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tv   Full Court Press  Current  October 22, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] [♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: what do you say, good morning, everybody. happy monday. it is monday october 22nd. this is the "full court press" on current tv, welcome to the program. the only progressive morning show anywhere on progressive television. comes to you live from washington, d.c. can you stand it? another presidential debate
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tonight. this one from boca raton, florida, and all on the issue of foreign policy. bob sheafer says he's going to show the candidates a map of africa and ask them request they can find kenya. first let's get to lisa ferguson. >> good morning, everybody. as bill mentioned this debate focuses all on foreign policy. libya is an area republicans expected to come out on top. here is a look. >> romney: it took the president 14 days before he called
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>> obama: get the transcript. >> he did in fact sir. >> obama: can you say that a little louder candy. >> the united states and iran has agreed to a one-on-one talk on nuclear weapons. but the white house so far as denied the agreement. >> governor romney what worries me is that he is not ready for national security. >> other democrats painted romney as someone who is inexperienced and could bluster
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his way into a war with iran. more after the break, we're live in chat at used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ ♪ [ ryan ] it doesn't get any better than endless shrimp at red lobster. you can mix and match all day! [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's endless shrimp just $14.99! try as much as you like, any way you like! like parmesan crusted shrimp. hurry in, offer ends soon! i'm ryan isabell and i see food differently.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: fifteen days to go. damn let's just get it over with. reelect obama. good morning, everybody, great to see you. it's monday october 22nd the day of the third and final presidential debate. hope you had a good weekend ready to tackle the stories of
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the day. welcome to the program, great to see you. remember you can find us on your local progressive talk radio station anywhere in this great land anywhere. you can find us on sirius xm this hour only. don't blame us blame them. and on current tv. so whether you are listening on the radio or watching television. we're glad to see you this morning. thank you for joining us. remember all kinds of way to join the conversation. go on twitter, at bp show and -- or on facebook, and if you want to really get into
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it go to and join the chat room. so we make it easy for you to president. interacttive indeed. on a monday morning. the whole gang is here. peter ogburn dan henning, and siprion bolling, our videographer extrordanaire. >> we are trained processionals. so we can do this. >> bill: right. i don't know about this. so you took my advise. >> i took your advice. go see the movie "argo." i saw it this weekend. holy cow. that is a fantastic movie. >> bill: yeah very, very well
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done. it's a gripping story. i didn't know anything about these six people who holed up in the canadian embassy, the americans. >> yeah, a lot of times when you see the adaptation of -- i read the book -- and a lot of time when they do these adaptations they take a lot of liberties. like "titanic." but this stays really true to the story as far as i know it. and i won't spoil anything but stick around until the post credits. there is a surprise in there. >> bill: yeah, i loved it. and dan with you with us here -- >> yeah, absolutely.
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>> bill: what? i'm sorry, i was working. >> bill: how dare you work on this show. >> i'm so sorry. >> bill: so giants. >> holy cow. >> bill: they were out. and the giants said huh-uh. they were pull of piss and viger last night. >> he is there. he has got it. and we're going to game seven in the nlcs the giants have won five straight elimination games in this post season. and they take it here tonight. >> bill: how does he say they won five straight. >> they lost but they were in
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must-win situations. they lost. and they were done. >> bill: right. by the way that is espn radio, not to knock them at all, but the giants announcer might have been a little more excited. >> i was going to bad, and i thought this sounds all too familiar for nats fans. but they held on. >> nothing against the cardinals, but since they beat four nats we hate them. >> oh, hate them. i want to see them go down in flames. >> bill: gregg palace has a new book out about stealing the election. he'll be joining us. julie mason from sirius xm
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potus channel we will be here. but first. >> on this monday call it the 11th commandment thousand shall not tebow. the jets backup quarterback is one step closer to getting his trademark where he prays into his helmet. they have filed with the u.s. patent and trademark office to make sure his trademark stays his own. >> bill: you patent praying? >> it's like if he was to do this. all of a sudden he was going to trademark -- >> bill: i saw a woman in church
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yesterday. >> oh no tebowing. tom hank spoke in character, and accidentally dropped an f-bomb. both he and vargas apologized immediately for the slip. >> i'm sure if anybody was going to do it and get away with it it would be tom hanks. >> bill: thing of the restraint i have to display on this program. >> uh-huh. there is a rocket set to blast off tomorrow to head to the u.s. space station. the astronauts will join three who are already there. they are preparing for a cargo
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supply shipment. >> i still find it humiliating that to get there we have to hitch a ride with the russians. >> i agree. to be fair the russians have a very nice mule-drawn rocket. >> bill: yeah, right. i mentioned friday they was going out to fairfax, virginia president obama with a big campaign rally at george mason university. the president is always going to ohio, vegas, colorado and then back to florida, and having a show here in washington, d.c. it is hard for me to go on the road with him. so it was a lot of fun. 10,000 people there on campus on
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a very cloudy misty kind of day. the motorcade came out, and he was introduced busy by ciseal richards. and she did a very good job. they came out and were kind of visiting with us reporters, and i hadn't seen jen in a while and i said so president is in good form today, and she said oh, yeah he is going to have a lot of fun today. he has a very funny riff on romneyrom
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nesia. it was very funny summing what romney's position used to be and what is he now. the crowd got it right away and they went wild. >> obama: he is for getting what his own positions are, and he is betting you will too. is changing up so much backtracking, side stepping. we have to name this condition that he's going through. i think -- i think it's called romneshia. [ laughter ] >> caller: the crowd got it right away. and he said here are some
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examples. >> obama: i'm not a medical doctor, but i do want to go over some of the symptoms with you. because i want to make sure nobody else catches it. [ laughter ] >> obama: it's -- you know, if you say -- if you say you are for equal pay for equal work but you keep refusing to say you would sign a bill that protects equal pay for equal work you might have romneshia. if you support legislation that would let your employer deny equal pay, you right have romneshia if you say you are a champion of the cole industry
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when file you were governor you stood in front of a coal plant and said this plant will kill ya, that's romneshia. [ laughter ] >> bill: and then he summed it all up and said it's not all bad news because if you realize that you have got this condition, we have got good news for you. >> obama: and if you come down with a case of romneshia, and you can't seem to remember what is on your website or the pollties pollties policies you have been running on for six years.
