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tv   The War Room  Current  June 4, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> michael: tonight, chris christie lace out his game plan to appoint a new senator and win election at the same time. we don't buy it, and neither do some key republican operatives in washington. the thing is christie doesn't care, but we do. "the young turks" starts now. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> michael: tomorrow funeral ceremonies will be held for new jersey senator frank lottenberg. laute lautenberg. and there will be a primary in august followed by a special
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election in september. that will cost tax payers an estimated $24 million. that's according to the state's office of legislative services. christie said it was worth it, though. >> the cost associated with a general election in my mine does not measure against the valley of having a representative in the senate with so many consequential issues being debateed and determined this year. in fact, christie who ran on cut cutting government ways would have saved so much money if he would have waited to have that election with the general election just a month later and that would have cost him and probably down picture cory booker who announced he'll run for the senate. there was a released statement
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saying, quote:christie's decision speaks more to his to his political initiatives than the people of new jersey. >> i think the people need to have a voice and a choice. >> michael: he did not appoint himself a successor and gave himself another spotlight to announce the place holder. there is speculation that it could be tom kean sr. who says the name of that state in a way in a no one else does any more. take a listen to this. >> obama: opposition this is about political obstruction. >> michael: he says it so much that he sounds like barack
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obama. he does say tom kean, and i'll have back up on this, he says new jersey, new jersey new jersey. the name has come up quite a few times. the republican party has asked him to run for senate in seven elections between 1988 to 2006. but he never did run. now he's being talked about as the republican nominee for the final election. whatever happens with the rules and the importance of the position there could be lawsuits and as christie eloquently said today, in new jersey people sue over everything. today the president opened a new front by nominating three judges to the dc court of appeals considered the second most powerful court in the nation. the president's picks would move him to the left. he nominateed mena pillard and
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patricia ana millet, and judge robert wilkins. if confirmed they could end up playing a big role in advancing the president's agenda. in the next session the court is set to hear cases about obamacare as well as new environmental and financial regulation. and no surprise the republicans are doing everything they can to keep the president's nominees off the bench. they've suggested eliminating the court of appeal entirely. now they're throwing around the "f" word, filibuster, yes. the president came up with his own "f" word today, fight. that's the one he used while on camera. >> this is not about principlessed opposition. this is political obstruction. right now there are three open seats on a critical court. i didn't create these seats. i didn't wake up one day and say let's add three seats to the
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district court of appeals. these are open seats. the constitution demands that i nominate qualified individuals to fill those seats. what i'm doing today is my job. i need the senate to do its job. >> michael: but instead the senate republicans sees their job as obstructing every single thing that the president does. today was no different. after the president's announce announcement mitch mcconnell didn't say he would block the nominees but did he he did question the appropriateness of nominating them. democrats just might change the rules about when filibuster can be used. here is mccain. >> and i want to to to tell my colleagues who continue to do this with my strenuous
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objections the majority will become frustrated, and the majority can change the rules to the senate. they can do that. >> michael: indeed, senator, they can. but will they? well here is hoping. i'm looking at you senator harry reid. joining me now democratic strategic tad divine and jim i'm going to go to you first. is this a strategy to take on republicans like this, and could it press harry reid to look for filibuster reform. >> whether it will move reid, i'm not so sure. my doubts are that he's such a long-time member of this cosy club he may be thinking about longer-term interests and what happens if they get their butts kicked in a couple of elections
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an find themselves back in the minority. i'm not at all surprised about what the president is doing. i would be stunned if harry reid showed the backbone to convince the rest of his caucus to change the rules. >> michael: i agree with you. i would be stunned too but what is it going to take, when you come in as a junior senator you're not going to be able to change the rules. wouldn't it take a long-time center on the way out to say we need to make some changes here. >> i don't know how many folks john mccain speaks for. he certainly doesn't speak for the young guns like ted cruz from texas. again, cynical me, i would be surprised if they change the rules. but it is undoubtedly frustrating, and the three open vacancies on the d.c. court of appeals is a shining example of how very little is getting done.
