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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  June 7, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT

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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: hello, current tv land. sexy liberal john fugelsang in hour number 2. representative adam schiff right there. good morning, jacki schechner. >> good morning. happy friday. >> stephanie: happy friday to you too. >> i saw your appearance on aaron burnett yesterday. >> stephanie: really? >> yes, you looked gorgeous. >> stephanie: oh thank you. since we're problem solvers, we
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were talking about how expensive colonoscopyies are? >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: now maybe the government can spend a drone up our asses for free? >> sounds uncomfortable. >> stephanie: all right. here she is in the current news center. >> good morning, everybody. president obama has been here in california since yesterday. and he is going to use the state as an example of how the affordable care act is going to work. he'll talk about the pr partnership that times get latinos enrolled in health insurance plans. california is already reporting lower premium rates than was
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expected. later today the president heads to palm brings to meet with chinese president, xi jinping are where the two are expected to talk trade, north korea and espionage. on the heels of yesterday's news that the national security agency has been collecting phone data from millions of verizon phone customers. it is now reported that they are tapping into servers of nine major internet companies. the program's code name prism is taking content from companies like aol, microsoft, and yahoo. it is focused on foreign communications traffic that routes through the united states. for their part the companies
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that are allegedly participating in prism have denied knowledge of it and participation in it. we're back with more show for you after the break. stay with us. ♪ are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but
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somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv.
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cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv! [♪ theme music ♪] >> it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. the website, you can email all there. sexy liberal john fugelsang. representative adam schiff will be right there in that seat in hour three. how did you like my magical solution that i talked to jacki schechner about at the top of the hour. because we talked about the cost of colonoscopies, and i said
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with all of this spying why don't we have the government just send a little tiny drone up our ass and get a free colonoscopy. >> but the government wouldn't spring for lube. >> stephanie: not every solution is perfect. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> u.s. jobs numbers, the u.s. added 175,000 jobs last month. slightly above expectations. let's switch over to fox to find out why this is bad. >> the unemployment rate. >> stephanie: oh, yeah. that's ticked up. you posted on the facebook page june gloom --
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>> yeah june gloom hung around until like 1:00 and i posted a picture saying thanks obama. >> stephanie: right. i came in and travis said you could avoid traffic if you looked the facebook page. and i said oh i don't go on facebook. and now this just in using facebook can lead to cheating break up, and divorce. i can screw up my personal life all by myself with the help of no social media whatsoever. >> also remember to logout because they follow you around. >> stephanie: yes. facebook can actually be damaging to user's romantic
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relationships individuals who use facebook excessively are far more likely to experience facebook related conflict which can cause negative relationship outcomes. previous research -- can you imagine if i had the help of social media to further screw up my social life? previous research has shown that the more a person in a relationship uses facebook the more likely they are to monitor their partner's facebook more stringently, which can lead to jealously. and excessive facebook users are more likely to connect or reconnect with other facebook users including previous partners, which can lead to emotional cheating. >> what is emotional cheating. >> stephanie: you know.
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you know. don't act like you don't know. [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> stephanie: see we just had a facebook related moment there. it's where you are not actually [ censor bleep ] but you are still having an affair. that was kind of funny i got a blank stair when i mentioned emotion. >> i'm not aware of this phenomenon. >> stephanie: that's funny so guys don't have emotional affairs, because you don't have emotions. >> i know some people that don't have emotions. >> stephanie: i think that is another facebook thing. >> i get it now. >> i girl i knew in high school just a friend we didn't hook up for anything -- >> stephanie: is that what you told your lovely wife. >> she told me she had a dirty
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dream about me on facebook. >> stephanie: do not encourage jim. he doesn't need encouragement of any kind. the only good thing for the internet is funny dog and kitty things. like cody. >> cody is not funny. >> stephanie: i am relentless about cody the dog that screams like sam kinison. kenny pick has created a cody the dog parody. ♪ you are messing a -- [ screaming ] ♪ now you are messing with a -- [ screaming ] ♪ now you are messing with a son of a bitch ♪ [ applause ] >> stephanie: thank you kenny. lots to talk about.
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the obama administration -- [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: a pierce debate over privacy. this is an interesting subject. >> it's a sticky wicket. >> stephanie: right. i'm like wait, lindsey graham is for it. then i can't be for it. >> i'm not happy it with. >> stephanie: and congress knew. when the people on the right go this is an abuse of the patriot act, no it isn't -- >> and president obama never said he wasn't going to do this while he was campaigning for president. he always said he would go through a fisa court which is what he has done. it is as you say a sticky
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wicket. senator harry reid yesterday. >> right now i think everyone should just calm down and understand this isn't anything that is brand new. >> stephanie: calm down. we have been spying on you for a long time. i'm sorry you had to see me get upset like this. >> i'm trying to reign my emotions in. i'm sorry you had to see me like this. >> stephanie: you need to calm down. bernie sanders said the united states should not be looking at phone records that's not what democracy and freedom is about. i thought i heard janet napolitano saying -- there has to be some reasonable something that you would be checked -- i don't know. >> it sounded like they were gathering all of the records to look for patterns.
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>> stephanie: right. >> and that's not a specific thing that they are going after. >> stephanie: right. it wouldn't be hard to pick up my pattern. >> jacki schechner. >> stephanie: no liquor barn. well equally divided between jacki schechner and liquor barn. the white house said strict controls were in place to ensure they did not violate civil liberties. the intelligence community is conducting court authorized intelligence activities with the knowledge and oversight of congress. >> did you see what the "washington post" is reporting. the fbi have been tapping into internet companies to collect information. >> stephanie: so they are going how many times can she watch
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cody? >> it's orwellian. >> yeah, it's not good. >> stephanie: the chairman of the house intelligence committee told reporters this has been used to stop a significant terrorist attack in the united states. by dianne feinstein said it is called protecting america. and this is going to be the debate. i mean -- >> how do you prove >> stephanie: leading of members of congress said the program has been going on for seven years. well-known southern bell lindsey graham said if we didn't do it we would be crazy. the aclu said it's a program in which some untold number of people have been put under constant surveillance. you have people that you might not even suspect are either for
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or against it. >> dianne feinstein is the head of the senate intelligence committee. >> well, because they are gathering intelligence. >> but they know what is going on. the rest of the senate doesn't. >> stephanie: but then you people like the republican of wisconsin saying this. >> this is a big deal. a really big deal. i would see nothing wrong with targeting the phone records of somebody who is suspected of terrorism, but everybody who either sent or received a call from a verizon phone and maybe the other phone -- cell phone providers, that was never the intent of the business record section. >> and he wrote the patriot act. >> stephanie: that's what i mean. he said i do not believe the order is consistent with the requirements of the patriot act. and a lot of people said what jim said yesterday, this is the patriot act. this is essentially what we agreed to -- again, not we not
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russ michaels -- >> it was essentially what was shoved through congress. >> stephanie: right. right. and maybe it's time to re-have that debate. >> and they sent anthrax to the two people that were supposed to review the patriot act. >> stephanie: yeah. all right. seventeen minutes after the hour. it's the "stephanie miller show." >> coming up after this commercial i'll be talking even louder! >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. ♪ ♪ break down, come on ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ come on now ♪ ♪ we only got four minutes to save the world ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ will be waiting, we only got
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four minutes ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." hey! this hour brought to you by check it out. no matter what size your business is. people won't take you seriously unless you have a professional-looking website >> right. >> stephanie: and it is free. >> what? >> stephanie: bringing their business online completely free requires no design or coding skills. it has all of the tools you need to create a stunning website. there are hundreds of designs to choose from. it's completely customizable, you can express who you are and what your business is all about. manage all of those familiar web services in one place. it's seo friendly.
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you have got to have a great-looking website to be in business these days. you have got to have an online presence, check it out. that's w-i-xdot-com. check it out. andrew in san diego has actually sent me a wax vak. >> ow! >> stephanie: right. wow that is impressive. thank you for that. >> ow! [ laughter ] >> stephanie: that's what happens when you use a qtip. >> ow! >> stephanie: but not with wax vac. travis calls dibs on the green tips. >> there are different-colored tips. >> stephanie: yes. that's what makes it so wonderful. >> i think you need to do a demonstration in the next
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segment. >> it will be hard to do it through my head phones. >> i predict you will say ow! >> stephanie: let's go to tony in the bronx. >> caller: hello i want to submit -- i am left-wing idealogical person right. support bernard sanders, and i see a lot of these people call you and attack this idea of obama making practical decisions, public policy. you understand this? i support this -- your position on obama has to make this compromise for public policy even though my personal idealogical stance is morality is to the left of obama i think it's more important that he
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makes a functional -- >> stephanie: are you talking about in general or on this specific? >> the issue of getting phone records from verizon. >> this is also about making a practical public decision about national security but i feel also more in general in the future when these attacks come from the left or the right. >> stephanie: yeah, i hear you. this is tough stuff as you would say. and that's what happens when -- we're so used to our partisan trenches and then you have dianne feinstein and saxby chambliss being for it. >> well, but chambliss and feinstein with both on the senate intelligence committee. they know the horrors that are out there in the world, so that
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is probably why they are for this. >> stephanie: moving to tamp down public outroar, the nation's top intelligence official is declassifying key details about the program while insisting the efforts to collect phone records were legal, limited in scope as necessary, to detect terrorist threats. on annen usual statement last night, denounced leaks of highly classified documents, and called the disclosure of a program that targets foreigner's internet use reprehensible, and another program with would change america's enemy's behavior and make it harder to understand their intentions. now this encompasses leaks as well. which there is already debate about to what degree we prosecute leaks.
