tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current May 7, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT
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s is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller ♪ let's go ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. twenty-two minutes after the hour. this hour brought to you by
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carbon night. charlie in st. paul, momma, i know i should have listened to you sooner. i waited and waited to get carbonite until my computer went kabluy. i got it operating long enough to get all pictures off it but now it's completely dead. carbon carbon carbonite's app is really great. so those still thinking about doing it just do it. do it! i lost a night's sleep worrying about all of those memories withing lost forever. you know how much -- $59 for the entire year. >> that is so -- such a great deal. >> stephanie: thank you. one low flat annual fee for your
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computers at your small business as well. the offer code is stephanie. wow, following this incredible story out of cleveland. three brothers have been arrested and are awaiting charges. this is incredible. this story has consumed cleveland for years so they were like -- strangers cheering outside the hospital -- >> oh, absolutely. >> stephanie: people have been so -- i just -- i mean -- i mean a happy ending -- it's not a happy last ten years for them but you go that is incredible -- >> but they are alive and safe -- >> the police chief say you rarely hear this happening. this is the original 911 call, which is amazing.
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the neighbors you said helped them get out. they went over and called 911 from his house. amanda berry is on the phone. >> hello, please. help me, i'm amanda berry. >> what is going on? >> i have been kidnapped and i have been missing for ten years. and i'm here. i'm free now. okay. and what is your address? >> 2207 seymore -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> it looks like you are calling me from 2210 seymore. >> i'm across the street. >> okay. stay there, talk to the police when they will get. >> okay. hello? >> yeah, talk to the police when they get there. >> okay. are they on their way right now? >> as soon as we get a car open. >> no, i need them now.
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>> all right. we're tending them. okay. >> who is the guy you -- who is the guy who went out? >> his name is ariel castro? >> how old is he? >> he is like 52. i'm amanda berry, i have been on the news for the last ten years. >> i got that. >> and gina. >> what was his name again? >> ariel castro? >> he is white black or hispanic? >> hispanic. >> what is he wearing? >> i don't know because he is not here right now. >> what was he wearing when he left? >> i don't know. >> the police are on the way. talk to them when they get there. >> okay. all right. okay. >> thank you. >> bye. >> oh my god. >> stephanie: oy vey. how about when we get a car open? now! >> like they said in the press
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conference, the car did arrive two minutes later. so that's a pretty fast response time. did you hear what she was saying, they obviously have been watching news coverage. >> that has to be so frustrating watching yourself on the news. you are like i'm right here. oh, my god. >> stephanie: yeah, and a child was confirmed six years old found in cleveland with the three women. kenny pick is about ten minutes from the house. hi, kenny. >> yeah, this is crazy. yeah totally in my neck of the woods in cleveland. >> stephanie: but this has been on -- obviously it has been on oprah winfrey, montell williams and these posters have not come down for ten years. people have really been invested in what hand here. >> yeah, constant vigils have ensued for the last ten years.
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the really sad case is amanda berry's mom passed away three years after her abduction. the picture circulating of her now in the hospital with her sister and what is -- i believe her four year old child, and that's -- that's all kinds of questions there two. these three brothers -- i mean i'm listening to the press conference and you, and, you know i have got like 15 speakers going on right here trying to figure out exactly what is going on. it's huge news for cleveland, but also i'm a little disheartened that it took so -- it took the captive to actually defeat her captor and get out. and great job for the neighborhood too. >> stephanie: kenny i was saying -- i would assume the familiar list would have had to thought they were dead, but the missing persons posters have been part of the community for
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decades by families who refused to give up. it doesn't seem like the families wanted -- wanted to believe -- amazing, incredible they turned out to be right, huh? >> absolutely. it's a great day for the city, but i think it's going to raise a lot of questions on a lot of procedural things with the police -- you know, the police and everything. >> stephanie: kenny can you hang on. we have a hard break here. but i want to get some more info for you. >> okay. >> stephanie: wow, he is our man on the scene. i pulled that out of my ass for free. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is
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what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. ♪
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[ inaudible ] >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ your whimsy is boundless. >> yeah you are nothing if not whimsical. >> stephanie: i am whimsical. thirty four minutes after the hour. our buddy, your pal, kenny pick in cleveland is about ten minutes from the house where this incredible story is unfolding. three brothers have been arrested and awaiting charges. >> this was over the course of four years so there was no rhyme or season, right? >> yeah. the first girl, was kidnapped in 2001 and she was 20 years old,
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so it wasn't thought that she was a missing child. but amanda berry, and gina dejesus, that was 2004 maybe? >> stephanie: right. and the 52-year-old ariel castro is the guy that owns the home that they were found in, right? >> yeah, and that -- i heard in the press conference i don't know if you guys got so far into it, but it looks like they might be looking at other properties so that's coming up now too. and the three brothers they are all in their 50s, it's very possible that, you know they are all homeowners in the area. >> stephanie: interesting. whole 911 call, she says his same is ariel castro he is like 52. i don't know he's not here right now. and the neighbor heard cries for help coming from the house, and
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kicked open the door to the home to get the women out. and a lot of questions over these last ten years. >> yeah, i'm assuming that that street in cleveland, like a lot of streets in that area probably a lot of rental in that area. it looks like -- this ariel guy owned the house, so -- and they haven't released any of the information about what the condition of the inside of the house was like but one can assume it was probably soundproofed -- >> stephanie: it is sort of shades of elizabeth smart where you think why couldn't they get out before now, or did they just secure them so well every time they left the house. because this can't be the first time this guy left the house. are there any of those details coming out yet? >> no, i was just checking in with the press conference and the fbi is still processing the scene, so they -- i guess even
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some of the cleveland police haven't been allowed in because they are still taking photographs, and i'm assuming that is probably going to come out by the end of this week. >> stephanie: you wonder were they frightened -- did they stay to some degree out of their own volition because they were so frightened -- and where are we getting the information from the basement? because if they were kept in the basement they got out. the neighbor said i look and there is this girl going nuts on on the door. and he said what is your problem? and she said it's locked. >> yeah. and you know -- that's -- that's so terrifying to think it took ten years for her just to be able to get to do that. >> my god. >> stephanie: yeah, they said their attempt to get open failed
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so the neighbor kicked open the door it was aluminum so it was cheap. thank god he is cheap. >> yeah. >> stephanie: clearly they must have watched the news coverage. she said hello, police, i'm amanda berry, i have been missing for ten years, i have been in the news for the last ten years with gina. >> that 911 call was chilling but came with a sense of victory for her, because again the real hero here it's her. >> stephanie: yeah. and she told the arriving polices there were more women inside the house. so police with their guns drawn entered the house. one of the neighbors said they look like they haven't been fed in a long time. they were skinny when they came out of the house. and like chris mentioned the neighborhood said he had been to barbecues with him.
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and he said there was nothing exciting about this guy well until today. >> yeah and he said it takes some really, really big testicles to pull that off. [ laughter ] >> he said he would play with his dogs out back, wash on his car, never anything suspicion, he said he barbecued and listened to salsa music with them. noo -- >> stephanie: police said you just rescued amanda and gina. as you were saying people know immediately who that is. >> yeah, this guy seemed a little taken aback. this neighbor was in the right place for the right time too, because he had only been living there for a year.
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so again with the high turn around time unfortunately there was someone who cared enough. this guy said also in an interview with the local news, that the name was familiar but he was thinking wait i thought she was dead. >> stephanie: yeah. the percentage of people people being found has to be pretty rare. >> exactly. >> three separate cases, august -- berry disappeared at age 16, she called her sister to say she was getting a ride home, and finally on april 2nd, 2004 dejesus disappeared on her way home from school. a couple they thought did they just take off on their own. and the fact that they were all connected, just incredible.
