tv Full Court Press Current May 3, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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[ music ] >> bill: hey, good morning, everybody. what do you say? it is friday. 0, man, are we glad to see friday roll around here this is friday, may 3rdrd. good to have you with us this beautiful friday morning as we come to you live from our nation's capitol with all of the news of the day right here the full court press on current tv. we will tell you what's happening here in washington, d.c. what's happening around the country. particularly big news from
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materialed and rhode island this morning as well as houston. president obama for a big state visit. we will bring you up to date on all of the news again in washington, around the country around the globe and most importantly give you a chance to sound off. give us a call or join us on twitter @bp show and at press show. news on many fronts today. president obama again talking trade and immigration reform down in mexico before leaving the country he named kenny pritzker of the marriott hotel family as our new commerce secretary. in boston, the marathon bombing suspect told investigators he and his brother originally planned to plant suicide bombs on the fourth of july but get
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the bombs done early sol they would focus on the boston marathon instead that. and a whole lot more instead coming up on current tv. going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy.
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just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. [ music ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv this is "the bill press show." materialed materialed. >> road eyehode island adopts marriage equality. they are getting things done at the state not here in washington. good morning. what do you say? happy fried. alleluia ♪ >> bill: friday may 3rdrd. alleluia. >> bill: our favorite day
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around "the bill press show." welcome to the program this will good friday morning. everybody's good friday around the full court press you are looking gore a friday morningfriday morning. we have more news for you today before we let you go into the weekend. president obama down in mexico. big action by the state of maryland and the state of rhode island and great big news conference here in washington, d.c. about the first female female president of the united states. are you ready for that? lots of news on any front. some disturbing news out of boston where the boston marathon suspect, the one remaining brother says that he and his brother intend today strike on july 4th. they just got their bombs done early sol they decided boston marathon instead. yeah. just the 0 well. since we are finished, why don't we blow up the marathon. my god. any rate we will bring you up to date.
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we will give you a chances to tell us what you think about it. you've got strong opinions as we do. we express them here. give us a call at 866-55-press. by joining us on twitter @bp show. we monitor those twitter comments all throughout the program, throughout the day and, also, you can be our friend. join us. befriend us on facebook at press show. we have almost the entire team in place this morning. peter ogburn has the day off. dan henning flying the 747 and everything else. >> cyprian put his cheater on kavrment there it is. peter. >> like the classic political debate where you debate the empty chair. >> do you have anything to say peter? maybe for once we will keep him quiet. one way to keep him quiet. dan is here. aleash al cruz has the phones
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covered and cyprian boulding has the video cam for current tv. we are coming to you live not just on the current t.v. but on sirius xm and on our local progressive talk radio station whether you are in chicago or ep denver or los angeles or seattle or portland or buffalo or ithaca or asheville or wherever be grateful you have a good progressive talk radio station n santa fe and taos and support them and the people that are responsive that you are here on this program. i mentioned rhode island made history yesterday. rhode island became the last state in new england to finally get on board with marriage e quality the. governor lincoln chaffey yesterday said this is the time we have been waiting for. >> i know that you have been waiting for this day to come.
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i know that you have love ones who dreamed this would happen but did not t live to see t now at long last, you are free to marry the person you love. thank you. thank you. >> bill: unbelievable into the 21st century for just that very simple statement, shunts you are free to marry the person you love. why is that contested still? it was a pretty lop-sided vote. these are historic numbers. 51 to 19. tions 51 to 19 in that fairly conservative democratic state of rhode island, a state that i have learned to love since my wife, carol, comes from rhode island and we spend a lot of time up there. f wayne slater probably the best political analyst in the entire state of texas will be joining
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us a little bit later this morning. we are also going to be talking to a representative from emily's list and michael calderon, who is the chief media critic for huffington post will be along to talk about a big shake-up in the media today at "the daily beast" with howie kurtz being fired. but first... >> this is the full court press. >> other headlines making news on this friday found this cool thing out yet. washington national star outfielder bryce harper's dad is a union iron worker. we found out about the homeruning star's father fell in an e-mail which he he praises his father for giving him the strong work ethic he has today. the video features ron harper an iron worker in las vegas working in a job site talking about his son. >> good for him. good for the iron workers. proud to have the iron workers one of the sponsors of the "full-court press." good work ethic went down to his
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son. >> yeah. >> pretty wild son. president walter wise. >> lined see lohan is on the run this morning. the troubled actress was supposed to check in for a 90-day court-ordered rehab stint in l.a. the la time reports she drove to the facility and never checked in and now no one can find her. maybe not even her publicist, who is not talking. she is now in violation of her probation. so police are looking for her. >> on day one. right? in. >> how many times is this for here? ? >> i think more than we can count on two hands. it's bad. >> . frontier airlines is making a carry-on bag policy change. they are making it stricter according to the huffington post. they will charge $100 for bags that go into overhead bins. but this is for customers who do not pay for the bags in advances. if you show up to the gate and
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want to carry on a bag you haven't already paid for, $100. otherwise, it's $25 unless you are buying your flight tickets directly through frontier airlines. 'website. bags in the seat in front of you will be free. >> i don't know why they are charging for bags in the overhead compartment anyhow. i don't think i have ever he flown frontier air lips and i certainly will never fly them now. lines and i certainly will never fly them now. a historic event but this shouldn't be a big deal, a news conference held by emily's list and stephanie shriok where they had an event at the press club and they titled it mpotus, meaning madam president of the
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united states. what emily's list was saying an organization founded some 30 years ago to support democratic women it candidates for governor, senator, member of congress. they have done an extraordinary job of electing women. i think they were started actually, if not in 1992, around that time when barbara boxes were elected. they have helped them and they have helped scores of women candidates since then. so yesterday this mpotus news conference was held. they launch add campaign to put the first woman in the white house, and they did it very cleverly with a little ad where -- an ad showing little girls talking about running for
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president president. and why not? >> i always dreamed of this, standing here. and i can. the millions who stood up and spoke up for voting. my mom told me i could be anything i want. it didn't units to be like that. no in can you snajs all boys. >> they were all boys. look at them they have been all boys so far. there is no in you reason that we should not have or could not have a female president of the united states. don't you agree? 866-55-press. i mean, it really is stun that we should even be talking about this as something novel or something new. look at other countries. that's waifs describing. i was thinking right now a list right off of the top of my head
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england's maggie thatcher, israel's golda meir. in the philippines, kenoe, in germany angela markell, eva. patron and many other women leading other countries around the world. what has taken us so long? this is not a hill area clinton for president spot. this is not a hill area clinton for president campaign that emily's list launched yesterday. it's a campaign to see the first female of the united states -- em lee'ss emily's list would like for it to be a woman. so would i. it's about time ut hillary would be my first choice.
