tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current April 22, 2013 6:00am-9:00am PDT
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: any way jim so i'm saying to jacki schechner when she's in my bed yesterday morning along with a bunch of other people -- >> what? >> stephanie: i'm sorry the camera is on. >> along with a bunch of other people? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: little titillating. i had a dinner party saturday night and it had more to do with -- jacki, we all partied a little hardy. it was a big slumber party. >> very responsible in l.a. if
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you're going to consume too many adult beverages to make the decision not to drive so that's what we did. lucky enough, stephanie has a home that's decorated like a bed and breakfast and you can pick your room. >> stephanie: exactly. just saying. not what you thought. >> would you like the naked marilyn photograph room. would you like the country breakfast room? >> stephanie: all right. anyway, i was trying to get jim's attention. good morning jacki. thank god it was a slow "newsweek" last week. >> we have lily tomlin today. >> stephanie: here's jacki schechner. >> happy monday. governor deval patrick is asking massachusetts residents to honor a moment of silence today in honor of the victims of last monday's bombings at the finish line of the boston marathon. the one minute of quiet followed by a ringing of bells will take place at 2:50 p.m. eastern time. that is the time the explosions happened that killed three and wounded more than 175 others. at the london marathon
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yesterday, runners and spectators honored a half minute to pay tribute to those impacted here in boston last week. also, some of the runners wore black ribbons on their vests in tribute. dzhokhar tsarnaev is in serious but stable condition. he has a gunshot wound to his neck. so far he has been unable to speak to authorities but is reportedly responding sporadically and writing to questions. police captured tsarnaev in a dramatic fashion on friday night in a boat in a backyard in watertown, massachusetts. federal prosecutors could file criminal charges against him as early as today. they are questioning tsarnaev under a public safety exemption which means he doesn't have the right to remain silent because they believe there is an imminent threat to the public. however, when exemption expires there are some members of congress republican members of
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congress calling on authorities to declare him an enemy combatant and hold him for 30 days in order to continue to interrogate him. we're back with more show after the break. stay with us. (vo) earth day isn't just for tree huggers, it's a wake up call to mankind. celebrate earth day with an afternoon of documentaries about the planet we all share. >> what are the forces that are blocking change? (vo) and stay tuned at 2 eastern for an exclusive premiere of leonardo dicaprio's award winning film, the 11th hour. >> we face a convergence of crises, all of which are a concern for life.
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very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. john fugelsang: if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything
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here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern. >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walk on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and its a time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: well, let's hope it is as slow a news week this week as last week. i did our sister station
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coverage friday. >> sister station? >> incoherent babbling. i'm not sure i made any sense at all. >> how is she? the sister station? >> stephanie: hot. 50,000 watt hot. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. >> so you were on the air as it was ending pretty much. >> stephanie: yes. >> wow. >> stephanie: what a week. what a day friday. yikes. and then as if it wasn't a hard enough week, what's on the cover of my "parade" magazine? george and laura. [ screaming ] >> welcome to my library. >> stephanie: i got a new libary. >> you're the only one who saw that because nobody gets "parade" magazine in an actual paper. >> stephanie: what's up with pickles bush? friends and i were speculating what her life was like. hey, i made another picture another picture of me naked. >> here is a pick of me sitting
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on the toile. >> like living with an 8-year-old. >> stephanie: okay george, i'll put this one on the refrim rater. >> here is a picture of a dukey i made. >> wouldn't he paint a picture of howard huge? >> stephanie: makes. >> new dog. this one has macaroni and sparkles on it. here! how many times do you think she said christ, would you get a job? not running anything. just something. whataburger, something. >> something where you can't do any damage like a fertilizer plant. >> stephanie: too soon. >> can we talk about the zoning laws in texas? >> stephanie: lack of government regulation! they had like a zillion times more -- than you're allowed to have and how many feet from a school! >> a school and a nursing home! that shouldn't happen! >> stephanie: i can't remember the number. i'll get to it. hello!
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that's rand paul's libertarian pair dice. fertilizer plant with however many tons you want. >> near an active fault zone. >> stephanie: hmm? anyway so obviously lots of breaking news left and right. you were saying the latest i guess is that the -- dzhokhar. i feel like i'm in the cone head sketch. dzhokhar. he is responding to written questions. he's not talking yet. >> he has a wound in their neck. they're not sure if it was self-inflicted. a tube down his neck but he can write. so he is answering questions. >> stephanie: so no word about what we're finding out or not so far. but anyway, so far from dzhokhar. sorry. i'm a little punchy from last week. >> that was a help of a news
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newsweek. >> like the onion said, cheese us this week. >> stephanie: really? what else now. speaking of what else now rude pundit coming up at the bottom of the hour. eric boehlert and the legendary lily tomlin. you cannot say lily tomlin without ledge indary in front of it. >> tom brokaw to introduce lily tomlin. the legendary lily tomlin. >> stephanie: i will have you do that. >> formerly of laugh in. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: she played alan alda's wife in a movie. >> alan alda? >> what movie? >> lily tomlin was alan alda's wife? >> stephanie: i may have that wrong. >> carol burnett in the four seasons. >> stephanie: she's been in a movie with everyone. i'll think of it. now you're googling it and i
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might be proved wrong in real time. >> alan alda and -- >> stephanie: i will be the "new york post" of my own show. all right. >> flirting with disaster. one of the funniest movies ever made. >> stephanie: thank you! she was flirting with alan alda. >> lily tomlin and alan alda. >> she played an lsd maker in that. it was funny. >> stephanie: okay. speaking of people with bags of emmys, so guess who came to my dinner party saturday night. allison januarying. from west wing. my invite must have gotten lost in the mail. >> stephanie: it did. it was a fancy party. you don't get invited to those. you only get invited to the pizza parties. with the other riffraff. >> great thanks. >> stephanie: she had to leave early because -- i listen bag of emmys, you don't get to say what day the party is. that's my nickname for her bag of emmys. how many times does melissa have
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to say you're not the boss of me in real life. okay. also speaking of -- stephen stills was there which was hilarious and he locked his keys in his car and my friend had to drive him home and then back again. yeah. >> doesn't have onstar? he's an international rock star. >> see what i did there? >> stephanie: can i just say people like are as big a geeks as we are because they were both huge fans of each other. see? at least i'm the only one that my teeth get out that far. >> you and lily tomlin do that to each other. >> stephanie: she does not do that to me. i do that to her and i haven't stopped for 20 years. >> she's fabulous though. >> stephanie: oh, please. oh please. comedy legend lily tomlin. enough with that. so we've got a lot of -- there's
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like a million details to go over with these stories. obviously, many of our friends on the right already politicizing it. did you see ann coulter tweeted about she said oh, too bad -- the first suspect, the guy that died. >> tamerlan. >> stephanie: too bad marco rubio won't be able to legalize him. really? >> aren't they legal? >> stephanie: no, no, no, the one -- the second -- the one in the hospital was legal. the other one was not. >> okay. >> stephanie: someone else made the point, first of all how do you control a family that came here ten years ago when they were kids? how do you control that they do something bad ten years later? that's that idiot? we'll talk to rude pundit about the guy that tweeted about the gun issue. cowering liberals in boston wish they had an ak-47? i think the police kind of got it, okay?
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>> weren't enough bullets fired? >> stephanie: vigilantes out with ak-47s, that would have made it much better. >> not enough blood on the street. >> stephanie: right in the middle of it. moron. >> he apologized if any of you were offended. >> stephanie: if any of you cowardly liberals. the tweets were amazing. we'll go through it with rude pundit because it is hilarious. don't mess with boston. >> no, you don't. >> stephanie: hashtag boston strong. it was just some great -- red sox game, neil diamond rocked the joint. >> apparently the dead bomber was legal. he had a residence card. >> stephanie: no? no. >> he wasn't a citizen. >> stephanie: he was actually -- clearly, the fbi is looking at this now because he had been looked at by the fbi. previously. and jim, you were saying i knew there was something weird going on when before we knew who this
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was, putin offered to help? >> offered condolences after the bombing. >> it sounds like he's trying to enlist us in helping him fight the chechens because we're so good at -- >> stephanie: first because first of all somebody made the point they're fighting russia, chechnyans, not america. obviously people distancing themselves muslims distancing themselves. what is this about? >> the far right is like trying to wrap their brains around the fact that a white guy can be muslim. >> what? >> stephanie: he's not brown enough. >> i thought they were all arabs. >> he's from the caucausus region. >> they're known as the plax in russia because they all -- >> roger hedge hock.
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>> stephanie: i'm sure his reporting on the caucausus -- some of the the one never even lived in chechnya. >> no, he lived in russia. >> two of the stanes. and i don't give a [ bleep ] stan. >> stephanie: all right. federal prosecutors prepared criminal charges yesterday against the 19-year-old who obviously we were talking about seriously wounded. receiving particular scrutiny the six-month trip the older brother took back there. they were sleeping and helping us build a basement. i don't know. so one of the concerning things is the police commissioner said yesterday that police had discovered at least four unexploded devices including one similar to the two pressure cooker bombs used in the boston marathon. he said i personally believe
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they were planning other attacks. but this echos a little bit -- remember the press conference friday. we're like yeah, he's still out there but it is okay to go out now. people were like -- [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> what? >> stephanie: one of the concerns is are there other devices that are planted. he's like no, everybody is safe. they might be other unexploded bombs. but everybody is safe. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> stephanie: what now? >> i wouldn't worry about it. >> stephanie: the men's parents who moved back to southern russia said their sons were framed. the dad would not -- without the keenest understanding of the american political system. he said he's a good boy -- this was before he was caught, obviously. he's a good boy. has his whole life ahead of him. come back home to russia. >> computer says no. >> stephanie: you don't get to go now. can he just go now? >> no. we keep you. >> stephanie: a group leading anise lambic insurgenry says it
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was not at war with the united states. from the boston bombings. we're fighting with russia which is responsible not only for the occupation of the caucausus. >> stephanie: i would right away assume that's iowa but not those caucuses. again, all -- a lot of details just coming out. we'll comb through all of them with a fine tooth news comb. 17 minutes after the hour. we continue with all of the latest out of boston as we continue on "the stephanie miller show." >> this is too weird man. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." tonight at 6 eastern alright, in 15 minutes we're this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the
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minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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♪ let's spend the night together ♪ ♪ i need you more than ever ♪ >> let's spend some time together. >> stephanie: 22 minutes after the hour. all right. a lot of tweets saying that -- you know it is interesting because everyone's using this for their own issues whether it is gun or immigration or whatever. but we were saying first of all, they were here legally because of, you know, i don't see how this relates to the current immigration debate because this was like asylum because of what was going -- >> what was going on in chechnya. >> stephanie: so yeah. >> one was a citizen. the other was a legal resident. >> stephanie: the fbi, you know, that probably did fall through the cracks, the older brother because they were asked to investigate him. they couldn't find anything at the time. but jim, you were reading from
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the guardian? >> guardian which has some of the best political reporting in the world. article is why did america lose its head over terror but ignore its deadly gun deaths. positive spin on this, reflection of how little americans have to worry about terrorism. a population such as london during the i.r.a. bombings or israel or baghdad every day becomes random political violence. americans have little experience with terrorism are more apt to overreact. in the american imagination every terrorist is not just a mortal threat but a deadly combination of jason bourne and james bond. if only americans react to the actual threats. >> stephanie: some bill we could have passed last week that could have done that. >> the senate blocked consideration of a gun control bill that would have strengthened background checks. even though it was supported by
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more than 90% and 56 out of 100 senators voted in favor of it, it would have allegedly violated the amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. walking down an american city, the threat. the background check a dastardly attack on civil liberties. >> stephanie: interesting stuff. >> more than 30,000 americans i don't in gun violence every year compared to the 17 who died last year in terrorist attacks. >> stephanie: i don't know if you've seen this on facebook. picture of dzhokhar. >> stephanie: it is like a batman movie. cone heads and batman are melding in my head. so yes, there is a picture of him. the guy in the hospital. became an american citizen on september 11th, 2012, let's pass the immigration bill. somebody posted yeah, about
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that. adam lanza born a u.s. citizen catholic caucasian slaughtered 26. jared loughner, slaughtered six wounded 12 tucson. james holmes, born a u.s. citizen, slaughtered 12 in aurora. klebold, both caucasians, wounded 24, columbine. eric rudolph christian caucasian, slaughtered two. tim mcveigh born a u.s. citizen, roman catholic, slaughtered 168, wounded over 800 in oklahoma city. >> will they stop at nothing? >> stephanie: perhaps we should leave nationality and ethnicity out of it, okay? okay? >> then the sikhs get attacked because some nimrod think they're arabic and b muslim, neither which is true and even if it were, they're not terrorists. >> stephanie: yeah.
