tv Liberally Stephanie Miller Current May 30, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. current tv land, karl frisch coming up right out of the box. michael tomasky of "the daily beast." jacki schechner i forgot to call you back yesterday. >> yeah. >> stephanie: i'll just use our air time. sorry, i had a thing with a guy. it was awesome. >> what if it was super duper important. >> stephanie: you would have
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told me if it was super-duper important. i can tell if it is just a catch-up show. here she is my bff, jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody. the president of syria says russia has sent a first shipment of anti-aircraft mice ills and he is expecting the rest today. israel believes these whe prons a direct threat to its security. russia promised the weaponry in spite of objections from the west. >> we have long said that we disagree with, and we condemn the continued supply of russian repons to the regime and this includes all class of weapons. >> russia's argument is somehow the defense system will help
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stabilize the region as the embargo expires tomorrow. both sides have upped the rhetoric in recent days and there are hopes for proposed negotiations that would bring annen to the syrian war. early tests show possible ricin in a letter sent to mayor bloomberg. >> the letter was obviously referred to our anti-gun efforts, but there's 12,000 people that are going to get killed this year with guns and 19,000 are going commit suicide with guns, and we're not going to talk away from that. >> the fbi says there are no signs that this incident was anyway linked to the ricin letters sent to president obama and other lawmakers back in april. we're back with more show for you after the break.
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stick around we'll see you on the other side. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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next on current tv. vanguard: the documentary series that raised the bar for excellence. >> we dive deep into the topics that we cover. >> telling important stories that need to be told. (vo)and on the next vanguard: >> i don't want food stamps. i'm doing it because i don't have a choice. i've got to feed my kids. (vo) the divide between rich and poor in america keeps growing, but do you know how the other half really lives? >> i ask myself, oh my gosh, how did i get here, every single day of my life. (cenk) it's go time! it's go time! it's go time! go time. you know what time it is. go time! it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks go time! it's go time. oh is it? oh, then it's go time.
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anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. it's go time! [♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. on day two of the death of the comedy tour of michele bachmann. there is a slew of great articles including michael tomasky wrote a great piece, and also very concerned about her marcus bachmann, or her husband. >> her loving doting husband.
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>> stephanie: who app par rently doesn't want to leave. we check in now on the mid-en microphone. ♪ [ loud singing ] ♪ >> stephanie: wow. ♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ >> and he is in a dress. >> stephanie: right. well, you are going. i'm sorry. you do not want to give up congressional spouse dress. all right. all right. all right. in that is just so sad.
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[ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: i don't know what to say about that. my box has been mislabeled. oh, there it is. there is some slippage on my box. >> on your label. we need to put labels on everything for you. >> stephanie: right. at a certain age. what is that? >> what does that do? >> what is this thing here. >> stephanie: i used to know what that button was for. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: oh michelle she has us all just overwrought. ♪ michelle michelle she's a fat [ censor bleep ] crazy one from hell, that's michelle ♪ ♪ i want to i want to i want to, to say that someone's gay ♪
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♪ like liberace gay, i will save my words and look the other way ♪ ♪ just like you, my michelle ♪ [ laughter ] >> yay. >> stephanie: yay. thank you rocky mountain mike. [ applause ] >> stephanie: see that's some more current reference liberace gay. i used richard simmons on crack gay. allegedly. >> it's liberace strolling into a sex club with a full length mink coat gay. >> stephanie: exactly. >> baby boy. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: we speculated yesterday there is someone in his life he calls baby boy. we don't know who. >> sure. >> stephanie: and he may frequently go out for eye cream for baby boy, and why not.
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>> we all cream for eye cream. >> stephanie: exactly. oh, we found him. here he is. ♪ karl ♪ >> stephanie: karl frisch ♪ so inciting to me, frisch ♪ >> stephanie: good morning karl frisch. >> good morning, that michele bachmann, i -- i heard as soon as they posted that youtube video of her saying she is not running again, that marcus bachmann happened to be at a truck stop after of the interstate in minnesota, and dropped right to his knees. >> stephanie: yes. >> and -- and began to pray. >> stephanie: exactly. as we all know it's the minneapolis airport that makes you gay. [ laughter ] >> what do you think of that? >> stephanie: right. >> karl frisch you tweeted michele bachmann is going to spend more time with her family marcus better pray the gay away
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harder. >> like we said yesterday he has to hide his porn now. >> everything, and the dog outfits, everything the corn dog collection. all kinds of stuff. this is great news for anybody who cares about congress. i fear that the one thing that is being left out here, that while michele bachmann is going away, she is leaving plenty of crazy people in congress to do her bidding. >> stephanie: yeah, someone made that point, that ted cruz is her in a mask. in a way it goes to bob dole's point. >> absolutely. >> stephanie: that's what this republican party is. she may be the most comedically rich, right? >> oh sure. but bob dole is right, you know, there's no room in this party for anybody like bob dole or
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george hw bush or barry goldwater, and the list goes on and on. i'm pretty damn progressive, there's not room for even traditional conservatives in that party. people that value what they would consider economic conservatism, and staying out of people's bedrooms and personal lives. i certainly don't agree with even more traditional conservatism, but it's a lot more sane and there is no room for it in the modern gop. >> stephanie: and the fact checker is probably in mourning. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> if i'm not mistaken i believe polititfact did just give up on fact checking her at a certain point.
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>> stephanie: right. they said we will all miss michele bachmann. she kept the truth-oh-meter burst in to flames. >> to which marcus replied who are you calling flamer? >> stephanie: what! yeah, really it is a day of mourning in fact checker land. bachmann is consistently and unapologetic unapologetically so. >> well she is going to spend more time in the birthplace of [ inaudible ]. >> stephanie: right. >> while she was very funny unintentionally so the things that she said even if they sounded crazy, it is what most
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republicans believe. most republicans believe that benghazi is the biggest scandal of all time. when they ask where benghazi is. michele bachmann. >> stephanie: right. >> and let's remember she is one of the biggest fund-raising members of the house of representatives. >> stephanie: yeah every time someone says something crazy, another little michele bachmann gets its wings. >> that's right. >> stephanie: she said this decision was not impacted in any way into recent inquiries into my formal presidential campaign. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: >> stephanie:co coincidentally
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a trial date has been set. and on that very morning was when she announced she won't be running anymore. >> i'm sure it is a coincidence. but do you know how hard it is for her to keep focused on one camera? >> stephanie: i know. she was so "saturday night live" skittish. wasn't she? >> have you ever heard of anybody resigning from congress putting out an 8-minute youtube video, and spenting the first several minutes saying these are all of the reasons why i'm not retiring, not for the ethics investigation, not because i almost lost reelection and might lose if i keep running, i'm not retiring because marcus
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is threatening to redecorate yet again. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i just so a rolling chyron going bull [ censor bleep ], bull [ censor bleep ], bull [ censor bleep ]. >> although she carefully worded it. >> stephanie: right. there was nothing going on that i knew of. >> she also said i will not be running for congress again in this district. [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> so look out america. >> maybe she'll move to alaska. >> or she could be running for senate against al franken. so you have one of the smartest liberals and funniest people in the senate versus one of the most unintelligent conservatives who is unintentionally funny in the house. >> stephanie: exactly. we suggested ♪ oklahoma ♪
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wherever there is the best show tune. ♪ blow high blow low, a whaling we will go ♪ >> stephanie: listener adam in illinois wants to get in on the fun. >> from one [ inaudible ] to another, my name is michele bachmann. oh, the day is at hand. we are in the last days. your jehovah god. i am not here as anybody's judge. wonderful. let's appreciate and value everyone's cultures but not all cultures are equal. be sub mistoif your husband. >> we have to understood barbarians need to be educated. they need to be disciplined. >> stephanie: fabulous. >> so yes, i have very much been a part of the solution and it's insulting to say this is a
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political speech because that is something i do not do. when god looks at me or you, he wants to say he is hot, she is hot, because we are hot for him on the inside. let's be blood brothers on this thing. this will not pass. the shot heard around the world, if you put a marker in the ground. what i want them to know just like john wayne and water lao, iowa, that's the spirit i want to have. let's all say happy birthday to elvis presley today. happy birthday! >> that was beautiful. >> oh, god. i'm going to miss her so much. >> stephanie: i knew that would make you tear up. >> slit our wrists and be blood
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brothers, what? >> stephanie: i know i hadn't heard some of those had you karl. >> no. i love hearing the barbarian stuff from marcus. >> stephanie: yeah, and apparently we're hot for jesus? wow. weird. >> there were a lot of weird elements to it. she didn't blink the entire time. the whole composition of what she said was just strange. and just -- you know the reason that everybody thinks she is retiring is i would keep anybody from writing it -- oh she's retiring. put that in there. she said that's not why. >> stephanie: all right. karl thank you for spooning me through this hard time for both of us. i appreciate. >> this is just the first stage. tomorrow you'll probably be thinking this just can't happen. >> stephanie: i know. denial. i'll see you next week.