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obamacare covers your condition. [ laughter ] >> bill: it was great. the crowd loved it. i thought it was brilliant. 866-55-press, and you and i can come up with a lot of different examples. it is true the guy is the colossal flip flopper of all time. when he was governor he was progay rights now he is is an guy gay rights. when he was governor he was anti-coal, and now he is pro coal. remember, when he was governor of massachusetts he was anti-assault weapons. now he is for assault weapons. this guy does have a bad case of
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romneshia. but the other thing that was funny is, and by the way this -- this is going to live. this is one of those phrases that is going to live in american politics. i love it. but what was also pathic was the republican response. the response from the romney campaign was ha ha just what he need is another stand up comedian times are so tough how dare he make jokes. and marco rubio this was the best he could come up with. >> what they are wondering is that is very cute mr. president, but what is your plan for the future. >> bill: yeah, why don't you try to explain some of the flip flops, because nobody knows what he really believes. and the reason why? he doesn't even know what he believes. because he has a bad case
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of . . . romneshia. let's talk about it. 866-55-press. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage. jack you're a little boring. boring. boring. [ jack ] after lauren broke up with me, i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada... really good. yes! [ jack ] ...and alicia. ♪ this girl is on fire ♪ [ male announcer ] use any citi® card to get the benefits of private pass. more concerts. more events. more experiences. [ jack ] hey, who's boring now? [ male announcer ] get more access with a citi card. [ crowd cheering, mouse clicks ]
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cook what you love and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. (vo) cenk uygur is many things. >>oh really? >>tax cuts don't create jobs. the golden years as the conservatives call them, we had the highest tax rates, and the highest amount of growth, and the highest amount of jobs. those are facts. >>"if you ever raise taxes on the rich, you're going to destroy our economy." not true!
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♪ >> announcer: on your radio, and on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> bill: how about it? 25 minutes after the hour here on the "full court press." monday morning, good to see you today, how about it? we are talking about romneyshia. president obama's colorful and absolutely spot-on riff about mitt romney. i was out at george mason.
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>> this happened on friday afternoon, on youtube that video already has almost half a million views. >> bill: yeah, it went viral. i talked to so many people over the weekend. >> on twitter we are tweeting after seeing romney's one-term as governor massachusetts supports the president by nearly a two to one margin there. and which of my homes did i wake up in this morning. that's romneyshia. [ laughter ] >> bill: josh from burlington
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new york. >> caller: i heard a promo where people wanted more leadership than less. and they want the leadership to not lead them into war with iran. >> bill: yes, that would be interesting. the fact that the united states may having one on one talks with iran, may be helpful for the president, right? >> yes, and vote. >> bill: the crowd would boo when he say romney. and the president would say
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don't boo, vote. tom in iowa. >> caller: good morning, bill. governor romney keeps citing the fact that he worked across the aisle with all of the democrats, and i submit he had to do that. he couldn't bulldoze his way through, like he has in these last two debates, or tried to. >> bill: that's a good point. he had to work with them because the house and senate were heavily democratic. and as we have heard since then he did not go out of his way to work with them. he vetoed lots and lots of bills.
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ i'll look it up during the break. a phrase there. decide the election. current tv presents special event coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: chatting with you live, at this is the "bill press show," live own your radio, and current tv. >> bill: hey, it's 33 minutes after the hour. good morning, everybody. we are the "full court press" coming to you live from our nation's capitol and bringing you the news and taking your calls of the day. brought to you this hour by the union of machinists.
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for more information about their good work you can go to that website at joining us in studio former white house correspondent for the advocate, and my buddy down at the white house. carey, anybody who gets up in the first hour of the show and shows up in studio -- >> as i told bill where else would i be at this hour. >> bill: i can think of at least one other place. [ laughter ] >> bill: but just remember i was here before you were. >> that's right. as i was riding over on my bike i thought bill press does this every morning. every morning. anyway. >> bill: you and sister simon campbell are the only two guests i know of that show up on their
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bikes. >> so a nun? >> bill: yes. and it's a little more difficult for her to ride because she has that great big habit. >> okay. she doesn't wear that come on. >> bill: so how are you? >> i am well. thank you. >> bill: let's talk about the gay rights issues. on obama and romney is there a clear difference? >> sure, undoubtedly. i mean -- >> bill: it is like night and day? >> it is like night and day. first of all, you know, president obama came out for support same-sex marriage. so that is huge. he essentially took the issue off of the table because of that. >> bill: it took him a long time by the way. >> it did.
