tv Full Court Press Current March 5, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PST
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companies to control a healthcare system like we do here. they do an extraordinarily good job of making money and satisfying their investors, but they are doing a tragic job, quite frankly, of insuring americans. so we're headed for a collapse of our sickness industry. >>do you see a day when the american healthcare system can no longer sort of take care of it's own, that people decide to come here in larger numbers? >>in some ways it's akin too the us sort of outsourcing healthcare. (vo)every 90 seconds, an american family will declare bankruptcy due to medical debt.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> peter: good morning and welcome to current tv. i'm peter ogborn filling in for bill today tuesday march 5 2013. what a great big show we have coming up. despite their better judgment, they're letting me helm the ship today. igor volsky will be here from think progress plus cindy boren to talk sports from "the washington post." the lee brothers. from "buzzfeed," john stanton and art historian roger gasman. we have lots of stuff to talk about. one of the things we'll be talking about today is, believe it or not the presidential race
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of 2016 is already underway. we saw joe biden speaking. we saw jeb bush giving an interview where he left the door open to run for president in 2016. meanwhile, hillary clinton very quietly staying out of the limelight, perhaps plotting her ascension as democratic nominee in 2016. ya know, i don't know if america is ready for jeb bush versus hillary clinton. bush versus clinton i just don't know if we can handle it. we'll talk about all of that plus we'll start the show talking about horse meat. it's widespread throughout europe. people are eating it whether they know it or not. would you eat it here in america? personally i say why the hell not. if you're going to eat red meat and pork, why not. all of that and more on current tv coming up.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> announcer: broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> peter: good morning happy tuesday. welcome to the "bill press show." it is the "full court press," live on your radio and on current tv. hi there. i'm not bill press. i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill press shod today. thank you for being there. i appreciate it. six minutes after the top of the hour. wherever you are, you can reach us at 1-866-55-press. we are take your calls on any topic at any time all throughout the show. feel free to drop us a line. we're also tweeting throughout the show at bp show.
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normally you see me reading your twitter comments. i'm still manning the twitter machine over here. feel free to drop us a line at bpshow and at our web site, feel like joining the chat room, you can do that at people already in the chat room talking about our conversation about horse meat. we're talking about horse meat later on in the show. would you eat it and why the hell not? i'm peter ogborn sitting in. running the board is mr. dan henning. thank you for being there. >> of course. >> peter: screening your calls today is phil backert. on the ones and twos is cyprian bowlding. guys i appreciate you all being here. dan, are you ready for the snowstorm that's coming? >> i'm so excited. we have been gypped of a winter here in our nation's capital. we're about to get slammed anywhere from three to eight to 12 inches. >> a couple of things about the
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snow. so we're going to be hit with a big snowstorm here in washington, d.c. couple of things. number one i'm not going to call it the snow quester. >> that's what everyone is calling it. >> peter: everyone's not calling it that. i'm not calling it that. >> we'll have to give cindy boren flak for that. i think "the washington post" is credited with starting it. >> peter: i'm not going to call it that. then there's the weather channel. this is saturn. we had nemo in new york and this is saturn. lie call it that either. i'm just going to call it the storm that's coming. we managed to make it for so long. i don't think there's any issue. it's march. it should not be snowing a foot in march. >> absolutely it should be. winter is not over yet my friend. >> peter: winter hits shot. it missed. i love snow. i like getting snow. don't like getting it in march.
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>> winter is not over. the vernal equinox is a couple of weeks ago. >> peter: i know very well when it is. this is b.s. this is the transition period. >> i got no problem with it. move back to charleston. we don't need your kind here. >> peter: it is not a matter of -- like how much i hate the snow. again, i like the snow. but snow is christmasy, january february thing. >> it is a march thing. your kids have to be excited though. they're about to have no school. >> we didn't have any real snow last year. >> it has been two years. >> peter: we didn't have nothing so far in the winter. >> it has been since snowmageddon. >> boy, there's something i haven't thought about for a long time. i remember the piles of snow. >> it will be a mini snowmageddon. >> here's what's going to happen. i walked outside today. it is not that cold out. it is not that cold outside today.
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it is going to have to get really cold for it to be a major snow event. what's going to happen is -- >> there will be some snow. your meteorological degree. >> peter: i don't have any doppler. i went outside, i licked my finger and stuck it in the air. this is what's going to happen. we'll get some snow but we're also going to get some of the sludgy, nasty garbage dirt snow that will fall and make a mess of things. we'll get a couple of inches. >> we're going to get like six inches of snow. >> some people we'll get a foot. we're not going to get a foot. >> we might not here in d.c. but the suburbs might. you might get a foot. you could get eight inches easily. >> peter: i think we're going to get a bunch of snow-like rain that's just going to be a little mix of snow and -- it is not that cold out. >> meteorologist peter over here. >> peter: let's see how it
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goes. >> we'll hold it to you. we've got it on tape. >> peter: i know what i'm talking about. i work in radio so i'm qualified to say whatever i want to say. it would be the law. what a show we've got coming up today. our good friend igor volsky is coming in, managing editor from the think progress. plus we've got lots of sports to talk about from cindy boren from "the washington post." dan, you mention charleston. that's my hometown. we'll be talking to two cookbook authors, the lee brothers who you've seen on the cooking shows. we'll talk to them about that. and "buzzfeed"'s washington bureau chief john stanton plus art historian roger gaston is the producer of an exciting documentary, cool disco dan. if you don't know who disco dan is, we'll let you know. >> i'm saying it is not me.
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cool disco dan. >> no. no one's ever called you cool disco dan. no one has ever called you cool, i hear cyprian pointing out. >> my 8-year-old cousin has. >> we have all of that stuff coming up and a great show today. but first -- >> this is the "full court press." >> here's cool disco dan. >> joe flacco signed his contract yesterday. he had quite the post-contract signing meal. after putting pen to paper on the $120 million deal, the baltimore ravens quarterback went to mcdonald's with a $29 million signing bonus in his pocket, espn reports he ordered a 10 piece chicken mcnuggets fries and an unsweetened ice tea for $6.99. he's now the highest paid player by average annual value in nfl history. >> i don't know how i feel about that. i mean first of all it's
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mcdonald's. i don't think of elite athletes going to mcdonald's for lunch. >> he's regular joe. >> he's got this giant new contract. go celebrate for crying out loud. >> $6.99 chicken mcnuggets. horse meat. >> if you've eaten at mcdonald's, you've probably eaten horse meat. >> the rock band train is pulling out of its headlining gig -- >> rock band might be a little generous. >> the pop music band that occasionally place rockin' tunes known as train, they pulled out of their headlining gig at the upcoming boy scouts national jamboree because of the boy scouts anti-gay policies. abc news reporting the ban did not know about the organization's anti-gay stance when it agreed and signed the contracts to play the show but they say they do not support any policy that questions the equality of any american citizen. they made it clear they have no problem breaching this contract.
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>> good for them. i'm not a huge fan of their music but good for them. >> forbes is out with its annual list of the richest people. carlos slim -- >> the best name. of any millionaire ever. >> fourth year in a row he's worth $73 billion. bill gates still number two worth $67 billion followed by the spanish clothing magonate ortega. there were a record 426,000 billionaires tallied in the world. that's 16% more than last year. >> i, for the rest of the show would like to be known as carlos slim. that's such a tight name. i love that. >> you got it. >> peter: thank you mr. henning. enlightening as always. so no doubt, by now, if you've been following the news, we've talked about it here. you've seen it on your broadcast, there is an issue
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going on mostly in europe where unsuspecting diners are chowing down on horse meat. it started with burger king. there were some inspectors that said some of the beef patties at burger king contain traces of horse meat. that sort of launched a nationwide probe of what exactly european diners were eating. it turns out they're eating a lot of horse. the burger king burgers ikea said they had it in their meatballs. there were some sausages being sold in ikea that had horse meat in them. there have been a couple of other cases again most of these have been in europe. these haven't been in america. they haven't been anywhere that you drive through and pick up your food. but there is horse meat being eaten in the world. eating horse meat, knowingly eating horse meat is not something new. they've been doing this in europe for quite some time.
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in fact, bill press has says many times when he went to school in europe, they used to have little shops that would have like a wooden horse's head outside. you know that was the horse butchery. you would go there to get your horse steaks or horse stew meat or whatever. i personally have never eaten horse. i've eaten a lot of weird things. i grew up in the american south so i've eaten raccoon -- >> i'm surprised you have not eaten horse. >> it is not from lack of trying you can't buy horse meat for consumption in america. you can't buy it. i would and in fact, i'm actively searching to find horse meat because there are rules that will let you buy horse meat that's been imported to feed to zoo animals lions tigers and things like that. they eat horse meat. the cute, cuddly animals you see at the zoo they're all eating a diet of horse.
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but here's my big thing. why don't we eat horse? what is the reasoning that we don't eat horse? i did a little research on this because again in france, belgium and sweden, they eat horse all the time. in fact, it is more popular than lamb. we eat lamb in this country. they eat more horse than lamb. horse meat is lower in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than sirloin steak or pork. you have no risk of mad cow disease. and twice as much iron as beef. more than twice as much vitamin b-12 and five times as much heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. it is not healthy because it is red meat. but lean red meat in moderation, nothing wrong with it. i don't eat nearly as much red meat as i used to but if you're
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a person that eats red meat or pork or chicken for that matter, honestly why wouldn't you eat horse? i don't understand the great big argument as to why we won't eat horse. what is it? is it because they're smart? is it because they're pretty? i seriously don't understand it. if you're a person that is of the mindset that you'll never eat horse. give me a call at 1-866-55-press and let me know why. 1-866-55-press. already got a lot of comments on this from the chat room. barbara in d.c. says no! i think consumers deserve to know what they're consuming period. i get to choose whether or not i eat horse meat. if you're going to go out and buy beef patties and beef is an expensive type of meat, if you're going to pay beef prices and you get horse then yeah, from a consumer side of things yes, i can understand why you would be a little pissed.
