tv The War Room Current June 12, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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pleather >> michael: they are back. the newtown families return to washington, d.c. with a simple selfless goal to prevent other familiar list from feeling their loss ever again. too bad so many politicians and lobbyists stand in their way. i'm michael shure. you're in "the war room." [♪ theme music ♪] >> michael: the bell has rung on round two of the gun debate, and both sides are now coming out swinging. in one corner the newtown familiar list mayor michael
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bloomberg, and fightin' joe biden. in the other, the senators that voted down the gun bill in april. six months after newtown, the victim's families were back on capitol hill hoping to win this next round. >> it's kind of amazing to think this friday will be six months. it has been the longest six months of my entire life but also the shortest. getting to this six-month mark it also -- we are committed to seeing this through for all of the changes that help eliminate the causes of gun violence. >> and we're not going away. this mother's heart break that i carry, this life sentence that i have, no one should ever bare this burden, and i'm incredibly grateful for those people that are still here fighting this good fight. >> michael: and that includes nancy pelosi who met with the
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families this afternoon. they also spoke with john boehner and eric cantor and were back in the offices of joe manchin. he assured them he was still fighting for them. >> it's still on the forefront of what we're doing, and still working very hard. >> we want to thank you for your unwavering support and leadership on this and, you know, we are not going anywhere we're here alongside you. it may have been a little stall in april, but we absolutely remain focused on the end goal here. >> michael: the president also offered his support today and blamed congressional republicans for letting pettiness get in the way of justice. then vice president biden jumped in the ring. he said most republicans were voting against reform because they were afraid of fending their party's most extreme
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counterparts. saying . . . you tell them joe. still the right problem might be the democrats that joined them. today mooil bloomberg went after that group. he wrote a letter to some big-donors in new york telling them to stop funding the campaigns of the senators. he wrote . . . according to the "new york times," harry reid was not pleased with his honor. he told bloomberg that the campaign against blues could end
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up costing democrats the majority. but the numbers do seem to be on the mayor's side. in mark pryor's home state of arkansas 60% of voters support background checks. still bloomberg's aggressive approach makes him an easy villain for pro-gun politicians like rick perry. he said he would welcome any new york gun manufacturer to move to texas. and said he released this ad in new york and connecticut, slamming mayor bloomberg. the new new york sounds a lot like the old new york. higher tax bureaucrats telling you if you can even drink a big gulp. there is a place for opportunity and freedom are flourishing, and that's texas. >> michael: sure, quote, freedom may be flourishing in texas but
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not health care, education -- and i forget the third thing -- oh, right, common sense. joining us now from washington is david waldman, contributing editor at daily kos. he mosts the morning podcast on daily coast radio, and covers the gun control debate in his gunfail column. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> michael: it has now been 180 days since the shootings at sandy hook elementary. in that time there has been 5,001 gun deaths in this country. can the debate be different this time? >> it can be different. and they'll good sending people back to their states during the august recess with this thing hanging over them, and they will have to confront constituents who will be very much in favor some of the common sense regulations in this bill and they will have to spend the
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month of august explaining why they are reading the polls backward. >> michael: yeah, and i don't think what bloomberg cares what harry reid says. i think he is so single-mindedly focused on this agenda. what do you think about him going after democrats, though? >> it works for him, and it works for the issue. i have some mixed feelings about it, in that i remember, every once in a while we're reminded michael bloomberg comes to us from the other side. so it's a little bit hard to swallow the advise to the donors do what this rich republican instructing you. but his interests mesh with a lot of his donor friends on this issue, and there's no other way to bring the hammer down on some of these guys other than to say you can't come around to
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new york looking for big checks and then go back to d.c. and screw us with that money. >> yeah, that's absolutely right. and when you see 60% of arkansasians saying we want background checks what difference was it make? i want to talk about you, though, david. you tweet from @cadrocks. i mean some of them are ironic and some of them are just absolutely tragic. what kind of response are you getting to these tweets?
