tv Full Court Press Current October 19, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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you may have heard that on the view yesterday, ann romney said that when mitt romney loses on november 6, i mean she still thinks hes going to win but this will be his last political campaign ever. a lot of republicans are wishing he would have said that back in 2008, but they're stuck with him now. we'll bring you up to date on the latest. first, we start with today's current news update from lisa ferguson in los angeles. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. happy friday. it's a pretty late day on the president's schedule leading up to monday's final debate. the president campaigns today in fairfax, virginia then to camp david. mitt romney is campaigning together with paul ryan this evening, hosting a rally at the daytona beach band shell. they should be pretty happy to
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see florida's headlines. the orlando sentinel is endorsing mitt romney for president. that is florida's biggest newspaper and four years ago endorsed president obama. >> both took a chance to poke fun at themselves. >> the employment rate is at the lowest level since i took office. i don't have a joke here. i just thought it would be useful to remind everybody. >> it's finally nice to relax and wear what ann and i wear around the house. >> romney took a more playful jab at the president. >> president obama and i are both lucky to have someone in our corner to lean on. i have my beautiful wife, ann. he has bill clinton. >> sounds like she's had enough campaigning.
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she said if romney doesn't win the white house this time, they are done running for president. we are live in chat, see you there. commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv. build a ground-breaking car. good. now build a time machine. go here, find someone who can build a futuristic dash board display. bring future guy back. watch him build a tft display like nothing you've ever seen. get him to explain exactly what that is. the thin film transistor display...
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[ male announcer ] mmm, maybe not. just show it. customize the dash give it park assist. the fuel efficiency flower thing. send future guy home his work here is done. destroy time machine. win some awards, send in brady. that's how you do it. easy. nah, he's probably got... [ dennis' voice ] allstate. they can bundle all your policies together. lot of paperwork. actually... [ dennis' voice ] an allstate agent can help do the switching and paperwork for you. well, it probably costs a lot. [ dennis' voice ] allstate can save you up to 30% more when you bundle. well, his dog's stupid. [ dennis' voice ] poodles are one of the world's smartest breeds. ♪ ♪ bundle and save with an allstate agent. are you in good hands?
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> bill: hey what do you say everybody. 18 days to go and i have already voted. the great big california vote for barack obama. did it yesterday. good to see you today on this day, which happens to be a
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friday. [. ♪ halleluiah. ♪ ] >> we've got lots to cover before we get to the weekend. we're coming to you live as always from our nation's capitol, the most powerful city in the planet. washington d.c. a little indian summer. great to be here and to have you with us wherever you happen to be in this wonderful land of hours, the u.s. of a. thank you for joining us to find out the issues, and talk about the issues, as well. we'll give you every opportunity to do so in every way possible. give us a call if you want to get right into the mix at 1-866-55-press. you can also go into the chat room and join a little
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conversation with your fellow full court pressersers. we will be following you and chatting with you and tempting you. >> i'm following it like a hawk. >> dan. >> good morning. >> phil on the phones and cyprian on the phones. >> potin fairfax virginia today. i'm going to be going out there to the university. my other job. >> one of your side gigs, follow
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president obama. >> i figure it's an event close to home. going to be introduced by cecile richards head of planned parenthood, talking about women's issues. then the famous al smith dinner, which has become an obligatory stop on the campaign trail. they were both in black tux white shirt and white tie that's formallal wear, like the gridiron dinner. they basically make fun of themselves. and jab the other side, too. president obama talking about how he spent his day before the debate. >> i'm still making the most of my time in the city. earlier today i went shopping at
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some stores in mid town. i understand governor romney went shopping for some stores in mid town. >> bill: yeah. romney said he could see the headline tomorrow morning. it's going to be president obama tells jokes atal smith dinner, mitt romney dines with rich people. he took a job too. >> romney: big bird didn't even see it coming. in the spirit of sesame street, the president's remarks are brought to you by the letter "oh" and the number 16 trillion. >> that was a good line. >> bill: it's a good line. they raise money for catholic charities. >> it's all about the writing. >> bill: it's the mormon and baptist raising money for the
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catholics. >> that's true. it sounds like the beginning of a joke. >> bill: a mormon and a baptist walk into a bar right? what do they do? raise money for catholics. frank rich will be joining us, a great columnist for the new york magazine. eleanor smeal head of the feminist majority will be along. bob cusack editor of the hill newspaper. we'll be talking to the leader of the nuns on the bus. >> other headlines making news, the tigers left no doubt whatsoever about who is going to the world series, beating the yankees 8-1 yesterday to head to the championship series. the first time in 32 years that
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the yankees have been swept out of postseason games. >> you know, what would help the yankees, if they paid their players a little better the. >> you think? yeah. that's what happens when you try to sneak by with just $200 million. you get caught in the end right? >> they're in trouble. they're an old team. they've overspent. they've got some problems. >> bill: absolutely that i hate them. i hate the yankees. >> on the move thee theme who are you going to call? how about the ghost busters. a deal has been inked to film ghost buster three and dan akroyd and harold ramus will be in the movie director ivan
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rightman said the series accounted use a restart. >> if bill murray won't do it, i'm not going. >> bill: the first one was so funny. >> it was great. >> bill: next to airplane, one of my most favorite movies. now, the third after all this time? >> 1989? >> 1989. they sent bill murray the script and he ripped it up and mailed it back to him and said no thanks. he said he won't do it. why would i want to see it? >> it may come as a surprise, but facebook has been named as the world's most valuable brand for the third quarter this year despite its rough public offering earlier this year. the ranking is based on social dialogue. apple is two, foldage google, mtv and amazon rounding out the
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top knife. >> bill: facebook is number one still worth something. i am so blown away and upset over all this notice over the latest gallup poll. democrats are panicking. every time a poll comes out democratic runs for the high hills, the tall grass panicking, because by the way at the same time, the republicans are rejoicing. the bridge report, you would think it's the second coming, right? because the latest gallup national tracking poll shows some huge bounce for mitt romney showing mitt romney over president obama among likely voters 52-45. it said democrats hit the panic button republicans are popping the champagne. let me tell you something, both sides, forget about it. forget about it. your panicking or delirious over
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inning nothing nothing. we've been here before. i thought it was so important this morning one more time to clear the air about what this is all about and say this does not need anything. ok? and i might add also, it is simply outrageous, it is irresponsible for the media ok, you expect fox to have an orgasm over this poll. you expect the drudge report, right? because they're going to spin it anyway they can. you expect the romney campaign to brag about it and crow about it but for the mainstream media to even report this poll or to give it any credibility, right assign it any importance is just simply irresponsible. the media's not doing its job. except what they're doing is trying to keep this thing alive anyway they can trying to still make it look like a horse race, not that it's over, by the way it's going to be close and
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trying to sell papers and get ratings. that is what it's all about. one more time, if you'll bear with me, let's layout the facts of the goal lineup poll. it's a national tracking poll. which doesn't mean beans ok? how many times do we have to say this? we do not vote, we do not have a national referendum for president. we do not have a national vote. that's not the way it works. maybe it should. that's not the way it works in this company. a national tracking poll looking a sample nationwide of likely voters doesn't mean crap, other than to show maybe the popularity of something on a given day number one. number two the gallup poll is one of six daily national tracking polls and all the expert polesters say it is the
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least reliable. the obama campaign don't pay any attention to it they think it's so untrustworthy. nate silver who has the best reputation of people who follow these polls, he has a column new york times he follows 136 different polls and he says the gallup poll is the least dependable of all of them. you want a little example? back in 2000, the ghoul lineup poll in august said george bush was ahead of al gore by 16 points. in september, they said al gore was ahead of george bush by 10 points. whoops. sorry, cell phone. turn your cell phone off. >> sorry, that's my fault. >> in september, the gallup poll said george bush was ahead of al gore by 13 points, as we know, al gore won the election. the supreme court gave it to george bush, but the point is boom boom, boom and they were
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wrong every time. you can follow that in subsequent years, as well. that's number two, can't trust the gallup poll. number three what really counts is to look at the electoral vote. that's how we elect the president. it's made up of one two three four, 50 states and their eelectoral votes. particularly important this year are the swing states. cbs news last night reports on the gallup poll. they shouldn't have, 52-45 and then they look at the electoral vote. what does it show? right now were the election held today, president obama would have 255. well, i mean coming into the election. president obama, 255 electoral votes locked in out of 270 is what he needs and mitt romney as 206. now it's not impossible that romney wins. i to have keep saying that, but
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that's a chunk of advantage for barack obama 255. he is within striking distance of 270. he needs like one more freaking state. mitt romney needs to run the table, right? >> yeah, i don't understand how it's gotten to this. the media can talk about how flawed it is to election the pot by 10 states but that's what it comes down to. these national numbers don't mean anything. >>, it pisses me off that the media knows it's wrong and they keep reporting it and people panic over it. 1-866-55-press. remember, 255, you need 270. mitt romney 206. nbc came out with their latest poll looking at two key swing states iowa, president obama up eight points. in iowa, one third of voters
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have already voted. ok? in early voting and the polls there show overwhelmingly barack obama won. wisconsin, paul ryan's home state, nbc news, president obama up by six. in both states, they're going around saying mitt romney is making a big play for the women's vote. mitt romney, he's cracking down on the women's vote. in both iowa and wisconsin according to nbc news, president obama is leading by 19 points among women. >> a slim 19 points. >> bill: yeah, a slim 19 points among women. finally, nate silver, i told you about 538 in the new york times said yesterday looking at the tracking polls, president obama chances of winning what is the chances that he's going to win on november 6? it increased from 64.8% to
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65.7%. so he's saying today that mitt romney's got a 35% chance of winning and barack obama has got a 65% chance of winning. you see what i mean? when you put all that together, the gallup poll doesn't mean beans. we've got to stop paying attention to national tracking polls and stop paying attention to gallup in particular. 1-866-55-press. 136 polls and gallup is the worst. there you go. and yet it's the headline in the papers today. come condition! let's talk about it, 1-866-55-press. >> announcer: on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show." [ ♪ theme ♪ ]
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: peter, tell me, our viewers are smarter than to believe this gallup poll right? >> yeah, we're tweeting, we asked the question were they worried about the goal lineup pole numbers. >> not worried at all but caution is the wiser path. >> i'm more worried about voter intimidation at the polls. that is something the media could focus on instead of these gallup numbers. >> bill: should be focusing on. joe is out in chicago illinois. what do you think? >> caller: good morning, bill, good morning guys. i wouldn't panic too much about this. >> bill: this is joey, not joe.