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but who cares if you're eating horse? who cares if you're eating horse. also in the chat room, zotti says i would not eat horse meat knowingly. i don't eat veal. if you don't eat veal, then you're not going to eat horse meat. if you eat regular beef and not veal why wouldn't you eat horse? i don't understand it. i want to hear from you. 1-866-55-press. lots of comments on in the chat room. lots of comments on twitter at bpshow. give us a call. let me know at 1-866-55-press. eat more horse. i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill press. be right back. >> announcer: this is the "full court press." the "bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv. real, gripping, current. documentaries...
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." live on your radio and current tv. >> yes, it is. the "bill press show." the "full court press." i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill today. lots of comments already on whether or not you would eat horse meat and should we eat horse meat in this country. on twitter. at bpshow. you can find us at bpshow. gray says it is cruel to slaughter horses. they're companion animals like dogs and cats. there's no business for it, no, no no, no. thank you for your comment grace. linda in los angeles calling us. good morning. >> caller: well, hi.
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>> peter: all the way out in los angeles. are you a thinker or a drinker? >> caller: i'm a thinker. >> peter: all right what's up babe? >> caller: i started out 15 years rescuing horses frommer the stock yards. so the level of cruelty was off the grass. most of these animals have been somebody's pet somebody's riding horse. a lot of them were animals that they were told would get a good home. the traders would say oh, well, we've got a great home for your horse. going to oregon, he will be on pasture and of course he would go right into -- >> peter: linda you bring up a very good point. i want to stop for a moment because i couldn't agree with you more. the conditions that some of our animals live in today are abhorrent. if you follow me and what i do and you can follow me on twitter
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at peter ogborn, aside from doing this, i write about food. i contribute to a couple of the food sites. i've written before about the state of how our animals are raised in this country. i think that it's sad it's sick it's pathetic and even though i eat less meat than i used to, i'm very careful about where i get my meat from. because it is -- it is sick what we do to a lot of animals in this country. so if we want to eat horse, we should regulate it and do it the right way and make sure that they have, you know, better living conditions. >> well, here's the thing. horses aren't raised for meat. and i'm not going to defend the cattle industry but you know, american addiction to hamburgers isn't going to change any time soon. but we can help horses. we can stop them from being
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treated cruelly on their way to slaughter. >> peter: i agree with you on that point. i absolutely agree with you. we can still eat them. you say horses aren't raised for meat. that's not exactly true. they are raised for meat in other countries. let's go to chad in salt lake city. welcome to the "bill press show." >> caller: thanks for having me. >> peter: thanks for calling in. what's up? >> i have no problem eating horse. i'm sure i've eaten it many times. i know it is in a lot of foods. this is horse country northern utah southern idaho. it's a great animal. i eat a lot of seafood. everybody complains about eating tuna swordfish what not. but horse is better for you. just like buffalo.
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>> peter: good point. i think we have time for matt in houston, texas. you have 30 seconds. >> caller: yeah, i'm not going to get into the cruelty part of it or anything because you know, i do understand it is a custom in other countries and people eat all kinds of crazy stuff. >> peter: sure. >> caller: i had a hunting friend a few years back. he used to get me to try everything. he tried horse. probably because they're found dead on the side of the road. i don't know where he was living. he could always find a dead horse. the way i see it is -- horses are transportation. horses were bred for other things a long time ago. >> peter: all right, but a lot of people find them tasty. i think if you want to eat horse, why the hell not. igor volsky is coming up next. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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>> announcer: chatting with you live at this is the "bill press show" live on your radio and current tv. >> peter: who is this? lil' wayne? >> the next tupac. he called himself the next tupac >> peter: it is lil' wayne. he called himself the next tupac and marco rubio said there's only one lil' wayne. 33 minute past the hour. "full court press." peter ogborn sitting in for bill press today. he's here, our good friend. it is tuesday morning we're now joined by managing editor, congrats!
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>> thank you, thank you. >> peter: big news. you guys made it happen. igor volsky here every tuesday morning bright and early. [ applause ] from the studio audience. they love me. >> i want to start out with this clip on jimmy kimmel live last night because i know it sounds like a weird segue. >> i was sleeping because i had to get here so i didn't see it. >> we had our overnight guys pull the audio. >> big staff here. wow. you guys have grown too. >> totally. i want to let you hear this because this is how american people view the sequester. >> what do you think about president obama's decision to pardon the sequester and send it to portugal? >> i think it is a good idea. obama makes really good decisions and i'm with him 100%. >> i'm so grateful because portugal should be protected at all costs. they have a constitutional right and it should be protected. and that's what our president is
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for. >> i have no idea about the timing of this event. it just appalls me it has to go to portugal and not stay right here where we need the jobs. >> peter: that is so perfect i think, because i really truly -- there's been so much talk about sequester and yet i don't really think that people understand what it is. i mean really. i think people know it is not a good thing and people won't be working as much. when you really get down into it, i don't think the american people understand what the sequester is. you guys at think progress did a great thing. the 32 dumbest and most devastating sequester cuts. it proves that think is -- the sequester is a big deal and some services are going to be lost because of it. >> you're right. >> it is a real big communications challenge. we've been righting about it for months since 2011 when it was part of the budget control act.
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nobody cared. you would put a post up and nobody would read it. it is called a sequester. it is a confusing name. we tried to call it looming budget cuts. people really didn't care. this post, after it finally kicked in, the 32 dumbest and devastating sequester cuts, made a dent because the list of these cuts and the problem is you hear republicans say it is just 2%. it is across the board. 2% cuts. with little discretion. of what gets cut. what doesn't get cut. so you go after some programs that people really, really need. that there was bipartisan support for. for instance, fema. $928 million out of fema. this is after congress passed the sandy aid package. it is unclear whether the sandy aid relief will be targeted or not. but you're cutting fema. you're cutting their preparedness. you're taking money out of a program that helps the first
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responders after 9-11 deal with the medical issues they have. that program is being cut. you're going after education. things like disability research, the department of education special education program federal student aid student financial assistance. you go down the list. you find $79 million cut from embassy security and these are all the republicans were complaining about benghazi. so it doesn't make a tremendous amount of sense because look, yeah, there's waste in the government. there's inefficiency in the government. there is a way to do -- to do cuts in a smart way so you cut the programs that don't work. and there's a way as the president said, to make cuts that are just dumb. and these are the cuts that, you know, real people are going to feel some pain.
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>> peter: it was a real sort of theory unleashed -- fury unleashed on the republican party after the sandy aid vote was pushed back the first time. chris christie went nuclear. and now because of this, that's sort of on the table. you've got the fema -- as a country, i think we've turned the country on fema. we're pro fema. there was a time we were saying fema plight not be so necessary. but after katrina and sandy and countless other disasters. >> you're in a situation where global climate change will be exacerbating the problems. if you're taking money out of fema. you go down the list. we have a whole category here. disaster and emergency. it is fema. it's emergency food shelter. it is agricultural disaster relief. it is hazardous substance superfund, the e.p.a. superfund cleanup. look, you know, these things are unpredictable. you never know when disaster is going to hit. if you're unprepared for it, the
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damage is so much greater. you end up paying for it in the long run and in lives and money and rebuilding. >> peter: what i think is so sick in all of this is there are so many cuts that you guys have listed again at that are -- as you mentioned projects and issues that are near and dear to republicans' hearts. you mentioned the $79 million cut from embassy security. $232 million from the federal aviation administration. $512 million cut from customs and borders protection. we're still fighting and in fact maybe now more than any time in the last four years fighting over immigration. we're cutting half a billion dollars from border protection. border security. >> it is what they say we need to even start talking about immigration reform. border security first. everything else after. here they're cutting it. look, they're now going to try to go back in and you're going to have the next big fight
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obviously, continuing resolution when the funding for this government runs out at the end of this month. and what they're proposing is to give the defense department some discretion in moving funds to cover some of these losses. the problem is that's only for the defense department. for everybody else, they're lowering the spending targets all the while complaining that the president hasn't done any real spending cuts. this is the third or fourth cr, the third or fourth continuing resolution where they've taken the caps, the budget caps from last year and said we're going to lower it. so you're funding less. that's where your cuts come from. you hear the president say $2 trillion in deficit reduction partly because of the reductions in cr and they're doing it again. except for the defense department which is going to get more funding. >> peter: i think it's sickening this is how we do business in this country now. >> it is a disaster. >> peter: it is just kind of how we sort of limp along from
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governmental crisis to governmental crisis. and so i -- i know a lot of other people, i was sort of expecting something to happen with the sequester. we just ran right into it. so we've got this continuing resolution as to whether or not we can continue to do business as a government and once again we're going to have to wait for some last-minute rescue swoop in from somebody to fix it. i can't believe we're still there. sadly, we are. moving on from that, it will make your head hurt. >> yeah. >> peter: ashley judd -- >> oh, boy. >> peter: rumors have been flying around for awhile she's going to be running for senate in kentucky. and the opposition research has already come out. >> they've been after her yes. goodness. from going to her grandmother to watching some of her movies. to look at what she said about
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religion and fracking and feminism and trying to make a big stink out of that. it just lets you know these guys are worried. mcconnell has what? a 40% approval rating in kentucky right now. and so you know, if you don't start early, define her early as we know in politics, define them early, you know, it may be a problem for him. he's the minority leader. >> peter: "the daily caller" has been leading the fight on -- against ashley jut and they put -- against ashley judd. they talked about her history of what they call bizarre statements. yesterday, their latest was ashley jut has breasts and she's not afraid to use them. she apparently has shown her breasts in movies before. >> because she's an actress and that's her job. alyssa rosenberg has this great line. it may come as a surprise to "the daily caller" but actresses
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don't generally take off their clothes on screen as an expression of some sort of groovy '70s lifestyle or to have sex with people who are not their sex or partners. getting asked to take off some or all of your clothes by actors is a job requirement and something that until recently tended to be asked of women more frequently than men. >> peter: yes absolutely. such a smart take. it is like one of the nudity scenes that she did nude scenes she did, she was portraying marilyn monroe who very famously got naked for "playboy." it is one of the most famous things she ever did. so it is kind of tough to play marilyn monday row and not have that in there. you know i'm a heterosexual male. it was cool she got naked and great but it is not like this has any effect whatsoever on how she would lead.
