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tv   Full Court Press  Current  May 13, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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[ music ] >> bill: it is monday may 13th. welcome to the "full-court press," "the bill press show." i am not bill press. i am peter ogburn. i will be sitting in the big chair for bill just today. he is back tomorrow. so don't freak out too much. lots of stuff to talk about today, not just from here in washington but from all around the world. but we will start in washington. r. the irs, as it turns out, was
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monitoring right-wing groups that called themselves tea partyers or patriots and gave them some extra attention over the last several years. say what you would well about part son politics. this is bad. very bad. jay carney tried his best to sort of to put the best face on it. plus the boston bammer, tamerlan tsaernaev has been buried. an inter faith area from the area of richmond virginia, a couple of places provided a burial plot for him. the town is not happy about it. it's boswell virginia. they are not happy. we will talk about whether or not he actually deserves a burial plot or not and whether you would have him in your town. we brought in lots of great guests to talk about it u.s.a.
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today's david jackson and report friars roll call. coming up today on the "full-court press" right here on current tv. [ music ] (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but
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somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? pet pet. >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> peter: happy monday, may 13th. it is the full court press, "the bill press show." clearly, i am not bill press. my name is peter ogburn. i am sitting in for bill today. bill will be back tomorrow. i know everybody usually gets very upset when i host but it's one day. it's one day only. and bill is back tomorrow. thank you so very much for being here. i am fired up today. lots of stuff to talk about. a lot of stuff coming out of
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washington on friday. one of those old friday news dump days. am i right? good grief. hope y'all had a wonderful weekend, a good mother's day weekend. say hello to the team running the board today is dan henning. mr. henning, good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >> alicia cruz screening the calls. alicia, i hope you had a wonderful mother's day. bill is sort of a different kind of mother, if you know what i am talking about. he is not here, so i can say it. alicia, hope you had a wonderful mother's day. cyprian boulding keeping us on the video representing the washington sports teams today, capitals. had a bit of a rough day yesterday or rough weekend. capitals, it's do or die time. we are going to talk about that later on with cindy boren from the "washington post," big sports weekend. basketball, hockey, baseball. we always like talking being that kind of stuff. but if you were following the
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news from washington here on friday afternoon a very interesting story, the ap was first to break it but the irs came out without prompting. it was not like there was an investigation anybody found. but the irs came out and said, oops. we screwed up. turns out we were targeting right-wing groups in terms of investigating and looking into their tax-exempt status and sort of hassling right-wing groups particularly those who had the phrases, "tea party" and "patriot" in the title of the group. so if you are a tax-exempt group or a political group that said -- that called yourself a tea partyer or a patriot or god-forbid the group tea party pate patriots patriots, you got a little extra
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heat from the irs. that story is bad. it's really, really bad. now, i know i know some people will say, well this isn't a group that the president overseas, and it's not a group that the president appoints the directors. and it was only some low-level employees. and i think it was arkansas or where this was happening. it doesn't matter. does not matter. if george bush was president and the irs was targeting or other groups like that we would hold them to the same standard. we would hold them to a higher standard. we should. jay carney had a press briefing scheduled for, i think, 1:30 on friday. i don't think he actually took to the podium until like 3:45. he just kept pushing that thing back, back back back back. but when he finally did talking to the press, it was a grillin'. it was a grill it was ain it was a a grillin.
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>> there is no question if this activity took place, it was inappropriate and there needs to be action taken and the president would expect it would be taken and action would be taken. >> shout out to jay carney. he said it was inappropriate. they said they have going to look into it. in previous administrations, it was something a little bit different when they had scandals going on. it was, oh we don't comment on an ongoing investigation and things like that. at least carney got out in front and said, this was wrong. this was wrong, and we are going to find out what the hell happened. and the president the saying is as old as the presidency. the buck stops here the buck stops with the presidency. barack obama is going to have to get in front of this and he is going to have to take appropriate action. and i am certain that he will. but we are going to have to sort of weight and see where this goes. we are going to talk about that a little bit later on. we have a couple of white house reporters, david jackson from u.s.a. today in this hour plus evan mcmorris santoro in the
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third hour of the program. we are talking sports with cindy boren plus we will go down south with the editor and chief of "garden and begun magazine." dave benedeto. there are lots of good road trips around the south. >> that's what their new issue is about. stay tuned. we have a lot of good stuff coming up, but first: >> this is the full court press. >> on this monday, other headlines making news, the speculation is over about the new late-night host at nbc. the network announcing over the weekend, saturday night life's seth myers will take over for jimmie fallon's slot when he moves into leno's tonight show slot next year. myers has been s & l's writer for the past seven stevens and hosts the update segments. >> i think he is funny enough. >> i think he will be great. >> some people are very upset, by the way, and i am not seeing either way but this is yet another white male that gets a
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late night show. >> oh. >> because, you know look. it's basically all white men. >> good point. >> it's worth pointing out. >> a rough week last week for former detroit lions receiver titus young, the nfl free agent was arrested not once not twice, but three times. arrested in california early last week for drunk driving. then 15 hours later, for stealing his own car. he jumped the fence at the police impound lot. >> always a good idea. >> yeah. >> then this past friday night, he broke into someone's home and was charged with burglary and got into a fight with police. seems he will have a tough time getting back on the playing field any time soon. >> what a dummy. >> yeah. not sure anyone is going to pick him up. >> breaking into the police i am pound lot. >> yeah. >> i don't think we will see him play any football professionally ever again. >> michael vick is playing again. he went to jail.
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iron man 3 continues to reign supreme robert downy, jr. brought in another $72 million over the weekend. the weekend's new movie, the great gatsby but for second place, $51 million. leo decaprio stars in that film mark wal berg "pain and gain". >> i would rather watch my dog get hit by a car than watch the great gatsby. that looks horrible. >> i liked the book. >> i liked the book, too. the movie looks terribling. >> it didn't get the best review. >> it did not. ironman, that's a fine movie ironman 3. >> out of 1, 2, and 3, what's best one? >> 3 -- between 1 and 3. 2 was garbage. 2 was a garbage movie. 3 is very, very good. i would say -- i would have to sit with that for a second. i would have to say 3. i probably enjoyed that the
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most. >> okay. >> it's a fine movie. >> thank you dan. >> you got it. >> peter: all right. so so, here's the deal. the bombers in boston, we all watched what happened a couple of weeks ago. we got one of them. he's in custody. he's talking. we are finding out information. we are going to let that sort of process happen. but all during the saga of chokutouing that, we have tamerlan tamerlan tsaernaev. he was killed in a shootout with the police. what the do with we do with his body? because he sat in boston this whole time without a burial. he has been sitting there. and so where do we put the body? the people of boston, we don't want him here.
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so, back to his current tree of origin? he is an american citizen so we should probably bury him here on american soil. people are saying we don't want him here. who cares where you bury him? i can understand why the people of boston would say, we don't want him here. okay. fine. whatever. but who cares? you've got to bury him. you have to bury the guy. you know, what we did with osama bin laden after we killed him was we threw him out in the ocean. and the reason we did that was because he was a leader of a group. he was a figurehead. he would have been made a martyr. people wol have come and visited the grave sight of osama bin laden. there would have been a rallying cry for extremists. this guy, he has no such clout.
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no one is following him. he has no disciples. he is not part of a larger organization that he led. and so, last week a woman by the name of martha mullin was watching the news, and she heard that they continue bury this guy. and martha mullin who, by the way, i should point out, was scheduled to be on the bill press show this morning. i actually had a long conversation with her late last night and decided she doesn't want to talk about it any more. they want this story to go away. but i say cudkudos to martha mullin because she was watching this story of why they couldn't bury tamerlan tsaernaev and said i will find a plot to bury this guy. he is a terrorist. but we are going to bury him.
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she spoke and here she first of all says she is a christian. she leads a christian group. she says, love your enemies. >> i am a christian, and jesus says love your enemies. i kept hearing this news story over and over again that tamerlan tsaernaev's body couldn't be buried and people were protesting he couldn't be buried in this country and if he were buried, that they would dig him up. and i thought to myself, you know, no matter what he has done -- and he has certainly done some horrific things -- if it were my child i wouldn't want that. >> peter: she is a mental health counselor in private practice. she is a graduate of the united theological seminary in dayton, ohio. she started getting in touch with various faith organizations and she heard back from the islamic funeral services of virginia. and there was a funeral plot at the al barzak cemetery in
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doswell, virginia which is like 30 miles north of richmond between d.c. and richmond. so it's along 95 there which a lot of us have driven by. if you are on the east coast, you have driven by off 95. but she says we are not barbarians. >> the police chief said in worcester, we are not barbarians. we bury the dead. i agree with that. she got in touch with the head of the islamic funeral service of virginia and says we have an obligation. >> it's not up for us to judge. that's between them and their creator, but for us to follow what we believe are the laws of the creator, when a person is deceased, we have to bury them. they can't bury themselves. we are one community. if it wasn't handled up in boston or anywhere else they've come to us we were obligated to say yes. >> that's what we said. >> so now, people are upset.
