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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  April 12, 2013 6:00am-9:00am PDT

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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: okay. hello, tv land. happy friday everybody. sexy liberal john fugelsang in for fridays with fugelsang, and i'll be off for chicago today. >> be sure to bring a bag of glass. >> stephanie: and a bag of vipers. jacki schechner can you check a bag of vipers. >> i think it's an overhead compartment thing. >> then you would really have
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snakes on a plane. >> stephanie: right. >> are you excited? >> stephanie: i actually am. i really am. i have to blow the dust off of the fart jokes, and here we go. >> have you decided what to wear? >> your lace dress. >> i just discussed it with my fashion coordinator roland. >> are you wearing the dress that shows everything. >> stephanie: no, not after you telling me we don't want everybody to see your who hah. >> it's because i care. >> that's hot. >> stephanie: here is jacki schechner in the current news center. >> good morning, everybody. john kerry is in south korea this morning. >> am here to make it clear today on behalf of president obama and the citizens of the
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united states and our bilateral security agreement, that the united states will if needed defend our allies, and defend ours. >> kerry says if kim jung un decides to fire a missile it would be a huge mistake. kerry this morning, also taking time to reject a report surfacing yesterday saying north korea has the capacity to put a nuclear war head on a ballistic missile. he did admit that north korea has high nuclear and missile capabilities, just not the ability to put them together yet. kerry will also visit china and japan. the senate voting 68-31 to move ahead on the new gun-control
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legislation. some of the families from newtown were there, saying any lawmaker who votes against having a debate should be ashamed. we're back with more after the break. stay with us. marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: happy friday everybody. six minutes after the hour 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. sexy liberal john fugelsang coming up, fridays with fugelsang next hour.
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oh, fascinating. timonthy kurek wrote "the cross in the closet," exploring life as a gay christian man. he had a friend that came out to him -- >> right. he lived as a gay man just for a year to see what it was like. >> stephanie: yes. because in other news -- >> the difference between bone and winter white. >> yes and accrue. >> stephanie: yes. he had to go to the marcus bachmann center to understand just -- just those kind of facts that no straight man in the world knows what color bone is. [ laughter ] >> it's a slightly off white isn't it? >> stephanie: yes, that was our favorite story during the primary. there was a piece where michelle
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said marcus picked out a outfit for me that was bone. it was just fabulous. >> yes. >> do you have anything in bone. >> i'm sorry, i have no idea what accrue is. >> stephanie: who do you have to [ censor bleep ] to find something in bone around here? that is winter white. >> hello, this is not move. >> mauve. >> whatever. >> stephanie: that will be the name of marcus bachmann's autobiography when he finally comes out, don't you think? >> yes. >> and the book will be in bone. >> yeah.
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>> how did we come up with squeezy mcfeel pants the first time. >> it was that legislator that was against the cheerleaders -- >> that's right. >> stephanie: some of these science experiments it's a gray to do creepy stuff. french scientist says women should not wear a bra. across the course of history, french discoveries have proved invaluable to the field of science, a lot of inventions -- >> sure. >> stephanie: professor jean denise reon has declared that bras make women's breasts saggy.
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he was recently interviewed about the results of the 15-year study. >> wow. >> stephanie: hello, i'm the head of the [ censor bleep ] study. through observations running back to 1997 he claims to have discovered that women who wear bras actually have saggier boobs that those who don't. the breast derives no benefit from being denied gravity. >> sure, you have to work those muscles to keep them airborne. >> airborne? >> stephanie: sure. jim also a helper in this regard. >> you know, you just get lazy. >> stephanie: right. nobody likes lazy [ censor bleep ] >> those are the laziest boobs i
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have ever seen. >> stephanie: re-un stresses that the study was preliminary. i'm sorry, this is preliminary, i'm going to get much more. and his subjects were not representative of the overall population of the world. so he'll have to do more international studies. this was just french women -- >> hot french women. >> stephanie: so he'll have to go country, to country to make sure his results are not skewed. >> stephanie: he found the nipples lifted an average of 7 millimeters. oh, he must have some very advanced measurements. i'm sorry this will take some
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time. i'll still studying the best instruments to study this thing. this is a preliminary nipple-measuring instrument. >> i may need another grant. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: he found the nipples lifted an average of 7 millimeters per year in relation to the shoulders if they didn't wear a bra so that must have been some repeated measuring sessions. >> sure, you have to throw your shoulders back. ♪ fly high and proud ♪ >> stephanie: reon worries that bouncing is not for everybody. an over right 45-year-old woman with three kids have no business
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wearing a bra. >> wow. >> stephanie: no wonder europe is in crisis. that's apparently what they are spending their money on. they could use some austerity in that regard. >> or breast terity. >> stephanie: right. thank you. so north korea, what the? what the? there is a great piece about how scared should we be? >> there is a tumbler account dedicated to kim jong un looking at things. >> kim junk nom has been disowned so he doesn't have to look at things anymore. >> stephanie: yeah. >> dad, you are so embarrassing. >> stephanie: a whole piece about -- i guess the whole issue is whether they have
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miniatureized something small enough to fit into a -- >> suitcase? >> stephanie: no. now you have me back in my dad's campaign, when he had to re-explain how small a tactical weapon -- >> what barry meant to say was -- >> stephanie: that was just the template on the speech -- every speech started with here is what barry meant to say. but anyway if it is miniatureized enough to fit on a missile. >> and they are fairly confident they have two but the missiles aren't very accurate. >> stephanie: look out atlantis. >> that's on the other side of the world -- >> stephanie: oh that's right.
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but the missile can only hit the ocean so the reason i might have employed some humor there -- >> watch out patrick duffy who was the man from atlantis. >> stephanie: right. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: okay. i'm not a u.s. american with a map, clearly. >> you have never looked at a globe. >> stephanie: no. no. >> unlike that french guy who looked at a lot of globes. >> stephanie: yes, that was a call back as it is called in the comedy business. and no one knows if they'll have a big ceremony. will there be bands? >> yeah. >> a pageant. [ chip monks singing ]
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>> stephanie: the president speaking yesterday about north korea. >> obama: now is the time for north korea to end the kind of belligerent approach that they have been taking and to try to lower temperatures. >> stephanie: yeah it's a little -- the defense intelligence agency has concluded with moderate confidence that they might have a nuclear weapon that could be placed on a missile, but i think when we have been through iraq there's a little bit of [ inaudible ] is somehow involved in this story again. >> yeah. >> stephanie: yeah, in terms of where exactly they are. >> even an inaccurate missile is capable of hitting something. >> stephanie: right. anyway great piece -- >> the pacific ocean is already
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alreadier radiated because of fukoshima -- >> stephanie: right. seventeen minutes after the hour. we'll dive into that piece as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: there's a tea party in her pants, and you are invited. call now, 1-800-steph-1-2.
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this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. ♪ >> they were dancing and singing, and moving to the grooving, and just when it gets there, somebody turns around and
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shouted -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ play that funky music white -- >> announcer: girl. ♪ lay down the music and play that funky music ♪ >> stephanie: oh, jim, it's for you, susie, welcome. [♪ porn music ♪] >> caller: hi, how are you? i love you guys and so happy you are on the air in ashville. i'm a 63-year-old woman. i have had a d cup since i was 19 years old. >> hello. >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: jim is awake now. >> caller: and i started sleeping in a bra when i was very young because rolling over at night was a little uncomfortable. >> stephanie: wow, that must be a big bra -- oh got it okay.