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the cases have consumed the cleveland community for year. gained national attention on montell williams and oprah winfrey and they said these posters have been up for ten years because the family refused to give up. >> yeah, you can see them walking on just about any cleveland west side street. >> stephanie: wow. and overnight countless family members and even elated strangers cheered outside the medical center. any kind of happy ending -- and not to say they haven't been through such trauma that would be, i would imagine quite a bit of counseling. >> yeah, i was talking to my wife about this, and she said this is one of those nightmare scenarios, that as a women, that you can't even fathom and so
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she -- she i'm sure just like every -- any other women out there who has ever had this kind of experience or thought about you know -- you know, this potentially happening to them, i mean this is really going to be a cause for all of us to come together and support them and help them through, because i mean i -- as a man i can't even imagine, you know? >> stephanie: yeah. >> this is chilling. >> stephanie: i imagine elizabeth smart's phone's -- because she has obviously spoken out in the years since it happened to her, but i mean, boy, there are not that many people that have this unique experience. >> yeah, unfortunately she is one of them. but like i said, though, it's -- you know it's going to take time, i think -- obviously it is going to take time for them, but, you know, i -- i
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have -- have to say i'm kind of disappointed though with -- on the onset, i'm a liberal. i love cops and everything like that. but i'm really disappointed in local failures on this. i just don't see how it could have gone on in the same place for -- it's so disheartening, but we'll see what comes out. >> stephanie: kenny, speaking of testicles, it said they called the cops a couple of years in these ten years because of a fight or something in the street, and you arelike really you call the cops when you have three girls in your basement. >> yeah. >> stephanie: but, how would they have known, or how would police -- what is the thinking there about where the police may have failed? >> well that -- you know, i probably can't speculate on that, be it's just one of those gut reactions when something like this happens. it's like how could this go on so long under our noses, but
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it's coupled with that sense of relief that we have three women who are alive. and apparently -- i did hear reports that they all looked healthy -- >> yeah, they have been released from the hospital i think. >> yeah, and i heard they were all in relatively good condition. and the photograph i saw of amanda berry she looked good and looked really happy. >> this shows you that nothing good comes from basement and crawl spaces. >> stephanie: that's right. >> it's usually milley -- milley -- milley -- milley -- millipeds and stuff. and this six year old it is a boy for girl? >> a girl. >> stephanie: wow, she has lived
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her entire life in in captivity. >> yeah, and she has known her mother's captor as her father. if that is the case. obviously there will be a dna test. and trying to imagine what happens over those ten years, your mind goes to really dark places, trying to figure out what were these three brothers doing? and they said they are looking at national implications if possibly this had something to do with -- obviously they are going to look and see if it's some kind of wide -- you know like slave/prostitution kind of ring. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> so just saying those words right now is just really hard. it's so ugly to think what all of the things that could -- could have happened in ten years. >> stephanie: yeah, absolutely. kenny you are an excellent reporter. >> yeah, great job, kenny pick.
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>> well hey if i find out some good stuff i'll send it your way. >> stephanie: please call us back. thank you for being our on the spot man or whatever we just hired you for, for nothing. >> oh, listen to turn up the night with kenny pick on your podcast. >> stephanie: yes. i love ya all right. bye sweetheart. >> wow, our man in cleveland. >> stephanie: exactly. we were just talking about not such a happy story out here with this lemon story -- >> horrible. >> stephanie: a lot of questions about that as well. forty-six minutes after the hour. the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: for a good time call now. 1-800-steph-1-2. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the
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drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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♪ everybody here -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ hands in the air ♪ >> jim won't ever do it. do it. >> i don't do it -- >> stephanie: he did it. that was almost that was a half of kermit flail. >> stephanie: i don't like to do it because i pit out my shirts. >> stephanie: oops forgot to check that. look at us covering breaking news left and right. i ran in to marshall clark yesterday who is going to come
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on when we get a jody arias verdict. but this is where the two worlds melded at cnn, you can tell who is there for regular news and who is there for political coverage -- everybody is always like what trial -- and i'm like who, what? she had to give me a timer, i'm like jody is guilty? >> yeah, but the question is why did she do it? >> stephanie: right, i got a whole primer from marshall on the jody arias case. and that is arizona -- >> yes. the jury is in deliberations so the verdict could come down at anytime. >> stephanie: look at me -- nancy grace is going to call today too in addition to erin burnett and they are going
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to fight over me. [ applause ] >> stephanie: girl fight! i can do this stuff. all right, but that is an incredible story because it has had such national attention as well. it really is elizabeth smart times three. >> one of them had a baby by their kidnapper. >> stephanie: they are alive and healthy. >> and have been released from the hospital. >> stephanie: our man on the ground, kenny pick will checking in if there is any new information on that. so wow. i mean wow. and again a national story, because -- without a happy ending is this limo story, a newly wed -- right? a newly wed and a bunch of her friends in a limo. it was a bachelorette party -- and jim has been talking about this all morning -- so it -- the limo
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caught on fire -- >> yeah, probably an electrical fire. it was near the back of the car where the doors are. >> yeah and the women were yelling smoke. smoke. and the driver thought they wanted to have a cigarette. >> stephanie: yeah anyway some of them got out and some did not. the driver got out, but as jim was saying with these limos, the driver can lock and unlock the doors, they can't. >> i don't know if that's -- i have heard that that's the case. it may be different from one model to the next -- >> stephanie: right. >> but the driver can override it. >> stephanie: but they were also saying the fire moved so quickly -- and this is a case for more exit windows or additional doors or something, because the fire started towards the year where the doors are. >> stephanie: yeah, and it is
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the time of year where there are proms and weddings, and it's that typical story of how many people rent limos -- and did you see the car? i mean -- >> yeah it just bursts into to flames. >> there is an online manual it has child locks, and it sounds like one of those things where -- it was child proofed too much. >> stephanie: yeah. and you know me i'm always one of those people anyway because you get a car to do tv -- >> yes, in lieu of payment. >> stephanie: yes, as i said before they think you are like a laboratory -- labaredoer. >> lots of glasses with nothing
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in them. thank you. >> stephanie: you know me, jim i'm very -- what is the word -- spazzy add, so i am always the person that tries to get out before it is stopped -- >> yes and they can't -- >> stephanie: right. >> yeah. they can't unlock it while you are pulling on the handle. >> stephanie: i know. i have learned this the hard way. ma'am calm down. even with friends. like getting in the car from the outside. give me a second. let me in. i just start clawing. yeah, this is just a horrible story. oreville brown the limo driver. >> this particular limo i have driven eight times. they say smoke smoke smoke, pull over. and i'm looking back -- and i see the grief on her face. >> stephanie: oy vey.
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>> yeah, and it's not clear whether there are emergency exit or push-out windows, or even if it did it doesn't do much good unless you know how to use it. >> stephanie: normally the reason you are in a limo is you are drunk. the limo driver again. >> personally i feel that it may have been electrical, because like i said the car didn't blow up. he did not smell gas. >> stephanie: yeah, that's the other thing -- i guess the partition must have been up because he obviously couldn't see, i guess the amount of smoke or whatever in the back. this is one of the surviving limo passengers. >> i said i cannot get out, help me. i cannot get out, so i -- he -- i tried to pull her out. >> stephanie: she -- they are saying it could take weeks to figure out what happened here.
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but it was a bachelorette party. >> and the groom was at the other end waiting for the bride. >> stephanie: oh, god. >> i wonder if the electrical fire caused the locks to be inoperable? you couldn't unlock them -- >> stephanie: yeah, well anyway, i guess -- as they said it will take weeks to figure it all out. but i'm guessing a lot of people will be asking questions before renting limos for proms -- >> and they should have safety procedures like they do on airplanes. >> stephanie: fivety-eight minutes after the hour. much more as we continue on the "stephanie miller show."