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the residents of doswell, virginia, some of them anyway, are furious. i saw one quote from a resident who said, we don't want him here. he's a muslim terrorist. here is margret stephens, a 68-year-old retiree who says, he is a muslim. we don't need him here. it's just not right. she says, i don't care what they do with the body as long as they don't bury him here. so what do you do with the body? what do you do? do you send him out to sea or whatever? i am fine with what they did. a private burial plot. they buried him. it's over. it's done with. my question to you at 866-55-press, 866-55-7377. would you be okay if they buried the boston bomber, this terrorist, in your town in your
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city? would you care? i wouldn't care. i don't care. he's nothing. he is dead. he's not a martyr. we are not making him a martyr. no one is going to make him a martyr. it's in a private area. would you care? 866-55-press. 866-557-7 at least 377. he deserves to be buried because we have compassion. we are humans. we do this. 866-55-press. give us a call. i say i have no problem with it. i am glad they buried him. if you are in doswell, virginia, why do you care? give us a call. it's peter ogburn sitting in for bill press. >> this is "the full court press: the bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv.
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you
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inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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[ music ] >> get social with bill press. like us at this is "the bill press show" >> peter: dan, your taste in music is not one of your strong points, but this is a fine fine song. >> thank you >> peter: that's a little backhanded compliment but it's a compliment. >> backhanded? i will play what music i want to play. >> peter: i didn't say you couldn't. i was saying this is good. >> all right. >> this is a good throwback jam. >> 25 minutes past the hour. i am peter ogburn filling in for bill press today. we are talking about tamerlan tsaernaev, the boston bomber who
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died in the shootout with police. he has been buried outside richmond, virginia. local residents are not happy about that. we are on twitter @bpshow. donna payne says what do you do? dig up the body? then what. live and let live. die and stay buried. irish boy says i find it hard to believe an idea couldn't be made to take his body home to his family. >> maybe. why not bury him here? call us at 866-55-press. 866557377 or send us a tweet. let's go to laura in seabring florida. >> how are you this morning? >> i am well, my darling. how are you? >> good. i don't understand why they don't bury him and stop bringing it up. they were making it such a big deal that this story's never going to die. it's going to keep going on and
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on and on and on so they are actually making him famous. i mean, god, he's like jim morrison of the doors. keep it going. >> it is interesting because it was done quietly. they made a point, martha mullin, who, like i said, i talked to last night. she shares your point of view. the reason that she didn't come -- didn't come on with us this morning is because they agreed that they were going to stop talking about it. they want it to go away. but i wanted to make the point that i wanted to take a moment to talk about the fact that these residents, some of them so the lawmakers there want to dig him up and move him, which, you know, they tried to do it quietly and now they are the ones that are making all of the noise about it. >> caller: i tell you what: i don't know if he is going to be safe anywhere then. because who says they can't go in and dig him up. i mean they've got to put guards there and you know what i mean? what are they going to do? >> good point, laura. let's move on toarian in
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chicago, aaron, welcome. >> caller: hi. okay. i will make a quick comment here. >> okay. calm call basically >> caller: what concerns me is hypocracy. god bless the american people. but what we are looking at is a situation. let's bury him next to timothy mcveigh. how many people did he kill? you know, we are not concerned about, you know, where domestic terrorists are buried. so, then, you know, because we have no problem burying timothy mcveigh. >> you make a good point. it's like i read that comment. margaret stevens a 68-year-old retiree, her quote was, he's a muslim. we don't need that here that seems to be their big problem. he is a bad guy. was a bad guy. he is a terrorist. but i am glad they buried him. 866-55-press. do you have a problem? would you have a problem if they
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had buried him in your city? peter ogburn for bill press. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ] support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but
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somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? [ music ] this is the bill this is "the bill press show." >> smartha mullin who led at a time way to find a burial plot for tamerlan tsaernaev. she said it was time for someone to find a burial plot for him. she stepped up. she got it done because that's what we do as americans.
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interesting to note that one of the people that we originally were introduced to in this story early on unhe will ruslan from here in the d.c. area from montgomery village maryland after he famously had a tirade on air about how terrible those boys were. >> that first interview on his lawn. >> the best. that was incredible. he took responsibility for the body. so he sort of steered it to where it needed to go and where it is now is in doswell, virginia in an islamic funeral plot. >> my question to you at 866-55-press is: do you have a problem with that? and would you have a problem with that? sasha in charlotte'sville, virginia, not too far from dos well, virginia. sasha, welcome to the "full-court press." >> you are doing a great job. >> what are you? the best. thank you. thank you so very much. >> caller: you are welcome.
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i had actually no problem whatsoever. you are correct. i am about an hour and a half from there. i mean, there are all different types of terrorists. the person that held all of those women prison all of those years, that's a terrorist, too. >> that's a good point. >> it's all kind of terrorists. he was of the muslim faith and that's where people show their anger and their meanness and prejudice. >> that's the difference. there was no difference difference. he was a body. he was a person. he is buried and gone. >> that's over and out. >> peter: that's it. that hits the nail on the head. and the idea that it would be productive at all to dig his body up and move it somewhere else, what are they trying to accomplish? what do they think they are going to do? >> nothing. nothing. it just shows they are mean. >> peter: that's a good way to put it, sasha. i appreciate the call. thank you so much. let's go to stuart saint petersburg florida.
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>> caller: i hope everything is great with you my friend. >> thank you for calling >> caller: two points, timothy mcveigh is buried in a prison cemetery. so the point is mute with him. >> yes. >> with the other gentleman, i would give you two things. cremate him. >> that's about it. i think cremate the body and be done with it. >> peter: okay. >> caller: because i know it goes against the religious faith. but guess what? he did a heinous act in this country. so why should we respect him? >> peter: i will say to you what martha mullins said. we are not barbarians. >> caller: we are not barbarians. >> peter: what i think is look, humans can be violent people by nature. okay? but this seems to me like it's nothing more than revenge. and aren't we better than that? i mean aren't we good enough stoto say, a good enough people
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to say, this person did something horrible. this person did something really, really bad. and we hate them. but, in death, we will do the right thing. >> i could go with you on that but i think people are going to be better suited to saying okay. he is dead but we don't have to take the body or his ashes. >> i appreciate the call, sir. for me, i have to say that it shows an evolution on our part an enlightenment on our part that we can say as a species, as a it country that we can say, you know what? we are going to bury him. this guy is a monster. good bye with you. who will cares? carl in comic. welcome to "full-court press."
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>> you are doing a good job. >> thank you, carl. thanks for calling. >> you know what we are all god's creatures. when you look in the hospital and see the babies lined up together, we start out equal. so some go in good directions. some go in bad directions for whatever reason. remember in the old west, remember boot hill? >> peter: i knowdon't >> caller: you have heard of boot hill. >> peter: yeah. of course. >> caller: no matter who came into town some gun slingers, some gang or this or that and they had a shoot-out with the marshal and she shot him, then they took him up to boot hill and buried him. and that was the end of it. and your hatred should have died with them. your animosity and all of the things that they did should have died with them. and then you pick up the pieces and move on with your life. you don't -- you don't wallow in
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what they did and go over and over and over. you -- it's buried and it's gone when they die. and that's the end of that. >> peter: that's such a good way to put it, carl. i mean it's exactly right. he was buried. he was gone. the families that lost limbs and loved ones they had a chance to just move on. it's no longer about this this bomber, this murderer this terrorist. it's no longer about him. he's gone. he's buried. and they can start moving forward. but now when you have lawmakers and residents in doswell, virginia, who are saying, oh oh. we need to dig him back up and put him somewhere else, then that just keeps that going. let's go to robin in doswell, village. robin, good morning. >> good morning. >> how are you? >> i am fine. i think that the stories are
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going to keep on until they got him buried and so he's buried down here. >> yeah. >> they stopped talking about it so much, they would forget it. >> i'm sorry. what did you say there? >> i said if they stopped talking about it h they would calm down and everybody would just go on with their lives >> peter: so you, you live in the city where he's buried. >> caller: yes, sir. >> peter: do you have any problem? do you have any reservations at all? >> caller: no. pierced good for you. >> caller: because the man has to be, you know, you couldn't just let him stay. he has to be buried. >> peter: yeah. exactly. i mean, what do you do with him? you bury him. >> yeah, and then go on. >> peter: robin i appreciate that call. >> that's great of you to call and good for you. i hope if you find any of the residents there that do have a problem with it, like the one that i quoted earlier, the
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retirees who said we don't want him here. he is a muslim. i hope if you run into them in town, you let them know what you just told me. let's go to anita in san antonio, texas. my former town. i used to live in san antonio. anita is not with us any more. she probably got tired of -- or probably knew i was going to rag on the spurs a little bit for losing. she knows the spurs are my team and i am pissed that they lost in overtime. let's go to joey in chicago. joey, welcome to the "full-court press"? >> good morning, pete. why don't everybody grow up and i am a little bit sick of the americans wearing their religion on their sleeve and not using it in their life, you know, as they live. i am so upset that they they won't let this guy rest in peace. i am glad they buried him, pete. >> peter: i am with you, man. i am with you 100%. thank you, joey. i appreciate the call. let's check back in san antonio with anita.
