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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  May 8, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT

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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: hello, tv world. all right just adding something to police procedure, jim, employees don't forget to ask if you happened to have three women trapped in our basement for ten years. good morning, jacki schechner. >> good morning. >> stephanie: there is a memo to all of the staff reminding all of its reporters to be sexy. we don't need to do that here at "talking liberally" because
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jacki schechner -- [♪ magic wand ♪] >> stephanie: god made her that way. this is a wall street journal memo reminding their reporters not to look like smoes -- >> did they use the word sexy? >> no, that was an embellishment. >> stephanie: good morning, jacki schechner. >> are you talking to me? i'm the only one here. >> stephanie: we're looking at you. >> good morning, everybody. mark sanford is now officially back in politics. he beat his opponent elizabeth colbert-busch handily yesterday. he made slight reference to his personal failings which weren't enough to keep him out of office. >> [ inaudible ] this campaign
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would have been hugely [ inaudible ] a long time ago [ inaudible ] at the end of the day i will carry across the threshold by an incredible team of volunteers. >> i would say chronicled deficiencies as a man actually. he managed to make the contest a referendum of democrats in a deep red district. elizabeth colbert-busch may also have suffered from a lack of political experience and not spending enough time schmoozing the public. the end of this election by the way does not mark the end of mark sanford's personal trouble. he is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow to answer his ex-wife's charges of trespassing.
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today three state employees will testify before the house oversight and government reform commit even though congress has already seen some 25,000 pages of documents and heard plenty of testimony. and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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>> it's the "stephanie miller show." hump days with hal. here is what i would like for mother's day, for you to like
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[ censor bleep ]. no she would not say that she is very very proper. >> just like doing the -- >> right. the naked head stance when she was younger. we'll get to the latest out of oaklanding -- cleveland. they went to investigate something -- we'll get to all of the details -- [ knocking ] >> and nobody answered. so they are like all right. it must be fine. >> and also despite the naked women crawling around in the backyard on leashes. >> no one would notice that. >> the neighbors called the cops about that -- >> yeah jim would notice and say can i come over. >> i don't see any naked chicks
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on leashes. that was a wasted trip. >> i'll been on cnn every day today except for friday and you can tell when i have been on cnn, because you have to clear out my facebook page of . . . >> clutter? >> clutter is a good way to put it. insults attacks -- and you don't show me. and you yourself have to called me the c word for i know it's not that -- >> stephanie: some of it has to do with your looks. so that's why i keep it from you. >> stephanie: wow, you are developing some empathy for you in my later years that's very sweet. and now i'm going to obsess about that every day. whatever. whatever. this is from joel and i assume -- i'm not really certain
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what i have zone to offend him, but could i have some hate letter music. why? why change america? i guess i'm -- >> you are changing america. >> stephanie: well, my horrific looks obviously -- >> oh no now you are going to obsess. >> i part of what is not beautiful about america -- >> your bangs are. maybe you should get them wind swept like michelle obama. >> stephanie: maybe i'm in a bad bang phase. >> why -- you are on a need to know basis. why change america with so many other countries living the life that dems want to live why not just move there. many other countries already have gun grabs, no freedom of
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speech defect now. do not change my world. tryson -- i apparently tremendoussonnous -- and our tracks historically low. and we own more guns than any other country in the world. so there's not a gun grab going on now. but thank you. >> we're living in that lie's paradise. >> stephanie: however, when i printed that i didn't realize there were no personal attacks about my looks so thank you, joel. [ applause ] >> at least he didn't mention your bangs. >> stephanie: right. that's why i wear a hat on the
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morning show. and the gun talking points were pools! swimming pools. >> ah. >> stephanie: and we had a right-wing caller that mentioned william shatner's wife. shatner's wife had been drinking, and i believe he called price line first before -- [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: i don't know that for sure it just took a long time for him to call -- last i checked a swimming pool is not designed to kill people either. thank you. steph if you use a swimming pool for its intended purpose, no one dies, if you use an ar 15 for its intended purpose, someone likely does die. >> right. >> the fringe to bare -- >> hitler. >> they can use them to shoot
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the bangs off of your face. >> stephanie: stop it! this cleveland story gets weirder and weirder. steve anthony yesterday. >> for main da's family gina's family michelle's family prayers have finally been answered. the nightmare is over. >> stephanie: yikes so -- >> hah cha cha. >> stephanie: yes, we referenced this. a call to the police was made when a neighbor saw a naked woman in ariel castro's backyard. a call to the police went in when yelling was heard in 2011. greg said that's all you have to do to not have the police talk to you just don't answer the door. one neighbor said one night two
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years ago she and some friends saw a naked woman in ariel castro's backyard, they tried to speak to her, he told her to get down and told her to get back in the house. they called the police. the sister got a bad vibe from the house, heard yelling in the house and called police to investigate, but that was the time they left after no one answered the door. it's not obviously the kind of thing you would just assume but still it seems like -- >> yeah, they can't really just knock the door down. >> they can't, but it's a lower-income neighborhood, and they probably don't investigate things as much there as they do in -- >> yeah, that's probably true. >> stephanie: yeah. yeah. >> sadly. >> stephanie: yeah, and ariel castro, the one man was known by one of the victims -- did you have hear this part of it -- the family of one of the women who
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went misses side their daughter knew their captor gina dejesus castro was a relative of a best friend. possibly her father. he said his neighborhood seemed like a good guy. he said he was a nice guy. there's always a template there. the nice feller. he gave the kids rides up and down the street on his four-wheeler. he seemed like he was a good guy to the kids who were here. nba news reports that police visited castro's home nine years ago when he was a bus driver and left one of his passengers behind on the bus. but they determined there was no ill intent but again police came to the house and -- yeah they said when no one answered
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the cops left -- you know this was the -- the school bus incident, never realizing -- never realizing that behind the door were two women who vanished along with a third woman who had been missing for almost a decade. it seems like there was definitely -- >> a little less investigation involved than there should have been. >> stephanie: people also started talking about the 911 operator, because if you hear the call -- she's like ah when we have a car open. no! i have been waiting for ten years -- the fact that she didn't stay on the line with her. >> that was a little troubling to me. amanda was obviously in distress. >> yeah. >> talk to the police in the car. i got stuff to do. >> stephanie: yeah, and a lot of people were saying they were
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surprised she didn't know who she was -- >> you are who now? >> stephanie: she clearly said i was kidnapped and held for ten years. >> yeah, well, whatever. >> i understand that 911 operators have to be calm cooled and collected. >> stephanie: that was a little like you have been waiting ten years, you can't wait ten more minutes. >> exactly. >> stephanie: charles ramsey who is permanently on the top of my future husband list. oh, the next door neighborhood what is not to love about him in that 911 call? and the f-bombs -- >> not safe for work. >> stephanie: no. >> no. >> nsfw as the kids say. >> stephanie: there was one news reporter that gave a big thumbs up to the camera. charles ramsey. >> i heard her screaming. i'm eating my mcdonald's.
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i come outside, and i sthee girl going nuts trying to get out of your house. he's not doing but the average stuff. you know what i'm saying? there's nothing exciting about him. well . . . until today. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: he is getting his own reality show i can tell. but he is also a hero. as he even said he thought he was going into the middle of a domestic violence situation. and that's very dangerous. and he got involved. >> stephanie: yeah god bless him. >> about five minutes after the police got here the girl amanda hold the police, i ain't the only one, there are some more kids up in that house. [ applause ] >> stephanie: i love him with the heat of a thousand white hot suns. all right. even more details coming out as we continue.
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seventeen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: the following program is close captioned for the thinking impaired. it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. you know who is coming on
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i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ there's a dancer ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." this hour brought to you by we love it. we all have demanding schedules, lots of work to get done i know in my duties as the media whore, i need to work. in hair, makeup when i'm not being pestered by people in
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trials that i know nothing about. it's frustrating wasting all of that downtime. that's why i love go to my pc. be at work from anywhere making the best use of your time. do it in an airport, in a cab in a hotel, go to my pc by citrix, you can use any program right from your mobile devise so downtime is the new uptime. it is a miracle in my opinion. >> it is. >> stephanie: try it free with a 45-day free trial, enter the promo code stephanie then download the program to your device. cnn is like high school with the non-school kids, and then the really pretty cool kids from cnn headline news -- >> the heathers.
