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tv   The War Room  Current  June 6, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> michael: the more things change, the more they stay the same. president obama continues president bush's phone surveillance, and millions of americans are asking the feds can you hear me now? i'm michael shure folks you're in "the war room" " [ ♪ music ♪ ] the biggest news out of washington today is this: big brother is watching you. a report in the guardian.about the nsa collecting phone records of millions americans has revised americans about government instruction on private lives. more on that in a minute.
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first to new jersey where chris christie announced he'll name the state's attorney general to the open senate seat. >> it's my honor today to let you all know that i intend to appoint new jersey state attorney general to be new jersey's next united states senator. i've obviously known jeff for 22 years, and he has been an extraordinary public servant in the time i've gotten to know him him. >> michael: kiaza means church in italian. senator church there is a little hope. one of his accomplishments was spearheading an investigation called operation swill. it found restaurant were putting cheap booze in premium brand liquor bottles and selling it to customers who thought they were buying the good stuff.
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he'll fit right in with a senate who fooled voters who think they voted for the good stuff. he'll only serve until the general election and he could add to the republican gridlock interest there with. today republicans senators filibustered two bipartisan bills that would have kept student loan rates from doubling in july. another cheap drink move from our top shelf senate. and to other news, as i mentioned earlier, "the guardian" reports that the nsa is collecting information from verizon phone customers. it's authorized by the patriot act and is continuing under president obama even though candidate obama twice promised
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to bring change to the white house. by the way, it's the anniversary of the publication of george or weorwe ll's "1984". the aclu's response: next queue rand paul, who never misses an opportunity to criticize the president, he issued a statement saying this. if the president and congress would obey the fourth amendment this new shocking revelation that the government is now spying on citizens' phone data would never have happened. lost in all of rand paul's bluster is the fact that this shocking new revelation is really not that shocking nor a revelation at all.
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some members of his own party such as senator saxby chandless. >> this is not particularly knew. this has been going on for seven years on the auspices of the authority, and every member of the united states senate has been advised of this. >> michael: maybe rand paul was too busy filibustering to do thinks job. senator harry reid tried to pump the brakes. :: it should be pointed out that he stole that "calm down" line from our own brett erlich. dianne feinstein arguing that it's crucial in our fight against terrorism. senate feinstein. >> terrorists will come after us if they can.
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and the only thing we have to deter this is good intelligence. >> michael: that's the exact argument the white house is using. in a statement that it depended the nsa program saying quote: quote:you. >> michael: it is true until boston there had not been a successful terrorist attack in the united states since 9/11. joining me now from atlanta is jason johnson the chief correspondent from jason of course welcome back inside "the war room." how upset should we be about this? it's been going on for seven years. there excellent been any lawsuit from anyone claiming to be targeted, and until boston no terrorist attacks. is it really that bad jason?
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>> yes, it's horrible. this is the disgusting orwellian state that the united states signed up for since 9/11. no president is going to put away the toys the previous president bought for him. it's clear that everything that george bush did, barack obama was not going to put those toys away. he just said he was going to play with them nicer. you have a violation of civil liberties, commercial rights and americans should be calling their senators and congressmen saying this needs to be stopped. >> michael: what about it needs to be stopped? i'm a progressive and i've been talking to everybody, my friends and colleagues in the office wondering why i'm not angrier about it. i think i'm angry about the lack of transparency. when they going to the fisa court. we don't know that they're going and we don't know what they're saying. what would be changed? the elimination of this entirely? listen, 12 years of nothing
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we've used this information and it was said that it has helped to stop terrorist incidents. what do you say is the middle ground or is it just we can't take this at all, and i understand that argument as well. >> right look, there is always a middle ground. this idea that well no terrorists attacks have happened so this must be working. this is like saying i have a magic pebble that keeps me from being attacked by sharks on the beach. the reality is we've been doing other things to stop al-qaeda, financially, abroad. just make sure that the courts and the nsa have to have a justifiable reason for targeted phone tapping. right now they can tap huge swaths of people and that's a problem and it's against our civil rights. >> michael: it does not reflect our constitution. it does not reflect what living in america is like.