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these are not crazy lefty commie picks. i know all three of these folks. they would be good solid judges on a court which has been the reaccept calf a lot of distinguished conservatives in the past. >> michael: as the president said clearly. it's not as if he emptied the seats. they need to be filled. oh are the republicans trying to find a scandal that will stick? >> i think senator mccain is right. the republican agenda is to obstruct and stop any progress that would threat the economic recovery itself, threaten every aspect of government. i think that message is going to get out and the republicans will face in 2014 a choice whether or not they want to be
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the party of obstruction at a time when the economy is improving. it's a very different atmosphere than it was in 2010. i think the president is well positioned to make the case that the republicans are doing everything they can to stop progress. >> michael: i think people are going to eventually--listen, i know jim's cynical, but i'm a little more optimistic that people will see this as a filibuster is something that needs to be done and someone will move them in the right direction. people talk about this is a savvy political move on chris christie part. i think it's an error. what's your take on it. >> i'm not sure. he had three clear alternatives. he could have held an election. co-have done it the day of the general election. he could have done it sometime in 2014. i think you may have an an amalgam of a totally valid
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interpretation of one the statutes which allows him to decide on what the actual time frame will be. it's sort of triggered about when he would decide to pick a temporary replacement for laute lautenberg. you have an amalgam of that and in total a political self interest, and perhaps the fear if he had a special election, not the primary but the special election county dense tall with the general election which he is clearly the heavy favorite, perhaps the involvement of a seemingly popular well-financed democrat candidate going for the senate would be the top line on the new jersey ballot could some our in a depressed republican turnout or turn out unforeseen consequences with a turn out. but the interpretation seemingly medalled with his self interested. the democrats would have been really pissed off if he had
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picked today and said that guy is going to be here through most of 2014 and perhaps allowed that guy whoever he or she might be to gain steam in a state that has not selected a republican for 41 years in an u.s. senate. >> michael: that's true, i see that, and that's what we've become accustomed to. they go into the next election and you're right that's one side of the story that people aren't looking at. tad, republicans are criticizing christie for doing this. he said the republican candidate would have had a better chance on the ballot with christie. doeshas anyone announced that he's going to run for that seat or is booker just the guy. >> we'll have to wait and see the congressman is sun who has run federal elections for a long time. he could be a very senate
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candidate in a democratic primary. that remains to be seen. i don't think this was a savvy move by christie. it's a cynical move. this is a guy who had a held himself out as a protector of taxpayers, he has. spent 24 $24 million. the purpose is clear. he doesn't want a democratic race going on or someone like cory booker at the top of the ballot that would increase the democratic turnout and that could hurt his prospects from winning a big election. >> michael: that's amazing selfish thinking. it's $24 million worth of selfish thoughts. he said, i don't know how much it costs and i don't care. that's not the guy that they elected. that quote is going to hurt him. i want to take you now to attorney general eric holder. he has been taking the heat after it was revealed he personally authorizeed the
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investigation into ap reporters. eric holder had met with the future relationship between the feds and the press. jim, you were at the meeting last thursday. give us a feel of what it was like. who was there and what did holder say? >> there were five of us journalists who agreed to show up, a who bunch of media organizations, and many did not follow this as we tend to. there were a whole bunch of our colleague who is said we're not going to go into an off the record meeting where they're spending a lot of time and money looking into these decisions. i had never been followed down the block with a camera crew i felt like the proverbial criminal showing up to court day after day.
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we found that the groundwork is going to be changed. it was a benign 90 minutes. we diplomatically vented about our chagrin with what happened with the ap reporters and the fox news channel guy. he along with top aides. his top aide gave us his point of view and asserted there were some facts that could not get out that were relevant to his decision making provided a little bit of nuance for us, and understanding the story. and i think it served his purpose at least looking at if he's sensitive to the concerns of media. i believe as we speak right now there may be a second meeting going on with general council's media organizations and publishers. >> michael: don't make any really important phone calls on your cell phone for a little while. i would take a breather. tad, i want to ask you some
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reporters are complaining that holder didn't put any concrete reporter policy changes on the table at all. was this just a pr stunt? what's going to happen to him. >> listen, i don't think it's a stunt. i think they're sincere in opening up avenues with the press. the president has told the attorney general he wants new regulations or procedures within the justice department to be submitted to the president by july 12th. so i think their actions are sincere. the outreach is reel. in terms of the attorney general's outlook the congress tried to censor him and i think he'll stay attorney general and i think he will be for a long time. >> michael: thank you to tad
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define and jim were the washington news. thank you. >> michael: we head to the hill and what whey heard will sexual assaults from the ranks is enraging. then the pictures are all too familiar. we head to turkey for an occupied perspective on the widespread anti-government protest. and later an inside look at taking money out of campaigns in los angeles and how that oh road leads to cities across the country. spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news
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show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood.
