tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current May 10, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: okay. happy friday good morning, tv world. jacki schechner i might have to join fox news this morning and just go benghazi three hours in a row just to get away from the other horrible news stories. >> i don't think that's why they are doing it but it would work. >> stephanie: and the fiscal conservatives pissing away all of our tax dollars on the benghazi hearing.
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they have found out so far, it was a terror attack. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> it wasn't aliens or -- noo no. >> that's good to know. >> just a few more months of investigation and they should have this worked out. >> stephanie: here she is jacki schechner in the current news center. >> good morning, everybody. it is a miracle this morning amist tragedy. they have found a survivor in benning la -- bangladesh. she survived by eating dry food and drinking small amounts of water. she is in remarkably good shape
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considering the ordeal. rescue efforts turned to recovery in the past few weeks as no one had been found alive since april 28th. the death toll now stands at more than a thousand. president obama is going to strike a mother's day tone today. women will join the president to speak about the benefits of the law, such as offering coverage for things like ma'am mow grams. they understand that moms may be key to encouraging younger more healthy people to join the health care exchanges. the spire on top of the world trade senator has now been installed.
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hi i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's hard to describe because you have a numbness but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point, i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica, the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, changes in eye sight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects
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you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just
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care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? [♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: hello, happy friday, everybody, six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. check it out, you can email us all there, executive producer chris lavoie, voice deity jim ward, or me, stephanie miller. i'm off to buffalo today, but your stephanie miller google alert went off. stephanie miller come hear her story about how god used a terrible tragedy to put her on her path to the kingdom of
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destiny. her stories told in her book "collisions with destiny." >> that doesn't sound fun. wear a seat belt. >> stephanie: i have got to totally rewrite my speech take out the fart jokes. different stephanie miller. >> there are a lot of sports people named stephanie miller and a lot of sports writers named stephanie miller. it seems to be a rather lesbian-onic name. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: excuse me. >> hello. i'm stephanie miller. what? what are you looking at? >> stephanie: let's hope the graduates are not disappointed with the stephanie miller that shows up tomorrow. i better get to the gym today. all right. wow. wow. it's a news-a-palooza week and
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none of it is good. but don't forget it is mother's day! [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> on sunday. >> stephanie: paul writes another's mother's day another visit to stephanie's box. pro flowers and i wrote stephanie in their box. >> and you can also set your mom up with an online store with big commerce. >> stephanie: that's right. do it. i was saying we may have to go 24/7 on benghazi just to avoid the horrible details of all of the other news. [♪ fun-facts music ♪] >> stephanie: mike stated could be a sit come benghazi is grumpy and mr. vapors.
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i think we'll see john mccain, and lindsey graham on house hunter international looking for a love shack. here's the new gay couple. [ laughter ] >> grumpy and mr. vapors. >> grumpy and the pink lady. >> was that a reference to pink lady and jeff from the '70s? >> stephanie: yeah that was random. [ banjo music ] >> stephanie: wow these gun people are -- >> crazy. >> stephanie: -- sensitive. perhaps it's not the wisest idea to arm and market to five year olds because there seems to be plenty of tragedies happening around the country -- >> it's freedom! >> stephanie: right. blah blah blah freedom, hitler!
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and swimming pools are in there somewhere. >> stephanie: yes. >> stephanie: the second amendment does not [ inaudible ] age. it's that sacred second amendment again. >> yes, it does actually. a well regulated militia included men from ages 17 to 45. >> stephanie: well carey your first point was wrong. >> it was for a militia of males between the ages of 17 and 45. >> stephanie: yeah. a lot of our right-wing callers start with an incorrect fact and then go from there, and when we try to refruit that -- >> shut up! >> you should register rocks. >> stephanie: that guy was my favorite this week. rocks kill people. i don't have those statistics in front of me, but yes, you could. she started with an incorrect
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premise, so she doesn't deserve to have me read the rest of it but i will. further if you knew your history, children as young as ten were involved in the civil war. >> yeah, because the south started running out of soldiers. that's why. >> stephanie: i see. that's why it is okay to market and arm five year olds. >> you know who else did that? >> hitler. >> yes they were arming children and old men -- >> stephanie: you know who else did that joseph coney. >> yeah you are right. wow. you pulled that one out, didn't you? >> stephanie: right. familiar list have been raised knowing and using guns for centuries. >> and many of them are dead. >> stephanie: ass bite. >> rocks don't kill everybody. >> i have been hit in the head
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with a rock. >> look at that 127 hours guy. that rock didn't kill him. >> if he would have had a gun he could have shot his hand off much quicker. >> stephanie: right. a lot of stories of people sawing their arms off. the guy that tried to saw his arm off in the home depot, which jim pointed out was not a good idea because he would get one arm off and then he would need help to get the other one off, and you can never find people in orange. >> and then they say, i'm sorry, i'm not in that department. >> how true is that? >> stephanie: >> right. that's all good comedy based
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on -- >> based on truth. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: right yesterday because we're helpers, we were trying to figure out could befedex tamerlan's body back to russia, and i was saying -- first of all you were saying what sort of packages? the envelopes or the box. and i was saying you can't really go second-day air could it would begin to turn -- >> you have to choose saturday delivery -- >> if it were earlier this week, you would need to go with the expensive delivery because i'm just saying afternoon sun -- something is here. just say nyet to that. and there are oceans in between so you can't go ups ground.
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>> fed yex on the [ inaudible ] 62. >> stephanie: right. however he is apparently somewhere. it's a little weird -- but they said entombed. >> concrete? >> stephanie: does that not even understood grown? >> maybe he's in lennen's tomb. where is he? and why did they speculate connecticut? >> because there was a graveyard that agreed to take him there. >> stephanie: yeah. i don't know. there was a devinty student who
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gave him his plot next to his mom, because his mom taught him to love thy enemy. you might want to dig mom up and see what she thinks about that. >> yeah she didn't mean a dead chechan. >> stephanie: oh and there is another name that has come into this story. a cousin of tamerlan's that they think might have radicalized him in russia. i was like oh really? >> yeah don't even -- >> stephanie: yeah, you know what -- i need to fortify myself for that. okay. so obviously lots of amazing -- horrible grizzly details coming out of the cleveland story. there are so many layers of tragedy of this. the gal that was -- this story
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just makes me sick that she was impregnated apparently five times and then starved and punched in the stomach until she miscare rid. and she doesn't want to talk to her family, because she -- talk about psychological torture -- he let them watch their relatives mourning them. the two girls had these vigils and the other girl didn't. because they thought she probably ran away. anyway i don't know how any of them survive any of this psychologically. jody arias, the sentencing has been delayed. so lots of gory details.
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so lots to come on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: red, white and steph. it's the "stephanie miller show." that raised the bar for excellence. >> we dive deep into the topics that we cover. >> telling important stories that need to be told. (vo) and on the next vanguard: (mariana) they say they are going to the united states. (vo) dreaming of a better life in america they will risk everything on this one journey. >> they chop your arms they chop your legs. (mariana) they call it. el tren de la muerte. alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ on this perfect day, nothing standing in my way ♪ ♪ on this perfect day ♪ >> stephanie: moz-el-med-kartshov. that's the new character in the boston bombing story. along with zubeidat. >> zubeidat. >> stephanie: yeah there's a new character with an unpronounceable name.