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>> stephanie: yes, the heathers are the ones -- you can tell who is going to be there to talk about -- just saying. have a look. >> maybe you should give one of them drain cleaner and send them crashing through a glass coffee table. >> stephanie: stop it. although apparently from all of my hate mail i should get some beauty tips from them. >> jane velez michelle will help you. >> stephanie: right. gail welcome. >> caller: hi the friendly [ inaudible ] that calls with [ inaudible ]. good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. go ahead. >> caller: i have a pool. and let me tell you about the regulations. you are all invited any time by the way. the pool requires a license. i had to post it have fence, locks, all kinds of gadgets on my doors that say when the doors
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are being opened anywhere in my house. >> stephanie: liability insurance. >> caller: exactly. and the fence surrounding the pool a child cannot get through it, yes, and that's for a pool that is designed for non-lethal use. >> stephanie: thank you. >> guns don't kill people pools kill people. that's why they should be regulated -- oh, they are regulated. dammit. >> stephanie: we talked to kenny pick yesterday who lives about ten minutes from the house. and they were saying this is something to celebrate because there hasn't been a lot of that in cleveland as of late. the news stopped everyone in their tracks. all three women were taken to metro health hospital where a huge and jubilant crowd
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gathered. when the er doctor announced that all three were in good health they went wild crazy with joy. then they were saying obviously without more details there is just -- i think it's human nature you need someone to blame. people are starting to look at the police work and the 911 dispatcher. as you recall casey was abducted in 1991 at age 11 and held captive for 18 years. she cautioned the public to give these women time and space to begin healing. this isn't who they are. it's only what happened to them she said which -- yeah -- because -- there already has been so much publicity over the last ten years, which i think is unusual -- kenny was saying yesterday these posters have been up for ten years and
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constantly replaced with new ones. this story has not gone away. gina's aunt yesterday. >> if you don't believe in miracles. i suggest you think again. because it does happen. >> stephanie: yeah that's the thing when you think about these families that they just refused to give up. >> yeah. >> stephanie: the aunt once again. >> those girls -- those womans are so strong. what we do out here -- what we have done in ten years is nothing compared to what those women have done. >> stephanie: somebody was saying yesterday that the woman -- that was the woman that got out, right, amanda. >> yeah. >> stephanie: and she apparently is the mother of the six year old. and who knows -- someone was saying that was the urgency you hear in a mother's voice. and i'm sure there are going to be gruesome details. but who knows what was happening to the six year old and her
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desperation to get out of there. her brother. >> we cried we were shaken but now she is home. i'm glad it is over. >> stephanie: i love that picture in the hospital. >> yeah. >> stephanie: charlotte in south carolina, oh home of future congressman mark sanford. hello, charlotte. >> caller: hey how are you. first time caller. love gov has trounced sadly miss colbert-busch. >> but the same point spread that she was ahead by. interesting. sounds like ohio in 2004. >> caller: exactly. now he can violate the no trespass laws that were part of
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the divorce settlement. >> stephanie: yeah it is really incredible to those of us outside of south carolina because not only was it his family values but his dereliction of duties. and he started to go a little crazy. >> caller: well as ann coulter said, hitler could be elected in south carolina. >> stephanie: thank you for beating jim to the hitler reference. >> that's how they think in red states as long as the republican wins everything will be fine. >> stephanie: awesome. yeah, let me take that off of my list of things to do, move to a red state. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. we continue on the "stephanie miller show."
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♪ anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> america's latest teller of truth with a book deal on the side. >> stephanie: true that. thirty-four minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. jill in ithaca on the cleveland story. >> good morning, you are going to have to fight me for charles ramsey. he is the cutest. >> stephanie: yeah unbelievable. >> caller: when they make a movie about him.
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keenian thompson from "saturday night live." >> stephanie: we got to make a movie, there's more girls up in that bitch. >> caller: yeah, they did put off an execution yesterday in mississippi because they did not have enough dna testing, so they postponed it. they were going to execute a guy at 6:00 pm last night, and they didn't. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: so i was glad to hear about that. >> stephanie: okay. thank you, jill. all right is fighting over charles ramsey now. karl in nashville on the south carolina race as well. hey, karl. >> caller: hey, steph, it's one thing to forgive sanford as a good christian but don't give him back the reins of power again. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: and what is funny is that this is the party of family
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values. >> stephanie: yeah. >> uh-huh. >> caller: this is the party of family values and they keep putting these people back in power. how the hell can they run on we're good christians and these are our family values. the evan -- evil-vangelical hippo-christians is what i call them. >> stephanie: that's right. nole in los angeles. >> caller: good morning, i agree with your previous caller about them being hippy-christians, but back when bill clinton was care rig on, mark sanford was one of those people who railed against
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clinton saying he should be impeached because of his behavior. >> stephanie: right. kettle? pot for you on line two. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: mark sanford yesterday -- >> i had deficiencies that are well chronicled as a candidate and at the end of the day, i was care rid across the threshold if you will by an incredible team of volunteers represented in this room and well beyond this room. >> stephanie: and elizabeth colbert-busch -- >> colbert. >> stephanie: thank you. >> all of the staff and the volunteers that have brought us here today your time your hard work, your dedication, and your confidence in me will take me to my next journey.
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>> stephanie: i'm just saying red states i'm -- >> disappointed! >> stephanie: chris writes steph the drama queen spoof of lindsey graham is a delight. now if we only had a video of him lip syncing waterloo. that's just not right. >> lindsay [ inaudible ] graham! ♪ lindsey graham's up all night long ♪ >> unnerving to a guy like me. ♪ looking for an issue, any one will do, doing the outrage dance ♪ >> are you satisfied with the approach the administration has taken? >> no, i haven't been satisfied for a long time. ♪ you are the drama queen,
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approval rating at 17 ♪ >> we're three years into this. and he's failing and it's not the tea party's fault. >> the president does not have -- ♪ you can seethe you can cry, wasting the time of our lives ♪ ♪ be a girl make a scene, being the drama queen ♪ >> that was an understatement. >> he hasn't been satisfied in a long time. i guess he hasn't met the right girl. >> stephanie: exactly. he is per sniketty like that. oh, no waterloo once you have hit waterloo you have gone too
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far -- now ear worms all day long. i can't picture him in a feather ballroom dress. >> and a knit cap. >> stephanie: guess what they are hoping in stockholm? >> what? >> stephanie: an abba museum. >> here comes the chorus ♪ waterloo ♪ >> stephanie: once you hit waterloo you have gone too far. now you will have it in your head all day long. thanks a lot, lindsay. >> thanks obama! >> stephanie: thanks obama! paul in omaha, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, paul. >> caller: oh, thank you. with all of that abba does your mother know that you are doing that? >> stephanie: yes.
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go ahead, paul. >> caller: when you get hit with that swimming pool again when you are on cnn, here is a talk point for you to keep in the back of your head. that comes from a book called freak-anomics. violent crime went down in the 1990s, because baby's were getting aborted. >> stephanie: ah. thank you. i'm sure i will hear that talking point. >> really? >> stephanie: really people really? all right. by the way speaking of the republicans and the icky gays pat brady, the illinois republican chairman has stepped down from his post because of his support for gay marriage. >> yeah. >> stephanie: social
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conservatives had targeted brady and called for his resignation after he announced that he sup ported same-sex marriage. one member of his party described him as a total disgrace, and does he regret supporting marriage equality? absolutely not, he said. ♪ let's hear it for the boy ♪ >> stephanie: he said i think there are people in this party that don't agree with me, but we're a party that welcome all ideas. >> computer says no. >> stephanie: we're going to talk to michael tomasky at the daley beast because he wrote a peace about how they might be getting ready to kill immigration reform speaking of their minority outreach. >> whatever! >> stephanie: and diversity and inclusion of all ideas. >> they are a party in trouble.