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saxby chambliss of georgia. >> this has been going on for seven years. >> stephanie: that's why you are not hearing people in congress necessarily scream. they knew about this. senator dyne -- dianne feinstein. >> this is renewed every three months. they must go into court, and this is that renewal. >> stephanie: and that's the -- you know -- people -- some people are saying overreach. i heard one expert say that this is absolutely overreaching. people like feinstein are saying no, senator durbin of illinois. >> we want to keep america safe but we don't want to compromise our freedoms as individuals. >> i totally agree with that. >> stephanie: right. but that's the fine line. the vaporless lindsey graham on this subject. >> i hope the american people
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appreciate we are at war, because i sure as well do. >> stephanie: that's the problem. it's always wording. >> we were at war in world war ii. >> i don't know that we're at war right now. we're just defending ourselves. >> stephanie: can you be at war against a tactic? chris hi. >> caller: i agree with that last caller. i just don't understand what people are so paranoid about. every month they collect your phone records. it's called your phone bill. it's out there. what are you doing that you think the government has time to give up -- somebody is going to bomb us, but let's look at this guy's erectile dysfunction problem. i mean what do you think they have time to scrutinize. do you think they are actually going to waist time with your drinking photos? if everybody raises themselves to this extreme importance and
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it's just -- i just don't get it. we have known they have been doing this since the patriot act in 2002 and 2003. and this comes as a surprise. >> stephanie: but i think it renews the debate of what is right in a free country. it's a fine line. >> caller: then the next time a some guys get together and blow up a bunch of people at a parade or ball game then you'll say why didn't they catch them? >> stephanie: good points. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me.
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>> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know
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i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv! ♪
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>> there will only be open minds and new horizons. get ready for -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. thirty-four minutes after the hour. this just in. >> anonymous seems to have leaked a treasure trove of classified documents. including attempts to control the internet. says it was released with typical anonymous bluster. >> stephanie: jim just said well that's a good leak. this is what is hard jim, is you get into these areas like good leaks or bad leaks.
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james clapper, director of national -- [ applause ] >> stephanie: you cannot clapper him on or off. >> shoot. >> stephanie: the unauthorized disclosure of a top secret u.s. court document threats long lasting harm to our ability to respond to the threats to our nation. which was echoed by senators on both sides of the aisle. we sure didn't like it when they leaked valley plains name. and then bradley manning -- and then you are like are those good leaks. >> that was a lot of stuff that put a lot of people in danger. >> such as? >> well -- >> yeah, you don't know. >> stephanie: but you can't just go that's okay. >> there's no such thing as a surgical leak. >> stephanie: yeah, there are laws. you can't just say bradley
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manning should be able to go now. >> he broke the law. >> stephanie: yeah, there's a lot of sticky issues in it. >> so -- >> stephanie: yeah. go ahead. >> so you would send cy hersh to prison for reporting on mili. or daniel elseberg for reporting on papers. >> did they actually steal them? or were they given to daniel elseberg? >> i think he took them out himself. >> ummm . . . >> stephanie: yeah that's important. >> that's the distinction. bradley manning actually stole the documents. >> he didn't steal the footage of the reporters being stripped. >> stephanie: kb in newark, go ahead. >> caller: hey, you guys i just want you to know i'm raging liberal, but the stuff going on right now, i cannot agree with.
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the clapper guy saying leaks are dangerous. he is the same guy that [ inaudible ] and we didn't do it on purpose, but it's written into the law. they are doing it on purpose. and the biggest thing about that is i -- that dianne feinstein lady saying that this is lawful. well, guess what? in a whole lot of governments that used to be open and then all of a sudden seemingly to its citizens all of the laws that turned out to be tyrannical were passed legally. >> stephanie: yeah. >> and how are you saving anybody when you are collecting everybody's information at once. they have one big computer just storing this information. and if something happens then they'll find out what happens. >> stephanie: janet napolitano said yesterday there has to be
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some reasonable suspicious. part of this is what we have agreed to you know, and she questions that, what we have agreed to, that i think after 9/11 it became do whatever you need to do keep us safe. she said the guardian dropped quite a scoop. she said this is not the first time we heard this. similar stories broke under the bush administration. but now we know this is a bipartisan vice. they are secretly collect massive pools of data. everybody with communication is a target. your government views you as a far get for surveillance because you talk to other people on the phone. [ overlapping speakers ] >> it's a to make us submit and give up our rights. >> stephanie: she says don't tell us another 9/11. another 9/11 couldn't happen
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because it would be different. of course we should be vigilant against terrorism and careful about letting potential terrorists into the country, boston is a tragedy, but doesn't warrant treating everybody with a cell phone as a potential criminal. of course you may say you don't care if the government has your cell phone records because you're not talking to terrorists. which is what i just said -- >> i'm not happy with that at all. >> no. >> stephanie: if it prevents one death. as fine as that sounds that can't be reasonable guide for public policy. outlawing cars would prevent more than one death. and then she puts it in historical perspective. 15 years ago we would have laughed at this.
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how have we gotten so comfortable with this kind of -- >> fear. >> stephanie: right. in little more than a decade. my greatest fear is that we will find out they are spying on us and the american public will yawn. so i think interesting perspectives on every side about this. you know? and the last caller said -- we have had two callers already that said i'm a huge liberal, and i'm okay with this. >> how do you feel about it? >> stephanie: first of all, a, i am a libra. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> so that gets you off of the hook of having an opinion? >> stephanie: no literally, that's the problem when you have people that you respect on both sides of this saying the same thing, and you made the point too, you said they see all of the intelligence that we don't. >> they do know what is out there. they know -- >> stephanie: yep. >> more than we do. >> stephanie: right. >> i'm surprised they can fall asleep at night knowing what
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they know. >> stephanie: i think most people are in the middle on this. yes, i want my freedom and to be an american, i also want to be free not to be killed by terrorists. >> but the likelihood of that happening is minuscule. >> unless someone gets a nuke and nukes burbank. >> stephanie: what is the saying you are more likely to be killed by a terrorist than get married over 50. >> the [ inaudible ] is on the verge of making the pacific north uninhabitable >> stephanie: roman is here. he is a lawyer. >> caller: i'm a privacy lawyer actually. but this isn't a very complicated issue. we have a fourth amendment. this is casting a net wider than
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it needs to be and it's a complete fishing expedition. we do not have this kind of reaction to dui deaths or other things that kill way more people. the eu privacy directive which is the equivalent of our first amendment. they said your data belongs to you, not the state. and that's because the state was creating lists of people and those -- the argument if you didn't do anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. but what if you were jewish or romanian or gay, you got on that
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list. you didn't do anything wrong, but you still lost your life. the european union is battling terrorism just like we are, but the data belongs to the individual. and that's why the commission is always up in googles face and protesting these things. >> stephanie: yeah, a lot of other countries seem to keep their fliers safe doing all the stuff we do. >> this is about keeping people scared and controlled. >> stephanie: but i'm glad you can't keep a knife on are plane because that did happen before. okay. now it's okay to bring knives and novelty bats and things on a plane. >> we envieded iraq when all we really needed was box cutter shields. >> stephanie: that's exactly right. and i need a novelty bat to ward off the bicurious middle-aged
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women that come on to me. not to use, but just as a cautionary. >> just-to-hold to hold it. >> i can think of some other uses it could have -- >> stephanie: excuse me? what? >> jim, oh my god! >> stephanie: we have to be very careful how we talk about this. but you and i have both had your privacy invaded. >> yes, we have. >> stephanie: by certain people in our lives in outrageous ways. and you go why is that outrageous, but not when the government does it. you are like -- and you are outraged, but you go -- like jim said in this piece that megan wrote in "the daily beast" -- >> stephanie: but the people who envieded our privacy didn't have access to all kinds of
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intelligence gathering. >> stephanie: just wish we had drones back then. >> i felt like dropping a drone. >> stephanie: all right. too much. too much information. >> announcer: there's a tea party in her pants, and you are invited. call now. 1-800-steph-1-2. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. he was a comedy genious. addicted to the spotlight and living too close to the edge. of all the hours in all his
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days, these are the ones you'll never forget. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> and current will let me say anything. >> only on current tv.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets
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that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ all fired up ♪ ♪ all fired up ♪ ♪ all fired up ♪ ♪ all fired up fired up fired up ♪ >> stephanie: making it okay to
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trust again, identity >> really. >> stephanie: it's particularly relevant right now. interesting question we were saying during the break. not to allude too much to our private lives, but everybody has experienced that to some degree and how outraged you feel when somebody invades your privacy personally. as a country we kind of go ah -- it's when the government does it -- she says her biggest fear is just a yawn. and it's to what degree -- like you said. if you trust people on both sides on the isle those of us go i trust it if dianne feinstein says it, and people on the other side say -- >> i trust it if saxby chambliss says it.