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>> what did this character do? >> stephanie: they think it was a cousin that may have been radicalizing tamerlan. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number. brett in arkansas on the cleveland case. >> caller: hey. i'm not going to make this real long. i generally stay out of the abortion debate, and i plan on continuing to do so, but it really gripes me when i hear about people being charged with murder when they kill an unborn child whether it be dwi or a case like this, and my opinion is life in the womb or not? they turn around and say well, it is life. and you can't really change when life is or is not -- >> depends how far along in the development it is -- >> stephanie: brett, i
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hope -- and you are probably right, the right-wing will probably turn this into a political issue. this isn't abortion. this is a monster. >> i think the country prosecutor was saying he was going to seek charges for every unborn life that was taken. >> stephanie: he is debating -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: and he is going to be charged separately for every act of sexual violence. could be in the thousands. this guy is just -- yuck. angela in baltimore. >> caller: hey, i wanted to take issue yesterday with a lot of the fake media, other media outlets coming out and blaming the community for not calling the police, saying they had no record. i don't think we should just
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blindly accept that as fact. >> stephanie: i just was talking with chris about this before the show. reading this in the atlantic, the police were saying they didn't get calls, but there are other people saying -- there's too many people that say it it sounds suspicious. >> caller: very suspicious. first of all you don't need to be colombo to realize one of the daughters was the friend of a victim. and she was not given an amber alert, which is ridiculous. she was 14 and they tried to convince the family she was a run away and the family told them, no she was not. >> stephanie: yeah, i guess there's some controversy, and again -- chris, i was asking you this. could they cover it up? because they would be the ones that had access -- >> it's possible. it depends on how they structure
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the police department there -- >> stephanie: right, because angela a lot of people in the beginning said the police are being unfairly criticized but obviously that's one of the things that is going to play out here, right? >> caller: yeah, i also think -- unfortunately we have a history in the present of police psychopathic behavior in our communities that doesn't get talked about in the main stream media, so a lot of people aren't aware of this, and a lot of people's first reaction is to automatically defend the police, and that really angers me because if you know the history and the present you wouldn't go toward that light. >> stephanie: you are right. i don't reflexively criticize the police but chris you brought this up early on, they don't react the same in beverly
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hills as -- >> caller: exactly. >> in the case of the girls being paraded on doing leashes, maybe it just sounded so preposterous to the police. they probably thought oh great, another prank call. >> yeah, but it is kind of their duty -- >> stephanie: but i guess the question is were there calls or not? >> or are they just people in the neighborhood who want their 15 minutes. >> stephanie: the prosecutor. >> i fully intend to seek charges for each and every act of sexual violence rape each day of kidnapping every fell loanous assault, all of his attempted murders, and each act of aggravated murder he committed by terminating pregnancies that the defender perpetuated against the
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hostages. my office will also engage in a formal process in which we evaluate whether to seek charges eligible for the death penalty. >> stephanie: he went on to say they are evaluating that. >> we evaluate whether to seek charges eligible for the death penalty. >> stephanie: yeah. that's what our previous caller was referring to. that he impregnanted at least one of her captives at least five times amanda berry was forced to give birth in a plastic kitty pool. can you imagine every ten years being charged for every act of sexual assault and crimes -- >> good. >> stephanie: yeah, exactly. vincent in illinois on that subject. >> caller: hey all.
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that last caller about the abortion case, i think it has to do with the choice of the woman. if the woman decides they want to take that child to term and that fetus is killed, now it's no longer the women's choice -- >> they have no choice in the matter. you are right. that's the difference. >> caller: that's the difference on murder charges, because of that difference. >> very good point. >> caller: if i may say one more thing to [ inaudible ] please. in that reference to the clink movie is there anything you can talk about that? are you going to have a song? >> i have no idea. i just know it is coming out in 2015. >> stephanie: he has a while to think about that. thank you honey. the minute i heard that -- i thought, oh, boy -- you are going to get into this whole -- >> it's not abortion -- >> stephanie: there's nobody that hears this story that is
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not completely -- berry said she was forced to give birth in a plastic kitty pool. and this -- we'll get to more of these details of the -- the actual birth of the six year old -- oy vey. so lots more to come, details out of cleveland benghazi and much more as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with
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current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. (vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. ♪
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>> settle an argument would you. would you say -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- is beautiful or gorgeous. i said beautiful. [ inaudible ] said gorgeous and he said tragically whoomp what it is. >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." james good morning. >> myself and others would like to know who sold susan rice to go on television five different times and come up with this story. >> stephanie: right.
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because that was the information they had at the time so that's why what she was told to say -- which is what she said -- >> and then the day after the president came out and said, yes, it was a terrorist attack once they had the correct information. >> caller: yeah, well -- >> so where is the problem? >> caller: well, there's more to this benghazi thing -- >> stephanie: really? how many more hearings should we have do you think? >> caller: we need some more to find out who told susan rice -- >> we have had ten hearings and gotten all of the information we need -- >> stephanie: how did those hearings go about the 60 people that died at embassies when george bush was president? >> oh wait there weren't any. [ laughter ] >> this is a test of the right-wing troll notification
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system. this is only a test. >> benghazi iiiiiiiiiiii. >> i don't get it. >> this is only a test. had this been an actual emergency you would have been notified where to turn for half baked information. >> stephanie: okay. >> kenyon -- >> stephanie: that was a nice chuckle though. hah. hah. hah. what husband his name -- i have forgotten already -- >> billy bob from texas. >> stephanie: no, it was not. would you right the fun facts? >> sure. [♪ fun-facts music ♪] >> stephanie: listen to the sheiking you would think the testimony of whistleblowers -- they weren't whistleblowers, but okay they testified before.
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f16s could have been sent to benghazi. >> really couldn't. >> and who would they bomb? >> stephanie: he claimed that fighter jets could have been flown over benghazi preventing the second round of attacks. no arias sets were in range any night of the attacks. hicks agreed saying he was speaking from his assessments. >> oh. maybe. >> stephanie: he is like a guy with a ham radio. i think we could have gotten something here. number 2 hillary clinton signed cable denying additional security to benghazi. three witnesses agree that the [ inaudible ] whether the sec tair -- secretary viewed them or
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not. a special forces team that could have saved lives was told to stand down. hicks confirmed the team that was ready to be deployed not to join the fighting but to secure the airport for the withdrawal of our personnel. it was the second instruction. and then the staff was evacuated within 18 hours. the witnesses did not cooperate with the gop narrative? absolutely. saying -- that guy was a turkey? just saying. right, hill? just asking. okay. >> hillary clinton: turkey?
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. >> stephanie: okay. todd in minneapolis. >> caller: i have two daughters, but i just want to look at what happened in cleveland this way. typically when the right-wing opposes a women's right to choose, they will often say abortions shouldn't be performed even in the case of rape. what if he forced them to have these babies. where would they stand on the argument then? >> stephanie: i just feel like it's such a horrible story that -- oh boy. one of the right spots as you know, charles ramsey. he tells tmz he absolutely loves the remax of his interview. >> i'm talking with charles ramsey, he is a neighbor. tell us what happened.
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♪ i knew something was wrong a pretty little white girl ran into a black man's arm ♪ ♪ he ate ribs but we didn't have a clue what was going on in that house ♪ ♪ yeah get away ♪ >> he'll be appearing on the voice. [ applause ] >> he was awesome because he said i don't need a reward write that check out to amanda berry herself. >> stephanie: yeah, he -- the head of auto tune he said i could never do something like that. i'm going bump it like i'm tupac. he said he is now starting a career in hip hop. he is helping with a new song
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called dance like you humpin'. >> the long awaited sequel to moves like jagger. >> stephanie: that's right. hi, steve. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i think the pro life guy had a point. we should be consistent. i don't think those forced miscarriaging should be called murder. they were probably done early in the pregnancy. pro-choice people -- and i am pro-choice, but it seems like women emphasize the woman's right to choose far more than they should, and we should focus on the fact that he did not kill a human being. it was not a person yet. >> what information do you have that he did this early in their pregnancy? >> caller: well, you are right. >> he wouldn't have done this to
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them unless they started to show. >> caller: you are right if it was later in the pregnancy -- >> stephanie: yeah. that's why it's hard to know. >> caller: we shouldn't be too quick to jump on the bandwagon, because this is an excuse to execute the guy, and we all want him executed -- >> stephanie: well except those that aren't for the death penalty -- >> i want him executed. >> death penalty might be better for him than what awaits him in prison. >> there is that. he is the not going to be treated very well by the other prisoners. >> stephanie: he already is not. he is getting a lot of verbal threats from other inmates. the wrote a suicide note he said he has a sex addiction and
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puts some blame on the victims for getting in the car with them. >> ariel castro told police that he is cold blooded, a sex addict, the crimes he committed were crimes of opportunity. he is blaming this all on the girls. he said if the girls didn't get in the car with him, none of this would have happened. >> wow! wow! >> all of those people got in the way of my bullets. what were you doing over there? >> stephanie: this is unbelievable. we talked about this yesterday. one of the girls was -- michele knight said that -- she said she forced her to deliver berry's baby under threat of death if the infant died. this guy is so twisted -- let's see. she said when the newborn stopped breathing she revived the child through mouth to mouth
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recusation. all three women said he chained them up in the basement and eventually let them live upstairs on the second floor. and other stuff coming out from his family, which we talked a little about. ariel castro's former daughter-in-law, said castro had an extremely violent nature. he was always described as a scary violent person. he said he had beaten he and his mother severely. and they were locked inside. ricky sanchez said he blamed banging on the dogs. didn't that always the way -- farts anything always is blamed on the dogs. on his most recent visit he said
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a little girl came out from the kitchen but just stared at him, didn't say anything. he said i tried to open the door and i couldn't because there were so many locks on there. this is what our previous caller alluded to there's a lot of controversy over whether neighbors -- it was totally the police's fault -- >> there are a few questions. >> stephanie: yeah brian murphy, the assistant prosecuting attorney. >> [ inaudible ] to be used in whatever self gratifying self-serving way he saw fit. this was a horrifying or deal for the victims for more than a decade -- or close to a decade. also while in captivity they
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were subjected to repeated beatings, bound and restrained and sexually assaulted. and never free to leave the residence. >> stephanie: all right. forty-six minutes after the hour. a lot more details as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." >> this is the dirtiest show i have ever been on in all of my life. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ my, eye, eye, eye, woe, my my, my -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> stephanie: fridays with fugelsang next hour. this hour of the big show brought to you by big commerce. we love it. the internet tool. it's not just for browsing, you know. stop watching the sad cat diary. millions of people using it to set up online stores to sell your products. you can do. big commerce it does everything for you. >> it really does. >> stephanie: it's easy you don't need any technical or business knowledge, thank goodness, because i would be -- whoo! they help you with every single step. beautiful website design templates, shopping cart payment options, marketing tools -- we love it, because i do all of my shopping pretty much all on line. >> you really do.
