tv Full Court Press Current May 10, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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[ music ] >> bill: hey, good morning, friends and neighbors. what do you say? it is friday. yeah, friday may 10th. good to see you today. welcome to the "full-court press" right here on current tv come to youing all the way across this great land of ours from our studio here in capitol hill in washington, d.c., bringing you the news of the day giving you the chance to sound
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off your opinions every bit as important as our opinions. you get to express them here on the "full-court press." >> that's what makes us different from any other morning show on cable television. give us a call at 866-55-press. join the conversation. you can join us on twitter twitter @bpshow and on facebook at footballing press show. if you haven't had enough of benghazi, you are in luck. don't worry. it's not going away. darryl issa has promised even more hearing on benjamin and john boehner is demandtioning the white house release every e-mail sent out aboutbengs benjaminbengs benghazi. they will not quit beat that drum. minnesota on the verge of becoming the 12th state to recognize same-sex marriage blocking the nominee to be the
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next director of epa and texas saying we don't need no more regulation. we will get into that and a whole lot more right here on current tv. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny.
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>> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. [ music ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: republicans promise more hearings on benghazi, just what we need. more hearings on benghazi. they have only had 11 so far. good morning, everybody. happy friday. ♪ alleluia. >> bill: oh, yes, indeed. it is friday may 10th. ♪ alleluia ♪ >> bill: our favorite day around the full court press. yours, too, i bet.
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♪ alleluia. ♪ >> bill: it's got to be. what a special friday today. prince harry is in town. oh, my god. it's a wild time. here, yeah. everybody running out to see the prince as he makes his tour here of washington, d.c. you know why? because people are expecting him to get drunk and do something insane like he did the last visit to the united states. and who knows? you know, they may not -- we may not be disappointed. great to see you today. come on, harry. live it up. live it up. it's a party town, harry. we are counting on you to make it even more of a party town. again, on this friday may 10th good to see you today. welcome to the "full-court press." we are right here on capitol hill in washington, d.c. our nation's capitol bringing you the news of the day, whether it's happening here in washington. it's not. nothing going on here. they never get anything done in washington.
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news around the country. some of that very disturbing, you know, discovery this week in cleveland, ohio. news out of phoenix, arizona with a guilty verdict on jody jody arias and news around the world as well with secretary of stained john kerry trying to put together a coalition of the willing if you will to provide more help for the insurge comments syria. we have it all covered. we will give you a chance to talk about it at 866-55-press. >> that's our toll-free number. alicia cruz standing by to take your calls. keep her busy. keep the phones ringing. we want to hear what you have to say about the issues of the day. you can also go on twitter. follow us on twitter @bp show. we invite you to be our friend at press show. we have friends gal other, peter ogburn and dan henning. >> bill, good morning. >> bill: glad to see friday get
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here. >> peter: happy friday. >> bill: alicia cruz on the phones sip cyprian bowling. >> you are going since prince harry is not going? >> i am taking his place. >> to go out there and get naked in public. >> bill: a bill yard table is waiting for me in vegas. i love vegas. >> do you? >> yeah, and i don't gamble. >> you are not a -- you are not a heavy drinker. >> bill: no. no. no. no. i just like the scene. i like walking around. i like watching the people. pierced it's a circus. >> bill: it is the best people watching in the country. pierced it is america. it is america. >> bill: no, it's not. pierced oh, yes, my friend. >> bill: i don't think it is. the strip is not america. there are great shows and great restaurants. it's kind of, you know for short visits.
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two days, i am done. >> you could overdose vegas >> bill: a lot of fun. the thing about veg as is they don't have any security cameras. okay? actually, they do. pierced they have a lot of security cameras. >> bill: they need them in vegas. but those security cameras have some people worried, like pat robertson. he wasn't sure what to think about it, security cameras so he went back to the bible. of course, the bible tells us all there is to know about cell phones, about same-sex marriage, and about security cameras. pierced sure >> bill: this is what the bible says when you can't buy or sell without the mark of the beast. you have to be part of that system >> bill: mark of the beast. >> a few and very very few can escape because right now, they can go down into the bush in the darkest africa and hunt you down p you say we want to feel security secure.
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secure from whom? i think the american people are more afraid of the over reach of big government than they are some occasional bomber. the bomber kills a few people. they still would rather have their freedom than to have big brother in constant surveillance. >> bill: right. who cares if a bomber blows up a few people? you know because those cameras, they can hunt us down in the bushes in the dark of africa. he is absolutely totally insane. pierced it's been a long time. it's been a very long time. >> bill: he ran for president of the united states. pierced i can't believe that. it's been a while since i heard the term "mark of the beast" >> peter: you see the security cameras, mark of the beast. >> satan. >> bill: well, so foul spirit show thyself >> bill: people who will use the bible to oppose same-sex
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marriage. he uses the bible today to oppose security cameras. there you go. uh-huh. all right. yeah. tell that to -- tell that to the boston police department, pat robertson. we will jump out to cleveland to say hello to avery freed. it minnesota the latest state, it looks like, could happen as late as monday to join states recognizing same-sex marriage, marriage equality and i am so excited. we are going to talk about cars and the 15 most exciting cars in the history of the united states, cars that have radically changed our lives, changed american culture, change the way we think about cards. but first: >> this is the full court press. >> other headlines making news on this friday american idol. remember that show? got whittled down to the final two contest events on fox.
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cory harrison of texas against 23-year-old r and b singer candace glover of south carolina. it's not candace's first rodeo. she has competed in season 9 and 11 but clearly this year is her best one yet. one of these two ladies will be the first female winner of idol since jordan sparks won it 6 years ago. >> i didn't know they allowed people to come back. >> peter: i didn't know american idol was still on the air. >> bill: good point. i know candace glover got support. >> they are blowing the whole show up, getting rid of the judges, everybody. >> bill: it's about time. >> fvijas singh is suing after he was accused of using deer antler spraf. p said at the time it was a banned substance but turns out
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it's not. singh is slamming the tour for failing to properly run it's anti-doping program and will be looking for substantial damages at trial. no set amount has been named yet. >> bill: so it is legal and they said it was illegal? >> yes. it is not a banned substance. >> bill: deer antler spray and he could use it? >> yes. >> did it work? >> yes. i would think so. he used it regularly. >> that's my understanding. >> bill: that's what i mean. >> peter: if they said it's again against our policy and it's legal to use it and it's not, he is entitled for some cash. that could hit his advertising dollars and reputation. >> the social security administration. >> bill: what do you use the deer antler spray for. maybe i ought to get some. >> cures what ails you. >> bill: what's it for? >> if you have chronic pain ba because apparently it's banned in the nfl and ray louis was
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using it for a back injury or a neck injury but if you have chronic pain, they say it helps. i a tiny bottle is like $80. so i am not going to be using it. >> bill: probably from the canadian pharmacy is cheaper. >> less than $80. >> the social security administration has released the most popular baby names for 2012. and once again, jacob and sophia top the list same thing as last year. top five boys after jason, mason, ethan, know he a and william and the top five girls, emma, isbella, avia and ella. in 1912, the top three boys' names john, james and william were the top 3. and for girls, it was -- >> bill: william hanging in there. staying power. >> for the girls, it was mary
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helen and margaret were the top 3 back in the early 19 hundreds. the. >> that was mile girlfriend's name, mary helen martin. >> the whole naming thing. i don't know if john is in the top 10 any more. >> that's how much this has changed. ask >> bill: i feel old-fashioned because we have two songs, mark and david. today, you name your son mark or david. >> granted kids name. >> jingo and approximately milo and willow. hey, let's start the day. you know, this comes up so oven but it came back to me last night. i did a little program right here on capitol hill at our wonderful hill center with ornstein. he and thomas mann of the brooking institution -- norm is with the american enterprise institute. they are the two smartest guys
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about congress. they have been doing it a long time, written several books. their latest and the best book i have ever read about this congress is called "it's worse than it looks." it came out last year. norman has been in the studio talk about it. norm came over to the hill center. we were talking about this congress. and i am telling you, as taxpayers, we should all be demanding, demanding that they just pull the plug on this congress, send them home and certainly cut out the paycheck because they are absolutely the worst congress ever. john boehner, the worst speaker of the house in the history of the house of representatives. that is saying something. so there is this phrase, you know, the do-nothing congress and harry truman famously ran against the republican-led do nothing congress in 1998 when people said he didn't have a
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chances of getting re-elected. that do-nothing congress in 1948, they were like so productsive compared to this congress, it's not funny. this congress, last one, the 2012 -- the 1112th. i'm sorry. this one, the 113th have done absolutely nothing i don't know if you know how congress works but they work at most three days a week. okay? they come in late monday night, and they usually have one vote, which is we are here. present that. counts. >> they get paid. they are here tuesday, wednesday. they leave thursday morning. okay? so that's all the time. one of the problems with that is, of course, these guys never get to socialize.