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and certainly it's not the only issue -- >> bill: but a huge difference. >> yes, because romney supports the federal marriage amendment. just yesterday there was a piece floated at buzzfeed saying that -- you know -- >> bill: he was dropping his support. so all of our listeners and viewers understand. the federal marriage amendment is an amendment to the constitution of the united states saying marriage can only be between one man and one woman. and that's in the respect party platform. and the signed a pledge in the primary to support that amendment. and now -- >> yes. now buzzfeed reported that nothing has changed he still is against same-sex marriage, nothing has changed but he would allow the states to
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decide. bay bucannon said that. the reporter -- his first issue was trying to make sense of what she was saying. so they floated this headline that he was backing off his support of the federal marriage amendment. and then repeated calls to the campaign have not been returned. so basically within i would say about an hour of floating that piece there was a response from the campaign saying -- no no no. romney still supports the federal marriage amendment --
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>> bill: you know what you call that? romneysia. >> romneysia [ laughter ] >> anyway. so it's kind of funny because as the candidate goes so goes his surrogates. she was trying to have it both ways too. >> bill: so now his official position is he is in support. >> yes. they were trying to repeal don't ask don't tell -- and they are sort of all over the place as usual. >> bill: don't i recall when he was running for senate against teddy kennedy, and he was governor of massachusetts that he said i'm going to be stronger
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on gay rights issues than teddy kennedy. >> i think so, i don't remember that, but he also is going to be more pro choice than teddy kennedy was, and now look at that. it is no different than any other part of his complain. the day after president obama came out for same-sex marriage. romney was on saying i wouldn't object to same-sex couples being able to adopt. and within 24, 48 hours, he was walking that back. that was during the primary still. >> bill: i have a couple of neighbors, a gay couple happen to be two men, i don't know whether they are married or not. but they are big romney supporters. what is this a death wish on
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their part? what do you say -- you must have gay friends as well who who -- support romney. >> if you ask those guys i would say, the economy is our number one issue. i also do know a fair number of people who would call themselves republican who voted for obama in the first election, and a lot of them -- i mean -- look it's not like i'm doing a random sample of a thousand people, though -- >> you are not publishing the kerry poll. >> i wish i were. i would skew it every time. [ laughter ] >> bill: at least she admits it. >> it's true. would lie. i would lie. but there are a number of
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republicans that i would talk to who said i'm going to vote for obama again, but i gave a speech to a law firm in new york on obama's record on gay rights and lbgt issues, and certainly a number of the folks in that room were republican. and i talked to one lawyer afterwards in particular. youngish guy so we're talking 25 to 30 demographic. and he said i'm a republican but the supreme court is one of the biggest things that is going to happen in the upcoming administration, and i can't turn that over to romney. >> bill: on some of the state issues there are four -- four marriage amendments -- >> yeah marriage measures -- >> bill: on the ballot in different states.
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three would say we want to go on record saying we want to go on record affirming same-sex marriage. >> yes, and that's in washington, maryland and maine. >> bill: how do they look? >> maryland looks good. >> all of the numbers look pretty good. in maryland the latest poll shows 53% for the amendment. in maine we have 55% for 39 against. that's good. and in washington we have got 54 for same-sex marriage, and 38 against. so all of those numbers look positive. but these polls almost always underestimate the anti-gay vote because no one really wants to get on the phone with a pollster. they don't want to come across as bigoted or anti-gay or
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whatever. of those three measures, i think we're poised to make history with at least one of them. and even getting one of them right, would be the first time -- >> bill: and in minnesota it's just the opposite. we'll take a break and come back and talk about minnesota. and also it is interesting. to me the wind has really gone out of the sails of the anti-marriage-equality measures. there were eleven on the ballot at one time and they all passed. >> yeah, and it didn't even been a question at the debate yet. >> bill: yeah. and it won't be tonight. >> yeah. >> bill: you can follow kerry
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eleved. and you can follower her on twitter. >> that's right. follow me. follow me. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ (vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage.
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what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ ♪
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>>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. do you share the sense of outrage that they're doing this, this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an understatement, eliot. u>> i'm not prone tot. understatement, so explain to me why that is. i think the mob learned from wall st., not vice versa.
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♪ >> announcer: this is the "bill press show," live on your radio, and current tv. >> bill: the big decision last week to the federal court about the defense of marriage act. we're talking that issue and other campaign 2012 issues particularly as it relates to gay rights. we'll get back to you and your calls at 866-55-press. now is the time to get your call
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in. a little reminder here, those of you having a hard time making ends meet. here is something you might want to think about. check out they do business in over 80 countries today. so they have got their stuff together. this is something you can do. a little coaching from the good folks at so if you are sick to living paycheck-to-paycheck, check them out. they are adding my listeners in record numbers, even giving away a thousand bucks just for checking them out, and that
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person could be you. that's peter anything for us on facebook -- >> on the topic of romneysia. margaret says you are become infected are romneysia, by watching fox nows. and romneysia is an ftd. >> bill: oh, that's good. this is going to be -- i think long after this campaign is going to be a word. >> and binders full of women. put them in a binder. [ laughter ] >> bill: so minnesota -- >> yeah, minnesota. so -- so there's right -- >> bill: of all states
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minnesota. >> yeah. >> bill: so they would define sort of like a state level -- >> yeah, it's a constitutional marriage amendment that would prohibit same-sex marriage. i think this is going to be hopefully one of the last fights we have. many, many states have them already, prohibit marriage -- have mini domas actually -- you know what i'm sorry. i don't know that exact number. some of them have mini domas. and then some of them have constitutional amendments. >> bill: and seven states and the district of columbia have okayed -- >> seven state have okayed it, but we're waiting -- both
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washington and maryland have okayed it, but we're waiting for the voters to weigh in on it. so it didn't go into effect. so it's a very complicated picture right now. we have six states where it's legal, and district of columbia. and we may end up with one, two, or three more states that legalize it. >> bill: any poll numbers from minnesota? >> yes. there is 47% -- the latest poll 47% for the amendment, right, which is an anti gay vote. and 46 against it. in minnesota as i understand it -- and i say that like a michigan-er, minnesota, they have to reach at least 50% of all of the votes cast. for instance if the vote came up 47 to 46 it wouldn't pass.
