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tv   Full Court Press  Current  May 17, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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[ music ] >> bill: hey. good morning, everybody. it's friday. oh, man. here we are. end of another week ready to go into the weekend but not before we give you the round-up of the news and get your comments here on the "full-court press," coming to you live this friday morning. pardon me. from our studio in capitol hill. live on current tv across this great land of ours. give you a chance to sound off about the news of the day, of course, by giving us a call at
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866-55-press. joining us on twitter. invite your comments on twitter @bpshow. on facebook at press show. in the rose garden yesterday with president obama and the prime minister of turkey. it was a little edgy because it started to rain on us reporters who were sitting there waiting for the president, but we shouldered through, and the president talked on all of the three -- three big scandals of the week, on the irs, he said he didn't know anything about what the irs was up to until the inspector general's report came out. he will make sure it doesn't happen again. on benghazi the president calling on the congress to provide the funding for more security at our embassies and on eric holder, he said he had complete confidence in eric holder as attorney general and expected him to stay on a long time. mean while, just to know you got your money's worth out of congress, the house republicans voted yesterday to repeal
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obamacare for the 36th time. that and more coming up right here, on current tv. alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. [ music ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: house republicans vote to repeal obamacare. oh, my god. for the 36th time. don't you think you ought to know this is not going anywhere. good morning, everybody. what do you say? i know what i say. it's friday. ♪ alleluia ♪ >> bill: you bet. friday may 17th. ♪ alleluia ♪ >> bill: our favorite day
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around the full court press. ♪ alleluia ♪ >> bill: yours too, i bet it is. into the weekend. we sort of slide into the weekend by taking a look at the big stories of the day as we do every day. what's happening here in the united states of america, around the country, around the globe here in our nation's capitol, washington, d.c., where you will find us right here on capitol hill close enough we can see those members of congress from -- from our studio and they can hear us from wherever they are in the senate or the house office buildings. and we are here with you to review the stories of the day and get your comments at 866-55-press. >> that's our toll-free number. get your comments on twitter twitter @bpshow and on facebook at press show. welcome. welcome to the program this morning on a busy, busy friday with the whole team here in place. peter ogburn and dan henning. >> hey, hey, hey. >> good morning. >> yes. yes. ready to go.
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>> happy friday. >> bill: wound up this friday. >> ready to rock and roll. >> alicia cruz has the phones covered and monte here cyprian boulding. god knows where he was? >> he was here. he got a call. you know, et cetera always on the phone. he was here. he got a call from someone. he looked very worried. he was pacing, and then he just said, i got to go. i got to go. and he just left. >> monty just sewed up. >> bill: cyprian, i hope it's not too bad. which we checked in with the d.c. police. >> i am too scared. >> bill: you might know that i am sure you are so excited because last night was the finale of american idol this year. there was a time when our show was built around american"american idol." you know, we knew who was competing and we followed them.
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we even had correl. >> idol update twice a week. every tuesday and wednesday. >> bill: i have not once watched one episode or whatever of this year. neither has carol, who would never miss it. >> if you lost carol, you lost america. but last night was the finale. >> confession time. i walked in the other night and my wife was watching it. and i caught about 10 minutes of it. and holy cow is it bad. it was so bad. it's nikki mena ge and keith urban and randy is still there yelling. mariah carey didn't say a word. >> ryan secrest is still there. last night, he did announce a winner. the winner for this year, idol
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candace glover. if you think this show has gone downhill, i would have to say -- by the way when i was at vegas, taylor hicks, right? but he was a big draw. i am not sure how big a draw but he was performing and i guess filming the show. here, how far they have sunk. here is last night's winner candace glover. ♪ i am beautiful. ♪ i am beautiful. ♪ >> will to that. yeah, i mean if she is the winner, you know what that sounds like? that sounds the audition the first night. >> the bad people >> bill: the bad ones. but last night, we did say, and this is totally the end of "american idol" said good-bye to randy jackson who didn't go out without telling everybody how great he is? >> i think i speak on behalf of a lot of people in america and our producers when i say the
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door is always open, my brother. >> yo appreciate you ryan. everybody that walked on this show. love, love you. and hopefully all of these amazing contestants over 12 seasons, i am so blessed and honored and lucky. hopefully i have touched their lives a little bit. they certainly touched mine. thank you. >> randy jackson. >> how full of yourself man, do you have to be? >> but i do like randy. he was good on that program, i think. >> here is the thing, randy filled a certain roll and when everybody else left and they tried to make randy a star, randy is no leading -- he is not like the leading judge. he's not that good at that. but he was very good at what he did. >> bill: he hung in there for 12 years. >> i appreciate you bill. >> thank you. thank you. ? >> i am blessed. >> i am blessed. congressman earl blumenhauer joining us.
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susan page washington by toe chief for sgaus today, stan collander, our economic guru as well will be here to take a look at the economy and the fact the deficit is shrinking. honey, we shrunk the deficit. guess who made news yesterday? but first: >> this is the full court press. >> other headlines making news on this friday thepresident obama having a big news conference with the turkish prime minister bill, you were there when it started to rain. it was no problem for the president as commander in chief of the armed forces, he just called in the marines. politico reports the marines have strict protocols, they are not allowed to hold um belas over their own heads but they can hold them over others. >> bill: two marines. i bet you holding the umbrella. >> by the way, among all of the
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reporters there, there was one umbrella. >> really? >> the only umbrella was mark -- i forgot his last name from the "new york times" and he put it up for a while but everybody was giving him such a hard time that he put it down. >> inside the white house, you know. we were out in the rose guardn and you can't just get up and run in or out. it didn't rain that hard. it could have been could have been a total, total disaster. if it had been a deluge that would have been you know. >> obama had a bad week benghazi, irs, associated press. and then it rained on his news conference. very symbolic. >> poetry in motion. but, you know, holding an umbrella completely out stretched, that's harder than you might think >> bill: the marine's arm was shaking. >> it's not like they can give up and put it down. >> god bless the marines. >> brandon ashmore of mentor
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ohio, was just going about his business this week downloading an app on his iphone when he suddenly became $10,000 rich areaer. abc reports he is the one that downloaded the 50 billionth app from the app store. he won the contest. he downloaded a word game one of over 850,000 access now available in the app store. when steve jobs introduced the app store back in 2008, it had just 500 appears. now up to 850,000? >> no wonder having a hard time to decide which appear toapp to download. >> ladies, make sure you have hand sanitizer on hand. a new study commissioned by the initial washroom hygiene solutions finds many percents have more bacteria in them than the average toilet seat because stuff often sits in there for so long without getting cleaned and the warmer environment inside
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the purse provides a breeding ground for germs. >> gross. >> bill: think of a woman carrying her purse around. she might as well be carrying a dement seat aroundtoilet seat around. >> we bring you the news every day here on the "full-court press." and sometimes we even make news which was the case yesterday. you know i as a liberal and as a progressive said -- and i am not backing down -- that i think eric holder has outlived whatever usefulness he had to the obama administration, to president obama, and that he ought to go. he ought to either be fired or president obama should ask him to resign. give him a chance. i don't want to be too mean. let him say i want to spend more time with my family and step down. but at any rate i think he ought to go. that was -- and i said that. and i tweeted that out, and it first of all, showed up on the front page of the hill a great