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>> caller: that's right. >> bill: you fooled me here for a second. >> caller: i wouldn't be too worried about it. all the polls, the early voting show we're going to win this thing. they to have sell newspapers, bill, that's the way i see it. >> bill: or get the ratings on t.v. and radio. not the obama people ought to get cocky and say this is in the bag. it's not in the bag. the president keeps telling us it's going to be close and it is for a whole lot of reasons. certainly there's no reason to flow in the tall and say because of one gallup pole. national tracking polls don't mean crap. they ought to outlaw them. >> ramona, good morning. >> caller: i think we ought to worry about them stealing the election with the voter suppression going on. i wish the media would report on the voter suppression.
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>> bill: there have been so little attention on these attempts across the board in so many states in no many ways to suppress the vote. why? >> caller: i don't know, but it's worrying me, because they toll the election in 2000, they stole it again in ohio in 2004, and i wouldn't put it past them to try to steal it again by suppressing the vote and intimidating voters at the poll. we need to get occupy, the occupy movement to occupy the polls. >> bill: occupy the polls that's not bad. no doubt about it now. peter, you reported yesterday we had a big victory in ohio. >> we did yeah. >> bill: when the courts there said oh, no, the secretary of state wanted to shut down the early voting for the last three days before the election. the local court said no and the supreme court upheld that and allowed open voting. in many states they're going to
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have millions of people disenfranchised. that's what we ought to be talking about not the gallup pole. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." [ ♪ theme ♪ ] (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: chatting with you live at press. >> bill: 33 minutes after the hour on this friday, october 19. the full court press, we are on a mission to destroy the credibility of the gallup poll, and to make sure that all americans know exactly what's going on in this election.
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join us on that mission at 1-866-55-press. good to have you with us. peter ogburn's been following the tweets on this. we'll catch up to date with peter, as well and get your call back to your calls. i'm on another mission too. i've told you about this. that is a mission to figure out where my family came from, because i grew up with a grandfather, loved him but he always told us kids that he was an american indian and we were all from some american indian tribe, which was bologna. i'm convinced that our family came from eastern europe, are russian jews, just like every other press family that i've met in this country and so i'm on track, trying to nail this down and i'm so excited that i discovered
3:33 am they have all the records you need to trace your family back. i urge you to join me. you can do it by going to >> bill: peter what's going on? >> yesterday we talked about tag romney wanted to get out of his seat and take a swing at the guy. >> bill: who didn't serve in the military. >> that's the one. >> bill: on his mission. his mission gets everybody out of military service including
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his old man. >> mitt romney has five sons, one was ask about the take a swing at barack obama yesterday. that brother referring to tagg. >> that brother has taken a swing at me several times. i assure you president obama has nothing to worry about. >> bill: you think there's some anger management issues in that family? >> it allove to say the romney boys, boy fight. get it on. >> bill: thanksgiving may not be the fun event that people think it is around the romney household. gallup comes up with this worthless poll, showing romney up 52-45. the nation panics. any reputable pollster said what really counts is the eelectoral college where president obama has the lead. charles, out on the west coast los angeles charles what do
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you say. >> caller: the media should report the gallup pole of registered voters which only shows romney with a one point lead. >> bill: interesting, although likely voters means these are people who are more likely to vote. i wouldn't even trust the goal lineup poll of registered voters, you know? >> caller: i wouldn't put any stock in that one but registered voters showing just 1%. i got a serious problem with the way the media's been covering the whole libya situation. right after the attack, there were several news reports that the libyans themselves said that they were upset by the -- >> they did. >> and that was the reason some of them attacked. >> bill: they did. >> caller: they openly told reporters. >> bill: the people, "the new york times" has reported this, the protest, whatever you want
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to call them, protesters on the scene told reporters who arrived on the scene that they were there because they were outraged over this video. they didn't make that up, the white house didn't make that up. first of all people on the scene, and that's what our intelligence said at the time. you're right charles. the media's gone into this whole thing about we covered it up, we covered it up. we talked about you that yesterday and established once and for all. i was there that's my job, i was there in the rose gordon when president obama made those remarks. it was a special event in the rose garden called for the president to address what had happened in libya. he was there with the secretary of state. he talked about libya. there's no doubt he was talking about libya. no doubt he was talking about benghazi. this idea he might have just been talking about terror attacks in general is just a romney campaign invention.
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charles, you're right but the media picked it up, just like they picked up this gallup poll and tried to make something of it. >> kathy in long island. >> caller: nice to talk to you again. >> bill: thank you. welcome back. >> caller: i did speak to you at the last debacle which is exactly what it was but this one was fantastic i thought he really nailed it. the only thing i wish he would bring up is at some point is romney's job creation status in his own state, 47. >> bill: 47 out of 50 states. >> caller: how do you tout a record like that with pride. compared to the first, it was a debacle, i was disgusted by that. i check the polls religiously several times a day. i don't look at one. >> bill: absolutely.
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the best site is >> caller: reuters has really determined the winners for the past several elections. >> bill: right. >> caller: then they read that the 7/11 cups have determined the election. >> that's more reliable than the gallup poll. >> bill: i think so. thanks, kathy for weighing in again. even president obama joking at thal smith dinner last night, he said something about had a long nap at the i'm feeling pretty rested tonight because i had a long nap at the first debate. out in orange county california hi, nicole. >> caller: hi. i think these shady polls serve a function, and that is to make it close enough so that by their suppression and intimidation and
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outright theft, you know, the public won't be shocked when they steal the election. >> bill: not to get too conspiratorial, but certainly i that i that's what the republicans have in mind and that's why they trumpet, notice, nicole whenever the polls show romney getting clobbered they always say oh, well, the polls don't mean anything, polls go up polls go down, but they get one little poll like this and make a big deal of it and the media goes along with them. that can tighten it up to the point where they can steal a state here, steal a state there and this we go, right? >> caller: will obama investigate for fraud and put these guys in jail? >> bill: well, i don't know. i mean, i certainly think that the justice -- put it this way. the justice department is in fact looking at efforts to suppress the vote in several
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states, and there could be some criminal investigations. by the way, i just saw yesterday in virginia, a republican official was arrested in virginia for some voter registration fraud. >> that could very well be the story of this election and the media, so far the mine stream media is ignoring those stories. >> bill: they certainly can't blame acorn this time for stealing the election. charles down in tampa thanks for joining us. >> caller: good morning mr. press. >> bill: bill, bill, thank you right. >> caller: sorry it's just a habit of mine. bill, i just find polls to be funny as hell, because on either side of the party line when the polls show one thing all parties go get giddy guidey.