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>> stephanie: yeah. >> laura ingraham said last night on the o'reilly factor maybe we should have focused more on the patriot act, and not laughed off the civil libertarians who were warning us. >> stephanie: now a warning! is it another version of now the black guy is doing it. the civil libertarians have always said [ inaudible ] on both houses. yeah, you are going, oh now you have a problem, right? and -- absolutely during the bush administration, nobody -- there wasn't a peep from the right side. let's go to diane in missouri. you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, diane. hi, diane. or not? or maybe kathy in california. hi kathy. has something gone horribly awry. >> caller: i'm here. >> stephanie: oh, there you are. >> caller: i'm here.
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it's my first time calling in so i'm a little nervous. >> stephanie: don't be nervous. >> caller: any ways i'm a big fan. >> stephanie: oh thank you. >> caller: any ways i just wanted to say what this is called. this is called data mining. it's computer programs that run algorithms, looking for pattern matches. and when the matches are found they analyze the match. some calling overseas in order to see records they have to get a court order. no person is reading or looking at your records. and a lot of companies do it to protect their intellectual properties, that's just what i wanted to say, and you know -- >> stephanie: i think this also comes down to what degree you trust the government. someone like jim -- just genetically does not.
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>> because i know too much about the various assassinations to trust the government with anything. >> stephanie: see. what? [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: hi, mason. >> caller: hi, good morning, how are you sunshine? >> stephanie: i'm good moon shine. >> caller: i usually agree with you right off of the bat on almost everything. but i think there's a difference between creeps who dig into your privacy for bad reasons and the government doing it to prevent bad things. >> stephanie: they are not doing it just to be snoopy. >> right. they are not like mr. fox is doing mrs. fox over in yahoo land. but the timing seems perplexing at best. this has been going on since
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2001, and they are not collecting anything other than phone numbers -- >> they are connecting in-coming to out-going phone numbers. so they are connecting who is talking to whom. >> caller: right. it's like the bermuda triangle of scandals. why now? what is happening that this has to be brought out now? >> stephanie: yeah, that's true. all of these people are saying this has been going on for seven years. >> caller: yeah, and our government has been collecting information in a whole lot of ways. we have to register driver's licenses, our cars our houses insurance information. that's not even getting into the private sector and how they misuse data.
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>> stephanie: this other caller was saying they already compile your phone records, your phone bill. >> but that's a private company having your records. >> caller: yeah, and that makes a big difference too but all in all i think what it is trying to do is it's a distraction to what we really need to get done. and pulling focus away from issues that we really need to look at. like jobs immigration reform tax reform and i don't appreciate looking into things that don't necessarily need to be a huge 27-hearing ordeal. >> stephanie: yeah, i hear ya. let's go to max in l.a. >> caller: hey, good morning, what really bothers me is all of these callers who are comfortable with all of this.
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george bush gave the very same explanations they had no problems with it. because it's barack obama -- >> stephanie: but max i have admitted that when people say is it because you trust obama? yes, to some degree -- bush lied us into an illegal war, so no we didn't trust bush. >> caller: but what we think of america and the idea of america is over. this is not going to end. this only end if the next president is hillary clinton or rand paul -- >> stephanie: not if it's rand paul it won't. >> caller: but i mean it doesn't matter who the president is. it could be bernie sanders, it will never end. >> i think they are trying to dismantel the entire notion of
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privacy. >> kids put their entire lives on facebook and instagram -- >> stephanie: that's a great point. and maybe it started even with reality tv and you are right -- instagram and facebook -- >> stephanie: vine. all of the apps. >> stephanie: no one has an unexamined or unexpressed thought or emotion anymore. >> stephanie: right. >> stephanie: fifty-eight minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: okay. current tv hour number 2 john fugelsang coming up this hour. jacki schechner? >> yes. >> stephanie: where do you fall on this whole debate? >> which one? >> stephanie: on the nsa and phone records and spying. >> i don't care. really it's silly, i guess i'm just not bothered by it. i'm pretty much an open book anyway. >> stephanie: don't i know it. >> watch read, whatever you want. >> stephanie: here is one way to repel them, every time you are talking to someone just go -- >> ow! >> i thought you were going to play the cody screaming dog. >> stephanie: no just do the wax vac.
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>> ow! >> i'm a qtip girl. >> stephanie: the wax vac makes sense. get it. >> good morning, everybody, the new employment numbers show we added 175,000 jobs in may, and the unemployment rate ticked up slightly to 7.6%. health agencies and food services are the two sectors that show the strongest growth last month. vermont now the 17th state to decriminalize pot. the governor has signed a bill into law that gets rid of criminal penalties for possession of less than an ounce of marijuana or less than 5 grams of hash. for adults 21 and up. and if you get caught you still get penalized, but it's now more like a traffic ticket. and for those under 21, the penalty is treated like underage drinking. the governor says state
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resources are better allocated to reducing abuse of and addiction to more dangerous drugs. and as president obama plans to talk about the affordable care act later this morning and make sure people know what is working as get closer and closer to implementation. some house republicans are starting a new anti-health care messaging campaign. it's going to be launched this summer. it's called hoap or the health obamacare accountability project which is doing anything but promote hope. instead it will fan the flames of anxiety and fear. right now the members of congress just held a couple of meetings. they plan to push the messaging during townhall meetings this august. nothing like a positive motivation for you. we're back after the break. stay with us. ♪ >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high.
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> only on current tv. very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. perfectly bite sized drops
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(kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. check it out, you can email us all there, executive producer chris lavoie, voice deity jim ward, or me stephanie miller. why looky who is in the new york bureau. >> greetings from the new york bureau. >> stephanie: yeah, yeah, here he is. >> you have a tropical storm coming your way. >> is that what is it? >> yeah, andrea. >> oh, really? okay. thanks obama. >> stephanie: good morning, john fugelsang. >> good morning. [ inaudible ] >> good morning, and hello
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everyone out there in disco land. >> you are doing a good job on the show. >> stephanie: yeah "viewpoint." by the way we can help you that hump? >> what hump. >> stephanie: okay. >> yeah, we had sister similar moan, and eliot spitzer -- >> stephanie: well, dive into the controversy -- >> which one. >> stephanie: the nsa, and the verizon, and the interwebs -- the government is prohibits from indiscriminately shifting through the information. it can only be looked at if there is sufficient suspicion on terrorists. it's interesting -- we just talked to jacki schechner
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about -- and he is like ah. >> yeah, when this sort of thing happens it tends to be the liberals and the libertarians that get upset about it. the true liberals and the true conservatives. but i don't think this is anything new. didn't we already know this? >> stephanie: a lot of the senator have saying this has been going on for seven years -- >> except it is about to get worse. >> stephanie: ron widen, democrat of oregon said as a result of the disclosures, we're now going to have to have a real debate in congress and the country, which has been long overdue. which we have started already this morning on the "stephanie miller show." >> yes, you have. good job. but if the republicans are screaming about it. it's crap. if they are not complaining about it, it might be a scandal.