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>> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> michael: impossible to deny that the military is plagued with an epidemic of sexual assault within its ranks. the pentagon estimated 26,000 military members were assaulted just last year, up from an estimated 19,000 in 2010. that's not counting the thousands that go unreported.
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the question is will congress make the pentagon change the way they deal with the problem? they began the process of the seven bills proposed one of the most contentious is about new york senator kirsten gillibrand. she's trying to take serious crimes of misconduct cases out of the chain of command. gillibrand argued that it should be up to trial counsel who have prosecutorial experience and hold the ranks of colonel or above. >> while you're so dedicated and determined not all commanders are objective. not every single commander necessarily wants women in the force. not every commander believes what a sexual assault is, and not every single commander can differentiate a slap on the ass
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and a rape. >> michael: she has turned into an amazing advocate for women. there are senators like jim inhoff of oklahoma who say that the chain of command should not be taken lightly. brigette mccoy has first time knowledge of how the chain of command can work against someone. she's a sexual assault survivor brigette, welcome inside "the war room." >> thank you for having me. >> michael: you know, it's amazing when i hear them say it's the greatest military on earth. seconds after i say 26,000 sexual assaults in the greatest military on earth those two things don't equate for me. but brigette, the majority of witnesses at today's hearing oppose reform. 18-2 and not a single victim of sexual assault testified today. tell us about your experience
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with the chain of command. >> well, when i went in the military in 1987, which there were issues within the chain of command at my first duty station, which was in germany. and within maybe 60 days of being at my first duty station i was raped twice. you know, i didn't report it basically because i was new there. the nco that was in charge of me, i just knew there was not going to be anyone to believe what had happened. you know, fast forward two years later another nco senior in my chain of command began to sexually harass me. i ignored him for over a year until he went to my chain of command, my commanding officer and asked him to put me to work with him directly. because at the time i was working with him directly. when he did that--
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>> michael: i want to ask you--brigette, i want to ask a little bit was this harass ament, was itharassmentwas it verbal, was it constant. >> it was constant. we had a ten minnesota shift changing, i worked with another team. within that 15 minutes he found a way to touch me, block me, put me in a space i couldn't get out. he was always inappropriate in how he asked me questions. he always asked me to come to my personal home, to do things with me. initially i ignored it because it seemed like something i could ignore. but when he went as far to ask his chain of command which was mine as well, could they put me on a shift because he wanted to help me to get promoted, i just couldn't bear it any longer, i
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literally broke down and began to cry about it. everyone was excited. they thought it was a great thing that he wanted me on this shift to work with him. but when i had told them what had happened, my particular team leader what had been happening she helped me file a report to file to my chain of command which at that time, you know, they just brought me in, asked me you know i must have misunderstood him and there wasn't anything they could do. they basically through their actions told me there wasn't anything that they could do. >> michael: and everything fell on deaf ears all the time. >> yes, once you take the time to write a report, that means you're serious. there's questions, you have to answer them. you have to state what happened in detail, and then to go before your chain of command, which is your commanding officer your lieutenant your first sergeant, one of your ncos and stand
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there. in my case it was all men and i was 20 years old and to talk about this man who is supposed to be in charge of me, making sure that i was taken care of in the military just career-wise here i am trying to explain to them what he said to me, and the inappropriateness of it and they're looking at me like i'm talking about drinking soda pop. they just didn't understand that his behave was inappropriate. they didn't see why it was inappropriate. when they asked me what i wanted, i told them nothing. i just don't want to work with him, and i don't want to be harassed. i want an apology. at that point it had a escalated to the point-- >> michael: go ahead you talk about a policy. >> i just wanted an apology because he had escalated it to a point where--i was you know, i had people that were beneath me, so he had escalated it to the