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>> caller: but my boobs are better than most 20 year olds so i totally disagree with that study. >> stephanie: okay. thank you, we appreciate that. jim, what are you doing over there? >> hum? >> stephanie: jim will be in the bathroom for the rest of the hour. >> i'm finding out what flight is going to ashville. >> stephanie: i used to fly screaming baby airlines and then i switched to chatty toddler, and then on the way home from tucson i was talking to a middle age's woman who asked me if she would kiss me on the plane. >> settle in relax, with even more leg room than before in flight personal video, newly
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redesigned seats. so when a strange bicurious middle-aged woman offers to shove her tongue done your throat, sit back and enjoy. it's something special in the air. >> stephanie: this just in. the box office has just now released eight vip tickets for chicago tomorrow night. they always do that wait until the moment before. so you should act fast because they are gone well -- maybe now. or . . . now. all right. dave in minneapolis also with some thoughts on the french boob scientist. >> caller: obviously this doctor did not study the most comprehensive medical journal that any teenage boy has ever
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looked at, that would answer that question, called the national geographic magazine. that's my take on that issue. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: sure. >> stephanie: maybe i should commission another study on bicurious women -- >> um. >> and see if they would rather kiss you or jim? >> stephanie: right. natasha in chicago. >> caller: hey, so usually when i'm calling i'm calling to rant about the selfish republicans who are more interested in staying in office than serving the people, but today i'm calling because i'm excited. my husband and will be at sexy liberal. >> stephanie: whoop! can't wait. >> caller: yeah. i'll be the very pregnant woman with the sexy bald guy.
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so i'm hoping you have some comfortable seating. >> stephanie: awesome. >> caller: and i want to nominate my husband as the official urban gardener of the "stephanie miller show." [ bell chimes ] >> stephanie: all right. natasha see you and boris tomorrow. the president yesterday. >> obama: it is important for north korea, like every other country in the world to observe the basic rules and norms that are set forth, including a wide variety of un resolutions. and we will continue to try to work to resolve some of those issues diplomatically even as i indicated to the secretary general that the united states will take all necessary steps to protect its people and to meet our obligations under our alliances in the region.
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>> stephanie: the "daily beast" has a piece about how scared should you be? there really is confusion. north korea has tested a nuclear device underground three times since 2006. but they would have to miniaturize the components to fit inside a war head and the u.s. intelligence community is developed about whether north korea is at the point of having pulled it pulled -- having the ability to pull it off. >> they have already tested weapons of mass destruction, so that's the difference. >> stephanie: right. one problem is why u.s. spy satellites can monitor the country overhead as i just said, most of their work is done
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underground. so we need to send -- >> the mole people. >> right. >> stephanie: i was going to say man from atlantis -- >> he swam under water. >> stephanie: i just meant theoretically. >> you want a mer-man. >> stephanie: right. one indication comes from acuecon the man considered to be the father of the pakistanian project -- >> con! >> stephanie: right. he was shown boxes of components of three nuclear war heads that would be put together within an hour. the president of the federation
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of science today he had no definnive information. to date the north koreans have not developed a missile capable of re-entering the atmosphere from space. but and the other troubling part of it is he said we know north koreans have shared missile technology with the iranians. all of that -- and we have some -- the -- some audio from the actual intelligence community, and we'll break it down when we get back. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> wow, i don't believe it. this is too good to be real. >> of course this is real. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show."
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going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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the natural energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go!
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♪ >> there's some serious issues with -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> i mean all of us have done things, but -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- actions are really over the line. >> stephanie: right? me? here is the line. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. james clapper. >> i don't think really he has much of an end game other than to somehow illicit recognition
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from the world and specifically most importantly the united states of north korea's arrival -- arrival on an international scene as a nuclear power. >> stephanie: i wonder if he has daddy issues like george w. bush bush? does he talk to his dad on the heavenly hot line. >> should i nuke em? i could just nuke emright now. >> stephanie: i hope he is well endowed. >> huh? >> stephanie: that he doesn't have all kinds of issues. >> you are oddly obsessed with that for an lesbian. >> stephanie: i know right? james clapper. >> i think first and foremost it was to prove he is firmly in
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control. all right. [ inaudible ] from colorado. >> the north currently has % nuclear weapons capable of delivery by ballistic missiles but the reliability will be low. >> but like i said it can still hit something. >> stephanie: yeah. and i mean how old is he? he's -- you know -- >> i think he is like 28 or something. >> stephanie: there's some parallels in my mind to george w. bush, this privileged son of somebody who was in power forever, and wants to prove himself -- >> should have been the smart one. [ laughter ] >> >> stephanie: didn't do it. >> shouldn't have done it. >> stephanie: elected a dummy, not my fault. joe in pittsburgh. >> caller: hey, i wanted to mention, president carter went
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to north korea in '99, and he negotiated an agreement with korea to end all of their development on -- on nukes and on ballistic missiles in exchange for us agreeing to reestablish normal diplomatic relations in to signing a peace agreement. and they honored their end, and the administration that came in after that did uphold ours. >> stephanie: right. but joe it's the same -- people have made that analogy about during the clinton administration when bill richardson was involved. when george bush came in that's when they started developing stuff, because we always had this blustery foreign policy right? >> caller: right. everybody says this young man is unknown, but he went to school in the west, so i find it hard
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to believe that no intelligence agency from any western country made any efforts to find out anything? >> stephanie: did he go to tech school in connecticut and later develop a texas accent. >> caller: yes and he was always in switzerland for a year. >> stephanie: right. singing you're the one that i want and summer nights were his favorites. i'm just saying a show tune aficionado. doug in st. louis on guns. >> caller: hey, stephanie. i have got some pretty good redneck credentials, i'm from southern missouri i served in the marine but to vote to not even let a discussion of the issue? that's the most undemocratic thing i have ever seen in my
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life. >> stephanie: yep. yep. >> uh-huh. >> caller: i'm just disappointed. >> stephanie: you are right. to filibuster is to say not only to the families of newtown, the families of aurora don't deserve a vote they don't even deserve a discussion. >> caller: exactly. when i hunt doves i can only have three rounds in my shotgun. >> stephanie: i have heard from so many hunters like you about that. i don't get why your other friends -- why that argument is just lost on them. i don't get it why it's okay to have regulation for hunting like that, and they don't want -- >> caller: it's beyond me. i don't have any comprehension of that. but the other thing i wanted to do, steph, and i'm making a pitch here. i know you are going to chicago this year, but next year if you and your comedy team would
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parachute into st. louis, i can guarantee you that our progressive underground will ensure your safety. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. we will take that under advisement. >> caller: thank you. >> stephanie: thank you, doug. thank god there was a break through on gun control, and the republican filibuster was defeated. i love what is considered a victory in politics today. oh, we can at least talk about this now? the senate beat back a republican filibuster giving the obama administration and anyone with common sense a glimmer of hope. chris murphy of connecticut said on the floor yesterday it has just got to end. the answer can't be as it has been for 20 years that we are going to do nothing. nbc wall street journal poll.
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the break down -- 82% of democrats favor stricter gun laws, and just 27% of republicans. and that's just one sign. chuck schumer yesterday. >> the nra will try to throw all kinds of amendments at us and we're going to have to work really hard to prevent them from being added to the bill. >> stephanie: right. and this is what they always were fighting for about being able to add amendments, and literally they don't care that it is such a blatant hypocrisy. senator blumenthal. >> the political landscape on gun safety is changing before
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our eyes. >> stephanie: steve in florida on the gun debate. welcome. hello steve? >> ah, steve isn't there. >> caller: i can hear steve breathing, but he is not paying at attention. pat toomey is a republican with an a-plus from the nra, and he is trying to negotiate with a reasonable background check. >> the measure to make it harder for violent criminals and the mentally ill -- >> wow. >> stephanie: somebody brought this up, jim, yesterday about people screaming about this is not constitutional -- how come it was constitutional when reagan did it? that's what i mean -- what -- toomey just said is when did this become partisan? i don't -- i guess just like everything did in this particular congress or -- whatever. senator mitch mcconnell.
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>> this bill is a clear -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> harass our neighbors, our friends and our families so to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens of the commonwealth of kentucky and other states i will vote no. >> stephanie: wow. [ mumbling ] >> cloecher in my enclosure. >> stephanie: that's way too many hard con anents. >> it's hard when you have no teeth, just a beak. >> stephanie: the "stephanie miller show" would like to acknowledge that we have no information that he has no teeth. the "stephanie miller show" show doesn't believe in discriminating against rep tillian americans or any other
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kinds of americans. senator [ inaudible ] yesterday. >> i'm not interested in congress voting on a measure that would have no impact on the horrific violence we have seen -- >> how could it not have an impact. >> stephanie: i don't get that whole -- nothing is going to work, so let's just do nothing. in fact let's do less of nothing -- i mean -- >> let's go the opposite way. >> stephanie: right. >> let's make it worse. >> someone pointed out that you don't have to take a constitutional law class to understand that the rights to bare minds doesn't mean you can't regulate it just like you can't yell fire in a crowded move i have theater? >> right. why are guns the one thing that are not regulated -- >> right.