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>> stephanie: lindsey graham said i'm a verizon customer i could careless if they are looking at any records. >> wait until they start having access to your grinder account, lindsay. [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: he said if you are not getting a call from a terrorist organization, you have nothing to worry about. >> except that the utah data center is going to be up and running in september, and that's just horrifying. it says here flowing through its servers and routers stored? near bottomless databases will include information including emails, google searches and more -- >> we just have to accept that 9/11 changed it all. >> stephanie: chris made a really good point before the top
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of the hour -- >> i did? >> stephanie: i know. that's why it is so startling, because you are normally like human wallpaper. >> i know. >> stephanie: i was quoting a piece in "the daily beast" about -- she was saying the american people have essentially agreed with this after 9/11 -- >> i haven't. >> stephanie: except for jim and russ finegold but as chris was saying look at facebook and instagram -- everybody is putting their stuff out everywhere, so the concept of privacy -- >> the reasonable expectation of privacy has gone away. >> i'll talk about americans being civically disengaged right after i talk to you about amanda bynes. >> stephanie: i'm glad you brought that up. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: i thought this was particularly hilarious, because
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it doesn't seem like it is actually a craft i have worked 25 years at. but amanda bynes is getting her own radio show. playboy radio has offered her a guest-hosting gig -- >> we used to broadcast from those studios. >> stephanie: and want her around full-time. >> is the stripper pole still there. >> she will make use of it. >> stephanie: i mean, i'm a hot mess, but really? amanda bynes? >> she has only been invited to guest host. nobody has been invited to guest host your show. >> stephanie: but they want her full-time as well. that's the real scandal in my opinion. >> that's the next step towards posing in the magazine. >> stephanie: the civil libertarians were at least the only ones that were consistent.
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>> and the liberals. >> stephanie: well, yeah -- >> only one liberal back in 2001 voted against the patriot act. >> that's true. >> stephanie: rand paul said this seizure is an astounding assault on the constitution after revelations that the irs targeted political disdense, it would appear the administration has now sunk to a new low. some people are going to use this because it's obama. laura ingraham said maybe we should have listened to civil libertarians. it's like oh, wow you are concerned? >> now warning? >> well, they are not allowed to complain. it's very, very simple. if you supported nas condy rice you don't get criticize nsa
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susan rice. >> stephanie: that's right. >> caller: hi, the 9/11 report said that this started out in san francisco, california with at&t because it was the largest carrier back then. but there have been about four amendments to try to roll it back. one of them was dianne feinstein and dick durbin, and they have all been vetoed. so there has been an attempt to roll it back. >> stephanie: yeah, that's what i'm saying. john, that's what i'm saying you can't say when one senator voted against it. it's not like, oh, yeah liberals were against it -- >> well, the liberals were screaming about this. >> right the ones that mattered were in the senate. >> exactly right. >> stephanie: let's go to shirley in phoenix. hi, shirley you are on with john. >> caller: hi kids. i want to go back -- i don't know who was it -- chris or
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jim -- mentioning that they know behind closed door more than we do. >> the people on the senate intelligence committee yes. >> i want to go back to the iraq war vote. dianne feinstein and senator durbin voted. he voted for the iraq war, she voted against it. and barack obama did win the presidency. the fact is levin, why did they listen to him. he was behind closed doors. he came out voting against the war. >> stephanie: i think we now know the whole story about the iraq war they were shown twisted and cherry-picked intelligence. >> caller: but some democrats voted for the war. wasn't she in the same meeting as levin was. i don't have a cell phone, i
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don't have a computer. but my privacy is still being envieded by marketing on the phone. i'm skill scratching my head wondering why are they trying to sell me something. i don't care. stop authorizing it if you are unhappy. fix it if you are unhappy. this is old news. >> stephanie: you literally don't have a cell phone or a computer? >> caller: no, i'm low, low, low, low tech i still write letters and make phone calls -- >> stephanie: that's true you can avoid government surveillance by being -- >> except for the tiny drones they can send into your house. >> stephanie: right. >> and they send the drones up your ass and then charge you for the lube. >> thank you for the call and be
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careful among them english. >> stephanie: hello, shawn. >> caller: i was trying to decide whether or not i should be up in arms about this whole verizon thing, and i was talking to my wife who doesn't pay attention to politics and stuff, and she made a good point. she said we have grown up always assuming that the government has our information, but if you are talking on your cell phone, they can listen to whatever you are doing, so if you are trying to get a bag of weed, you are always worried about saying it -- she always had to stay it in code. so the only difference is now we know for a fact they are doing this. >> stephanie: yeah look at the whole gun debate. how outraged the gun people are about having any information.
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and i think they should know. >> there will be a database and that violates my privacy. [ inaudible ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: there you go, smart, funny beautiful, john fugelsang, the man, the myth the legend. seventeen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ ♪ running running and running and running and running and running ♪ ♪ everybody, everyone get into -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ let's get it started, hah ♪
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♪ let's get it started in here ♪ >> total information awareness. >> stephanie: yeah. it is the "stephanie miller show." twenty-one minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. fridays with john fugelsang. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: new job numbers john. we added 175,000 jobs last month, slightly above expectations. unemployment ticked up 7.5 to 7.6, but, again, better job numbers than expected. and as you say you will tune in to sean hannity to find out why that is bad? >> yes i always need sean hannity to explain to me, if possible in the original german why it is bad. [ crickets chirping ] >> stephanie: and the stock market is going to tank and it's going to be horrible if we reelect the president. >> oh, yes this socialist who
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really seems to suck at socialism. >> ask bernie sanders. >> stephanie: right. dianne feinstein said the government must gather intelligence to prevent plots and keep americans alive. that's the goal. congress is always open to changes, but that doesn't mean there will be any. so that's the debate this morning. >> so suck it more or less. >> basically. >> stephanie: so she said so you can suck it. i don't believe dianne feinstein has ever said that in her life. >> the oldest senator in the senate said suck it. >> she did now. >> she is now after frank lautenberg. >> stephanie: right. she probably said go suck eggs that's more old timemy. >> this has been going on and will continue to go on, just don't assume anything you put on the internet is private. >> stephanie: yeah, well i
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learned that the hard way. >> so did the rest of us. >> stephanie: hello, diane. >> caller: hello, stephanie. i love your show. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i'm thinking of all of the stuff that people put on the internet -- and how boring it would be to look through that stuff. i mean, yeah, here is a picture of my dog, my cat, my kids -- >> stephanie: right if they were looking at my stuff, they would be like really how many times are cats looking like hitler funny? >> but they have big huge computers looking for patterns. >> stephanie: they cannot find the comedic qualities of cody the dog who screams like sam kinison. ♪ now you're messing with a -- [ screaming ] ♪ now you're messing with a -- [ screaming ] ♪ now you ear messing with a --
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[ screaming ] >> stephanie: it is funny. it is funny. >> it's a like the seat belt law. on the surface it saves lives. but for the seat belt life for some people the cops have the right to pull you over for anything they want. let's not forget how they took down governor spitzer. they used the patriot act to spy on him. they couldn't find any financial misdeeds so they got him for his private sex laws. they are also licensed to screw with you when they want to. >> exactly. they are always screaming about the second amendment, it's the fourth amendment we need to worry about. >> but the fourth amendment can't compensate for a small penis. i'm sorry. [ laughter ]
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>> stephanie: you made the point that there is so much screaming about non-scandals that we are missing what might be more important. because they are still all over this irs thing, dye not need to see one more irs employee line dancing. >> but you will, because playing victim is the proud conservative's favorite activity. >> the guy who played spock in the video. >> stephanie: the deputy irs commissioner. >> it's imbare -- imbare asking and i apologize. i did not know what the expense was at the time of the conference that we were paying. >> stephanie: all right. >> but then he kind of reverses that after some questioning by representative of utah.
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>> you signed off on a routing slip. you participated in meetings understanding the cost before the conference happened. are you here claiming no responsibility at this point? >> absolutely not. that's why i am here. i was aware of the cost -- the estimated cost of 4.3 when we did the briefing for the two deputy commissioners. >> i am outraged that government employees might be having fun while they are at work! and using petty cash to filmite >> but it is a lot of money. >> it is a lot of money. and it's a replace of last year's porn scandal. it has nothing to do of these accusation of the poor persecuted tea party. and the bureaucrats in cincinnati targeting tea party groups unfairly, i know it's
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shocking that anything interesting could ever happen in cincinnati -- >> stephanie: you mean since wkrp. >> exactly. this whole scandal is so hilarious to me. that people that want 501(c)(4) status, and they are screaming over this, i know real tea baggers don't joke but the whole scandal saying that the tea party have has been silenced on a lot of cameras. and none of them had their tax-exempt status taken away. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: this just in, irs opposed more conservative groups than liberal groups. they determined that of the groups approved more than
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two-thirds were conservative. >> damn you obama! >> i'm not political! >> stephanie: representative cummings is with me. >> i have looked at that video over and over again, and i swear, i don't see the redeeming value. >> it starts at the weddings. >> stephanie: yeah twenty-nine minutes after the hour. we'll be right back with more fridays with fugelsang on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform?
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>> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. he was a comedy genious. addicted to the spotlight and living too close to the edge. of all the hours in all his days, these are the ones you'll never forget. (vo) current tv is the place for true stories. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries.
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me.