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they have to get at least 50%. so if you go in and vote for obama or romney but decide not to vote on the marriage amendment, and then they don't reach 50%, then it still won't go into effect. >> bill: i have faith in the good people of minnesota to reject that piece of nonsense. >> yeah. >> bill: let's say hello to jessica from caribou, maine. >> caller: hi bill. maine technically is whether or not to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. with the tea partiers it only
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lost by a minuscule amount. i live in a really conservative part of the state, and we always see these signs that say don't redefine marriage. and they are the same as all of the republican signs up here. but we have also been putting out signs that say vote yes on 1. and people are committing crimes because they are tearing them down. and the thing is it only lost by less than a percentage point in 2010 when the tea partiers were running around and got everything else. so i'm really hoping, making phone calls, we have been working hard on this for a year now. >> bill: yeah sounds good jessica. thanks for winning in. and we're counts on maine,
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washington, and maryland to do the right thing. and with that kerry back on your bike. >> yeah. all right. >> bill: great to see you. >> yeah. >> bill: come in more often. we love having you here. >> i love being here. >> bill: we'll be right back and take a look at more of our emails this morning. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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always outspoken, now unleashed: joy behar. >> on my next show, i'll ask penny marshall whether or not laverne & shirley could make all their dreams come true if the brewery got sold to bain. >> only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: taking your emails on any topic at any time.
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this is the "bill press show." live on your radio, and current tv. >> bill: investigator journalist, is up at the top of the next hour talking about his new book. dave says what is paul ryan running for president or reelection to the house. he is on the ballot twice. that's right. he is. he will be reelected to the house. he will not be elected as vice president. tom wants to know how come the media is avoiding this subject we need to remember what the gop did to ohio in 2008. i think you are right. watch out for the voting machines.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: good morning, everybody. happy monday morning, october 22nd, 2012. great to see you today. and welcome to the "full court press" here on current tv. we bring you up on the news and take your calls at 866-55-press. you can also join us on twitter and facebook. as governor of massachusetts mitt romney was pro choice. now he is anti-. as governor, mitt romney was pro
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gay rights, now he's anti. as governor he was andy assault weapons, and now he is pro. as president obama said it looks like he has a bad case of romneysia. that's the word of the day. now we take time out to get the latest today's current tv from lisa ferguson in los angeles. >> good morning, everyone. less than two weeks left to go and president obama and mitt romney are prepping for their final debate tonight. tonight will be the final side by side comparison of the two candidates before the november
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vote, but if that doesn't settle the score for you, "politico" has six questions that will decide this year's election. number 1 has to do with romney's performance during the first presidential debate. he came out stronger than expected and the question is that enough to take votes away from the government. they also say what the heck is going on with all of these polls. what is more important is the electoral college vote and president obama does have the lead there. even though romney is closing in here in the states, president obama is still widely favored abroad. foreign views show the race as far from even. one survey showed 75% of europeans favor obama, 8% lean
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towards romney and many international leaders are unprepared for a romney presidency. we'll be right back. stay with us. of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> bill: all right. the countdown is 15 days. two weeks from tomorrow and you don't have to listen to mitt romney anymore. what do you say, good morning, everybody? happy monday. it monday october 22nd, 2012. this is the "full court press" coming to you live on current tv all across this great land of ours, and on your local
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progressive talk radio station. if you are lucky enough to have one, be grateful if you do. good to have you with us today. and we invite you to jump in with both feet to the conversation this morning. give us at a call at 866-55-press, express your comments on the air, and you can also go to facebook. facebook, and twitter @bp show, and you is go to our chat room at lots of ways to participate, and lots to talk about today.
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peter ogburn dan henning, and siprion bolling are here. you knew "saturday night live" was going to come alive saturday night, right? >> yeah. >> bill: because they had a lot of ammunition. >> it was a lively debate. >> bill: yes. and they did not let us down. one of the features of their debate was mitt romney constantly interrupting candy crowley. here is how "saturday night live" portrayed it >> okay. our next question -- >> hold on. wait. wait. wait. candy -- i think i get to say four more things -- >> i'm sorry governor. >> candy candy four more things. >> i'm sorry -- >> candy candy, come on -- >> mr. romney no. now please step away from my desk. >> candy is he bothering you?
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>> i'm fine mr. president. [ laughter ] >> bill: i love that. >> jay farrow he is fantastic. this is the first year he has done obama. >> bill: yes he is good. "saturday night live" portrays the bickering and remember who volunteered to jump in and help his daddy. >> mr. president, if you don't mind i would like to answer eugenes thoughtful questions about gas prices and then you and me outside. >> oh really old man? you better bring your mormon
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magic understood pants. >> let me at him, dad. >> sit down tagg. [ laughter ] >> bill: no, tagg not now. not now, tagg. i love it. hey, ten minutes now after the hour. greg palace is going to be joining us here talking about his new book. julie mason host of -- we don't say hostess, do we? >> no, i think host works. >> bill: she is going to be here as a friend of bill, but first -- >> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> good morning, overhead lines making news. the san francisco giants left no doubt that they came to play last week. chris carpenter gave up five
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runs, while brian vogelsong struck out five batters. now the sereries is tied at 3-3. the game seven winner tonight facing the detroit tigers in the world series. that starts on wednesday. >> bill: nothing against the cards -- >> i want them to fall and fall part. >> >> bill: hate them yes. >> some donors to live strong are asking for their money back. these donors say they feel tricked and deceived after it was revealed that the champion ran one of the most sophisticated doping policy. >> bill: how do you think that
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will go? >> they won't get their money back, and i don't know what will happen now that he is gone. they are going to have to find another big phases that isn't a world renown cheater. >> garth brooks was inducted into the country music hall of fame last night. also unconducted was harvest [ inaudible ] bob dylan and connie smith. >> bill: was that televised? >> it was. >> bill: all right. hey, dan, thank you very much indeed. as we mentioned there are very few investigator reporters left in this country today. people don't have the money for them or whatever.