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: hello, hour number 2. jacki schechner? oh nurse jackie? >> yes. >> stephanie: once my in-box fills up with too many ask jacki questions, we need to do a jacki schechner's health care corner. i sent you the thanks obama. >> yeah we did it all weekend. thanks obama. >> thanks obama. >> stephanie: if i have one more subject line obamacare blamed for -- >> cavities. >> stephanie: yes, exactly. lots to cover. we will do that when she takes
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off her jaunty little news cap. won't that be fun, jim? >> oh, yes. >> good morning, everybody. you may seeing a little less of new jersey governor christ not politically, but physically. christie has just shared the news that he has undergone lap band surgery. he has struggled with his size for 20 years and as he turned 50 he wanted to make sure he did something to make sure he was here for his wife and daughter in the future. he says he has already seen results, and "politico" will say that the surgery is a sure sign that christie plans to run for the white house in 2016. arizona senator, jeff flake says he may being to change his vote
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on the gun background check. he has acknowledged that his no vote has made him one of the least popular senator in the country, quote below pond scum as he posted on his facebook page. he said he voted against it because checks on internet transactions would be too expensive and inconvenient. they need five senators to switch their votes from no to yes to break the republican filibuster. he says he knows joe manchin may not be able to adjust the language to his liking but he may be able to get something done. and the market fairness act allows retailers to select online sales tax from purchasers not in their state. we're back with more show after the break. stay with us. ♪
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young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." gawker warns us the neighbor's 911 call, not safe for work. he is hilarious. i sense a reality show in his future. [ applause ] >> stephanie: he rescued the girls that had been missing for ten years. >> he said on the 911 call. i'm eating my mcdonald's i come outside, and i saw this girl going nuts. i knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a big black man's arms. this mother [ censor bleep ] done kidnapped me she said her
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name is linda berry or something. i don't know who the [ censor bleep ] that is. >> stephanie: oh, my god. he is any new hero. you can email us all there, executive producer chris lavoie, voice deity jim ward or me stephanie miller. we need a colon blow. ♪ imagine reading news, i do ♪ ♪ i think she gets up in the night and burns the light ♪ ♪ he only one who didn't fail and got it right was jacki schechner ♪ >> stephanie: good morning, jacki schechner. >> does that make me human fiber. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: in a health care sense, yes. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: you broke the story that chris christie had gastric bypass.
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>> i didn't break the story -- >> stephanie: whatever. on our show. up in this bitch you did. >> yeah he had lap band surgery, and he had steak a week or two ago and could only eat a third of it, so it seems to be working. al roker overshares about his gastric problems -- >> we all seem to do that a little bit. >> on this show. >> stephanie: well why does god give you three hours of air time? to overshare. >> i assume. >> stephanie: you are saying -- you were saying everybody was saying this is proof he is going to run. >> yeah, he says it is because he turned 50 and looked at his wife and kids and said i would like to be around for their future -- >> stephanie: oh that is bull
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[ censor bleep ]. every politician who quits to spend more time with their family you know is a load of crap. >> yes but the big concern was his health and size. and not all overweight people are unhealthy, but he is at an unhealthy weight. >> stephanie: thank god he'll have a private bathroom. because she two have to share a bathroom with someone who had gastric bypass -- >> holy crap. literally. >> stephanie: stop it. jacki they said when medicare payment rates for hospitals, inpatient care are cut a new study shows they won't pay more. >> this basically means for the average patient -- like
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insurance companies -- it's that insurance companies overpay. we just have a health care cost problem in this country because we make money off of our health care system. when you reduce medicare payments that also brings down insurance payments. it says -- the argument is hospital are low medicare rate seek to attract patients on private insurance, and they cut insurance rates to do that. so there is a competitive nature to bring down the costs overall. >> stephanie: you say they need to cut down their operating costs too, right? >> that's true. you are going to find a way to save money and cut -- not procedures or patient care costs of things that are overinflated in the first place. we always talk about the $5 advil or aspirin. it's that things are overinflated, so let's bring
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some costs down to reasonable levels and maybe that's where we can find savings. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> so we're on the right track. >> stephanie: somebody said this model predicts a cut in medicare rates will lead to a reduction in private rates. and increase in private admissions. unpack that one for me. >> what it is saying is if you bring down medicare payment essentially the hospitals will say -- the insurance companies and hospitals -- everybody will bring their rates down to try to get more -- to get more patients -- to get more customers, so the idea is -- if you lower prices you get more people. the only problem i have with this argument is that we don't comparison shop for emergency medical services. >> stephanie: that's right. >> you go to the closest hospital or the closest hospital that you are comfortable with, because a lot of people will choose a private hospital over a
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public hospital. so it's a little bit of a skewed model in that way, that we don't comparison shop. but it would be nice to know if ambulance takes to you to hospital a you will pay a hundred dollars, and if you go to hospital b you will play $5,000 for the same procedure. >> stephanie: we have been talking about all of the latest stories whether it's south carolina -- them trying -- implementing obamacare a crime, but there is so much information when politically half of the country is bent on giving out misinformation about this law. >> yeah that kaiser family foundation survey came out saying that 40% of the people don't know anything about it. and we knew that. we know people don't have any ideas what it is.
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and that's why people are saying x, y, and z is do to obamacare or health care reform. and it's absurd because it is just not true. we need really a good marketing campaign. a good public information campaign to get people to understand what actually is going on. >> stephanie: jacki that's what the administration is going to do, though, right? they were saying they didn't want to do it too soon because people wouldn't sign up. >> there haven't been a lot of totally effective public service campaigns. your brain on drugs is probably one of the most meaningful, but woe need one that is impactful. you can't do these come find these web videos. we're really going to have to have some sort of major push -- when massachusetts
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implemented their health care system they used the red sox. something like that that will be high profile to get people to understand what it is they have access to. and the exchanges need to be up and running by october. so we're running out of time. >> stephanie: right i coa mail bag with you? >> you can. >> stephanie: all right. priscilla writes my 87-year-old mort got a knee replacement surgery last thursday. after spending three nights in the hospital they had her packed up to take her to the rehab center. and they told them to take her home instead because of obamacare was the blame for that. >> well, my question is who is
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they? it is sort of unclear who is sending her home. it doesn't sound like this was a decision made by her medicare provider. it's unclear who is sending her home and not to rehab -- but what i would advise anybody is there is the medicare rights center, and it's a really good place to reach to. i spent them this specific question, and i'll waiting for an answer back. i would just advise people and they are really good about helping you understand what your rights are, but from what i understand there haven't been changed made to what medicare accepts and doesn't accept. that's not what health care reform is doing. what we're doing is lowering the cost of overpayment to private health insurance companies.
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>> stephanie: i always get suspicious, don't you when someone uses the phrase obamacare. >> yeah. >> stephanie: it's like you hear -- i just know in my own life people that are predisposed to hate the president will go oh, because of obamacare my mom can't get a doctor. >> yeah, thanks obama. >> as much as they would like to embrace the term obamacare, i hate using it. it's never said in a positive way. it has the implications of some overarching government bureaucracy. >> stephanie: and the suggestion is always that doctors won't take medicare patients anymore because of obamacare. >> i failed my history test thanks obamacare. >> yeah, we're not cutting medicare payments.
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what we're doing is not overpaying -- we're not giving your tax money to the insurance companies anymore. this is not one to dislike. this is one to actually enjoy that we're finally not overpaying them for things like gym memberships for people who aren't using them. >> stephanie: okay. we have heeby in west virginia. go ahead. >> caller: i have some right-wing friends that say that congress is trying to pass a bill to exempt them from the affordable care act. is that true? >> no, senator grassley said they have to be in the exchanges as well. and they said that's fine.