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that's a great point. i don't know if its like the magic pebble but in fact i see your point. that is convincing. it is one of those situation where is you are just so uncomfortable about it, even if it were working that's not what america is about. president obama is supposed to be the president of hope and change, but in some ways very little has changed. you said that in your opening remark about the old toys just playing with them differently since president obama was there. politico today called this bush's fourth term in a piece by glen thrush. could he lose his progressive base and does that even matter to the president? >> it doesn't matter any more, and it never has. barack obama is about as concerned about his base as president bush was concerned about his christian base. barack obama panders to progressives when it's necessary and then runs to the other end. on these core issues the president has failed tremendously.
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it does mean that he's not a good president. but as far as returning the basic civil liberties the legacy of scaling back the violations we've experienced over eight years with george bush he has failed misser ply. he'll never run for office again, and he never has to be concerned. >> michael: that's why i asked. it doesn't matter to him his legacy is whatever he makes it afterwards. it doesn't have anything to do with what he's necessarily doing with his base now. this is not new, but this article in the guardian.comes out after president obama is fighting scandals. would this have been a big deal. >> if you want to thread the needle and link these things together it is the continuation of a mission creep and expansion of executive power that we saw since george bush.
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whatever happened in the irs the president had nothing to do with it. but the idea of the executives and the war on justice and any violation of people's privacy whether it's library books phone calls, it's continuing over the last ten years and even though president obama said he was going to change, he has done nothing to change that. >> michael: and the democrats are pissed off about this as well. it's not just that it's been trumped up by the opposition. you would expect them to trump things up. senators dick durbin has been calling for transparency on the fisa court, is that the place to start? >> no, that's like saying i want you to warn me before you punch me in the face. no, i want you to stop punching me in the face. the problem is the wiretapping. there needs to be a focus as the fbi, as the nsa counterterrorism, they need to
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go to the courts and say i need to find information about this particular person under this particular circumstance. not going and looking at every person in the state of indiana or state of california in the hopes of one day possibly finding information out. this is a time of radical change and destruction of this program before we forget what it's like to be free citizens in this country. >> michael: you did it. you finally got me pissed off. i've been trying all morning and you finally got me pissed off. i was pissed off at chris christie yesterday. i want to ask you about this, his choice of replacement jeff gates is not going to run in the general election. does that further boost cory booker's chance notice fall? >> well, yeah, he'll keep the seat warm for cory booker and hechris christie just shot himself
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in the foot. >> michael: thank you, jason johnson. coming up on "the war room," our next guest will explain why he's mobilizing african-americans against this bill, and those who love to bash on boom care have no problem taking their piece of the obamacare pie. lee fong with the latest outrageous stories. and we'll learn from an original freedom fighter. young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how
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washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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[lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> michael: immigration reform is facing some major stumbling blocks as negotiations continue. today the republican-led house voted to cut off the block the deportation of young adult who
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is came to the country illegally as children. the move was a blow to those who want to normalize the status of dreamers. luckily it's unlikely to become law since the senate will probably reject the amendment. that's not all. republican senators like john cornyn of texas and marco rubio of florida are demanding to tighten border security in order to sign off on the bill. and nbc news and wall street journal poll says that 52% of americans support a pathway to is citizenship. but according to a bloomberg news poll nearly half of americans say revising the current immigration law would be, quote, mostly good for the economy while the other half disagrees. amongst those against passing legislation is the black american leadership alliance. on monday they issued an open letter to the gang of eight the congressional black caucus, and senators from states with the highest rates of black
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unemployment. they say the bill negatively impacts access to jobs for black americans and other low-skilled workers. we're joined by dr. frank morris morris. dr. morris runs the black american leadership alliance. thank you for joining us in "the war room." the open letter that you wrote the rate of african-american unemployment is way too high 13%. quote number: >> michael: but the majority of americans include a pathway to citizenship. what are they not getting that you are? >> well, one of the things is that--they are not focusing on the fact that the immigration bill is really a bill focused
