tv Full Court Press Current May 29, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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>> good morning. good morning, good morning. my names rich masters sitting in this morning for billion press who has taken the day off. it is wednesday the 29th of may. very good morning this morning. truly a good morning after most of you wept to bed michelle, the michelle bachman announced she is stepping down. she illwill not be seek reelection.
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is she running for president? could that be the reason? or, could she just think she probably was going to lose her race. she barely won the 6th district of minnesota a year ago. we'll be discussing that. 8-665-5577. the summer bromance film of the year, the obama/christie brother man's. could it be that worried about conservatives who are screaming bloody murder over whether or not he is going to be able to run for president with president
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barackorrowar bam /* we've got that and all a bun of other stuff coming up on current tv. the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but
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somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? >> broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv this is the bill press show. it is wednesday the 29th of may in 2013. my name is rich masters sitting in for bill press. it has been forever, peter. i've been -- i never sat in the big chair, i don't think. i'm very excited to be here >> it's a been a while.
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this is a full on b team -- >> [laughter] >> i don't mean to say that because of you. >> i'm the c team. >> we love you. but i'm not used to running the board. i haven't run the board in a while. you know, i mean. >> expect some hiccups this morning, folks. >> yeah. i haven't run the board. and he came in smelling like a tavern. who knows what's going to be happen. >> everyone knows i have a face made for radio. >> come on now. >> it's very true. big news this morning if you haven't heard. michelle bachmann you know the lovely michelle bachmann she's out. you told me that this morning, you could have knocked me over with a feather >> i couldn't believe it. i woke up this morning and i was going through my normal routine
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of sit-ups and i saw the breaking news. does that mean she's not running for president again? because it said she's not running for reelection. i was like, ah man, that's crazy. >> that is absolutely nuts. so it begs the question what is she up to? is she running for president? is she avoiding the fbi because there are an on going investigation from several different scandals from her presidential race. >> we have a winner. >> or she's going to lose. what is the reason? we'll be taking your calls. 866-557-3377. also our friend elliot spitzer will be joining us this morning to talk about any number of things. i want to ask him though about
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the whole thonanthony stuff. >> just to be clear anthony weaner's poll is not out. >> you have to be very clear. >> his poll is not out nor is it on the internet but there is a new serveurvey out. guess it's not a poll anyway. there is a new survey that shows within a month he's already cut into the lead of kind of the front running candidate in new york. weaner's trying to come back from his scandal. elliot kind of got a scandal interrupted political career. what does this mean for him? we'll talk to him about that.
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josh coming up. dave jame is son will be here and he's talking minimum wage >> he had a good story about the fight for minimum wage. he's been writing a lot about it >> we have the same arguments that we hear all the time about conservatives that it's going to cost jobs and they have to lay people off and all of those arguments 99.999% of time are bs. so they implement minimum wage increases and guess what happens? no playoffs. as a matter of fact it actually spurs the economy because people have money to spend to buy. >> this is the full court press. >> let's give this a shot and we'll start at the sports desk where last night it was game four of the nba eastern conference semifinals.
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the heat entered the game two games to one and the pacers needed a big win which is what they got. a lousy game by lebron james's standards. he had a terrible game and that opened up the door for the pacers 99-92 win and the winner goes on to face the fundamentally sound san antonio spurs who are currently resting their aging bones. >> they're wrapped in ice. >> they're mummyfied. hillary clinton may be on twitter soon. the account exists and locked and protected and no followers and they're not following anyone. but insiders say that she may begin tweeting from this in the coming days. is it a sign she's running for president? maybe. every professional speaker that goes out on the circuit has a
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twitter account. if nothing else it's good for business. >> there's a great article i think about who she would have on her campaign team. they're already starting to dissect that. i think she's in probably, don't you? >> we will see. >> i hope. and some bro time up on the jersey shore. the president and the governor hit the beach to show folks it's okay to hit the jersey shore. >> they were in their suits. the president with his little rubber ducky, you know, life preserver thing. at one time the pair stopped to play touchdown fever. you throw a football through an old tire. the president tired several times unsuccessfully and
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krzysztoftychris christie got it. the president walked away with a chicago bears stuffed bear. >> that the governor gave him? >> it's like a first date almost. it's like a total romantic comedy. >> rush limbaugh is very upset about that >> it's so funny how republicans get so mad that they kind of get along. the master servant is what rush called the relationship. >> apeter thanks for that. we're missing dan. dan off on the wedding venture. >> getting married. i can't tell you any of the details because i wasn't invited. >> neither was i. >> neither was anybody. i talked to dan about it yesterday. i gave dan a little bit of brief. i said, you know, you didn't invite anybody from the show.
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honestly i assume he invited bill. me, i don't get it. i'm a mess to have at weddings. i get. >> you bring the moonshine. >> if dan was having his happiest moment ever, if i was getting married i would not want to look out there and see dan. that's fine. but bill is his boss. he's been working for him for six years. we have a small team here. >> you have met his fiance and she's normal? >> completely normal. she has both arms and legs. i was thrown for a total loop. i figure she would have an eye patch, but no, she con be more lovely. she had no face tattoos. >> [laughter] >> as far as i know she spent no time in prison. i swear to you i was prepping myself for the worst when i was going to meet his fiance.
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he said my girlfriend's coming up. i thought, my god, what am i gonna say? is she going to have a mustache and she walked in and could not have been more lovely. beautiful young lady, funny. i'm thinking -- let me tell you something, it's a man's world when she marries dan. >> it must be slim on the eastern shore in southern maryland. >> 6:15 in the morning. i want to go back to the michelle bachmann thing. she's provided so much amusement over the years. for those of you who didn't hear this, michelle bachmann did say she's out and she released this to her many many followers on
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the enterweb last night. here's a bit of. >> my good friends after a great deal of thought and deliberation, i have decided next year i will not seek a fifth congressional term to represent the wonderful people of the 6th district of the minnesota. >> stay strong, bud. >> i need a big chris chris /* >> she's in this parallel universe where she was elected president and she's on the same standing as the president. eight years is enough for the president and enough for her. >> the long limits anyone from serving as president of the united states for more than eight years and in my opinion, well eight years is also long enough for an individual to serve as a representative for a specific congressional district. >> of course because she's on par with the president of these
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united states. >> honestly, i've never heard anything quite so silly. when these people that are in congress step down or announce they're not running for reelection it's the same old thing. i want to spend more time with my family. i can contribute to my constituents back home >> and she has 87 children, right? >> she's got a ton of children. >> she can now spend a day with each one of them. >> right, right. but you never hear them say the president served eight years so i'm going to as well. >> the questions are is this about losing? >> be assured my decision was not in any way influenced by any concerns about my being re-elected to congress. i always defeated capped dates who are capable, qualified and well funded. >> yeah, okay. so that answers
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that question. campaign financers, the fbi has just joined on and they're looking at all sorts of weird crap that went in iowa. the iowa supreme court is getting toward appoint a prosecutor. something about stealing lifts of home schooled children for one and campaign violations. apparently several people on her staff agreed to testify against her. >> her staff -- i think that was -- >> they turned on her. >> that was sort of the straw that broke the camel's back because former staffers have wound up to talk about some of the bad stuff she was up to. >> clearly maybe it's about the ongoing probe. >> this decision was not impacted in any way about the inquiries by former presidential staff. >> her what? >> my former presidential staff.
