tv Full Court Press Current May 1, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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show and at facebook at show. president obama was peppered with tough questions. in responses to a lot of those questions, first of all, he promised there was going to be no rush to war in syria. it was important, he said, to get all of the facts first, and we don't have them all yet. he insisted he still had a lot of juice left and intended to use that juice, among other things, to push for new gun safety measures in the united states congress. he defended the f.b.i. and law enforcement officials for the work they did up in boston and he vowed that he was going to work harder than ever to close down guantanamo that gullag of ours in cuba. ed markey wins the democratic primary up in boston and the
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fda has approved the morning after pill for over-the-counter sales. you see, lots coming up here right here on current tv. kiesh we have a big big hour and the & (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets
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that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. [ music ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current t.v. this is "the bill press show." >> bill: >> bill: president obama says, "i've still got a lot of juice left, and i am going to use it." what do you say? good morning, everybody. happy month of may. can you believe it? here we are, wednesday, may 1st. it is the full court press here, coming to you live from our nation's capitol and bringing you the news of the day. a lot of it made at the whitehouse yesterday with president obama in the briefing
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room. i was there. we will tell you all about it, bring you up to date on the situation in syria. the first lady talking about jobs for veterans day at the whitehouse as well and more positive response including from the president of the united states on jason collins and his big announcement yesterday of coming out of the closet as the first male member of one our four major sports to do so. so we have lots of grounds to cover this morning. >> that's why it's good to have you with us and good to know we are going to be able to hear from you on twitter on facebook and on the phone. the team here, team press in place for you, peter okaygburn and dan henning. >> good morning. >> with alicia cruz on the phone. alicia, good morning. sip ran gets a big wave to keep us looking good on current tv. >> happy may day. >> it is a national holiday in
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france. not yet in this country. it used to be a bigger deal. this was like worker's day. >> that's why it is a holiday in france. >> around the world, they use this day to sort of rally for better conditions for workers. >> it's never been anything. no. never been anything here even in days of full employment, it wasn't that here at any rate happy 1st of may. when is the temperature going to feel like may? still a little chilly. big news big political news out of boston yesterday, out of massachusetts, we should say. ed markey beating congressman steve lynch for the democratic nomination for that senate seat vacated by john kerry. ed markey celebrating last night but warning people, you know the right-wingers are going to come
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in and try to buy this one. >> but this election, ladies and gentlemen, will not be easy. karl rove, the koch brothers and the republican super pacs see this election as their first shot at stopping president obama's agenda and gaining control of the united states senate. they are ready to move mountains of money to buy this election. >> bill: >> bill: ed newarkey, he will be the next senator of the state of massachusetts. he should be. he called on his opponent last night. remember when elizabeth warren was running against scott brown they both, brown and warren signed a pledge, no outside money allowed into the senate race in massachusetts. he had markey said let's sign the same pledge. >> tonight, i call on the republican nominee to keep the outside, undisclosed, unlimited,
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special interest money out of this race and to sign the people's pledge the same way that scott brown signed the people's pledge. >> all right. no response from his republican opponent yet. we will see how that goes lots to get into the this morning. eliot spitzer will join us as he does every wednesday morning, give us his take on the news and got a whole round robin of reporters from the boston globe to talk more about the primary yesterday. reporters from huffington post and from buzz feed here in studio with us. lots coming up. but first... >> this is the full court press. >> other headlines making news on this wednesday, tim tebow got his first contract offer since being released by thejets yesterday. it's not really what he was looking for. cbs sports reports the omaha beef offered him a contract to play the remaining 6 games, part of the professional indoor football league.
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they would pay him $75 a game, a far cry from the $2 million he got from the jets last year. >> he also was offered with the sincenated pop warner league, i think he got offered yesterday, too. >> nominees for the tony awards kinky boots and then mathilda with 12 best nominees include them and a christmas story and bring it on. the best plays are the assembled parties, lucky guy the testament of marchy and vonia and marsha and spike. >> hands on a hard body brilliantmentings musical i saw, didn't get a nomination. they were very creative, very good play. we have talked recently about the koch brothers plans to buy up newspapers across the country. one possibility is the la times. the huffington post is reporting times cumni steven lopez
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gave a speech at ane in house room and half the staff raised their hands. whether he asked about another person. just a few sappers raised their nds that they would quit. >> half of them raised their hands and said they wouldn't. the other would wait to get fired by the koch brothers. >> yeah, the idea that the koch brothers would buy "the l.a. times" and the chicago tribune and i think there are four other papers, you know, that are part of this whole deal is absolutely a tragedy. but you know what? where are the liberals to stand up sand say i will buy a t.v. station. i will by radio nations, newspapers. liberals have never done it. >> that's why they are getting their ass beat in the media. >> excellent point. >> don't knock the koch brothers or rupert murdoch. buy your own papers.
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there are plenty liberals who could every day to do it, got the money to do it. they just won't do it. sol there, bills >> bill: >> bill: it was big time in the briefing room, president obama scheduling at the last minute a conference with -- news conference with us white house reporters. nobody knew exactly why. the white house didn't say what the subject was. we all went down there expecting the president to come out and make a big announcement on syria which he did not do. in fact, he made a big announcement about nothing. i have never seen a presidential news conference, either watching on t.v. or there, myself where the president didn't start out with some remarks. they usually do to sort of set the direction for the news conference. if he didn't do it to make news
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most people speculated was because yesterday happened to be the 100th day of the president's second term. so it was a way of marking the 100 days without saying we are having a news conference to celebrate our 100 days. at any ration. we have some friends visiting us from france these days. after they came back from their touring around washington and i came back from my workday and they said, what was the scoop? what was the scoop? did you get a scoop today? there was no scoop. there was no news. the president called on only t.v. reporters not first time ever, again. he did not call on the associated presses, which presidents always do. didn't call on reuters. didn't calm on "the l.a. times" or the "new york times" or the washington post or the boston globe even though he
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praised them saturday night at the whitehouse correspondent did dinner cbs nbc, abc and fox got questions with the exception with one reporter from chile who will reports for a newspaper. he is going down to central america and mexico starting tomorrow. they have one question in advances of that trip. the president did clarify his position, use the opportunity in response to questions to clarify his position on several issues. a question i thought showed disrespect for the president of the united states came from jonathan karl who is basically the most negative reporter in the white house press corp anyway ol whether or not he had any clout left. remember this comes in april
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yesterday meaning four months into the president's second term, jonathan carl says basically, why don't you go home because you are all washed up. >> do you have the juice to get the rest of your agenda through this congress. >> if you put it that way, jonathan, maybe i should just pack up and go home. golly. you know as mark twain said rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated. i would have answer it differently if i were the president i might have said something obscene, but i may have pointed out jonathan you are here comevering me. i am not covering you. >> if you are not following us
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on twitter @bpshow, you are really doing yourself a disservice because at these type of events, press briefings when the president speaks you will tweet all during it and you had some very good tweets yesterday. >> bill: thank you. the president also pointed out. i want gun safety passed. congress didn't do it. i want immigration reform passed. congress hasn't done it. i want a fair balanced budget that has spending cuts but also new revenue and congress won't do it. he really pointed out, you can't blame me for these bozos in congress qua won't get their stuff together. >> jonathan, you seem to suggest that somehow, these folks over there have no responsibilities and that my job is to somehow get them to behave. >> that's their job. >> bill: it's their job to do.
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they've got to do their job and congress is not doing its job right now. anybody dispute that? they've done one thing in the last four months. right? they put the air traffic controllers back to work so nobody has flight delays. there will still be flight delays. >> that's the only thing this congress has don send them all home. they are worthless. the president also talked about syria. very importantly on syria. the president said, look yeah, we know that some chemical weapons were used but that doesn't mean we are going to do what john mccain wants and start another freakin war. >> i have to make sure i have the facts. >> that's what the american people would respects. >> exercising a little restraint unlike george w. bush we will make sure the chain of custody they call it, we know who put them there, how they were used
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and and we will take action in concert with our allies. if you were with us yesterday, you saw will dobson from slate talking about gitmo and the pit laid it out exactly what's wrong with gitmo. >> guantanamo is not necessary to keep america safe. it is expensive. it is inefficient. it hurts us, it lessens cooperation with our allies. it is a recruitment tool for extremists. it needs to be closed. >> bill: needs to be closed. the president vowed to close it in his first -- at the ends of his first year in. but then congress passed a bill that said well you may close it
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but you can't bring anyone on to american soil. we complain all the time about human rights violations in cuba. the worst human rights violations in cuba are on american soil in cuba at guantanamo bay. there are 166 prisoners still there. they have been there for over a decade. most of them with no charges filed. we are just holding people with no ability to defend themselves. they don't even know what they are charged with. they haven't been brought into court. they don't have an attorney there are 100 of them now on a hunger strike. to 1 of the 100 are being force fed by the united states so they don't die. 86 of those prisoners have been found not guilty but they are being held because there is no where to take them.