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>> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern ♪
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. >> is an amazingly gorgeous girl who once made a really dorky american feel cool. >> stephanie: thirty-four minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. john we were just talking the non-scandal about the irs. because of citizens united the explosion was on the right. so 122 of the groups were conservative that were approved for tax-exempt status. 48 were liberal. >> it's a conspiracy!
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>> emerge america was a group that was denied. and they had to name their donors and didn't really complain about it. >> stephanie: tony says steph i would have made the same choice as president obama. if obama killed the program and we suffered another attack he would be facing impeachment. imagine the loons at fox news. >> so true. >> stephanie: veto in chicago you are on the chicago. >> caller: hi, everyone. how are you? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: i'm talking about the nsa as well and i put it in a bigger context of all of the laws and actions taken place over the last ten years.
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if you are just associated with a group in question you can be scrutinized. in chicago there were four groups about two years ago that they tried to indict for aiding and abetting terrorists. and they closed them down and confiscated their stuff and finally let them go because they had nothing on them. but is everyone on their mailing list now able to be scrutinized? and are they able to be interrogated in some enhanced way. and every day these organizations that night be social organizations or charitable organizations that are for instance supporting palestinian groups, tomorrow they can say, well, you are aiding and abetting a terrorist organization, and everyone on their mailing list suddenly could be in trouble.
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>> stephanie: i'm not a lawyer. but i don't think they can torture for not donating to something, do you, john? >> torture, no? but there is the possibility of tons and tons of guilt by association, and they can kill you for that with a drone strike. >> stephanie: katherine good morning. >> caller: good morning, great show last night, john. i just wanted to say this is not american. this is orwellian. the nsa has put a dragnet over google and apple and microsoft and yahoo, and they have all of our email information, photographs, if we do banking on the internet, all of that information, and they say oh, well, a fisa court would have to look at it before we go forward. but that's why we have our constitutional rights.
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and thomas jefferson said everyone who gives up civil rights in order for security deserves neither. and that's exactly true. they are chipping away at our constitutional rights, and having worked in the area of criminal law, i can tell you, you know we have a right -- you know, search and seizure, when people say give police permission to search, because they think they have nothing to hide, they end up being clients, because we all something to hide, and we have that right. and this wireless search stuff came among because of the fear mongering. people jump and panic, just like they did with the iraq war, and they don't stop and think, and once they take our rights away we don't get them back. and the media is the only one that has not been reporting about this. i don't think there are a lot of americans that are not upset.
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rachel reported on it one day last december before they went and voted on it. and they did it very quietly without anyone knowing. and both of my california senator voted to extent it and i generally agree with both of them on most everything but i was very angry -- >> stephanie: but what do you make of -- when chris brought up last hour, that they see intelligence that we don't see? if you trust in someone like dianne feinstein how does that make you feel? >> i also trust in ron widen, and he sits on the intelligence committee with her. and he brought this up before december -- >> stephanie: right. and that makes you question how can two people both on the same side of the isle see intelligence and draw different conclusions. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: governor chris christie has been found guilty of being self involved. he finds himself accused of
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naked self interest. >> we had a lot of fun in new york with this story. >> stephanie: he announced the special election, and he is having it ahead of the normal november election and democrats and republicans frankly are pissed about it, because it's clearly at odds with his budget-cutting reputation. it is going to cost the state $12 million -- >> per party. >> stephanie: some say christie doesn't want to be on the same ballot as a strong democrat such as cory booker. >> yep. >> stephanie: and he -- dick army who's original name was -- >> penis air force. >> stephanie: right. the tea party later -- he
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predicted it would backfire with republicans because christie was stressing fiscal responsibility. so he has the tea party and democrats calling foul. >> you wicked woman why do you make me agree with dick army this early. >> stephanie: the [ inaudible ] said it is a shameless move that will waste millions of dollars and risk the integrity of the vote. >> the tea party hates him, so they are going to hate anything he does. but everyone is right. the liberals and conservatives are all right about this. chris christie boasts of cutting $86 million from the budget in new jersey. he killed a tunnel that would have linked north jersey to manhattan because he is such a fiscal hawk. and this is exactly what you are talking about. you have cory booker -- the
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voters could turn out on election day to vote for cory booker. and i think he thought he was helping the gop by making sure as many democrats will stay home on election day. but under the charter chris christie had to set this date between 70 and 76 days from the time he made the announcement. he could have waited 18 days to make this announcement. but instead it's $12 million per party. that's more than chris christie spends on liptore in a whole month. it's also folks in newark black folks, labor, anybody who might turn out to vote for cory booker. and he is hoping these folks will go through the effort of voting, and then folks won't
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want to show up and vote a second time a month later in november. and he might be right. it's hard for work people to get two days off to go vote. >> stephanie: uh-huh. hi callthy in colorado. >> i'm 65 and a child of the civil rights movement in memphis in the south. my fbi file was larger than the nation's magazine file in the '70s. i was active when dr. king was killed with the union and i wanted to put more context on all of this. my telephone was tapped and the fbi and the memphis police police -- and i just -- i am suffering anxiety from what is going on now with the national security. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> uh-huh. >> caller: so -- and everything has changed, it's more technical, but it just sends fears down my spine. >> stephanie: that's an
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interesting political perspective based on people that lived through the 60s, john -- >> can i read a headline? the nsa has been secret collecting the phone call records of 10s of millions of people using verizon, and other companies. these are ordinary americans not suspected of any crime. >> stephanie: that's what they were saying yesterday. it's knew to the american people -- >> and when they said yesterday it was just verizon -- >> stephanie: yeah someone still has bell south really? >> but in september when the utah senator goes operational, things are about to get a hotlot hairier. >> stephanie: patty in florida on chris christie. not literally.
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that would be gross. >> caller: that would be nasty, because i happen to know the man. i used to be a teacher in new jersey -- used to live in new jersey and then moved down to florida. i'm in florida now. and chris christie his wife mary pat whom everyone seems to love -- let's just put it this way, i know them because mayor ri pat worked for my husband. and chris christie is out to get the teachers. we go out to dinner never had anything good to say about a teacher. and i would be sitting right there. the two of them. their kids are in private school school, of course. >> stephanie: yeah. he is not for the working man -- >> stephanie: yeah, i just spoke to a union this week down in san diego, and we were talking about this, despite the fact that he worked with the president and they worked well together on hurricane -- he is not on our side on a lot of issuesissues --
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[ overlapping speakers ] >> somebody pregnant should go to jail. >> caller: it's all smoke and mirrors. they put on a good front. they work with everyone, but they are just -- because they -- he had an issue with the unions in morristown with the plumbers union in morristown in new jersey. and fought and fought with them. they are not who they present themselves to be. and we'll do anything to get it out there. because they are not good people. >> chris christie is going to go so far to the mean right in the next two years to try to make these jackels like him, it will be nothing but entertainment to watch. but he always has been and will be a better public debater and speaker than hillary clinton. >> stephanie: what? forty-six minutes after the hour. right back with the remaining
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moments of fridays with fugelsang on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: call the political party line now. 1-800-steph-1-2. anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. it's go time! >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned
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"great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ the radio ♪ ♪ living it up, living it up oh, yeah friday night ♪ ♪ living it up, living it up oh yeah ♪ ♪ friday night ♪ >> stephanie: yeah, yeah. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. fifty-one minutes after the hour. might you bring me by personal comedy jesus.
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♪ your own personal jesus ♪ >> stephanie: hello, john fugelsang. >> hello. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: what did jesus say about homosexuality? >> it's funny you should say that. because he didn't actually say anything to condemn it ever once ever. he said you have got to be nice to people, especially the people you don't like. >> stephanie: and maybe perhaps make wedding cakes for them. >> well, it's true there is nothing in the entire new testament, and i'm including the book of romance that says that consensual same-sex relationships between adults is wrong. >> stephanie: i'm sorry could you take that organ out -- >> what was that motion you gave me -- >> stephanie: i was trying to signal organ without it being too obvious for the television cameras. >> that was totally orbvious.
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[♪ organ music ♪] >> when was the last time you held an organ. >> he knows what it is. anyway, john a colorado bakery is refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. i'm sorry, religious freedom should not include the ability to discriminate against people. >> indeed. they are not christian. these are fake christians. they are doing this because they don't like gay people and they are using the bible for cover. >> stephanie: thank you. >> they don't get to call themselves christians anymore. >> the aclu says we are all entitled to religious beliefs. colorado has civil unions but
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the civil union law does not provide religious protections for businesses because democrats argue that it would give businesses cover to discriminate. >> exactly. it's a free country. >> stephanie: let's go to david in san francisco. you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, david. >> morning steph and mooks. i was interested in the cost of this spying operation. in utah they are building this massive facility and this is supposed to basically spy on everything, and the idea that they are going to essentially steal all of your data and do it for a dozen years with a budget that was top secret and we don't -- we the taxpayers don't have the right to find out about this, about how much it will cost? who the contracts are, how it will be disseminated all of to sort of thing.