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travis mother mrs. bone -- >> stephanie: momma bone. >> stephanie: momma bone could sell her famous pomegranate jelly -- >> stephanie: people thinking, thinking for you here. >> yes. >> stephanie: i have a special offer to get you started when you use my name 30 days free and two hours of coaching lick on the blue head phones and pick stephanie. sue in rockville. >> caller: hi is there anybody listening, right, left center who really believes this sob will ever see the light of day again? >> stephanie: of course not. >> caller: so allowing abortion to be injected into this is
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simply irrelevant. >> stephanie: sue, i think legally, how do you know at what point it happened? how do you prove that? >> you can't -- and even the girls probably didn't know for sure. so it's irrelevant because he kidnapped -- there's no issue here. we have the charges. how many charges do you want to stack on him? he will die in prison or be executed depending on how the legal system determines it. >> stephanie: i disagree with you on the death penalty in this case, and i'll tell you why. someone said they loved the turn around that they outlasted this bastard and they are free and it's reversed. i think he should be kept in captivity like he kept them for the rest of his life. >> caller: yeah, and i'm proud to be a maryland-er, because we out lawed the death penalty, and he should be tortured.
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>> stephanie: i love the irony of that, that they are now free and he is in prison. >> if we did arm kids and especially fetuses, they should have shot him. too soon? [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: yeah, but wishing for him to suffer is like revenge porn for me -- >> stephanie: it's the captivity. i'm not wishing things to happen to him in proi son -- prison -- i think captivity is the best punishment for him. that's what i think. the prosecutor was saying about the girls, which i think is really true. he said they need a chance to heal before we can seek further evidence from them.
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and yeah it's -- >> yeah. yeah. i -- i don't think tax pairs should be paying to keep him alive. >> stephanie: well you are always wrong. >> i see. okay. i have an opinion different from yours so i am always wrong. >> stephanie: right. by definition. only my opinion counts. marianne hello. >> caller: good morning, stephanie. two comments. one about cleveland, it's not that often, but when i call my police department around here, and they can kind of be a bonafied type -- i'm in a rural area, but they always get back to me and let me know you know, about the situation, or if i don't hear back from them i call them in again until i get an answer. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: and i don't understand why these people in cleveland, if they were that -- if i saw a woman in the backyard or a child in a window looking like they were trying to
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climb -- you know? i would be calling. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: but i wanted to make a quick comment on benghazi if i could. >> stephanie: oh, please. >> caller: my idea for the whole thing is if it goes beyond three or four hearings, especially if they had like an independent, you know, review; that once that happens and the report is out, if either party or any committee decides, you know, that they want to have yet another hearing or multiple hearings as has happened here that they -- the republican national committee or democratic national committee or somebody -- not a corporation, or a -- you know, a super pac or anything, put the money up that it is going to cost the tax pairs and if they find something substantial, then give them back their money and let the taxpayers pay for it, but until then, it's like this is just
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nonsense. >> stephanie: it is. jim and i are reading this piece about darrell issa and he is just ridiculous. >> he is. >> stephanie: he is just a bully -- everything he every blusters about -- it can't be backed up by anything. and jim was saying we should investigate the number of times he has borrowed someone's car without permission in the past let's just say. i would pretend like i was coughing, and be like mccarthy, i'm sorry what did you say. bob in michigan. >> caller: i'm probably the only liberal in the edgewood texas metropolitan area. all of the outrage by mccain, lindsey graham, about talking points, lapse in security, da da, da --
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>> stephanie: you mean grumpy and mr. vapors? >> caller: absolutely. where were they in 2001 when 19 terrorists -- >> stephanie: bob did you see dick cheney yesterday, saying hilary should be subpoenaed. >> caller: yes. >> stephanie: oh no! yes, he was not always such a fan of subpoenas was he! all right. much more on the boston case cleveland, and benghazi sadly for all of us as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. hour number 2 sexy liberal john fugelsang coming up fridays with fugelsang. jacki schechner, i have asked you this before as a professional news person how does one pronounce the names in this story -- the boston story? and they keep adding more. i'm telling you it's on purpose. >> you know i can't ho pronounce those. >> stephanie: okay. just when i thought i had gotten the cousin, the [ mumbling ] now they said mr. kadyrbayev's lawyer [ mumbling ] i'm like come on! >> yeah, it's like a bad joke -- >> well, we know it's a woman anyway.
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because it's a female ending. >> stephanie: right. so we will refer to her as chick lawyer from now on. >> yeah that will go over well. >> stephanie: i'm just going to take the john mccain approach and just say that one. >> would it be orly taitz? >> no! here she is. >> good morning, everybody. defense distributed -- the state department ordered that they remove the 3-d printable gun. the move may violate the international tafk h traffic and arms law. wilson says it will comply with the demand until it finishes its review, but the damage may
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already be done. chuck schumer is understandably concerned about the easy access to the printable guns. >> a terrorist, someone who is mentally ill, a spousal abuser, a felon can essentially open a gun factory in their garage it's just a computer and a little over a thousand dollars. >> it was always the goal can you print a gun on line? can you do it? >> [ inaudible ] has been tossing around the statistic that violent crimes are down 85% since letting guns in national parks in 2010. not true. violent crime actually went up 5% between 2009 and 2011. we're back after the break. ♪
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young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. happy friday. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. why it's friday, everybody. ♪ fugelsang ♪ ♪ superstar ♪ ♪ we love you for who you are ♪ >> stephanie: it's always like a rapture when john fugelsang finally returns. >> why don't you walk across my swimming pool. >> by rapture you mean the end of the world. good morning, children. >> hi, john fugelsang. >> greetings guys from beautiful new york city. >> stephanie: yes, slow news
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week, so i guess we can just pack up and go home. and did you hear the jodi areas sentencing has been postponed, there was a guy who tweeted a bomb threat i'm like really? >> i heard nancy grace saw her shadow and that means six more weeks of jodi areas. >> stephanie: right. i told you in when i'm at cnn, it's like high school, because there's the cool kids and then the political geeks from the regular cnn like me. i always get asked like which trial are you talking about -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: i'm just here to talk about the sequester again -- >> yeah. >> and then jane velez mitchell shoves me into the lockers again. >> hi, which missing blond are you here to talk about? >> at least you never have to run into nancy grace.