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>> stephanie: yes. jesse in chicago. hi jess. >> caller: hi stephanie the official exmonk of the "stephanie miller show." [ bell chimes ] >> caller: i just wanted to make a point, ramsey the hero that he is, didn't have to use a gun. he just used courage. >> stephanie: that's right. that's right. yeah. >> caller: and could we get lindsey graham a parasol? [ laughter ] >> i must protect my delicate skin. >> stephanie: i would like to see that at his next press conference. it would calm him. it would be like linenus's blanket. we did not get to talk to chris kluwe yesterday. and i have one thing to say to
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the minnesota viking. [ booing ] >> stephanie: boo! obviously the minnesota vikings released chris kluwe on monday. >> he kind of thought it was coming, though. >> stephanie: yeah, and of course a lot of people were like oh, well, he was paid a lot and this and that and his last season wasn't as good -- come on, you can't tell me this didn't play a part in it. a columnist say regardless of whether they admit, they are jettisoning him partly because they grew tired of his outspokenness. kluwe has become the most visible punter in nfl history because of his social activism. he would be fine with that out come. he said i think the sacrifice would be worth it, and i hope i get the chance to play football
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again. but i think making people be aware of an inissue is more important than kicking a leather ball. he makes me cry everybody time i talk about it. [ applause ] >> stephanie: he was the best punter in minnesota viking's history. 31 is not old. >> for an athlete -- >> stephanie: that is not that old. he said i don't know if it had to do with my activism he said the only thing i can affect is how i go out and punt the ball and he says for now he is just trying to find a job with another team. it always depends what position you are playing. for example, in soccer goalies have a much longer professional life span, because they don't rely on sprinting as much. >> sprinting is a young man's game. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: thank you. i don't think anyone is going to
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zazzle a t-shirt with that but okay. have you heard this story in utah, the utah district is weighing charges against a teenager who punched a soccer referee who then died. >> yeah. oh, my god. >> stephanie: i understand competitiveness and all, but can you raise your kids to not be hot-head douches. >> yeah. >> stephanie: he didn't like the call and punched the ref in the head, he went into a coma and then died. all right. >> which is proof that he deserved to be red carded. >> what is the matter with kids today. >> stephanie: forty-six minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> that is great radio. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv.
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♪ ♪ put your hands in the air, like you don't care momma come on -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ tell me what is the word a way up ♪ ♪ when you hear them all you got to get it underway ♪ >> stephanie: word. it is the "stephanie miller show." fifty-one minutes after the hour. shawn in michigan. hi, shawn. >> caller: hi stephanie. i'm one of those icky gays calling. >> stephanie: oh! >> caller: what they are saying about your bangs, that's just wrong. you are beautiful just the way you are. you are a sexy little cheeca.
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>> stephanie: thank you very much. appreciate it. love you. >> you are a beautiful chica. [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: grassy ass thank you. i'm not one of the girls on fox news. have you hear this actual country song -- ♪ i used to be a democrat i didn't think conservative then i started leaving the fox news channel on ♪ ♪ if that's the face of the right, i'll tell the left so long ♪ ♪ i want a girl like the girls on fox news ♪ ♪ everyone is beautiful, any one you choose ♪ ♪ whoever does the hiring try to light my fuse ♪ ♪ i want the girls like the
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girls on fox news ♪ >> i like my girls pretty and stupid. >> stephanie: andrea -- >> there are some beautiful women on msnbc. >> stephanie: the people at breitbart with losing their [ censor bleep ] -- americans place fox news republican politicians and religious leaders towards the bottom of the list. ♪ nah nah nah nah nah nah ♪ >> stephanie: fox news. neener. >> yeah, the only person from fox news on that list was shep smith at number 100. >> stephanie: marvin in milwaukee. hello, marvin. >> caller: good morning. i was thinking about how disappointing it can be that now you mention immigration reform maybe being shot down and the right continues to deny yeah it's discouraging, but then i
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thought maybe long term the fact they are not taking up into the 21st century could be a good thing, because they continue to lose voters, and if they rally around any one of these topics they might hang on to a few who don't see through their smoke screen, so perhaps in the long run, it's more the death of the right-wing gop front. >> stephanie: yeah. all right. that makes him chucklely. please move along. how about the -- by the way, did you see kristin gillibrand yesterday. >> she was pissed. >> stephanie: yeah, she was fired up. we did this story yesterday, but -- really, the head of the sexual assault office in the military, charged with -- >> sexual assault. groping. >> stephanie: right. >> it's not to encourage that
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behavior. maybe you misinterpreted the mission of that whole -- >> stephanie: yes. the pentagon released a study estimating that 26,000 people in the military were sexually assaulted. only 3,374 sexual assault report reports came in last year. suggesting that many sexual assault victims continue not to report crimes for fear of retribution. >> yeah. >> stephanie: and then a free sexual assault on top of that. >> there is a way you can make all of this go away -- >> stephanie: he was arrested -- >> for sexual assault. >> stephanie: yeah. the president yesterday. >> obama: i don't want just more speeches or -- awareness
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programs or training but ultimately folks look the other way. we find out somebody is engaging in this stuff, they have got to be held accountable, prosecuted stripped of their positions, court-martialed, fired, dishonorably discharged. period. it's not acceptable. >> stephanie: yeah senator jill brand, said -- she was like -- she was this close to yelling. let me get this straight! so she addressed michael donnelly and said the continued pattern of sexual assault of women and to a lesser degree
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men, she would like to replace the current system offed a jew indicating sexual assault by taking it outside of the chain of command. chuck hagel. >> sexual assault is a despicable crime and one of the most serious problems facing this this military. we're all outraged and disgusted over these very troubling allegations -- >> stephanie: yeah, just a little bit. we have a lot of gun stuff going on. kelly ayotte said she voted in a favor of stronger background checks. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> stephanie: that's their new tactic. they just go no i didn't. >> but they are on record --
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>> stephanie: yeah. shhhh. >> records lie. >> stephanie: right. >> but i don't understand -- >> stephanie: she voted for -- actually know you know what she voted for the grossly cruz amendment, which makes it easier to get a gun -- it's one of the typically named -- friendly forrest and clean skies -- [♪ magic wand ♪] >> natural flavoring. >> stephanie: right. i wonder if they did air quotes when they said this is a background check bill by which we mean people of any background can get a gun. we have more on all of that on the -- the gop damage control on gun legislation. fifty-eight minutes after the hour. michael tomasky of "the daily beast" and hal sparks next as we continue on the "stephanie miller show."
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. sexy liberal hal sparks coming up on the phone in just a couple of minutes. jacki schechner good morning. >> good morning. >> stephanie: so let me get this straight, there is yet another benghazi hearing today. >> because they don't have anything else to do apparently. >> stephanie: apparently. >> 25,000 pages of documents, and secretary of state clinton and panetta not enough -- i was listening a little earlier today to the speculation and i think it's probably true that they are just trying to damage clinton
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for 2016. >> stephanie: good luck with that. >> i'm the president now, so -- >> stephanie: exactly. jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody, so one of the big problems in our health care system we often talk about is question never know how much things cost and prices can vary significantly from one medical facile toy another. today for the very first time the government is releasing data on how much hospitals charge for the hop 100 most frequently billed procedures and treatments. the information is available for the 3,000 hospitals across the country that accept medicare payments. for example, here is miami, and a comparison between the university of miami hospital and jackson memorial. the former charges almost twice as much as the latter if you have a heart attack. now medicare and private insurance companies never pay full price, but these numbers give you an idea of what medical care could cost someone without coverage. also the numbers show that for
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profit hospitals bill medicare at a 29% higher rate than public hospitals or nonprofit hospitals. the good news, though is that in many cases those that submit the higher bills end up getting the lower payments. delaware is now the 11th state to legalize same-sex marriage. the senate voted 12-9 yesterday in favor of the bill. and as the senate judiciary committee prepares to take on the immigration bill patrick leahy has introduced two amendments to recognize same-sex couples. one amendment would let u.s. citizens sponsor the partners for green cards if they can prove they are in a committed relationship. we're back with more show after the break. stay with us. ♪ that viewers like about the
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young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. when i first felt the diabetic nerve
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pain, of course, i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning to like a thousand bees that were just stinging my feet. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, changes in eye sight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having less pain... it's a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to, six minutes after the hour 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. michael tomasky of "the daily beast" coming up at the bottom of the hour, but first it's wednesday -- what is that heavy breathing, could it be? hump days with hal sparks. ♪ yes, yes ♪ >> stephanie: good morning. >> good morning, and welcome to a world with 100% more mark sanford in it. you have to not back obamacare and be a democrat. i think elizabeth colbert-busch would have done herself a big favor if she supported it
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because i think she lost a crucial number of democrats who felt motivated, and it would have narrowed the field a little bit. she was trying to run as -- in many ways as a blue dog. >> stephanie: right. >> and why do we need to blue dog we have a real bonafied conservative republican who will lead the state and miss father's day with his children so he can sleep with his mistess, which is the perfect conservative. it's like a cloning project gone wrong. >> stephanie: yeah, it seems like any of these brothers in the cleveland case would probably run for something and win in south carolina at this point. >> yeah, that's entirely possible. i think sanford is worried about
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a primary with them. >> stephanie: yeah. you were the only one that new the fun fact that apparently his kids were waiting for him and expecting him on father's day. >> yeah, they were literally staring at the door for six hours before they realized he wasn't showing up. and keep in mind all you carolynians, this is what you have to look forward to in your elected representative. because you are going to be like his wife and kids waiting for him -- one day you will be like he'll be here. he has important state business to take care of -- >> stephanie: that should have been the only ad they ran, just kids at a dinner table, with cobwebs, and every little sound, daddy? no. >> it is stunning, though.