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>> have a good one. >> stephanie: okay. stiff upper lip. buddy. >> when you become blood brothers, you prick your thumb, you don't slit your wrists. >> stephanie: oh heavens. >> or maybe she's suicidal. and who could blame her. >> twenty minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: call stephanie now. she's easy. 1-800-steph-1-2.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ >> stephanie: all right. that is unhelpful. jim does not need any help with his research in that regard. >> it's news on gawker. >> stephanie: what was the headline. >> lesbian couple engage in hard core porn -- >> i'll say. ask if she needs any help with that. clean up on row h. >> stephanie: okay. >> they got it covered. >> stephanie: and jim is a helper in that regard trust me. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. she is not as hot as michele bachmann is for jesus. >> we're hot for the lord. we need to slit our wrists and become bloods brothers. what? >> you are doing it wrong. >> stephanie: her staff once
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told a daily beast reporter she gets all of her facts from world net daily. hello, ron. >> caller: good morning, stephanie. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i just was thinking we're giving her an awful lot of credit for all of the things she has done when she was put on the intelligence -- by a boehner. >> stephanie: she was put on what -- >> caller: she was put on the intelligence committee. >> stephanie: i know, there's another punch line. >> caller: so where is john boehner's thinking at. so to me it is the whole tea party. >> stephanie: at least his question might finally be answered in terms of who is going to jail! we know who it might be. >> that's not what i meant. oh crap. >> stephanie: this is michelle
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yesterday. >> this decision was not impacted in any way by the recent inquiries into the activities of my former presidential campaign or my formal presidential staff. >> who chose that music. that music is really really troubling me. because it does not fit the mood of the piece. >> stephanie: right. and the fact that it came out at 2:30 in the morning. >> well, she was in russia where she could look at sarah palin's house. >> stephanie: right. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: quite kwens dentally the trial is scheduled on the same day. >> it has nothing to do with that. >> stephanie: no. no. dave in minneapolis on michele bachmann. >> caller: hello momma. chris do you think he used iml
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or bare pride. >> either one. who can say. >> stephanie: where are the bears. >> caller: well honey your favorite within is right here. >> stephanie: you cuddle bug. >> caller: it was interesting before your show started this morning, an announcement came out that somebody from the gop has announced he is going to run against al franken, and isn't that interesting a day after michele bachmann does her stunt, we get an announcement about a gop candidate running against al franken. and i get the feeling that the gop is going, oh great we don't need this because i can't imagine her garnering a whole lot of respect or -- mostly of followers, definitely -- >> stephanie: right. >> caller: but she would be a death nail for a republican senator. i was talking to travis about this and he said she could stir up stuff at a convention which
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she would love. >> stephanie: is that a real rumor, though? that she might jump into that race? >> caller: i haven't heard -- we have all been too busy drinking because we're so giddy. i pay attention to the news more closely -- >> stephanie: i wasn't sure that was a hopeful comedian that threw that out there, or a real political rumor on the ground in minnesota. >> caller: if she was paid a nickel for every time a joke was made about her, she would move to switzerland. it is amazing. >> stephanie: don't go our little swiss miss we will miss you. >> and your little marshmallows. >> stephanie: exactly. twenty eight minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> relax, this is just temporary. like lesbianism at women's colleges. >> stephanie: right. some phases are longer than others. thirty-four minutes after the hour 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. this hour brought to you by our new sponsor, wix. [ bell chimes ] >> stephanie: check it out. free website. i have had to counsel friends. i'm like don't go out there with that crap. you need something that makes you look professional. you can empower your business
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with a complete stunning online presence, and it is free. you are right. it's wix, you can bring your business online with wix. it has all of the tools you need to create a stunning website. hundreds of templates to choose from. it's completely customizable. it expresses who you are, and what your business is all about, manage all of the familiar web services in one place. clients will find your cite very easily. it helps you grow your business, what do you have to lose? >> and you say it's free you say? >> stephanie: thank you, jim. that's right. some people don't have a big budget for a website and it's impossible to do business these days without it. check it out >> yay. >> stephanie: oh are you emulating michele bachmann. >> yay!
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>> stephanie: awesome. someone might need a new website. >> all of the criminal things i have not done yet. >> stephanie: exactly. one thing i do know jim is marcus will survive. yes, he will. ♪ finally ♪ ♪ at first i was afraid i was a weebit petrified ♪ because i spent so many nights watching gay porn on my tv ♪ ♪ and now the real marcus is back ♪ ♪ i'm going to roll all over the place ♪ ♪ go ahead, michelle, change the locks, throw away the key, because i'm not coming back ♪ ♪ i'm going to find me a barbarian to free ♪ ♪ here i go don't chase me,
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weeeeeee ♪ ♪ whatever you do michelle don't wear white after labor day ♪ ♪ i'm not going to be here anymore ♪ ♪ chime chime goes the trolly and ding ding ding went the bell ♪ ♪ and zing zing zing went my heart springs from the moment i saw him myself ♪ ♪ i am i am a breeze ♪ ♪ i'm free so free ♪ ♪ i'm free ♪ [ applause ] >> stephanie: audra in minneapolis. >> wow. >> stephanie: that went a little crazy. >> marcus went a little crazy. >> stephanie: yes. all right. but he is free. it's very touching. okay. >> yes. >> all right. michele bachmann once again yesterday. >> i have ever confidence that
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if i ran i would again defeat the individual who i defeated last year who recently announced that he is once again running. >> computer says no. >> stephanie: not according to the latest polling which has him ahead. >> i am quite confident.% >> stephanie: mediaite also in mourning. >> yes, oh. >> stephanie: right? all of us. and we were talking about -- she has now put a bunch of fact checkers out of work. thanks michelle. mediaite writes feeling quite blue. bachmann a unique brand of inaccurate. they called for a day of national mourning. she got the highest percentage of four pinocchios of any congress person. cressler chronicled her greatest
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mistakes. okay. yes, and as i said polititfact and the "washington post" they also chimed in. we will miss michele bachmann. [ explosion ] >> stephanie: and he was the one that talked about the truth in media. the most pants on fire. okay. maybe it's because she is so hot for jesus. i had not heard that one before. of all the michele bachmann crazies. >> she's hot for a 2,000 year old jew? >> it's not uncommon for an evangelical to say that, though. >> stephanie: that we're hot for jesus? >> yeah, it's their way of modernizing their relationship with jesus, i believe. >> stephanie: our long national nightmare is over, john writes well, that's over stating it. she has announced she will not
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run for reelection. smiling stiffly through an eight and a half minute video. this characterized her disaster of a career she wanted the world to know the decision was not impacted -- >> where did you get that idea? >> stephanie: john writes in a word, bull [ censor bleep ]. and there is rambling quality. it's sort of like a video manifesto, this is bachmann's hostage video to reality. the video would have seemed even odder without it. they were hoping to drown a little bit of the crazy maybe. >> well, the music didn't match the tone of her speech. so that's why it was so disconcerting as someone who puts music underneath things pretty much for work.
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>> i think anarchy for the uk -- >> stephanie: don't believe marcus, he is not the music director. without attempting to characterize her personal life it's the way that bachmann used her time at the podium that was a disgrace. if she ever bothered to do her homework, she could have been dangerous. instead she is a curious footnote used to explain the odd real advertise of the gop presidential race. now she will more than likely get a foxtrot. is it roger ails? oh dammit marcus get off the phone! >> marcus calling sex lines.
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>> stephanie: yeah. it is mr. ails? hello, jim? >> caller: hey good morning, everybody. >> stephanie: hello. >> good morning. >> caller: when gay marriage takes effect august 1st, how soon will it be before marcus leaves her for ann coulter. [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: see what you did there. yeah, that's exactly what hand chris, congress is still small -- big -- she just got -- what -- i can't figure it out. you know what i mean. >> michelle is big. congress got small. >> stephanie: yes. max! max! has mr. ails called? >> max! >> max! >> there is not enough vaseline in the world -- >> no. >> stephanie: john in austin you are on the "stephanie miller show."
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hello, john. >> caller: hey. she is going to stay in power or stay in office until the end of 2014, if she's a lame duck and she was a bomb thrower when she needed to get elected. so what is she going to do now? she could really do some damage. >> stephanie: yeah. that she's on the house intelligence committee is just -- please mr. ails give her a jingle. casey in spokane. >> caller: hey. everybody time you talk to a right-wing tea party nut -- and you talk about marcus bachmann being gay, everybody goes what are you talking about? they are like, it can't be more obvious? >> they just don't see it i guess? >> stephanie: right. yeah. exactly. >> caller: one thing that would be funny as heck is to listen to
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jim sing happy birthday in the marcus bachmann voice and i don't know to who, because it's not my birthday. >> stephanie: all right. it's probably somebody's birthday. sue in rockville. >> caller: hey, good morning. i have a question. >> stephanie: what is that? >> caller: if michelle is more like pinocchio does that make marcus the blue ferry. [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: everybody get it out of your system. do we have her jingle to say good-bye? >> i just can't get it to now. >> caller: no problem. i love you all. >> stephanie: we're just easing the grief -- it's a letting go time -- ♪ am i blue aim blue ♪ >> stephanie: right. he's the blue ferry. all right. forty-five minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie
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miller show." >> what in the name of holy hell is going on here? >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? john fugelsang: if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check
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(vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv.
