years ago. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: in the city by the bay. >> we love you denver. city by the bay. >> it's the bay. >> stephanie: my point is -- no, but i think all things considered, we're going to see a different president obama either way tomorrow night. very excited. >> something's gotta be different. >> stephanie: yes. the elevation for one.
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>> well, sure. it will be in hofstra this time. >> stephanie: john in illinois, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi john. >> caller: how you doing steph? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: hi, mooks. tammy duckworth is running against that scum ball. >> stephanie: she's got to win. >> caller: tammy needs some help because joe walsh has the super pacs that are pouring $2.5 million in the ads in the last two weeks. i'm hoping your listeners can help tammy out. she's an excellent person. >> stephanie: she is. i love that he got booed at the last debate. he's just -- i can't even decide whether he's more sexist or just a jerk, right? >> caller: he's just a first-class jerk. i can't believe half the people in this congressional district like this scumbag. >> stephanie: john, i love the fact that -- we'll see what happens. but boy, the fact that these tea party heroes -- you know, joe walsh, steve king and michele bachmann are finally vulnerable. i find it --
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>> denigrating wounded war veteran. she keeps talking about her military service blah, blah, blah blah. >> stephanie: she's no hero. really? you didn't serve and you have all of your limbs. he's just -- he's my personal -- >> oh, i know. >> stephanie: sticks in my craw. matt in new york, hi, go ahead. >> caller: i'm good. how about you guys? >> stephanie: 20 seconds. >> caller: i'm wondering why we keep calling this guy mitt. his name is not mitt. that's a kid's nickname for him. his name is willard. willard. he has a son named ben. [ laughter ] >> very good point. >> stephanie: 29 minutes after the hour. rude pundit next on "the stephanie miller show."
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(vo) what is said here could decide the election. current tv presents coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> was this the game changer? is this going to change the dynamic? (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >>now that's politically direct.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> relax. this is just temporary. like >> i'm going to go ahead and assume that -- >> stephanie miller. >> was a stripper. >> as well you should. [ laughter ] >> are you okay? >> stephanie: yeah, i'm fine. >> swallow. >> stephanie: it is the "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. don't forget another debate night special tomorrow. >> yeah. >> stephanie: workin' us like red haired stepchildren over at current. so we will be 4:00 p.m. pacific again. >> that's right. >> they seem to like us over there. >> stephanie: what's going on? all right. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere.
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it is monday. you know what that means. >> the pud pundit. the rude pundit. ♪ >> stephanie: good morning papa. >> good morning. >> stephanie: we were talking about how well -- as you know david gregory works my last nerve. >> yes. >> stephanie: you did a great piece about the ass-whooping paul ryan got from joe biden. i swear the mainstream media need a story line so he opens with some say -- it's the same as fox news. some say joe biden was over the top. >> yeah. and yet mitt romney wasn't over the top when he kept interrupting and running over jim lehrer and all of that. that was perfectly fine. he wasn't drunk and he wasn't -- he didn't have dementia or anything like that. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. it is amazing. i love at least the one guy on the show was like what are you talkin' about? he crushed paul ryan. >> the thing about biden he knew how to use the split screen.
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obama didn't take advantage of that. >> right. you know, for a little while there, i wondered what's he doing here with the smile and the laughs? and after awhile, it just started to get this message of -- don't take this boy seriously. >> stephanie: you know what it is? joe biden watched the president's debate and went -- how do you combat that many lies and position changes at once and that's how you do it. nonverbally because you don't get to talk every time he says something. >> right. and then the creepy thing about that first debate was if you go back and just the way that romney stared at obama with that half smirk every time -- i mean somebody should put together a super cut of that of just his strange, clear-eyed, cold-hearted stare. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. i love the way you entitled your piece. joe biden throws paul ryan off his lawn. biden polled [ bleep ] on the g.o.p. ticket repeatedly.
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i think matt wrote a piece about this too. exactly right. exactly what you had to do, i think. >> well, yeah. at some point, you had to come back and just point out that every single thing that he was saying was absurd. and that's what was masterful about what biden did. biden essentially took the bill clinton approach to it and he laid it out clearly. he brought facts and numbers and he got through the rhetoric with just genuine straight talk. >> stephanie: i was talking elle this hour, rude about -- earlier this hour, rude about the chief economist of mood i why's backed up joe biden and said the math doesn't work. romney's plan has never been done. >> right. i love -- he also said well, i mean i guess if you did other things, it could possibly work. but as it stands now no, no. this isn't happening. >> stephanie: i loved what you love. you say biden's best line, if
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they would get out of the way -- get out of the way and let us pass the tax cut for the middle class, make it permanent. if they get out of the way and pass the jobs bill. if they get out of the way and allow us to allow 14 million people struggling to stay in their homes because their mortgages mortgages are upside down. get out of way. you say that should be your mantra to republicans from democrats everywhere, right? >> get out of the way. you stood there in the way of everything happening of every -- and then the stuff that did get through is obviously helping people. the stimulus and obama care. >> stephanie: this is what drives me crazy too, about the quote-unquote mainstream media is this debate over whether the stimulus worked. you can argue how many jobs -- what is the range? i'm blanking on the number but it is millions and millions of jobs. >> oh, yeah. tremendous number of jobs. and yes, it did -- again, you can argue it whether it was big enough or anything like that. you can also argue from my point of view that too much was given
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in tax cuts. but that's what the republicans wanted to come on board and then they didn't come on board. and so -- and you know, again that moment when -- that was just -- that was a -- i need to clean my screen -- >> stephanie: ryan walked into the trap and sent down to the alien planet. [ laughter ] ryan criticized the stimulus -- >> smart phones, johnson. oh no. >> stephanie: johnson erisvated ryan when he pointed out ryan sent me two letters saying can you send me stimulus money for companies here in wisconsin. the reason he said the stimulus would create jobs and growth. he his words -- >> oh, yeah. >> then ryan took about 10,000 drinks of water. glug glug, glug. >> it was -- and then it's come out, of course, that you might have brought this up earlier in the show that ryan has asked for even more money and asked for money for -- from obama care.
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all kinds of things. >> stephanie: excuse me. from "the associated press," rude, a new report highlights 9,000 pages between ryan's congressional office and dozens of federal agencies and departments in which ryan repeatedly sought millions of dollars for his own constituents often called from programs ryan is complaining to reduce or eliminate entirely. >> but government never created a job. never created a job. >> stephanie: biden went at him -- like alec baldwin and glen ross. he may have been glared at ryan and said [ bleep ] that's my name. >> a set of steak knives. >> stephanie: it was the katharsis democrats needed. if the president can get in a line like that, it will be where we were before the debate. >> unless the humidity on long island gets to him. >> stephanie: oh, come now. >> there is this great new book called the new new deal that's all about how well the stimulus worked and just that it
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essentially saved the u.s. economy. and -- >> stephanie: that and the auto bailout. absolutely. and that it's one of the great untold stories of the obama presidency. which we're learning more and more is mostly filled with untold stories about the good that's been done. >> stephanie: got about three weeks. let's go. >> yeah. >> stephanie: you just sum it up perfectly in one line. biden laughed at ryan constantly and it pissed a lot of people off. [ bleep ] them. [ laughter ] it was just another debating technique that i think was very, very effective. >> right right. this isn't even worthy of serious consideration. and you know, really, i've heard this all before. >> stephanie: well and let me say the guy on "meet the press" -- i gotta google -- i'm blanking. i think it was a mayor. but the fact that he said the only poll that matters he crushed him by 20 points. but you make the good point here. you say polls that called the debate a draw is because democrats were honest about
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obama's performance. republicans live in a delusional world. they tell the truth about anything and that declusion extends to judging debate performances. that's right. when the cnn poll, right chris used much higher republican makeup and you're right. they reflectively go our guy won no matter what happens. that explains that poll. >> there was a pollster, i can't remember what it was a quote that said when a poll of mine comes out that says republicans are behind, they beat me up. republicans beat me up. when a poll comes up that says democrats are behind, they beat themselves up. >> stephanie: mm-hmm. >> that's the difference. maybe we're more self-reflective. maybe that's our problem. >> stephanie: i get what his point was is that's the only poll that matters is undecideds. if you do a split reflexively they're going to say he won. it doesn't matter. that's why that poll is kind of meaningless, right? >> right. but it is also that i think that there's just this tendency to
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want to -- i think that republicans want to keep it as the horse race it is. and you know, i don't know. i don't see how you could have watched that debate and not thought that ryan was walking out of there limping. >> stephanie: mayor reed of atlanta chris tells me. that's what was on "meet the press." did a great job as did governor granholm. our home girl. rude, great stuff. tomorrow, what do you think? obviously, as i've said, we'll see a different president, i think. >> i think so. but look for -- i'll tell you what the spin after is going to be -- that if obama's passionate and aggressive, it will be how oh but a town hall debate wasn't the place to do that. because i've already seen things saying i don't see how obama can come back at a town hall where you don't want to alienate the people that are there. and it is -- even if he comes out and is more passionate, that will be seen as arrogant and dissing the people that are
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present. >> stephanie: we have the angry black man chirons all ready to roll. >> split screen with malcolm x would be perfect. [ laughter ] >> wait a minute. that's not the president! >> stephanie: sean hannity opening up a can of unhinged as we speak. screechy. >> dick morris is already -- has already written his post-debate spin. something he will slurp on fox. [ laughter ] >> remember the president wearing a -- >> stephanie: talk to you post-debate next week. there he goes. [ applause ] his very, very rudeness. laura in pennsylvania real quick. hi laura welcome. >> caller: not quick stephanie. i have so much to say. >> stephanie: okay. >> caller: i talked to you before and you told me i was a bigger geek than you. i was up 96 hours. you have two documentaries that come on your station.