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can't brain today. what's that facebook thing? >> i can't brain today. >> i can't remember. >> stephanie: all right so obviously this brings up a lot of legal questions. they didn't give a miranda warning so the aclu is shouting about that. and of course, well-known southern bell lindsey graham, why isn't he being treated as an enemy combatant? that one to me -- >> what about benghazi? >> shut up. >> stephanie: i'll always have benghazi. it is my terror. no. >> i would never go thirsty again. i'll have another mint julep thank you. >> stephanie: the legal expert i heard this weekend said this is a nonstarter to treat him as enemy combatants. did he a crime on u.s. soil. >> peter king said this. >> i believe -- should be portrayed as enemy combatants. senator mccain, senator
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graham, senator ayotte, there are so many questions unanswered so many potential links to terrorism here. the battlefield is now in the united states. i believe he is an enemy combatant. ultimately, he will be tried in a civilian court and the statements taken from him cannot be used against him in that trial. right now, the only links we have as much as chechnyan involvement in the islamic movement. are there other conspirators out there? where do they get the radicalization? >> he sounds like pam gellar. might as well grow some gigantic boobs. >> stephanie: run-on sentence please, for you. pull over. the original thing i get not reading the miranda rights because at that particular moment, i don't know what the legal code is. but it is a pretty -- >> there is an imminent danger to the public.
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clearly, there was. exactly. the aclu on saturday said that every criminal defendant deserves miranda rights. the public safety exception allows for law enforcement to question detainees without reading them miranda rights in certain high-risk situations. if this wasn't one of those friday, i don't know what is. i understand the administration's decision on that. the republicans gotta go one step further. now we're into this whole enemy combatant thing. try the defendant try the boston bombing suspects as an enemy combatant is a nonstarter. there is no basis to argue he meets the definition. he's a u.s. citizen so he wouldn't be subject to a commission anyway. >> if only everybody had guns, we would have -- >> stephanie: really panicked people with no training with military assault rifles looking for people. maybe just firing at will that people the "new york post" had pictured just in case they could wing someone involved.
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okay. right back. rude pundit. celebrate earth day with an afternoon of documentaries about the planet we all share. >> what are the forces that are blocking change? (vo) and stay tuned at 2 eastern for an exclusive premiere of leonardo dicaprio's award winning film, the 11th hour. >> we face a convergence of crises, all of which are a concern for life.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show.
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>> only on current tv. >> like some sort of genius. >> yes, except for the genius part. >> stephanie: it is the "the stephanie miller show." 34 -- okay minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12. [ laughter ] >> wow. >> stephanie: when did you put that help ticket in? >> wednesday. >> 1972. >> stephanie: okay. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. looky who's back in town.
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♪ ♪ pundit ♪ ♪ papa, papa, papa who ♪ >> >> stephanie: thank god you picked a slow news week. >> go to berlin. >> it was so nice not to be there to watch the freakout. >> stephanie: the arkansas lawmaker mocks boston liberal says they wish they had assault rifles. if there has ever been an example on the expertise of law enforcement, it was boston, right? >> right. it was exactly what they were supposed to do. they went in. you know, we can argue about whether or not shutting down the city was an overreaction but certainly, they did exactly what we expected to do. i loved his apology from arkansas which essentially was ooh, too soon? >> stephanie: he tweeted -- he
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apologized for the timing. poor timing. >> poor choice of timing. >> that's what we need in a disaster is more bullets flying through the air. >> stephanie: more untrained people with assault weapons shooting at anyone. who says -- >> anyone with a backpack. >> i've seen this movie before. it ends with some poor innocent, probably muslim guy bleeding in the middle of the street. while white people dance triumphantly shooting their rifles in the air over him. >> stephanie: what could possibly go wrong? he was a -- he was republican nate bell. he tweeted liberal boston residents cowering -- cowering liberals in boston. this is in the middle of the tragedy. which they had an assault rifle. he has backed legislation to make concealed carry licenses cheaperer. what could go wrong there?
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>> because you know, the best thing when the cops are going house to house trying to find someone -- >> stephanie: is to have everybody pointing guns at them. nothing bad would ever happen. >> stephanie: no. he apologized for the timing. >> here to take my guns. >> stephanie: i would like to apologize to the people of boston for the poor timing of my tweet. the tweet is back with the greatest thing. did you read it? >> i did see some of those. how many bostonians are telling nate bell he's an idiot? well, that's simple. lots! >> stephanie: i wonder how many boston liberals spent the night cowering in their homes wishing they had an ak-47. boston, you know what? i don't think you say that to boston. i love the tweets. you're a horrible human without a heart or soul. i hope you are ashamed of your hateful words. you are a moron. seriously [ bleep ] this guy. screw you nate bell.
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i'm a proud boston liberal and i'm glad my professionals who my taxes support are on the case. are you capitalizing on tragedy and you're an [ bleep ] that was just bostonians getting warmed up. >> in arkansas you must stand there when the terrorist is running around the neighborhood and yell get off my lawn or your my magazine ar-15 how crappy a shot do you gotta be? >> stephanie: yeah. hey, nate bell, i was sergeant in the u.s. army, hawkeye in boston liberal. didn't to hell, you ignorant douche. that's one of mine. what is needing a big gun to indicate about you? hashtag boston strong. over here, we don't need guns to grow a pair of balls. that's confirmation you're a self-serving ass wipe. that was diana. good job diana. >> oh, yeah. >> stephanie: let's finish
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with joe my favorite. might want to take a flight up north and try saying that in person you watered little hillbilly [ bleep ] hole. >> i would have gone with backward ass country f. >> stephanie: speak of which because you know, obviously so much news. i did not know about this brad paisley song. accidental racist. >> you didn't know? >> stephanie: i did not know. tell us about this. >> accidental racist is a song that brad paisley who is a country singer did with l. l. cool j. about how hey man don't judge me because i wear a confederate flag shirt. it actually means something else to me than it means to you. >> stephanie: right. >> essentially, it is your problem if you find it racist and then there's ll cool j rapping in the background something about career suicide. i'm not really sure.
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>> stephanie: if you don't judge my do rag i won't judge your flag. >> rewriting history baby. it is so -- i don't know, self-serving. it is just this -- >> ill-advised. >> this smug attitude of the south like you don't -- >> you don't understand. >> when i have a rebel flag. >> so i wore an ss uniform at the museum of tolerance. >> stephanie: i apologize to all of the oversensitive. >> same thing. oh, you don't understand when i walk down the street with my ar-15 strapped to my back, i'm just celebrating freedom. i want to go down to one of these towns and walk around with a machete in my hand. that's it. just out in the open. just walk downtown. maybe little rock, arkansas with a machete in my hand and i'm sorry, this is my right.%
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if you're wearing a confederate flag, you're proud of an america that could keep black people enslide. >> it was just some blind attempt to justify why you want to continue being a racist and ll cool j giving it credibility because what won't that man do for money? >> stephanie: as only you can say it no one needs to understand why white southerners wear a rebel flag. they lost that argument back in 1865. it ain't the same as droopy pants or malcolm x t-shirt and the song is reaching out for sympathy and harmony where there should only be condemn nation. >> that was so long enough. i barely remembered it existed. >> stephanie: i didn't want it to get lost in this voracious news cycle we're in. >> you know who i feel sorry for? >> the guy that sent the rice
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ton the president. >> stephanie: wacky ricin guy. how wacky do you need to be? the back a doodle, conspiracy theorist elvis impersonator. what does a man have to do? >> he decides the worst week to use snail mail to send poison. oh you bastards in boston! totally ruining my chance in the sun. >> stephanie: burying the biggest story. scandal in tupelo, mississippi that has not been uncovered until he blew the cover off of it. it is dirty. in case you thought the elvis impersonator judging contest was clean, you are sadly mistaken, my friend. >> that is -- is that an excuse for terrorism is pretty much going to be -- it pretty much ought to be the gold standard for excuses for terrorism. that i didn't feel like the tupelo mississippi elvis impersonator contest was judged
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correctly. and really if you think about it, when we have -- like these guys in boston -- is there reason going to be anymore justified than that? these losers backward baseball cap wearing a-holes who watch too much stuff online? >> stephanie: for the first weekend ever, my internet viewing did not include kittens. back a doodle ricin man. his family says he's mentally ill. really? >> wow! >> stephanie: my favorite post is where you stir up more [ bleep ] from the original [ bleep ] you stirred up on my show the last time. you talked about yesterday the rude pundit was on "the stephanie miller show," couple of weeks ago discussing a piece he wrote where he says if you oppose smaij you're a -- same-sex marriage, you're a bigot. you're intolerant and a bigot.