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anita, are you there? >> you had to mention the spurs. >> peter: that's my team. that's my team. they are killing me. >> caller: my team. i know. i know. we are coming back. what i wanted to talk about was this nesscraziness about, you know, everybody starting over where we should bury this guy. who is this punishing anyway?% i don't understand. >> peter: good point. good point. who are we punishing? what are we trying to accomplish? what are we trying to tell people when we say dig him up and move him somewhere else? what are we saying? >> caller: maybe we are hurting his family but they are not the people who did this. >> peter: yeah. >> caller: so i just don't get it. you know, we buried plenty of terrorists in the past domestic terrorists. this guy was an american. >> peter: that's the thing. there were some people who were saying send him back to russia. we are not going to send him back to russia because he was an american citizen. we had monsters that live here
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and were american citizens that we put to death and we gave them proper burials. >> that's just what we do. >> caller: monsters who killed presidents and we buried them. pierced we buried them. >> that's what we do. anneet a thank you for the call. go, spurs, go. >> that's all i can say. i hope they get it back together. 43 minutes past the area friday was a wild friday at the whitehouse. one man watching was david jackson from u.s.a. today, the white house correspondent joins us on the phone next with the "full-court press." stay tuned. >> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us @bpshow and tweet using the hash tag "watchingbp." this is "the bill press show." >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy.
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just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. [ music ]
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>> chatting with you live at, this is "the bill press show." live on your radio and current tv. >> 47 minutes past the hour, this is the full court press, "the bill press show." clearly, i am not bill press. i am peter ogburn sitting in today. i appreciate all of you being here. lots of stuff to talk about. you know, on friday we got a lot of news from the white house. there is benghazi. there is the irs. it's no wonder jay carney's press briefing kept getting pushed way back until late in the day on friday.
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one man we turn top, david jackson who joins us on the phone on the "full-court press." david, good morning. happy monday. >> good morning. >> what a day on friday. >> it was kind of crazy. started with abc's report kind of augmenting the tale of all of these talking points on benjamin bathgate capital partners. they talked about the details white house's involvement in the targtalking points. it took off from there. then the irs story broke about mid-morning, and then it was off to the races. a lot of people, you know, a lot of people in the white house trying to get information. >> yeah. >> a lot of white house officials either stonewalling or grudgingly giving up information. we had one of the latest briefings i can remember. i think it started after 3::00 o'clock. >> i think it was 3:30 before it actually kicked off. let's start with the benghazi memos. it's such a dc scandal but it is sort of getting alleges of traction. complete with abc's jonathan
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carl 12 revisions of the talking points of the benghazi situation. >> right. the white house says the revisions he was talking about were in the early process of back and forth between the agencies. the white house maintained it made only one change to the final talking points, in quotes, the ones that went to susan rice. it gets very confusing. it's very hard to keep up with. that was one of the reasons for the delay in briefing was behind the scenes white house officials going detail by detail memo by memo talking about how these different things happen. it's a complex and confusing story. >> now that the story has evolved, they might have some congressional hearings on benghazi. >> you can get them. one of the things the white house was talking about is congress has had all of these memos and talking points and revisions all along. >> that's one of the things the white house was trying to stress. only now are they making a big deal about them. >> that's interesting. this is such a dc thing. >> right.
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>> i don't know that a lot of these representatives and officials really checked this stuff until they smell that there might actually be a scandal. >> right. and it's also a hill story. i don't know. because a lot of this came outright before and around the hearing. so there wouldn't necessarily be a reason for the republicans to release unless they had their hearings and in the run-up to the hearings and from the fallout from the hearings were in a lot more details about some of this stuff. that was one reason we haven't heard from the republicans before. the weekly standard has done a lot of reporting on this, particularly on the talking of the talking points. so there has been hearings, abc report last friday figuring out more details about what went into talking points. that's another point the white house wants to make. we are talking about talking points. we are not talking about any specific actions. so... >> darryl issa was on "meet the press" over the weekend. one of the things that he talked about and even said is: this is not about hillary clinton. this is not about hillary
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clinton. but it is kind of about hillary clinton. >> how can it not be? said neither clinton or obama were targets. i don't think a lot of people are going to agree with him on that. the what is the benghazi story? the republicans say first they accuse the white house of trying to cover up the fact that it was a terrorist attack. in the initially days the reason said it was under attack was because it was a demonstration that got out of hand and people were tro testing an anti-islam film that had been released out of the united states. that was the story for seven to 10 days. then boom, it turned. remember on thursday night the state department gave a briefing and said, no, no. we've collected more evidence and now discovered in fact it was a terrorist attack. i want to say that all took about 10 days. ever since then, republicans have accused the white house of trying to hide the ball on what was the reason for the initial attack? another was there was not enough security at the demonatic post
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and that's another route they have pursued and that's also what they blame hillary clinton for. so in all of this, standing bio all of these allegations was the fact hillary colinlinton was secretary of state and barack obama is the current president and is responsible for everything that goes on in the administration administration. >> ding ding ding ding ding. >> neither one is a target? i am not sure peel will buy into that. >> the final minutes we have here, david, let's talk about this irs situation. the irs came out, and they discovered that within their group, there were some people that were targeting tea partyers and patriots people organizations that had those two sort of keywords in their name. tea party and patriots. that the irs was being unfair to them and targeting them. how did jay carney handle that on friday? >> basically, we know nothing about it. this is the irs's dealings. i don't think they did. that also shook up friday. that news broke about mid-morning. a lot of people in the white house did not know about it or
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did not have any sense of it or had forgotten about the fact that this came up in the campaign. republicans investigated. there weren't a lot of stories but one was a few but john boehner received complaints from his constituents that the irs was looking into them. >> if true this is very bad. >> this is an understandable scandal. the irs targeting political presidents, that's something people can easily grasp. >> exactly. the fact that this may have been going on and might have gotten ignored, that's even worse. >> the white house strategy has been saying it's a non-political organization. they are investigating it. we are appalled the idea that anybody would be targeted awe by the irs. that's the white house's strategy, to keep it as far away from them as possible. >> who would have thought the irs could develop a worse image problem than they have? >> it's hard to believe. on the face of it, it's hard to
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belief. they attribute it to a couple of employees in the cincinnati. you may want to the think more about that situation than benghazi. like i say, that's something people can understand and both sides are united in condemning it. >> david jackson u.s.a. today white house correspondent, follow him on twitter at djusatoday. thank you for being here. 54 minutes past the hour. a quick break. we will be right back. we've got some e-mails. >> this is "the bill press show."
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current tv, it's been all building up to this. >>bill shares his views, now it's your turn. >>i know you're going to want to weigh in on these issues. >>connect with "full court press with bill press" at and on twitter at bpshow. >>i believe people are hungry for it. [ music ]
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>> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time, this is "the bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time at i am peter ogburn sitting in for bill press, and we have a lot of e-mails. we had a car segment. paul ingrazzia talked about the 15 most important cars that helped shape the auto industry. good show, bill. love the car segment. i bought a 69 mustang car on campus. people started talking about their cars. on benghazi steve ramos says bill press, you are a liar and a story teller. you should right fiction. i said you should write. that doesn't mean anyone would buy your crap. billary is a liar, and so are you. thank you for you the e-mails. lots more show coming up on the
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"full-court press." >> this is "the bill press show."
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>> peter: happy monday, may 13th. it is the full court press, "the bill press show" live on current tv. i am not bill press but i am doing my best to get us through today's show. i am appreciate you all being here with me. lots of stuff to talk about today. we filled it with lots of great guests. like the way a donut surrounds
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the hole. i am that hole in the middle. we have good guests coming up. falking sports with cindy bren later in the hour and make sure you stay tuned for the third hour of the program with evan mcmoras-santora and netta netta sunani. white house reporter for buzzfeed. the white house had quite the day on friday. we found out that the irs has been engaged in tarting the patriot groups. how did the white house handle it we will tall to evan about it. in dos well virginia. they have buried tamerlan tsaernaev. they put him in an islamic
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burial plot. he is in the ground. the residents are not happy about it. we will talk about it on more. live on current tv. iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but
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somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> peter: it is "the bill press show," the full court press, live on your radio, live on your t.v. on current tv, as long as there is a current tv, there will be a full court press. thank you so much for being here. we are taking your calls at 866-55-press. 866-557-7377. happy monday. quick check on the team.
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dan henning running the board today. dan, hello. >> good morning. >> alicia cruz screening your calls. i hope alicia had a very happy mother's mother's day. keeping us on the video is cyprian boulding representing the caps the capitals t-shirt today. the wizards, you know, they suck. the nationals, they are up and down. i'm sorry. when you lose to the chicago cubs up and down. they are up and down. >> down. >> that's very down. they looked good against the tigers. >> looking good until they lost against the cubs. >> i was listening to that game yesterday on the radio yesterday. >> yeah. nationals are up. and then all of the sudden they have started falling apart. i don't get it. i don't get it. my think with the nationals is they came in expecting to go to the world series. they came in and they expected we are going to walk into the world series. >> did they expect it, or did
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the fans expect that? >> they are the ones playing like s. i think they fully believed the hype because everybody was saying they are going to the world series. i think they bought into it. >> i don't know about that. i think they are just playing bad baseball. >> but they were playing bad baseball because theyblied their own hype. >> i think they are more level-headed than the fans are. i think they take it a game at a time. >> why are they losing? it's not the fans losing. >> they are losing because they are making mistakes. they are not making the plays. an over-hyped third baseman who is not as good. >> you can say that again. >> they are playing like that because i think that mentally, they think they are going to walk right in. i believe their own hype. >> sure. >> eight minutes past the hour. you know i love newt gingrich. i love newt gingrich. i really do. i mean look.