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♪ ♪ yeah, yeah let's go ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ have me feeling like she's ready to blow ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ >> stephanie: i'm ready to blow. >> were you on an australian train? >> stephanie: 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. not safe for work. >> tote not safe for work. >> stephanie: totally. we have all collectively
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grieving over the loss of michele bachmann. so i thought i would do -- somebody having a worse day than you. man with pencil jammed in his head for 15 years removes pencil from head. >> why didn't he do it sooner? procrastinator. >> stephanie: right? i have been meaning to get that pencil out of my head. because i'm having a bad -- >> life. >> stephanie: right. although i don't have a pencil stuck in my head. doctors from [ inaudible ] university hospital in germany have just announced the successful removal of a four inch pencil of an afghan man who was unaware of the pencil being there for 15 years. after over a decade of headaches, and the terrifying realization that he was going
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blind. the man finally decided to swing by the hospital to see what was wrong. turned out he had a pencil in his head. would that be on the list -- >> what? i can't hear you, there is a banana in my ear. >> stephanie: or maybe a protractor up your ass. the man said he didn't remember how the pencil got in his head. stop pestering me i don't know. >> auckland is where [ inaudible ] was crowned holy everyone emper emperor. >> stephanie: wow. thank you, jim. this may be my favorite drunk stack ever. drunken man crashes car while
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having sex hides in a cactus. >> stephanie: we have all made one bad drunken decision but that series -- >> maybe he had a pencil in his head too. >> stephanie: right. i'm sorry, i had a pencil in my head. arrested as you might be driving while heavily intoxicated, having sex with a woman on his lap, ran a red light and crashed into another car. he attempted to flee the scene -- but a witness grabbed his keys so he hid in a cactus. [ screaming ] >> was it like an acme cactus? with a zipper. >> stephanie: right. he refused to come out of the
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cactus. and once in the police car, he refused to keep his pants on. >> it can only get better from here. >> not everybody in arizona is like that. >> stephanie: he should do a video. it only gets better after that. >> sounds like it happened in apache junction. the entire cast of raising arizona, they all live in apache junction. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: i told you the story, our friend, hot brea melissa fitzgerald who was doing gun control rally, and
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she -- was approaching the stage in a pretty flower dress, and someone yelled nazi at her before she even started speaking, and they were all armed and pointing guns at her. and she was ascared. and now two letters addressed to -- >> if you are pointing guns at someone for no reason you are the naughty. >> stephanie: exactly. thank you. any way two letters addressed to major bloomberg and the mayors against illegal guns group -- the letters were laced with ricin. initial tests indicated the presence of ricin. mayor bloomberg. >> the letter obviously referred to our anti-gun efforts, but 12,000 people will get killed this year with gun, 19,000 will
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commit suicide with guns and we're not going to walk away from those efforts. >> stephanie:ing isn't that proving the point, the person that sent them ricin letters, that some people should haven't weapons of any kind including ricin. >> wayne lapierre was on a range once and somebody called his name, and he turned around and pointed the gun at the guy. >> stephanie: mayor bloomberg yesterday. >> i'm not angry. there are people who i would argue do things that may be irrational, do things that are wrong, but it's a very complex world out there, and we just have to deal with that? >> stephanie: all right. he was a little more placid than i would have been. >> that's kind of his thing.
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he's always rock steady. >> i'm sorry that you have to see me like this. i'm livid. >> i know i speak to all of the mayors in the coalition of mayors against illegal guns this is the spirit of the country that we have to make sure we get control of. >> yeah. easier said than done. >> stephanie: yeah. but let's hear it for -- ♪ let's give the boy a hand ♪ >> stephanie: they are doing some great work. good for him. so we -- by the way -- what scandal have we -- you know moved the wheel of scandal today, to find out which scandal -- [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: the irs -- are they still screaming about that? >> yeah, they are. >> stephanie: i love this stewart stevens, the former romney advisor. >> what?
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>> stephanie: isn't there a mouse named stewart? >> little stewart. but not stephens. >> stephanie: whenever i heard this guy -- anyway he is the romney guy. he said the members of the media are the pro obama birthers all of the facts that come out about this make it less and less of scandal of any time. our good friend joan walsh writes beyond that they lied on the form. that's where the scandal is. are you engaged in political activity? and they checked no. >> stephanie: she writes this is often the way that scandals, quote unquote, unfold. and, you know, he is goes on to
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talk about some of the sthauf was revealed in the "new york times," some of the conservative groups identified told the irs they did not engage in electoral politics and they did. so maybe that's who is going on jail john boehner. the wet lump alabama tea party, they participated in code red usa, not the kind that jack nicholson -- not that code red. >> you ordered the code red. >> i did the job -- >> did you order the code red. >> you are [ censor bleep ] right i did! >> stephanie: see, that is who is going to jail. they were aimed to defeat president obama. and they said oh that was just educational. >> if you are going to lie, at least be good at it. >> stephanie: oy vey. fifty-eight minutes after the hour.
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>> stephanie: hello, hour number two. michael tomasky of "the daily beast" coming up. jacki schechner? >> yes. >> stephanie: we did just your future husband stack, would you pick the guy with the pin sill stuck in his head for 15 years, or the naked guy hiding in the cactus. >> that's a tough one. but the naked guy is already naked, so i wouldn't have to work to hard to get him naked. but what if i needed a pencil. >> you are thinking of him as your purse. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: right.
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all right. here she is in the current news center jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody. david petraeus has a new job. he resigned over the affair he had with his by august fer. now he is enjoining an investment firm where he'll head up a new global institute designed to track public policy and regulatory trends. attorney general eric holder is meeting with the washington bureau chiefs of some national news organizations today as part of his review of how the government investigates journalists when there is concerns over leaks. at least two, the "new york times" and ap said they won't participate if holder insists these meetings are off of the record. a new quinnipiac survey out today of the three so-called
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scandals, the media has been talking about, 44% of registered voters rank the irs as the number one. only 24% rank benghazi as their top concern, and only 15% say it's the justice department's subpoenaing of the phone records. the best news is 73% of those surveyed say none of these stories is as important as improving the economy. tomorrow president obama is going to host college students at the white house put pressure on congress to keep student loan interest rates from doubling on july 1st. this is the exact same conversation we had a year ago during the election season when the president asked the public to put pressure on congress to extend the student loan program for a year and that's why we're here again. stick around after the break more show for you on the other side.
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loop. we tackle the big issues from inside our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >> bill press opens current's morning news block. >> we'll do our best to carry the flag from six to nine every morning. >> think conservatives have a stranglehold on the morning news? bill press invites you to think again as he tackles the hot issues on capital hill and beyond. >> just bringing you exactly what's happening in politics today by people who have a lot of experience, who know what's going on and who know what they're talking about. i'll tell you what energizes me to get up every morning is to get the first crack at the news, the first crack at the newsmakers. i know this stuff, i know what i'm talking about and i love it and i try to bring that to the show. only on current tv.
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excellence. >> we dive deep into the topics that we cover. >> telling important stories that need to be told. (vo)and on the next vanguard: >> i don't want food stamps. i'm doing it because i don't have a choice. i've got to feed my kids. (vo) the divide between rich and poor in america keeps growing, but do you know how the other half really lives? >> i ask myself, oh my gosh, how did i get here, every single day of my life. (cenk) it's go time! it's go time! it's go time! go time. you know what time it is. go time! it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks go time! it's go time. oh is it? oh, then it's go time. anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. it's go time!