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>> stephanie: yes. >> caller: please, everybody throughout please watch it. those horrible -- the fact i learned came true. the koch brothers are the ones who are doing away with social security. they said it on there. they will spend millions and millions of dollars to get social security, medicare and medicaid out. and they're ruining everything. >> stephanie: they're sending a letter to all of their employees saying you'll probably get fired if obama gets elected. >> caller: i had that down to tell you. over a year and a half ago telling them about them going to suppress the democrats from voting. and they said oh that would be illegal. i said you know what? that's what i said. but they're doing it. so i have to get the other -- watch documentaries people on the pipeline. watch it on walmart. watch it on -- there is another one out. let me tell you. >> stephanie: sexy liberal is the one you need to watch. all right laura.
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>> last night current was running capital inthe love story. i was watching it as i was falling asleep. >> if the koch brothers want to get rid of medicare and social security, they owe us money for all of the money we paid in. >> stephanie: that's like three republican prominent bosses. illegal? immoral? is that really -- it's like -- >> is it doesn't seem right. >> stephanie: i hope there is a big uprising saying you vote for obama -- >> might have a problem. >> stephanie: your job might have an accident. back to the companies doing so well under obama. if this continues -- we're going to have to -- 467 minutes:46 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> its hear political party and she'll cry if she wants to. it's "the stephanie miller show."
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(vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation.
6:48 am
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller ♪ these are the good times ♪ ♪ leave your cares behind ♪ ♪ these are the good times ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 51 minutes after the hour. don't forget tomorrow our debate special on current 4:00 p.m. pacific. 7:00 p.m. eastern. live from the news plex xo center. a lot of people wrote in to say how much they enjoyed the vice presidential one with clips of my dad.
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>> that was cool. >> you know me? >> stephanie: if you know me, i'm going to have a really embarrassing daughter some day. i was telling the charming romney family stories about mitt making them push boulders back and forth across the lawn for apparently no reason. >> that's so emblematic of him. >> stephanie: at least we had to clean -- like mud and leaves and like earthworms out of the window wells. >> out of the what? [ screaming ] >> stephanie: window wells and pull dandelions out of the cracks in the sidewalk in the front of house. >> they make sprays for that. >> stephanie: yeah. but anyway. i've gotta read this because it is kind of hilarious although i've said i credited my parents did not use us as campaign perhaps like the palin kids. i think is because i was too ugly. i was too ugly to be of any use. >> i seem to remember one
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picture where you were front and center on a stage somewhere. >> stephanie: they never had that happen again. lost another state on that one. [ wah wah ] >> stephanie: might have won seven states if it wasn't for that picture. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. we used to joke about my dad -- when we were in college. he would call and go you happy healthy, have enough mom? here's your mom. my mom is like j. edgar hoover. this is a letter my mom is working on a book. this is a letter my mom wrote me in college. you want to hear? this is like half spanish inquisition, half j. edgar hoover. here are a few questions dad and i have since you're so far away and we're curious about every facet of your lifestyle. >> about your lifestyle. >> stephanie: shh. i didn't have a lifestyle yet. >> were you experimenting with a lifestyle? >> stephanie: no! >> i was never issued a lifestyle. >> stephanie: is have you played your guitar? are your clothes appropriate?
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what transportation did you use to go to malibu beach? what is the bicycle situation? from what part of california are your three friends. apparently i only had three. how many of you use the same shower? how long are you in it? what time do you get up for your 8:30 a.m. class? do you take naps? are you playing tennis? what the name of the church you attend. >> oh, boy. >> stephanie: how many boys and girls attend with you. that's all. that was my mom's -- [ applause ] 30 years ago and i'm sweating. the name of the church is -- our lady of -- >> how many of your friends share the shower with you while you're in it. >> i think she had an inkling about something. before you did. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: how long are you in there? is there any washing going on? [ laughter ] >> wow. >> is there lube involved? >> stephanie: i'm all nervous. i can't remember the answers now!
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i can't remember that my church -- attended -- attendance kind of dropped off. [ wah wah ] i probably made up, it is the church right on the corner of -- >> how did you get to your malibu party? >> stephanie: i don't know. >> hitched a ride. >> stephanie: i probably put out. >> got in the back of dennis hopper's chopper. >> stephanie: yes. whew. all right. she's not kidding around. let's go to -- >> did you take naps? >> stephanie: i don't remember! it was 30 years ago. >> were there friends with you when you take your naps. >> stephanie: do you nap with friends after your group shower? probably the answer was yes. carol in pennsylvania, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi carol. >> caller: hi. glad to talk to you. are the romneys going to be so arrogant as to not to put their income tax out? >> stephanie: let me answer that. yes. you people have already seen everything you need to see
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according to ann. so you can just stop it now. >> caller: why don't the media -- >> ann: stop it. >> rolling stone is. thanks to matt. >> stephanie: i agree carol. i've said this from day one. it is breathtakingly arrogant to think you can -- for the first time in our history, run for president and not release any of your taxes except for the last year when -- and by the way this is not indicative of how he makes his money the last year or two. he hasn't actually worked in how long? >> who is opposed to having 12 years of taxes? -- who proposed having 12 years of taxes? >> his dad. one year can be a fluke. >> stephanie: susan in pennsylvania. go ahead. >> caller: i love your show. i wish more independents would watch it and be educated. i have a real quick comment on voter fraud. and wondering why mainstream media isn't sharing this as a top story because it affects all americans. since 2011 41 states have
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proposed some type of new voter i.d. law under the guise of combating voter fraud. when i saw yesterday an investigation revealed under 1% was due to actually canvassers who didn't feel like working in the hot sun and spelling somebody's name. no vote was -- nobody's vote -- it wasn't like a name that didn't exist. and if this was -- if it was legitimate and rampant like legit voter fraud i think everybody would embrace and support it. but it is simply to disallow those who aren't going to be able to get to the polls. and it has created such confusion. >> stephanie: that's their point. even though they're losing is to create as much confusion as possible. the depressed turnout. all right. the president on the campaign trail in ohio. >> obama: i bet on american workers and american ingenuity. three years later that's paying
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off in a big way. >> that's his weekly radio address. >> stephanie: bill clinton. >> bill: when mr. wright said that governor romney was a car guy. if having an elevator in his house, i guess he was. >> stephanie: bill clinton is having too much fun in this campaign. he really is. >> because he gets to have all of the fun without any of the risk. >> stephanie: all right. morgan freeman ad. >> every president inherits challenges. few have faced so many. there are still challenges to meet. but the last thing we should do is turn back now. >> stephanie: woo-hoo! [ applause ] s. >> stephanie: he should be a romney kid. bing. 58 minutes after the hour. right back with eric boehlert on
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"the stephanie miller show." i'm going to be on with the governor tomorrow night. she is awesome. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." [ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: hello hour number two. eric borrelert to -- boehlert to cohost right-wing world. i don't know if you heard my mom's questions when i was at usc. >> unbelievable. >> stephanie: jim ward has questions for you to know how many people you showered with. [ laughter ] >> would he like to know how many pillow fights we had and what attire we were dressed in? >> stephanie: what sort of negligee you wore during pillow
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fights. >> and how you got to the jersey shore. >> stephanie: where does a college kid come up with gas money like that, jacki schechner? >> your mother was unbelievable. that was really great. >> stephanie: the hair on my neck is still standing up. >> wow! >> yikes. >> stephanie: all right. >> a brain fart of questions. >> stephanie: a little random. so random, mom. here she is in the current news center, we have sewn questions and -- we have so many questions and she has all of the answers. jacki schechner. >> good news for the president. he's up amongst early voters. polling data shows the president has a 59% to 31-point lead among people who have already voted. the sample is small as reuters admits but it is well above the 10 point cutoff that needs to be accurate. early voting is underway in 40 states in one form or another. celebrities coming together for a new online campaign called
7:00 am as in actually the truth matters. rosie per says the first to write and perform her own video. she's taking on mitt romney's remarks about how he would have a better chance of winning if he were a latino. >> actually, mitt, that is so true. think of all of our hispanic-american presidents from jorge washington to jorge bush uno -- oh, my goodness, what if you were just a little bit gay, mitt! think of all of the advantages that would provide. >> the jewish count similar for education and research in and american bridge 21st century are funding the project. lindsay lohan can endorse mitt romney all she wants but somebody should tell her she needs to vote for him to. she's not registered according to the l.a. county registration office. apparently she has moved recently and has failed to update her voter registration
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status. she has until next monday in order to do so. we'll be back with more show after the break. stay with us. (vo) what is said here could decide the election. current tv presents coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> was this the game changer? is this going to change the dynamic? (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >>now that's politically direct.
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build a ground-breaking car. good. now build a time machine. go here, find someone who can build a futuristic dash board display. bring future guy back. watch him build a tft display like nothing you've ever seen. get him to explain exactly what that is. the thin film transistor display... [ male announcer ] mmm, maybe not. just show it. customize the dash give it park assist. the fuel efficiency flower thing. send future guy home his work here is done. destroy time machine. win some awards, send in brady. that's how you do it. easy.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. happy monday. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number. the web site. and sexy liberal on facebook.
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get it. tickets going very fast. big sexy liberal palooza october 27th at the beacon selling out quickly. two huge surprise celebrity guests on the panel. >> not donald trump. >> stephanie: sexy liberal palooza line-up. >> it is not chris christie. >> stephanie: no. that would be huge. >> that would be planetary. >> you would have to reinforce the stage. >> stop it! >> stephanie: now, jim! [ buzzer ] >> did you get that news busters? >> stephanie: stools and just a giant beanbag chair for him. >> well, he is a beanbag -- >> stephanie: exactly. what do i love best on the weekend? >> what do you love best? >> stephanie: a big box of chardonnay and eric boehlert tweets. eric boehlert from media matters for america doing the lord's work as usual. >> eric boehlert. ♪ hurts so good, come on, baby make it ♪ >> eric boehlert. ♪ hurts so good ♪ >> let's dip into the right-wing world. >> i don't know what that means.