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i respond to them and retweet them, but i'm curious what kind of response overall you are getting? >> it's all across the map, really. i get a lot of response from supporters who say i'm so glad you are tracking this stuff, i had no idea, or they say i knew what the numbers were in the abstract, but i had no idea how often, and how many strange and unexpected ways these things can happen, and of course there are pro-gun rights folks who get very angry with the fact that i'm tweeting these things, and try to engage in some kind of second amendment rights debate. but i answer them i'm just reading you the daily news. i am aware of all of the claims of course of gun owners and gun rights advocates who say guns are often used to defend themselves, their familiar list, against criminals and others, all true but it takes nothing
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away from the fact that this is the news. this is the reality of gun owner snip this country. every 35 minutes someone is shot accidentally in the united states, and i'm trying to get that point across. >> michael: you are doing a good job. when you hear about each little story, it actually hits home even more than a big number was sometimes. so that's why i think it's so important. yesterday there were confirmation hearings for todd p jones. the president's pick to run the atf. it doesn't look great for jones either. let's take a listen to senator amy klobuchar yesterday. >> i think that's wrong. something is wrong when the senate fails to confirm the head of an agency for seven years. something is wrong when we have atf agents, over 2,000 of them
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on the front lines of major investigations like the boston marathon bombing while victims ladies membered in the hospital the agents were on the front line, figuring out who did it and what happened? and yet the senate will still not confirm a permanent leader. >> michael: will the nra still control this issue as they have with the atf in other ways? and how can we combat their more insidious effects on our government? >> yeah they are certainly battle this out on every front. what other area of law enforcement does the nra and its allyies really want to be out front saying we want the troops in the field leaderless? no other place in the world in any respect where americans are putting their lives on the line, do conservatives do this sort of thing, but atf, because it
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affects guns, the nra believe this meshes with the interests -- i have never heard anybody explain how this meshes with the interests of the amateur gun shooter. and the most insidious effect is that they are also choking off the access to information. that's part of the reason that i picked up on this gun sale exploration, because i heard very early on in the debate that they were working inside of congress to defund any federal subsidies that might help researchers even do as much as count the number of people who are injured and killed by guns. you cited the number of over
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5,000. that's actually the somebody that slate put together in their crowd-sourced count since the newtown shootings. the reality, what data we do have comes from the cdc. about 30,000 people are killed each year by guns. that's over 80 a day, and the fact is according to those statistics, which have remained steady, there are actually about three times that number. the number is close to 12 to 15,000 dead in fact since newtown. >> michael: yeah. >> and that they would block our knowledge of that is amazing. >> michael: it's incredible. david waldman thank you for continuing to beat the drum. you can read david in "the daily 'kos." ahead in "the war room" tonight,
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. you know who is coming on
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to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> michael: more news continues to come out about the nsa leak, but where is the leaker edward snowden. the guardian reports he may be in a secret location in long congress. today he gave an exclusive interview to the south china post. snowden plans to stay in hong kong to fight u.s. attempts to extradite him. he believes there has been more
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than 61,000 nsa hacking operations around the world with hundreds of those being hong kong and mainland china. a new poll found that 41% found the programs completely unacceptable. while onlookers are divided on whether he is a whistleblower or hero, he told the post . . . while today's senate cyber security hearing wasn't supposed to be about this issue, it took center stage. >> i do think what we're doing does protect american civil liberties and privacy. the issue is to date we have not been able to explain it, because it is classified.