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but again it is a district that mitt romney carried by 18 points. >> stephanie: yeah. >> so do we really expect much. obviously they looked at everything that mitt romney had to offer in double digits and said yeah, that speaks to me. >> stephanie: exactly. we have talked about your home state of kentucky and we are in general with the red states this morning -- >> disappointed! >> stephanie: we talked about ashley judd getting drummed out of the race before she even got in. people just shrug and say ah red state. >> but remember that red state gets more money from the federal government than you do. if you live in these classically liberal states you chuck a buck worth of federal tax dollars into the system you get about 65 $0.85 back max.
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where these states get $1.25, $1.30, and at the same time running these anti-government ideas. >> stephanie: hal somebody was telling me about a phone call to a right-wing radio host the other day, and he was going on and on moochers 47%, blah blah, and the host said how do your neighbors feel about your views? and he said i live in section at it housing. >> oh, so they all hate it? >> stephanie: yeah. apparently. apparently. so chris christie gastric bypass. looks like a sign he is running. >> i loved that we're getting
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kardashian like news to show that our politicians might be running for president. here is a guy who didn't have the -- i guess fortitude to stick to a diet, somehow that going to equate to how he will run the presidency. we're not going to solve problems, we're just going to remove large sections of the country. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: we live in a country where being gay is a choice, but being fat, you can't help it. >> i just hope he doesn't have an al roker moment. >> yeah. >> stephanie: i hope he doesn't drop a duky in the white house.
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>> well, every president does. >> stephanie: yeah, but it was in his pants. >> the number of things that have occurred in our history, i'm guessing -- >> floaters? what? >> stephanie: yeah it would be hard for him to preach austerity and belt tightening as it were if he doesn't slim down. >> yeah, he is going to run the old character issue, i don't know how they run that part of it. i expect everyone else to tighten their belt except me. which was the case in new jersey he took a state limo a hundred yards rather than walk to his kid's baseball game. and then had gastric bypass surgery. i'm just saying there might be more organic solution -- >> point of order, it wasn't gsaic bypass it was just a lap
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band, which is much less -- >> that's true. he just had his belly lassoed. >> stephanie: right. did they give him a running start before they lassoed it? and of course he said he did it for his family. which i never buy anything like that, because when politicians quit to spend more time with your family, because no one wants to spend more time with hair family. >> as someone who loves spending time with their family, but i understand when a political figure says that, they are in the process of getting ready of a body. >> stephanie: anthony weiner wanted to spend more time with his loved one, his penis.
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>> well, yeah. >> stephanie: i don't know if you are following, hal this story out of cleveland -- >> of course. >> stephanie: yikes what an amazing story. and obviously a lot of people are talking about the police work and stuff -- >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: what do you think? >> this is not the first time something like this has happened in this country. it happens in a lot of different countries. it's amazingly i suppose easy to get away with in that regard. the following stories -- we have had whatever -- maybe five of them in the last ten years? >> stephanie: yeah. >> it's -- the interesting thing is almost all of them have to do with the person figuring out a way to wiggle themselves free. they don't really entail any kind of along came a spider morgan freeman and ashley judd running to the cabin nobody has
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an address for. >> stephanie: this country could use a lot more glad us kravitzs. >> yeah or jessica fletchers. although i wouldn't want -- >> yeah, everyone time she shows up, she dies. >> i think they did a show where she was actually the suspect. i think it's an amazing story. i think the healing of these women will be the most difficult part now, but for ten years just vanished from the face of the earth. and the number of people who disappear in this country, you know, there was a story recently -- maybe not recently -- about nine months ago about how they are concerned that some serial killers who are on their way out or have a death penalty in a way to keep their
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body count up will say yes to crimes that they didn't commit. and to get these things off of their books the police will say did you do this one? and they'll go yeah. and they go blond lady? and they go, totally. and then they cross them off the list. a lot of these people turn out -- some of them are alive like this or were killed by other people who are out roaming around. so it speaks to the law enforcement issue of this. law enforcement does a terrible job when it comes to these kind of things. >> stephanie: right. hal, chris made a point earlier that this was a poor neighborhood, i'm going in beverly hills -- well maybe not beverly hills, but there's a naked woman on a leash --
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>> yeah, that would get a lot more attention. >> this is how [ inaudible ] dean did what he did, because he was out in the woods and he was serving his victims as deer meat to his neighbors. >> he seemed like a nice feller. >> stephanie: we need a bunch of neighbors are going to get up in everybody's grill. >> and that was the man that two movies were based on psycho and the texas chain saw massacre. >> right. the truth is you know, this becomes a real issue, that law enforcement across the country needs to start looking into disappearances and these kinds of things with a legitimate eye, going we're not just going to assume that because somebody claimed they killed someone that that actually happened.
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these women after they were gone for about two years were ignored. but for them being found alive this would be a cold case episode. >> stephanie: exactly. and the other thing we have learned, 911 dispatchers, since your tapes may be played on national television, just fake some urgency in your voice -- >> we'll get you a car when one is available. just hang on. >> yeah, that's -- i mean think of the neighborhood that this person received the call from -- >> stephanie: that's what we're saying, right. you have been waiting ten years you can wait ten minutes. >> yeah the guy left the house, this is your shot you crawl through whatever to get out with your child. somebody kicks a hole in the door you get across the street to call the police or whatever. the guy is probably on his way back, and the operator is like yeah can you hang on for a
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second, pair of shoes -- >> stephanie: yeah. you get some hold music. >> i'll have a frapchino -- ♪ >> stephanie: we apologize if you have been trapped in someone's basement for ten years. please hang on. >> are you going to be appearing anywhere? >> next week i'm at the arlington city draft house, but i'll be back in studio with you guys before that happens. i'm at the arlington city draft house in dc. >> stephanie: hal sparks love you. see you in studio next week. [ applause ] >> stephanie: yeah, as we expected expected gruesome new details coming out abouting oakland. >> ladies and gentlemen, prepare
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yousts for a shock. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ you know who is coming on the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. ♪
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♪ i want be your -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ wiggle it, just a little bit ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. twenty-four minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. jim in charleston, south carolina. hi, jim. >> caller: good morning, steph. good morning, mooks. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i just wanted to make a couple of points about this horrible election results we have down here. 45% of us in the first district did vote for elizabeth colbert-busch, and -- and in the last presidential election charleston county actually was the only county in the state that voted for president obama. and the fifth districts was gerrymandered back in -- starting in 2009 through
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2010 by, you guessed it the love gov and then followed up by nikki haley. they took half of charleston county out and went up and down the coast including sanford's hometown, so we're less than half of the county of charleston now, and we have no hopes of getting a democrat in there. >> stephanie: yeah did you say he is from buford? really? >> uh-huh. it's buffort. >> caller: actually his place is about half the size of hilton head. >> stephanie: oh really. all right. then. so, wow, this story out of cleveland gets more and more
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amazing. ariel castro the suspect handed out fliers with the 14 year olds photo and performed music at a fund raiser. >> wow. >> stephanie: when neighbors gathered for a candlelight vigil, castro was there comforting the mother. isn't that lovely. castro like everyone else in the most s nightly knit mostly porta rican neighborhood seemed shaken by the girl's disappearance. a relative of the three brothers said their family was totally shocked. they said -- one relative said -- they are as blind sided as everyone else. he said he hadn't been to castros house since the mid-90s.
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chris obviously, we're like we're going to find out some gruesome details. cleveland's police chief said the three women were restrained with ropes and chains. we were saying yesterday why couldn't they get out, why were they restained. they were allowed out into a back beyond a reasonable doubt occasionally. >> on a leash naked. >> stephanie: yeah, the police said the physical condition of the three women were very good considering the circumstances. he said he was absolutely sure the police did every they could to find the women. he disputed claims by the neighborhoods that officers had been called to the house before for us ispy house circumstances -- he said the three men had been talk but
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wouldn't say if they had confessed. according to law enforcement accounts they kidnapped and kept all three women in the house while pregnant. one of the women suffered up to three miscare ages. the abc affiliate reported. the only surviving child was a terrified six year old. horrifyingly, there was a fourth woman at the house in 2002 and when she was kidnapped knight told police that there was another woman in the house and one day when she woke up she was gone. castro knew amanda, and he
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helped in the search for dejesus. when we went out to look for gina, he helped pass out fliers. he was friends with the family and then talked about the individual and comforting the girl's mother. >> so they may yet be charged with murder. >> stephanie: yeah we'll see. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. many more details as we continue on the "stephanie miller show."