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now they need to figure out the logistics of this, because members of congress get subsidized help. and what they need to figure out now is how this amendment gels with the system that's in place now that subsidizes their insurance rate. so what they are trying to figure out is what the mechanism is going to be to have them use the insurance exchanges, which are not open to large employers. because if you work for a big company you can't use the exchange. but there is an amendment that say that members of congress have to use the exchange. >> caller: okay. then i can set my friends straight on this. >> please do, yes. >> stephanie: there you go off to facebook with you. go ahead. nancy in minneapolis real quick for jacki. >> caller: hi. thanks. i was wondering if you could say
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a little bit about the accountable care organizations. they are getting started here in minnesota, and it's my understanding you could do comparison shopping with them. and i was wondering if you could say how that works. >> i don't know about the state-specific accountable care organizations. i would have to look into that. but any time you have an option to comparison shop that's a good thing. >> caller: right. >> because you want alternative alternatives. a lot of these states have monopolies. so any time you have the opportunity to shop or comparison shop that's a good thing. >> caller: okay. and then is there something about the insurance companies kind of becoming obsolete with that? because the accountable care organizations kind of take care of tracking insurance coverage or not -- the cost and all of that? and how you debt -- like we have to become members of the acos.
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do you know any more about that? >> i don't. but i think it would be hard to make insurance companies obsolete because it is so large. >> stephanie: i love how you always get that single payer thing in there. a girl can dream. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> stephanie: in my personal opinion that was a spectacular corner. >> it was. >> stephanie: we love you. see you at the top of the hour. >> you got it. you make sitting in the corner fun. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: jesse in montana wants to talk about my favorite subject when we come back. me. me on cnn last night. and we have that and lindsey graham and abba. twenty minutes after the hour right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: it's not radio. it's "stephanie miller show."
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♪ you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ she loves to do the wild thing ♪ ♪ she said let me tell you one thing, i need $50 to make you holler, i get paid to do the wild thing ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is going up now. jesse in montana. hi jess. >> caller: hi, momma, last night on aaron burnett you shut that fool down so good. he was spouting foolishness, you defended anita hill talked about clarence thomas and i'm just so proud of you up there. >> stephanie: thank you, honey. they play these remarks that clarence thomas talked about, i guess the media elite -- it
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needs to be the right black person. it's like bitter party of one, your table is ready. how do you get elected twice in a landslide if it's only the elites that have decided you are okay. >> and his stupid example that he gave was so out of it. it wasn't even relevant. and you just put him down and i'm just so dang proud of you. >> stephanie: it's almost 7:30 pacific time we should drunk dial clarence thomas's wife and see if she says thinks i did as well as you did. [ laughter ] >> she is still up from last night, i'm sure. >> stephanie: yeah how is he the most qualified candidate for the supreme court -- he hasn't said anything in 20 years.
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i wonder if he wears an i'm with stupid t-shirt under his robe. it's really, really bitter. we have charlie pierce coming up. this is breaking news left and right with this incredible cleveland story. >> yeah, let's reset it. >> stephanie: these three women were missing for ten years and were found. these three brothers have been arrested. one of the women has a six year old daughter by obviously one of the captors. >> and one of them escaped with the help of a neighbor and the neighbor is hilarious. >> stephanie: yes, but it is elizabeth smart times three.
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the son of the alleged captor wrote an article about one of the missing women back in 2004. apparently he didn't know that his father -- and there's questions about that. i guess he was -- i don't know if he didn't visit. i don't know what the relationship was between he and the father. ariel castro was arrested along with his two brothers, anthony castro, 31 wrote an article about the missing women back in 2004. and it was headlined gina dejesus's disappearance has changed the neighborhood. i mean -- >> didn't interview his own father apparently. >> stephanie: i guess not. talking about how it has changed the neighborhood. a news station reached him and spoke to him. and he said this is beyond
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♪ >> hey pal, mine your own business -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> -- is telling a story. >> did you hear that he said -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> and he hauled my dumb ramblings a story. >> stephanie: it is the dumb ramblings story. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. we were talking -- i was on cnn yesterday talking about something else, but last week i said is there something that does not give lindsey graham the
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vapors. but meanwhile we have to hear more from the drama queen. >> the one thing i'm not going to do is vote on a new secretary of defense until the old secretary of defense testifies on benghazi. it's unnerving to a guy like me. ♪ doing the outrage dance ♪ >> are you satisfied with the approach the administration has taken? ♪ you are the drama queen ♪ >> we're three years into this and he is failing, and it's not the tea party's fault. ♪ drama queen on the coach where he is fainting ♪
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♪ you can cry, wasting the time of our lives ♪ ♪ be a girl make a scene, being the drama queen ♪ >> that is an understatement. ♪ being a drama queen ♪ >> stephanie: rocky mountain mike and mary in ann arbor bringing it. speaking of bringing it. here he comes. there is only one man that understands -- the author of -- ♪ pierce ♪ >> stephanie: charlie pierce ♪ why is everybody always laughing with me ♪ >> stephanie: good morning, charlie pierce. >> good morning. good morning. good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. good morning. great stuff about benghazi you wrote the ship be sinking. here is daryle issa.
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>> i think it is damaging because it happened on her watch. i think the important thing is hillary clinton is no longer secretary of state, but there are many people still at the state department who were involved in this who continue to keep their jobs. >> involved in what! >> stephanie: exactly. >> tell me what they were involved in. >> stuff. >> stephanie: stuff that happened. you fail it as usual, charlie, you say it's a opportunistic attempt to hamstring the current democratic president and the woman who is the odd's on choice to succeed him. >> i'm perfectly willing to be convinced -- obviously something went bad here. i'm willing to be convinced that our government screwed up but i want them to say something beyond susan rice went on the talk shows and said this. >> stephanie: right. and you say interesting -- speaking of
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hilary, you say those of us who have memories that go back a couple of decades, feel the same way not about the great penis hunt, but the investigation into the land deal in which the clintons lost money. i would like to see mitt romney's tax returns -- >> i remember spending the entire summer one year watching the white water hearings. because i loved that stuff. and by the end of it i was so confused i didn't know what i was watching and i'm getting the same feeling about this one. you presume something is wrong, so you presume the cover up. >> stephanie: yeah you nailed it again on this one. it's like wait a minute, they lost money -- so what was -- how many taxpayer dollars were spent on that whole thing -- >> absolutely. we had three different
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investigations into whether or not vince foster killed himself. which was a waste of taxpayers money and it was fundamentally indecent. and i'm getting the same thing about this. i don't know what they are looking for. i don't think they have any idea what they are looking for. are they really looking for whoever it was that wrote the talking points for susan rice? and if they did, so what? what have we discovered if we spend a lot of money finding out who wrote the talking points. >> stephanie: exactly. benghazi, benghazi benghazi! which i love that you find bigger capitals every time. you say when you have lost a human tack hammer like brian kilmeade it is going to be a harder sale for everybody.