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outraged we would dare say he is a bigot because he follows his church's teachings. you're persecuting me he said. you're persecuting me for my beliefs. no, the rude pundit said. he's allowed to belong to any hate group he wants but the rest of us are able to say it is a group of bigoted -- >> you don't get to say that. >> you don't get to say that my kkk isn't a club of white guys who like to hang out together and say bad things about other people. that's persecution. >> stephanie: so you're equating persecution with someone saying yourer's wrong. it was nicely done, sir. >> yeah. you're allowed to be told you're wrong. everybody doesn't get a trophy. >> stephanie: this is not tee ball as it turns out. rudeness, let us know when your next vacation is so we can clear out. >> try to reach me.
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>> stephanie: clearly had some inside information that [ bleep ] was coming down. >> oh, yeah, no. that's great. i will get a knock on my door later now for that. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i just put you on the watch list. love you rudeness. 45 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> to be honest, i've never seen such dysfunction. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." (vo) and stay tuned at 2 eastern for an exclusive premiere of leonardo dicaprio's award winning film, the 11th hour. >> we face a convergence of crises, all of which are a concern for life.
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>> i am -- >> stephanie miller and i would like to say hello. >> what? ♪ >> stephanie: kicking it old school on "the stephanie miller show." >> is that what we're doing? >> stephanie: mm-hmm. 1-800-steph-12 toll free. this is a real thing going around the interwebs. actual fourth grade science quiz. name has been redacted. are we going to play guess the state later? >> i know what the state is. >> stephanie: would you like the fun facts? quiz on dinosaurs genesis and the gospel and it received 100% a plus from the teacher. true or false the earth is billions of years old. false. number two dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. false. number three on what day did dad mike dinosaurs? >> sixth. >> everybody knows that. >> stephanie: dinosaurs lived with people, true. >> number five, what did people and animals eat in the
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beginning? >> plants. >> six which one fits the behemoth described in job 40? circle the picture. that looks like a brontosaurus. that might have been the flintstones he was thinking of. if an animal has sharp teeth it must mean it is a meat eater. false. a plus from somebody. >> canned ham and -- genesis and the gospel, discussion and information guide. show some pictures from the creation museum. adam and eve. >> oh, my god! >> stephanie: all right. rog in los angeles. hello. >> caller: hi, stephanie. post-mortem. you know when the chechnyan problem started chechnyans migrated all over europe, england, france, germany holland. a lot of them came to canada.
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none of the -- they endured as monsters. the difference between us and them is we have this cancer called nra and gun culture and they don't have that. so this is the main culprit. this is the problem and get it off this cancer and gun culture it will solve the problem. there is one pundit who said this. they won't reform but now now. who said that? >> stephanie: i didn't exactly understand what you said. >> caller: they want reforms but they don't want it now. >> stephanie: oh right gun reforms. i don't know who said that. but that was cute. by the way did you see anybody talking about this? my boyfriend lawrence o'donald did. how the nra impeded the boston bomber investigation.
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thanks a load, nra. the intense hunt for the bombers illustrates another way the nra helps mass murderers by delaying how quickly they can be identified and to track the gunpowders is due to government policy and promoted by the nra which found a way to transform every massacre into an opportunity for the munitions companies that sustained it to sell more gunpowder and bullets but for the nra back policy of not putting identifiers in gunpowder, law enforcement could have quickly identified the explosives used in the bombs tracking them from manufacture to retail sale. that could well have saved the life of sean collier, the mit police officer was gunned down thursday night by the fleeing bomb suspects, had the suspects in the boston bombings killed by slipping poison into a bottle or lacing spinach with a deadly chemical, it would have only taken minutes to identify where the food was manufactured and how it moved through the food chain. it would have narrowed the
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search but not anything to do with guns or gunpowders or explosives. that would be crazy to regulate that. >> you have a right to bear bombs. >> stephanie: that would be regulating like how much fertilizer you're allowed to have. looky here. fertilizer plant had 1,350 times the amount of explosives it should have it. >> no wondter went kaboom. >> it hadn't been checked into since 1985. >> great zoning there, too right next to a nursing home. >> and an elementary school. >> stephanie: it was supposed to have less than 400 pounds of nitrate. it is the threshold where the plant would have to inform the department of homeland security about the. a es employeesives. they didn't know it existed. they didn't have sprinklers, fire walls or systems. facilities fall into a regulation loophole.
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isn't that dandy? >> regulation loophole. >> stephanie: exactly. >> libertarian paradise they all wanted. >> stephanie: no federal agency determines how close a facility handling dangerous substances can be to population centers and in many states, including texas many -- >> well, all right then. >> stephanie: that's freedom. >> you had the freedom to get blowed up. >> stephanie: less than 3,000 feet from a school. okay. dawn in california. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi, dawn. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i've been a big fan of yours since you were on upn i believe. it was upn years ago. >> stephanie: oh, yes, yes. >> caller: but second of all, i was wondering why they don't charge people who use the ak-15s as weapons of mass destruction. because they are designed to kill more than four.
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>> stephanie: it was ironic as jim was reading in the guardian. it took a lot of focus off how really truly shameful this gun -- what happened in the senate last week, this whole gun debate is. >> the evening that they were -- hunting down these guys. 35 people died from gun violence. >> stephanie: yeah, exactly. >> how many people died in the explosions? three? >> stephanie: what are we talking about? >> 13. >> stephanie: oh. i'll get to that in a moment. sorry. i was back to my softball days. that was like a -- batting coach. i'm like what? ed in california. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hello, ed. >> caller: good morning stephanie and crew. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i thought it was a more than a little interesting that they interviewed one of the residents there i think it was in the first gunfight in boston and apparently he had a couple of bullet holes in his apartment. i thought that was more than a
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little frightening. in that kind of a situation. you have bullets flying like that. and these are trained guys that are -- obviously police officers were -- just a bad situation. >> stephanie: yeah. you know, you look at how they were -- police were obviously armed and trained and we still have obviously one did and another very seriously injured still. so i mean -- that anyone in that debate would go we're more untrained people with high capacity weapons just running around in a panic. all right. that's what we need is one more [ bleep ] with guns. you know what i'm saying? ♪ ♪ you don't think ♪ ♪ that gun night wing has got control ♪ ♪ you're on fire ♪ ♪ the nra ♪ ♪ they tell you what you can say ♪ ♪ whoa, you like to think that
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you don't answer to us ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ ♪ closer to the truth you know you're just a big putz ♪ ♪ you're going to have to face it, you're [ bleep ] with guns ♪ ♪ you're a [ bleep ] with guns ♪ ♪ might as well face it, you're a [ bleep ] with guns ♪ ♪ might as well face it, you're a [ bleep ] with guns ♪ ♪ might as well face it, you're a [ bleep ] with guns ♪ >> stephanie: for your viewing pleasure, i was the robert palmer girl on guitar. >> that was rocky mountain mike. he played all of the instruments in that. that was not a karaoke track. >> did he dress up in the outfits? >> yes he did. >> stephanie: i would have worn the little black dress if i had known this morning. eric boehlert from media matters next on "the stephanie miller show."
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: all right. hour number two. eric boehlert coming from media matters. legendary lily tomlin. jacki schechner in the current news centre. i mean really, you had to be gone last week? really? >> i know, i know. of all weeks. i know. i haven't taken a vacation since like 1982. >> stephanie: where is my news binky! because we pointed out last week there were so many people getting it wrong and the only person, ladies and gentlemen
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that got the healthcare decision right, jacki schechner in the current news center. >> i've never purchased wi-fi on a plane and i did coming back on friday because i just couldn't be out of touch that long. >> stephanie: you must have been ready to just lose it. >> wi-fi on a plane is a godsend, i love it. >> it is a luxury. it is a little bit afflux uri. >> stephanie: i feel like i'm in the jetsons. i'm in the air. jacki schechner in the current news center. >> the ap reports this morning that authorities want to intervolute wife of now deceased bombing suspect 26-year-old tamerlan sarn every. katherine russell tsarnaev is staying with parents in rhode island and her lawyer is communicating with federal authorities on her behalf. the lawyer says that tamerlan sarn every as seen here, was home when his wife left for work as a home care worker on thursday. katherine found out her husband was a suspect via television. the two men had a nightclub in boston and they married sometime
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in 2009 or 2010. the lawyer says. kath rip was christian and converted to islam after she met her husband. tamerlan called his mother early friday saying there had been a shooting and that the police were following him and his brother. 19-year-old dzhokhar sarn every who is in custody. think progress is laying out jeff flake's blatant lie to a mom who lost her son in the aurora colorado, movie theatre shooting. she wrote senator flake a letter explaining about her son, alex who died after he shielded her her -- his girlfriend during the mass massacre. first, he apologizes in a form letter then said while they may not agree on every solution to gun violence, the one thing they can agree on is strengthening background checks. flake was one of 46 who voted against allowing background check legislation to get to the floor of the senate last week. he claimed he was against the
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bill because it expanded background checks to personal transfers between friends and families. it did not. we're back with more show after the break. stay with us. alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with
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ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> stephanie: all right. i need a pronunciation guide on normal days but really, the boston suspect is dzhokhar. okay. he is responding to written questions is the latest we're hearing at this hour. he's not able to speak yet. he was shot in the throat. they don't know if it was self-inflicted or not. >> he can still hear. he's to answer. >> he has a wound in his throat. they don't know if it was a
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knife slit or gunshot. >> stephanie: we're monitoring that. gave tom brokaw a chance to talk about it. >> islamic rage did not go away. in fact, in some ways, it is more dangerous. this is a perfect example. you can't get intel on the lone operators. there is still more we need to know about what motivated him. he's a chechen but their beef is with russia, not with us. the islamic rage is still out there. we saw it in times square. we were very fortunate under those circumstances. so there has to be more vigilance obviously. >> stephanie: much more to get to with all of that. this hour brought to you by -- >> it is brought to you by save this 32 acres 2,000 feet of beach
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looms and a cute beaver named stephanie. chip in $5 to see the beavers swim wild. donate $5 at save this >> today is earth day. >> stephanie: happy earth day everybody. >> stephanie: what better day to celebrate than with eric boehlert. doing the lord's work. ♪ hurts so good ♪ ♪ come on, baby ♪ >> eric boehlert ♪ >> stephanie: let's die into the right-wing world. >> i don't know what that means. >> not an islamic radical. >> stephanie: good morning eric boehlert. >> good morning. >> stephanie: we were talking about this right wing republican guy from -- where is it, chris? arkansas that said you know, cowering liberals wish they had ak-47s. we need to panic people with assault weapons shooting at whoever "the washington post" says might or might not have
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been involved. did you a great piece on this. he you also talked about rupert murdoch defending the "new york post"? >> a couple days after the fact, someone got around to telling rupert murdoch his newspaper is a laughingstock. his beloved big city crime tabloid chasing newspaper got everything wrong about boston, 12 dead, saudi national student custody, suspect. you know, splashes the photo of some poor boston area high school runner under the headline bag men suggests they're suspects or people of interest. and i wrote about during the week was you know, the headliner was this is bad even for the "new york post." nobody turns to the "new york post" for sort of the definitive take on anything but i mean, tabloids, if they do anything well besides the sports section, it is supposed to be crime!