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>> what was that? >> my former presidential staff. >> she had a presidential staff. she's completely delusional because guess what? here's my take on this. i think that the side benefits from this decision. if you look at that video it's got the music behind it and everything >> highly produced. >> highly produced. while i do think she has a side benefit of missing the fbi this is all about her running for president. listen what she talks about. >> my future is full and limitless and my passions for america will remain. i wants you to be assured there is no future option or opportunity tb directly in the political arena or otherwise that i won't be giving serious consideration. >> i'm telling you she's running for president. >> i think you're right >> i think there are side benefits not running for
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reelection. but she spent a lot of money producing the video with the music and the mood lighting and vaseline around the lens. [laughter] >> it was sparkly. it was a sparkly lens. >> we'll be taking your thoughts on this. coming up after a quick break we'll be talking to elliot spitzer and taking the pulse on the new york city mayoral race and anthony weaner's latest poll. how about that? coming up on current tv. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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(christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries.
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>> heard around the country and seen on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> good morning everybody and welcome back to the bill press show. my name is rich masters and i'm a democratic strategist sitting in for bill. it's wednesday, 29th of may, 2013. glad to have you back. 8665777737. today we're talking about michelle bachmann. she's out and not going to run for her congressional seat anymore. what's the reason? is she running for president? is she avoiding the fbi? has she decided to -- because she was going to lose she might
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as well step aside and quit while she's ahead kind of thing. what is the real reason she's stepping aside. the others are side benefits she's just delusional enough to say she's running for president of the united states and i hope we're looking at the next nominee of the republican party. peter, i needed some michelle bachmann crazy remembrances this morning. >> yeah if you want to know why we're going to miss her we have kept a lot of michelle bachmann audio. we'll sprinkle it all throughout the show like a poetpourri of crazy. this is from 2009 and this is how she greeted michael steel >> michael steel, you be the man. you be the man! [laughter] >> michael steel you be the man! you be the man!
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>> you be the man! [laughter] >> she also when she was running for president, she was out campaigning on elvis presley's -- the anniversary of his death day which is in august. she confused the day of his death with the day of his birth. >> before we get started, let's all say happy birthday to elvis presley today. happy birthday! >> happy birthday elvis. >> he was just sitting on the throne 30 years ago when god came to take him away. >> oh my god. we want to know your thoughts. don from albany. is she running for president? >> >> caller: i'd say it sounds like michelle bachmann chicken's or coming home to roost on her big time. i wouldn't put it past her. >> it's unbelievable, isn't it?
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>> caller: she's just that crazy. i was going to say today's my birthday. i'm 62 today. >> happy birthday to you. you're not elvis but you're the man. >> caller: i know. >> ♪ this is your birthday song. it doesn't last too long, hey ♪ >> i appreciate that thank you. >> thanks, don, thanks for listening to us this morning on current tv and your radio station yo. 866-55 866-55-press. we'll be talking about the brother man's of chris christie and the president. what does it do to his presidential ambitions. elliot spitzer knows about politics and new york.
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we'll be talking to him about that survey coming up. to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but
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>> good morning. welcome to the bill press show. my name is rich masters. democratic strategist sitting in for billion on this wednesday morning 29th of may. 866-577-7737. we're asking your opinions this morning about why michelle bachmann is stepping aside from her congressional seat at the end of her fourth term eight years. is it she's avoiding the fbi
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scandal or run for president or ding, ding, ding i thought she might lose. we'll go to anita in san antonio, texas. first of all, anita welcome to the program and good luck to your spurs. hopefully they'll be the reigning mvp champions yet again. >> that would be nice. about michelle bachmann i don't think she's running for president. i really don't. i just think she's running away from her fbi thing, this fbi investigation. she's getting out now and trying to save face >> you think we're finished with her that she's now going to gracefully leave the national scene? god, i hope so. i hope you're right. >> caller: it's disappointing because she was amusing. you know she was always doing something crazy and always kind of something to behold.
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>> she definitely is that anita. listening for your phone call. 55777377. we have more clips? >> when she was running for president she was just a virtual sound byte machine constantly giving good audio. she talked about what kind of person it was going to take to get things back in shape. >> we need some strong hombre or hombre ette. >> she's the hombre-ette. >> and this clip may or may not have been taken out of context. >> who likes white people! >> who likes white people. >> that would be most of the tea party i would imagine. on the one hand it's the hombre or the hombre-ette.
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>> did she ever speak to a latino audience. >> but she did talk to her white people friends >> they want to you think that the tea party is made up of toothless hillbillies, wearing red, white and blue but she should be afraid of the tea party. >> yeah. [laughter] >> toothless hillbillies. >> you be the man! >> she found her one african-american friend. >> she's a piece of work. >> i will say by the way, last week we had jim graves who ran against her last time around and damn close to beating her. he's running again. and he's a great guy. very smart. knows his stuff. he was in studio with us last week. he looks like he'll be the democratic nominee. >> do you think she could be
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just avoiding that or -- of course she doesn't do what anyone asks her to do. but it would seem to me why give up that seat. it's a republican seat or should be because of the way it's drawn, but why give that up? now you get kind of a sane republican now. the question is can you find a sane republican. >> that's a very good question. you know, i think part of what's on with her she knows that she's vulnerable. she came close to losing. she won, i'll give her credit but she came close to losing. and people really liked graves and he's pulling better now than before. that could be an upset for her. if she gets out now she didn't get beat. >> first thing you do when
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you're under investigation you get out. that way it takes the whole equation off the table. it seems to me as she debates her future -- again, i look at that video and it's a highly produced video in which she clearly talks about her future and what she might do in her future. i think she's just -- even throughout it when she talks about her presidential staff, that this is a woman who is still delusional enough to think she could run for president of the united states. again, i've said all along, the problem with the republican party on the national level, we may have thought mitt romney was right wing crazy or john mc cain, but the truth is, most friends don't think they were conservative enough and they'll go even further this next time around because they've got -- at
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some point they'll have to exercise those demons from the far right. oddly, again, i've made the point and i believe it to be true they'll nominate a michelle bachmann type or someone from the extreme part of the party. if you look at rubio or christie -- rubio is a tea party favorite, but things will come back to haunt him. >> i think it's going to be very interesting election cycle coming up because you have these people in the republican party that are so extreme, so extreme that if they make it through, if they get re-elected then you clearly have to say -- one of the arguments that some sort of clear headed republicans say they don't speak for the whole party. it's tough to make that argument
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when ted cruise and paul >> that guy is a menace. >> he's the worst. >> he's a canadian. can he run the question is? >> it's interesting, they say he can. they haven't really addressed. >> i'd like to see how the tea party handle the cruise thing. his mother is of american origin and berthed in canada but they seem it's to think it's not a problem. >> he's a menace. >> we talked about the fight of john mc cain versus what he called the whacko birds of ted cruise and paul. he called them whacko birds. that's what he called them. for all of john mc cains that
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he's committed he is a republican like a throw-back republican. he tried to become the tea party republican when he was running for president. >> he was not credible. >> he's an old school republican >> bob dole's comments were pretty interesting. of course bob dole said we'll lock up the doors and board it up. >> closed for repairs until new year's eve which is remarkable that they can get everything done in six months. >> they'll have to go through many years of losing. i think that that is -- they're gonna have to nominate a ted cruise to understand just the depths. if you look at the traditional history, parties purge themselves but only after there are big electoral skphrosz they figure out, we've got to figure out how to win and you can't
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with a coalition of old dying white people. >> you hit the nail on the head when you say that chris christie and marco rubio are probably the republican's best chances of winning and they've within shun by the republicans. >> coming up we'll be talking about new york politics a little bit. elliot spitzer, our friend will be joining us in a little bit and there is a new survey out in the state of new york and the 70 of new york about the mayor's race and interesting developments and get his take on that as well as national politics coming up on the bill press show. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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(vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv.