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: yeah, it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. check it out, you can email us all there. executive producer chris lavoie, voice deity jim ward, or me stephanie miller. oh, michael tomasky. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> stephanie: just the name makes me swoon. because obviously a lot has been made about michele bachmann retiring, quitting, something -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: but nobody says it better than michael tomasky. good morning, sir. >> good morning. >> stephanie: what a great headline. >> thank you. >> stephanie: talk about what your piece -- because it really is brilliant. >> well, thanks. i don't know. it's like -- i don't know if it
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is necessarily brilliant, but, okay. hey i'll take it. >> stephanie: you say it's easy to make fun with her and i'm certainly not above that. and i took her presidential candidacy more seriously than it needed to be taken. >> i did. if you think back to early 2011 spring of 2011, when there were all of these contenders it was clear even then, right, stephanie, that in the final analysis, it was going to be romney versus someone representing the hard right-wing. and that ended up being rick santorum. but i thought it might have been her. >> stephanie: i understand, because it was such a crazy train. you are like well she could be the conductor on that crazy train. >> exactly. but the bulk of the piece is about her, her conversion from, you know godless heathen to child of jesus from conservative
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to liberal, which i didn't really go into much -- >> stephanie: you mean liberal to conservative. >> liberal to conservative sorry. and just what -- what -- taking a soert of more psychological look at her. she had -- some of this comes from the new yorker profile of her, but some of it is just apparent in the way she talks about things. she has father who was very, very important to her, and whom she adored, and who was liberal, which probably didn't help for later purposes. he was a pro civil rights person. he was a hater of the south, and that sort of thing, and he left the family when she was 14 and left them impoverished, so she became very bitter about that. and she was fatherless and wandering and lost and her soul was full of darkness and at 16
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she went to a prayer meeting and found jesus. and she says in this speech in 2006, suddenly i had a father. so this i think, is sort of the key to her. once she became a religious person, and then she -- and then she brought that -- that value system to politics so -- so she -- you know, look we all bring our -- we all bring our value systems and belief systems to our political views. but i don't think it's unreasonable for me to say she is a pretty extreme case along the lines. >> stephanie: yeah, as you write, i think it's fair to conclude that she was in politics to give people fathers in jesus. and that may sound nice to a lot of people, but it's deeply anti-american. jesus has nothing to do with being a good american. >> that's right. >> stephanie: yeah, the whole -- i remember when i first
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heard about her, michael, i thought okay this small government christian conservative is married to an obviously gay man who is using government money to do christian therapy on gay people. you can't write this stuff, right? >> yeah jreally, really strange. i first encountered her on hardball. not the infamous night where she called for investigation into congress degrees of loyalty. but before that. matt liked to have her on a lot in 2008. >> stephanie: right. >> and -- and so i thought boy, now she's -- i mean you must say -- she immediately catches your eye. >> stephanie: right. >> she is attractive. she has got those eyes, and as these things go, she is
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well-spoken, i suppose you would say. so i thought, wow, what is her story. and then a couple of months later, there she was on hardball calling for loyalty stuff and i thought she is really out there. >> it's like she is living in a sitcom. >> exactly. the last sentence i have got some people upset on twitter yesterday, but it's true. there is no religious test for being an american. and this is an error, and frankly a very offensive one that people on the right believe. you have to believe in the bill of rights period. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. and she talks a lot about it. we just played a whole montage about how important it is, michael for wives to be submissive. and i don't want to be the one to say she does not seem like the submissive in that relation
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relationship, but -- [ laughter ] >> thank you, ma'am, may i have another! >> stephanie: i don't know about that. but the largest point that people have been talking about this morning, when you look at bob dole's comments. she may be the most entertaining and craziest but she is more the norm in that party right now, right? >> yeah, she is. she is a little bit fringy but there are many many people in the house of representatives who's names your listeners probably don't know, who are basically in her corner of the ballpark. and i'm sure people see from reading websites, every two weeks, somebody pops up -- some back bencher you never heard of pops up with some other nutty comment. and it's the old story -- it's a rage machine. >> stephanie: right. and in terms of ideas are ted
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cruz and rand paul so different than what her ideas are? >> no. no. not at all. i mean ted cruz and rand paul have a few differences i guess probably on drones for example, buba no. i mean there -- this is -- they just keep getting more and more right-wing all the time this party. >> stephanie: i was reading a "new york times" piece called the wisdom of bob dole and it points to -- there is something happening. they are even -- john mccain is quoted in here as saying just the other day, we're here to vote not to block things. we're here to do what we can for the good of the country and let the process move forward. and that's what bob dole said. we weren't perfect but we at least got our work done. >> well, most of the time. let's not give bob too much
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credit, because he was instrumental in the beginning of this whackiness. the night that clinton was elected, because he was elected with less than 50% of the vote, and he went on tv that night and said he does not have a mandate. he got less than half of the vote, and it's not our job to grant him his agenda words to that effect. that was sort of the dawn -- that was the early, jurassic phase of this extreme republican madness, and -- and dole fed that which was really bad for a guy who back in the '70s, was -- you know he was a kansas sort of heartland conservative, but he was -- on some things he was pretty moderate, and he was a responsible senator who legislated, and then by the '90s, it was block clinton, block clinton, block clinton so
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maybe he regrets that. and that's fine if he regrets it. and it would be nice if he said it more forcefully. >> stephanie: i president president obama wishes for the blocking that bill clinton got. >> yes. >> stephanie: they were always small government but this is like no government. you know what i mean? >> oh yeah. >> stephanie: all government is bad. any kind of anything right? regulation, government of any kind. >> yeah, exactly. and you are right. obama would be happy for the kind of opposition that bill clinton had, and he would be absolutely over the moon for the kind of opposition that lyndon johnson had. i always laugh when these people like maureen dowd and others say he needs to be more like lbj. lbj was dealing with an extremely moderate republican party.
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>> stephanie: and huge majorities. >> huge democratic majorities and beyond that nearly half of republicans in the house and senate voted for medicare and medicaid. slightly more than half in the house, and a little bit under half in the senate. voted for medicare and medicaid republicans. can you imagine that? >> stephanie: yeah it is funny to think of that. those of us who lived through the clinton years, we think, oh for the kinder gentler clinton times. well thank you, michael. >> well thanks. [ applause ] >> you want to marry him. >> stephanie: jeff on the irs thing. >> with karl rove applying for
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501(c)(4) status doesn't that tell everybody that is it a joke. what are real and what are strictly fronts for money laundering and taking money from anonymous donors so they with pour money out. karl rove was up there saying my nonprofit status i haven't gotten it yet. and if that doesn't tell people that this is political what do they need to say. >> stephanie: yeah joan walsh wrote a piece what the irs did right, clearly their search of terms like tea party was wrong, so the president was probably right to declare the targeting as an outrage, on the other hand, it would have been nice to have all of the facts in before throwing fuel on the right-wing fire. the national republican campaign committee is now using the
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embattled agency in ads against four vulnerable incumbents. you know, i think that's -- i think that's absolutely right. and here are the reince priebus's of the world. >> reince priebus! >> stephanie: right. >> they are seeing that you have a scandal-plagued white house which has an effect on all democrats -- democrats across the country. [ whining ] >> hello, he whined. >> stephanie: i miss his whiney droopy dog voice. [ applause ] >> scandal, i can't believe they are getting away with that. he doesn't sound like his name. reince priebus! >> stephanie: that's right.
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♪ ♪ you can't always get what you want ♪ ♪ but if you try sometimes, you might find you get -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ oh, yeah ♪ ♪ whoo ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. twenty-three minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. we were talk about the shark census yesterday they are doing a census.
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>> a shark ate a census taken once. >> stephanie: they are trying to find out how many great white sharks are off of the coast of california. and i was saying that will result inless census takers. they are notoriously irritated by census takers. steph not only the shark census endangered by land sharks answering the door, there are always people like michele bachmann who told people not to answer the census. [ applause ] >> michele bachmann doesn't want you to answer the census? >> stephanie: yeah, she said it was a government plot. >> the census is taken so people can count the number of people in her district -- if there are less people counted in her district, she may lose her seat. does she know this goes against
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her own best interest. >> stephanie: oh it's so cute. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> stephanie: it was back in the magical beginning. >> that is the original reason for the census. >> stephanie: ah. >> and some fava beans and soda pop. >> stephanie: oh, you miss her already don't you? >> totes. ♪ michelle she is the foot [ censor bleep ] crazy one from hell, that michelle ♪ ♪ i won'tant to i want to to say that someone is gay, like liberace gay ♪ ♪ i have save my words and look the other way, just like you, my
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michelle ♪ >> stephanie: thank you rocky mountain mike. [ applause ] >> stephanie: we're all coping in our own ways. >> yeah, we are. >> stephanie: i was mentioning to michael tomasky on this piece called the wisdom of bob dole. it is not just sad that -- how old he is, but just what he said was very sad about -- because regardless of what you think, this was a decorated war here you, and i think he is genuinely sad as an american as a republican, you know. the editorial board saying bob dole no longer recognizes the republican party he helped lead for years. and the talked about the difference between the current crop of tea party people and mr. dole's generation is not just a difference of ideology.
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spent years pushing big tax cuts, and his party actively cored the religious party in the '80s, but when the time came to govern, they set aside their grandstanding to keep the government working on people's behalf. the current generation refuses to do that. members want to dismantel government. and we were saying that even john mccain has been saying that. and, you know, you just wonder now that these elder statesmen are obviously at the end of their careers, what really is going to happen with the republican party. the mulish behavior of republicans has lead to the creation of the sequester blocked action on economic growth and climate change, prevented reasonable changes on gun restrictions.