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it is supposed to be having sources at the fbi supposed to be having sources at police departments, not just in new york city and elsewhere. that's why when they swooped in on monday with these big scoops, 12 dead, saudi student in custody, people were like wow i guess they're totally wider in a way nobody else is. turns out they had the worst source on the planet or just making stuff up. someone finally got around felling that to rupert murdoch. he tweeted bag men photo, they were instantly tarp down once the fbi changed the story. they're still on the web site. >> stephanie: you allude to it. it is good there wasn't further tragedy. keep in mind it was after unethical right wing bloggers harassed him online, published his name, home address and what they claim were facebook pictures. the same student police had cleared of any implication in the blast. in that kind of heightened, emotional atmosphere, that or
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the high school runner could have been harmed, right? or killed by somebody. >> yeah. total height of irresponsibility. media matters had a good piece by joe stroup. they couldn't even come up with the adjective to describe what the "new york post" had done particularly with posting the photo. and then joe stroup got an e-mail from the "new york post" editor saying you know, we would have needed a crystal ball to have known we were getting the stories wrong. we trusted our sources. that's what we did. they were the only news organization on the planet that claimed 12 people were killed last week. but they say how could we have known? everyone else knew. what is wrong with you people? >> stephanie: you compare and contrast cnn. obviously cnn got it wrong and rushed to be first. they quickly and publicly corrected the errors.
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what he with saw from portion of the far right press they almost couldn't have gotten more wrong this they tried. it was dangerous. you say who led the early crusade? the "new york post" which reported he was a suspect who had been taken into custody. those are -- that's just completely wrong. then you say the same post which made headlines splashing out the front page, the two local men including a high school runner with the headline bag men. so again the fact that those people weren't harmed or killed is almost -- >> amazing. and the fact that you know, haven't called richard's lawyer, somebody probably has on his behalf. glenn beck saying the saudi national student was possibly the ringleader absolutely involved in the bombing. this to me seems classic libel. this is not a celebrity or public figure. >> stephanie: went on to say beck called for president obama
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to be impeached over what he considered the sprawling government cover-up. surrounded the student that saudi arabia and al-qaeda. >> you know what's very interesting in this, the saudi national you know, the poor young guys splashed on the front payment in the "new york post," a lot of right wing chatter about a missing brown university student, might have been involved in this. and authorities said absolutely not. look, take a step back. there was an absolute burning desire to find a mideastern guy to be the suspect. and the "new york post" and other conservative outlets like glenn beck, they proved that they'll just make it up. it was such a burning desire to have the story fit the their at this that they wanted. that they were willing and they have the media tools to just start make stuff up and creating their own reality and creating their own parallel universe. where hey, it is a saudi. guess what. we decided it is a saudi.
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so that's the story we're going to go with because that's the story we want. if you just take a couple of seconds, imagine, you know, thank god glenn beck wasn't around on 9-11. thank god the fox news of today wasn't around on 9-11. thank god the right wing blogosphere wasn't around on 9-11 to act in such a massively irresponsible way. we saw a tiny little window of last week with this isolated event in boston. >> stephanie: eric, you said facebook covering the most important american terror news story. too many opted to make things up. couldn't be bothered with apologies. there's something to be said, you know, again obviously cnn took their hits last week getting stuff wrong. but there is a difference in being wrong and as you say criminally negligent. >> yeah. and you know, i said it earlier in the week and some people scoffed. i said my twitter feed on facebook was more reliable than
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the "new york post" last week. i'm not joking. i was watching the manhunt unfold friday night. my twitter feed was getting information faster and more accurate than cnn. i don't blame cnn or the others. but social media with each new blockbuster story, i think is becoming more and more important, yes, you have to learn how to weed out the crazy stuff. but seriously i trust twitter more than i trust the "new york post." there is no question about that. >> stephanie: you tweeted, for instance, about the fact you said most of the twitter cons don't realize the suspect is an american citizen. allergic to facts. we have lindsey graham already screaming about he should be treated as an enemy combatant. a u.s. citizen who commits a crime on u.s. soil, that he is not -- you can't do a military tribunal. >> as i mentioned yesterday phillip mudd a former c.i.a. executive, high official was on
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fox news this morning and he said, you know, to me, this look s more like columbine an 9-11. i sort of joked, this is a guest who will not be invited on fox news. that is not what they want to hear. and he also said these people should be tried as murderers not terrorists. so there's a whole interesting debate to be had about a we still don't know the motivation or the specifics and then how -- they should be treated by the legal system but yeah, the usual suspects are running ahead about ten paces to again just like last week, trying to get the story to fit the narrative that they want. the story that they want to tell and right now it is not going the way they had hoped and they're kind of frustrated and they're kind of lashing out, i think. >> stephanie: absolutely. as only they can do. eric boehlert, great stuff as always. talk to you next week. >> all right bye-bye. >> stephanie: 17 minutes after the hour. these days, everybody is selling
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john fugelsang: if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern.
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you've heard stephanie's views. >>no bs, authentic, the real thing. >>now, let's hear yours at the only online forum with a direct line to stephanie miller. >>the only thing that can save america now: current television. >>join the debate now. ♪ everybody dance now ♪ ♪ rock this ♪ >> stephanie miller. ♪ party ♪ ♪ don't stop, move your body ♪
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♪ rock this party ♪ ♪ make it hot in this party ♪ ♪ everybody dance now ♪ >> stephanie: 22 minutes after the hour. the legendary lily tomlin coming up next hour. lee in nevada, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi lee. >> caller: hi, steph, how you doing? hypocrisy without good governor perry over there. sad when hurricane sandy came along and he voted it down for assistance for them and the first thing out of his mouth he wants money for texas all of a sudden. >> oh, yeah. something happens in his state he wants the money! sandy? no. we have to offset it. it is altogether changed. >> stephanie: he is governing that libertarian paradise where you can have as much fertilizer and explosives as you like. >> he was telling chris christie to tighten his belt?
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>> oh, stop it now! >> stephanie: the fertilizer plant that exploded, we mentioned this last hour, it had been storing 1,350 times the amount of ammonium nitrate. >> what could possibly go wrong? >> stephanie: let the states decide. it was 3,000 feet from a school? something like that. yeah. >> even closer to the nursing home. >> stephanie: jill in ithaca, you're on "the stephanie miller show." on the poor ricin guy what's a guy got to do to get attention? what's an elvis impersonator gotta do? >> caller: how did he get ricin? how did that happen? >> the boston story was so big. >> was it gluten free ricin? >> caller: takes me back to the anthrax. when that was sent, that was only sent to democrats and the one guy that died had written a story about the bush girls. so sorry you know. i just remember stuff. >> stephanie: exactly. >> i remember stuff. >> stephanie: i remember
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stuff. >> they sent it to the two people who were going to review the patriot act who couldn't review it and were voting on it blind. coincidence. >> stephanie: governor deval patrick on the bombing investigation. >> he does seem to be pretty clear that this suspect took the backpack off, put it down, did not react when the first explosion went off and then moved away from the backpack in time for the second explosion. so pretty clear about his involvement and pretty chilling, frankly. as has been described to me. >> stephanie: the police commissioner in boston said the two suspects had such a large cache of weapons, they were probably planning other attacks. they found many unexploded homemade bombs at the scene along with more than 250 rounds of ammunition. authorities can't be positive
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there are not more explosives that shouldn't been found. he insisted the people of boston are safe. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> stephanie: that reminds me of the -- he's still out there but it is okay to go out there now. >> what? >> triggered by some random cell phone. >> stephanie: troubling. i know during -- you know, we were reporting on it friday night, it just -- they didn't even know the first house whether that was rigged. it was like something out of "speed," is the house rigged with bombs? they disable at least one device we were saying that he is -- what's his name, dzhokhar. it is literally cone heads meets batman. >> we come from france. >> bomb france now. >> it also sounds like a cologne from the '80s.
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>> stephanie: he's still not able to speak. they don't know if the wound was self-inflicted or shot by police. it might have been -- a knife. in an interview with the ap, the parents insisted that tamerlan, the deceased one that he dime chechnya last year to visit relatives. had nothing to do with the militants. his father said he slept most of the time. he's a good sleeper. his dad wants us to know. [ whatever! ] >> by the way, you're not the only one having trouble with dzhokhar's name. there was a tv station in texas that just kind of gave up and closed-captioned it as zooey deschanel. >> i saw that. they just gave up. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i give up. i don't know. bombing suspect zooey deschanel. >> "new york post" -- had it out
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for zooey deschanel. >> stephanie: i used to torture my friend way saying rory needs to go buy a hardware store mirror. this is my revenge for that. i have to keep recording the names. >> to this day i can't stay the word jewelry. >> stephanie: you really can't. >> i can't. it is awful. jewels. >> stephanie: that's not what they are. they're -- purchase them at the hardware store? >> you can purchase jewels there. >> stephanie: barbara walters in this story. oh no. deval patrick asking residents who observe a moment of silence today at the time the first of the two bombs exploded. thousands of runners donned i run for boston bibs during a four mile run in central park. one of the number of races held around the world.