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drywall. >> stephanie: what product has complete immunity. representative boner. >> we expect the house will act [ inaudible ], but to make a blanket commitment without knowing what -- what the underlying bill is i think would be irresponsible on my part. >> stephanie: the house will act like idiots -- like five year olds, but they will act. >> i'm going to go golfing in my pink shorts. >> angry beavers. >> stephanie: we have a tragic angry beaver story when we come back. >> nice tease. >> stephanie: nobody can tease a beaver like me. i should have prewritten that.
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forty-five minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: for a good time call now, 1-800-steph-1-2. laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high.
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>> only on current tv. ♪ ♪ i'm bringing sexy, back yeah ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ don't know how to act, because here we go with it ♪ ♪ get your sexy on ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. uh-huh. fifty minutes after the hour. bringing the sexy back to chicago tomorrow. they just released eight vip
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meet and grope tickets. get it. get it fast. well i did tease a beaver . . . story. >> nice beaver. >> stephanie: no this is really a mean one. a fisherman in balarus -- >> belarus. >> what did you call it? >> stephanie: i always get a little distracted during a beaver story. belarus, yes. all he was trying to do was take his picture. >> no pictures! no pictures! >> stephanie: right, if you have ever tried to take a picture of lindsay lohan getting out of a limo, you know what i'm talking about. he bit him in the thigh. >> yeah, and he severed an artery and he bled to death. footage, actually of someone
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filming the beaver and he starts tacking him. >> stephanie: yeah that is not is nice beaver. >> nice beaver. >> stephanie: no that is not. the senate broke the republican filibuster. now we can even talk about it isn't that nice republicans? >> wow. >> stephanie: there's progress. >> ish. >> stephanie: uh-huh. ish. nader in wisconsin on the gun debate. >> caller: hi, thanks for having me on. >> stephanie: thank you. go ahead. >> caller: even if i don't agree with all of the stuff about gun control going on accepting the premise of the debate i don't really see the most intelligence going on because -- so we have within the next five to ten years, we're expecting to see the rise of three [ inaudible ] in most homes, and already
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online there are schematics for 3-d guns high capacity magazines, so if you have laws preventing people from selling high-capacity magazines and things like that in gun shops? does it really matter if you can just print one off at your house. >> that kind of technology is frightening. >> stephanie: why don't they put as much into technology that might help save lives like the fingerprint recognition stuff? >> caller: they are talk about being able to print clothing food, human skin. i just saw a documentary about a guy who did a gun thing recently. >> and if you need a particular screw for an eye kia bench, you can print one out. like a knife or a car it can be
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used for good and bad. >> i don't understand basic elements of my computer so that is just spooky -- [♪ mysterious music ♪] >> stephanie: oh, i almost chopped my finger off, i'll just go print some more skin. >> i don't know how you do that. >> stephanie: mark in pennsylvania. hi, mark. >> caller: hi, stephanie and mooks too. i wanted to give you a little different perspective. the police and all local -- all of the law enforcement agencies use these weapons against the american people, and the reason they do it is primarily because they realize handguns are pretty much ineffective to criminals have body armour on.
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and that's the reason -- and very good reason i think people should be allowed to own them. and also they use high-capacity magazines, the law enforcement officials too. so there's no debate on why feinstein would give them a pass on that and then expect to take it away from law-abiding citizens. and also the laws aren't being enforced as far as the background checks. and it wouldn't have stopped any of the shootings in newtown, but i would like to see legislation that would stop the shootings, not just feel-good legislation. >> stephanie: yeah, this is going to be bad news for you. someone mentioned another drop from an american president that you might want to get. michael douglas, the president,
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her boyfriend said he is going -- he sold her out for an assault weapon's ban that is not actually going to save any lives. even this stuff has no teeth in it, so he raises some good points. so i'm getting ready to do erin burnett yesterday. [ giggling ] >> stephanie: on cnn, and they are literally hooking me up and who is she talking to ted nugent? [ screaming ] >> stephanie: and he was has usual making no sense. he tried to trap her -- he's such a moron. are you against drug trafficking. and she is like of course. and he is like well then you
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agree with me that we should arrest eric holder. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> drug trafficking. >> gun trafficking. >> stephanie: mexico barbie comes with a passport and a chihuahua chihuahua. it's part of the dolls of the world series along with the india barbie has a monkey. mexican barbie has a little joe arpaio doll asking for papers. and apparently they don't think that is stereotypical. >> what did they tell you to say on cnn?
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>> stephanie: nothing! i don't even care before they get to the racist barbies. >> who did they get to be pro-racist barbie. >> stephanie: some guy in new york. rich, you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi. the guns that you take are made out of high-strength plastics, so they are really a danger. but i think you ought to call out all of the senator that voted no yesterday, because in my opinion they are just morons. >> stephanie: right. we'll get -- you know, read the names. fifty-eighting minutes after the hour. sexy liberal john fugelsang, and much more as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: hello, current tv world, hour number 2. nurse jacki? >> what? >> stephanie: tommie from clup clup -- columbus sends us this one for you. internal question of whether penis size matters to women has been prescribed by international science. yes, ladies do find bigger -- if you need to go deep deep deep
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undercover for this, we'll give you a little time off. >> i read that article, and i thought really, we needed a study to find this out. i called all of my girlfriends and every woman i ever met. >> in a related story, the pope is still catholic. >> stephanie: here she is. >> good morning, everybody. are you feeling good? optimistic? cnn is out with a new poll that say the number of americans who say things are going well for the country has hit 50% for the first time in ten years. last summer only 35% surveyed were feeling good. and 60% of these are 18 to
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34-year-olds. organizing for action, says it raised $4.9 million so far this year. executive director john carsons sent out an email saying about 110,000 people contributed and the avenue donation was $44. later today it will release a list of everybody who gave more than $250. it does not take corporate contributions but takes unlimited amounts from individual doneordonors. pastor rick warren said he forgives whoever sold his son the gun to kill himself. he says the weapon his son used was unregistered and purchased online illegally without a background check. the gun is also missing a serial
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number. he said maththew matthew struggled with suicidal thoughts all of his life. we're back after the break. ♪ >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey all right now, it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: oh yes, it is. why? john fugelsang coming up this hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere.
7:07 am the website. you can email us all there, executive producer chris lavoie, voice deity jim ward, or me, stephanie miller. we are equal opportunity here because we did do the boob study last hour. >> yes. >> stephanie: this one jim -- [♪ porn music ♪] >> stephanie: research shows women find men with larger penises more attractive. jacki said just give her a glass of wine and she could have told you that. scientists reported on monday that yes women do find larger women more attractive. what is more prehistoric women, who could see the whole package, may have helped influence the evolution of larger genitals.
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they decided to tackle the topic, because past studies offered conflicting answers, and may have been skewed by asking women too directly. >> oh my god! >> stephanie: what? i'm not that shallow. of course not. i was on cnn yesterday on erin burnett and will be on all next week as well -- >> oh, well, they love you. >> stephanie: well, what is not to love. i'm always there of course on the political geek stuff, and everyone else was there for -- i had no idea who jody arias was. someone was like which case are you here to talk about? and i'm like what?
