tv Viewpoint Current May 21, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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>> john: the department of justice investigated the journalist practices of a fox news reporter. fox news is investigating the reporter for investigating in journalistic practices. while abc's john karl wants us to move beyond the benghazi controversy so he can focus on getting other stories totally wrong. the nra has released their list of the ten best gun movies after blaming hollywood for all of the violence. once again my dinner with andrei has been overlooked. today is the birthday of tv's perry mason the late
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raymond burr, snl's al franken who is now a u.s. senator so god bless that guy for never leaving the world of comedy. plus i'll give the republican party some very serious advice. there is a real scandal in the american military that the g.o.p. could take on to salvage their public image. unfortunately, it does not involve smearing president obama. this is "viewpoint." >> john: good evening i'm john fuglesang. thank you so much for joining us tonight. the eyes and hearts of the country remain pointed toward oklahoma in the wake of the devastating and deadly tornadoes that swept across the state yesterday specifically through the towns of new castle and moore. the news was not as bad as we feared yesterday as the death toll has been reduced from previously reports of 51 to more recent reports of 24 while still
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at least 200 people are being reported injured. but the damage to the communities are severe and surreal as entire neighborhoods have been completely destroyed and reports that up to 20,000 people may be displaced. police firefighters and national guard members have res kind pulled out at least 100 people thus far and continue to search for survivors. there's no estimate yet on the cost to rebuild the affected areas but president obama let the people of oklahoma know any necessary aid will be there for them. >> obama: yesterday, i spoke with governor fallin to make it clear to oklahomans that they would have all of the resources that they need at their disposal. the people of moore should know that their country will remain on the ground, there for them, beside them, as long as it takes. >> john: ensuring oklahomans receive the nest assistance could become a thorny issue as most of both senators from the state, jim inhofe and tom coburn
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have maintained long-held stances against disaster relief aid and voted against the package to provide assistance for families in areas struck by hurricane sandy last year. in a statement from senator coburn's spokesperson today he refused to budge on his position over disaster relief saying and i quote... >> it was totally different. everybody was getting in and exporting the tragedy that took place. that won't happen in oklahoma. >> john: for more on what's happening on the ground in oklahoma we're very pleased to be joined by abc news correspondent marci gonzalez who
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is in moore and by debby hampton, president and ceo of the united way of central oklahoma. ladies, thank you both so much for giving of your time this evening. >> you're very welcome. >> marci let me begin with you. you're in moore right now. can you please tell us what the scene on the ground is like there? >> reporter: the devastation is just absolutely unbelievable. we'll give you just a slight look at some of the damage in this neighborhood. you can just see all of the roofs are off. bricks were ripped right off of the walls. this is far from being the worst of the damage here. some of the walls are still standing. further down the block the homes are completely obliterated. there is nothing left standing. in fact, here in moore, you can drive for several blocks and not see one single wall standing and really, this is the case throughout much of this community that we've seen as we've driven around today throughout the day. as soon as we got off the highway early this morning, we began seeing the devastation. the roofs that were missing.