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♪ hurts so good ♪ >> stephanie: you know, eric boehlert, i think it here and it comes out there in your tweets. you said so cnn sampled its poll. biden would have won all three debate polls cnn and reuters. we've been talking about this last hour. mayor reid of atlanta, i don't know if you saw "meet the press," the only poll that matters is undecideds and biden crushed him by 20 points. >> yeah. and i tweeted that some people said so now you're skewed. you think all of the polls are fixed. there's nothing wrong with pointing out a single poll is kind of messed up. the unskewed right wing movement was every poll that doesn't show romney winning is wrong. cnn admitted later that you know, their poll was plus 8 republican, there's not a national poll in america that shows that. my point was that poll was central to the narrative. undecided voters, biden crushed.
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cnn, if it was any kind of normal -- use of the poll, he would have won. the next day reuters. they were a little slow, i guess. he won. and let's not forget that fake cnbc poll which was a big deal online and in the chatter. also sort of mucked up the narrative because oh, ryan won the cnbc poll. it was a click through reader survey where the results changed every five minutes. it wasn't a poll in any way shape or form. so i think biden sort of got the short end of the stick and i think there was you know some confusion or some people using smoke and mirrors to try to suggest that ryan won that debate. >> stephanie: absolutely. if it was even close. like i say when you take people that don't have a dog in the fight, undecideds, he crushed him by 20 points. >> tweeted the next morning to my conservatives who follow me on twitter if ryan won the
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debate, he wouldn't be so cranky this morning. they were angry at the moderator. they were angry at everybody. and everyone was talking about joe biden. when everybody's talking about joe biden your guy didn't win the debate. >> stephanie: eric you and i talk about it, it drives me crazy in the quote-unquote mainstream media. david gregory opens "meet the press" with some say joe biden is over the top. that's the story line rather than he crushed him in the debate. it is like okay, you thought some of the mannerisms were funny. okay. meanwhile, romney runs over jim lehrer and interrupts a thousand times. >> backing it up, forward reverse over jim lehrer. he was just being aggressive. he was being -- he was in charge of the debate. that's fantastic. that's what leaders do. but when joe biden you know, tries to be assertive look, i wrote about -- it is important in why this matters is because why i wrote about last week, they were trying to essentially
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gore joe biden. if you go back to that first 2000 debate, gore versus bush, four out of the five polls gore won that debate. he won by an average of 10 points but that night the next morning, what did the pundits talk about? al gore sighed too much. we didn't like his facial expressions. if you google today campaign debate blunders, gore's victory is listed as one of the great debate blunders. because the press spun that. they're trying to do that with joe biden. >> stephanie: even pundits on our side, it is overwrought. some of the polling is reacting to the analysis. not what happened. the president actually made a lot of good points in the debate. >> he did. he did. but -- as i've also said, since then, you know, there's no question the debates are style and substance. and it is tv. it is pop culture. >> stephanie: that's right. >> has to be a certain showbiz
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mentality to it. you can't just go in there and say well, you know, i got all of the points right. you have to be engaged in it. i think biden was and this theatre criticism or let's pretend an snl skit is important. that's not serious analysis in any way shape or form. >> biden knew how to use the split screen. he could use his nonverbal time -- >> stephanie: to combat -- because i think the president was overwhelmed by the amount of lies and position changes whereas -- jim makes a good point. he was able to do it nonverbally to go this is bull [ bleep ] >> can you believe this guy? what an idiot. >> and look -- was it worth commentary? absolutely. did everyone who watch the debate notice biden's smile and laughter? no question. should it be the defining issue of the debate? no. that's why those people, the undecided voters in that snap poll before they had time to listen to any of the pundits who did a better job biden plus
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20. that's the end of the story right there. >> stephanie: as you said, they always get a little bit unglued in right-wing world. he's angry and mean and laughing and smiling too much. >> wasn't that the best? he was mean and rude and disrespectful. and he smiled, was having way too much fun. >> stephanie: all right. let's dive into the right-wing world. see what's doing. dr. oh he's the pop psychologist. dr. keith. >> part of their medical a-team. >> stephanie: on fox and friends. >> if someone said to me we want you to do what's really required, you know what happened there? you have to put dementia on the differential diagnosis. you have to say bizarre laughter. interrupting listen -- i'm speaking as a psychiatrist today. didn't you call me as a political strategist. so you would want his alcohol level. why? because he was that bizarre. >> wow. >> he said he was a drunk.
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>> stephanie: wow, joe biden was drunk or suffering from dementia. >> romney is completely sane. >> small grown from the fox host -- small groan from the fox host. you don't interup in the a political debate. he said well, you invited me here as a psychiatrist. you could hear this small groan. like what are we doing? before he suggested that biden was drunk. so -- and of course, that doesn't play into any kind of irish stereotypes. guy is going to show up drunk on stage. >> stephanie: i would think a natural impulse is to laugh when somebody is lying so blatantly. >> biden has done that for decades. >> everyone in america knows what joe biden is like. that's part of the caricature. he doesn't hold anything in. yes, he probably does way too many facial expressions. none of this is new. what was new -- what was new was when mitt romney showed up as the moderate governor of massachusetts after eight years no one had seen that.
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to me, that was new at a debate but biden being biden is not new. >> if biden was drunk he still cleaned his clock. >> it was almost worse. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: somebody actually tweeted after the debate joe biden is having a scotch and paul ryan is getting a debate participation ribbon from his mom. i thought -- one of the best lines of the night actually, eric was you could tell of course that was a preprepared zinger that paul ryan said if anyone knows you do, joe that sometimes things don't always come out right about the 47 -- and joe biden said at least i say what i mean. [ laughter ] >> look, you know, biden has been sitting there in the v.p. office -- you're not really able to go out and say what you feel for four years and he wasn't going to sit there and listen to this young guy make stuff up about how washington works. about how legislation is passed. how budgets are put together. he's just not going to sit there and pretend you know, this
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malarchy is legitimate. and to his credit, he did. >> stephanie: exactly. ann coulter. fox and friends. >> i mist tell you my own focus group watching the debate that night, it was especially unpopular with the gals in the room. apparently the polls bear that out. the women -- he just reminds you of the biggest jack ass boyfriend you've ever had. the most condescending obnoxious boss. you wanted to strangle him. >> and who are these women? these alleged women? >> stephanie: women like paul ryan's policies. >> the other thing interesting with the biden getting all of the flak from the press. what's their number one complaint about campaigns? politicians are so scripted. they read off a teleprompter. everything is just so scripted. here's joe biden being joe biden. what do they do? they turn around with the criticism. >> he wasn't scripted enough. >> how dare he act naturally. >> stephanie: that's quite a scientific test group of people who want to spend their free time with ann coulter.
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>> stephanie: probably -- >> probably nailed to the chair. >> stephanie: eric bolling on the 5. >> unfortunately joe biden's mr. v.p. confirmed our suspicions. he's a jackrabbit. he embarrassed himself and the office. >> no. no no. >> he lied about taxes. >> no. >> he lied about contraception. >> no. >> he lied about his voting record on wars. >> no. >> most importantly, he lied about what went on in libya. >> no. >> this guy is one heart beat away a condescending smug, intellectually bankrupt man is one beat away from the presidency. >> he mopped the floor with him. >> that's where the anger comes from. they're pretending they're angry at joe biden. they're angry that ryan got his clock cleaned. they're angry ryan came across like middle school science teacher. you know. he does not seem like he should be on a national stage. that's why bolling kept going after a heart beat away from the president. he's really talking about his
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complete frustration i don't think many people saw ryan as presidential. >> stephanie: oh god please. when they got into foreign policy, it was like he was at the kid's table. all right. eric boehlert remains in the sidecar. we continue right-wing world right after this on "the stephanie miller show." >> can you positively guarantee it will give me an orgasm? >> yeah. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." (vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage.
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my agent, tom, said... [ voice of dennis ] ...only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident-free... ...but i'm a woman. maybe it's a misprint. does it look like a misprint? ok. what i was trying... [ voice of dennis ] silence. ♪ ♪ ask an allstate agent about the safe driving bonus check. are you in good hands?
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>> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 22 minutes after the hour. we continue right-wing world with eric boehlert from media matters. mike huckabee on fox news. >> joe biden came across like a guy you meet at a cocktail party, an obnoxious drunk who is lloyd and boisterous and interrupts every conversation. he's the kind of guy you want to get away from as quickly as you can and find someone else to talk to. it was borish behavior for the first half. >> stephanie: winning is just so rude, isn't it, eric? >> i mean he -- you know, someone could say that pretty much described mitt romney during the first presidential debate. borish rude, aggressive, you know. this is just classic whining. we usually don't -- when romney was seen as the winner of that debate, did you turn on msnbc or -- this laundry list of insults and how much people hated romney? that's such a weird reaction to
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a debate. just to go on to this sort of name-calling sort of really gutral hatred. incapable of discussing what topics were discussed at the debate or even discussing the -- how people came across as just straight name-calling. >> stephanie: eric, he was so devastating in my opinion on substance, that's they couldn't talk about it. they're trying to talk about mannerisms or the laughing or whatever you about but you go -- they can't address any of the points because he just eviscerated ryan. >> they're beyond -- he smiled too much or his -- his laugh was kind of weird. he was just drunk borish, it is really -- you know, it is not normal political analysis for sure. >> he has dementia. wow. >> stephanie: rush limbaugh. >> i'm just -- i'm wondering about obama care and if obama care covers b.s.
