tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current April 10, 2013 6:00am-8:59am PDT
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: hello tv world. here we go. sexy liberal hump days with hal sparks in hour number three today. you know, many of you may wonder what is healthcare expert and journalist extraordinaire jacki schechner do in her free time? explaining to listeners as we implement what percentage of our economy? >> 17% of our gdp at this point. >> stephanie: that would be important. one would think you might be doing that rather than sending us pictures of kangaroos humping at the zoo.
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>> three ways. >> stephanie: that is fairly hilarious. the dad was going they're playing. leave them alone. then when the third kangaroo got involved, the dad was like wow! >> i found a video of a kangaroo threesome and proceeded to send it to everybody on the staff. >> stephanie: thank you for that. all right. >> somebody has to be having sex around here, right? >> that's for damn sure. >> stephanie: that's why i'm not having any because the kangaroos are taking it all. jacki schechner in the current news center. >> i don't mind. good morning everybody. president obama is putting out his budget proposal at 11:00 a.m. eastern with a statement from the rose garden at the white house. don't expect any big surprises. we've heard a lot of what's already in it. the proposal's primarily political. it shows where the president stands at this moment and where he would like congress to put its priorities. the white house put out an overview which pretty much says what we've heard before. it wants to create jobs, strengthen the middle class grow the economy and reduce the
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deficit using a balanced approach. the overview does single out an investment in education and raising the minimum wage to $9 an hour. it also points out the president's willingness to compromise with house speaker john boehner by offering up another $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction over the next ten years. it will talk about simplifying the tax code, bolstering the infrastructure and the chain cpi. plans for a news conference on where gun control legislation stands at this point. west virginia democrat joe manchin and pennsylvania republican pat toomey expected to come to a bipartisan agreement especially on that background check provision that allegedly this sort of compromise could pass the chamber and the senate will vote tomorrow to start debate. former new york congressman anthony weiner may be getting back into politics. he resigned after getting caught tweeting out photos of his nether region while in "the new york times" magazine and out on sunday, his pac does some polling, found out new yorkers
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are willing to forgive and he may make a run at new york city mayor. we're back after the break. (vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh, yes we'll get to all of the important stories today like how sequestration is affecting cancer patients, medicare patients, all of that, as soon as we finish watching the caping aren't three-way that jacki schechner sent us who is technically our healthcare
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expert. get that out of our systems. >> are you going to make me post that on your facebook page? >> stephanie: oh no. 1-800-steph-12 toll free from anywhere. the web site. hump days with sexy liberal hal sparks in hour number three. becky in chicago writes sexy liberal is saturday. hi steph, got an e-mail reminder my event is coming up on saturday. like i needed a reminder. i've been looking forward to this for months. my bff saw you in madison and also there last year, a steph head. i purchased one month's worth of steph podcasts. fear of commitment. $7.95 a month to see if it's something i would like. i should have save myself the money and purchase the year's worth for $4.95 a month which i promptly did after the one month was up. for those viewers who have not yet purchased the steph podcast do it! i don't have front row seats nor tickets for the meet and grope
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but i hope somewhere i can get close enough to get bodily fluids on me. i have a huge crush on hal. i hope i can feel him up, too. >> stephanie: i can almost promise that as well. [ applause ] he is not shy. all right. so, the budget. someone put a microphone in mitch mcconnell's terrarium. >> it was hidden in a head of lettuce. >> stephanie: everyone knows that's where you put the microphone in his terrarium. he'll never think to look for it unless it is lunch time. >> he'll call his opponents nixonian. >> sweep for bugs, there were no bugs found in the room. someone has their iphone on record. >> if i found bugs, i would have eaten them! [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right hilarious. we'll have to ask healthcare geek, jacki schechner if this is covered under obamacare. in this economy sequestration
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lot of it starting to hit a lot of places now. you know, jim no matter how bad your life is going marriage, job, at least you do not have an eel stuck up your butt. >> that seems unwise. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: chinese man requires emergency surgery after the swamp eel he stuck up his butt. >> ins through his -- gnaws through his colon. now, that is a bad day. >> what do they say? live boy or dead girl or -- >> stephanie: eels are not usually in that equation. i don't think he was running for anything politically. here it is. a doctor in china couldn't help a man whose colon had been perforated by an eel. even if you're a doctor, there are some things, i gotta tell somebody about this! the 39-year-old man was doing a
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bit of drinking. >> of course. >> stephanie: that was going to be your next question. was drinking involved? oddly. >> computer says yes. >> it never occurred to me to put an eel up my butt. >> stephanie: this makes me feel better about my drinking solution. i've never gotten to that point. i have sent a text or two that i'm like what did i do? [ wah wah ] but i didn't go oh i just stuck an eel. the 20 inch eel naued the way through the colon into its body. the eel was simply trying to find its way out. >> stephanie: it was not a good day for the eel either. slithering through the swamp. >> i'm trying to get out of here! where is the exit to this joint! >> stephanie: you're up a chinese guy's butt.
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not like he volunteered for this. >> only way you have to find out is eat through things. [munching sounds] >> stephanie: you don't know where the door is, which way is up. >> went in through the out door. >> stephanie: again didn't come -- didn't invite himself to the party the eel. happily, surgeons who worked through the night to extract the fish from the man's gut were able to save his life. [ applause ] >> the eel or the man? >> stephanie: actually, both. the eel survived, too. really? such a happy magical ending. >> return to its swamp family? >> stephanie: and now they're dating. [ buzzer ] >> you won't believe this but there i was -- >> stephanie: you are not going to believe my story today! all right honey, you had a hard day at the office, you won't believe where i've been. >> didn't have to chew through some guy's guts to get out. >> stephanie: he was attempting to imitate a scene from an x-rated film he had been
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watching. >> that's usually -- >> what kind of x-rated film has a scene with a swamp eel? >> maybe one being download by someone in the vatican. >> stephanie: i'll bet jacki schechner knows when she's done watching her kangaroo three-ways. >> jim is right, i think the vatican will know. >> stephanie: they're downloading porn at the vatican. i've never heard of such a thing. all right. >> shockingly straight porn, too. [ ♪ dramatic ♪ ] >> stephanie: what? that can't be from the vatican. both hetero and transgender. >> although, i think there was a little homosexuality there because there were some women's names on the titles. >> stephanie: that would be -- wouldn't that be weirdly ironic if the chinese eel porn was in there? [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] i wonder if the eel was hungry
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later. [ ♪ circus ♪ ] they both survived. that's why it is funny. no tragedy that there needs to be time for -- [munching sounds] >> stephanie: sorry now? [munching sounds] >> stephanie: this story wow this is why we keep talking about you can't get good people to run for anything. i mean, that's the main -- david corn, he's the one -- which huge story am i -- it is escaping me. that david corn broke during the campaign. i'll think of it. he's not the one that got the 47% video. >> no. >> stephanie: but anyway, hilarious they're claiming watergate and bugging and all of that stuff. obviously someone on his staff. david corn said we obviously used it because it was newsworthy. mcconnell's office still won't comment on the substance of what was said. it is basically a tape of them disemboweling ashley judd,
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politically. the dirty tricks they're going to use. speaking of dirty tricks, that's the real dirty tricks. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: secret tape waging judd's mental health and religion as ammunition. a recording of a private meeting between the senate g.o.p. leader and campaign aides revealed how far they were willing to go to defeat the actor and activist. >> apparently corn is the one who reported on the 47% tape. >> stephanie: see? flapping wires in my head. pulled that out of there. he's broken so many great stories. that was the one i thought. so anyway, during the strategy session, a recording of which was obtained by mother jones mcconnell and his aides considered assaulting judd for her pass depression and religious views. they were reading parts of her autobiography, mocking her outloud for going through struggles. he hasn't, frankly.
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mcconnell says i assume most of you have played the whac-a-mole. laughter. that's what passes for funny in a republican strategist meeting. that seemed like the set-up to me. this is a whac-a-mole period of the campaign where anybody who sticks their head out do them out. the meeting leader noted she's emotional unbalanced. i mean it has been documented. jesse can go in -- that's the campaign manager from her autobiography. she suffered suicidal tendon -- tendencies. is there anyone who hasn't thought about it? she was hospitalized for 42 days. shouldn't he had a mental breakdown in the '90s. they're reading passages from her book and mocking her. mcconnell raises calling more than attention to her well-known history, they discussed how they could make her seem like a true weirdo. they were picking passages out of context. they contended judd was
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vulnerable on the religion front. he played another recording of judd where she says -- must have been the audio book -- i still choose the god of my understanding. i have to expand my god concept from time to time. particularly i have a nature-based god concept. i like to think i'm like st. francis, brother donkey, sister bird. laughter erupts in the room with brother donkey, sister bird. judd was referring to well-known stories about st. francis who once preached a sermon to birds. >> donkey, bird, kangaroo. >> stephanie: my little sisters who referred to his own brother as the brother donkey in her book, she identifies herself as a christian who often refers to church and prayer. it is like -- eighth grade first of all in there. >> it is. >> stephanie: mcconnell's campaign manager released a statement saying we've always said the left will stop at nothing to attack senator mcconnell but tactics to bug campaign is above and beyond. >> they were recorded attacking
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her. and they're -- >> stephanie: right. >> a sweep was done and no bugs were found. >> stephanie: the mother jones statement, we're still waiting for senator mitch mcconnell to comment on the substance of the story. the story makes clear we were provided the tape by a source who wished to remain anonymous. we were not involved in the making of the tape but we published the story due to its obvious newsworthiness. it is our understanding the tape was not a product of a bugging operation. we cannot comment beyond that. so i mean that's hilarious. they try to turn everything into watergate. this is obviously somebody there that was recording it. we have a little bit of -- it's hard to hear. this is from the ashley judd tape from mcconnell headquarters. >> ashley judd, based on our research -- [ laughter ] >> they said it was a haystack of needles because there's so much stuff. >> stephanie: so hilarious
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all of it. ashley judd, tape in mcconnell headquarters. >> she's clearly -- unbalanced. we can document that. go in and chapter and verse from her autobiography. >> stephanie: it reminds me the commercials we mock for anti-depressants. have you ever felt uneasy or depressed? yes! i'm human! really depressed and considered? >> yes. >> then you need -- >> stephanie: yes, of course. >> i have emotions. >> take -- may cause exploding brain syndrome. may cause an eel to eat your intestines. >> stephanie: it may cause you to think that's a good idea. >> also, unbeknownst to us, they were bugging our headquarters, quite a nixonian move. this is what you get from the political left in america these days. >> stephanie: horrible. they'll stop at nothing!