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>> even they seem a little bit baffled. they are supposed to be able to do this automatically. >> brian kilmeade does look like he has been hit between the eyes by a giant plank right before he goes on the air. honestly, charlie, to try to keep this going every day at the behest of roger ails must be exhausting. >> yeah, we find out that geraldo rivera tried to tell them he was doing it wrong and they turned his mic off. >> stephanie: yeah ordered his mic cut. >> yeah i mean this was -- i guess this was going to be what they blew the -- you know -- i guess this was going to be the way they blew the hires out of the president's credibility on foreign policy. but it wasn't going to work even
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if they don't have anything, and they don't have anything. >> stephanie: i go on cnn and the topic is we're going to talk about the president's benghazi problem. and it's like he has a problem because lindsey graham has the vapors again? really? >> i don't think people in the country know what is going on either. they'll say they want answers, but i don't believe they know what they want answers to. >> they don't know what the question is. >> stephanie: yeah. it is election day in south carolina -- and you say -- the cogent point in your headlines, south carolina is still south carolina. obviously the latest poll had mark sanford ahead. >> yeah, and i'm -- i appreciate that it's the fact that it is that competitive is an amazing thing, but it's still south
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carolina at it's tribal and religious -- >> stephanie: and as you say it's south freakin' carolina. >> yeah, and even if elizabeth colbert-busch were to win, she would be incredibly vulnerable down the line. >> stephanie: yeah. so do you think he is going to squeak it out? >> i think he'll win by pint and a half or two points yeah. >> stephanie: i was talking to a friend yesterday that it's not just the level of -- baggerry in his marriage but the dereliction of duty as well -- >> yeah, he was able to link the democratic candidate with nancy pelosi who is the boogie man. it's all a cult. it's not about politics anymore.
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it's about worshipping the totem. >> yeah, we'll see how it comes out. we have been talking about this incredible story out of cleveland all morning. >> yeah. >> stephanie: unbelievable. the latest news that just come out is that the son of one of the kidnappers wrote a story about it, and didn't know that it was his father. >> yeah. this is one of these things -- one of my stranger assignments was to cover the sanity hearing that went on in milwaukee as to where jeffrey dahmer was going to spend the rest of his life prison for the hospital. and there were people in that building who frankly heard power tools in the middle of the night and didn't care. never asked a question. >> stephanie: yeah, it is incredible. >> we live in our little worlds and stuff is none of our business. >> stephanie: charlie what is the latest out of the marathon bombing case.
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i know we're having another episode of weekend at tamerlans. >> the guy i feel bad for is the undertaker. he is just trying to do his job. get off of the sidewalk in front of his building. yesterday he said i have got to do something. he is taking -- >> yeah there's some cemeteries out of state that have offered to take him. >> i hope so. >> stephanie: i think they should do the burial at sea because that way he could go water skiing first. >> stephanie: i'm just saying that is the islamic ritual -- >> water skiing? >> stephanie: no burial at sea. >> but we don't own the guy's body -- i want the undertaker out of the story. because he -- he has probably
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been doing good work his whole life -- >> stephanie: he was making -- >> -- none of your clients ever thank you. [ laughter ] >> don't i look like myself i'm going to have a tape recorder built into the casket and when people kneel down in front of me, i say no i don't look like mice. i'm freakin' dead! >> stephanie: it is a tough job, and i bet they get stiffed a lot. >> oh! [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: my point charlie is -- >> got a bone to pick with you now. >> stephanie: yeah, but he did make the point, timothy mcveigh, jeffrey dahmer -- >> mcveigh was cremated and so was dahmer. oswald does have a grave however. >> stephanie: and nobody claimed
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the first two bodies -- >> muslims can't be cremated. >> stephanie: that's what i'm saying burial at sea. they let the one roommate go? >> yeah, he is apparently the guy that has turned and i don't know what they are going to do with the other guys because they really do seem like wane and garth. >> stephanie: yeah. >> it does remain to seem to me to look like a confederacy of dunces -- >> stephanie: yeah, or stoners. >> with lethal consequences. >> stephanie: we will follow all of the events out of boston. >> all right. talk to you next week. >> stephanie: yay amount all right. forty-six minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> oh, come on!
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you have got to admit this is cool! >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ you better run, you better hide ♪ you better leave from my side ♪ ♪ you better run, you better hide ♪ ♪ you better leave by my side ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. this hour of the "stephanie miller show" brought to you by therabreath great-tasting lozenges, available at target, wal-mart walgreens and other fine stores.
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1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number. corky in rochester. >> caller: oh, stephanie, yeah i think lindsey graham is having a midol moment. he might have some lady parts, because i compare him with my wife when she gets into that moment, you can't tell her anything. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: you can have all of the proof you want. police reports certified by the pope. >> stephanie: let's hope nobody tells him he looks fat in that suit. >> yeah. thank god you are past all of that. >> shhhusl. charlie pierce is just all kinds of awesome. we were talking about the gun debate. we were talking about james port
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porter, the new nra president. >> the new crazy. if i recally the south did attack fort sumpter. >> right. >> stephanie: charlie rights we can have all sorts of fun with the new president of the nra one man's bold words are another man's crazy pecker lunacy. [ applause ] >> stephanie: wow wee. all right. chris in dallas you are on the "stephanie miller show" on the south carolina race today. hello, chris. >> caller: hello, my friend stephanie. it has been a while -- it has been a few years since i called. last time i called it was about 2004, 2005, i was stationed in the boston area in the army. i'm retired now. you had a ring for right-wing
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[ inaudible ] fans. and now i'm back for more. >> stephanie: they always come back. all right. go ahead. >> caller: i was thinking about the south carolina race. i think sanford probably will okay -- eke it out because of the hypocritical mind of the south carolina voters. they sent strom thurmond back to his seat knowing he has fathered a back daughter -- >> stephanie: in his defense, when he said segregation, he did not mean his penis. >> caller: exactly. i mean the south carolina voters, they overlooked that and sent him back to the senate year
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after year. some of these family-value voters and republican voters it's amazing what they can overlook in their own constituent -- >> stephanie: it's true. and it's even more amazing that john mayor has a more racist penis than strom thurmond said. remember he said he had a white supremacist penis. he only finds certain bodies a wonderland. he is a little too chatty for a singer. just shut up and sing. >> that's what laura ingraham wrote that book for. >> stephanie: oversharing. we were talking to charlie about the boston case. this robel phillipos, one of the three friends accused of helping
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boston bombing suspect dzhokher he got out on bond yesterday. >> because i think he has been talking. >> stephanie: that's a good chatty. >> he cooperated fully with law enforcement, answered all of their questions and we're confident in the end robel will come back to clear his name in this case. >> stephanie: the fbi notoriously touchy about being lied to. >> sure. >> stephanie: but i guess they are trying to figure out whether he was just a kid that panicked -- and whatever he is sharing now that may help him i don't know -- because he didn't get rid of the backpack or laptop because he was the stoner that felt asleep -- his attorney
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again. at no time did robel have any prior knowledge of this marathon bombing, nor did he participate in any of the planning done by the defendant in this case. >> i don't have a lot of knowledge about stuff. i do know there's some cold pizza in the frig. >> stephanie: it might by the rich -- righteous chronic case. >> i don't think they call it righteous anymore. all right peter king. >> she could be living in the residence where bombing are being made, i feel there has to be some level of involvement on her part. >> stephanie: yeah, long story in the "washington post" about her, and it's hard to tell -- i think there was some al qaeda
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stuff on her computer but we don't know whether he was using it or -- >> right. that's hard to tell. >> stephanie: maybe she's one of those wives, oh it's not porn, oh, i don't care what it is. here this is yours. i don't know a lot of questions -- >> so zubeidat might be off of the hook. >> no zubeidat is the mother. >> stephanie: no it's not her dna -- and i thought that was the latest thing that she said she would take the body. what the hell is going on with the body. she offered to take it and somebody was trying to put a fund together to get his body out of boston to send it back to russia -- weekend at tamerlan's i'm just saying. fifty-eight minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right hour number 3. oh, jacki schechner not a good day to be a girl. first this horrible story of the women locked in the basement and the air force official in charge of sexual assault prevention program -- >> was charged with sexual assault. >> stephanie: yes. yes. i thought i read that wrong on the chyron on the news yesterday -- >> we put the fox in charge of the hen house is that what we did? >> stephanie: apparently. >> i'll work on the sexual
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harassment -- >> stephanie: fill in your own joke here. michael jackson in charge of a daycare -- not now. i'm just saying back then that used to be the joke. >> i'm going to let you take the heat of that one. here she is jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody, the justice department is out with a new report today that says while gun violence has dropped over the past few decades when people are killed in the united states most, 70%, are killed by a again. washington, d.c. has the highest number followed by louisiana and missouri. the u.s. has the most civilian guns of any country, and while we don't have the most homicides by gun in the world, we have the sad honor of being the developed country with the highest rate of gun homicide. about 40% of state inmates got their firearms either through