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he's not the future of the republican party or anything like that. i just really find him so entertaining. i could watch him. i would watch him for hours just talk. in fact, he put up a video all about his love of the iphone but he doesn't know what to call it because it's not a cell phone. >> we are really puzzled. here at gingrich productions we spent weeks trying to figure out what do you call this? now, i know you probably think it's a cell phone. and if i say to audiences how many of you have a cell phone that takes a picture, 90% of the hands go up. thank about it. it's taking pictures. nots a cell phone. if it has a mcdonald's app to tell you where mcdonald's is based upon your gps location, that's not a cell phone. if you can get wikipedia or go to google, that's not a cell phone. if you can watch u tune tube or net flicks. think about it. >> how excited are you to learn
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newt gingrich has a mcdonald's appear on his iphone? >> the first one he goes to. it's not a phone because i have a mcdonald's app. >> he goes on this is like a 3 and a half minute video. >> i am sure. who else is going to pay attention to him? it's so great. about his phone. he sounds like chuck grassley on twitter all the time complain can, the history channel doesn't show history any more. he sounds like newt. newt, i've got a phone but it's not really a phone because he has a mcdonald's appear on it. >> it's pretty tremendous. >> funny. >> 10 minutes past the hour. very excited to talk to garden and gun magazines editor-in-chief, dave debenedeto. we will talk to him in a few minutes but first. >> this is the full court press. >> a quick check of other headlines making news, prince
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harry was in colorado yesterday to cheer on the british team at the warrior games. >> did he make it? >> he did not. >> okay. >> it is a para olympics style ent. third in line took place. he played in sit-down volleyball with veterans against misty may trainer, the olympic gold medalist. i would imagine she beat him. >> we will talk to netta about this the next hour netta from roll call. if you want to know d.c. in a nutshell, look at the pictures of all of the staffers that came running out of their office when he was in the capitol on friday. it's just lining the staircases hanging over the balconies to take pictures. >> prince harry. >> so sick. can a blow to brian williams atnbc news, "rock center" has been cancelled, plagued by low
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ratings and constant time slot changes, they never found the audience they were looking for. they thought they would get the people that were not watching the other magazine show dateline. he did say over the weekend, he was proud of the work that they did on the show. >> i don't think he can do a lot more in my eyes. >> inenjoyed it. it was redonedan. >> probably weren't making money off of it. tiger woods won his second players championship adowns years after winning the first one at fall grists after an awkward couple of days the pair traded passive aggressive jabs. it was clear they did not want to be playing together. since they were the leaders, they were paired together for the third and fourth round. they were close in the 17th round with the island green. sergio put two balls in the water off of the tee for a quadruple bogey 7.
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tiger's fourth win of this season. >> we are going to talk to cindy boren from the washington post a little bit later on this hour to find out if tiger is back. as tiger said winning fixes everything. >> that's true. >> we will see. guard garden and gun's editor-in-chief. thank you for being here >> thanks for having me. >> appreciate it. let's talk about the magazine. i am a long-time subscriber. what is garden and gun magazine for our audience who might not be familiar? >> it's a southern lifestyle magazine about the great things in the south the food the booze, the art, the culture. you know at its heart, it's really about stories. there are so many great stories we try to tell a great story on every page. it seems to have resonated with
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people. >> it's a great magazine. the next addition that comes outcomes out in a little over a week. week. you guys are going to have a digital version. right? >> this is the first time for us with the digital edition. we are a small company so we didn't jump on that band wagon right away. we wanted to see where it was headed. no doubt, these days you've got to be on the ipad. you've got to be on the tablets. for an editor, it really is a dream. the digital edition let's you take that farther. if you are reading a great piece about an artist or a musician tap here to listen to the new song. tap here to watch a video of this person at work.
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i have been a print guy all my life but it's been exciting. >> that's a game changer? >> we are delighted. >> check it out, garden & gun. in this next edition >> we tried to find 14 best advent tours for every weekend. from a light ship off of north carolina 32 miles out, former -- sorry. like an oil well that a fellow bought from the government for a very cheap amount of money and turned it into, i guess you would call it, a bed and breakfast. >> wow. >> you take a helicopter or a boat out there. it's got running -- hot running water and supposedly they make great food there.
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you can imagine the views, thesunset and the sunrise are just a one of a kind. place. >> that's awesome. how far south are we talking? >> we considered the south way south. we will go to the caribbean. we certainly are centered around the south but, you know, we are talking about places that have a garden & gun vibe and we know our readers would like. if there is the perfect lodge out in fon montana, certainly we have no problem covering it. >> one of the great debates i love having, washington, d.c. is technically in the south. >> we consider it that as well. >> i know you guys did a profile
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of d.c. it's a great discussion on how far south d.c. is? >> i hear from a few readers it doesn't count. we are sticking with it. there are southern parts of d.c. ? >> absolutely. >> gardenandand gun magazine, nobody has a bad word to say about charleston these days. it seems like everybody wednesday, the food section comes up what's the allure? what's the draw? >> you are spot-on with the food. this town is an amazing food
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town. the talent seems to have brought more talent to the city. it's amazing. we all know southern food has never been hotter than it is now. it is certainly what the country is sort of fixated on. charleston is really, you know, on par with new orleans. it's been said a number of times. yearned that aubltdz. you have southwest, jet blue flying in here direct from all over t cheap. so you can get to charleston easily. and as you know, you can feel like you are in another country. some of the historic properties. you talk about the food. i like to make this point because so many people think it's fried chicken the most
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beautiful produce, a lot comes from the south. >> the farm totable movement been going on. the south has been doing farm totable for hundreds of years. you are absolutely right. the produce that comes around the farms here on john's island and the communicates right outside is amazing. the great things is the chefs and they have been doing it and certainly more focused than ever, you know they know their farmer. most of the diners in these restaurants know the name of the farmers. the farmers have become the new rock stars. >> that's awesome. garden & gun magazine. gardenandgun. and follow dave at dave dibenedetto and i appreciate you being here, buddy. >> great being here. thank you. ? >> congratulations on the digital version of the magazine.
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subscribe to that magazine. it's great it's like southern living for the next generaltiongeneration. it's better, smart arer, prettier to look at. check it out. the bill press "the bill press show." i appreciate you being here. it's about 20 minutes past the hour on this may 13th. take a quick break. we will be right back. >> radio meets television "the bill press show," now on current tv. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare.
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(vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. [ music ] >> this is the"the full court press: the bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv. >> peter: now, it's monday, may 13th. the full court press. please follow us on twitter by the way, at btshow on twitter.
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find us on like us there we will keep you up to date on some stories. i appreciate you joining in. it was mother's day this weekend. did you do anything special for mother's day? cooked dinner for mom and dad. >> my mom lives out of town. all i had to do was the phone call. >> is we have two kids. so, i have to spearhead the mother's day situation. i gave the kids, i said, where do you want to go to get -- because i mean i got her the nice stuff. i put everybody's names on it. right? i thought it would be fun to say, where do you kids want to get mommy a gift? they said, target. so i said, okay. fine. so we go to target.
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i gave each of them -- one is 5. one is 8. i gave each a $20 bill. >> is that the going rate? >> it's mother's day. i said, you guys can get whatever you want. >> no. >> whatever you want for mom. but it's for mommy. so -- >> sure. >> spend that. they thought they were rich forever. i mean $20. >> oh, yeah. >> a 5 sglooerld that's a lot of money. he honestly said, i am going to buy her a car for $20. >> a matchbox car. >> he thought he could buy her a real new car for $20. this was my 8-year-old who is very smart. he is a brilliant kid. he goes at any rate over to the starbucks inside the target and says, i want $20 worth of coffee. he gets a gift card which is great. she loves that crap. >> that's a smart kid. >> super smart. 5-year-old not so much.