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hopefully we'll get back to normal soon. hatred will resume. >> it is already back to normal. >> stephanie: that's when the terrorists win when boston and new york don't hate each other. hello, shirley in iowa. welcome. >> caller: thank you. how are you? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: i just wanted to say i totally agree with the man who said that the guns are most of our problem. the other countries that take these people and don't have. and i would like to add a little something to that. i don't want to change your subject but i think that the hatred that the g.o.p. puts out there on fox news and the fact that not only are the people who set bombs trying to destroy us, so are the republicans because they keep bragging how they want to shrink us down so they can drown us in the bathtub. >> stephanie: all right. thank you. 29 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie
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miller show." criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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(vo) earth day isn't just for tree huggers, it's a wake up call to mankind. celebrate earth day with an afternoon of documentaries about the planet we all share. >> what are the forces that are blocking change? (vo) and stay tuned at 2 eastern for an exclusive premiere of leonardo dicaprio's award winning film, the 11th hour. >> we face a convergence of crises, all of which are a concern for life. very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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>> it can't be easy to woo someone when you're sticking your butt in their face. >> it is a good thing george bush still isn't president because he would have bombed france by now. >> that's that conehead. >> one of the coneheads from france. >> stephanie: dzhokhar. >> what's the wife's name? >> i'm looking it up. the character played by jane
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curtain? cone head. >> stephanie: all right. it is a new batman movie. i think. just saying. >> batman villain maybe? governor deval patrick. >> all of the law enforcement officials are hoping for a host of reasons that the suspect survives because we have a million questions. >> stephanie: and we were reporting that i guess he's responding to written questions at this hour. we don't know what kind of answers we're getting or not. >> well, he's writing. he can hear. just fine. >> stephanie: he just can't talk. chris in pennsylvania. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi chris. >> caller: hi, have you noticed the republicans seem to have two completely different standards for the constitution? on the one hand when it comes to the second amendment, it is written in stone can't be touched but when it comes to this argument over habious
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corpus where they want to charge this guy as being an unlawful combatant. i want to read the quote that pertains to the public safety. it says the privilege of habeas corpus should not be suspended unless when it cases of rebellion or public safety. rebellion or invasion. how can they consider what these two guys did with two little bombs? what kind of an invasion is that? >> stephanie: chris, i can understand the administration with the miranda thing. it seemed like an imminent threat to public safety. but you're right. some attorney was saying, there's no legal basis. besides, as i mentioned earlier, i don't understand how this affects the immigration debate. this guy that's in, dzhokhar, he came to america when he was how old? he's 19 now. >> he was 9. >> stephanie: how do you prevent against somebody doing something bad 10 years later. because he's an american citizen
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and it happened on american soil. it is a nonstarter legally. >> apparently the only part of the constitution that matters is the second amendment. everything else is yada, yada, yada. >> stephanie: karl in maryland, you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: yes, i had an interesting thought about the immigration debate. our country is willing to give amnesty to people like the bombers but yet we don't want to give amnesty to any hispanics and i don't recall any of them ever trying to blow us up. your thoughts? >> we can't have spanish speaking people in places like san antonio and san jose and san francisco and santa maria that would be wrong. >> stephanie: see what he did there with the pronunciation? >> we should be -- because it is plural. >> or san pedro. >> stephanie: richard clark former counter-terrorism chief yesterday. >> they had other bombs ander --
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and other explosives. >> stephanie: that's what the boston police chief was saying on the tv. mayor thomas menino. >> brainwashed his younger brother from there. what happened on marathon day. >> stephanie: the ap talking about obviously question maybe who led whom and obviously from all accounts, it looks like the older. i would do anything my older brother said including put my head in the news he had fashioned -- the noose he had fashioned for me. if you recall my hanging story. look stephi, i have set up a chair for you. put your head in here. okay. >> did he tell you it was a necklace? >> stephanie: i was going to lead -- the uncle said of dzhokhar he's not understanding anything. he's a 19-year-old boy. he's been wasted by his older brother. he used him for whatever he's done. and other crimmologists are saying it is highly unusual for
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the younger to be the leader. my job was just to run from my brother whenever he yelled bupkus. not to bring my own issues into this. my other older sibling issues into this. >> fortunately he's mellowed with age. >> he hasn't tried to hang me this decade. >> stephanie: the ethnic chechen family -- >> jewelry. >> stephanie: came to this country in 2002 after fleeing troubles in the stans. kirs ignore stand and -- kirs ignore stand. >> need to buy some vowels. >> stephanie: my sister has lived in two of the stans. kazakhstan. they settled in a -- >> they settled in a working class part of cambridge where the father opened an auto shop. we were saying i'm not sure this is part of this current
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immigration debate when you think about it. first of all that's asylum. it is fleeing. the whole family came ten years ago. just saying, i don't know how you -- how do you prevent someone who's 9 from doing something bad ten years later? the mother became increasingly religious. she was a facialist. somebody who said the mother expressed strident views about the u.s. government. during this facial session she started quoting the conspiracy theory telling me she thought 9-11 was purposely created by the american government to make america hate muslims. it is real. my son knows all about it. you can read it on the internet. >> of course. because anything up on the internet is true. >> stephanie: apparently the uncle said a deep rift opened between him and his sister-in-law that he tried to maintain a relationship with the boys. that effort fell apart when tamerlan started carrying around
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nonsense with the islamic religion. he asked his older nephew why he wasn't in school, he said i'm in god's business. >> that's always a bad sign. >> that's a red flag. >> stephanie: he had gotten married to an american woman a good christian girl then converted to islam. that's who -- she apparently found out on tv about this. that's another reason he doesn't fit the profile because he had a wife and a kid. we'll see what all of the information that comes out. one of the brother's neighbors said he had a bizarre encounter with tamerlan in a pizza shop three months ago. the older brother argued with foreign policy, the wars in afghanistan and iraq and religion. tamerlan referred to the bible as a cheap copy of the koran and maybe of his countries are wars are based upon the bible. he had nothing against the american people. he had something against the american government. yeah. and dzhokhar became naturalized last september. federal officials told the ap his older brother had a green card but may have been thwarted
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by an assault charge. >> some ex-girlfriend. >> stephanie: right. you know, we'll find out more from the fbi because apparently russia had asked them to investigate him at one point but they came up with nothing and at that particular point. the mayor of boston. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you to the law enforcement officials for working together. state police, boston police, fbi, all working together. that's when government works the best. i want to thank also the citizens out there. the last week, i know what's happening because of the bombing at the marathon. but today because of the hard work of so many individuals my boss the police working together with the state police, we have a conclusion that we're all satisfied with. >> thank god for -- >> stephanie: let's give it up. fbi and boston. and i love all of the people
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cheering. >> they had a parade at midnight at watertown massachusetts. that was so awesome. >> stephanie: the maryland state police department. massachusetts. pardon me. >> we're eternally grateful for the outcome here tonight. we have a suspect in custody. i want to thank all of the partners who worked tirelessly over the last four days including the fbi, the transit police, our brothers with the boston police department, the u.s. attorney's office. and the support that we have gotten from our government over the last four days. we're exhausted folks. but we have a victory here tonight. >> thanks to law enforcement. >> stephanie: i loft picture of the one cop who has a huge smile on his face. he's getting rock star cheers. i don't know if you saw the red sox game, the boston red sox had their first home game on saturday. the game acted as a citywide triumph. designated hitter david ortiz
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he's big papi. he took the mic for a short but effective speech to the crowd. he said this is our [ bleep ] city. drawing rock star cheers once again. nobody's going to dictate our freedom. stay strong. that was a big hashtag. boston strong. >> neil diamond took a red eye out there. to sing "sweet caroline" in person. >> there is someone in the crowd here with a black backpack and there is a later picture of the guy running. so there may be someone else involved in this thing. unless the guy was careless and left it? >> i'm sure law enforcement is on it if that was the case. >> stephanie: what are we? the "new york post"? neil in california, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi neil. >> caller: hey, i think it is disgusting just like benghazi, the right wing propaganda machine couldn't wait five minutes to make the whole thing a partisan issue. about how eric holder screwed
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this up or habeas corpus, blah, blah blah, you know. they just make people hate. it is so sickening. one trick pony of mccarthy is dog crap. >> stephanie: plus the timing, neil. chuck grassley is out there. i don't think the tragedy is over yet and he's talking about immigration reform. this gun guy in arkansas, the republican. really? you want to taunt the people of boston in the middle of this while this is still going on? i'll bet a lot of liberals wish they had an ak-47 tonight. >> as the old saying goes, united we stand divided we fall. right wing says yeah, we'll take the latter. >> who are they going to shoot at? fire randomly into the crowd? >> stephanie: 45 minutes after the hour. once again give it up for the highly trained individuals with aks. they're the ones that really are the heroes today. 45 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show."
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>> it even vibrates like real. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> caller: good morning, how are you today? >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i would identify myself as more conservative. a lot of people want to make most people republican. i think most problems come down to conservative and liberal. it really bugs me that we all can't get along. you know how that phrase goes. the right complains the left isn't tolerant of them. as far as someone on the right have experienced a whole lot of intolerance from those on the left. it is a two-way street. >> stephanie: you're right. it can be. >> caller: we can sit here and make fun all day long of each other but we're not solving any problems. that's what i care about. i don't care what anybody else does. that's their life. i respect that. but a lot of people on the left don't respect my beliefs and you know, you can't have it both ways. but the reason i was calling is i didn't hear the comment of the politician from arkansas about the ak-47. >> stephanie: well, brett, it
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was in the midst of all of this tension on friday when he said i bet a lot of cowering liberals in boston wish they had ak-47s tonight. it obviously provoked a lot of -- >> obviously the people of boston have shown they know what they're doing with a criminal like this. they didn't need ak-47s in every house. it was a little presumptive of the arkansas state senator to say that. >> caller: all right. and you know, in all honesty here, for every republican politician that opens his mouth that sticks his foot wide in i can show. >> democrat that does the same. >> stephanie: i don't think exactly the same amount. but okay. >> caller: regardless of what statistical numbers are if you look at what he was saying really, i didn't hear his words. obviously chose bad words to say it but if i was a homeowner and i was locked down in my house that guy could have easily instead of going to the boat, busted in the front door on a
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family. i damn sure would want a gun in my house if i have a terrorist that doesn't care about blowing up kids coming in my house. >> stephanie: he wasn't talking about the second amendment or your right to protect yourself. he picked a moment in the midst of this tragedy to, first of all, that's an insult to say cowering liberals. and to suggest that everybody needs an assault weapon. i think law enforcement did a pretty good job. the people that were trained to use assault weapons did, didn't they? >> caller: i think they did a good job, too. sometimes you hear tomato and i hear tomato. that's the difference between people who support gun rights. >> stephanie: i support gun rights. i don't support everybody's right to own a military assault weapon with a huge clip. >> it is not completely black and white. >> caller: nowhere in the constitution do i remember in the second amendment it saying that the second amendment was granted to the people for hunting or for recreation.