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if anybody thinks that that has anything to do with your ability to lead -- your ability to lead has anything to do with the amount of clothes you're wearing, just ask scott brown. >> ask scott brown. he lost so maybe that's not a good barometer. but the conversation surrounding here is telling. a daily caller publishes this monday morning under their entertainment section to hint that they're not being serious. this is all in good fun. alyssa writes her response, publishes it a couple of hours later. "the daily caller" takes great offense, they call it the dumbest piece they've ever read. why are we taking it so seriously. they were just kidding about her being naked all the time. and acquire this compilation of all responses and really, you know almost goes as far as to say why is alyssa kind of nagging about this and complaining about this. it's really nothing.
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it just kind of -- shines a spotlight on how it is still kind of okay to treat women in this way. to write as "the daily caller" did "but will judd be the first potential senator who has literally nothing left to show us." >> peter: oh, come on. that's so silly. >> it is still a problem. the response to this, i think really has been disappointing. >> peter: 45 minutes past the hour. it is "full court press." peter ogborn sitting in for bill today along with think progress's managing editor, igor volsky in studio with us. taking your calls at 1-866-55-press. quick break. we'll be right back. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." to
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>> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> peter: it is the "bill press show." peter ogborn sitting in for bill press today. you can follow us on bpshow. joined by think progress's managing editor, igor volsky as he does every tuesday at this time igor, thanks for being here. i just mentioned twitter where we're at bp show. we were talking about ashley judd and the fact that "the daily caller" think she's not qualified to lead because she showed her boobs on -- >> showed us all she has. >> peter: karen says so ashley judd exposed her breasts in movie roles she'll fit right in with the boobs in congress. we both looked up during the break and saw jeb bush is making
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the rounds this morning. he's been making some news here recently. >> he's out with a new book. his blueprint to immigration and here's what's very strange. now for many months now he's been out there writing op-eds, editorials on the cable shows and calling for a more moderate position from the republican party. you'll remember he famously said that we need more revenue when we talk about deficit reduction. maybe not raising taxes. maybe we'll close some loopholes. not terribly radical but certainly a bit to the right of what you hear from g.o.p. house leadership. and on immigration he said let's all come together. let's find a comprehensive solution that includes "a path to citizenship." he said that as recently as january 24th in the "wall street journal." he told charlie rose that last year. well, he's out with this book today and excerpts came out yesterday where this position of let's give folks a pathway to
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citizenship has been dialed back a bit. and he wrote fairly clearly that if you came into this country illegally, we shouldn't reward you with citizenship. that that would kind of really undermine the integrity of all of our laws and if you want citizenship, you need to go back to your country you need to emigrate back and get back in line. it is a fairly silly idea, partly because you have 11 million undocumented immigrants. 2/3 of whom have been in this country for more than ten years. you're talking about if the people want to be full citizens, have all of the rights and not second class citizens, they're going to have to leave their communities, leave their economies, leave their families, go back. it is going to take years. the current process if you give folks a pathway is about 13 years. we're talking about extending that even further.
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>> peter: did he sort of have this moderate position because he was serving in florida and now that he wants to take it -- he said yesterday on "the today show," he's leaving the door open for a run in 2016. clearly leaving the door open. >> get the book sales up and up and up. he wanted to be the g.o.p.'s guy on immigration. marco rubio and his gang of eight got ahead of them. they put out this road map. it looks like he had this book already in the bag. it was going to printers. so he kind of awkwardly found himself to the right of this party when he was trying to lead the way. so maybe -- it is just so strange because that editorial in the "wall street journal," he wrote with the co-author of his book. they called for a path to citizenship and then a month later, i don't know what he's saying here. he has some kind of explanation for it apparently. and the funny part is so he's
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moved to the right. no pathway. at the same time, he's criticizing mitt romney for being too conservative and to the right on immigration. and alienating hispanic voters. i don't know if the bipartisan consensus is now a path to citizenship and your goal with this plan as a republican is to appeal to hispanics. i don't know how you do that with a position that says go back and then come back. >> that's bizarre. it is so perfectly beautifully screwed up that he had this book in the works and then in the aftermath of the election of 2012, it was kind of like every other republican goes -- oh, crap. we're going to have to evolve -- >> look at this. >> peter: igor, good stuff as always. if you want more of that great analysis and much more, we do a lot of our show prep from that site. igor, thank you for coming in. petering a burn sitting in for
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what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything. >> announcer: taking your e-mails on any topic at any time, this is the "bill press show." live on your radio and current tv. >> peter: yes, indeed. it is "full court press." the "bill press show." i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill press today. taking your e-mails on any topic at any time at robert talking about the eating
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horse meat says i find the notion of eating horse meat repulsive but that's not the issue from my observations. unawareness of genetically-modified foods. we might soon find worms and larva palatable. the we eat should be treated better. bob says by the way pete, where is your charleston accent? >> i can still turn it on here and there if i need to. gloria says why would anyone want to play football against the monsters who would shorten her life? talking about the story we did yesterday about a woman who was trying out to be a kicker in the nfl. i agree! i don't think it is okay for a woman to get hit by a full-grown nfl player. that's a man. we'll talk about that with cindy boren from "the washington post" next.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> peter: good mornings. yes, indeed, it is the "full court press." the "bill press show." i know, i might look like bill press but i'm not bill press. i'm a peter ogborn sitting in for bill this morning. thank you all for being there on the radio an on tv. got a great big rest of the show planned. talking sports at the top of the hour here from "the washington post." we'll be talking to cookbook authors the lee brothers who you've seen on the food network and on the cooking network. plus in the next hour, we'll be talking to "buzzfeed"'s washington bureau chief john
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stanton. we've got a lot of stuff coming up. big news out of the vatican the sistine chapel has closed down because the papal conclave is underway. we will be selecting a new pope very soon. keep an eye out your window for the white smoke and black smoke depending on which way that goes. here on current tv, the "full court press," i guarantee you i'm giving. >> 100% jeb-free zone here during the show. jeb bush might be making the rounds on a lot of other different morning shows you won't find him here. he's talking about his book on immigration where he seems to contradict his earlier positions. he's also talking about his potential run for president in 2016 where he said he'll leave the door open. hillary is leaving the door open. joe biden is leaving the door open. jeb bush is leaving the door open. it is 2008 all over again folks. it is peter ogborn sitting in for bill press on the "full court press." more coming up on current tv.
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compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> announcer: broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> peter: it is the "bill press show." peter ogborn sitting in for bill press today. the "full court press" live on your radio and on current tv. thank you so much for being there. i appreciate it. wherever are you. got a lot of fun coming up. with us as always is dan henning running the board. how are you sir? >> good morning. great. >> peter: screening the calls is phil backert. long-time baltimore orioles and baltimore ravens fan, phil backert. and on the video operations is cyprian bowlding. i appreciate you being there. joining me for the first half of this hour is "washington post" early lead blogger and sports
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social media editor, cindy boren. you've seen her in studio before. are you ready for the snow? >> i'm so ready. >> peter: are you? >> no, i'm not. i'm in denial. i don't think there will be anything then about noon tomorrow, i anticipate being a panicker. >> peter: i don't know if you knew this about me. i'm very wise. [ laughter ] >> that, i knew. >> peter: i am predicting that we're going to get some snow but it is going to be mostly slushy, nasty, dirty rain, snow mix. you -- >> are you going to be so off. >> i want a foot of snow. >> i grew up in the south. i never got snow. and so the fact that i live somewhere that actually has seasons, i kind of like that. but it's march. a foot of snow weather -- >> it will be here for 20 minutes then it will be gone. >> peter: yeah, that's true.
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>> it will be all right. trust me, it will be okay. >> peter: hold me. dan is very -- dan is very excited for the snow. >> you're going to get your prius stuck in a snowdrift. >> my prius is a snowmobile. >> no. we haven't had any snow since i got the prius. i have no idea what to expect. you'll probably find me camping out on the floor tomorrow night. >> in the fetal position. >> exactly. >> i mean look if we get snow, we get snow. my take on this is it was not that cold out this morning. >> it doesn't have to be that cold to snow. >> peter: it doesn't have to be that cold to snow. but if we're borderline, we could have a mix of rain and snow. >> anything under 34 or 35. >> peter: i'm well aware of what you need to make it snow, dan. i'm saying i don't -- mr. wizard over here. >> you should be reporting in chicago.
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you should be standing doing a live shot in the loop with the wind and snow coming down. >> peter: holding on to a pole. >> i'm so excited. cindy's colleagues at the "washington post" capital weather gang, i've been following this and they're on it man. they're saying you know, three inches by tomorrow morning. then six in the midday and then nine. it could be a doozy. >> peter: we shall see. my children are very excited. i'm not. >> i've already abandoned my car on the beltway. [ laughter ] i'm ahead of the game. i'm totally ahead of it. >> peter: during snowmageddon a couple of years ago because we come in very early. i started counting the cars that were on the side of the road. and this was one of the snowstorms that hit -- it hit at like 5:00 p.m. so i'm driving down the highway and i'm behind this cab and this cab is just driving and he turns on his hazard lights and slows down and he pulls off to the side of the road. i said uh-oh he ran out of gas.