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5-year-old we had to work on for quite awhile. >> candy. candy? >> a lot of candy. >> which he is going to receipt. >> right because my wife is like a health freak. she is not going to eat any candy. >> that's how mother's day went. $20 worth of candy and $20 worth of coffee. >> that's great. nice. i got my mom hand lotion. she is big into the hand lotion, staying moisturized, got her fancy stuff. >> alicia you are the only mother on staff. come on. get on mic? right. did you have a nice mother's day? >> yes, i did. i spent it with my family i went to a mother's day cookout. it was great. yeah. >> did they give you $20 worth of candy or anything? >> no. i got a homemade card. >> nice. >> and lots of hugs, lots of love. >> that's good. if your kid gave you 20 -- i was like, all right. maybe she will think it's fun ny, my wife. my wife. if your kid gave you $20 worth of candy what would you -- >> it would go to her, and
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that's something she would probably do. you are probably giving her some ideas. >> yeah. it went well? >> coffee, i would love. >> maybe he is actually a smart kid. i see a way out of that. i will reap the benefits. >> maybe he is smarter than i thought. he is dieabolicaldiabolical. he was a huge sports weekend. we will talk about those things when sinnedcindy boren from the washington post, she is going to join us on the phone here in a little while. give us a call at 866-5 2350i6-press. 866-55-7377. we are taking your calls, too. >> this is "the bill press show." >> if you believe in state's
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rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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>> chatting with you live at, this is "the bill press show" live on your radio and current tv. >> it is the bill press show the full court press monday, may 13th here sitting in for bill press. i appreciate it. big sports weekend over the weekend. nba basketball playoffs some good baseball, not so good baseball if you are a washington nationals fan, some hockey. i want to start with the golf well cindy boren who joins us on the phone. cindy, good morning. >> good morning, peter.
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>> so nice to have you in studio most of the time. but i will take you however we can get you? >> thank you. >> we can get you on the phone, we will get you on the phone. let's start with golf. tiger woods. is he back? does winning fix everything? >> yes, and yes. >> all right. nice to talk to you. >> he has won four out of seven tournaments this year. the last time, he won four tournaments starting off the year, i think was in 2000. then it took him 10 tournaments to win 4. then he went on a tear in the majors. so, you know, he didn't fall apart yesterday. at 14, you thought this could be where in the past year or so this is where he sort of had some issues. and he didn't. of course it helped him mightily that sergio was falling apart. >> talk about the dynamic between those two, tiger woods
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and sergio garcia? >> it goes way, way, way back to the 1999, i think. i believe it started at the little -- something called the battle of bighorn. it was a made-for-t.v. golf event. sergio beat tiger and tiger had the flu. and sergio celebrated like he had wrapped up a grand slam. a couple of, i don't know, i think it was later, like maybe a year later. excuse me. no. it was longer than that, 2006 in the british open sergio showed up wearing yellow from head to tow. reportedly after beating him in the british open final, woods texted a friend and said i just bludgeoned tweety bird. that may or may not be true. i want to believe it. >> i am going to say it's true. i am wishing that it's true.
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>> i am going to believe that. so then, you know, on saturday, garcia believed as he was pulling back to swing, tiger did something that caused the crowd to roar. tiger hit off into the side. he was on the second shot. he was, you know, miles away from garcia at that point. and he was reaching into his bag for a club, and the club he was choosing was one that indicated he was going to go for it. that excited the people standing around him. they roared. they felt that happened on his back swing. if you look at the replace of it, it actually happened as he was addressing the ball. he could have stepped away. >> good point. >> so then, you know, they had a rain delay and he came out and got snippy about it. and then after the round was called for the day because of darkness t woods was asked about it. woods said, you know, he has has to have something to complain
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about which is, okay a little snippy back. sergio has to come back at him with at least i know who i am. >> oh, my god. >> you know, you don't see this in golf. >> that's what i was about to say. this is golf we were talking about. this isn't like the bull's heat play-off series. >> yeah. yeah. the fun thing about it, then, was they had to finish the round together on sunday morning. you know, they were partners. >> that's awesome. >> they had to play three holes, three and a half holes together on sunday morning. they did. there was a prefunk toretory handshake at the end. nice to see you go. drop dead. and then they went out, you know, went in and they weren't paired together, sadly in the final round. tiger went off first. sergio went off second. there was a point they were tied.
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you were going please let the play-off, please, please. >> i saw after the tournament sergio garcia was asked about playing with tiger and his quote was, he's not my favorite guy to play with. he's not the nicest geotour. >> right. >> so i mean they were right up front. they do not like each other. >> you know, and he said, you don't have to be a rocket engineer to figure it out. although sergio could have used a rocket engineer on 17. >> right. >> they don't like each other. and i am not sure. tiger woods is playing well. why don't to poke the bear on that. why don't you just shut up and play? especially if you are sergio. let's stop and count his majors. >> oh, dear. yeah. that's a good point. it will be interesting to see why tiger goes to here i don't know why he has gotten his mojo
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back. >> eats healthy, retooled his game. he has talked about that. but he actually has. >> he also has a hot blond on his side again. >> he does. you know, as skeptical as everyone might be about that, you know, it does appear to be working for him right now. >> yeah. >> something is definitely different about him whether he's definitely, it seems to me, a changed person in the way he deals with the media. he used to have very little tolerance for the give and take of the media sessions. he is laughing about things more. more. he smiles about things more often now than he ever used to. i mean he still has the, you know, the profane outbursts on the golf course. >> we all do that, though. >> well,. >> or during the spurs games listen. let's talk nba. let's talk nba because i mean there are some really fantastic series going on right now? >> yeah. >>. >> let's talk about the spurs.
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they dropped it yesterday in overtime. outscored 13 to 3 in overtime? >> that can't happen. >> that can't happen. >> it just can't oakland is a tough, tough place but when you have cruory on one leg. >> drilled 53s yesterday? >> it's not his arm. it's his legs. >> how are you going to have a guy hobbled camping out by the 3-point line. >> you can't have that. >> all right. so but that series is tied. i have a feeling the spurs are going to -- i mean the spurs, the other thing about the spurs is they are old. >> they are old. >> they get beat. they get beat up. >> they are. i like them going into it, though. i thought, you know, i thought gosh, how do you not pick the spurs here? i thought it would be close but, you know at this point, it's a toss-up. >> you have oklahoma city. >> uh-huh. >> memphis. oklahoma city is down in that
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series. you have new york and indiana but what i am fascinated by is the miami chicago series. >> yeah. >> chicago won the first game. they good they got destroyed. >> it makes tiger and sergio look like a love fest. >> they hate each other. >> you can argue on whether brown was flopping. it was physical play. it was fun to watch. >> i think he was flopping. he got shoved. that happens by a big dude but, you know, i was talking to cyprian, who is running the cameras for us earlier this morning. he was say, you know michael jordan, if he got shoved he would shove back. >> yeah. >> lebron just sort of fell. i don't know if it's an nba culture thing or lebron is soft. >> two fold, one lebron flopped because that's going to make it
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look worse. >> one of your goons goes back. right? >> yeah. >> i am not sure they have that. >> yeah. >>. >> so what's going on with derrick rose, by the way? >> he says he is not ready to play. >> he got cleared to play when? >> ages ago. >> february? >> yeah. i think that the issue for him is that i don't know that would be -- i can't believe i am saying this. i don't know that would be in the best interest for the bulls right now. they are not used to having him in there. it would abrupt the flow of what they are doing right now. you know, it's difficult to say. oh jeez you don't want derrick rose. and i am cognizant of that, but i think it would really be tough for them to adapt right now. >> yeah. i mean i hear that. and it may be they are just sort of saying like let's just, you know, if we make it, we make it. if not, we've got next season
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where we know he will be healthy and can start. >> i am like you. i sit there and every time you see him in his expensive suit i think dude, you had you should be on the court. >> pat riley asked the guy who was hurt, if i really, really needed you if a guy is sitting in his street clothes action could you give me just one minute tonight? the guy says if you really needed me, i might. furious. you should have your uniform on. you should be out there playing? >> exactly. exactly. >> game 7, capitols. can they do it? >> sure, thing. it's here. the only problem i have is just the rangers stick around. they stick around. they don't go anywhere. i am kind of wondering here if they can't get lucky and steel
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this steal this last one. >> the capitols are good at finding ways to lose in the playoffs. >> they like to go home, come may this year ovechkin would be so different but i think he would want to get to the french open and wimbledon. i'm sorry. i hope i am wrong about that. it has irritated me when they have been eliminated in the 7th game and you could go into the locker room and two minutes after a crushing loss, he would be on the phone to russia shaking arrangements to go play. i think that's probably really good for his mental health but i would like to seattle more, you know, throwing throwing the sticky on the wall and sticking. >> i appreciate it. follow cindy on twitter at
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cindybor. it's great to have her twitter feed watching sports. she will comment stuff. >> thank you, peter. >> follow her there. i am peter ogburn sitting in for bill. thank you so much for being here. we will take a quick break. stay tuned. >> like politics? then like "the bill press show" on facebook. this is "the bill press show."
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[ music ] >> heard around country and seen on current tv, this is "the bill press show." >> welcome to the bill press show, if you will court press. my name is peter ogburn sitting in for bill this morning.
