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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  May 28, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT

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excellence. (vo) and on the next vanguard: go inside a california state prison to see how ethnic gangs run the show. >> how do you control this? >> there is no controlling - they control it.
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♪ go ahead and jump ♪ ♪ jump ♪ >> stephanie: yeah, it is the "stephanie miller show." twenty-one minutes after the hour. this hour brought to you by our brand new sponsor, wix. you know what this is? do you want a website? >> yeah. >> stephanie: people don't take you seriously unless you have a professional-looking website. i have had friends that i'm like you can't have that piece of crap. if you want to be taken seriously you need a professional website. and it's free. it is free. over 30 million people have built their websites with wix. it's incredible. it is bringing your business online. completely free requires no design or coding skills -- >> so it is build for you. because you have no design or coding skills whatsoever. >> stephanie: no, i don't even
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know what that is. it has all of the tools you need. and there it is a professional website. you have all kinds of choices. it's hosting included. all inclusive completely custom miez izable. you have got to check it out. express who you are, what your business is all about, manage all of your familiar website services in one place, create -- clients will find your site very easily. you can grow your business. it is incredible. >> yep. >> stephanie: you want to control your own presence look good, and have a professional-looking website, check it out, wix. there you go. i'm going to get a lot of thank you letters. [ applause ] >> stephanie: you are welcome. >> yes, you are. >> stephanie: wix. >>
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>> stephanie: there you go. it's so easy it just doesn't seem real but it is. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. charlie pierce from coming up at the bottom of the hour as usual. danny from texas. >> caller: hi. okay. what i wanted to say -- lindsey graham -- i have been watching this guy for some years now, and i think the country would be much better off if he would just go ahead and get him a boyfriend and go on vacation somewhere. >> stephanie: we have no information regarding lindsey graham's personal preference -- >> caller: i know. i'm just saying. this is an observation that he needs to just get himself a boy and go on vacation. >> stephanie: we don't know what you are implying. but whatever it is the "stephanie miller show" wishes to apologize for whatever she is
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implying. maybe she meant a friend. >> stephanie: he has a friend in john mccain. >> stephanie: right. kathleen in oregon. hello, kathleen. >> caller: hi steph. i was curious as to who is footing the bills for mccain's trip. >> probably us. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. how much does treason cost i wonder? >> caller: yeah. >> stephanie: and in our wheel of scandals. >> what is the government to do if in fact disclosure could endang ur our military forces or those cooperating with us to fight terrorism. >> stephanie: i could do an entire morning of guess the quotes when this was an republican administration how very, very important it was that there be no leaks. oh, my goodness. lindsey graham so, so chatty this morning. >> we're beginning to
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criminalize journalism -- >> stephanie: and i think he refers to what that caller just said. for which we apologize. we have no idea what that caller was thinking. okay. >> but we have no idea why he was seen in key west over the weekend. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: no we have no information whether that is even true. the suspect arrested for billing the soldier in london that arrest has brought a total of nine who have been arrested. this guy changed his name his name is adam adabolosh, something like that. >> it's better than a russian name. >> stephanie: he was deported
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from kenya in 2010. he was arrested under a different name and taken to court after being handed to british authorities. they are wondering how all of this happened. >> yeah, interesting. >> stephanie: yeah. >> so is he a british citizen? >> stephanie: yes. >> okay. >> stephanie: margie in philly. >> caller: good morning. i would like to comment on the guy calling about where was president obama when benghazi was hit. he was in the white house. you know where gorge busch was when the twin towers were hit. and he was flying all over the country trying to find a place to hide. and he didn't come out until people were going where is the president? where is the president? >> stephanie: yeah he was
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pooping in his pants while reading to kids. is that a new talking point -- where was the president? >> it has around. >> stephanie: a 23-year-old has been charged with criminal mischief for carving a penis in the hood of a silver kia in the parking lot of a grocery store. complete with a note which read hey, i keyed your car. you didn't stop for pedestrians as is law. since no cop is here to enforce the ticket this should cover the cost of your fine. have a good day. don't be a [ censor bleep ]. >> richard. >> stephanie: right. so that happened. >> well, there was a good reason
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for it. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: okay. all right. so lots to get to. oh, little skosh of beaver stack from jesse in iowa. did you know there were once between 60 and 400 million beavers. that's a lot of beaver. occupying the rivers and streams of north america. >> nice beaver. >> thank you. i just had it stuffed. >> stephanie: from the great white north to the deserts of new mexico. that's drier beaver down there. >> yeah. >> stephanie: then the europeans came. >> what? >> stephanie: what? nothing. with them came the insatiable desire for beaver pelts and the beaver secretion often used in
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perfume and cologne. >> hum. >> stephanie: all right. charlie pierce with some great stuff as usual, as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ very very excited about that and very proud of that. beltway politics from inside the loop. we tackle the big issues from inside our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >> bill press opens current's morning news block. >> we'll do our best to carry the flag from six to nine every morning. >> think conservatives have a stranglehold on the morning news? bill press invites you to think again as he tackles the hot issues on capital hill and beyond. >> just bringing you exactly
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what's happening in politics today by people who have a lot of experience, who know what's going on and who know what they're talking about. i'll tell you what energizes me to get up every morning is to get the first crack at the news, the first crack at the newsmakers. i know this stuff, i know what i'm talking about and i love it and i try to bring that to the show. only on current tv.