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>> good morning, everybody. welcome back to the bill press show. my name is rich masters sitting in for bill this morning. 46 minutes past the hour on wednesday the 29th of may. new survey results in new york. representative anthony weiner has slashed away at the lead of frontrunner for mayor in new york city. christine quinn, her lead is down. she used to be in polls leading him. weiner by 26-15. he has now polled within five points according to a university poll. 19% of the vote goes to anthony weiner and 24% now goes to christine quinn who is starting
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to become the openly gay mayor of new york. she's the city council speaker and joining us now is elliot spitzer. how are you? >> wonderful. it's a foggy day. it's like the politics up here murky. >> it is. >> those early polls i've been to a couple times, the sample size is so small you don't learn a lot other than one thing which i think is correct it's a horse race between money weiner and quinn but anthony thompson who a lot think could win. john had some issues is down in single digits and could be a
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factor. basically over the top four candidates, two of them will make it into a run-off. which two is the key question right now and nobody has the answer. weiner has gotten into that and made it clear he's credible. he campaigned hard and the public has made it through the first shouting about his background. but billy is the guy to watch because he has a solid foundation. >> very interesting. it's interesting on a larger level. if you look at what happened with what's his face, idiot former governor from south carolina, he comes back and wins. you now have anthony weiner where he's credible. it's becoming more and more clear that politicians and if they are wise and smart, politically can come back from scandal, but it's interesting to watch.
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even chuck schumer when he was on meet the press continually hedging his bets. seems like the people are ahead where the political leadership are. >> it depends on what the nature of the violation has been. we have yet to see anybody come back from violations that involve taking money or bribes or issues of that sort which is perhaps more fundamental violation violation directly related to the governmental purpose. i'm not passing judgment on right or wrong but that's an area where it's harder to come back. on the other hand, you have people who come back from other sorts of personal violations where either the public had a sense of interest or time. but anthony weiner tough candidate, plays hard and smart and aggressive. and people remember him from the health care debate where he was taking an aggressive posture in
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favor of the complete government single system. it's a little cloudy and murky in new york city but the economy not only in new york but in particular in new york city, manhattan and it's amazing to see the economy is really starting to chug along and wall street yesterday, again -- >> we've got, again -- had a lot of false starts, a lot of -- years ago, 3, 4 years, green shoots in the economy that weren't so green. we had a lot of hesitations and jump starts that didn't work out. we have a tale of two cities and economies. corporations are making huge profits which is good in the long run, but that's praeuplimarily they've become much more
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efficient and invested in capital labor and ratios that don't help which is why you see sluggish employment numbers. we are beginning to see housing market come back which is helping the economy and getting people a sense that their asset values are coming up so consumer spending could go up. very little has been added to the supply of housing. demographic growth and prices are creeping back in some markets but until there is wage growth there won't be across the board consumer increases so we have issues ahead of us but looks bitteretter than we were. and in new york we have a certain wealth that keeps the restaurants flowing and some of the high-end retail spending going. here the economy is doing okay. >> what do you think it's going to take -- we're talking to
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elliot spitzer -- what does it take to turn into jobs which is what we care about? >> what it will take is for domestic production instead of saying that china is the next thing and most of the aircraft goes to china, what we need to see and begin to see is a lot more of that manufacturing being done here and wage levels more than $12 an hour. we're beginning to see some stuff back to detroit but at low wages. some of it will have to be pushing back where a lot of the capital around the world in the last 10 15 years have been flown to the rest of the world. who works and how many hours and all that stuff and so
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corporations, they were finding ways to manufacture in parts of the world where u.s. workers couldn't compete and wouldn't want to compete in that way. we need companies to say we're going to invest in way that's hugh main. >> great to you talk to you this morning. >> it's 53 minutes past the hour. i'm rich masters sitting in for billion. we'll be back with more of the show after a quick break.
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commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv.
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>> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time. this is the bill press show. live on your radio and current tv. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back to the bill press show in morning. it is wednesday, may the 28th 2013. glad to have you along for the ride. my name is rich masters sitting in for bill. your e-mails bill press show & g billion the most unhappy people in the world are religious fanatics. they're casting judgment and i think god is good and i think he wants to be in harmony and respect each other and earth and nature. >> amen on that one.
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that was from ann, i believe. thanks for that thought ann. excellent. rich maxwell, why do they misrepresent everything the president says or does because they couldn't tell the truth is the reason. because if they actually did, then they would have to confront the fact that he is not as evil as they thought. thanks, richard for that thought. stephanie e-mails us, i will start believing conservatives the day they stop talking about government handouts. that would include all government contracts, salaries and benefits and tax deductions and tax subsidies. until then they're all hypocrites and not worthy of passing on thought. >> thanks, stephanie. you're right on target and right. well have lots of bill press show coming up with you. in the next hour we'll talk to
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good morning everybody. my name is rich masters sitting in for bill press this morning. man, do we have an awful lot to talk b it is a good morning, because if you haven't been joining us last night michelle bachmann said she is stepping down. she will not run for a fifth term for her minnesota congressional district for a fifth term. now the question is, why on earth would she do that? there's got to be three reasons.
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one it's because she is afraid of the fbi investigation that's circling around her former presidential campaign. number two, she thought she would lose. there's a strong democrat that almost knocked her off and building momentum to run again. or number three is she getting out of the way so she can run for president. i think she may just delusional enough to believe that she could actually win a presidential race. but what's your opinion. we'll be taking your phone calls on that topic 8665577377. the biggest bromance of the summer is what? that's right, governor chris christie of new jersey and the president. that's right. barack obama and chris christie kicked it off and went back to the jersey shore and said it's absolutely open for business which has conservative talkers
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screaming bloody murder and that's coming up on current tv. cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real,
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gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. >> good morning, everybody. it's six minutes past the hour. my name is rich masters sitting in for bill who is taking a well deserved day off. and got a very busy morning for you this morning. we've got michelle bachmann announcing yesterday she's not running for a fifth term from her congressional district up in minnesota. we also have had some big doings
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yesterday as the president went to the united states went back to the jersey shore to kick off unofficial kickoff for summer. the closeness between the president and chris christie has got conservatives all up in arms, even daring to be nice to the president of the united states. and of course many of them are still blaming chris christie for mitt romney's loss. i know sounds crazy but there are a number of conservatives in this town who are completely certain that mitt romney had it all sewn up until he turned around and realized that chris christie was being nice to him in the wake of the devastating hurricane sandy and as someone who comes from new orleans i understand the devastating nature of hurricanes.