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the top floor of this hospital that's just across the street here that's missing. the damage really is profound. >> john: marci, as a. >> reporter: , do you think the images we've seen on tv give the rest of the country any sense of the scope of destruction there? >> reporter: you know, i think watching on television, you have the advantage you have the aerial view we're not seeing here so you can see more of the broad picture of how widespread the damage is but what you're missing is the emotion of being here on the ground and talking to people and seeing the looks on their faces as they walk through what used to be their home. this used to be their community and then walking past and not being able to recognize one bit of it. we talked to people as we searched through the rubble of what used to be their homes trying to salvage anything and really not having much luck. so that's the part that can be difficult to convey through television is just the sheer emotion and the pain of it all. >> john: let me bring in debby hampton. of course, oklahomans are used to tornadoes but no one can be used to this type of complete
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destruction. how is the reaction to this storm been different from others you've experienced? >> one john, i have to completely agree with what marci was saying and really being on site and seeing the destruction and seeing the community and their reactions. even though oklahoma is used to disasters, we have more federally-declared disasters than any state in the nation, still, every time something like this happens our oklahomans still join together and we get through this together. but it is -- it has been such a tragedy and especially when you have children involved. >> john: of course. marci, we have seen some inconsistency in the reports about how many victims there have been in this tragedy. you're on the ground there. what are the latest reports you're hearing? >> reporter: yeah, the inconsistencies came from the medical examiner's office. initially, the death toll was 51. that was brought back down to
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24. the medical examiner's office saying in the confusion last night, some of the victims may have been counted twice and you have to understand that it was absolutely chaotic last night. so you know, try to be understanding that these sort of things could happen but the death toll does remain at 24. nine of those victims were children. >> john: unbelievable. debby, how will the city of moore begin to go about rebuilding after something like this. how do they begin and has there been a substantial outpouring of support thus far? >> there absolutely has been an incredible outpouring of support. oklahomans are very generous but it hasn't just been oklahoma. it has been nationwide. we have been working with united way worldwide and they have sent pleas to all united ways across the nation and that is another piece of it. of coming through and helping us. speaking of moore moore has such strong community leadership.
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there is no doubt they will rebuild. they're resilient and they've been through this before. >> john: one last question for you, marci. there in moore on the ground, are you seeing a lot of civilians assisting in the salvage and everyone is and rescue efforts or is it mainly law enforcement or does fema come in? >> reporter: fema was here doing search and rescue, as far as the cleanup, it has been all residents. first of all, you see the residents coming back to their own individual homes seeing what they can salvage but there are people who came just to offer their help and those didn't show up with gloves and ready to dig in, we've seen people come down the street with bottled water with gatorade. they know people have been out here all day sifting through the debris and that they're probably thirsty. just the little acts of kindness really making a difference here. >> john: debby just about out of time. how can our viewers help in the efforts to assist and are build moore? >> john, number one what we need right now and you led with
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this story is we need monetary contributions so we can help rebuild and rebuild that economy. a lot of businesses were destroyed. and we need to help rebuild. so again, it is going to be monetary contributions that could be the greatest help. and to keep oklahoma in your thoughts. >> john: abc news correspondent marci gonzalez and debby hampton president and ceo of the united way of central oklahoma. ladies, thank you both so much for your time this evening. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> john: joining me now is michael hastings, "buzzfeed" correspondent at-large, writer for rolling stone and author of panic 2012, the sublime and terrifying inside story of obama's final campaign. a great read, by the way. eric boehlert, senior fellow at media matters. thank you for your time this evening. let's get this out of the way. is it too soon to start talking about the politics of this disaster or are they already discussing the politics of this disaster in d.c. is this precisely the right time michael? >> i don't think there's such a
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thing as too soon when it comes to politicizing storms and national tragedies in politics these days. i remember when sandy happened, who would politicize it first. even by asking that question, the media is engaged in politicizing it. i say go ahead. politicize. fire away. >> john: it is a fine line between helping the afflicted and politicizing it, isn't it? >> john: it would be nice if we didn't have to have this discussion about politicization and things like that but i think -- let's be honest. sandy was the benchmark. the relief bill was the benchmark. the republicans waited ten weeks before voting relief which traditionally had been done in days if not weeks and house speaker boehner wouldn't hold a vote which led to extraordinary outpouring. that was the first time we had storm relief become a political football. that's why it became a debate today. the people who voted against sandy relief are saying it is different this time. >> john: you're exactly right.