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(vo) next, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> once you open the box it loses its value. >> yeah yeah.
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my mom gave me the same lecture. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." thirty-four minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2. larry in arkansas. hello, larry, welcome. >> caller: good morning, stephanie. i'm a little right of center i squeeze a penny like it's -- i squeeze a penny, i'm real conservative that way, but, you know, i have been listening to president obama through the years, you know? well, he talks, you know, he's not -- he doesn't talk un-american, you know? i realize he's a socialist slash commie -- >> but he is not. >> caller: that doesn't really bother me, stephanie, you know? because remember that nursery rhyme old king cole was a merry
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ole soul. he was a dictator. who wouldn't want to live like old king cole. i wouldn't mind living under obama with his commie feel but what happens when he croaks? you know? you understand? you know. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: i like obama. i really do. >> stephanie: as far as communist dictators go. he is a nice feller. >> you know. >> stephanie: what the what the? >> yeah. >> stephanie: all right then. wow. this really is after a vacation weekend, isn't it? that was -- i should probably flush the lines with something. >> pour some draino down there. >> stephanie: can i have some hate letter music -- i don't know what is going on.
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bill subject lol, and apparently not in a good way. after flipping the channels and hearing your knowledge no wonder -- and that's spelled know, no wonder, so apparently my knowledge might be a skosh better of -- oh let's say spelling. no wonder this country is all screwed up. you people aren't even americans. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: obama's be a traitor -- tarder. >> no really? >> stephanie: obamas be a trader since he took his oath. go and apologize to other
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countries for our behavior. what a whimp. he needs to take his ball and go back to africa. all right. thank you. all right then. mason -- >> caller: good morning, sunshine. >> stephanie: hello, mason. >> caller: i got to tell you, i have been watching the irs hearings on c-span and i know i'm on drugs because i just had back surgery so i have to check this with you a little bit. i don't understand why we're so upset the conservative tea party had to be questioned about the irs, but claiming tax-exempt status. shouldn't we be upset that a political party got a social welfare tax-exempt status? and they weren't singled out, either. there were 200-some in a group and only like 98 tea partiers.
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>> stephanie: yeah. >> there is a teeson obama hitler. >> stephanie: thank you. nicely done. yep. hey, guess who is here? ♪ pierce he's a clown ♪ ♪ why is everybody always laughing with me ♪ >> stephanie: good morning charlie pierce. oh, where did you go? oh, we lost him. all right. we'll be right back. >> [ wah wah ] . >> stephanie: just as i said charlie pierce it went [ wah wah ] . bill added a ps oh by the way, you know you have a background check to buy a pressure cooker at wal-mart. >> no, you don't.
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>> stephanie: he just [ censor bleep ] himself with that talking point. >> yes. >> stephanie: all right. i will put charlie pierce's little thing aside, and wait until we can refind him. how about that. i read a great piece online about -- we're getting very close to supreme court time in june on the marriage equality decisions and stuff like that. i thought this piece -- it really is amazing when you see -- i don't know if you know david blakenhorn he testified against marriage equality. and he has totally come around -- not that way. [ ♪ patriotic music ♪ ] >> stephanie: he wrote an op-ed in the "new york times." and ted olson wrote the -- the conservative case for marriage equality in news week and obviously prosecuted the case, but i thought it was amazing stuff he wrote. he said let's be honest the gay marriage debate -- and he is the guy that testified
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four -- whatever those mom -- mom -- fam people. oh, do we have charlie pierce. now we have to wait. >> boy, what a morning. >> stephanie: yeah i know. happy memorial day to you. >> oh to you too. >> stephanie: so we have been talk about the irs, you read the peace in the "new york times," as it turns out, gee, who could have seen that coming many of these tea party groups are engaged in political activity. >> yeah. >> stephanie: and deserve scrutiny is the point right? >> yes because if you accept the fact -- which i don't, that the irs is the one who should be policing the insane way we finance our politics in this
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country, then, yes they deserve to be scrutinized. for me i prefer to have sensible campaign reform, and prefer that citizens united have not been devised the way it is and i would prefer that people don't gain the system. but if people gain the system they are going to get caught. if they get caught using inappropriate criteria, that's something we need to fix. >> stephanie: yeah. you write, oh look, the "new york times" is trying to remind us all that -- we have been talking about this, right. it's citizens united. there was a flood of these groups. >> yep. >> stephanie: you also picked out my favorite. the watumka tea party from alabama. >> yeah, and none of these people are being audited.
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all of these people are having their paperwork delayed. and part of the reason for that is the irs is overworked and understaffed, and the irs has used inappropriate criteria to decide who they were going to look at. and they are doing stuff that they are not supposed to be doing. >> stephanie: the tea party as you say, they were sponsor training for get out the vote initiative dedicated to, quote unquote, defeating barack obama. >> yeah. and it sounds not a skosh at all like social welfare. >> stephanie: right. same with the ohio liberty coalition -- and that's what i keep asking, what social welfare are they doing at all? any?