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>> stephanie: they are the cool kids. >> the media really had a good time. the jury found the verdict guilty of shoving the jodi areas down our throats because apparently kinky sex with hot chicks makes for good television. >> stephanie: yeah i was like wow -- i hope there's an extra penalty for being an oversharer in general, don't you? >> i think there is. and now that fox us in has oliver north come on to talk about cover ups in the middle east, they can have jodi areas talk about dating tips -- >> stephanie: right. i'm a helper as you know and i said let's put jodi areas and ariel castro in a cell together. arm them to the teeth, celebrity psycho death match and let them
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work it out. >> yeah, and it is so amazing to give hope to all of the parents whose kids are missing. the inspiration it brings for people who want to believe that their kids are still there, and god bless her to families. >> stephanie: sadly i was saying all of the layers of horror and sadness -- the one girl, though michele knight, the longest-held captive there, is free after 11 years, but she remained hospitalized, because she suffered through these five miscare ages. she is shunning visits from vel relatives some of whom thought she was a run away. i hope they reconcile, it's hard to imagine where she is psychologically, let alone
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physically. >> it will take many, many years, but they are alive and that's what matters and they survived. these women are victims but survivors even more. >> stephanie: and another layer of psychological torture that he let them watch this tv coverage and of course that was the thing, michele knight's family didn't because they thought she ran away -- neither knight's grandmother said we haven't on her request. she did not want to be seen by family. friendly knight did go to the hospital and visit her sister. he has spoken to her once after that, but said he would leave her alone at the request of the hospital. and then we talked about the mace carriaging and being
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starved -- >> it's a good thing we have happy stories like mark sanford. >> stephanie: yes, isn't that great. knight was a 20-year-old single mother when she vanished in 2002 after losing a custody battle she took off and never came back, noting that the family believed that she ran away. and this is probably during the women's captivity, their tormenter showed them coverage of the berry and dejesus's families. knight's family did not hold vigils and the grandmother said they assumed she was dead. there is always slivers of goodness victim advocates pulled together and were
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organizing a balloon release in her honor. the knight family was headed to the dejesus family in honor of the women. we thought we would introduce ourselves and get to know their family. and charles ramsey said this yesterday. >> all you have to do is make that check out to amanda berry. what else you got? any other rewards? you make them out to gene. what else you got? you go give that to michelle. >> god forgive anyone trying to smear this guy for his troubled past, it's why he is a hero. he was not a perfect guy. >> stephanie: cindy in texas, you are on with john. hi cindy. >> hi, stephanie, how are you? >> stephanie: good go ahead. >> caller: the death penalty. i'm am from texas.
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and we have the death penty here and we use it. that's too easy of a way out for this guy. i want this guy locked up for as long as we can possibly keep him alive. i want him in general population too. i don't want him to have access to get medical care while he is there. he needed punished. >> stephanie: but this is where chris is saying we're getting over the line into revenge. but i agree with you, captivity is the perfect -- saying general population is implying you want him to get raped -- and that's not the way our society is based -- right, john? >> it sucks being the good guy, and we don't do revenge. he is going to lose his liberty for the rest of his life. i read statistic that more men are raped than women because of prison rape. and i don't want horrible things
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to happen to anyone -- >> stephanie: you understand it when you read these details you understand the eye for an eye feeling. but that's all i was -- chris was saying john that he wants the death penalty for him. and that's exactly what i said that i love the irony too much that they are free and he is captive now. >> yeah, i understand. but the problem with being a christian and saying that is the guy did a sermon on the mount where he completely overturned that. >> stephanie: i thought he was always talking too much about homosexuality to be bothered about that. >> yeah, that's true. jesus -- the irony was if there was no death penalty, he might still be around. but it's any hardest challenge. how do you let a monster live? well, it's because you are not a monster. >> we have more prisoners than
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stol -- stalin's [ inaudible ] did. >> stephanie: and now kenny pick, our man on the ground. >> caller: yeah the people trying to interject abortion politics into this. it's completely wrong headed. because what happened to all three of these women was -- everything that was done was against their will. so any charges leveled against him. and i agree, i think he should be locked up. i'm not into the whole revenge thing. i'm anti-death penal -- penalty. and i won't shed a tear if he is put to death but i think he should be locked out. our hero -- the hero of the story -- um -- the guy that got
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auto tuned -- >> stephanie: charles ramsey. >> caller: yeah. that's another thing too. i'm so glad john brought that up about people smearing him. with charles ramsey, he is a man that actually went through the prison system and sought redemption and is redeemed. he committed violence against women in the past, and you know -- and went through the system, unlike ariel castro that admitted violence against women and never went through the system. >> stephanie: yeah interesting. >> caller: and to -- >> and his poor daughter didn't. >> stephanie: yeah. yeah. this is the difference between the two. charles ramsey completely redeemed. he is a hero now. he made mistakes in his mast. >> stephanie: yeah this is ariel castro's mother yesterday. >> i ask that those mothers forgive me and that the girls forgive me for all of the pain
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they suffered. >> stephanie: all of those horrible details came out that his family basically said he is a monster. >> his daughter is in jail for slashing her own baby's throat in the middle of a suicide attempt. now people will have to revisit what drove her to that. >> caller: and his youngest daughter the one that was best friends with gene dejesus -- >> stephanie: right. >> caller: she -- that was kind of stunning too. with that interview with george stephanopoulos yesterday. she claimed she never witnessed any kind of violence at all. but it's like wasn't this the guy that was knocking her mother around. >> stephanie: right. here is arlene castro now. >> i would like to say, i'm absolutely so so sorry. i really want to see you gina and i want you to meet my kids. i'm so sorry for everything.
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>> stephanie: kenny can you hang with us for a minute. >> the family doesn't need to be apologizing -- >> they feel the need to. >> stephanie: i think that was nice. >> yeah, but they did nothing -- >> stephanie: well i know -- but i think if any of our relatives did something, a lot of people do that. they express regret. >> when they say they are sorry, they are not necessarily apologizing, they are lamenting. and you always think is there something i could have done to prevent it. >> stephanie: yeah i'm sorry my brother tried to hang me as a child. [ laughter ] >> exactly. >> stephanie: eighteen minutes after the hour. right back with fridays with fugelsang on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: call the political party line now. 1-800-steph-1-2.
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♪ my name is my name is my name is -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ my name is, my name is my name is -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> stephanie: all right. this hour brought to you by therabreath mouth watch and toothpaste. available at target wal-mart walgreens and other fine stores. john fugelsang in the new york bureau. kenny pick from cleveland, our man on the ground. i just like to say that. >> caller: thank you. >> stephanie: talking about the cleveland case. kenny what are the other updates out of cleveland. we talked about a lot of controversy about the police and the neighbors. i'm reading a piece that says
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that police missed multiple calls about women on doing leashes and the police are saying no. is there any evidence that there is a cover up? >> this has got to be the biggest controversy now surrounding this, and like i have been sfrag the beginning, i definitely want to see an investigation from a third-party into what happened with the police. because there are a lot of people coming out, you know, and again, just being a clevelander, i'm not trying to cast -- because their neighborhood is a lot like mine there, and i don't want to cast any -- you know, disparaging ideas about that neighborhood, but i'm saying there is this mentality in cleveland -- and this goes for everything actually in cleveland. there's a cleveland apathy. i have identified this for years, where it's kind of like you go along to get along. you don't raise a big fuss
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because you want to stay out of trouble. and that goes all across the spectrum in cleveland. so there's a chance that maybe these people saw something and didn't report it. but i want to see an investigation, i want -- a lot of people have been referring to the anthony soul case, the guy that raped and murdered 11 women, because that was sheer negligence on the part of the police, because you don't have a house that smells like corpses and don't investigate. >> stephanie: yeah, there was a report detailing the many warning signs that appear to be not one, not two, but at least three neighbors called police to report suspicious activity at the house. and they say we're not talking about watering the flowers at
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midnight kind of suspicious we're talk about women being lead around on dog leashes suspicious. but i thought the girls themselves said that didn't happen. >> that's right. there is that contradiction, because apparently there were two times they were able to leave the house, and they were ushered by him from the house to the garage in disguises, but if you look at his history of violence against women, maybe that was a different woman in the backyard. >> stephanie: yeah. and they are saying -- they are saying mostly it is hearsay, but the volume of tips that would have lead them to the castro home is starting to look pretty condemning. is that the consensus forming there? >> yeah, it is.
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it's -- i mean -- there have been some failings from the local government and the police in the past -- it's not looking real sunny, real optimistic. and mike brought up a good point the other day too, is how did they never interview the father of the best friend of gene dejesus. >> >> stephanie: right. and the way the atlantic wire is writing this there was one report of a woman pounding on a woman -- i hadn't heard that case. i thought they meant pounding on the window. >> yeah, those stories have been evolving as they interview folks on the street. so, again, i will give -- i'll give them as much credence as i'll give the police right now. >> stephanie: and again the last
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piece neighborhood women said they called police because they saw three young girls crawling on all fours with doing leashes, and three men were controlling them. they called police but the police never responded. and that would imply that maybe the brothers were involved. >> yeah, i would be curious to see when that report was given. because it sounds a little suspicious. >> stephanie: right because at this point the brothers have not been charged. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: what are you hearing in terms of the brothers. >> i forget who called in right after me from cleveland but she menninged that the brothers were let go on open container charges. one was like 12 years old. so they are looking at -- i have no idea exactly why they were
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brought in. i'm still trying to find that out. but they -- they are still investigating and if there are any charges to be brought up against them, they -- they will but for the time being. if you looked at how confident his brothers were in court, versus how ariel castro was in court, i'm thinking they probably had nothing to do with this. >> stephanie: incredible, though, they would not know anything about this. kenny thanks honey. appreciate it. back with more fridays with fugelsang on the "stephanie miller show." that raised the bar for excellence. >> we dive deep into the topics that we cover. >> telling important stories that need to be told. (vo) and on the next vanguard: (mariana) they say they are going to the united states. (vo) dreaming of a better life in america
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that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. ♪
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>> i thought i would be so much further along by this point, you know? >> oh, you still look great. >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> i love your nose job. >> i never had a nose job. >> right. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. i left my heart in san francisco, and my nose in chicago. circa 1987. hi, john fugelsang good morning, sir. >> good morning, stephers. how are you? >> stephanie: i do not miss my original nose at all. where do you start with the news this week? were you following the jodi areas trial? it seems like there are two sorts of humans -- i asked marcia clark, she's guilty, right? and she is like, yes she
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admitted it. but oh, my god the details are horrifying. >> i wanted to follow the jodi areas case but that was my day to go service the homeless sexually, so i could don't it. no it was kind of unavoidable. but interesting, occasionally there are unattractive non-white people on trial for murder, that don't get involved. and when you shoot someone and stab them 26 times -- >> stephanie: 29 times. yeah her trial has been delayed. and he was shot in the face. >> the sad irony is she was a man who killed a woman, he would be getting marriage proposals right now.