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both senators from oklahoma, senator inhofe and senator coburn voted against the hurricane sandy relief aid package. so is this going to be a situation where when it's not in their state, it is pork barrel spending. whether ten is in their home state, it is violate aid? >> what have they said. what is their defense? how is it different? i've seen what they said. can you guys explain it to me? >> john: dr. coburn has said then came to sandy aid the entire bill was laden down with pork including storm prevention technology. storm protection technology. these are guys who haven't exactly been shy about earmarks during their career. i find the logic a bit suspect. what is your take, eric? ?or inhofe is saying this is different this time. it is totally different. it is different because it happened in a red state. literally, that's the answer. over 100 people in sandy. what was the tally on the extraordinary destruction there? again, it is just sad to have to play football on this and compare and contrast. but it was bizarre honestly, to
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have senator coburn from the home state within hours of the roofs being ripped off oklahoma, putting on a statement saying any relief will have to be deficit reduction. why would you even put out a statement like that? >> john: it is not very politically sound either. i don't think the guy will be seeking re-election after this. but really, michael, is this the time for deficit hawkry? >> i don't think you hold these victims hostage. the federal government, we decide we want fema. we want the federal disaster relief. vermont -- i'm from the home state of vermont. i got hammered with hurricane irene and they had -- they face the same issues. why are we going to help out vermont? liberal state. let them do it on their own. i think it is horrible. i think that you know, also, remember with sandy, that was also republicans being really mad that they lost an election. >> john: they hadn't lost it yet. and they punished one of their own for doing his job and helping people. >> chris christie. rupert murdoch's "new york post"
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published famous editorial days before the election in saying if chris christie doesn't start politicizing the storm republicans are going to hold him accountable. >> john: as soon as the president shows up doing his job. >> if obama goes to oklahoma which the odds are pretty good, right wing media will go crazy. getting in the way. why is he doing this? he can't do anything right. >> the weekend after hurricane sandy, bill clinton was up campaigning for the president. he said you know, y'all tell me not to politicize this but let me tell you, the vision that barack obama has and i'm not going to take a side here but the vision that barack obama has and that the democrats have is a vision that will help us through these sorts of storms because we're going to give aid to the people. so it is politics because if my politics say i'm not going to help flood victims then voters should know that. hey, don't vote for that guy. if you want your house rebuild. >> john: what do we pay taxes for in the first place?
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i don't remember hesitancy when they went to rebuild iraq. they had 16 minutes of warning about this. their complaint about the sandy relief package is it included too much technology toward preventing future tragedies from extreme weather events. isn't that exactly what oklahoma needs? >> that saves you money which means the damage won't be worse next time because we'll get hit by the megastorms again. it is classic red state, they want to suck up all of our money. >> john: you know what? oklahoma republicans aren't stupid. michael hastings, "buzzfeed" correspondent and eric boehlert from media matters of america please stay here. we'll talk about stories the press is covering because they're stories about the press and the obama scandals you hear so much about coming up next.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> john: today's thing of the day is not safe work of the day. marissa mayer who just purchased tumblr for a $1.1 gallon price tag has reassured everyone she will not be restricting pornography on the site. now, some people were surprised to hear there is pornography on tubmblr. some people were surprised to hear there was stuff besides pornography. speak of media it is tough for them to run unbias. think of how hard it is when they involve them themselves. the press was subpoenaed after a classified leak about a foiled al-qaeda plot in yemen. records were seized for five reporters and subpoenas covered more than a dozen other phone lines including one that shut down six years ago according to nbc news. pruitt said sources are
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reluctant to talk now and really who can blame them. the justice department investigated james rose of fox news after a classified leak about north korea. i love defending james rosen but the press isn't always the wounded party. which brings us to the benghazi talking points. g.o.p. sources leaked e-mails making it seem like the state department mainly cared about covering its own political backside. some reporters most notably jonathan karl of abc news, took that bait and served the bait up as dinner. but the real e-mail showed officials trying to guard the integrity of the investigation not the political future of hillary clinton. let's bring it back to my esteemed guest michael hastings, "buzzfeed" correspondent at-large and eric boehlert, senior fellow at media matters for america. gentlemen, of these stories of these controversies, of these if you will, scandals, a.p., rosen and benghazi, how do you rank them? eric? >> a.p., rosen and benghazi.