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point where even those people are saying i ratted everybody out, they couldn't trust me. it was a very hostile situation. i wanted him to formerly apologize, what he considered was a former apology wag driving by me on post, rolling down his window and saying sorry. that's it. >> michael: that's incredible. just the fact that you only wanted an apology to me i would want so much more. i think the american people want so much more right now. the fact that you couldn't even get the simple thing you wanted. in today's hearing georgia's senator said that the military military is not doing their job and also said this. >> the young folks who are going into each of your services are anywhere from 17-22 23. gee whiz the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types
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of things to occur so we've got to be very careful in our readdress it on our side. >> michael: was that flimsy excuse used in your case, brigette? >> yes, i hear lots of statements like that. it's hormones, it's war the fragility of the situation women being in combat, women being close to men. it is a moral issue. it has to do with people taking--doing a criminal act. if someone stole your car you wouldn't say it was their hormones that caused them to come and rob you and take your car. i mean, there is just this idea that because it's physical that it's sexual, this is not sexual. it has to do with power. it has to do with someone wanting to wield their power over you make you defenseless
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and take your power away. saying that it has to do with your hormones, then that means that everybody who goes into the military at 17 years old is a rapist. >> michael: right, and that's another reason, as you said, to keep people out of the military and if you had people like chandlees, that's what they would want. if this is what military believes why do you think they haven't done more? >> because it starts at the top and in order to correct it at any level they have to correct it at the top. and so if you're used to palling around and buddying around, and your friends are doing inappropriate things and it's funny, it's a joke, then there is little room for wanting to
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remove that process. if it is such a cancer, most people that i know who have cancer go in and get radiation very quickly. they don't wait 20-30 years to irradicate a cancer. >> michael: thank you brigette mccoy, and on behalf of all of us we apologize that the military has let you down. the occupy movement goes to turkey. what started in protest over a park ends in street violence. we have first-hand account on what is happening in istanbul. of rich and creamy chocolate happiness. when the chocolate is hershey's, life is delicious.
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>> michael: widespread protest cross turkey with news that two protesters were killed, and more than a thousand injured in
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clashes with police. it all started over a few trees but now goes much deeper in turkish society. peaceful demonstrateors stood arm in arm to stop the demolition of one of the last remaining green spaces in istanbul. the police got involved and brought tear gas and water canons with them. and the protest grew to include tens of thousands. talks of saving the trees spread to regime change. conservatives muslims helped prime minister tayyip erdogan while the middle class view him as a dictator for an "a" pro islamic state favoring shopping malls and highrise condos. quote:
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>> michael: the prime minister's quote added fuel to the fire provoking more clashes with police. secretary of state john kerry said this: >> we are concerned about the reports of excessive use of force by the police. we obviously hope there will be a full investigation into those incidents and full restraint from the police force from those kinds of incidents. >> michael: as erdogan hopped on a flight to northern africa, the deputy prime minister shared secretary kerry's concerns saying this: >> michael: joining us now via skype from istanbul where he blogs for independent and social media is reporter justin wedes. thank you for being there.
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tens of thousands of protesters are filling the streets of istanbul. more than 1700 have been arrested. practice is itwhat is if like on the streets now. >> it's absolutely electric. i've been here since saturday. every evening there are more and more people on the streets during the afternoon people come out after work pots banging and support, people flashing thinks lights, anything they can do to show support for the protesters. >> michael: you were part of a group that founded occupy wall street. how does your time in compare with occupy wall street. >> i think it's very comparable, but at the same time there are differences. the park has been brutalized to a much greater degree than anything we experienced in
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zuccotti and people of all age versus shown an incredible amount of restraint but also have defended themselves when necessary. now they're holding the park eight days later. they've built barricades around it, defending it using social media, text messaging creating complex network security and dispatching to areas neighborhoods around the park that have been subject to police violence and really confronting the attacks head on. but while remaining very peaceful. >> michael: justin this sort of transcends about being a part at this point. the main goal of the turkish protesters are different than they were. how do you see this being resolved? >> it's hard to say. it's still early. i've been meeting with some of the day-one organizers here, if you can call them that, it really has a spontaneous feel.