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but i remember when they were the hardest working and most exciting people in journalism. but greg palace is the best of the bunch. he has a new book out now called "billionaires and ballot ban debts." good to see you. >> good to see you. >> bill: when i -- just a quick story -- when i started in television in los angeles, there was an investigative reporting team. there were nine people in that team. when i left maybe five or six years later there was nobody on
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the team. they just did it away with it. >> yeah now you have repeaters because it's cheaper. it's very difficult. i just was following mitt romney's biggest doneor go the congo, and nobody can afford that now. >> i have a hot lead down in the bahamas. >> bill: maybe you should talk to the bbc. >> yeah, really. >> bill: i love the title of your book.
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in nine easy steps, nine supreme court justices is that it? >> yeah. it is steps like purging voters a lot of people in america if they know me i figured out how katherine harris knocked off tens of thousands of black voter off the polls in florida. i heard they had a flawed list of criminal voters. there were 93,000 names, and we found six out of 93,000. >> bill: is that right. >> the current list robert moore was convicted of a crime somewhere in america, you know how many robert mores there are. and they knocked of bobby moore
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as well. and even bobbi. >> bill: so this is not exaggerated, you are saying. >> it is about ten times as bad, and spread nationwide under what karl rove called the help america vote bill. >> isn't he helpful. >> yeah. so purging is one of nine ways that they shoplift the vote and, you know, there's caging which is a cute system there's plenty -- and one of the things i did is they just closed down the data gathering down here in washington at the election assistance commission, another orwell-ian process. and we found out that
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2.7 million votes were cast and not counted and about 3.2 million names were removed. >> bill: so this is in various different states. >> that's 50 states. >> bill: there have been presidential elections decided by margins less than that. >> in florida they knock off 93,000 people, overwhelmingly african-americans. and that is continuing on. we have in the vote business called spoilage where the vote is actually tossed in the trash. the chance your ballot will be thrown in the garbage for some technical reason is 900% higher
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if you are black than white. so that's how the game is played, and now they are figuring out through the use of database and others on how to zero in on the electronic drones. >> bill: your book also investigates the koch gang karl rove and their buck buddies. how important has all of this flood of special interest money in the super pacs been? >> that's what is funding -- for example -- karl rove's operation has a data mining system and the koches have put together something called femus. and that challenges registration to a new evil level. plus these guys -- the second
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aspect in my book is that they are using -- they are buying up the ability to crank into the treasury. the last chapter of the book is the territory of the nation. mitt romney picked up more than $5 million of the auto bailout. >> bill: which he opposed. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> bill: and still opposes. >> yeah. and we got a response from the romney campaign. and mitt romney has a limited partnership through ann romney -- i won't call it a blind trust, a blond trust.
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he partnered up with a guy named paul singer, his key donor, and they bought up the delfy auto division of general motors $0.67 a share. they flipped most of it for 22 bucks, and now it's 30 bucks. and the difference is 100 -- $12.9 billion provided by the u.s. treasurer. and romney made at the absolutely minimum $15 million. and romney -- when i gave them the numbers, i said would you tell me where in the range, and all they said was this is only because of mr. obama's bailout. and here is the bottom line. you can say he is a smart
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investor. if obama is going to throw money out the window, he is going to catch it. but i said what about the jobs? because the romney camp closed 28 of 29 auto parts plants and moved them to china. >> bill: we have to take a quick break and we'll talk more about it. you have got to get the books, it's "billionaires and ballot bandits." you have a question for greg give us at cal at 866-55-press. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced
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presidential debate coverage.
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♪ just put a little bit of yourself ♪ ♪ in everything you do ♪ [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. [ male announcer ] with over 50 delicious choices of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant ♪
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now to my point. (vo) jennifer granholm ... >>for every discouraged voter, there are ten angry ones taking action. trickle down does not work. in romney's world, cars get the elevator and the workers get the shaft. that is a whole bunch of bunk. the powerful may steal an election, but they can't steal democracy. [ ♪ theme ♪ ]
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: all right. soon to be somebody one on the best selling list. chicago tribune says palast is exactly what he is supposed to be. >> the international cycling union has announced this morning they are stripping him of his seven tour de france titles. it is officially done.
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he didn't win those. >> bill: all right. >> [ inaudible ] >> bill: yeah. greg, you document all of these efforts to steal the vote around the country. funded by -- fuelled by karl rove and the koch brothers. what can people do about it? >> in the back of the book it gives you things like don't go postal. if you don't have to mail in your ballot don't. they now how to target you. you have pimply guys blackberries saying they didn't put something on the ballot.
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go in precinct go early, et cetera. and i explain how many votes you lose by each thing. now they have really cranked up this machine, where they know who to go after. >> bill: why isn't the media talking about this? >> you tell me gringo i'm a british reporter. >> bill: yeah, and american media doesn't even talk about it. god bless you, greg palast for you are doing. we'll have a link on our website. go out and get it and i tell people to raise hell. greg, great to see you. thanks for coming in. >> thank you, bill.