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>> michael: questions loom however. can we believe everything that snowden says? how much does big brother really know about our lives and can we do anything about it? here to answer those questions in san francisco is susan freiwald, a cyber law and privacy expert at university of san francisco school of law. thank you so much for joining us, susan. >> thank you for having me. >> michael: i want to begin with a clip from the guardian. watch this with me. >> you don't have to have done anything wrong. you simply have to eventually fall under suspicion from somebody, even by a wrong call, and then they can use the system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you have ever made. every friend you have ever discussed something with, and attack you on that basis. >> michael: susan to what extent is the nasz actually collecting
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information on every day american citizens? >> there are two programs that we have learned about. one is the 215 program, the program pursuant to patriot act 215. and they collected every bit of what they are calling meta data going back seven years and that's on every american. so that's everything about who you called on the phone, how long you are on the phone, where you were when you made a call the duration of the call. that's a tremendous amount of information, and they have said they have done it for every single american every day. the other program is the prism program. and it is much less clear what exactly has been collected under that program. >> what will bring clarity to that, do you think? will it take the edward snowden
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of prism to know that? >> there are efforts to get the supreme court to release an opinion that they weren't minimizing the acquisition of u.s. persons data. there's apparently an 86-page decision that the electronic front tier foundation is trying to make public. there are other people that are asking -- the big tech companies are asking the attorney general to release information about what is going on, so the american public won't assume the worse. there are other senator are asking to have the court make its opinions known. i think if enough pressure comes to bare on the administration,
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we'll learn more. >> michael: that makes all of the sense in the world. another issue here is the government's growing use of contractors like booz allen in defense and intelligence. that is to me a huge issue. >> well, it's a huge issue, because it's impossible to control that many people. in the wake of 9/11, the intelligence network grew so quickly, and there has been a lot of excellent books written about that but they had to hire a huge number of people. and booz allen, i think contracts at a billion dollars a year in consultants dedicated to intelligence work. and how do you make sure each one of those people is respecting the law, let alone whether the law itself is correct. that's why principles like a verifiable audit trail are so important, and i haven't heard like that they do.
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>> michael: snowden made the claim that he has the ability to wiretap anyone. how true do you think this is? >> well, that's -- that's a tough question. one of the things that people have been talking a lot about in recent days is whether or not the nsa has a direct pipe into google or facebook and the like. and the tech companies are saying absolutely no way. and i don't know what to think. i don't know how we would know whether they do or not. but i think whether or not that is going on that the nsa has direct unfettered and unfiltered access, i think it's clear that under current law, they are able to get very, very brood access to information on a real time basis, only having to assert that their program has a more -- has a 51% chance or more of disclosing information about a non-u.s. person. so there's a tremendous amount
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of information that can be collected, they are going to store in this giant warehouse in fort meade and i think it's quite possibly -- likely -- it's real that our communications are in there. is it any of our communications? i don't know. >> michael: let me play you a clip of the nsa director, defending the collection of phone records to help with terrorism investigations. >> all you are looking for on that is who did he talk to. so the system just gives us back who he was talking to. but if you didn't collect it? how do you know who he was talking to? so if the issue becomes if you don't have the information -- so i don't give you any connections -- i just give you a number and say find who he is talking to you don't have the information. >> michael: why should in short the people of america be
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concerned about the patriot act section 215? >> because they are mass collecting about every single person going back over seven years, every single communication attribute that we have made. and you can learn about people's political views, religious activities, about the sources for journalists, whether they spend their time. it's too much power to put into the hands of one government, particularly one branch of the government, and we don't even know that the methods they are using are effective. >> michael: that's the problem. so we appreciate your input to this, susan. susan freiwald, we always say there is always someone in our "war room"." today it's you, susan, thank you so much. up next inside "the war room," we head to washington for the latest on the battle to end
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violence against women in our military. that story is next and it's only in "the war room"." (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> my producer just coughed up a hairball. >>sorry. >>just be grateful current tv doesn't come in "smell-o-vision" >> oh come on! the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo)only on current tv. ♪ >> michael: welcome back to "the war room" from los angeles. i'm michael shure. there was an intraparty show down today over how to prosecute military sexual assault. in one corner we had kirsten gillibrand from new york, and independent military lawyers would make a decision on whether cases would go to trial. and then we have carl levin of
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michigan who believes putting leaders out of the decision would be detrimental to the military. listen to this. >> i do not support removing the authority of commanders to prosecute sexual assault cases, and putting that decision in the hands of military lawyers outside of the chain of command as the personnel subcommittee provision would do. i believe that doing so would weaken our response to sexual assault. >> michael: are you kidding me levin? what about the recent cases where commanders overturned a military court's conviction in sexual assault cases, or women fear retaliation from their commanders so they don't report. when are you retiring? next year is not soon enough.