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>> a guy gets out of an abandoned car on the side of the highway, hops in the cab and they keep going. at like 4:15 a.m. >> that's ludicrous. >> peter: when we get bad weather here, we really freak out. >> i don't understand the concept of abandoning your car. i don't understand that. >> peter: ten minutes past the hour. we of course will keep you up to date on all of the weather happenings here on the "bill press show." lots of stuff to talk about with cindy in the sports world but first -- >> this is the "full court press." >> we have dan. >> other headlines making news, if you would like to have the $43,000 rolex watch -- >> peter: i don't. >> former congressman jesse jackson illegally purchased with his campaign funds you may soon to have an opportunity to get it. cbs reporting that the items he and his wife bought will likely be going up for auction once they're sentenced. the collection includes fur coats, of course michael jackson's fedora, tvs and stuffed elk heads.
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>> i have needed an elk head. >> absolutely. all of those items are currently property of the u.s. marshal's office. they won't hang on to them. they put them up for auction to pay restitution fees. >> would a rolex be worth more or less now that it's been owned by jesse jackson? >> good question. >> you're missing the big picture here. the big picture here is that would look so solid with dennis rodman's jacket, the one with all of the dollars on it. that would just be such a perfect look. you know, rodman had on his little ralph lauren hat and the scarf which was really nice. >> peter: tied it all together. >> our new diplomat, dennis rodman. >> america's got talent has hired a new judge to replace sharon osborn. heidi klum will join the nbc talent show joining howard stern, howie mandel on the judge's panel.
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>> that's a decent enough -- >> she's got judging experience. >> here's the deal. let me put it this way. i don't watch any of the schlocky competition stuff. but that is one that i can col tate while my kids -- that i can tolerate while my kids wash. >> you won't watch when they rescue louie anderson? >> finally, the national rifle association is upping the ante sponsoring an upcoming nascar sprint cup series race april 13th at the texas motor speedway. formerly the texas 500. it will be called the nra 500 in the first saturday prime time race of the season. in front of a crowd of 190,000 people. last year, the nra sponsored a nationwide series race for the first time. >> peter: when they call for the starting gun and the people in the crowd start firing off
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guns, we may have a problem. >> the winner on victory lane has to pull out six-shooters and put on a cowboy hat. i'm serious. >> peter: oh, my god. that's insane. >> that's the traditional race. this isn't connected to the nra. >> peter: that's weird, i think. >> well, it's texas. someone has won the race and they want them to look like a cowboy. >> peter: don't they normally drink milk? >> that's the indy 500. i don't think he has to actually fire them off but they want him to look like a rootin' tootin' cowboy after he or she wins the race. >> peter: every time bill finishes a show, he's going to pull out two guns and hold them up in the air. >> you could just do the finger guns. >> peter: dan mentioned dennis rodman there. what -- you know, we talk a lot of politics on this show so we watch the sunday shows.
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even though they're a dying breed. i don't think they make a lot of news on the sunday shows anymore but they did this past sunday because we tuned in. there he was. >> that was surreal. >> peter: the worm with george stephanopoulos on "abc this week" wearing a jacket printed with money on it. what the hell is going on? >> i want one of those. i think everybody does. the only thing that shocks me about it is if someone was going to do this and broker a relationship between kim jong-un and obama shouldn't it have been metta world peace? really? [ laughter ] i mean dennis rodman? >> peter: metta world peace elbows kim jong-un in the head. >> namewise it would have worked. i'm look forward to seeing what hbo comes out of this with. they were over there shooting this supposedly. >> peter: this is for a show for hbo being done by vice, a magazine and they have a web site.
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it is really good stuff. i have a travel dvd that they've done before. so i'm really excited to see this. >> it was great once they explained to dennis he wasn't in south korea and he wasn't going to see psi. at first he thought he was going to see the gangnam style guy. he tweeted and said dude, wrong place. >> peter: i want to talk about a local story here. joe flacco. he has quite the contract. how much is he getting paid now? >> supposedly, it is the richest contract in nfl history. now, the nfl money is sort of like the money on rodman's jacket. you can't really take it into starbucks and buy a venti anything with it. it is not real. these contracts come out and the guy gets to trot out and say it is the richest contract ever, yippee. there is something like $52 million guaranteed. that's real money. good for him. but i'm a little suspicious about the whole richest contract
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ever. >> peter: he talked about it yesterday. here's what he had to say about the money. >> what the value out there and what the market price is for quarterbacks out there i think what we've done here over the last five years warrants the respect that i guess i've gotten over this contract and i think that's what it's about. >> peter: at the risk of infuriating resident rayeens fanatic phil backert over in the control room, are they paying him too much money? >> no. i don't think so. here's why. >> peter: i'm not saying that they are. i'm just asking the question. >> first off it is not real money. secondly, i don't think so. the guy almost got them to the super bowl a year ago. he came just ever so close to getting them past the patriots a year ago in the afc championship game. he took them all the way this year. you pay the guy. that's what you pay the guy for. to get you through the post-season and you know, he's delivered.
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he's got a great post-season record. not wins and losses. the wins and losses have only -- the victories have only come in the last two years. but he's money. when it counts. >> like money on the jacket. >> so yeah, it is a lot of money. i don't think this necessarily means that he's one of the top three quarterbacks in the league. if you're going to start and someone asks you who you want, there are probably three names that will pop up before you get to flacco. but you know what? he delivered. he deserves it. he deserves the money. >> peter: what does that do to the rest of the ravens? are they going to be able to play everybody else? >> yeah, it's loaded in such a way that they have cap room this year. so they have some maneuverability. >> peter: very interesting. >> always good in the draft. although their picks will be late. >> peter: meanwhile tom brady, robert kraft the owner of the new england patriots said
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tom brady won't be joe montana. >> he won't be brett favre thank the lord in heaven. again, i think you know, everybody wants to see brady finish up as a patriot. brady wants the best possible people around him. this was just one of those things that he gets his guaranteed money. the guaranteed money is obscene. kraft said they won't tear it up in a couple of years. that's something the ravens can do with flacco. they can tear up the contract. three years, if he suddenly goes down the tubes, they can dump him. the patriots thing is what it should be. it really is. that's how everyone feels about that. >> peter: let's shift gears a little bit. i'm the resident nba fanatic. i'm the basketball watcher. the miami heat, last night dan we have the final call of their game. >> two seconds on the shot clock.
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instead, he'll serve up the prayer and that will be the ball game. the final score, miami 97, minnesota, 81 as the heat set a franchise record, 15 wins in a row. >> peter: is a straight wins. i was watching the knicks game over the weekend. the knicks actually kept it competitive up until the very end. they had a chance. there was something so poetic about that lazy pass to jr smith through the end of the game that lebron stole and just trotted down the court by himself and just threw down a monster dunk, just to basically ind the game. >> he's just playing -- >> peter: he's a freak right now. >> i'm always a little skeptical when a team goes on a run like this in late february and early march because i prefer to see it in april and may. but you know, why do you think that the heat -- why do you not think they're going to be able to do this again come may and june. >> peter: the way that they
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play is so incredibly dominant. it is so much fun -- i'm not a lebron hater necessarily. >> i'm not. >> peter: but i don't love lebron james. i don't care for him that much. i'm not a big fan of his but i can't say i'm a hater. >> no. >> peter: but to watch them play -- >> it is impressive. it is impressive to watch him play. >> peter: i'm going to throw out there the obvious question of is he as good and is he as dominant as michael jordan? i know it is a silly question. >> it is kind of different. michael jordan was a scalpel. lebron is a sledgehammer. i think that -- i think that michael jordan was a lot more cutthroat about it than lebron james is. i don't doubt that lebron james wants to win. michael jordan, you know, he liked nothing better than to be taunted by people. look at the times when people --
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when he would go to atlantic city and gamble and people would write about it because i was in new york at the time, then he would go out and drop 50 on the knicks. >> did you see the miami heat harlem shake video they did? >> oh yeah. >> peter: lebron, that dude is an athlete in that video. >> he's a dancer. >> peter: what a body on that guy. he's a freak of nature. 21 minutes past the hour. it is peter ogborn sitting in for bill press. washington sports post blogger cindy boren sitting in with us. we'll take a quick break and be right back. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show" live on your radio and current tv. >> peter: it is the "bill press show." the "full court press." i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill press today along with "washington post" early lead blogger cindy boren. cindy, thank you for being here. i have to sneak this quick comment in. jim irwin on twitter said go, spurs. not a big spurs fan. >> no one pays attention to the spurs until it's like the first of may and then all of a sudden, everybody realizes they're really well coach and they play really well. >> tony parker looks like he might be out for about a month. >> that's a big loss. >> but as you pointed out earlier, i would rather have it happen now than in a couple of weeks. go spurs. on to -- now that we've talked about sports, let's talk about hockey. >> that's not right. >> peter: i'm kidding. i'm not a big hockey guy. that's fine but i understand for our listeners and viewers in
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chicago on wcpt, they have quite a hockey team. the chicago blackhawks have won 22 straight games. >> they're never going to lose again ever. this year is different because of the lockout and the fact that the season is shorter. but you know, i think a lot of people have a really bad taste still over the lockout and you know, this is nice. it is great but i think it is going to take awhile before people come back to it. >> here in d.c., it is sort of this perfect storm of people being -- sort of jaded about the lockout. combined with the fact that the capitals suck this year. our local hockey team is not very good. so i mean -- >> there are questions about alex ovechkin, you know. >> he's not playing the way that -- >> no, he isn't. >> peter: he's not playing very well. he used to be the premier player in the nhl. >> adam oates is the new coach
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now. maybe that's a problem. i think there's just a lot of new personalities and things are different. maybe that's part of his problem. he's getting older. i hate to say that. he's still in his 20s. he's not that old. >> he looks a lot older with all of the missing teeth. >> that's terrible! all right. we have to wrap it up. i was going to ask. >> little bit about baseball. let's say baseball is right around the corner. i'm very excited. we broadcast less than a mile from nationals ballpark. i hope to see you out there for some games for sure. >> when the cardinals are in town yes. >> oh, wow. that's it. get out. it is the "bill press show." the "full court press." peter ogborn sitting in for bill press. cindy boren thank you so much. you can find her at boren on twitter at >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern.
