tv Viewpoint Current March 18, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> michael: only about 360 days until cpac. i'm so excited. but only just a couple of seconds until john fugelsang and "viewpoint." we'll see you tomorrow. >> john: this weekend was the cpac convention which gathers together all the republicans who are never going to be president in one place. and one of the biggest panels of cpac was what to do when someone calls a racist during your incredibly racist c cpac event. the steubenville sentencing happened today and some said guys turn it down a bit. and it's the 10th anniversary of the iraq. today is the birth date of rnc
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chair reince priebus. happy birthday chris fugalsang not related to me, and prime minister nevel chamberlain. it's not cool. i didn't want to include him on this list but my producer did so i'm appeasing him. this is "viewpoint." [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> john: i'm john fugelsang and this is "viewpoint." the republican obsession with slashing the marble debt no matter what the cost to the needy during a recession seems a little less obsessive today. true the ryan budget the g.o.p. house is sure to pass, would slash programs to eliminate the debt in just ten years. and the so-called sequester in effect mostly thanks to the house, take $85 billion of spending and as many as
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three-quarters of a million jobs out of the economy this year. we've gotten used to republican leaders insisting the national debt is the nation's number one priority. but that might be so last week. here is congressman paul ryan on "face the nation" this sunday. >> we do not have a debt crisis right now, but we see it coming. we know it's irrefutably happening. if we follow the president's lead or if we pass the senate budget then we will have a debt crisis then everybody gets hurts. you know who gets hurt first the poor and the elderly. that's what we're trying to prevent from happening. >> john: preventing a debt crisis to help the poor and elderly. that sounds like a really good idea. could speaker of the house john boehner agree with congressman ryan on this? >> we do not have an immediate debt crisis, but we all know that we have one looming. it could be a year, two years three years four years. it's not an immediate problem. >> john: how about canceling the sequester mr. speaker.
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while the national debt may not be an immediate problem survival in or out of the middle class is a large and growing problem for millions of americans hit by this recession, and facing what could be a second blow from the sequester. emmy award winning filmmakers joe and harry gantz showed just what hard times mean for eight portland oregon, families airing tonight on hbo "american winter." here is a brief sample. >> it's going to be a little rough for the next couple of days. i'm going to be staying at the shelter. i don't know the name of. this is where we're at. people really looking for a safety net that is frayed well beyond what i think most people think. >> i've got doctor bills like every day in the mail. i've got $49,000 bill. >> i feel like it's all my fault that you pay so much money. >> honey, it's not your fault. you're a kid. be a kid. doesn't everything always work out. >> no. >> we used to talk about like, what we were going to do with our lives and our dreams and what we wanted for the kids. all we talk about now is money.
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>> forget the dreams. what about tomorrow. >> i don't need a friggin' hot meal. >> you have cool. i don't want you to go to sleep with an empty belly. >> i hear them in bed sometimes saying we skipped dinner because we need to feed our kids. >> sometimes when i hear that i cry. sometimes. >> more on "american winter" i'm pleased to bring on joe gantz. the film debuts tonight on hbo at 9:00 eastern time. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> john: it's a pleasure. thank you for making a film this powerful and gut wrenching especially in light of the budget cuts and the sequester. why did you decide to make the film in the first place?