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a lot of them can't go back to their country of origin. they would be killed upon arrival, and then even the ones that we do think are still dangerous, we can't bring to the united states because congress has prohibited that even though we have prisons in this country that nobody has or ever will be able to escape from. it is a living outrage, what's going on down at guantanamo. and we've got to keep the pressure on congress to shut that facility down. 866-55-press. i mean, how can we pretend to be this nation that has such an enviable, remarkable system of justice when we are keeping people 10 years without any charges being filed against them or ability to defend themselves. the black mark on all of us. we should all be ashamed much what's happening at gitmo. we made that clear yesterday. >> this is "the bill press show."
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>> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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[ music ] >> on your radio and on current t.v. this is "the bill press show." 26 minutes after the hour now. yes, indeed, the question that comes out of the news conference yesterday with president obama is so what do we do about guantanamo bay? if the president can't do it unilaterally, how do we get congress to act. another sign of how bad it is that -- it was revealed yesterday we have sent a new team of 40 doctors these are
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people saying we would rather die of starvation than continue to live in the misery that we put them in, in guantanamo. again, we are talking about us the united states of america. shame on us. peter. >> happy anniversary. >> thank you. >> 10 years ago today, may 1st of thet, 2003, that george w. bush landed on the abraham lincoln with a giant "mission accomplished" banner behind him 10 years ago today. we can't let it go by without remembering such a screwed up event in the history of the u.s. >> walking around in that flight suit. >> tight jump suit. >> good lord. >> let's jump out to camera. julia, good morning. >> good morning, bill. haven't talked to you in a while. >> caller: no. i am excellent. the thing that i am sol
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concerned about is now the president is stating clearly, they have blocked everything now. there is no points to send anybody anywhere even if other countries would take it. would not allow a single time. >> this federal prison in illinois which is now basically empty. right? the president wants to mover these prisoners there. congress has said, no, you can't do that. >> they are treasonous now. i heard tom hartman say that. they are committing treason against the united states. >> it goes beyond policy. i think you are right, julia. i mean it's certainly aimed directly at the president of the united states. it's the right thing to do but if obama is for it, then they have to oppose it. that's about as deep as they get into policy. this is a national disgrace.
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we have to end it. >> this is "the bill press show." high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern.
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[ music ] >> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us @bp show and tweet with the hash tag, "watchingbp. >> bill: >> bill: 33 minutes after the hour. he will eliot spitzer, former governor of new york will join us with his take on the big news of the day. back to your calls about guantanamo bay, kind of frustrating when the president of the united states recognizes that in this whole attempt to convince the rest of the world
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of our way of life and how good it is and in this continuing campaign against our enemies, those who would committee acts of terror against us or recruit others to do so, the worst thing we could do is to keep guantanamo bay open, and yet the president's hands have been tied by congress who refuse to let us shut down facility and move people anywhere. it's a question, 866-55-press. back to your calls and comments. this story got my attention about identity theft up in new york city, a new york woman charged with stealing the identity of her 83-year-old grandmother who suffers from dementia. some people will stop at nothing. she used her grandmother's identity to open a credit card account and used that credit card to pay for prescriptions to satisfy her drug habit. she was caught.
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you have to protect yourself against identity theft. i have done so with lifelock ultimate, the most comprehensive id theft protection ever made. but of course life lock can't protect you or your bank account if you are not a member. call now. you will get 60 risk-free days of life lock ultimate identity theft protection. if you are not happy with -- after you try it out for a while, call again within 60 days and cancel. you get a full refund. see for details and give them a call at 18003565967. 1-800-3565967 for lifelock ultimate, 1-800-356-5967. >> a couple of comments from twitter, bill, where we are tweeting @bpshow on the gitmo top toppib. one says the hold up here is congress. they should be ashamed. better yet they should all be thrown out of office. don says what the hold-up is at gitmo has always been the
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war-mongering gop and the orlando[delete] says, bill be truthful. congress is the one that voted against this and defunded the moves. >> bill: i think i said that from the beginning. the president said that yesterday as well, and again, there are, believe it or not, and i think we want them limits on a president's power. the approximate cannot unilaterally close this facility, particularly given the fact that we've got to do something with the people that are there, and we believe that some of those people are dangerous. so it's not just like letting them all go. where do you put them? when congress says you can't put them on our soil, what do we do ryan is calling from seattle. ryan, what's your take? >> if the congress can't do its job, right now they are holding hearings at the national press club chaired by carolyn
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kilpatrick from michigan they just started to do their own hearings on ufo did at the national press club. there are six former congressman, congress senators that are attending and it's all week. and they decided that if the congress doesn't do its job, we will do it for them. >> inc. about that ryan. it's a nice gesture. a friend of mine is working with them on that. they have zero power right no to get anything done. so, you know, that's not -- that doesn't excuse the congress from doing its job, i guess i am saying. >> can you guys talk about that hearing? >> well i prefer to talk about things that actually count. okay? things that are actually real. i think if we talk too much about former congressmen holding a little publicity stunt at the press club, we are letting the real congress off of the hook. the real congress has a job to do on the budget, on gun safety
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on immigration reform on climate change and om gauntd guantbay. i would like to give these -- get these congressmen in here. maybe we should bring some in here and say, how do you defend given what we are supposed to stand for, how can they defend keeping gitmo open? and they are ones keeping it open, not president obama. be clear about that. eric in atlanta, georgia. hi eric >> caller: hi, bill. you know what does marco rubio do? he is always complaining to these republicans about human rights. they have nothing to say about these people and the constitution. i also feel if i -- i read your article about rand. he changed his mind. >> bill: eric, i am not a
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contortionist. you have to be a contortionist to keep up with rand paul's change of positions. >> exactly. these people. who actually could come up with somebody sit nag cafe and a drone strike? >> bill: rand paul, first of all, here is what i liked for the record here, because i am not part of the rand paul fan club but i liked the fact that when it came to a filibuster, he actually was willing to talk and to filibuster. 13 hours. right right? >> yeah >> bill: he did the real thing, number 1. no. 2, he said in that long filibuster, raping questions about use of drones in this country and how we had to beware of that, use of drones killing american citizens but more and more throws here in this country and raising serious questions about what were the policies and what were the limits on the use of those drones?
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that was good i have no problem with 50 bucks and a gun, sends a drone to kill them. he went from one extreme to the other. then he said, i didn't change my mind. so, i have no idea right now what rand paul stands for when it comes to drones. that's not the topic we are talking about, but back to this the point of reinforcing what i said earlier. if you listen to marco rubio, to toiliana ross slateman and all of these republicans from florida, they are always talking about how horrible the cuban government is and how they keep people in prison and all of these political prisoners. guess what the worse offenders in cuba right now is not castro government. it's the united states government. shame on us. robert up in raintree mass. hey, report.
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>> caller: these folks are prisoners of war somewhat. i guess is your point if we release them, the islamic world is going to like them better? i am unclear on this. >> my point is that they should be first of all, anybody, let's start with 86 of them, robert, have been found by us to be not guilty of anything. they are still being held. >> went through some sort of trial process? >> bill: not trials. not trials. evidence. our investigation just found there wasn't anything to charge them with. they have not been charged with anything. they have been declared not guilty. they are still being held. okay? subtract that 86 from 166. the rest of them have been held 10 years. that is against everything we stand for.
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>> all right. now, my understanding is, too, that no other country will accept them. is that correct? >> bill: i don't know that actually. i don't think we know. i don't think we know that. i don't think we know. some of them have said that they could not go back to where they came from because their lives might be in danger but i would think we could find countries that could accept them. but then the other thing is what the president wants to do is move these prisoners who might stilling a problem and move them to a secure prison in this country. >> that's impossible because the republicans in congress have prohibited that by law. they cannot be here in an american prison. >> that's insane. we have prisons that are secure people have never escaped from. >> you know what? send them to iraq or afghanistan then. >> bill: robert, we couldn't
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even do that according to this congress which, of course, is not the thing to do. >> a couple of quick comments adrienne lopez just says, sorry but these detainees are the same ones that will strap a bomb on and kill merges. i have no sympathy. let them starve. >> bill: that's a typical american ignorant response that because they are in guantgaubt there are, therefore, all guilty and they deserve no rights and no trial and nol hearing whatsoever. a typical, typical block-headed republican ignorant response. shame on you. >> karen has one good idea possibly. why don't we put congress in gitmo. >> bill: because congress -- gitmo is too good for some of these in congress. no, you know what? let's do what we do on this country. if we got the facts, let's file the charges combination them and bring them to trial and then they are guilty or not. that's the only way to find out but keeping people, you know
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this is the russian gullag. this is something we've always said america would never do is lock people up and keep them there forever without ever having a chance to go to trial. right? we don't do this. oh, yes, we do. eliot spitzer is next. >> radio meets television, "the bill press show," now on current tv. audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. >> chatting with you live at this is "the bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv. >> here we go, 13 minutes before the top of the hour.