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at--for the intent of immigrants. what we're protesting, what i'm trying to lead the protest against is the fact that while we have about 13 million or 14 million americans unemployed and we have 7 million citizens--not citizens but illegal workers who hold jobs that they shouldn't have, this is the priority is not on jobs. congress is working for this bill to reinforce immigrants. and immigrants--the other thing that americans don't get is that i amimmigrants workers are a privileged worker. we have 600,000 african-americans who come out of jails and prisons each year who are in direct competition with these workers. it's not only those workers it's many workers who are less skilled and less educated. you know, i have followed this
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through the years. and all the them they say it's due to two things. first due to the fact that black americans were less educated than other americans. second was due to the fact that we supposedly didn't speak the english language right. here you have non-citizen workers, many of whom if we talk the 50% from latin and central america we're talking about those who don't even speak any english in many cases who are getting jobs, and got jobs even at a time when millions of americans from '08 to 2010 where 6 million americans lost jobs, you have 2 million immigrants workers gaining jobs. you have an immigrant-worker preference that extends beyond citizenship. the other thing is african-americans, the idea that laws which supposedly protect american workers are not
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enforced where for non-citizens, one of the reasons we have 600,000 coming out from jails and prisons is the preferential differences in laws. >> michael: there is something unamerican. we were talking about it in the last block with these wiretaps and the following of the nsa getting all these phone records there is something unamerican closing off doors just as there is something unamerican as supporting jobs here. let's take a look at the immigration rally in washington. >> let's ensure that those 11 million people who have come here worked hard here, paid taxes here, and for a better future for their families here, yet whose loved ones are
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somewhere else wanting to come here let us stand up and say make them citizens and let their family join them as citizens because in this country there will be no second-class families. >> michael: and so the leadership of the naacp at odds with what you're saying here today, compelling as what you're saying, doesn't what your group propose go against that, and do you propose the 11 undocumented immigrants do? >> let me first, of course the focus is on the immigrants. not the facts of american workers. but he's out of step with great american black leaders of the past. this is not the first time when the rights and concerns of immigrants have overwhelmed the needs of african-americans. american history is full of that. what is tragic is that we never talk about that racism, which is traditional and present in
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america. the immigration law is really focused on the rights and concerns of immigrants over those who are more vulnerable african-american workers. >> michael: that's an important point you're making. the rate of unemployment among african-americans is abhorring and it's 42.6% of african-americans are under 25. >> it's going to get worse. look at the trends of outsourcing. it's not only the call centers it's going up the scale. look at public sector employment. african-americans are disproportionally in the public sector. look at the trends and slower and even comeback of the manufacturing sector and the weakness of labor unions. look at the trends that american businesses now get much more of their income from overseas than they do in america. these are trends that show that we're not going to get a great expansion of less-skilled jobs.
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it's not just less-skilled jobs. we go up the ladder of immigration with the h 1 b visas it goes up claiming these are skilled people when they're not. cheap labor is at the root of all of this. and those who are the weakest are not the one who is the leaders are going to be worried about. if you talk about grassroots back community, they are concerned about this. they don't see--when they go to construction sites they don't see african-americans. they see high unemployment, and they don't know that we're competing in areas where immigrants go, that is construction, services and manufacturing. >> we're looking at what is wrong with america. but what is right with this country is that we can have this discussion. dr. frank morris, thank you for
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giving this compelling take on this story. i think it will make people think a lot. coming up we'll follow the money as it goes around the back door. those who are backing boom care hypocritical applications? naah we'll be right back. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> michael: welcome back inside "the war room." i'm michael shure. here is a trivia question. how many times does the house of
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representatives voted to repeal obamacare since 2010? your answer? 37 every time how many republicans voted yes on the repeal? every single one be of them here are two of thoseed a row cates. michael grim and bill cassidy of of. >> we must repeal this burden some law which is hurting our economy. >> mandating 16 million more americans get put on medicaid is not healthcare, it's a way around state budget. it is the illusion of coverage for patients. let's repeal this law. >> michael: way to stick to your conconvictions, it's a photo presenting a check to a staten island check that comes from