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a.p. is too serious. that dragnet was way too large. other ways d.o.j. could have gone about it. they were upset about the yemen leak but a lot of administrations have been upset about lots of things and they haven't gone to that extent. i think it is chilling when you start collecting phone records and things like that. rosen, i think was also chilling if you were going to start taking reporter's e-mails. they sort of went up to the line and sort of suggested him doing his job was against the law. they didn't indict him. that would have been outrageous if they had. benghazi, we can talk about is a total joke. >> john: there are those who said indicting him would have given the d.o.j. more cover. >> it would have been outland fish they indicted a reporter. >> john: how do you rank them? >> the a.p. and rosen are part of the same fabric. i said this yesterday but i really think that this administration's assault on investigative journalism, assault on our sources and my colleagues is extreme and
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totally outrageous. >> john: i think we'll see that a.p. is light-years ahead of where benghazi and the i.r.s. controversies are. i'm not sure we'll see our republican friends making an issue of it. >> republicans were pushing pushing for leak investigations. they're the ones furious about this as well. to me, you know, if you look at the journalism, i'll flip it around. abc by far is the most trouble being to me. >> john: incredibly. we're not seeing karl taking the -- what dan rather took. >> abc has yet to apologize. they say abc obtained the e-mails. he read an incorrect summary. he sort of tweeted well, i'm sorry i became part of the story. without that error the story wasn't what it was going to be. it wouldn't have sparked -- >> john: disseminating incorrect information. are you surprised there hasn't been a backlash? >> no. i'm going to -- john karl is a
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fellow. he does some decent stuff. i think when you're doing these stories and you know, you have the source that says i have these e-mails and you have the summary, sometimes you miss the mark. i have whipped pretty big on stuff of this. as a fellow working journalist, i'll give him a pass. i think benghazi is a foreign policy deb be acle that we're accustomed to. the republicans focuses on the talking points -- if there is a scandal here, it is there wasn't enough security and then you have a secret operation that they were running. the talking points was typical. >> john: if there was a prison in the basement of the building, we'll never know about it and we won't be hearing the g.o.p. talk about the safeguards there because they're the ones who cut the funding anyway. let me bring it back to a.p. why do you guys think the d.o.j. already taking so much heat all the time would investigate the a.p. in a broad over-the-top manner? >> i think they're extremely arrogant. i think they have nothing but
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contempt for the principles of free press. i think the national security has run amok. >> john: do you mean eric holder? i think this is a national security state issue. i think it is obama being -- having caved immediately. this is the kind of issue that obama would have campaigned on in 2008. it is something obama would have taken out. i think like the erosion of freedoms that we're seeing under, you know, an alleged constitutional scholar is to me, very troubling. i say this because this is threatening not only my livelihood -- it is free press. it is not a free except when the government kind of wants you -- >> john: if a.p. and rosen came out of cla classified leaks, the government has to deal with that. >> i think the overclassification is part of the problem and the seek cresse state -- secrecy stuff. you can't talk about anything. >> when this first came out jay carney was saying we're trying to strike a balance between
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national security and the freedom of the press. we're not seeing much balance. this is a route. if there was -- if they could show some examples of well, this is where we sided with the first amendment, that would have been helpful but it is sort of the increased national security, national secrecy and for a democrat to come in and do that, that's troubling because the base is going to -- this is not why we voted. >> john: a democrat who did vote for a patriot act too. almost out of time. i have to bring up sharyl attkisson, investigative reporter for cbs news. she said her computers have been compromised by some agency unknown. does she have her own agenda? >> i'm not -- i know that jeremy had the same thing happen. >> john: why would they be mad at you? >> a legitimate journalist is sitting in jail for comments he made right now. so i don't know the details of