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mr. dole should remind his party that they are hurting the past and damaging the future. i don't know who he would tell. >> i'm not talking to you. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: independent -- my friend has republican parents, and she you know what we call your kind of republican party? and he said what? and she said a democrat. >> now we do. >> stephanie: this is part of what jim said yesterday, obama's health plan was bob dole's plan. so it an indicator of how far right the republican party has moved. >> and obama is basically a
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rockefeller republican. >> stephanie: yes. obama said he was delighted and thrilled by the decision he called chaffy a free and independent leader. and he campaigned for the black guy -- [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> stephanie: so he has been an obama supporter for a while. that. that means -- today's republican party. all right. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with
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ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? john fugelsang: if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern. ♪
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. >> damn, i'm a write, i'm messy, i'm a lovable curmudgeon. that is solid! >> technically if the house were in the middle of your street it would be a traffic problem. >> stephanie: right? not a lot of logic in music sometimes. >> but it's catchy. >> stephanie: forty-four minutes after the hour. john in florida. >> caller: hi michelle. >> stephanie: michelle? [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: how dare you yell out the wrong women's game. >> caller: i'm sorry. i was thinking about michele bachmann. >> stephanie: no that's fine. i bet ya marcus bachmann has called out the wrong women's name as well. michael!
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i mean michelle. >> caller: she is crazy. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: we're concentrating on the political aspects. but as far as taking care of business is concerned we might be throwing the baby out with the bath water here. concentrating on her social inappropriateness, instead of her mechanical qualifications to speak about the financial cancers that are killing the country, as a tax attorney -- this is no joke. i was a cpa, that's how i started out in the business. she might be personally nuts. you wouldn't want her dictating your social policy, but the woman's words about the tax system are golden and that is what is killing us. she is talking about things that are screwing us up. it points districtly at the reason our political system of representative is
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completely worthless these days. >> stephanie: what are our points that you think are valid about the tax system? >> caller: oh, my god. it's completely unnecessary. >> taxes are unnecessary? >> caller: of course -- did i say taxes were unnecessary. >> you said it's unnecessary. >> stephanie: what do you mean? >> caller: the tax system, it's just an excuse to have everybody put their hands in your pocket and do it wrong. we don't need the whole system -- >> stephanie: so how would you do it? >> caller: the simple basic tax -- the levied levied -- um -- levied efficiently. let's say a national sales tax. a national sales tax literally is a no-brainer. it comes -- if you could go as far as 10%. you have 10% right off of the bat, there wouldn't be any irs involved. >> what if that would eliminate the deductions you get for
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charitable giving for interest on your mortgage so that would decimate charitable giving and home purchases. >> caller: that's precisely what i want to do. what do you need them for? >> what do you need charitable giving for? oh, my god! >> poor people can just suck it! that's my point. >> stephanie: right. break it down. that's what he meant. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> wow. >> stephanie: all right. >> all right. >> stephanie: okay. >> all right grandpa. >> stephanie: the republican party as we have been speaking about all morning, chris in a very vulnerable state. >> sure, yes. >> stephanie: if they were a woman this is when jim would strike. >> oh god. >> stephanie: because jim a helper. maybe it's time to start listening to the elder state's people in your party. [♪ somber music ♪] >> stephanie: like bob dole and
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phyllis shlepley. she encourages gop to ignore latinos. and focus on white turnout. listen to aunt phyllis -- last month she predicted that comprehensive reform would be suicide for the republican party. because immigrants come from a country where they expect a hand out from the government. yes, i think this will help for turn out next time. >> absolutely. >> stephanie: last week she lamented that today's immigrants are different than the irish, italians, jewish, et cetera. then she claimed mitt romney lost the presidential election
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not because of the reroading support of the gop among people of color -- >> she thinks of italian food as foreign food. >> stephanie: and pronounces it i-talian. >> yeah. >> i'm going to go eat ethnic. i'm going to the olive garden. >> stephanie: she said it was because his drop-off of white voters was tremendous. which is just completely untrue but anyway. she called the attempt to reach out to latinos is a great myth. that's right. say it loud and proud. the people of the -- the republicans should reach out to are the white vote.
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she is repeating pat buchanan's call. nicely done. [ applause ] [♪ romantic music ♪] >> stephanie: please, a little more gay bashing as well. >> especially her son. >> stephanie: what! what! don't bring that out. >> that messiness in the shlappley family. [ laughter ] >> hello slllllapley. >> stephanie: she refers to it as the unpleasantness with her son. >> my icky icky son. >> stephanie: at least he's not latino. [ buzzer ] >> thank god for small favors. >> stephanie: ermahgerd. let's take a quick one from june in georgia. >> caller: hi, steph. you guys are great.
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>> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: why is the president picking past bush people to be put in positions -- such as i heard he is going to appoint someone that is a republican to be the attorney general. >> stephanie: yeah but you remember who he is -- >> caller: can you explain it to me. because i'm still confused. >> stephanie: he was the former prosecutor, and he is known to be republicaned by both sides of the aisle, because there was that showdown about reauthorizing a wiretapping program. >> and he argued against reauthorizing that program. so he is one of the good guys. >> caller: i don't want our president to be sabotaged, i know he's trying to show good hands in both parties, but i don't want him to sabotage himself, because there is always leaks, you know -- information
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from his past -- >> stephanie: right. right. i think june this is further evidence of what we're talking about. when he picked chuck hagel, he got more shrapnel from his own party. he has been a republican his whole life. but he is the wrong kind of republican because he expresses reasonable thought, i guess. kenneth from long beach. hello kenneth. >> caller: good morning. i really appreciate the good work that you do stephanie. and i know this is an entertainment program. >> stephanie: um ish. >> caller: but i know republicans who are ignorant of the fact that the republican party controls both houses of the government from 1994 until 2006, and operated it pretty much as an good old boy's club.
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>> stephanie: right. they have worked karl rove dick cheney and rum -- rums field worked for the goal to be a government that would not tax the rich, and a government that would not regulate business or corporations, and i think they have done a fine job of what they set out to do. >> stephanie: yeah, well, that's why -- of all of the like scandal stories in the news, we keep saying this -- this story of of of -- of texas with the fertilizer plant. it has gone nowhere. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: gawker brings us
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the story americans now officially too lazy to make microwave popcorn. >> who has time. >> stephanie: microwave popcorn at its inception was all about its convenience. >> yeah, it was a time saver, back when it was introduced. >> stephanie: it is possible -- [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: as times have changed the convenience definition has changed. >> i have too many tweets to twit. >> stephanie: is there something more instant than instant gratification. we are going to go back in time to be gradfied now. you don't have to take the extra step of opening the box and wrapper, and hoping you have the skill to open it appropriately
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so you don't ruin the product. really, people? >> in my day we had jiffy pop. >> stephanie: you have to have the skill -- >> i always get anxiety over whether -- what side i have down -- do i have the correct side down, you know? because it makes a difference. >> stephanie: and someone in our office always burns it. >> yes stephanie. >> stephanie: no, i did -- >> no, you put foil -- >> stephanie: on a baked potato. that was different. at least i know how to microwave popcorn. three, start. >> but you have to sit there and watch it. you can't leave it. >> stephanie: i know. >> do they make regular popcorn poppers now? >> that's for popping squirrels.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. (vo) it's the documentary series that raised the bar for excellence. (vo) and on the next vanguard: in america keeps growing. >> i don't want food stamps. i don't have a choice. (vo) but do you know how the other half really lives?
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>> stephanie: right. buddy in columbus. hi, buddy. >> caller: michele bachmann is going to walk scot-free. she can plead insanity, and no jury in the world is going to touch her. and john mccain posing with terrorists in syria. thanks, john. >> stephanie: oh grampy. and one of the guys he posed with has the clever trick of when he catches people he cuts off their fingers and mails them to the family for ransom. and john mccain knows the good people from the bad people in the middle east. >> stephanie: yeah. he makes a good point. she could plead insanity and
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just offer this as evidence. >> my name is michele bachmann! oh, the day is at hand. we are in the last days. i am not here as anybody's judge. wonderful, let's appreciate and value everyone's cultures but not all cultures are equal. like the lord says wives be submissive to your husbands. we have to understood barbarians need to be educated. they need to be disciplined. >> so, yes, i very much have been a part of the solution and it's insulting to say that these are political speeches because that is one thing i do not do. [ laughter ] >> what does god say when he looks at you or looks at me. he wants to say he's hot. she's hot. because we are hot for him. on the inside. amen! >> wow. >> we have to today make a covenant to slit our wrists and
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be blood brothers on this thing. this will not pass. you live in a state where the shot heard round the world was fired. just like john wayne from waterloo, iowa that's the spirit i have to. let's all say happy birthday to elvis presley today. >> you get nothing, you lose. good day sir! >> well, that's rude. >> stephanie: that is from adam in illinois. [ applause ] >> stephanie: i had not heard that clip. and i have heard a lot of michele bachmann, and her talking about how jesus is -- hot hot hot. >> stephanie: she's hot. i'm hot. jesus is -- hot hot hot! yes, sir. that was weird. weird. weird. [ applause ] >> stephanie: okay. we were talking about -- this is the level of political debate we have gotten to.