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>> she stabbed her boyfriend 26 times, slitting his throat -- >> stephanie: right. and jim said -- >> she was very thorough. >> stephanie: well allegedly. there is a definite look between the people going on cnn headline news and the rest of us political geeks going on cnn. >> [ inaudible ] jvm is what we call her. >> stephanie: jim tries to see the good in people too much. that's a get-er done kind of girl. >> stephanie: they are very well madup and very yellly as i noticed. i may try that. jim danish man acquitted of
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sexual assault charges because he suffers from sex-smomnia. >> only if your bed is from ikea. >> if you get the really cheap bed from ikea you will have sex-somnia. >> stephanie: i might be invited on cnn to talk about this case who knows. it's become a fairly well documented disorder over the years. >> [ inaudible ]. >> what? >> nothing. >> stephanie: the term was invented in 2003 to describe roughly 7.6% of people with
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sleep disorders initiate sex while asleep. one of those was a danish man who was acquitted of molest two 17-year-old girls because the court found he suffered from the disorder. am i the only one calling bull [ censor bleep ] on that? really? it just happened to be two hot 17-year-olds, really? he said he had no recollection of the assault, and showing he suffered from sex-somnia. >> the auckland barbie. >> stephanie: that was magical.
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[♪ magic wand ♪] >> what tick, tick tick boom -- >> i don't know. >> all right. >> stephanie: all right. this is a fascinating story -- >> bottom of next hour. >> stephanie: right, that's what i meant. it's called "the cross in the closet" which highlights his coming out -- he's a heterosexual christian man. he explored gay life in the gay community, because he was really distraught about his religion after a friend same out to him and said she was shunned by their religion. he is what would be called a homo-fascist. >> remember when the jews had to wear a yellow star of david on their sleeve. that's what they are going to make us do. these homo-fascists are going to
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force us to wear on our sleeve some kind of identifier, so people can -- >> stephanie: hitler! [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: yes, hitler killed the gays first. you have to get up early in the morning to beat jim to a hitler reference. tony perkins. [♪ "psycho" scary music ♪] >> no mother, no! >> my name is alfred hitchcock, and i'm so tired of that joke i could stab you to death in the shower. >> stephanie: no, not that guy. he is urging political activists to hold their donations to the rnc until they grow a backbone. yes, tony i support you in this. don't let them push you around
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like that. you have all your life to live all your love to give. perkins said don't send them a dime. yes! right? >> right. >> stephanie: think about it, tony, how many times the rnc has done you wrong, right? >> don't let them push you around. >> stephanie: yes, they are chris brown. uh-huh. do not do it tony. ♪ i should have changed that silly lock ♪ >> stephanie: until they grow a backbone don't send them a dime of your hard-earned money. ♪ go walk out the door ♪ >> stephanie: he said give directly to candidates who reflect the values that you trust. that's right. push them farther to the right! >> they are a bunch of wuss.
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>> stephanie: they need to hire that rutgers coach to whip them into shape. yes, screw the young! they don't know what they are doing! homo-fashionist young people. with their stupid gay tolerance. wuss. republicans should try educating them on why marriage matters, yes! in as condescending tone as possible. you cannot patronize enough to stupid stupid -- they are stupid, stupid young people. ♪ and you'll see me come back to you ♪ >> stephanie: there is an entire group of young leaders who are all going to the mat to protect marriage. yes, tony, done what poll you are looking at but you are right, sir!
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you are going to lose all of the young people with this stupid gay tolerance, just go! ♪ you are not welcome anymore ♪ [ applause ] >> stephanie: just a helper. can't help myself from helping. i was born that way. >> i was thinking of the hives they are swedish not danish. >> going back to last topic. >> yeah. >> stephanie: montana voters have voted to strike down criminalizing criminalizing criminalizing devieant gay sex. >> i'm not a strong speller. >> it is montana after all. >> stephanie: i think mazula -- welcome to ma -- we don't know how to spell it.
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montana voters have voted to get rid of a law that criminalizes gay sex. supreme court, just fyi, 11 states rendered them unenforceable. >> yeah. >> glacier park doesn't have much of a glacier anymore but global warming is a hoax. >> stephanie: exactly. washington state is suing a florist who refused to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding. >> there is a good business model. i'm not selling to you. >> stephanie: this is from the consumers we have heard of past cases where wedding industry businesses refused to deal with same-sex couples -- this is actually kind of sad -- when the local florist refused to provide
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flowers for the wedding, because she was a good friend. she told him he wouldn't do flowers for his wedding because of my relationship with jesus christ. she declined to reconsider so he said as attorney general, it's my job to enforce the laws of the state of washington. which he is right legally. she is freedom of religion but there's a non-discrimination law in washington, you don't that. >> yeah, but can the state force a business to sell something to a customer? >> i don't think so. >> that's the part that is really oogy to me. >> there are other florists. >> yes, and in most cases people would take their business
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elsewhere. >> stephanie: but what if they send dead flowers. we'll debate it when we get back. eighth teen minutes after the hour. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: it's not radio. it's "stephanie miller show." ♪
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this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ these are such good times ♪ ♪ leave your cares behind ♪ ♪ these are such good times ♪
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>> stephanie: twenty-three minutes after the hour. talking about this washington state florist who is being sued for refusing to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding. you made a good point about whether you could be forced to sell something. but you can. those are the state's anti-discrimination laws. >> a lunch counter has to seat both black and white people. >> stephanie: yes. she wrote on her facebook page when it came to doing it wedding i said i could not do it because of my relationship with jesus christ. he said he understood gave me a hug and left. the man was upset by the experience because it was somebody i knew. it was eating at our souls.
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there was never a question she would be the ones who could do our flowers. the attorney general gave her a chance to reconsider and she said no. and he said i have to uphold the laws of the state. >> stephanie: what are those signs -- >> we reserve the right to refuse service to anybody. >> stephanie: right. and in washington state you cannot. so interesting topic. all i'm saying. >> yeah. hum. >> stephanie: all right. queen bee in tennessee. chris it's your girlfriend. >> hey, queen bee. >> caller: hi y'all. hello, sexy chris. >> hey, queen bee. >> stephanie: oh geez. go ahead. >> caller: so many times i have to call and apologize for our
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stupid senator, but yesterday they voted to go ahead on the gun thing. so the two devils get their due today. >> stephanie: the two tennessee devils get their due today. kevin in maryland has sex-somnia. good morning, kevin. >> caller: hi there. i never knew it was a disorder. i got compliments on it there most of the time. >> stephanie: are you married kevin? >> caller: yep. yep. >> stephanie: and your wife never says really honey? really? >> caller: i don't remember a thing. they are the ones tell meg about it. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: good story. stick with that story. i think that's wise. dana in maryland. hi, dana. >> caller: good morning, guys how are you. i missed john? he is not there yet? >> stephanie: he is coming in in a couple of minutes. >> caller: i was going to talk
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to him and you guys about -- first of all i'm so sad i can't be at the show. and i told mary in ann arbor to get a group and grope photo for me. so she is going to try. so i hope you guys have a great show, break a leg, love you. >> stephanie: thank you, sweety. what is your point? >> caller: yeah, i was just talking about the gun thing and how dumbed down our society is and what we watch on tv. and there is a new show called gun-tuckey. >> stephanie: really? >> caller: yeah, and i'm proud to say i have never seen honey boo boo. it's these redneck, nra-loving segregation -- >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: it's just -- this is what we're watching on
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television? >> stephanie: i know. it is contributing, somebody is going to name a show herp derp. >> of course. >> stephanie: we're going to let our farts in a second y'all. >> i fell asleep with the tv on a couple of nights ago, and woke up to something called duck dynasty, and these men are in the swamps and hunt ducks -- >> that's the show? >> i'm like people are entertained by this? >> stephanie: really for an hour, just -- [ gunfire ] >> got another one! [ gun cocks ] [ gunfire ] >> stephanie: but it's a family, and they fight with each other too. >> over the ducks? maybe somebody should sick a beaver on them. >> stephanie: yeah. hey, jerry, welcome. >> caller: hey momma, when are
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you going to come to motown. >> stephanie: we have got to get it back on the schedule. go ahead. >> caller: one of the big rationals of the gun lobby is they'll try to make these apples and oranges comparisons. more people are killed by hammer blows than assault weapons. >> stephanie: right. a guy called said feet. more people were killed by feet. which i distrust that statistic. >> caller: it's hard to massacre with a knife or something. you heard about the knife attack in texas, and i thought i'll bet you -- i'll bet you the gun lobby is going to compare that -- why don't we outlaw knives? >> stephanie: yeah, let's compare it. nobody dead. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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♪ >> you know there's something unusually repulsive about -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- i don't know what it is. >> stephanie: so much. where to begin? thirty-four minutes after the hour. fridays, you know what that means. ♪ fugelsang is just all right with me ♪ >> stephanie: >> good morning, children.