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this story but you know, they're after -- there is no joke. they will throw any of us in jail if they have a chance to. i don't think i'm getting too paranoid. >> sharyl attkisson has shown she has an agenda. she's been celebrated by the right wing. she goes on the right wing media and says i'm the only one talking about benghazi and investigating benghazi and cbs news won't let her report on benghazi on the air. she does it on the web. there are questions about why cbs might have some doubts about her. we'll see what happens with that one. >> john: dumb is contagious. michael hastings from "buzzfeed" and eric boehlert from media matters for america. thank you for joining us this evening. i could do this all night. because i have no life. the former head of the internal revenue service under george w. bush will be joining me. the guy before shulman. guess what we're going to talk about. a very distinct suspect on the i.r.s. scandal. stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern >> john: today on wtf
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colorado, we celebrate a conservative group connected to colorado secretary of state that has been photo shopping racism through the mail. shocking right? people still send stuff through the mail. the colorado house recently passed a bill that would improve the state's voting laws by, among other things, implementing election day registration. great idea right? but the bill is opposed by a group associated with the colorado g.o.p. secretary of state scott gessler called citizens for free and fair elections. or as it is also known, citizens for ironically-named dark money groups. you see secretary gessler and his group are concerned that this law letting people register to vote on election day, could lead to voter fraud. you know the kind of voter fraud republicans are always so concerned about the kind that often results in american citizens of color expressing their democratic rights by voting in elections. here's what they did. they sent out a political mailer which includes a picture of a darker-skinned woman whose face has been digital replaced with a caucasian woman's face and an african-american man standing
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behind her who was removed from the mailer entirely. in other words scott gessler and his friends not only don't want black folks voting in their state, they don't want pictures of black folks voting in their state. this document is so fraudulent, i'm shocked abc's jonathan karl hasn't reported it as fact yet. wtf, colorado. the rest of the country is counting on you guys to set an example for states where pot is legal but this is totally harshing our buzz, yo. thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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scandal in and of itself. it might imply a tiny group of beltway millionaire pundits may be out of touch with the american public but that's too unbelievable to contemplate. if you have a comment tweet us at john fuglesang. use the hashtag "viewpoint" or post it on our facebook page. this was another day of who knew what when in the scandalous matter of the i.r.s.'s targeting of conservatives groups. today, the former head of the i.r.s. bush appointee douglas shulman, the man at the helm when this activity took place was grilled before the senate finance committee and asked to apologize. mr. shulman refused. >> so it's not your responsibility. the buck doesn't stop with you. >> um, i certainly um am not personally responsible for creating a list that had inappropriate criteria.
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>> john: joining me now is mark everson former i.r.s., now the vice-chairman at the alliance group. welcome to "viewpoint." >> thanks for having me, john. >> john: thank you. we just heard former i.r.s. commissioner shulman getting the full treatment on the hill today. what's your take on how this is playing out sir? should mr. shulman have apologized? doesn't the buck stop with him? >> i'll come to that point john. let me start out by saying this whole sorry chapter is just very disturbing. my experience at the service was that people from the bottom to the top did their best to be impartial in doing the business of the agency and they certainly steered clear of anything that smacked of politics. so that is something i would like to get right out there. there were failures here at multiple levels. you have the unit down in cincinnati that really where
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people -- for lack of a better term, they lost their minds. they should have known better. that unit was poorly supervised. there's no way it should have taken two years which is what it did, from the time in march of '10 until two years later in '12 where they got a neutral objective set of criteria which which -- by which to screen out the applications. i don't agree with the commissioner's comments today. he does bear responsibility for the overall activities of the agency and certainly more should have been done at the top to find out what was going on. this was -- john, this was no secret. people were -- people were raising issues about the c-4s and 11 and 12 and before the commissioner went up to testify before ways and means presumably, he should have been better informed because he gave a very strong statement that the
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agency wasn't involved and as we know from the i.g. report, subsequently, learned that wasn't the case. i don't find the testimony as reassuring as i had hoped it would be, frankly. >> john: that's very interesting because based on your experience and knowledge of what the i.g. report said, can you paint a picture of what you think happened internally? was it sir just a case of they may have been understaffed and it was a mess in the wake of citizens united which caused so many more of the 501(c)(4)s to claim tax-exempt status? >> if you go to the timeline, it establishes that the criteria sort of inappropriately drawn before there was any real influx of new cases. certainly that influx came but there were inappropriate and unacceptable decisions that were taken even before that workload question came into being. that was not adequately handled as i indicated by people who were in the exempt