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but now it's going into its second week people are talking about coalition building with the many groups that have coalesced on the park. initially it was an environmental protest if anything. this was a long-going battle over developments the prime minister with very ambitious development plans that has not sat well with environmentalists activists here in the city, and it really has expanded with more people coming in. they bring many new perspectives. so the list of demands, and grips really grows so that presents a real challenge to the protesters in the park to clarify or in many ways kind of combine their many legitimate protest demands into one or a few. and among those seems to be the very clear call for the prime
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minister to resign. that is the resounding anger at this moment. >> michael: that is what is sort of making people come together to a degree even more so even though the original intent was to stop this mall from being built. you say erdogan has been critical of the vandalism. social media has been crucial. hashtag has popping up over 1 million times more than during the arab spring but erdogan seems scared of the reach of social media. he said there is a problem called twitter right now and you can find every kind of lie there, the biggest problem is social media and you can find every kind of trouble. >> i think prime minister
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erdogan's words are very revealing. you have young people communicating on a scale unseen before, and turkey is a very hyper connected country. almost everybody down here at the park has a smart phone and people are standly communicating. i do think it's changing the real face of protest and what it means. young people are so--are so connected now and anything that happens in the park very quickly ricochets all around, not just istanbul but other provinces. so in dozens of cities across turkey we're seeing solidarity protests. i'm on the asian side of istanbul and just a few minutes ago we heard people banging pots, honking horns and people are in the process of an up rising here. it feels like a real urban up rising. it's a pretty amazing feeling right now.
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>> michael: it must be an exciting place to be. we appreciate you coming to us live from turkey. justin wedes in istanbul. up next, what is being done to get big money out of american politics and how you can fight for your city, too. this is "the war room." we'll be right back.
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>> michael: the 2012 election was easily the most expensive in u.s. history. just let these numbers sink in for a second. more than $6 billion was spent on candidates running for local state, and national office. $726 billion was spent on the presidential race alone. yikes. this is all thanks to citizens united. the corrosive supreme court ruling that removed restrictions
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restrictions. an amendment to overturn citizens united passed on may 21st with a whopping 76% of angelenos in favor. that came out with the get money out campaign. the campaign united activists politicians and personalities and included ads like this one featuring council members with dollar bills taped over their mouths. it's one of the many efforts to do something about the money corrupting our electoral process. are these symbolic propositions enough to overturn citizens united? maybe not but at least they're steps in the right direction. to give us more about the get the money out campaign, host of the under current part of the "the young turks" network she
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comes interest to us from los angeles welcome to the war room. >> thanks for having me. >> michael: i want to know what inspired you to get behind issue and launch this campaign. >> i got involved in the movement when i saw financial reform fail. i was pretty touch by the 2008 financial meltdown, pretty angry, and once--i thought financial reform was something that was bipartisan, that everyone could agree on, so when that failed pretty spectacularly, i got--i put my weight behind citizens united, overturning it. >> michael: how were you able to convince local politicians to support prop c in your ad? do you think it swayed public support in los angeles? >> if you remember prior to the the 2013 ballot initiatives for prop c l.a. had passed a
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resolution through the city council, making it the first city to support overturning citizens united. it wasn't that hard. it wasn't that big of a jump to get them to sign on to this. >> michael: so probable significance c did pass, and then "the l.a. times" came out against it or beforehand claiming proposition c is, quote, a muddled measure that is essentially a primal scream about the role of money in politics. l.a. voters should reject it. a primal scream is better than silence, isn't it, lauren? >> i would say so. the problem is not enough people are talking about it. there is radio silence from the media on the issue which to us as a movement, as part of the bigger movement for money out voters in, a salient point that came out of proposition c that there was no official argument opposing proposition c yet you
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had probably ten different organizations and individuals signing on as signatoryies supporting the argument. when voters went to the ballot box without having any participation from these special interests, they voted overwhelmingly for getting money out of politics. >> michael: right, and that is what was proved at the ballot box whether it's ceremonial or not. you did hear the voices get together around that. but for a constitutional amendment to pass it would need two-thirds of the majority, and three fourths of state legislatures, and that's a tall order, as we know at the we can't expect washington to respond to prop c's passing without pressure. do you feel the movement is beginning at least? >> it is beginning. it has begun. the movie is working at the
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state level at the california assembly. there just hasn't been enough votes to pass the state bill. assemblyman wikowski put it out but there wasn't enough support for it. we'll get it passed in california so california again can make history as the state to back turning over citizens united. >> michael: your new ad josh fox part of the californians against fracking initiatives which puts pressure on jerry brown to ban fracking. what is going on in fracking in the debate here? >> last week there were many organizations that came together to deliver this petition to governor brown. 100,000 signatures to support a ban on fracking.