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>> announcer: chatting with you live at this is the "bill press show" live on your radio and current tv. >> peter: it is the "bill press show," the "full court press" live on your radio all across the nation and on current tv. thank you so much for being here. i'm not bill press. i'm peter ogborn sitting in today. those of you that have paid attention to the show and every so often i get my chance to talk, you know very well i'm a son of charleston, south carolina. i'm proud to call it my hometown. one of the reasons i love it so much is because basically they cook better than you do down there. it is very, very good food. lots of good stuff. two guys that are doing it better than a lot of other
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people out there are the lee brothers. matt and ted lee. they have a new cookbook out. i'm holding it right here. the lee brothers charleston kitchen. they join us on the line here on the "full court press." guys thanks for being here. >> our pleasure. >> thanks, peter. >> peter: matt, i'll start with you. tell me a little bit about how you guys got the idea to do this cookbook. it is a cookbook that focuses on the way people eat and cook in charleston, south carolina, in the low country. how did you come up with that idea? >> oh, man this is a cookbook we were born to write. you know if you grow up there you're just enveloped in all of the awesomeness of the ingredients, especially. we're right on the water. it surrounds us. and so all of the critters that come out of there shellfish the fin fish, shark, all of that plus the whole bounty of the agriculture regions which are also right around the city. it is really interesting
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combination between urban and rural and charleston and formality and informality that really pervades the food and the food traditions. >> peter: and you know, there is -- i think a misconception out there that when we're talking southern food, we're talking about fried chicken and lots of pork products. this book, i think really highlights that. there's a lot of good stuff down there besides just the fried foods. >> absolutely. the south isn't just one place. it's got the new orleans style the panhandle florida thing the appalachian kentucky thing. charleston, the lowcountry where it has been a port city for over 200 years. with all of those different influences. it is pretty sophisticated actually. and so when you dig in the history of the food and we interview people on the street, you're receiving all of these
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like tangled crazy rich messages from the past. >> peter: i think one of the things that really sort of highlights that is the picture on the back of the book that i'm showing to the it audience right now. it is for pan roasted okra, corn and tomatoes. it is the best of southern produce and it has you know, maybe seven or eight ingredients. you can see all of the ingredients right there on the recipe. it sort of speaks to the freshness of the things that come out of there. ted, let me ask you, if you ask any sort of professional chef these days, a lot of them say that charleston is the premier food destination right now. in america. there is a lot of great stuff going on down there restaurantwise. absolutely. it is very happening town currently. i think that's because it has sort of become a crucible where a lot of ideas and contemporary southern cuisine are expressed. especially ones that are looking
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back to the past. a lot of restaurants have come up like hominy grill doing a turn on old ingredients and traditional techniques and that sort of thing. and seeing the restaurant -- it is simply as diverse. we have street food and food trucks and that kind of thing as a nice sort of contrast or a variety to the southern places. and at the same time, charleston has always been a great place for home cooking and so matt and i in the new book, we really wanted to provide a context through the home cooking context and historical context to the contemporary vibrant dining theme that's happening at the restaurant level. >> peter: there was, i think one of my favorite recipes because i think you guys do it justice are the collards that
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you cook in the cookbook. and do you something in here that i've never heard of. i think it speaks to what you were talking about with the home cooked. the collard sandwich. i've never heard of that. >> neither had we. you know, we couldn't quite believe it because it is such a simple thing. you take your collards, left over ideally squeeze out the moisture and lay them down on bread, lay slice of your favorite cheese on top and broil it until it melts and you're sort of good to go. but you know, great food ideas can be super simple. we feel in our hearts like everything has been tried before. and maybe it has. but you know, you might not have tried it. good ideas need reinventing presenting again you know, it is wonderful to realize that we're not at the end of the line as far as food creativity is concerned. all it takes is to open up an old cookbook from 1919 to see
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some pretty wild ideas. >> peter: how many of these sort of ideas -- because a lot of people look -- some people call it lard core, the cooking coming from the south. other people just look to the southern region of america as the hot food thing right now. you guys have been doing it for awhile. these are not new groundbreaking ideas. >> yeah. >> ted, you go ahead. >> yeah, i mean the thing is what's exciting about looking to the old books is that you see ideas there that really haven't been addressed in awhile and we do that in our books. try to reach back into the past and find something like -- oysters -- this appeared in two books from the past. in 1834 book and an 1847 book. and it just seemed so intriguing because matt and i had never
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heard of such a thing. it is a root vegetable like a par snip or carrot but with a mild -- almost vanilla-like flavor. what they were doing was making a puree of salsa putting it in a deep fryer almost like a falafel. what comes out is something that looks very much like an oyster. it is more like the most esterial vegetable you've ever had. if you love falafel this is like a revolution. it is amazing. and that's something that just seems so new and original to us. and yet it is from the early part of the 19th century. >> the recipes in here are so us awesome. i love how you really, really highlight the great products that you can find in charleston and in the region. you even have a section that talks a little bit about foraging. matt, talk a little bit about what you can find just walking
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through charleston. >> that's really the cool thing. it is like so many of these ingredients are simply free for the taking. first off rosemary. if you ever walk the streets of charleston, you'll see the rosemary comes out and practically attacks you on the sidewalk. so don't ever spend $4.50 for a little tray of california rosemary. it is all over. just all around you and each one has a slightly different flavor. because there were probably different varieties. this time of year, it is all about citrus. it is not talked about a lot around town. almost every other backyard has a nice, big orange tree or kumquats little grape-sized citrus. great fruit trees around town that are just filled. it looks like something out of dr. seuss. tree with honking yellow grapefruit on it.
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we have figs, pecans. you can compose a pretty nice salad from what you find around town. >> peter: personally, i need your help with something because i serve grits not that long ago when i had some people over. one of the guys that ate them, they had no idea what grits were. and so i was trying to explain the difference between grits and polenta. and i had a really hard time with it. so i'll let you guys try to help me out. i love grits. i grew up eating grits. i still eat grits. >> i can help you with that. >> they're both corn. they're dried cracked corn. the difference is how anal the italians are. when you crack corn, you have hull you want to get rid of. a blower is good for that, like a fan or something. and then you also have corn kernel itself has a tasty germ and it has a large part of protein that is like rice.
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it has a flowery part that you normally just sift out and get rid of. but if you're maniacal about it, you can get real even grains. that's what you see in polenta. they're really the same thing. it is way that -- the american variety, grits is going to be a little more variegated. it will have little bits and slightly bigger bits and other differences, the variety of corn that they're using like the italians prefer -- i don't know what the name of it is. they probably prefer a certain kind of corn that is imported from south africa or something like that whereas here, we've got just a million by now native varieties of seed corn that our farmers prefer to grow and the millers prefer to grind. >> peter: i have spent my entire adult life trying to answer that question. you just gave the best explanation. you guys are awesome. seriously. thank you so very much. i appreciate you being with me here on the "full court press." >> thanks for having us. >> the lee brothers, you can
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find them on twitter the lee bros on twitter. online matt lee and ted go buy a copy of their new book, the lee brothers, charleston kitchen. it is really truly fantastic. it is great for the home cooks. buy yourself a couple of copies and give some to the foodies in your life. i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill press. going to take a quick break. we'll be right back. >> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv, this is the "bill press show." but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show" live on your radio and current tv.
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>> peter: happy tuesday march 5th. it is "full court press." the "bill press show." i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill today. thank you so much for being here. shout out to the lee brothers for joining us in the last segment. get some good recipes there. next hour, we'll be talking to "buzzfeed's" washington bureau chief john stanton and roger gastman, curator and producer of a cool new documentary called the legend of cool disco dan. who is cool disco dan? stay tuned. we'll tell you. either you're not from washington, d.c. or you just haven't been paying close enough attention. lots of political news going on. i know i haven't talked a lot about the sequester today. frankly, i've got that sequester hangover. i know it is a big deal. we talked a lot about the cuts that are sort of being taken -- that are taking place because of it with igor volsky in the last hour. but you know, i just -- my faith in the government getting
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something done slips away day after day after day after day. but yesterday we got some notable voices on the sequester and what it means and what's happening out there. department of homeland security secretary janet napolitano saying that we're already seeing longer lines at airports. >> we are already seeing the effects at some of the ports of entry, the big airports, for example, some of them had very long lines this weekend. >> here's some of the cuts that igor volsky was talking to us about at $79 million cut from embassy security. construction and maintenance. $232 million cut from the faa. that's big money. $512 million cut from customs and border protection. you know, these are all already taking place. it is already out there. $928 million cut from fema.