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we have a busy show for you. we will be talking about all those topic and now with the white house reporter for politico josh gerstein. how is it going? >> good to be with you. how are you? >> better than i deserve most days actually josh. [laughter] >> i like that. >> yeah. well, how are you more importantly? no lack of substance to cover right now in washington >> in the areas i cover there is a lot going on between the scandals that are unfolding. it's been a crazy couple of weeks >> there has been one scandal after the next. my take on it some of these could come back depending on how the republicans handle it if they go overboard because there are dozens that could keep popping you. i want to talk about the department of justice and ap which i think hits close for
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home for journalists and as a former journalist myself of the scandals, the one that bothers me the most. give me the latest really on the doj investigation, especially into ap or fox or whatever investigating reporters. >> the latest development we had yesterday was that the turn general is being investigated now by the house looks like judiciary committee for the testimony he gave a couple of weeks ago where he said that he'd never be involved in any potential prosecution of journalist and never participated about that and that was days before the rose fox news investigation where he was labeled a potential co-conspirator in that crime or
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alleged crime, we should say. house republicans want to know why holder told him that if in a tact he signed off on paperwork that called a journalist for a major news organization a criminal. >> we're talking to josh gerstein. the president has said he remains loyal and behind him. but the calls are coming and they're coming from the left. bill has been very outspoken about the way doj has not gone after some of the wall street perpetrators and they're back kind of doing the same thing over and over again. even folks from the left have been critical. do you think -- i know this is asking you to just kind of read the tea leaves a little bit. he can kind of survive this and how does he survive this? >> i think he can stay basically as long as he wants to stay. he and obama have a very close
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relationship and i think the president has a certain degree of sympathy for holder's job. i think that in terms of being the focus of anger and investigations and controversy, i think he understands that the attorney general's job is one that sort of attracts all elements. he feels pretty -- the president also feels pretty significantly that the republicans overstepped their bounds in going after him in the contempt issue related to fast and furious. i think he can stay as long as he wants. the events over the last couple days or weeks has accelerated the possibility that holder might decide he doesn't want to stick around anymore or that it might be -- make sense to have some fresh blood in there in that department. i don't think it's something that would happen in the course of the next few weeks or months but if he gives consideration how long he wants to stay and whether he wants to stick it out for the rest of the term i
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wouldn't be surprised if the rocky ride he's had in the last couple of weeks contributes to a decision that may be at some point in the relatively let say, he decides to move on and did he something else >> he's a brilliant lawyer. it's not as if he'll have trouble finding work. >> no, that's not the consideration. i think it's a question how long he wants to continue. it has to be a break neck job. he's been in it now for four and half years. there's so much daily stuff related to terrorism and threats and decisions that have to be made that even if you set aside the scandal issues there's a question of who really needs that level of intensity for a period of years. >> we're talking about josh gerstein white house correspondent for politico. which of the three scandals that are out there -- you cover the
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white house every day, which of the three scandals do you get the sense the white house is most worried about and why? >> i would say that the one that probably bothers the white house is the most is the benghazi one. it really angers them. it makes his blood boil. he feels that susan wright has a raw deal and and an anger and frustrations in the white house officials that you don't see with the other two scandals. what they think is the most legitimate thing for people to have complaints about it seems like that the irs thing, they understand why people are angry about. and then in terms of lasting impact, i'm not entirely sure if they think any of these things will have lasting impact. but no question the president
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signalled last week that he agrees with the reporters and others who have said that the justice department's tactics and these leak investigations may have gone too far. whether that means that reporters and civil liberties groups will make common cause with tea party folks and conservatives that don't like obama and holder and the way things are done in the future that i'm personally skeptical about but we'll see how it develops. i doubt they'll find consensus on how to move forward. >> there's been a lot of reporting over the last couple of months that you're seeing a little bit of second term kind of fatigue set in inside the white house especially inside the white house, communications gibbs is gone. you have dan burton and others -- or bill burton have stepped aside.
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and that there's just a little bit of churn there as well as a little bit of fatigue. have you seen that yourself or is that a lot to do about nothing? >> i think there is a certain truth to that and i think it does happen in every administration and every white house as you move into the second term a lot of the talented people from the first term they may stick around through the reelection campaign and then a lot of them head out to greener pastures or places where they can make more money. and then you get other people. i don't know that they're not as talented but maybe they aren't as battle tested as the first round of folks and there may be a little bit of loss of focus in some of the communications effort. but i think a lot of the scandal stuff is just the nature of getting to this point in a presidency. a lot of things have happened and things will fall out of closets from time to time once you've been in office for four
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and half years and i think we'll probably see some of more of those things going forward and frankly, some of the details of how obama care is going to be implemented are going to be things that folks probably on the right and left will be digging into over the next couple years. it's going to be a very very tricky thing for the administration to govern with their legislative hands tied behind their back. it's like trying to drive your car with the steering wheel locked. >> i think you're right. white house correspondent for politico. a staffing question, one thing that you had with gibbs and axle rod being more presents in the white house. are there people who can sit with the president and say here's why and another thing that i see that goes across all
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presidential -- especially in the second term, you lose those people who say, no you're wrong here. he doesn't seem to be the guy looks to be told he's wrong by anyone. if you've got a relationship like axe or gibbs or some of these other guys who could splash cold water in his face there is a missing element in the white hougsse right now in terms of that? >> i think there may be. remember when bill daily was the chief of staff and i think the thought was let's bring in somebody who is older than the president to run thing and somebody who can really be listened to and direct things, and that phase clearly didn't work. there are people around the president like valerie garret who are still there. but the notion of bringing in old political hands who would be able to give the president advice, i can't imagine somebody
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like bill daily holding back in his advice to obama or to anyone else for that matter. that didn't set well. i don't know if it didn't sit well with the president himself or a chemistry issue among some of his aids who have been there longer. i'm sure people do their best to give the president his advice but he has surrounded himself with people who have been at his side for a long time. the current chief of staff dennis mcdone no has been with him since 2007 and spent an incredible amount of time with him on the road and i'm sure he's candid but i wonder sometimes when you take people that have been next to the president for that many years, are you going to get the out of box objection? are you going to get the completely detached analysis that says, look, i think this could blow up on us. that's the part that i do agree with you there are sometimes
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questions about whether that kind of advice is always getting to the president. >> listen, josh gerstein politico, by the way if you -- i can't imagine any of our viewers don't read politico religiously. if you can follow josh on twitter as well. he is always going to continually going to break stories. great reporter and great online news source. check back with it often. it's my home page when i log on in the morning. josh, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> this is the bill press show and this morning with rich masters. we'll be talking about the bromance hit of the summer governor chris christie and the president of the united states barack obama when we come back. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've
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been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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axelrod and >> good morning, everybody. my name is rich masters, democratic strategist sitting in for bill who is taking a much deserved day off. 24 minutes past the hour. welcome to the bill press show on current tv this wednesday, may the 29th 2013. taking your calls this morning at 8665577377. what we're talking about right now is the bromance of the summer between chris christie and of course the president of the united states barack obama. barack was in new jersey yesterday to kickoff the jersey shore resiteization effort to
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urge people to come back and that's got conservatives all up in arms. want to know your opinion this morning. why exactly are conservatives so upset about chris christie actually talking with and walking with the president of the united states and why this might damage his presidential ambitions. we want to know your thoughts on this. 866-577-7737. why are conservatives so upset. let's talk about the president. president went yesterday and was actually at the jersey shore. actually walked up and down the boardwalk and made a speech to a group about the federal commitment, how the federal government has stepped up and actually restoring historic landmark in the united states. >> since the storm hit we provided billions of dollars to families and local governments across the region and more is on the way. >> more is on the way which
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conserve serve actives are up in arms about except conservatives in oklahoma who got hit with the tornado have a little different take on that. chris christie standing next to the president and they embraced. and here is the governor of chris christie >> seven months later, we know this, that we've made great progress but we have so much more to do. >> so much more to do and he's working with the president hand in hand on this and he is not shied away from this. he's talked on conservative radio and answered conservative critics and said i was hit with a natural did hesaster and i'm not going to apologize to federal money to rebuild. he's running for reelection in a state new jersey who voted for
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barack obama over mitt romney. of course, this has got conservatives all up in arms. yesterday on fox news former bush spokesperson was in a tizzy about this >> the presidency must go on. the white house could use this shift focus away from that. >> he's going to play golf or going to cut a ribbon at a school. he's going to tour stormed ravaged areas >> two of the biggest storms the tornado in oklahoma and hurricane sandy. >> but the most egregious comment was from our friend rush limbaugh. again, upset at chris christie and upset at chris christie taking money from the federal government >> this bipartisanship, obama,
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his so christie praises obama. it's a master/servant relationship. >> whoa! whoa! >> wow. master/servant relationship. unbelievable. the question out to you this morning. why are conservatives, why is rush hiccupping over all that? 8665577377. we want to know your thoughts. why are conservatives so pissed off at chris christie this morning. will it have an impact on this presidential race? who knows? we'll take your calls coming up.