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newspaper covering ent did on capitol hill here showed up there yesterday. it was picked up by drudge. it was on the front page of drudge. it was then picked up by politico in an interview with politico and ends up on the front page of politico. i heard from a friend last night that it was reported on fox news. i don't know whether that's something to be proud of or not. >> how does it feel to be the new darling of the g.o.p.? >> exactly. i did an interview over an hour ago, already this morning with wmal radio here in washington, d.c. i am going to be on hergeraldo rivera later this morning and i have heard from the producer of "morning joe" that joe scarborough will be talking about me as well this morning. here it is and all because i as, again, a lefty, think that eric holder ought to go. and yesterday, in -- so
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yesterday, having said all of this and then getting these comments from my fellow reporters in the white house -- at the whitehouse, saying, you know, right on. good for you. good for speaking out. someone asked president -- geoff mason from reuters asked president obama whether he had any confidence left in eric holder and the president didn't hesitate. >> i have complete confidence in eric holder as attorney general. he is an outstanding attorney general and does his job with integrity. and i expect he will continue to do so. >> a couple of people turned around and looked at me as so, there, there. take it. and i am thinking, is president obama looking at me? did he read my tweet, too? trying to tell me something? so i just want to explain, i don't have anything personally against eric holder and i am not trying to be mean. but here's my problem with eric holder is: i think he's got the
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wrong set of priorities and he's shown the wrong set of priorities and followed the wrong priorities as attorney general. let's start with wall street. i would call them criminals. there was criminal activity there. these people knew what they were doing. they knew they were selling worthless products to the american people. and they went ahead and did it and almost brought this country to collapse to economic collapse. look at the millions of americans who lost half of their pensions or lost half of their 401(k) did or last half of their save savings. people were really hurt by this. and nobody, nobody nots one banker, not one head of one financial institution, not one of those clowns on wall street was ever prosecuted or went to jail. not one. by the attorney general. the attorney general of new york state went after a few of them. why leave dick cheney off of the
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hook? it's against american law. eric holder just decided to let them go. didn't pursue them at all. no member of the bush administration. i also for the eric for continuing this crazy war on drugs. i know there is a drug zar at the whitehouse, but when colorado look at all of the medical marijuana. send federal agents in. the attorney general. not the white house. so that, you have all of that then i do not accept the fact that he had sufficient cause, even though he recused himself personally from this one case, the associated press, the raid
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of their phone records happened on his wash in his department based on policies that he set, and there is no justification in my opinion from the facts that i have seen, no justification for seizing the phone records on 20 phone lines over 100 reporters and editors at associated press on this once incidents about this airliner, in attempts to blow up this headliner. i think that was a massive violation of the first amendment. and then yesterday, we learned that under the witness protection program that the department of justice is responsible for where they put former terrorists or people who have been helping -- terrorist who have been helping tus catch other witnesses, they lost two of them. they lost track of two of them. these are people they are supposed to be following to make sure they don't get out there and do any more damage. they can't find two of them. no idea where on the planet there are. and they say there are maybe
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others but they know, in fact, they lost two. look. i don't know what good he has been to president obama but whatever good he has been. he has been there for four years. >> that's enough time for anybody he can make lots of money in the private sector. i can't the president and the american people would be better served by another attorney general well a different and a more aggressive and a more progressive set of policies. >> that's why i came out and i will repeat it today. i repeat it today that i came out and say, i think eric holder should be fired. 866-55-press, your chance to disagree. it's okay if we don't agree on this. but i want you to know where i stand on it. eric holder ought to go. >> this is the full court press. live on your radio and on current tv.
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the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain, of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning... to like 1,000 bees
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why year eye
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[ music ] [ music ] >> heard around the country and seen on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: you got it. 26 minutes after the hour eric holder, attorney general. i wonder if he's been on our side. there is a big waste of energy on, money and resources. again, a question of the wrong priorities is pursuing the prosecution of john edwards. i mean, you know john edwards, his career had been ruined, out of a marriage, out of a job,
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down in north carolina. we all know what happened to him and the dumb mistakes he made. why was it worth sending the u.s. attorney to continue this case against john edwards? he could have just dropped it. he sets the priorities. >> that's my point. >> twitter. >> on twitter, i am ready to get beat up by our friends this morning. >> we are at bp show on twitter. receipt a says bill, get your xanax and shut up. >> that's what i need. >> more drugs, masg says please shut up. however, you do have some supporters druid said i believe you are correct. i had high heath hopes for holder but he committed far too many. al friend in hr says agree 100%. it's time to replace eric holder for the no wall street prosecutions and other inactions? >> four years is plenty of time. right? >> sure. yes. >> what the hell, blaine calling from kansas.
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what do you say? >> caller: i don't agree with you, bill. >> bill: okay. >> caller: but i think president obama does. in the sports world when the athletic director says that he has complete confidence in the football coach, that coach won't finish the season. >> sometimes, but i think in this case, president obama meant it literally and meant it seriously. i don't think he has any plans to replace him. unfortunately. do you? i think he will wait a couple of months >> bill: joey from chicago. agree with me call >> caller: i concur with you. when you are right, you are right. in 1988, ronald reagan, people went to jail. >> bill: yeah. absolutely. we got nothing. we got bumpcuskus out of this which
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was a lot bigger scandal than that one. >> this is "the bill press show."
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>> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us and use the hash tag watchingbt. this is "the bill press show" >> bill: what do you say 33 minutes after the hour? happy friday. may 17th. it is the full court press, and just talking about the reaction to and getting your reaction to my call for eric holder to step down. look. he's been there four years. he has had four years. you know, hilda solis has gone.
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four years is about as much time unless they are doing an outstanding job. eric holder has not done an outstanding job. i think he has let us down let me down certainly in too many areas not going after the wall street financial gurus who almost brought us -- did bring us to the brink of ruin, too aggressively pushing the anti-drug laws and not going after george bush, not going after dick cheney, instead going after reporters just doing their job. eric holder, time to go 866-55-press. but the one thing you can count on, the one thing president obama can count out throughout these scandals and get back to the calls is for republicans to overplay their hand. they cannot themselves. it's the best thing obama's got going for him right now. as circumstantial evidence
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geyesterday, the one single action taken by the republican-controlled house of representatives. they took a vote. michelle bachman was presiding. >> on this vote the yeas are 229. the nays are 195. the bill is passed. >> bill: yes. that, of course, was the repeal of obamacare for the 36th time. by the way 229 to 195. >> that's pretty close. >> that's not -- that's not overwhelming. some republicans obviously are still getting sick and tired of this. what did john boehner say afterwards? we are going to have more votes. we are going to continue voting. they are so obsessed with this anti-obama. mike huckabee says because of benghazi president obama is never going to finish his second term now.
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he is going to be out of. james inhoff said we ought to impeach the president. michelle bachman said people are saying why don't you impeach him? these guys are out of control. darryl issa is saying it's going to hold more hearings on benghazi. john boehner promising more votes to repeal obamacare. so again, the one thing president obama can certainly and we can all be sure of is the republicans will just make fools of themselves on all of these issues. obama would be better served and we would be better served with a different attorney general. >> a lot of comments on that topic by the way on twitter twitter @bpshow, ran man says because eric holder's priorities don't fit yours, they are wrong? you are wrong. >> bill: i don't think they fit the priorities of the american people. >> that's what he said.