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focusing on president obama slipping into the briefing room yesterday, taking questions from reporters a lot of tough questions and the president clarifying and confirming his response on a lot of major issues, on all the issues of the day we like to check in former governor of new york. he will jot spitzer joining us on the news line again. good morning, good to talk to you. >> good morning on this gorgeous wednesday morning. crystal blue skies. spectacularly beautiful it's been crappy the last couple of days. >> it's usually true in washington. touche. >> hit it out of the park. >> congratulations on a big win in massachusetts yesterday for our friend ed markey. hum?
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>> absolutely. it's one of those things in your gut, you always feel he is going to win he should win. massachusetts are liberal. he is aelined with them. i have been in politics and you watched it for decades. you never know. it's a huge wonderful win and marki will be a spectacular center. it's going to be great for the united states senate. >> yeah. absolutely. he's the best and i do think he fits the people of massachusetts like a glove. >> you know what? he is a hard-working smart guy. this is somebody who will -- he is going to compromise when he has to. he is going to be not a rigid ideology. he understands the process and works very hard at governing in the best way possible. >> that's what democracy is all about. i am thrilled to see this sort of thing happen. >> that makes two of us. it's makes a lot of united states. yesterday at the press briefing with the president, elliott, on the issue of syria, it was
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interesting to me. the president who had said before right chemical weapons, that's a red line. that's a game changer. now, a lot of people are purring him to say okay. when are you going to stop dropping the bombs? right? the president said, you know what? nobody is going to rush me into war. kind of refreshing. isn't it? >> you know what? he is saying is understand the difference between easy portable rhetoric and actually governorance. governorance rirpz one, understand responsibilities, the fact the chemical weapons were used doesn't mean we know who used them, where when why how, how to calibrate a response, and what he is doing is -- understand the other problem, he used the phrase "red line. and, therefore, created the imagery of a bright line which, once crossed, would trigger an immediate response. it is absolutely correct. what he has had for a while with syria is a public relation issue
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in terms of how you communicate the reality of tough decision making and what he also has now is the reality that if, in fact the leadership of the opposition movement is becoming more militant, the question will beposed: why did we not intercede earlier to prevent that radicalization of the opposition forces and, you know, it's a very complicated situation. people forget the sort of iraq situation. very, very quickly and now they are screaming, do you want to be in there? wait a minute. whoa. do we really want another enter sense in the middle east or where there is no good answer? >> bill: sure. thinking back at the iraq situation, there was no attempt to establish the facts about w m.d. right? before we invaded. >> none whatsoever. wnd would be repeated over and over again to say, what did we know and when? and let's be careful. >> i wanted to ask you a story about it appears this morning in
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huffington post. so i'm sorry. it's on pro publica. jeb hensarling says it's his job to be the watchdog on wall street. last month -- no. i'm sorry. he took that position in chairman in january, six weeks later, it's been reported now. he went off to a big ski vacation in park city utah to what's called the ritz carpalton of ski resorts with of course lobbyists of wall street firms, banks, and financial institutions. >> right. >> this is business as usual. >> you've got a problem with that? come on, bill. wake up to the world. poor guy, geoff hencearling working hard, you begrudge the guy a couple of days of skiing
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with the bankers? come on. here is the question. did they ski the hardest run? did he push them over the edge? i want to see you bounce down the runorski the bunny slopes. >> did they ski at all? >> yeah. sit in the lobby there and drink heavily. >> this is the kind of stuff that you were fighting as attorney general. right? it is outrageous. >> both the run up to the 2008 cataclysm and the ab severance of post-cataclysm efforts to hold anybody accountable or reimpose a meaningful regulatory scheme. thank goodness for shareod brown and elizabeth warren, a couple of voices that said let's do what is smart and reasonable. hearings where answeredarling provides, he leaves and breathes this deregulatory.
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it's early. i try not to get too excited about this stuff. you think we lived through this? can't we at least learn the lesson for a couple of years? the answer is, no. it is insane what goes on down there again. >> no. nothing has changed. sadly, sadly. >> sadly. >> we have to keep the pressure on. all right. he eliot spitzer. >> a little good snow. >> on this beautiful day in new york, i hope you have a good one. thanks for starting out with us. >> it's always good in new york. you should move here. this is where the excitement is. >> bill: anywhere but washington? >> you got it. >> thanks, elliott. >> like "the bill press show" on facebook. this is "the bill press show." i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can
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question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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>>. >> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time, this is the bill press show live on your radio and current t.v. we are going to talk to the founder of ally hudson taylor at the top of the next hour on the sequester. she insists the president should veto the bill reinstating air traffic controllers but if he is going to sign it don't let the opportunity pass without getting something in return like restoring funding for chemo or head start or something but the president said it's not going to do that. he is just going to sign the bill. congress won't pass anything to help the seniors or the kids on head start. a mistake to sign that bill as
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>> bill: good morning, everybody. happy first of may, 2013. it is the full court press here on current tv. welcome to the program. great to see you this morning as we tackle the stories of the day wherever it's happening. we are on top of it if it's in the nation's capitol or around the country or around the globe. we've got it covered. we will bring it to you and then
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most importantly give you a chance to talk about it. 866-55-press is your toll-free number. join us at any time, your calls welcome. 866-55-377. or on twitter. join us at bpshow. let us give us your thoughts on /bill press show. i was in the briefing room yesterday at the whitehouse when the president came in to take questions from report in response for those questions, he vowed he was not going to rush into war with syria. it was important to get all of the facts first about the use of chemical weapons. he also insisted that four months into his second term, he still has lots of juice left to get his agenda passed if only congress would cooperate for once. he defended the work of the fbi and law enforcement officials up in boston in the marathon bombing, and he vowed he is going to work harder than ever to shut down guantanamo bay.
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ed markey wins the democratic primary in massachusetts. all of that and more coming up right here on current tv. iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: vowing stotry one more time to shut down guantanamo bay. good morning everybody. it is wednesday, may 1st. can you believe it? here we go, a whole new month, whole new start and a whole new day and a lot to talk about here on the "full-court press" coming to you live from our nation's
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capitol and our studio right here down the street from the united states capital building which is kind of quiet these days because the house and the senate are off on an unexplained and indefensible 10-daybreak, yet another break. but at any rate we are keeping the fires let himere in our nation's capitol particularly down at the whitehouse yesterday, news from the president and from the first lady. big news for massachusetts, ed markey winning the democratic primary up there. we have our spotlight on whatever news is happening. we will tell you all about it and take your calls at 8 sib 6-55-press. 866-557-7377. and -- 866-55-7737. did i get it right? how many times have i given out that telephone number in every once in a while, i trip up on it. and don't forget if you can't remember the number, like me
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join us on twitter @bpshow and yes, indeed, need the help here this morning. i've got it of the entire team peter ogburn and dan henning, as always, good morning, guys. >> hey, hey, hey. >> alicia cruz has the phones covered. cyprian boulding has the cameras for current tv. we are coming to you live on your local progressive talk radio station and on current tv. with the olympics coming up in san diego mayor bob wants to be sure they do a crack job. who do you turn to who knows how to run olympics? jimmie fallon talked about it last night. >> the mayor of san diego has said he wants mitt romney to lead san diego's bid to bring the 2024 bid to his olympics. when asked why? the mayor said because i don't really want the olympics >> bill: poor mitt romney.