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(vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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>> good morning everybody. welcome back to the bill press show. this morning wednesday may the 29th. 33 minutes past the hour. my name is rich masters sitting in for bill. he'll be back tomorrow but thanks for joining us this morning >> i was having a name that tune over the music we're bumping back with. do you know who this is? ♪ >> this is ron artest before he was metaworld peace. >> it's good until he starts to
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sing and then it gets really bad. there is no singing on the track. i took it all out because i like the beat on the song. >> i would have guessed isaac hayes hayes. >> excellent job by the way. president of the united states believes that governor christie has done an excellent job in the efforts he's undertaken in coordination with the assistance of federal resources. that is what the white house press secretary has and that has conservatives having heart attacks because a president of the united states applauded the federal he have are thes that are going to into rebuilding sandy. my question to you all this morning to weigh in is why are conservatives so upset about this? this is one of their own. the president of the united states is actually throwing flowers toward a sitting
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republican governor. why does it have republicans so pissed off? >> kathleen from chicago, good morning to you. >> good morning. how you doing? >> better than i deserve this morning. how are you? >> okay. you know what if you think about it, they're conservatives. they're not pissed off. this is one more day to get paid. how can -- if this president hadn't reached out to chris christie in his time of need just think about what the headlines would be. they would be atrocious. this president would have been ran out of office. united states is just becoming a laughing stock. since when a president and a governor and this president is over all 50 states. whether you're democrat or republican, he's supposed to come to your aid and you're supposed to go to him and ask
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for aid if something happens. i don't understand it and somebody like -- rush limbaugh voted for president obama because he could not sit in that seat and move around and get rich off mitt romney or any other president like he has done with this president. >> amen. >> these people are out here making money, getting talk shows, writing books, all off the back this man she claim they hate. i'll tell you all these people they say don't like this president, huh-uh they're in love him. he made them a millionaire. >> you're right about that kathleen. >> i know i'm right. [laughter] >> kathleen, i couldn't possibly disagree with you if i wanted to. [laughter] >> >> that would be a bad idea. >> no one disagrees with you. >> you guys have a good day. >> all right, thank you for
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calling in. now we'll go down south to roberto who is in the belly of the beast down there in dallas, tech texas. >> i think christie is trying to bring the republican party back to the middle and he's the only one who can do it. there's nobody in the south or the west. he's really the only hope for the republican party to kind of get back to the middle and start winning national elections. i think that's the strategy. i think it's a smart strategy and i think if he does that then good democrats like ourselves can start pulling our party more to the left. i see that as an overall strategy he's doing. >> let me ask you this. he's probablyey one of the guys democrats need to be concerned
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about. if hecan he win? >> right now there are conservatives who are attacking marco rubio and he's one of the mote right wing con serve actives septemberexcept immigration. can chris christie possibly win? >> i think he can if he can get past the super tuesday. i think there's a possibility. but, if he doesn't he can also be the standard bearer of the party and he can later on move the party a little because he's only 50. so maybe it's one cycle that he misses out on. i honestly don't think that anybody's gonna beat hillary. i don't think there is anyway possible anyone will beat hillary. everyone wants a woman right now and hillary is the one and years from now the republican party
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could be a completely different animal because i know -- i'm moving back to chicago. i'll never live below the line ever again. >> the belly of the beast. >> yes. eventually because of the demographic change in the west, that's going to leave kind of the deep south in and of itself by itself to where it's not going to be able to win national elections. >> i do think that in texas especially, if you look at the demographics just in texas, texas is now a red state. it's going to be purple within ten and going to be blue probably within 20 if not sooner than that. hang on. i do think relief is probably coming especially south. >> you know what i think is important in all of this talk about christie getting thrown overboard and the danger, is that this relationship that obama and christie have right now is what people have been
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sort of yearning for. it's the classic -- you cannot deny the fact that chris christie is a republican. you can't deny the fact that barack obama is a democrat. but when they need to work together, they come together and they work together. and chris christie is not saying we don't need your help, get out of here. they are getting things done together across the aisle and that is what we've been saying for the longest time. collectively as a nation that's what we want it see out of our politicians and now democrats are saying good for chris christie and president and republicans are ready to completely jump off the bridge over this effort of goodwill here. that's how they'll burn their party down over something like that. it's amazing. >> it really is amazing to me. >> nick is joining us from my
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hometown chicago. i was born and raised in chicago and grew up in the western burbes. >> peter just made my point. chris christie he's a brilliant politician. he's working across the aisle with everybody and the president and him are getting along. as far as positioning himself for running for president, i can't see any other prominent national republican who has a chance to win a national election like christie does at this point. his problem will be getting past the primaries because of the hard line republican side, but as far as winning a national election i don't any other republican out there who stands a chance and i'm a far left liberal but he's definitely made himself look good in a lot of public's eyes by saying good job
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mr. president because the president is doing a good job and makes republicans mad because it negates the argument that the president is not doing anything to help the american public. and christie is saying yes, he is. >> the larger argument aside from just the personal relationship between the two of them we're talking about public poll six these are federal tax dollars that will rebuild an economy because this is something that can't be done. someone who spent generation in louisiana, i understand what it takes to rebuild after a hurricane and it takes federal involvement and federal assistance. but the truth of it is, there is an ideology here that must be discussed. >> the republicans do not agree for spending federal dollars for anything that helps their own ambition. seeing the president do this and seeing christie saying he's
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doing such a great job is making them go absolutely crazy. the republican party is starting to fall apart as it is. they came apart in the last presidential election, the last congressional election as well. they just -- they look like they're not going to start winning national election unless they have people like christie moving toward the middle and not so far to the right. >> 43 minutes past the hour. want to take your calls. we want to know why is the republican party so app pa pleck tick that the governor of new york chris christie is-- new jersey, chris christie is not attack the president of the united states.
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>>bill shares his views, now it's your turn. >>i know you're going to want to weigh in on these issues. >>connect with "full court press with bill press" at and on twitter at bpshow. >>i believe people are hungry for it. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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>> good morning everybody. welcome back to the bill press show. mile name is rich masters and i'm sitting in for bill this phorpg and but don't worry he'll be back in the billion chair tomorrow morning. we're taking your calls this morning. 86655577377. there's been a big bromance which has republicans reeling and angrily denouncing and rush limbaugh called it a
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master/servant relationship. i'm surprised he didn't say master/slave. >> pat from kansas city is joining us. what do you think? >> caller: hi. this is pat from kansas city >> you're on the air on current tv. why are republicans so app pa complete tick about this whole thing. but whole thing is is a conspiracy. christie has impacted the republicans and they just want office. at the risk of the president or anybody else they want to get in office and if christie got in he would be just like the rest
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it >> he would follow suit is what you're saying? >> i think etit's a plan because republicans are smart. they're not gonna do dumb things. they want him to be standing off >> they didn't want -- >> they did not invite him. don't ever believe that they're not hand in hand because christie has done a lot of things that are conservative against his own state, but you don't hear that much about. >> i think you're right. >> it was a mistake to get him in >> pat, thanks for the call. we're going now to chicago, illinois. ben is listening to us. ben, why on earth are republicans so crazed about the president and the governor of new jersey getting along?