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i supported her in the primary over barack obama. she is still got another shot in 2016. but this should not be considered a hull area can campaign n just as we were proud to elect the first black president president united states in 2008. i see a lot of other potential help me out. women who i think could do the job. right? dianne feinstein could do the job as president of the united states. kirstin gijillibrand. i think kathleen sebelius would make a great president of the united states. on the republican cyto lim pia snow has what it takes. susan collins has what it takes. nikki hailee not my first choice by far but she has the
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executiveability to it you be president. there are a lot of people out there. i guess the question is, what has taken us so long number 1. are we ready? tell me what you think. emily's list knew that question would come up. they commission add poll yesterday from the the angelone polling service and they listed it yesterday as they launched their mpotus campaign. it has astounding results, i thought. 86% of americans say the people who were contacted by the polsters said, 86%, they think americans are ready to elect a female president of the united states. 90% said that they would be
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ready to vote for a female candidate for president of their own party. 90%. by the way, notice sarah palin was not on my list. i mean because i think whethers it's a male or a female candidate. we have to be careful about the fact that they are somewhat qualified. sarah papelbon palin is not. yaw 6 americans are ready. 90% say they would vote for a woman of their own party. 72% said that the next president of the united states, in 2016, is going to be a. would 72% of americans say that. and 51% -- surprised this is so low say women who have been e selected to public office in the business, in the governor's chairs, in the house of representatives have made a big difference. let me apologize and add right
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now to my list of women who. would be more than competent in stepping right up to the office of the of the united states the: nancy pelosi democratic leader of the house and former speaker of the house. we have a lot of women out there who are ready. are we ready? i am. how about you? 866-55-press. it is the full court press here on this friday may 3rdrd. join join the mpotus campaign. >> correct with the bill press show on twitter. follow us on bp show. tweet in the hash tag watchingbp. this is "the bill press show." [ music ]
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting
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my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. [ music ]
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as this is "the full court press: the bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv. >> so mpotus is the big campaign launch yesterday by emily's list. madam police department, mpotus. is america ready for it? are you ready for it? hell yeah. what took us so long. 866-55-press. here we go. let's talk. i'm sorry. before we jump to the phones peter? what? >> he is not here, bill. >> on twitter. >> dan has the social media before we get to your calls. >> we are on twitter tweeting at bp show. ellen zatti says i say yes to madam president. clark barry says the will hillary run talk? she has no choice but to run or
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people will be so pissed. pira 85 says president elizabeth warren. >> oh, my god, yeah. there are so many. shame on me for not having mrs. warren on the list. i come from the elizabeth warren wing of the democratic party. out on the left coast, it's early but here is sarah up early in sonora california. what do you say? >> hi. i say absolutely. i have been waitings. i will vote for a woman of the above all nowadays. >> don't you think it's about time? >> yes. it's about time. >> bill: sarah, isn't the real question, right, what does she or he stand for? right? what is his or her experience? right? >> caller: right. >> bill: >> bill: and what would he or
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she bring to the job? >> what we ought to be looking at. right? not whether it's he or she. >> caller: right or who 0s favors to whom for whatever reason. >> bill: but i would certainly -- i would be more inclined to vote for a woman than i would a man, i think. >> caller: absolutely. i absolutely would. >> bill: good for you. we may get our chance. thanks for your call. betty out in albuquerque, income. hi betty >> caller: long time no talk. >> bill: good to hear from you again. >> caller: americans are war-weary, common sense hungry. >> that's what i was going to say was elizabeth warren for president. l >> bill: maybe we give her at least one year in the senate before. we know you don't have to be in the senate for a long time before you run for president. right? >> caller: so true. >> bill: and wins. you said something very
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specific. that we are war-weary. i have often thought that women would be -- i say this in a positive sense. right? would be less likely to rush into war and send our sons and daughters into war than some macho men. >> caller: i truly believe that. i truly briefly this because there is a tendency that home hearth and family is where most women's hearts are at. >> that's what they are going to be thinking of first. >> bill: absolutely. hey, betty great to hear from you. albuquerque, new mexico. on that score, i would have to say sometimes we got the wrong person? the yong member of the marriage in the president's chair like laura bush. i would rather have laura bush and i bet she would not have taken us to war in iraq. i would rather have had barbara
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that george h is w. bush. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ] rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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>>er heard around the country and seen on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: the mpotus campaign launched yesterday by emily's list here in washington to elect the first female president. >> that's what we are talking about here. the kickoff this morning of the full court press at 33 minutes after the hour on this friday morning. back to your calls and your comments. and other items in the news, but first, how about this? a family affair. yeah, on identity theft, police
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in south dakota have arrest the -- get this: a woman and her three the adult children. they had a little identify thing theft ring stealing the social security numbers and other information local residents and using that information to get funds transferred to their -- into their own bank account. they got nabbed by south dakota authorities. but, you know, you could be a victim for this if you are not protected against identifyty theft as i am with lifelock ultimate the most comprehensive id theft protection ever made. lifelock can't protect you or your bank account if you are not a mer. call now and mention press60. you will get 60 risk-free days of lifelock ultimate identify thing theft protection. if you are not happy, here is the deal, you call lifelock again within 60 days and cancel. they will give you a full refund. see for details and give them a call at 180035667.
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356-5967 for lifelock ultimate, 1-800-356-5967. is america ready? are you ready? any doubt that a woman can do the job as well as if not better than any man? the job as president of the united states? on the social media, dan? >> tweeting at bp show and at billpress ask askshow. wise guy is say, please resist saying we have binders full of women. >> bill: we have binders full of women. >> arecoke land says am claire mccaskill may cover a couple of more states in the midwest. derrick tracer says wrong, wrong, wrong, bill. sarah palin or condi rice are the only women well qualities. they have faith, honesty and patriotism. >> we saw what she did.
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she took us into the war in iraq. sarah palin is so unqualified, she, herself realized how unqualified she was and she quit after a year and a half as alaskan governor because she couldn't take it and do the job. so, no, no no. you will joann from florida tuning in. what's up? >> caller: well i am a it south boston massachusetts, native. >> bill: okay. >> caller: a life long democrat. >> bill: ready for elizabeth warrem? >> caller: i certainly am but i would be very much hard-pressed -- excuse the joke to decide between elizabeth warren and hillary, because hillary -- i'm sorry. i mean henry kissinger, a staunch reagan republican has pointed out on cnn that six
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former secretaries of state have become presidents of the u.s. so was this henry giving an unofficial endorsement? >> bill: that's interesting. thomas jefferson, of course, being the first one. right? and then john quintscy adams. i forget who the others were. >> caller: i don't know but i am going to be 80 years old on my next birthday. and i certainly hope i live to see it happen. >> bill: i am confident, joann. >> that's what florida is all about. long age, long life, and a good life. i think you are going to get a chance to vote for the first woman president of the united states. i do think that if hillary runs that elizabeth warren and kir city council jillibrand would not run against her but again, we should not think. i think it's very important not to think of this mpotus campaign as a hillary for president campaign. it is not. just like, you know saying it would be great to have an
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african-american president. it's not necessarily all about barack obama. it could have been about al sharpton at one time b jesse jackson. but the first woman president, just to have a neem office how great that would be for this country and what a great message that would send out to like those little girls who were in that emily's list that we played earlier. sean, are we ready? >> caller: bill, i think we are. >> bill: you don't sound too enthusiastic there? >> caller: i am very enthusiastic. but the thing is, you know i have a girlfriend and you know what? i don't want to get her upset. when we need is a woman that can provide on an international scale. do you see what i am saying? we need a woman that is very strong, willing to sacrifice, you know like it i don't know a woman in the world who won't sacrifice for their children and they need to apply that to the united states on a scale. >> bill: i hear you.
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>> that's what i was saying earlier, i think in many ways the values that a woman would bring to the office would be better for this country than some of the, again, macho kind of attitude we get from a jay like a john mccain or a george w. bush. >> caller: it plenty of world history. there are plenty of women. i will tell you they can be -- well, they are pretty tough. >> bill: yeah. >> caller: joan of arc >> bill: maggie thatcher who was elected or angela merckel until germany. all the way back to cle patra p carolyn call from pencesacolapensacola, florida. hi carolyn >> caller: good morning. how are you. >> bill: what it will joe scarborough calls the redneck rivera. >> caller: it is. >> bill: there are some
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liberals. i have been be down there a couple of times. >> caller: yes but we are not changing fast enough for me. >> bill: keep working at it what time do you think about this female president? are you ready? >> yes. i have some concerns with hillary being appointed the democratic nominee instead of earning it. also, i have a problem with democrats jumping on board with hillary, who with her husband, helped to get in the democrats for having compromised. i am not understanding this double standard here, you know that it's okay for the clint ons but not okay for president obama when bill clinton and the dlc want to move, we are the ones who moved the democratic party to the right, right of center. >> bill: that's a good point
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there are hillary supporters who continue to be critical of him and haven't accepted the fact that they lost and he won which again, he thus the beginning to see a woman in the oval. find out more about that campaign by the way at emily's there is another schooechlt women made yesterday. maybe be nots one that they do want to -- although we should be proud of or brag about and that
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is an announcement made by the f.b.i. yesterday it we don't have the first woman in the white house but on the terrorist list. here is a representative. er aaron ford of the f.b.i. making this list. >> i am honored to stand here by the united states state please and united states marshal to n to announce joann chessmar to the fbi's most wanted terrorist list. >> what a segue, bill. >> they didn't make the white house but the most-wanted terrorist list. we have it a little backwards here shot and killed al am new jersey state trooper 40 years ago. she changed her name and fled to
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cuba where she has been hiding out ever since. the fbi placing her on the most wanted tear ratchety list. when we come back wayne slater is the senior spliblingpolitical writer from the dallas morning news. i can't wait to talk to him about the big george w. bush. is ted cruz really serious about running for president of the united states? >> like politics? then like the bill press show on facebook. this is "the bill press show."