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someone mailed ricin to mayor bloomberg and the offices of mayors against illegal guns and obviously a thought on the gun-control issue. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: man doesn't realize loaded guns are illegal at disney word and leaves his on a ride seat. [ overlapping speakers ] >> disney's animal kingdom. >> stephanie: is that where he left it? >> yep. on the dinosaur ride. >> stephanie: he told -- >> right by the sink hole ride. >> stephanie: he told authorities he realized his gun was missing a few minutes after he left it on the ride. >> didn't i have a gun? >> stephanie: let's see, keys wallet -- he does have a
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concealed weapons permit but told authorities he didn't know disney world patrons weren't allowed to bring guns to the park. what would go wrong. just another toy for the kids. mommy look at what i found. >> mommy, bobby is not moving. >> now we know why the dinosaurs went extinct. >> stephanie: right. because of people like that. [ gun cocks ] [ gunfire ] ♪ it's a small world after all ♪ >> stephanie: don't you hate it when your pony [ censor bleep ] in a store. i do. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: cops called after pony defecates in a store. a man leaving a children's pony show. got himself into hot water afterwards by stopping in a liquor store and bringing his
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shetland pony inside. surveillance video shows him leading the pony through the liquor and wine bottles by leash. at one point on the video, the pony left a present behind him. >> a road apple. >> stephanie: have a road apple with your wine. he then refused to clean up the mess. oh, i would love to see that part. could you clean up your pony [ censor bleep ] please? >> no. >> liberace made scott doerson do it. >> stephanie: go clean up the dog -- do we have a photographic memory of behind the candelabra around. >> we do. >> stephanie: he said the sign outside the door said no dogs or cats allowed. well you didn't say anything
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that my shetland pony can't [ censor bleep ] in our aisle. the sign now includes the line no horses. [ applause ] >> yeah, scrolled in magic marker underneath it. and by the way. hey, shetland pony guy. not your pony either. all right. and way i just go on record to say i have never been drunk enough to bring a pony into a liquor store so there. >> as far as you know. >> stephanie: unless someone has got the surveillance video. >> if it's not posted on facebook it doesn't exist. >> stephanie: guess what is exciting happening now. there is a new breed of airport dog. they are looking for people who need a buddy. his job is to be touched, said one volunteer about henry james. who is that handsome man? henry james is.
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he works at the san jose airport. i think this is a grand idea. miami international airport got on board and lax -- i'm going away this weekend. they have 30 and are hoping to expand the program. the dogs are intended to take the stress out of travel. >> what if the dog bites your hand off. that's pretty stressful. >> stephanie: they are trained. >> they'll all be at the terminal you are not at. >> stephanie: how do you know that? >> because it is always is. the good restaurants are always in the other terminals. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: fifty-eight minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show."
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. current tv land, hour number three, jacki schechner, i don't know about you you are a cat person. i'm very excited about the lax therapy dogs. >> i need cat help actually. emmy -- >> stephanie: jim pay attention. >> emmy has now taken to pawing at my face to wake me up. so i get pet awake every morning at like 1:00 in the morning. >> stephanie: that's cute. i can't see your right now, are you covered in scratches -- >> no, she is very gentle but she basically pets my face to wake me up. >> stephanie: this is why they don't have therapy cats at the airport, because they just make
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people tense. >> i need that guy to call me and figure out how to get her to stop petting me awake in the morning. >> stephanie: all right here she is, jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody. president obama has possibly found a replacement for the fbi director who is going to leave the agency after some 12 years of service. the participate's pik is james comey. even though he is rap, he is widely regarded as an a political prosecutor. when john ashcroft was hospitalized in 2004, he stopped in to stop officials from convincing the very sick attorney general to sign off of the wiretapping program. and he is also responsible for
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determining who leaked the information on valerie plain. he more recently served as general counsel for a con group. and rob lowe is now going to play a president. lowe has been cast as jfk in the up coming national geographic killing kennedy. he says the story centers around the assassination of our 35th president, and it is set in conjunction of the 50th anniversary of that tragic event later this year. we're back with more show after the break. stay with us. ♪ cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number
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1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere., check it out, you can email us all there. i know we're all working through the grief of this week the comedic loss of michele bachmann. by the way marcus, her husband. >> husband. >> stephanie: still working through his grief. i'm told he does not want to leave congress. he is till in denial. he is not going. marcus. ♪ i am telling you ♪ >> he sounds a little
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overwrought. ♪ i'm not going ♪ >> stephanie: bless her heart. >> stephanie: oh god. >> he sounds like a barbarian that needs to be disciplined. ♪ no, no, no i'm not living without you ♪ >> stephanie: i know it. ♪ i don't want to -- >> stephanie: someone needs to slap him. throw some water in his face. ♪ i'm saying, i'm saying to you, you, you, you, you ♪ >> stephanie: all right. oh, dear. oh, dear. just the stages you know. he is still in denial. >> yeah, she is working through it. >> stephanie: she's working it girl. listen, you hang in there. [ applause ] >> stephanie: okay. you know what, he'll survive. marcus will survive. that's all i'm saying.
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♪ finally . . . at first i was afraid ♪ i was a we bit petrified wondering if i would ever live without ya by my side because i spent so many nights watching gay porn on my tv and i grew strong, i learned how to get along ♪ ♪ and now the real marcus is back ♪ ♪ i'm going to let my trolly roll all over the place ♪ ♪ go ahead michelle, change the locks, throw away the key, because i'm not coming back ♪ ♪ i'm going to find me a barbarian to free ♪ ♪ here i go ♪ i'm walking out the door ♪ don't chase me here i go ♪ ♪ whatever you do michelle don't wear white after labor day ♪ ♪ i'm not going to be here to remind you i'm not going to be here anymore ♪ ♪ clang clang clang went the
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trolly ♪ ♪ and ding ding ding went the bell ♪ ♪ zing zing zing went my heart strings from the moment i saw him myself ♪ ♪ i am free ♪ >> stephanie: oh my. ♪ i'm free ♪ ♪ so free ♪ ♪ i'm free ♪ >> oh, dear. >> stephanie: oh, dear. oh, my goodness. audra is in minneapolis, so she is feeling the pain a little more deeply. [ applause ] >> stephanie: all right. i was talking about -- we have new airport therapy dogs but that you can touch. i'm one of those people that i have to touch dogs because i miss max and fred too much. >> i want a cat. >> stephanie: nobody wants a therapy cat. >> stephanie: one of the
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volunteers said you can literally feel the stress level go down. >> until he bites your arm off. >> stephanie: they are a trained. [ dog barking ] >> stephanie: we have a dalmatian -- >> dalmatians aren't known for their friendliness. >> stephanie: three australian sheperds, a doberman. and a 150-pound irish wolf hound named fin. fin knows two tricks. no report on what the tricks are. >> some reporting that reporter did. >> stephanie: fin is large. >> my pilot is large. i trained him. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: kids, kids kids,
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listen. i don't know where they level of immaturity from? [ farting sounds ] >> stephanie: changed a kid's name to masturbate. a high school student was arrested on suspicion of felony property damage. the victim reagan mastcontain -- [ giggling ] >> stephanie: you can see why it was funny. she was kind of annoyed at kaitlin's actions, but wasn't that upset. i was disappointed. >> disappointed! >> stephanie: but i didn't know her well enough to be truly effected. >> you don't have a last name to be easily changed. >> stephanie: even siri mocks you calling chris lav-at!
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[ giggling ] >> jim you can't do anything with your last name either. you guys are lucky. what about travis bone. [ giggling ] >> stephanie: kenny pick from cleveland. >> caller: that's perfect for a guy who's last name is pixelhimmer. all right. i want to see if audra's bit comes true then hopefully marcus will have plenty of time to go sun glass shopping for baby boy. i wanted to weigh in on this whole tea party irs non-scandal thing. a whole bunch of progressive organizations -- they were searching for tea party,
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patriot, and 9-12 for the tea party groups and came up with a whole slew. they used similar search names for progressive groups. but since we're herding cats trying to come up with a uniform name, and a lot of groups that we would do, would actually have something to do with the general welfare, whatever. so it's just hysterical because they are all up in arms because they are so non-creative, and they named themselves after a stupid glen beck money maker. it's id rick-- ridiculous. >> stephanie: right. thank you kenny. okay. len in florida. >> caller: hey. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: thanks for take my call. >> stephanie: you are welcome.
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>> caller: i wanted to comment on the letter that michael bloomberg got about the guns. >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: i always wondered who does not want background checks? well, after -- >> stephanie: people that would send ricin through the mail. >> caller: yeah. those are the people that don't want background checks. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: everyone else would like to have one. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: i mean really. >> really. >> stephanie: really? really? >> really, people. >> have you sent ricin in the mail to anyone -- oh sure i do that all the time. oh, you are disqualified. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: daryle issa issued a subpoena to john kerry to determine the talking points
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regarding benghazi! [ screaming ] >> stephanie: john kair -- kerry, whom i'm guessing said, really? i am left with no alternative but to -- >> blah, blah, blah blah. i have in my hand a list of 205 communists in the state department! >> stephanie: spinning the wheel of scandalpalooza. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> eric holder to meet to discuss the crackdown on leaks. >> blah blah blah. >> stephanie: that's what i hear in my head like bing crosby. ♪ bla, bla, bla, ♪ >> stephanie: and then -- with a bag of oranges.