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they never get to know each other. >> that's why you've got this tribal situation on capitol hill for one thing. but they get absolutely nothing done. they are getting paid, the average, 174 ,$000 a year. the leadership is getting paid a lot more. let's look at the last month. okay? the last month, they passed three weeks ago, they passed a bill one bill, three days, one bill to renew america's helium production. okay. the federal government has a helium production plan because you need more balloons in hospitals as they get well or more heallium for your kids' birthday parties. the shortage of hemmium is probably the number 1 issue facing this country.
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>> solved all of the other problems. three weeks ago. then they went home for 10 days. alled during which they are paid. what did they do this week? they passed one bill. the bill they passed this week -- they are how now. the bill they passed said that employers cannot give you time and a half for overtime. instead, you have to work the overtime, but instead, they will give you comp time and they decide when you get the comp time. you don't decide. you lose money. you lose the freedom to plan your vacation, but you take more rights away, more opportunities away from workers and you give more power to employers, and that was their one accomplishment in the house this week. okay? then they had that hearing on benjamin of course. next week, they've already scheduled the vote for next week. here is what they are going to
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do when they come back for their next one full day here they are going to vote again to repeal obamacare. they did this 33 times in the last congress. this is the first vote. now, it's 34 times to repeal obamacare. this is what we are getting. you talk about a do-nothing congress. there has never been such a do-nothing congress. we are paying them one 74 ,$000 a year. if there was ever an argument not to make this too partisan but if there was ever an argument for either sweeping all of them out but either sweeping boehner and cantor and the republican leadership paul ryan and putting democrats back in charge of the house to get done the 111th congress under nancy pelosi was probably the most productive since the days of franklin den nor roosevelt. do-nothing congress, john boehner has brought it to us. what can you do about it? what do you think about it?
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[ music ] >> this is "the bill press show." >> bill: 26 minutes after the hour. yes, indeed, more and more problems with this do-nothing congress, and it was apparent yesterday, talking about the house earlier, in the senate where the senate blocked president obama's nominee to be the new epa director gina mccarthy. ben cardon here is what happened, they had a confirmation hearing. here is one way to get it right.
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not one cran showed up. right? they don't have the balls to show up and vote yes or no which is their job. >> that's what the american people -- that's what they were elected to do. instead, they just don't show up. ben cardon senator for maryland really gave them hell. >> the committee records should reflect not a single republican has shown up today for this scheduled committee mark-up. and this is very sad. we have seen two months ago, over two months ago, the president named the nomination of gina mccarthy to be the epa administrator. this is a key part of the president's president's cabinet. the american people deserve confirmed administrator. the president has made that submission and our responsibility is to vote. to voted her up or down but this is obstructionism. pure and simple. >> almost never before has a senate refused to let the president pick members of his own cab gnat.
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here is a buddy, ike from charleston. what do you think? >> caller: brother, listen, when you get to the veggats, let me know it. i have a guy who can hook you up with sproimo deer antler. >> go for it. >> you saw michelleback bachman sitting behind some of the people testifying at the benghazi hearing. that shows you they got all kinds of time to mess around. they don't have time to take care of our business. on the colbert bush e elections this is where she messed up. democrats need to start taking this to the people and laying out what the republicans have been doing to us on a national level. they like running against pelosi and obama. i think our candidates should start running against the national republican party to the point that exactly like you say, they have got time to pass stuff for helium and obstruct our nominee that we need government did gratly but they can't do the government's business.
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>> ike has it on target as allegation. >> this is "the bill press show." are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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[ music ] get social with bill press. like us at condition pressshow. this is "the bill press show." . >> all right. how about it? 33 minutes after the hour. here we go on the full court press this friday morning brought to you today by the united steel workers and their international president, leo gerard, good members of the usw. united steel workers, america's largest industrial union serving 1.2 million active and retired
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members, the back to your calls about this do-nothing congress and your comments in just a second. you wonder how identify thing theft gets started. here is one day. a popular daily website not to be mentioned recently announced it was hit by a cyber attack that could have affected more than 50 million customers. that attack gave people access to customer data including names, e-mail addresses, passwords and some users' dates of birth. oh, boy. got to be protected against identity theft. i am with what's called life lock ultimate the most comprehensive identifyty theft protection ever. identify visit today and mention press10 for 10% off your lifelock ultimate membership. call 1-800-356-5967.
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for lifelock ultimate, that important number to call 1-800-356-5967. peter on the social media. >> you can find us online at bp show, on twitter. a lot of people weighing in on this. black cat says this discussion about congress should amplify our need for a strong union presence. and here is a novel idea. >> amen. >> karen says, if you don't show up, you don't get paid. part-time pay for par time work. m zotti says congress should only get paid for bills passed. they are managing about $76 a week. >> i wouldn't mind if they got bills for they undid, too, as long as they are doing something. some bills on the books, laws on the books that should be repealed. by the way, there is a proposal out there, which i don't think is totally crazy that says no, bucket, no pay.
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you don't pass a budget and don't get something do, no pay. the very idea of passing a bill in congress has in itself become am am a joke as david letter man pointed out concern the immigration reform. >> the senate is taking a look at the immigration bill which will provide sweeping changes if, in fact, the bill is passed. passed? passed? ha-ha-ha. passed? in oh. oh. the >> bill: all right. all right. >> tim tebow has a better chance of passing. >> that's good. >> a long walk for a short pier
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as they say in the trade. the idea congress would get anything done has become the for the der of late-night comedy. cam immediately is until burgal north carolina >> caller: the republicans are trying to justify their job rand their exist kens. they know they are getting paid. it's not going take too long for the people to realize they are getting paid for doing nothing. what are we doing? i am retired from the post office. i worked 21 years, and i am looking at how they are trying to take away what i have paid for, for my retirement. they don't want to vote on that. i think they should be repealed. the republican party should be repealed because of theirtions based upon the last four and this four years. >> camille, they are out to shut down the post office, too. >> i am going to start a petition to get rid of them. >> all right. you got it. the that's the kind of -- that's the kind of outrage and the kind of anger i think we ought to
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hear from the american people and i am surprised we don't. you have 535 people there on capitol hill getting a minimum, minimum, $175,000 a year and doing absolutely nothing for it. let me tell you. the members of congress that i talk to, republicans and democrats are embarrassed by this. they don't like it. most of them come here because they want to get something done. and that's true. i know we knock congress all the time. most of them really care about this country and want to solve problems. but the leadership today doesn't. boehner doesn't. mcconnell doesn't. all they want to do is keep the republican party alive and push their part salon political agenda which is sad and it is cheating us taxpayers who elect them to do the job and pay them to do the job. mel, down in port saint lucy florida.
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>> bill i want 20 get it all in. i look at your every morning >> bill: god bless you. >> caller: i call comment you can't get it no more. all you get is a recording when you call his line. this is the worst congress since harry truman. >> bill: yeah. >> i also call the comment line on the p i will try to get it in right quick. obama, i have been calling for four and a half years. obama has the pulpit. he needs charge of bills in the congress that don't even come up for a vote. i know my family don't even know. they work 160 days or 69 days last year. come on. my kids work hard. they don't even know. i say how many days? they say i don't know. worked 106 last year. how many days you work? obama neats charts. he needs to get the stuff to the congress and tell the american people and show the bills that
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are laying there that these people won't even bring up for a vote. >> bill: mel, the nominations. the judicial nominations and the no, ma'am nations to his cabinet that are sitting there without a vote both. >> right. i want to obama to tell the people. you have a great day. i look at you every single morning. i am a fan. >> mel looking back at you too. thank you for being there. tell your friends. norm ornstein made that same point at our little session here on capitol hill. he has pull like ross perot. he had those charts. those handwritten charts. obama could do that. maybe he has somebody, some artist make them up and show the american people i don't think they could stand the heat. they get away with t that's all i wanted to talk about this
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morning down in atlanta, georgia, here is donna. hey, donna what do you say? >> caller: hi, bill. i think what we need to do is have what's called an emergency election where we can go in and vote them out for not doing their job. obama is the president of the united states. he needs to get a committee the way you do at work. you get three things, when you do something wrong, you are verbally warned you are written up, and then you were terminated we need what's called emergencilies where when things like this happen because this has never happen. we need to be able to vote their asses out. >> bill: i love it. it would be good if we had sort of like a job performance ref rend um, you know. so you elect them and six months later thumbs up or thumbs down. how are you doing so far. right? if they had that, they would
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have to perform. they would have to perform. >> you are on to something. while we are in atlanta, let's stay in atlanta. say hello to brenda. >> good morning. >> yes. >> i was sitting here thinking this is mother's day. i know most of those old fossils are too old but i would like to volume you know tear as a granted more to get a convoy of grandmothers, whoop their behind did. i am sick of this. this is making me nauseated. they work part-time and get that money plus the free perks and insurance, dry by jump out and whoop their asses. >> i love it. brenda. let's come up here. i love that idea. get that convoy. we get grandmothers coming from every part of the country. right? you know, and we could follow them across the country. >> that's right. >> follow them on the buses, on the trains, meet them at the airports. a grand mother's march.