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>> we made the film because we saw that more and more people were losing their jobs, losing their homes and there was more need an any time in the last 80 years. yet they chose that time a couple of years ago to cut budgets and services all across the country. we felt that someone had to show how this was affecting families. it's sort of a blind spot in this country looking at poverty and looking at the growing income gap and also the wages that are shrinking. so we wanted to just show what that was like and how it was affecting families. >> john: it's never easy to make the political this personal. how did you find these families? and what made you decide to focus on portland, oregon. >> well, we chose portland because we wanted a city that middle america could relate to. l.a. or chicago didn't seem right. we came up portland. i don't know that we researched it perfectly but that's a city that has pretty good social
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services pretty good safety net. but yet even in portland it's tremendous amount of poverty and families struggling. the way we found our families is we worked with 211 info, an info line for families that are in crisis to call to see if they can get help with their heat, rent food on the table. we listened to hundreds of calls every day and invited families to let us come out and talk to them and then chose the eight families that we used in the documentary. >> john: we just showed a clip from the trailer and it's brought to us by taxi cab confessions. it's one of the few series that focused on class on a regular basis. hunger in american is supposed to impact 50 million people, including one in five kids. one of the most powerful moments in your film shows families who don't have enough to eat. parents denying themselves meals
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so their kids don't go hungry. did you expect to see that when you went out in a city as watch fluent as portland? >> no, i didn't expect to see that level of poverty in portland. it's really gut wrenching. even when families get help. they can get food stamps and help to not starve, but it doesn't really help them get back on their feet and get out of this situation where they're just so stressed day after day week after week. are they going to pay their heating bill? are they going to pay their rent? are they going to keep the electricity on, the water? these parents are dealing with so much stress day in and day out it's overwhelming. of course that filters down to the kids. if the kids are traumatized like that can they do well in school? can they graduate from high school, get to college? i think in a situation like this you have to look long term. when kids are traumatized like this they often drop out of school drugs or wind up in the
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prison system. it comes out that it's cheaper to help families before they fall through the safety net before they become homeless. yet, we're unwilling as a country to do that. >> john: a big reason for that is that politicians don't want to view long-term solutions. they have to view short term for elections. with this sequester and families like we see oh "in american winter" it will probably get harder than it is already. >> i was shocked. completely shocked. they came up with a situation which was the worst case worst-case scenario for either side and then they went forward with it. things are so bad for citizens across the country i can't imagine what these cuts are going to do to families. i think there is a disconnect and inability to really look at what's going on. that's what we wanted to provide. we wanted to given a human face to what's going on in a families across the country.
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we did this in portland, but it's not about portland. it's about any city, any small town, any rural area. you can go anywhere and find families that are exactly like this. this is like garden variety poverty. this is not abject poverty. these families were comfortable many of them were middle class. then they lost their jobs. sometimes their jobs just disappeared. they got rid of all the people in their company and they couldn't find another job because they were too old or because their skill set was not right. they just have not been able to get back to the place they were. oftentimes they were making $25 an hour. now they're making $10 to $12. you cannot support a family of four in most major cities on $12 an hour. >> john: did this filmmake you more political active and more politically engaged? >> well, i'm committed to take this film for the next year and go around the country state by
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state and show people who families are going through and try to open people's eyes so they can look at the situation. i think if anyone is looking at this situation honestly, they're not going to cut budgets. they're not going to cut services. they're going to try to find ways to stimulate the economy get families back on their feet. in the long run that will help the government generate revenue. >> john: american winter director and produceer joe gantz. the film debuts tonight on hbo. thank you for coming on the program. >> i appreciate. >> john: many may have had a come to jesus moment on the debt. after all, and this kind of makes us wonder if the past three years of artificial fiscal crises triggered by the house was anything more than placating contributers. but don't expect our g.o.p. toss
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change their views on social insurance any time soon. republicans should soon be on record again as supporting severe cuts in programs that benefits the mill class and the poor. i'm delighted to be joined by the reverend dr. susan thistlethwaite professor of theology and former president of the chicago theological seminary. welcome. >> thank you. >> you were the author of "occupy the bible: what jesus really said and did about money and power." >> thank you. >> john: the raptured budget that was on the occupy bible website. what did you mean by calling it a raptors budget. >> you may recall the rapture is the radical right christian idea that all the saintly people are going to be pulled up into heaven, and the sinners are going to be left behind.
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what i released realized was that you were meant to take this seriously. if there ever were a documentary that proves who is being left behind "american winter" that you just described with your guest asks that. it breaks your heart. >> john: many conservative republicans and to be fair some democrats as well, especially in the south and midwest present themselves as driven by christian values. at least where social issues and marriage equality is concerned. did jesus ever mention gay people or abortion, doctor? >> no, he didn't. >> john: thank you. i'm glad we could cover that. what did jesus really say and do about money and power? this is what it all comes down to. would jesus have been a free market champion as paul ryan seems to think he was. >> no, jesus was not a free market capitalists.