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the electoral college what their projecting is a flawed number, also because each state, they change their mind which we don't know about. they just go by past experience in giving the numbers. i agree that obama has a pretty good lead in the electoral college by past experience. >> bill: right. >> caller: until the voting comes down, nobody knows what's going to happen. >> bill: charles, you are absolutely right. the problem is that we pay too much attention to these damn polls. i've been on a tear about this for a long time. i go on so many different shows, t.v. shows radio shows. the first question is what about this poll, right? reporting on polls and analyzing polls has taken the place of real good political strategy or
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political thinking or political reporting for too many people in the media. we've been talking about there already running polls for 2016, for god's sakes. polls do serve a purpose but we put much, much too much emphasis on them, especially a worthless disruptable poll like gallup. >> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv, this is the "bill press show." [ ♪ theme ♪ ]
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now find the most hard core driver in america. that guy, put him in it. what's this? [ male announcer ] tell him he's about to find out. you're about to find out. [ male announcer ] test it. highlight the european chassis 6 speed manual, dual exhaust wide stance, clean lines have him floor it, spin it punch it, drift it put it through its paces is he happy? oh ya, he's happy! [ male announcer ] and that's how you test your car for fun. easy. [ male announcer ] red lobster's hitting the streets to tell real
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people about our new 15 under $15 menu. oh my goodness! oh my gosh this looks amazing! that's a good deal! [ man ] wow! it is so good! [ male announcer ] our new maine stays! 15 entrees under $15 seafood, chicken and more! oo! the tilapia with roasted vegetables! i'm actually looking at the wood grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. you so fascinated by the prices, you keep rambling on! i know! -that pork chop was great! -no more fast food friday's! so we gotta go! we're going to go to red lobster. yep. [ male announcer ] try our 15 under $15 menu and sea food differently! (vo) cenk uygur is many things. >>oh really?
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>> bill: 13 minutes before the top of the hour. it's the full court press on october 19. we have a far far too few investigative reporters out there today, but my favorite is greg palace. he's got a new book out called "billionaires and ballot bandits, how to steal an election in nine easy steps." he investigates karl rove, the koch brothers and their big buck buddies, all kinds of i will lit reaction there. check it out at he will be our guest in studio monday on the full court press. speaking of the media, there is big media news today about newsweek. we wanted to turn to one of our
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good friends michael calderon joining us this morning. welcome back. >> thank you. >> it is announced newsweek will no longer publish a print edition starting in january correct? >> that is correct. >> bill: newsweek goes the way of u.s. news and world report? >> shortly after the news broke i called a staffer over there who said it's not surprising, but oddly shocking. the news didn't come as a surprise. for some, newsweek has been on death watch for two or three years, ever since the washington post first sold it for a dollar and merged with the daily piece and then was killed off to daily beef which became the website for newsweek. for the last few months, they were getting very serious about a full transition to digital.
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it wasn't surprising, but the news a bit shocking. newsweek has been a name stay, on the shelves and after january, it won't be. >> bill: it's going to be different not to see noose week. >> yeah! >> bill: it's newsweek today and "time" tomorrow? >> caller: "time is unfortunate because it's part of a bigger organization. they've been able to stay afloat better than "newsweek" which was owned we the washington post company, which had plenty of problems with declining print advertising with the washington post newspaper. newsweek has had losses of $40 million a year new you. it does make you wonder if there is any future at all for weekly or even monthly print magazines.
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new republic went from once a week to now twice a month right? >> right and the new republic is also trying to move in more of a direction of say the new york or the atlantic. these are aspirations and the kind of weekly magazines. it's interesting because the week magazine has been doing quite well, but the week magazine is a weekly compendium, a digest. they do have some original writers especially on the website. they find a really quick straight compendium for people who want to catch up an that week's news and commentary. >> the past couple of editions of "newsweek" have been based towards sensationalism and stirring up controversy. >> bill: they were trying to keep it alive. >> were they trying to keep it alive at that point? >> caller: tina brown, the
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editor what she said is that she took over this magazine. she's been trying to breathe life into it. you've seen that new cover the first gay cover with president obama and a rainbow halo or something. they had a much criticized cover story on obama by neil ferguson which got a lot of criticism a lot of fact checking on various parts of it. they had a muslim rage cover recently things that seemed intentionally designed to provoke and get buzz. it got a lot of attention on twitter, but also got a fair amount of ridicule and mockery for each of these attempts new there was a time i think maybe for all of us, certainly for me, where i would not in my business certainly would not dream of ending a week without having read "newsweek" and"
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time." that's where i got caught up. now i found it totally unnecessary, totally useless because i get my news so fast electrically on line, keep up with it that by the end of the day, i don't need to read "newsweek" and" time," how they sum it up. it's over. >> caller: one thing they said yesterday is they are watching this "newsweek" global on line, but they're going to charge for it. >> bill: they're going to charge for it. >> caller: given how much news and commentary that you get for free all day on line and twitter, it's hard to figure out who the market is now to buy "newsweek global" on their ipad. it's been hard for publications to charge. >> bill: it's not going to work.
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is the "bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: all right, nuns on a bus at the top of the next hour. george hodges says thanks for explaining the electoral votes. >> regina, bill, thank you for reporting the facts. woody says ha ha, even the gallup poll that you knocking your free loaders on your ass. you thought gore was going to win. >> bill: no, no, we thought al gore was going to win and he did. what we didn't know was the supreme court was going to hand the election to bush. >> another thing about you rush is right. all you democrats can't function unless you get laid on a daily basis. [ laughter ] >> bill: no, jay that is not right. once a day is not enough, jay!
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> bill: good morning everybody, happy friday. it's friday, october 19. good to see you today. this is the full court press coming to you live on current tv. we look forward to hearing from you about the news of the day. give us a call at 1-866-55-press. we'll tell you what's happening here in our nation's capitol
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around the country and globe. we've been talk about it, the republicans are delirious over the latest gop lull poll. who are they kidding? everybody knows the gallup poll just simply can't be trusted. out of 136 polls, it is the least reliable of all of them and in the past has been dead wrong on almost every presidential race, so don't believe it. we'll tell you why and a whole lot more here on the full court press. first, we've got the current tv update. it's lisa ferguson standing by in los angeles. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. we are still waiting on one final presidential debate, but for many senate races the debating is already over. missouri senator wrapped up her last debated with todd akin. they stayed away from akin's
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legitimate rape comment, but things got testy at times when mckaskel painted herself as being in the middle. she was the incumbent most likely to lose her seat this fall, but after akin's rape comments, she has a good chance of keep herring seat. >> turning to another race the fight for secretary of state is turning out one of the biggest political donors in the entire country. a man named rex sinkfield has donated $20 million to local candidates and pa cs. he wants state and local tax will be replaced with sales tax.
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he voted to get rid of missouri's income tax when he served as state representative. more "bill press show" after the break. stay with us. (vo) what is said here could decide the election. current tv presents special event coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern.
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weekend come, but we've got a lot of work and a lot of fun before we get there. taking a look at the latest events in washington d.c., around the country and globe. the big al smith dinner last night, both president obama and mitt romney supporting catholic charities. it's a big well-honored tradition by candidates for president, and then of course with, both of them back on the trail and this weekend both of them hunker down for debate preparation for monday night's big debate down in boca raton florida, moderated by bob schieffer on foreign policy. we'll take your calls at 1-866-55-press. say hello to the team, hello guys. >> happy friday! >> keeping us all life and on
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camera and on focus. that's what cyprian does, he takes you out of focus so you come cruise fuzzy. >> it takes a lot of work to look the way we do. >> bill: president obama yesterday, never goes to new york without taping a t.v. show, taped the daily show, they taped it during the afternoon before the al smith dinner. john stewart having a little fun as did the president with our buddy, joe biden. >> how many times a week does biden show up in a wet bathing suit to a meeting? just ballpark figure. >> obama: i had a put out a presidential directive on that. i put a stop to that. i have to say he looks pretty good. >> it's such a funny image of joe coming in dripping wet to the oval office. >> bill: and the vice president
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himself was on the campaign trail yesterday in a key swing state, which is looking pretty good for president obama in nevada, and had fun with president obama's sketchy deal cement. >> as the president said the day after the debate, romney's plans were awful sketchy. sketchy. well i folks, i don't think they were just sketchy. i think they were etch-a-sketchy. >> bill: that was good. etch-a-sketchy yeah, indeed. coming up, frank rich will be joining us, bob cusack from the hill. eleanor smeal, and we'll start off this hour with another leader of nuns on the bus from ohio. but first... >> announcer: this is the full court press. >> other headlines making news, uma thurman gave birth to a
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daughter in july but kept the name a secret. she revealed the thee-month-old name. here we go. >> oh, come on! oh, my god. >> i had trouble rolling through that. you can just call her luna for short. goes in the book with unique baby names blue ivy carter, apple, and moroccon and monroe. >> one weird name, whatever, you're the parent, you can decide if you want to inflict that on your kids. you give them, what does she have like 18 weird names in there? >> it's five names, two last names.