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>> it was for regulated militia. >> it the only amendment with the word regulated in it. it is conditional. >> stephanie: we had muskets when they wrote it but okay. >> given that we need a well-regulated militia people will be allowed to have guns. it is not a bunch of random syllables. >> stephanie: nobody is keeping track of what douche nozzles on which side of the aisle said what. however -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] we missed yet another one last night. dennis johnson, oklahoma lawmaker apologizes to the jews. >> just in general? >> stephanie: for the jew me down comment. [ wah wah ] >> oh, really? >> stephanie: oklahoma state dennis johnson republican apologized for using the phrase "jew me down." debate over a bill on wednesday he said they might try to jew me down on a price. that's okay. that's free market as well. he was then handed a note about
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15 seconds later. >> i'm told i wasn't supposed to say that. turns out that jew is not a verb. >> stephanie: did i? he said to a colleague. i said what now? he said i apologize to the jews. >> the jews. >> stephanie: they're good small businessmen as well. >> oh, god really? [ buzzer ] >> you know what? >> show me a poor jew. >> stephanie: it just came out of one of the wrinkles in my brain. it was not something that was intentional. one of the many racist wrinkles. i certainly didn't mean to offend -- they do a breakdown of what part of your brain does what? just like stereotypes of the largest part of his brain. >> biggest wrinkle. >> stephanie: racist stereotypes. >> biggest wrinkle. >> stephanie: then beer and sex. that's it. >> and guns. >> stephanie: i certainly
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didn't mean to offend anyone. see, it is the oversensitive jews again. and i apologize for the folks that i did offends. for the touchy jews i may have offended. >> phrases i use a lot. >> stephanie: it is a comment that should never be made. i will never do it again. in public. i didn't say that part. texas state representative larry taylor had to apologize in 2011 for using -- insurance association to treat policy holders well and not try to jew them down. so he was just trying to protect insurance -- holders. okay. all right. >> it is 2013. for crimony's sake! >> stephanie: the news really covered is how awesome sexy liberal in chicago was. audra and kate write great seeing you again! you bring all of these people together. some are really cool, some are kind of weird but that's okay.
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>> some are awesomely weird. >> we embrace the differences. they celebrate their differences. that's what we do at sexy liberal. i hated high school, never went to a reunion but the sexy liberal stuff is different. i feel like a cool kid and not a huge dork. >> stephanie: audra we're all cool kids at sexy liberal. we celebrate. ♪ we come to celebrate our differences ♪ >> really? ♪ we've got to celebrate our differences ♪ >> stephanie: i was saying, that's why the ricin guy at least one person hands me something like that -- >> oh. >> stephanie: there's always one at every event. i would like you to read this thing i wrote. >> covered with ricin. >> stephanie: okay. they were rolling with john and pam, too. ♪ you know, every now and then, john and pam pack up their three cats, hook up the fifth wheel and head out on down the road ♪
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listen to the story now. >> i wasn't going to drive all that way if i couldn't give my honey bun a kiss. i could kiss that little face right off. ♪ makin their way to chicago ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry because they'll never hurry because sexy liberal is happy to give ♪ ♪ fifth wheel keep on turnin' ♪ ♪ john and pam keep on burnin' ♪ ♪ rollin' rollin' rollin' in the fifth wheel ♪ ♪ rollin' rollin' rollin' ♪ [ laughter ] >> stephanie: sexy liberal on facebook for pictures of the chicago show. legendary lily tomlin. much more, the latest out of boston as we continue on "the stephanie miller show."
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>> stephanie: hour number three. legendary lily tomlin coming up. nice to see ann coulter took a break from twitter fighting with meghan mccain to twitter fight with marco rubio. too bad he couldn't give the dead bombing suspect the amnesty. >> good to know she still has something important to say. >> stephanie: she's just precious. it has been like a race to see who can make an indelicate
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political point in the middle of a tragedy faster. >> why can't we put this a asidede anandedealal w with ththmomotitiononal roller coaster of last week? have a moment to be human? >> stephanie: like chris said, boston needed a xanax and a hug at the end of the week. >> i hear ya. >> a xanax and a beer. >> stephanie: sheer she is, the wicked smart jacki schechner in the current news center. >> the senate judiciary committee is holding a second hearing this morning on comprehensive immigration reform. last week, a bipartisan group of eight senators unveiled their proposal now under consideration which would both beef up border security and help find a path to citizenship for some 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the united states illegally. here is committee chairman patrick leahy this morning. >> we need an immigration system that lives up to american values helps write the next chapter in american history by reinrigvating our economy and
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the kind of country that attracted my maternal grandparents. >> that hearing is still going on at the moment. meanwhile, some republicans like senators chuck grassley and jeff sessions have started wondering allowed whether we should slow down immigration reform in the wake of last week's marathon bombers. just the opposite. we need to act more quickly to identify who is here and to use reform to toughen current regulations. we're finding out today that neither of the boston bombing suspects was licensed to carry a gun. this according to the cambridge police department which says that 19-year-old dzhokhar tsarnaev was not old enough to apply for a license because he would have to be 21. the department has no record of 26-year-old tamerlan tsarnaev ever applying. massachusetts state law does say those under 21 can get a firearms i.d. card. they can own a shotgun or a rifle holding less than ten rounds but according to
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authorities, the two brothers had at least six bombs handguns, a rifle and more than 250 rounds of ammunition. we're back with more show after the break. stay with us. (vo) earth day isn't just for tree huggers, it's a wake up call to mankind. celebrate earth day with an afternoon of documentaries about the planet we all share. >> what are the forces that are blocking change? (vo) and stay tuned at 2 eastern for an exclusive premiere of leonardo dicaprio's award winning film, the 11th hour. >> we face a convergence of crises, all of which are a concern for life.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform?
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>> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 6 minutes after the hour. legendary lily tomlin at the bottom of the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number. the web site. check it out. you can e-mail us all there. somebody was -- did they tweet or e-mail? >> they e-mailed me. it was chris in texas. says the only zoning they have in texas has to do with how many feet from schools the topless bars have to be. someone can buy a house next to you and turn it into a liquor store. >> stephanie: so the kids are
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safe from the [ bleep ] >> boobies kill people. >> stephanie: politicians. those kind. okay. >> wow. that sounds dreadful. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. so obviously just a crazy crazy news week last week. the latest on dzhokhar, the bombing suspect. he's answering questions in writing. he still cannot speak but we don't know -- no word on what the answers are yet. and by the way so there's been a lot -- the college he went to, they interviewed obviously kids he went to school with. emily, somebody said he stood out because of odd behavior like spreading messy string cheese all over her couch and picking up her cat and carrying it upstairs for no reason. he said -- >> that's an m.o. for something? >> stephanie: i'm not sure what the fbi would make of that. string cheese and cats. [ ♪ dramatic ♪ ] >> that's just a weird kid. >> stephanie: weird. we just didn't invite him over after that. how many people pick up your cat
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and go upstairs. [ whatever! ] >> stephanie: i'm not certain what that would be a sign of. >> string cheese? >> stephanie: no. he picked the cat up. >> string cheese to indoctrinate the cat. >> stephanie: there must be some connection. the suspect's uncle they've obviously interviewed family members. this is ruslan. >> became concerned. >> seeing no purpose in life. pursue path of god. ask what is the path? he will say i'm son of -- do you know the translation? do you know what that is? >> stephanie: so they're obviously looking into this trip he took back to -- was it chechnya actually? >> russia. >> stephanie: one of the stans perhaps and what the purpose of that was. the relative said no, he slept a lot. he's a good sleeper. that's nice to know. >> so am i. >> stephanie: really? and you own a cat and you love cheese!
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dram. [ ♪ dramatic ♪ ] >> and you live upstairs. [ ♪ dramatic ♪ ] >> stephanie: i don't know. >> i've never been to chechnya though. >> stephanie: yeah, that's your story. >> check my records. >> stephanie: the suspect's uncle. >> his brother was not really his brother. he used him. he used him. >> stephanie: this is the robert duffy the stepson of the boat owner obviously the big break on the case on friday. >> the tarp from the boat was kind of askew. he went over it, trying to adjust the straps. he realized one of the straps had been cut. at that point he noticed there was a small amount of blood. he looked forward. not knowing what he was actually looking at. his brain told him there was a body but he wasn't sure there was a body. at that point he immediately jumped down, called 911.
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>> stephanie: so that was -- that was about -- only about a half hour i think after they -- announcedder the suspect's names, correct on friday night. don't you hate that when you look at your boat tarp and there is a bloody chechen in there. end of an incredible news week. tamerlan the dead bomber -- i'm sorry, suspect suspected boston bomber, may not get an islamic funeral. in the days since the two deadly bombs that followed boss -- brought boston to a standstill, the community has distanced itself from the suspects. the head of the islamic institute of boston said i would not be willing to do a funeral. he deliberately killed people. he already left the fall of islam. those who kill innocent people, they will dwell in the hell fire. obviously a lot of -- we were saying that people in islamic orb chechnya are saying our
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fight is not with the united states. it is with russia. it will be awhile before they understand what the moyes were. let's go to sheila in virginia. hi sheila. >> caller: how are you? >> stephanie: good. how are you? >> caller: this would be a good time to nominate a director for the atf. >> stephanie: might be. >> caller: they may want to rethink their policy about cutting back on police forces all over the place. >> stephanie: yeah. think about that. just texas and boston alone right? >> yeah! they have to make up that you their minds. >> stephanie: that's a good point. we've seen so much of this from the right. union bashing and public employee bashing and then you look at what happened in boston. you were grateful for law enforcement, weren't you? this is west texas resident. >> we are frustrated because you know, it is just like let's get -- it is settled.
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you just can't settle. >> stephanie: people who say it is their job. a lot of firefighters died in texas rushing in to try to help people. they are heroes. along with the cops that -- can you imagine what it was like to be a cop in boston last week? >> i'll bet the nra wants to change atf to alcohol, tobacco and fertilizer. bill in albany? >> caller: hi, stephanie and mooks. pretty wild week. i'll tell you, all of those gun people who want to stand up against the tyranny of the government. how old they like to have -- how would they like to have 9,000 people who fall down on them? come down on them. you want to fight this government. you're out of your mind. so when they -- take their ak-47 and jump in the back of the boat in the backyard, know it ain't gonna work out too well. >> stephanie: exactly. tim in illinois, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi tim.