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>> trying to destroy a candidate. we'll stop at nothing. >> stephanie: wow, i can't believe -- how much you want to bet that's going to come out too. the second part of the story as to who recorded it. to go on record like that when it clearly -- was not from an outside source, probably. hilarious. 19 minutes after the hour. kids carbonite. it is what we secure all of our computers with here at the "the stephanie miller show." you should, too. think of what you got in there financial documents creative stuff you're working on, book, music, family pictures. what if it goes kablooey? what if you've got special kangaroo videos that you want stored? >> at the vatican. >> stephanie: to share with the kids at christmas. do what we do. get carbonite online back-up. you don't have to worry about backing up. set carbonite up once. it is easy. it will back up everything in your computer to the cloud automatically and continually whenever you're connected to the interwebs. if anything happens you get all of the files back in just a few clicks.
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unlimited back-up space for one computer just $59 for the entire year. >> a bar-goon. >> stephanie: it allows you to access files from your smart phone. go to right now. type in offer code stephanie for a free trial. no credit card required plus two free bonus months with your subscription., the offer code is stephanie. 20 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: there's a tea party in her pants and you're invited. call now. 1-800-steph-12.
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ we are here to party ♪ ♪ boogie nights ♪ ♪ got to get it started ♪ ♪ dance with the boogie, get down ♪ ♪ boogie nights are always the best in town ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 25 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. jim, i have a treat for you from my new favorite michael tomasky. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] of the "daily beast." he has a different take on the whole obama social security gambit and a lot of liberals are very concerned. shall we say the word -- [ screaming ] i understand. anyway, michael writes again it is hard to -- until this plays out, i think -- you know who said this yesterday, two days
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ago, stephen stills, international rock star. liberals are furious with the president over his social security proposal. michael tomasky says republicans won't deal, nothing to worry about. hard to say how it is going to play out. he's saying they are not going to move on taxes no matter what. so michael writes the reality is the republicans will never accept tax increases so it is all fictional anyway. assume with me no deal and ponder the politic of this. if things go the way i think they will, obama and the democrats will come out of this looking good. >> if the economy doesn't collapse. >> stephanie: the other important story he wrote is the sequestration. nobody wants to talk about it. it is boring. it is not water cooler stuff but it is really hurting. and i have no idea if it had to do with last month's job numbers but reactions of employers it may have to do with that, right? he writes social security -- indexing social security benefits to chain cpi will reduce benefits as recipients
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get into their 80s. obama wants cushions built in and will soften the blow since support for the change. the other precondition is republicans agreeing to revenues. if that doesn't happen, he takes chain cpi off the table. first ever to offer a cut and withdraw it. this is what will happen. they've said it once. they've said it a million times. obama got his revenue in the fiscal cliff deal, no more. everybody from boehner to whoever. he talked about the only reason they agreed last time is because the bush tax cut -- the taxes were going to go up. that's the only thing that brought them to the table. he says there's no similar pressure point today that would make republicans accept more revenues so in my view, they won't. if they can find ways to ignore public opinion on background checks, they'll do it on everything. interesting take. he said -- this is always the -- chess versus checkers, is he doing this, is he doing that. tomasky's point is this is how
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it will turn out. obama knows this perfectly well. he knows the chain cpi change will never happen. he wants to look like he's mr. reasonable so he can hit the campaign saying i tried. these people are incorrigible. ought to be clear to you mr. and mrs. america that they're the obstacle. if you want anything done in this town, give me a democratic majority in the house. >> that is a great point. >> stephanie: wait, we're not done. >> i like michael tomasky. will he gay marry me? >> stephanie: let's have him on and ask him. >> stephanie: obama think after all of this time he can get the g.o.p. to see reason and come to terms. under this theory, he's not crazy about chain cpi and is putting on the table perhaps against his better judgment. obama think chain cpi is good policy. this is view of the people on the liberal left end of the spectrum who haven't trusted him since -- whatever. fill in your issue here.
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you know who i'm talking to -- the guy headline, subject line of every e-mail is obama is a war criminal. [ whatever! ] >> you don't need to keep sending those e-mails but thank you. >> stephanie: tomasky says i think b is what obama thinks. he seems to think they'll come around. while he has reservations about chain cpis, he's willing to trade it for ideas in his state of the union universal pre-k for example. what is a there will be no deal. mike tomasky. [ applause ] >> get more democrats -- >> i think that's obama's goal. just what tomasky is saying. >> stephanie: we'll talk more about it and the president's new budget as we roll along on "the stephanie miller show."
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criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. >> if they ever ask about me tell them i was more than just a great set of boobs and an incredible pair of legs. >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. deb in california wants to comment on the mcconnell story. hello, deb. >> caller: hello there love dolls. >> stephanie: hello love muffin. >> caller: i'm a big love muffin for you guys. i'm calling and jim, you were so excellent. >> oh, thank you. >> caller: i always love you and then i never tell you and here i am. i always talk to steph and
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chris, not to leave you out. i love when queen bee calls and the way you guys -- where is she by the way? >> stephanie: like a couple of peacocks. >> caller: it is really cute. so i'm going to give everyone mitch mcconnell's number in case they don't have that right at the tip of their fingers. what i did yesterday i got through a couple of times and i called because i said listen, i'm waiting not only for him to comment on the substance of the taping but also to apologize because i want the democratic national committee to file a slander lawsuit, somehow get the senate involved. it is one thing when fox news does this. it is another thing when a senator does this. >> stephanie: well, yeah. deb, everybody starts with an apology, anybody that suffered depression in america which might be a couple of us. >> caller: thank you. >> stephanie: and has been brave enough to talk about it and write about it so it might help other people.
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>> caller: so his number is 202-224-2541. and they're really busy today but i mean, i called yesterday and i got through a bunch of times and then three of my neighbors got through yesterday. we were so -- two of my neighbors were republicans saying ya know, we've had it! boom, this is it! >> stephanie: is it just the immaturity in me that i would give anything to answer the phone mitch mcconnell's terrarium. he's on vacation with his family in the galapagos. >> it is not whac-a-mole. it is whac-a-turtle. >> stephanie: you go sit in the turtle now. tommy in columbus on chained cpi, the president's strategy. >> caller: hey, steph, how are you doing? this is shea. live blog. looking forward to seeing you guys again in chicago this weekend. it will be a great time. >> stephanie: i'm getting
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excited myself. >> caller: yes! anyway, this whole thing with chained cpi has just got me quite upset because it should have never been a proposal by a democratic president because democrats traditionally are the -- protectors of social security and whether it's a cut in benefits directly or a cut in the growth of benefits, it is still a cut and it is a playing card that the g.o.p. has been wanting to use for years and years and years and now it is out there. whether it was a bluffing tactic from obama or not, it is out there now and it will come up with another president in another day. >> stephanie: shea i don't disagree with you about shaneed cpi itself. read tomasky's piece. i do think it is interesting based on the conversations whether it is the debt ceiling debate, all of this stuff. republicans absolutely are not going to agree to any tax increases. so, i mean -- >> caller: i agree with that. >> stephanie: so i do think
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this is a way of going look, the president, once again, is willing to deal and willing to try to get something done. we would go into an election cycle with it being very, very clear. who's not? right? >> caller: the only concern i have about that then is it is now out in the public. it is in the atmosphere, it will always come back to haunt us. you had a democratic president who proposed chained cpi. how come you're not willing to take it five years down the road when obama's not around? so it just -- to me, it is just another way that the dialogue is being dragged to the right by the extreme right wing. democrats are getting pulled along somehow. >> stephanie: you know, imagine is my favorite song. you know i'm very happy clappy. i was just thinking this yesterday, it is unfortunately not the political reality we live in right now but i wish there was a way we could actually do the things obama ran on and you know what?
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if we're wrong, then great. then throw a democrat out of the white house and out of congress. but you know when you read story after story we're not getting to do what he really ran on and what most american people believe in. then they can go oh, see, his policies aren't working economically. >> caller: instead, we're getting someone who's tacking to the right in order to find compromise and that compromise will not be found with this congress. they will absolutely not compromise. >> stephanie: i know. i wish there was a way we could do everything paul krugman says and then we'll see what happens. >> or everything michael tomasky says. >> stephanie: why can't they be in charge and if we're wrong we're wrong. everything, whether it is guns right now economic stuff it gets watered down. what happens is we're not really doing one or the other. we're not doing true democratic policies or republican policies. no wonder they have a 13% approval rating because we couldn't get single payer even a public option. it is just so -- now they're working as hard as they can to
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make sure affordable care doesn't work. they want to blame the president. so we've stopped being america. we stopped going what's going to be best -- the sequestration once again my future husband michael tomasky -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i talked about this piece yesterday his headline is yes sequestration is actually bad. i get it that no one wants to talk about it. he talks about it is not a sexy topic. the 24 hour news cycle gets distracted with this story and that story but it is actually bad and it is hurting a lot of people. nobody is paying attention to it. i'm sure it affected the jobs numbers. they were saying that obviously whatever happens in washington affects job creators, et cetera et cetera. anyway, i have to read a couple of things from here. they talk -- he says meanwhile republican leaders in congress publicly and repeatedly rejected a budget deal including a dime in more taxes from anyone ever for as long as we shall live and obviously flexible position that leaves the many pund dits
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believe to be changed by one more invite to the white house. remember that whole story line? the president just doesn't socialize enough. >> or he's socializing too much at the same time. >> well, now he's had too many din worse the republicans. >> look at all of those dinners he's having! >> stephanie: the invite never came. one thing a president who will earn more votes than any democrat in history can't stomach, it is people. so this is -- these are the actual -- they're not so fun facts. one month and five billion cable hits on white housetours later the only story the media fixated on because that's what the right wing wanted them to. a flurry of great reporting is allowing us to answer for our questions. the question of whether obama has cried wolf. he was crying wolf about the sequestration. we can ask americans who are losing their jobs in military bases in tennessee illinois, virginia, healthcare layoffs or the contractor ins oklahoma or the teachers in iowa or the workers cleaning up nuclear waste in washington.
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we can ask the children in ohio and pennsylvania who no longer receive early education that head start provides. we can ask the university of florida and duke with the endless pursuit of discoveries that could change lives. we can ask the hungry families in utah who can no longer rely on the food pantry. the elderly cancer patients in south carolina being denied their chemotherapy treatment or the 39-year-old army vet in maryland who believes the only way to survive his pay cut is with another deployment. just because you can't see it doesn't mean stuff isn't happening with the sequest ration. washington may continue to treat sequestration as a boring nuisance, a twitter punch line but gradually, painfully, it is making very real the centuries old debate about the proper role of government in our society. a debate whose outcome will not only define 2014 and '16 but generations to come. if you look, i was talking about it is forcing cancer patients to travel literally thousands of miles for treatment.
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people in urban areas. you may live in a big city and you don't see who the sequestration is hurting. this one -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> this is horrifying. >> stephanie: some cancer patients enrolled in urban areas will have to travel hundreds of miles. last week, "the washington post" reported cancer clinics were starting to turn away medicare patients because the cost of administering chemo drugs has risen under sequestration. much more complicated when it comes to cancer patients taking part in clinical trials. cancer patients in rural areas will be forced to travel all the way across the country -- obviously a lot of people can't afford that. one doctor says these are cancer patients. it is not like they have a case of the flu or the sniffles. if they're on a clinical trial they're at the end of their rope. they don't have energy or resources. this is if for them. to put that burden on them is really absurd. so anyway, that's what's actually happening. >> as long as mitch mcconnell doesn't have to pay his taxes.