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>> i guess they would argue that they are doing the social welfare of electing republicans. i'm just trying to think in their own mindset. they found a loophole and everybody dove through it. and then the irs was tasked with trying to close the loophole or at least cope it with. >> stephanie: yeah, you say a lot of what is being called a scandal is simply finding people who are committing a scam. somebody was saying that a lot of this was designed that scare everybody off so it is even more of the wild west in 2014, right? >> i think it's designed to make permanent the kind of habits of algarky that got embedded in our election system by citizens united. it wasn't just the grounds on
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which this was decided, it was the principles on which it was based which is basically that money is speech, and corporations are people, and therefore they have these rights. >> stephanie: right. >> and i think that's a dangerous road to head down. i think it is where we were the last time we had a guilded age, and that's what we're having now. and yesterday i linked it not only to the "new york times" story, but also the attempt to the right to vote. because i don't see another way out on this, because the -- the habits of ally garky is now working to restraight the franchise. so if you manage to keep people from voting you manage to people
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permanent those things that are destructive. >> stephanie: exactly. there was a random guy quoted about i sure hope the president keeps his promise about federal aid. and i thought this is why this is such a red state, because it's people in oklahoma that are blocking this stuff, right? >> i heard the governor of oklahoma give the most astonishing speech about how the federal government had nothing to do with the building of oklahoma. you know what oklahoma would be without the federal government? there she was standing up saying the fema money wasn't coming fast enough. now, wait a minute, lady go
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build it yourself. >> she would pull herself up by her own faragono straps. >> stephanie: right. she could perhaps tell him to shut his damn gob which i think is good advice. >> yeah, if she wants to appear serious, then she should tell tom coburn to shut up. >> stephanie: yeah. i suppose someone said at least he's consistent asking for offsets even for aid for his own states. well, if he is consistently a douche, i guess. >> that's an argument i have never understood, if a guy is consistently wrong he gets credit for being consistent. if i consistently walk against
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traffic, and somebody hits me with their suv, i don't get credit for consistently walking against traffic. >> stephanie: i give you credit charlie pierce. >> yes, you will because that's the way your little mind works. [ laughter ] >> you would be a charlie pierce apologist. >> stephanie: yes, i would. all right. love you charlie pierce. >> fringe right-wing groups are accusing of obama being high on coke when benghazi happened. >> oh, okay. >> stephanie: forty-seven minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> well, at least it's a good place to see celebrities. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show."
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next on current tv. vanguard: the documentary series that raised the bar for excellence. >> whereever the story is, we will go there to get it. >> we dive deep into the topics that we cover. >> it doesn't get anymore real than this. (vo) and on the next vanguard: >> what do you have to do to rise through the ranks? >> you've got to make a name for yourself. (vo) go inside a california state prison, to see how ethnic gangs divide the inmates and run the show. >> how do you control this? >> there is no controlling it - they control it. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ she's a maniac maniac ♪ ♪ and she's dancing like she's never danced before ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. fifty-two minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. why looky who is here? >> my name is sue. how do you do! >> stephanie: it's sue in rockville, everybody, with her brand new jingle. >> caller: i have a jingle? i have got to listen it's amazing. >> stephanie: oh, here it is again. >> caller: thank you. ♪ my name is sue, how do you
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do ♪ >> stephanie: there you go. >> i think it's johnny cash, but you know. >> caller: please tell their trolls when they call in that it would be helpful if they are a little bit more sober when they call. >> stephanie: yeah that one guy was blasted. >> caller: speaking frontier gibberish was a role filled in blazing saddles. that role has been filled. >> stephanie: right. grady asks why didn't the irs pull the tax-exempt status from the [ inaudible ] church after [ inaudible ]. [ applause ] >> stephanie: good question. which brings me to this piece. [ ♪ patriotic music ♪ ] >> stephanie: david blinkenhorn,
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who is the guy that testified against marriage equality and he has now completely changed his mind and written an op-ed about it. >> that's right. >> stephanie: listen here. looky here. the gay marriage debate is nearly over and nothing the supreme court does is likely to change that astonishing fact. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> what? >> stephanie: most americans including me viewed the idea of gay marriage as undesirable and wildly improbable today most americans, including me, believe permitting gays to marry is the right thing to do. let us pause in wonder at the speed and moral meaning of this change. as little as a decade ago, homosexuality was illegal in many states.
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whatever the supreme court decides now won't be nearly as important as what has already happened in our country. he goes on to say -- he talks about why it matters. if you are a gay couple living in my home state of mississippi, or one of the states in which opposition to gay marriage is very strong, you care very much about the supreme court decision. yet arriving at this position for me has been a difficult and painful journey. until june of 2003 i was a vocal opponent of it. i believed gay marriage would weaken the traditional institution of marriage. the institution that binds mothers, fathers, and families
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together. any way, his personal evolution he said i changed my opposition to gay marriage because of personal relationships, and that's what the polling bares out. in my case it begans with the writer john roush. and then we stopped debating and talking about our lives, including my wife and his husband. it may sound trite but for me the key was the gradual break through of empathy. i sound that empathy becomes at least possible. and simply becoming friends with gay people who are married or want to get married lead me to believe i couldn't continue to oppose it. millions of straight couples are abandoning marriage entirely with tragic consequences with them of their children.