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it's okay to make mitt romney jokes? >> whatever happened to mitt romney? >> who? >> exactly. >> who he? >> we are excited to start off this hour with hudson taylor, the founder of athlete ally from new york. he will talk about jason collins and then we will joined by reporters from the boston globe, by huffington post and buzz feed. from buzzfeed in studio as a friend of bill at the next hour. we will get to jason collins on all of the latest, but first. >> this is the full court press. >> other headlines making news on this wednesday, a bill has gone up in south carolina that the former governor mark sanford is probably not a fan of an ad featuring his picture for the website that sets up extra-marital affairs. politico got a picture of it and says next time use ashley
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madison to find your running mate. >> he qualifies as a member. uh-huh? >> uh-huh. >> mark sanford getting endorsed by larry flint who said he is the ultimate sexual model, role model. >> that's one endorsement he could do without. >> yahoo's ceo who made headlines for getting rid of the popular work from home policy but this is more positive announcing they are doubling the amount of paid maternity and paternity leave for new parents. new moms can take off 16 weeks paid instead of 8. new parents also get an extra 500 bucks when they have a baby. it is widely seen as an attempt to make and with the upset employees but management insisting they are just looking to attract top talent. >> uh-huh. yeah. good policy. >> great policy. >> great policy. >> the dutch have a new king washington post reports that millions in the netherlands weredressed as queen beattrix
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abdicated her throne in favor of her son, william alexander, the youngest monarch. it is largely ceremonye but he will work on comic and immigration issues. >> the first king in over 100 years for the dutch. they have had a series of queens. the former queen is now a prin sys, back to being a princess. >> that's a sweet gig. >> these days when it doesn't even matter. it's purely ceremonial. you have the benefits but don't have to take the heat. >> less chance of getting beheaded. >> exactly. you know what i mean? >> we go itgot it. jason collins is king of the day. that's for sure. more positive response yesterday including from the president of the united states about his decision announced in sports illustrated to come out, the first nba male, first nba player
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to do so. one of the reasons, i think, that the path was paved for him and it was easier for him than it might have otherwise been is because of the great work of an organization called agentthletes ally which exists for the purposes of encouraging players who are gay to come out and encouraging the rest of us to accept them. the founder, hudson taylor joins us on our news line this morning. good to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. >> indeed. first of all, a little bit about you. you were on the wrestling team at the university of maryland at college park. right? >> absolutely. go turps. >> a friend of mine said if you were a good wrestler you would have wrestled for the university of iowa. >> i never lost to an iowa guy so i don't know about that.
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>> why is this decision by jason collins and this announcement so important or is it a big deal? >> yeah. it's a moment we are going to remember for a long time. we have never had an active professional athlete in any of the big four sports come out. so, you know, it being a first, that, in and of itself makes it a big deal. but i think it's also important for, you know, the millions of kids in this country who look up to professional athletes, maybe even aspire to be like them. up until now we haven't had an openly gay role model for these kids. now, there is a young gay kid in this country who knows they can compete in an elite level and be gay and open and proud about it. so i think it's an important moment for sports but also for
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our society due in large part to the good work people have been doing and the allies that have been speaking out, help make it clear that this has no place in sports. >> tell us a little bit about the next of athlete ally. >> athlete ally is focused on getting straight athletes to speak out against homophobia in sports there has never been a group without the support of the majority. so at the end of the day if we are going to make sports safe and inclusive for everyone we are going to do so by getting a critical mass of straight allies speaking out and saying, you know what? i don't care if if my teammate is gay. i want to win games. i want to win championships at the end of the day, who my teammate holds hands with or is attracted to is not a concern with me.
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we work with over 30 professional athletes and have joined athlete ally. andy rodman. >> an announcement of two major tennis players. >> roddick and marty fish, you know, we have a whole bunch of n.f.l. players. it's just defining a movement that smort knows sexual orientation and we as an athletic community are making sure that the athletes know that they have a safe space within athletics. >> i was at the whitehouse yesterday when it was interesting the president finished his news conference talking about syria and guantgaubt and all of these different issues, walking out and chuck todd from nbc said don't you want to say anything about jason collins and the president said -- by the way, that always happens. people shout out questions as he
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leaves the room. usually, he just walks ute. but this time, he said, you know what? i do. he came back to the podium and offered this comment. >> had the chance to talk to him yesterday. he seems like a terrific young man, and i told him i couldn't be prouder. >> so the president reinforcing what you said about a proud moment for the united states. do you expect other major player in the major sports to come out, hudson? >> i mean certainly, it's only a matter of time. but i think what we need to -- can't lose sight of is the conversation just doesn't end here you know, i don't think it's all of the sudden it's super easy for athletes to come out. there is a reason why jason collins is first. so certainly i think that this opens the door and makes it a little bit easier but that means, you know, we now need to continue the conversations continue the education so that
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other agent let's who, you know, are in the position jason collins was in, you know can take that step should they want to do so. you know one of the interesting factors here and i think, you know, i am certainly looking at with a close eye is whether or not jason gets picked up by a team >> bill: yes. >> he is a free agent and i know that he has been in the nba for a while now. he is a veteran. so i think should he not get picked up, it wouldn't be unreasonable. >> right. >> even where he is in his career. but, you know, it does send a message to the athletes that are gay that, you know it won't affect your job potential. i think that's one of the major obstacles when we look at professional sports, why more male athletes haven't come out is that at the end of the day, you know, the owners the
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coaches, front office, they determine your employment. so just making sure that sexual orientation doesn't hurt your employment, i think, is going to be a big help for future athletes coming out. >> i think it says a lot that the biggest names in basketball all immediately, the day of the announcement rallied around him, kobe bryant came out, shackquille o'neill, charles barkley but then what does it say about guys like chris broussard, bubba watson said he agreed with chris broussard's comments that there is still sort of this thought there is no room for gay men >> bill: you must be dealing with that attitude all the time? >> at the end of the day, there is going to be a spectrum of opinion.
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you know, in all honesty, there may be people who disagree aren't comfortable for a variety of reasons. the comments after jason's announcements were various faith-based communities, it can be because of your politics. no me at athlete ally we are not trying to change anybody's beliefs or alter anybody's faith. we are trying to make us as a whole be a little bit kinder. you know, at the end of the day, there is never a reason to say you wouldn't accept a gay teammate. there is never a reasons to use a homophobic slur as an insult. the first step in creating that inclusive athletic culture starts with our words if we are
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not using derogatory and demeaning language, those athletes can feel confident coming out, you know. we don't want to create necessarily a liberal environment. we want to create a religiously neutral environment in which all sexual orientation gender identity did and gender expressions can be themselves. focus as you said earlier. >> my favorite tweet, favorite story through this whole issue was martell webster, his teammate on the wizard sent a tweet that said essentially, do it, you know, live your life in the open. love who you want to but you really got to work on your jump shot. >> that's right. >> that's the point. doesn't matter. >> hudson taylor founder of athlete ally. we appreciate it very much.
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when you are down in washington, come by and see us in studio. okay? ? >> i would love that. thanks so much for having me. >> thanks for what you are doing. you can follow their work, i should have told you earlier, it's athlete al al light and follow them ol twitter at athleteally. download pod catches of and listen any time anywhere. this is "the bill press show." date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high.
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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>> this is the full wort press, live on your radio and on current tv >> bill: all right. here we go 25 minutes after the hour now. in the next segment, we will jump up to boston and speaking withbot globe, columnist joan binake about the big primary yesterday for the u.s. senate race to fill that seat left open by john kerry when he became secretary of state. yesterday at the whitehouse, most of the news coming out of the president's briefing, not a briefing. i'm sorry. news conference yesterday, but it was held in the briefing room. it was interesting because that news conference had not been announced ahead of time. it was called yesterday morning about a quarter to 9. and set for 10:15, and none of us knew what was going on. what was the big announcement? what was this all about? so went down to the white house and all of the buzz in the
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briefing room ahead of time yesterday was, he called which because he is going to make a major announcement about syria. i mean, we did say -- he did say if we have evidence that the check cal weapons have been used this will be a game changer. this is the red line. and allysad had better not cross that red line. we know he had. we expected the president to come out and make a major statement on syria. he did not. but in response to a question about syria, he said look. this is sirius, but i am not going to rush into going to war. >> i've got to make sure ie got the facts. >> that's what the american people would expect. >> and the pillresident said, yeah, we do know chemical weapons have been used but we don't know everything we need to know about it. >> what we now have is evidence that chemical weapons have been used inside of syria but we don't know how they were used, when they were used, who used them.