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could joey get treated? for his b.s. >> joey biden he means. >> democrat leadership is filled with it. it is a disease. i wonder if obama care covers that. >> wow he's weak. he's got nothing. >> stephanie: was that supposed to be funny? not really sure. >> yeah, you know, again dementia, you know. he's got a mental problem. >> maybe biden got into his oxycontin stash. >> stephanie: there you go. >> maybe that will be covered in obama care. >> stephanie: here comes the real comedy. >> that was a teaser. >> stephanie: stephen krauter. a comedian. >> i don't see the voter base for barack obama. if you're a christian, you can't vote for him. your values preclude you. if you're a small business owner who's not receiving a never ending funnel of taxpayer dollars or federal dollars, you can't vote for him and i'm guessing it is just people who want more free crap which i'm seeing there is a lot of now
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because barack obama's put quite a few people under the poverty line and a free phone might sound mighty nice to them. >> wow that's comedy? >> i'm talking in a really high voice, really loudly. ha, ha ha. >> stephanie: once again reason there's no sexy right wing comedy tour. >> exactly. this plays into the whole right wing, you know, taker versus maker. obama has wanted to surge the unemployment rolls. he wants more people on food stamps. he wants more people on welfare because he wants the government to control everyone's lives and so then out of loyalty, you know, they vote for obama. it is a slight conspiracy theory. and they love to push it because it portrays people as poor -- >> if we had single payer they might have a point. >> stephanie: exactly. eric, great stuff. we'll talk to you next week post-debate. thanks so much. [ applause ] >> stephanie: he seems to love me when he's with me and then he can't get away from me fast
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enough. >> that always happens on your first date. >> stephanie: my story. betty in florida you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi betty. >> yikes. >> locked outside. >> weeping on a loom. >> stephanie: i'm thinking she was sitting on her washing machine. >> of course you would picture that. >> stephanie: what? maggie in wichita kansas. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi maggie. >> caller: hey stephanie. listen what i was in witch -- when i moved to wichita from denver colorado, i did not know that everything you bake changes. >> stephanie: oh yeah. >> caller: i went out there, the first time i baked bread and cornbread, it was a disaster! and they even have labels that say if you live in denver, everything is different. you have to do it this way. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: you have to do it that way or it doesn't work. >> stephanie: a lot of people
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have mentioned this. the president flew in right before the debate. romney had been there the day before which is what you normally do. again, i'm looking forward to tomorrow's debate. i think like i say whether that's true or not, i don't know. the obama camp never mentioned it because i'm sure they would think it sounds more like the sun was in my eyes. >> when we were in yosemite awhile back, they said don't go on any hikes until you acclimate yourself. we didn't. we ran right out. >> stephanie: hurry, give me some of that hantavirus. isn't that's what's going on in yosemite? >> if you stay in the tents. >> stephanie: mouse doody. >> i can't imagine jim in a tent. >> i've stayed in tents. >> stephanie: corky in long island. >> caller: how you doing steph? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: they're not taking into account the polls of all of the people who have cell phones. my neighbors here, about a third of them don't have home phones. they just have cell phones. >> stephanie: right.
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>> caller: that can be anywhere for 6 to 8 percentage points for the president. because younger people go his way. >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: every kid i see has a cell phone attached to his head. >> stephanie: yeah, i know. everybody does. all right. robert gibbs obama advisor on debate night tomorrow night. robert gibbs obama advisory. >> walked off the stage and he also knew as he's watched the tape of that debate that he's gotta be more energetic. i think you'll see somebody who is very passionate about the choice that our country faces. and putting that choice in front of voters. >> stephanie: yep. yep. debate night. debate night. >> debate night in america. >> stephanie: shove them into the bleachers. fight, fight fight. right back on "the stephanie miller show."
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(vo) what is said here could decide the election. current tv presents coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> was this the game changer? is this going to change the dynamic? (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >>now that's politically direct.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> they sit around in their underwear and fornicating in the stairwell. >> sounds like fun to me. >> stephanie: boston was fun. 34 minutes past the hour. >> the wilbur theatre stairwell >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> what can i say? i really like watching her but text. that means two things. >> what? >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." >> talking about muhammad ali's daughter. like watching her box. >> stephanie: tomorrow live in studio, richard belzer. >> in this studio? >> stephanie: check us out! >> i'm going to dominate the conversation talking about the kennedy assassination. >> stephanie: i want to talk about him giving the nazi salute at the fox station in new york where he got booted off.
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he's hilarious. all right. and speaking of hilarious elvira on halloween! >> what? >> how did we get that booking? >> i don't know. >> isn't she a little busy around halloween? wow! >> stephanie: i've got pictures of her. everyone does. >> i know we have kathleen madigan coming on studio -- coming into the studio next week. >> stephanie: oh, my god. >> we gotta sit her up with a crate of cools. >> stephanie: cool menthol. all right. oh boy. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] as we were saying, people need to tell romney to stop being -- hyperpolitical douche in the face of tragedy. we had the navy seal killed in benghazi tell mitt romney to please stop talking about my son and disparaging the president and now ambassador stevens' father has rebuked mitt romney.
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the father of the ambassador killed in the attack said his son's attack shouldn't be politicized in the campaign. it would be an more he want to make -- abhorrent to make it into a campaign issue. politicians should await the findings of a formal investigation before making accusations. the security matters are being adequately investigated. it has to be objectively examined. that's where it belongs. it does not belong in the campaign arena. thank you. [ applause ] something technically clinton said yesterday. [ applause ] >> stephanie: all right. kevin in d.c. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hello, kevin. >> good morning lovely stephanie. >> is your aunt listening today kevin? >> caller: you would have to bring that up. so let me give a quick preamble. cover your ears, auntie. stephanie, i have one slight complaint about your last debate prep. that show you did. >> stephanie: yes.
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>> caller: now, you know one of the fondest memories i have is being up close and personally all over your body when you were here in d.c. >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: so when you're this many miles separated from me, i like to see if and i can't touch it. in your special, you had jacki schechner's body completely visible but you were behind the desk. >> stephanie: just because she's younger. >> caller: you know -- to be -- she, to me, she is the co-star. you are the star. i hope you switch -- >> stephanie: i will peddle her flesh like nobody's business for ratings. >> caller: oh, come on now. >> stephanie: what's your job here? >> to show up and wear something tight. you made me flex on camera! on thursday. >> stephanie: mama's aging. i need to have you young tarts help me out with the ratings a little bit. [ ♪ "jeopardy" theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: jim, i have a quote for you. who said americans have a clear choice between two presidential candidates with starkly different ideas for spurring the economy, providing for the
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health of our people, defending our interests abroad and directing our environment. we believe president obama's progress merits him a second term in the white house. what said that? >> roger hedgecock. >> stephanie: the north carolina paper the winston-salem journal that endorsed john mccain that said obama is the best choice for president. >> wow. cool. [ ♪ "jeopardy" theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: jim, seems -- who said he is calm under pressure and courageous in standing up for the rights of all americans including the poor, veterans elderly women gays, we found it hard in the last few weeks to tell what obama's challenger, former massachusetts governor mitt romney really stands for. who said that? [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: winston journal endorsing -- wake forest country. they endorsed grampy mcfame.
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[ ♪ battle hymn of republic ♪ ] >> stephanie: on "meet the press" yesterday, wait for it. he actually said -- president obama said this or that. it is like he stands for nothing. [ ding ding ] he said that about president obama. he is a romney surrogate. >> it is called rejection. that guy's weaknesses. [ ♪ battle hymn of republic ♪ ] >> that was weak. >> stephanie: winston-salem journal went on to o say under obama's policies including the successful bailout of general motors, the country averted a far worse economic disaster, maybe even a depression. the economy is slowly recovering. we say that with a caveat however because -- i'm sorry romney's policies warmed over trickle down economics will make matters worse. we say that with a cav natt because romney's plans are ever changing and it is hard to know where his policies would end and those of the much more conservative ryan would begin. national security, obama has gotten american combat troops out of iraq while winding down the president's in afghanistan. he's using the might to fight
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terrorism that one no anticipated in 2008. president is under mining the -- rather than setting off another middle east war. romney insists they have rattled to save iran. we like obama's healthcare plan. even that based on romney's healthcare plan. no sign that it would succeed in balancing many healthcare interests that obama worked into a compromise. we fear romney would turn medicare into a voucher program. blah blah, blah, on and on. in education romney seems to believe we can continue to cut education, we can educate our young well enough. environment, on and on. this board endorses president barack obama. [ applause ] >> neil cavuto. >> stephanie: no. >> we were done playing. >> stephanie: we were done. >> i claim this campaign in the name of mars. >> stephanie: that's what neil cavuto says. >> stephanie: mittens, one more victory lap before tomorrow
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night. >> i had a debate about a week ago. i enjoyed that a great deal. [ cheering ] >> i won't enjoy the ass whooping you're going to get tomorrow. the clock cleaning. >> stephanie: okay. mittens. >> our crowds keep getting bigger and bigger. there is a more of a crescendo and passion about changing washington and getting a new president. [ wah wah ] >> how much did they pay those people? >> stephanie: the president had 35,000 the day after the debate. it is a crescendo. look out. let's go to paul in flint michigan. hello, paul, welcome. >> how you doing? >> stephanie: good, go ahead. >> caller: i know this is an old topic with the g.m. bailout. but i guess -- i'm from flint michigan. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> caller: the number of people and the number of jobs that were lost here over the '80s and '90s due to general motors moving jobs out of the country
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okay and why are those jobs so much less important than the jobs now when we bailed them out to save our economy. you understand what i'm saying. they didn't have any consideration toward flint saginaw. when they're about to go under like all of a sudden became everybody's concern. >> stephanie: because the entire auto industry was about to go under. that would also trickle down to all of the manufacturing jobs as well. in terms of parts and all of that. not that you're right. it is not that those jobs weren't important. they were. anyway, that was -- okay. so the good news is -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] i think this is probably related to the auto bailout. obama weathers post-debate follow leads by 5. poll released saturday night suggest ohio may continue to serve as a fire wall. the latest survey, public policy polling. he's up 51-46%. wait a minute. that's 6 points, not five. okay. that's little change from the predebate poll two weeks ago which showed obama up by four. as we were saying, perhaps a lot
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of panic. premature. >> a lot of gnashing of teeth. it was unnecessary. >> stephanie: right. what's more, ppps findings unscore what's been paramount to the standing in ohio and neighboring states. 54% of voters say they support the bailout of the u.s. automotive industry. it found obama widening his lead among ohio women. i think the mainstream media you're right. they want a horse race story line. the president's totally lost women. [ screaming ] >> there was gnashing of people. >> stephanie: the president leadss by 12. a big jump from last month. 46% of ohio voters said joe biden was the winner of the debate. 37% gave the edge to paul ryan. so there! really? that many? >> stephanie: ryan, one of the many -- what's the word -- lies, ryan told, he said six studies support the tax plan. it is actually zero. >> zero! >> stephanie: yes.