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>> caller: it's jim. >> stephanie: okay then, hi, jim. >> caller: that's all right. i think the last guy was a little drunk but that's all right. two quick points. if this had had been a republican president i think he would have dedicated to how he allowed a terrorist act to take place. second point is -- >> stephanie: okay. are you going to compare this to 9-11? >> caller: one last point, i will be quiet. i promise. how about after 9-11, everyone was saying how george bush took everyone's freedoms away and obama was going to restore the freedoms, all of that. what happened to all of that? >> i have a problem with that. the patriot act should have been repealed. i have a problem with that. >> caller: so obama doubles the number of federal wiretaps. he expanded the patriot act. how are we more free with obama as president? >> stephanie: the difference is we do talk about that on the left. >> it is not because he's --
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>> stephanie: not everything is cut-and-dried. i agree with the public safety exemption that he was not read miranda rights. but i disagree with john mccain and lindsey graham that he should be tried as an enemy combatant. >> caller: i agree too. one other thing -- >> stephanie: all right. after you. >> oh, no, you first. >> thank you. >> stephanie: it was magic wasn't it? [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] >> stephanie: one more thing? no. not on my show. >> another 27 things. >> stephanie: i will be the judge of that whether there will be one more thing and i have a finger and it can hit a dial tone. hello, mark in pennsylvania. >> caller: honestly, i'm fed up with the democrats the republicans, i think it comes down to what abraham lincoln said 155 years ago and that is that a house divided cannot stand by itself and that the bottom line is that there's just
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too much extremism between the democrats and the republicans. nobody is getting along. the reality is i'm just an american fed up with both parties behaving badly. >> stephanie: listen, i was on your team last week. we were in the we hate everyone mood after democrats voted against the background checks. >> caller: it is -- nobody's addressing the fact this country is going to hell and the bottom line is i have a wonderful little 11-year-old and i'm getting on his case about getting good grades, doing the right thing and he said to me, what the hell's the point what's the point when you have a doctorate from mit and you can't get a job and you know, somebody like honey boo-boo can make $40,000 a week being an idiot? >> stephanie: we've always been idiots. this country -- we've always been idiots in that regard. honey boo-boo's mom look like a -- and that's america. there has always been that
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imbalance. look at what cops make and the kardashians. what would the kardashians have done about boston i wonder? let's go to tom in texas. here on "the stephanie miller show." hi tom. >> caller: good morning, ms. miller. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: one thing to say from this bleeding heart liberal. what we would probably do is kick this kid's ass hold him down on the ground and keep him there so that due process under the constitution could be implemented. >> stephanie: yeah. and chris thank you. caw thanks to governor perry most of our fire fighters are voluntary because he's gutted the infrastructure so bad that you know, god love these people for putting their lives on the line. an. >> the -- absolutely. >> caller: it is good to have somebody talking for the right side of the law now.
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>> stephanie: thank you. >> why should they have any regulation for the fert liers plants? what could possibly go wrong? >> stephanie: we did wait until this was in the midst of the tragedy. when it came out today about how much -- what was it? 1,350 times the amount of ammonium nitrate that would trigger a safety oversight regulation of any kind by the department of homeland security. jonathan writes steph, i love that statement. i bet the cowering liberals in boston wish they had an ar-15. way to kick people when they're done. good christians. what would have happened if a democrat said i bet those conservatives wish the fertilizer company was regulated. it is different to talk about it after the fact when you realize this is something that could have been prevented and should have been. it is within 1300 feet of a school. and a nursing home. >> the difference is the democrats on capitol hill are voting to send funding -- to
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help in the aftermath of the west. >> stephanie: someone made that point earlier. rick perry spoke out against hurricane sandy. >> both senators voted against hurricane sandy aid. now they're asking for aid for west texas. >> stephanie: in america we help each other. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> so funny in my head when i planned it. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." you know who is coming on (vo) earth day isn't just for tree huggers, it's a wake up call to mankind. celebrate earth day with an afternoon of documentaries about the planet we all share. >> what are the forces that are blocking change? (vo) and stay tuned at 2 eastern for an exclusive premiere of leonardo dicaprio's award winning film, the 11th hour. >> we face a convergence of crises, all of which are a concern for life.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ you don't have to be beautiful ♪ ♪ to turn -- >> stephanie miller ♪ on ♪
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♪ i just want your extra time ♪ ♪ kiss ♪ >> stephanie: 22 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. wade in florida you're on the "the stephanie miller show." hi wade. welcome. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i was kind of wondering, i think that it is a very good thing that boston was locked down so quickly to catch this felon. but i wonder did anybody notice or think that with socialism coming or with whatever the government has planned for the people, i would think that one of the first things they would do is take away our guns. and as fast as this lockdown happened within hours, they shut this whole area down. >> stephanie: that was phase one in the president's plan to take our guns? >> i think they should shut the
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nation down twice as fast if nobody had guns. >> sound kind of crazy there wade. >> caller: not at all. i'm just wondering. like most americans. >> stephanie: you're actually just another [ bleep ] >> how many guns do you need to take on the u.s. army? >> stephanie: a lot. ♪ ♪ you don't think ♪ ♪ don't read the polls ♪ ♪ you're on fire ♪ ♪ the nra ♪ ♪ they tell you what you can say ♪ ♪ oh, you like to think that you don't answer to us ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ ♪ closer to the truth you know you're just a big putz ♪ ♪ and now you're gonna have to face it, you're a [ bleep ] with
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guns ♪ ♪ might as well, you're a [ bleep ] with guns ♪ ♪ might as well face it, you're a [ bleep ] with guns ♪ ♪ might as well face it, you're a [ bleep ] with guns ♪ ♪ might as well face it, you're a [ bleep ] with guns ♪♪ >> stephanie: thank you rocky mountain mike! for your television audience, i was doing the robert palmer girl. >> you were good. >> stephanie: thanks. would have worn the black dress had i known. bill in san diego writes steph watched your honey lawrence owe dom. he's handsome and romantic. >> he's not a dog. >> he was asking the former atf special agent the one thing that could have helped, we mentioned this earlier, the boston bombing case is the ability to trace gunpowder. why doesn't the fbi have that ability? what i heard next floored me. in the '70s, the atf and 3m company created a way to -- one of the romney kids.
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they were very excited about it. and sent it into the field and solved a major case. when it got to the hill, the nra got involved and blocked it from being used, saying they allow atfs to tag explosives, they'll tag explosive powders and who knows what else they would try to tag as our last caller would say. clearly the socialist president's dress rehearsal. >> take your guns away. >> stephanie: the whole country will be on lockdown. look over there. ah! got your gun. >> the whole point is to catch the bad guys. >> stephanie: somebody was saying the only thissing that stops a good guy with a pressure cooker is a bad guy with a pressure cooker. >> if only they had ar-15s. >> stephanie: the "new york post" thinks might be vaguely involved. >> carrying a kitchenaid mixer. >> har lean in alabama welcome. >> caller: i was just -- what
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jim was just saying there, i was wondering, too. talking about all of the people wowerring and -- cowering and wishing they had ak-47s. we should be thankful the bombers didn't decide to use ak-47s rather than pressure cookers. >> russian gun, that would be a dead give away. >> stephanie: right. we were talking about somebody -- i thought i was having a hard time with the name pronunciations. and one station just -- they just -- the chyron said zooey deschanel. they just gave up. guys in the early 2,000s, i worked in a closed captioning company that handled live, breaking news. one court. >> reporter: was doing a story about alan greenspan going into the hospital with a large prostate. however what went over the air was ern larged prostitute. [ laughter ] >> could call andrea mitchell
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that. >> stephanie: as if that wasn't embarrassing enough for her, every news outlet thought it was funny so she was captioning every single one of the newscasts with her gaffe over and over and over again. >> hilarious. >> stephanie: dave in pennsylvania you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi dave. >> caller: this boston deal, i'm completely opposite of the other guy. what i see is you have one guy with one gun and they shut down a whole city. you've got 300 million guns out in the country. what would be the cost and the logistics to go out and collect the 300 million guns off of people? it is impossible. >> stephanie: exactly. dave, the other thing is this wasn't just a guy with a gun. they had explosives and still don't know if there's more. that have been unexploded. go ahead. >> caller: that's true. in the '60s, i was part of an
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attempted gun confiscation over in vietnam. we had b-52 bombers napalm, agent orange, we had access to puff old c-47 with a gatling gun. one burst covered a whole football field in one burst. now, when i left after 16 months of that, they had more guns than when we got there. you know where they got the guns from. off of our dead soldiers bodies. they would use ied, road bombs they would blow up bars downtown. >> stephanie: exactly. as we were saying earlier because george bush was on the cover of parade, thank god he still wasn't in charge, he would have bombed france. dzhokhar. who is his wife? wife? 29 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie
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miller show" with lily tomlin. very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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(vo) earth day isn't just for tree huggers, it's a wake up call to mankind. celebrate earth day with an afternoon of documentaries about the planet we all share. >> what are the forces that are blocking change? (vo) and stay tuned at 2 eastern for an exclusive premiere of leonardo dicaprio's award winning film, the 11th hour. >> we face a convergence of crises, all of which are a concern for life. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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>> stephanie miller. >> unbelievable. it is way too early for this, guys. i haven't even had my first cup of wine today. >> stephanie: i'm nervous. getting ready to talk to a legend. 34 minutes after the hour. this just in from tom brokaw. >> legendary lily tomlin formerly of "laugh in" and that's the truth. >> stephanie: good morning lily tomlin. >> good morning stephanie. >> stephanie: we're a little punchy. it has been a big news week as
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you know. >> without a document. >> stephanie: you know what we need? we need a break. if we wanted one tune into hbo at 7:00 for an apology to elephants. >> that's true. >> stephanie: see what i did there? >> master -- feminine? >> stephanie: you just woke up, didn't you? >> well, kind of. i so wanted to come to the studio but it was just more demanding than i thought. >> stephanie: i understand. i have to say i'm fascinated with elephants as well. you have to tell us about this. this sounds like an amazing special. you narrate this. jane wagner, i've heard of her. >> no, i've been active with elephants advocating for elephants in captivity for a long time. starting with the l.a. zoo and then i worked with the dallas zoo. i worked with seattle up north. and i've just had a big interest in elephants. and wanted this piece tonight, i thought it was so perfect that
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little mark who died in the marathon and no more hurting people. i wish it would become our anthem in general. so this is -- the elephants are earthlings too. so no more -- no more hurting. >> stephanie: lily, you mention the l.a. zoo because i remember, there is always the heartbreaking stories about elephants in the news that just -- because they are so intelligent and so -- you hear all the time about them weeping for their deceased. >> right. and -- will return to the scene of a death of one of their family and they fondle the bones. they come across them, they really investigate the bones thinking it might be somebody they know. it is pretty profound. and they just represent for me, like the elephant -- the big elephant in the room, just as mark spoke about no hurting people. they're so big and it is so
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undeniable how much they suffer in captivity. >> stephanie: the apology to elephants tonight on hbo describes, obviously you know, sometimes really brutal treatment that elephants undergo when they're trained to perform psychological trauma, physical damage. they're done by being kept by circuses and zoos. tell us a little bit more about it. >> er in the documentary pat who just died a month or so ago or less, she ran the sanctuary up north performing animals welfare society. she had been an animal trainer so i visited up there at paws. my lips aren't moving but -- other than that, i think i'm coherent. in circuses, you cannot -- how do you -- no one ever asks themselves in the past, god that's so fabulous that little
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elephant riding a tricycle or standing on its head. how do they get them to do that? it is just wonderful. well, how they get them to do it is very brutal. you can't possibly get an elephant to ride a bicycle unless you beat him into submission in some way so that he or she feels that she better ride the bicycle or she's going to have -- continue to feel pain. so yes what i meant to say is pat derby says, in the movie she says a zoo can be fixed. that's also somewhat difficult. but circuses cannot because the training of the animals to do the tricks is just brutal, horrific really. >> stephanie: you know i'm an animal lover from way back as well. i had that sense, just going to a circus. you go they can't like doing this. they can't enjoy this. you're right. there is a difference. the zoos, some of the enclosures i've seen them in are obviously abuse. but you're right the circus is
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beyond. that's just for our entertainment. >> we even spotlight one circus, the open circus up north is -- you know, a zoo that's really trying to accommodate and take care of the elephants in a decent way but the point is you really shouldn't be bringing them into the country and breeding little baby elephants into captivity and the breeding programs aren't that successful anyway. >> stephanie: what about -- so what about zoos because obviously, you know, again just inadequate room for them in a lot of places. >> i would say most places. how can you -- in some places, the climate is too cold. elephants aren't used to that freezing climate. up in seattle the elephants stay enclosed like 17, 18 hours a day, seven months of the year because it is too cold. and they develop such terrible arthritis from standing in one place. most zoos, they are of they allow a quarter of an acre for
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one or two elephants. here is an elephant 8,000 10,000 pounds standing on dirt that is like standing on cement. >> stephanie: what happened at the l.a. zoo? i remember that story. >> we never did get billy freed of the sanctuary. we got ruby out. they were planning on building the big exhibit. they went through all kinds of shenanigans with billy. he still never was transferred to a sanctuary. because a big bull elephant is extremely strong and aggressive. he has been isolated. they built the big savanna at the zoo. six acres. only half of it is usable because they have to electrify the foliage otherwise the elephants will eat it. they love to pull up little trees and forage and they walk miles and miles every day. they don't stand in one place or just walk around in a circle
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around a small enclosure. >> stephanie: for those of us who care not just about animals but the planet, they promote biodiversity, helping trees plants and animals. they're unique and remarkable. not just on our planet. you talk about poaching. >> yeah, poaching is completely deadly here because they've lifted the ban on poaching again and we have only like 100,000 african elephants left and they've been killed. elephants have been poached about 38,000 a year. so there's not much time for the elephants. >> stephanie: interesting the way they describe them. the gardeners of the forest. >> you just had that wonderful little spot on your attizing about visit the forest.