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>> stephanie: that's the important thing. exactly. okay. let's go to -- who do we got here? alan in rockville on the mcconnell story. i did the wrong one. allen? >> caller: i can't wait for the other shoe to drop because when you ask for an fbi investigation of a leaked conversation, they generally start with the people that were in the room. it was obviously his staffer colonel mustard with the kindle. >> stephanie: that could be a boom range. -- boomerang. >> it is coming back. >> what's that sound? >> stephanie: get your head back in your shell mitch. charlie in aurora on mitch mcconnell. welcome. >> hey steph, how is it going? >> stephanie: good, go ahead. >> caller: my friends got meet and grope tickets and i'm jealous and i hope they take lots of pictures. i just want to say with the whole mcconnell thing what is
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up with republicans and taping? i mean, grand ole party does that mean they have no idea how to use technology as well? >> stephanie: it never ends well for them. >> caller: the best a democrat could do when we use recording and pictures and all of that, it is about taking pictures of their junk. we got a handle on how to use a camera but recording devices these guys, i don't know. >> stephanie: my favorite part about the 47% romney comment is he seemed so pleased with himself. he seemed like -- he was being so clever when he was delivering those remarks. >> gleeful like he was like a charm paper in college he got an "a" on. >> stephanie: i'm the smartest guy in the room. this won't come back to haunt me in any way. [ ♪ dramatic ♪ ] >> stephanie: nervous panicky laughter. 45 minutes after the hour.
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right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> this is so funny in my head when i planned it. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." his ability, is trying to look out for us. going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation.
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50 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. hal sparks coming up in hour number three. oh! speaking of breaking news, hang on! guess who's coming on, what is it? tomorrow? ali velshi, the baldheaded prophet of doom. >> v-pod will be in the hissy with us. he signed off from cnn for the last time. he will be with us tomorrow. >> that's right. >> stephanie: on the big show. he is leaving for al jazeera which this television network will magically become at some point. [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] i think everybody knows that. he has yet to be named 30 minute magazine's show will be expected to move to five days a week by the year's end. we'll hear more about what his new show will be. >> he's now a coworker. >> stephanie: and now we got him back. they took away our cnn binkies for awhile. now, weirdly i'm on cnn every
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day. i got bumped for breaking news yesterday. >> what was the breaking news? >> stephanie: i don't know. >> something about kangaroos. [ whatever! ] >> the mass stabbing in texas. >> i didn't hear about that. >> stephanie: what time? 4:45 pacific i'm on every day. >> the panel thing happens? >> stephanie: the panel fluffy thing. >> where they fell what you to say and then you say it? [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: i do not! i have principles. >> we'll have to leave them there. >> stephanie: i leave them at home. no, i do not! patricia in georgia on the president and chained cpi. hey, patricia. >> caller: hey, stephanie. i was calling because i think president obama is brilliant with the chained cpi. republicans are against everything he proposes so now they're going to go home and defend medicare and social security and medicaid and michele bachmann did it in the town hall a couple of days ago. i think it is funny. >> stephanie: that is fairly funny. >> caller: i wanted to tell
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jim -- hi, jim -- >> stephanie: the president goes they're right. we really ought to protect social security and medicare. i'm glad republicans think so. tee and then a hee. >> caller: my daughter read a political parody and she named reince priebus, i don't know if i can say this on air but rank -- >> no! >> stephanie: when you have a thought in your head, i wonder if i can say this on air generally the answer is -- >> computer says no! >> i think rancid would be a better -- >> stephanie: you remember the last note i got from cnn. yeah, you were great. the whole douche nozzle, no! >> you're not allowed to say that on cnn. >> stephanie: douchebag. i called mark sanford. okay. because he is. a well-known d-bag. >> right but --
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>> stephanie: hilarious in the control room. we loved it. however... >> the control room is like a loading dock. >> stephanie: i'm always playing for the control room. >> you are. >> stephanie: right kelby? patrice, you're on "the stephanie miller show" on the chained cpi issue as well. hi patrice. >> caller: good morning, mama. good morning mooks. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i don't really like this chained cpi deal. i thought it was bad from the very beginning. however, i kind of understand why obama's doing it. but, at the same time, you know, we have to go back to 2010 and those folks, you know, on our side that didn't come out to vote because they decided to set this one out because they didn't get the public option during the whole healthcare debate, they allowed the nut job republicans to get in office and do all of this damage. and i just hope that a lesson was learned from all of this so that when 2014 comes around, we won't make the same mistake or
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history won't repeat itself so to speak because if it does, we're really in trouble. >> stephanie: patrice, i agree with you because i don't get -- that to me is a little counter intuitive, we can get the public option so i'm going to stay home and punish the president and democrats so that we can get affordable care repealed entirely if we get enough lunatics in. >> we're being punished for it. they were trying to punish obama but, you know, we were cutting off our noses to spite our faces. >> stephanie: i hear you. the president's carney on the new budget. >> we need to grow the economy and create jobs. that's the number one objective. >> stephanie: republican's number one objective to stop that from happening. [ applause ] the president's carney again. >> in this budget, the president will put forward tomorrow is not his ideal budget. >> because republicans forced that hand. >> stephanie: that's what i keep saying. maybe i'm just too happy clappy.
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why can't we just try one set of policies. you know what i'm saying? back when they were in power as we've said before, reagan, they enacted everything they wanted to it. has been proven over time the policies didn't work. the trickle down didn't work. why don't we try this. just sayin'. i don't know. i'm such a peacemaker. >> you need to get down there and fight fight fight. >> stephanie: i'm such a diplomat to the douchebags on the other side. >> you couldn't say that on cnn. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: hello stephanie. look when obama went to dinner with republicans and democrats in the senate and the congress -- >> stephanie: right. >> caller: he told democrats to say what they have to say against the chained cpi vote any way they wanted to vote. when keith edelson emerged from the meeting, that's what he told the press. obama didn't tell us we had to
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support him. and follow him in this. he told us to do what was right in our district and do whatever for the chained cpi. one more thing i'll see you it he sexy liberal show in chicago. >> stephanie: i would hurry because it will be sold out like all of the other ones. i'm getting excited. >> you are! >> stephanie: i'm well rested this time. all right. well-known southern bell lindsey graham on the new budget. >> this is a small step in the right direction and to our friends on the left, if you don't embrace reforming social security and medicare, they're going to i don't on the vine. >> stephanie: they're going to i don't on the vine? no they're not. >> you remove the cap from social security and it pays for itself. >> they're only going to pass out on the fainting couch. that's all. >> stephanie: saying the president showed a little leg there? i like that. president showed a little leg there. >> oh. >> stephanie: i'll go for tax hikes. representative lankford,
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republican of oklahoma. >> it has to be balanced. what he means by balanced approach is some reduction in spending, some tax increases but it never ever balances. >> stephanie: yes, that's because you never ever agree to even a dime in new revenue! chris in arkansas on mcconnell real quick. hello, chris. >> caller: hi, stephanie. hi jim. hi chris. oh i was calling to talk to you about mitch mcconnell and his outrageous statements. short story. i have two children, single mom raised them. my daughter became a nurse. my son went to university of central arkansas and got his bachelors in teaching. then he went on and he was working on his masters. never a problem with this child anything. my son committed suicide. >> i'm so sorry. >> caller: last year. >> stephanie: chris, hang on. heartbreak. hang on. we'll continue after the top here. 58 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show."
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: all right. hour number two. it land, sexy lib hal hal sparks coming up next hour. jacki schechner's old cnn colleague, ali velshi on the big show tomorrow. >> ali is great. >> the bald prophet of doom. >> stephanie: would you like to share any behind the scenes green room chatter from cnn? >> no. not anything that will get me into trouble. >> stephanie: do you ever
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overhear wolf blitter saying ali stole the splenda again. >> ali should be a really good guest. >> he has been on with us before. >> stephanie: i know. he's hilarious. >> there was a time he made a big deal about ordering the -- one of those insanity workout videos. like the infomercial whatever it's called. you can ask him about that whether he's done his insanity videos. he can show you some moves. >> stephanie: indeed, i will. meantime here is cnn snoop and current news center journalist extraordinaire, jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody. a new pretrial hearing starts today for private first class bradley manning. the prosecution wants to call a witness who is presumed to be a navy seal who participated in the raid on osama bin laden's hideout in 2011. that witness would testify that bin laden had digital copies of the material that he admits he leaked to wikileaks. manning's defense is fighting
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for the no have the witness testify. manning has pled guilty to the 22 charges against him. the government would like to convict him on all of them. mayors against illegal guns is out with a new ad today against senator marco rubio. the ad says the senator's presidential ambitions have him running to the right on gun control and then shows a little animated rubio doing just that. >> rubio would let criminals and mentally ill get guns without a background check. even worse rubio said he would filibuster the vote in washington so the senate won't be able to vote on background checks. >> the ad points out that 91% of florida voters support background checks according to a quinnipiac poll last month. more details about the bipartisan background check deal that senators manchin and toomey plan to announce at 11:00 a.m. eastern today. it would expand background checks to include all gun show and online sales and sales from public advertisements.
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it would require public recordkeeping. the proposed legislation would exempt family transfers and friend to friend sales. we're back after the break. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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>> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: you ungrateful mooks. i feed you. >> it has the consistency of drywall. >> stephanie: i did overcook the chicken meatballs and i apologize, mooches.
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>> i will be chewing for the next hour. >> better than undercooking at least. >> stephanie: reading the newspaper. international rock star stephen stills and his beautiful wife about their big autism benefit at nokia this saturday which we were just talking to him live in studio "l.a. times," i had him first but good luck. >> i saw that on my ipad. >> a rock star with a beautiful wife. >> this hour of "the stephanie miller show" brought to you by save this beaver named stephanie. chip in $5. come on, sexy liberal donate $5 at save this >> stephanie: all right, thank you., the web site. check it out. also we have a bunch of stuff posted up on "the stephanie miller show" facebook we've already talked about this morning. it is an unsolicited testimonial. gray in van nuys, california,
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steph cast subscriber. i've listened to the march 6th show three times. you guys joke about submitting shows for awards. are there awards for radio? i don't believe i have. when you're having a less than stellar show, the whole brian kilmeade being startled thing has me laughing over and over. that's the show you should submit for awards. chris, get on that. >> i will. >> stephanie: submit the show. ♪ stuck a feather in his cap and called it a marconi ♪ >> sounds like the senate has reached a compromise deal on gun control legislation. >> stephanie: really? >> but i'm having trouble connecting to the news server. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> coincidence? i think not. >> stephanie: connection here in captain america's underpants -- >> i think it is an a.p. thing. >> stephanie: this would be progress. okay. all right. where was i? all right. could you take your organ out for me? >> right ms. miller.