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>> bill: wait until she gets to kindergarten. >> fill out the s.a.t. application. >> u.s.a. today found big bird is the most popular halloween costume this year, everything from big costumes that look exactly like him all the way to risque costumes for the ladies. they're almost sold out thanks to mitt romney. >> bill: i'd love to be in west hollywood for halloween this year. >> it's halloween all year there. i'm to the point where i can't leave my house with my kids not wanting to put on their halloween costumes. >> in sports, the new york jets-patriots matchup could be interesting as all eyes will be
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on tim tebow as the team announced that he will be a running back this weekend. coach rex ryan said it will likely be a game time decision. several of their key running backs may be out with injuries. >> bill: what would jesus say. >> how would jesus run? >> will he after every play get down and do the tebow. >> i don't know what the jets are doing. if their goal is to baffle and confuse their opponents on every game they're doing a pretty darn good job of it. what are they doing with tebow? he's just sort of there. >> bill: i don't get it. they're talking him being a running back, he's going to try and kick a field goal next week. you never know. >> bill: i don't get the whole tebow thing. i never did and i certainly don't like the fact that he
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wears his relingen not just on his sleeve, but even worse than that. so, we are wait to go talk to this very interesting we talked about a nuns on the bus before, and we have been happy to have in studio the leader who got this whole thing started through the network lobby. it's a group of american sisters, sister simone campbell hoaring named the first one which went through nine states a couple of months ago through iowa and all the way through virginia. she was in studio with us before they went on the trip and the day they got back to washington d.c. the whole emphasis was bring attention to the ryan budget,
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the nuns believe this is not the direction a catholic church ought to be supporting in their government wrong policies and particularly pertinent, because ryan himself is such you a big catholic. since then, sister simone campbell told us the other day there have been many, many different states where groups of nuns have said hey we want to do a nones on the bus tour in our state or this state. they even did one on the stanton island ferry which is just a nuns on the ferry. >> sure. >> bill: and so we had planned right now and looking at dan to find out what's going on to be talking to the latest nuns on the bus tour is in ohio, where they were met by protestors from the tea party. ok? now, the tea party actually -- this is just down right mean. >> this isn't too hard for us to
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pick sides in this fight. >> bill: no, all right i'm on the side of the nuns, how about you? >> yeah. >> bill: these tea partyers who we know are ugly people, look at all the racist signs they came out with signs like opposing the sisters, buns on the bus. i mean come on, you don't call nuns bums. >> these are nuns. they're not politicians, they're nuns. >> bill: bums on the bus. here's another sign, romney ryan yes, fake nuns no. now again see that's the problem with these people, they're mean-spirited and get ugly right away. calling president obama a nazi, socialist, can't just say they disagree with his policies. fake nuns they to have call them. the tea party protestors were so
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obnoxious that they had to have a police escort to get the nuns from the bus into the building where they were going to meet with the republican member of the congress, the tea parties were attacking these nuns. >> you want to punch your ticket straight to hell, harass a bunch of nuns. >> bill: they put out a statement on you tube, the tea partyers saying these nuns happen to be a group of radical feminist ideal logs who's actions are out of step with the teachings of the catholic church. hmm. read the gospels, i don't think so. they are totally in step with the teaching of the catholic church. what they're saying is we ought to be concerned with the poor of the country, not just the wealthiest of the country. seems to me that is the whole
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message of jesus in the gospels. they have been criticized by the vatican. sister monica mcgloin was heading the bus. i thought the nuns got up early. >> she's on the bus and they're in and out of cell coverage. >> bill: i think she's sleeping in. >> maybe she partied too much last night. >> we're having trouble getting ahold of her. >> bill: we'll take a break and come back and take your polls and tell you more about that gallup poll.
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i think we ought to just forget about it. here on the full court press friday in the morning october 19. >> announcer: chatting with you live this is the "bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. [ ♪ theme ♪ ] granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage. (vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage. build a ground-breaking car. good. now build a time machine. go
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here, find someone who can build a futuristic dash board display. bring future guy back. watch him build a tft display like nothing you've ever seen. get him to explain exactly what that is. the thin film transistor display... [ male announcer ] mmm, maybe not. just show it. customize the dash give it park assist. the fuel efficiency flower thing. send future guy home his work here is done. destroy time machine. win some awards, send in brady. that's how you do it. easy.
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the powerful may steal an election, but they can't steal [ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: this is the "bill >> announcer: radio meets television. the "bill press show," now on current tv. >> bill: 22 minutes after the hour now happy friday, friday, october 19. really bummed that we missed our chance to talk with sister monica mcgloin. we made fun of her kind of sleeping in, but she did check
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in and dan talked to her but now the bus is out of cell phone rang, so we won't be able to find out how she was able to handle these tea party protestors. what an ugly bunch. they've got better things to do than go after these nuns. nuns have a right to point out to the american people that the paul ryan budget is bad for the poor and middle class. >> that's next, you going to pick on little school kids? really nuns. that's who you want to pick a fight with. >> bill: calling from married dana, hi. >> how are you? >> bill: good, thank you. >> caller: first time getting through. >> bill: good for you glad you made it. >> caller: spent a lot of time calling. i love peter without the hat. he looks very handsome. >> thank you. >> caller: you're welcome. i'm sorry you couldn't get the nuns. i'm going to continue to tune in. >> bill: she'll be back.
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>> caller: i watch every morning. i want to say i'm about to become an aunt, my husband and i aunt and uncle, his brother and husband are about to have a baby through a surrogate. >> bill: good for you. >> caller: my point is you look at however we have come to two gay men can have a baby and you look at the romney team, and they want to just, you know, they can't be happy for the progress we've made in the country. >> bill: absolutely. by the way on that point, it was a very historic moment yesterday when another federal court said that the defense of marriage act. >> caller: yes. >> bill: which forbids recognition of same-sex couple, the court said you can't take those basic rights away from one group of americans. >> caller: right. you look at however we've come, and it just seems like why can't they be happy like that. >> bill: a lot of people still
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want to take us backward. >> caller: exactly and racist stuff to me is just incomprehensible and astounding. >> bill: mitt romney leading the way there too. dana, got to run along sorry but thanks for the call. tell owl of your friends. peter, you had to quick word. >> we've been taking comments @bpshow on twister. elizabeth said i'm not worry about a single national poll. i am worried about voter suppression in virginia, wisconsin and ohio. there's a new story out a group called heart intercivic do voting machines and will be counting votes in ohio. >> bill: oh, no. got to read the whole story.
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>> bill: it's friday! [ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> bill: every friday, we bring you our top favorite sound bytes from the week. president obama in the debate, one of the best moments is when this little debate over libya and president obama won the point that he had talked, he called it an act of terror the day after in the rose garden. candy crowley swims. >> make sure we want to get that ford record. it took the president 14 days. >> get the transcript. >> he did in fact, sir. let me, call it an act of terrorism. >> obama: can you repeat that? >> bill: john stewart having fun with joe biden's performance in his debate. >> who you are and what have you
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done with joe biden? you got to do something! not only was biden not his lovable gastastic caricature, we were fact checking this debate in realtime! >> bill: good for joe let joe be joe. mitt romney, well, here's a phrase that he will never live down and probably wishes he had never uttered in the second presidential debate. >> romney: we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds to be qualified for members of our cabinet. they brought us whole binders full of women. >> bill: binders! binders and binders are and binders full of women. well, joe biden said you didn't need binders mitt.
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>> the idea you had to go and ask where a qualified woman was he just should have come to my house. he didn't need a binder. he didn't need a binder. >> i love that, yeah, come to my house, i'll introduce you to jill biden. >> big point for the biden household, i'm sure. >> bill: last night on the daily show, joe biden again john stewart having fun with president obama. >> how many times a week does biden show up in a wet bathing suit to a meeting? just ballpark figure? >> obama: i had a put out a presidential directive on that. we had to stop it. >> you have to put towels down. >> obama: i got to say he looks pretty well. >> bill: he's coming in off the porch, coming from the swimming pool, which is right down off the lawn. >> what's the news?