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$928. that's almost a billion dollars cut from fema. you think this country has benefited from fema recently? i think we have. just look at katrina and sandy and other tragedies that have hit us. also in yesterday's press briefing jay carney fielding a variety of questions. somebody did ask him about dennis rodman going to north korea by the way. you knew somebody was going to ask him about that. he had to field that question. he talked about sort of keeping hope alive that we get something done in this government. >> there is a caucus of common sense out there, lawmakers in both parties who understand that we need to do tough things to achieve entitlement reforms because that's the right thing for our economy. we need to do tough things on tax reform, tough things for republicans. >> peter: let's see what happens. i like the idea that he referenced a caucus of common sense, you know, that maybe there are some reasonable lawmakers out there. mostly on the other side of the
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aisle that can sort of see that we're just destroying and dismantling the economy day by day. we've got to get something done. it is nice, however to have barack obama sort of leading the way through this. the president. we had another choice with mitt romney and that didn't turn out so well for him. he gave his first interview to fox news sunday this past weekend. we played some clips from it yesterday but i wanted to follow up on one cut that i thought was really telling about who mitt romney is. romney said first of all, that he was devastated and crushed that he can't be in the white house, not because he really wanted to be here. he just feels bad for americans that we can't be here -- we can't have him -- we can't experience his leadership. and another clip he talked about the famous 47% remarks that he gave to the behind closed doors donors. here is his defense of his
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comments. >> you know, when you speak in private, you don't spend as much time thinking about how something can be twisted and distort and be used. but did i and it was very harmful. what i said is not what i believe. >> peter: what i said is not what i believe. what i said is not what i believe. if you ever wanted to know who mitt romney was and i know we've fought this battle and i know that we've gone over this but i'm going to take a little bit of a victory lap because it is so -- it is so perfect! everything that we said about mitt romney was true. mitt romney is the -- the romney campaign is who we thought they were. he says i said something behind closed doors that i didn't mean for you to hear and i didn't mean it. so there you go. every politician that you've ever distrusted, every politician -- every time you've seen a story about a politician and go -- he doesn't mean what's
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says. romney gives credence to a lot of that because he flat out says what i said is not what i meant. seven minutes before the top of the hour. i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill press. find us on twitter at bpshow. i'm tweeting at peter ogborn. find me there. find the show at bpshow. give us a call at 1-866-55-press. going to take a quick break. we'll take a look at the president's schedule. see what he's up to today. i have a feeling he's going to be in a lot of meetings. stay tuned. >> announcer: on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show."
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> peter: it is the "bill press show." peter ogborn sitting in for bill press today. thank you all for tuning in. i appreciate it. what's the president up to today? well at 10:15 president and vice president receive the presidential daily briefing. then at 11:00 the president meets with senior advisers. he has a break until about 2:00 when he departs the white house and heads to bethesda, maryland. he will be going to walter reed national military medical center. it is closed press. don't expect to see a lot of stuff coming out of there around 2:35 today. i have a feeling he won't have much traffic to battle between here and bethesda seeing as how he's the president. he'll hang out there for about two hours. back to the white house around 4:30. and then he and joe biden will meet with new secretary of defense chuck hagel in the oval
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office and jay carney will have his press briefing around 12:45 today. you know, it is just not the same, not having bill around to go to the press briefings because if somebody hadn't asked about dennis rodman yesterday at the briefing bill would have been the guy to do it. you know he would have done it. that's sort of bill's jam. he gets those questions that nobody else is going to ask. when he's at the white house press briefing. so i imagine that the president will find time to take some calls during his travels today. and if he's got a window between 11:00 and 2:00 where he can maybe work with some congressional leaders to get something done on sequester and where we go from here. of course, we'll have it all covered here on current tv and on the "full court press." stay tuned. quick break. we'll be right back with "buzzfeed's" john stanton. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> peter: it is the "full court press" on current tv. thank you so much for tuning in. what a show we've had already today. what a show we have coming up. washington's bureau chief for "buzzfeed," big john stanton will be here in studio with us along with art historian curator and movie producer roger gastman with a great new documentary out called the legend of cool disco dan. who is cool disco dan? stay tuned. we'll tell you in about 30 minutes live on current tv. would you vote for someone who has shown her breasts in a movie? that is the argument that "the daily caller" is trying to make
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that ashley judd is not suitable for public office because she got naked in a movie. because you know, she's an actress and everything. she played marilyn monroe -- not marilyn manson. that would be some acting jobs. she played marilyn monroe who famously got naked for "playboy," ashley judd reenacted that scene. she also showed her breasts in a couple of other movies. "the daily caller" basically says she's shown you everything. so i see no major problem with that. do you? 1-866-55-press is our number. of course, we're always on twitter at bpshow. and online at join the current chat room. where we're taking your comments on ashley judd, sequester and would you eat horse meat? i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill. lots more coming up on current.
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compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. [ male announcer ] it's red lobster's lobsterfest our largest selection of lobster entrees like lobster lover's dream or new grilled lobster and lobster tacos. come in now and sea food differently. visit now for an exclusive $10 coupon on two lobsterfest entrees. they think this world isn't big enough for the both of them. but we assure you - it is. bites. little greatness.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> announcer: broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> peter: it is the "bill press show." the "full court press" live on your radio and on current tv. thank you so much for being here. i really appreciate it. clearly, i'm not bill press. i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill today. thank you so much for being there. with me as always, running the board is dan henning. mr. henning. >> good morning. >> peter: thank you for doing what you do. screening your calls is phil backert and on the video operations is cyprian bowlding who doesn't get to say hello. he just gets to wave hello. hi cyprian. we're tweeting at bpshow at bpshow. we're online at "bill press show." you can join the current chat room at
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people already in the current chat room sort of mad at me because i said that i want to eat horse. i actively am looking to find some horse to cook and "buzzfeed's" washington bureau chief john stanton joins me in studio. john, you admitted to me during the break that you've eaten some really weird things. >> yeah. i was in china a couple of years ago for my honeymoon and we went to a place with my wife's aunt who is chinese called donkey meat banquet. and -- >> peter: what a perfect name. >> that's exactly what it sounds like. donkey meat banquet. they have donkey skin soup and sandwiches they make that are almost like a taco that have donkey meat in them. it is probably the leanest -- one of the tastiest meats i've ever eaten in my entire life.
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>> peter: first i'm looking to cook horse and i might get some stew meat. kind of looks like beef stew but donkey skin soup, that's hard corps. >> people in china believe that it helps with your skin and keeping your skin look nice and healthy. >> peter: all right. >> when we were there we went out to her aunt's village and we went out for some of the big dinner. it was a wedding kind of a dinner. we had dog. >> peter: you've eaten dog. people are giving me grief because we don't eat dog, why should we eat horse meat. i'm full on let's eat horse meat. if i was ever in china, i would probably eat dog. >> they don't eat it every day. it is not a common thing. >> peter: special occasions. >> yeah. you know, it was good. it tasted like -- the way it was prepared, it was shredded. it tasted like shredded pork. they also had this really -- i
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like it. my wife hated it but they make this tofu with pig's blood that's absolutely -- it is like blood sausage. >> peter: i'm all about the pig blood. i was saying earlier, i do some food writing. you can follow me on twitter at peter ogborn to find out some of% that stuff but i write about food. i actually killed my own pig last year and caught the blood to make a blood cake which is like a casingless blood sausage which is delicious. so yeah, i'm all about the pig blood. >> it is funny. if you've ever been to france, in paris, there are horse meat shops. you can go and just buy steaks and ribs or whatever. and different places in the world, people eat different things. if you go to india and you're in like a hindu village in india you probably won't eat any meat. to some people, that is probably weird but that's how they do it.
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>> peter: bill went to school in switzerland. he would be walking down the street and there would be a shop with a wooden cow outside and there would be one that just had all of the vegetables laid out and another shop down, it would just be a wooden horse's head hanging outside. he would roll up in there and get his horse meat. there you go. i'm all for it, man. it is better for you than a lot of red meat. if you eat red meat already i really truly -- no one has yet to call in and give me a serious argument about why we shouldn't eat it. >> we've personified horses in this country. we give them personalities we name them. we see a lot of human traits in them which may or may not actually exist. at the same time, on that scale we shouldn't be eating pigs because there are definitely more -- >> peter: pigs are crazy smart. >> they create family units that i think is part of what freaks people out. >> peter: delicious family units. it is 11 minutes past the hour.
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we've got a lot to talk about here. we're going to check in with the "full court press" with dan henning. what's up? >> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> got some other headlines making news on this tuesday. the white house has responded to another petition on its web site but this one they're acting on which many cell phone users on either side of the aisle can likely agree on. our friends at "buzzfeed" reporting on this story. the obama administration is supporting a plan to make unlocking cell phones legal. meaning opening a phone to use on another company's network than for the one you originally purchased the phone for they also say tablets should be able to be unlocked legally as well to be used on whatever network that you want to use it on instead of having to go buy a new tablet or phone. >> peter: that's change i can believe. i'm all for it. you should be able to use it wherever you want. >> right now technically, it is illegal. it is like hacking. >> peter: fine. i mean really and truly if you buy it, you should be able to use it.
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>> the national rifle association is upping the ante sponsoring an upcoming nascar sprint cup series race april 13th at the texas motor speedway, formerly the texas 500 will be called the nra 500. the first saturday prime time race of the season in front of a crowd of 190,000 people. last year, nra sponsored a nationwide series race but this time they're up in the sprint car. >> peter: i don't know how i feel about that. cindy boren from the post was in earlier that said basically the winner -- the winner's circle, they give them six-shooters to hold up in the air when they win. not kidding. you have to hold guns up in the air after you win. this is 2013 and we're doing that type of stuff. >> and the miami heat are on fire. they reached an nba franchise record last night winning their 15th straight game beating the minnesota timberwolves 97-81. according to espn, dwyane wade posting 32 points.
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derek williams scored 25 and lebron squames was playing hurt but he still put up 20. the heat are now 44-14. best in the eastern conference. seven games ahead of indiana. >> i hate those guys. >> peter: they're easy to hate. they really are easy to hate. i'm not a lebron hater. i'm not a lebron fan either. i mean it is just -- sort of like the yankees now. they just built this evil empire. they happen to be working. 15 straight games is pretty remarkable. thank you dan as always. john, i want to start playing a clip from jimmy kimmel live last night. so he does this thing, he goes out on to the street. he asks random, unsuspecting people on the street a completely made up question. but it shows how little americans grasp the sequester these days. here's the question that he posed. >> what do you think about the fact that north korea is developing its own sequester? >> that's pretty scary. very scary.