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>> stephanie: we talked to bible thumper guy who was citing why marriage equality is not -- whatever. not in the bible. not a biblical marriage is what he said. robin writes -- because he started to read from the bible which i enjoy so much. if you can find longer and longer verses to call and quote that would be entertaining. she, however sent a few choice quotes. biblical marriage is a man arranging to buy a girl from her father. biblical marriage is to capture more women as weis to legally rape. biblical marriage is selling your daughter as a slave to be given to the owner or owner's son for sexual exploitation as wife. biblical marriage is one man taking hundreds of wives in concubines in solomon. so sorry bible thumpers, you best clear your homes and start selling your daughters. i hear craigslist is good for that. the bible is a story book, no
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more, no less. yes? >> we have jacki schechner calling in to tell us what is in the compromised deal on gun control legislation. so as soon as travis puts her on hold, we can go to her. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: she's just a news leopard. >> she did it in the top of the hour newscast. >> stephanie: news cougar. >> she's too young to be a cougar. >> stephanie: pouncing on the latest news from the current news center. >> i would say i'm a news kangaroo but now that has all sorts of other meanings. >> stephanie: that has been sullied. you're having a four-way with us right now. go ahead. >> they're announcing the deal at 11:00 a.m. eastern. it will expand background checks to include all gun show and online sales and sales through public advertisements and it would require a public recordkeeping. the legislation would exempt family transfers and friend to friend sales. >> stephanie: wow. this is news. >> not as far as we would like it to go but it is a good step forward. so now, it only requires
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background check if it is a federally licensed -- >> rand paul must be leaping off his head. >> regulations. >> that's remarkable the republicans allowed it to get that far actually. >> yeah, who has any idea what will happen from here on out. for now this is what they're putting forward. >> stephanie: you think wayne lapierrre will seem unbalanced in some ways? really? [ laughter ] because he normally seems more measured. >> more armed schoolteachers. >> stephanie: exactly. i've been saying over and over again, why can't we get something done like they did in connecticut on a bipartisan basis. here's senator blumenthal yesterday. >> the congress of the united states listening to its conscience and to its constituents. it will pass gun safety measures this week. >> wayne lapierrre must have choked on his concrete. >> stephanie: senator mike lee, republican of utah yesterday. >> these proposals would do far more to restrict the rights of law-abiding american citizens
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than they would to deter or prevent violent crime. >> stephanie: nobody agrees with that. 92% approval rating. >> people have spoken! we don't like it. >> it is a shame the corporations elect members of congress because the people is behind this. it is sad. we get such mass movement behind something that would be so important and they're hmming and hawing. >> stephanie: i know we haven't been -- harry reid lately but i don't know if you saw him yesterday. he actually -- he made a personal plea for gun control. he talked about his -- he mentioned his father committing suicide. did you hear about that? >> i heard about it. i didn't actually catch the clip. >> stephanie: he made a very good point. very personal. if you purchase a handgun, you have to wait three days to pick it up and to leave that alone has saved the lives of many people. sometimes people in a fit of passion will purchase a handgun even as my dad did waiting a few days helps.
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i hope republicans will stop trying to shut down debate. then pointed out the hypocrisy. did you see that part? he criticized republicans who have called for amendment processes up for other bills that they've been screaming about. national order, whatever they're talking about. they're trying to stop amendments from being considered on the gun bill. >> it is so hypocritical. something they want, they're ready to plow right through and when it is something they don't want they claim everything is moving too quickly. we shouldn't have debate. it is a blatant hypocrisy. i wanted to make a point, i saw this online yesterday, this mass stabbing in texas at a university campus. 14 people were injured. somebody online said yesterday that would have been 14 people dead had it been a gun. so when people talk about you can do just as much damage with a knife as you can a firearm. you can hurt people. but the chances of you actually killing people is much less. >> stephanie: jacki again not to publicize something you feel horrible for the people that were injured but you're
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right. that goes to everybody's point that oh, look, look somebody did a bad thing with a knife yesterday. you make the cogent point. five minutes in newtown. five minutes before he came into the school and how many people were dead or injured? >> that's why you need the limitation on magazines. i wouldn't mind the assault weapons ban, too. i know it is all political. even if you saw it was on "60 minutes," where it had the families of the newtown kids and they were talking about how this is political and it shouldn't be. they realize there are limitations because of politics. it is so sad when things that are basic human nature and ways to take care of each other and reduce things like gun violence. it gets gummed up in the works. >> stephanie: speak of which this was a first. i'm sure you heard people talking about. mitch mcconnell in the news for obviously a number of things today. somebody said leaders don't filibuster and he -- mitch mcconnell's office o said he will vote against closure should reid attempt to remove the bill
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from his own name. the leader -- you know, threatening to filibuster. >> give me a reasonable, sane argument against it. there really isn't one. there isn't a reasonable, sane argument even just discussing it. even just -- if you don't believe in it, you don't want to vote for it, that's fine. give me a reasonable, sane argument not to put the issue on the floor and let them debate it. >> what they're saying, what they will tell you is that it takes away more rights from law-abiding citizens than it does prevent gun deaths. >> what? talking about gun control legislation? >> stephanie: even debating it, kills people. >> that's how they shut down the debate. >> if you have reason to fear a background check -- you're not a law-abiding citizen. >> stephanie: guns don't kill people. debate does. we have people like senator johnny isakson republican of georgia. >> i won't vote for a ban on weapons or limitation on cartridges. i'll wait and see what they talk about on background checks but that hasn't been written yet.
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>> i want more dead kids, that's what i want. >> stephanie: jacki he won't say why. because he think you should know why that's ridiculous. >> if you don't want to vote for it, don't vote for it but allow the open debate because that's what the senate is supposed to do. have a conversation about what's happening and the evidence will come to light. where the public stands and where the support lies. >> stephanie: i don't know if you heard earlier, we were talking about the sequestration forcing cancer patients that live in rural areas to sometimes go thousands of miles to get treatment. you know, this is part of like -- this is even part of the healthcare debate. sequester. that's forcing this. >> the sad part is that's the way our healthcare system works anyway. there are people in rural areas who don't have access to the services that they need because the insurance company won't cover a certain provider. people in rural -- when we were fighting this fight, we had a lot of conversation with doctors who serve rural areas and the problem is they want to send somebody for treatment and the insurance company goes no, that's not an approved facility
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or we don't want to cover it and the person has to travel an extra 90 miles to get coverage. part of what, hopefully healthcare reform will do is make, you know, closer facilities more accessible to people in rural areas. this is an on-going problem. it is not just sequestration causing it. >> stephanie: you've been really good about -- chris just sent us a story in the "l.a. times" yesterday about saying blame the bad actors, don't blame the president necessarily or obamacare but the headline is blue shield quick to demand action from policyholders over its mistakes. blue shield, blah, blah, blah, the health insurer tells her she sent a payment in error. return the money or face the debt collectors. they don't enjoy a reputation for timely payouts when people submit. when you owe them money, it is another story. >> it is insane. the system they put into place with medical billing coding system is insanity. you get healthcare providers who spend too much time on
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administrative work and paperwork and arguing with insurance companies and they don't have the time to spend actually dealing with patients. therein lies the economic problem for a lot of them is there are nurses and -- their nurses and assistants spend too much time arguing over codes and having the right patient codes on documents. the insurance company says you didn't do this right and they have to go through it all over again. >> stephanie: jacki schechner, you're a news and healthcare minx. >> when it comes to issues, i'm very bendy. >> stephanie: you're a bendy girl. talk to you soon. >> bye guys. >> stephanie: 18 minutes after the hour. kids, i don't shop anywhere but online. >> i know that! >> stephanie: while we can explain why you know that but you're just snoopy. snooping through my electronic under things. i shop online. if you run a business or you want to start one selling online is essential in my opinion. starting an online store you think wow!
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arkansas. i apologize. i was talking about how -- talking about this mitch mcconnell story one of the horrible things about it, obviously it sounds like somebody in his office bugged his office and they were trashing ashley judd and mocking her for the fact that she talked about her depression in her book. and chris in arkansas was talking about her story. hey, chris i'm sorry. we got off track for a little bit. welcome back. >> thanks, honey. that's okay. what i was saying was my son who did not have his father involved in his life whatsoever, i am remarried, i raised him. we're very poor. and he went to university of central arkansas, graduated with his bachelor's, went back for his masters. about five days into it, he committed suicide. i've tried handling it on my own. he was a very special -- everybody's child is very special. but i went to the doctors diagnosed with depression. but i also had some physical things going on. during those i had lab tests
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done. i found out that i have cervical cancer. i am going to have a history -- hysterectomy next week. i am depressed. i don't think that people -- anybody, women or men should be persecuted for depression. it happens in our lives. i had a wonderful life up until that day. also, the gun control issue and the healthcare, this all plays into it. my son used his roommate's gun which was a legal hunting rifle. i don't blame his roommate in any way shape or form but i'm really for responsible gun ownership. maybe if there had been a trigger lock on that gun that day, maybe my son wouldn't have been able to succeed. like i said, it takes a lot of education. i do not hold his roommate responsible. it is my son's responsibility. and as far as the cancer thing goes in arkansas, they do not offer medicaid for very poor people. i am a very poor person. i live in rural rural arkansas
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out in the sticks. and so me, being diagnosed with cervical cancer, if i had insurance to help me, you know, years back maybe it wouldn't have turned into this. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: now i'm having to rely on charity of the hospital, the state's going to try to give me emergency medicaid for three months just to pay for this. it is just -- it is ridiculous. and so there's a lot of depression and i think that mitch mcconnell owes all of the american people an apology for those atrocious remarks inside that meeting. >> stephanie: to try to make the story about that oh this is like watergate and this must have been democrats that bugged his meeting. why don't you talk about the fact that ashley judd was brave enough to talk about her depression, to try to help other people. >> caller: that's right. >> stephanie: like i say, how many people in this country, do you think are affected by depression? how many people have thought about suicide? to mock that as if it is something to use as campaign
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fodder, it is beyond the pail. >> caller: talking about the pink, fuzzy socks to trigger it. they wave around pink, fuzzy socks. when i sit and think about something like that, if they were going to try to antagonize me, what are they going to do? wave around guns in my face? it is just lydick louse. -- ridiculous. i don't know. i'm a lifelong democrat, progressive, very liberal and i thank god i am because that party, that right wing party has just become -- something i don't even recognize. >> stephanie: you remember when george bush used to talk about being a compassionate conservative. [ laughter ] >> caller: yeah. >> stephanie: that wasn't the punch line. [ laughter ] it is not just lackening compassion, it is empathy at all >> caller: no understanding unless you're filthy, dirty rich. the only people they can see. they just don't understand there are real poor people out here that are suffering every single day. you know? and you know they live in the
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high and mighty life. they don't know what it is like. >> stephanie: so people know, chris, she was talking about sometimes culture shock coming back to america when she's around the world. that's what she was talking about seeing certain kinds of advertising and packaging and pink fuzzy, socks. you're right to. use everything about someone's life as a punch line to make it seem weird. >> caller: it is wrong. that's why you don't get good people running for office. >> stephanie: that's right. >> caller: you get these people who buy their seats. you know the good ones out here who have had a hard life but they would be wonderful public servants, can't even get out of the starting gate because of crap like that. >> stephanie: absolutely. >> caller: excuse my language. >> stephanie: i wish it was worse. thanks for your story. >> caller: bye chris bye jim. >> stephanie: right back on "the stephanie miller show."