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including in our middle and working class. yadda, yadda. he makes really good points. we're going to try to get him on this week. he said this is where i found myself a year ago. more over the battle was doing nothing to strengthen the institution. and the goal of marriage' quality is to make marriage achievable for all. and the strategy includes all. the coalition is waiting to be more no matter what the supreme court decides. ♪ let's hear it for the boy ♪ >> stephanie: right? who can argue with that? >> exactly. >> i'm not arguing with that. >> stephanie: i'm not arguing with that. a stunning turn around for
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someone who was very, very vocal. we're getting close to the supreme court, and people are wondering more and more politically if that is going to effect the court all of these promarriage equality rulings in state after state. we shall see. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ♪]
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>> stephanie: okay. hour number three. oh, jacki, mail bag for you. tommy in columbus says steph, nurse jacki is so on top of things, she needs a promotion to head nurse. although she would need to have an oral exam first. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: such a good health care corner this morning i think his pants are tight. >> thank you. >> stephanie: good signs, right? it turns out competition a good thing. >> yes. and we're hoping there will be more of these stories as the exchanges open up. >> stephanie: that's right. i just made you a head nurse. >> oh, good. i got a promotion. >> stephanie: there you go. here she is nurse jacki. >> good morning, everybody. president obama now on his way to the jersey shore.
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he has boarded air force one. and he is going to land and meet up with chris christie. a repeat of a point appearance last fall gave both men a boost with the public, but drew frustrations from their parties. john mccain is not the only lawmaker doing a little outreach. mendez is traveling to jordan and israel to focus on a handful of issues. including the crisis in syria, and iran's aledged nuclear development. mendez chairs the foreign relations committee. it does seem the administration is working with menendez on different legislation, and this would tougher sanctions on iran. and george zimmerman back in court today. the florida accused of shooting
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trayvon martin last year. zimmerman's attorneys will argue for a trial delay and the court to ban particularly the damaging evidence from one specific audio expert who says the screams heard in the background are martin begging for his life. but the fbi was unable to identify those same screams, rather and gave up. and zimmerman's defense say the screams belong to their client. the judge is going decide whether the tape meets the standards necessary to make the tape admissible in court. we're back with more show after the break. political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding.
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i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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next on current tv. vanguard: the documentary series that raised the bar for excellence. >> whereever the story is, we will go there to get it. >> we dive deep into the topics that we cover. >> it doesn't get anymore real than this. (vo) and on the next vanguard: >> what do you have to do to rise through the ranks? >> you've got to make a name for yourself. (vo) go inside a california state prison, to see how ethnic
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gangs divide the inmates and run the show. >> how do you control this? >> there is no controlling it - they control it. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." happy troll day, everybody.
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in excess -- we have a lot of backed up trolls. they got backed up over the last three days. >> happy troll day to you. >> we got it all this morning. >> stephanie: yes, obama hitleresque because of the irs scandal. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> stephanie: wow. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. all y'all trolls. did i make news busters again? >> you weren't in stephanie miller google alert. >> stephanie: okay. all right. yeah, we had a three-day weekend, rocky mountain mike of course did not. working, working, working. ♪ what some box wine with your fart jokes, party name for tea,
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what are all these crazy questions the caller's asking me ♪ ♪ the got the crazy party, the crazy gop ♪ ♪ don't troll from the right, don't troll my stephanie ♪ ♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ >> great guitar work. >> stephanie: right. wait for it. plik. ♪ >> stephanie: there you go. >> we have some breaking news about that damn obama. consumer confidence is at a five-year high. >> that damn obama. >> stephanie: thanks obama! arnold in north carolina. good morning, arnold. >> caller: good morning, steph.