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>> did you hear that south korea is developing their own sequester? >> i feel like this is just -- is it -- i don't know what that is so sure, let them do it. >> my parents were killed by a sequester. >> okay. i'm sorry. >> peter: that's basically where we are right now. i mean the sequester has been coming. it was a long time in the making. here we are. i don't know that we collectively care anymore than we used to, right? >> no. you know, it's funny. the famous reporter that asked newt gingrich in '95 about the rebels in fedonia and whether or not he was supporting that and the clinton administration's position. he gave this very long answer. of course, anybody knows marx brothers history knows fedonia is the fictional country in animal crackers. you ask somebody a question, you act like you know what you're
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doing, they'll almost always give you some kind of an answer. the sequester nobody understands it. i cover it and i barely understand exactly where can and can't go, whether or not they have any kind of flexibility for parts of it. they say they do. other people say they don't. >> peter: when we were watching this as it was building up and brewing, there was -- i personally was watching -- they'll come up with something last minute. they'll avoid this. that seems to be the way we get business done these days. it is a last-minute deal. the last-minute deal didn't happen. oh, crap! we actually hit the wall on this one. and so now here we are. nobody seems to be really freaking out yet. >> the problem with the sequester honestly is that the vast majority of people that are going to be hurt by it are federal workers. even beyond just -- they'll be affected pretty hard in the military side. but around here in d.c.,
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maryland virginia, any place where -- those are the people that will actually feel it. they are right above politicians and reporters in the most hated lists in america. nobody cares about them. which is sort of a shame because these people are hard working americans. they do jobs, they're not the bureaucrats everyone hates like at the top of the pile. they're the grunts that are sort of doing the everyday work of government and they don't get paid, you know, extraordinary amounts of money and yet they are much maligned. but you know, if they're the ones that will get hurt, it doesn't create the kind of public backlash that would bring this thing down. >> right. we had igor volsky from think progress in earlier today. they've got 32 -- what they call 32 dumbest and devastating sequester cuts. it is shocking when you read that $928 million has been cut from fema's disaster relief money. that is one of those things that you're not going to feel until
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you do. and so i mean it's kind of easy to cut that now. when you run into something major and we don't have the money there anymore. it wasn't such a good idea. >> right. i think one of the things people talked about is trying to find a way to give everybody some flexibility. and republicans focused primarily on the military side so that mission critical things and don't get hurt so you can take money out of golf courses or for them, they think green energy, stuff like that. some democrats have looked at this department and said republicans are unlikely to give the administration that kind of flexibility on the domestic side. but you know, it is only 2% of the budget. there is way more than 2% of the budget is nonsense. i mean beyond earmarks or that kind of thing. just wasteful things that go on. projects that shouldn't exist anymore that continue to exist. things like that. there are probably easy ways to
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find these cuts but by doing it and the reason they did it this way frankly was to force everybody to the table. by having it be across the board, it hits everything. >> that's a bad thing i think for a lot of people. >> peter: so are they -- are the sequester cuts here to stay? is there a way to sort of dodge the bullet and sort of rewrite what we've already done and fix that? certainly that seems to be the way that some business gets done here. >> i think what we'll end up doing is continuing resolution to fund us through october for the military side. they're going to -- republicans have written a bill that basically rejiggers the funding for at least that portion of it to create specific places where they want it cut. that gives dod some flexibility. cuts will be there i suspect until october. we're now talking about you know, the debt ceiling. because these have gone into effect and because of the tax
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increases on the wealthy in january, the debt ceiling looks like it will probably go until august which will give us yet another august recess fight and that could be a spot where they maybe fix this long-term. >> peter: i think there has been so much spent. we've sort of made me in the dust on who gets the blame on this. who gets the blame for the sequester. i think they both handled it poorly. i think the president could have come out and said early on, look we need need to cut some stuff. we really need to cut some stuff and listed some of those things. but the sort of -- kept putting people out and saying this is what's going to happen if it comes. this is what's going to happen. everyone is jockeying say no, it was their fault. it was their fault. bob woodward gets the mix. >> it is arguably the dumbest argument that has ever happened in washington.
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who is responsible for this thing. we all agreed. >> thank you. that's it in a nutshell. we all agree to do it but it is your fault. >> i really do think that -- it is hard to not believe when you watch everybody, republicans and democrats both argue about this. what they're really doing is they're trying to obfuscate the fact that none of them showed any leadership. the original debt ceiling fight or during the subcommittee. that was when they were supposed to step up to the plate and act liked a ults. instead, they cowered. they refused to do their job. that's what they all should be being forced to take responsibility for, i think, is the fact that we're in a period of american history in which no one has any courage that is supposed to be sort of a leader. part of being a leader is having to do difficult things. convincing people that you're leading that it is going to suck. we have to do this. people have done it in the past. and from both parties. they don't seem to want to do that. >> peter: we'll take a quick break. want to talk about "buzzfeed"
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brews after this short break. it is peter ogborn sitting in for bill press with john stanton, washington bureau chief for "buzzfeed." we'll be right back. >> announcer: radio meets television. the "bill press show." now, on current tv. honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the
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minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." feat is the full "full court press," the "bill press show" on your current tv. i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill. we have "buzzfeed's" bureau chief john stanton in studio with us. later on today the second edition of "buzzfeed" brews, a
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couple of weeks ago ben smith was in studio after he talked to marco rubio in the inaugural edition of "buzzfeed" brews. you will be interviewing gillibrand. >> i am indeed. >> peter: it is you guys will be streaming that live starting at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. so what can we expect if we're going to be watching? >> you know, i find her to be pretty fascinating character. i didn't know a lot about her before we signed her up. getting to sort of do a little research on her, very interesting woman. she's very, very involved in trying to get more women engaged in politics and rubbing for political office. she's a mother of two young children and somehow finds a way to balance being a united states senator and the mother which i think is fascinating. i don't know how anybody takes care of a child with having anything else to do. >> as a father of two they practically raise themselves.
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we have a dog. he helps. it is not that hard. >> she's had some interesting life experiences. she lived in china for awhile. >> peter: you can ask her if she's been to donkey banquet. >> you know, i think you're going to find a lot of interesting things about this person. she's very much an upand comer in the democratic party. she's become quite a fund-raiser which is making her a popular figure within the democratic party. she raised over a million dollars last cycle for women that were running for office which is a lot of money. a lot of money to pour into other people's campaigns. it will be a good time. she's going to actually drink beer with me. >> peter: i was going to say. that was a big scandal last time because when marco rubio was there with ben smith we must have watched him go through seven beers while he was doing the interview. he was hammered, marco rubio didn't have one drink. she's going to drink? >> she's definitely going to drink, i think. >> do you have any say over the
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kind of beers you think or do you get whatever? >> we get whatever. i'm definitely going to be drinking d.c. brew, the hometown. >> i like that. >> peter: stream that live if you want to tweet about it. the hashtag is buzzfeed brews. i'm sure you'll get a lot of good stuff out of this one. john is going to stick around. we've got something very exciting coming up. art historian curator producer of movies, roger gastman will be in studio with us. he's talking about a new exhibit he has at the corcoran here in washington, d.c. and a new movie coming to a theatre near you. the legend of cool disco dan. who is cool disco dan? we'll tell you. it is the "full court press." peter ogborn sitting in for bill. i'll be right back. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern.
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>> announcer: chatting with you live at this is the "bill press show." live on your radio and current tv. >> peter: it is the "full court press." the "bill press show." i'm peter ogborn sitting in for bill this morning. we're tweeting at bpshow. you can find us there. if you can't find us on the radio or on tv. communicate with us there. 24/7 we're always there, right dan? always manning the twitter machine. we're joined in studio for the hour by "buzzfeed's" washington bureau chief john stanton. we're joined by art historian curator, producer of movies and friend of mine, roger gastman. very excited that you're here and phil is excited because you
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are wearing an an orioles cap representing the local flavor here. thanks for coming in, roger. >> hello. >> peter: i want to talk first of all about this really cool exhibit at the corcoran museum here in washington, d.c. it is called pump me up. tell us sort of what it's about. i'm really pissed i haven't been able to see it yet. but what's going on there? >> i've been inviting you down. i sent you all of the invites. >> i was telling john i really want to go and we've got such crazy schedules here. i'm such an old man. i'm in bed by 9:30 or 10:00. >> just so you know, i tried. pump me up, a d.c. exhibit at the corcoran, non-traditional exhibit there. you walk right into the museum and you're in the atrium and you're in the exhibit. it is d.c. subculture of the 1980s. really a good blend of punk rock go-go music a lot of do it yourself culture of the 1980s. record album covers, photos,
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fine art drawings, ephemera, all kinds of stuff. >> peter: i didn't grow up here in d.c. john, you did. and you were sort of a part of that scene. i sort of watched it from afar where i was growing up but for people who don't know, what is go-go? >> the best way i can describe go-go to people who have never heard go-go is take parliament funkadelic and mix it with hip-hop and if you know what you're talking about with music you can describe the song. >> it is music that you have sex to. >> peter: perfect. i usually use lamb of god to have sex -- kidding! totally kidding. that's when i'm having sex against my will. usually that's playing in the background. it is sort of yul-encompassing stuff. when you talk about d.c. in the '80s, there was a lot of stuff going on. >> d.c. in the '80s, the thing people think of is violence, crazy city that's deserted and a
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lot of negative things going on. but there was a lot of creative going on in that time. because of all of the crazy things that had happened. you can trace it back to the riots of '68. the city's deserted. you can get rehearsal space cheaper free. you can squat. you can write graffiti on the corner. you can sell crack. you can book your own concerts. it doesn't change in the city through the '80s. doesn't change in the city until you get into the 2000s. >> peter: you talk about the rehearsal space and music that came out of d.c. what kind of stuff are we talking about? what kind of music were you listening to, john? >> you know, one of the first bands that i really remember listening to and being like oh, my god that's it is like minor threat. i think that happens for a lot of kids in the city. you heard it. at first you didn't -- i didn't know they were from d.c. i listened to them and government issue was another band and i listened to this older kid made me this tape that had a whole bunch of their songs on it.