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we went in to the building to go up to his office. a very small group of us, activists and the press. we got to the office, and it was closed. and so undaunted we went downstairs to attorney general harris' office, and we were told that they don't deal with the public directly. so they could only take complaints but there wasn't anyone there who could address our concerns. which let josh to remark how much money in subsidies are going to the petroleum industry in california, and there is no one in this office to address the concerns of the citizens? i think it's pretty clear that citizens voices in these environmental issues are muted by the influence of corporate money, by these big petroleum companies.
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>> michael: it sounds like your fight is going on. lauren windsor, thank you so much for come together war room and fighting against money in politics. something we would love to see happen. a republican miss america in congress? this time she would only have to win the votes of one district in illinois. plus brett erlich finds a way to combine youtube and the irs. we can only imagine. >> coming up, the irs is making videos with your money! it's actually lot better than what i thought they were doing with it. don't go away. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. >> michael: let's head down to los angeles to see what "the young turks" has planned, cenk if they're protesting one thing in turkey it should be how they pronounce names there. i've struggled with that all night. >> cenk: i apologize for that on behalf of my people. on tonight's current show we have sexual assault in the military how the generals still
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don't get it, the unbelievable comment by saxby chandless. and we have chris christie, my guess is you have thoughts on why he might want to hold a $24 million election a month before his only election. >> michael: i've had thoughts about that all day and maybe it's his hormones. that's what saxby chndless would think. cenk, we'll be watching "the young turks" to see your excellent coverage of turkey as well. back here in the war room the republicans party now includes a former ms. america. she's running for illinois 13th district even though that seat is being held by fellow republican rodney davis. after winning the miss america pageant she campaigned for the bush-cheney re-election but don't expect her to deliver too
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many fresh ideas to the republican platform. >> i'll advocate for fiscal responsibility work to safeguard our responsibilityies and i'll remember the title member of congress is more than a title to earn, it's an opportunity to serve. >> michael: oh hello sorry. she didn't mention her republican rival by name, but republican battles are great whether a former miss america is involved or not. and even a miss america needs pizza and dominoe's pizza will bring scorn. it's a drone for a dominoes marketing campaign. it flew four miles in ten minutes. no word if rand paul is going to filibuster the pizza drone
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unless they add pepperoni. now we move to can exactly. the irs is doing its job. someone has to come to their aid, and that one unfortunately, is brett erlich. just calm down folks brett's talking now. >> michael: so do you remember a few months ago when someone unearthed two irs training videos that were both terrible and ridiculous? well, the hits just keep on coming. the irs still reeling from the scandal that arose from targeting conservative groups now has to deal with the fallout of this video made by the small business self employment department. in the delightful clip they're practicing for some kind of amazing dance number. >> this is arrestedder than doing an op review. >> i need a straight line. >> so good. but i think i speak for a lot of americans when i say leave the
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irs alone. what is all the fuss over? the fact that they spent $60,000 bucks on these things? at least you can see every dollar of that production value at work. i mean, it looks like they're actually in a really run down suburban community theater. but no, it's all cgi. i mean, come on. the video itself is so funny. >> they have me shuffle. didn't the chicago bears do this in 1985. [ laughing ] >> did you see that? so please, leave the irs alone. yes, they take a big portion of your income every year. but at least now you can see how happy it makes them to waste it. >> their dream to become the next great dance sensation. >> michael: i love it. we're never going to leave the
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irs alone. before we go here is your epic trivia for tonight. today chris christie said this is the first time since 1982 that a governor of new jersey had to grapple with a senate vacancy. in 1982 new jersey democratic senator harrison williams was implicated and convicted in a bribery scandal. williams a popular democrat resigned. then republican governor tom cane appointed nicholas brady to the seat as a caretaker until the election. nicholas brady went on to be treasury secretary under ronald reagan. that is your epic trivia. someone is always here in our war room. check us out on slash "the war room"." stay tune for "the young turks" and their coverage of military and sexual assault.
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have a great night folks. [ ♪ music ♪ ] i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk
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about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. ♪ theme ♪ >> making commanders less responsible, less accountable will not work. it will undermine the force. >> not every commander can distinguish between the slap on the ass and a rape. >> commanders should never delegate responsibility, they should never be forced to delegate authority. >> i ever a daughter looking to come into the united states air force. i will not be tolerant of this crime. >> this isn't about sex. this is about assaultive domination


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