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they start down at the lincoln memorial. all right? >> too far. they start at the washington monument and they march up the mall on the congress. >> taking names and cutting asses >> bill: here they come and whoop their asses. all right. joey is going to lead the parade of grandma did. hey, joey >> caller: good morning. i have news for you. barack obama, he iffed should have had some more dinners with them. maybe golf with them a little bit more and maybe they won't show up against next time. what is wrong with this man? these people are his enemy. they call his wife and his children names right behind his back. why doesn't he let the public know what's going on? this is barack obama's own fault tore kowtowing to these people. >> bill: i tell you one thing, he didn't get much -- he didn't
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get many votes out of that lop sister dinner at the ephorson hotel. you have a point. this identify of schmoozing. right? >> going to do the trick. the how many votes did bill clinton get? there was no bigger schmoozer? how many republicans did he get for his budget? do you remember way back? zero. zero. the do nothing congress. when we come back we will jump out to cleveland, find out the latest from avery freeman, our leal beingel. >> heard around country and seen on current tv, this is "the bill press show." [ music ] what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. can become major victories. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. when i was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel for my pain and stiffness, and to help stop joint damage.
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>> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us @bpshow and tweet using the hash tag, watchingbf. >> twelve minutes before the top of the hour here on this friday morning, may 10th. we have been captivated out of the story out of cleveland these three women kidnapped, three different women kidnapped in three different incidentses over a decade ago and kept as captives for a decade. they were released this week. they broke their way to freedom this week. one did, and mr. ariel castro the kidnapper, has now been charged in cleveland. he's on top of everything happen okay the legal front around the country. but certainly his own backyard avery friedman is a legal analyst for cnn. we claim him as our own here on the full court press joining us on our news like this morning.
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hi, avery. how are you? >> it's nights to be with you. i am happy when i talk about this. >> we thought about you right away but first of all, how could the police have missed this for fen years? they were called to the house for various reasons, walked around the houses. did they blow it in this case? >> that's a question that many are asking. but you do have to know the neighborhood. it's tightly-knit. this is one that's been ravaged by what happened with the housing bubble and extreme poverty, heavy minority and one might thing how could this be? the fact is two of these three young ones remained on the database interestingly enough for whatever bizarre reason and michelle knight, one of the 3, the oldest was removed after 15 months, which is going to require a lot of explaining. but by and large, the neighbors are saying we didn't know and the cops that pat tro the beats are saying we didn't know.
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whether they screwed up at this point, it's difficult to tell. i really don't that, though. >> do you buy that the other brother, the two brothers have no knowledge of what this ariel castro was up to all that time? they were in that house. >> well, you know castro's daughter was in that house. i mean he actually prepared meals for her there. and my initial reaction was it seemed impossible. doesn't it, bill? >> yes. >> your faechl members and friends in the house. when they wanted to go upstairs or downstairs, it was locked. he said, no, no. you don't want to go there. he obviously scared these young women to death. there wasn't a peep. there is much that remains to be done. remember all of this has happened over the past four or five days. unbelievable. >> thinking the people in the house, even if they were changed? right? or locked up that they could stomp their foments? >> much of it was the mind game the fear that if they did anything wrong, they were going
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to be beaten. and believe me we have seen women like this. i have represented victims in section-labor cases and the like. we understand that. and i know you go too. this is incomprehensible oneheim bum would treat others like this. >> what are now the charges against him? what does he face? >> the charges right now are he has been charged light, meaning there are lower level mun ispal court charges, four kidnap, three rape but this case is going to be found over the grand jury. tim mcginty, county prosecutor, says that he is going to charge castro for rape every day. so there will be dozens of rape charges. ohio has an unusual statute that if castro is responsible for the death of a fetus, then it can be murder charges, and aggravated
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charges. it's been used in ohio, at least with a late-term pregnancy but mcginty is the kind of prosecutor -- he has been around a long time -- would actually are is charge him with murder. >> because there are other pregnancies that didn't terminate. >> the stewart, if i am a prosecutor, i am going use every tool i have to get this guy. >> ankle friedman is our guest. avery will be all over cnn on and starting at noon today. catch up on the latest not only on cnn, but with avery friedman. avery, what about these women now? what happens? we were talking yesterday. to go from 10 years as the sex slaves and the next day to go back to their family and pick up life as usual. they have to have some real issues here. >> they have to. you really don't know. again, i represented victims
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like this. some will never recover. they will never get better. others, you know they shop acclaim mate and move on. >> will they get, you know mental counseling that they need? >> i have no doubt between the f.b.i. and we have a rape crisis center that's renowned here in this town. they will be here all of the necessary resources. i am actually proud of this community and how they have come together to be supportive of these three young ones. two were in their 20s. one is in their early -- in her early 30s. but they are young. >> all right. you have to do us a favor. all right? >> uh-huh. >> bill: if you are in the neighborhood and you see charles ramsey, all right? tell him he is our man. >> you have to buy him a big mac first. >> you know what am? that guy is so cleveland, that part of town just, you know, open excited
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about a haven't occur of humanity. he is hero heic. >> absolutely. he kicks himself for the fact he didn't do this sooner. >> i think a lot of the neighbors are doing that. actually, the cops on the beat. i mean i have represented local police and police union, the union in particular i think, you know, a lot of them are saying how could we possibly have missed it. >> we will see you at noon today on cnn. thank you my friend. we will look forward to seeing you. thank you for bringing us up to date on the troubling situation out in cleveland. as ankle said, the community is together on this. >> this is "the bill press show" live on your radio and current tv
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[ music ] broadcasting cruris the nation on your radio, and on currentt.v., this is "the bill press show." >> bill: president obama goes down to texas met by rick perry who says, this is a place to come if you want to talk about jobs. the two of them together. good morning, everybody. what do you say? it is friday. friday, may 10th. this is the full court press coming to you live on current tv, coming to you live on your local progressive talk radio station. we have it covered, radio and television, both. and we appreciate you being with us on the radio onr on television here on from friday edition. you can't get into the weekend without taking a look at what's
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happening on the country, what's hamming in our nation's capitol. what's happening around the globe. let's talk it over. give us a call at 866-55-press. talk to us or give us a call. talk to us on twitter @bpshow. the we want you to be a friend at and you will be a friend not just my friend but a friend of everybody here on the team. peter ogburn and dan henning. >> i need more friends. >> yes. we all do. >> absolutely. >> bill: every day. a thousand more friends. >> bring them on. alicia cruz here on the phones. hi alicia. cyprian boulding has the cameras covered. hill 0 cyprian >> peter: someone tweeted and thought i was cyprian. i am not cyprian. >> you are not that good-looking. >> i am alicia.