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great chicago eve. i'm very excited to see you tomorrow. >> stephanie: you are flying out today, right? >> i am. >> stephanie: we were just talking -- chris says you have a great piece that you wrote about the washington state flower case. >> i sure do. >> stephanie: what do you think? >> all of these right-wing christian homophobes you know and love them. i heard you as i came into the studio here talking about [ inaudible ]. the guy's name is rob ingersol. he always goes to her to send nowers to his fiance. and she has always happily
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handled all of his big gay needs. the good news for chris i don't know homophobes is that jesus never once said a single negative thing about gay people. we had bill donohue of the catholic league last night -- >> stephanie: oh, how did that go? >> i made him focus on what is in scripture and i got him to admit that jesus never says a single negative thing about against consenting adults. and they try to use matthew 19 but that whole piece is jesus saying that divorce is wrong, because back then a guy could throw his wife out when he no longer delighted in her -- >> stephanie: and when does that
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ever happen? >> yeah jesus was saying marriage is supposed to be for life. and i think women have a lot more options on that now. but we wish -- >> stephanie: that's what men are the most afraid of, women with options. [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> exactly. if you care about protecting marriage stop fighting gay marriage and start fighting straight divorce, you hypocrites. i'll send you guys the bill donohue thing. he knew nothing about the bible. >> stephanie: i can never tell if i have won a debate with him, because he always debates some hypothetical thing that would
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never happen. i'm like what in >> if you let a man marry a man, it is going to lead to marry a dog. >> stephanie: yeah, and this guy, background checks will lead to genocide like in rwanda. >> really? like the background checks you have to have to be an armed guard in a school like wayne ferreira wants the government to fund. >> stephanie: right. to get on a plane, and i'm not flying the friggin' thing. jeff duncan took to fare mongering to new levels a facebook post that compared expanding background checks to the rwandan genocide.
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he said read about the genocide. all tootsy tribe members are required to register with the government. since the government had the names and addresses of nearly all tootsies living in rwanda, the killers could go door-to-door slaughtering the tootties. >> the tootsies got rolled apparently. >> stephanie: exactly. joe biden explained there's no place in the federal government not a single place, and find out who owns a gun. [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: but thank you for your thoughts. >> helicopters! >> stephanie: excuse me? !
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helicopters! they are coming to get our guns! oh, i told them i have guns! >> the second amendment is to defend the american government not assault the american government. they are talking about something that is never going to happen and the second amendment was not written for. your well-regulated militia is you are entitled to all of the muscots you are stockpile. >> stephanie: that's right. jean in madison. >> caller: good morning, i support the attorney general in the washington case because what would be the difference between this case and the african-americans that were refused service at the lunch
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counters in the south. discrimination is discrimination, and she refused to serve them because they are gay. she owns a business. she has to apply for permits and abide by the rules of the state, and cannot discriminate based on anybody's -- >> stephanie: yeah, that's a good -- for all y'all state's rights people that is the law in the state of washington. what about all of the states where it is legal to fire someone for being gay. >> that's exactly right. i own a small business a health care business that i treat patients. i can't refuse to take care of a patient based on anything race sex, whatever -- and i wouldn't expect a business to discriminate based on same-sex or color or whatever. >> stephanie: we were discussing the legality of the signs that say we reserve the right to
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refuse service to anybody. >> but that's because it is not based on a group of things. >> right if this woman said i refuse because of something else -- but she gave the reason because they are gay. >> in wisconsin you are fire at will. i can fire an employee just because i want to fire an employee, i can't fire them because they are gay or black or whatever. >> someone wrote a saying that the right to refuse service has to do with behavior or other issues not related to things that a person cannot change. >> stephanie: if i ever fired you, chris there would be so many reasons they would not be able to stop myself. you would be like why? and i would be like well there was the time you called me the c word! >> right. and it's all backed up too.
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>> stephanie: yeah. why are you firing me? >> rand paul went on rachels show three years ago and says he supports the civil rights act, but private business should be allowed to deny service if they want. it's their business. this is america. he seems to have forgotten he said that when he made his really weird speech at howard university this week. i give him credit for going there -- >> stephanie: was there a good lunch counter near there? >> exactly. he said i have always supported the civil rights act completely. this guy doesn't even support the americans with disabilities act. >> what is this thing on the sidewalk on the corner -- >> stephanie: yeah. who do they think they are.
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>> can i just walk right over the curb. >> why do they get a colorful space and i don't get one. i'm discriminated against. it's like they are from avatar. summer from madison, go ahead. >> caller: i wanted to touch base on gun control and background checks. we are a really forgetful country, i think, and i think most of us rely on the news to keep issues in the forefront of our minds, and i -- i just can't believe that anybody could be against keeping americans safe -- or safer, i guess, by implementing a simple thing that can keep things from you know, getting worse. >> exactly. well, that comes to the talk of exploitation.
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now they are saying why are you exploiting these 21 dead kids to advance your anti-gun agenda. >> caller: yeah. >> if i ever get massacred by preventible gun violence, exploit the crap out of my death. >> stephanie: i will. [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: i have already prewritten your eulogy. you would not believe how many times i name drop your name in your eulogy. stephanie miller feels so badly about the guy -- >> bob dole is going to say don't do it on the third person.
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>> stephanie: forty-five minutes after the hour that's why he makes me name it fridays with fugelsang on what is presumably the "stephanie miller show." >> i got her number off of the men's room stall, 1-800-steph-1-2. now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ going make me lose my mind up in here, up in here ♪ ♪ y'all going to make go all out, up in here up in here ♪ ♪ y'all going to make me lose my cool, up in here up in here ♪
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>> stephanie: yeah. "stephanie miller show." up in here. fifty minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2. fridays with sexy liberal john fugelsang. let's go to alan in texas. >> caller: good morning. i just wondered couldn't we have some kind of national id. the republicans say they want to make it harder to vote but yet, they want to make it easier to buy guns. you could have your criminal record on there, and also your voter eligibility on there. i mean it's -- it just seems like they would satisfy the people in arizona that want -- we could have an id on ya, and you just swipe your card when you vote and you swipe your card when you go buy a gun. >> you and your evil logic. >> yeah. conservatives hate the idea of a national id.
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>> yes they do but they also think we need to have a mental health registry, but no gun registry because that violates privacy rights. >> stephanie: that's right. comedy jesus? >> yes, my child? >> stephanie: thank you. >> come on to me. >> stephanie: don't i always on the road in my point is -- one of the rules on the road. >> a boy can dream. >> stephanie: you have heard in north carolina them trying to enshrine a state religion. one of the north carolina state representatives to cosponsored the bill to declare an official state religion, she was asked why she was so adamant, and asked in the same vein -- her name is michelle preznel, was
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asked if she would if she would be a public prayer to ala, and she said no i do not condone terrorism. >> ala is the arabic name for god. >> yeah. it is actually the same god. they should have asked her if she would be comfortable to jehovah, or yaway. >> stephanie: right. she said we need to take a stand on our religious freedom or it will be whisked away from us. social security obviously, much being debated. nancy pelosi has joined obama as a target of liberal's anger over the budget.