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>> caller: the campaign issues. the first is that according to the republicans, government can do nothing wrong and everybody can get along without the government and the second one is that compare texas and new jersey, texas he's saying he doesn't give a dam a million and a half people going without health insurance and he won't accept money to make it possible. in new jersey people are getting all kinds of things because they're getting money and they're cooperating with the federal government. people, when they see what's happening, that will make them have very, very nasty thoughts about what it is like to have republicans in power. republican party cannot afford either one and either one could destroy him. >> i think you are right, ben.
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the truth of it is -- and there is a bigger picture here. there is a bigger political play. again, they cannot admit that the federal government can potentially do something correct that there is a role for the federal government and the taxpayer dollars can be spent wisely and help rebuild areas that have been devastated by a freak of nature. thanks for that call. going up to rick in madison, wisconsin. welcome to the program. what do you think? >> good morning. i think the republicans wanted that wall between christie and the president. i think it derailed them when he asked for help and the president helped them. what they really want is to blame it on the president. >> because that way they could say, ah, he didn't jump in. unfortunately he's not george w. bush who decides to go to a fund-raiser as opposed to
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speaking to my heart what happened with katrina. he ignored katrina until he realized there with you a catastrophe here. you the that's what they were thinking? >> made it look like government it helps people when they need it most instead of every time a natural disaster happens people to have fend for themselves so government isn't needed. the contrast is huge. >> con trattrast is huge. >> listen, this is a big issue and i think that this is something republicans are going to have to grapple with whether it's bobby skwreupbdle who is the governor of louisiana who criticized the government buying satellites to watch volcanic activity in the northwest. it's what allowed people to flee
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harm's path and federal tax dollars are doing this. this is the bill press show with rich masters. we'll be back with more of the show after we take a quick break. hang in there with us, will ya. actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy.
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welcome to the white house everybody. >> aloha. that was the president of the united states welcoming the american/asian islanders, in other words hawaiians his native state after he moved this from kenya. >> that's right. >> do we know her name? >> i think he called her aunty. >> so someone smears lipstick right down his collar and this is the president >> aunty right there. look at this. look at this. i want everybody to witness it. so i do not want to be in trouble with michelle. [laughter] >> that's why i'm calling you out. >> you've seen those arms, right? would you really want to go home
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with lipstick hell no. so that was yesterday. of course the president was in new jersey and back at the white house last night. today the president will be doing lots of meetings in the white house and later on he'll be leaving for his hometown chicago, illinois. he will be leaving this afternoon and going to an event at the chicago hilton for the democratic congressional campaign committee. it's very important to get democrats elected to congress and he'll be raising money for them and staying overnight in the chicago area where he'll be tomorrow and has more events scheduled for tomorrow. that is the president's schedule for the day. coming up after a quick break we'll be talking with dave jamison with the huffington post and lots more coming up on the bill press show.
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>> and good morning to you everybody. my name is rich masters. democratic strategist sitting in this morning for my buddy bill press. he'll be back here tomorrow but this morning we've got plenty coming up for you on the bill press show. it is a very very good morning. you want to know why? michelle bachmann last night said she's running for re-election. what is the deal? why is she leaving? there could be three potential reasons and we'll be discussing those and we want you to weigh in. here's the deal. is she leaving because of the fbi investigation into her presidential campaign ethics
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violations or potential ethics violations? is she leaving because she's afraid of the democratic challenger who lost to her back last fall and gaining in poll strength? did she think she was going to lose or the third reason which is what i think is she's actually delusional enough to think she could be elected president of the united states of america. she's trying to clear all the clouds away and she can be pristine and ready to go. the biggest summer bromance of the summer is of course governor chris christie and barack obama. the president was in new jersey yesterday to relaunch and reopen the new jersey shore and welcome tourists back. and of course that's got conservatives absolutely apoplectic. we'll be talking with dave jamison from the huffing post. all of that is coming up on currents current tv.
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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(kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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>> good morning, everybody. my name is rich masters. welcome back to the bill press show this morning. thanks to bill and peter and the crew for letting me sit in this morning. i appreciate. >> happy to have you man >> it's rough getting up but other than that great to be here. that's got to be the hardest part. >> it's rough. >> happy to be here this morning. bill will be back tomorrow. anything interesting or fun? >> does parole officer count? >> end of the month >> one of those. didn't check in -- >> exactly. >> all those tasks.
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>> listen appreciate everybody and lots of big news happening overnight. you got to lead with the michelle bachmann stuff. >> oh, yeah. >> unbelievable. when i walked in this morning at 3:00, 4 o'clock in the morning >> something like that. it blurs together between midnight and 5:00 a.m. it's holy crap. >> you don't to have go home you just have to leave. and then you kind of roll right in here. >> exactly. >> exactly. but when i walked in and you said michelle bachmann's out. i said out? she's not running for president? [laughter] >> i didn't know she was in. if her husband -- if you would have said her husband's out -- >> he's already -- well, okay. >> seven minutes past the hour and michelle bachmann has said she's not running for a fifth term. so we're taking her calls about why you think that is. the question is, is she running for president?
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which is what i kind of think is she thinks delusionally and we'll talk a little bit and hear some of her own words that she's delusion to think she could be president of the united states or is she trying to avoid the federal investigation that is looming over her presidential campaign because some of the things they're looking at are quite extraordinary or did you think she was going to lose. we'll be talking about your questions on that's the 6657777377 and we'll be talking with dave jamison. he's been writing most recently on the minimum wage. every year democrats by in large try to increase the minimum wage so we can increase the consumer base so people who are working hard have money to spend and reinvest in the economy. the whole notion of the american dream. unfortunately there are a lot of people, the same people that are always against it, are coming out against it as well. we'll be talking with dave about
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the minimum wage what its prospects are in the united states congress. it's aggressive and they're pushing back and i understand they're bushing back with the biebs? justin bieber? really? >> yeah. yeah. >> you're gonna have to hear the story to believe it. i's so silly. >> unbelievable. we'll be talking with him about this and of course my daughter, if she knew. >> oh my god. the fact that the words justin bieber crossed your lips >> without a sneer. [laughter] >> i'm surprised we don't have a group of teenagers outside wanting to get in here. >> exactly right. we'll be talking with dave about that and we'll talk about the other big thing is conservatives are completely have come unhinged because the president of the united states and the governor chris christie had nice things to say about one another yesterday. holy crap that is quite
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extraordinary. believe it or not they could be civil. they appeared in public without hitting one another. we got a full jam packed show so let's get to it shall we? >> here's the full court press. >> everybody loves lebron james even though he had a poor performance in game four in the eastern conference semifinals. they lost last night to the pacers and evens the series 2-2. have no fear lebron has a friend in joe theismann, former quarter back for the washington redskins. he processfessed his love. he would love to work him out and serve as his agent. i'll go wherever he wants to this summer. who wouldn't want to coach him. he's talking about football. he thinks lebron could be an
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excellent nfl quarterback. >> i'm sure co, but joe theismann says that lebron's coordinated foot work is "the most important thing about being a successful nfl qb." he might even be a good basketball player if he didn't surround himself with all stars. >> speaking of the sports desk, in the aftermath of the boston marathon bombing everyone saw that grizzly iconic notephoto of jeff bowman. they made an appearance yesterday. he lost both of his legs, but he and the guy who saved him, threw