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jesus announces his ministry as a government program. he gets up in his first sermon and announces the jubilee, the year of the lord's favor. that means in the time of ancient israel where you're state and religion are the same. it's a government program. you forgive debt. you release your slaves, and you redistribute your land. it's not an option. it's not individual charity. the people in the synagogue actually realize that jesus means for them to do that now not just, you know, in the nice scroll from isaiah that he just read. they run him from the synagogue up the hill and try to throw him off. which means that they were a little irritated by jesus' anuns education that we have to do this now. people are always telling me,
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oh no, it's not a government program. well, it's a government program. jesus annunciation of the jubilee is debt forgiveness for everything. >> john: you're exactly right. when i try to talk about this myself i'm to do it by my conservative christian friends jesus said the private individual should help the poor. the government shouldn't pick my pockets to help the poor. jesus didn't have democracy. we do. if jesus chose to vote to help the poor instead of bombing iraq, isn't that a government based on christian values, taking care of the less fortunate? >> i believe that our religious values can inform the way we advocate for different kinds of policies. dr. martin luther king jr. said your faith is the conscience of the politics. that's our conscience at work. but i'm always stunned at the
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kind of christians that talk to you, john, don't actually have read the bible. jesus said the rich sell all you have and give it to the poor poor. woe to all those who are rich. i feel he got this from his mother. his mother, when she's pregnant, she goes to elizabeth and said god will fill the hungry with good things and the rich he will send empty away. >> john: i think a lot of conservatives think that jesus was only speaking in metaphor there and the talking snake is the literal part. i'm always curious about the issue of taxation. what did jesus mean when he said render unto seasure that which is caesars. if it's caesars money it's caesars rules. you got to fund your society,
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and you have to fund it with everybody's money. >> john: right on. >> i think that your point about a democracy is different is correct, but the values of good samaritan, that endures. >> john: that guy paid out of pocket for an unknown immigrant's healthcare. >> thank you. >> dr. reverend susan thistlethwite. thank you for bringing to us what is says in the actual bible. >> thank you, john. >> john: thank you. in a day where it may be feminist to be a housewife. that's up next. billy zane stars in barabbas. coming in march to reelz. to find reelz in your area, go
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>> john: welcome back for the thing of the day. it's the warm and fuzzy thing of the day. i'm thrilled with this story. the european union has banned the sale of cosmetic products that contain any ingredients tested on animals. the eu had already restricted most products but now has stricken tests. now those are done too. i don't wear a lot of makeup myself unless i'm on tv or alone on a saturday, but i think we can still look good without making bunnies go blind. now sheryl sandberg has been on the media blitz to support the release of her new book "lean in." in a book to encourage women to seek leadership roles at large companies and try to help women along that path. but they are asking the question what about the women who choose
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not to lean out of the workforce but reject it completely. she writes if feminism is not only about creating ane quitible seat but also a means to fulfillment for individual women, and if the rewards of. work and life is not nor parent fieldly offices but the full embrace of domesticity. we're thrilled to be joined by lisa miller. what a pleasure to have you here. >> so happy to be here. >> john: i'm so happy you're here. your piece centers largely around one woman kelly mckeno, making an active choice it to become stay at home moms. what factors are behind these women's decisions. >> these are not the ivy league
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lawyers of a previous generation who are fleeing the workforce to go home and. they feel that the choices that they have now are just too hard. you work now. you are an ambitious woman you don't make enough money. your job future is uncertain. your kids are at home and you can't afford daycare. all of a sudden you think to yourself, if there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow why not stop fighting with my husband about who is going to buy the milk, pick up the kids and who is going to bring the kids to school and who is going to walk the dog. why not have a really traditional labor of marriage and have dinner on the table at 6:00. >> john: as a man i feel comfortable talking about feminism all night but we equate feminism with equality. but i think agency is just as much a component of feminism and
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being able to make the choices you want. when you describe these neo-traditionalists as feminists. >> the woman in the story calls herself a flaming liberal and feminist too. i don't think it's about calling who is a feminist and who is not. we should have equal work and we should be able to make choices about what helps us and our families. >> john: while there would be some who scorn such a choice, so much in the modern media culture filmcome, it'sreally about choice. >> it's also about what is best for your family unit. this idea that you can have a
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more placid family life by doing what is good for your family is a modern idea. >> john: your piece marks the next chapter in a larger debate about filmism. from emily slaughter's piece to melissa meyers interview to sheryl sandberg's new book all of these women have been surrounded by controversy. do you expect any blow back about your piece in new york. >> definitely. it's exploding. >> john: what are you getting? >> there's nothing new here. this woman isn't a feminist. this is only for rich people. and in fact, none of those criticisms are true. one of the things i want to say about slaughter and sandberg and meyer. >> john: please. >> all three of them are saying you'll be a good feminist if you act exactly i do. if you do this the way i did. meyer says be the smartest girl in the class.