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>> stephanie: i was out here for the maen in dez trial. arias tried to convince the jury she had acted in self-defense because he attacked her after dropping his camera. and the cleveland case and others, she says she prefers the death sentence. i said years ago i would rather get death than life and that's still true today. i believe death is ultimate freedom. and i would rather have my
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freedom. people are saying she is just doing that so they don't give her what she wants -- >> yeah, that's what he said. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: john louise back in the penalty box for you. buddy, hi, buddy. >> caller: yeah, momma, on benghazi, the father of ambassador stephens asked that his son's death not be politicized, and the navy seal who ran to tried to help those people, his parents have asked not to make this political. and lindsey graham and issa, and mccain [ inaudible ]. >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: and one more thing earlier you had someone call about susan rice and her answers. she was giving the answers the cia gave her. it's called limited hangout.
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because it was obvious we had cia assets there. do you want susan rice going on tv and telling the bad guys where our people are. >> we want answers. >> and they haven't been mrit -- politicized, they have been exploited. >> stephanie: and they want hillary clinton subpoenaed. >> yes embarrass the republican party a almost please. >> stephanie: cheney historically not always a fan of congressional subpoenas. the bush administration routinely did not appear during the u.s. attorney firing scandal. cheney described the probe into the administration's was a bit of a witch hunt.
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>> somewhere cheney's old heart is so happy to be out of that. >> stephanie: that's one of' moto cons, a dancing heart. >> we are did a sketch this week about how benghazi is now available in easy to swallow pill form. >> stephanie: exactly. here is [ inaudible ]. >> our goal is to get answers, because their families deserve answers. they were promised answers at the highest level when their bodies came home. >> oh, this guy is so disgusting. >> stephanie: he really is. they want answers. >> well, the answer is -- >> you want answers? >> i think i'm entitled! >> i want the truth. >> you can't handle the truth! >> republican politicians voted to cut embassy security funding. >> that's right. >> stephanie: and would you like
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some fun facts about darrell issa. [♪ fun-facts music ♪] >> yeah, sure. we have darrell issa to thank for arnold schwarzenegger being government. >> stephanie: he said there is no question someone from hillary clinton's circle was involved in a cover up. how seriously should america take issa's claims? anthony clark said i worked closely with him and i learned if the says something it is likely to be baseless and unproven. irresponsible release of sensitive documents, political misuse of official funds inability to be honest about his own military service record his
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youthful experimentations with borrowing other people's cars without permission, and failed attempt to recall the governor of california, and his disregard for traditional house rules and plain decency of democratic minority issues. remember he had the whole hearing on women's health and not one women got to -- >> yes. >> stephanie: that almost made me want to run for congress so i could have a hearing about balls. katherine high gel you are the only witness today. he said -- most republicans who held that post particularly in opposition [ inaudible ] he is exceedingly unsuccessful. he counts on his opponents to back down, his mo is to make outrageous claims and then
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quietly fold at the first time of being challenged. bullies don't win fights they win defaults. >> that's how the recall for governor hand. as soon as schwarzenegger entered the race he cried and cried. >> stephanie: cried like a little girl. [ baby crying ] >> stephanie: remember he called president obama one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times. he said he would hold seven hearings a week times 40 weeks later. and his spokesperson says what have you got for all of those hearings? [ wind blowing ] . >> nothing. >> stephanie: that's unfair. six months after anti-threats the only bill his committeen acted into law was [ inaudible ]
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and -- >> he is so empty hermit crabs live inside him. >> i am absolutely determined that this issue will be answered. will be put to bed. and if there's any coupleablety in some area it will be appropriately handled. >> stephanie: yeah the headline -- if all we learned yesterday of benghazi was a terrorist attack then we didn't learn anything at all. the president said it the day after. >> it's not good enough! >> and the whistleblower, i didn't realize that disagreeing with the pentagon's opinion is now considered whistle blowing. thank you fox. he said we should have had a plain buzz over the demonstration. and the pentagon says we don't think we could have done it on time. that's not whistle blowing.
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>> stephanie: yeah, the story could this be president obama's watergate. would it kill hillary clinton's chance of becoming the first female president? >> computer says no. >> stephanie: somebody has been spending too much time at the motel fox benghazi. greta [ inaudible ] asked yesterday, she said -- to issa -- i'm curious did you learn anything knew? and his response was basically [ inaudible ]. and he finally said this was a terrorist attack. just like the president said the day after it happened. this is how this blew up in mitt romney's face because all he watches a fox news. >> it is crack for the bubble. throw this rock cocaine into the bubble and let them smoke and hot box themselves all day long.
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and it's the day of two 9/11. 2001 they exploit terror to attack iraq, 2012 they exploit terror to attack barack. >> hi, roger ails for motel fox. the oldest adages are the best and one we like to live by here is the classic, there is a sucker born every minute. it turns out the man who said that wasn't ptbarnum, but nobody remember thags. at motel fox we don't care who said what, just that there is a sucker born every minute. while you are traveling up and down your cable a channels looking for a nice place to relax and not have your intellect challenges we have more suckers that is viewers, than anybody else. and you'll find we'll give you twice the amount of benghazi all for no extra charge. to leave your troubles and your
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ability for critical thought at home, and come to motel fox. we'll leave the right-wing on for you. >> stephanie: all right. forty-five minutes after the hour. back with more fridays with fugelsang in just a moment. >> oh, i like her. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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little secret, who has to know ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." fifty minutes after the hour. fridays with fugelsang, many things you see on "viewpoint," the stuff of legend already. martha in michigan you are on with john. >> caller: that rant on south carolina was so funny. everyone should check that out. >> thank you. i'll be posting it on twitter and facebook again. it was actually a pitch from the south carolina board of tourism to come visit the state. >> yeah, it was great. and it was completely true. >> stephanie: you had some thoughts on mark sanford. >> i was saying maybe it was time to visit south carolina and i went through everything from strom thurmond lindsey
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graham, joe wilson, jim demint, but really it is all about mark sanford who was returned to the house of representatives for the third time. the guy is a multi-tasker, and he brought sleaze to public life and remains faithful and true to it in the private sector. and south carolina will give you a chance to men your ways like lindsey graham, america's sweetheart. he was censored twice for public humiliation, and now he can't stop screaming benghazi. >> stephanie: that's his safe word. >> exactly. fifth worst state to make a living second worst of women killed by men. worst in reprimanding bad
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doctors, but they will never hold their republicans responsible. darwin was wrong and south carolinians are here to prove it. >> wheel of right-wing hypocrites! >> stephanie: looks like minnesota will be the 12th state to approve marriage equality. here is bryan fischer. >> have you ever had a gay impulse? >> i'm not going to talk about that -- >> i'm just wondering -- >> alan, i'm not going to go there -- >> just sample yes or no question -- because maybe if you have been able to overcome your gay impulses you could be a model for other people who act the same way -- >> the focus here is alan everybody experiences sexual imputses, and if they acted on
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them, it would destroy them. >> give me an example from your own life. >> every man and woman have experienced certain sexual impulses that if they conducted themselves it would destroy them. >> i have never had sexual impulses that would destroy the society or culture or make me a deviant in some way, even in your eyes. i would love to know what impulses you are talking about if you have had them. >> the focus is on sexual conduct and behavior not impulses. >> so you can't tell me whether you yourself have been able to overcome gay sexual impulses. >> alan give it a rest. >> wow! >> why would you ask that? >> stephanie: that's nuts. >> shut up! >> i would have asked him to
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justify justify justify where in the bible it says he can be a bigot. >> stephanie: an historic vote in the minnesota house, that state to become the 12th in the midwest to pass such a law. it's a critical step that would anow -- voters turned back -- in the minnesota constitution -- >> wow. >> stephanie: -- leaders expect it to lass -- pass there too. it's not time to uncork the champagne yet, but it's chilling. >> how will my heterosexual marriage survive this? >> stephanie: yes, and your giant baby. pat in minneapolis you are on with john. >> caller: hello?