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don't get it could fused. i am not nearly as good-looking as cyprian which is why we don't let him talk. >> he would take over the show. >> exactly. >> no doubt about it. >> when we say welcome to the team, there is somebody else we are welcoming these days. this is -- this could be bad news. as david letter man announced last night, it's the invasion of the u no you know what. >> you know what's back for 17 years? they are back in new york city. they are crazy. they mate once every 17 years. it's like martha stewart. >> bill: you knew that was coming. the they mate once every 17 years like da-da-da. >> it is full-blown panic in the house right in and out. my wife is terrified of the of
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them. >> my kids because we were here. it wasn't so long ago, we had another 17 years. >> this is brood 2. that was brood x. >> okay. by the way this is such a kid thing. my kids are way, way into it. they can't wait to see them. >> i remember last time there were parts of the city it was like walking on egg shells or potato chips. >> ladies, if you have long hair, i would suggest you get it braided or pony tailed because if you have long flowing hair and one comes flying into your hair, which will happen they are a bitch to get out in one piece. >> it's been so long since they have been here. right? the world has changed dramatically since they were last here, as david letterman pointed out. >> they have been out of touch
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for 17 years. and then they wanted to hear about the gore presidency. it was crazy. >> so we have to bring them up to date. all right. we've got lots going on. we are going to talk jobs here with the chief economist at the top of the hour and same-sex marriage and in the next hour 15 cars that have had the biggest impact really changed life here in america. but first, this is the full court press. >> some of the headlines making news on a friday prince harry arrives here in dc after spending some scheduled time with john mccain the british royal made a surprise stop. popped in on a mother's day event, for mom's and grandmothers of people in the military. today, harry lays a wreath at arlington national cemetery, part of a week long trip to raise money for charity and hang
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out with wounded warriors. >> bill: what else is on his schedule? >> not going to vegas. >> not going to vegas. >> one of the hottest topics of the date is the name of the nfl in the team redskins. many have advocated for the racistnate but opponents were dealt a blow from dan snyder yesterday, he sat down with u.s.a. today and said we will never change the name. it's that simple. never. and he told the paper they can use all caps on the word "never." "he is such an ass >> bill: probably the most hated nan washington. >> wherever you are on that issue, it's not a bad conversation to have. >>ed yeah. >> and the tony awards are going by the mantra if it ain't
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broke, don't fix it. neil patrick harris will host for the third year in a row. broadway the accolades will be handed out. auscaddressed could take a page from their playbook. >> yes indeed, president obama, a little jobs tour yesterday. he went to texas, touting the record so far. here is how the president started out talking about jobs yesterday. >> in a little over three years our businesses have now created more than 6.5 million new jobs. while our unemployment rate is too high, it's the lowest it has been since 2008. >> how are we doing on the jobs front? nobody knows better than william sprigs, the chief economist for the afl-cio. on good to have you were us. >> thank you. >> you the spot saying look at the job numbers. we have made progress. how are we doing over all?
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it depends upon how you want to look at the world. in a roses e way, it's better than before he became president. but the problem is if you look at the 6.5 million jobs we created, of course, it gets distributed across people of all different ages. but to those who are under 30, and in particular those just starting their work lives, those under 25 we have created just enough jobs to keep up with their population growth. so the problem is not unemployment rate but the share of people who have a job especially those who are young hasn't moved. so for those under 24, their share of them who actually have a job has stayed below 60%. that number is supposed to be 70%. and the reason why i raise them is because there is a job deficit that we have to correct
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the time is tugging uson us really fast and that's going to explode because it's in that period when you are in your early 20s that you get a job that awe dismays you to the labor force and then launches you into a real career when you get to your 30s. >> yeah. >> if you don't take off then, it's my gee to folks, you are taking off from the national airport, you turn, they are supposed to be going down the runway, going 30 miles an hour. you are going to reach the potomac pretty fast. >> if you don't take off them then, you don't take off at all. right? is there -- isn't there something going on that like we saw the do you and the s & p. right? five days to keep setting new records. on one end, the economy is going but is it a jobless recovery that we are seeing? and have companies figured out
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they can still make a lot of money without hiring people? >> well, it is a jobless recovery in the sense that, yes, companies have figured out how to be profitable at this level of output. so we are stuck. you know economistses talk about the equilibrium. it has high unemployment. >> right. >> that means that there is nothing going on at the moment to get the companies to the next level, which would really be hiring. tises level, they've kind of plateaued. they are very profitable and they are being rewarded on the stockmarket with very high value of their companies. >> bill sprigs is our guest, the chief economist for the afl-cio. here is what i don't understand is: why is why is the president and the congress -- maybe the congress, i get it. the republicans, but why is the president so focused on the budget and deficit reduction? why isn't the focus on jobs
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jobs, jobs and another stimulus plan and rebuilding our infrastructure and putting people back to work? >> i don't know. we were very hopefully that he would turn the corner after he got his initial bargain with congress earlier this year. but he's failed to do that. his budget that he put forth cut back on his original american jobs act proposals. it didn't include as much to restore the public sector and that's another area where we are reeling an equallibrium. states, state and local governments lost so much in revenues that they rebalanced that smaller levels and where that's hurting us in the long run again is we have lost over 400,000 workers in local education. these are teachers.
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so so for young people -- and again, there is a clock ticking on them. for young people we are giving them fewer teachers. we are not giving them the job opportunities they need. the clock keeps ticking on them. they are reaching the point where they are not going to go anywhere, and that's very dangerous. and so yeah, we are a little perplexed that this isn't really the number 1 conversation because discussions about the debate for a deficit seven years from now doesn't mean anything if you are 20 now and don't have a job and can't find a teacher. >> exactly. seems to me we are chasing the wrong rabbit down the wrong hole with all of this talk about deficit reduction, debt reduction when the job situation remains critical. have you seen the impact of the sequester, the sequestration, whatever you want to call it on
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the jobs front? i mean, in other words, what are we down to? 71/2 % now? would it be lower if there were no sequester? >> it probably would be a little lower because we still are seeing weakness of state and local government. this is retarding their recovery because they get direct benefits from the federal spending. a lot of federal spending is simply passed through state and local government so things like head start can often show up as local employment or in some local communities, the meals on wheels plan that is hurting seniors or local health clinics that are being supported, all of these sources of things can sometimes show up as local employment or as strains on local government to try and figure out, can we fill a gap from these services going away?
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>> bill: and at a time of course, we all know that we've barely seen the beginning of the sequester. right? it's going to get worse and worse and worse. so how do we get back to track i guess? what is the afl-cio recommending? by the way again william springs, chief economist of the afl-cio. follow the work at what should the program be? what are you calling for? >> after we saw the discredited of a harvard study that sort of was the underpinning of why the deficit matters and we now know that that study was total bunk. it was almost amateurishly bad. we want the conversation to switch to the job deficit because the young people of america simply are not going to be prepared and as a country, we are not going to be prepared
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because we are not going to have the right level of experience as we know at some point the baby boomers are going to start to retire. we have to address that now. we have a time clock that's immediate. it's three years. it's two years from now. it's immediate for some young people. 75 years, we are not going to make it for them. so we want the president talking about jobs. we want to talk about infrastructure. we want to talk about restoring our public sector, employment. we have to get our teachers back on the job. >> yeah. absolutely. get off of this deficit kick and get on the jobs. make jobs the number 1 issue. make it the focus because it is the number one issue. couldn't agree more. bill sprigs, nice to meet you. nice to join you. we will have you back again, i hope. >> thank you very much. i look forward to it. >> william sprigs chief economist for the afl-cio.