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sandberg says lean in, fight harder, be wileyer own your own ambition, and who did i miss? slaughter says better policies. better policies workplace policies. all these women are arguing that women in general should do it like they do. but kelly mikino don't have that ambition and they're not working on this abstract manifesto. they're real people with real lives and real marriages, real kids, and they need to navigate it on a micro level. on the micro level it might be easier to just lean out. >> john: and the other difference between those women in your piece is they're giving their own manifestos. you're documenting other women's stories. did you feel with ms. makino's choices? >> they're not for me. i've worked full time my whole life. i have a nine-year-old daughter. i feel my model of self
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sufficiency is good for her. we need both jobs to pay the bills. like most families we both need to work. but i admire her and there is a tiny little part of me that yearns for a life where all i have to do is care for the domestic front. talk to any woman yeah, i go to work, i figure out the playdates, the pediatrician appointments and i pack the lunches. one woman said when her husband packs the lunch she unpacks it and repack it is for him. >> john: maybe she's just a virgo. before we go i applaud you because we talked about how the rich women who want to have it but your book is about others. it's not one size fits all. >> no, we have to do what is best for our families and not
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point fingers. >> john: thank you for coming on. >> it was really fun. >> john: i hope to get you back then. terrific. a sad story and a sad excuse for media reaction. we talk about the steubenville rape trial and it's coverage. coming up next. while your carpets may appear clean. it's scary how much dirt your vacuum can leave behind. add resolve deep clean powder before you vacuum to expel the dirt within your carpets. resolve's deep clean powder is moist.
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>> john: this week on wtf america we're thrilled to take a look at the bucolic state to our north, vermont. you thought we were going to do texas. vermont lawmakers are investigating the health hazards of crystal meth. thank god because i always thought that a meth lab was a healthy way to cook a snack at home. i'm glad vermont legislators are at least open to the idea that there might an down side to being a meth head. you've all seen the real estate as charming cottage for sale with washer dryer built in shelves and the sweet lingering
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aroam are a of the kitchen's former crystal meth lab. one pot method cooking meth requires fewer ingredients to make meth and only takes 90 minutes to cook which is really helpful to the on the go working methed a dick who wants to waste his life without wasting a lot of time preparing to get wasted. there is rachel ray's 15 minute meth cook book and oer orville redenbacher's microwave meth corn. and the very appropriately named tombstone deep death meth pizza. why have you waited so long to get this legislation going? politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding.
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>> john: in a town of over 18,000 people which has a high school football stadium that seats 10,000 people, one thing is clear football and football players are king. now yesterday a steubenville judge proved that even football is not above the law. judge thomas lipps sentenced malik richmond to a minimum of one year in a juvenile at the detention center and trent mays, who had taken pictures of the naked victim, to two years. they will be forced to undergo counseling and they'll have to register as sex offenders. after the verdict was handed down both had a chance to apologize to the victim and her family. and it was poppy harlow could not help but remind everyone that it was sad for the rapists too. >> it was incredibly emotional and incredibly difficult for
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even an outsider like me to watch what happened to these two young men that had such promising futures, star football players, very good students, both found guilty of raping this 16-year-old girl at a series of parties back in august, alcohol-fueled parties. alcohol a huge part in this. >> john: because we all know that every party involving alcohol ends in sexual assault. joining me now is dave zirin sports editor of the nation host of engine of sports radio and author of "game over: how politics has turned the sports world upside down." what do you think of this verdict. do you think these teenagers received any different treat because they were football stars in this town. >> well, i think they were on the road to receiving different treatment. we saw early on that the police were not taking this serious. the parents were not taking it serious. the coach was not taking it
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seriously and the judge had to be recused because of his connections to the football program. that's what happens in a small town with a dynastic football program over the past 30 years. it was up to the social media who brought this forward. you always have to actually put it in the back of your head when people go to jail but i'm happy with the way the defense presented their case. their argument was that to be drunk equals consent. that was their explicit argument argument. they said jane doe, the 16-year-old who was victimized, they called her a drunk out of town football groupie. if justin lipps had sentenced them to nothing and hit that gavel and said you're free to go, given the cultural peaks that this trial was shouting out
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from, the effects would have been incredibly distracktive. >> john: it would be for them to go after some of the bystanders as well. it appears these guys thought nothing serious would happen because coach reno would make it go away. how common is that mentality in team sports. >> it's very common and it's been studied for decades. i found a study from 1994 that shows that college male college athletes make up 3% of male students yet 19% of those charged with sexual assault. >> john: can you repeat that stat for me? that's very important. >> yes male athletes make up 3.3% of the men at colleges. yet 19% of those charged with sexual assault. now, fast forward 20 years and every indication shows that this isn't getting better at all. that there's been no improvements over the last 20 years. in fact, the people who research
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these things say it may even be getting worse. that there is so much hero worship that goes on in high schools and colleges with these young men and so many adult who is effectively pay these men in worship and kiss these guys' butts as they walk around campus as if they're responsible for the economic, the psychological and just the community vitality. that they are given a special perch, and they're treated almost like penniless rock stars. they don't get any money for what they do, but they're given women as if the women are, in fact, part of the gutter economy that says your great. this is what you get. this does breed a culture that these young men don't understand that no means no and normalizes a culture where young men and women like in steubenville can see what is happening right in front of their face and not see a crime taking place. >> john: do you think this rape culture is mainly a football problem?