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ >> i have a passion to seek
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out -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> savor her exotic flavors and then blog about them. yes. >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." i can't believe he is back after i slobbered over him last week. michael tomasky from "the daily beast." good morning, michael. >> good morning. that's why i told travis i had to cut this segment short. no, i'm just kidding. i have to get on a conference call, but i have ten minutes. >> stephanie: done, sold. let's talk about -- this is fairly incredible, it seemed like after the drubbing the republicans took in the hispanic vote -- if for no other reason than just politically, it seemed like immigration reform was a done deal, and your piece is another blow for immigration reform. sounds like you think it might not get done now. >> i have always thought it might not get done. of course it's so plainly and apparently in their self interest that -- you know, i
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would still -- if you put a gun to my head i would still say the odds are slightly in favor of some kind of a bill. but -- but the convention wisdom in washington is like well, of course they are going to pass a bill because the republicans know they have to, and i think that conventional wisdom is crazy. i think it's more like 53-47. and there is a lot of republican opposition, and they are going to start hearings soon and they are going to have amendment after amendment after amendment and anyone who knows anything about the senate knows the way you kill bills in the senate is you load it down with amendments, and then it becomes so complicated that you lose this number of people on the right and then this number of people on the left and it becomes a big mess. >> stephanie: yes.
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you talk about the heritage foundation's report, but this is an old conservative play go after the cost of something, which permits them to good against the idea per se, but they are fighting amongst themselves about this heritage report, right? >> yeah, they are. and jim demint tried to say i'm for immigration reform of course, in principle, we're all for immigration reform it's just this immigration reform bill, you know? >> stephanie: yeah. >> and -- and that's -- that's -- you know he knows very well and heritage knows very well that one way to get conservatives, tea party people, really exercised one pav loefian -- one way to ensure a pavlovian response is talk about adding to the cost and size of government.
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>> stephanie: right. and the heritage report said it will cost $6.3 trillion. and obviously the republican senator leading the push for irsays that that number is brazenly exaggerated. as you point out the cbo estimated the immigration reform bill would increase spending by 23 billion, but revenues by more than twice than. >> yeah. >> stephanie: yeah obviously these numbers -- and isn't the heritage thing like over 50 years? like who does a study that projects costs over 50 years? >> yeah. i don't know anybody that takes those 50-year numbers very seriously. they have done studies when they come back and look five years later, and the numbers were way off for even five years. >> stephanie: right. and it makes a big scary number for fiscal conservatives. >> right. it's the worst -- you know they
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are painting the worst case sen case -- scenario. >> stephanie: right. [ inaudible ]. >> well, i really do think that -- if there is no immigration bill the republicans obviously are going to try to position themselves in such a way that they can blame democrats. because they are going to say that the democrats insisted on this and this and that and those are unreasonable things. but i really think the vast majority of the public walks into this thing, assuming they are operating in less good faith. so if there is no bill the republicans are likely to get the lion's share of the blame. so if they nominate marco
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rubio -- which seems hard to do if immigration dies -- the latino vote is going to stay the way it is broodly speaking and as the latino share of the overall vote grows, you know, they are just going to have a hard time winning elections, and that upsets us and our listeners greatly. >> stephanie: right. and as you say when we got these election results, you said it seemed like a no-brainer -- who would have thought background checks would fail. at 90-something percent approve rating. i think that -- look at how many senators are already having to back pedal from their vote -- >> yeah. and i think -- kelly ayotte back pedalled yesterday, and jeff flake is back paddling and i
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think it may pass next time. and i did hear from a few fellow americans who do think the second amendment is different than all other amendments. it may not shock you to hear that. >> stephanie: no, i'm not shocked to hear that. i can only imagine our mail bag looks the same. >> were you accused for doing more for world socialist domination than anyone else? >> stephanie: check. >> i was accused of that. >> stephanie: the idea that a group of americans possessions an absolute right to own and keep weapons that kill numerous peoples is bar barrack and psychotic. so you say for civilians we're one supreme court justice away of getting sanity and balance, and the only thing i could decide is whether it would be
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more dely house for barack obama to do it or hillary clinton. and that is your usually scampry to poke the republicans with a stick. just to keep the mail bag interesting. >> that's right. >> stephanie: all right. sir, all to your conference call. so good to talk to you. thanks again. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> stephanie: i love him. he is happy and clappy. darren in chicago you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, darren. >> caller: hi. great to hear youyou you -- great -- your -- great person. any way, instead of talking about what happened in cleveland which matters nothing about this country, why don't you talk about what hand -- what our secretary of state secretary of defense, what the president and vice president new about benghazi -- >> stephanie: oh okay. >> why don't we talk about the 60 people that were killed in
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the bush administration. >> caller: [ inaudible ] could have been a traitor -- >> a traitor? >> caller: that's an executable offense. >> stephanie: the president should be executed? should there be a trial before he session cuted? >> caller: i'm not saying -- whether he is a traitor or not, because [ inaudible ] also you know, what she may have blood on her hands. what happened? why are people -- >> i believe four people died in benghazi; is that right? >> stephanie: yes. >> during the bush administration, 60 people were killed in our embassies around the world. >> caller: who are you talking about? nobody was killed -- >> 60 people were. >> caller: who? >> george w. bush.
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>> stephanie: over there shiny keys. >> look it up. >> name the embassies. >> stephanie: all right. we will do that in just a minute. >> this is a test. this is a test of the right-wing troll notification system. this is only a test. >> benghazi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -- >> this has been a test of the right-wing troll notification system. had this been an actual issue, you would have been instructed where to tune in your area for half-baked information. this concludes this test of the right-wing troll notification system. >> stephanie: did he just sound like he ran up a flight of stairs? [♪ fun-facts music ♪] >> under george w. bush the u.s. consulate [ inaudible ] embassy at [ inaudible ] --
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>> stephanie: who? where? >> u.s. embassy in syria four kills, istanbul -- total deaths 60. outraged republicans, zero. [♪ fun-facts music ♪] >> stephanie: so hardly anybody. >> hardly anybody was killed. >> so he should be executed. >> stephanie: yikes. i wonder if that is going in the lie-barry. >> i got an email with a librarian, taking issue with your pronunciation of the word lie-barry. >> stephanie: yes, it is a joke. >> that's now how it is spelled -- >> stephanie: thank you, back to the dewey decimal system. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> it even vibrates like real. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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you've heard stephanie's views. >>no bs, authentic, the real thing. >>now, let's hear yours at the only online forum with a direct line to stephanie miller. >>the only thing that can save america now: current television. >>join the debate now.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it forty-nine minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. this hour brought to you by carbonite. we are all busy busy busy. it's no surprise that backing up your computer can fall off of your list of things to do and then what happens? >> ka-blewy. >> stephanie: that's right. that's the sound of losing everything on your computer. it's the hassle freeway to back
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up all of your files. just set it up once and then carbonite will do all of the work for you. you get a soothing green dot that says calm down spazzy everything is backed up. just $59 for the entire year. includes access to all of those files including your tablet your smartphone. type in my offer code stephanie., the offer code is stephanie. john in florida. hi jon. >> caller: yeah, i just had to call because it's just a great comedy show. look -- let's not talk about what is -- >> stephanie: look at the monkey? what. >> caller: with this benghazi thing. the last caller, yeah you know,
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he was out of breath. he didn't make his point really well. but to say let's not talk about these four people -- >> stephanie: how many hearings are we going to have? and were there any hearings -- [overlapping speakers] >> caller: the [ inaudible ] administration didn't go all over the tv circuit saying nothing is here, move along. >> that's not what they said. >> caller: what did they say? they said oh there was outrage because of -- they never -- she never was on -- >> originally that's what they thought it was at the time. >> then how come this whole time they are still standing by that same thing that there was no terrorism here -- and if you are so outraged about bush about these people -- >> stephanie: yeah, how about the fake weapons of mass destruction -- >> caller: -- shouldn't you hold obama to the same level or is it
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okay because he is your guy? is that what it is -- >> stephanie: if he is my guy, what about your guy, george bush how many people are dead because of the fake weapons of mass destruction? you don't care about those lies. >> you don't care about those lives. >> caller: if they said hey let's not send protection there we could save those people but we're really just not going to. >> stephanie: do you really think that happen? do you really think the president oh, gnaw -- >> and by the way it was republican congressmen who voted to surpend funding for security -- >> caller: look at the monkey. look at the monkey. let's get to the truth. >> that is the truth! >> you think i'm just making that up? >> and do you really think the president would say screw them --
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>> stephanie: that was getting dangerously close to i'm -- then what am i! >> since -- >> i'm trying to use the phone! >> look at the monkey! >> look at the monkey! >> stephanie: all right. >> yeah there's a strong argument. yeah. how can you refute that. >> stephanie: i just feel like i could sandblast my pool with that voice. that was very close to "saturday night live" most irritating sound in the world. >> let's talk about monkeys. >> swimming pools and monkeys. >> register rocks. rocks kill people. >> stephanie: oh, boy. >> swimming pool! >> stephanie: thank you. okay. we were talking about all of the gruesome details coming out of the cleveland story which is
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wkyc reporting that all three women were forced to have sex with their captors resulting in at least five pregnancies. the women were beaten until they lost their pregnancies. the women were usually held in the basement though one was in an upstairs room. one of the rooms in the house has chains hanging from the ceiling. ariel castro was apparently known around the music scene. on his facebook page the group came forward to disavow castro saying he only played with them a couple of times. and stopped working with him because he was always late from practice. >> chain only hang from the ceiling in horror movies. good god.