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obamacare funds. and representative cassidy right there in the middle cutting a ribbon to a high school clinic funded by boom obamacare money. hypocrites much? they are requesting obamacare money even if they stomp on its merits and advocate it's repeal. lee fang, always great to have you here. >> good to be here. >> this is fantastic. you found a letter from john cornyn, a senator from texas. the letter asking for a cdc grant and it will improve the health and quality of life for area residents. when you read this, it's just amazing. but tell us there are more
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letters. it's not just cornyn. >> he's the second most powerful republican in the senate, but these letters requesting obamacare or affordable care act money really go across the board in the republican caucus. he have freshmen, tea partyers committee chairs, the republicans are saying we got to repeal the entire bill, it's a monstrosity, but when the camera is away they're sending letters saying it's going to save life lives and improve health. >> michael: why the sudden love affair or is it not so sudden. >> republican staff members who--they're cordoned off from the politics on the hill, and they work with constituents every day, and they see this money as a great opportunity for people in their districts. they're going out with lawmakers writeing letters requesting
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funds. this is going to trained doctors to hope health clinics. it just do the not comport with the politics on the hill. >> michael: we're talking about congressmen, senators but also governors. january brewer loves making obama the object of her disdain has actually said, i mean, to politico that people are against it because it's obama's initiative. isis that all this is become? opposing anything to do with obama? >> one part of the affordable care act is the expansion of federally funded health clinics. these are chinnic that is you can go to for all types of care. you don't need insurance and you don't pay a dime. this is important in rural areas where there are no hospitals or doctors. when obama gets into office and pushes for a bill that expands this program suddenly they're against it.
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>> michael: suddenly they're totally against it. and governors, it reminds me of the stimulus package in 2009. no no, no, but of course they're the first one asking for it. senator ted cruz saying he's totally against it, but his state is so hit by disasters that they need this money. is there a way that democrats can exploit this--this is obviously the flip flop of the century. do you think the democrats will do this flip flop? >> let me just say this, republicans in their repeal bill pulled back the entire bill but in these letters they concede that the money actually saves lives. i think that says a lot about the politician at play here. >> michael: that's one thing to focus on, especially in the wake of these disasters in these states like texas and oklahoma, who need it, and take so much of the fema funds to begin with. let's talk about obamacare. there are a lot of people saying
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it's fantastic. only 49% of americans support obamacare. are the republicans winning the message here? >> of course they're winning the message. they're sending 45-1 in terms of television advertising and other marketing campaign against the proponents. but as nancy pelosi said the angels are in the detail. as people find out more about the law like the community health centers, the medicaid expansion and the exchanges that go online later this year, i think the popularity might change. >> i agree. it's not just nancy pelosi pointing this out. what can the americans do to change minds about this and get people to know about this. >> that's a difficult question. just in terms of explaining the benefit and having people actually receive them, the tangible benefits rather than talking about what is going to happen in the future. once things come online, i think there might be a reversal.
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>> michael: and have you seen any republican, one republican at mid that this is happening in all of your research? >> that's a very important distinction. in all of these ribbon cuts, not a single acknowledgment that this is obamacare money. >> michael: lee fang, always the smartest guy at the table. very fascinating stuff. read about it in "the nation." we have a very special mother and son duo in the war room next, and you won't want to miss it. stick around. commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> i think it's brilliant. (vo) first, news and analysis with a washington perspective from an emmy winning insider. >> i know this stuff, and i love it. (vo) followed by humor and politics with a west coast edge. bill press and stephanie miller. >> what a way to start the day. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> michael: in 1961, hundreds of plaque and white activists traveled on buses throughout the south to combat segregation and racism. the buss were met with firebombs and resistence. the activists were beaten and many were arrested. among those who were arrested was joan mulholland. as a southern woman her