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>> on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: hey, here we go, 14 minutes before the top of the hour. it's early on a friday morning here it's good to have you with us. it is the friday may 3rd, of course. we are coming to you live from our nation's capitol. well, on the political front this week most of the news was about a freshman senator from texas who says hey i'm so popular in texas, why don't i run for president of the united states? seems we have heard that before. at any rate, if we need texas, we need wayne slater for the the dallas morning news. good to have you with us. >> great to be with you. >> bill: how have you been? >> busy. been at the bush library following rick perry. his career looks like it's in a problem. so i am very happy with the emergency of ted cruz. >> bill: i wanted to ask you
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first about the president amcial library, it was a nice event getting the presidents there together. it seemed to be a little, to me understated in that people were not -- they were -- even his followers were not saying george w. bush is the greatest president of the 21st century. right? >> the building reflects, i think, the man in sort of the un -- the unoften taunoften flirtatious, saying if you had nothing good to say, don't say anything at all. even jimnymy carter worked as hard as he could to honestly find something nice to say about george bush. here is an administration. it was book ended by on the one hand, wars. on the other, a decade economic crisis. gee whiz. you have to search to find something to say >> bill: what is the message about the war in iraq? >> the official word from the
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folks is that if you look at what's happening, this mystery science theater, the theater where you can pick and choose between various options. >> bill: i think we are going to have to reconnect you or clear up the line because suddenly you were perfectly clear and then we got a real bad beep and buzzing sound. am all all of our listeners and viewers heard. dan is calling you back or trying another line. and we are talking with wayne slate, of course, the senior political writer for the "dallas morning news." that's what happens with live television and lived radio. sometimes you get a technical
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glitch. i want to ask whether texas in our lifetime? >> boy, i'm sorry about that. i will try to figure out what happened. >> bill: i don't know whether it was on our end or your end but you were saying about the war in iraq and the message there? >> the official word from the focus on the library is, look can. we can front both controversial and full when you go to the mystery science theater, you have an opportunity to make a choice, you know. should we go into iraq? and you have choices. listening to somebody who says we should not push another button and hear somebody who says, here is why we should. the problem with that argument is, fundamentally at the end of each question you ask in this sort of interactive theater, you get george bush explaining why he did what he did. in other words, justifying what he did. >> bill: i get it. >> fundamentally the entire library is a justification of the bush administration and the decisions that he made. >> bill: now let's jump to ted
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cruz here now, we have learned right? that you don't have to serve a full term in the united states senate before you run for president. >> i don't think you even have to be born in america. you could be a strapping young social lim. >> you know ted cruz, people around him. is this just washington talk, or is this serious? >> this is serious. >> bill: really? >> again when i say, "serious wued i saw joan walsh column when she says the guy is never going to be president. i think they are pretty compelling reasons why not. think about this. as we approach 2016, you go to places like south carolina and iowa and some areas in northern florida and iowa and am it seems like it you have the true believers, the patriots and
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they are looking at ron paul and they are saying, he is mixed on libertarian issues. he is not with us on everything although i like him on some things. chris christie acknowledged that obama is a decent guy. jeb bush, you know one of the bushes, too moderate. marco rubio is disappointing us on am nestnesty and immigration. that leaves the potential of someone who is true blue and let me tell you who has been totally consistent on the far right agenda and that could be ted cruz. >> bill: so but he could -- you know, for republicans, karl rove, whom you know very well? you write a book about him. he is he going to look at a ted cruz and say this is a guy we could win with? >> no. >> bill: that could be a problem. >> it is. it's hard to imagine that someone like cruz, although he could win the tea party primary in some of these other states it's hard to imagine someone
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like ted cruz with sort of extremest views that he has would emerge fundamentally as ultimately the nominee of the party because of that and certainly, like us not as the -- as the winner in a presidential race. but, bill, he is pushing but tongs. not just in texas. he is going to be in south carolina tonight. >> bill: yeah. >> at the silver elephant the republican dinner. he is going to be in new york at the republican dinner on may 29th, where it's interesting. we will see how well he discusses his opposition to super storm sandy funding. i am sure that will go over great. but, you know, he is a -- he is the sort of modern emergency of a jim dement republican and all of you lib ram communists who make fun of him and think he is
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goofy may be under estimating the potential of the guy, at least not subset of the party looking to coalesce around a candidatedate >> bill: he could have al profound influence on who the nominee is and what the platform is even if he is not the nominee. >> caller: i think so but everything is even amnesty. if amnesty goes down in the house, cruz is going to be the guy, not rubio. cruz is going to be the guy on the republican party who will be seen as a hero in some parts. >> bill: i am telling you, texas, it's always fun to watch. more fun to watch with you. thanks am am, wayne slater senior political writer for dallas >> this is "the bill press
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show." alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld.
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>> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time, this is the bill press show leitch on your radio and current tv. >> bill: all right. here we go, the nra holding its convention in houston. we will talk about that with aaron stepp from the center of american progress at the top of the next hour. in your e-mails, mario wants to correct us that eva pairerron was not the president. her husband was. isabel isabel, his second wife was president of argentina. thank you for that and bill from
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>> bill: good morning, everybody. friday, may 3rdrd. can you believe it? so glad to see this friday roll around here i am sure you are, too. we start off here on the "full-court press" on current t.v. with the news of the day and your comments, your comments always welcome by phone at 866-55-press. >> that's our toll-free number. the comments welcome on twitter twitter @bp show and press show.
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let us know what you think about the issues, what it means to you and to your family. news today on several fronts. president obama in mexico city where he was talking trade and immigration reform yesterday with a new president of mexico before leaving for mexico. he named penny fritker from the marriott hotel chain as our new secretary of commerce. in boston, the marathon bombing suspect has told authorities that he and his brother originally planned to use suicide bombs on the fourth of july, but they got their bombs done early so they went around and looked for a site and decided to strike early at the boston marathon. here in washington, d.c. tina brown has fired howie kurt's as the washington bureau chief of the daily beast and newsweek for a column he wrote and a big mistake he made about jason collins.
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we are stilt waiting to hear whether he will keep his role at cnn as host of reliable sources. whatever front is happening, we will tell you all about it, take your calls right here on current tv. iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real,
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gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> rhode island adopts marriage equality and the state of maryland gets rid of the death penalty. it could be done at the state level. it's not here in washington, d.c. good morning, everybody. what do you say? it is friday may 3rd, great to see you today here on the full court press coming to you live from our nation's capitol, bringing you the news of the day, whether it's happening here in washington, d.c., around the
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country or around the globe and giving you a chance to comment. give us a call at 866-55-press. look forward to receiving your calls. give us your comments on twitter @bp show and on facebook at press show. yes, indeed, we have a lot to cover this morning. president obama down in mexico. emily's list starting out yesterday a new campaign to elect the first woman president of the united states and the nra opening its convention in houston houston, an action at the state level important in maryland and in the state of rhode island. we'll cover all of that with you, with our team here peter ogburn's got the day off today. >> that's why that chair is empty. dan henning, always leading up a team this morning with alicia cruz on the phone. cyprian boulding on the video cam and joining us in studio we often have guests from the
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center for american progress. today, erin steppe a new guest on the show. great to see you? >> great to be here. >> who is special assistant to the chair of the centre for american progress and counselor at the center for american progress and an iraq war wet vet, yourself? >> i am, indeed. >> you have been in the center for a year or so? >> yes. >> great place. we used to broadcast from there from the little radio studio. >> i thought you looked familiar. >> before we moved over here to capitol hill. so, we have -- we still feel part of the center for american progress and igor volsky from think progress is in studio with us every tuesday morning. so? >> that explains why. >> bill: there you go. i mentioned an action in rhode island and in maryland governor martin 0 malley could be a president who has had a good
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good run lately on a lot of progressive issues, the latest his signing yesterday, a bill outlawing the death penalty. here he is. >> just as we have a responsibility to do more of the things that actually work to save lives we have a responsibility to stop doing the things that are wasteful and that are ineffective. >> bill: with him there at the signing was ben jegellus president of the naacp echoing what the governor said and let's spend money where we can get a bang for our buck. >> this this profound waste of law enforcement will be ended so dollars can be focused on catching killers still on the streets. >> that's one of the issues surrounding the death penalty that is seldom talked about study after study has shown keeping people until prison sounds con tralt i can't occur. keeping people in prison for life without the possibility of parole is actually cheaper than all of these you sentencing
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someone to the death penalty and then going through all of these challenges and challenges and challenges in the courts. so good for the state of maryland and rhode island becoming the 10th state to recognize same-sex marriage. we will get the into those issues and a lot about the gun issues with erin steppe from the center of american progress but first. >> headlines that matter on this friday, the oracle of omaha joined twitter yesterday. that's not his twitter handle. just going with his name at warren buffett. it's a big move for the bill yon air investor who was nots big on technology. he sat out of the text bibelots because he didn't understand the companies and how they worked. his first the tweet was, warren is in the house. he has nearly 200,000 followers >> bill: you are right. if bill clinton does it?