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to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. >> if it wasn't 7:30 in the morning, i would have a drink! >> stephanie: not going to stop me. 34 minutes after the hour. this hour brought to you by therabreath mouthwash and toothpaste. nothing knocks out bad breath like therabreath mouthwash and toothpaste available at target walgreens walmart and other fine stores. that's how you don't know if i've been drinking because i use therabreath. >> i don't know if that's the ringing endorsement that they wanted. >> you had a rough night.
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>> stephanie: i'm just saying, it is one of the reasons to conceal your solution. from your coworkers. just sayin'. all right. just an added benefit. shirley in iowa. >> you don't smell like a wino anymore. >> thank you therabreath. [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] >> stephanie: hello, shirley in iowa. >> caller: hello, how are you? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: well, i was listening about your e-mails and i also get the e-mails. and i immediately delete them but i got to thinking about them and i decided that the whole problem with the republican party is that they're so jealous of barack obama they can't stand it. >> stephanie: it seems to be somewhat driven by that, isn't it? >> caller: he's better looking he's smarter. he's a better speaker. people like him actually. >> stephanie: that's right. that's right. >> caller: he has a good family. and it just kills them. they cannot stand it. they have to do everything they
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can to destroy him. >> he's so popular! >> stephanie: remember the ad they did during the campaign. i'm like oh, i thought our side made that. that's a bad thing? how cool and popular he is? look at him! >> so popular! people like him because they like his policies and that he's smart and... damn it! >> stephanie: by the way, i like to see -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] they even gave him crap. i don't get it. him saying pamela harris is hot. number one a, she's hot. two, b they're friends. it was an offhanded compliment at a fund-raiser after he talked about how brilliant she was. the joe matthews in the l.a. daily news pointing out pamela harris in most polls are too hot for comfort. we had gavin newsom in here. just because we have smokin' hotties, don't hate us. [ ♪ nah nah nah nah nah ♪ ] >> stephanie: he writes i don't care what our elite say -- >> david dryer is good-looking. steph points out gary brown who
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turns 75 this week looks not a day after 60. was fetching enough to attract linda ronstadt. >> even the orchestra is beautiful. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: exactly my point. he writes i don't care what our elites say. here's the truth about power. a lot of people can't handle the attorney general of california's hot, very hot. >> eric holder said i'm standing right here. >> stephanie: i'm right here. okay. when the most powerful man in the world spoke the same truth about our best looking attorney general, he got crushed like a bug. president obama is a sexist said the pundits. his words were inappropriate. wolffish. he's contributing to a culture that judges women on their appearance. >> like men aren't judged on their appearance. >> stephanie: it is entirely about getting on tv. you have to compete to knockout starlets who crash their cars. for our polls being attracted for the job requirements, you think ronald reagan and arnold
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schwarzenegger became governor solely because of their ideas? schwarzenegger's case, it was the catchphrases. remember how hilarious they were when he first started. >> i'm going to terminate him. >> stephanie: i'm going to say hasta la vista. four years later we're like oh, my god. >> stop it! >> stephanie: stop it! we've heard that. >> ann: stop it! >> stephanie: starting to get down to his b movies. when he got to "jingle all the way." [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: it is not a tumor. >> twins. we look so much alike not. funny. >> stephanie: michelle in baton rouge on the republicans. hello, michelle. >> caller: good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: okay, as i was telling the gentleman obama shouldn't touch nothing. if the republicans are going to be that stupid and risk losing those seats losing those jobs,
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trying to save the corporations all of this tax money and what i don't understand, donated $5,000 $10,000 to their campaign. but you're saving the corporation billions and trillions of dollars. >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: if you're that stupid you need to plew so somebody else don't come along. they won't take this crap. lapierrre. you think about it. if you're that stupid to lose your seat, risking your job for the corporations to be rich, they'll steal the billionaires and trillionaires. >> stephanie: tell it. >> caller: if you don't want obamacare, put your name, your kid's name, put it in the database. if you come up with cancer diabetes other sickness, if you
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don't want obamacare put you and your family name in the database. if you show up at emergency room clinic, dentist office, go in your pocket and pay cash. and for us that can't afford cash, we're going to keep obamacare and we'll work it like that. >> stephanie: michelle for president! from baton rouge. >> i love michelle! [ ♪ battle hymn of republic ♪ ] >> stephanie: god bless michelle. >> we ain't gonna take that crap! >> stephanie: no, we're not. something's happening. we have moves on gun controls reported earlier this morning. movement on immigration. chuck schumer yesterday on the senate floor. >> there is no agreement until all eight of us agree to specific piece of legislation. about 3/4 of that has been drafted and agreed to. >> stephanie: which stunning. well-known southern bell, lindsey graham, also part of the gang of eight. >> i think immigration reform will help the economy. >> stephanie: we've been saying that for years.
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let's go to rose in texas on the texas stabbings. >> caller: good morning. how are you? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: i heard jacki talk about the stabbings yesterday. and i was just -- i live just right outside of houston. i was watching the news coverage on it. and they had a couple of students who came out and said well, you know, if we were allowed to carry our guns, we had a concealed weapon permit, we could have taken him down a lot sooner. well, i don't understand because you had people running everywhere and pushing him back into the rooms and stuff. if you were going to shoot at somebody, you didn't know who it was, how many people were going to get killed that way? >> stephanie: yeah, well. >> it didn't make any sense. in texas we're never going to get a gun law to where our -- >> stephanie: well, rose -- this is where we're not going to make progress if everybody on both sides will use that, see more guns would have been the only solution there.
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>> caller: correct. >> stephanie: on the other side, you can make the point nobody was killed. if that guy had a gun those people would have been killed. again, i was surprised we made any progress from what i've been hearing lately about guns. all right. mark in buffalo talking about the sequester. we've been talking about how it is hitting cancer patients, et cetera. hi mark. >> caller: hey, steph. up here in your hometown, the institute, they built a research corridor around roswell. sequestering cancer patients which proves alan grayson's theory on the republican healthcare policy true. i don't quickly and we'll help you. >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: you know, their policy is to thin the herd. that's their policy. they're going to help. >> stephanie: they're helpers in that way. all right. hey, here's good news, jim. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] speak of helping. if north korea decides to launch a missile, the u.s. is capable
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of intercepting it. >> and the middle of the ocean breathes a sigh of relief. >> although guam is within the -- >> stephanie: right. >> nowhere near austin. >> it is not going to hit austin. >> stephanie: the cnn producer yesterday said we're going to be doing this topic unless north korea bombs guam. is there something i should know about guam? [ explosion ] something he knows over there at cnn? >> guam is the closest territory to north korea. >> stephanie: john mccain and the u.s. pacific commander he yesterday. >> do we have the capability to intercept if the north koreans launch within the next several days? we do. >> okay then. >> stephanie: here he is again. >> our work is done here. >> stephanie: u.s. pacific commander. >> i believe we have the ability to defend the homeland, to defend hawaii, defend guam.
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to defend our forces and defend our allies. >> stephanie: we only care out here in california. if they were going to hit the west coast,. [ whatever! ] what's happening with the missile interceptors. >> made a million dollars worth of improvements. [ buzzer ] >> we love you secaucus. >> stephanie: hi, cody in new mexico. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hello. >> caller: good morning, miss stephanie. how are you this morning? >> stephanie: i'm good. go ahead. >> caller: i just wanted to make a comment. i came across your show about a week ago. i just absolutely love your show and i believe everything that you have to say and -- [ ♪ hypnotic ♪ ] >> stephanie: as you should. >> caller: i just wanted to voice my opinion about that. >> stephanie: thank you for joining us. [ ♪ hypnotic ♪ ] thank you for agreeing with everything i say. >> caller: i love you and all your producers and your cast that you have on there. >> stephanie: my cast. thank you very much. thank you, producer. thank you, cast.
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>> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> stephanie: jim is the entire cast of the show. okay. denise in st. paul on the sequester as well. hi denise. >> caller: hi. would it freak you out if i said that i like listened to you for nine years and i'm going to my fourth meet and grope. >> stephanie: sexy liberal steph head. >> caller: i just renewed my computer savey thing and i'm like oh, my god. >> stephanie: is this an unsolicited testimonial for carbonite? is that what you mean by computer savey thing? >> they gave me another two months free. $with 59. >> stephanie: thank you computer savey thing. >> caller: anyway, i work at a college, a community college and one of the things that students get in a form of financial aid is work study. and so the sequester is going to be impacting work study funds so we're going to be losing about
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$80,000 in work study funds and when you consider i've got work study students that i'm paying maybe $1,000 to work for a semester that that's a lot of students that that's going to impact. those were the students that need it the most. >> stephanie: denise, that's why i thought the tomasky piece in "daily beast" was so important. it is like no one wants to talk about -- nobody knows what it is, it is boring. it is a real problem and it is affecting real people just like that. >> caller: yeah. no, it is crazy. it is awful. i'm really excited about this weekend. i probably won't say anything except you're pretty! >> stephanie: thanks. okay. >> caller: when you said that one thing. >> stephanie: remember that one time. you're going to chris farley me. love you. you're pretty, too. >> that was a creepy turn. >> stephanie: stop it! [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] >> stephanie: it was magical i thought. no, you're pretty. 46 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> not bad. like frisbee golf, i'm glad i
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tried it once. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care if the
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hump days with hal sparks coming up next hour. in just a few minutes. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free. i will be on cnn erin burnett today and tomorrow. yea. >> barring any winter storm or breaking news. [ applause ] >> stephanie: right. the winter storm that knocked my satellite out. i only got to say one thing. after an hour of hair and pacqueup and fake eyelashes. >> got a couple of days of really strong winds. >> stephanie: i know. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: i was on the other day. we were talking about the rutgers coach. here's something you guys know nothing about. workplace bullying may be the new sexual harassment. you know nothing about it or else you would shut your pie hole about sape -- staplers being thrown at you. the ap. reports it could become the next growing law. tell you to duck. consider legislation that would let workers sue for harassment that causes physical or emotional harm.