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you were wrong. >> that's the point that you were making. free speak says demanding stuff from the president democrats are very hard to satisfy. but boskia. it says you crystallized my thoughts on holder. i wanted him to leave at the start. it looks like the g.o.p. have pushed him out. not yet. not yet. >> they haven't. president obama is in back of him. >> ed is up in boston. hey, he had what do you say? >> hey bill. the thing about the ag, i think a lot about the press but i think the press has gone way too far when it comes to military secrets and the safety of the country. i just think the -- first of all, i think there were 99 employees and vietnam vets. >> bill: really? you blame that on the media back then? >> caller: i do because they were showing pictures of the little babies burned and in
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shock. they were thinking baby killers. go back ten or 12 years, a navy seal team invasion doing a secret mission, like it was a movie set? >> bill: i am not sure what you are referring to >> caller: a navy seal team was like a beach and it was the press saying we have the freedom of the press. to a point. i don't think when that amendment was written it was written with the intention of national security as well. >> you hear you ed. i don't remember anything about a navy seal team hitting the beach. it could be. let me just say this. in republican and democratic administrations, whenever the white house doesn't want us to know something or congress they
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always couch it under the phrase, "national security." and that always makes me suspicious suspicious. no, i don't want to say everything is out in public things that the president can know and some of the members of congress can't know, but we all can't know. but to automatically assume that every time anybody in the federal government invoke national security that they are right, i think we are just foolish to do so. and let's -- let's come back to this case of associated press. you tell me how this put the american people at risk. there was an attempt to blow up an airline heading for the united states. we found out about it. we infiltrated this group. we stopped that attempt in its tracks. the white house was about to announce this to the american people as a successful
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intelligence operation, and the associated press, which had sat on that story for four days and not reported it at the request of the white house made a decision, hey, if the white house is going to release it anyway, we are going to run with it. what's the problem here? what's the threat to national security? tim call from cleveland. hi, term. >> hey, bill. you are 100% right. you know, the first amendment should be just as absolute as the second, and not just when its convenient for the government. there was no national security involvement with the ap here that's clear. and holder needs to go. we also, we need to roll back get rit of patriot, go ahead rid of ndaa and get rid of the reynolds decision that allows all of this stuff in the first place. >> bill: i am glad you mentioned the patriot act. again, tim, i talked about this
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so much at the time and opposed it so much at the time and there were conservatives, bob barr from georgia as right-wing as you can get who is the one who voted against the patriot act and so did our friend from wisconsin, whose name i am blanking on right now, the senator from wisconsin former senator now from wisconsin at any rate. but -- feingold. >> russ feingold. exact exactly. so john ashcroft took that bill just in the few days after september 11th, it was all stuff that the justice department under him was trying to get through. in the aftermath of 9-11, under the rubric, again, of national security, they got that thing passed. it's a disaster. tim, you are absolutely right. good to hear from you. remind us about the patriot act
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which is still in place, unfortunately. joe calling from monroe, michigan hey joe. >> caller: how is it going, bill? >> bill: you tell me. what's going on? >> caller: having to talk about how we never bring up war crimes on george bush. >> bill: no. >> caller: donald rumsfeld. >> bill: condi rice dick cheney, eric holder decided. >> bush was known to be in bed with the saudi family, the ones who had to do with 9-less than, in bed with the bin laden family. shipped everybody back overseas when it happened. $12,000,000,000 disappeared on a crate. i am sure hal burton didn't have nothing to do with that. >> bill: plus, again, joe, you had the -- remember the wiretapping for the nsa of all of our phones domestic and foreign. they didn't go to the fisa
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court. >> everything she should investigate, they do not. >> they don't investigate what they should and they do investigate what they should should not. joe, excellent point. that sums it up. here we go. one more lynn from houston, texas. what do you say? >> don't forget that holder has done nothing regarding voter suppression. >> bill: there again, excellent point. yeah. he should have been all over those states who were trying to suppress the vote. >> also he goes after whistle blowers and we need them. >> bill: you know what? two more good reasons,ly. yeah -- lin, we are building the case against eric holder. i am going back to the rose garden personally. challenge president obama on this. all right. thanks for your help, folks. when we come back we want to check in with susan page from u.s.a. today who wonders whether president obama has a
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second-term curse going on here. >> this is "the bill press show."
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv.
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[ music ] >> get social with bill press, press show. this is "the bill press show." >> bill: thirteen minutes before the top of the hour. from the good state of oregon in studio with us in the next hour. well, what a week for president obama. more noise about benghazi and the breaking news topped by the
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department of justice bill court press in the rose garden. how are you? >> hell 0. how are you? >> that was symbolic yesterday. used it this morning. stormy weather. >> yeah. exactly. you have written -- you interviewed robert dallick, one of our best presidential historians about that. is this just kind of for president obama or bigger? >> traditional historian, but he agreed this had been a really tough week for president obama, that it reflected maybe some
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problems of things that had been planted in the first time but didn't have time to bear fruit. he said this idea of the second term curse happens in part because the other party is so unhappy after losing two national e elections. >> also, big time, day before yesterday, with the media, schiell releasing e-mails on benghazi and firing the acting head of the irs. do you think that helped kind of slow things down? >> it was so interesting to see how that happened on wednesday. >> boom, boom, boom. >> tuesday and wednesday there was kind of a conventional wisdom that president obama was like a bystander in his own administration. >> yeah. >> i think they tried to show
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that that wasn't the case. it was a day not to go home too early. >> bill: that's right. obviously you did mention one factor. the fact of what you said, you know, we have lost two e elections in a row and they are going to be aggressive about straighting back but republicans could overplay their hand? wouldn't you agree? >> yes. you only have to look back to the clinton administration to see. republicans were gleeful that they had the opportunity to investigate president clinton on his personal behavior and impeachment. that second one with the monica
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lewinski investigation and impeachment. i think there are some risk that they looked like they are faced on not addressing the nation's problems. you have to say republicans think this has provided a big opening for them and the possibility that you want to see the healthcare law. we saw the repeal. they are proud of it. >> what do you think about for the 36th time? we want to be sure every republican mer of congress is on the record and since there are some new members like mark sanford sworn in we have to have yet another vote.
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>> it does. it tells you republicans think the affordable care continues to be a pretty good issue for them in the mid-term e elections coming up. the affordable care act right after the law was passed in 2010 was an issue that clearly rebounded against democrats. less so in 2012, but republicans clearly believe in the house races in 2014, it will be a good thing for their members to be able to say yes, i cast a vote to repeal it. >> so do you expect to see more hearings on benghazi? >> oh, yes. more hearing on everything. including today, an i.r.s. hearing to hear from the acting head of the i.r.s. who announced his resignation on the hill. it i think there will be more investigations and hearings on all three of these fronts. you know, there is one other
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controversy these i am merged in a bigger way this weekmmerged in a bigger way this week. sexual assaults on the military happening during his administration. we saw him have another kind of high-profile session yetsterday at the whitehouse so he was paying attention to that. >> i thought it was interesting that they scheduled that special meeting yesterday with secretary hagel just on that issue. of course, senator jillibrand in the house and congress woman jackie speer in the house have introduced legislation to take this issue out of the chain of command in the military. >> the problem the military has, two high profile arizona, people in charge of sexual harassment programs who have been charged
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themselves with sexual misconduct, which makes it hard to say they are doing a good job of policing their own shop. >> several people have written, reminds you, doesn't it, of the catholic church schedule. those who were there, you know, teaching us morality are some of the ones who were the worst offenders. what a world we live in? hum? >> it's a great time to be a journalist. >> indeed as long as you are not working for the ap. hey, all right. thanks, as soon asan. sussage page is the washington bureau cheese for the associated -- i'm sorry. u.s.a. today of course. >> radio meets television "the bill press show," now on current tv. [ music ]
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best
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of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? [ music ] >> radio meets television, "the bill press show," now on current tv. >> bill: you bet.