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right? and if the pope does it, there you go. >> warren buffett. >> why not warren buffett. >> a powerful day at the world trade center site has crews hoisted the spire to the top of the building to be installed by union iron workers. it will make the building 1776 feet tall, the tallest in the west only hemisphere 408 feet tall, ways 22 tons and am. >> bill: good for the iron workers, other great projects. we thank them again for their sponsor ship of the bill press show. >> happy days in boston the red sox are the first team in the major league baseball to reach 20 wins this season. they beat the blue jays yesterday to go 20 and 8, holding the best lead in the record, yankees, braves cardinals and rockies each have 17 wins. intell >> bill: the braves lost again yesterday to the nationals. >> yeah. >> what about that? >> we don't have 20 wins? >> we have 15.
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>> we are 15 and 14 which is in the middle of the pack. >> you got it. thank you, dan. erin, you are an iraq war vet. tell us about that. how long did you serve there? >> i joined in 2004 and didn't actually get to participate in the iraq war until 2007 when i was in civil affairs some of the by 2004, i kind of knew what i was getting into iraq was in full swing. at that time, afghanistan, we had been there for a good three years already. so, as much as a 19-year-old who hash never touched a gun can know what they are getting into, i think i knew what you was getting in to. >> why did you join? >> to earn my citizenship. before you ask, i was born here i don't say that to mean i needed to earn it in some way that was in any sort of legal way. >> bill: you are an american citizen? >> yes, i am >> bill: were born -- >> i always have been. i was born in los angeles,
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california. no. i have a view on citizenship that everyone earns it in their way. that was just my particular way. >> bill: so you served, as you said in what capacity there? >> as a civil affairs sergeant. so governance passing out soccer balls and candy is how it's sometimes put but we were the smiling, waving hand of the military industrial complex, to look we are not here to combat you. we are here to bridge the gap between the guides with the guns and you. we want to know what your needs are. and how can we help you stand up your own country after things have been ripped apart. >> what kind of response did you get from the people of iraq? >> it was mixed. i was fortunate to be in the kurdish region, which you might know is a lot friendlier than the rest. the other iraq, as they called it. it was a good response they did
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have a functioning infrastructure, which was something to work with. >> bill: you were there how long? >> i was mobilized for 16 most likely months. so january, '07 to april, '0 yeah. >> are you still in the service? >> processing out now. nine years was good enough for me. >> bill: nine years? >> nines years >> bill: good for you. thank you. when you came back, there is a lot of talk and we have been talking to congressman jim mcdermott frooenlt washington state and certainly the first lady has made a big deal about this, when veterans come back from iraq and afghanistan, do you -- was this transition difficult and do you find jobs available that you can transition in? >> it was terribley hard for me. we had an incidents, luckily not am combat related but a roll over on our last con vie and i lost my best friend who was the trail runner behind me.
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i had a difficult adjustment when i came home. if i hadn't had the support system with my family, with the va, with knowing that he had education benefits to go back to, i don't know what i would have done n terms of jobs i felt a little aimless, and i had worked a lot with weapons when i was in the military. it was one of my favorite things to do was discovering the art of marksmanship. so when i came back, i walked into the nearest gun range and said, i know guns. >> will you give me a job? so for 8.25 an hour they put me behind the counter cleaning 4 threesome-odd guns a night. in about two hours, i got real good at that and putting on a gas mask and going and cleaning the range. it's some of the most fun i have had. >> bill: i would not exactly -- it would not be my definition of fun. but at any rate, if i may ask -- >> of course. >> bill: what will gun range were you at? >> i don't have their exclusive permission but i was in the san
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fernando valley. so we can talk offlife after intichltz al friend had a gun range in los angeles. at any rate, so now you are -- how did you get to the centre for american progress? you? >> it was a long journey part of which began at the gun range. i had particular views on the second amendment and a lot of the things you might hear if you turned on hannity or if you turned on glenn beck. those were some of the opinions that i shared until i experienced gun violence firsthand at the gun range. two incidents in a very brief period, in about six months, we had two very public suicides. thank goodness no one else was the hurt but the gun range was full. the first incidence there were even two people on the range and the person who ended their life had the discourtesy to kill themselves in front of the door to exit the range. so those children had to be
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carried over his body. and they came out to the front and said daddy, did the bullet come bang and hit that man in the head? what happened? and, bill, i can sit here and i could talk about what believes what but the fact of the matter is after i heard those children ask that question, i thought to myself, it's not -- it's not about percentages. it's not about votes. it's about once your life has been affected by gun violence you are affected 100% of the time. and those children are always going to remember that. >> bill: well first of all, so you are saying you were there on two different occasions? >> uh-huh. >> am when two different people committed suicide with a gun from the gun range? >> yes. >> bill: at the gun range? >> yes. >> bill: totals bizarre it seems to me. >> it happens more often -- >> bill: obviously they were troubled people. >> it happens more often than you would think and i would sure
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opponents of keeping guns out of the hands -- i don't know -- i haven't met anyone personally who would say, let's give criminals guns. but those who -- >> bill: that's how a lot of them get their guns. >> private sales intichltz and gun shows? >> uh-huh. >> with no background checks? >> 40% is what i am hearing intichltz before we get into that, let's come back to this thing, before we let drop children at the gun range? >> of course. >> what age? >> i believe they are around 89 or 9. there wasn't an age limit. >> there is no age limit? >> there is no age limit. it was a height limit. if they could see over the bench, shoot over the bench, then they could shoot. >> bill: good lord. i mean you don't have to be, like 15 or 16? >> no intichltz no? at a gun range? what kind of guns? insane? >> it was mostly hand guns but of course we had some rvmz an we allowed shotgun.
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>> bill: they had to be accompanied by an adult? >> of course intichltz right? what kind of insane parent >> not necessarily their parents. just any guardian over the age of 21. >> so let me put this in perspective. i have to wait until i am 16 years old in those states to operate a motor vehicle. i have to wait until i am 18 in those states to purchase a pack of cigarettes. i have to wait until i am 21 years old to drink alcohol legally, but am if i am eight years old and tall enough, i can fire a weapon at a gun range? >> as long as you are accompanied by a legal guardian indeed. you make a great point, but i think where the issue is is none of those things that you just mentioned are part of the second amendment or anywhere in the bill of rights. and that's where we are running up against these problems is people saying well this is my second amendment right. and i had the privilege ofb meeting patricia the masche, two
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in the senate who yelled shame on you. >> when the senate refused and failed to pass the background check? >> i sat with patricia few days later. we were having a drink and i told her my story. she said, you know it's not even so much the second amendment that i have trouble with. it's the part that no one ever mentions when they are talking about the second amendment. we are entitled to a well-regulated militia. and that's the part that everyone leaves out when they are talking about this, when they are saying -- i don't know where they get it's my god-given right. well, it's my constitution am-given right. i will accept that but they leave out the part about well-regulated. and it's no wonder that we have websites called stop the and in con junction with the nra conference that's going on right now in houston. i hear that. i see websites like this. i think, wait a minute. i am the nra too. i am an nra member. i am proud of it. i renew my membership every
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three years or so when i am not outa of cash. it hurts me to think people are lumping me in with that group and saying impart of the gun lobby. >> i am sure you are not the only nra member who feels that way. maybe that site should be stop wayne lapierre or aaron keen. >> appear counselor at the great centre for american progress on this issue of gun violence f we will be glad to take your called at 866-55-press. we will continue our conversation when we woman back. here on the "full-court press" the get social on bill press the at press show. this is the bill press show.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. this is the bill press show. >> bill: 25 minutes after the hour now. make it 26.
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eryn sepp is special assistant to the chair for american progress intude studio with us an iraq warvette used to work at a gun range in los angeles. we are talking about what shocked me that returnchildren are allowed in the gun ranges. it reminded me out of the tragic story, a 5-year-old was given a children's rifle, a gun, for his birthday. it's one that's manufactured just for kids, my first r. ifle, it's called. and he tragically picked up that gun, which was not locked up or anything, shot and killed his 2-year-old sister. why are they making guns for 5-year-olds? >> it's so tragic. when i read about this story i thought not again. the onus is on the parents. the gun was in the corner.