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>> stephanie: arel's estranged son wrote an article about the missing girls. he said he noticed that ariel kept many parts of the house locked. he said the house was always locked, there were places we could never go. that might make one just a tad bit suspicious. he said his last visit two weeks ago, his father would not let him inside. he depicted his father as a violent controlling man who nearly beat his mother to death while she was recovering from brain surgery. one neighborhood said he was with castro the day investigators dug up a yard. castro told cruz, they are not going to find anyone there. [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> stephanie: i think there are some questions regarding the police in this -- because one neighborhood said everyone in the neighborhood did what they had to do.
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the police didn't do their job. they were talk about at least a couple of calls -- the one neighborhood that saw the naked woman in the backyard -- and michele knight's mother told the today show she hadn't seen her daughter yet. she said they had a tense relationship before she disappeared. she said i know she's probably angry at the world, because she probably thought she would never be found. she hopes their tension can heal and wants to take her daughter back to florida where she now lives. castro was arrested two days after christmas on a domestic violence charge. the case was predented to a grand jury and no indictment was returned. unclear who brought the charges
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against castro. so four years ago -- this was -- what people were talk about -- what you were talk about chris about the poor neighborhood. police were heavily criticized following the discovery of 11 women's bodies in the backyard of a man's home. the families of soul's victim accused the police of failing to properly investigate because most of the women were addicted to drugs. the smell was blamed on a sausage factory next door. >> oh, god. >> stephanie: investigators twice dug up backyards looking for amanda berry. the disappearance of the two girls was profiled on america's most wanted in 2005, but i guess
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few leads ever came in about knight because she was an adult, and the mom thought she left on her own. we continue to update you and all of that as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ♪]
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>> stephanie: all right. hour number 3, jacki schechner and i always fighting over future husbands. you know how we are. >> what have you got for me today? >> stephanie: well, here you go. [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> stephanie: man hijacks zamboni from cox center. he's cute. look at him. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: was there alcohol -- >> how far can you get if you're not on the ice? can't you just go in circles and then they catch you. you can't leave the ice -- >> she is from florida. she doesn't understand zamboni love. >> stephanie: police arrested the man after he broke into the cox convention center hijacked the zamboni and took it for a spin around the ice. >> the unfortunately named cox center.
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>> he, he, he, he. again, not going to get very far. >> stephanie: here she is zamboni free jacki schechner. >> there is a new star studded video out from chris christie today. the governor's blue fleece jacket, the one he wore for weeks on end, it goes missing in the video, and christie pretends it's no big deal because his numbers plummet and bruce springsteen for meet with him. and then bon jovi gives him the cold shoulder. hey, john, john it's chris. >> there's that guy again. he ain't nothing without his fleece. >> yeah, it's a little weird. james carville alex balden and others all make cam mows.
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it's bald -- baldwin's wife is the one that takes the fleece and baldwin calls the cops on her. a new poll out today shows a tight race for governor in virginia. this is the nbc maris poll which is a huge switch over the "washington post" poll over the weekend. the poll also shows that virginia voters don't know much about either man. we're back after the break. young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets
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that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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(vo) next, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside.
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(vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. [♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: oh, jim, you got
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us in trouble again. david in north carolina says you know you are going to end up on news busters for asking if bush should be executed for the 60 dead people. you were just saying there were 60 >> stephanie: we were just going with his logic. >> so -- >> stephanie: but, yeah -- >> how many times would he have to -- >> stephanie: all right. get that news busters. >> you ended up on news busters. you and the rude pundit you said a missile strike on the nra gathering would end obama's problems. [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> stephanie: i think it's rude that gets me into trouble. >> he said it. >> stephanie: he said it. it was a hypothetical to which the "stephanie miller show" did not endorse. >> he said if barack obama is as
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evil as everybody says he is just one errant missile would have taken out most of his problems. and then you just said yeah. >> stephanie: i meant that by way of yeah, i heard you. >> i know you. >> you took my position in that. one sill ball. >> yeah. >> stephanie: i took your position of adding nothing to the show. >> that's right. >> stephanie: it doesn't matter i'm going to leave all of this and marry the hijacked zamboni guy. from the cox center. [ giggling ] >> a friend of mine in first grade was named claude zamboni. >> stephanie: oh really? oh, by the way -- and if he won't have me. this new jersey mayor, have you heard about this on gawker. he wrote hilariously unromantic
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poetry to his mistress. it turns out he is a dog. the subject of a discrimination suit that stems from a long-time extramarital affair. he would write romantic poetry such as, good morning, flower. hope your day brings new hope new meaning to those things that are so close to our heart. folks at planning department say hello. enjoy the day. be in by 10 or 10:15. this is my favorite. even sea cannot produce the beauty of miss hicks. if i were a fisherman i would is bait my hook to catch you. >> what? >> stephanie: really people
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really? that's the best you can do. speak withinging -- speaking of jersey. governor christie -- >> i feel great about myself you know? but i felt great about myself before, and i feel great about myself after. you know that doesn't -- this is never defined me in my own mind. >> stephanie: all right. just be hard to talk about austerity and belt tightening. >> i did this for myself my wife, and my children, and unlike some of you, they will still pay attention to me whether i run for president or not. >> stephanie: all right. hard to ignore you. all right. we'll see -- i think this means he is running for president, don't you? >> yeah. >> i think he will. >> stephanie: carol has written
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us a sexy liberal salm. she says steph i hear a lot of people who say save their sanity. it inspired me to write a sexy liberal som. she restorest my flash less she leadest me in to jacki's health care corner, i will fear no glen becks, thou preparest the facts for me my cup runnest over with flirtini flirtinis. i shall dwell in the house of sexy liberal forever carol and bandit. bandit is her dog.