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>> math is -- >> stephanie: paul ryan cited six studies -- >> six studies. >> they're all imaginary. >> a waste of 230 communists in the government. >> stephanie: defending the dubious proposition that governor romney would not have to savage the middle class to pay for his tax cuts. the romney campaign sent over a list of the studies. they're more accurately described as an alice is since four are blog posts or op-eds. none do what his campaign -- >> dana loesch writes blog posts. are you going to cite her? >> yeah, but i know a guy who said something once one time! >> michael savage writes blog posts! >> stephanie: kay in brooklyn. you're on the "the stephanie miller show." hi kay. >> hi, stephanie. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: can you hear me? >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: i think the president was brilliant at his debate. i watched the man's face.
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and he wrote down every word of every lie. and then this little smile crept across his face as he watched this man dig his hole even deeper and shovel in the last bit of dirt. >> stephanie: people have said this. he has a lot of ammunition for the next debate tomorrow night. >> here's what you said last time around. >> he knew all of that -- all of those were lies but he didn't call him out on a whole lot of them. that's the problem i had. >> stephanie: he was waiting. >> waiting for? >> stephanie: okay. tomorrow. all right. 45 minutes after the hour. >> waiting for -- >> stephanie: he's going to throw the dirt on top of him now. >> i trust him. >> rope-a-dope. >> stephanie: 45 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> who is responsible for these outrages? >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show."
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> it's hard to keep a good woman down. then again maybe that could be fun. [ laughter ] >> stephanie miller. ♪ i wanna have some fun ♪ ♪ i wanna have some fun ♪ snow move my body all night long ♪ ♪ move my body all night long ♪ >> wow. the '80s have such good music. ugh, gak. >> stephanie: dade bender said that's the best joe mccarthy he's ever heard. he knows. >> stephanie: rutherford b. hayes did a really good one. 1-800-steph-12. david will be on our debate schedule and join us live on wednesday to do post-debate analysis. >> indeed. >> stephanie: 1-800-steph-12
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toll free from anywhere. we were talking today about how all our friends use us for punditry. you have this happen. more people than i remember ever knowing have called me. what did you think? for free i'm going to tell you what i think? 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. let's go to beverly in l.a. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi bev. >> hey stephanie. how you doing? >> stephanie: good, go ahead. >> caller: all i think about is the vice president biden needs to say to channel fdr and say i welcome their hatred. i mean -- i'm -- well, yes. i was thinking of last week, president biden needs to do the same thing. basically talking about -- of course they're going to do this. of course, they're going to do that. i could just hear fdr last week and i would love to see president obama do the same thing. >> stephanie: channel him a little bit. all right. mitt romney yesterday. >> romney: we want to have a real recovery and i'm going to help bring it.
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>> sure you are. wii, enthusiasm. >> enthusiasm. >> stephanie: this very troubling -- we talked about this earlier. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] another ceo starting to fire his employees if obama wins the election. >> hmm, that seems kind of illegal. >> stephanie: david siegel who threatened to fire -- a time share. now another ceo arthur of afg software solutions sent an e-mail to his employees they would only have themselves to blame if obama wins. >> no, they would have you to blame. you're the one with hiring and firing power. >> stephanie: if we fail as a nation to make the right choice on november 6th we lose our independence as a company. >> how do you know who they're voting for? >> lose their independence as a company? >> stephanie: i hope workers at all of these companies just [ bleep ] vote. >> how would they lose their independence as a company? >> stephanie: i don't want to hear complaints regarding the fallout that will most likely come. give us one more chance to stay
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independent by voting in a new president and administration. >> they're having no problems staying independent right now under an obama administration! >> and again -- >> stephanie: i love this. even then, we still might not be able to remain independent but at least it will give us a chance. what! a company -- also a company owned by the koch brothers has sent pro romney e-mails. if obama is re-elected, many of our more than 50,000 u.s. employees may suffer the consequences. [ ♪ dramatic ♪ ] this sounds like the companies aren't doing well and the people who own the companies know it. they're just kind of heading off any excuses at the pass and just blaming it on obama before it happens. >> stephanie: that's really -- like you said, jim illegal? un-american? immoral? something. to try to influence people. >> if obama wins, they know that their employees voted for him? are they monitoring their voting patterns? >> if either of you vote for
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mitt romney -- >> you're fired! >> stephanie: let's make that clear right up-front. >> okay. >> i voted for perot in '92. >> stephanie: that's what i would say. your boss isn't going to know who you voted for so just a screw you vote. write in on the ballot, screw you, boss man. i wasn't going to vote for obama but now i am. beverly in illinois. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi beverly. >> caller: hello. how are you? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: i love your show. i tuned in about three weeks ago and i can't stay away from it. >> stephanie: oh, good. >> caller: i have something to say about joe biden and i'm a registered republican but not for long. i love him. can i say something about the economy right now? >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: i'm a baby boomer and people need to go on the internet and check out in 1970 when we had that recession, it takes a long time to recover! and this here was worse than that ever was. >> stephanie: yep. absolutely.
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that's what bill clinton -- bill clinton made this point. he inherited far worse -- nobody including him including anyone could have turned this around any faster. by the way this is a troubling -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] story line. gunshot shattering the window at obama campaign office. part of a troubling pattern. >> in denver, right? >> stephanie: with election day weeks away, one week after vandals spray-painted the words muslim liar, of course, liar is spelled incorrectly -- >> sure. >> get a brain! >> stephanie: on a banner outside an obama headquarters in des moines. police are investigating a gunshot that shattered a window. these incidents part of aman with opponents of president obama who have engaged in various types of vandalism dating back to the 2008 campaign. >> how many mitt romney windows have been shot through? >> stephanie: continuing through the passage of the affordable care act and today. exactly. wonder what that could be -- let's go to james in clovis, california. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi james.
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>> caller: good morning. thanks. good to talk to you on the phone. >> stephanie: thank you. go ahead. >> caller: so many things to talk about. i'll keep it sweet and short. you guys are wonderful in the preshow before thursday. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: jacki schechner's legs are amazing. >> stephanie: i'm going to put baby in the corner next time. >> caller: you didn't show yours and i'm very sad. >> stephanie: there will be a talking to some people there. go ahead. >> caller: i had -- right before the two candidates came out thursday night i had like a wishful dream looking at the stage where someone -- someone says two words unchain the gate, raise the gate, release the biden. >> stephanie: they released the biden. linda in tennessee. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi, linda.
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>> caller: hi, stephanie. >> stephanie: hi, go ahead. >> caller: i just wanted to say that when ryan told biden that well every once in awhile, somebody makes a slip of the tongue -- >> stephanie: right -- >> caller: i think when he was given that 47 comment ten paragraphs is a little bit more than slip of the tongue. he was saying just what he meant. >> stephanie: exactly. exactly right. by the way, i love this. romney campaign thinks paul ryan put 47% to bed in kentucky. not really. >> i don't believe in half the country. a bunch of lazy freeloaders. what did i say? how could you misinterpret what i said? >> stephanie: top romney advisor said he diffused the bomb. not really. here is ed gillespie yesterday on the upcoming debate tomorrow. >> this is a big choice election and the fact is what we saw is even if he changes his style and whatever political tactic the president settles on is being in his best interest for this debate, he can't change his record and he can't change his
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policy. >> stephanie: doesn't have to. we said colliding. we were saying it is the same thing about todd akin. it is not just one guy that misspoke. it is in their policies and in their platform. it is what they think. here is another one. g.o.p. congressional nominee derives poor people for laziness. our last caller is exactly right. mitt romney is saying exact he will what he think. he went on and on at length. it wasn't just a slip of the tongue. >> i don't care about half the country because they're lazy and shiftless. >> stephanie: republican presidential candidate john koster -- people who had yet to achieve financial success saying the government rewarded their laziness. he spoke frankly about government programs aimed at helping the poor. he said the system creates an addiction to government assistance by creating a sense of entitlement. seems to award the mediocrity and laziness of those who choose not to do those things. okay. 58 minutes after the hour. tina depue next on "the stephanie miller show."