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out the first pitch in the red sox/fillies game yesterday. he wheeled him up to the pitcher's mound in his wheelchair and threw his first pitch from his wheelchair from the pitcher's mound >> he made it all the way to the pitcher's mound? >> yes. >> which is better than barack obama did when he threw. >> yeah, you got to get it over. and hillary clinton may be on twitter soon. the account currently exists but locked and protected. it has no profile photo. however, insiders say she may begin tweeting from there in a couple of days. is it a sign of her running for president? maybe is or maybe not. all of those have these twitter accounts to make sure people know who they are. if nothing else it could be good for business. >> she's probably just getting
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bored. this woman has not had a vacation in probably 40 years. so this is the most time off. >> probably going stir crazy right now. twitter is a very good distraction. just ask anthony weiner. [laughter] >> speaking of weiner, let me bring you update. we did talk about anthony weiner. for those of you who are focused on such things there is a new poll out on money weiner. >> i'm sure there is. >> i'm sure there is. >> new survey out on anthony weiner. i'll bring you up to date. anthony weiner is staging his political come back and looks like some of it is working initially. he has 19% of the vote and only five points behind and only in the race a week. >> a lot of people talk about the uphill battle and it is an uphill battle and he's got some trust to regain and clear up his image, but the second that this
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turn into a real campaign where they're debating issues and things like that i think anthony weiner is going to do very, very well. because it's just like elliot spitzer said. we remember how good he was when he especially during the health care debate and the lead up to it. he was so strong. such a strong congressman. if he brings any of that fire to the mayor's race. >> which he of course he will. the interesting thing that spitzer said which could actually play with elliot spitzer, but he's right. i hadn't thought of it this way, because we talked a little bit about political leaders coming back from scandal. he made the point which i thought was good that voters have appeared to have forgiven personal skinned knees. mark sanford and others for
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personal kind of indiscretions. they've not done it for those corruption type scandals. i'm sure that elliot spitzer probably thinking in his own mind this is -- but he's actually right. and the weiner case is going to be a real test case in that for whether or not a guy like elliot spitzer, who by the way, the world is a far less better place because he's not in the public quite honestly. it will be interesting to see how he does. if spitzer decides he wants to get back in the fray these guys are not knocking down some barriers on that. >> you talk about how people will forgive the personal short comings you're right. even in the mark sanford race in south carolina towards the end his opponent turned it into well, he abused state funds when he was going to argentina. it was a lot less about he was having an affair on his wife in
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argentina. it was he was using the funds of the south carolina people and they tried to turn it into a corruption thing. >> the polling in that district said no one careed about the affair. they did care about using public funds to cover up an affair. it will be interesting to watch that race. i'm interested to see how that goes because i think it has big ramifications for folks like elliot spitzer. my buddy down in louisiana he was reelected and he was the same kind of situation that elliot spitzer was. >> if that dude survived -- >> not only survived he's gonna run for governor in louisiana and probably win. >> yes. >> hopefully we'll get a good democrat to run against him. other big story is of course michelle bachmann is stepping down. last night very late she
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announced last night she was not going to be stepping down. now, you can't see the video you'll have to go online to check it out. if you look at this video it's highly produced and not an inexpensive youtube kind of production. this was an expensive production of the last night she announced that she will be stepping down. >> my good friends, after a great deal of thought and deliberation, i have decided next year i will not seek a fifth congressional term to represent the wonderful people of the 6th district of minnesota. >> okay. a few questions. obviously is this about -- the question is, is this about the fact that she barely won last fall and that the democrat who is running -- who ran against her is running again and moving in the polls? >> we just had him in studio last week jim graves yep >> is it about that? is she afraid of losing?
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she answered that. >> the long limits anyone from serving as president of the united states for more than eight years and in my opinion, well eight years is also long enough for an individual to serve as a representative for a specific congressional district. >> because i'm just like the president >> that is such weird logic. it's bizarre >> for her it's par for the course. but is it about losing? >> be assured my decision was not in any way influenced by any concern about my being reelected to congress. i've always defeated candidates who are capable, qualified and well funded. >> yes. so she wasn't afraid about losing. there could be one other reason perhaps that she's not going to run and that's because now the fbi has jumped in. the iowa extreme court may % appoint a special counsel to investigate and most of her former presidential campaign satisfy staffers they're turning
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states evidence against her. everything from stealing home schooling lists to campaign violations across the spectrum and now the fbi is involved. could that be it? >> this decision was not impacted in any way by the recent inquiries into the activities of my former presidential campaign or former staff. >> because she was president. here's the real reason. and it's because she believes she's got a national political future. >> i don't think that's too much of a leap yeah. she tried it once and captured the hearts of some of the crazy people in america >> if you look at the images it's like hillary clinton's announcement and very well produced and highly done. my question to you this morning,
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866-557-7377 is the number to ring in. my question to you is what is the reason she is decided to she is going to step down. running for president, avoiding prosecution for the fbi or going to lose or something else. give us a call 8665777377. come on back. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw
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the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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>> good morning, everybody. welcome back to the bill press show this morning. my name is rich masters. 25 minutes past the hour sitting in for my buddy bill this morning. the question is michelle bachmann she's out. there could be three reasons and maybe more. federal investigation, she wants to avoid that at all cost. maybe she thinks it will go away. she was afraid she was going to lose or going to run for president of the united states. what do you think? >> caller: absolutely. absolutely. she knows what they're going to find. and she's been kind of laying low ever since she's been investigated with the ethics committee. i think she knows that her bell has rung and she'll do quite
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nicely over the million dollars in subsidies from the government >> now she can make more on fox news >> join the crazy bin. she's in the dcm nine. you can find her categorically find her symptom pha total skwreu in black and white. she can join fox. >> that was dale's thoughts. we're reaching out for your thoughts. 86655 press. dick how are things back in home in iowa? >> fine, fine. >> she said she was born in iowa
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and born the place where john wayne gacy was. >> she's retiring and end up telling everybody on all three issues plus she thinks she's one step better or a better republican woman and can do more for the party than the ex-alaskan governor who can see russia from her back door. >> i think you're right. derek, from maryland. which of the three is it or do you have another one? >> i think they're all certainly valid, but i was going to say that her right wing support might be falling apart with comments like bill o'riley taking shots on her. some of her comments on gays are
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so extreme maybe even many republicans have backed away. i think she certainly may have some doubts about her electability. she's running against a strong democrat and i also would say it's not so much of a leap to say it could be she has aspirations for the presidency. >> i appreciate your phone calls and all our callers thanks for weighing in. we'll take more after a quick break but dave jamison has been writing great articles about the minimum wage and new ad featuring justin bieber. the biebs has been embroiled in the minimum wage controversy. we'll talking about this strange twist of events after a quick break. aorb
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to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do
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>> radio meets television. the bill press show now on current tv. >> good morning everybody. welcome back to the bill press show this morning. rich mass sisters sitting in the big man's chair. don't worry he'll be back tomorrow bright and early. but i'm glad to be here this morning. it's wednesday, the 29th of may. 33 minutes past the hour and we are joined this morning by dave jamison who is the labor right writer for the huffington post. if you don't check out huff post make sure you look at it. several times a day. not just once, go back. over and over and over. repeatedly, go offten as you possibly can 0 to make sure you're not missing any nugget that they've got. dave has got a story that fits in politics.
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it fits on the national page and also fits in celebrity and also fits in entertainment. >> does it fit in the side boob vertical? >> the one miss here. >> although hit it. ♪ i was like baby baby, baby oh ♪ >> yeah, it's at biebs! >> i didn't have any, but he had it. he had it on him. >> surprising... not. >> justin bieber's used an ad campaign against minimum wage. according to dave's insightful reporting there's a billboard that has a picture of the biebs. why is so sad. could it be because 24% of teens who want a job can't find one.