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45 minutes -- 26 minutes after the hour. we are going to talk immigration in the next half hour here on the "full-court press." right now, we are talking a variety of issues with earl blumenauer and peter, i'm sorry before we move on sglfrnings talking about bike riding. somebody on twitter alerted us to the fact that the world enabled bike ride is happening next month. portland is sort of ground zero for this movement. >> see what you started. see what you started? >> they are expecting four to 5,000 people to get on their bikes naked and in portland, it's going to be at the portland art museum. they are going to host the ride there. >> bill: washington, d.c. have an event? >> i am not going to tell you because i am afraid you would go. >> bill: congressman, we know what the house was up to yesterday. michelle bachman one and only, was presiding and announced the
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vote. >> on this vote the yeas are 22 fine. and the nays are 195. the bill is passed. >> bill: tha of course that was the 36th vote to repeal obamacare which is getting to a joking point. actually i think it was the 37th. that was my line when i spoke on the floor of the house. yeah. you i have run 37 marathons but when you run a mayorrathonmarathon, you get someplace. these people are, you know the 37 times they have gone through this port less exercise they have not offered their alternative. they are willing to take away relief for the senior citizens young people being on parents' insurance until they are 26. they have offered nothing in return. >> we only very long about 30
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seconds left. i hate it. but you want to improve obama care. how? >> we are working forward to have a benefit for helping people understand what they face approaching end of life. medicare will pay any amount of money to hook you up to machines, procedures, they won't pay 150 bucks to have a conversation for people to know what they are getting in to. most important, make sure their wishes, whatever they are, are protected. >> that is something we know is an issue of debate. you are working on it. >> we are working on it. some day it may be worth a conversation. >> congressman, thank you for coming in. this is "the bill press show." (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern.
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>> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do
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like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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[ music ] >> this is "the full court press: the bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv. >> bill: it's friday morning, a full court press. it's 33 minutes after the hour now coming to you live all the way across the country here from our nation's capitol and studio on capitol hill. we are booming out to you on our local progressive took talk radio station and on current tv and allof all of our great affiliates around country, we have a special place in our heart for i think cal new york where i have been many types and wnyy 14:70 a.m. i love my trips up to ithaca love going through
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the course of cornell. >> ithaca college. >> best school in the nation. >> dan henning here we are so especially pleased to welcome welcome into the studio at this time sten yale lair is a professor of immigration law. one of the things that's been going on this week we have been so consumed in the media in talking about the big three skavenlingdzs, about benghazi about the irs, about the department of justice and the associated press. we have given very little -- no attention at all to the fact that the senate judiciary committee -- i know because i have a friend who works on that committee. they have been hard at work marking up -- not cutting up but mark ing up the immigration bill. you are in town as an expert on
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immigration. are we going to get a bill out of the senate? >> we will get a bill out of the senate this year. it's unclear if we will get it all the way to the president's desk. i want a comprehensive, complex piece of legislation that affects every person in the united states whether they hire a person from another country whether they are a foreign national, mary a foreign national. there are so many complex issues it's hard to put together in a final pack acknowledged the good is making a first stab. >> what would you estimate is the population of people who came here illegally and are now in this country working, have families, whatever? >> the best guess is there are about 11 million undocumented foreign nationals in the united states right now. some of them come illegally initially about half of them. the other have come on a student visa or a temporary first visa and overstay. >> bill: thedee key limits of this legislation are border security, path to citizenship
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and. >> enforcing our immigration laws and informing our immigration law so that going forward, we are going to allow enough people to come so that we don't have another group of undocumented immigrants graduatesly adding to our population over time. >> let's take each one one at a time. border security our border is more secure than it's ever been? >> correct but the question is can we make it more secure and at what cost? they say let's pour money into the southern border and see if we can get 90% effectiveness on the southern border. if we can, that means we have done a good enough job. we will never be entirely secure. >> are we talking about this crazy idea of building a fence or talking about more drones?
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more boots on the ground? >> all of the sudden above. if you have a 50-football, someone will come with a 51 foot ladder. you have to have more boots on the ground. you have to have, you know, drones sort of looking around best technology, but that's the effort now in the senate how to do that in an effective way. >> how many people are really coming across the border now? isn't the flow like way down? >> the flow is way down. >> we are fighting yesterday's war? >> to a certain extent. ithaca new york, we don't see a lot of people illegally there. 50% of thedary workers are undocumented. if you live in the tucson, arizona area you see people crossing every day and it's a big fact on their population. >> that's why they are concerned. >> bill: the path to citizenship, what i hear they are talking about is 13 years. really?
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that seems to me excessively severe. >> from a certain perspective, it is. on the other hand, you know, it's sort of aling compromise. you want to make sure you have a bi-partisan bill. if some people say that's a price to get an otherwise good immigration bill, they are willing to tolerate it. during that first 10 years, they will have legal status in that they can work legally, be able to get driver's license, et cetera. they won't be able to take the final step toward citizenship until year's end. >> what else do they have to do? >> learn english, pay back taxes, go through background checks. so, it will be an ownon anonerous road. >> back taxes? >> if they have not been paying their taxes to the i.r.s. they are going to have to pay them before they can get their citizenship.
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>> probably social security taxes? >> a lot have been paying under phony numbers. >> it is against the law for employers to hire people who are undocumented. correct? >> they still do. we know. look. i am from california. there are who industries used to be just in the border states in states like california. now, it's across the land. whole industries that depend upon that legal force. >> that's a problem both in the sense that employers don't understand the various kinds of documents that show that someone is authorized to work. so it's complex for employers. and we frankly have not had the a lot of money to enforce our upgration laws. and so that combination has made main employers to say it's not worth it for me to take the chance. >> we are talking with professor steven yale-loehr about the immigration bills, one in the senate, one in the house. it was announced yesterday by
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the way to talk about the gang of 8 in the senate and that's the bill being marked up in the senate judiciary, has been this week. the gang of 8 in the house yesterday announced they basically even longer than 13 years. >> likely going to take 15 years. probably pouring more money into border security on the republican side of the house and there is still a battle over whether immigrants are going to have to pay their total taxes earlier or later than the senate bill. >> all right. so let's get to some of the sticky points. one of the sticking points is whether lgbt couples would be in terms of uniting their families. correct? is that a breaking point?