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organization's program. let me say this. this is a unit, that overall teg, tax-exempt governmental entities, part of the service they have experience in this. when i was a commissioner in the '04 and '06 collection cycles, we -- election cycles, we established a program to look into allegations of politicking by churches and charities. there was a lot of concern at the time articles being written that in ohio, in particular, that there were actions being taken by conservative groups that were improper. there are always actions or allegations about churches in cities going in favor of some of the democratic candidates. well we -- at my request we commissioned a unit to take a look at this. and we spooled it up very quickly. and it was supervised out of my office. not as to selection of cases but let's say i regularly checked in
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to make sure they were doing the right thing. and that's because this was part of a contentious campaign. well, i can't comment on cases but shortly before the election, the naacp let out a broadside suggesting we were trying to dampen the black vote. well, i called this same russell george, who issued the report on this new set of allegations, i said russell can you please look into this promptly and give us a bill of health. because i knew it had been done correctly. he did issue a report in february of 2005. it indicated that while we could have done better in some of the guidance or the training or the timing, that there was absolutely no bias and that the criteria were appropriate. >> john: right. >> i'm almost done. that's not the determination's unit. but that's not the same unit in cincinnati but it is the same kind of challenge about being balanced so i know the service knows how to do this and do it correctly. >> john: indeed, they do. in the case of the churches, it
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was more they were anti-war than pro democratic party is my understanding. it is fair to point out there were liberal groups targeted. emerge america did lose tax-exempt status. was forced to disclose donors and pay more taxes. that didn't happen to any of the conservative groups complaining. the heart of this is whether the i.r.s. used the keywords like tea party or patriot. so how is the i.r.s. supposed to handle these cases? >> well, they're supposed to take a look and develop neutral criteria that are addressing the activities, not the policies or the free speech questions, if you will. that underlie the nature of the operations. another point, if i might weigh in john, the piece here -- the thing here that's disturbing is taking a look at almost 300 applications. and the problem was that not one of them was denied. in this case, failure to reach a verdict is just as damaging as
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denial, if you will, because the groups are seeking the -- that can be important when somebody is saying gee, why would i participate in your activities, that's why they get it. it is a c3 or c4. the service has looked at it and said these are appropriate things that we're doing in accordance with the tax-exempt status. >> john: former i.r.s. commissioner mark everson thank you for your unique insights. i'll sure we'll be watching it unfold for some time to come. >> thank you. >> john: the nra has named its favorite gun movies after decrying hollywood as being the cause of violence proving once again most of the nra's gun arguments are fictional. my panel of nonexperts joins us next.
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>> john: six months ago, wayne lapierrre took to the podium and laid the blame for the sandy hook shooting exactly where it deserved to be laid, hollywood. >> we have lots of films out there. like "american psycho," "natural born killers," that are aired like propaganda loops on splatter days. and then they all have the nerve to call it entertainment. but is that what it really is? isn't fantasizing about killing people as a way to get your kicks really the filthiest form of pornography?
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>> john: no. making it easier for criminally insane people to kill people is insane. how dare they call it entertainment. what they really should be calling it is cool. at least according to the american rifle men the nra's flagship publication which just released its top ten coolest gun movies, a list that was later tweeted out by the nra. because like charlton heston said, i'll give you my gun movies when you pry them from my cold awesome hands. for more, i'm pleased to be joined by my panel of nonexperts, 1999 dupuy comedian harrison greenbaum and comedienne writer and on air series of kamau bell, janine brito. before i get to the actual list, do you think the nra and wayne lapierrre care about how bad this looks? he comes out and blames the sandy hook shooting, not on the incredibly easy access to weapons for the criminally insane and douchebag monster criminals but on hollywood.