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and we don't have a chain of custody of what exactly happened. >> bill: the president, i have to say, the president is getting a lot of flack on this issue. he is getting it mral from john mccain and lindsey graham. you know, who else. particularly from john mccain and lindsey graham. you know, who else. look at the op-ed pages this morning about the fact he is taking his time on syria, that he is, you know, not rushing into war and why not? why not? you said there was a red line and now they crossed the red line. why aren't you already sending in the cruise missiles? why aren't we sending in the march ends? i have to tell you. i think just the opposite reaction. i think it is great to see a president exercise some restraint, to say that, oh my, we have to get the facts right before we decide to go to war. if only that attitude was shared by george w. bush and the buildup to iraq. there is no reason to rush into
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any war with syria. >> this is bill press show. [ music ] (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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slfrn. >> get social with bill press. like us at show. this is "the bill press show" >> bill: 33 minutes after the hour here on the "full-court press," this wednesday morning, may 1st. good to have you with us today. we are coming to you live from our nation's capitol and brought to you today by the international association of sheet metal, air rail and transportation worker's union calling themselves the smart union, good men and women under president joe nigro, a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. find out more at smart-union.
4:34 am big day on the political front yesterday up in the state of massachusetts, a key primary to determine who will be the democratic and the republican nominees for that senate seat once held by now secretary of state, john kerry. joining united states on our news line from boston columnist from the boston globe, joan vennochi. good to talk to you this morning. >> thank you for having me on. >> first of all, tell us what the results were last night and was it close? >> well, it was pretty much as expected on the democratic side. congressman ed newarkey beat the more conservative guy and i think that everyone pretty much expected that. on the republican side a new comer named gay bre yell go
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gaybrel gomez who parachuted into the republican primary basically unknown beat two other guys. we are framing it as i guess the fresh face versus the old face. >> tell us about him never ran for office before. how did he pull this off? >> he is not well known. i think at this point, people basically know three things about him. he was a navy seal. he has a latino heritage and what came out during campaign is that he wrote a letter to deval patrick asking patrick to appoint him, a republican as the interim senator before the special election the and in that letter which his opponents tried to use against him, he
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said he would support president obama's agenda. the message is a little bit confusing. it will be interesting to see how that all sorts out. so, you know, more later to be determined about this guy. >> is he independently wealthy? running for the u.s. senate in any state but certainly in masts takes a lot of dough. >> bill is like a hedge-fund type guy, i think. he worked his way up, earned everything, et cetera, et cetera. he put a lot of money into this campaign and he was the only candidate with a t.v. presence. i think now the democrats expect that national republicans will get behind him as the new face of the republican party. but he has the same problem republicans always have in massachusetts. they are only 11% registered republicans in this state. i am not -- you know scott brown did it once.
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he was able to galvan eyes the independent. it remains to be seen whether gomez can do the same thing. >> bill: republicans have won william weld mitt romney. >> mitt romney. >> hello. >> it can be done. there does seem to be a divide about statewide office running for governor, and the idea of who we send to washington. >> uh-huh. >> when elizabeth warren ran against scott brown, she very cleverly made the issue: do you want someone who is going to go to washington and be a vote for mitch mcconnell? now, mitch mcconnell is not particularly popular in massachusetts. she kind of hung that national agenda around brown's neck. and i think markey started to do that. well, he's edged toward that last night. i think we will see more and more of that. he will just say, you know, he
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makes no bones about it. i am a progressive. i am a liberal. i will -- you know where i stand on issues and raise issues about how would senator gomez vote in the would he vote with the national republicans or vote the way massachusetts seems to prefer. u.n. >> one thing that scott brown did agree to in his race against elizabeth warren is no outside money from these big super pacs particularly with the nominations. >> a lot of people in the aftermath thought that was a nice decision but wasn't a political smart decision. it tied his hands. whenever he went negative on warren, it was under his name. it kept outside money out. i think it really helped e legitimate business warren. >> i would be surprised if gomez did the same thing. i really would be. i don't see that happening. >> when is the run-off?
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>> please. sorry. i don't know the actual date. it's it's eight weeks. >> bill: eight weeks? >> i think it's 8 weeks, yeah. google that. >> all right. i didn't know myself. >> that's why i asked you. bays of the tragic events there, what is the latest with the remaining suspect, with the i hope vestgation and how well law enforcement handled everything. now we know joan. >> boston, well the city obviously pulled together in a big way. >> very much so. remarkable. >> it is for a city that's not known for sort of considered kind of a belt bull beganized place and a lot of sharp elbows
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there has been a lot of pulling together in unity. as far as what's happening with the suspect, he is in custody. he hasn't said very much of late that i am aware of. i mean my colleagues at the boston globe are the ones that are breaking all of the stories. not the one doing the daily reporting. so i know what i read our page one story is basically president obamats news conference yesterday, saying even though the f.b.i. is looking into what they did, he is confident that they did and nobody did anything wrong. i think that's interesting. they haven't carried out their investigation yet, but he is sure i think there is more to come on that. i think people want to see the
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timeline of what they knew and when they knew it and how much information sharing there was between the f f.b.i. and other law enforcement agencies. i don't think it's a question of blame. it is an issue of: can we do better at it, or should we do better at it? you know, there is no -- i am not a terrorist expert. these guys seemed like they were two lone wolves cooking up this scheme. but i have some questions. i would like to see more answers to them. >> how about the lockdown? do people feel the lockdown -- rand paul said the lockdown was worse than the bombing? right? it turned boston into a police state. is that feeling shared among the people of boston? or do they feel it was a necessary step and they are okay with it? >> i haven't heard a lot of pushback, negative pushback about the lockdown. there have been some voices saying, is that really -- was that really necessary? did we really have to go about it that way?
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i think most people were just happy that at the end of it. >> they got them. >> one guy was dead and one guy was in custody. and you can debate lost freedom, fill on the fee of whether or not you you want a lockdown major metropolitan area like that. but they did not get results and i haven't heard a lot of negativity about it. >> what was remarkable, too, back to the people of boston was that there was a huge area. right? to be shut down. >> yes. >> and people cooperated. people went along. they didn't go to work. they didn't go out. they stayed in their homes. at least from what we could see. from the news coverage. that says a lot about the people of the of boston. >> right. i wouldn't necessarily think we are a place that takes direction well all the time in this case, you are right. they just wanted it over or they
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wanted closure to people running around and not knowing what the next step would be. and they were willing to accept the, you know, the taking away of civil liabilities if you will to make it happen. >> i bet there was a feeling there that you just wait until next year. we are going to have the biggest, baddest marathon ever. >> i think you will see more people than ever turning out and showing support for it. and it is, you know, a uniquely -- it is one of the best days of the city and people really enjoy it and i am sure there will be, you know, a huge turnout. the fact that it generated i am from new york. might be able to pick up some. i have relatives, yankees fans, with the red sox all the submitted. solidarity. >> yeah, indeed. the yankees played "sweet
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caroline" at the game. >> doesn't get more unified than that. >> joan good few to join us. thank you for your time and your good work at the boston globe. >> thank you >> bill: we will direct people to joan vennochi. you will find her, of course and her columns at the boston >> heard around the country and seen on current tv this is "the bill press show."
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may 1st, evan mcmorrison from buzzfeed as a friend of bill for the next hour. before we get into the big story coming out of the president's news conference yesterday, a little bit square asking situation, bob mcdonald turns out he is the subject of an f.b.i. investigation. >> uh-oh. >> his office has confirmed that. and the f.b.i. has confirmed it as well. it's all about the fact that his daughter is getting married and a big businessman who has got a lot of contracts with the state of virginia says, you know what? i would be glad to pick up the tab for your daughter's wedding and bob mcdonald said oh that would be nice. very nice. very nice. very nice. so. >> weddings are expensive. >> weddings are expensive.
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right. mcdonald's not only took this gift from this business guy but he did not report it. he didn't report it, he said, because it was a gift to his daughter, not to him. >> oh, man. >> that's not going to wash. >>. >> that's not how it works. this republican governor who was considered a fronts runner for the vice presidential nomination by mitt romney well we will see what happens. >> i mean -- >> stay tuned. >> sure, it's slimy but it's also a rookie mistake. >> a dumb-ass thing to do. total, total, total. >> you wouldn't -- immediately, your political antennae wouldn't go off if somebody said i will pay for your daughter's wedding. you pay for your own daughter's wedding. right? >> what -- that's what the parents of gritsbrides get to do.
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that's what it's all about. >> thank god i had two boys. >> same here. >> yes indeed at the -- i was at the whitehouse yesterday for the president's news conference, called at the last minute. you know, not 24 hours' notice. there wasn't even like -- it was an hour and a half notice exactly. the president didn't make any bi announcement. no big scoop, but he did make a it very clear on one issue, that he is not happy with the way things have worked out and he is going to try again. i am talking about guantanamo bay. first, the president just said, now, look. here is what's wrong with gitmo. >> guantanamo is not necessary to keep america safe. it is expensive. it is inefficient. it hurts us in terms of our international standing.