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>> bill: coming in dripping wet what's the latest barack? >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." [ ♪ theme ♪ ] current tv presents special event coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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i'm like sister monica mcgloin taking a nap. we're coming to you live on your local progressive talk radio station and here on current tv. of course, lots more to talk about here, but first, a little reminder. i've told you about it before, the particularly important for those of you looking to bring in extra cash to make ends meet at the end of the month and having a hard time doing that. consider in come at home, no matter your able, experience, you can earn money on your home computer from your kitchen table and do it 24/7. if you're sick of living paycheck to paycheck, worrying
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about retirement. if your goal is to earn money from home part time or full time, check out income at they are giving away $1,000 to somebody just for checking them out. you got to be in line to do that. visit them on line. >> bill: peter you had some more comments on twitter? >> lots of comments on twitter @bpshow. voting machines in ohio. >> bill: this gives you a lot of confidence. >> bill what a shame romney wants to steal the election in ohio. you are a liar and a thief.
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>> make sure romney doesn't have his hands in anything that he shouldn't. also annie writes in we need to yell for paper ballots from the rooftops. republicans fight dirty. >> bill: get tag out of the voter machine business. >> maybe we could buy some voting machines. >> bill: i hear something like that i just want to go down and bunch the hell out of tag romney romney. >> bill: the latest gallup poll shows romney up. don't panic. in fact, i would say don't pay any attention to it whatsoever. we've been through this before, but every time one of those polls come out people say oh,
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my god it's all over, it's all over. no, not at all. couple which points to remember, one, this is a national tracking poll, national tracking polls don't mean beans. we do not elect a president of the united states with a national popularity poll. we do not have a national referendum. we do it state by state. number two gallup, that particular poll, is only one of six daily national tracking polls, all of which are meaningless, but of the six gallup is the least trustworthy of all. nate silver who has the best site on "the new york times," what he calls a 538 site, analyzes and traction 136 different polls and he reports yesterday that the gallup poll is the least trustworthy of all 136. in the year 2000, in august, for
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example, they had george bush over al gore by 16 points. then in september, they had al gore up over george bush by 10 points. then in september, they had george bush winning by 13 points, and of course, al gore ended up winning the election and then the supreme court gave it to george w. bush. so gallup's record is horrible. most pollsters just dismiss him. i know for a fact that the obama campaign don't pay any attention to it. if you look at what really, really does count, we elect the president in the electoral college. we elect the president state by state by state. there are critical swing states that are going to make the difference. overall, cbs news reported last night when you look at what really counts, the electoral
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college today, president obama leads mitt romney. you need 270 to win. president obama leads 255 he's within striking distance, within a whisker within one state of winning this election. he's got 255. mitt romney has 206. that is the only new poll that really matters. a couple of new findings out about two of those critical swing states, nbc news, whichs, by the way. i would say when i was in san diego tuesday doing a little debate mike murphy said that he got this question, that of all the polls, he said the nbc wall street journal poll is the most reputal of all. nbc reported that in iowa, president obama is up eight points over mitt romney, a understand one third of the people in iowa have already
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voted, and in wisconsin president obama is up six points over mitt romney, and in both states, you hear all this talk, we're going to talk to eleanor smeal about this, you hear talk women are start to go leave barack obama and go to mitt romney because mitt romney is so good on women's issues. president obama leads among women by 19 points! romney's not even making a dent at all so those are the facts. that's what we need to know about this. one final point i mentioned nate silver tracking 136 polls. he says what are the chances that barack obama's going to win this election? yesterday, he said the chances went up. obama's chances went up from 64.8% to 65.7%.
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so 66% chance that barack obama's going to win, mitt romney would therefore have a 34% chance of winning. if i went to vegas with those odds i'd bet on obama right? >> absolutely. >> bill: gallup poll, forget it. dave with a quick word from berkeley california, hi, dave. hello, dave, good morning. >> caller: hello? >> bill: you'ren. >> caller: jason. >> bill: hey jason. >> caller: 10th letter of the alphabet. >> bill: yeah. >> caller: i served in the army under george bush, sr. the phrase back then for the republicans was better dead than red. on top of that, i don't watch television, i just les to the radio. >> bill: uh-huh. >> caller: and just listening to
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the radio, i don't know how anybody can say that mitt romney is anywhere near obama because i'm not behinderred by this, you know, oh what did they look like on the camera, i'm just listening to what they're saying. >> bill: you know, i got to tell you, jason, that is a -- i've had several people tell me who in fact, peter one of the debates you said you listened to and didn't watch. >> caller: all of them. >> bill: thanks, jason for the call. this is a totally different topic, of course, but there is no doubt that if you listen to a debate on the radio as opposed to watching it on television, you get a much, much different impression, which raises the question we're going to talk about this on monday, don't have time to get into it today whether these debates today are too oriented toward television where appearance and gestures
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and bit lake county much more than they should in selecting a president of the united states. eleanor smeal will be joining us head of the feminist majority. stay tuned here with us on the full court press. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." [ ♪ theme ♪ ] granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage.
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mattress. this campaign has become so toxic, beverly hills housewives are now injecting it into their foreheads. (vo) so current gave him a weekly show. >> i love romney's debate style, but i tell you, if i could be that stiff for 90 minutes, i'd ... (vo) we probably won't regret it. [ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: this is the "bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: 14 minutes now before the top of the hour here. the full court press on friday
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morning, october 19. eleanor smeal is the president of the feminist majority, a good friend of the program and we look forward to having her here in studio with us here this morning. we didn't count on, and she didn't count on a major accident on the freeway leading into washington this morning but undeterred eleanor smeal joins us by phone from her taxi cab somewhere out there in the roads of northern virginia. good morning. >> caller: still not there. >> bill: thank you so much for making yourself available to us. i really wanted to talk to you because mitt romney, get your take on this, the latest is that he is saying, i, mitt romney, i am the candidate that american women should trust and should vote for because my policies are better for american women than
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those of barack obama. >> nothing could be further from the truth. he still is not for the lily led better act. he ducked the story in the debate on equal pay and went to his binders of women. the reality is he's not going to deal with the pay issue because the republicans have been blocking right now the paycheck fairness act which is now being filibustered. there's no question that he has never been with us on this during this whole race. he's refused to say before he's for the lily ledbetter act. look at what they're doing blocking acts in congress. >> bill: ed gillespie his chief policy advisor said at the at the
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time that mitt romney said he would never have seemed it, would repeal it. he's on the record on that. he also now is saying well, i'm not as bad on abortion as you think. right? i'm -- he, romney says he would like to see roe v. wade overturned but that would just put it back to the states that would not be so bad. what would be the impact of that? >> caller: women would lose access to abortion, and i think this, you could even question birth control. let's face it. he is for, he's a right to lifer. he could lose roe v. wade, you lose the right to privacy. you lose the right to privacy they've shown their hand.
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romney has said he's for life at moment of conception. that eliminates some form of birth control pills. basically these folks are not only threatens actions to abortion but access to birth control. he is being very deceptive. when he says that he's now for an employer controlling access to birth control on the other hand he's already said that an employer should not have to provide it in their insurance plan so he is frankly trying to deceive american women to get their votes, but he is totally going to cut off access if he gets the chance. >> bill: kerry healy another advisor to romney called it a peripheral issue. >> caller: i get so nervous with these folks.