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and now decrying movie violence one day and celebrating how cool it is another. tina? >> he still is apparently against violent video games. so he's at least a little consistent. >> john: of course. >> we gotta give him credit? >> i don't give him any credit. you can't blame hollywood but then have a spokesperson who is charlton heston for five years. he is hollywood. he was clearly a hollywood player. that's pretty hypocritical. if you're so against it, why would you make -- >> john: heston would never do a violent film. janine, i know whenever wayne lapierrre talks about personal responsibility an angel coughs up blood. all of our allies have the same violent movies. tougher gun laws. where does he get off doing any of this? >> where does he get off doing anything that he did? after sandy hook, they had youth day and cricket gun for kids. crazy is their bread and butter. only thing that would be crazier is if he went back to 1999 and
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supported background checks. >> john: you're right. on the actual list it is really a great list. according to american riflemen, the coolest gun movies, by the way, this is not a poll. it is just some unnamed guy made the list up. no author given. the coolest gun movies in no particular order are... so, how did they do with this list? any surprises? >> well, bambi wasn't there. >> john: that's true. these are hunters.
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>> i mean they really missed an opportunity there. they're trying to fantasize guns. that's the bottom line. they're trying to make guns look cool. it would be like if big tobacco came out and had their top ten smoking films or planned parenthood came out with their top ten clinics films. it is trying to -- they're not there for individual rights. they're there for gun manufacturers to make more money selling more guns. there is a very clear theme with all ten of the movies. none are true. the alamo is the closest thing to a historical movie and the historians themselves had their name taken off the movie because it was such a departure from fact. >> john: that's true. john wayne took over the script. >> ten movies, none of them real. you can't find one movie about a real life event where a gun was useful? >> john: how about one good john wayne movie? >> penthouse letters of gun movies. you know. you'll never believe what happened. >> john: it is like a spike tv >> this list and then swamp thing. >> john: when you read the
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list, what's interesting is some would say fun it tells you what are the specific guns used in the specific scenes you can guy when they kill all of the cops. the one that made the least sense was tremors. i thought that was about things below the surface. i thought the matrix as more of a martial arts film. do any not fit on the list? >> i was confused about tremors because they're saying, as sort of an anti-gun control movie this movie where the penis monsters attack. it is like an anti-gay marriage movie. >> john: the crazy gun nut winds up being the hero because he has an arsenal. only two mys have from the last 20 years on the list which leads me to believe this is some middle-aged guy in his 40s or 50s in high school in the '80s and this is the film he likes and one movie for dad. does it seem curious they're all from the '80s? >> wayne lapierrre brought up "psycho" and "natural born killers." apparently they stopped with
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vhs. they have not watched a movie since. >> john: were you guys surprised at the level of quality? there is a good amount of crap on this list. >> the only really good movie is the godfather which is a horrible example for gun control. these are actual criminals. the actual description of why the movie is included is insane. it is about the allure of having power through guns. what argument are you going to make? >> john: matrix is a good movie. roadhouse is a good movie. four of the films if you count terminator they're about post-apocalyptic landscapes. >> if the late mix was real and bullets went in slow motion, then gun control is not as much of an issue. we even need to have a discussion. >> i was shocked. they had the delta force. if you're going to go '80s, go rambo over delta force. >> john: '80s action films. if you guys could add one movie
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to the list, a cool gun movie what would it be? janine? >> i would go with pink flamingo by john waters because what's better than a drag queen with a gun? >> i was going to say in honor that they killed the legislation is kill bill. >> i was going for "kill bill," too. >> john: i would have to say "unforgiven" because eastwood is underrepresented. that's the most anti-violent. he's the most prominent living gun guy. >> heston. >> john: planet of the apes is a great gun movie. doesn't have the huge magazine capacity that neohad killing all of the cops in the matrix. switching topics, i've got a real scandal for our republican friends if they want one. and that is going to come up with the panel right after the break.
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thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious.