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something like theft or drug deal, and 37% say they got their guns from a family member or friend. this is based on data which dates back to 2004 and may not take into account the proliferation of access to firearms these days. kelley ayotte is trying to do damage control after voting no on the manchin toomey gun compromise. she said she felt the senate needed to focus on fixing the current system and not expanding it. she claims she is being attacked unfairly over her vote but 89% of new hampshire residents wanted senator ayotte to vote yes. and there is a rally planned in new york city this weekend. the $85 billion in budget cuts that went into place in march is shutting down the irs for five
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days between late may and the end of august with the possibilities of two more days in august and september. we're back with more show after the break. stay with us. (vo) next, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just
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care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern [♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." back to this incredible story in cleveland in a moment. billy is in lindsey graham's district. hello, billy. >> caller: good morning, stephanie. love you guys. >> stephanie: love you back. >> caller: i live in the same town lindsey graham is from kay remember when he first ran. and he did campaign photos with
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his sister and kids to do family photos with. >> stephanie: really? >> caller: interesting. >> stephanie: confirmed bachelor. my stars and garters. >> caller: apparently mr. mccain is jealous. >> stephanie: all right. billy thank you, honey. this incredible story we have been following all morning out of cleveland. every once in a while there is a huge national story. i saw it on oprah winfrey show years ago. they have been missing for ten years -- again, and kidnapped separately. it was over the course of i believe four years -- >> yep. and there was no pattern, no rhyme or season just randomly kidnapped over four years. >> and then the neighbor who we
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love -- who i want to date and kiss and marry is hilarious and was able to break them out of there and called 911 and obviously knew -- she said i have been on the news. i have been missing for ten years. they obviously watched news reports about themselves during their captivity. one of them had a child, a six year old who was also removed from the home. this was the original 911 call which is just -- amanda berry's call to 911. >> 911. >> hello, police. help me. i'm amanda berry. >> do you need police fire, or ambulance? >> i need police. >> what is going on. >> i have been kidnapped and i have been missing for ten years. and i'm here. i'm free now. >> what is your address? >> 2207 seymour avenue? >> it looks like you calls me from 2210 --
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>> i can't hear you. >> it looks like you are calling me from 2210. >> i'm across the street. >> okay. talk to the police when they get there. >> okay. hello? >> yeah, talk to the police when they get there. >> okay. are they on their way right now. >> as soon as we get a car open. >> no, i need them now before he gets back. >> all right. we're sending them okay. who is the guy -- who is the guy who went out? >> his name is ariel castro. >> all right. how old is he? >> he is like 52. i'm amanda berry. i have been on the news for the last ten years. >> okay. i got that dear i already -- and you say -- what was his name again? >> ariel castro. >> is he white black or hispanic. >> hispanic. >> what is he wearing? >> i don't know because he not here right now. >> when he left what was he
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wearing? >> who knows. >> the police are on the way. talk to them when they get there. >> okay. >> i told you they are on their way. talk to them when they get you. >> i believe that was the six year old crying in the background. >> stephanie: yeah. and elizabeth smart's voicemail will be full this morning. she was speaking at a forum on human trafficking, she said [ inaudible ] kept me from running away. so we don't know the details -- because this can't be the first time he left the house. and we don't know if both of the other brothers were there. all of the details keep coming out. because this neighbor who i love -- charles ramsey, on
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gawker -- this is not safe for news -- >> absolutely not. >> stephanie: the hero who rescued three kidnapped women in cleveland is hilarious. but he saw -- and the first thing he said is why don't you let yourself out? because she was screaming and banging at the door. and he is said it is locked. charles ramsey who helped rescue the women is more than just a good samaritan he is also an amazing interview and even better on the phone with 911. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: here is his 911 call which ramsey sounds basically like anybody could -- don't listen to this at full volume at work unless your supervisor -- this mother [ censor bleep ] kidnapped me and my daughter and this said
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her name is linda berry or something -- i don't know who the [ censor bleep ] that is. >> i loved that as soon as we get a car freed up -- >> stephanie: and she is like now! >> to the police department's credit the car was there in two minutes. >> stephanie: right. he is hilarious, i'm eating my mcdonald's i saw this girl going nuts. i new something was wrong when a little pretty white woman ran into a black man's arms. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: just the layers of incredible twist to this story. the alleged kidnapper's son -- of course it's alleged. >> whatever! >> sure. that's my journalism school training coming out --
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>> stephanie: did you go to journalism school? >> i sure did. >> stephanie: i thought have thought of this. the son was in journalism school and wrote a story about this, apparently unware that it was his father that was the kidnapper. he was talking about how the neighborhood has changed. gina dejesus's disappearance has changed the neighborhood. parents are more strictly enforcing curfews or driving them to and from school, you can tell the difference says dejesus dejesus's mother. it's a shame that such a tragedy had to happen for me to really know my neighborhoods. bless their hearts. they have been great. gina's disappearance has the whole area talking. he said this is beyond comprehension.
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i'm truly stunned right now. and i guess he was on fox and friends and gretchen carlton asked does ant son sometimes visit his father at home. and there wasn't enough background to comment on that. so that is another incredible wrinkle to that story. we'll keep you updated on the latest details on that. jim guess what is not working? austerity. >> shocking. unless it is designed to destroy the economy. >> stephanie: hello, greece on the phone for us. austerity has cost the u.s. economy 2.2 million jobs. all right we're at 7.5%. that's the lowest -- but there are 2 million more unemployed americans who might have a job
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today if it was not for austerity. in the 46 months since the great recession ended, about 500,000 jobs have been cut. and routing for public sector employees to lose their jobs. in every u.s. recession, the government hired approximately 1.7 million people on average. the u.s. is an estimated 2.2 million jobs in the whole, that would mean the unemployment rate would be 6.1% instead of 7.5. and the fed recently explained why it's keeping the economy's gas pedal floored. the fact that the government has slashed his payrolls and cut spending at the fastest rate since the end of the vietnam war -- so this is all a bunch of nonsense. and this might cost the economy another 750,000 jobs.
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and, yeah, this is -- this piece ends austerity is real and is choking the life out of the u.s. economy. >> and it's a deliberate ploy by the republicans to try to blame obama for the collapsing economy. >> stephanie: thanks obama! here is something else conservatives are fighting themselves on. >> yeah. >> stephanie: conservatives at odds over immigration reform costs. and whether some conservatives are only doing it for political reasons, who cares but they are fighting each other now. seeking to slow down efforts on immigration reform, you heard people talking about the heritage foundation -- and even a lot of conservatives hate it. >> fight! fight! fight! >> stephanie: exactly shove each other into the lockers. it is suggesting creating a pathway to citizenship would be a huge financial burden on the
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economy the heritage report concludes that granting amnesty to the 11 million undocumented immigrants would cost taxpayers $6.3 trillion -- [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: just the part about amnesty. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: which first of all that doesn't make sense. over the course of their lifetimes, formerly undocumented immigrants would pay in but receive benefits. but he assumes a lot of things. he notes the typical undocumented immigrant has a 10th grade education. but he is assuming that -- that none of them will ever be able to get past that to make any more of an income. it is also over 50 years -- even haley barbour called the study
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wharped as a political document. it looks at, quote unquote, amnesty over 50 years. he said there are a lot of people including me that find the government has a hard time coming up with estimates over ten years. if they are here unlawfully have no leverage, none of the usual bootstraps for getting ahead in the american system. so not a surprise to me the study from the heritage foundation is crap. i'm just -- when jeff flake says it is crap -- and he had crap-tatic approval ratings, he said here we go again. >> here is another study i
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pulled out of my ass. >> stephanie: yes. finish up all y'all. all right. eighteen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: call the political party line now, 1-800-steph-1-2. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around
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drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. ♪ ♪ we're keeping the flow and it goes a little something like this -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ back again, party on people, let me hear some noises -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ jumping for joy, shake your derriere ♪ >> there it is. >> stephanie: there it is.