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john i'm sure you have been covering this. president obama of course an old hand at absorbing attacks from his left plank. nancy pelosi has said -- you know -- what do they call progressive change committee, they have lit in to her publicly for not opposing the president's proposal. allan grayson -- >> he was on my show two nights ago. >> stephanie: right. but he said something interesting. he said congress woman christine pelosi has a 30-year history of being against cuts. he argued that pelosi's leadership role regularly puts her in a delicate and awkward re
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relationship with the white house. >> there's a smart part about this, and a dumb part about this, and again, the democratic party is never shy about throwing liberals under the bus when it serves them. and it's actually good strategy to show the american people that the democratic issue are -- >> stephanie: americans could bbt n't be clearer. >> yeah, and the president said he is only doing it to offer a compromise to the republicans. but what obama has done that is smart is drawn battle lines. and it's the democrats and liberals who care about protecting their social security, and the republicans want to gut it. now for the rest of time
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republicans can try to cut social security by saying a liberal democratic president tried the same thank. >> stephanie: senator bernie sanders. >> in 2008 he said he would not cut social security. we want the president to remember what he said and not go back on his word. >> yeah! [ applause ] >> stephanie: friend of the "stephanie miller show," keith ellison, of the great state of minnesota, he had an interesting attack, because he urged liberals to not waste your time trying to defeat this thing. and none of us are for it. of course i agree with what elizabeth warren had to say about it. did you see her at the foreclosure thing -- [ giggling ] >> stephanie: that's a bipartisan orgasm sound. >> elizabeth warren can put
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forth a progressive point of view in such plain simple moral speak that i haven't seen a politician do it since howard dean. >> stephanie: yeah, a guy called yesterday, and said i would like you to talk at length about foreclosure, and i'm like, snore. but when i hear her talk about it -- i'm like oh that is a way that we can understand what the banks have really done to us. >> there is an article that talks about things you can do that will save money in better ways. close loopholes, cut overseas military bases -- >> it all adds up to a lot of
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money. >> stephanie: yep. albert in tucson welcome. >> caller: hello. i wanted to make a comment on that gentlemen who said regular citizens need assault weapons because they are the only thing that can penetrate body armor. right, the crack agent will slip on their body armor before they come in and take your flat screen tvs and alcohol. give me a break. [ applause ] >> stephanie: he is the top of the smart list today. john fugelsang relates with us right? for another half hour for fridays with fugelsang as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: hello, current tv land hour number 3. nurse jacki? >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: it is another boring edition of jacki is always right about everything. you were saying blame the bad actors, who in a lot of cases are the insurance companies how about this the ceo's pay more than tripled from last year. i guess that's why they had to
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triple our premiums out here in california. >> yeah, i tweeted out a link to a usa article that talked about how the prices were going up and employers had to cut back for like a decade now. so this has been going on for a long time, and hopefully the affordable care act will help especially small businesses be able to afford it. >> stephanie: all right. health bot i wound you up too fast. time for news. >> good morning, organizing for action which are raised $4.8 million last quarter to help promote the president's second-term priorities, is teaming up with mayors against illegal guns this weekend. they are holding events to send a message to congress that they have not forgotten the victims of gun violence and they are
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manning action. with over 90% of americans in support of background checks. new york representative pete king says he and representative mike thompson will have a house version of the senate compromise on background checks available early next week. he expects a number of republicans to support the measure if it comes up for a vote in the house. a bipartisan immigration reform bill may leave out hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants. the legislation has explained that anyone who came to the u.s. after december 31st, 2011 would not be allowed to apply for legal status and earn citizenship. and the bill would ask say that anyone seeking citizenship would have to prove they were here
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before 2011, have a financial record, and enough financial stability to stay off of welfare. we're back after the break. stay with us. compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. happy friday sexy liberal john fugelsang in the new york bureau with us and then we're all off to chicago for sexy liberal tomorrow night. chicago theater very very
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exciting. i have a picture of audra and kate heading to the airport. john fugelsang we were just talking to jacki at the top of the hour about the aetna ceo, steph back in december 2012 the ceo of aetna insurance blamed obamacare for increased health care premiums turned out his salary almost tripled. what a douche. ♪ you are an idiot ♪ >> stephanie: yeah, we have to tighten our belts, and cut social security and medicare -- and he got this huge taxpayer bailout, and he is like we just can't afford it, sorry people. >> employees were asked to give
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up vacations within aetna to. >> stephanie: he said this is a worthy cause, but somebody has got to pay for it but certainly not me. i'm not giving up my right to have my salary quadrupled. we were talk about elizabeth warren which makes jim make this sound. [ sound effects ] >> daddy like. >> daddy like? >> i like democrats who act like democrats. >> stephanie: how come women democrats always have the biggest sets? i don't know. she is the greatest courtroom lawyer ever? isn't she john? >> it's very awkward for all of my hilary-loving friends, because i am already voting for
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elizabeth warren in 2014. >> stephanie: yes. two senator levied an attack on [ inaudible ] refusing to disclose what they know about the failed foreclosure review program that ended abruptly this year, yet you don't hear people do follow-up questions like business let warren. >> now there's talk about the bank actually raiding the depositor's accounts. >> stephanie: right. elizabeth warren perhaps the senate's most effective cross examiner said you made a decision to protect the banks, but not help the families who were illegally foreclosed on.
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she went on you nokeses where the banks broke the laws, but you are not going to tell the home owners. kout transparency we cannot have any confidence in your oversight that markets are working correctly. it is just -- i love it. it if nothing less john it's not business as usual in washington anymore with elizabeth warren there. >> exactly. we know you really can't become president fighting against this phenomenon, and it's great to see some of the elected official officials work for the american people. it's great to see people. and again, you ever notice?
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it's only the real true conservatives and real true liberals who have the guts to talk about this. >> stephanie: exactly. [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: the bank people now have to actually sweat profusely -- you'll being questioned by elizabeth warren. >> every time you hear a conservative saying the financial meltdown happened because of people not being able to afore the mortgages they were getting. no. no. no. the banks new these mortgages would fail because they wanted to gamble on it. >> stephanie: i believe john in amherst has explained the mortgage crisis before jim. >> it's a room full of black guys. that's the problem right there. >> stephanie: elizabeth warren noted that regulators had given a number of conflicting answers. listen to this the federal
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reserve, initially said errors were detected in 6.5% of the loans, if you had believed that the banks had broken the law in 90% of the cases, -- he said our priority is getting cash to borrowers. and after a few more minutes of back and forth, warren said the number is critical the 6.5 is a made-up number. what is the right number? how can you decide what is the appropriate amount for a bank settlement? >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: she's spectacular. [ applause ] >> stephanie: and then he said hum-nah, hum nah, hum nah.
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lowell in michigan on this florist case. >> caller: yes, we really miss you up here. and i just know you are going to put on a good show tomorrow but, yeah, i remember, as that sign applies to michigan restaurants, taverns bars drunken disorderly conduct, and beauty operators, i guess if you have a severe case of head lice they can refuse you. >> stephanie: oh, yeah. >> caller: so that's my take on him. but boy what a pleasure having john fugelsang. >> stephanie: isn't he a delight, sir. >> there is an am catholic radio station out of new york, and
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john fugelsang was the host. >> wasn't that amazing? >> caller: i was stunned. >> stephanie: yeah, the pope was being entirely too popy. he was saying too many things that jesus said and that makes people apple-plexic. >> apple plectic. >> stephanie: steve in indiana on the gun issue. hi, steve. >> caller: hi i'm from [ inaudible ] indiana. last tuesday the general assembly was pleased to invite gun manufacturers in gun hostile state to relocate to indiana. on tuesday, which was april 2nd, the bipartisan state rules committee voted 11-0 for senator resolution 61, detailing
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indiana's pro business and pro gun laws and regulations, and encouraging companies to make or deal small [ inaudible ] to the state. i want to see indiana become silicone valley of the firearm's industry said the senator republican -- >> stephanie: yeah, they always use this chicago argument. someone just sent me a chart. it's so easy to see which states have gun laws, and how many fewer gun laws there are. >> exactly. >> and that's why the majority of americans want a national standard. it's like people are trying -- and you want to tell us that we are exploiting these deaths? we're not -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> we're preventing the next one. >> stephanie: yep. chad in missouri. hello, chad? >> caller: good morning.