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yikes. people who oppose it say the laws will force people to be polite at work. >> be polite or i'll throw this spoon at you. >> stephanie: right. you can no longer go to work and act like a beast and get away with it. [ laughter ] [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: former tennessee lawmaker drove 90 miles while masturbating. >> how do you do that? >> very carefully. >> you have to be in a certain position where your foot is not near -- >> stephanie: he was honking too. three different women testified former tennessee lawmaker exposed himself to them while driving at break-neck speed. former vice mayor william blakely first honked to get the attention. hey, hey, look over here! looky what i'm doing! >> in order to be pointed out
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the window, your foot -- can't be anywhere near the accelerator so how was he driving? >> stephanie: one witness said over 90 miles per hour, he had his pen out the window. he was masturbating and that's when it got bad. the honking and -- look at my -- that part was fine. oh really? out the window and you're yanking? >> some way to stick the accelerator so it kept going? >> stephanie: i don't really know. >> put a brick on the accelerator. whatever. >> stephanie: stephanie miller apologizes to any of you all who are on the 405. >> doing that. >> stephanie: rubbing one out. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. is that the phrase i'm not supposed to use? hello, gina from alabama. >> caller: good morning, steph and the mooks. i wanted to give you a special thanks from an actual southern
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belle. are you providing a valuable mental health service for many southern liberals trapped down here in the institutions that are known as republican-run state government. >> stephanie: gina, it concerns me and anybody who knows me and knows how lightly tethered i am to my own sanity but thank you for that. >> caller: , no i just wanted to make an observation mitch mcconnell is one of those always touting his fiscal responsibility and you know, how serious he is about money and our government's money. well, he and his campaign apparently paid for some opposition research which i'm sure was not cheap. and they basically got a book report. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: it is pretty sad they had to find out what the opposition said about herself to come up with some ideas. >> stephanie: yeah. students cancer patients, sequester. you're exactly right. what is the morality of that? they're spending that kind of
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money to mock somebody who was open about their depression. right? >> caller: absolutely. absolutely. this is why there are more and more people who are unwilling to go into the fray of public politics. >> stephanie: that's right. >> caller: how many people, you know, went through life without any nix -- nicks and scrapes especially people in their 40s, 50s and 60s and talk about their extended family, their mothers their children and you know, who among us doesn't have something or something that can be pointed at or mocked or ridiculed or twisted when you're talking about a history that could have happened 20 years ago. what have you been doing in the last five years? >> stephanie: as david corn of mother jones said, they have not addressed the substance of this. >> caller: there's no way to address it. >> stephanie: that's exactly right. the fact that that's where all of their money and time and focus is. someone that hadn't even decided
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to run yet right? >> oh, no. it is very twisted. and the other part -- >> stephanie: by the way -- >> caller: not understanding the connotation of crazy and women. sad. >> stephanie: by the way, you know the number one reason americans are depressed? because our congress sucks! [ applause ] >> caller: down here in alabama the laws they've been passing this year have been making all of us crazy traveling back and forth to montgomery. we're here, in front of these clinics trying to help these jim not be harassed. it is full on, as we like to say, it is tal bama down here. you help me get through the day. thank you so much. aby the way, kelby says that tennessee legislator masturbating out the window was using cruise control. >> of course. >> stephanie: how would you know that, kelby? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i'm not sure if that was a helpful tip. thank you, kelby. >> it was an explanation.
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how he was pointing out the window. >> stephanie: makes one suspicious about how one is operating the cameras here. >> i don't think that's the recommended use for cruise control. >> stephanie: while he does something else. who can say. richard in d.c. on gun control real quick. hey, richard. >> hey mama. first time -- when i was in d.c. many moons ago. drinking age was 18. my friends in maryland virginia, it was 21. they would come streaming across the border every weekend and get drunk and drive home and kill themselves or other people. reminds me of gun control. if laws aren't consistent, what's the point of it? also the fact that when we did get sane and make it 21 across the country that industry lost millions of dollars because they lost millions of customers but they still found a way to survive. they're still making money to this day. >> stephanie: very good point. 58 minutes after the hour. hump days with hal sparks next on "the stephanie miller show."
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: oh that president obama always trying to steal jacki schechner's thunder by releasing his budget right now as we speak. all right. i'm sure we'll find out what all of the latest about that is in a moment. jacki schechner. >> yes? >> stephanie: i'm reading more on this insurance company story. it really is unbelievable. specific woman out here in california literally they overpaid her. it was their mistake, blue shield. they demanded the money back with interest in 30 days or less or they're going to send her to
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a collection agency. >> one can get into a collection agency for something like that. it is very difficult to get out. >> stephanie: right. >> because the collection agency won't discuss anything with you and you have to get to the insurance company which has to call it back from the collection agency. it is a mess. whole thing is a mess. >> stephanie: the "l.a. times" says what, do these guys take customer service lessons from tony soprano. thank you, insurance companies. here she is, jacki schechner in the current news center. >> good morning. we've got a lot going on this hour. president obama's going to release his budget proposal momentarily. also, senators manchin and toomey are going to hold a press conference to announce the details of their bipartisan compromise on firearms background checks. the deal would close the gun show loophole but would not require a background check for person to person sales. with movement now likely in the senate, new york republican representative pete king is now saying that he, along with california representative mike thompson will introduce similar background check legislation in the house. king himself supports universal
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background checks. he says now the goal is to get the strongest bill he can. house speaker john boehner is only committing to reviewing whatever the senate manages to approve. tens of thousands expected to show up today at the capitol in d.c. in support of immigration reform. it's called the rally for citizenship and it brings together labor leaders immigration rights advocates faith organizations and members of congress who were working on comprehensive legislation. activists and supporters are advocating a path to citizenship for some 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the country. smaller marches rallies and vigils are being held around the country in what's being called a kopp corresponding national day of action. south korean officials say the chance of north korea testing a missile is considerably high. the u.s. has confirmed north korea has fueled a missile on the east coast and it is ready to fire. north korea already has issued a warning to foreigners in the south. it cannot protect diplomats carl
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in pyongyang. the missile could reach as far as japan or guam. we're back after the break. stay with us. documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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>> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: uh-oh the headline is president obama across-the-board cuts. republicans won't be for that because that might help the economy in some way. >> oops. >> stephanie: sexy sexy
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liberal hal sparks on his way up. he forgot the street is closed. sexy liberal on facebook. the big one the big midwest. >> think twice is hot enough? >> 15 is my limit. chicago theatre on april 13. >> filthy mouth and bad attitudes. >> tickets are available at come see the number one comedy album. >> who can argue with that? the sexy liberal comedy tour on april 13th. sweet home chicago is about to get more sugar from mama. >> stephanie: all right. and john may be there from milwaukee. he writes -- hola, stephanie. unsolicited testimonial. i have been a regular podcast subscriber since 2006. only $4.95 -- after my boss put the kibosh on people streaming internet radio -- >> what kind of communist.
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>> milwaukee is an hour south of sheboygan. it is an hour west of where they must be up in madison home of 92.1 the mike f.m. finally, we're about an hour and a half north of wacker, the home of chicago's progressive talk 820 a.m. and then the cloud formations are just right and you avoid driving under power lines, you can pick up wcpd in milwaukee. sad pand da. sad milwaukee panda. i'm listening to the podcast. you took a couple of calls from jim. a guy who single-handedly pace for the upkeep of your bridal pack and you go around catting around with jim. i would like to be john the official waukesha hash house carrier of "the stephanie miller show." >> hola. now he's saying aviet zane.
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[ applause ] >> stephanie: awesome. should both be at sexy liberal on saturday. >> about 90 miles down the kennedy down there. >> stephanie: thank you jim. speaking of sexy liberal chicago, richard in chicago will be there. hi richard. >> caller: we're so excited about saturday. >> stephanie: me, too! >> caller: yeah. it is thai new year. we're all getting together at a restaurant beforehand, all of the chat room people that are coming. from all over the place. >> stephanie: i'll be there. >> caller: it is so good. we're going there if you want to meet us there everybody. >> stephanie: write that down. >> i love you, stephanie. i love your show. >> caller: get outta here. >> stephanie: are you a ventriloquist, richard? >> caller: no, not at all. i don't do that. >> stephanie: richard we'll
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see you saturday. >> caller: i'm so excited. >> stephanie: okay. all right. okay. all right. [ applause ] >> you're despicable! >> stephanie: speaking of proper english, did you see this? oh kids, don't fight. you're both really screechy and shrill and ann coulter and sarah palin. according to coulter, margaret thatcher took an interest in palin when she first emerged. you heard the story. she wanted to act as a mentor of sorts but palin rejected her help. sarah palin first burst on the scene, thatcher wanted to have a meeting because she saw raw political talent but wanted to teach palin how to do what she did, speak proper english. >> they are superfluous and excessive. >> stephanie: we must do something with your word salad. your english is in desperate straights!
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allegedly, palin decided no the to meet with her at that time. she was probably too busy but then a few years later, wanted to set up with thatcher when she was on a publicity tour in london, lady thatcher put out the word she would not be available. she was snubbed by sarah palin. she wouldn't do the my fair lady thing with her. >> the rain in spain lies mainly in the plains. also too -- tundra. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: the book kept falling off her head which kept -- stop winking. female heads of state do not wink! all right. all right everybody. who's downloading porn in the vatican. come on! fess up! [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> hmm. >> someone wearing red shoes perhaps? >> stephanie: somebody. we're not saying who. you know who you are. enjoys illegally downloading heterosexual and -- porn.
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>> they're getting hypocritical. >> stephanie: maybe a little bit of both. >> getting their freak on. >> stephanie: sue in rockville, maryland. you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: good morning, everybody. you know, i have to tell you when i think about what that poor woman who called and is so sick and has to have help, you know, alan grayson was 100% right. republicans don't care. they want you to i don't quickly. if you get sick, i don't quickly. i mean they don't care that the effects of the sequestration is really dire for people and life-threatening. this is exactly who they are. >> stephanie: the outrage was that alan grayson is so outspoken and said it so rudely. not reality of it. that people are dying. >> the other thing he said why do some people have a conscience and some people don't. he said the people with a conscience are called democrats and the others are called republicans.
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but i had one other thing may i quickly say to all of the people, thank god for the podcast $4.95. but yesterday, listening to all of the bible thumpers, could you please tell them that if they substitute the word koran for bible, they may not want to be quoting their scripture so quickly. >> stephanie: exactly. >> caller: if they don't like abortion or gay marriage, interracial marriage, divorce or whatever or of course in the case of ken cuccinelli on the other side of my river you know b.j.s don't do them. >> stephanie: he wants to take everyone's fun. >> caller: the only thing i want to know about jesus is that he was a nice, jewish boy. >> stephanie: by the way someone sent a bunch of biblical -- the guy called yesterday, said it is not a biblical marriage, gay marriage. you can google what a biblical marriage means. it involves selling your daughter on craigslist. [ whatever! ] >> i don't think it involves craigslist. >> skip everything in the bible except the sermon on the mount.