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they didn't know a bullet was in the chamber >> bill: hello? >> i don't know if we can stop the manufacturer of firearms for children as long as we have some pretty strong opponents of waiting until you are 18 or 16 or a reasonable age, but i have wondered, in this conversation, i haven't heard a lot of responsibility directed toward the gun manufacturers. why isn't there something in the manufacture of these firearms that alerts someone even a 5-year-old can tell if there is red on this section of the gun, there is a bullet. don't touch t it doesn't take much. if a 5-year-old can be trained to operate a firearm, surely they can understand the reference that it takes to operate one. >> isn't it better to keep these guns out of the hands? >> certainly. >> bill: we would not allow toy guns with our kids in the house. but real guns?
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real guns that can kill people? >> uh-huh. >> is it too much to ask to keep them out of the hands of elementary school kids three elementary school kids? >>ed i would love to see that to never have a child touch a firearm would be fantastic. i was lucky to have a childhood free of firearms. when i became an adult, it was my choice after several weeks of training. >> that's how it should be. >> when you join the military and you get the right training. it's so good you are out there on this issue. it really is. a whole important perspective and a fresh voice on and a lot of experience to us? >> thank you. >> thank you for doing what you are doing. >> of course, thank you. >> right here on the "full-court press." when we come back, chris orr from the atlantic on the latest movies. >> ironman. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ]
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those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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smoousz. >> radio meets television, "the bill press show," now, on current tv. >> bill: here we go 33 minutes after the hour. it's friday. may 3rdrd. what are you doing on friday? thinking about what's playing at the movies tonight? right? maybe tomorrow. maybe sunday. it's into the weekend we go. chris orr is a film critic for the atlantic, a good friend of ours. he comes back in studio this morning. chris, good to see you as always? >> great to be back, bill. thank you. >> tell me if i am wrong. i knew this is going to change but i have had the gression since the ausc-arizona, it is sort of flat. >> there are usually preprestige
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movie before the big summer season >> bill: it starts today? with pry release of iron man iii? >> yes. >> we have a little clip. butch we play, i read it has a. box office in china. i thought they released them here and then they went overseas? >> that had been the trend it started to reverse a little last year. a battleship was flying seers before several weeks before it opened here iron man opened overseas. star trek in the darkness, also expected to be a big hit in the states has also opened overseas. s. >> ironman beats all of the records in china for an opening. when it opens tonight here from huff post reported -- probably
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reported the same thing. he is it's brought in $307 million overseas before it opens in the united states. here is what it sounds like. >> a little holiday greeting i have been wanting to send to the mandarin. i just didn't know how to. my name is tony stark. i am not afraid of you. i know you are a coward. so i decided that you just died pal. >> robert down e junior. >> that's. >> he is the star of 1, 2, and 3? >> right. tony stark. >> you have seen 3. tell us about it. >> i thought it was a gas. you wouldn't guess it from that clip but it's a really really funny movie. it may be the wittiest of the 3 so far. it's written and directed by shane black and he and robert downey have an interesting history. shane black from the mid '80s to mid-'90s was the screen writer huge over top action movies last boy scouts last action
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hero a long kiss good night. he was synonymous with excess. he came back with a small, ironic take on the noir moving called kiss, kiss bang bang and started robert downey, jr., with his addiction and stint in prison and so forth. >> i must admit i have not seen any one of the 3. right? so i do not know the flat line or whatever. why should i see this iron man 3? >> you know, i just think it's a lot of fun. it's not -- it definitely has its flaws specifically the plot is kind of convoluted and the motivations of the villains are difficult to fall t seemed like it's a little of fun. it takes great with robert downey, jr. in particular he has this knack for almost having conversations with himself. he has some voiceovers. a lot clever, fast-talking very witty actor and it's a movie
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that has a lot of fun with viewer expectations. there's a point in the movie where he takes on a young boy to help him. you know this. i know this. this is the moment in any action movie it's going to go straight down the tubes. it's going to be cloying and tiresome and the little kid will team some guy but shane black knows this, too. so he consistently goes up to the line as the movie is going to get sentimental and irritating. it's a knowing ironic film. people who don't like movies like that probably won't enjoy that. but people who do, i think it's a good one >> bill: it's a presentedtrend in hollywood, thisese big action films with questionable one the of the thingses is the at a time doesn't am appeal to me because it's so divorced from reality.
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>> true. >> i don't need to go there >> more and more movies like this. >> the super hero movie genre is fascinating because it's the dominant sort of box office genre of the last decade. an awful lot of people feel like you do. there are some that are terrible and some i think are very good you i think a lot of people are turned off from the start. >> one of the latest? sprfrnlths hero movies comeback is a strong word? >> one of the batman movies way
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back when. >> conan the bar bearian the first line he asked conan what is best in life? >> this see your enemies driven beneath you and to hear the lament lamentations. >> who would have predicted it from that? it would have been a couple of years after it was out. wrestling or thrown into a pit. >> one of them you see for five
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seconds her bare breasts. they have these animal skins on. the station was inundated with protests from i am people in los angeles explaining about the site of these bare breasts. >> before the phrase wardrobe miss miss miss funk. >> it shows the slipsclips violence. heads cut off very brief clip. you mentioned iron man 3 opens
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>> that's one of the three movies this summer everyone is anticipating are going to be block busters. one is ironman. the second is man of steel. >> there you go. >> rebooting of superman which is directed by zac snyder about you more importantly co-written by christopher nolan who does the dark knight movies. expectations. >> man of steel? >> man of steel. >> stark true and correct copy into darkness next week is
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"great gatsby" and my guess it will be a bad movie but i have not seen it yet. >> that's only a guess. >> i have read about it. i am inclined to believe the same. >> it's been dlafrd several times. i do think that somebody really needs to have an intervention and tell him he is a comedian. he has been going for these tragedies. i don't think it's his skill set. his first movie was this ballroom suite, comedy about dancing set in australia. >> phenomenal? >> terrific. came out on blu ray. i think that's easily his best movie. since then, you know milan rouge is set up as a comedy but she has tuberculos.