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it lessons cooperation with allies. it is a recruitment tool for extremists. it needs to be closed. >> he made the case right there for closing it, a case that he made when he was running for president, a case he made right after he was sworn in as president vowing to close guantanamo within the first year, at the end of his first year of his presidency but republicans said, not so fast. not so fast. you can't close guantanamo because we will not let those prisoners go anywhere else. we will not let them on american soil gauntd guantis american soil but they mean main line soil. the president said he is going to redouble his efforts though and could back to congress and try to get this thing closed. >> i am going to go back at this. i have asked me team to currently review everything that's being done at guantanamo
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everything we can do administratively and reengage with congress to try to make the case that this is notsomething that's in the blest interest of the american people. >> certainly not, in fact it is a disgrace that guantanamo is still open. as i said earlier in the program, we american politicians, and americans in general are very quick to condemn the castro regime until cuba for all of their human rights violations not giving them a chance to defend themselves. the worst human rights violations in cuba today are being conducted by united states at guantanamo bay. jeffrey calling from kansas city, missouri. hey, jeffrey. >> caller: how are you doing? >> bill: thank you. what's your point? >> caller: my point is, you know, i searched in the united states army back in the '80s. >> bill: good for you.
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>> caller: in central america with the war on drugs honorable president reagan. but i believe the united states army and marine corps had something on them and they brought them to guantgaubt bay then there is a reason for them to be at guantanamo bay. no other countries wants them. we don't want them in the united states. so take them out on a boat, put a 45 in their head and let them be fish food. >> bill: jeffrey? >> 0, man. >> bill: this doesn't even deserve a response. yeah. yeah. you know, there are some americans who think about the issues and they may disagree on the issues but they at least think them through. then there are people like jeffrey who are just a blooming freakin' idiot. >> yeah. there is nothing else to say.
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you are right. >> connect with the bill press show on twitter follow us at bp show and tweet using the hash tag, "watching bp. this is "the bill press show." >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. [ music ] this is "the bill press show." >> okay in the next hour jen bendery in the studio. santor 0 from buzz feed covers the white house for buzz feed. down at the whitehouse today, president obama, a series of
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meetings starting with the presidential -- with the daily briefing that he and the vice president get together every day this morning, it will be at 9:45 a.m. then the president will meet with his senior advisors in the oval. at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon the president and the vice president sat down with secretary of state john kerry and at 4 dole 30 -- i guess they figure john kerry won't have that much to talk about. seems syria may take a little bit more time when you at 4:30, the president and the vice president meet with secretary of treasury jack lew. jay carney will meet with us reporters at 12:40 for the daily white house briefing. at the take a certain vay evan mcmorris santorium from buzz feed coming up in the next hour
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>> a big good morning to you. welcome to the "full-court press" this wednesday morning, may 1st. great to see you today. thank you for joining us and being parted of the program here on current tv as we come out to you live all across this great land of ours. i will tell you what's going on this wednesday morning and, also, get your calls and your comments by phone at 8 since 6-55-press. on twitter, @bpshow and on
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facebook at join us about join the conversation. at the whitehouse yesterday, president obama holding a news conference. no big announcement but he did make news on several fronts. he promised he would not be pushed into war. he wants to get the facts first. how refreshing of. the president insitting he has enough juice to get his second term agenda passed, called on congress to tart being cooperative. he defended the law enforcement. you vows he will work harder than ever to shutted down guantanamo. meanwhile, ed markey wins the democratic primary in massachusetts. looks like he will win the
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senate run off in june june 25th. the fda has okayed the morning after pill. that and more on current tv. john fugelsang: if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but
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somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern [ music ] broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." president obama. president obama says he was going to work harder than ever to shutdown guantanamo. good morning, everybody. on this first day of may, wednesday, great to see you today. good to have you on board a
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hop -- let's just say we are covering all of the news of the day. i don't know where i was going with that. bringing bringing you up to date on what's happening around the country, around the globe, taking your calls and your comments, your calls at 866-55-press. your comments on twitter @bp show and on facebook at press show, and, yes, the chat room is still open for business. just go to, click on the chat room and you will join. it's a lot of fun to join fellow "full-court press"ers across the land and continue your discussion and your debate the topics we are talking about on the air and you can continue the conversation offer of the air even after we have moved on to something else. here we go. starting a whole new month. we have a whole new set of issues. some of the same in april as well with team press here this morning, peter ogburn and dan henning. >> hey, hey, hey.
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>> good morning. >> middle of the week. >> happy wednesday. >> we made it. we made it. happy wednesday. here is what i don't get. >> may day. the national holiday in france. why are we working? >> you know. >> because we are not in france. why are wecelebrateing it. it's also around the world globally may day is a big day for worker's rights. >> that's right. al of these manifestations and demonzations there in support of worker's rights and here in this country, we just don't give a damn. >> yeah. >> nice to have another day off. >> there is that. alicia cruz has the phones covered this morning and cyprian boulding has the cameras not covered. he has the cameras uncovered and working here on current tv. still a lot of buzz yesterday. the president, himself, speaking out about jason collins and jason collins, himself, was out giving some interviews
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yesterday. this one was on, actually, espn about the kind of reaction he was get from fellow players and people around the world. >> everybody has been reaching out and, you know, some of the comments of just really touched my heart as far as the support and, you know, people talking about what kind of great teammate that i am and that it doesn't matter employ my sexual orientation. >> bill: president obama was leaving his news conference yesterday when chuck todd from nbc said do you want to say anything about jason collins? and the president turned and said, actually i do. stepped back very unusual, for the president to do that, but he stepped back up to the mic phone and praised him. >> i had a chance to talk to him yesterday. he seems like a terrific young man, and, yeah, i told him i couldn't be prouder. >> bill: the president did
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point out he is a great role model for young gays and lesbian s, some involved in sports struggling with this issue and jason collins showing the way. we've got a lot coming up this morning, evan mcmorris from buzzfeed will join us at the top of the hour. jen bend refrom huffington post and the congress will be in studio just a few minutes from now as well. >> first, this is the full court presses. >> on this wednesday some other stuff to think about if you head out the door despite see quickration, the u.s.a.'s biggest birthday party will go on. the national park service announced the annual july 4th fireworks will happen on the national mall here in washington. nbc reporting the cost is $250,000 and to be able to do
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that, the park service is, therefore, delaying any mall maintenance and instituting a highering freeze and it will be a mess the morning of july 5th because they will not be able to pay overtime to clean the mall after a half a million people leave. >> what. >> they will have to wait until the morning to clean it up on a regular shift is what they are saying now. >> i am glad to hear the fourth of july, as easter will continue as well. >> could eating your boogers help boost your immune system? a professor is looking -- >> my kids don't eat their boogers. we broke them of that habit. >> what's the story now? >> thank you. bio chemistry professor in canada is looking to set up a study where people will pick their noses. he wants to see if dried nasal
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mucus can help the human body build up immunity. >> we could do without this stud. >> awful. >> i would rather starve to death. >> tim tebow got his first contract offer since being released by the jets. not what he is looking for. >> not following my advice? i am telling you he could open up a series of steak houses. >> do we have to hear that? >> t-bones. t-bones. >> it's the omaha beef that offered him a contract. >> i am telling you, there is profit. >> part of the champions professional indoor football league. they pay him $75, $75 a game to play for the rest of the season. >> for the oklahoma beef. >> all right. good luck, term. pray on that one. yeah. it was a little crowded in the
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briefing room yesterday, but somehow squeezed in there, we did and a lot of other people came along just for the show and evan mcmorris santoro covers the white house for buzz feed joining united states on our news line this morning, hey evan, how are you? >> caller: good morning >> bill: your alabama didn't go off this morning? >> caller: well actually i had a reservation at t-bones, had to make sure i made it down there in time. >> bill: you and peter. >> it's a good idea. >> caller: a great idea. >> bill: everybody was buzzing yesterday. you know why would the president call a news conferences all of the sudden. what was it all about? after it was about, people were buzzing what was it all about? i expected some big announcement about syria. didn't you? >> i think i expected him to say something, you know, he had a trip coming up to mexico, and i thought we were going to here more about stuff, but, you know,
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he popped up and said he was doing it because, you know, ed henry was coming to the ends of his time as white house correspondent association president. but, also, of course, you know it's a 100-day marker on his second term and congress has left town. so it's a nice little conflagration of things to have a press conference about, i guess. >> bill: over all, what did he accomplish yesterday? do you think? >> it's interesting. what i read about it afterwards and i thought i should get your take on this. to me what i saw in that press conference was this sort of long running dance the white house does about on the one hand, saying that the president, you know, is still very powerful and still sort of gets his agenda through congress can still push the country different directions. but alternately very clear the president can't do much because of the republicans in congress and congressional sort of focus
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on the short-term and their upcoming e elections and not so much the long-term stuff. so to me the central theme seemed to be, i can do things but i also can't really do things. and that balanced what he was talking about, coming off of the lots on the gun rolecontrol fight and the lots on the see questration fight and now heading into immigration, it's like obama was saying i am going to get this immigration thing done. we will have this but the other two things we didn't get that shows republicans, you know, they just won't. they won't play ball. >> so he was asked that question rather bluntly by jonathan karl from abc news. do you think that was a fair question? >> i would say after watching the first three months of his
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second term, you know, he won, i guess, in the election. after that i mean, if you look at what happened with gun control, this is something he put -- he put right on the front burner, a big focus of his. some reporting at buzz feed that suggests there may be some other strategic moves, while house and democrats i think it's clear. you do anything. >> bill: so, it's -- let's think it through here it's april. that's four months into his last four years. right? >> yeah. >> okay. >> yeah. >> already, you are asking the question, aren't you a dead duck? you might as well pack your bag and go home? you have no juice left?