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by the way darrell issa is on that committee -- >> stephanie: yeah. >> oh, now i feel safe. >> stephanie: i feel much better now. >> caller: right. right. but i would think that the best way to deal with this is to deal with the cost that these guys now have to give our money back. they stole our money by stealing our identities by stealing our information. and so we should deal with it on a fiscal angle of personal responsibility. i got on brownie's show, and i got him to discuss whether or not he is going to do any personal responsibility for losing katrina and paying back the $171 billion for that loss -- >> stephanie: what did he say about that? >> caller: he screamed like glen beck and hung up. >> stephanie: i imagine he would be a little touchy about that. kevin in d.c. --
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♪ get off the phone get off the phone get off the phone get off the phone get off the phone ♪ [ laughter ] >> stephanie: he sounds like cody the screaming dog. >> that is always funny. >> stephanie: kevin in dc. >> caller: good morning, lovely stephfy. way to bring me up and then bring me down momentarily with that shriek. when we spoke a few weeks ago when stephanie was off, john you brought up the pleasure of my kissing her that day. but we got into a little bit of a dispute. this is the perfect example of when i talk about thinking a few steps ahead. i was arguing with republicans when we didn't even know there was going to be a president
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obama, and i said what if a president hilary could take advantage of this warrantless wiretapping? and now here we are. and this was why i wasn't against harry reid not using nuclear power -- >> i respect that argument. but the flip side is when barack obama signed nbaa into law, he said look, i'm never going to abuse this. we're not worried about you abusing it we're worried about ted cruz abusing it when you are out. >> caller: that's exactly right. when they were fine with president bush i don't think any human [ inaudible ] but now that it is here unfortunately by not thinking about the possible consequence, now we're stuck with it. >> caller: i don't like you calling them koreatons, because
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i'm a koreaton. >> you are greek? >> stephanie: on the "viewpoint" tele television program, you are so handsomely beautiful. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> it's always nice to come back here to join my friends. and i'll have a lot more free time as of august. >> won't we all. >> i have to go plant a garden at the apopcalypseapocalypse. have a great, great, show. >> stephanie: all right. honey. fifty-eight minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show."
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. hour number three. representative adam schiff of the great state of california, live in studio in just a few minutes. jacki schechner with another edition of thanks obama! now he has gone and done it. the president is in town here in l.a., and how is this impacting you, jacki schechner? >> it may effect traffic in the area of my spin class this morning. >> stephanie: right. and we all know that jacki schechner will indeed cut a bitch if you get in between her and her spinning class. >> yes. >> you could ride an actual bike to your spinning class. >> i do that on the weekends. >> stephanie: y'all are crazy. you are insane.
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>> i'm cute. i have my bike my little helmet. i strap my stuff in. i'm good to go. >> stephanie: oh, my god. >> i have the helmet mark when i get to spin class. >> stephanie: oh, here she is. look at how pretty she is. >> good morning jeverybody. debate over bipartisan immigration reform has now hit the senate floor. harry reid said this morning he is committed to as open as an amendment as possible -- that is not him, but as open as possible to go to work on the bill before they take off for the july recess. he is expected to join other legislators who have crafted the bill by the gang of eight. once it moves forward, one of the issues expected to emerge is strengthening e-verfy.
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"politico" reports it is likely a bargaining chip to get more republicans on board. but it could threaten to alienate democrats concerned about human rights. on the house side of the hill representative john dingell becomes the longest-serving member of congress in history. he was 29 years old when first elected to congress. he has not shied away from taking a stand over the years. he supported the 1964 civil rights act in the '70s the passed a lot of environmental information. recently taking flax for siding with michigan auto makers on emission standards. he is 76 and says he not ready to retire just yet.
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all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern perfectly bite sized drops
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of rich and creamy chocolate happiness. when the chocolate is hershey's, life is delicious. cenk off air alright in 15
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minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: yahoo it is the "stephanie miller show." happy friday representative adam schiff here to talk about important stuff right here in studio in the next half hour. here is kind of a love letter. okay. steph a friend of mine a single hardworking mom of two daughters recently discovered flees on her cat. oh, no. her indoor cat kept getting flees. her daughters were in tears when the only option left was to get rid of their family pet. then i said why not try this
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cedarcide i heard about on the "stephanie miller show." they were able to keep egwin. >> okay. not passing judgment on the naming of the cat at all. >> stephanie: egwin is with his family now. ps his name was edwin, but when her friend's couldn't pronounce the name it came out egwin. >> i like the name edwin for a cat. >> stephanie: i do too. >> i wanted to name my cat paul. but he came with the name jazz. >> stephanie: yes. and then of course -- now i have cody, the dog that screams like sam kinison. [ applause ] >> i love you cody.
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[ screaming ] >> stephanie: really? okay. let's do it again. one more hair of the dog you can't have enough. it's friday. ♪ now you're messing with a -- [ screaming ] ♪ now you're messing with a -- [ screaming ] >> stephanie: all right. i was on cnn last night. >> you were on the erin burnett. >> stephanie: right. >> hum? what? >> stephanie: right. women that -- women bosses can't be cheerful. if they are thought of has cheerful, they can't be promoted or something. and you two know it i eat a big bowl of bitchy every morning. carnation instant bitch my breakfast of choice. we were talking about this michelle obama incident. and it's not just appropriate. i don't care who you are, to heckel the first lady of the
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united states when she is trying to talk. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: but there was a good piece about this. this is what always happens with the right-wing. it's angry black woman. [ explosion ] >> stephanie: and i -- this is why i think people love her. because she is real. if someone got in your face and was yelling when you were invited to a private home to speak, you would probably yell too. [ ♪ patriotic music ♪ ] >> stephanie: time for another flurry of accusations that the first lady is a militant angry black woman. it's an interesting perspective from a black woman's point of view. because she was recalling -- remember the cover of the new yorker when she was sporting a large afro a machine gun, and wearing militant 70s story, in response of her saying she is proud of her country for the first time. which of course was totally taken out of context. and rush limbaugh immediately
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called her an angry black woman. i was appalled that she was being attacked. so here we are again michelle obama now in the second term finds herself smack dab in the middle of another controversy to how she reacts. nothing that this woman has displayed remote i will resembles angry. she finishes by saying the not so subtle message is be careful of the angry black woman because you never know when she'll go off on you. >> stephanie: i agree. ♪ it ain't a man's world ♪ >> you sound angry. >> stephanie: screw you! [ laughter ] >> stephanie: festival of
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massageny. oh the republican war on women people are going to have a hard time. by the way -- so they are pissed -- oh are they pissed about susan rice. ♪ nah nah nah nah nah nah ♪ >> stephanie: "the daily beast" writing it didn't take a political genius to foresee the republican outcry over the choice of susan rice to be the new national security advisor. obama made no effort to pretend it wasn't a satisfying piece of payback. rice was the one scalp that republicans can claim over benghazi. now that she has come roaring back, of course they are spitting mad. while rice may have slipped me samantha power is preparing to
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sail straight into it. i'm going to guess will result in lindsey graham vapors. >> sure. >> stephanie: it's not just be because she is a woman, the assumption around washington is that they will beat up on her because of rice. and the fact that she is operating at the highest level of a still male-dominated establishment -- a party that is earns it's a as anti-woman should expect to find life increasingly complicated as the ladies take charge. ♪ nah nah nah nah nah ♪ >> stephanie: i can't wait for those confirmation hearings. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: how much do we love governor patrick of
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massachusetts. he admits he got really drunk after the boston manhunt was over. rare admission by a politician. he said he got quite drunk. >> he was by himself though. >> stephanie: after the suspected dzhokher -- i bet he didn't pronounce those names -- [ mumbling ] >> stephanie: yes, after he was captured after the day-long manhunt. he said he was relieved not only that [ mumbling ] >> tsarnaev -- >> because he could do away with the city's lockdown. >> exactly. there was an article in the
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esquire about that -- >> stephanie: they had to delay your walk of shame. >> there was an article in theest square about that, that one-night stands were trapped. >> stephanie: evelyn you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: i love you guys. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i am from the '70s and always thought that government was there. wasn't sure, but we thought that. but why is it all of a sudden at one time there is so much leak leak, leak. and we always say be ware of the messenger. >> stephanie: chris you were saying somebody said on facebook facebook -- >> yeah, that it is from the obama administration to light a fire under congress's ass to do something about the patriot act.