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i'm going to be on with the governor tomorrow night. she is awesome. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] [ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: hello current tv land. oh, jacki schechner as we call her hot legs. we need to have a little discussion with the backstage crew at current. >> why? >> stephanie: because we were having a -- >> reviews. >> i just had a better position. that's all. >> stephanie: right. that's what they said. they couldn't see my legs. >> anyone who's been to a sexy liberal show knows that you got
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legs. >> stephanie: they were blinded by the jackie schechner hot legs. ♪ >> stephanie: all right. we'll have to reposition for tomorrow's debate. >> yeah. i'm no better than to compete with the spin queen. it is insane. >> you're the jogging queen. >> stephanie: jim will let us settle it. we'll have to leg wrestle. that will decide it. >> we may or may not. you'll have to tune in to see. >> that's a tease! what we call in the business. >> stephanie: don't call jacki that. she's technically a newswoman. here she is. >> i'm not a above a tease from time to time. good morning everyone. tomorrow night's debate is going to be a town hall format. we'll have a moderator and cnn's candy crawley plans to get involved. she tells politico she will stop the candidates from simply spewing talking points and according to "time" magazine, her intentions have both campaigns a little concerned. the gallup organization put together an audience of likely
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voters allegedly undecided and they're supposed to be determining the questions. crawley can facilitate additional conversation but unlike jim lehrer and martha radich, she's not supposed to rephrase questions or introduce new topics. knowing, candy however she will be more active than that and she will not let her political expertise go to waste. some other strong, famous women are out with a new pro-obama ad today. political action has enlisted the help of eva longoria, kerry washington and scarlett johansson to speak to women voters about what's at stake. >> mitt romney's for ending funding to planned parenthood. >> including cancer screenings. >> he said he would overturn roe v. wade. >> we have republicans trying to redefine rape. >> trying to force women to undergo invasive ultrasounds. >> thanks to rob and michelle reiner for producing and directing this video. it is going to air nationally on shows with primarily female
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audiences. and there is starting today top romney donors flocking to new york city for a gathering at the waldorf astoria. big speeches tonight include donald trump. man. the people there. we're back after the break. unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> was this the game changer? is this going to change the dynamic? (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >>now that's politically direct. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation.
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pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. [ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah. they don't know it yet but they're gonna fall in love get married, have a couple of kids, [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married they'll find some retirement people who are paid on salary not commission. they'll get straightforward guidance and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 instead of, the >> stephanie: six minutes after the hour. comedian richard belzer in studio with us tomorrow. 1-800-steph-12 toll free why
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anywhere. the web site. the web site. get your tickets for the beacon theatre. sexy liberal palooza. the last one before the election last one of the year. beacon theatre. two huge surprise celebrity guests on panel. another one opening the show is what i'm told. i can't say anything about anything. oh, my god. all right. so sexy liberal on facebook and twitter. follow us. like us, follow us. do something. the kids do. sure right. >> is that when you smear meat products on somebody? >> no, that's not. >> stephanie: speaking of things the kids like. the kids like tina depue the editor and chief of -- >> why does every man i know make that sound when you say tina depue? she's the editor in chief of the good morning tina. >> good morning stephanie. >> stephanie: sorry, i can't control them. they're like bears. john faugel sang makes -- fuglesang makes the same sound.
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i like you for your brains. >> thank god someone has to. >> stephanie: so let's talk about -- the state of the race today. the election. obviously i'm -- as all political geeks, it is debate week. tomorrow night, of course. the big town hall format. what are you anticipating? >> i'm hoping obama actually challenges some of the stuff that comes out of romney's mouth. like every other liberal-leaning, i voted for obama type of person out there it is like okay, when he said the exact opposite of everything he's been saying for the last two years, maybe it is time not to be above the fray and it is time to call him out. it was so easy four years ago. >> stephanie: get your face up in the fray. >> yes. four years ago, obama was running against a man whose hair was on fire. he was suspending his campaign and getting sarah palin on the ticket. just acting erratically. so it was really easy for him to
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play no drama obama right? and this year, it is not that easy. this year, there is someone who basically will say absolutely anything including look, i'm cool with abortion. i'm not going to do anything to make it illegal. relax, ladies. don't worry about it. when he's been running as that staunch pro-life person. i got it wrong. i thought he was going to stay kind of pandering to his base and he did the exact opposite where then he started basically adopting all of obama's positions on everything. >> stephanie: i know. that's why -- like i say i certainly have some sympathy for the president last time, tina. don't you also think he's got so much ammunition. clearly, he will be loaded tomorrow night, don't you think? >> if he did a -- if he did a joe biden impersonation, i would be more than happy. >> we all would. >> that was so satisfying! >> stephanie: wasn't it! don't you love how the story line becomes oh, joe biden was over the top. it is like yeah, that's what happens when you win by 20
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points right? >> it was funny because the morning after i was on some right wing radio show and they said don't you think joe biden was mean and i was like that means he won. right-wingers are calling -- here's the thing stephanie. every time a republican calls a democrat mean, somewhere a fairy gets the right to marry. [ ding ding ] >> stephanie: every time joe biden smiles, an angel gets its wings and a fairy gets the right to marry. there you go. >> put that on a bumper sticker kids. >> stephanie: i will, tina dupuy. a lot has been made of the town hall format. this plays more to the president's strengths. today they're saying the president can't be too over the top because that will come off as mean or whatever. here we go again right? they're setting him up to be already you can hear right-wing world saying he was unhedged, right? >> right. exactly. but we also have to tamper
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everybody's expectations. obama is not -- he's a great speech giver. he's not a good debater. hillary mopped the floor with him. hillary is not president. the reason why he won the debates between mccain is because mccain was wandering around -- the town hall debates were bad for mccain because he looked insane. remember when he was crossing in front of cameras at weird times. >> stephanie: yes. what's he doing? >> he's doing his admiral stockton impression. where am i? what am i doing here? >> stephanie, he's been doing all of his debate prep with john kerry. when i read that, i said this is not from the onion. this is really true. >> right. >> stephanie: that's hilarious. >> it wasn't john kerry who showed up at the debate as everyone has been saying. it is this guy who basically rattled off these -- basically obama's positions. to kind of like -- he stunned the nation.
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and apparently his opponent. >> stephanie: we just brought up -- jim, you brought up candy crawley. i really like her but chris, you were saying a lot of the right wing likes her because again tina, this is what gets said. i think so many journalists get get afraid to be called liberal media that i think in some ways overcompensate and noticeably tougher on the democrat. >> i absolutely agree. that's why that dig is continuing to be around because it serves them well. every time they call them liberal then they have to have both sides and so then we are all under this delusion that both sides -- that politics is opposite equals, right? it is all math. if the republicans do it, oh, the democrats do it too. that's actually not true. that myth has been debunked over and over again. and the best thing that the republicans come up with is blaming the left wing for something that they do. great example of this is one of
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the better lines that paul ryan got out. he said you know, if you don't have a record to run on, then you have to make everyone afraid -- to run away from your opponent. i was like wait a second. mr. gloom and doom, everything's going to melt if you vote for the other guy who has been in the congress for 12 years and only authored two pieces of legislation. one was renaming a post office. something that already had a name. he renamed it. that was his -- that's his biggest legislative accomplishment and now saying what? that's their really good trick. >> stephanie: tina, that drives me crazy. i've been talking about this all morning. david gregory sticks in my craw until at least tuesday mornings most weeks. he opens "meet the press" with some say joe biden was over the top and you know what i mean, i love at least mayor -- i keep forgetting his name of atlanta said well -- >> mayor reid. >> stephanie: he crushed him.
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he crushed paul ryan in the debate. how come that's not the story line. it was joe biden. did he laugh too much? >> or was he suffering from dementia. as one guy on fox news said. >> stephanie: yeah. >> right. i have the letters that he sent my office asking for stimulus money. yeah, total dementia. god, this guy is nuts, right? >> where does he get this stuff? >> joe biden did exactly what he was supposed to do with sarah palin. did he exactly what he was supposed to do with paul ryan. paul ryan was completely out of his element. he fully showed that he is not qualified to be in the number two position. he is -- he's not -- he didn't know what he was talking about most of the time. when he does talk, he makes stuff up. he made up these facts and figures that just -- are not true because they don't want to argue -- they don't want to be controlled by the fact checkers but let's be honest. they don't want to be controlled by the facts. >> stephanie: you know in my job here, a lot is to talk people down, to talk to them --
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we can be -- the democrats -- kind of like poodles on linoleum. we're a little high-strung. [dog barking] >> stephanie: likely voters for the new "washington post" abc news poll, split 49% obama 46% romney, basically unmoved before the debate. let's give time for the jobs numbers. vice presidential debate. we all knew joe bide won do very well. two more debates with the president. it is like everybody settle, right? >> yes. well, here's the thing. four years ago obama campaign said that they were running like they were 10 points behind but liberals run like they think that they're 10 points behind and they just have kind of given up right? they're like oh you know, well, hopefully it will be cool with romney in the white house. and what they really need to do is use the first debate as a motivator. that yes, it is going to be close. if you want to make sure that obama is in the white house for another four years, then you
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probably need to like donate your time, energy and get out the vote and make sure that people are showing up to the polls and doing what you can. >> stephanie: absolutely. tina, mitt romney said it best yesterday. he can't win without ohio. president obama's up 5 to 6 points depending on the poll in ohio. so i think again just a little premature panic. >> if panic can be honed and used in a productive way then fantastic! every panic. do something. right. exactly. >> stephanie: fear has a way of focusing the attention. you're absolutely right. >> let's hope so. hone it. use it, people! >> stephanie: hone it. be very afraid. tina dupuy, always a pleasure. thank you. >> thank you stephanie. >> stephanie: there she goes. that was tina dupuy. she's a hottie. >> gee i hadn't noticed. thanks for pointing that out. >> stephanie: look, we have an