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other sports don't seem to have the same amount of sexual assault accusation. >> it's known to be very common in hockey and basketball as well. >> john: as common as football? >> it's hard to say. one of the reasons why it's hard to talk about these things with statistical accuracy is the number of women first and foremost that don't report. is it a problem in football? yes. do we know nannic dotally that it's a problem with football? yes. we know it's a problem in basketball as well. what it comes down to, and one of the researchers at rutgers university found that it comes down to a feeling of entitlement. some schools are basketball schools. some schools like boston university are hockey schools. most high profile schools are football schools. so that seems like it's more them. but the more the entitlement
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the more the possibility of a sexual assault. >> john: dave, own only a few seconds left. the overwhimming number of athletes don't assault women. the overwhelming number of people who use alcohol don't assault women. how can you change this rape culture. >> men have to actively intervene. coaches have to actively intervene. fathers have to actively intervene and talk about what is acceptable and what's not. the definition of looking out for each other is not turn the other way if you see a young women being victimized, it's hey, this is not okay. this does not represent our team. this is not how we want to be represented in the community. but it takes people in authority to actually step in and not passively look the other way and say rape culture will not be allowed in this locker room. >> john: dave zirin author of "game over." thank you for coming on the show show. >> my privilege.
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>> john: highlights from cpac. my panel of non-experts join me next. i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade. check my investment portfolio, research stocks... wait, why are you taking... oh, i see...solitary. just a man and his thoughts. and a smartphone... with an e-trade app. ♪ nobody knows... ♪ [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed. they think this world isn't big enough for the both of them. but we assure you - it is. bites. little greatness.
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>> john: welcome back to "viewpoint." we asked you earlier online what was your favorite cpac movement. we're overwhelmed with replies and palin reading a joke about obama's teleprompter teleprompter on a teleprompter. if you have a comment for the show send it to us. we have "trump the race card." are you sick and tired of being called you're racist and you know you're not one. kay carl smith advices those who are called racist all the time but deflect racists all the time
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by calling themselves frederick douglas republicans. it was going fine until the q and a section then scott terry a member of the white students union at to towson university began making a case for segregation when smith tried to answer things went south you pun intended. >> when douglas escaped from slavery i think ten years after he escaped from slavery he writes a letter to his former slave master and said i forgive you. for all the things you did to me forgive him for giving food and shelter and all of those things. that's classy can a capital k-k-k. joining me is judy gold. h a ri kondabolu a comedian and writer for "totally biased a
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with w kamau bell." i finally got you on this show. and then comedian negin farsad. who has been named fellow with the ted talks this year. we all know conservatives who are racist. but when they try to shake it, ityou just discover more racists. >> you have to criticize the person right after they said it. you want to distance yourself the way mccain did in 2008 election when someone accused obama of being a muslim. he shot back. >> john: admirablebly. >> the hope is you knock them down immediately or question and be critical. that's not what happened here. immediately apologized on his behalf. >> republicans really start to reach across the aisle as reince priebus stated today trying to
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get latino-americans coming over to the g.o.p. where do the racist whack jobs go. >> thisthe cpac would have killed for this panel. you're looking at minorities, women. this is what they're killing for right now they can't get it because it's not just a label. it's kind of to the core. it's not a label problem. it's their thing. that's what they do. which i think means they should maybe embrace another party. if the g.o.p. is trying to be mainstream. if the g.o.p. is really trying to have a presidential nominee that actually americans can elect, maybe can i just be the guy who says we should have a multi party system that can have a party that has room for the nut jobs? >> john: listen, i think it's great. the worse thing about political correctness it turned into a racist cloaking device. if someone is a racist d-bag i want to know right up front.