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i listened to it and i said to him, i would love to see these guys. and government issue was sort of ending. he's like they've soft ended but every day practically you can go someplace in d.c. and see bands exactly like this. these guys were from d.c. that blew my mind. it sort of sent me on these random treks into the city looking for stuff. >> peter: right. so there's a lot of music that's covered at the exhibit. and aside from the music, you talk about d.c. in the '80s, i think one of the biggest figures is marion barry. you guys cover him in the exhibit. >> absolutely. marion barry he's definitely covered in the exhibit. we did our best to get him down there. we called and called and called, marion barry please come. >> peter: he's been on the show before. he's a very -- he gets -- on a national level everyone knows marion barry for doing what he did but he's a very interesting deep character. >> absolutely.
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it was important to us in the exhibit to not just cover marion barry for what he did. he did a lot of other things and doing research on the film, the legend of cool disco dan interviewing so many other people from old grange and crew members to -- old gang and crew members to professors. we interviewed people and the love the city had for marion barry is huge. what he did almost made them love him more. it was important to not only cover barry for the one incident but some of the other things did he. one of the things that came up over and over was he gave me a summer job. marion barry gave me a summer job. >> peter: yeah, yeah. you mentioned how the thing that he did made people love him more. i find that so fascinating in this town. >> i think you know, in the movie, there is talk about this. the reality is that people in d.c. felt very -- i think to a certain degree, still feel very marginalized by the federal government because congress comes and they complain about
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d.c. and we get maligned. people outside of d.c. hate us and they hate the city because of ironically, the people they send here. and you know, marion barry was this figure that stood up to them and said screw you guys, i don't care what you think. they really did, for better or for worse whether they had the right to go after him or not they did go after him. it came a priority, i think to bring down marion barry. so when they did everybody sort of was like well, that's messed up. he's our mayor. he's the man. leave him alone. >> when you talk about marion barry, there is a documentary -- the nine lives of marion barry. the nine lives of marion barry. if you have seen it, you should watch it. it shows that -- he's such a deep guy. beyond just the thing that got him in trouble. he was a civil rights leader. d.c. before he came along was like -- d.c., it is hard to say this but it is southern district. we're in the south. here in d.c. it doesn't feel like it but it
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used to really feel like it. and marion barry sort of helped change that culture of washington a lot. so it's a really cool documentary. >> i will say in the exhibit something everyone has loved if you go into the hallway which is where you go into the bathroom and you look close, you're going to find one of his t-shirts from '90-'91, one of those shirts. >> peter: talk about the stuff in the exhibit. so it is a shirt from a street vendor. how the hell did you find that? >> i've been digging for years and years. one person has one thing one person has another thing. i have a lot of secrets of where i find things. i don't need other people driving my prices up. it has been a lot of digging through the years. i've been a collector. probably should have thrown away a lot of things but i'm glad i didn't. >> very cool. it is at the corcoran if you're in d.c. we mention it, the documentary. the legend of cool disco dan.
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i've been teasing it all morning. who's cool disco dan? >> cool disco dan is the phantom of d.c. he's the legend of d.c. if you were in d.c. in the '80s from the early '80s through the late '90s and you rode the red line, if you went anywhere downtown, you saw a cool disco dan signature or tag somewhere. it was easy to read. it was legible and it was a fun name. so you would remember it. a lot of people didn't really look at it as graffiti. they looked at it as the signature of the city. >> peter: you grew up around this. you know some of this. >> it was everywhere. you would see it on buses. you would see it on the subway. on the corner someplace. i remember as a kid being you know, maybe 10 or 11, you know, '84, '85, we would all try to mimic his tag because it was just the coolest thing. everywhere you went, you saw it. you would see it in the bathrooms of restaurants not like some corner joint but fancy
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spots. you would go to the bathroom, there it would be. >> peter: really? >> there were so many mimics of it. through the years. my favorite one that was the most fun i probably saw around a dozen times was cool boogie dancer. [ laughter ] >> peter: that's awesome. so i mean the documentary talks not only about cool disco dan but also sort of what birthed cool disco dan the d.c. scene and the music scene. what was that like? >> the film started as just a documentary about cool disco dan but as we got a little further into it, actually quite early on we realized dan storied the story of the city. he was everywhere at once yet nowhere at all. his signature was everywhere. so many people could relate to it. we started to more and more people. it is the story of d.c. in the '80s. we start with civil rights because civil rights was a big reason dan's family moved to d.c. they left boston where they
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were. ended up in northern virginia. dan grew up in d.c. in the '80s through the early '90s. we traced his story. we tell the story of d.c. through a lot of very interesting characters from marion barry to chuck brown to on and on. it is a huge cast of characters in the film. i think we'll surprise a lot of people. we had pretty much just had six sold-out shows at afi in silver spring. we'll be showing the film again soon. >> i thought it was amazing the number of people you guys found to talk. kenny ball from the minnesota avenue crew who is like his legendary figure in d.c. of like this dude who would just knock you out. he had him in the movie. a bunch of the other graffiti writers which is also saying i think the graffiti writing scene was maligned in a lot of ways. people saw it as whatever. but there were a lot of talented people that were out there doing this. i thought the movie did a fantastic job.
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>> finding the people is one of the most challenging things. sure we knew where to find someone like marion barry and chuck brown but finding people from the go-go bands especially finding the old crew members, it was a bunch of us with expensive, large amount of camera equipment going down into the hood. knocking on doors. just asking around, hey, we knew such and such used to hang out here 25 years ago. you seen him? [ laughter ] >> peter: so awesome. i love it. you got henry rawlins to narrate the film which is pretty bad ass in my book. when we come back, i want to talk about graffiti art in general. a lot of people sort of have maligned it as destructive and kind of want to figure out where we're going with it and what the story is on graffiti art. 44 minutes past the hour. my name is peter ogborn sitting in for bill press today. got roger gastman in studio. we've got john stanton in studio. don't go anywhere. we'll be right back.
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>> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> peter: it's the "bill press show." "full court press." peter ogborn sitting in for bill today. we've got "buzzfeed's" washington bureau chief john stanton and along with art historian, curator producer, roger gastman. to find out more about roger gastman at and on twitter at roger gastman. i did say d.c. is southern. geographically, we are below the mason dixon line. bark way says d.c. is no more southern than maine is canadian.
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i grew up in south carolina. that's the south. that's really hard to call d.c. the south but geographically, we are the south. roger, you've written you've got books out about graffiti, the history of american graffiti is a book you did. and we're talking about cool disco dan. i mean what is it about graffiti that has sort of risen to prominence here recently? people are giving it a lot more credibility in the art world. >> graffiti has become more and more popular. it is fastest growing art movement in the world in the last 30 years. there's no arguing that whether you love it or hate it. it has been displayed in museum after museum. we had art in the streets at l.a. mocha. we had over 250,000 people through in a three and a half month show. it is everywhere. but of course, people are always going to hate on it. that's graffiti. it is vandalism. i get that. sure, you can look at a big
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beautiful mural and say it is graffiti. but if it is legal, it is a mural. the purest form of graffiti will be illegal graffiti, bubble letters on a wall and as much people are going to hate on me for it and say i'm going to come right on your house, that's what i love to see. >> peter: has anybody written on your house? >> not yet. >> one thing in the movie that i thought was interesting maybe you can talk a little bit about the go-go tags that started. that was sort of like the genesis of d.c.'s sort of tagging scene. >> absolutely. d.c. graffiti is -- the earliest d.c. graffiti other than graffiti from the riots is go-go graffiti which kids in the early '80s from southeast just want to write their names. they don't know about what's going on in new york on the subways. they haven't stein style wars. they want to go write their name. their regular name isn't cool enough. in the movie gangster george says being george wasn't cool
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enough. i had to be gangster george. the style is simple. think of elementary school penmanship. he does a big g and small eorge next to it. a lot of people who have two os in their name, look something is their name and they make the two os into a face. it is very simple. it is not about style. it is just about being known. >> peter: that's fascinating about the cool disco dan. it is nothing special about the way that he writes cool disco dan. i was trying to explain this. he just writes cool disco dan on there. but i mean the way that he does it and the amount that he does it, it is all over the place. so it is just sort of the art -- it is -- >> it has a little flair to it. you can see the tags in 1994 and 1992, the stylistic evolution but it really is a very simple signature. but the point is it looks the
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same over and over and over again. >> if i start tagging i'm going to start tagging in comic sans. >> i think you should. >> i used to have this -- not argument but this conversation with my mom. my mom was an art teacher and when i was growing up and we had a mutual friend, justin van hoyt who did a lot of art and worked with youth. we would have this conversation about how graffiti is, like it or not, it is art. she would always -- >> art dealers have proven it is art. you see there are -- there is a shepherd print in the back of two and a half men right now. both those people. art is selling. you name the auction house. phillips christie's, et cetera. it is selling for a lot of money. >> peter: good stuff. on twitter at
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roger gastman. thank you so much for being here man. >> thank you. >> peter: john stanton "buzzfeed" brews tonight. you will be interviewing kiersten gillibrand. watch it at go online, guys, thank you so much. really appreciate it. it was a lot of fun. i'm peter ogborn sit fog for bill press. going to take a quick break and be right back for one quick last segment. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." live on your radio and current tv.
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tv. >> peter: it is the "bill press show." the "full court press." my name is peter ogborn sitting in for bill today. many thanks to our guests that joined us today. igor volsky, cindy boren the lee brothers, very lively conversation over what the definition of grits are. we just finished up with john stanton and roger gastman. seriously, if you're in the d.c. area, check out the corcoran. i haven't been yet to this pump me up exhibit that looks at d.c. in the '80s but i'm dying to get down there. get down there and check that out. lots of good stuff coming up today. it is going to be very interesting to see what happens what progresses with this bob menendez story. we talked about it earlier about the fact that "the daily caller" had, on video, not a confession but a story from a prostitute that said that she had been visited by bob menendez. it turns out as was reported by "the washington post,"
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