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>> stephanie: speaking of mounting. >> what's that heavy breathing i hear? why, could it be? ♪ the humpty dance ♪ ♪ do the hump ♪ >> hump days with hal sparks. >> yes, yes! >> not a fan of the sermon on the mount either because there is this little chunk they threw in i'm guessing after the actual speech later in the transcript that says -- >> it was redacted? shocking! >> they added stuff like about a woman not being able to remarry if she -- an adulter of her -- but her ex can remarry. that's totally fine. i'm guessing that was added around king james' era by a conglomerate of five or six writers who rehashed the whole thing. >> i don't like this part. >> stephanie: chicago is a little -- i think they're all sort of aquiver over the return. >> as they should be. >> stephanie: over hal sparks returning to the stage of chicago theatre. >> absolutely. this is a big saturday for
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progressives in chicago. not just us. but i'm having -- of course, my show is on saturday on cpt. i get to have my -- katy speak lady parts expert. in studio with studio with us. johnny, my sound guy we get to do my clip. we get to be in studio. it is as if you and stephanie -- chris, were like -- which actually might help sometime. >> stephanie: yeah. >> but also rachel maddow is in downer's groh with a book signing. she's doing that in the afternoon. progressives will be running up and down the lakeshore. >> stephanie: crossing the sexy liberal stream. [ explosion ] >> taking over halsted. >> eating at house of siam. i think there is one here at beverly hills. that used to be steven segal's favorite restaurant. it must be good because he got enormous -- that's just him eating. >> stephanie: he couldn't do that anymore.
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>> stephanie: stop eating so fast! slow down! >> chew your food. >> stephanie: happy clappy. so i was talking about the michael tomasky piece in the "daily beast" about -- because liberals, as usual freaking out. [ screaming ] >> chained cpi right. >> actual chains in it. >> yes exactly. here's the thing. chained cpi has been pushed around for a long time as one of the ways of sort of not -- i guess curtailing is a good word, the costs of social security and how it's played out. directly tying it to like -- the problem is regardless of how you do it, it is still not matching standard of living. so even at its current system, the problem with defending it against chained cpi, for example, is arguing against what you really want which is tied to the standard of living much like elizabeth warren's $22 an hour
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living wage which is a reality. especially if you pay taxes and you contribute to social security and the like. your 22 becomes $12 effectively over time. and then that keeps you from being someone trying to live on $6 or $4 or $3. same thing with chained cpi all it's basically saying is instead of tying it to -- the cost of beef is this and the cost of eggs is this and the cost of milks is this, they do this scattered thing where real consumers go okay, if meat is too high, i'll buy pork or chicken instead. it is based on this slipshod way. >> stephanie: or pad thai if you're steven segal. >> thank you burp. either way, i think the argument is almost a way of dulling the whole -- like necessary overhaul of ssi and medicare, medicaid payments and how they're actually structured.
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>> stephanie: the larger point of his piece is -- basically this is not going to happen. political by the president. they're not going to agree to any tax increases of any kind. >> stephanie: it makes him look more reasonable. like going get me some people i can legislate with. >> i gave them the keys to the kingdom and they locked the door behind them and stayed outside. this is a very smart -- it is a callous, political move. it is a jaded political move. but it is exactly what liberals have been wanting from their presidents for the last two decades. why don't we play hardball? why don't we drag them? they're always adding school lunches to a defense appropriation bill so if i want to vote against a missile you know -- kids starve. we go why don't we do something like that. the president does it and we panic. >> stephanie: exactly. >> i like the fact that sanders and them are out there complaining about it. >> stephanie: see? you're going to want to see what
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benefits on the road. different rules on the road. trying to find time to get caught up at the office can be impossible. i use go to my pc by citrix. you can secure your entire office computer from wherever you are. you can in the cab in the airport, in your hotel. you can have access to your entire computer right there with go to my pc, you can use any program, send any file just as if you were sitting at your desk. you can be at work from anywhere. plus go to my pc is easy to use and sets up in minutes. if hal wasn't here on wednesdays, i would have no tech support at all. >> this is true. >> that's not true. you have me! >> stephanie: eh. try yes, i've tried rebooting. visit and enter the promo code stephanie and download the free app to your mobile device. that's enter the promo code, stephanie. i did see the thing iron lady rust in peace. [ buzzer ] that's wrong.
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>> you know, i think when you're talking about people posthumously painting over your past leaders your past presidents or whatever, flaws you know, i understand during that process how people can get frustrated and going hang on a second. not all was good. we do that with reagan. even the republican party it doesn't jie with history. it is fairly typical. >> stephanie: you were saying before the break, we were talking about social security. you have some thoughts about bernie sanders who we love and hung out with at the inauguration. >> my thing is he needs to be out there on the cutting edge of this, you know, of this sort. tip of the sphere. >> stephanie: if only to keep reinforcing social security is not in crisis. they have used that term
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forever. >> part of the reason, if there is any reason why social security has solvency issues, it is two-fold. one is baby boomer generation reaching a certain point. that's the one they always use. which is legitimate but temporary. and manageable because there are lots of things you can do to lower those costs temporarily as you have a big influx of people coming into the system and then it will reinflate again after that population pop goes. now, but that's the one they're always reciting. the other one is that it is broke. the only reason is because money gets borrowed from the general fund to pay for other stuff specifically defense stuff and the wars in iraq and afghanistan. >> stephanie: that's why people understandably get so emotional about this. they go i'm entitled to this. i paid into it and then you took it to do other stuff. >> tax cuts for the rich. that's exactly what it was. george bush, when he couldn't privatize social security, the next act was to bankrupt it
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long-term by doing two wars of choice and giving a tax break at the same time. we often think from the progressive side that that was a stupid move and it was. or a mistake. it was neither from their point of view. it was -- it had a purpose to it. giving tax breaks for two barges isn't just dumb. it is meant to destroy social security. the whole purpose of the crash the financial crash and why they let that house of cards float they knew because of the wars they were unpopular. there was not going to be a republican in office. the next go around. the best thing you can do is just let the thing fall and let the next democrat clean up the mess so he never gets a toehold. >> still trying to kill the new deal. >> right. exactly. obama flustered them by going straight for healthcare. they figured that would be off the table. you would never be able to do that because you're dealing with the cost of the two wars. >> stephanie: pamela in texas wants to talk about social security for a moment. hi pam. >> caller: good morning, everybody. >> stephanie: good morning.
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>> caller: first, i would like to say i'm a fellow september libra. >> stephanie: yea. >> caller: i would like to be the official female air-traffic controller of "the stephanie miller show." >> stephanie: i hope you're not doing it now. >> caller: maybe i am. >> furloughed because of the sequester. >> caller: a couple of weeks ago, i've been dying to call when hal is there. you're so cute, hal. he said something about social security and the cap. and he was saying that the top 1% or rich paid, it would be true socialism. i want to turn it around. why is it fair for the bottom 1% to be -- not the bottom but the 1% who serves in the military, they're the ones who protect the country and further if they took the cap off and took it back down to 4.2% for everybody and also why is it fair for the lower income to pay their whole year, sacrifice, you know, a certain percentage of their income for the whole year but those at the top who could afford it, it would less affect them they get capped out. maybe we can exempt the first $10,000 of everybody and
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everybody pays throughout the year but i don't think it is fair to ask only 1% to serve in the military but on the other hand you say well, the top 1% can't pay social security because of socialism. >> if you look at -- you know, adding to -- removing the cap so that there's not that amount removed. it is a percentage of income. interesting thing about it is if you're uber rich and at some point, you stop paying into social security because of that, like because you're a you're getting your money from other sources that are not going through a normal wage. people like warren buffett or mitt romney aren't pay rolled by hardly anything. their corporations are paid but that little shaving that would go into social security, if they lose their money, they could still get social security. they still get it. >> stephanie: rafalca might get one less outfit a year. >> still draw from it. they still get our protection without paying in. >> stephanie: right back on "the stephanie miller show."
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going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. >> that's an unusual name. >> it is a german name. it means she who gravitates. >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 34 -- too small for gravity to affect them. 1-800-steph-12, hump days with sexy liberal hal sparks who will be on stage at the chicago theatre with me and john fuglesang this saturday, the big midwest sexy liberal. >> going to be great stuff. it is a shame there's nothing going on in the news to talk about. >> stephanie: i very poorly tried to imitate your angel rape
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thing. >> historical references to the fact that the biblical marriage ceremony that everyone takes seriously in regard to god wanted a man and a woman to be together and this is what marriage is about the essence of it. the original marriage ceremony was based on a greek same sex ceremony that ruling males when they would marry as a gay couple effectively would organize -- they would have to do it in front of the whole city because they had stuff and people around them wanted to go okay, if you guys get mad at each other it won't wreck the whole area. they had to stand and say we're together, we're going to stay together for a very long time. you can all go back to sleep because women didn't have any rights at that time. >> didn't have to love and honor a woman because her dad sold her
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to you. that's the absurdity of the entire thing. just sayin', i did the whole thing in charm geddon. i covered it. it should be covered by that. available on amazon. >> stephanie: all right. danette in georgia on the president. >> caller: hello stephanie. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: i love you guys. can you hear me? >> oh, yes. >> stephanie: when you say that, we can. >> caller: oh wonderful. i think our president is the coolest, smartest, most gorgeous delicious and effective president ever. i like that he went to connecticut and went and spoke with the families then he invited them on air force i and said you know what? if these bastards won't do what you want you go to their offices because only in session six weeks out of the year. you go and knock on the doors. they went office to office to
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office and said look me in the eye and tell me that you are not going to pass this bill. tell me that you're going to filibuster in the name of my son or my daughter. i thought that was so smart. >> i don't think anyone has ever described nixons as delicious. >> stephanie: i don't think any president has been described as delicious before. >> caller: i mean, he said that pamela harris was beautiful. >> and she is. >> caller: i think he's delicious. delicious is a word i use to describe when people are hot. >> stephanie: mr. president you are yummy sir. >> nixon is decidedly undelicious. >> stephanie: you can picture yourself under him with that sweat dripping. >> like a dog's chew toy. >> simmer down! look, how people look is a factor of genetics and age. there's no reason -- there's plenty of ugly inside that man to mess with. the reality is when mitch mcconnell is bringing up
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positively nixonian, they don't have a policy with nixonian policies and most of the time when they talk about nixon they think they should rebuild his image. >> stephanie: right. plus, let's get -- we covered the story earlier. here's mitch mcconnell yesterday. hilarious about this mother jones story about them just trashing ashley judd in this strategy session. >> also unbeknownst to us at the time, they were bugging our headquarters, quite a nixonian move. this is what you get from the political left in america. these days. >> stephanie: as david corn said, they didn't make the tape. somebody leaked it to them. this is not about -- >> somebody in his group who was probably with one foot out the door because of the behavior they're seeing. >> stephanie: they're sort of mocking people with depression. i don't know if you can hear very clearly. [ indiscernible ] >> stephanie: they're taking a
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page from her autobiography where she's brave enough to talk about her struggles with depression. millions of americans struggle with and used it as a punch line and something to mock. >> obviously, it's not anything -- she's hiding and b you're not emotionally unbalanced if you're able to deal with the time or period in your past when you were. it is actually healthy period after you have gone through an unhealthy period which is what all human beings need to strive for. especially when they're going through a dark time. look, you don't have to -- my family is from kentucky. you don't have to bug mitch mcconnell's office to hear awful crap like this all the time. the halls of the state capitol echo and if you ever walk by that big lincoln statue everybody rubs the toe on and mitch is in town doing constituency meetings, read coal industry and tobacco and driving car factories out of the state you will hear the echo of crap like this all the time. it is not shocking at all. nixonian thing, remember the
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nixon tapes? the nixon tapes he said hmos are a terrible way. it is just a way for the jew doctors to enforce -- to enrich themselves right? then his guys talked him into it. the next morning he went the hmo system is exactly what america needs for its healthcare. that was a good thing he was recorded because we know that's a lie now. and so they're not going to argue substance on this. >> stephanie: no they won't respond on the substance. >> because it is grotesque and par for the course. it is who mitch mcconnell is. >> stephanie: gary in chicago. you're on "the stephanie miller show" on the gun legislation. hello, gary. >> caller: hey, how are you all this morning? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: good. i've been kind of following this thing fairly closely. and based on the very narrow ruling of the supreme court because they only took a portion of the second amendment and that's the portion that says the government has no right to infringe on the rise of the sit -- the right of the citizen
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to own or bear arms. the administration is trying to include a ban on assault weapons. that's in direct violation of how the supreme court has ruled. so that's not going to happen. >> well, actually it's happened before. the ability to regulate assault weapons was actually reinforced in that. it even scalia's version of what they -- you know in the opinion. it said the government does have the right to regulate weapons based on -- >> caller: wait a minute. >> based on whether or not they're usual or unusual. >> caller: wait a minute. yes, we had one before. but we had a different supreme court and to my knowledge, it was never challenged. okay? >> stephanie: meaning what? >> caller: meaning, excuse me, that we had a ban on assault weapons at one time. but we had a different face on the supreme court at that time.