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this is an economic issue the number one expense for women of child bearing ages for out-of-pocket medical expense. you're talking just for some of the more popular pills at $65 a month, plus you have doctor's visits involved. in a big city, it could be 200 to $220 a time. this is not a little bit of money for people who for working women, who are making, you know, a little bit above or even at the minimum wage. this is very serious stuff. why should we divert to the states so that, you know, we would lose women in the southern states could lose access to birth control. the republican party in state after state has tried to cut off family planning funding for poor people and he had said he would defund totally 100% planned
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parenthood. you're talking that poor women are going to have virtually no access to birth control and this is 2012. these folks are really double talking. they're trying to calm down suburban women as they're also working behind the scenes to take away their rights. >> bill: eleanor smeal is our guest, the head of the feminist majority. you can follow their good work at after the show today i'm going over to fairfax virginia where the president will be as a big rally introduced by the head of planned parenthood. she knows what's at stake. romney has not only said he will defund planned parenthood but vows that he will repeal the affordable care act obama care, which would also impact women above all correct? >> absolutely, right now the
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affordable care act when it's fully enforced will take away the higher pricing for women. women pay 50% more for the same policy on the average. most importantly it provides birth control without copays or deductibles, physical exams well women tests mammograms, all this without copays or deductibles. it helps men and we will. it will eliminate the ability of insurance companies to limit health insurance because of a preexisting condition. >> bill: right. >> caller: it coffers maternity. 80% of individual health insurance coverage does not cover maternity, which are obviously very expensive for women. it is a good deal, and a good deal for older women because it's closing the doughnut hole
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on drugs on the provision of drugs. >> bill: right. >> caller: and it's for older people gives you also physical exams, mammograms, cancer screenings all with no co pay. >> bill: eleanor we've got to run along. thank you so much. i'm sorry with he missed you in studio. we'll get you back in soon. >> caller: i'm sorry too. keep on telling people what's happening. >> bill: you bet. that's our job. eleanor smeal the feminist majority. i'll come back and tell you what president obama is up to today. busy day. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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[ male announcer ] red lobster's hitting the streets to tell real people about our new 15 under $15 menu. oh my goodness! oh my gosh this looks amazing! that's a good deal! [ man ] wow! it is so good! [ male announcer ] our new maine stays! 15 entrees under $15 seafood, chicken and more! oo! the tilapia with roasted vegetables! i'm actually looking at the wood grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. you so fascinated by the prices, you keep rambling on! i know! -that pork chop was great! -no more fast food friday's! so we gotta go! we're going to go to red lobster. yep. [ male announcer ] try our 15 under $15 menu and sea food differently! [ quarterback ] set...hut! [ grunting ] [ crowd cheers ] [ male announcer ] clay matthews is turning the nfl upside-down. turn your world upside down with gillette fusion proglide because you can shave against the grain with comfort. only proglide has gillette's thinnest blades
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for less tug and pull, so you can shave against the grain comfortably. fusion proglide, our most comfortable shave or twice your money back. gillette the best a man can get. you've heard bill's views, now let's hear yours. politically direct means no b.s. just telling you what's going on in politics today. >>at the only on-line forum with a direct line to bill press. >>it's something i've been waiting for a long time. >>join the debate now. [ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: this is the "bill
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press show." >> bill: hey, how about it. >> bill: in the next our bob cusack will be here as a friends of bill the entire hour. we'll be joined by frank rich. president obama will get the daily briefing, then to george mason university for a big campaign event introduced by cecile richards, the head of planned parenthood. i will be there for the event. we'll tell you all about it on monday. after that, the president goes back to the white house and late this afternoon leaves the white house to go to camp david for the weekend in order to do debate prep on foreign policy for monday night's debate in
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involved in the conversation at 1-866-55-press. don't you love it? ann romney went on the view and said that well, when mitt loses this is going to be his very last, he promises, she promises, his very last political campaign. a lot of republicans are wishing he would ever said that back in 2008. too late now because they're stuck with him in 2012. we'll talk about that with bob cusack and frank rich, a whole lot more. first today's current tv update from lisa ferguson out in los angeles. good morning. >> good morning everyone. climate change activists are begging for more attention from both presidential candidates. during tuesday night's debate, they did talk energy policy, but suspended most of the time fighting over who would do more with coal. >> obama: when i hear president
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obama say he is a big coal guy you stood in front of a coal plant and pointed at it and said this plant kills. >> romney: i don't think anyone really believes you are a person who is going to be pushing for oil and gas and coal. >> we heard no mention of climate change from either candidate, a discouraging sign for activists and proponents of green energy. president obama does have an all of the above policy. in 2008, he campaigned hard on getting more alternative fuels into the mix. at least in tuesday night's debate, he seemed to bend to demands from the coal industry, even though employment there is nothing compared to what it was decades ago. we aren't likely to hear about climate exchange monday. that one is about foreign policy where it seems mitt romney is gaining on the president. according to a new p.o.w. poll obama's lead on foreign policy
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is plummeting thanks to the administration handling of the libya attacks. more coming up after the break. stay with us. (vo) what is said here could decide the election. current tv presents special event coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv. tell them it's like being nestled in an eight-way, adjustable, heated and ventilated seat surrounded by a 500-watt sound system while floating on a suspension made of billowy clouds.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> bill: 18 days now to go until we decide the next president of the united states, and my vote is already in! i voted yesterday california, here we come. it's secret ballot. i'm not going to tell you who i voted for. i think you can guess.
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hello, everybody. good morning. good morning. it's the full court press on friday october 19. great to see you today. thanks for joining us today as we tackle the issues of the day and take your calls at foreign. we are pleads to welcome back into the studio the managing editor of that's right isn't it? yes, i got it right managing editor of "the hill" covering what's happening at the white house and capitol hill, bob cusack. >> thanks for having me on. >> bill: looking very dapper. you always show us up. these people who work for a living and have to go dressed for work. >> it's for the dogs. >> i don't have to get up as early as you do. >> next person that walks in with a tie i'm going to snip it off. >> hello guys.
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it was a big day in ohio yesterday. sent the two top dogs to ohio yesterday for president obama former penalty bill clinton and bruce springsteen. >> bruuuuce. >> bill: the boss, and he actually wrote a song called "forward" in support of president obama and it's sort of like interactive where the audience, he told him ahead of time now i pause and then you holler forward. ♪ usually this time of day i'm in my pajamas ♪ ♪ let's vote for the man who got stamina forward we go ♪ >> he didn't work too hard on that song. >> i don't think so.
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>> it's not going to go down in history. >> bill: the second verse is worse than the first. ♪ i got the second verse i had a problem because i couldn't think of any other words that rhymed with obama ♪ i came to ohio looking for a date. we kissed them and said it's a hell of a state. we made love, but it wasn't so great, forward and away we go ♪ >> what a campaign message. [ laughter ] >> bill: we had sex, it wasn't so great. >> that's not going to be in the campaign ad. >> i don't think so. >> bill: won bob cusack with us. first the stories of the day.
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>> the detroit tigers left no doubt whatsoever about who was going to the world series last night. >> he swings and he pops it up on the right side! fielder calling for it, and he makes the catch! word series-bound! the tigers sweep the yankees with an 8-1 win. >> bill: i was going to ask whether that was the tigers radio network or... >> first time in 32 years the yankees have been swept out of the postseason. cardinals are one win away from facing the tigers. they beat the san francisco giants 8-3. >> bill: if the yankees only paid their players a decent salary they might be a little better. >> exactly. that likely i think is a-rod's last game as a yankee. benched, flirting with a woman
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in the stands. i think they'll have to pay him they'll have to pay any teamout million dollars just to take him. >> i did read a really sweet story. derek jeter went to the hospital and popped up to second. >> the hill newspaper telling us the portrait is being professionally stretched. an air conditioning or steam pipe caused it to get smaller. >> i was in the pool! i was in the pool! [ laughter ] >> i saw charlie at an event a couple of weeks ago and noticed he had lost some weight.
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>> the mars rover has found more shiny objects since find that go one piece in the soil last week. a couple more objects in the soil, they've scooped up more samples. preliminary findings shows they are actually native to the planet. they are examining the photos and the analysis of the soil to find out exactly what they are. >> bill: this is weird. >> i love it! >> dr. beagle. >> bill: he's our nasa expert who brings us up to date on curiousty. i'm curious about the shiny objects. >> maybe they need to send the guy who did the free all back
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out. what goes down must go up. >> bill: we've got so much to talk about. i want to start with big news yesterday, front page, didn't happen here in washington d.c., but front page new york times the defense of marriage act. we know that the whole issue of same-sex marriage is going to come to the supreme court eventually, and it looks like now this is going to be the test case, because this was passed under president clinton he signed it into law and it says basically the federal government will not recognize same-sex marriage. marriage has to be between a man and a woman. i think on the face of it, unconstitutional. i said it at the time. yesterday, the second federal court said so, the court of appeals for the second circuit in new york joined a previous federal court saying it's unconstitutional. it cannot be defended. the federal government cannot defend it.