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>> stephanie: yeah. good morning, dave. >> caller: those of who that were so excited about the obama administration, we had this sort of hyperelevated view of how it was going to be and how it would be so much different, and we find ourselves so trapped in the fire -- mire about all of this. it has all gotten trapped in all of this crap. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> caller: but the other thing that concerns about me and everybody -- no matter who you are, you know, your calls are somehow being collected -- >> stephanie: i get the weird sense that someone is listening to this conversation right now, dave. >> caller: hello. my name is bob smith. yeah, that's my name. no, my name is john fugelsang. >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: because i look just
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like him. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: anyway there's always objective information being collected but it's being viewed through potentially very subjective eyes. if i don't happen to like an organization or happen to believe that they are all that fair, i can interpret that information anyway i want. it's like what the caller was saying earlier about chris christie. he doesn't like teachers so he is going to do everything in his power to get them written out of his realm of concern. >> stephanie: right. and john's comment about the bakers that were denying a gay couple a cake, and how people think this religious freedom thing, it's a shield to hide your bigotry. >> caller: exactly. >> stephanie: you can say you are any religion under the guise -- >> caller: exactly.
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and the pharmacist saying no i don't give out birth control pills because i don't believe in it. i'm trying to figure out how dispensing anything or giving you a cake is going to get in your own practice of your faith. >> stephanie: right what does that have to do with your personal relationship -- >> as jesus said thou shall not make a cake for the mows. >> stephanie: right. all right. seventeen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> this is too weird man. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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(vo) next, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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he was a comedy genious. addicted to the spotlight and living too close to the edge. of all the hours in all his days, these are the ones you'll never forget. ♪
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♪ here -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ -- comes now singing moni moni ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. this hour brought to you by sodastream, fun wow. it transforms water into fresh fizzy soda in just seconds. that's less lugging, storing, disposing of bottles and cans. i'm anti-lugging and this is more environmentally friendly. fill the bottle up with cold water and add your choice of flavor. they have regular, diet all natural -- >> do they have name brands? >> stephanie: why, yes, thank you for asking. just in time for summer.
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better for you, and check this out, how cost effective it makes soda, around $0.25 per can, oh my god. check it out. sodastream at beth bath and beyond kohl's and more. >> do you find it in the beyond section of beth bath and beyond. >> stephanie: yes, you do. >> where christopher walkin is. >> stephanie: that's right. paul in indiana on the wiretapping. hello paula. >> caller: good morning to you. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: everything is talking about the foreign threat and nobody is really looking at the threat -- about 200 militia groups have formed since
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president obama has been elected, so we really don't know what they know and exactly what they are looking at. the same thing with drones. we really don't know what all they know. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: and i think that wide scope may be more domestic than it is foreign. >> stephanie: well yeah. >> janet napolitano warned about that. >> stephanie: yeah. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: we only get the occasional window washer outside our window. did you see a guy tried kill himself outside of the today show. >> uh-huh. tried to slit his wrists. >> stephanie: yikes. >> and matt lauer had to report on it. >> stephanie: thank god they just stick me in a little closet. >> really? they don't sit you on the set there? >> stephanie: it's a little
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closet set. >> oh, that's glamorous. >> stephanie: uh-huh. justin bieber is going to space. he is the next famous to secure a seat on the commercial space missions -- >> well, it's not a mission. >> stephanie: a ticket costs $200,000? yikes? do you get free drinks with that. >> maybe rich uncle moneybags would pay for you to go up there. other famous passengers include russell brand -- >> who is still not funny in zero g either. >> kate winslet and leonardo decaprio. >> stephanie: right. >> she is going to kick him off the spaceship. >> stephanie: there is not room
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for both of us go off. i don't know how many hours that flight is -- but i would be between tom cruise and russell brand -- [ mocking laughter ] >> stephanie: look at what i can do with my hands at zero g. look at how funny i am. >> i wish great britain would stop trying to push him on us. >> steven hawking is funnier than russell brand -- >> stephanie: yes, but if you are stuck between russell brand and tom cruise you would be screwed. i think just because he has a british accent he thinks somehow he's funny. >> i can't think of one thing that he did in america that was successful, not one thing. >> stephanie: get me to the
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greek, i guess. >> i don't even think that was a hit. >> stephanie: all right. matt damon -- >> get me to the greek starring steven hawking. >> now that would be funny. >> stephanie: after counting calories for years, matt day man has vowed his next screen role will be doughnut friendly. he is sick of dieting. >> he looked pretty good -- >> stephanie: right. baby boy looked pretty hot. >> with the thong tan line. >> stephanie: when he got out of the pool and straddled michael douglas on the schayes lounge. >> be tight baby boy. >> how about when he is behind michael douglas and michael douglas is breaking the poppers. he's like it makes it better.
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it's like wow that makes it explicit explicit. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: do not take diana ross's picture if you see her at the airport. at jfk a guy on an escalator tried to take a picture of her with his iphone. the singer did not handle it well. in 1999 she was annoyed when a guard tried to do a full body search, so she decided to fisk the guard back. >> and that was before 9/11. >> stephanie: right. they do not appreciate being frisked back. >> and in other news the german language has lost one less long word. snee oh. >> it is [ inaudible ]. or law delegating beef label monitoring. >> stephanie: well, i feel the
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loss already. thanks jim for that. >> we hardly knew ye. >> stephanie: thank you for that, jim. wow that was a random german thing. hello billy in florida. >> caller: good morning, happy gay pride month. >> stephanie: thank you. go ahead. >> caller: are you planning to attend any events throughout the country? >> stephanie: i am not. no one invites me anywhere. >> she doesn't like crowds either. >> stephanie: no. i'm a shut in. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. adam schiff next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with
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ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know
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i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv! ♪
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>> i shouldn't say this about -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- but i think she's crazy. >> stephanie: no thinking. thirty-four minutes after the hour. that's it, chris, i have officially turned on the gays. >> look what the homosexuals have done to me? >> stephanie: i realize i'm not going to get to my spinning class on saturday because of the gay pride parade. >> maybe you should take your real bike. >> stephanie: that's crazy. >> you are like i'm not riding my bike to a bike-riding class. >> stephanie: that makes no sense. all right. hey, looky who is in town. it is representative adam
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schiff, good morning, representative. how is your waving arm doing? >> my waving arm is ready and will be in fine form on sunday. >> stephanie: oftentimes we see you in the tv there -- and now -- and now here you are, you have popped straight out of the television. >> i would much rather make the long trip to the studio from my house, which must be 200 yards. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all morning we have been talking about the nsa, verizon, people are concerned, but it's a tough issue isn't it? you have people sometimes surprisingly on the wrong side of the aisle having different opinions. >> it is a tough issue. what i have been encouraging people to do the director of national intelligence last night issued a statement that was about the best description
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publicly available. and i'm sure he did it very grudgingly because these leaks are extremely problematic. but that contains some of the best information i'm allowed to discuss. but there's no content in terms of people's conversations. there isn't subscriber information. but i understand why the public is concerned. we ought to have a discussion about this. we're we're going to have an examination of the program. >> stephanie: the fourth amendment says there has to be probable clause. and james clapper said that. there has to be probable cause. and i think people are just not sure if they can trust that. >> and i don't blame the public. there has been so many brood sides against the government. and the government has done a lot of things wrong.
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and public confidence in the government is probably at an all-time low. so at times like this when it's difficult to discuss openly how a program works, that's when you need public confidence and we don't have it right now. so it's a big problem. i wish i could have an open discussion about how it worked and then we could more intelligently discuss the pros and cons and what the real sacrifices are. there is no bright line here. i do agree with dni that these are court-approved processes. we're not acting outside of the law. that's very important to all of us -- >> stephanie: but i think that's people's questions, should this be the law. and ron widen was saying we should have a fuller discussion of this, because after 9/11 we were all scared. and said keep us safe no matter what. right?
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>> absolutely. and i made a suggestion some time about a different way that the program could be structures that would avoid a lot of these concerns. i'll follow up to see if they have investigated that possibility and what the result is. >> what do you think of when the nsa data center in utah are up and understanding? will they change things at all. >> i can't discuss these things. >> stephanie: or he would have to kill you. >> i may have to kill you anyway. and that has nothing to do with national security. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i was thrilled with the susan rice pick. i have never seen anything that unfair over what republicans did with benghazi over her. i'm thrilled about it. what are your thoughts? >> i am thrilled too.