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>> this is "the full court press: the bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv. >> bill: 25 minutes after the hour. a little breaking news here this morning, peter. >> we have been following that coverage in bangaladesh of the building collapse therefore >> bill: unbelievable. >> the death toll has topped 1,000 people. but good news one found alive. 17 days since the building collapsed. they found a woman alive this morning. >> bill: it is a friday. a big friday. we take a quick look back at our
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favorite sound bytes of the week on a friday. this friday, it is all charles ramsay all the time. a special edition of claims of the week. he is the man who first called 911 to report what he had seen at his neighbor's house. >> number 5. >> police ambulance, fire. >> bro i am a 22, check this out. i came from mcdonald's. eat a little bit food. this broad is trying to break out of the house next door to me. what wrong? what's the problem? she like this mother kidnapped me and my daughter and we have been in this. she said her name was linda barry. (bleep) >> bill: mcdonald's calls the copts. he sees a woman next door trying to get out. the dispatcher wants to know well, shall we send an ambulance? is. >> number 4. >> the people she said that did
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this, are they still in the house? >> brother, i am at mcdonald's. >> can you ask her if she needs an ambulance? >> you need an ambulance or what? >> she needs everything. she is in a panic. she has been kidnapped. put yourself in her shoes. >> we will send the police out. thank you. >> need an ambulance? >> right. and he said he knew this dude. he new this ariel castro. they used to barbecue each other. >> i have been here a year. bro. i used to barbecue with this dude. we eat ribs and listen to salsa music. >> here is what he knew -- when he knew that something was really wrong. >> number 2. >> i knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms. something is wrong here. >> dead give-away. >> dead give-away. >> you take all of those charles ram save notes about the dead give away. you know it's going to end up as
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an audo tune. i knew something was wrong when a operate little girl ran into a black man's arms. ♪ get away. ♪ we do this every day. ♪ we eat ribs with this dude. ♪ but we didn't have a girl that that girl was in that house. ♪ she had to get out. dead give away. ♪ dead give away. ♪ >> bill: charles ram save our hero. kel. >> this is "the bill press show." i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first
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this is "the bill press show." >> bill: what do you say on a friday morning may 10th? great to see you. 33 minutes after the hour coming to you live from our nation's capitol brought to you today by the international association of sheet metal, air, rail and transportation workers. put that together and you get the acronym smart. good men and women of the smart union giving a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. get more information at the west side, minnesota, the house voting yesterday overwhelmingly to support marriage equality in the state of minnesota by next week. f state number 12. made a lot of progress. i give the credit to carrie he willervelt. she covered the
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white house for me at the advocate. carrie, every time you come in. >> keep having me on. you never know what might happen. >> all 50 states. anyhow, this is pretty significant since we have seen you. >> yes. >> rhode island delaware and. >> mean soda. >> minnesota on the cusp? >> probably monday. and what's so interesting about minnesota is it was just six months ago, just six that they were, you know fighting back a constitutional marriage amendment. they are like a little -- a little, you know microcosm of the shift that's happened in the country. >> good point. right. so they went from on the cusp of banning it, making it a constitution -- amending the constitution to ban and now 75 to 59. the senate has already -- they
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know -- >> absolutely >> bill: the governor says he will sign it. we are on our way. >> i think we are on our way. i can't tell you i am on the ground there and in. but based upon all of the reports i read people aren't worried about it. it looks good, very good >> bill: delaware wasn't close. rhode island turned out not to be close. >> think about it. part of the reason i am here is because just because of all of this but also because it was a year anniversary yesterday when president obama came out fully evolved, quote, unquote and came out for same-sex marriage. >> did that make any difference? >> absolutely. some people say, well the country was moving this way anyway. i say bs you know. that was a huge -- that was -- it was a barometer shift. it was a time when the country had to reset its campos, it's moral compass on this issue, and that in concert with the
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national tour, you know, doing the prop 8 case and doing sort a national speaking tour those two things in concert, i think were just sort of a, you know sort of a double -- doubly pushed it, this momentum. and it was you know, you had basically your tom democrat which was your president of the united states and you have really one of the most well respected. he wasn't a politician but one of the most well respected conservatives, you know, leaders in the nation, ted olsen, who was responsible for the bush's presidency basically by winning that florida. >> recount. >> recount. so, you know, these are -- they i think, in combination made such a huge, huge difference. and you can't -- you know, north carolina was the last state to lose one of these amendments and they lost it just before president obama came up. and since then, all we've had is
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momentum. >> yeah, but isn't there a berlin wall sort of thing which is all of these states have constitutional amendments, the legislature cannot undo it? >> yes. >> i believe they have to have another vote of the people and those are going to be the tough ones. aren't they? >> unless you had a sweeping supreme court ruling which no one expects to happen. >> we will get to that in just a minute. >> that might not happen this time around, but there might be another one. you know these states. i just think about what was it? alabama or mississippi recently that just finally you know, came, came down. i mean you see these. they just finally, you know, ended slavery or whatever. i can't remember. mississippi. yeah okay. bill finally, did. >> they finally, did it: i should say they are a little bit behind the curve. >> we can joke about mississippi.
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>> we talk about mississippi all the time. i grew up in south carolina. we used to say thank god for mississippi or we would have been last in everything. >> i remember people saying that. >> thank god for mississippi. >> there are going to be some states that are just going to take forever norin order to get rid of their constitutional bans. i wouldn't be surprised at all if in five years or who knows? why predict but 10 years at the very most i would think you would have another court case in which the supreme court would do something that would, you know, be definitive for the nation. >> bill: i can't tell you how proud i am of my home state of delaware. and how ashamed i am, still, of my adopted state of california. i consider myself a californian. you would think california would be the first state. berkeley, hollywood, san francisco. come on.
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>> i can't even -- the troubled history in california, let's give california some credit because they passed it through the legislature twice, and it was vetoed, i think, twice by and schwarzenegger. >> and gavin newson. >> it started in california. >> the people of california voted thanks to the money thrown in by the catholic church and the mormons voted for that stupid amendment. >> it's true. i agree with that initiative. he whatever. i agree with that. the legislature passed it twice and then it gets vetoed twice and then, you know governor schwarzenegger at the time said this should be handled by the states or by the court. right? the court comes back and decides that flea times you have a
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situation where elected officials and then the pel judges decide marriage should be. it's a good-faith effort. california is emblem attic of something across the country with these marriage amendments. those marriage amendments were sort of what we thought of at the time was, you know, the sweeping the country, this sort of, you know, hate read sweeping the countryred sweeping the country. they were riding the last wave of sort of fear and anger and whatever, and they locked it in ahead of public opinion, which was actually changing very rapidly. they got in on the tail end of that. >> bill: if all of those measures, all of those initiatives in all of those states, george bush, by the way, that was his reelection strategy for 2004. right? >> right. >> we are talking nine years ago but if they had waited another
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year. >> yeah. >> certainly another two years, would not have -- they would not have been successful. some would have been but they would not have had a clean sweep. >> certainly, if you had had it happen in 2008 and beyond, it would not have been a clean slate. >> here is my question for you. join the conversation here it's worth celebrating that minnesota is going to be the 12th -- 12th state to recognize marriage equality and just a simple proposition that you ought to be able to mary the one you love and make that commitment forever. so if that's the case and we have made so much progress there, why is it such an issue now in the -- in the congress particularly in the senate on immigration reform that this new reform and these new opportunities should apply, also, be available to same-sex couples? >> the same-sex couples can sponsor their american citizens can sponsor their same-sex partner for a green card.
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>> right. >> which affect did some 30,000 couples. i mean an estimated 30,000 couples. >> why should there be an issue? >> ask chuck surechumer. >> of all people, chuck surechumer mr. liberal, mr. democrat. right? mr. immigration, immigration reform. >> let's be clear about chuck shoechumer schumer. >> he represents new york city but he didn't come out for same-sex marriage until kirstin jillibrand did. he wants this immigration bill badly. what's perplexing to me -- i am writing something on this right now and this is something that greg sergeant at the washington post has said and i totally agree with him. this has come down -- this is my own thing. this has been a game of chicken, whether or not this same-sex -- the lgbt families would be included in the immigration bill.
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right? and the immigration groups have largely been behind it. the dreamers have been behind it. the congressional hispanic caucus has been behind it. >> pat layeahy chairman of the judiciary. >> democrats tripping over themselves to come out for marriage equality. but when it comes time to actually pass some legislation that might equalize treatment, you know, they all run for the hills. right? not they all. you are right about senator leahy has been strong and taken heat and he deserves a lot of credit but what is interesting is, is that this has just been a game of chicken between the democrats, this particular provision between the democrats and the republicans from the beginning. and the republicans stare down the democrats and the democrats on the gang of 8 ran. meaning they could have tried to include this in thise base bill and they didn't. >> they never seemingly tried to do very hard to do it. now, you've got chuck schumer, who is, the lone hold out in
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saying he won't commit to a vote. you had feinstein, dianne feinstein, senator feinstein come out this week. you had senator bennett come out this week. you've got, you know, klobachar and you go down the line. they have all said they would vote for the provision at some point or another. even senator durbin who has equivocated but said he would vote for it. he told vcnn that. schumer, this is a game of chicken. they should be holding out because if they eventually have to sacrifice it, it will be a big progressive concession. and the more attention is on this provision, the less attention is on something huge like the pathway to citizenship. the more spent on this fight are taking attention from other issues. they should at least be trying. >> bill: schumer was a big disappointment on this. it shouldn't be an issue. should not be an issue in this legislation. it should be automatic as far as
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i am concerned. kerry here, talking marriage equality, immigration reform as it relates to lgbt couples. give us a call if you want to join the conversation at 866-55-press. >> this is "the bill press show." just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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(vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. [ music ] >> this is the bill press show. >> bill: here we go 11 minutes before the top of the hour on friday, friday may 10th, talking marriage equality and other issues with kerry eleveld.
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back here to our conversation. first, this is a mother's day alert. that's right. mother's day is in two days. if you still don't know what to do, look, i got the answer for you, pro flowers. here is a special, 1 dozen rainbow roses plus a free glass vase for 1999 or for my listeners and viewers, you can double the roses and get -- add a box of chocolate did for 29.98. all you need is my code press. the roses are beautiful. they come beautifully packaged guaranteed to last at least a full week and you get the glass. here is the only way to get this amaidsing mother's day deal. call 800 pro flowers and mention press or go to proceed and type in press.