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>> i have been looking for that. >> you, looking in the wrong drawer. it is frustrating when you are waiting somewhere, i'm in hair and makeup talking to people that know about trials i know something about, i would rather ignore them and use go to my pc to get my work done. i knew nothing about jody arias. you can be anywhere, a car, a cab, a hotel -- >> in a box with a fox? >> stephanie: right. in a box with a fox if you had to be. it gives you secure remote access to your computer, create or send any file right from your device. it sets up in just minutes. it is amazing. try it now. i have a special 45-day free
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trial just for my listeners. download the free app to your mobile device the promo code is stephanie. doug in florida you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, doug. >> caller: how are you doing stephanie. you can go to my pc any time. >> stephanie: i'll make your floppy disk into a hard drive. >> caller: these people forget about when we were in the tank and obama has brought everything back, including record numbers on the stock exchange. >> stephanie: yeah and this is despite literally the most obstructionist congress in history. >> caller: amen. and as far as the burial with this russian guy, put him in a pressure cooker and set him off
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on the 4th of july. >> stephanie: he could fulfill his original dream. his july 4th plot. oh, dear my mother would say. by the by guess what else bush got us into. this whole torture thing. we had this whole debate during "zero dark thirty," and this is why john mccain and others said this is wrong, the premise of this is wrong, torture did not lead to good information. and i got katherine biglo's point, it implied strongly that that's what lead -- and it did not. it was a composite character. it was not one guy. anyway. but salon writing much of what you have been told or seen in
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movies somebody george w. bush's torture program is hype. the cia and/or president obama is keeping the report classified. i strongly believe they should release it. first of all just shut dick cheney's crooked pie hole for a second. >> yeah, and obama said he would be the most transparent president -- >> yeah. rewere talking about the debate around "zero dark thirty, "-- in short the report rebuts claims that torture works, and specifically the claim that it
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helped to find osama bin laden. it shows the cia repeatedly provided inaccurate information to the white house, the justice department and congress. they originally said they wanted brennan to have time to read the report, but vice president biden agreed that the report should be released. this is an issue being debated in the white house not just at langry. the debate is do we go back and expose it? and i say yes. not just for historical purposes but going forward. cia providing inaccurate information about the program even to the white house. what they are saying is that the white house fielded the institutions of the white house and the presidency, and one of the reasons they are saying is because -- president bush signed this top secret directive that
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authorized torture and drones. >> i shot a guy in the face just for fun. >> good clean fun like in a bath. >> stephanie: yeah. while the cia seems to be stalling, the white house that created and owns the program in a letter send senator says the cia repeatedly lied -- >> the cia lied about something? >> stephanie: i know it's weird. they are very sneaky. all right. more reports out of cleveland as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> relax. this is just temporary, like lesbianism, at women's colleges. snoot it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. thirty-four minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. we have been talking all morning about this incredible case out of cleveland obviously with the three women who were missing for ten years, kidnapped and held by these three brothers. kenny pick lives about ten minutes from the house in cleveland. good morning again. >> good morning to you.
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>> stephanie: we didn't talk to you before the son of the suspect -- he wrote a story about this apparently not knowing anything about this. it was his dad. >> yeah, that's erie. it's very chilling. so, yeah i can't wait to find out more about that too. i'm glad you guys reported on it. so it's -- you know sarin dip us to maybe? i don't know. >> stephanie: he said he was stunned. he wrote this piece on how this has affected the neighborhood. these were all the separate incidents. amanda berry gina dejesus and michelle knight went missing between 2000 and 2004 when they were between the ages of 14 and 20. >> exactly. >> stephanie: and there was a
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six year old that was fathered by one of the brothers. >> yes, they are not sure which brother, but the six year old daughter is amanda berry's. >> stephanie: okay. and amanda berry was the woman we heard on the chilling 911 call. the 911 call of the neighbor is hilarious. >> yeah. >> stephanie: and he is the one we were ways we don't know the circumstances of all of this -- and obviously they must have been pretty well secured for ten years, right? that they could not get out. but she must have gotten out enough to be at the front door screaming and yelling to get out. >> yeah. i have no idea the fbi hasn't released any information as to how they were secured. but it looked -- it strikes me maybe this guy was getting a little too comfortable with the situation and maybe let down his
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guard for a moment and amanda was able to get to the door and save everybody. >> stephanie: when you look at these cases, you don't know to what degree they have been -- you know, not just dramatized but sort of almost hypnotized by their captors where they are too scared to escape or don't want to or whatever -- >> brainwashed? >> stephanie: exactly. but this doesn't appear to be the case here because she has the wherewithal to be on the phone -- >> can you imagine watching yourself on the news that long saying i'm right here. >> stephanie: right. i don't know about the other two girls, but certainly that would say to me that they must have not had an opportunity to escape or decided not to out of fear or whatever -- >> absolutely. and she definitely had the wherewithal, like chris said howe bizarre that would be to see yourself on the news day in day out, obviously she had some
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kind of contact to the outside world -- >> stephanie: avenue exactly -- it's like you were saying chris when people have been brainwashed -- very aware of exactly how long she had been missing -- she had been on the national news -- what level of sick are these guys right? they are what watching the coverage of themselves with these girls. >> yeah, brothers, too. this is so disturbing that this would be a family thing. it may be that she was able to see herself on television so much and know that the city and family and friends still cared for and loved her, maybe that was what helped get her through. >> stephanie: and you are saying these posters are still up because the family refused to give up. >> absolutely. this is in the west -- if anybody is familiar with
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cleveland, this is roughly around the west 25th area where they were being held which intersects with loraine avenue. and that's where they disappeared from. this is not very far from where two roads -- major connective routes in the city of cleveland. so you can see in that neighborhood, still, like i said weather warn or replaced by new ones -- >> stephanie: kenny i am struck that these were separate incidents -- did anyone have any clue that they could be together? or they were all just separately missing -- >> it came as an absolute shock to me. amanda berry and gina dejesus were featured on the same poster. it's like an iconic poster in cleveland, you know? and i think that was more or less just from the families getting together and saying
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look, there's something going on -- >> stephanie: they suspected, yeah. >> yeah, but they were on the same poster and also held by the same captor is just mind blowing. >> stephanie: so there was obviously some suspicion that it might all be connected. but as the police chief said this morning there is hardly ever a happy ending for stories like this particularly this much later. >> yeah, i have never heard of anything like this again, with three separate incidents coming together and actually being one isolated incident. >> stephanie: yeah, yeah exactly. and the six year old -- and chris was saying you could hear the six year old crying in the background of this call -- >> the 911 call, yeah. >> stephanie: yeah, and a little girl that obviously has lived her entire life in captivity. >> and it turned out to be
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amandas. >> stephanie: yeah. kenny any other details coming out. you said they have already been released from the hospital. and you were saying watching on tv, you were saying boy, she sure looked happy. >> yeah there is a photograph of her, her daughter and her sister. and there hasn't been a lot more information released since the press conference. i plowed through it and they really -- you know, they had pretty much the same questions we all have and they are looking possibly at national implications as to whether or not this was some kind of sex slavery operation. they are also looking into other properties that could have potentially been owned by the other brothers in the area and there were other abductions and that time so maybe this could possibly lead them to answers on those as well. >> stephanie: wow. kenny i think one of the reasons
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why, it's so compelling. we're so fatigued with bad news because i was reading these stories of relative friends and strangers cheering outside of this hospital. because this has been such an iconic story. the sense that there is actually a happy ending to a story these days is -- i think what is making people so transfixed by it this morning. >> you are totally right. on my way downtown to work today, every one of my coworkers were wide-eyed and confused and excited because there is a whole gambit of emotions going on too. it's them being released but also the dark cloud of all of the questions we have. >> stephanie: yeah, as you were saying earlier, a lot of
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questions. it's interesting too that all three brothers have been arrested and awaiting charges. so as you were saying this was owned by the one guy but there may be other homes, so this may be even wider spread. >> absolutely. cost of living is pretty cheap in cleveland, so they could have multiple properties. >> stephanie: kenny thank you so much for joining us and giving us all of the details -- >> from your neighborhood. [ laughter ] >> absolutely. >> stephanie: i'm too drunk to have planned that, but that was perfect thank you so much. >> all right. thank you. >> stephanie: kenny pick up in the night. >> no. >> stephanie: what? >> turn up the night. >> stephanie: all right. i will be on cnn later -- i could get bumped by this -- >> you could. although you seem to be an expert on it now.