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[ applause ] >> stephanie: well thank you, ann. ♪ hallelujah ♪ >> stephanie: sue in rockville. hello, sue. >> caller: hi. i'm in rockville, maryland. listen guys these foaming of the mouth fidiots who call you. we went from december 31st, 1999, straight to january 20th, 2009. everything in between is just la la la. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: and i have to give you -- i know i'm not a stick up the butt liberal, and i'm not going to tell you -- like that lady who said why are we having so much politics? can't we just have a show. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: but when we engage in
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rational conversation about is it appropriate for a five year old to have a gun? you should just play that mock laughter when anyone thinks that there is only one amend inspect the constitution. or that five year olds should have guns. or the number four is more than the number 60. >> stephanie: yeah. yeah. >> caller: it's time to stop engaging, when they call say you are a foaming of the mouth fidiol, play the mocking laughter, and move on. >> stephanie: thank you. another toddler has died from a self inflicted gunshot wound. this time a 3-year-old in arizona. it's there every day another toddler, playing with a gun, dying by a gun. the arizona death of a 3 year
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old didn't even make it to the main stream media news. it has been three days now. in arizona the state where this child died the governor passed three bills this week. so that happened. there's backpack. and meanwhile you can't help it -- these are the stories -- the cleveland stories that fascinate people because they are so gruesome. but meanwhile there is this carnage going on every day. mary in houston on the benghazi fidiot. >> caller: hi. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: i was so glad to find out that the fidiots wasn't from texas. and not to mention the guns where the kids are getting killed. we had a 7-year-old shoot a
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5-year-old in the bathtub last night. so this is every day. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: it's sad. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: but no i was just too fed up when i heard that guy talk about benghazi. we got a congress that's -- i mean -- that's treason that they are doing on the country. >> stephanie: yep. yep. yep. i hear ya. brad in indianapolis on the cleveland case. hey, brad. >> caller: hey, steph. hey mooks. >> stephanie: yes, hello. >> caller: the cleveland situation, if there was some lax law enforcement involved in that, i think people need to be held accountable but i think it's too easy to sit and say bad cop no doughnut. and make the stereotypical jokes about police officers. instead of joining the chorus of right-wing that always likes to say look at the government not working again, i think we need to say why government doesn't
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work? and that's because the right-wing has been bleeding state and local governments dry. >> stephanie: yeah absolutely. brad i have been defending cops for a long time. i don't think that's it. i think in this cleveland case it seems like there were some clear warnings from neighbors, and the speculation is because it was a poor neighborhood did it not get the kind of investigation that it might have elsewhere. >> caller: i think that's definitely part of it. i think we have to look at why our cities are crumbling. >> stephanie: yeah, brad i -- >> caller: rather than -- >> stephanie: yeah i just did a thing yesterday had we not had these cut backs, the unemployment would be 6.1, and not 7.5, if we hadn't been lose losing public servants because
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of cutbacks. and jim take a deep breath about benghazi and just calm down. >> stephanie: that's right. go ahead. >> caller: stephanie, you sexy liberal you we have innocent children getting mowed down by a gun, you have these women in cleveland, and the women's bodies that they found in that guy's backyards yet we have republicans in congress say we don't need background checks or the violence against women act, we don't need. are they that stupid? >> stephanie: um . . . i'm going to go with yes. the nra asked someone at the
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convention to remove a gory man any can that looks like president obama. it bleeds when you shoot it. they won't confirm that it looked like president obama -- >> they said it looked like that devil that was in that bible mini series which looked just like president obama. >> stephanie: nice. seventeen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> wow, i don't believe it. this is too good to be real! >> of course this is real. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything. ♪ ♪ i'll tell you what i want what i really really want ♪ ♪ i'll tell you what i want what i really really want ♪
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♪ i wanna, i wanna, i wanna -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> stephanie: all right. twenty-two minutes after the zicabah. this hour brought to you by gourmet foods, oh sherry's barries. um. >> they are really good. >> stephanie: and if you gave your mom a hard time growing up -- i'm still at it -- you might want to her some. starting at only $19.99 go to, and click on the microphone and type in stephanie. you can double the berries for just $10 more. >> do they come with swizzle. >> stephanie: yes, thank for
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asking. not just regular swizzle -- >> decorative swizzle. >> stephanie: and nuts. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: here is the only way to get this a amazing mother's day deal call -- >> call what? >> [ inaudible ] or go to go to click on the mic and type in stephanie. hurry! this offer ends this thursday. mother's day is sunday you know. >> i'll write that down. >> stephanie: mark from the unfortunately home of new senator mark sanford. >> caller: hi. i woke up this morning and pretty much have been peeling myself off the floor. there are 45% of us who voted
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for elizabeth colbert-busch, myself of course included. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: but we're kind of shell shocked here to be honest with you. >> stephanie: yeah, what do you have to do to lose in south carolina i wonder? >> caller: exactly. i'm not sure. we are -- i can look out of my front window and see fort sumpter -- where the first shot -- >> oh, from the war of northern aggression. >> caller: the war of northern aggression, and they are still coming after us by the way. right now i'm up on my roof painting sos. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: hold on. help is on the way. >> caller: thank you. it's like the clean air act here. people think if they call themselves christian then it makes it true. >> stephanie: yeah, that's amazing how that redemption
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thing works for republicans. >> caller: it's incredible. and these people go to church every day. >> packing heat no doubt. >> caller: and they are backing heat. >> stephanie: yep. praise the lord. >> who would jesus shoot? >> stephanie: indeed. arnold in north carolina. >> caller: that guy just said it, man, the "stephanie miller show," survived this morning. survived two direct kamikaze benghazi attacks and survived. let's talk about south carolina i can't believe how those people are. they have taken a stand with mark sanford, the last time he was in congress all he did was prosecute bill clinton for monica lewinsky. he lied to his wife. he was [ inaudible ] where they had the blue dress -- remember that -- >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: come on in here and
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see the evidence. we got that guy. we got that lying bill clinton. and here they reelect this guy one more time. what kind of place is that? >> stephanie: well it's -- >> wheel of right-wing hypocrites! >> stephanie: people have short memories -- >> people have what? short memories -- >> look at the monkey! [♪ magic wand ♪] >> stephanie: look over there! republicans in damage-control mode over background checks votes. good. i say good. salon writing after they have seen their approval ratings tank. kelly ayotte and jeff flake scrambling for damage control. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> we have always been at war -- >> stephanie: and we have always been for background checks. look at the monkey. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: he first told cnn he would be willing to flip.
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the only reason he voted no was because the concern of the cost given the way guns are sold among friends in his state of arizona and others. as somebody said you may need to spend more time with your family if you are selling a gun on the internet to a family member. kelly ayotte wrote an op-ed blaming out of state people for being misleading. running false attack ads. apparently she has always made so many efforts to prevent gun-related violence. you are just not -- >> paying attention. >> so many efforts. too many to mention. >> stephanie: yeah i don't have time. yes. she -- this is what she said -- she -- she -- first of all she tried that. and then she said no i did vote for it. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> stephanie: what now?
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would you like the fun facts? [♪ fun-facts music ♪] >> sure. >> stephanie: i voted originally to approve the criminal background check system. she voted against the man chin toomey proposal so what is she referring to? a vote on the nra endorse proposal. the grassley cruz proposal didn't do anything to expand background checks. it made it easier to pass background checks. >> the opposite of what she claimed. >> stephanie: right. right. it's like those properly named bills like friendly florists -- >> friendly florists. >> stephanie: not in washington state. >> not at all. >> stephanie: they are surly.
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>> in bellingham. >> stephanie: thank you. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look (vo) next, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside.
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(vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> oh, great, now i smell like mid-life crisis! [ laughter ] >> stephanie: like androgel don't get it on you. alan in california, hi alan.
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>> caller: hi, stephanie. first of all it is a pleasure and honor and pleasure it is to speak with you -- >> stephanie: i -- i can only imagine. >> caller: well, it is. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: and it's so much of a pleasure that i have to say it twice. in regards to the gun-control legislation to quote marcus bachmann barbarians need to be disciplined. >> stephanie: electorally. >> caller: yeah, and we as a society have shown ourselves comes barbarian, and we need discipline imposed on ours. >> stephanie: yes, we do need to discipline the barbarians that voted against background checks. >> you have to understand barbarians need to be educated. they need be disciplined. >> stephanie: super. >> super. thanks for asking. >> stephanie: i do look cute in
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this hat. thanks. by the way this could be a career ending for mischel bachmann is the headline. >> what she has a career. >> stephanie: the ethics questions are a big problem. with a special investigator soon to be appointed the ethics cloud covering over michele bachmann could quickly become a major problem according to experts. somebody from public citizen said these are serious allegations, and this could be a career ender for michele bachmann. the iowa investigation looking into whether the campaign improperly paid a state senator is one of three different probes. and charges she improperly used campaign funds to promote her book, and one of her staffers stole an email list from a -- >> oh boy.
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>> stephanie: two [ inaudible ] have agreed to testify against bachmann. which is very unusual and would cause the board to take this seriously. >> oh, dear. i'm sure marcus is livid. >> stephanie: marcus's chiffon just got wet. jeff flake is getting a little flakey about his vote now. >> yes he is. >> stephanie: getting a tiny bit dancy. he said tuesday he could support tighter background checks on gun sales. something he declined to do last month if senator changed the proposal dealing with internet sales. >> stephanie: they are trying to -- he said the only reason he voted against the background check bill is because he thought it would be too costly and inconvenient to require checks on internet sales. he said it would be considered a
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commercial sales if a gun owner sent a text message or send an email asking if they wanted to guy a gun. the bill makes it clear it wouldn't require background checks between friends or relatives. it would only be internet gun sales when they involve an advertising, posting or listing. and as somebody said really if you -- you have to put anned a on the internet to sell it to your relative? spending more time with your family is all i'm saying. >> exactly. that's what is wrong with america today! >> michele bachmann may have to live to switzerland after all. >> stephanie: that's right. isn't she part swiss miss. >> i think marcus is. >> stephanie: swiss? miss? pardon. >> well, that too.