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you think that's a little premature? >> well, i mean, like i said i think that if you look at obama to answer that question, he said that, no, i do have, you know, juice, which is the word we will use, i guess for the rest of the month. >> yeah. he can go on the campaign trail, on the trail we weren't talking about it. after new town no one expected we would be. it became a thing we all talked about. obviously he still has the ability to get people focused on an issue. the question i think is a valid question is can he get some of this stuff through this divide congress >> bill: here is the other valid question, i think, too,
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you might as well tell the newtown families, you are worthless. you came down here to washington and you lobbied and congress voted against you. so you might as well pagck your bags and go home. you don't have any juice. all of you parents of kids who have been killed in these gun battles or these mass shootouts. how long do we let the republicans vote down everything, don't do their job and blame it on obama? i don't think -- you know, it looks like they are taking the hit for some of those gun votes. there is a story my colleague, kate about geoff blake out of arizona, definitely a conservative stallwartstalwart, a guy conservatives like. well sort of thought of as a member of congress generally. his poll numbers have tanked and he admitted they went down because of voting against background checks.
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kelly ayotte in new hampshire. she goes out for normal town halls where she is adored and this time, she is just getting hammered over her gun vote in new hampshire. and at one town hall meeting, i think it was yesterday, the day before, she only said a new rule. there would just be one question on guns. right? then everybody raised hell. why are you silencing us? why don't you want to talk about this? this could boom boomerang on them. i want to ask you about syria. the president didn't make any big announcement about syria but he did say that basically he wasn't going to be rushed into any action. this is a fine course he is trying to find out and holding back from actually taking military action?
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>> yeah. was this report of chemical weapons usage, which we don't know much about and the defense department keeps saying they are keep looking into it. they are being very careful to figure out where this certainrin gas came from and who ithad it and when they used it a but the central question is does this report push us closer to military action? and i am not sure that's really even completely true yet. there is discussions about, you know, obviously the president talks about this red line yesterday. he said he is going to look into it. and that they are continuing to investigate it systematic use of
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chemical weapons. i think it may be too early to make any distinction about within way or the other. the white house has been pretty adamant that what they need to do is investigate this first and find out what exactly happened before they can make a decision about what to do about it. >> which i must say i personally found refreshing that a president will take the time to make sure he's got the facts straight before we have military action and i think it was interesting that the president defined what the red line means is that we will now reconsider all of the options available. right? he didn't say the red line doesn't mean automatically bombs away which was different than in iraq. thanks, evan. we will see you down there a little bit later today. i guess. >> see you at the whitehouse if i can make may way in. off to a great start today.
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>> on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >>i believe people are hungry for it. >>bill shares his views, now it's your turn. >>i know you're going to want to weigh in on these issues. >>connect with "full court press with bill press" at and on twitter at bpshow. >>i believe people are hungry for it.
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we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. (vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> like politics and like "the bill press show" on facebook. this is "the bill press show" 26 minutes after the hour jen bendry joining us for the next half hour. on the political front, big news up in boston in the state of massachusetts yesterday the republicans and the democrats with their big primary battle to
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see who will be the nominee did for their parties to pick up that -- to take over the senate seat vacated by john kerry when he was named secretary of state on the democratic side. ed markey congressman ed markey beating out congressman steve lynch, ed markey an outstanding veteran member of congress but yesterday in winning this general election effort, the run-off is june 25th, is not going to be a cakewalk. >> but this election ladies and gentlemen, will not be easy. karl rove, the koch brothers and the republican super p.a.c.s see this election as their first shot at stopping president obama agenda and gaining control of the united states senate. they are ready to move mountains to buy this election. >> no doubt.
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>> it will now be the markey hate machine. karl rove and the koch brothers. ed markey calls on his intelligent, gabrielle gomez and agree to no outside money. >> tonight, i call on the republican nominee to keep the outside, undisclosed, unlimited, special interest money out of this race and to sign the people pledge the same way that scott brown signed the people's pledge. >> bill: yeah. gabriel gomez is the republican nominee, unlikely that he will sign that finds. you can be sure ed markey is absolutely right. the koch brothers and karl rove see this as an opportunity. we can't let that happen. go online to help ed markey be
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the next senator from massachusetts. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ] to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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[ music ] >> like politics? then like "the bill press show" on facebook. this is "the bill press show." >> bill: yes, it is. yes, it is. it is the first day of may. happy may day. not a national holiday as it is for our friends in france. we are protesting we don't have the day off. welcome to the "full-court press" here on this wednesday may 1st, '33 minutes after the hour. we are brought to you by the united steal workers and their international president, leo
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gerard, the good men and women of the united steel workers america's largest industrial union rep presenting over 1.2 active and retired members. find out more about that their good work at bringing the u.s. steel industry back. president obama giving a news conference yesterday in the briefing room because the east room had already been prepared for another meeting. this last-minute news conference called by the president not with any big announcement but sort of just to take questions from reporters and cover the water front on a lot of different issues there, ready, poised ready to ask the president our own questions were jen bendsery of huffington post. and me. neither one of united states got a question in but we did a good time. >> we sat next to each other. that was fun. >> moral support. >> yes. >> why do you think the president held this news conference yesterday? we all expected him to have something to say about syria, maybe, right?
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there was no announcementy front or no news out of it. i think he wanted to speak to the press to kind of get out in front of syria, the debate over syria and the red line. i think he wanted to get out in front on the sequester. and on guantanamo. i think this was just an opportunity for him to stem some bubbling criticism he might be getting on these issues. he took a havbtd of questions and peaced out. ndful of questions and peaced out. >> it was a good time for him to have the spotlight, it was the 100th day anniversary of his 100 days into his second term, which is usually a mine stole but we create it. without recognizing it officially, they kind of recognized it this way. all right. >> yes. >> by the way, i want to mention, during the break, we learned that the president will
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be a personnelpointment today at 2:15 in the white house the last win, we knew who it was going to be. right? with -- i mean, with anthony fox, the mayor of charlotte do we know who this one is? >> it looks like it's going to be mel watt, the nominee for f fannie mae sally may. >> and freddy make, the two of them. mel watt is also from north carolina and also from charlotte. >> african-american. we saw him at the whitehouse correspondent's dinner saturday night, had a picture taken with him and he is also a minister. he preaches every sunday. wonder if he will continue to do that. >> one of of his constituents is
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a frequent caller arnold. >> probably will be mel watt this afternoon. >> broke this morning. seems like they leaked it and now they want to officially announce it. >> the president is also going to soon be announcing if not today, soon, that tom wheeler is his nominee to be the new chair of the fcc, federal commune indications commission, so back to the issues that you mentioned and let's start with syria. his message fthsz we know some were used but we are not going to rush into military action no matter what john mccain and lindsey graham say. >> as i saw somebody on twitter summed it up as saying -- summed up his statement as saying i am not going to put a w -- pull a w in iraq like in this case with syria, basically rushing in to tie to avert some disaster without having everything nailed
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down first. he is getting heat from republicans who are holding him to the fire that says my red line is chemical weapons. if that's chemical weapons, that's it. we are not going to stand for that. now, there is some intelligence suggesting there have been chemical weapons. we don't know how much. we don't know if people have died and the white house isn't being as aggressive about its previous statements. so... >> bill: you mentioned pressure from republicans, hot-headed republicans like mccain, which he is getting. but we want some action, right? we want another war almost. >> well. >> or, you know, that the idea that a president would take time to get the the facts and get the evidence and think things through is almost anathema because they think it's got to be knee-jerk re.