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>> i'm an expert on everything now. i spend a lot of time in cnn hair and makeup with all of the news gals. i rubbed shoulders with marcia clark yesterday, ask me anything. we're waiting for the jody arias verdict, and we'll talk to marsha about that probably tomorrow. she did it. that's all i know. >> she admitted that she did it -- >> stephanie: right. >> but it's the circumstances they are fighting over. >> stephanie: aboutly. last week i was on with gail trotter talking about gun stuff and i thought that there's certain things that are not partisan issues anymore. really like arming and marketing guns to five year olds that's somehow a controversial issue, because she was defending it and her -- what do you call it? her justification was swimming
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pools. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: swimming pools. one point i forgot to make. is i have a swimming pool. i have to have liability insurance. why don't you have to have that if you have a gun. and swimming pools are not designed to kill. >> right. >> stephanie: anyway tommy christopher wrote a great piece entitled revol shun -- [ inaudible ]. i'm amazed what he is saying when i am on the phone -- >> they call you an afeet liberal woozy. >> stephanie: this has focused the attention of marketing to five year olds. matt lewis has used our revoel
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shun to suggest that critics are insufficiently masculine. a gun culture that must be completely foreign to liberal [ censor bleep ] woozies. >> sure. >> stephanie: i get that i don't believe in the -- you know. he said -- he -- he is qualified to speak about this because he was country before country was cool. he singles out urban colleagues as the aformentioned afeet liberal [ censor bleep ] wusesies who might not get it. that was in a gun culture in a red state -- i think they pretty much proved it's unwise. >> absolutely. >> stephanie: and again, there has been two or three other of those stories just this week. the six year old that shot a four year old playmate
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accidentally. all right. so more on that and the nra as we continue after the big convention wrapped up this weekend. forty-six minutes after the hour. it's the "stephanie miller show." >> this was so funny in my head when i planned it. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." fifty-one minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. we talked about this earlier -- fox news president roger also once orders the fox news control room to cut geraldo rivera's mic because he was defending president obama about the misinformation about benghazi -- >> they have since denied that. >> stephanie: oh it was a technical audio problem i'm sure. >> and if you see the video, you can see they don't cut the mic or cut away or anything -- so i think that is a bit of a non-story. >> stephanie: whatever. i had to talk about the, quote unquote, president's benghazi problem. and i said the president doesn't
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have a benghazi problem because lindsey graham has the vapors again. ♪ >> lindsay gram! >> unnerving to a guy like me. ♪ looking for a big issue, any one will do doing the outrage dance ♪ ♪ and then you get the chance ♪ >> i haven't been satisfied for a long time. ♪ you are a drama queen, approval rating at 17 ♪ >> we're three years into this and he is failing and it's not the tea party's fault. ♪ on the couch where he is fainting ♪ >> the president does not have -- ♪ you can cry, wasting the time
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of our lives ♪ ♪ oh, be a girl make a scene ♪ ♪ being a drama queen ♪ >> that is an understatement. ♪ being a draw mat queen ♪ >> stephanie: rocky mountain mike, mary in ann arbor. >> yeah. [ applause ] >> stephanie: we were talking about the nra -- their big -- >> whatever! >> stephanie: convention this weekend. "washington post" saying nra celebrates recent gains on guns facing long-term challenges. that's what i said yesterday i said go ahead have your little nut cake party. ♪ >> stephanie: the "washington post" writing the nra convention bristled with the combative and triumphant rhetoric of a group that defeated the white house
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package of gun-control legislation. remember i said there is going to be a price to be paid for going against 90% of what the american people want. >> talking to you kelly ayotte. >> stephanie: yeah. some of the allies are uneasy. it is facing long term changes it has not faced before. they are becoming -- more and more people are stockpiling. less and less house holds have them. the ones that do are stockpiling. because glen beck cried at told them to at the convention. >> can you believe he cried again. >> stephanie: yes. >> computer says yes. >> stephanie: it would be shocking if he did not cry. we were saying it's knew -- a
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lot of these groups are brand new, the newtown parents the gabby giffords group, and mayors against illegal guns are much, much newer than the nra. one of the best-known gun-rights advocates robert levi stated that stone walling the bill was a mistake. and pennsylvania -- the state has the highest concentrations of nra members in the country and both senator agreed to cross the nra this year. >> wow. that's -- that's remarkable that pennsylvania has the highest concentration of nra members. >> stephanie: yeah. what about kentucky. >> exactly. you would think alabama or kentucky or something. but it's not. it's pennsylvania. hum. >> stephanie: what was i going to say -- >> i don't know. >> stephanie: i think pat toomey that was maybe an oops moment.
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republicans voted against it because they don't want to be seen as helping president obama on anything. >> that's absolutely true. >> stephanie: let that sink in. oh, my god! the donald trump jon stewart fight hilarious. >> oh, my god, yes. >> stephanie: donald trump decided to launch an anti stemetic pitball at jon stewart. he said i'm much smarter than jon lieberwitz -- i'm sorry jon stewart. and jon recorded [ censor bleep ] he said that's all over twitter i hope and of course it was. thousands tweeting the hashtag -- hashtag [ censor bleep ] face on a clown stick. and donald trump started tweeting back, amazing how the
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losers keep tweeting the [ censor bleep ] on clown stick. why did he change his name? he should be proud of his heritage. he is a total phony. he should cherish it and not run it from. he is highly overrated as i have said many times before. and he tweeted back can't an overrated jew have a complicated relationship with his dad without being accused of hiding his heritage. and then he tweeted we seem have hit a [ censor bleep ] face on nerve stick. [ applause ] >> i love jon stewart. >> stephanie: hopefully i'll be on cnn today -- >> they may have you on to talk about cleveland. >> stephanie: yes. i'm an expert now. all right. we will see you tomorrow on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>> i'm jacki schechner. it's noon eastern, and here's what's current. it is election day in south carolina where former republican governor mark sanford is trying to make his political comeback. he is going up against democrat elizabeth colbert-busch. south carolina's first congressional district is solidly republican whoever wins today fills the seat left vacant by jim demint. colbert-busch has gotten help from democrats. reminding voters that sanford paid $75,000 for
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