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ decide the election. current tv presents special event coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: chatting with you live at this is the "bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: what do you say, everybody? we're coming to you live from our nation's capitol. brought to you by the good men and women of the teamsters, living better and creating and building a better america. find out more about their good
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work at their website, tonight's debate the third presidential debate. this one from boca raton, florida, moderated by bob sheafer and on the topic of foreign policy. to discuss this we're joined in studio by edward-isaac. the only person i know with a hyphenated first name. >> my job decided to make things confusing when she put me in
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kindergarten. it's given me a good-long bilong which is something that newspaper people love. >> exactly. >> bill: peter what is going on on the world of twitter and facebook. >> one person talking about romneysia, which is something that brought up. >> bill: mitt romney may think it's a country. >> one person said if you think romney is working for 100% of americans, you have romneysia. >> bill: you could go on and on.
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>> we have lots of great examples. give us more at @bp show. >> bill: what is going on tonight? >> there are still an great number of undecided voters. >> bill: are they going to decide it on foreign policy? >> they are going to decide it based on an impression of these two guys that they still have not given them -- who in their minds is the right candidate to vote for. so they may be looking at how they are presenting themselves tonight. >> bill: dan, so the obama campaign is out with a new ad.
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it begins with former secretary of state madeline albright, whom i think most people consider across the board, she did a pretty credible job as secretary of state for bill clinton. and she talks about the difference in the level of experience between the two candidates. >> what we have in this campaign is a president who has four years of serious accomplishments with a vice president who has had vast experience over his entire lifetime. facing two people, governor romney, and congressman ryan who have zero experience in national security. >> bill: she is right, isn't she? >> yes, they have less experience than what has been seen for many years. and the question for governor
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romney to answer is why that doesn't matter and why he can make enough of an argument of why president obama and joe biden are not putting things on track with their record. >> bill: when you look at obama's record on foreign policy, how good it is? >> i'll let people judge that. what governor romney says is he has taken america from the role of prominence and leading than what he would like america to have. but president obama says there are more people aligned with the american vision than was true four years ago and for a long time. >> bill: i hear what romney is saying, but i obviously -- i'm looking at it through the eyes
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of an obama supporter, but he said he was going to end the war in iraq, and he did. he said he was going to get osama bin laden and he did. he arab spring, george bush gets credit there but it happened under obama's watch, and we supported the disdense if you will in egypt, and libya, triply, we're helping the rebels in syria, without putting boots on the ground there. we have our allies carried most of the fray in libya. we're working with our allies in syria and iran. so i think to the extent of leadership, i see it that president obama has shown it in many different directions.
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>> yes and governor romney is going to have to try to undo that. he has been talking about israel from the very beginning of the campaign the idea that there has been distance created between president obama and netenyahu. and we'll talk about libya and the situation in benghazi which he has been having trouble trying to articulate exactly why it's a problem. but what he is trying to get at is the idea that there is something that is not being told to the american public. >> bill: the beef about libya is what? >> that the president didn't label it a terrorist attack right away. >> bill: but he was dead wrong?
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>> well, the point that he would maybe try to argue tonight is that what he president said was a brood statement that america wouldn't -- >> bill: i'm part of the white house press corps, okay. that's bs, not for you, but for the romney campaign. >> that's the argument. >> bill: yes but -- i can't say it -- it is such bs. i'm sitting here at this desk doing this show. i get an email from the white house saying there's an addition to what this president is saying today. i go to the rose garden he comes out hilary clinton. the president talks about the
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loss of chris stephens, and he says no act of terror is going to compromise -- what was he talking about? benghazi. >> yes, and that's why he said read the transcript. governor romney you could see that he was in a moment feeling like he had a point, but he struggled with that point. >> bill: he was dead long. again. i think that maybe the stronger point for them -- the romney campaign might be with libya there was some confusion right away about why the protesters were there and about the video or something. >> and the comments from susan rice the weekend after. and all of the stuff that creates this idea that there was something that the american people weren't being leveled with. and i think that's what governor romney is trying to get at here.
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>> bill: and the fact is as has been reported several times -- i don't know about "politico," but in the "new york times" that was susan rice was doing was reading the reports. and there was a lot of confusion at the time and people on the ground told our intelligence people that they were upset about the protests in cairo, they wanted to do the same thing in benghazi and they were up about this video. >> yeah, and i don't think it is shocking in a situation like that, with all of the ambiguity and confusion right away. >> bill: isn't the issue that
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the romney campaign is politicizing an act of terror. it would be like taking september 11th, 2001, and making it a political issue. >> one thing to point out is that tonight this debate is up against game seven of the national league championship series and monday night football. so i was just pointing that out. >> bill: that is true. edward-isaac is here. join the conversation at 866-55-press. ♪ >> announcer: radio meets television, the "bill press show." now on current tv. ♪
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(vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage.
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(vo) john fugelsang sees what happens. >> you know, blaming this economy on barack obama is kinda like blaming your hangover on the guy making breakfast. i like mitt romney but i'm sorry. they guy has flipped more than a crack house mattress. this campaign has become so toxic, beverly hills housewives are now injecting it into their foreheads. (vo) so current gave him a weekly show. >> i love romney's debate style, but i tell you, if i could be that stiff for 90 minutes, i'd ... (vo) we probably won't regret it. ♪
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: twelve minutes to go before the top of the hour. julie mason will be here as a friend of bill in the next hour. right now we're looking forward to and talking about what we might expect from tonight's debate. we'll get back to that conversation in just a second. this story caught mying attention from down in new orleans. you never know who you can trust when it comes to identity theft. the story is -- paperwork with the names, addresses, birth
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dates, and social security were found in an ac duct in the home of a new orleans man, who is believed to be part of a identity theft ring who bought information from local businesses. identity theft it is everywhere and you thought to be protected against it which i am through life lock. even monitors your bank accounts for takeover fraud. but life lock can't protect you if you are not a member. call now and mention press 60 for 60 free days of identity protection. if you are not happy you can call and they will give you a full refund. check it out. and give them a call at
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1-800-356-5967. isaac, the big story looking in tonight's debate when i picked up the "new york times" yesterday morning, the lead story saying that the united states and iran have agreed to one on one talks. since then both the white house and iran have said no we haven't agreed to anything yet, but it seems to show that something is cooking yes. >> yes and benjamin netenyahu said he didn't know anything about these talks. >> bill: if it is true what does that say for mitt romney and barack obama? is this good news?