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that's president obama's position. john boehner said he'll spend money to defend it. what's going on? >> nancy pelosi called him out in a press relief saying why are you still defending this using taxpayer dollars. the politics of this issue has totally changed. in 2004, president bush, helped him win banning gay marriage, and now social conservatives in the republican party are not as powerful as they were. the polls on gay marriage have totally changed over the last decade. it's been remarkable. >> bill: one indication if i can find it quickly that might surprise you yeah, in -- so republicans are counting on this is an issue where they can get latinos to vote for them. >> yeah. >> bill: and just six years ago "the new york times" reporting this morning 56% of latinos were against same-sex marriage. today, 52% of latinos support
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same sex marriage. the politics changing across the board. certainly among young people. >> right. >> bill: this is a big winner for those who support same-sex marriage and loser for those trying to stop it. >> the republicans are getting beaten badly, mitt romney among latinos. if he loses this election, that's going to be the post script of why he didn't court them better and going to the right on deportation. republicans say some republicans say if mitt romney loses, maybe we just get immigration reform off the table, because we're getting hammered on that and thinking maybe we'll appeal to the social conservative latinos polls show that may not work, especially going in that direction. >> bill: boehner is just doing this on his own right using available funds for a speaker. >> as speaker, you can direct the house counsel to get
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involved in cases. this has been going on for quite some time. boehner hasn't talked publicly a lot about it, just directed it. >> bill: this will be an interesting case with the supreme court, a real test of does the constitution apply equally or not. >> uh-huh, yes and how does that apply as far as benefits, state law and that kind of stuff. >> bill: if the federal government the administration is not defending it, then the people left to defend it will be the evangelicals and maybe the republicans in the house. >> that's right and but you're right, where the court goes after the big health care decision, i mean, who will be the swing vote there remains sun seen. >> bill: let's talk a little bit about bib i can't. it was clearly the high point i
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think of the second presidential debate. >> uh-huh. >> bill: particularly over what president obama did or did not say in the rose garden. i was there in the rose gordon on september 12 when the president came out with secretary of state hillary clinton. it was an event that was not originally scheduled. it was an event that was added to the schedule. i got the notice here during the show. i went down to the white house for the president's remarks about what had happened in libya the night before. is there any doubt that the president, when he said no act of terror is going to deter us that he was talking about benghazi? >> certainly romney stepped in it. he had and republicans were really just relishing this opportunity, huge opportunity for mitt romney to go after the president, and then, i mean, republicans are saying well, he wasn't specific to that when he said that, but he did on national television with everyone watching call him out and then was candy crowley said
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he did say that in the rose garden. romney could have gone after the penalty in any direction. he could have made a powerful argument that four americans are dead on your watch. he didn't make that argument. he made an argument that actually conservatives on fox were saying how could he not take advantage of this opportunity. it became a high point for the president. it was just amazing. >> bill: he said check the transcript. >> exactly. >> bill: seen steven colbert said it was a statement about benghazi, the morning after benghazi. we knew what he was talking about. that appearance of the president was called so that he could put out, you know, he could speak to what had happened the day before. there was no doubt about it. that's why we were there. i watched the secret service
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pull the vans up after that little statement he went back in the oval office with the secretary of state and they were leaving to go to the state department so he could address the state department employees the same day. to say that he was talking about oklahoma city, or september 11, 2001 is just ridiculous. >> why do you think the administration has said different things on this? was it that one part of the government wasn't talking to another, putting susan rice out on the sunday show? >> bill: fog of war. as has been reported, people on the ground in libya at the embassy told reporters who shoulder up that they were there because of anger over this video. >> yes that was reported in the new york times. >> bill: and intelligence, the original intelligence that the administration got right? i remember right after osama bin laden was killed when john brennan came in the briefing room and talked to us about it. he told us details at the time
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which turned out not to be true, because they were the first ones that they heard from intelligence on the scene. the lesson with that is you probably should wait 24, maybe 48 hours. >> wait for the probe to be completed. >> bill: before you say this is what happened. you could say we have reports unconfirmed that this is what happened. >> yes. >> bill: libya bound to come up in the next debate. >> where do we go from here. romney has he learned from his mistake and can he recover from that mistake? >> he's going to have his zingers ready and he's going to have better than that. i mean, a lot of people have said listen, if libya hadn't happened, if this deadly attack hadn't happened, this would be such a huge advantage for obama. i think that's why obama's going to have to be on the attack. wait a minute, you politicized this. if you take libya out of the equation it's all about osama bin laden.
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>> bill: there's no doubt romney will come back and have new attack lines. it's going to be tougher for him this time. his opportunity was the first debate. he is starting from a disadvantage now. president obama has the advantage on libya. i want to talk about this cloud of as he sequestation. [ ♪ theme ♪ ] (vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors
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granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage. jack you're a little boring. boring. boring. [ jack ] after lauren broke up with me, i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... really good. yes! [ jack ] ...and alicia. ♪ this girl is on fire ♪ [ male announcer ] use any citi® card to get the benefits of private pass. more concerts. more events. more experiences. [ jack ] hey, who's boring now? [ male announcer ] get more access with a citi card. [ crowd cheering, mouse clicks ]
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it's go time. it's go time. it's go time. go time. you know what time it is. go time. it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks it's go time. oh is it? then it's go. go. go. go. go. go. go. go time. anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. go time! only on current tv. [ ♪ theme ♪ ]
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: 25 minutes after the hour the full court press friday october 19. i lament the fact that there are so few good investigative reporters out there today damn few of them, but one of the strongest, in fact my favorite is greg palace. i'm sure you've heard of him before. he's out with a new book called "billionaires and ballot bandits, how to steal an election in nine easy steps," talking coral rove and koch brothers. check it out at or your local bookstore. he's going to be in studio with us monday. very excited to talk to him about what's going on and very pleased to welcome back to our studio bob cusack, managing editor of "the hill."
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you can always follow it every day, several times a day at 435 house races are up, and your job is to track them all. i'm not going to ask you about every one of them. how do you see virginia. >> i think virginia kinkaid has the edge. we technically has it as a toss up. we discussed whether we should move it to lean democratic, but you have to say it's a close race and clearly tim cain, his advantage is northern virginia, george allen southern virginia. they've had a lot of debates. >> bill: last was last night. >> the debates and race hasn't been as exciting as i thought it
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would be, but cain's run a very good campaign. maybe it changes down the stretch. there's no doubt about it, i think that if george allen's going to win romney must win virginia. i can't see obama winning virginia now. romney would have to win bay decent amount, not just one point, three to five. >> bill: there's been a lot of attention to the gallup poll, which we've been debunking. >> indicate ryan said i had to get talked off the ledge and then read 538 and calmed down. also it ain't over until it's over. >> bill: "the new york times" last night, 255 electoral votes 201 for mitt romney. which is a pollle that really discount. frank rich i think the best
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columnist in the country for new york magazine joins us next here on the full court press. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." [ ♪ theme ♪ ] decide the election. current tv presents special event coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv. now find the most hard core driver in america. that guy, put him in it. what's this? [ male announcer ] tell him he's about to find out. you're about to find out. [ male announcer ] test it. highlight the european chassis
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6 speed manual, dual exhaust wide stance, clean lines have him floor it, spin it punch it, drift it put it through its paces is he happy? oh ya, he's happy! [ male announcer ] and that's how you test your car for fun. easy. [ quarterback ] set...hut! [ grunting ] [ crowd cheers ] [ male announcer ] clay matthews is turning the nfl upside-down. turn your world upside down with gillette fusion proglide because you can shave against the grain with comfort. only proglide has gillette's thinnest blades
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>> announcer: this is the "full court press," the "bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv. >> bill: thee thee minutes after the hour now on this beautiful friday well, it's a rainy friday morning. >> every friday is beautiful. >> bill: rain or shine we love fridays here. the full court press coming to you live all across this great land of ours here in washing to
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be d.c. here with us, the managing editor of "the hill," bob cusack. good to be here -- good to have you here. i wore as many hats as frank rich does. this guy he is a one man media empire writer at large he is also executive producer of veep on h.b.o., and now back home to washington d.c., doing what they're calling a state of the union conversation with fran lebowicz. you're a busy man. >> everyone is this season. it's back to school and the last log of the election. >> bill: 18 more days. can we last that much longer? >> caller: i don't know that. i'm telling you what did you
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think of the last debate, frank? >> caller: i felt as someone who was very disappointed with obama's first timeout i thought he was terrific, really. i thought it was very strong debate for him. i thought romney had not changed that much, it's just the contrast between him and obama was so much greater than before. i think obama accomplished a couple of things, but most importantly, i think he knocked this sort of phony attempt to politicize the events in libya out as a main issue. that was the only main distinction that romney found because he doesn't really have a foreign policy except to say i'm going to be tougher than obama who successfully pros cuted the taking out of osama bin laden. >> bill: right, you know, i
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think you're right. the ads have gone off the libya issue. i know that president obama effectively turned around mitt romney's constant bragging about being a businessman, therefore knows the answer to everything. he said if you were a businessman, you wouldn't take that sketchy deal. >> caller: i thought that was a very good point. obama had dropped the bain criticism last time. didn't use the word bain this time. there he was reminding everybody what his specialty was and that his numbers don't add up. i think the first debate did a lot of damage. tell me if i'm wrong, both of you, i don't think anyone really knows what's going on are this race right now. >> i agree? this is bob cusack.
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>> first i love the veep show. i had an audition for a speaking role. i didn't get it. >> caller: we're about to start shooting the second season. >> bill: you're talking to the right man. >> one of the things about that debate, i mean, and i agree with you, frank is that anyone who says it's going to go one way definitively or not, the polls are all over the place. >> caller: uh-huh. >> do you think that what's the most important thing between now and the election, the debate, the ground game? what do you think is going to decide this? >> caller: that's a good question. i really think the next debates going to have no effect unless there's some outrageous gaffe or misfire. i think americans rightly or not have tuned out of foreign affairs. i think it's just not going to be that dramatic a debate. i could be porch wrong. i think the ground game is going to be extremely important and
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the enthusiasm basically of both bases, particularly the democratic base. you know, the money being spent on ads is a big question mark for me. i was with a family we were doing our conversation in las vegas two nights ago. i was in and a half and a half for a day and a half, which everyone knows is ground zero for the most amount of ad spending. it's shocking, much worse than virginia even when you turn on the television. i think that's all going to be a washout. it really is about the ground game not more negative ads on both sides. >> bill: you're absolutely right. it's too soon to tell, but i think we may see that so much money has been spent that it was a lot less effective than people thought it was going to be. we've got to wait and see that. the other thing, frank and you touch on it in your latest column we don't hear much about the tea party in this election.