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unsolicited testimonial from carrie. worst day ever. steph, couple of weeks ago my cable provider started airing your show. watched one episode. i was hooked. that's what happens. that's how we get ya. i was -- >> we're like crack. >> stephanie: i work during the day so my only recourse is dvr the segments and watch them in the evening. >> we go down easy with boxed wine. >> stephanie: image ton my horror it did not record because current is no longer in my cable package. [ screaming ] bastard people. at first i thought it might be for the best as your show has practically taken over my life. >> like subscribing to hitler cable company. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: it is not -- it was late for you to get in a hitler -- >> hitler did not run a cable company, jim. >> stephanie: can i help it if it is so entertaining. i live in nebraska surrounded by conservative republicans. i need you to remind me there are sane, liberal people out
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there. i now pay an extra $20 a month to have the ability to watch you on current. you guys are awesome and crass enough and pretty enough to keep my attention. [ applause ] >> gee an extra $20. >> stephanie: hopefully the debate special won't cost you gas money tomorrow night. >> actually coming back from last time, there was a brilliant rainbow in sepulveda pass. i thought that's a good omen. >> stephanie: it was. >> a fairy got married. >> stephanie: i saw unicorns fashting glitter right on the -- farting glitter right on the 405. that must be a sign. 18 minutes after the hour. >> i'm very embarrassed for you for what goes on on your show. it's just dirty stuff and you all laugh so stupidly like a bunch of idiots. >> announcer: it's "the
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> this is a vintage arizona state university shirt. it's the only college mascot. >> stephanie miller. ♪ let's kick it ♪ ♪ ice ice baby ♪ >> steph steph baby. >> no. stop that right now. don't do that! >> stephanie: you have to. you can't help yourself. >> i can't tell if you're trying to be a rapper. >> stephanie: i feel like paul ryan in that video. turning my hat around. >> the shake weight. >> i can't tell if you're dancing or having a grand
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mal seizure. >> stephanie: 1-800-steph-12 toll free from anywhere. dennis in virginia. hi dennis. welcome. hi dennis. >> caller: how are you this morning? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: earlier, i was riding around in my car and you played an excerpt from a comedian on fox news. >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: he was saying you know what, i don't know who obama's base is. if you're a christian, you can't vote for him and oh, my gosh. that just got me going. >> that's what got me going about that sound byte. >> oh, my gosh -- >> helping the poor is the very essence of christianity. >> oh, my gosh. i'm a christian pastor in virginia. and i thought you know what? i gotta call these guys and thank them for what they're doing plus i just think president obama and his administration is one of the most christian we've had! basic principle is helping the least among us. and so my goodness. so i just had to call and say -- >> stephanie: you know how i
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can tell you're really a christian pastor because you say things like oh gosh and oh, my goodness. so cute. >> he's a pastor. he can't say -- >> stephanie: oh, my gosh. goodness me. >> gracious. >> stephanie: yes. you know who -- did you -- on hbo this thursday, there is the documentary ethel. about ethel kennedy. we gotta get rory on. who did the documentary. it was a great piece in the "l.a. times" about ethel kennedy who, as we all know kicked my ass in bananagram at the kennedy compound a few weeks ago. the whole theme of it, a lot of people have said this, the kennedy's whole -- all of them, that was their whole mission about helping those less fortunate than them. that's exactly what our last caller is talking about. the basis of christianity is helping the poor. future wife stack for me. jesse in iowa. people getting a little crazy. can i have some wedding music
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here. crazy. pre-election. charlene hundred zinger please and thank you. 47 of council bluff iowa first had a liquid lunch at p. f. chang's where you harass customers about being a muslim. embarrass your daughter so much she leaves you in chinatown des moines version of it. >> chinatown where the p. f. chang's is. >> stephanie: that area of des moines. explain to the copper on a call you don't need jailing. democrats, not republicans like you. officer chris morgan said in his report that00inger reported that he didn't need to be there because she was a republican. she reportedly refuse a sobriety test admitted to having consumed alcohol and insisted she was not drunk. a witness said she was drunk and had been bothering other customers with her opinions about the previous administration. >> another thing -- >> about the presidential debate and her support for romney and her belief that obama has ruined this country and the muslims were causing america all of
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these problems. >> oh, my god! >> stephanie: try to enjoy your kung pao chicagoan at p. f. chang's. >> listen, drunken blowhole, back off! >> chinatown is where the p. f. chang's is. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: that's probably all there is there. >> that is chinatown. >> it is like welcome to chinatown. it says you're now leaving chinatown. on the other side of the door. >> stephanie: all righty. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] oh goodness. somebody here -- a home schooled tot. jasmine who is home schooled is worried that same-sex marriage laws will lead to ducks taking over the world. >> i've always thought that. >> stephanie: mitt romney is right. we need to cut education funding. we don't need more teachers. jasmine writes if homosexuality spreads, it can cause human
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evolution to come to a stand still. it could threaten the position on the evolutionary ladder and say ducks could take over the world. >> believe in evolution at least. there's something. [duck quacking] [ wah wah ] >> stephanie: jasmine is worried about ducks taking over the world. >> i'm sure the heterosexuals will continue reproducing. just a hunch. >> stephanie: i'm doing that with my mouth. okay. it is not like double kitty. >> they kind of sound the same. >> i know. >> stephanie: one side is the duck. i'm a grown woman and i do this for a living. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> that's a duck. >> oh, no, not this time! sorry, buster! >> stephanie: speaking of despicable rick santorum -- entered the campaign against same-sex marriage in washington state with an apock liptic warning about its effect on
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churches. rick santorum, this is a turning point in american history. the movement you're fighting is the most important movement to win. more important to block abortion because marriage will disintegrate along with the america family if same-sex marriage becomes legal. >> right. >> stephanie: so that happened. [ applause ] >> stephanie: can we have chris punch him? >> he's the official punter of "the stephanie miller show". [ laughter ] that's what charlie pierce called him on facebook yesterday. >> stephanie: the official punter -- >> of "the stephanie miller show." >> stephanie: we had quite a line-up and i chose him. >> i think the term was placekicker. >> stephanie: no. well, i don't know. >> we probably should have asked him when we had him on. excuse me, what do we call you? >> stephanie: that concludes the sports section of "the stephanie miller show." >> only reason you can call american football football is because the kicker shows up once once in a great while.
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>> stephanie: right back on "the stephanie miller show." (vo) what is said here could decide the election. current tv presents coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> was this the game changer? is this going to change the dynamic? (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >>now that's politically direct.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> we were actually looking for a cheap miller but you're a sexy >> you should have seen this girl bing, bang. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. debate week. woo-hoo. tomorrow for debate show in the morning, we have richard belzer live in studio. we'll be doing our debate night special as is our want these days. >> they've been calling us back. >> stephanie: 7:00 p.m. eastern. >> we must be doing something right. >> stephanie: live in studio for halloween elvira.
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i hope romney's taxes come up tomorrow night. ♪ i was working on the campaign late one night ♪ ♪ when my eyes beheld a disturbing sight ♪ ♪ when my capital gains began to rise ♪ ♪ and suddenly to my surprise ♪ ♪ he hid the stash ♪ ♪ he hid the romney stash ♪ ♪ the romney stash ♪ >> it was his cames cash ♪ ♪ the romney stash ♪ ♪ he paid almost no tax ♪ ♪ the romney stash ♪ ♪ the romney stash ♪ >> the whole thing is about three minutes long. the entire thing is posted up on your facebook page. >> stephanie: rocky mountain mike rocking the free world. brian in st. paul, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi brian. >> caller: i'm nervous talking to you. i've had so much coffee this morning listening to the show.
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still laughing about the shake weight reference. but what i was calling about is not related to the debates. marcus bachmann filled in on our local crazy christian radio station. >> fabulous. >> next door to you on the dial. >> stephanie: i bet it was super. >> caller: i wasn't able to hear all of it but i sent you guys e-mails because i thought you would want to know about this because there's going to be -- you know, i'm sure somewhere if you make chris listen to it, there's gotta be a lot of closeted comedy gold in it. >> stephanie: i'm sure there is. he's still doing that repairtive therapy. thanks for asking. ♪ i'm super thanks for asking ♪ ♪ all things considered, i couldn't be better i must say ♪ ♪ i'm feeling super nothing bugs me ♪ ♪ everything is super don't you think i look cute in this hat ♪ >> stephanie: we have figured out he's the singer on this -- on the promo forever sexy lady.
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>> fresh from their star-studded performance in hollywood -- >> they run you right out of hollywood. >> the year's hottest political show. the stephanie miller sexy liberal comedy show is finally coming to new york. you come crawling back to broadway. broadway is for booze and dope. >> on october 27th, the eve of election 2012, the stephanie miller sexy liberal comedy tour will take the stake at the world famous beacon theatre. >> nothing like doing a live though on broadway. >> featuring john fuglesang, hal sparks aisha tyler and stephanie miller. for tickets -- >> stephanie: that's the only reason i did that. >> sexy lady. >> busting out all over ♪ ♪ in a rail straight way ♪ >> stephanie: show tunes are a
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trigger for migraines. that guy that sang sexy lady has never thought a lady is sexy. >> could happen. by the way macaroni, the official rapper of "the stephanie miller show." says he's not only the official rapper of "the stephanie miller show," he's also an expert in sport. chris cluey is a punter. >> stephanie: oh, thank you. >> i only watch the real football where you use your feet. we call it soccer. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: i call it maze. i don't know why. because i don't know sport. >> stephanie: scott brown campaign is calling for you. they just offered you a job. the rnc hastily cut ties are strategic allied consulting when florida opened a criminal investigation into g.o.p. funded voter registration firm for turning in hundreds of fraudulent registration forms in florida. that's where all of the voter
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fraud we're hearing about so much -- now underfire strategic ally founder nathan sprewell has started a new identical firm called issue advocacy partners. it is different which is operating in ten major battlegrounds as we speak. this isn't the first time that's had to hide his past. the rnc asked him to change the name of the company the first time because attention was being called to his shady work in the 2000 and 2000 elections. huh, that's clever. just keep changing the name of your shady company to something else. no one will notice all of the vote stealing. okay then. [ ♪ "jeopardy" theme ♪ ] jim, who said like a carnival barker will cajoling, the republican party is counting on americans not remembering that they've seen this trick before. republican presidential nominee mitt romney wants voters to forget their familiarity with the prize he's dangling before their eyes. a return to the disastrous economic policies that preceded the recession. there you go. who said that? >> marcus bachmann. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: no!