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how will it be painted? >> it's hard to tell. president obama will probably not want to talk about this, given that the white house has denied it. the talks are supposed to be post election so the irans know which president they will be negotiating with. but the issue is whether talking with them is the idea to go or not. >> bill: what is the alternative, bombing them? >> the romney idea is to close them off. president obama said we should be talking with iran. >> bill: couldn't you make the argument that if iran is saying -- the united states has been for a long time wanting to
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engage them in negotiations, that if iran is saying we're ready to talk doesn't that indicate that the sanctions are working. >> yeah, that there is a squeeze going on that has put iran in enough of a position that they don't have anything left. and how close they are to a bomb and whether what they have been doing is getting themselves into a negotiating position or a position where they would actually have a weapon there is more question about that as well. >> bill: let's say a quick hello to gary from chicago. >> caller: i have a couple of comments. one is that it's clear to me that the republicans are always very good at turning a weakness
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into a strength. what is aggravating is that this is clearly romney's weakness, and what was shown obviously during his international tour where he made diplomatic mistakes. and it's aggravating that they have successfully turned this into a situation, and what we should be talking about is how unqualified romney is to be president. >> bill: i think that's true, and i think we could expect that tonight, right? >> yes but are we really in a position where governor romney should be taking over given the trouble he has had expressing
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himself in a lot of different ways. those are the sorts of things i'm guessing we'll hear from president obama as he tried to disqualify the idea that he not capable of being commander in chief. >> bill: all right. thank you so much. good to see you. and we'll be reading all about it on "politico." i'll be back with what is on the president's schedule today. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪
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you've heard bill's views, now let's hear yours. politically direct means no b.s. just telling you what's going on in politics today. >>at the only on-line forum with a direct line to bill press. >>it's something i've been waiting for a long time. >>join the debate now. ♪
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: okay. now in the next hour julie mason who will here as a friend of bill for the whole hour. we'll be joined by will dobson from slate. talking more about the presidential debate. the president will leave camp david this morning and go down to boca raton, florida. arrives there about 1:30 this afternoon. and at 9:00 we'll take the stage with mitt romney and bob sheafer. tonight he and the first lady will spending this any night
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boca raton.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: hey, good morning, everybody. happy monday. it monday october 22nd great to see you today. thank you for joining us here on the "full court press." coming to you live on current tv, and it's an exciting monday because the night is the night, the third and final presidential debate. this one from boca raton, florida all on foreign policy and bob schieffer has said his
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first question is to show both candidates a map of africa and asking both candidates if they can find kenya. lisa ferguson is standing by in los angeles. good morning. >> hey bill. good morning, everyone. a couple of endorsements coming out of the weekend, two papers in two key swing states are backing romney. the tampa tribute and columbus tribune in ohio. both papers also backed mccain in 2008. the nation has been well-served by the president's steady leadership, and mitt romney has demonstrated he is clearly the wrong choice. team obama is coming romney the
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wrong choice when it comes to mourn policy. after a summer of international blunders not so great for mitt romney. this will be romney's toughest debate by far. one thing to watch for is how the candidates will talk about libya, and iran. so for the white house is denying reports that it has agreed to meet one on one about the country's nuclear program. plus keep an eye out for how the candidates will bring the issue back home. the two will need to relate foreign policy back to jobs here in the united states. more bill press is coming up live after the break. and we're flooif chat see you there.
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decide the election. current tv presents special event coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv. [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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but whether he's climbing everest, scuba diving the great barrier reef with sharks or jumping into the market he goes with people he trusts, which is why he trades with a company that doesn't nickel and dime him with hidden fees. so he can worry about other things like what the market is doing and being ready, no matter what happens which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense from td ameritrade. endless shrimp is our most popular promotion at red lobster. there's so many choices, the guests love it! [ male announcer ] don't miss endless shrimp, just $14.99! try as much as you like, anyway you like. like new teriyaki grilled shrimp. offer ends soon! my name is angela trapp, and i sea food differently.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> bill: fifteen days to go. let's get it over with. i think everybody can agree on that. good morning, everybody. great to see you today. it is monday october 22nd. this is the "full court press." and we're coming to you live on your local progressive talk radio station and on current tv. good to see you today. and don't forget whether you are watching or listening. you can participate, join the show. jump in with both feet in several different ways.