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>> those are some pretty hard oranges. >> stephanie: are you making the allegation that he beat his sons with bags of oranges. >> because they would do damage but they wouldn't bruise you. that's why. >> mashed me in the head with five oranges. could have been a bag of bananas. ♪ bah bah bah bah bah ♪ >> stephanie: eric holder said he will speak with several chiefs of national news organizations in the next few days. seems like he is taking this seriously. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: but we were saying yesterday, it is amazing -- heing can't win, he has had congress screaming at him about why aren't you investigating leaks more! oh, now you did it wrong. why are you hitting yourself? >> what are you investigating
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stuff the wrong way too much? >> right. >> stephanie: tony, hello. >> caller: hi, stephanie. it's good to talk to you again. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i just have a quick question for you. with all of this business about the tea party filing for tax exempt status, what kind of moneys are they taking in where are the moneys coming from and what are they spending it on? >> stephanie: why, social welfare, why do you ask? >> i would like a little more specifics about that. if they have a tax exempt status -- >> stephanie: exactly. freedom, hitler. all right. eighteen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> not bad, like frisbee golf i'm glad i tried it once. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ ♪ pump it up until you can feel it, pump it up when you don't really need it ♪ >> stephanie: what, i just did an armpit check. >> yeah, you did. >> stephanie: i have been having an incident the last couple of days, you know why i switched to the heavy duty perspiration stuff. because of this email. >> what does it say? >> stephanie: the subject line is your nasty [ censor bleep ] underarms.
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and he actually spelled it wrong. who can't spell [ censor bleep ] right. did you and that meat head not get my last email nobody wants to see your nasty hyper hydrosis. go see a doctor turn the heat down or keep your nasty [ censor bleep ] arms down you nasty bitch. [ applause ] >> stephanie: and he also misspelled [ censor bleep ] the next time as well. >> wow. >> i want you to for that to me. >> stephanie: so now i'm using the kind that is slowly killing me. all -- thanks, tyler.
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>> you have the aluminum of an entire 747. >> yeah, you might as well rub a cessna under there. >> stephanie: dry as a bone though. okay. kyle in atlanta. hi, kyle. >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: i had a question about the gun debate. >> stephanie: we are. >> caller: hypothetically here if you take away everybody's guns, do you guys not realize that people will still find other ways to get rid of people -- >> sure, with a rock. >> caller: you can use all types of stuff but if you take away the guns that is not going to keep people from doing all of these mass killings. >> you know how much harder it is to do a mass killing with a steak knife than a gun, right? >> caller: yeah i know.
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but if you take them away from everybody, what about the law-abiding citizens that just want to protect their house. >> oh, we hadn't thought about that. >> caller: right. >> stephanie: all right. thanks for kyle. good points. good points. we hadn't heard those before thanks. >> darn it! my plan foiled! >> stephanie: he -- he is not good at the snark. he was totally snark resistant. >> yeah. >> stephanie: that was a little fly over, jim. he must be unaware. >> what was that? wait. >> stephanie: okay. all right. i didn't have the energy either just then -- all right. you know what. you are right. you are right. take your guns hitler liberty. okay. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: congratulations audi drivers you are the
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biggest sluts. >> really? >> stephanie: look at them sluts. >> slut! she's a slut! >> stephanie: audi drivers are the most adulteress car owners. >> i used to have an audi and i wasn't getting anything on the side. >> well, you were doing it wrong then. >> stephanie: you had the wrong audi model. would you like the fun facts. the cars driven most by cheaters, audi, wait out ahead. >> why? do they give a reason? [♪ fun-facts music ♪] >> stephanie: i have some thoughts. number 2, bmw, number 3, mercedes benz. volvo. that just sounds dirty. would you like to get many my volvo. cars driven least by cheaters, number 5 on the list hyundai.
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>> hyundais are much better than they used to be. >> stephanie: okay. well that seemed like an unnecessary survey. >> now kia on the other hand. >> stephanie: oh please. really? >> whores all of them. >> stephanie: kia whores. >> caller: you guys are great. >> stephanie: thank you. have you seen the new kia trollop? >> caller: i don't know if you can say this on the air or not, but since john boner always seems to be hard on democrats, maybe we ought to change his name to that. >> stephanie: i see what you did there. [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: we'll handle the jokes around here. >> i want to know who is going to jail! is [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: jim bread winning moms on the rise. 4 in 10 bring home most or all of the income.
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chicks. more moms than ever bring home the bacon and probably expected to fry it in a pan. according to a new study from pew, up from just 11% in 1960. ♪ it ain't a man's world ♪ >> stephanie: the dames will be hosting radio shows before you know it. >> that's illegal. >> stephanie: what? okay. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: sometimes just the headline you don't need anything else. courtney love tells amanda bynes to pull it together. she tweeted amanda bynes urging the troubled actress to, quote, pull it together babe. banes tweeted back courtney love is the ugliest woman i have
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ever seen. to be mentioned by her at all makes me and all of my funds laugh. >> i thought she said rihanna was the ugliest person alive. >> stephanie: i know. and courtney love's daughter -- >> francis bean. >> stephanie: she is in a twitter fight with a kardashian sister. grandma can't keep up you know why? >> why? >> stephanie: because my underarm deodorant is making me forget things. >> either that or you are old. >> stephanie: huh? right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to
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call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me.
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>>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? john fugelsang: if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern. ♪
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. >> don't toy with me woman. >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. i'm a man toy, yes, i am. >> man toy? >> stephanie: oh, the hate letter, he not only misspelled [ censor bleep ], he also misspelled dike. please, for-god's sake if you are going to insult me -- >> do it with proper grammar. >> stephanie: we're keeping track of the twitter fights with the kids. courtney love just tweeted amanda bynes to pull it together. >> sure. [ laughter ] [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: in other news, courtney love's daughter slams kardashian sister on twitter. >> okay. >> stephanie: this is why i'm not really on the twitter. >> you are, but you are never on -- >> stephanie: no. >> you have people that do that
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for you. >> stephanie: yeah francis bean cobane, torn into the half sister of kim kardashian for complaining on twitter that her life was too hard. [ sighs ] >> stephanie: if i were on twitter, i would have said something too. just wish things could be easier sometimes man. and she actually misspelled man. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: what is her name -- >> francis bean. >> stephanie: she responded oh shhhh. there are kids on earth that are abandons, not to mention cancer, famine -- humans are so self involved on twitter. >> some people are not self involved on twitter. believe it or not.
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>> stephanie: really? >> yeah, i get a lot of breaking news from twitter. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: so we covered the twitter fight with rihanna and amanda. rihanna loves the pain of brazilian wax. >> yeah, i read that. >> stephanie: she did have a song called ss&m. >> stephanie: yeah. she refuses any pain reliever. she says no way, i love the pain. it feels good to me. >> okay. >> stephanie: make a note of that. okay. now the world has really gone -- [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: insane. lindsay lohan, she is a he -- an all-star rehab patient.
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she is not only taking her sessions seriously she is talking to friends about what she has learned. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> or so her publicist says. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: hey, speaking of what now? [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: james lipton admitted that he used to work as a pimp. >> i could totally see him doing that. >> stephanie: what is your favorite swear word during sex. you don't have to answer you. i could hear you. >> what sound of noise do you love? what sound of noise do you hate? >> oooooooooh god. oooooooooh. >> monjur.
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[♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: i couldn't think of any french phrases. >> mon jur is my god. >> stephanie: whatever la-vet. john bon jovi has issued a stern warning to justin bieber for letting down his fans. he is disappointed in the kids today. he was nearly two hours late for a concert recently in london. it's really not cool you are an [ censor bleep ] hole. go to [ censor bleep ] work. >> okay. >> stephanie: all right. this i have to say is maybe the weirdest celebrity story i have seen of late. as you know i don't really leave my house. >> ever. i'm surprised you haven't ordered someone put an isdm line into your house, so you don't have to leave it in the morning. >> stephanie: that's right you be here in captain america's
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pants. kate hudson stunned guests at her husband's -- anybody? >> they do a song called uprising. >> stephanie: oh. they had a batched after party. he is crushed a lit cigar on performer bambi blue's mouth. the actress got stuck in a lift with two dwarfs wearing giant baby heads. she ordered bills statemented to -- the band called on the club to shock guests at the wild party. >> i think this is filed under the expression nothing good ever happens after 2:00 a.m. >> stephanie: uh-huh. entertainment included a bearded
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lady strip tease. a troop of cry baby dwarfs -- >> this is a stephan skit. >> stephanie: right. [ inaudible ] >> this is totally stephan. oh, god. >> stephanie: yeah. if i did anything like that i would never come out again. jerry lewis remains a douche. >> an a-hole. >> stephanie: uh-huh. he told reporters that his earlier stated feelings have not changed in recent years, comedy is not for women. he was not apologetic saying he sees females as mothers, not stand ups. women it's just wrong. i don't care that the audience laughs at it, ands like it. i don't happen to like it.