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what are the mooks doing on the job? they are not doing their jobs in morning. they had about 600 trolls call your show this morning. and no troll alert went up. >> stephanie: oh, thank you for your attention. >> this is a test this is a test of the right-wing troll motivation system. this is only a test. >> benghaziiiiiiiiii. >> this has been a test of the right-wing troll notification system. had this been an actual urge actual -- emergency you would have been instructed where to tune for half-baked information. >> stephanie: i was on cnn about the girl who is being charged
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for a consensual relationship with another teenage girl. and i was really people think that's okay? >> that she is prosecuted. >> stephanie: yeah, i was saying when i was 14 my boyfriend was 17. >> but 18 is the age of consent. they probably would have turned him in had he been 18. >> sure. >> the problem would be if they are not prosecuting straight couples as often as they are prosecuting gay couples. >> oh, please. it is a gay issue. the person that was on with me was the older person sometimes influences -- i'm like my high school boyfriend didn't turn me
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straight. >> however, the age of consent is 18. the person under 18 cannot consent according to the law. >> stephanie: the girl's mother was saying the parents think my daughter turned their daughter gay. >> right. but the homophobic parents have something to stand on unfortunately. according to the law. [ blows raspberry ] >> stephanie: sexual battery. >> according to the laws in florida. yes. >> stephanie: it's not battery. >> you might need some things that require batteries -- >> >> stephanie: stop it. i knew you were going there. gene in cleveland. >> caller: hi, stephanie. the irs scandal, i remember back here in ohio all the -- all the advertisements, and all these
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501 c's getting on and they were fighting each other. and they still had all of those republicans sitting there at the irs, if they didn't call for some of these -- some of their own groups to get audited. you know? karl rove, you know, he's pretty sneaky. he knows how to do things like that. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> caller: i really think because i was looking -- steven colbert showed how easy it is to open up a 501 c, and the first thing i thought of was proud to. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> caller: open up a 501 c, call them up, speak in single-sill boll words and you can raise a ton of money. >> stephanie: i hear ya. i think billy and some others who call you show all own del computers that are linked by a
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land line by 5 seconds with the google shows the well-known church -- because he didn't believe me this ever happened before. so i guess it didn't -- >> because if fox news doesn't report it, it doesn't happen. >> stephanie: however, the church was threatened to be revoked by his tax, exempt status and bush went after the naacp after they criticized the president. it is pretty obvious the complainant was someone who doesn't believe that george bush should be criticized and it's obvious the irs believes that too. so there billy, google machine.
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do it skeeter. >> history turns the page. we all know a skeeter. obama derangement syndrome reaches all segments of society, rich and poor young and old, anyone can be a skeeter. >> we watched love video of nicki nicki -- >> they only have to remember three words. >> it gets better. >> for those unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality -- >> it gets better. monkey is not a racist term. obama has a marksist dog. >> a dilutional mind is a
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terrible thing to waste. >> stephanie: california faces huge budget surplus. oh, looky there. after years of gruelling battles over state budget cuts and spending challenges california has a new challenge on their hands, a budget surplus. hope you enjoy the $400,000 you got from ohio for high-speed rail, when the governor said no to the future. >> i don't know if we'll get that off of the ground -- >> stephanie: yeah but we got their money. by the way, part two, we have a [ censor bleep ] statue of arnold in columbus. please take it back to california. [ applause ] >> stephanie: that's where the muscle head thing is. >> yes, the arnold classic. >> stephanie: yes.
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connie in delaware. welcome. >> caller: well, thank you so much. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: hello. i'm enjoying your show so much. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: and i just wanted to give my opinion about our congress and the way that they have handled our president. i think obama has just done a great job, and if our congress would cooperate he may get his second term done as he wants to and the republicans just will not do anything to help him. >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: and this 501 cthat they are trying to do for these super pacs, i just think it's wrong. and the irs was simply doing their job, in my opinion, to try to weed out some of these people with whatever it is called the social -- >> stephanie: social welfare. >> caller: welfare. i mean forgoodness sake that makes no sense to me.
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>> stephanie: i know. >> caller: i hi obama has done a great job and our economy is much better. and i just wanted to voice my opinion today. >> stephanie: thank you. [ applause ] >> stephanie: lynette in minneapolis. >> caller: hello. i had a situation -- i'm not a lesbian, but i was 16. my boyfriend was 18 and i didn't realize until 30 years later when i met him my mom had broken up our relationship, because she went to him and threatened him and said if he continued to see me he was going to have me arrested. it was very devastating. to interfere like that, because i felt personally dejected and it led to a lot of suicidal depression for me. and i wish parents would realize that this is not helping.
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it's very personal. to me it was not a lesbian situation. >> stephanie: and it's hard to say -- chris, i haven't heard anything with this other girl involved. it seems like it's the parents -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: i don't think that the other girl involved is for this obviously? >> the parents of the other girl are going to have to be the ones that bring the charges. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. but i just can't imagine that somebody in a consensual relationship would want them to have a felony sex offender status -- that will affect her own future. >> i know. but it's not consensual if one of them -- >> stephanie: it is consensual when it started -- >> that's not the point. >> that's not the point. they didn't bring the charges when it was consensual -- >> it is unfair. >> i agree. but that's the law. >> stephanie: blah blah blah. seventeen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie
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miller show." >> this was so funny in my head when i planned it. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show."
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv.