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"the philadelphia inquirer" who is also endorsing barack obama. [ applause ] it is entitled obama will do a better job. >> all righty then. [ ♪ "jeopardy" theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: the g.o.p. would prefer the nation repeat history rather than remember it. unemployment rates above 10% automakers going bankrupt, stock market losing half its value the net worth of u.s. households plummeted, nations losing 500,000 jobs to one month. the doins losing 800 points in one day. hundreds of thousands of homes and foreclosures because people bought houses they knew they couldn't afford. banks collapsing because they couldn't pay their debts and neither could they. who said that? >> neil cavuto. >> stephanie: no. philadelphia enquirer. a read a north carolina paper that endorsed the about the today. [ ♪ "jeopardy" theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: president obama was dealt a bad hand. there are clear signs the economy is picking up speed. including a lower unemployment rate that would get even better
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if the job creators sitting on record profits would get on the job and start hiring. >> sarah palin. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: no. "the philadelphia inquirer." who also said the recovery is slow -- by the way we just talked about this morning. there is the number i was looking for. the stimulus created 2.5 million jobs and added up to 3.8% of the gross national product. [ ♪ battle hymn of republic ♪ ] so, i could have done that. >> stephanie: it is not a matter of opinion. >> it is too. >> stephanie: the recovery is slow but its speed has been hampered by on obstinate republicans. like joe biden said, get out of the way. they can't be blamed for obama's lack of success earlier in his administration when democrats held the house and senate but congress's rules give great power to the minority party. romney would cut income tax rates by 20%. would avoid tax breaks by ending some breaks. not mathematically possible.
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i'm just challenging it. no analyst has been able to figure out how the plan is feasible. most likely it would be deductions popular among the middle class which he won't say out of fear of losing votes. exactly. blah, blah blah. okay. america doesn't need an etch-a-sketch president whose positions changes with the type of audience he's speaking to. he also -- doesn't need a president who makes foreign policy speeches. obama deserves more than the credit republicans are giving him for being the commander in chief who finally got osama bin laden. america is safer as a result of that. blah, blah blah. what obama has been able to accomplish, in the face of opposition suggest he could have a remarkably successful pregnancy -- wow, that would be something. presidency if given a second term. barack obama is the better candidate. investment in the strong future is why the enquirer endorses the re-election of president obama. >> that proves barack took his time machine to go back to make
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the economy look better. like the phony birth certificates to prove he wasn't born in muslimstan. >> stephanie: sam in atlanta. i like the pictures. >> caller: how you doing? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: i got a question i would like to ask. >> stephanie: okay. >> caller: romney refers to taking back america. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: i'm just wondering where is he taking it back? >> stephanie: from the black man who stole it. >> caller: oh, okay. [ laughter ] >> easy question. easy answer. >> stephanie: i saw the t-shirt. the romney ryan t-shirt. it said put the white back in the white house. >> which was built likely by black people. >> stephanie: ironically. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] you don't hate when this happens. used enemas resold to cvs customers after being resealed. >> no!
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>> yikes! >> holy crap. >> stephanie: literally. >> oh, my god! >> stephanie: gawker brings us -- >> oh, good. >> stephanie: a cvs store in jackson jacksonville florida -- the sound of stinkers snapping shut -- oh, to be a fly on the wall for that conversation. this is cvs calling. is my prescription ready? no. here's the thing. >> you see -- >> remember that enema you bought -- >> you might think this is funny. >> stephanie: or you might not. just have that like automated call. when your prescription is ready. this is your cvs pharmacy. >> you may have stuck a used enema up your glory hole. >> stephanie: thank you. good-bye. [dial tone] >> stephanie: purchased ready
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to use. is there some you have to premix or something? which ones aren't ready to use? purchased ready to use enemas to inform a medical de vries -- device may have been previously used. because of ronald robinson, that's why. >> did he use them? >> oh, god! oh! did he he did not -- some kind of thrill from this? did he? >> stephanie: he was arrested in june and accused of tampering with consumer products. he used and returned as many as 12 enemas claiming the packages had not been opened. tests conducted by the florida department of health on the bottles found in-store which had been resealed after use came back positive for -- >> fecal matter. [ applause ] >> stephanie: all right
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everybody. how bad could your day be? >> enjoy your breakfast. >> stephanie: if you didn't buy used enemas from cvs. let's let that settle for a moment. just think on that. okay. discuss amongst yourselves. back with the remaining moments of "the stephanie miller show." >> on the stephanie miller radio show in suburban america this morning. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." (vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only presidential debate coverage.
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it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks go time! it's go time. oh is it? then it's go. go. go. go. go. go. go. go time. anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. go time! only on current tv. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller . [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 50 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number
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toll free why anywhere. let's go to marie in illinois on "the stephanie miller show." hi marie. >> caller: hi, stephanie. how are you this morning? of it good. go ahead. >> caller: you've been talking about these people on their debates acting like children. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: and ann coulter called me a gal. >> stephanie: yes you're a gal. of all of the gals she knows didn't like joe biden. >> caller: so the gals and then they called president obama a boy? >> stephanie: ah yes. >> caller: so my new motto is gals vote for romney. real women go for obama. >> stephanie: there you go rock on! [ applause ] >> guys and gals. >> stephanie: what would you all do for a free iphone? >> all you what? >> stephanie: smallest penis wins free iphone. this is something that mini penis danish men can cash in on their misfortune giving away a
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free iphone 5 to the man with the smallest member. >> wow. is it really worth it? no, it's not. no. >> stephanie: all right. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> so that happened. >> stephanie: lindsay lohan is voting for mitt romney because of course she is. >> she came out in favor of mitt romney. >> stephanie: i was waiting to see what she thought. she told e! >> stephanie: i think important employment is really right now. as of mitt romney as of now. she'll keep us posted as of now. we're on a need-to-know basis. if she changes -- asked what made her ditch obama. she said it is a long story. you'll have to wait for that. >> oh. >> does she think we're going to wait with bated breath? >> stephanie: apparently.
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back on september 7th following the president's dnc speech, she tweeted at the president telling him he needs to consider cutting taxes for those listed on forbes millionaires too. >> i see. okay. >> stephanie: all right. >> she's selfless, she gives and gives. >> stephanie: rapper says martha's debate is nice and tells her to keep it gangsta. >> as martha wants to do. >> stephanie: she was telling people to turn their devices off and she said she learned the hard way when her -- i guess when her mobile went off during a 2007 white house briefing and her son had switched her ring tone to a comhe'llonaire -- chameleonaire song. he said made my night. keep it gangsta. >> when i think gangsta i think martha radich.
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>>christine in cleveland speaking of debates. hey, christine. >> caller: hi, all. >> stephanie: go ahead. >> caller: public service announcements. i just heard one on your -- your what -- anyways calling today as the unofficial press secretary of the big bird with a public service announcement for all debate a hollics in the watching or listening area of the great swing state of ohio, senator sherrod brown versus douche mandle streaming live at wviz also can be seen at channel 25. >> stephanie: tonight? >> caller: channel 25 tonight. >> stephanie: tonight? >> caller: tonight. debateaholics, three debates. we've got the president this week. we have two with sherrod brown and douche mandell tonight and on the 18th and they'll be on tv -- it will be the replay at 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
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so for all of the debate a hollics out there i needed to get this public announcement out. >> stephanie: love us some sherrod brown. >> we have an update on the lindsay lohan story you just read from jacki schechner. she says the latest update is that lindsay lohan is not registered to vote. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: thank god. alleluia. >> stephanie: like she would be sober enough to anyway. laura in aurora, colorado. hello, laura. >> caller: good morning, steph. how are you? >> stephanie: good morning. how are you? >> caller: listen, i've got a problem with this mitt romney and his mental illness. you know his wife mentioned it once on tv. >> stephanie: she's afraid for his mental well-being if he becomes president. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> caller: i look at him walking on tv and his eyes look like he's schizophrenic for sure. i just wonder isn't there a law
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against running for president or elected office and you have a mental illness? >> stephanie: i don't know. we'll have to ask dr. keith. do we have an official psychologist of "the stephanie miller show"? >> i'm sure there was one at one point in the last eight years. >> stephanie: donald in aurora. you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi, stephanie. what really gets me with this whole thing about romney is the fact he made that comment about the 47% of the american people. he's willing to throw them under the bus. he gets away with it. they don't seem to care. any other person that would say something like this, you would think the campaign would be destroyed. but you know what gets me, too is if this clown gets into office he is own and bought and paid for by every corporation millionaire, billionaire. >> stephanie: by the way, go to fox news, oh, i was wrong. you didn't say one thing. you went on and on and on. it was obviously a rallying cry. it wasn't just a one -- one
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comment. hello, jay in ohio. >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hi, go ahead. >> caller: i just wanted to make should points about this -- to make some points about this election. i think people need to be reminded of all of romney's gaffes and how unpresidential he looks and acts. he was born with a silver spoon and a foot in his mouth. >> stephanie: yeah. by the way the latest of which is this on the campaign trail this weekend on benghazi. >> romney: the vice president directly contradicted the sworn testimony of officials. he's doubling down on denial. and we need understand exactly what happened as opposed to have people brush this aside. >> stephanie: hillary clinton completely decimated that. she said we have said exactly what our intelligence was at the time in real time in this whole thing. so now we've had the navy seals mother, christopher stevens' father, among other republicans when romney started talking
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saying stop it. stop politicizing this. wait until the investigation is done. the administration is not covering anything up. joe bide did not misspeak. they have -- they have been trying to give us the intelligence that they have at the time they have it. >> if you voted for cutting funding for embassy security, shut the hell up. >> yeah, paul ryan. >> stephanie: in fact, a giant steamy cup. sexy hal sparks aisha tyler and john fuglesang and me and two huge celebrity guests on panel and i think another huge one to open the show. very exciting. so you can't miss it. it is sexy liberal palooza. get it tomorrow. speaking of comedy royalty richard belzer live in studio for an hour here in captain america's underpants. that's it for us. like to thank chris lavoie, jim ward t-bone on phones, jacki schechner in the current news center. courtney and shelby.
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