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>> john: one last thing on the nra ten coolest gun movies, it has links to buy guns. that's the one thing the nra is devoted to helping gun manufacturers make more money. any disputes on that? >> no. >> john: they're good at it. one last question for the panel. we're talking about all of the scandals and benghazi and i.r.s. and a.p., what's an issue of actual import that our republican friends should be seizing on for political gain? tina? >> well, i'm a romantic so i think they should go back to the idea that they've abandoned like cap and trade and obamacare. >> john: exactly. harrison? >> i think gay marriage. i think, you know, they're against abortion. what group doesn't use abortion at all? gays. that's perfect. they're against premarital sex
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if you make marriage legal maybe they don't have to have it. they want to butt out of all of our private lives, pun intended, i think they should get behind it. >> john: i agree. i don't know why the g.o.p. doesn't support gay marriage. if you don't want gay people to be happy? and janine? >> i think the environment and alternative energy. once they crack it, it is a huge moneymaker and job creator which is right up their alley. >> john: exactly right. well, i have a little message for our republican friends. hey, republicans! listen, i want to give you some advice because i know you watch current. congrats on all of the mileage from the scandals you're using against president obama. here's the thing. it is not working. obama's poll numbers keep going up. so allow me to suggest you start screeching about something else. one of the many real actual scandals in america today beyond benghazi and the i.r.s. and a.p. which you weren't use because saying obama goes after the press interrupts your narrative about obama being in
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love with the press. a recent department of defense report revealed the estimated number of sexual assaults in the u.s. military increased last year to 26,000. pentagon estimates break that down to 12,100 of the women on active duty being victims of sexual assaults and 13,000 men in uniform. that's 38 men and 33 women per day. the dod acknowledges male survivors report their assaults at a much lower rate. you still with me, republicans? because it gets worse. you see, less than 10% of victims reported their assaults last year and less than 1% of sex abuse perpetrators were convicted last year under the pentagon's current system of justice. and less than 10% of victims ever even report it. 62% of those who reported assaults felt they were retaliated against. revictimized after they reported these attacks to their superiors and that's why most cases aren't even reported. now, i know what you're thinking. this is a disgusting scandal. how can we blame obama? hang on because it gets worse. in the v.a. system, one in five
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women and one in 100 men screen positive for military sexual trauma. men make up 40% of patients treated for ptsd. in 2012, 334 veterans per month filed for disability benefits related to sexual trauma. almost a third were men. all told, 85,000 vets were treated last year for sex abuse. 4,000 sought disability benefits. this is costing valuable tax dollars that could be spent on your next 37 attempts to repeal obamacare. our servicemen and women deserve better but there have been no congressional hearings about this by benghazi-crazed republican friends. the obscenity of military sexual assaults needs to be on your front burner. if you don't take rape seriously, you don't take rape seriously and you don't help. take a page out of my book and declare any soldier who sexually assaults another soldier should be an act of treason. article section, section three of the u.s. constitution, any
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person who levies war against the u.s. has committed treason. soldierssoldiers who rape soldiers and the officers who protect them make our military less effective, compromise readiness and endanger our national security. start putting the star-spangled sex crimes on trial where cos can't overturn a verdict and find out how many officers ignored reports of assault and put them on trial. i realize this involves doing something you guys don't want to do. it doesn't allow you to exploit obama hate for cash or votes but i believe you can do this. take the lead, republicans. you'll probably get results. you would lose donations from the vast pro military rape lobby. act fast because democratic senators are doing it. the military justice improvement act allows independent prosecutors to go after military sex offenders and takes away a co's right to overturn a verdict. are you going to let democrats lead a fight on this? you have a chance to do something that doesn't involve obama hate besides naming more buildings after reagan. or be like pope benedict, blame sexual abuse because someone let the gays in.
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thank you tina dupuy harrison and janine. >> joy: tonight justin bieber is having a bad week. first, he was booed at the billboard awards and today his pet monkey became a german citizen. plus, i'll get a review of the liberace film from liberace. i know he's dead but if anyone can talk to the dead, it is tonight's guest, james van praagh. i'll talk with the ex-wife of rolling stones rocker ronnie wood who's written a very juicy tell all. all of that and more next on "say anything."
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