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senator barber are boxer said . . .. this twist comes on the heels of a recent pentagon report that's mates as many as 26,000 solders were sexually assaulted or abused last year but only 3600 victims reported the attacks. gill brand's amendment would have tackled that problem head on. >> you do not have to take it from me or my colleagues to support this measure. take it from the victims who have said to us over and over again that they do not report because they do not trust the chain of command. take it from the military leaders who just testified in front of us, that they themselves say, quote, they don't trust us.
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>> michael: she has proven that she is not just a seat filler senator for hillary clinton. she has been there fighting this issue so so well. joining us now from washington christine pelosi. she chairs the california democratic party women's caucus and a regular on "the war room," thanks for withing with us christine. these senator are in direct opposition. it looks like levin is working against his fellow democrats as well as assault victims. how did this happen? >> there is a cancer in the military. it's called rape and sexual assault. the status quo has to go. i don't know how many people have to get raped, i don't know who has to get raped before the brass change their minds. so what the american people have to do is make that change for them. the phones are burning with people calling senator levin. his voicemail is full so now
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they are calling the committee offices themselves, and saying the status quo must go. >> michael: they should call his brother who is a congressman to tell him to call his brother karl to tell him to wake up. let's take a listen to this. >> removing prosecution decisions from the chain of command, would likely weaken our response to sexual assault, by taking the responsibility for prosecution away from military commanders, who are actually more likely to prosecute, and instead transferring the responsibility to military lawyers, who are less likely to prosecute. >> michael: this is like crazy old white man talk from the senate, that we have become used to, but not from carl levin.
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how does levin's logic make any sense at all? >> well, it doesn't make sense. these are the ways of the past. again, 26,000 people were assaulted last year in the military. now the police have an internal affairs bureau that have charges that come up, have internal investigations first before they turn them over to police. civilians, of course, are not allowed to take the law into their own hands. we have a system of laws that have to be followed and the military is a lagging indicator here. but the military was able to address racial segregation. they are starting to end don't ask don't tell and sexual discrimination and gender discrimination. so i think they can tackle military sexual assault but let the commanders command, and when those cases come up, let
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independent military lawyers take on those cases. we have tried it the old way, and failed. we have to try something new before women and men are raped by their fellow service members. >> michael: yeah. ted cruz supported jill brand and voted against levin. what do you make of that issue? >> i think ted cruz did the right thing. >> michael: wait a second, can you just repeat what you just said. >> i did. ted cruz did the right thing. and i salute him for it. i do. and when they are doing the right thing. we want people to stand by. this is not a partisan issue. part of it is generational. part of it is newer senator haven't spent their careers in washington, so they see no reason to be differential to the
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old ways of doing things. and in this particular instance they are right. the military -- if they had it their war, the movie "the invisible war" would never have been released but i tell you there is an awakening now -- once you have opened the door, it can't be shut, and the flood gates have opened at this point, so sooner or later ji hope sooner, this change is going to come, and i hope president obama is watching this debate, and that the white house weighs in because he really should. >> michael: i know he is watching this show if he wasn't watching the debate earlier. so we're covered. earlier today the house judiciary passed a bill 20-12 that would ban abortion after 20 weeks. >> yes this is the same
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legitimate rape argument we heard two years ago, in the third bill the republicans introduced. what they are trying to do is this, michael. their goal is to minimize contraception, to minimize plan b and of course to make sure that women's choices are made by the state and not by women, their physicians and their families. in order to do that they minimize any situation that they can, in which a pregnancy could occur. that's why the author of the ban was channelling todd achen, saying there are a limited number of pregnancies that result from rape. if you minimize the number of rapes, then in their minds you minimize the number of what could be considered, quote unquote, legitimate reasons for plan b contraception or abortion services. this is wrong.