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is that a? >> senator markco rubio said if that kind of provision allowing same-sex couples in the united states to marry their foreign spouses an get green cards was in the final bill, he would not support it and he would urge his republican counterparts. so that is a poison pill. senator leahy wants it in the bill. the question is whether he thinks he can get it in the bill without killing the entire bill. and some people are asking whether president obama should step in and try to broker some kind of deal. >> is there any republican support for it? >> i assume there is among some republicans but i don't know exactly who. terrible the leading senators like marco rubio in florida is opposed to this. >> i 4erd yesterday there is a bio metrics test. why is that an issue? >> right now, we have a
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paper-based way to verify that someone is authorized to work in the united states. and that's on a form that all employers have to fill out called an i-9 form. that form is not ideal. it takes a lot of work for employers to figure out whether this card authorizes you to work or whether it's an illegal social security card so they want to go to an electronic verification system. we have a current pilot system called e-verify that is in place. they want to make that mandatory. but en with e verify there are some problems because if i steal your social security card, an employer has no way to know i am not bill press. they want to include photo and other kind of biometric information. >> biometric is fingerprint? >> and photographs. so an employer would say, you don't look look bill press. how do you do that in a way that doesn't violate civil lib we can at this and make sure it's not too expensive for employers to enroll. those are some of the sticking points.
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senator al franken of minnesota wanted to introduce an amendment that would make it easier particularly for small employers storoll it out. the immigration bill it is one the top priorities for president obama. it's a top prior to for democrats and for the republicans as well and we know why. profess offer steven yale loehr is here helping congress sort through some of these issues. it's a big one as the professor said it impacts every one of us in america directly or indirectly. your calls, questions, comments. immigration reform. join the conversation at 866-55-press. we will be right back. >> this is "the bill press show" live on your radio and current tv.
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[ music ] [ music ] connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow follow us at bp show and tweet using the hash tag, watchingbp. this is "the bill press show." >> thirteen minutes before the top of the hour, stan col land collander here to talk the economy and the fact that the deficit is actually shrinking. we haven't paid too much attention to that. we haven't paid -- we paid very little attention to immigration reform this week even though the senate judiciary committee has been hard at work marking up bill every day this week in town
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to give him a big assist profess-off steven yale-loehr. good to have you here again. >> good to be here. >> before we go to calms and comments, peter, you've got some social media. >> fran sizses immigration reform is so important but congress is focused on the appeal of antipolice care. it's hard to be hopeful anything will get done. grassy says, maybe it's better to wait on the immigration bill until the democrats take back the house. currently, the republicans will make the bill worthless >> bill: wait until 2014. >> keep hope alive. >> steve before we go to the calls, is one issue here the mexican economy? >> yes. it is. >> has the mexican economy improved to the extent we are seeing a little less of a push
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to come north? >> that's really helped, the fact that we have fewer apprehension on the southern border is the mexican economy is improving. we can focus on trying to improve our immigration system so the people coming in the future will do so legally. >> one finally, question on by 0 metrics. when people come into this country, wouldn't it ache make -- i say this as a civil libertarian, too. wouldn't it make sense to have a fingerprint and an eye test for everybody coming in? at least then we would know where they are. when whether they leave or don't stay here. the boston thing, so many questions that came out about some students who weren't going to classes, over stayed their visa. >> we actually had information in the boston bombing in the dhs computer database but that
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particular information that they would over stay was no on the front line when they came badge to the united states. the first question is, is the information in the government database already? >> yeah. >> and the right person at the right time. even if you had my fingerprints and my eyeballs, but i may become one 10 years from now. how do you judge that? those are questions that no biometric system can ever address. >> marilou is calling from wallingford, connecticut. hey, marilou. good morning? >> good morning. >> what's your question? >> my question for the gentleman is: what are the penalty did going to be in this bill for people who higher illegal workers and that knowingly do it? >> right now we have penalty at this if you hire someone, it can be a thousand dollars for a
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paper work fine. if you do it repeatedly, you can go to jail. those fines will increase in the new bill but they are sort of being negotiated as to how much those fines would increase. >> so it's not worth picking on mitt romneynym but i hire somebody to cut my lawn n my home. right? not to do 100 lawns. my lawn. you could be find a thousand dollars if i don't check the legal status? >> it depends. if they are your employee, if you are so rich that you have a mower on your staff at your house. >> i don't mean full-time. >> but if you hire -- >> a gardening service? >> they are employees of the gardening service, not your employee and, therefore, you are not liable. but if the gardening service when they checkhire their moors and
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they do not check, they could be find. >> if i am at a restaurant and eating on dishes that have been washed by somebody who is not documented documented? >> but the person who is watch watching the dishes. >> this issue has troubled me is we are going to restaurants where there are people undocumented or working there. we are eating crops that are picked by people undowd wearing clothing, going to hotels that have been cleaned by them. >> they are not leaving. we might as well legalize them so we know who they are. that way, we try to make sure our future item will allow people like that who we need in our workplace to come in legally so we don't have this problem in the future. >> i know you started out by saying you are not totally
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convinced we will get a bill year. now that republicans recognize they have to double think it, they need it unless they want to continue to get shellacked. it does improve the chances? >> it improves the chances. i gize it to a rubbics cube. you have five people playing the rubic's cube at the same time and trying to move it in different directions. how you line it up so at the end of the day it's the way it should be, it's difficult. >> 300 amendments have been offered to the senate gang of 8 legislation. >> right much when it goes to the senate floor more will be offered there to weighted wade through the 300 amendments and figure out which ones are poison pills and which should be adopted. >> of. >> that's why they need your help. professor steven yale-loehr, yale-loehr, @cornelllaw. i will be back and tell you. president obama has a big day
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today up in baltimore. we will tell you all about it. >> like politics? then like the bill"the bill press show" on facebook. this is "the bill press show."