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monday, may 13th. i got that mother's day hangover, as i am sure a lot of you do. i appreciate y'all tuning in. by the way, you should follow us on twitter. we are at bp show. a bp show. you can enter act with us there. i am tweeting some during the show on both the bp show and follow me on twitter at peter ogburn. i am doing some tweeting there, too. multi-tasking, dan. >> that's what i do. >> you got it >> it's right around this time today that we were scheduled to talk to martha mullin. martha mullin she is -- she is a mental health counselor outside richmond winched she saw this story about tamerlan tsaernaev. his bot sat in a funeral parlor for weeks and when she heard that nobody would bury him she took up the cause. she checked in with other faith
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agencies around the state and found a place that would bury him in doswell, virginia. they didn't public size it. they buried him there and i talked to her over the weekend. i talked to her extensively last night. she said she decided not to join us. they wanted to stop talking about it because she was getting a lot of grief action a lot of heat from people that wanted to fight with her on the radio and on t.v. she just sort of came to the conclusion that she is going to stop talking about it because she wants it to go away. she didn't want people to holder her up as a cause. she wanted to get the guy buried because, as she said in this clip, it's the right thing to do. >> i am a christian, and jesus says, love your enemies. i kept hearing this news story over and over again that
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tamerlan's body couldn't be buried and people were tro testing he couldn't be buried in the country and if he were buried that they would dig him up. and i thought to myself, no matter what he has done and he did horrific things, if it were my child i wouldn't want that. >> for the residents in doswell and politicians who say we ought to dig him up and put him somewhere else, we don't want him in our town i would say, the sooner you shut up about it, the sooner that the bombing victims can go on and continue to live their lives. we are not talking about this guy. it's over, it's done with, good for martha mullin for leading that effort and we are not going to talk about it again today. >> that's it. let it go. let's take a look at the sunday shows. let's start, dan, because something we talked about a lot last week is the sexual assault
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in the military, and we talked to jackie spear, congress woman from california last week. she's leading an effort to fix that problem. tammy duckworth, an iraq war veteran was on cnn's state of the union with candy crawowley and said the military is not capable. >> the military shows it's not capable of fixing this problem. i would support the independent investigator option where our victims had a chance to go somewhere. when i was serving in the military or civilian. >> in the military. it would be in the military different military independent investigator they could go to. my experience with this is that oftentimes in my batallion, i was the only female officer. other units would ask me to come in if there were issues and i could be that independent person that women could talk to. >> from the sunday shows, mark sanford made his first sunday show appearance as the newly
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elected representative from south carolina where chris wallace wanted to hit him on the fact he had his fiancee, he brought her on stage after his win. chris wallace wanted to beat that drum. >> question: what did your boys think of that and -- your four boys, and have they accepted here? ? >> i am not going to go into inter family conversations but i would say it is what it is. >> do you have a date for your wedding? and will your fiance, will she come to washington to live with you? i feel like i am the national inquirer here? >> is this fox news or national inquire inquirer? i am not going to make news on that front tonight. >> come on, mark sanford. everyone wants to know about new mommy. how are the boys handling hot new mommy? >> those questions aren't going to go away. >> of course they are not. of course they are not.
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54 minutes past the hour. we will take a quick break. we will be right back. >> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us at become pshow and tweet using the hash tag, watchingbp. this is "the bill press show." (vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. you know who is coming on
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to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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(vo) current tv gets the
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converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. [ music ] >> this is "the bill press show" show." >> it is "the bill press show," the full court press live on current tv. what is the president up to today? he has a bilateral meeting with prime minister cameron from the united kingdom at 10:00 o'clock. going to have a press conference
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around 11:15. our next guest, evan mcmorris-santoro. he will probably be there. we will find out when he joins us. around 2:00 o'clock, he is on the road, heading to new york. he gets to new york around 2:00 o'clock. he will deliver remarks and print pool there. we won't have video from it. a couple of more events while he is in new york. he gets back to d.c. around 11:00 o'clock. he gets back to the white house. there you have it, busy, busy, busy. jay carney will not have a press briefing today. he will galloning aboard air force one but i don't blame him. not after friday. we will talk about that and much more in the next hour. "the full court press: the bill press show," peter ogburn sitting in. >> this is "the bill press show."
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>> happy monday. welcome to the "full-court press," it's "the bill press show" live on your radio and current tv. clearly, i am not bill press. i am peter ogburn. i am sitting in for bill press today. thank you for being there follow us on twitter at bp show and like us on facebook at facebook/bill press show. if you smell that, that's freshly grilled carney. jay carney faced, i would say, a moderately upset press corp on friday afternoon. lots of questions about benghazi, lots of questions
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about the irs. the irs had to admit they were targeting right-wing groups. it might go back as far as 2010. jay carney had to face a lot of questions. they kept pushing the briefing back, back, back on friday. we will talk about tall of that with buzz feed's santor 0 plus prince harry is in america. he visited washington late last week. someone covering that for cq roll call, netta sumnani. she will join us in the second half of the hour. what is our obsession with prince harry. if you want to see everything that drives people crazy about washington, look at the staffers that were hanging over the bal konies with their smart phones trying to snap pictures of principle harry. we will -- prince harry. we will talk about that plus much much, more. right here on current tv. support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number
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one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy
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to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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[ music ] broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> good morning. handy monday, may 13th. it is the full court press, "the bill press show." i am peter ogburn sitting in for bill today. he will be back tomorrow. don't worry. we are getting bombarded with hate mail. >> where is he? >> it's between him and his parole officer. >> he. >> i don't know where he is. i do noel be back tomorrow. stop your hate mail. thank you all for tuning in, checking in around the table here. we have evan mcmorris-santoro. evan, good morning. >> good morning. >> thank you for being here. you are going to be a friend of bill? >> i am excited. i told them when you are take
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over the show, you are a huge diva. a cup thrown at my head. >> it happens it absolutely happens. >> no wire hangers. >> same rules that apply with my children at home. no eye contact ever. don't ever touch me without the gloves. run, the board is dan henning. happy monday. >> good morning. >> a belated happy mother's day. who is here? bill is the biggest mother i know. you are the only one here keeping us on the video this morning is cyprian. everybody have a good weekend? good solid weekend? >> fabulous. >> good mother's day? >> yeah. cooked dinner for mom and everything. it was great. it was good. >> that's really good. >> raman noodles? >> no. a frebld of mine caught -- it's
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rock fish season on the chesapeake season. >> who doesn't know that? >> a friend of mine caught a couple of rock fish in a fishing tournament and gave me a couple of filets i broiled. >> how long do you microwave those? >> broil them for six minutes. >> okay. >> they were great. >> sounds pretty good. >> i went to this sweet life festival, this music festival. it's outdoors. it rained all morning. so you can, like we show up and it's muddy. i have these old beat-up skate skateshoes i used to wear. i started to walk in. the guy was like, sorry, you can't wear those in here. i was like because of the rain? he said, no, because you are in your mid-30s. you can't show up here. so we went and it rained on us. it was a mess. >> like a '90s woodstock festival. >> totals. nobody sat fire to the place. >> that's too bad. >> i don't remember ever being
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around people when i was that young that would be that drunk. high schoolers just hammered out in public. i misbehaft a lot. ved a lot. >> i can recall plenty of occasions where i would sit like on a corner kind of sitting on the ground. you know what i mean? like that kind of thing. >> there was a guy we nicknamed mud bro because it was so muddy out and he was so sick and drunk. he just sort of became one with the mud. that classic manuev where dude drink water. he was comatose. like a little baby bird trying to feed him droplets of water. mudbro was gone. >> poor mudbro. >> he is now back at the irs.
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we have a lot to discuss. >> other headlines making news barbara walters today is announcing her retirement on the view on abc. the veteran journalist released a statement last night that she will indeed sfep down from her day-to-day duties but she will stay on as the executive producer. until then she will continue to report for the network and anchor a signature 20-year retrospective for her 10 most fascinating people special in december. excited. >> good for her. she is a big inspiration for women in generalism. i think it's a big moment for people. she achieved a lot. >> i hear that. >> trailblazer. >> the speculation is over about the new late night host at nbc. they announced over the weekend that saturday night live's seth myers will take over for jimmie fallon in the late night slot when fallon moves to take over
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leno's spot. myers has been s & l's head writer for the past several seasons and hosts the weekend update segment. >> that's a solid choice. >> sure. white man gets network sheet. >> taking heat for another white man on late night. >> it's funny. jimmie fallon is hard to top. >> i agree. it may be harder to get a beer and a hot dog at a san francisco giants game soon. >> everyone is buying splifs. >> mudbro. >> workers voted to go on strike after the concession management company proposed healthcare changes and a 3-year wage freeze. no word on when the strike may begin and exactly what effect it will have. but the concession workers there were members of the unite here
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local member 2. it could happen in the next couple of days. >> i know people who listen to this show in the san francisco area will know what i am talking about. we went to a giants' baseball game when we were out there. the walk to the park is just -- people are getting stoned the whole way there. >> i will tell you all right. friday friday, an insane day. >> yeah. >> it started out with abc's report on the benghazi changes to the talking points edits to the talking points 12 different times. as we sort of go on through the day, we get this apology from the irs. they admit they were targeting tea party patriots groups that have that phrase in their title.