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the man who ran that judy gold said that the democrats are the real racists 150 years ago. isn't it correct to say that the real racists are conservatives who happened to be democrats 150 years ago. >> what is mind boggling they're going back 150 years and they're defending the constitution for when it was written hundreds of years ago. they live in that era. that is where they live. they make points that were made hundreds of years ago. so they are so out of touch. to me it is just incredible. >> john: i think they're going for three-fifths of the black vote. >> press amazing. >> john: it really is. and hazard been the old joke, not every conservative is a racist. but every racist--uugh. >> that is true. >> john: there are all kinds of creeps on the left. >> it's interesting because they're trying to change their
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reputation from the last election and the democrats have changed their reputation from 150 years ago. >> john: even more recent we were told how the democrats from the bad guys in the civil rights movement well, the conservative ones are and they left to join the republican party and the rest stayed. ana coulter, no longer a fan of chris christie. this is ann two years ago at cpac. >> we don't run christine pelosi y i romney will be the nominee. >> she was right. this is ann. >> as you know i have loved chris christie, i'm a single voter against amnesty so christie is off my list. >> john: i guess ronald reagan is also off her list because reagan gave amnesty. are you surprised that ann
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coulter is fickle in they they are affection? >> i am. i trust everything that comes out of her. there is no one more abhor rent than she is. i can't believe they give her a platform. she gets under my nerves. >> john: were you surprised to see ann coulter to a flip flop on her savior and the most electable republican. >> she's rich for a reason. she's a salacious factory. an internet mean factory. that's why she's the best seller. >> you know i talk to joy behar about this a lot. she said she's a joke. but she's evil. >> john: but she talks evil. let's say that ann coulter comes to jesus and said we need to have love and respect for all of our human beings despite our differences.
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she would lose fans overnight. >> right she's not really for that party. she's not for anybody. she's for herself. she started this speech talking about her books and how many best sellers she has. >> john: hari wins the debate. what are they looking for? chris christie was one of the many electable people not invited. the most electable guy. now he looks like a bigger winner by not being invited. do they care if they win or is it about shoring up donations votes in primaries and supports in the short term. >> it's all about that. and they didn't realize that it doesn't work. it doesn't work. you didn't win. it's just incredible that they keep going on. and they just turned on rob portman. they will turn on their own on a dime. there is no loyalty in that party. >> john: it's very true. rob portman is now being cast out by many parts of the party. >> i think they can eke out another election based on wedge issues rather than addressing
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addressing--because i think they maybe come to recognize that they can't actually attract minority voters so they're trying to suppress it through voting right amendment. >> john: gerrymandering. >> amnesty. and if that's--if they can do that maybe they'll--that's a band aid and maybe they can eke out another election. but in the long run it's not a winning strategy. >> john: hari, i got ten seconds. ann thinks if republicans give or if anyone gives amnesty to undocumented immigrants republicans will never win another election. is she right? >> not with that attitude. if you don't see yourself ever gaining those voters who many might agree on religious issues, then clearly you're not going to. >> john: the panel will stay with me after the break when we talk about an anniversary that no one wants to celebrate but
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>> john: welcome back quick question for the panel. tomorrow marks the ten year anniversary of the iraq war. what stands out for you ten years later about iraq judy gold? >> i have to say it's the veterans. these young kids who are hurt, who have no jobs, who are--i just--i just feel for these young kids. i have two sons. i look at these people--it's pathetic. it's absolutely pathetic. i think of bush and cheney and the lies. i think about how many lives they ruined. they killed a lot of people but they ruined a lot of lives. >> john: negin farsad? >> i think about how we went into a country and we had no
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plan for nation building, literally no idea what to do with a country after we went in there and destroyed destroyed--systematically destroyed everything about it. that is the thing that justice gets me. >> john: that's because oh george bush didn't know shiite. and hari kondabolu? >> undeclared wars right now we're sending drones out of the country. that's the new way to do it. >> john: mm-hmm. >> i have to say, girls only, i said boys but women in the military. >> john: the female homeless veteran population is disturbing and shocking but you don't hear about it on the news so much because it doesn't feel good. that brings me to tonight's f-bomb. as we approach the ten anniversary of the invasion of iraq it's natural to think about the bush administration, but let's not think about the people who made it possible, the washington, d.c. inside the beltway mainstream corporate media establishment who did such a thorough job of
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