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give us a call at 866-55-press. also you can join us on twitter, @bpshow, and on facebook. or you can get in the chat room. go to and get in the chat room. and today, you know, monday's, i always have a hard -- it's slow for me getting started on mondays. i need some help so i turn to a real pro, great talk show host on the potus channel, julie mason. >> hi, bill. i'm a little discombobulated
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with peter ogburn here. >> we can kick him out. [ laughter ] >> bill: i have to work with him every day. >> yeah. >> does he touch you like that? >> bill: no. [ laughter ] >> bill: so we do have the team here, peter ogburn and dan henning. >> hi. >> good morning. >> bill: and we have got siprion bolling videographer here and phil is on the phone. >> quite a team. >> bill: it's almost as big as the potus team. >> putting the man in manpower. >> yes we are. >> bill: this has been a good season. it has been crazy, everything from herman cane and these guys tied up so close, i don't think anybody can predict what is
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going to happen. >> bill: yes colorful in the primaries and maybe nail biting in the general. just a little time out today, it's worth mentioning the loss of the -- passing of george mcgovern. >> yeah. >> bill: at the age of 90. the first story i saw was on fox, and the headline -- this is on fox -- a politician americans can be proud of. >> wow. >> bill: just by somebody who stuck to his guns. unfortunately, probably best remembered for losing 49 days to richard nixon -- >> quite an accomplishment. >> bill: but he did so with a touch of class. >> we will shed no tears because all of this effort i am positive will bare fruit for years to come. [ cheers ]
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>> bill: a lot of his work did bear fruit for years to come. he was the first politician to stand up against the vietnam war. which took a lot of guts. he is known for his strong support for civil rights anti-poverty programs, which still is an issue that most people sweep under the table. so he never waivered. so many people say this and then the winds change so suddenly they are at the other side of an issue. >> you don't even know what they stand for. but someone like mcgovern you knew. >> bill: absolutely. and never talked about his war record, and he was a decorated
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pilot from world war ii. julie is here with us. but first -- >> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> breaking news this morning, uci has voted to strip lance arm strong of all of his tour de france titles officially. uci says it accepts the anti-doping report that calls arm strong guilty and is officially banning him from the sport for life. >> bill: all of that hard work up the mountains, all gone. >> i'm starting to think that lance arm strong might have cheated. >> bill: what a sad story. >> it really is. >> robert redford penned his endorsement of obama in the huff
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on friday. redford has been politically active for quite sometime mostly on environmental issues. >> bill: and mostly supporting democrats. but lindsay lohan balances it out. >> not a lot of new yorkers run alec baldwin to run for mayor of their city. 66% of new york city residents do not want to see him run. >> bill: i would like to see him run and get crushed. >> ouch. 66%, no thank you.
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don't. >> bill: just put michael bloomberg in for another. julie good to see you. there are some important senate races. you have been talking about a % lot of them of course. the one race that the republicans -- one seat republicans were sure they were going to pick up of course was missouri. and then claire mccaskill lucks out by getting todd akin as her running mate. first he made the comment about legitimate rape. this weekend he talks about claire mccaskill -- here is a little cut from the debate. >> she goes to washington, d.c. and it's little bit like one of those dogs -- fetch, she gets all of these taxes and red tape --
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>> bill: so he compares claire mccaskill to a dog. what does he have with women. >> yeah. and remember when he called her unlady like in the debate. man that got my blood up. >> bill: it's just disgusting. i saw an article over the weekend that the tea party has really ended up helping democrats. they should lose indiana, they should lose missouri you go back to christine o'donnell in delaware, right? >> uh-huh. >> bill: it's a seat mike haskell right have won, but the tea party got rid of him. >> yeah. >> bill: what do you hear from
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massachusetts? >> oh, gosh she has been up ever since the convention. and scott brown started to go after elizabeth warren, and that is a tricky thing when you run against a woman. so he hasn't been able to make up the difference. >> bill: she has been, three to five points up. what is astounded to me is she who has never ran as a candidate before, and she is so strong. she has beaten hilary clinton on how much money she has raised. >> uh-huh, and you compare the size of the states.
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president obama endorsed her last week. >> bill: yes. do you remember the positions you held last year and the positions you hold today? >> i don't know. >> bill: see. you may have a case of romneysia. >> i better take some milk of romneysia. [ laughter ] >> bill: here is the president. >> obama: he is forgetting what his own positions are, and he is betting that you will too. i mean he -- he is changing up so much, and backtracking and side stepping. we have got -- we have got to
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name this condition that he is going through. [ laughter ] >> obama: i think -- i think it's called romneysia. [ cheers and applause ] >> bill: the crowd just exploded because it was so funny. so he goes through like if you are for coal today but you forgot you are against coal -- and he gave five of six system -- symptoms. and then there. >> obama: if you come down with a case of romneysia, and you can't seem to remember the policies on your website, or the promises you have made over the six years you have been running for president, here is the good news, obamacare covers preexisting conditions. [ laughter ] >> bill: it was such a great line. >> i felt like i had not fully
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absorbed sketchy. and then they rolled out romneysia. it was great. keep the jokes coming. >> bill: when the motorcade arrived, we were visiting our buddies from the white house press pool. and i said so are you ready for today from jen? and she said you watch he has something new today. she said listen for romneysia? >> and you are like. the former zimbabwe? what? >> bill: he pulled it off like he was on "saturday night live." >> yes. he laughs at his own jokes which comedians fault him for, but i found it funny. >> if he was a comedian it would
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be a little out of line but he is not a comedian. >> bill: yeah, and it drives the romney campaign crazy. so what do you make of the fact that the polls -- if you believe the latest nbc "wall street journal" poll and i have said this is the poll i trust the most, 4 7-47. >> i know. this is just where the country is at right now. it just feels that way? i think mitt romney presented himself as a viable alternative. >> bill: so you put this up to the first debate. >> little bit. i think that was a turning point. and the pick of romney was galvanized in his own party, and i think it was too late to come
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back and characterize him as unacceptable. >> bill: so tonight's debate does count? >> yeah. >> bill: and the next two weeks does count. >> absolutely. man, they have got to do something if they want to win. >> yeah. both sides right? >> last night i was at a dinner party, and we were all saying dude could lose. we could all be covering the romney administration in the next few months. that could happen. >> bill: god forbid take it from me. it ain't going to happen. you can hear julie mason on sirius xm we'll take your calls at 866-55-press and join us on twitter and facebook.
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