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♪ ♪ i need you tonight, because i'm not sleeping ♪ ♪ there's something about -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ that makes me sweat ♪ >> yeah, speaking of making you sweat -- we're take getting cards and letters about your situation -- >> we're going to call you brad
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pitt. >> are you having an arm-pit related event >> stephanie: yes. >> keep your arms down for the rest of the show please. >> stephanie: okay. keep your arms and legs inside captain america's underpants at all time. okay. kids i get unsolicited testimonials. momma after hearing about the sodastream i went and picked one up from the local grocery store. i love sodastream. the sparking water and soda. i haven't bought a case of pop for three months. >> he must be from the midwest. >> stephanie: we called it maze. >> stephanie: no one calls it maze. what a dandy wedding or birthday
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present. so quick, so easy just snap that cold water in there and press the button -- s >> shunk. >> stephanie: yeah, like that. over 60 flavors of soda. also country time crystal light, all of those brand names you love. cost effective only $0.25 her can. that's what it makes soda. do it. check it out at bed bath and beyond macy's kohl's or go to for a location near you. >> do it now. >> it's good too. >> stephanie: right. let's go to carol in indiana. hi, carol. >> caller: hi, in the heterosexual cases that i've
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heard of -- specifically i'm talking about art kelly, if the minor does not agree to testify or participate, they don't want to prosecute. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: so why are they prosecuting the -- >> you need to turn down your radio -- >> stephanie: yeah. you need to turn down your radio. that is a good point. caleb in california. >> caller: hey, stephanie and the mooks. hi, listen this is really about capacity to consent. minors do not have capacity to consent to relationships with adults. we call that pedophilia and it doesn't matter whether it's a consensual relationship because a minor does not have that capacity, and it also doesn't matter whether this is a lesbian or straight relationship. >> stephanie: it just seems like
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haven't we all been in high school? most kids i knew were dating two or three years older. >> you are breaking the law. >> caller: then you are advocating for a change in the law to allow a relationship between an adult and a minor within a certain age range. if this were my daughter i would be the first one contacting my local police department saying this has got to stop. your parents may have been different. they were in a different state, new york. new york has different laws that california. you go to some of the southern states where the age of consent might be 14, and it might not be a violation. >> yeah. >> stephanie: i get your point as parent. i do. i'm just saying that i think that that certainly is a different case than a lot of the ones that we're used to hearing about, you know?
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i mean -- a 50 year old guy -- >> not all of us can find someone who is three years older when we were in high school stephanie. >> stephanie: i was just that cool wasn't i? >> yes, you were. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: onya good morning. >> caller: i disagree with you on this case. it's not pet -- pedestrian feel feelia -- i don't think you have to have kids -- anybody who has watched law and order, knows that pedaphilia is not people two to three years apart getting
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together under the bleachers at a football game. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: but like i said -- [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: right. the felony to me -- at least you would think you can agree that is excessive, right? does anybody really think she should go to prison? >> caller: well, that's the thing. you break the law, you have to take responsibility, and i just -- you know the parents said that they talked to her a couple of times, and said hey, stay away from our daughter. this isn't a case necessarily of romeo and juliette this is a little bit more serious, and if she has turned 18, i wonder if the other kid was 13 when it started. >> stephanie: yeah i thought what i had read was 14 and 17 and when she turned eight they
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pressed charges. >> caller: yeah, so i hope everything works out. i almost wish she would take the plea. i don't think she should be registered as a sex offender but i hate to see her spend time in prison but the parents of the 14 year old, said they already thought it would be resolved. >> stephanie: yeah. i hear ya. hard break here. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." that raised the bar for excellence. >> whereever the story is, we will go there to get it. >> we dive deep into the topics that we cover. >> it doesn't get anymore real than this. (vo) and on the next vanguard: >> what do you have to do to rise through the ranks? >> you've got to make a name for yourself. (vo) go inside a california state prison, to see how ethnic gangs divide the inmates and run the show. >> how do you control this? >> there is no controlling it - they control it.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and
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we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv! ♪ >> i think you'll find -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- love and true belief and
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all manner that miracles are possible. >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to, thirty-four minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. reggie in chicago. hey, reggie. >> caller: hi. listen, i'm in agreement with you on this one. i'm not convinced with some of the things that your last caller said specifically that sort of told kaitlin to back off, so forth and so on, it seems to me the first thing the parents did was to run and go to the law. i think the first thing that should have been done was to go talk to kaitlin's mother and try to get a resolution there. it's kind of sane ta moanous to state's the law, i agree it, but to brand the poor child as a sex offender for the rest of her life -- >> stephanie: that's what her parents are saying, and conversations with different people over the weekend about
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this. one woman said literally i had been raped and the guy -- they never caught him, and he has done it to other people. and you are exactly right -- to say that this woman should go to prison, they are saying it could be up to 15 years and felony sex offender status is ridiculous. >> caller: yeah. if we were to go after every single young man in this country whoever had what could be perceived as an inappropriate sexual relationship as a high school student, our court system would be inundated. >> stephanie: yeah. and obviously kaitlin's parents are of the belief that it's because they think kaitlin made their daughter gay. and i don't know whether they are right or not. >> caller: i absolutely think that's a part of it.