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(vo) current tv gets the converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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[ music ] >> this is "the bill press show." >> bill: okay. stan collander joins us to talk economy and budget deficit coming up at the top of the next hour. then we will be joined by sam youngman who used to cover the white house for the hill and campaign for reuters here in studio. president obama after he gets a daily briefing today. he is going up the road. to balt "ball-mer". >> get to ballmer. >> get crops. >> at 11:00 o'clock. he will stop at an elementary school up there at a firm called he will cot dredges and then at
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a community senator and like you, peter t there are a couple of holes in the schedule here today so i know the president's got at food stop somewhere. he has a food stop. i bet you he is going to the lexington market. he better go lexington market, to failey's best crab indicates in the world. >> get yourself a muscrat? >> you can buy some muscrat there. i have seen it for sale. we will be right back. recess taken
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[ music ]
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>> bill: what do you say. good morning, everybody. happy friday may 17th. good to see you today. this is the full court press, and we arecosming to you live from our nation's capitol. our studio right here with the news of the day and your chance to join the conversation. we love hearing from you and hear all of these voices from every different part of the country. 866-55-press is how you join the conversation. >> that's our toll-free line. 866-557-7377. on twitter just easy @bpshow. and if you are our friend opinion facebook. if not, why the hell not? you can join us at press show. president obama in the rose garden yesterday with a prime minister of turkey. he was there and the president spoke out on all of the three big scandal stories of the week. on the irs, he said he didn't
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know anything about what the irs was doing but once he got the report, he did act to toss out the acting head of the irs and give them new leadership. on benghazi, the president called on congress at the news conference yesterday to pass more funding for better security at our consulates and embassies around the world and with attorney general eric holder the president expressed things complete confidence in the attorney general and said he hopes he is there a long time. i don't know what that confidence is based upon. i think eric holder ought to go. that and more here on current tv. you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say
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anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of
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his ability, is trying to look out for us. (vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill
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press show." >> well, the house of representatives, hard at work yesterday. they voted to repeal obamacare for the 37th time. can you believe it? maybe they ought to get the message this is not going anywhere. good morning, everybody. what do you say? happy friday, friday may 17th, great to see you today. it's a very busy week, a very busy day here in our nation's capitol. we will bring you up to date on all of it. so you know what's going on before you head into the weekend and drop out for the weekend. we will tell you what's happening here in our nation's capitol around country around the globe and we will stand by to hear from you and your comments on how it's going at 8 sib 6-55 pif-press. our toll-free number on twitter @bpshow and on the facebook at we want to find out how we are doing in terms of the economy,
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how the markets are doing and what it means when we saw on news this week as announced by the white house the federal bucket deficit is shrinking faster than we thought even without a grand bargain. we are talking economic issues. we turn to our friend, stan collander from the court -- from corbus communications where he is manager of financial communications. >> a national director. >> whoa. >> my mother is proud of that. >> national director of? >> financial communications. >> all right. we have to update this. stan, national director. >> thank you. >> do i have to call you mr. director? >> not yet. after 9:00 o'clock, you do. 37 times, they voted to repeal obamacare. that's 25% of all of the
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legislative. meanwhile, the economy could use some help or at least some attention >> one would think. right. ne haven't done this since last year. there are some new members of the house. therefore, they have to have yet another vote. crazy. >> that's crazy. >> yeah. >> getting them on record about doing doing something on the economy is not important? i'm sorry. >> that's a good point. we make a lot of jokes about the fact that they have done it 37 times. it's really kind of sad. >> boehner believes this is worthwhile? he promise more votes? >> to the republican constitwains that votes in primaries, it's like the number one reason for living. so i understand. let's just vote on that repeatedly and never mind we could use help on the jobs front, that the federal reserve
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is saying fiscal policy is dragging down the economy and if they could get their act together on the budget we might do better and have more people work, that seems to be irrelevant. >> you have to be a freakin' idiot to ask your member of congress, well what have you accomplished? i voted to repeal obama kay 37 times and feel that that was worthwhile or doing a good job or worth your tax dollars. >> the second thing, and i am looking into benghazi. right. again, and still. >> and i have had -- and i have been to 11 hearings on benghazi. >> by the way, i am not so much for the presidency a citizen. that appeals to that constitwains and those are the people who elect republicans. you have 90% of the congregas districts are one-party
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districts. as long as the base continues to support them. never mind appealing to the broader audience or doing good for the country as a whole. what is this targeted group of, you know, right-wing folks want from us? >> who they are going to -- they keep playing to. >> so depressing. >> not to take this back to the bucket but that is why it's here that is one of the reasons the big reduction in deficit didn't make big news. >> hold that fault because we are going to talk about that. i want to say hello to the femteam peter ogburn, dan henning, alicia cruz. sip cyprian has the day off. monty canceller is lookkeeping us good. >> doc ceph ren severensen, no music this morning. >> that shows my age. doesn't it? we cover kate water front. it's not just politics, fashion. it's also sports. this is for peter ogburn because
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the san antonio spurs came in last night. >> yeah, man. >> here is what it sounded like at the end. >> a hard-fought series between the san antonio spurs and the golden state warriors. will the spurs win the series in six games and advance. final score in game 6, san antonio, 94. golden state 82. >> peter congratulations? >> that's my team, the spurs. look, golden state they are going to have a really good team for the next couple of years. this is it for the spurs. they are a bunch of old men >> bill: what happens now? i can't keep track of this nba thing. >> they go on to play the grizzlies. >> too damn many playoffs. >> about as easy as march madness. >> no. >> their first game is against the grizzlies on sunday which is not good for the spurs because the grizzlies have had a couple
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of days to rest up. the spurs are old men. that was hard for the announcer saying it was a hard fought series. memphis plays physical ball. the spurs will walk in there and get pushed around and i hope they can pull it off. >> bill: you say they are old guys, like in their 30s? >> some are in their 40s. old for basketball. i will put it that way. >> that hurts. >> i am old for nbabasketball. >> okay. talking with stan collender here but first. >> this is the full court press. >> other news making news the irs is just a little preoccupied so they have to cancel their
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softball game against cornyn's team, the rbis of texas was excited for its first game of the season. funny to note the irs's name, team name is the cheatetahs? >> i guess they needed an extension on the cancellation. >> funny. because of the sick quester. >> if you travel light, american airlines has a new perk for you they are now offering early boarding for people carrying just small personal items to fit under the seat in front of them. so anyone with a roller bag will have to wait to board. abc news reports the airline has seen an increase in boarding times and flight delays as a result ever since they started charging for checked baggage, instead of checking to avoid the fee and that takes longer time. >> it would help if the airplane
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showed up on time, if the airline was running on schedule and if they started boarding people before five minutes before departure time. >> you know what this means is an offer for trade association for the luggage association. >> a lobbyist? >> certainly and a tax break on it. >> so many more people have purchased powerball tickets for tomorrow night's drawing they have revised the jackpot total up again. it's now set at $550 million. >> that's the second highest in history up from 475. the last hit on march 30th this past tuesday, no winner the $350 million jackpot. >> making a note. buy the powerball. >> best of luck. >> i keep buying at the eastern market and haven't won. >> now it makes sense. you are buying them in the wrong place. >> right.
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stan, how are we doing overall? the economy still? >> living the dream, you know. look, the economy overall is still sluggish but growing. let's mention that. jobs are growing. unemployment is coming down. we would like it to be lower. compared to a couple of years ago when we were talking about it, you know, we are down to 71/2 % range. inflation is non-existent. the economy is growing in spite of a fiscal policy that is budget policy that is making life difficult for everybody. >> we would grow more jobs if it weren't for the sequester? >> and overall budget policy. there are a lot of economists who are saying that the austerity that the u.s. has had in place for the last few years, the deficit falling from 1.4 trillion to about $640,000,000,000, let me repeat that number. >> yeah. >> falling from 1.4 trillion in 2009, 1.4 trillion to a
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projected 642 billion this year. $800 billion drop in a few years. >> more than half. >> way more than half, yeah. and i mean that's not insignificant. and as a percent of gdp, the 642 billion is at a point where most economists, a liberal would say, you know what? don't worry about it. it's projected to keep going down. let me go through the basic gdp e coordination. you get it with corporate spending. consumers aren't spending a lot. trade, we know that europe and the eurozone is having problems and state and local government keeps cutting back. in the midst of that with the federal government cutting back the economy is still growing, although growing modestly. >> if those four things were turned around we would be really booming? right? >> we would be booming right now. corporations are breaking this money but sitting on all of this cash. it's for the getting out there? >> why doe we need a grand bargain? >> we don't. how often do you get someone to
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tell you that directly. >> i wish somebody would tell barack obama that correctly. >> let me be directeficit. it will be an issue in about four years as medicare and social security start, those expenses start to go up as people are retiring. medicare is the more short-term problem. so there are some adjustments that have to be made not necessarily in those programs because you might want to increase revenues or cut other spending to make up the difference. but in terms of this disaster that house republicans keep saying we are having and we have to keep cutting spending economically incorrect. >> why do republicans keep beating this drum? >> it goes back to what i said a few minutes ago before the break. they are playing to on particular constitwainsuencyconstituency. they are playing to a particular constituency that wants government spending cut because they don't think they benefit from it >> bill: and they also want to
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cut when they talk about deficit reform, they are talking about cutting programs that hurt the poor and middle class? >> that don't help them. >> that's true actually of all constitwains constituencyies but the tea party folks, they like medicare because they get it. they want to cut other things. it's self-centered. >> it is. i understand that. here is what i don't understand. i gave two speeches this week where i railed on this issue and that is: i don't understand why democrats act as the echo chamber, why democrats, so many are talking about the need for deficit reform and, you know, bring down the deb and deficit when it is coming down anyway and the number 1 prior toity it seems to me democrats should ask
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about jobs. capital gains and my question is: why aren't more people cheering this good news? a couple of things. one, the deficit is an issue. it's not necessarily people want spending cut or revenue increase but being in favor or being made to look like you are in favor of the deficit is a political problem. >> that's why the president didn't take a victory lap on it. >> yeah. if you say the deficit is a problem and needs to be reduced, how would you do it? democrats when they talk about the budget deficit typically talk about let's think about defense spending and talk about revenues. it. >> ist seems like the democrats are chasing the wrong rabbit.