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>> stephanie: yes, go ahead. >> caller: i'm in indianapolis. >> stephanie: okay. that's fine. sorry. >> caller: okay. well, i was calling about the benghazi thing. i am so sick of hearing about it. i want obama to go after -- i love obama. i want him to go after the war crimes that were committed on 9/11 in what 2001. those people need -- or i mean bush and cheney those -- they need to draw the -- the thing away from -- from -- i'm sorry, i'm nervous. >> stephanie: that's okay. >> caller: draw the stuff away from benghazi and take it to where it belongs. >> stephanie: all right. some people have a tendency to drop f bombs when they get nervous. >> stop it with the rap music people. >> stephanie: could you take out your organ, please. rhode island -- >> and delaware. >> stephanie: did you hear the
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rhode island bishop [ inaudible ] stay away from gay weddings. >> they might get the gay on them. >> stephanie: yes, they got a stern warning. >> you might get covered in gay. in the detroit area they have been advising -- in the catholic churches in america are so packed there is nowhere to sit. and so many people that want to be priests too. so despite the fact that jesus never mentioned being gay but did come out clearly against the death penalty, and you will never [ inaudible ] now anyone who says -- not just politicians, any catholics who talk about gay marriage should not try to receive communion -- he is saying if you support gay marriage, you don't
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get to have jesus in your mouth. >> stephanie: it's part of the human condition to find happiness, and you sound like a condescending brat. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: boycott their weddings. >> we had paul ryan come out in favor of gay adoption, but not gay marriage. the first politician to support gay bastards. >> stephanie: we love you, honey see you next week. matthew breen as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> okay. hour number 3. matthew breen, editor and chief of "the advocate" up next. jacki more and more stuff coming out of the police and the fbi not coordinating or cooperating, right? >> they held a hearing yesterday, and i haven't gotten into the details, but from what i understand there was a lack of communication between federal law enforcement and local law enforcement. >> stephanie: yeah. >> frustrating. >> stephanie: no word if they could have stopped them --
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>> there is a lot of monday morning quarterbacking on this thing, but frankly if it means that we can somehow better coordinate communication amongst law enforcement on all levels, then i'm all for it. >> stephanie: absolutely. here she is jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody. the senate judiciary committee will take a second look at immigration reform coming up on tuesday. yesterday the committee convened and 21 amendments made the cut. eight introduced by republicans. one will strengthen the oversight of the laws, and homeland security will have more flexibility, in seven hours of negotiations, the gang of eight largely stuck together to reject the gop's efforts at weakening the core of the bill and that would be a pathway to citizenship. international travel coming up
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the next month for the president and first lady. they are going to go to the uk and germany june 17th through the 19th. and some states are facing the harsh reality that they now have less than five months to get their health insurance exchanges up and running for enrollment. 16 states and d.c. have now decided they are going to go it alone and run the exchanges themselves. the rest will be wholly run by the federal government. one state choosing to go it alone is idaho, one of three red states to do so. and now the board has to kick into overdrive to make sure it is open for enrollment by the required date of october 1st. it's tough to feel sorry for any of these states because they have all had three years to work on this. the law was passed back in 2010. we're back after the break. stay with us.
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are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious.
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(vo) next on current tv: vanguard. the documentary series that raised the bar for excellence. >> we dive deep into the topics that we cover. >> telling important stories that need to be told. (vo) and on the next vanguard: (mariana) they say they are going to the united states. (vo) dreaming of a better life in america they will risk everything on this one journey. >> they chop your arms they chop your legs. (mariana) they call it. el tren de la muerte. alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. this hour of the "stephanie miller show" brought to you by identity guard making it okay to trust again. so much news breaking left and right, including the fact that matthew breen editor and chief of "the advocate" joining us live in studio. hi, matt. >> good morning. >> stephanie: the happy news is out of minnesota. >> congratulations to minnesota. [ applause ] >> stephanie: happy clappy. >> the house passed by 16 votes, including four gop representatives, marriage equality. >> stephanie: yeah. and we were saying it looks like going to the senate monday and the governor expected to sign it. so it looks like we're there. 12th state.
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>> yeah 12th state. >> stephanie: i always get the sense and we talked about this before, but the more of these that hand before the supreme court ruling may effect it. i just think there is a momentum. >> i think that's absolutely true. and the supreme court likes to say they operate in a vacuum korea from the taints of society -- >> stephanie: we need to start calling their offices and saying wrong side of history -- [♪ magic wand ♪] >> stephanie: you don't want to be on the wrong side of history. >> i like the spooky music. [♪ mysterious music ♪] >> stephanie: it's warren berger in chains. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: they will be mishave itted by the ghosts of supreme court mistakes past. >> and there are so many to choose from. >> stephanie: yes, well god forbid if sandy day o'connor
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passes, should haven't taken bush v gore. >> now a warning? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: what could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush. [ screaming ] [♪ mysterious music ♪] >> well, let's see everything. >> stephanie: exactly. . we were talking about rhode island. this rhode island bishop that just hours before coming the tenth state to approve marriage equality his flock received a stern warning from the bishop, he issued an oral letter suggesting they might want to decline invitations. >> that's an excellent protest i think. >> stephanie: yes, very family centered. >> so the idea is just not to go to a gay wedding -- >> stephanie: right. even if it was a family member that you loved. that would be what jesus would
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do. >> it sounds like it. >> stephanie: catholics should examine their consciouses very carefully before deciding whether or not to attend same-sex marriages realizing that by doing so it could harm his relationship with god or promote scandal. that's funny a catholic bishop talking about scandal. the church can and does reverse itself which may same day his comments look foolish -- a mere 359 years after branning him a heretic, the church decided that that -- he said there is still hope for these guys to figure
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out civil rights. and [ inaudible ] blurting -- defines everything you stand for and do in life is despicable, respect, love and pastoral concern for our brothers and cysters who have same-sex attraction. >> it's amazing thousand these churches globally catch up to the law eventually. so you know, the legal situation, civil rights can move, you know, a church organization into acceptance you know? >> stephanie: yeah. >> there were all of these right-wing crazy talk religious foundations against interracial marriage, and those have sort of fallen by the wayside unless you talk to the real whackos, because the law moved before the church did. >> yeah. >> stephanie: matthew do you
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ever have suspicions about people who protest loudly like bryan fischer of -- he is the evangelical radio host. we just played a bit where he was asked if he has gay impulses, and he says i'm not going to go there. >> i'm not being defensive! you are the one being defensive! shut up! >> you do have to worrynder about that. >> stephanie: he said everyone was including himself. >> you need to understand barbarians need to be educated. they need to be disciplined. >> stephanie: and i quote, you have experienced them. i have experienced them. [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> stephanie: what now! every man every woman has
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experienced certain sexual impulses -- >> he has lusted in his heart. >> stephanie: and if they conducted themselves by yielding to these impulses it would redestroy them. or alternatively be a hell of a weekend. hey, act on those impulses everybody. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: oh, i giggle. >> jr oakwood tweets dude jesus would bring booze to a gay wedding. >> yeah, if you bring jesus to your wedding you don't have to spend much there. >> no jesus is the open bar. >> stephanie: where do you register for that -- >> we'll be declining same-sex marriage invitation because of all of the requests for wine. >> stephanie: yeah. by the way as we pointed out
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ariel castro, straight. jodi areas, straight. just saying. tommy in texas. >> caller: hello i was wondering what the federal government was going to do about the states that have civil union and domestic partnerships if doma is overturned? >> stephanie: good question. matthew, do you know? >> one of the possible outcomes of the supreme court case could be that if it's determined that there's really no functional difference between marriage in a state and a civil union in a state, if it's all but the word -- >> stephanie: right. >> some legal scholars are theorizing that all of the states could become marriage states instantly. so that would essentially double the number of states where same-sex marriage is legal. if the word is the only distinction, then that distinction might be removed. >> i still am hoping for a broader ruling.