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previous comments about the red line is chemical weapons. if we find any chemicalcal weapons, that's it. we are not ready to do that. as the white house likes to say, all options are on the table. >> right. >> in this case it looks like they are kind of water down that previously firm statement. >> bill: but the assumption there is that " red line" means, the only option is military option. >> i would hope members of the media aren't eager to go to war and they are on his firmness on where the red line is. it's like he is walking back this statemented. >> what i found interesting was this morning, the washington post is reporting lead story in the washington post that the administration is considering serious weapons, not just humanitarian to the opposition.
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the president didn't tell us that. if that's true, there is an action being taken in response to the chemicalcal weapons. >> quietly. >> why the president didn't tell us that yesterday if indeed it's the case, who knows. there was in that bricking news. right? we have friends staying with us right away who wanted to know. here is what's wrong. >> guantanamo is not necessary to keep america safe. it is expensive. it is inefficient.
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on counter terrorism events. it is a recruitment tool for ex treenailists. it needs to be closed >> bill: boom. he wanted to close it and he said, not going to. >> he campaigned as a promise and i think he said he would close it in his first year in? >> he did. yeah. >> that's, you know, we are in his fifth year now. we still have gauntd guantobama said i don't want people to die. we are at this point. some people blame obama. you are not doing enough. others are pointing to the fact that congress isn't working with him to close it. they don't have the votes in the
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house and the senate to close the facility and transfer all of the prisoners to say, federal prisons in the united states and other countries. >> republicans had passed the legislation which prohibits from transferring those prisoners. they are stuck with, what do we do with 166 prisoners here, not all them. they have 86 of them that have been found not guilty of anything that they would like to get out of there. but then the remainder of thisem, what do they do with them? >> it's a shame this issue has fallen out of the spotlight because i remember four years ago, five years ago, this was all of the talk. there was bills to transfer some people to a detention center or you know, a high capacity for them in illinois. >> illinois. yeah. there were bills, there was discussion because at the end of the day, there are people in prison with no charges against them. >> yeah. >> for years. >> absolutely. i made this point earlier in the broadcast. i make it again.
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so many republicans and others who complain about castro abuses. the worst are being conducted by the united states of america at guantanamo bay. it's a disgrace. neither the president nor congress should get off, get away with not doing something about it. jennifer bendery here from the huffington post, covers the white house for huff post and the congress as well. when we come back, you have written about the sequester and what the president said about, again, why he is signing this special exception for the faa exception toss the sequester. we will take your comments. look forward to hearing from you at 866-55-press or on twitter twitter @bpshow. >> radio meets television the bill press shows, now on current tv. [ music ] one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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>> heard around my country and seen opinion current tv this is "the bill press show." >> jen bendery from huffington post here in studio with us may 1, '13 minutes before the top of the hour. president obama with his news briefing yesterday taking questions about syria, about guantanamo bay, about the sequester. what else did he touch on yesterday? >> immigration. >> immigration, of course and here with a question about syria, tony from up in buffalo. what do you say? good morning. >> good morning. >> i would like to ask ms. bend
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bendery if she was listening to the president because the president said his red line meant the proliferation of chemicals in the area. it also meant falling into the hand of al-qaeda of these chemicals and there is no report that says who did it, when they did it and where they did it. it could have even been the rebels. so i wish you would listen to what he says, please and report it. >> jen. >> all right. all right, tony. the president did say all of those things and we heard him yesterday. i thought he made that -- i will let you respond. >> that's right. yes, tony, you are right. the president did highlight all of these things that are important to him on the red line prior to intelligence showing some traces of chemical weapons
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the white house laz been very very clear that if there were any chemical weapons found and that was -- if and that was in play here, that that is their red line. >> that's it. there were no caveats. it was just chemical weapons and so now that they have had intelligence showing it, how come -- the president finds himself between a rock and a hard place because of the previous rhetoric. yesterday, i thought he did a good job of well red line doesn't mean bombs away. red line means let's get all of the information and red line right now. we have a little bit of information but we don't know the answers to all of those questions that tony raised and that's why the president is not rush to go judgment which i find very refreshing. five minutes to find out whether
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there are any weapons of mass desconstruction. that's point i think the president was making yesterday. he said we have to approach this with reason, i believe is the phrase he used. >> which, you know, is probably a good idea when it comes to dropping bombs and starting a war. >> i think having the facts before you start a war is a good idea for any president. >> bill, as you pointed out, there is a front page story in the post talking about the administration quietly providing weapons to the reynolds. that didn't come up yesterday. >> no. >> in the briefing. it's unclear what the president is doing quietly. >> maybe we will get the answer to that. thanks, tony, for the call. on the political front here, big story, robert tossa, a damn fine reporter, several sources are
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telling him ted cruz is seriously considering a run for president in 2016. he gives a whole lot of reasons, a lot of them being that so far, a lot of the frontrunners like paul ryan and chris christie and marco rubio and jeb bush have all sort of disappointed republicans and he thinks that ted cruz or ted cruz thinks people are ready for a 2010 kind of republican tea partyer as opposed to one of the reformed republicans that may be coming out of this whole autopsy that republicans were looking at. so he's very serious about running. >>ted cruz running for president? so we have rand paul now and ted cruz running for president. it looks like 2016 could end up being a replay of 2012 in terms of the whackos running in the republican primary. you cover congress. ted cruz? republicans don't even like ted cruz?
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right? >> even jennifer ruben this week said he is acting like a jerk. >> he is a freshman senator. a lot of his republican colleagues have grumbled about the fact that he is getting out ahead of himself too soon. he needs to cutkeep his mouth shut at press conferences. he will talk on and on and on. and strategically, a lot of times it's best to keep quiet when you are presenting an issue and leaving. he is certainly ambitious. >> not just that he talks on and on and on but that he really talks down to everyone around him. there is that great clip of him trying to explain the constitution to dianne feinstein and talking to her like she is a child. she smacked the crap out of him when she responds >> bill: back to the news conference yesterday with ted cruz, forget it. i hope he runs. >> good news for dlats >> bill: exactly. on the sequester. the presidentemocrats >> bill: exactly. on the sequester. the president the president did
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he have fended signing this faa bill. do you think he made a sale? >> he is going to do it. so, it doesn't really matter. it's signing it. he is the president. we are created an exception for the faa under sequester. >> don't you think this does as i have been arguing, open the door for other people with other exceptions? >> absolutely. this completely opens the door. the whole point was that nobody gets an exception. the sequester is supposed to be painful. nobody is supposed to like it. we are supposed to all feel the hurt. now, they are making an exception for travel delays at airports which affect who? it affects the affluent. it does not affect -- it's what we see in everyday life. it's what congressmen see and feel. if we create an exception for air traffic delays, why not create exceptions for people on head start who are getting kicked out? what about food stamp recipients getting cut off? what about cancer patients who are now not getting their
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vaccinations because of sec ration? those people don't have advocates lobbying for them on capitol hill. senators aren't affecting by these things. the door is open. it's becoming more toothless. >> they don't have any, to use the word of the day juice. jen bendery thank you for coming in, for your good work for huffington post. i get the last word with today's parting shot. >> connect with the bill press show, follow us on bp show and tweet with the hash tag, "watchingbp. this is "the bill press show." [ music ]
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press, this is "the bill press show." >> it was annub news conference with president obama yesterday. he didn't start out with any big announcement. but he did make one thing perfectly clear, his determination to shut down the u.s. prison at guantgaubt bay as soon as possible. think about it. on u.s. soil 86 people have been found not guilty but are still being held in prison indefinitely. think about it. another 80 prisoners have been held for over 10 years with no charges filed against them and think about it. 100 gitmo detainees are now on a hunger strike. 21 of them are being force fed to keep them alive. every american should be ashamed of what's going on down at gitmo. president obama should shut it down and he would if only republicans in congress would let him that's my parting shot for today, folks.
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: hello tv world. welcome to men i want to date and kiss and marry day here on "the stephanie miller show." minnesota vikings punter chris kluwe on the big show. michael tomasky of the "daily beast" and hal sparks, jacki schechner and ian roberts. >> that's a lot of man for one show. >> stephanie: it is a lot of man meat. >> you know the difference between soccer and rugby. >> cricket. >> stephanie: whatever. you may need to get a cab over here.
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