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i think they ought to talk about a second stimulus to get americans back to work. >> they should. spairnth the president will come up with that. his discussion in baltimore talking about jobs first of all, is the right issue for most americans. it's not any of these scandals. that's not the number 1 thing most americans are thinking about jobs. almost every day the dow or s and p sets a new record? >> almost every day. yesterday was a little bit of a pull back but only a little bit. let's think about the numbers. the dow hit its low point in march of 2009, low point in recent years. it was 6500. today, it's 15,200 something. let's think about that. basically four years, it's gone up nine 9,000 points. there has never been a rally like this in american history.
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>> is that right? you wonder why they don't have a statue of barack obama on wall street already. these brokers are out there putting flowers in front of the statue every day. it's the opposite. it's absolutely unbelievable. outrageous, stan collander, national director of financial communications at corbus communications here on the "full-court press." >> go mobile with bill press. download podcasts at and listen any time, anywhere. this is "the bill press show." whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go! >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. the natural energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel.
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to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go!
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the
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atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? [ music ] >> this is the bill press show.
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>> all right. 26 minutes after the hour here it is the full court press on a friday morning sam youngman covering campaigns for reuters, former reuters reporter here in the studio in the next half hour. right now we are visiting with stan collander for corebis communications. follow him on twitter. we encourage you to do so. we do. you should, too, at bucket guy. >> the budget guy. >> at the bucket guy. stan, so the stunning news really that the deficit has shrunk. honey, we shrunk the deficit from 1.4 trillion down to 642 billion, that could play either way. couldn't it? >> in the sense that okay that really shows why we need budget deal or people would use the same argument to say this shows why we don't have to do anything because the bucket is taking care of itself. which way should it play? >> as a budget guy i can tell
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you first of all shrinking the deficit is the wrong policy in the current environment. we need the government to stay involved when the other elements are not contributing positively. the bigger political issue is forget we need a big deficit reduction effort or more spending cuts. in fact, the deficit will continue to fall to insignificant, economically insignificant areas if we do nothing. 642, maybe a little blowelow that by the time the year is over. >> we should focus on instead? >> jobs, stimulating the economy. shaking life better, giving corporations and consumers more security so they will spend money so the government can withdraw. >> does this prove the sequester doesn't make any difference?
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>> it shows how ridiculous the policy was from every possible level. >> when you hear the growth of the dow and now the shrinking of the deficit, it's just the opposite of what people think. >> happy days are here. >> stan collender, great to have you in studio. the bucket guy. >> this is "the bill press
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[ music ] chatting with you live at live on
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your radio and current tv. >> bill: hey hey here we go at 36 minutes on a friday friday, may 17th. it's not the weekend yet. we get another start for another half an hour here and, you know, on friday, we like to kick back and visit with friends. >> that's what we like to do. a good friend i made at the whitehouse, going on to the campaign trail for reuters. he is back. sam youngman the young man back in studio with us this morning. >> thank for having me. i have been in a little hot water for the last couple of days because i was pretty upset at the story about the department of justice going after associated press seizing their e-mails as part of this over zellous i think, approach to leaks and called for eric holder to either be fired or to
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step down. i wonder what stan would think. >> we can't add flogged. this is not penny-any stuff. >> my question is: why aren't other members of the media more upset about this wholesale attack on the first amendment? >> are. >> maybe the editors are saying the irs is a more important story. the bigger issue? why doesn't the president care? why not even -- i mean at least lie to us. pry tend, give us the same courtesy you give the same courtesy. at least pretend you know. i have never heard the first amendment described by a president as the flip side. the 60,000 troops he used to make his point? what are they fighting for?
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his security power or the bill of rights? it's like we've gone through the looking glass. then we got punched in the nose. >> now holder i tried to understand. what the threat to our national security is by what the associated press did. eric holder says it's one of the two or three largest breaches he has ever seen in his lifetime. >> that's the one thing he is aware of? >> honestly that seems to be the one thing he is aware of in his tenure at the department of justice, where to rank that in terms of leaks. did it come from the house press gallery? you know i came up on the national level and hoped for and i remember the intense debates over the patriot act, you know, it was easy. we, you know, everybody lampooned the bush administration like they were doing this stuff haphazardly. there were battles over fisa
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courts, how far warrantless wiretaps could go. some culminated in a hospital room. at least, you know, they were doing their due diligence. they were at leasting an issue that is hard from the beginning of our nation security versus freedom. if i have never seen them casually say, that's okay. we did it. >> if so, i have missed it. is there a voice in the obama white house who said again we are focusing on this department of justice raid of the phone records of the associated press. anybody in the white house to your knowledge that said you know what? this went too far. maybe doj over played its hand. >> or somebody saying mr. president, this might be a little troubling. this concerns me. mr. president, i used to be a journalist. i say it every day in the press briefing. this was an issue. no. jay carney goes on piers morgan
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said he wasn't troubled at all. slept like a baby. >> if this was a good week i would hate to see a bad one. >> if you can sleep soundly put that smile on, not be tortured at all, what are you doing here? who are you working for? >> of course you weren't there yesterday, very symbolic at the end of the week, it rained on the rose garden news conference. all of us sitting there, thought, uh-oh, the gods are really against him this week. >> he calls for the marines to bring the umbrella over and uses the rest of the armed fors to cover this egregious, nauseating sicken can, you know. >> i come back to why isn't -- sam, let me put this. if you had been there, you and i would have probably been together screaming. so day before yesterday, after this was all out there -- >> uh-huh. >> we go to the briefing and
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jay carney starts the questions the first questions. not one question about the department of justice and the associated press. >> that's reporters doing our jobs. most americans don't care about us. we are not a sympathetic lot. we dug ourselves a hole. i wouldn't root for us. most days i am rooting against us. i don't know who us is. >> pretty sad? >> it's horrific. how many people do you see calling themselves a journalist? there is no membership. >> that's why i was atratted to it. it's easy to get in. >> why we let you in. >> exactly.
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the irs is digging in their pockets. this is dangerous stuff, not a drone attack. they were doing their job, asking the questions that the american people cared about. the american people deserve to know about it. now, question number 8, yeah, what the hell is going on here? not only that, but jay, as a person, as a former journalist why don't you daughtercare? why aren't you concerned about this? was there any internal discussion or was it as quick as the president made it seem in the rose garden? >> do we err, in the profession, do we err by maybe not taking the national security threat seriously enough and think that our right to know and our report to report is more important than protecting the american people?