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and on broadcasted i don't think it spoke to his strengths. australia has tuberculosis and romeo and july ette strategy. no tuberculosis in that one. but i really think he needs to focus on something lighter. i mean his gift for music and so forth. >> have you seen a movie before about gasby? has it been made into a movie since the first time? >> i think there are a couple. the best known is a 1 with robert read first person and mia far farrow from the '70s. it came and went. >> i tell you what's going to come and stay and make a lot of movie. right? the iron man 3 opens today. chris, couldn't do it without you. thank you so much. all right? >> my pleasure. >> let's be sure you know you can go to for those days when chris is not in the studio and find out what he is
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daily beast had, quote, parted company with the washington -- their washington bureau chief, howie kurtz, also host of the reliable source sunday morning, cnn that story no sooner broke than michael calderon made news by pointing out there may have been something else behind the departure of howie kurtz, not just his comments over the jason collins column. let's find out the scoop from michael cal der owen from huffington post. >> good to be here >> bill: thank you. first of all, let's talk about the -- well is there any doubt howie kurtz was fired? >> that's how it's been characterized to me, the sources. if tina brown says we quote, unquote parted company, you know, i think euphemistically, we know what that means. i would characterize it to mean
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fired. >> i always heard fired. the first, one of the main reasons he was fired is a pretty bad mistake that he made in reporting on or commenting about the jason collins thing? right? where ? >> right. yeah. >> bill: yeah. he said that collins -- well collins didn't tell the whole story. he didn't say in his articles to "sports illustrated" he had been once engaged to a woman. in fact, collins did. right? >> right. the problem with the jason collins column how he wrote was not just that there was an error. reporters make mistakes but the entire premises of his criticism of columns the entire premises of the article was that collins never disclosed that he was engaged to a woman when in fact, it's in the first piece, first page of the story it was
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completely out of line. so the daily beast couldn't just remove the line, although at first they tried to alter it. they ended up retracting the entire story. >> that's sort of what pushed over brings the long-running issue howie has had with "the daily beast" about moonlighting for another site. there have been concerns of errors and spendtion too much on the site >> bill: you reported that in "the new york times" quotes you and gives you credit for breaking that part of the story. what is this other site? and what was his involvement with it? >> right. there is a smiled site called the daily download which covers media. and what i -- it launched in february of 2012, and, you know, supposedly howie has been a part of it for years before it officially launched. it's curious because howard is one of the best known media critics and media writers and i know he was writing and doing
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videos more for this site called the daily download and beast. i looked at his twigher feed for the month of april and he tweeted for 120 times for this site called the daily download and, you know, there was six times more than the daily beast. it's peculiar that all of the sudden somebody took a high profile position as newsweek and the daily beasts spends all of their time on some side project where he says he is just a freelance contributor and people at "the daily beast" were noticing this. they were pretty much baffled by it. >> is daily download a competitor to the daily beast? >> i wouldn't call it competitor because it's such a small site. i don't know what the traffic s from what i could tell, they only have a few dedicated writers including lauren ashburn who runs the site. in a sense, it wasn't competitive because i don't really know if their traffic would compare to the daily beast but it was competitive in that howie was covering the same
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stories for both sites. for instance how had am made the same claims and daily download had youh to take down that site. it was common to see him covering exact same stories for a site called the daily beast and a site called the daily download. a lot of people would have assumed there was some connection. when i asked the daily beast, they said there was no formal partnership or anything with this other site. >> bill: 30 seconds here, will howie kurtz keep his job as reliable sources on cnn? >> am cnn says it's under review right now. he has had at a time own. necessary financial agreement that's something that would have to be disclosed. >> how many days has she been
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on? >> 26 times in 2009. >> i might add during that time i probably have been on five times. hum. yeah. >> is a big tory in the media world. thank for your time. michael calderon. thank you for your time. thanks so. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ] >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that
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current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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>> this is the bill press show >> bill: we will talk emily's list and the mpotus campaign at the top of the next hour. president obama has a big speech at the anthropology museum in mexico city and talks off for costa rick a. he will be meeting with u.s. embassy personnel and holding a bilateral meeting with the president of the costa rico. the two of them meet with coast a rican youth this and then this evening, they hold a would working denner. the president spending the night in san jose. we will be back and talk about the first woman president of the united states. >> this is "the bill press
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show." [ music ] happy friday. friday may 3rdrd. good to see you today. welcome to the full wort press coming to you live all the way across this great country of ours on current tv from our studio in washington, d.c. right here on capitol hill down the street from the united states is building. kind of quiet these days because house and the senate have been out all this week. they will be back on tuesday. we have lots of news to report from the nation's capitol, from around the country, from around the globe which will do and not only that, take your calls at 8 sick 6-55-press. not only that. take your comments on twit
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twit @bpshow and on facebook at news on several front today. start out with president obama talking trade and immigration reform down in mexico before he left he named our new commerce secretary. up in boston, the marathon bombing suspect told investigators that he and his brother originally planned suicide bombs for the fourth of july but got the dombs done early so they decided to hit the boston marathon instead. in washington, tina brown has fired howie kurtz as the washington bureau chief of the daily beast and newsweek. the question is: will he still keep his job at cnn? and emily's list says, it's time we get serious about electing the first female president of the united states. we will tell you all about it right here on current tv. criticizing, and holding policy to the fire.
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are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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[ music ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> bill: rhode island adopts marriage equality same-sex marriage and maryland gets rid of the death penalty. things are getting done at the state level even if they are not getting anything done in washington. good morning, everybody. great to see you this morning. thank you for joining us. it's friday, friday, may 3rdrd. can you believe it? so glad to see the weekend roll around here good to see you today. we thank you for being part of the program, the full court press, coming to you live on your local progressive talk radio station and on current tv of course. not only telling you what's going on, but giving you a chance to sound off and join us. you can do so by phone at 866-55-press. you ought to know that number by
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i now. that's our toll-free number. on twitter, follow us and talk to us @bp show and on facebook at press show. big event yesterday here in washington, d.c. where the great emily's list launched a new campaign called "mpotus or madam president. campaign to elect the first woman president of the united states that. doesn't mean necessarily hillary clinton but the first woman in the oval office. jess mcintosh is the communications direct for emily's list in studio with us to help launch campaign here on the "full-court press." >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> big day yesterday. >> yes. yeah. it was. there is so much enthusiasm around putting a woman in the white house, it's just awesome to see. >> bill: yeah. can't wait to share that enthusiasm here with all of our listeners, all of our viewers and all of our team here peter ogburn has the day off. there is the empty chair there. dan henning, filling two or
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three -- wearing two or three hats this morning? >> good morning. >> hey dan. >> with alicia cruz on phones and cyprian boulding as always got the video cam for current tv. there was a whom did not do the cause of women very proud. she and her husband were stopped by law enforcement officers. i am talking about reece witherspoon. what's her husband's name? >> kevin something. >> in and out important in this bill. >> that's true. anyhow, it's important in the sense that he was driving. i think he was drunk. >> he was hammered. >> they arrested him she is upset they arrested her husband and pulled the classic, don't you know who i am? it happened last week but the audio was just released by l.a.p.d. >> i am now being arrested? >> yeah.
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>> do you know my name? >> i don't need to know. >> you don't need to know my name? >> really? okay? you are about to find out who i am? >> i am not real worried about you, ma'am. i told you how thinks work. if you want to cooperate with my investigation, that's okay. the? >> really? >> yeah. >> andy american? >> yeah. >>. she was trying to interfere with the arrest of her husband and that's when they slapped the handcuffs on her. don't you know who i am? you are about to find out who i am. oh, yeah. guess what. that doesn't cut it. to her credit, she went on a big apology tore. she did the morning rounds. a little embarrassed. >> hello. she had to. we are going to talk about a much, much brighter outlook with jess mcintosh.
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the job numbers for the month of april come out today. about 20 minutes from now we'll have those and stan clankeder will tell us what they mean. but first. >> this is the full court press. >> first check of other headlines making news the oracle of omoma haw, investors, it's not his twitter handle, warren buffett going with his name. it's a big move for the bill yon air investor. it's not big on technology. he sat out of the tech bubble back in the 1990s because he didn't understand what it was all about. >> newspapers, too. >> his first tweet yesterday, warren is in the house. he's got about 200 ,000 followers already in just a day. >> is he going to put a stock tip. >> insider stock tips. i am excited. i am following him. >> i love warren buffett. what a story. washington national star outfielder bryce harper's dad is a union iron worker. we found this out yesterday
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about the homerunning star -- homerun hitting star's father sent out in the afl-cio features an interview where harper praises his dad for giving him the strong work ethic he has dodd. the video features ron harper be working on a job site and talking about his son. >> bill: this is a good story. learned from his dad work ethic. we thank them for their support of the bill press show. >> there is more fuel being thrown in the fire of a potential hillary clinton run, the producers behind twilight saga movie series about the vamppires are working on a movie about hillary called rodham. am says it focuses on her life in the early 1970s her battle between her political ambitions and her desire to marry her equally ambitious yale
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boyfriend, a guy named bill. it will come out as the 2016 primaries get underway. hillary machine gearing up. it was not the hillary machine yesterday. it was emily's list. emily's list founded in 1985 by the great ellen malcolm still going strong. josh mcintosh the communications. you launched mpotus campaign. what's it about? >> we wanted to capitalize on the enthusiasm from 2012. that was a mandate for women's leadership. we elected a record number e lee's list which helps elect progressive women quint you made our membership in 2012. there are so many americans ready for people in leadership rolls rolls. >> how are you going about it? >> conversations online and off.
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town halls in battleground states. we are having twitter chats. we are engaging people through every that we have significant, you know, did i knowat outreach. everybody should join us or tweet us using hash tag mpotus. this should be a sustainable campaign. i hope we have seen the last cycle where you picture the debate stage and there are eight guys on it. i am thooech those days are over. we are going to do what we can to make sure they are. >> don't forget michelle bachman isn't this just a reduce for the hillary clinton for campaign? >> we are hopeful that hillary runs. absolutely. we would love to see her do it. i think she is the clear frontrunner for the party, male or female but this is bigger than one woman and one cycle. so we want to make sure the bench is getting built for 2016,
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2020, 2024. there should be a woman on the ticket. we have some fantastic who i am have answered to titles like secretary and governor and senator and they are ready for the next step. >> who is your list include? i am sure it's always a problem because you are going to? >> i think secretaries sebelius and napalotano. i think if they were men we would see them on the short lists already, klobashar, jillibrand claire mccaskill should be mentioned. >> dianne feinstein from california, barbara boxer? >> for sure. these are lions of the senate, women who have been doing incredible work for cycles and decades and ought to be considered for higher.