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we have to fight this just as strongly as we have in the past. >> michael: exactly and it seems clear that the fighting is going on, and bringing attention to this issue. thank you. as always christine pelosi is going to the congressional baseball game tomorrow. so have fun there, and thanks for being on the show. there is still a lot of great stuff to come on "the war room," but the tragic and appalling state of child care in america, what still has our politicians still scratching their heads.
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kendyll passed away from smoke inhalation, and three other children also. the owner said she had been in the bathroom when a pan caught fire on the stove. but a neighborhood noticed her red and whiteout fit was spotless in contrast to the children being carried out in soot. that's because she wasn't there. she was out shopping. joining us tonight from an arbor, michigan is jonathan cone, we investigated where we are as a nation when it comes to providing quality care to our youngest citizens. thank you for coming back on the
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show. >> thank for having me. >> michael: the woman who ran that day care had a criminal past. how in the world in this country was she allowed to run a daycare? >> well, the simple explanation is that in -- in a state -- as in most of the country, texas has a department that oversees quality of day care and oversees the people that provide it and they have only limited resources. the computer check failed to pick up a record that she had compiled as a juvenile. the law said she had to go through a training session, but when she was there she didn't listen. she put her head on the table and was on her cell phone and texting, but by law simply by showing up, she satisfied the requirement. and texas doesn't have enough people to inspect these places as often as she would like. and it's not just a texas story,
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if you do the research, what is going on in texas is going on all over the country. day care is a very poorly regulated service, and if you look at the data we have the quality around the country, i like to say it's generally mediocre occasionally awful, and every once in a while, deadly. >> michael: jonathan you did say just now this wasn't an isolated incident. they are impossible to hear, but i think they are impactful. what are some of the other horry -- horror stories have you covered? >> you can google day care death and find a bunch of hits. the local newspaper in minneapolis won a pul it willer is for a series it did on children who died in day care.
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and you hear all kinds of things. you know there's the toddler who was not being watched that carefully and wandered off and tripped into a baptistmall pool and drowned. there are always stories on buses. stories of kids who drowned. story after story after story. i don't want to send everybody into a panic. it's not like we have this epidemic of kids dieing in day care, but that's the worst extreme case the truth is the quality of day care in the united states is very poor. >> michael: yeah it always underscores the importance of newspapers and local newspapers reporting these stories, because then they get the kind of legs that we are giving them right now. about 40% of children under five years old spend part of their week in the care of someone
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other than their parents, and most are in day care centers, but the average cost of full-time child care in the u.s., jonathan is about $10,000 per year. how much help can working parents expect from the government in terms of subsidies and it is enough? >> they do not expect a lot. there are some tax credits built into the tax code for children and if you are very poor there is a limited number of vouchers out there. they are paid for by the federal government, and given out by the states to help people get child care. but the demand for these vouchers is far higher than the supply, and low-income families and middle income families really struggle to pay for child care. >> michael: yeah, and the u.s. lags behind other industrialized countries that make child care spending a priority, which is always embarrassing when you hear how far we lag behind
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we're in 32nd place. it is embarrassing, and i just said it again, but it's fru. france finland, and the uk devote about 1% of their dgp spending on children, the united states devote about .4%. why is this -- and jonathan why are we so far behind? >> it's a complicated story and there are a lot of reasons. in this country there are two big reasons. number one, we have a suspicion of government. looking to the government for help is not something we do instinctively, and yet we are still operating in the mind set as if the it was the 1950s, and we can count on always having a spouse who can stay at home to raise kids. that's not the world we live in
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anymore. and we do to do something about it. >> michael: president obama seemingly wants to make this a priority in his second term. he committed to spending more on early education. here is the president. >> obama: tonight i propose working with states to make high-quality preschool available to every single child in america. [ cheers and applause ] >> obama: that's something we should be able to do. >> michael: four months later, where is his plan now? >> it's not getting a lot of attention, and it really should. it was a serious commitment. there was a serious amount of policy work that went into it. but to do something like that, you have to find money in the budget, and right now there is just not a willingness in congress to spend money, and i mean the republicans in congress. they are all about cutting spending. we need to spend less money, and
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cut the programs that do exist like head start. but i think it's important that he proposed it and even if we can't do that program this year or next year maybe a year from now, two years from now, four years from now, it's teed up so when there is more money and willingness, we can make something like this happen. >> michael: one of the most important things presidents do is start a dialogue. jonathan kohne from "the new republic," thanks for coming into "the war room." up next what is the best gift for a former president. brett ehrlich will share his thoughts.