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i just don't understand legally it seems you create this patch work of stuff like this that is legally unworkable -- >> yeah, the momentum you were talking about, i think is going to have significant effect. this momentum across the country where legislatures including a lot of republican legislators are having no distinction. >> stephanie: can you imagine straight people having to do that for years, oh honey i got a great job offer here but we can't take it because we would lose all of our rights. >> yeah. >> stephanie: ivan in ohio on the cleveland case. >> caller: hi, how are you this morning? >> i -- i wanted to interject any opinion on the abortion issue for ariel castro in cleveland.
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>> stephanie: uh-huh. >> caller: i believe the law is that it's a pregnant's right to choose, not your captor's right to beat it out of you, and unless that woman begged him to starve her and beat her, then it's murder. that's just my opinion. >> stephanie: uh-huh. well, you know i think -- sorry there is an echo -- not that i don't love to hear myself again and again, but matthew interesting, a lot of legal issues coming out of this case in cleveland, and people wanting to inject abortion politics into it, and i don't think there is any living person that cannot be repulsed by this case but legally it would be harder to determine at what point the terminations happened. >> uh-huh. by the way. [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> stephanie: the boston case it's news-a-palooza this week.
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the boston police never -- three and a half days after the attack. yeah, i mean obviously we thought -- like we solved a lot of this after 9/11 and now it sounds like they are getting turfy again. the boston police department said he was not told about the threat or that he traveled to russia even though there were detectives assigned to the joint task force with the fbi. but like jacki was saying a lot of monday morning quarterbacking about that. police in wooster revealed the body had been removed from the city and is now entombed. what does that mean? >> it could mean any disposal of the body -- it would be entombed
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anywhere. in a cave. al la jesus. >> in a box with a fox? >> in a box with a fox. >> stephanie: what would you use -- because they were talking about shipping it back to russia -- >> how do you do that >> stephanie: you would have to be next day -- >> and be sure to mark saturday delivery because you don't want it sitting in your office -- >> left on your doorstep? >> stephanie: yeah you have got to get a signature for that. could you sign for a dead chechnan. >> no, i didn't order that. >> stephanie: the cousin [ mumbling ] -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: is allegedly the founder of a group called the union of the just, and has been known to be anti-american.
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could i have -- give me my russian music get it at the ready, we have much moore with matthew breen as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: pull over, you are dwl, driving while laughing. [ phyllis diller laughter ] >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials?
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those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ ♪ and she stands there playing for money ♪ la do dee, la do da da ♪ >> stephanie: 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. dave in minneapolis. you are on with matthew breen. >> caller: hey momma, and matthew, thank you for all of the work that you both do.
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i'm 58 years old. i don't look it, but i just want to say that very clearly. >> stephanie: you are handsome and romantic and you meld hands with me. >> caller: but you are still prettier than me. >> stephanie: oh, go on. i mean go on. >> caller: but voting as they did, now there is a mindset change -- there's a complete -- wow, i'm no longer an outsider, now hopefully i'll be just like everybody else. and my partner greg and i looked at each other and we were like -- this is a total shift in thinking that we'll being recognized. i'm 58 and grew up in a very homophobic environment and called the f word every time i turned around -- >> stephanie: i don't think you are frumpy at all. >> caller: or a floozy.
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but the idea of these young kids now who are growing up who realize that they are different. now can say look i can be like other people. i can get married and have a family. what is that going to do to the mental health and the spiritual mindset of this -- >> stephanie: they can grow up and have a significant bother like you have. >> caller: yes, i have a significant bother, and i respond the cradle and he robbed the grave. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: chris kluwe, it is hard to believe this does not have something to do with his speaking out for homosexuality.
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>> well all brandon has been very outspoken as well. neither of which was a very costly team member getting cut. and you have to wonder if this was a distraction -- or viewed as a distraction for the team? you see all kind of antics by other players that seem to be less distracting. gun possessions, rapes -- >> those are distracting. >> stephanie: but not icky gay stuff. >> yeah. it shows a shocking sort of contrast between what a team might consider distraction and what it might allow to have happen. >> stephanie: yeah, and jason collins, of course, is sort of -- really was very nice about saying it is people like the chris kluwe's and brandan -- >> he acknowledged both of them right. >> stephanie: yeah. that paved -- >> brandan who --
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>> stephanie: you know i skipped that. that was like the [ censor bleep ] of pronunciations. i'm not stopping to go back to get them. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: yeah -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> could i address what the caller -- it was a great call. thank you for that. something interesting happened in the delaware vote. karen peterson came out as a lesbian, which was a great thing. so these gay and lesbian kids who are thinking about getting married some day i think the movement across the country, you are seeing a realization on the part of a lot of lawmakers. it speaks to what karen peterson said, if my happiness somehow demeans your marriage you need to work on your marriage. so there is no impact on my marriage -- >> stephanie: yeah. >> it doesn't impact anybody
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else. >> exactly. >> stephanie: ann in minneapolis agrees. hi, ann. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i'm catholic and i'm planning to go to a lot of gay weddings soon. >> stephanie: good. good for you. and you are going to go out of your way -- even ones you are not invited to. catholic wedding cashers? >> yeah, and i'm going to check all of the wedding registries in town for same-sex couples. >> stephanie: all right. awesome. amy in ithaca, you are on the "stephanie miller show" with matthew on gay marriage as well. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i'm hiding around the corner in the bushes at my minimum wage job just to talk to you. >> stephanie: oh, my god. like michele bachmann at a gay rally. not a good place to hide at a
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lesbian rally, just saying. >> caller: it depends. we have separation of church and state, right? >> in principle. >> caller: but you don't get married unless you have a license, which is issued by the government. you have all of these rely rely -- religious people are saying why do you have to call it marriage? they have to call it holy matrimony. >> that point speaks to a lot of what a lot of people are thinking about same-sex marriage in this country. why is the government interested in putting a religious term on a contract between two people.
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you could call it civil unions for everybody -- >> stephanie: yeah, if you don't give us a binky, we're going to take yours away. think about getting down on one knee and saying will you civil union me. matthew breen thank you honey. >> thank you very much. >> stephanie: back with more unpronounceable russian names on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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(vo) next on current tv: vanguard. the documentary series that raised the bar for excellence. >> we dive deep into the topics that we cover. >> telling important stories that need to be told. (vo) and on the next vanguard: (mariana) they say they are going to the united states. (vo) dreaming of a better life in america they will risk everything on this one journey. >> they chop your arms they chop your legs. (mariana) they call it. el tren de la muerte.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ >> i don't mean to stair,
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but -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- you were my boyhood idol. well, you and gene gene the dancing machine. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. thirty-four minutes after the hour. sunday is mother's day! [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> stephanie: hey, there's still time. >> and if you haven't gotten anything for your mom -- >> stephanie: you suck. >> we have the solution for you. >> pro flowers. sibling rivalry doesn't end when you leave the house. you still have time to one-up your sibling. pro flowers, you just need my code stephanie when you order to get the special prices. pro flowers guaranteed to last a full week or you get your money
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back. they were recently awarded highest customer satisfaction. check it out, here is the only way to get the deal, call 1-800-pro-flowers and mention the promo code stephanie. or go online and enter the promo code stephanie. the special pricing expires tonight. do it. let's go to patrick in illinois. hi pat. >> caller: yes, ma'am, a point to cleveland and a point i haven't really heard talked about in terms of revenge or what mr. castro may or may not have deserved -- i don't think it is revenge. i think of it as karma, and the way he treated those women for a decade is about to be visited on to him big time. >> stephanie: are you for the
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death penalty or life in prison? >> caller: i'm not at all for the death penalty. but life will be appropriate for the way he treated these women. >> stephanie: yeah. the prosecutor said he is going to seek murder charges for the pregnant deaths. dna tests show that ariel castro is the father of the six year old. he said in a statement, forensic scientists worked throughout the night to confirm he is the father of the six year old girl. and the dna did not match any other ohio cases. all right. nathan in illinois you are on the "stephanie miller show." hello, nathan. >> caller: yes i'm nathan
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haliburton, i am lanced funeral director. the part you say about the entomement is correct. if we ship somebody it has to be in a coffin and it is shipped by airlines never federal express -- >> we were actually joking about that -- >> caller: we want to make sure the public doesn't come to us as professionals with the idea that they might be able to ship their loved ones somewhere by ups or federal express. that is not done. >> stephanie: i think he missed the snark. i don't think we actually