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and then we have, you know, folks around the country who everybody is looking for who is the next barack obama. pamela harris in california is a perfect example of that. % >> this should be a goal. >> yeah. >> it i am going to vote for the democratic over the republican woman, but the republican party ought to think about the same thing. they are talking about outreach to latinos and african-americans. how about outreach to women? >> i think they don't know how. i think they don't have anything to sale to women. what would outreach to women look like? they are telling their people not to say things about race. it's hard to build a platform to run on, you know. >> bill: and officially the party that says we will decide
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what happens i think it would be good for them and the country. >> the point i was making is, if you are a republican there are republican women who are outstanding outstanding, too, like susan collins or 0 lim pia snow? >> sure. >> you could go down the list. >> that's a short list for me some have never had a country ever as its leader . >> i am lee's list did polling, likely voters in background states. folks are ready for this. they are excited about it. 90% of the people we polled you had. 72% think we will elect a woman president next cycle. the future is now. we are here.
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>> those numbers are incredible. 90% believe the country is ready intel what have we been waiting for? hello. you put out a little ad kind of making this point. >> these are young girls at a podium. why not? as candidates for president, pointing out why this is something that we shouldn't even be surprised about. here are some of their voices. >> i always dreamed of this standing here. and it's because of you all that i can, the millions who stood up and spoke up for voting. my mom told me i could be anything i want. it didn't use to be that way. >> a long time ago, women didn't get to vote. >> my mom told me when she grew up know one ever thought there would be a woman president. can you imagine?
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they were all boys. >> they were all boys. and they have all been boys. all boys. is wument presidents like men presidents and these got to grow up thinking they could be that and they weren't shattering any glass ceilings any more >> bill: look forward to the day it would be no bfd to have a woman as the head of the ticket. and not such a great one. love to hear your calls about this. are you ready? is america ready for mpodus? 866-55 press. damn right. jess mcintosh here we have to
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we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. (vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way
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inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> heard around the country and seen on t.v., this is the bill press show. >> bill: all right. 23 minutes into the hour. emily's list shaking it up yesterday saying way pastime
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for a woman president of the united states. couldn't agree more. jess mcintosh is the communications directs for emily's list here in studio with us. one thing, i would hope we would get to the day where we would make a decision for president based upon what are his or her qualifications for the. ? >> right. >> bill: what is her qualifications? right and what qualities or experience does she or he bring to the office? >> right. >> bill: right? not on a man or a woman? >> absolutely. absolutely. most voters aren't willing to say, i want to elect a woman president because she is a woman. there are certain he leadership qualities that americans believe that women have that are sorely lacking in washington right now like using good judgment, having the right priorities.
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voters believe women have the advantage when it comes to putting families ahead of politics and cutting through partisan bickering which can't be overstated in today's washington, how important that would be in terms of getting things done for americans. >> bill: i actually believe that if we have laura -- had laura bush instead of w, we would not have gone to war in iraq. ml is coming from walling ford kentucky. connecticut. i'm sorry. >> caller: i can't believe i am actually talking to you. >> bill: we are so excited that you are here what do you think? are you ready? >> caller: my comment is about hillary. >> bill: yes. >> caller: and i think it's about time that this country. it took so many years for them to realize what a brilliant and savvy woman she is. one of my -- one of my main things is when this all happens with monica lewinski this woman
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doesn't even leave her husband. well, the way i look at it, first of all, if she had left president clinton, who would have ever heard of her again? >> bill: i don't know about hillary. i kind of think that hillary stands on her own. i think we would have heard of hillary again. but whatever two points, one is, she is fabulous. i am head of the hillary clinton fan club. she is an unbelieverable great first lady, senator of new york, secretary of state and would make a great president. the most important is, it's not just about hillary, and you've made that point, too. >> absolutely. >> this is not the hillary for president campaign. >> no. this is -- >> this is bigger than that? >> a sustainable campaign a base of enthusiasm for allegation having women in the mix for the president, for always having women on the democratic ticket. we need to make sure yesterday a major you will poll comes out, hillary is ahead of the pack
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unsurprisingly but the rest of the candidates they polled were all men. we didn't see senator klobashar, jillibrand or former are governors or governors. we have leaders all over the country, women who are every bit and qualified as martin o'malley's and deval pattrics. >> you emily list for the unnamed woman, a woman. >> yes. >> as president. but there are names, candidates you are also supporting. who are the most important? >> absolutely. it's really interesting cycle. it's all about women's executive leadership. we have mayoral races all over the country in 2013 and governor's races in 2014. it makes sense we are looking at the whitehouse in 2016. but right now, this year we are supporting chris quin for mayor of new york wendy gruel for mayor of la. those would both be the first women-elected mayors in the
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country's two largest cities and they are progressive cities. it's just crazy. i am a new yorker and i am a little bit -- i hate to say ashamed of my city but i can't believe we haven't done it yet. it's about time. then, of course, we are supporting barnbara bow know for governor of new jersey which is an exciting race. i know chris christie seems like the inevitable one but she is fantastic and check out 2014? >> 2013. >> i thought so. >> that's this year, 2013. chris quin and wendy group in 2014. >> it's a big year. a one-off year. >> you got us going. jess thank you. em check it out. this is "the bill press show." [ music ]
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are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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[ music ] chatting with you live at, this is "the bill press show" live on your radio and current tv. here we are 33 minutes after the hour. on a friday. may 3rd rather. you know what it is? is this the "full-court press"? on current tv and on your local progressive talk reshow. i have the job numbers for the preceding month. they came out from the department of labor. 165,000 new jobs private sector jobs created in the month of april. ticking down one more point from
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7.6% to 7.5% that's still too high and the number of jobs. an immediate reaction to this from our good friend, stan col landesh, economic expert at corbus communications and a guy you can follow on capital gains. got it stan, good morning. >> good morning from dallas. how are you? >> joining us from dallas. right. what does this all mean to you? good news? >> 165,000 new jobs is easily exceeds the highest projection any credible economist makes. >> bit earn expected? >> much better than expected. the fact that unemployment dropped to 7.5, the lowest in four years. let's repeat that. the lowest unemployment rate in four years, you know, it's working here. it's working fully but it's working. here is the frustrating part. you remember this thing we talked about before called see
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questration? >> do i ever? >> i don't think there is any doubt if sequestration hadn't occurred that -- and we hadn't done these job cuts and the fiscal cliff hadn't occurred and everything else that the number of jobs would have been in excess of 200,000 and the unemployment rate would be coming closer to 7.0 rather than 7.5. this is a time when a lot of obstruction on the hill is causing the economy not to do as well as it really could have done. it's not living up to its potential because of government activity here it's a little frust streestrating. >> do you think that the lawmakers on the hill have idea those who voted for the sequester have any idea of the impact of it? >> 0 sure. i think they do. >> they don't care? >> there are some who don't care. just say cut spending the hell with everything else. we don't care what the impact is. i think i told you my tea party story where i spoke at the tea party's caucus. they told me they don't care
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about the economic impact. they want to cut federal spending. there are some who fall into that. for many members it's to come up with the alternatives. it's not austerity. shouldn't cut spending at this moment and you can see it in the numbers. better than expected but not as good as they could be. >> what caresscares me about this is it has just begun to kick in. >> good that's ins and bad news on that, too. >> we saw it with air traffic control where congress rushed to impact it. national parks or government services are affected, the more congress will come under prey. the need to understand that there is actually, you know, an impact for what they do. it's not a free vote to cut spending and not think it's going to harm people a great deal. >> by the way, i have just been told as part of this report
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it -- i don't know if you have a chance to see that or not but they always do this often do it it revise the number for the preceding month. >>. >> uh-huh >> bill: february has been revised up from. >> that's astounding. >> we haven't seen anything close to that. in march, where we were all dpredz last month bays march had 88,000 new jobs, that's been revise today 1 38,000. >> 50,000 additional jobs in the previous month when everybody was ringing their hands going, would he is us, it says a great deal for the strength of the resilience of the economy. it could be better. we could be completely out of this nonsense if we didn't put an austerity flam place. an austerity program and i am pretty sure you have talked about has proven to be inaccurate. >> that's, you know --
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>> yeah. >> all of the substantive underpinnings for austerity have now been pulled out from underneath and we know it wasn't -- >> if there is any do you not of that, look at what's happening in europe. right? >> yeah. they are going to go through the second year they just revised the numbers this morning. the economic forecast in europe is for a second year of reception with worse economic growth or lack of growth than was projected just a month ago. so let's take this as directly as possible. there is a time and a place for budget reductions for deficit training. in the current environment, this isn't it. this just isn't it. >> bill: well here is what i am afraid some people may not understand, dan. maybe you can help us with this is why. some people say, well look, all we are doing is cutting government spending. right? but the private sector can continue to grow and continue to grow and has nothing to do with investment in the private sector. why are they wrong? >> first of all, the quick answer to that is "nonsense ".