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proceed flowers, crick on the microphone, type in press but you've got to order right now because this special price expires today. tory's day. get on it. yesterday, indeed. so, kerry, talking about chuck schumer dragging his heels here and maybe looking to make a deal. >> right. >> it's the republicans who have raised the issue. >> sure. it's. >> who is leading. >> the most reliable hom 0 february is the lindsey graham, senator lindsey graham. >> him in his seersucker suit. but what i am surprised at, just as much as i am surprised at chuck schumer and the democrats not fighting for this because if they had to concede it it would be a big progressive concession. right? they could keep other things they hold dear in the bill. they haven't started counting
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votes yet. the conventional wisdom always rules on the hill. well, it will never pass with this. s it's not even a bill yet. who knows? it is not surprising lineddsey graham says he will walk away. john mccain is his good friend. john mccain and, you know, senator flake and senator rubio, they have doubltd down on his position. the only reason they have doubled down is the democrats have signalled weakness from the beginning on it but the republicans need this bill worse than anybody. >> bill: they are going to walk away from immigration because of 30 couples. >> 11 million potential voters that might look their way. they are going to walk away based upon this one provision. that is ludicrous.
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lindsey graham is a lost cause but these other guys they know the republican party needs that bill. it surprises me as much as schumer on one side, that three people would get behind graham's position on the other side and he said he would walk away and they said this will kill the bill of i think rubio said it would not have my support if it were in it. >> rubio. florida for god's sake. >> initially. >> has he ever been to south beach? >> initially rubio didn't make the stand. they coalesced and their position hardened as graham said i will walk away from this thing. both john mccain and senator rubio were saying there are a lot of provisions going to be troubling. we don't know how this is going to work out. blah, blah blah. then it's not load the bill up
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with social issues and lindsey graham saying i will walk and the bill will be dead if this is in it. >> that's really just because it was this game of chicken between democrats and republicans. >> bill: not that it's a broad-brush question but the latino community is not raising hell about this issue. right? >> no. in fact, polling done by latino decisions which is the premier, by lingilingual sort of polling firm that did all of that great polling during 2012, they did a poll on this for immigration equality and i think 63% of latinos support inclusion of lgbt people in this bill. it. >> chuck schumer, get with it and get with the program and, you know, lid see graham basically, who cares? right? he certainly should not be driving the bus here not at all. >> great to see you. thanks for coming in. >> great to be here. >> congratulations again on
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rhode island delaware. >> yay! >> bill: monday, min nesota. we will tell you what the president is up to today. >> on television and current tv t.v. this is "the bill press show." i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day.
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>> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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say anything. >> only on current tv. [ music ] is. >> this is "the bill press show." >> at the top of the hour, we are going to be talking about a movement by public citizen to require corporations to tell all of their shareholders what politic of political contributions they make. good move. then we will talk cars, cars
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cars engines of change. the president meeting at 10:45 and at 2:40, he will make a statement on the affordable care act in the east room of the white house. jay carney has his regular press briefing today at 12:30 down at the whitehouse i will be down there for both events. no idea what the president is going to announce about the affordable care act. probably a progress report. come back and talk campaign cash. >> this is "the bill press show."
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it >> bill: hey, good morning, friends and neighbors. happy friday. it is friday may 10th. here we go. wrapping up the week but before the end of the week we have more to talk about. coming to you live on current tv all the way across this great land of ours and bringing you the news of the day and giving you a chance to talk about it. we love to hear from you by phone. on twitter speculateas@bp show love the fact you are on facebook. be sure to become our friend and let us know what you think about the news of the day. have you heard enough about benghazi? there is going to be more and more about benghazi. yes, schairman darryl issa
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promising there will be more hearings. about benghazi and yesterday john boehner john boehner says he will release an e-mail, calling to release each and every e-mail regarding benghazi. hillary clinton promises i will not run for president in 2016. in other news, minnesota on the verge of the 12th state to recognize samemarriage equality could happen as early as monday. that and more here on current tv. iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does
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>> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern [ music ]
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>> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: president obama talking jobs in texas yesterday. saying we are on the right track even though there are still too many americans unemployed putting the focus on jobs where it belongs. here it is on a friday friday may 10th, great to see you today thank you thank you for joining us on the "full-court press." ." you can find us on current tv wherever you happen to be in this great land of ours. good to have you with us this morning. look forward to hearing from you about the issues of the day at 866-55-press. >> that's our toll-free number or on twitter or become our friend on facebook at
5:07 am we have the entire team, peter okay gurn ogburn and dan henning. and alicia cruz has the phones covered. cyprian boulding as always on the video cameras for current tv. we will talk a very important issue at the top of this hour. that is this how do contrib contributions get away with making so many until contributions. citizens united can pump as much money into campaigns as they care to. don't you think shareholders should know what they are doing in that's what public citizen says. alisa is the director of the congress watch division. lisa, good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> a neighbor, too. >> yes. >> on capitol hill? >> right around the corner. >> we have the capitol hill tribe here. >> it's growing, man.
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>> we are building a tribe of guests who live on capitol hill so we can count on the fact that even if it's a snowstorm they can get in. we don't get this bs excuses of being caught in traffic. the bombing in boston, we got them because of the surveillance cameras. we know that. they were dum enough to appear on the sur value answer cameras but pat robertson has a problem with the sur valuesurveillance. you would think they would think maybe we need mores. no pat robertson wasn't am sure what to think about surveillance cameras. he went back to the bible where you go for answers to everything.
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right? here is what pat robertson determined after consulting the bible. >> this is what the bible says you can't buy or sell without the mark of the beast. you have to be part of that world system. a few and very very few can escape because right now, they can go down to the bush in the darkest africa and hunt you down. so say going to feel secure you? from whom? i think american people are more afraid of the over reach of government even if a bomber kills a few people. >> he rambles on and on and on. >> than to have big brother in constant surveillance. >> out of his mind. the mark of the beast. surveillance cameras mark of the beast. who cares? a few bombers around? a few people get blown up. can't have the mark of the beast. this guy ran for president of the united states.
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>> ferfying. >> terrifying what corporations are getting away with today, too. we will help public citizen stop it. >> a quick check of other headlines making news on this friday, big changes coming to american idol next season. according to a reported all four judges are getting fired, randy, mariah nicky and keith are out along with the show's nep producer. plus the report stating the older theme nights they have done over the past few years where they pay tribute to classic songs won't happen any more all in a bid to attract a younger audiences. fox has not confirmed the report but it has taken steep hits in the ratings. >> this is the end for them because, i mean, it's like they are not going to get a younger audience because there are other newer shows out there that have better ideas. they might as well pull the plug. >> they should.
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at least hang on to the old awed that they have. now they are going to piss them off. >> bill: it will until notice who is missing. >> ryan see crest /*crest. >> it has never been the same since it was randy and paula and simon. >> the original crew. >> what pop star should be president of the united states? public policy polling had some fun with a new poll this week asked americans if they could only elect a top performer to head to the white house, who would it be? >> this is worthwhile. >> 34% choosing justin timberlake. adele comes in second plates with 19%. beyonce is third. interesting to note. >> of course. >> the top two responses in the survey? they are not even eligible to be president. jt is 32. you have to be 35. adele is a british citizen. finally -- >> this is american the american
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electorate we are talking about. >> it's a fun survey for the friday. it was specifically just about pop people, people who had never been president. >> when you say celebrity. whatever. >> a new item on a menu at a small tex-mex restaurant in tampa, florida is causing an up roar, lion meat tacos. wfts t.v. reporting even with a lot of opposition, there are plenty of people who have enjoyed them so far. 35 bucks a plate. >> for a taco? >> i think you get two. >> what a deal. >> tavo. >> the taco fusion says his vendor raises lions strictly for human consumption and they do it legally. >> you know. >> so much wrong with that. >> i would probably try one but lions are cats. >> they are.