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involvement in the movement confused many of her peers. while in jail the warden sent a letter to her mother asking why she would get involved: involved, saying quote:three months of jail did not defeat her. mulholland continued to fight. in the next year in 1962 she enrolled in a black college in mississippi where she began meeting with civil rights leaders like martin luther king jr. then in 1963 she was involved in the sit-in at the wool worth lunch county in jackson mississippi. when it grew violent someone pulled her out. as soon as she was outside she ran back in refusing to watch her friends be brutally beaten. she held to organize the freedom
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summer, a rally to register black voters: her son new about her accomplishments but only supersuper fishily loki made a movie about his mother. thank you both for joining us tonight to share this incredible story loki, what made you decide to make this movie and what did you learn about your mom. >> starting with the release of the film" freedom writer," with the mug shots they actually ended up doing a blog post that that tended to galvanize people
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so much told me that people are fascinated about this southern white woman involved in the movement. >> michael: i want to look at a clip, joan, i want to ask you about it. let's watch together and we'll talk about it. >> we had no doubt we were going to die. mississippi was known as the deepest of the deep south, the heart of darkness. somebody was going to die that summer. >> michael: joan, what was it like? you knew people were going to die. what was it like to be a white southern woman involved in this movement? >> well, once you made the commitment to the movement there was no place to turn back to, so you just had to keep on keeping on, as the saying goes. people have been dying in lynches and what have you in the deep south for decades. so this was not breaking news. >> michael: right, and how did your family react when you said hey, listen, i'm getting on a
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bus. i'm going through the south. we know what's going to happen. we know what has already happened there and i'm going to try to register voters in mississippi. how did your family react? >> it's always better to ask forgiveness than permission. >> michael: that's a great line. >> my father was from the north and he was basically afraid i was going to get killed though he supported the goals. my mother was from the deep south and a product of her environment, and she was close to disowning me. how embarrassing for her. >> michael: you know, i love the line you just said, and afterwards i'm sure--i hope they saw the merits of what you had done. the 50th anniversary of medgar everies death will be celebrated. you knew medgar evers.
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what was he like? >> he was an olding adult, mid 30's, and i was a college student. it wasn't like college but when there was time from the office down the street, some of us would go up to his office and volunteer to do whatever they needed in the office. that was pretty much it, just volunteer help. >> michael: and loki, i want to ask you, do you--you're both descended from sort of the royalty of the civil rights movement. you and the evers family? >> i know medgar's daughter, yes. >> michael: when you embarked on this project is this someone who helped you. >> i actually met her after when we went down for a film festival did he in jackson. that's when we first connected.
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it seemed like we had known each other forever children of the movement. >> michael: i can imagine. joan, you were sent this piece of propaganda in college warning against the evils of racial integration but just this month cheerios featured an ad of a racial, are you surprised joan, that we're still fighting the same battles in 2013 that you gave your life to, or offered your life to in 1961 and 1964? >> i'm disappointed but i'm not really surprised. look at the racial and religious prejudice that came with 9/11, and i think that segment of the population is organized just like the liberal section is
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organized, but it's disappointing. >> michael: and it's always been about anonymity. i think of people putting heads under hoods in the south and people in anonymous comment sections on youtube, and there is a correlation, i believe, between the two. loki your mom fought for equality and you're making this film or you made this film, and i'm sure you're trying to tell that story to a younger generation. what do younger generations need to do to continue your mother's legacy? >> they need to understand that ordinary people can make a difference. it's not just the dr. kings of the world but people like my mother made a conviction and stuck with it. it's not easy but doing right. >> michael: joan what do you want today's youth to know about the civil rights movement. one thing i'm curious about and there were tangible things that people wanted then. they wanted the right to vote,
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and they wanted to desegregate and have those laws changed and intergrate schools. those same types of issues don't exist. they do with gay marriage, and what do you want youth to know about the civil rights movement that you lived through that they can apply to today? >> well, like loki said, it's just lots of every-day people working together. you need to find an unity you need to cooperate with each other, draw on each other's strengths. and just hang in there. they need to find their own issues, what's really important as they see today and looking for tomorrow to make a better world for their children. >> michael: and who are some-- >> and use technology. >> michael: the people that you worked with--and use the technology. the technology didn't exist for you back then, which is a very important part of this. there is technology that can make change right now. i'm glad you brought that up.