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i have too much respect for the gender, and i think they are wrong in doing it. i can't expect them to stop doing, just don't do it anywhere where i have to look at it. >> wow! >> stephanie: that is gross. >> well comedic genius like jerry lewis -- >> stephanie: right. hard to top that. you would never write [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: exactly. >> but the hurting. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: dwyane the rock johnson experienced fun pain when his gentles become swollen after surgery. >> what? >> stephanie: maybe he and rihanna. >> yeah. >> stephanie: there was also a swelling in the cash and prize area. he had some sort of jury from injuries from being the rock, fast and furious movies
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whatever. >> whatever! >> stephanie: they swelled up to the size of -- we're just in an age of oversharing. >> yeah. >> stephanie: for instance, i don't know why i need to know this, but i do -- the truth about katy perry's boobs, jim. >> hello. >> stephanie: she has been lugging around some excess baggage for a long time. she was so top heavy she wore two bras to school. >> damn. >> i think she was in high school when i was living in santa barbara. '91, '92 -- >> stephanie: a lot of work for you. >> you could have helped her hold those up, jim. >> yeah, the santa barbara police department might have had a thing or two to say about that. >> stephanie: by the way, this is a big deal in hollywood, theater owners are demanding
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shorter movie trailers. >> it was much worse than that in the 50s and 60s. it seemed like they went on for hours. >> and they had news reels and cartoons and everything back then. >> stephanie: and dancing cigarettes. >> they pretty much showed you the whole movie. >> stephanie: the national association of theater owners inpushing to limit the strength of a trailer to two minutes. it has gotten over the line. grandma sometimes drops her werthers in disgust. i'm like now i know the whole movie, don't have to site. harump. all right. forty-four minutes after the hour. >> this is the band by the way. >> stephanie: i'll dance like a baby dwarf it to. >> rite around like a woman
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dressed as cat in milk. >> stephanie: might back on the "stephanie miller show." >> the revolution will not be televised. it's on the radio. it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> i think it's brilliant. (vo) first, news and analysis with a washington perspective from an emmy winning insider. >> i know this stuff, and i love it. (vo) followed by humor and politics with a west coast edge. bill press and stephanie miller. >> what a way to start the day. (vo) it's the documentary series that raised the bar for excellence. (vo) and on the next vanguard: the divide between rich and poor in america keeps growing. >> i don't want food stamps. i don't have a choice. (vo) but do you know how the other half really lives?
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>> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. forty eight minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. keep momma company, won't you? jim had to go to a thing with a guy with a voice something -- >> i'm here. >> stephanie: whatever. like that helps. >> yeah, i'm just a meat head. >> stephanie: as our hate letter called you. >> yeah. >> stephanie: tomorrow john fugelsang. >> absolutely and dean obediallah. >> stephanie: oh, yeah. he wrote a great piece. i think i'm on cnn tonight. i will let you know if i know by the end of the show. >> you never really know or not, right? >> stephanie: it's a breaking news kind of thing. i frequently get bumped. >> so you are just the filler. >> stephanie: i'm packing material. >> great. >> stephanie: helen writes, and helen i am disappointed in you. disappointed! >> stephanie: yes, steph because this is a very important thing about the fine sponsors of the "stephanie miller show."
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steph did you know angie's list sponsors rush limbaugh. i stopped my subscription with angie's list when they refused to stop support of rush limbaugh. all right. helen, helen helen, listen to me you mine american. here is how you support shows like -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> stephanie: you re -- reapply to angie's list and type stephanie in the box. not rush. it hurts me too when you drop the same sponsors that sponsor my show as well. advertisers buy a lot of different shows, just so you know. [ applause ] >> stephanie: angie's list is great. i use them for all kinds of stuff. because i have made a lot of -- as you know, well, in general horrible decisions in my life, but particularly regarding home repair. >> yes and drapes. >> stephanie: my drapes are
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good -- >> but your old drapes. >> stephanie: oh yeah. i got my new drapes through angie's list. did you see larry king we're going to try to get him on. he's a fan of the putin. >> yes, he is. >> stephanie: bringing his current show to russia today, adding another show politics with larry king. you know i love my larry. >> stephanie: russia today is a cable channel, right? >> stephanie: i believe so. he explained, it's a love story -- he and putyputty. he said there are certain people that come into your life that change it.
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his power is an afro dee shee ak. he didn't make out with him but -- >> like katy couric. >> stephanie: we wish him well. good luck to him. >> stephanie: that's where you met aisha tyler. >> stephanie: that's right. we were bitch slapping poor little somebody, ben ferguson or something. >> he has a crush on you. he is like 23 years old, and we were next to him at the republican national convention or something -- >> right. >> stephanie: and i did out of the corner of my guy going -- [ giggling ] >> you are real pretty. i love your show. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> stephanie: i don't agree with anything you say, but -- >> you are pretty. >> i'm like his mrs. robinson. >> i know. >> stephanie: all right. we have been talking
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about -- it's almost may ends this week. it's going to be june next month. what is june? it's marriage' quality time at the supreme court everybody everybody. and jen abram wrote a great piece. it makes sense why we at least have to have fair rulings. she said it cost my family $3,000 to be gay married this month. listen this month my wife and i spent $3,000 to adopt a child we gave birth to. even though we are legally married in the state of new york katherine's parenthood will not be legally recognized without this adoption. the defense of marriage act allows other states to refuse to recognize our marriage. if we visited eddie's
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grandparents in wisconsin, katherine wouldn't make medical decisions for eddie. she wouldn't sign a release form for eddie to play at a gym. if i were in a car accident, the state would take custody of eddie. i'm unconscious in the hospital. my wife is perfectly fine but the state takes our daughter away from her and places it in the care of a stranger. there are two cases in front of the supreme court right now that should solve that problem. she said even the broadest possible positive ruling will still allow states to determine on a state by state basis whether my marriage is in fact legal. >> yeah. >> stephanie: both of us must be evaluated bay social worker who visits our home to determine if we're fit to parent our own daughter, thank colludes questions about our religion
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our plans to discipline our child. it gets better though after that katherine has to be fingerprinted and background checked. then we both have to stand in front of a judge who determines whether or not we are good enough to be a family. yep, marriage equality actually cost $4,500. she ends by saying legal marriage in new york state was a fantastic amazing step but we still have a ways to go. [ applause ] >> i challenge you straight gay, republicans, americans, to say that that's fair. how is that small government? i don't get it? you small government folk. >> and there's the full faith and credit clause in the constitution, where something recognized in one state has to
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be recognized in all states. >> stephanie: right. it's ridiculous to cross a border of some sort and not be married anymore or have any rights regarding your own child. it's ridiculous. >> stephanie: the president's carney, talking about the economy yesterday. >> we believe the economy is continuing to recover and continuing to strengthen in the aftermath of the worst recession since the great depression. >> stephanie: now if we could only undo the sequester and actually get to work helping. housing is rebounding. >> yep. >> stephanie: i mean if only we could get a little help from the backstage congressional crew. >> a friend of mine in san diego is a civilian worker for the navy, an environmental engineer and he just got his furlough yesterday. >> stephanie: yikes. and another subpoena about benghazi! [ screaming ]
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>> stephanie: they might want to get to work on things like china stealing all of our -- what do you call it -- you know -- >> defense plans? >> stephanie: right. jay carney. >> what we have been seeking from china is for it to investigate our concerns and start a dialogue with us on cyber issues, but i want to reiterate, and you have flartd the president and others that this is a very high priority. >> stephanie: all right. do not be distracted we have important stuff going on, and i know we'll all dealing with our grief over michele bachmann. >> i have ever confidence that if i ran i would again defeat the individual who i defeated last year. >> stephanie: no, you wouldn't have. ♪ you are a lying sack of crap ♪ ♪ you are a lying sack of crap ♪ ♪ you are a lying steaming sack of liquid crap ♪ >> this decision was not
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impacted by any way by the recent inquiries into the activities of my formal presidential campaign or my formal presidential staff. >> stephanie: no, that's ridiculous. and poor marcus he keeps checking in with him, and he's in denial. johning johning who we'll have on tomorrow. as he once said michele bachmann the only person against gay marriage and in one. >> exactly. >> stephanie: that's it for us, i would like to thank, chris lavoie, jim ward, and t-bone on phones and drums. we'll see you norm on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>> i'm jacki schechner. it's noon eastern, and here's what's current. syria's president says that russia has sent a first shipment of anti-aircraft missiles and he expects the rest later today. israel believes these weapons are a direct threat to security and is willing to use force against them. rush sha promised the weaponry in spite of objections from the west, including the united states, here is patrick venntell. >> we have long said that we disagree with, and we condemn the continued supply of russian weapons to the regime. >> russia's argument is that the defense systems will help
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