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>> cats. i mean even countries that he'd weird stuff don't eat cat meat. >>s let's get down to the nitty gritty. lease a gilbert, good to have you with us. i know public citizen -- let's start with citizens united which is probably the second worst decision of any supreme court. >> right. ever? means just open the gates for all of the campaign cash that corporations want to throw the problem is that the they don't always have to tell about -- reveal the their contributions. right? >> all of the new spending post citizens united where ceos can
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spend without telling anywhere. >> that's what has caused the die luge, they give it to non-profit did. nobody knows anything about it. the s. ec can do something. >> what is public citizens trying to do? >> we believe the security & exchange commission, the agency that monitors public companies should make sure that this information gets out there to investors. how can you decide if you want to put your money into a company if you don't know how they are spending a big chunk of it in politics. >> bill: amen. right. are asking the sec to act? >> we are. there was a petition by law professors across the country that did that about 18 months ago. and since there, there has been a historic number of public comments that went into the sec. half a million. the previous record is like 100,000 maybe. the sec is sitting up and taking
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notices. it's investors state treasurers, the former ceo of the biggest mutual fund out there, vanguard, they weighed in and said this makes sense. >> this is the petition, just so i understand, that has been filed with the sec? correct? >> that's right. yes. >> okay. asking them to act. >> yes. >> and then you are getting people to sign this petition or file an amicus brief? >> not quite as formal as that but getting folks to comment to the sec, so sending in saying i care about this. the sec should require disclosure of public company spending. it matters not just to democracy but almost everyone, half of american citizens have pensions, have a 401(k). this is our money that corporations are spending without our knowledge. so the sec should care. >> bill: and if people -- people should care about this because this is one way to counter citizens united. right? i mean it's not enough?
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>> right. >> we have to reverse citizens united, i believe. and i am not sure how we can do that. talking about amending the constitution. >> right. >> one quick way to do it would be to have new more moderate members of the supreme court. whatever. >> that's going to take a long time. in the meantime, this would be one effective way of curtailing the impact of the citizens united if people want to join in. we encourage all of you to do so listening and watching. how do they do it? >> they send a comment to the sec. you can find out how to do that on our website, or the corporate reform either site shows you how to do it >> bill: to go to, just so simplify but with that one, that would talk about the petition and how they can send their comments to the sec. >> absolutely. >> bill: could the sec ignore it? you know, i don't know anything,
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i must tell you, about the sec. i have never certainly appeared before them, never been to one of their meetings. i don't even know who the chair is now of the sec. >> to answer your first question, they could ignore it. we hope they don't. they gave us an indication that they are thinking about doing this right before christmas. they put it on their official agenda of rules. >> for this year? >> yes. >> that's sort of spurred the additional amount of public comment and attention. >> that's good news? >> yeah. >> to show progress. right? >> then there is a brand-new chair, mary jill white just came in. >> bill: of course? >> she has a moment in time that can show what type of chair she is going to be, if she is going to be courageous. >> for five members? >> yes. absolutely. >> they full, a full contingent? >> they have full contingent. two are going to be at the end of their terms in june so we will need new nominees but for now, three b did, two rs mary jo white taking office and
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hopefully taking chair in a real way. >> bill: if on i want to sign a petition, if i would to send a comment to the sec -- sec. sorry. so what is my -- you know, what is my argument? what do i -- what should our listeners and viewers -- is. >> absolutely >> bill: what point should they make? we need talking points. forget the benghazi talking points. do you have talking points on your website? >> we do have. we have a sample comment. >> give us an idea? >> one interesting thing about this, so citizens united terrible decision but one part that people don't know about is that the justices reaffirmed disclosure 8 to 1. justice kennedy even saying he thought that one recourse to this huge amount of corporate political spending that we all answeredicipated would be shareholders having the ability to leave companies if they didn't like the corporation. so he thought this regime existed and he was wrong. we are asking the sec to catch up. people should make the point that, as shareholders, as
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investors, as the public who cares as voters, as shareholders, as investors, as the public who cares as voters they want this to the be disclosed >> bill: how should they put it out there? >> in their filings. they are required to send the sec something quarterly that shows what they are doing. this would be one more piece of reporting that they clearly already know what they are doing. >> bill: one thing i like about this, so you've got these big p.a.c.s like the karl rove p.a.c., the 501 c 4s don't have to report where their contributions come from. right? >> yes. >> but if this ruling came down the corporate cash going into these super p.a.c.s, we would know about it from the corporation. right? >> we would -- the super pacs very long disclosure requirements already. so that's how we know about some
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am of the big billionaires. we don't know. >> specifically to keep -- to hide the money. exactly. right. >> yeah. >> but we would know now where that money is going into these if it's corporate money, we would know it from the corporation? correct? >> that's exactly right. we think a ton of the money that's in the system -- we can't prove it because we can't even track it currently without disclosure is come from these corporate entities. if you look at a trade association like the dame ber of commerce they brag they can hide corporate contributions and that's why corporations should give them. >> i think we need a little sunlight. let the sunshine on these corporate contributions. public citizen leading the fine. lisa gilbert is here. this is a very important issue. the root of so many of our problems here in washington, d.c. and around country are campaign contributions, particularly from the corporations an especially
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after citizens united. this is one way to fight back, 866-55-press is your ticket. please join the conversation here on the "full-court press" this friday morning. young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. that viewers like about the young turks is that we're question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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[ music ] >> this is the bill press show live on your radio and current tv >> bill: 26 minutes now after the hour. we are going to talk cars cars cars, engines of change. >> cars that have had the most impact here in this country in the next half hour of the full court res. it's a good friday topic. an important friday topic on campaign cash from corporate campaign contributions at least
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we know. >> quick story jimi hendrix and miles davis performed together ever so often in the '60s. now we know they had planned on recording anbum together miles davis, jimi hendrix and it has just been uncovered in 1969, jimi hendrix said how about come in to playbation? peace, jimi hendrix, miles davis, tony williams. mccartney declined and they only recently found this telegram. entails any recordings of the three of them.
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>> never released any recordings >> bill: back to this petition effort started by public citizen, leading the effort. lisa gilbert is the director of that effort. join it by going to >> do you need any, like particular standing? do i have to say i am a shareholder in exxon before i petition the sec? >> you certainly don't have to but it helps the impact. so if you have details you can share about your pension funds, 401(k)s, stocks you might own, the sec is set up to care the most about what investors thingk. so, it helps our cause. >> if you can say i am a member of x and x or i have owned shares in so many corporations, as a shareholder, i've got a right to know, you have more of an impacted then? >> that's right. tell your pension fund or tell
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your 401(k) it that you want them to comment. >> bill: we are at a half a million. all right? we want to make it a million. right? >> that's good >> bill: that's our goal. full court "full-court press," it's our job to double the number of signatures, go to thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ] converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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[ music ] >> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us at bp show and tweet using the hash tag, watchingbp. this is "the bill press show." >> bill: >> bill: here we go, 33 minutes after the hour now. it is the full court press on this friday morning, may 10th. good to have you back. we are coming to you life again
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all the way across this great land of ours on your local progressive talk radio station and on current tv, coming to you live from our nations's capitol hill brought to you by the international association of machinists, the good men and women under president tom buffen barger sharpening mergeamerica's edge on the global economy. visit -- go cars, cars, cars. i have to tell you, you know, you have heard me say before my dad had a gas station up in delaware city, delaware. i worked tore him pumping gas until the time -- i did more than that. i changed tires. i could change the oil and it may be change spark plugs. a few other things until i went away to college. so i have been a car nut ever since. i am so excited to see this book
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"engines of change: al history of american cars in 15 cars." 15 cars that have changed the way we live, changed the way we think about cars. paul engrazzia is the author. he was formerly bureau chief in detroit for the wall street jufrnlt nights to see you? >> thanks for having me. >> congratulations on the book the paper book. hard cover came out last year. what's your favorite car? >> gee. i had a lot of them honestly. i have a soft spot in my heart for probably the most tragcle flawed car in this book. >> the edsel? >> the edsel was flawed. it wasn't unsafe. just incompetent. the chevy core very is one of the more, you knowvair is one of the more, you know. it was gm's answer to the beetle. if you read the ads that came out in the generalors and
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chevrolet ran when that car was introduced, they could almost be ads for the prius today. basically americans are driving further to work gas prices are soaring, parking space is at a premium. this is a new car for a new generation, a new era in america. so the promise was great. the reality was less than great. >> bill: do you blame it on ralph nader? >> no, general motors >> bill: it was an unsafe car? >> exactly. it was patterned after the beetle, reerp air-cooled general. it was longer and bigger there was too much weight. there was a tendency to spin
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out. ralph nader documented that in his book "unsafe at any speed" which catapulted him to an unknown, unemployed lawyer to world fame. >> exactly. there are certain cars that have made such an impact, just changed history? right. my first car was a vw bug. s i was a hippy in san francisco and you had to have one, or a vw bus or you weren't cool. >> it was a remarkable meta more matamorpheses, it was sponsored by the nazi government before the war. hitle basically set out to -- >> bill: i didn't know that when i bought it by the way. >> good for you, actually. >> he set out to build the
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german people's car. it was like an installment plan. in a couple of years, you could go to the factory and get your car. but there weren't many built before world war ii because the war started and the factory was changed to military production. the car would have been dead except for a british army major fell in love with the car, evon hirst. he offered a chance to give them the factory and the car. they refused. they said it's ridiculous. henry ford ii was a chance to be given a volkswagon: he said no way. i am not going to take this thing. so struggled along independently. >> you have a pretty good product to be created by the nazi party and thriving today. >> absolutely.