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>> he has hair like pippy long stocking. >> and minimi marshmallows. [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: what is that on your lip? oh, minimi marshmallows. i hope her career is not over michele bachmann, because another dream would die here that she would would run with michelle turner, and it would be bachmann turnerover drive. we have all the ads written. ♪ ♪ >> stephanie: thank you. that really probably wasn't even worth it. >> no. >> stephanie: lynn in alabama. >> caller: i wanted to comment about the election results of south carolina, i'm perplexed, stunned and disappointed to say
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the least, but being from an extreme right-wing state, the state of alabama, i make it a policy not to vacation or spent any leisure time in any right-wing states so i will miss south carolina. i have vacationed there before and i just want those people to know until they get their act together the next time i'm visiting relatives at the eastern seaboard i'm going to make sure i gas up at the state line before i cross in so i don't have to stop in that state. because those election results are scary. it's as scary as living where i live and some of stloeting crazies that go on here. and i would like to encourage other intelligent people to avoid places like south carolina and alabama and some of these other crazy places -- >> stephanie: you heard lynn gas
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up, don't stop. >> they are also using the black box voting machines used in ohio in 2004 and once again, elizabethco better -- what is her face -- >> busch. >> she was ahead by nine points and she lost my nine points which sounds exactly like when john kerry -- >> yeah, they are known as skewing a little bit democratic though. >> stephanie: well, yeah so did the last election. >> i know it did. [ farting sounds ] >> stephanie: okay. what was i saying? >> i don't remember. >> stephanie: driving through georgia, i had a comedian friend he told me about getting pulled over once literally by someone that looked exactly like buford pusser.
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[ banjo music ] >> stephanie: and he looked at his license and said newsbalm are you a jew? >> yeah. >> stephanie: on friday i'm giving a commencement address in my hometown. so any way -- i -- this is my favorite accepty on an airline story that i have seen recently. the office star reignainn wilson after his flight to scranton -- >> that's where the office is set -- >> stephanie: right. the flight took off ten minutes before his scheduled departure time leaving him and his classmated stranded. he did a -- see this was -- before tweeting the air lines could get away with murder -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: but he said i'm going to take a dump on the u.s.
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airlines window in the shape of a delta logo. ♪ let's hear it for the boy ♪ >> stephanie: that would take mad skills. >> i don't think i would want to give him a hand if he is doing this. >> stephanie: i have a new future wife. helen mirren. she was doing a performance, and she hulked out over the weekend at some street drummers -- >> she what? >> stephanie: she hulked out. she will cut a bitch, helen mirren -- ♪ and now it's stephanie's future wife yeah ♪ >> stephanie: this is so cheesy. no wonder you like it.
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>> i love it. >> stephanie: loud stream drummers stopped outside her theater forcing her to go out into the audience and dropped several f bombs. during it she was saying shut the [ censor bleep ] up. people have paid a hundred pounds for their theater tickets. i kept saying we didn't realize, and she was like just shut the [ censor bleep ] up. she was on a proper rant. and the parade organizer said not much shocks you on the gay scene, but seeing helen mirren dressed as the queen cursing, that was a new one. speaking of future wives or
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not -- that catch chris brown got away from rihanna again. that's too bad. it appears chris brown and rihanna have split yet again. chris opened up about the split sadly. does anyone want to no -- >> no. >> stephanie: he said at the end of the day -- i'm going anyway. at the end of the day she is a young girl, i can't be focused on wifing someone that young. >> he used wife as a verb? >> stephanie: yeah. >> oh, god. >> stephanie: i just need to fast forward and be a man. and be the best chris brown i can be. instead of worrying about who is in my side pocket. who wouldn't want to be in that side pocket. all right. forty five minutes after the
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hour. new details on cleveland and much more as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." >> oh, i like her. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern. (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern.
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ >> stephanie: oh, yeah yeah hot. ♪ waiting ♪ ♪ for you to justify my love ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. ah, yeah. ahhhhh. oh, sorry. this hour brought to you by therabreath mouthwash and
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toothpaste. all right. oh, by the way, amy, jim, has told us just a quick note about look at the monkey -- remember our right-wing caller -- look at the monkey -- look at the monkey -- it's a south park reference. i can't believe i missed a south park reference. when johnny cochran was defending somebody, every time he wanted to distract the jury he would put on a sock and say look at the monkey. >> oh, all right. >> stephanie: trevor in new york. hi, trevor welcome. >> caller: [ inaudible ] gun
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fanatics, based on the conservative which is distrust. they distrust the government the media, they distrust their neighborhood, they distrust -- >> stephanie: i would distrust that phone if i were you. >> he was making some good points but the phone wasn't cooperating. >> stephanie: exactly. martha stewart is so precious. you know she is on >> yes, she is. have you tried that? >> stephanie: i have no comment. >> really! [ buzzer ] >> oh, my god! >> you can date martha stewart! >> stephanie: i was never going to talk about it! you are like seriously -- such a disaster of epic proportions -- >> actually sometimes when i would sign into your computer
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you left your browser open. [♪ somber music ♪] >> stephanie: this was a while ago. one of my for instance was so distressed about my loser dom, she wrote a profile for me. >> so you were one of those profiles didn't have a picture with it. >> stephanie: right. >> that's a red flag. something is wrong here. >> picture of the elephant man up there. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: oh, god. dogs and cats living together. it was bad. martha stewart add she was baffled why she had so many requests from much younger men. i wonder why? oh, martha you precious little pumpkin. perhaps. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> stephanie: and then you know because you get to all of your emails and your email boxes is like are you a carbon based life
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form, so is she. look. you might like her. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> that's what happens when you don't have a picture. >> stephanie: all right. i can't believe you dragged that out of me. >> i know. i can't believe i did either. >> stephanie: that was awful. patrick schwarzenegger, the douche doesn't fall far from the tree apparently. used a fake id to get into a nightclub and then was kicked out after pelting the d.j. with ice cubes. doesn't nicki manage fight with everyone on the show? >> i haven't watched since simon
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was on there. >> stephanie: yeah, they feel fake fighty to me. >> there is a whiff of desperation coming out of "american idol." >> stephanie: listen you don't need to tell me about that. i don't need to watch that on tv. >> there's a cloud of desperation hanging over your pallayshall estate. >> stephanie: leave me alone. watching on the local news who's house is that? oh, that's me. you know the good news? i don't have leaking brain fluid. [ screaming ] >> stephanie: there was another story like this we did. a guy suffered severe case of runny nose. he finally caught medical assistance, and that's when he found out it was actually leaking brain fluid.
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>> yikes. >> get up there with a monkey wrench and tighten that nut -- tighten that bolt so your brain stops leaking. you are down a quart. >> stephanie: he is fine now. all right. a maine man is -- [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> stephanie: i like my news theme -- a maine man is behind bars for attacking two people outside of a comic bookstore. he punched a man dressed as a ghost buster. that is not a good character to punch. >> important safety tip. thanks egon. >> stephanie: as long as you don't cross the stream. can i have dating game music. >> sure. ♪ >> stephanie: there's a tragic new please date me clothing line. consider this meet me line of clothes that just launched.
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tells other singles that you are single and approachable. >> oh no. you might as well have a photo less profile. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: gawker writes a profile about me. i would like to think it's optimistic. interests, i enjoy people who aren't disgusted by looking at me, and who don't think it's okay to throw out the life we built for some trashy dance instructor. also i really like looking. moto come. seeking any human being i'm serious. i am literally dying of lack of human -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: okay. we mentioned this to jacki earlier, the wall street journal as reminded all of its reporters to be sexy.
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they set out a memo on monday because they are going on tv -- we want to remind those appearing on camera that you should take into consideration your appearance. the editor writes, please with a fillfy misshapen trolls they hire, just be hot every once in a while. >> okay. >> stephanie: it's very explicit. keyshia in tampa. hey, keyshia. >> caller: i'm a first time caller, first time caller. >> stephanie: okay. >> caller: and i listen to your show all the time. i think you are very politically intelligent and correct. i love you love you love you. i almost came to see you in chicago but, you know, things happen. >> stephanie: huh oh. >> caller: what happened was you were talking about nicki minaj, right? and you were talking that she
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fighting with everybody. i do think she needs to keep her goddamn mouth shut -- >> stephanie: oh. all right. we're leaving maybe forever. we'll see you tomorrow, maybe on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>> i'm jacki schechner. it's noon eastern, and here's what's current. former south carolina governor mark sanford has now gotten back into politics. he beat his democratic opponent elizabeth colbert-buschhand lly yesterday, 54-45%. accepting the win he made slight reference to his personal failings which ultimately weren't enough to keep him out of office. >> [ inaudible ] this campaign
9:00 am
would have been easily won a long time ago, but i [ inaudible ] candidate and at the end of the day i was carried across the threshold, if you will by an incredible team


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