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she is a top-notch pick. i'm also glad that someone who was terribly wronged by members of congress over the whole benghazi thing and commentators and others is getting a chance to promote and move up as she should because if it wasn't clear already, and it should have been clear from the very beginning, the release of those 100 emails by the white house made it absolutely clear that she had no role in the creation of the talking points and the change of the talking points. she relied on what the intelligence community said was their best assessment of what happened, and the most interesting thing of all in terms of the release of the emails is that the one significant mistake in the talking points, the idea that it began has a protest was put in by the cia and kept in from beginning to end, and there's no discussion about it, and
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obviously ambassador rice had nothing whatsoever to do with that. >> stephanie: yeah. literally when i hear senator -- whoever saying we still have to get some answers -- i don't get it. >> you are talking about a congress who has now voted to reveal obamacare 37 times. so we need to get the same answer 38 times at least before we'll move on. and we have only had 36 hearings on benghazi. so we still have a few more to go. >> stephanie: yeah. new jobs numbers better. and you keep thinking how much better would we be doing if we were working on things like that. >> yeah, it could be a lot more if we weren't suppressing job growth through this stupid sequester that cuts the good
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with the bad it's exactly the wrong economic medicine for the time. >> two friends of mine who work for the department of defense as civilian contractors were just furloughed earlier this week, so it's hitting by friends big time. >> and it will hit more and more as we go along. because in the first year of a sequester, you make whatever cuts you can. a lot of them because we have had other rounds of cuts in the past are already cutting into the bone, but whatever you can push off you push off well, next year there is going to be nothing to push off anymore. so the severity each year has become worse and worse and worse. >> stephanie: yes. the president talking about the middle class. >> obama: the middle class has to be prospering not just folks at the very top. that's got to be our focus. >> stephanie: it seems like we
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were reading an article the other day, what has happened thus far with this president has completely disproved this whole trickle down theory this austerity nonsense hasn't it? >> oh, absolutely. and look at europe those countries that adopted austerity budgets, it has been crushing to their countries. the president has put forward some good ideas to grow jobs put people back to work. we were reminded yet then with the terrible bridge collapse that we have infrastructure problems in this country. and that's just bridges. think about all of the construction jobs -- >> stephanie: and how cheap money is right now and what a no-brainer it should be. >> exactly. >> stephanie: we all know the most important thing facing the nation is irs employees line dancing.
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[♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: this is another nothing burger right. you can talk about the church in pasadena back in 2005. >> yes i was talking to a republican colleague of mine he was the only republican i could get interested in whether the irs was operating with a political focus when it would single out churches over an anti war plan, whether there was a bias within part of the irs, and now of course there are a lot more gop interest in it but i wish we would have been able to look into this years ago. >> stephanie: they just did analysis that the huge amount of groups that were okayed for tax-exempt status were conservatives. that's the point. there was an explosion of these
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specific kinds of groups after citizens united. >> there was and a great many of them are complete shams. and we need the irs to investigate under this section. they need to do it to a blind eye to the political affiliation of the group. for example, karl rove set up one of these social welfare organizations because he wanted to hide these donors. >> stephanie: are you implying that karl rove has not been involved in primarily social welfare his whole life? >> i would never suggest that. he is the most social welfare conscious man i have ever met. >> stephanie: we'll be right back with representative adam schiff on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: it's not radio. it's stephanie miller. ♪ >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high.
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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he was a comedy genious. addicted to the spotlight and living too close to the edge. of all the hours in all his days, these are the ones you'll never forget. (vo) all day current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. ♪
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ talking about my generation ♪ ♪ my generation, baby ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. forty-nine minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. representative adam schiff smooth jazz d.j. and congressman. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: here in studio with us. who said that first? you sound like smooth jazz? >> chris in yankton. >> stephanie: yeah, you do. >> thank you. i like jazz. and smooth jazz is good jazz. >> there you go.
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>> smooth jazz is good jazz. >> stephanie: exactly. so let's talk about -- first of all we talk about a lot of the non-scandal scandals. i do think this is a -- really the gop overplaying their hand don't you, so that nothing -- it all becomes white noise, i think. >> the problem is they have been doing this for so long about -- whether it was fast and furious or benghazi that when there is a real problem it's hard to know because they are so hyperbolic the whole time. unfortunately i think a lot of these people who are running the investigations have never run an investigation. and it shows. and the public doesn't have much confidence in it, and it shouldn't, and that's a real problem for the congress, in my opinion. >> stephanie: what is it like
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debating people like loui gohmert? >> well, it all depends on how you like your asparagus. [ laughter ] >> in person a lot of these people are nice people but in committee it has you scratching your head and wondering -- >> stephanie: for instance he said after news of the phone record collection. loui gohmert claimed that freedom of the press is granted in the second amendment. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> stephanie: what now? >> well the freedom of the press comes from the barrel of a gun. >> stephanie: apparently. >> i am never more astounded than during judiciary hearing debates to hear all kinds of
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assertions made about our constitution, and it's pretty scary. i think the committee sometimes it's a place like bad law students revenge, and it can be pretty pretty spooky. >> stephanie: we were hearing stuff about immigration reform. i think even marco rubio said he thinks it is in trouble not sure it has support. and that seemed like -- est especially after the last election that that would be a no-brainer. what do you think now? >> i'm still optimistic although we had a vote in the house this week that was discouraging, and that was steve king of iowa offered an amendment which basically would defund the president's program to defer action on dreamers, so it was a vote basically to continue deporting dreamers and
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in the midst of the effort to pass the dream back, this was a serious step backward the fact that it got a majority support in the house. the dream act is probably one of the easiest pieces -- >> stephanie: yeah the low hanging fruit on immigration. >> exactly. so if that has trouble getting through the house -- all of that being said i think they will pass a bill. i hope they don't tamper too much with what the gang of eight came up with. although i don't want another barrier in the lbgt community. >> stephanie: yeah. >> but if we can fix that and i hope we will on the senate floor, and we can make sure that
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we keep family-based immigration alive and well that's a pretty good bill, and my hope is the house will take it up without amendment. let the gop bring up individual pieces so members can go on record any way they want but hopefully the speaker will agree to abandon the [ inaudible ] rule and let the bill pass with bipartisan support. >> stephanie: speaking of gay rights obviously you are to ride in the gay pride parade this weekend. we are almost to a supreme court decision probably next week on pop 8. >> yes. and i'm hearing a lot through the grapevine, more commentator grapevine, but that they may decide this on a standing issue, which is not ideal. it would allow gay marriage in
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california, but wouldn't decide the case on the merits. but doma i'm worried about. >> stephanie: really. >> i don't know where the court is going to come down on that. i think ultimately it will depend on what the chief justice wants his legacy to be. because this is going to fall and hopefully it will fall with this court, and this year, but if it doesn't, it will still fall, and i don't think the chief justice wants his legacy to be in the future when people look back and they wonder how we ever discriminated against the lbgt community, i don't think he wants that legacy to be the last to support that policy. >> stephanie: we had an legal analyst on and he was saying the affordable care decision by roberts, he thinks that was to inoculate him to be able to cast
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more and more conservative votes. and i hope not. i hope he doesn't think that opens the door to that. >> i have the same concern, actually. the way i viewed it was the fact that he took that risk he did with that decision may make him less willing to take risks in other cases, but -- but this one even probably more so than the health care decision. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> may go down in history for what he stands for. so you know -- >> stephanie: representative, as a lawyer how -- i have asked this question and i don't know that i have gotten a good answer. it just seem to me that this creates a really legal chaos. it just seems like that is not the way we have ever operated as a country, you are married here, but you have to move to eat state, and then you are not
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anymore, and you lose all of the rights you had -- and a million other complications. >> it has that potential. if they decide there's no standing, does that only effect the couples married during the pendency of it? or effect all couples? i think it would affect all couples, and basically -- >> stephanie: in california. >> in california. but you are right even with that interpretation, it depends on what state you are in and what if you join the military. right now the military doesn't recognize your marriage. so it is a mess. and the court has a chance to fix that mess. i hope they take it. >> stephanie: vince in chicago before we go. >> caller: good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: how are you all doing? >> stephanie: good go ahead. >> caller: the thing i wanted to talk about with the wiretaps
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this has been going on with the fbi since jay edward hoover. why are we surprised this is still going on? >> stephanie: it was different then, because he was wearing a dress. all right. we're out of time. representative adam schiff thank you for supporting the gay community, and taking time to come mere feet over here to our studio. >> it's a great to be with you. >> stephanie: all right. have a great weekend. we will see you monday on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>> i'm jacki schechner. it's noon eastern, and here's what's current. president obama has been hear in california since yesterday, and this hour he is going to deliver remarks on health care reform using the state as an example of how the affordable care act will work. the president is parading the partnership between california endowment and spanish language media that gets latinos enrolled in health plans. and the covered california state exchange is already reporting lower rates than expected for more comprehensive benefits. later today the president heads to palm springs to meet with chinese president, xi jinping where the two are expected to talk trade and


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