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the irony was when they came to america when beatles started being imported in america. it wasn't any grand design. simply put is what happened was that volkswagon needed modern production machinery. the best place to get that at that time was the united states of america. they had to ship them over here. >> that's the story. >> is that the story? i am looking. it just took off. it was still a damn good car. >> absolutely. >> line of cars, volkswagon. when i think about the coolest cars, it was the core vet or the t-bird. right? >> the core vet certainly. maybe the t-birdvette or the t-bird.
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right? >> the corvette certainly. maybe the t-bird. the corvette and the t-bird could have gone head to head but what happened was ford under robert mcnamara who later became secretary of defense. he was president of ford at the time. he decided to add a backseat to the t-bird which sales quad resumed but it wasn't a sports carnym. the corvette was the one that owned the american sports car territory, if you will. interestingly enough, that car being introduced in 1953, just think about that year. it was the year -- >> bill: corvette? >> the corvette >> bill: yeah. >> the year that elvis started recording music. it was the year hugh heffner started "playboy," it was the year the korea ended. you get this picture of a generation of americans who had grown up knowing depression and war and then eyebolts it's peacetime. right? people wanted to let loose a little bit. and along comes this car, which was a disaster at first by the
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way. it was a quality problem a six-cylinder under-powered vehicle and along comes this russian immigrant engineer named zora argesmentof who worked at gm, fell in love with the car. the corporation was about to discontinue the corvette. pleaed for its life and basically remarkable memos that are sort of a combination of corporate speak and immigrant english, if you will. the company relented and here goes the corvette. frankly, i think senator joe mccarthy who was at the peak of his power at the time knew that a bolshevik boy had saved the corvette, it might have been different. >> could have been pat of part of that. i think the coolest car that i ever owned was -- which i don't know whether it's one of the ones you mentioned in your book, was a mustang convertible? >> mustang of course is in the book. >> i am telling you, i was hot stuff, man. >> living in la black mustang
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convertible. >> all right. >> top down. i put "priscilla." >> itniquely captured the youth spirit of the kennedy years even though it was not introduced until april of '64, six months after the kennedy assassination, but if you think of the '60s the way i look at the '60s in this book, bi, sort of the good half and the bad half. okay? so the first half of the '60s are all about, you know, civil rights and, you know, young -- you know, young people and the mustang and john delorians car, urban riots instead of civil rights. >> vietnam war.
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>> the vietnam war. the first half was symbolized. the second half by the rolling stones, the mustang gto coptrast fit into that nicely i thought. >> i am glad you mentioned delorean car. what about that from back to the future? >> john delorean created two back to the future cars, piecer. one of the cars, the original one was the gto. if you go to gto conventions today, the original one was the gto people balding with gray hair and reliving their youth by restoring gto did. >> that's a big deal. the second was the car in the movies. gto con vemingsz are marvelous. people are in love with these cars. >> i must admit that i find it
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hard to get excited about the prius. i know we are supposed to be. okay? i know. >> i am a prius driver. >> pieous. >> prius owners are terrible. >> bill: they think they are purer than everybody else. insufferable. . >> talking cars. >> engines of change paul ifgrazzia. car lovers, your calls are welcome at 866-55-press. it. >> like politics? then like"like" "the bill press show" on facebook. this is "the bill press show." [ music ]
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>> bill: >> this is "the full court press: the bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv bill i feel kind of guilty here it's a friday and sort of like guy talk, i guess, by cars. but god, it's fun. paul ingrazzia, a paper book of his great book, squat"engines of change" is out. we will have the link-up on our website. peter. >> for the just guy talk by the way. ladies dig cars, too. on twitter a@bp show, chris a says my first car was a triumph spitfire. i miss it still. >> that was inspiration. it was inspired by the roadsters of the 50s essentially.
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it's remarkable, the two people who developed the mustang at ford lee iacoca and spiral ling were fired by henry ford ii the mustang comes out. these guys were at chrysler together, and they developed another blockbuster, the mini van. the mini van and the mustang caught the baby boom generation at critical points in their lives. the first point was getting driver's licenses, going off to college and all of that. 20 years later, they were starting families. they had that and the mini van gets the biggest generation again. >> i do have to say -- >> that is great. >> i have to ask you this over all. is the american auto industry back? how are we doing? >> a lot better than the european industry. >> bill: yeah. >> ford never went into bankruptcy. detroit is turning out some really good cars. bill absolutely. >> a competitive market right now. it's hard to buy a bad car these
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days actually. >> bill: i have to ask you about my father's favorite car, which certainly did make an impact, too. he always wanted a cadillac. >> there you go >> bill: he could never afford a new one. always got a used one but he loved those cad lacks. talk about the el dorado, that's classic. there is no parking space big enough for it today. >> the '59 el dorado was the biggest tail fins ever. it was a design and market share wear between general motors and chrysler. chrysler was the first one to come out with big fins in the '50s. he and they marketed and fwhimd as safety devices. the actual term in the old sales brochure was graceful directional stalizers. in 1957, general motors got a sneak preview of the chrysler cars, one snuck around where they parked the '57s, ran back to his office and said we are
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about to get out-finned. >> unleash the fins. >> the fins were the result. actually when they did the first clay model, bill, of the 'fine knife cadillacs, they stood back and looked at them and they realized that they had made the tail fins taller than the roof of the car. so what you actually saw -- >> that. >> on those '59s is a scaled-down version. >> a land shark. it could take flight if usual not careful. >> bill: a quick hello to valerie calling from chicago. >> caller: good morning. i am leaving along in my black mustang convertible, and i love it. >> very good. >> bill: yeah, valerie. >> i also drive 72 miles roundtrip every day. so i would love to have a car with better gas mileage. my sister has a prius. why can't they make a great-looking car.
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i went togo go buy one with gas mileage. to give up a mustang for one of those things? i just can't do it. >> bill: i got you, valerie. hey, valerie, drive on. thanks for the call. if you could get them all, like you get fuel economy and a great looking car and sports car in one package, it would be great. we never do? >> trade-offs engineering trade owners to make a car go fast is going to require more fuel. so, i mean the old saying in detroit used to be, good, fast or cheap. pick any two. we are a little bit past that these days. >> all right. f >> bill: is the electric car the car of the future? >> well, no, not really at this point. the nissan leaf is an all-electric car not selling. the one car that is successful it seems is a tesla a 200,000. that's not for the 1% but for the .001%, bill the problem is
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what they call range anxiety. they can't get the batteries to last you more than 70 miles or so. you heard valerie saying she drives basically 72 miles back and forth. what happens when you are two miles from the house and you run out of juice, you see? so toyota pioneered with the prius, they are de-emphasizing battery operated car research and looking for hydrogen fuel cell, you know electric cars which would be a step beyond because they think that the hydrogen fuel cells hold more promise than battery operated electric cars >> bill: wow. i have to tell you i would like to come back. you are based. we will spend all three hours talking about cars. i would love to. the. >> about the auto industry and everything else. congratulations again.
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[ music ] >> the parting shot with bill press, this is "the bill press show." >> bill: all right. on this friday may 10th -- i still want to talk about cars. but anyhow. all right. all right. we will go into the parting shot. >> parting shot please >> bill: parting shot, we remember -- nobody remembers but we heard about it back in 1948,
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harry truman won reelection by campaigning against the do-nothing congress. you know what? that congress looks like gangbusters compared to this gang today. the last two years known as the 112th congress was the least productive congress ever and this one, the 113th congress looks like it's going to accomplish even less. consider the schedule for the last month. four weeks ago, they sat around for four days and pated one bill to renew the production of helium. anyone home? for 10 days. this week, they swooped into town for three days and pated one more bill allowing employers to replace overtime where employees get paid time and a half with comp time, a bill that's dead on arrival in the senate. next week, they have exactly one vote scheduled, to repeal obamacare for the 34th time. >> that's it. no action on gun safety immigration, climate change tax reform, education or jobs, jobs jobs. no wonder why one republican member of congress told me john
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