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i just wanted to say a good word about the nra while i disagree strongly with this -- the spokesman and all of the negative stuff about people need machine guns. they don't. we don't need machine guns but when i was a kid, i was in the [ inaudible ] and the nra, you know, they taught gun safety you know, how to be safe -- >> that's what it used to be. >> that's one good thing that the nra does. >> absolutely. >> caller: and you know -- yeah that's what they seem to be about, you know -- but kind of -- cultural skwit friendia the red and the blue, where is the purple at? >> stephanie: chad, the nra used to be for background checks. they are literally not for any gun regulation of any kind now are they? >> no because they don't represent their their members
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anymore. they represent the gun manufacturers. the one thing they sell is fear and they lie to their members -- and i'm on their mailing list, i get their lies of eric holder and taking away your guns every day. they drive up the fear which drives up the sales and they drive up massacres of children. >> stephanie: oh, you are so beautiful when you are angry. >> i'm going to hit on you so hard tomorrow. >> stephanie: um! >> what does the lovely and talented mrs. fugelsang think about that? >> she thinks i'm going to strike out. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: right back on the "stephanie miller show." [ laughter ] ♪ >> i don't get it. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ to fill you up and keep you moving,
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whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go!
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this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. ♪
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ try try, try to let it slide ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." twenty-one minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. sexy liberal john fugelsang in the new york bureau for us and then off to chicago, raise a glass, tomorrow. >> it will be a heck of a show. ♪ it's the stephanie miller sexy liberal show in chicago ♪ ♪ right, right, we're going to party saturday night ♪ ♪ sexy liberal ♪ ♪ i love it all too much come on turn the radio up where's momma at ♪ ♪ come on raise your glass to
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stephanie, sexy liberal ♪ ♪ all around the world ♪ ♪ they will never be never be, anything but proud, sexy liberal, all around the world ♪ ♪ so raise your glass and be proud, you sexy liberals ♪ ♪ all around the world ♪ ♪ raise your glass ♪ >> stephanie: there is audra and kate in the minneapolis airport. just a handful of tickets left. >> this is the only show in the midwest. >> stephanie: that's correct. >> so i would get in my car right now and start driving towards chicago. >> stephanie: kid rock on republicans now. i'm [ censor bleep ] embarrassed. because of ticket fees, which we know a little something about, john fugelsang. trying to keep ticket prices at $20. we always try to keep a group of
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tickets really affordable -- >> and these days it's practically impossible. >> stephanie: right. but he says he hasn't been completely successful because of fees. he said it's [ censor bleep ] republican lawmakers passing -- >> i don't want to hear from this half talent. >> stephanie: i know. by the way so now he says he is more of a libertarian and not in bed with anybody. >> libertarian means embarrassed republican. there's hepatitis c that doesn't want to be seen with kid rock. >> stephanie: david welcome.
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>> caller: my mother and your mother share a birthday as well as a rigid ideology. >> stephanie: awesome. >> caller: i'm calling to remind your listeners to remember to record the nra 500 put on by nascar which is being run tomorrow night in texas. >> stephanie: i'm sure that was everybody's second choice if they couldn't get a ticket to sexy liberal. 47% approve, 48% disapproval of the president. obviously the budget battles but the trend is not unusual. george busch and bill clinton
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experienced similar dips in approval. when you see how hard it is to get anything done, you can't help -- there are days i'm like i hate everybody. >> no, you don't. you don't hate anybody. >> she just hates the nay sayers. >> some days i just hate people. >> stephanie: you know who you are. >> you know what gorge harrison said [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: i just a mean the fact that this is now progress -- >> if you have to hate someone hate harry reid. >> stephanie: listen, i have thrown a little his way. >> he has earned it. although he has 1/10th of phil buster reform. >> stephanie: bob welcome. >> caller: it is an honor to talk to john fugelsang. he is my hero. >> thank you so much. that's very kind.
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>> caller: i never miss a night of viewpoint and wish you would do a greatest hiss on that. i just retired from a local college teaching forrest management. many of these students would seek out positions across the country, and they would have go through a month-long intense background check, and we would be called as character witnesses, and they would grill us for 30, 40 minutes on these students that wanted these positions that they would carry a gun, and once they are hired they have to go through a six-week training of basic law enforcement and gun safety. it doesn't make any sense to me that law enforcement officials have to go through such strining gent training and billy joe can
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walk down the street buy and gun, and we don't have to know him. [overlapping speakers] >> caller: i think you are gravely mistaken you the white house, and main stream media are gravely mistaken when you characterize the social security issue as a fight between the president and his liberal base. >> i can't characterize it that way. >> caller: moderates, centrists, conservatives, and independents care about their social security. >> stephanie: that's right. >> caller: the [ inaudible ] is not a -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> that's the biggest problem. i agree with stephanie, of course that this is never going to happen. it is never going to be the law. but there are two facts you got to keep in mind one is that can bait obama told the aarp he
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would never let it happen and now that he has proposed it for the rest of our lives we will have republicans say a democratic president proposed the same thing. >> stephanie: mark, the way you stop that is by getting more democrats in in 2014. >> yeah. >> stephanie: you have mike thomasky on all the time? >> yeah. he is the coolest man. and he is a big beatle freak. all of my fan crushes now, are regulars on "viewpoint," and i'm -- my -- my gay tbq is going up. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. and all of the boys and girls will be going wild tomorrow night when he is on stage. we'll see you then honey. >> i'm going to rip the place up. it will be blood on the walls.
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have safe travel. >> stephanie: there will be comedy blood at the sexy liberal. honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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♪ >> each month you'll receive a classic american bimbo lovingly hand crafted, jessica hahn donna rice robin givens even -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> stephanie: thank you. we're so excited to have timonthy kurek in studio with us. good morning, tim. >> good morning. >> stephanie: oh, you need a microphone and head phones and other things we have here on
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radio. >> thanks for having me. >> stephanie: this is a fascinating story particularly with all of the stuff being debated at the supreme court, this book is about you coming out exploring life as a gay man in the lbgt community. explain what it is. >> i don't know if any of your listeners are familiar with black like me or any of those men who came to dinner that kind of thing. i understood went the same experience. i wanted to have my religious experienced turned back on me. so i game out as gay. >> stephanie: but you are not gay? >> no, i'm not. >> stephanie: you are tricky. you were raised with the confines of a strict conservative christian
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household. and a good friend of yours came out as a lesbian, and told me how her family rejected her. >> she was completely ex-communicated anybody. her dad said he wasn't going to pay for the education of a faggot daughter, and her mom said come back when you are fixed. and i'm not doing much to help her. because she is telling me, and i'm thinking they should have explained it better, explained to her how she's an abomination without making her feel like an abomination. >> stephanie: that is much more comforting, yeah. >> so i realized wow, you really need to reexamine this and question what you have been taught, because it sounds more like you have this religious programming than you are listening to this god you claim to follow. >> stephanie: let me just say that was not so bad.
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most guys would try to hit on you then. you are really vulnerable you know what, i can help you with that. but you say you decided the only way to fully understand and empathize was to walk in the shoes of people like her. people you were taught to shun. so you decided to come out as a gay man to everyone in your life to see how that label of gay would impact your life. so how was that? >> first of all i want to say i'm not -- the book is not being gay. i'm not qualified to right that book. i could only experience how the label would impact my life. i got some of the typical responses, where i was rejected openly. the -- the dominant response was to not respond and ignore me and just cut me out of my life. and that was the most painful thing that i experienced during the year. dr. king said it's the silence
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of our friends. and that silence was really deafening. >> stephanie: did you go back with ashton kucher and say punked! >> no, when i came out as straight at the end of the year i was legitimately coming out as much as a straight guy ever has i think. but it was something i took very seriously, and explained to all of the people i said i was gay too -- >> stephanie: were many angry? >> the lbgt friends of mine are still very close so they completely accepted me. they -- probably not an excuse i would throw around but they all said we pretended to be straight for a time, so your motivations were good. >> stephanie: we can help you with pronouns and stuff. we can help you with editing.