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>> we don't lack for self importance. show us how. i don't know a single reporter who wants to, you know essentially abet a terrorist attack. in fact, most of the scrubs i know, they are hard-working journalists, not the takenfancy ones. they are doing it because they love their country. >> that's a press secretary. show us. where is the threat? how is our story going to hurt the country? >> a high burden of proof. it used to be kennedy calling the editor of "the new york times." now they do it anyway. get caught? what are you going to do about it? too often, we have heard admissionstrations democratic and republican, whenever they screw up or are up to something
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they should not, what do they throw out there? those two words, national security as if anybody who invoke it, then everybody else just says yes, and runs away. i think it's important for us to challenge almost every invocation of national security and say, why? and give us the answer there. >> when it's sulfa half-assed throwing out the excuse national security. really? >> all you got? no specifics no concerns. when president bush did it people were skeptical because people were skeptical of president bush when it came to that. they were worried he was mixing politics with national security. they keep polit sizing september 11th. >> torture i never bought bush's excuse it was necessary to water board for interest of
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national security. but i also don't buy that it was necessary for the associated press to kill this story for the interest of national security. based upon the facts in this case -- i have a feeling you want to jump in. >> go ahead. go ahead >> bill: the facts of this case as i understand them is this effort to bomb this airliner coming here, we find out about it, have intelligence agencies who infiltrate it, stop this effort. save hundreds of lives. please don't report this. sit on it. they did for four days and they find out the white house is about to release the story anyhow so associated press says we have it. we are going to run with it. where is the threat to national security? or am i misstating the facts? right? >> honestly, that's a great question. wouldn't you like to know the answer to that? doesn't it seem like at the least, the president of the united states who took an oath of office to at least have to
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offer that? >> go through the motions. lie to me. at least act like you are struggling with the issue. >> somebody on his behalf. the attorney general. i put more of the blame on holder perhaps who stands up and says this is one or two of the 3 most important i have seen in my life? hello. why? he wouldn't say. >> the president got into the white house to begin with because he ran against the legacy of bush saying we are going to be more transparent, open things up. not got into the lazy politics of fear. during the first term, you heard some critics say, you know, he's not being quite as transparent as he promised and now this story that takes it to a whole lower other level. i wonder how that hits his second second term. what happened to that sort of idea as he moves past the first one 00 days of his second term.
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? >> you know, reading this bullworth thing yesterday. am i alone? is that not the worst briefing? >> an awful movie. what a terrible reference to make. >> my takeaway is the president walking around saying, one of these days, i will show him. i will start leading with who i am instead of my cable crafted image and talking points, you know, political calculations watch out. >> sam youngman formerly of the hill, formerly of righters. his next act? still to come. we will find out about that when we come back. sam, stay around. on the "full-court press" this friday morning. join the conversation beat up on any one of us. >> connect with the bill press show on twitter follow us at bp show and tweet using the hash tag watchingbt. p. this is "the bill press show." >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning
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documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding.
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>> heard around the country and seen on current tv "the bill press show" >> bill: here we go. sam youngman good friend former journalist. in studio with us. >> i don't know what to call myself. lost. lost and wandering? >> not all who wander are lost. >> in between giggs. peter, what's going on? >> we are on twitter@bp show. it's on twitter@sam youngman.
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you never know what you are going to say. nate dog says that's right, bill. you don't have unfetterred license to endanger people's lives. the rest of us don't care about your whining on the ap story. >> we are not a sam pathetic lot. >> bill: we are not. we are not. i will come back to you. i can't tell you how people people that i have heard from who have said, yeah, the only reason you are upset about this is because it impacts you. and otherwise, if we don't care -- anything happens to the media, i think the first amendment is more important than that. hello. >> this is one of those issues where i get to rant and scream because it's got to me. i mean it's like important to my lively. it's one of my core beliefs. i'm sorry. >> no. no. >> jay jay's mom on twitter also says, i am finding it hard to get upset about the ap story. importers shouldn't compromise national security in order to be
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first. >> i can't tell you the sinshave been committed by administrations, democratic and republican under the name of national security. that's how we got the freakin patriot act. >> keep giving them a pass and saying national security until the knight they come for you that's a little rand of me. >> sam youngman stands with rand rand? >> i'm sorry. i'm sorry. yes say that. >> in the interest of fairness? >> i am going home to kentucky next week. i can't have them thinking i am taking up with politicians. >> let's talk about the irs scandal. is this over blown or serious stuff? >> serious stuff. i don't blame most americans for caring about this and not caring
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about the other thing. we did this to ourselves. we really did. you look at some of our dregs who are just posing who are just i don't know why they are here to get on t.v. maybe. we did this to ourselves. we really did. little sympathy for the media. they see this as media whining about something that impacts only them but the irs thing hits home because everybody has to deal with the irs? >> the irs comes into your wallet and takes your money. it's an unpleasant experience but you have to do it or else you go to prison. so now on top of that, they get to single you out, punish you for your political beliefs and still take your money. they come into your house. >> like they didn't already have an image problem. isn't it also true that there are a lot of people out there who are tax cheats and there are
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a lot of people now political organizations that are under the guise of disguising themselves as social welfare? >> i want to launch my new church. >> for example, right? >> put your hand on the radio and the t.v. >> why in the world? not even a little bit. at some point, the president has to take a little responsibility for all of this. i don't know, you know. this is horrible and intolerable. yeah. it was. didn't know about it then. i mean talks about we've got to make sure people don't lose faith in government. that ship has sailed. right now, there should be a full court press to get faith back. >> do you expect him -- isn't it
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possible for somebody to really screw up and the president not know about it? without question. wouldn't you love some old fashion incompetence? this isn't evil because evil implies a level of sophistication. this is just dumb, you know petty crime stuff. but on a huge level. >> bill: all right. we will give you another chance when we come back because we are out of time right now. but sam, it is so good to see you. whatever happens next, let us know. >> yeah. >> come here. announce it next. we will keep in touch with you? >> i appreciate that. >> thank you for your friendship and your good work. follow him @samyoung man. i will be back with a quick parting shot. >> this is "the bill press show."
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[ music ] the parting shot with bill press, this is "the bill press show" >> bill: talking about me, i must admit that's the first one for me. the day before i had suggested that eric holder had run out the clock, had overserved his usefulness and should get out of there, be fired or resign. i will tell you why. he let wall street bankers off of the hook and george bush and donald rumsfeld and cheney off of the hook. he went after reporters at the associated press just for doing their jobs. even though he recused himself, seizing those ap phone records
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happened on his watch, under his policies. look. i am not trying to be too mean. i just think that eric holder has outlived his usefulness. he has run out the clock. i also believe that president obama and we the american people, would be better served by somebody else serving as attorney general. and with that, i will close out this week, wish you a great, great weekend. relax. take a break, here on monday. >> this is "the bill press show."
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>> stephanie: good morning, happy friday everybody, sexy liberal john fugelsang this morning for fridays with fugelsang. jacki schechner -- >> what was that noise? >> stephanie: nothing, jim is just showing me something on the internet. >> it is just a picture of ted cruz looking at beneficiariel bachmann. jacki schechner speaking of tapable -- do you


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