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thought he would fit in a box -- the "stephanie miller show" wishes to apologize to funeral directors across the country for creating the impression that you can fedex somebody across the country. you cannot fedex -- okay. >> and you can't have a signature release. you need to get the signature. >> stephanie: right. i obviously get a lot of shipments of -- >> wine. >> stephanie: wine. right. so you have to sign for it. you have to sign for wine or a dead chchnan. >> stephanie: don't they just back the 18-wheeler up into your yard and dump in the yard. >> stephanie: right. every time wine delivery comes, people are like is someone
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moving? what is this truck? >> beep beep beep beep -- >> stephanie: can i just tell you, the most asked question when i go to the wine store, oh you having a party? >> yeah. >> yeah, i get that too. you again? >> stephanie: for me for this week? no. >> computer says no. >> i hope you have the frequent purchaser card. >> stephanie: is there such a thing? oh, no! >> you buy ten and you get one free. >> just hit my russian music and hush. this is just really -- i'm telling you this is a plot to get me to retire clearly as you pointed out i cannot say brendan -- what are the chances -- >> actually he pronounces it i-am-bah-day-joe. >> stephanie: during his
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six-month visit he parents of the boston bombing suspects said he spent time reading novels, but now investigators are look going a range of suspected contacts he might have had there from the days he might have spent in a mosque at ma-ka-tack- -- are you sure that is not in hawaii? the capitol, spent time with a relative recently taken into custody think russian authorities? >> stephanie: no. he is the guy that lives back here. pay attention. this is russia. there was a view that he was radicalized before his visit. however, there have been reports that he sought out contacts and
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was flagged as a potential recruit for the insurgency. and officials said he concluded mr. [ mumbling ] intended to took up with [ mumbling ] but left frustrated and failed. he was a loser even at that. he didn't find serious contacts and if he did they didn't trust him. putin told reporters that to our great regret russian operatives did not have information on the brothers that they could have shared with officials. that'ser different than what we heard earlier. >> interesting. >> stephanie: tamerlan and zubeidat who will also be our favorite, no offense to the new dust important cousin who is named [ mumbling ] founder of a union called union of the just --
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♪ ♪ zubeidat ♪ ♪ amagamed ♪ ♪ amagamed ♪ >> stephanie: zubeidat. okay. people are blurting that out. i have been told. i get lots of mail. ♪ zubeidat ♪ >> stephanie: it's like an ear worm. it can be an answer to anything you don't want to answer. zubeidat. >> zubeidat. >> stephanie: they visited mr. [ mumbling ] last sunday in a detention center focusing on mr. kadyrbayev's lawyer oh really, ms. ab-bah-dy-leb-da said he had
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[ mumbling ] . he is a preacher has nothing do with extremist. oh for god's sake really mr. kadyrbayev's aunt [ mumbling ] -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: said the men were third cousins remembered each other from their childhood and added that mr. kadyrbayev was no kind of extremist -- >> [ inaudible ] says you are drowning in constants over there. >> stephanie: if you loved me you would buy me a vowel. any way guess who is on the run according to "the daily beast"? zubeidat. at least she has music to run to. ♪ >> stephanie: the phatfather's name?
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>> stephanie: i forget. ansar. the message to the parents of the boston bombing suspects was clear, pack up and go. pack you [ censor bleep ] and get out. soon after a phone call from the authorities, a car arrived to pick up the couple. deportation followed a speech by the chechnian government. >> why kick the parents out? >> stephanie: they don't want their kind around here that renders them homeless -- >> stephanie: maybe she dialed
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1-800-go-fedex -- >> stephanie: she is going to have as hard of time finding a home as her son did finding a burial place. >> stephanie: there is no -- >> it's a good website. >> stephanie: there's nothing that corresponds with how do i fedex a dead chechnan back to the homeland? >> what do you do with a drunken sailor? >> stephanie: 45 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> that is great radio. >> announcer: it is the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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♪ she can do it all on -- >> announcer: stephfy ♪ ♪ she's just a girl just a girl the girl you want -- >> announcer: stephfy ♪ the girl you want ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. fifty minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. i'm off to buffalo today. i'm doing my first ever commencement address tomorrow to a college. >> wow. >> stephanie: yeah. and i'll write it on a card -- chardonnay cap -- napkin like i always do. >> you should show everybody your mug shot from when you got arrested in college. >> stephanie: there was already a story in the paper that called me distinguished.
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>> distinguished. >> stephanie: yes. so shut up. do we need to spray again? >> yes. >> stephanie: because the benghazi hearings from activated the right-wing trolls. >> you have spent a lot of time eave fort to produce the best show possible only to have them poop in your punch bowl. announcing troll be gone. just one spray and troll be gone. >> i have been a chat room moderator for years. i used to chat with trolls all the time. and now i just spray them away. apply liberally and it lasts for weeks. >> check out troll be gone in action. >> i'm a small business owner -- >> look at the monkey -- >> i try to listen to both sides -- >> order troll be gone today now available in our five-gallon concentrate. >> you know what? >> stephanie: all right. better.
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better. i read the gun nut letter this morning, apparently the second amendment has no age element at all -- [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: which you pointed out was wrong. >> it talked about the well-regulated militia. that includes males from the age 17 to 45. >> stephanie: yeah. apparently i am the one that is crazy for thinking that somehow it is unwide to market to and arm five year olds. yes was saying yeah stupid there were kids as young as kid in the ten civil war. >> and those were mostly the drummer boys and they were the first to get killed. >> the second amendment is the only amendment with the words well regulated in it. >> stephanie: yes. unfortunately 3 year old florida
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boy fatally shoots self with uncles gun. the child found the gun in the backpack. the uncle had a concealed weapon's permit. >> the kid was just exercising his second amendment rights. >> the uncle not in the room when the shooting happened but the child's parents were there when the gunfired. oh, boy. okay. let's go to michelle in baltimore. hi michelle. >> hey, steph, chris, jim, great show as usual. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: very proud mom of a gay son who is 24 now. has been with his partner for five years and he came out to me when he was 12 and we were harassed because he was openly gay in high school. he refused to be intimidated. he wanted to be himself, and just the progression in just the
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eight years from him going through high school and being out -- i guess nine years now, to us going to being the first state to vote in legal gay marriage -- >> stephanie: right. >> caller: -- it's -- it's a long fight. it's a hard fight, but at least our children are facing a future that i know my contemporaries didn't have, certainly i -- i had a gay uncle. boy, we couldn't talk about it. everybody was supposed to ignore the fact. >> stephanie: everyone has that uncle. >> caller: yeah. >> stephanie: michelle it makes a big difference it's interesting to people like you and your son and dave from indianapolis was talking about this. it really is true. think of this message it sends to kids. you are a full human being. you are a full american. and you are going to have a full life some day. that is an important message.
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>> caller: stephanie i will tell you this, in the course of his high school years, he had various other gay friends come out to their friends, and i ended up raising three of them. they were kicked out of their homes, all of which were very christian, and i have weird quotes with my fingers when i say that and they just disposed of their kid, and children are not ever disposable. i took them in, i -- helped them until they were old enough to take care of themselves 18, 19 years old, and i just don't understand that. and i never will. >> stephanie: well, god for you. you are a good piece live mom. >> caller: thank you. >> stephanie: let's go to teresa in minnesota. hi therese. >> caller: hi, i want to say two things. first it's my opinion that it would have not passed the minnesota house yesterday if the republicans hadn't put it on the
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constitutional vote to the voters in 2010. they hadn't said a word about that, i don't think we would have marriage equality in minnesota -- well we're halfway there. the other thing i remember is back in -- i don't know 2003, 2004 when al franken had a show -- >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: he used to say when massachusetts was the first state to pass marriage equality right? >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> caller: he had never considered himself a gay man but there were so many more options for him in massachusetts. he was of course kidding. but also kind of the grandfather of my talk-radio experience. >> stephanie: yeah. thank you, honey. he is the godfather. we still have a picture of him. it's right there -- sadly they put a locker in front of it. but still, i know the god father
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is always watching me. lee in portland. >> caller: yeah, stephanie i just picked up a 42,000 pound order of wine heading to l.a. should i bypass the address and go to your house. >> stephanie: yeah. party over here, party over there. can you blow your horn for me. [ horn blowing ] >> stephanie: yeah. diana in nevada. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i have been a huge fan of yours for years. but i wanted to let you guys know that here in the state of nevada, the legislator is now working on a gay marriage bill -- >> stephanie: not in nevada where marriage is sacred in las
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vegas. >> caller: exactly. think of the money the wedding chapels will make. >> absolutely. those gays are nothing if not impulsive. [ laughter ] >> so vegas is in it for the money? >> stephanie: i'll be the gay britney spears. i married who? what? oh, my god! >> you married a dude? what? >> stephanie: oh, no! that's it for us. have a great weekend. we'll see you month on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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