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>> on the radio, television. >> right. the situation is very simple. gdp, economic growth in the country, if anyone remembers back to the basic economic 101 it's corporate spending, consumer spending government spending and trade. and we now know. we have years of data at this point that giveses aren't spending. >> now we have data that's the last couple of years as the government has gone into an austerity program. corporations aren't spending. consumers aren't spending. there is ample evidence here to say that that calculation is wrong. >> that's the government withdrawing from the economy doesn't encourage private sector economic activity. plus the basic intervening variable is the government withdrawals am the fed lowers interest rates and that makes it easier for businesses to expand.
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this is the kind of insight cap capital this may be throwing a curveball here, something i am concerned about these days the death toll in the lapse of the building in bangladesh where these textiles were making goods for american consumers, for american companies is now over 500. first of all, imagine if that had happened in this country. right? the hullabalu and nobody is talking about this. right? this is again american firms exporting these jobs to bangladesh for penny wages over there and this is the result how can americans frp condone or be involved in this kind of practice? any backlash in the industry about this? >> probably not.
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probably not: that's sad to say. it's not just -- bill we need to say it's not just businesses not just the corps that export the jobs. it's the americans who want cheaper goods no matter how they get them. >> that's the ultimate irony here americans ring their hands but they buy the goods from people. if americans didn't buy bangladesh products, then the jobs wouldn't be exported there. >> that's obviously a demand for them. >> we can see the results var sad. >> made in the u.s.a. look for the label. >> that's what we ought to buy. stan col lander. thanks for talking to us see you back here in studio soon. >> i hope so. stan col lander, 165,000 jobs reported for the month of april. new private sector jobs and the unemployment rate dipping down
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to 7.5%. chatting with you live at this is "the bill press show." life on your radio and current tv >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern.
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>> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. [ music ] this is "the bill press show" live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: here we go 15 minutes before the top of the hour and the weekend as far as we are concerned, on the "full-court press" coming to you live from our nation's capitol on this friday, may 3rdrd. a couple of other little stories we haven't had a chance to bring
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you up to date on this hour so far, big news up in rhode island. i rhode island becoming the 10th straight to recognize same-sex marriage, marriage equality. the last state in new england to do so and it's a very welcome development governor lincoln chaffey saying you guys we have worked for this and waited for a it a long time. here it is. >> i know you have been waiting for this day to come. i know you have loved ones who dreamed this would happen but did not love to see it. but i am proud to say that now at long last, you are free to marry the person you love. thank you. [applause.] >> bill: it is still kind of head-scratching time to think in this 21st century here in the united states of america, there are still people who question that basic principal as the governor said. shouldn't we all be free to marry the person we love? well, no only until 10 states
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is that true so far good for roadhode island and the governor pointed out it was not a close vote notice state senate. >> these are historic numbers. 51 to 19. >> yes, indeed. that may have been the state assembly, the last body to approve it 59 to 19, lopsided vote there in the state of rhode island. we will see what state is next. meanwhile, the afl-cio putting out a very interesting video yesterday. those of us who live here in washington, fans of the washington nationals are no love with bryce harmper because he is a homerun-hitting king of the nationals. i don't know how many he has hit so far. >> a handful so far this season. >> i remember one in the first game. he had two. >> he is what? 20 years old?
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we found out pricebryce harper's deaths is an iron worker. >> my dad worked rebar. to watch him get up every single morning going into work working hard, i think that made me want to work that hard. and go for a run and go get my luzons or extra hitting in and try to better myself every day. >> there it is that work ethic, get up, work hard watch them every day. his dad, ron harper, iron worker out in las vegas, i believe, so we sat ute the iron workers and certainly thank them again for their support and their sponsorship along with many other laborun years of the "full-court press" and "the bill press show." when we come back we love to do this every -- i'm sorry. no.
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>> let's do it now. >> no. we are not going to come back. we will come back with a parting shot. we will do it right now. it's friday. >> time to get out of here, bill. >> i am losing it. okay. all right. every friday, we like to look back at our favorite clip of the week and review them with you. we start at the bottom, work our way up to the top this week is a white house correspondents dinner special clip of the week from the entertainment at the whitehouse correspondent's dinner last saturday night, april 27th. conan o'brien, we start with. we had a little reflection on what president obama's increasingly graying hair might mean. >> number 5. >> your hair is so white it could be a member of your cabinet. >> ooh. >> the president obviously getting slammed for not having a more minority -- more minorities
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in his cabinet. he took care of that when he named mel watt head of fsha. the president had his turn at the podium. he did very, very well. and he talked about the little gaffe he made when he phrased california attorney general pamela harris for being the most beautiful attorney general in the country. >> number 4? >> i am not in california. i happen to mention pamela harris is the best-looking attorney general in the country. as you might imagine i got trouble when i got back home. who knew eric holder was so sensitive. >> bill: very funny the first time around. the president, cnn came in for quite a few knox in the evening, from conan o'brien, but it was
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president obama who got the first shot in at cnn. remember, this is after john king up in boston reported that they arrested the suspect in the bombing case when in fact there was no suspect arrested at all. >> number 3. >> i know cnn has taken some knocks lately but i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story, just in case one of them happens to be accurate. >> woo. >> a burn. >> it was a burn. cnn executive i talked to after the dinner were not happy with the president taking them on like that. but the president talks about everybody saying he doesn't reach out enough to members of congress particularly he doesn't spend enough time schmoozing with republicans the president wondered whether that's such a good idea. >> number 2. >> of course, even after i have done all of this some folks
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still don't think i spend enough time with congress. "why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell?" they ask. really? why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell? well >> bill: you have to admit of all of the members of congress that you would want to have a drink with mitch mcconnell would be the last one on the list. the president did start out by saying that he recognizes that he has grown in the job and grown older in the job and changed a little bit because of this job. not -- well, let him tell it. >> number 1. >> not -- look. i get it. if i look in the mirror that i have to admit, i am not the strapping young muslim socialist that i used to be. >> bill: not the strapping young muslim socialist. at our table, the guest of the "full-court press" was
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congressman keith ellison who is al muslim. pretty far left. nobody enjoyed that joke more than keith ellison did. it was a good night. president obama outshining conan o'brien. i will be back and wrap things up with today's parting shot. other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given >> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us on bill press show. the tweet is watchingbp. this is "the bill press show." [ music ] monday to thursday at 6 eastern alright, in 15 minutes we're criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it.
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not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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(vo) current tv gets the converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. [ music ] >> the parting shot with bill press, this is "the bill press show." >> bill: and on this friday may 3rd, my parting shot for today, you know, we live in a great country. i wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but we have to admit there are some ways in which the
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united states lags far behind the rest of the world. we still have the death penalty, for example. we still refuse to take any action against global warming. we were very slow to recognize gay rights and still are. yesterday, we were reminded of another way that we are way behind other countries. emily's list launched a campaign titled, "madam president" or mpotus to elect the first female president of the united states. why should this be such a big deal? why has it taken us so long? of course the woman can do the job of the as good or better than any man can. look at england's maggie thatcher, the philippines, koria kino. on and on. a woman can do the job of the. not just hillary clinton. there are plenty of good female candidates out there. nancy pelosi elizabeth warren kathleen seblius, dianne
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feinstein. it was a great step to elect our first black president in 2008, but as emilyiesemily's list said, let's pull together and elect our first female president in 2016. >> that's my parting shot for today. >> that's a show for this week. chris moody from yahoo news on monday from south carolina to take a look at that big run-off between mark stanford. have a great weekend for example. see you back here monday morning. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ]
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>> hello tv land happy friday everybody. sexy liberal john fugelsang in all three hours today. jim ward out sick today. good morning jacki schechner. >> woe, good morning, that's a lot of information. >> stephanie: right. >> 100% was jim and then 3,000% was john. >> stephanie: and i'll talk about being on cnn last night
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