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politics with a west coast edge. bill press and stephanie miller. >> what a way to start the day. ♪ >> michael: today we wish a happy 89th birthday with respect to our favorite single-term republican president george herbert walker bush. his spokesman tweeted this photo of the 41st president driving a golf cart today. lately he is becoming a fashion icon with his sock choices. his socks were a gift from a friend, i think they even have a cape above the heel. the fashion sock craze isn't limited to republicans though. here is how nancy pelosi celebrated. she tweeted this photo of her
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neon rainbow socks. of all of our presidents gerald ford lived the longest, beating ronald reagan by 45 days. george h.w. bush is getting pretty close. happy birthday 41. we want to see you break that record. let's bring in cenk uygur to find out what is on "the young turks"s tonight. cenk. >> all right. i have the most boring black sox you have ever seen in your life. did you have shyla buff in "the war room"? >> i didn't. >> he said about five years ago that he -- an fbi consultant on a movie played a telephone call of shyla from two years before
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that for him. now i know it sounds crazy but a guy apparently played that tape for him. if he did, that means they are recording all of our calls. can you imagine if a random act for broke the whole issue? >> michael: that would be amazing. up next to discuss the best of the rest is samuel l jackson -- no i read that wrong. it is brett ehrlich. >> this is amazing whatever technology you are using it's like you are right here in front of me. i wore a tie and i have some great stories for us today. this is the forry of ralph hall accidental tourist. he is a 90-year-old republican
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congressman from texas went to an event which he thought was in support of a fellow congressman, but later he discovered it was an event for an lbgt group. and he came to this realization and suddenly excused him. >> michael: how did he know something was off? >> i don't know. i would pay money to be there, and say this congressman sure is into pleather. but apparently i have the report, he said i inquired about the congressman being honored . . . and then he said he put down his glass and slowly walked away. >> michael: i love that. i love that he was like oh wrong -- he didn't stay or meet anybody -- >> yeah, i cannot stay at this
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gay event, so he left. he said people were probably surprised to see him show up but probably not surprised to watch him leave. >> michael: i wouldn't imagine. anything else? >> saw you had stuff about george h.w. bush and since you reported it has gone like wildfire on the internet. >> that was like 30 seconds ago. >> i know. he turned 89 and people all over washington are tweeting photos of their socks. first is mitt romney and his granddaughter, jenna. and then a great granddaughter or just a very life-like doll. and this is the national republican senateor toal committee. if you rotate your head about 40 degrees you realize it's a 41.
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and finally, a close family friend got in on it the wicked witch of the east. >> it's great that she would give a tribute. i appreciate that. brett, it's great having you in studio, great to learn about ralph hall. we send a congratulations to david shuster and his wife their healthy baby was born yesterday in new york. check us out online at i look forward to seeing you on "the young turks." have a great night. ♪
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democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: all right, welcome to "the young turks." we've got a big show ahead for you guys, and we're going to talk a lot about the nsa scandal and the twist with shia labeouf that might "transform" the conversation. i'm here all week expect for friday. okay, it sounds funny but seriously it's near the end of the show, you got to stay tuned for that. it may be that they're recording all of our calls and it's amazing we might be finding that out through a hollywood actor.
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