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>> stephanie: they clear ways but because of the ayery trade and habitat destruction as you were implying, vulnerable or endangered they're at the risk of extinction over the next ten years. >> that's true. i come back to my -- i know that's the most persuasive for probably an individual to grab on to it but the -- no more hurting. that's what i meant about it being emblematic. symbolic of all of the pain and hurting in the world really and the stupidity of turning away from it and pretending it doesn't exist or not caring if it exists. >> stephanie: you say in the apology of elephants first thing we need to know is that the elephants need your help. >> for me, symbolically, it sums up the human species needs our
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help. >> stephanie: as you said in search of signs even if you win, you're still a rat. >> i wish i was articulate. >> stephanie: we were all whining about something and i said language was developed because of man's deep internal need to complain. we have nothing to complain about. we should be apologizing to the elephants tonight on hbo at 7:00. narrated by the will legendary lily tomlin. >> so articulate in the morning even in the afternoon for god's sake. i'm glad i have you as a straight person. >> stephanie: i don't know how you meant that but that's okay. lily, love you. >> love you guys, all of you. >> thanks, lily. >> stephanie: she starred with alan alda.
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>> in "flirting with disaster." >> one of the funniest movies in ever. first first time we didn't quote her lines back to her. >> i did say and that's the truth. we got that quote in. >> stephanie: you haven't sat at a dinner party with her going remember the time when -- when you fell into the garbage disposal? er. >> i love that movie. >> stephanie: i love that movie the most of everything. oh god, i love that movie so much. okay. kathy in virginia. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi kath. >> caller: how are you? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: i wanted to say thank you for taking all of these calls because what i've noticed in the past year and a half is everybody that calls for you know the gun rights, they're
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white male the and chris i love you guys to death but white males are in favor of all of this. you don't hear many women calling saying hey give me my ak-47, give me my this or that. you don't hear blacks or hispanics. it is all white males. >> gangs that have a lot of guns too. >> stephanie: you blame you mooks. >> my idea. >> stephanie: who else will i lash out at? >> hence the stapler-shaped briewsd on the side of our heads >> stephanie: ak, ar, something. >> you sunk my battle ship. >> stephanie: we're tired. 45 minutes after the hour.
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right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> it is a happening spot. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." (vo) earth day isn't just for tree huggers, it's a wake up call to mankind. celebrate earth day with an afternoon of documentaries about the planet we all share. >> what are the forces that are blocking change? (vo) and stay tuned at 2 eastern for an exclusive premiere of leonardo dicaprio's award winning film, the 11th hour. >> we face a convergence of crises, all of which are a concern for life.
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♪ >> stephanie: it is the "the stephanie miller show." you know what? trust me. you will be giggling later at things jim ward says later. kruzel my "parade" magazine for the article. look at the look on laura's face? holy crap, seriously george, get a job. because we were saying it is like living with an 8-year-old.
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i drew another picture of me. >> a picture of me sitting on the toilet. look at the dukey i just made. bombs away. >> stephanie: splish! okay. just saying he has a tendency to -- himself neighbored in the bathroom. that's just what came back. look at the doody i made, laura. i drew another picture. another picture of a dog. george, for the love of god get a job. don't run anything, just something to get you out of the house. >> stephanie: i made this picture and there's macaroni and sparkles on there. >> i'm going to ride my bicycle. >> baseball cards and spokes. rat, tat tat. >> stephanie: she looks heavily medicated in that picture on the cover of parade. >> bless her heart. >> stephanie: at least at the white house she could chain-smoke and curse her life in the rose garden and get the hope to listen to her. >> george, could you go out and
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wash your truck or something? >> some ciggis and xanax. >> laura bush needed more than a hug and xanax. >> stephanie: dave in michigan you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi dave. >> thanks for taking my call, steph. i think we've had two incidents this past week. one in boston that i don't know could have been prevented by our government. at least not the kind of government we want to have. this event in texas could have been. >> stephanie: here we go again. if it was a republican president -- really are? are you really going to compare 9-11 to what happened in boston? >> caller: no, you can't. if they're going to drown the government in the bathtub, we'll have more industrial accidents or disasters or just things getting ready to happen. >> stephanie: somebody was talking about the republicans seem to root every time public
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employees get laid o cops. that would have been good last week in boston. you cannot say enough for the spectacular job law enforcement -- they deserved the rock star cheers they got. >> law enforcement. >> stephanie: all right. meanwhile, we got a situation with reese witherspoon everybody. >> oh, my god. >> stephanie: she said the thing that celebrities aren't supposed to say. >> you just don't say it. >> stephanie: police in georgia say actress reese witherspoon has been arrested on disorderly conduct charge after a traffic stop involving her husband in atlanta. >> don't you know who i am? >> stephanie: i was getting to that. the report says i think that just businesses the cops off more. >> it is like when larry handed his car to the -- card to the cop, what do you think of that? >> i think there is going to be a great deal of unfortunate publicity. that's what i think of that. the report says a state trooper observed a car driven by
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witherspoon's husband was failing to stay in its lane. witherspoon ignored multiple orders to stay in the car. she was handcuffed and arrested and then she said do you know who i am? [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: i don't know. you are somebody in handcuffs that's who you are. get in the car! shh! shut your pie hole. >> you said to the cop, are you going to be on the news after that. oh, no, the cop isn't on the news. >> stephanie: you are. >> reese witherspoon is. >> stephanie: now we know who you are even more. here is that actress that got arrested. james in nashville. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi james. >> caller: hi, stephanie. >> stephanie: hi. turn your radio or tv off and then we'll come back to you. dan in michigan, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hello, dan. >> caller: hi. i just wanted to say one i'm an older white veteran male and my
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opinion is that what we should be doing is next time there is one of the horrific incidents where the perpetrators can be tied of tied back to the nra that the president should declare the nra a terrorist organization and confiscate their assets. now you can go and lobby. >> stephanie: a tee and then a hee. let's go to renee in nashville. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi, renee. >> good morning, stephanie. thank you for taking my call. >> i absolutely love lily tomlin. i'm so sorry i missed her on air but i wanted to make sure she's aware if she's listening. here in tennessee, there is an elephant sanctuary with hundreds of acres for free roaming rescued elephants. >> stephanie: there's no roaming charges? fabulous! that's great! >> caller: yeah. it is wonderful. tell her i love her. >> stephanie: i will! get in line for loving lily tomlin. >> we all love her. >> stephanie: wayne in
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spokane. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi wayne. >> caller: hey everybody love you all. white male, disabled veteran shotgun owner not scared of my government. not a big feared thinking we're going to be taking all of our guns away. everything is based on paranoid fear and ridiculousness as far as an argument why i need an ar-15 or an ak-17. they're fun to shoot target stuff but i'm not going to go out with my ak to, you know, stop a criminal or something. my shotgun works just as well. the rounds don't go flying. it is just ridiculous. so shotguns are perfectly time. >> stephanie: all i need is my box. i don't even need a shotgun. all you need is a sound effect. >> i stopped a woman from being assaulted three weeks ago. 3:00 a.m. scream outside my house and went out there with my shotgun. this guy's got his hand on a girl. all i did was yell hey. he sees my shotgun.
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she's able to walk home unharmed. that was more than nothing. i didn't have to play rambo and all of this crap. >> stephanie: yep. my box is not as useful to me. it is not useful for anything really. >> one question. who told you i was paranoid? >> stephanie: i would hit the wrong button on my box. >> i've got a whistle. i'm not afraid to use it. [ cuckoo clock chimes ] [dogs barking] >> stephanie: james in nashville. hello, james. >> stephanie: i have a studio audience. >> caller: what i was calling about is this boston city bombers, why is it nobody mentions where do they get the gunpowder for the pressure cookers? where did they get -- >> stephanie: we can't trace the gunpowder because of the nra. >> caller: i know that but if they had background checks, you
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know, they would have been able to identify them. it is like -- lindsey graham and john mccain saying these guys were international terrorists. to me, they're domestic terrorists. >> stephanie: again as legal experts have said, james that's a nonstarter. dzhokhar, the guy in the hospital is an american citizen committed on american soil. you can't try them as enemy combatants. you just can't. another '70s perfume for men? >> drakkar noir was '80s. >> stephanie: i would like to thank chris lavoie, jim ward, t-bone on phones and drums jacki, courtney, the whole gang over at current tv. dzhokhar. okay. >> i come from france.
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