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[ laughter ] >> stephanie: but did they feel tricked -- was this anger? some that you exposed as bigots did they feel -- >> none of the conservatives that i write about, i still haven't talked to them. once they cut me out of their life, they cut me out of their life, and i decided i didn't want them in my life anymore. >> stephanie: you haven't gotten invitations to barbecues or -- >> no, i haven't. >> stephanie: was there anger at all? did you find any anger in the gay community? >> i found a lot more anger from the people who don't know me. obviously it's a sensitive issue, and i represent what has hurt so many people.
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i am a straight white male from the south that was raised a conservative christian. we thought jerry fallwell was a liberal. and when i went to a christian college they thought it was going to corrupt me and i would become too worldly. so i have definitely encountered some people who were skeptical. i was watching your twitter feed and one of the responses was you are either gay or you are not. and a lot of people think i'm trying to profit the pain of lbgt individuals.
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and i would say, you write a book about it and see how much you profit. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: what did it teach you about your faith? because that's why you did it? >> yeah, the biggest lesson i learned was i was always taught that homosexuality and christianity were exclusive. and i feel like i have gotten to see and appreciate god's diversity than ever before in my life. >> stephanie: we have been talking about this florist in washington state who refused to do flowers for a gay wedding. and she is being sued by the state of washington because it's illegal to discriminate on the
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basis of sexual orientation. what are your thoughts on that? >> they are flowers. i understand why she is coming from, but at the same point, i think she should have just done the wedding. now lawsuits are kind of a hairy deal, and so i'm hesitant in any situation to sue unless there's medical malpractice or something along those lines, but i think there will be a lot of situations like that popping up over the next few years until' quality is just accepted. >> stephanie: what are your thoughts on the debates around the supreme court? >> oh, gosh, i hope doma gets struck down in a heart beat. and did prop 8 get kicked back? >> stephanie: no decisions yet. >> i wrote a piece for the "huffington post" about that. and i was talking about lazy religion and how that impacts
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this armchair activism mind set. >> stephanie: we were saying they used the same arguments about interracial marriage. >> oh, yeah you can use the bible to condemn anybody you want to. >> you can hit somebody in the head with it. >> absolutely. but i think they are going to rule -- i think they will overturn doma, i think they will kick prop 8 back out here. and washington just made gay marriage legal. the story in the news right now that i had been more focused on was the one in missouri about the guy who was escorted out of the hospital and now there's a restraining order. he didn't visit his husband in the hospital. >> stephanie: right because of the family. that is ridiculous. i don't care what you believe on homosexuality, i care that you
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are not an a-hole to others. >> stephanie: i'm not sure what chapter jesus said that in, but -- >> yeah, don't be a jerk. my jesus turned water into strong wine for his first act. >> stephanie: desmond tootoo said tim's personal journey and awakening is evident of changes taking place everywhere. "the cross in the closet" is a gift to us all. that meant a lot to you. >> oh absolutely. his teachings i am because you are, and this concept that we're all bundled together and we can't really be ourselves unless we allow another to be another.
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this is so much -- >> stephanie: did you just quote neil diamond to me? [ laughter ] >> no. ♪ i am i said ♪ >> no neil diamond here. maybe get into cher or lady gaga gaga. >> stephanie: you did pretend to be gay for a year -- >> oh, yeah i learned it well. i will never listen to beyonce again. all of the single ladies makes me curl up into the fetal positions. >> if you were in dance clubs dancing with other guys, did you stop them from going too far? >> i had a pretend boyfriend -- >> stephanie: me too! [ laughter ] >> the great thing about my pretend boyfriend was that he was black and gay, and i was in
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the south, and i thought i'll kill two birds with one stone. but i would just say listen, i got a boyfriend. but usually i don't really care i was just in dallas at this bar called the round up, and i had a bunch of guys come by and pinch me on the butt and i'm not in the experience, and they are like hey darling. and i'm like hey! i didn't even care that is just a gay handshake. when i was straight and pretty homophobic, but it's a compliment if you are hit on by anybody. >> stephanie: tim are you mare sflid >> no, i just started dating a girl in seattle. >> congratulations. >> yeah, i'm excited about that. we'll see where that goes. no pressure.
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she is listening right now. >> stephanie: there are so many issues coming out, particularly about some nfl players coming out, because it's america, that's probably going to be a big thing. >> i hope it is. i hope everybody who is in the closet comes out, because i only experienced a closet for a year and i had a time limit, but the repression and the depression that i faced was unreal. being single is one thing, but you have got that help that hey, you could be walking down the produce aisle in the grocery store and bump into the love of your life. when you are in the closet you can't do that. you look at your feet being scared to death that somebody is going to find you out. >> stephanie: how was the fake decaying process, did you just play this all day? ♪
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>> i think that life kind of -- everything was off kilter for a while. i had no sense of equilibrium, and i spent most of my nights early on crying my eyes out, because i felt so isolated and alone, and after the experiment ended, it was a shock to be back out and be in a position where i could be myself, so this experience and experiment taught me more about myself than anything ever has. >> stephanie: do you find yourself going out of the house going these shoes are awful -- oh it doesn't matter. i'm straight. >> i have more my inner queen like my friends say you know, i'm sorry, but that skirt is just atrocious. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i love it when a straight man says that. the book is "the cross in the closet." tim always a pleasure, we'll see
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you again real soon. >> absolutely. >> stephanie: we'll be right back with the remaining moments of the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: it's not radio, it's "stephanie miller show." ♪ ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ my milk shake brings all of the boys to the yard and damn right it's better than yours, damn right it's better than you'res ♪ ♪ i can teach you, but i have to charge ♪ >> stephanie: you know you want it. thank you william.
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fifty-three minutes after the hour. this hour brought to you by fair breast mouthwash and toothpaste. how awesome is tim? >> tim is great. >> stephanie: author of "the cross in the closet." this is in a totally unrelated story, ben affleck admits it's not easy watching michael douglas kiss matt damon. he said pretty jealous, i can't stand it. >> have you seen the trailer for it. glitter might as well be coming out of your screen. sequence just being flung on to your carpet. >> i have to say, oh this is too gay. >> but it looks really good. >> stephanie: yeah, i have heard it is going to be fabulous. >> liberace made that guy get plastic surgery to look more
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like liberace. >> stephanie: his partner? >> yes. it's the craziest thing. >> oh my god! >> there were a lot of control issues going on in that relationship. >> stephanie: some control is hot, but really? self involved much? they say partners start to look alike, but that is a little much. [♪ mysterious music ♪] >> this guy was also quite a bit younger than liberace. >> stephanie: yes. ellen degeneres has been numbered 2 on the power out list. apparently i'm not on here. [ wah wah ] >> stephanie: but good for her. marcus bachmann -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: no, this is actually about michele bachmann.
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she has fled another interview. she had a joint press conference, and she was supposed to be talking about medicare and when reporters began to ask about the ethics investigation, her staff recoiled, closing ranks around the congress woman and whisker -- whisking her out of the room. she likes to scat that one. >> she's a skeert. >> stephanie: adrian in chicago. hi adrian. >> caller: hey, stephanie. two things really quick. i wanted to talk about the flourest and the da in
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washington state. this sounds like a civil right's case, and i think he has got a good case. folks are talking about the a lunch counter deal, but we just had a justice of the peace that didn't want to marry an interracial couple. >> stephanie: yeah. it is the law in washington state. if gay people can be fired for being gay, and that's the law. [ inaudible ] in illinois. you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: the same is actually zari. >> stephanie: i am zari that i mispronounced it. >> caller: oh, gosh, i have never heard that. i am so excited because tomorrow i'll be basking in the light of two progressive women, starting with rachel maddow -- >> stephanie: it's a sexy liberal implosion tomorrow i
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know. >> caller: right. and then with you. and you were talking about prices of tickets before. >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: i bought -- i'm like third row you know past the super, super duper right next to the stage. >> stephanie: oh you are going to get groped and dna on you. control i just can't wait. >> stephanie: if can't wait to see you. i will definitely be groping you in some inappropriate fashion. >> i will be the if i recall half breed armenian that was groped. [ bell chimes ] >> stephanie: all right. kids there might be a teeny tiny few tickets left for sexy liberal tomorrow. we cannot wait. and we will see you monday on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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