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>> stephanie: even kaitlin's parents say we understand we didn't realize, and yes -- >> statutory rape laws are so inconsistent. >> they veriry from one state to another -- >> you are okay over here and one step over the line no, you are a sex offender! >> stephanie: it's the way he physicalized that -- one step over the line. dennis in tampa. >> caller: hi, stephanie. how are you. jim, i think you are friggin' hysterical. you are so great. >> stephanie: right? >> caller: -- >> thank you. >> caller: in the state of pennsylvania as long as you have one parent's consent, it is okay. i think it's ridiculous to say
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once you are 18 all of a sudden you have this group of people that you -- and probably half of the people you dated are probably now under the age where you can't indicate them. it's silly to have this one line. >> a sex offender is a 50 year old guy hanging around the schoolyard with his junk hanging out. >> caller: exactly. it's kind of archaic. >> stephanie: i understand what people are saying to what the law is -- but i think you are also right when you say -- even her parents state -- say it was a consensual relationship. but you are right. it's not like four. >> caller: right. >> stephanie: this is not the same of pedestrian feelia. >> exactly. it's silly. >> stephanie: let's go to judy in michigan. hi, judy. >> caller: hi, how are you
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doing? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: you are talking about the child consent and not, and locking everybody up then i think you go to all of the planned parenthooded and arrest all of the physicians that do these abortions on these young children and there's no par rental consent at all. >> stephanie: that's -- >> it's completely different. >> stephanie: that's the law of the land. abortion is a legal medical procedure in this country. >> caller: but not necessary for a child of that age to be doing something like that without her family knowing. >> stephanie: it's a legal medical procedure. >> caller: -- went into a clinic at the age of 14 and they call you up and said i'm sorry, she's dead. >> stephanie: which state are you talking about? >> caller: i lived in wisconsin. i just recently moved to
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michigan, but i mean they'll give you no information whatsoever. >> stephanie: judy a lot -- in some cases kids are raped by their fathers so they are going to have to get their father's consent -- >> caller: no. >> how can you compare an abortion to a relationship of love. i don't see where your pell legal is. >> caller: love is fine if they know what the heck they are doing. okay. why does the law have to get in our pants? it's bad enough they picked our pockets, but now when they get into personal things and they take away this parental right -- >> stephanie: well, that's getting into a women's personal right -- [overlapping speakers] >> caller: if she wants an abortion. i will take her. i will know. >> i'm so confused. >> stephanie: i got confused in there somewhere too. yes, that would technically be
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the government getting in a women's pants and her personal decisions, wouldn't it? >> it would. >> stephanie: let's go to tanisha. >> caller: hi, stephanie. really quickly i wanted to weigh in about the two girls having a relationship. i'm sorry i don't agree with you at all. >> stephanie: all right. >> caller: i know a situation where my niece turned 18 and they were all pulled into a meeting to discuss the ramifications of having sex with an underage child. she dated a boy who was older -- >> stephanie: right. but they were in school together and on the same basketball team -- >> caller: he was in school with us too. we were 15 and he was 18. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> caller: and her parents asked
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him and told him what could happen, and he decided not to so they had to press charges against him. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> caller: my daughter was having sex with a 16-year-old, and she is a 14-year-old. and i think at that age level each child has different experiences. and i don't think this is about a gay thing. i think boys get in trouble all the time. and i'm far from homophobic and i think if you do it -- we all get in trouble for breaking the law. >> stephanie: yeah. i hear ya. >> but there is also a standard of teachers having sex with their students. if it's a guy with a girl, drop the hammer if it's a hot girl with a guy -- oh, okay. >> well there was one teacher that was dragged through the
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system. [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: yeah guys get high fives. sabrina in south carolina. >> caller: hi stephanie. i was -- have an issue with this subject also as an african american. i know parents have concerns about their children dating older people, but some people could use this law as prejudices. i have seen this used when i was in high school african american boys would date caucasian white girls in school, and their parents would go straight to the police, and they would be in jail -- >> stephanie: yeah sabrina somebody called last week where there was this case in georgia -- and sure enough it was a black guy and a white girl. >> caller: yeah i know some people use it as a weapon for
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racism racism. >> stephanie: yeah, and we may not know what is in their hearts. whether this is homophobia or not. >> caller: that's true. you don't. but some i do know. just personal opinion i guess. >> stephanie: got ya. let's go to frank in phoenix. welcome. hello, frank? jim in huntington beach. hi, jim. >> caller: yo, what is up stephanie and the mooks. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: stephanie, randy, and rachel are my three warriors -- >> stephanie: three way. all right. >> caller: i'm sorry. >> stephanie: all right. go ahead. >> caller: what i got to say is about this whole thing about people turning 18 it's like wow, what leverage would that have had if it was a 17 year old boy saying it's four minutes to
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midnight baby before this becomes illegal. >> stephanie: yeah right. sarah, go ahead. >> caller: have a similar situation. i was 17 and i had a girlfriend who was 14, and we ended our relationship when i turned 18. and i turned it because i turned 18. >> stephanie: oh wow. >> caller: yeah, basically i was thinking to myself i have crossed over a line and i can't -- and she was still 14, and i said i can't be with a 14 year old, and that literally broke our relationship up. and i wasn't completely in love with her -- >> you are not willing to go to prison for her. [ laughter ] >> caller: for me it didn't feel like pedaphilia and i
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experienced that earlier in life as a child, and i knew the difference, but for me it was crossing the line and saying okay. i'm an adult now, there is a line. >> stephanie: yeah, i hear ya. i have been swayed on this point. i do understand both sides. and this other caller was saying it is hard to know sometimes it's blatant racism or homophobia, and sometimes you don't know. all right. forty-five minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: call stephanie now. she's easy. 1-800-steph-1-2.