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so the press briefing was supposed to start at 12:45. ended up going on at? >> 3:45. >> ish. a little bit. did you show up at 12:45? >> i was there bright and early, as i am. i was there bright and early and we were all waiting for this thing. this is one of those days. this had happened before. they move the press briefings around. a lot of schedules in flux a lot of the time but this particular day was a day in which, you know, the press was there to get a lot of questions answered. everything having to do with this briefing moving around. there was a lot of focus on it. >> seems like moving around. it seemed like they didn't know what they were going to say or had questions worked out. they had postponed the briefing the first time to have a briefing with, i think carney said about 14 reporters or 14 media organizations specifically about benghazi that was one of the background griefbriefings.
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the way you this works a lot of senior administration officials in there and they talk to you. they say the same thing on the record but they are a little bit looser. there is no quotations allowed. you can't use names. they tried to stave off the benghazi question. and that leaked out that had happened. there is no worse way. i did a story with arti fleisher, bush's old press guy but the man knew how to pretty good manage the press. if you have a background briefing like this and you have a briefing that is a little bit of the of the record before a major news event and before a major briefing, it's like waving a cape in front of bulls. >> that's what happened. the press got upset. the press was really really fired up. it was hammer time. >> the headline was a cable
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constructed. cringes off course. >>areen off course. >> >>. the rollout of obama care. it's important to the white house they can roll this out. they face opposition to this in congress. not going to get help from republicans in congress from republican governors in the states. it's important to them that they can get this law going. friday was supposed to be the first sort of major push. obama with mom's, this mother's day event and the idea sort of help moms convince their kids who are young and healthy and don't think they need it so there are enough healthy people in the system to help expand healthcare. >> that's a very important part of the day. sort of due to -- i mean as fleisher told me anyway, that sort of due to these kind of moving the briefing around and
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having this background briefing on benghazi, that that story was almost completely wiped off the map. the irs came out of nowhere. that was not something anyone expected. those two things roughed up the whole day. the white house didn't talk about either thing on the record until carney came out at the end of the day. while obama was speaking. they ended up staying in case his briefing got called. it was a snafu day in terms of press strat joe. >> did he get to touch on obama care at all? >> one question. yeah, there was one question about it. republicans trying to repeal it again. >> right. >> whatever message they hoped to push -- >> right. >> it got completely lost? >> to be fair, this obama compare stuff is going to be a huge part of the next few
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months. but i mean seeing how benghazi and irs wasability blow it off its course for one day. we will see how much it affects the rest of it. >> let's take those two stories benghazi and the irs because the benghazi thing, i hate to say sort of a drip drip, drip but it seems like there is always one little thing when you think is almost gone. >> uh-huh. >> and that the white house might have put it behind them somebody else happens. so on friday it comes out that the talking points had been edit 12 times. why is that a big deal? >> there is as debate about whether it's a big deal or not. you know you know, as i was reading over the weekend pretty much if you are a republican and obama critic and you believed that the president is sort of lies all the time and sort of manipulates things, you think these benghazi talking points being a lterred is a huge deal, a proof positive everything you've ever said
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about how horrible obama is. if you are maybe on the left or if you are a obama supporter, from what i have been reading, the interpretation seems to me this is a mess. this is just a bureaucratic mess that you had one depart being the cia trying to make the cia look good by saying we flagged a lot of warnings about this. maybe the state department didn't pay much attention to them and look at them like we know what we are doing and the state department doesn't. the state department comes in and tries to change them make themselves look better. all of that's out in the open now. that never looks good. >> that's another option. in terms of its a big deal because there is some question about what the white house said about it explanation saying there wasn't much edited one word got changed that looks different it's a big deal because it fires up opposition
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to obama. it was fired up anyway but there are real questions that need to be answered about it. the the way the white house digs into it. all of the moments and things that happen throughout. you know, it's a big deal on this drip, drip, drip that you are talking about happens. it leads to more and more coverage. >> yeah. exactly. >> i do think that progressives would be foolish to try to write this off all together. i think an investigation to figure out what went wrong and what was said when it shouldn't have been said. but i also think this is such a classic washington scandal, you know it's like these memos may have been edited by one group that wanted to make themselves look better than another group and one word was changed but that's enough to set off and spark at outrage. i don't know if this has the staying power that the irs scandal has.
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>> i agree with that. >> we will talk about. we are going to take a quick break and talk about the irs and how they were targeting conservative groups, tea party groups. what the help happened there? we will talk about it with evan mcmorris-santoro, the white house correspondent for buzz feed. give us a call at 866-55-press. 866-55-7377. peter ogburn in for bill press. take a quick break. we will be right back. >> go mobile with bill press. downloadpot podcasts and listen any time anywhere. this is "the bill press show." >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv.
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ition jvrnlthsdz ib.
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>> this is the full court press, live on your radio and on current tv. >> it is the full court press. i am peter ogburn here with buzzfeed's evan mcmorris santoro. follow him at evanmcsam.
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and follow him on always good stuff on buzzfeed. evan, we talked about it. the irs the irs was targeting right-wing groups that had the word tea party patriot in their name. jay carney had to come out. a quick look at jay carney at the press briefing. >> there is no question that if this activity took place, it's inappropriate and there needs to be action taken. the president would expect that it be thoroughly investigated and action would be taken. >> okay. so what's the white house's role in this? >> well, you know all of the facts have yet to come out. there is no evidence at this point administration involvement. the irs is an independent agency ran by a bush administration appointee.
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right now, i don't know if there is any -- no one knows anything about broader involvement. the irs says it's low-level employees. there was a big debate back then. i am sure a lot will remember it about this tax-exempt status for these groups that aldppeared to be overtly political. a lot of people were trying to ask for extra scrutiny. the irs is doing that. but it looked like they are doing it tea party patriot. everything that conservative every sort of conservative name we saw in past years. the administration's involvement is they are at the top of the heap. this kind of thing is the kind of thing the white house on friday, like i said, they called
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for an investigation. they said that this is sort of an outrageous idea that this is happening. but that's not enough for republicans. it's not enough for white house critics. they are demanding more the white house dropped the ball. a terrible terrible day. they had this hastily called. first of all, this came out in this public speech where this woman lois learner said this has happened. it did. it happened. we are sorry. there was a hastily called press conference where the spokesperson said i am not good at math. also -- >> no biggie. just worked for the irs. >> there are a lot of questions about this. i think they are going to have to. >> has there been any indication that any progressive groups were targeting at all? >> not at this point.
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right now, the focus has been on conservative groups but the irs said this wasn't political. the 501 c 4s, this wasn't about that. there is an inspector general's report. we will take a look and see that. there is a lot more before this goes away. >> the irs has such a sterling riptation. they have made themselves look worse. we will be joined by netta sunani. i have been told she is on her way. she might not be here quite on time. we will talk to her coming up next. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does
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not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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[ music ] >> chatting with you live at, this is
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"the bill press show" live on your radio and current tv. >> it is bill press show, if you will court press peter ogburn and eric mcmorris santoro on this monday, from roll call is on her way. she will be here in mere moments. evan evan, i wanted to pick up our conversation we were having about the irs because matt drudge is on twitter this morning already saying, and soon the irs will is have your health information, could have, could have cough. see your meds. know your diagnosis. yeah. >> the irs thing is bad. >> this is the g.o.p. talking point. i mean i was this morning newt gingrich was talking about this same thing. you know, the irs is tied up with a lot of obama care implementation. they are going to have your stuff. they can't be doing this implementation because they are obviously now having this whole scandal. using it as a target to hit
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obama on some domestic terrorism stuff that they have been talking about for a long time. newt gingrich said the add miles per hourstration won't target, you know won't profile terrorists but will proceed file, you know patriots. so this is pretty much a huge gift. on the one hand politically. it's a huge gift for the -- for conservatives who have been saying this for a long time. also, it's a moment we should take stock and realize this is not a good thing if it's true. if it's true that irs agents were targeting political political speech, that's something we should really be wary of and should investigate and want to know a lot more about. it's a huge political win for the right. it's also something all of us regardless of your political affiliation should care about and pay attention to. >> we are getting a lot of tweets and comments from people who say, you know, the tea party
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patriots deserved it. they should be looked at. they are probably up to no good. i would say if this was george bush administration -- not saying this is an obama problem. if the shoe was on the other foot and the irs was looking at or groups like that, then 538 and nate silver says it seems like a potential gold mine at mid terms. >> beyond that. >> that's the dirty truth. >> it is. >> beyond that the tea party movement had been sort of after huge victories. you saw after obama won reelection in the 2012 e elections, some boehner kind of purged some people and there was the idea the tea party lost steam. this is the kind of thing that can fire that back up.
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again, like i said, you know, we are all going to talk about the politics of it quite a bit. substantively, if you are a person that cares about politics democracy, free speech, all of that stuff, you should really pay attention to stories like this and make sure that all of the facts about these stories come out. >> yeah. yeah. i agree. i think that dianne feinstein, i know, said something about it. dan, we have -- dan is on the phone with netta. we had a clip earlier of adam smith who was on fox news who said don't jump to conclusions the we will have to wait and sort of see where this goes. some people were brought it up as the i word. >> they brought it up with george w. bush, too. you bring up the i word. impeachment is the thing you bring up. >> that's the ultimate dream. the moment obama got elected, people were saying, we are going
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to impeach him. the moment bush got elected. on the one hand, the public was totally over it. clinton weathered it completely. the idea of dragging anybody through an impeachment process, particularly a republican congress, i find that just just such a huge error it won't happen. democratic credit senate would never remove him anyway. the whole thing is just kind of you know, a word that you throw around. it's sort of like, i don't know it used to be when i was a kid talking about new star wars movies. now, there are and nobody wants to see them. it's terrifying. same thing with impeachment. i don't think anybody is ever going to do it. netta is going to be here in a little while.