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people don't use that phrase certainly. does that mean they've gone away? you say no, right? >> caller: no, i think that the tea party, you know, the brand was damaged i think by a silliness of a lot of the demonstrators and over the top obama hatred, really. it's just another term for what is the republican base, which is a very committed base that is pretty consistent in predated obama and will be here after the election. that base has always been a problem for mitt romney, two thirds to three quarters of american voters consistently rejected him in the early going in primaries, but they're there and they do really did he say spice obama and i think, you know, his ability to get them there is going to be important. will it be important enough for him to win? i don't know, but obama the flip side of this has to
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motivate young people, african-americans and especially latinos to get to the polls. >> bill: so you're saying, i think you're right that the tea partyers did he say spies obama more than they distrust romney. >> caller: that's exactly true. you're seeing it now. you're seeing as romney in the debate and in general is sort of trying to get back to the center a bit in saying some things on some issues, represent base does not like. you're not hearing a lot of squawking, seeing a phyllis shh lafly, they feel they can bring him to heel if they're on his program. >> bill: when he said crime not as bad as you think i am on abortion. >> caller: there's been very little comment about it. the base really just paul ryan. they think paul ryan would be an
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enforcer if they get into the white house. >> if mitt romney does lose, what do you think is the post script for the republican party will will the party go? will they say we should have never nominated such a moderate. >> caller: i think it's going to keep moving to the right. i don't know who would move it another direction. when we talk about the old republican establishment, it's basically gone, and the base doesn't even like the remnants of it. they don't like mitch mcconnell or john boehner and reward them at sellouts. i think it's going to keep moving to the right. i think romney will be forgotten in 10 minutes, we're going to look at rubio and christie coming up. the democratic base does not have so strong a bench for the next cycle. >> bill: you're so right on that. you watch romney's going to lose and then they're going to
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say we went too far to the right, we have to come back to the center, because we've lost the core or whatever. b.s. they're going to say romney was too moderate, if they'd gone farther to the right with santorum, we would have won. they're going to go farther to the right. >> if they don't win the senate, they're going to guess it's romney's fault. >> caller: romney will be dismissed the same way john mccain was dismissed. he was hardly present at the republican convention this year. same with bob dole, they weren't true believers and good riddance to them. the thing like now rather than other times, they have young somewhat effective politicians who can carry that hard right banner, of whom ryan is one but certainly rupe yo, i thought was impressive, what everyone this is of his views at the convention. >> bill: they also have sort of dismissed george w. bush, right?
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>> caller: i have to say that was a hilarious moment in the last debate when obama talked about the distinctions between bush and romney. that was kind of brilliant i thought new that was one of his best moments. romney didn't hesitate to dump on bush, right? >> caller: exactly. >> bill: obama said hey you're different from him, all right you're worse than he was. >> caller: and did it really with a shiv. it was quite good. >> bill: have fun tonight. i wish i could get out there to see it. i've got to head off out of town. >> caller: i'm looking forward to talking with fran on stage in my hometown. here's hoping we all survive until election day. >> bill: all right. we'll talk to you again soon and probably right after its over. thanks so much. >> caller: take care. >> bill: frank rich, you can follow him in new york magazine.
5:38 am one of the best. bob cusack is here. we'll continue with your questions. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." [ ♪ theme ♪ ] (vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage.
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i think the mob learned from wall st., not vice versa. [ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: this is the "bill press show" live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: 13 minutes before the top of the hour here on the full court press almost ready to head into the weekend, not quite. bob cusack from the hill is in the studio with us here. we'll get back to the news of the day. here's a news story that caught
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my attention from the american banker's association journal reporting that employees of some of the nation's largest banks people you're supposed to trust have reportedly been stealing customers' identities, leaders of a $50 million bank fraud conspiracy were sentenced to more than 20 years in prison. stealing identities, got it. identity theft there it is again. it's out there and you've got to protect yourself against it. i encourage you to do so like i have with life lock ultimate, the most comprehensive detection ever made, monitors bank accounts for takeover fraud. of course, life lock can't protect you if you're not a member. call and mention press 60 for 60 risk-free days of life lock ultimate identity theft protection. if you're not happy, give them a call within another 60 days and cancel, they'll give you a full
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refund. call them for life lock ultimate 1-800-356-5967. >> what's the latest on the world of twitter and facebook? >> we asked whether or not you were worried about the latest gallup poll numbers. >> i'm about as worried at mitt romney is about the middle class. >> bill: not at all. >> joe says about the tea party conversation that we just had the tea party is now the republican party. >> bill: that really is true. i mean, it's hard to extinguish the tea party from the republican party today. >> it's hard to see how another nominee, the tea party didn't support him but it's hard to see how you would be nominated without the tea party. >> i wouldn't be surprised if
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romney won the popular vote and obama won the electoral college. something not a lot of people are talking about throw that out there. >> bill: last night the nominees took the night off at the al smith dinner, the mormon and baptist show up to raise money poor catholics, god bless america. they both had fun kind of poking fun at each other. president obama talking about how he spent his day before the debate. >> obama: earlier today i went shopping at some stores in mid town. i understand governor romney went shopping poor some stores in mid town. >> bill: and then romney got in a good shot at president obama. >> romney: big bird didn't even see it coming.
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[ laughter ] >> romney: and by the way, in the spirit of sesame street, the president's remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter "o" and the number 16 trillion. >> bill: it pays to have a good comedy writer. >> they have to have a good delivery. romney did a very good job. they programmed the romney bot for humor last night. >> bill: what's your read on massachusetts? >> well, scott brown's going to have to get one in every six voters who backs obama. he's run a very good campaign, but, you know, mitt romney does not help him. scott brown supports mitt romney. i think that's a toss up. those debates have been great. they have gone after each other
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i mean, made very good policy points. that one i think may not even be decided on election day. we may have to wait. >> bill: elizabeth warren never having run for office before has shown herself to be one hell of a candidate. >> she is very smart. republicans who of worked around washington are very impressed with her. >> bill: she has raised, one of the top five fundraising senate candidates in history now raised more money for her race than hillary clinton did for her race and she was first lady of the united states. >> that's amazing. i think honestly, she's the only one who could have beaten brown. chuck schumer got her in the race. >> bill: we are talking to dan. we are giving him preference here, because the cardinals -- >> boo! still hung over from beating the nats. >> bill: hey dan how are you? >> caller: fine, and you?
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>> bill: fine. what's your point? >> caller: i've watched the debates and i'm particularly sensitive to body language, facial express and the verbal delivery sometimes more tenantive than i do to the messages. >> bill: yes and? >> caller: and to me, romney is overbearing, rude, pompous condescending and he speaks so quickly and his voice is to tense and every time he thinks he's made a point, he comes up with that tight little smile that says i am the sole possessor of the truth. >> bill: maybe a smirk not a smile. >> his point about him talking fast is true.
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when he slows down, he's a lot for protective. >> bill: my column where i talk about these debates and how we can improve the debates i think because television is the major factor in these debates that body language counts a lot more than it should. >> more than the facts. >> bill: more than the facts. bob cusack, so good to have you in studio. go to make it one of your regular reads. thanks bob. >> thank you. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." [ ♪ theme ♪ ] perspective. >>i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. >>only on current tv.
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but whether he's climbing everest, scuba diving the great barrier reef with sharks or jumping into the market he goes with people he trusts, which is why he trades with a company that doesn't nickel and dime him with hidden fees. so he can worry about other things like what the market is doing and being ready, no matter what happens which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense from td ameritrade. [ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: the parting shot
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with bill press. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: i've been through a lot of presidential campaigns but never seen one like this one where mitt romney stands up and says anything he wants without for the truth saying he will not lower taxes on the wealthiest americans yet sports the ryan budget. romney's biggest lie is that he is the candidate who is best for american women. now, let's see. romney is anti clothes promises to kill off funding for plant parenthood. he thinks employers not women themselves should decide whether or not contraception is included in their basic health care package. he says he would repeal obamacare, which benefits women particularly, and he named one of the leaders of the republican's war on women paul ryan as his running mate. gee, you know, if mitt romney is
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