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john fugelsang: if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern. [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease
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or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. (vo) next, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine.
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>> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. ♪
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♪ if you'll be my bodyguard, i can be your long-lost pal ♪ ♪ you i can call you -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ and -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ when you call me, you can call me al. call me al ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. fifty minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number. greg with some thoughts on this whole kaitlin hunt thing. she will spend more time in prison for this offense than [ inaudible ] did. he said i also read the parents did say anything to either the eight year old or parents of the eighteen year old until after she turned eighteen.
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this is more like jerry lee lewis and his bride. she was 13 and he and was 22. and he could have adopted the girl like ted nugent did. [ applause ] >> stephanie: that's right. behind the candelabra was awesome. >> and did you recognize scott bakula. >> stephanie: not until later. >> i recognized him right away. >> stephanie: ken in california you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, ken. >> caller: hi, stephanie. love you guy's show. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i think you guys are dead on with this comment about this relationship. i have been in law enforcement for about 20 years, retired now.
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and we learned there is something called the letter of the law, and the spirit of the law. the letter stating eighteen, you can't date a minor. but the spirit is more or less like a speed limit. the speed limit is 55, if you go 56, 57 it's okay. in this case the parents should be parents. don't use the law as a shield to protect their child or enforce a law to put the other child in gail or incarcerate another child -- >> stephanie: unfortunately it's kind of up to the judge as to whether they are going to go with the spirit of the law or the letter of the law. >> stephanie: yeah. >> so it's really arbitrary. >> stephanie: yeah, i think we all recognize the difference
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between this and a 50 year old man and a four year old or something. and you bring up speeding. isn't there more of a fine for -- >> reckless. >> stephanie: yeah. >> that's when you go well above. well above. >> it's different in different states -- >> caller: i understand with the judge. but it shouldn't have even gotten that car. the parents should understand first of all when they were kids the difference in their age. when they were kids should they have maybe talked to the kids alone, instead of exploiting them to the world about this thing, and putting another child in jail. she is still a child. when i turned 18 i was an adult by law, but my mentality was still 17. >> stephanie: yep. yep. i hear ya. >> caller: i wish them luck. >> stephanie: yeah exactly.
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exactly. jenny in california you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, jen. >> caller: hi stephanie. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: i agree with your previous opinion before you were swayed by chris. >> stephanie: i'm like a reed in the wind. >> oh, god. [ laughter ] >> caller: because what do you -- what do you make of two seventeen year olds in high school having a relationship having sex or not, and then one turns eighteen six months before the other. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: are they all of a sudden against the law. >> stephanie: yeah, chris is it the same in every state? >> stephanie: no some states are 15 -- >> some of 35. >> stephanie: they still haven't consented >> in florida it is. >> stephanie: yeah. mark in texas you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, mark. >> caller: yes, i'm interested
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in the idea that what you are doing is you are wanting a set of preferential treatment for a specific group of people and as a 53-year-old white male i want to know how i apply for preferential treatment. >> oh god. >> caller: thank you for the oh god. >> stephanie: you would like to sleep with an seventeen year old? >> caller: when i was eighteen i would -- [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: do you really believe an 18 year old girl should go to prison for 15 years -- >> caller: i believe that she should be treated exactly like a male would be in a similar situation, which is she would have the option in front of her to make a deal and if she does not believe that she is guilty of the issue she shouldn't take
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the deal. >> stephanie: okay. all right. he just wanted to make an affirmative action point. isn't he clever? >> hum. >> stephanie: i don't know. i understand his point. but you are right. it was a little bit of snark. hello, pat in denver. >> caller: hey. i was just wondering did the parents know this relationship was going on before she turned eighteen? and if they did why wasn't something done about it then? >> stephanie: yeah that's what we were just asking. apparently they didn't say anything until after she turned eighteen. and you are right. last week we were talking about angelina jolie's double mast -- mass ex-commie, and her aunt just died over the weekend.
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she is the sister of her mother who died at 56. i think in her case it was not extreme -- >> now we know the reason for the rest of it, i guess. >> right. >> stephanie: how crazy is amanda amanda bynes [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: she -- rihanna not had enough. she said chris brown beat her because she was not pretty enough. she was charged in friday and since accused the arresting officer of sexually harassing her. i have no idea where the rihanna
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thing came from. she went on to say unlike your fugli-faced stuff i don't do no drugs. the twitter rant on saturday in which she accused an officer of entering her apartment and slapping her hoo hah. and lying about throwing a bong out the window. >> she said it was a vase. >> stephanie: oh, good one. that's it for us. we'll see you tomorrow on the "stephanie miller show."ç]
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>> i'm jacki schechner. it's noon eastern, and here's what's current. wisconsin now has its first democratic challenge to governor rick snyder. mark shower announced that he plans to run for governor next year.
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he polls well against republican incumbent who's approval rating is now down to 38%. president obama is down at the jersey shore today to check out how it is recovering from superstorm sandy. governor chris christie who officially reopened the beach before the holiday will be at the president's side. christie broke a guinness world record by cutting the longest


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