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who are some of the people, you know your name is not a name that a lot of people know, but you were one of the soldiers in this movement. who were some of the other people that you would recommend today's youth, both of you can answer this question, read about or know a little bit about and what they brought to the movement. i'll ask you first, joan. >> well, of white southerners there is joan browning and bob zelner i particularly recommend. julian bond, bob moses, they are names that are out there and joys and dory ladner. >> michael: and loki, in making the film what people struck you that their stories need to be told. >> hank brown. >> michael: these are names that are well-known, and loki mulholland you're teaching a whole generation of people of what it was like, not just
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martin luther king jr. but this is more than martin luther king jr. we appreciate that. joan mulholland, thank you for fighting so hard to make a difference, and loki, thank you for telling the story. >> michael: coming up in the war room all of us celebrate the proud statesmen and then we look at the bumbling careers of not so proud ones. "the war room" returns in a moment. minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and
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they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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(vo) later tonight current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> michael: welcome back. here is your dose of war room epic politics man trivia of the day. i'm never comfortable saying that. we congratulate it the oh this senator's 20,000th day in congress. he was sworn in 57 years ago in 1955. he has been in office so long that he voted to allow hawai'i to be become a state. five years and seven months into his tenure barack obama was born in hawai'i. sorry, mr. trump. some members of congress weren't serving when the berlin wall came down. dingell was in office before the wall went up. he'll always been a champion of workers and ahead of his time. he introduced a bill for national health insurance. we're still waiting but it would
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be hard to champion dingell's care with a straight face: now to our very own brett erlich. he joins us from los angeles thank you so much for being with us brett. thanks for making time in your day. we have romney's romneys everywhere, and none have a drop to drink. brett, what is going on with the romneys in the news? >> the romneys won't go away. we thought they would and they won't. mitt romney went and had an interview with cnn where he said that he definitely regrets those statements that he made about the 47%. his quote was i'm very upset and there were a number of times that i said things that didn't come out right. with that 47% remark, now there are the 99% have all been asking, wait who is mitt romney again? >> michael: yes, we sort of forgot. >> yes, sort of forgotten. now it's not just mitt in the news.
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ann is in the news. speaking of things that are difficult to push out when they get pushed out in the world? ann has a horse. she tweeted when the horse was barely an hour old. this is the horse. it is delightful and part of the rerafalca family but we need a name. >> michael: how about dukakis. >> that's delightful. it's very small let's put it in a tank and see how it matches up. they're always like sentences. i was thinking too little too late. >> michael: horse mitt. >> that's better than all mitt has left. that's another one. that's one story. there is another story. >> michael: tell me another story. >> this armed services committee hearing these panels that they have is a gift that keeps on
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giving. jeff sessions, senator jeff sessions chimed in during one of the panels, and here's what he had to say about one of the possible causes for violence sexual assault in the military. >> a picture here of an air force base exchange with sexual explicit magazines being sold, so we live in a culture that is awash in sexual activity. if it's not sold on base it's right off base. they have videos and so forth that can be obtained, and it creates some problems, i think. >> michael: jeff sessions, what he's saying makes me think brett, that you would be a killer if that was true. >> yes absolutely. i just picture these soldiers are so susceptible to lascivious
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images that maybe they can be in a battlefield and catch in a window a photo of a bikini and just lose their training. they're so susceptible. >> michael: i love how jeff sessions said, apparently there are videos as well, really, senator? really? >> this is just the technology of the military. they have to go to newsstands to find out that so much of it is online. jeff sessions, ugh, that's our jeff sessions update. >> michael: something on a former colleague of jeff sessions don't you. >> yes, john edwards. this is someone who everyone is pulling for. everyone thinks of john edwards is a hero. you just hope this guy gets a second chance. john edwards has announced he's opening up a new law firm in his open state of north carolina in raleigh. i don't know what to make of
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this. i guess after being disgraced the only profession that will have you is going back to his original profession of ambulance chaser. >> michael: he could make a full-time job of defending himself which is a firm around it. >> that's the thing. i did get myself off. did he? did he defend himself? whoever defended him in his trial, that's the person that i want to hire. >> michael: who ever was able to get him free and on the streets. brett erlich, as always, fantastic stuff to share with us about republicans and democrats alike. someone is always in our war room even if it's not--even if it's only brett but check us out online at room. "the young turks" are next. have a great night, a wonderful weekend and we'll see you back here monday night.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets
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that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ theme ♪ cenk: welcome to "the young turks." it's a huge news day. it's damaging politically. he's going to have reaction from republicans and democrats but the reality is like saying in "game of thrones" winter is coming. here is the guy who promised us that we were going to get change. he's delivered nothing but pocket change and in the case of civil


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