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raising the minimum wage will make it worse. as the fear of a 16-year-old son who has three potential jobs this summer that's bs. that's nonsense. tell me a little bit of about this story. it's the most amazing thing. >> that was a clever bit of advertising by a dc group called employment policies institute. this is a group that's always cropping up whenever there is a discussion of minimum wage ask there always is discussion whether it's on state local or federal level. but it's visible now because the president's proposed raising the minimum wage to $9. in a clever bit of marketing they said let's grab justin bieber's likeness and throw it on a billboard and tie this into minimum wage and teen unemployment. it's turning a lot of heads in l.a. and smart move and we write
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about it. they didn't ask bieber or his people for permission. they don't necessarily need to because they have rights to the image. the bieber camp is quiet on this. i was curious to see how he feels that his mug is being used it to fight the proposal for minimum wage >> it's surprising he hasn't responded. >> he's got a lot going on. you google him and he's putting out a lot of fires right now. maybe minimum wage isn't too high on the priority list. yeah, little appointing to not get bieber's taking weighing in on policy. iobligatory searches to see if there were any references to minimum wage or labor economics in the biebs catalog and i did
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not see anything >> there was nothing? [laughter] >> because the lyrics are baby baby oh and like baby, baby oh. it's like. >> i remember crasslassic musicians who would fight the man. >> i bet the story is getting more hits. >> this is the kind of story where all the different editors in the different camps are like i want this. for me as a lay reporter very rare opportunity to find bieber on your beat. this is going to be a big thing if not this year then next year. the president in the state of the union said i want to boost this -- obama has not been great on this as far as worker advocates are concerned. he said on the campaign trail in l.a. i want to have it by $9.50
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by 2011. that never happened. now he wants it to $9 by the end of 2015. so he's now $0.50 and 4 years behind what he originally wanted to do. people are -- labor people are happy to see he's finally pushing this. tom harkin in the senate and george miller in the house say it's not high enough. everybody wants to take it to inflation which is a big piece of it.
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>> i was interviewing this guy and he earns minimum wage. in new york city minimum is still $7.75. people in the costlyiest place in the country they're earning that. after taxing i'm splurging to eat at my own restaurant. this is a guy at mcdonald's. to eat a meal there on a day i work takes an hour out of my eight-hour day of wages. that's kind of astonishing when you think of mcmcdonald's being a cheap place it eat. that's a case of a guy who feels they can't afford their own
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product. >> i talked to fast food workers who -- for all the talk these are kids working in these places, that's what the industry -- that's what a lot of people want to you think, it's just kids. we're letting kids work there after school. they're getting their foot on the first wrung of the economic ladder. a lot of these people are trying to make a living. >> it's amazing. we'll take a quick break. 43 minutes past the hour. back with more from mr. jamison from the huff post after the quick break.
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the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. john fugelsang: if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern.
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>> >> good morning y'all. don't worry bill will be back bright tomorrow morning. i'm here with dave jamison, my friend who covers the huffington post. we talked about minimum wage but then in the break we were chatting and you brought another good thing that i wasn't really -- didn't really understand. we had a labor secretary hilda solis and then there was an appointment but right now they're blocking labor law that most americans don't even know. how does that happen? >> this is kind of an amazing debacle that is going op. the national labor relations
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board is the one who enforces labor law for companies and workers. the president -- assuming a block on his nominee to the board may be his recent appointments last year and early january and the dc circuit has declared them no good basically. they're saying those are unconstitutional appointments. with that this board, as far as the court is concerned didn't have a quorum to do its business. for the past year and a half it's basically -- >> a congressional -- >> because the president cannot get clean appointments to the board. he had to do recess appointments. he cannot get this board functioning properly. there is this cloud hanging over all the work this board has done not cases involving auto united worksers but workers from
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starbuck's and mcdonald's. so the administration is in this nasty catch-22. the court has said you're board over here is no good. you have to make clean appointments to the board. the downside to that is that gop will not give them clean appointments to the boar. he's sending nominees over and and senate gop has concerns about a couple of the nominees. it's looking probably unlikely he's going to get these clean appointments to the board. one of these terms is up in august. when that happens this board will be shut down and not to be able to did its business. unions are freaking out right now, reasonably so. the reason being when this board can't do its business it benefits employees. if labor law can't be enforced
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that he that's a benefit trying to fend out union drives. our labor law doesn't function well in this country compared to others. that makes things worse if the board gets shut down. a lot of cases pending for years will be pending even longer. it's kind of an amazing debacle. i met workers who were impacted by. this i went to west virginia and met these miners who have waited nine years to have their case resolved. they were wrongfully let go, a number of judges said this is clear union busting. they were canned. you might remember the 29 miners dying in west virginia. it's been nine years these guys have been out of good work. a lot of them -- i met a guy who who has been a janitor. he's making a third what he made as miner. these guys are not fans of mitch
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mcconnell because they see it -- they trace it back directly back to congress. these are people way outside the belt way, real people who are looking up at capitol hill saying how about you get out of the way so these agencies can function and we can get restitution and get back on the job. there are a lot of people who are impacted by the shut down of this fairly obscure board. but we're talking about basic worker rights. >> that's the only power that the republicans have right now the ability to -- it's congressional constipation. it's amazing to me they can shut down the government >> we're used to at this point
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seeing this legislation not happen. the do nothing congress and they don't legislate. that's one thing. but here we're talking about congress being able to shut down an agency, you know, really gunning things up in the executive branch and this is kind of a new level of obstruction. and it's going to -- it has a ripple effect way beyond dc politics. >> dave jamison from the huffington post, thank you for joining me this morning. >> thank you >> huffington post, click on his stories many tilesment you'll be able to find the justin bieber story on entertainment and celebrity. >> do click on the non bieber stuff, please. the non bieber beat is pretty good. >> thanks again, dave. i appreciate you joining me. 52 minutes past the hour this is the bill press show and we'll be back with closing thoughts after a quick break. stay with us.
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honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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(vo) current tv gets the converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show.
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i appreciate it. he did make the rolling stone best guitar list this past year. >> did he? fantastic. this is what happens when we stage a year's long protest about the fact that he was left out. >> unbelievable. thanks for letting me sit in >> thank you for coming >> bill is back tomorrow. >> lord willing the and creek will rise. we'll be back tomorrow >> the interesting stuff about the national labor board being gummed up. >> he talked about it really well and also scary. this is just how silly and how foolish the process works sometimes these days. it's aggravating. >> the thing is for many ways it's not unusual. when you talk about the minimum wage this is something that i think is -- people should get more passionate and angry about it. we heard the same old arguments for literally decades and
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generations after generations people say it's going to cost people jobs and teenagers will lose their ability to lose money. that's nonsense. the truth of it is we have a living wage in america and more importantly progressives and others need to understand, if you don't earn a living wage and can't buy the products you're making and serving it helps the economy overall which is why we've got to get active and get vocal about it and not run away from this. we want to create an eek honeypb economy that we make. peter, thanks for letting me sit in again. it is the bill press show this morning on current tv. glad to be sitting in.
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>> stephanie: hello, good morning current tv land. jacki schechner you missed that jim just literally copped a feel. >> well, she spilled coffee on her shirt so she had to turn it around and she was being strangled by her own security badge. i helpfully maneuvered it around to the front of her body. >> stephanie: totally inadvertently. >> inadvertent contact. >> it is not a particularly tight t-shirt today. >> stephanie: no but i spilled coffee down the back so i had to change over there in the
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