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before we do, you mentioned newt gingrich. he is very confused about his phone his cellular device. he put out a video to his followers on youtube. here he is. >> we are puzzled here at gingrich productions. we spent weeks talking being why do you try to find this. you probably think it's a ofc. if i say to audiences, how many have a cell phone? it's taking pictures. it's not a cell phone. if it has a mcdonald's appear to tell you where mcdonalds is based upon your gps location, that's not a cell phone if you can get wikipedia or go to google, that's not a cell phone. if you can walk youtube or net flicks. think about it. >> he went full grassley. grassley, i am watching the history channel. >> there is no history. >> if it's not in a bag over
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your shoulder, not connected to your car. it's not a cell phone. it's a book bag. is it more of a nap sack? the kids do they call them cell phones? i call it a cell phone. >> i call it a cell. >> a mobile phone. the cell phone used cells to connect to the network. >> it's not even the phone. >> more of a mobile device. >> right. i will hit you up with my mobile device. it's a phone. >> or my i phone. >> i have an android. >> that applies. >> we can talk about all of these definitions for this sort of stuff. now, there are computers, that i don't know my play station, i only watch t.v. on, a video game console or a t.v.?
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what's the final? so doubting whether it's a ofc or not, what did that have to do with anything on the end? >> nothing. he's just like old man rantin' but i love the first appear he mentions is mcdonald's appear. i am wherever i am, i need to get to a mcdonalds stat. >> i am sure that appear exists. >> i am going to download it right now. we don't have a mcdonald's close to here. >> you need an appear to find out. >> yeah. close by for people outside. >> i think netta is almost here we will take a quick break and we will get herein. it's the bill press show the full court press, peter ogburn sitting in with evan mcmorris santoro from buzz feed. we will be right back. >> this is "the bill press show."
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to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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(vo) current tv gets the converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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>> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us at bp show and tweet using the hash tag watching bp. this is "the bill press show." >> the rolling stones are coming to d.c. >> tickets go on sale in an hour and 15 minutes. >> the worst rolling stones song. >> emotional rescue. >> good baseline. >> a good baseline. >> musical geeks. as a song, so many better stone songs. emotional rescue? >> apologies. >> giving you grief. >> tickets go on sale in an hour and 15 minutes. >> can i buy them on my whatever this is? >>. >> i will use the mcdonald's appear. >> you can buy tickets. >> downloading appears? >> newt gingrich was trying to
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figure out what they call this thing. he said it's not a phone because i have an appear. >> not a cell phone. >> magical device. >> i am looking it's looking at my current location. it says it cannot be determined. now, i am pissed because i wouldn't a mcgriddle. >> right now? >> right this middle. >> i don't know where mcdonald's is. she is here. >> yay. >> roll call heard on the hill. thankful for coming in. >> oh, my gosh. sorry the city is broken. i don't know how to get around it. >> it's fine. what was going on last week? did prince harry get naked? he did surprised michelle obama. not naked. he was here. the best part of his visit was
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everybody losing their minds on the hill. >> it was so d.c. in a nutshell. lined up the staircases and leaning over balconies trying to get a shot of him. >> productivity went down significantly. it's a beginning thing we don't have anything big happening in our country right now. there is no big news. actually, to be fair last week was kind of a quiet weak. >> up until the end. people should check out. everyone go crazy. >> to be fair, everyone thought they were going to be -- he was going to fall in love with them and mary them. literally, the talk around the office was one of my colleagues turns to me and he says, you should be in russell, at the russell office building. and i said incorrect. i am writing a story. why would i go to russell?
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because prince harry is there and he is looking for a bride. >> come on. >> i swear to god. i think one of the things that was also happening was that there is a whole bunch of young people men and women who wanted to be chosen for harry's special day. >> that's how it works. >> to be sure. i don't know. maybe i am just too much of a red-blooded american. but i feel like maybe in our own congress building, we should not be screaming our support and love for a british prince. >> it was like 100 years ago. >> he still holds a grudge. >> who does? evan you could have had him. >> this could be yours. >> i have fallen over. >> that's not fair. he had nothing to do with the taxation without -- plus we
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have -- i mean we have it our license place. >> i don't know. we are not fighting the revolutionary war. he is perfectly adorable. he is perfectly adorable. although people call him the nazi prince. >> come on. >> our the naked prince sglfrnings that's what i like to call him. >> i love the fact that john mccain was saying he was so absorbed in this land mine exhibit. >> yeah. >> you know, he didn't say much. he was walking around totally absorbed. there were people literally screaming as if to be over there. >> let me tell you something about that. don't scream at someone like a beatlemania who is looking at a thing about landmines and saving people from landmines. this is not the time to scream. >> to be fair.
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what evan -- wheneveran went through the exhibit, people lost their mines, crying tears. >> a serious thing. >> i understand. i understand. people thought we have one shot. >> there was a great series of photos. there was one stamp who had the green iphone case and in various different positions and locations around she was always just sneaking in and grabbing a picture. she was following him around to get him from multiple angles like a whole 360 panorama. >> to be fair, they only had a limited amount of time. now, he is in denver for a little while. he goes to new jersey. all of the sandy victims things are still pretty rough unless i get prince harry to love me. >> i can't think of any one person i would go that crazy
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for. >> not some random royal. >> what connection do they have? >>. >> he is rich, though. right? >> no doubt. like the british taxpayer. >> no. i mean they probably don't pay their taxes. >> they used to not. now. >> look. he is a perfectly fine person. i don't understand royal fever at all. it's something i have no connection to. i have never understood it. i don't get it. >> he doesn't want to be -- he doesn't want to be royal. >> i am on team evan with this. >> i am too apathetic to feel that guide almost anything except for food cheese i get excited. >> screaming. >> speaking of food by the way, mcdonald's appear is working. >> what are you holding?
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>> yeah. >> what is that? what is that in your hand? >> good lord. what do you call that? >> i am not sure how you hold one of these. .88 miles away is a mcdonald's. >> is it going to bring us some eg mcmuffins. >> they don't deliver. >> soon there will be a mcdrone. >> why does mcdonald's not deliver? >> ridiculous. >> you could order your food. >> did you say a mcdrone? >> it will fly over. >> food. >> fly over. yeah. one thing i want to talk about that wasn't prince harry although we could talk about that for emp. we talked about optics a lot. n politics. here in this town. you have a piece out that you want to talk about about the paris air show. >> this is one of my favorite sequester stories. so i know i tend to be on the sexquester where it's the sexy sequester stories but this one i was hoping but it tracked to
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news. the paris air show there are two. and it's a big deal where the deals are made with boeing air bus, defense contracts whatever. we gentrily send a pretty high level delegation to either the farmboro or paris air show. this year, it's paris. the optics are bad. even though it's not the same thing. we have cancelled air shows and i don't think people understand there is a difference between the air show and flying over and doing trick shows. but there is. i called -- me and several colleagues called or e-mailed every senate office because normally they send a delegation. >> that's almost 100 officers f it is almost 100 offices. have you tried to get a response flu one senate, let alone 100? >> atoontoon tsunami.
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>> it's a resting home. so three, three -- well, two senators are definitely going. and then one media. and the difference is there is that there should be a handful about 7 to send because other countries send in like all of their big guns like that president big guns and we are competing with all of these different contracts. the thing is it's a huge economic win for whichever countries get it. there is a product line supply line that comes with it. you are not just talking about building the frame of a boeing or air bus. you are talking about all of the little bells and whistles that go with it. most of these contractors are nailed down during this week. and because it looks so bad like i am off to paris for a week in june, people are literally -- people that used to go like lindsey graham who has a huge air naughtics aviation industry and other senators are now like
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flying away and saying, no no, no. i will not go. which is economically problematic for him. >> that's a great story about sort of like what happened with the other stuff, sequester and how it affected the government. >> that's cool. >> we will send a link out to it now on our twitter page. bp show. bp show. we will take a quick break and be right back. >> this is "the bill press show."
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the natural energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go!
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5:57 am
(vo) current tv gets the converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. [ music ] >> this is "the bill press show." >> super short on time. i am peter ogburn sitting in for bill press.
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evan mcmorris santorum. >> we have a big conference with david cameron. >> more british royals? >> he is not royal. this is huge. there is so much news coming out of the white house everybody should tune into the 11:15 press conference. the big driver of the day. >> we tweeted a link to the paris air show. it shows what's going on with the sequester. another angle of it. peter ogburn. bill will be back tomorrow. thank you so much. >> this is "the bill press show."
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>> if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible, who still questions the power of our democracy... tonight is your answer.
6:00 am
>> new york city: 1983. 22 year old ivy league graduate barack obama is bothered by the


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