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>> that's true. the assault weapons ban was not actually challenged but all of the other parts of it, the constitutionality of the aspects of that bill were. there were many cases that came before it and the big -- the conclusion they came to -- and even from scalia, was that you can regulate elements of which arms you can have and which you can't. you can't have a stinger missile. you can't have a tank. >> stephanie: now with north korea, perhaps we're going to be able to have -- we can all have nukes why not? >> we have laser weapons. >> stephanie: this makes me somewhat less scared. kim jong-un starred in a production of grease. he was in the t-birds. >> okay. he was the pock-faced scary guy driving the car with the scary stuff on the side. >> stephanie: pals say he enjoyed singing along such hits as -- ♪ summer lovin', had me a blast ♪ >> stephanie: we think he's ugly.
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also, you're the one that i want. ♪ >> stephanie: just makes him seem as goofy as his dad now. >> karaoke. that's a grown man singing that. >> it was hal. doing that. >> stephanie: we cannot answer the question, dennis rodman, what did you say? what have you done? [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] because you know what? now, his friend -- remember he used to pal around with madonna now madonna has caused an international incident with malawi. what the hell has she do done with malawi. >> there is something in dennis rodman's cologne that makes women go bananas. >> stephanie: saturday madonna left with her v.i.p. status revoked. she and the first president are
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having a bitchoff according to gawker. madonna scrawled out a bizarre hand-written note to the president casually addressing her as joyce. a lot of misspellings. said it would be great if joyce had time to meet. joyce, as it seems, did not have time and was not amused. when madonna arrived at the airport to fly home on saturday, her v.i.p. traveler status was revoked. that sneaky joyce. malawi airport they're saying it would have let madonna bypass check-in and security lines and would have provided a limo service to her private jet as you do. granted her access to a special lounge where other v.i.p.s would have pretended no the to notice you were madonna. this is the complimentary cheddar bay biscuit basket of star treatment. the president said she just came here unannounced and proceeded to villages and made poor people dance for her. >> oh!
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[ applause ] >> hey i'm madonna. shoot at their feet? >> stephanie: surprising she did not have the class to pull off that diplomatic. >> hi, i'm madonna. >> stephanie: war with malawi. thanks madonna. >> we're talking about her. i guess if that's the plan. >> not talking positively about her. >> because everybody's horrified at how malawi's being treated these days. on a political -- what is going on in malawi. thank you madonna for drawing attention to the plight of the malawien people. >> stephanie: irene on gun legislation. >> caller: hi, stephanie. people cannot understand why republicans aren't signing off on the weapons bill. when president kennedy got killed, there was no weapon bill presented. when ronald reagan got shot, they presented a weapons bill and got it back. when gabby giffords got shot, if
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she was a republican, they would have had a bill signed by now. >> stephanie: that's an interesting -- i hadn't thought of that historically, that's true. >> yeah, i think again the president famously came out in 2000 campaign and said i think the gun advocates and the gun control crowds are speaking at cross-purposes. he's absolutely right. the conversation is a lot more dense than we want it to be. ultimately, the idea of having a barrel, clip or a 30-shot capacity clip, the only reason you need that is because as a -- i think it was a tennessee congressman said you need 30 shots to take down a drone. or g gordon liddi, the concept of cops are at some point, going to storm your house because, as a constitutionalist founding fathers patriot you're stacking fertilizer bomb materials in your basement, prepping for some great day of the rope white supremacist
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future that you have. so those are the only crowds and it is an indefensible point. it is starting to peel back which is good. the gun show loophole, it looks like they've reached agreement on closing it today. private sales have to do background checks. >> stephanie: we'll talk about the details next in the closing moments of "the stephanie miller show." >> it is fun for ages 8 to 80. join us! >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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he was a hollywood golden boy fighting a losing battle with his dark side. of all the hours in all his days, these are the ones you'll never forget. ♪ woo-hoo ♪ ♪ it's a celebration ♪ >> stephanie miller. ♪ there's a party going on right here ♪ ♪ a celebration to last throughout the year ♪ ♪ so bring your good times ♪ ♪ celebration ♪ ♪ we're gonna celebrate and have
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a good time ♪ >> stephanie: that is the cutest lizard anyone has ever fired. congratulations, hal sparks. he owns a new lizard. >> a pet lizard. [ applause ] >> stephanie: disturbing. okay. 51 minutes after the hour. this hour brought to you by big commerce. you can build, manage and grow your business online. go to blue headphones in the top left. >> i have to open a store on my web site. i'll do that. i'll use big commerce. >> stephanie: thank you so much. >> i take your word seriously. i'll report back on how it's going. i will. >> stephanie: where did you come by said lizard? >> we were shooting some exterior scenes for lab rats, a special episode which you left the studio to do up in santa clarita, very deserty. it crawled up into the gear. i was worried it would get harm because they were moving all of the stuff. so i picked it up and it crawled under my arm and fell asleep and
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didn't want to be put down at the end of the day. i tried to put it on the ground, i'm like okay, release. go back into the woods. >> stephanie: be free. >> it crawled right back into my bag. >> stephanie: daddy! >> yeah, right. [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] >> now i have a terrarium and i'm buying bag of crickets. it sleeps on my head. >> no! >> i was watching rachel maddow. it crawled up on my head and it slept because that's where all of the heat in your body least. it sat on the top of my head and fell asleep. it was so funny. >> stephanie: you're hot even with a lizard on your head. >> i don't know how to move. so funny. >> that's totes adorbs. >> she comes up and kisses my nose. wild lizard. so cute. >> stephanie: that's the cutest story ever. we were talking gun control. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] break news came down today during the show. this is very helpful right?
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>> yep. there will be background checks on gun shows and private sales. private owners will not have to keep records of that which i understand. i think it -- you know, a lot of people, a lot of progressives and a lot of liberals want, you know, there to be a record of who owns the gun and where it is. in the case of some private sales where somebody sells somebody a gun the idea of if their house burns down, they would be responsible if something happens with the gun in the future because they don't have record of where it went is a bit rough. the fact they did a background check on it is very heartening and that process in and of itself will keep people who are private gun owners very aware of the fact that yeah, i know i'm selling this to glen but it is for gary and gary is nuts. >> stephanie: everybody named gary is nuts. >> absolutely. that's the issue right now. >> stephanie: right. >> private and gun show straw sales are even worse than the ones that happen at stores because stores actually have -- they can get busted on it.
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>> stephanie: you know, we talked about in connecticut they just got gun control done in a bipartisan way senator richard blumenthal yesterday talking about national -- >> the congress of the united states listens to its conscience. and to its constituents. it will pass gun safety measures this week. >> stephanie: this just in from hot brie. our friend, melissa fitzgerald. you made that sound, thank you. by the way if her nephew loves you from lab rats heard the lizard story right now forget it. will you need security. -- you will need security. >> all of the kids follow me on instagram. they know about the lizard now. >> stephanie: oh dear god. we need to hire extra security for chicago now. great. >> going to bring the lizard to chicago? >> bagful of lizards. >> stephanie: people like this out of pennsylvania, her home state of pennsylvania, two leading local democrats say pennsylvania's conservative senator pat toomey is supportive
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to gun legislation. michael nutter were out there supporting -- gun legislation. toomey from the nra along with joe manchin rendell said that they understand no reasonable person can object to universal background checks. no reasonable person could want to oppose the illegal trafficking bill. it allows them to get away with murder. >> the nra will oppose it not because they care about gun owners but they care about gun manufacturers and gun manufacturers like the seller of any product -- look, soda companies honestly don't care, can't care, won't care about whether the soda is being sold to a diabetic who will be pushed over the edge to the point where they have an attack and i don't of insulin shock because they've had one too many sugary sodas. they don't care and neither does the gun industry. as soon as they go out the door, they don't care how they're used or for what purpose. whether they're used by a cop or on a cop.
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if a 4-year-old shoots a member of their family as happened with one of the school guards that was going to be assigned to carry a gun in a school, he was showing all of his guns on the bed, his 4-year-old ran into the room and shot his wife and killed. another 4-year-old shot a 6-year-old in the head a couple of days ago. as far as gun manufacturers go, that's a successful sale. what happened after the sale they don't care. keep sales high. the nra is an industry lobby group to keep gun sales high. through fear or just, you know, cheapening or the idea that everybody needs one. they're going to try every possible tactic to make everybody buy guns. >> every time there is a disaster like newtown gun sales go up. >> stephanie: ray in florida on newtown. welcome. >> caller: hi. i only got a couple minutes, i know. this is not a giggles call. in regard to newtown shooting or
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killing and let me tell you something, i object to that terminology. shooting is not the issue. are you still there? >> yes. >> caller: okay. i have a range of about a mile and there is shooting going on there six days a week. there was a shooting at the okay corral between the earps and the clampetts. there was a shooting going on between the mccoys and hatfields. you have 20 children under the age of 9 and six schoolteachers, that's not a shooting. that's a massacre. >> stephanie: absolutely. good point to end on. >> slaughter. >> stephanie: exactly. hal sparks, we love you and -- >> thank you. these shooters are not shooters, they're human bombs. >> stephanie: you can see hal sparks on stage with me this saturday, chicago theatre. >> i will be on twitter. see you at the house of siam. >> stephanie: get the last remaining tickets. we'll see you tomorrow on "the stephanie miller show."
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