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tv   Full Court Press  Current  June 14, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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[ music ] >> bill: good morning out there, folks. this is friday morning. happy father's day weekend. filling in for bill press on the bill suppress show. i know i don't look like bill but i tried my best to look as much like him as i could. this is the best i could do. we have an action-packed show for you. first and foremost syria and assad crossed the line and the
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president president, we were talking about in the first hour, we are talking about the redskins changing their name possibly on changing their name or not changing their name. we want to know how you feel about that. also, we are talking about the trayvon martin case and student loan debt and we have 17 days left on the clock before rates are double. we want to save the students and save the american dream. we are going to talk to centre for american progress with their new report about how we can get our economy back on track. 300 things we can do right away to make it work. but none of this -- like bill would say -- is anything without you. so there is a table a chair here for you at the table. go ahead and give us a call. 1-866-55-press or 1-866-557,
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7377. richard fowler filling in for bill press. stay with me. cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air
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and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but
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somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern [ music ] >> broadcasting crosses the nation, on your radio, and on current t.v. this is "the bill press show." >> good morning, good morning, good morning. happy friday morning. this is the beginning of what is going to be a great father's day weekend, i hope for you and your family. this is richard fowler filling in for bill press who is at home with a sore throat. bill, i am pretty sure he is watching, listening in. i hope you get better soon. i promise i will leave this ship how i found it. with such a great team dan henning.
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>> good morning. good to have you back. >> good to be back. >> my first job as a producer. bring your microphone. >> love it. good to see you. >> it's good to see you, dan. >> you are looking good. >> pocket square and everything. >> i try my best. i thought it was friday, i would snappy it up a little bit. >> i love it. i love it. >> we have alicia on the phones. hi, alicia. good morning. good morning, good morning and we have cyprian working the cameras. listen, bill has -- i think bill has the best team in the business. so any time i get an opportunity, it makes me feel so much better about myself. and, folks, you can join the conversation. there is always a seat at the table for you. so, go ahead. tweet us at bpshow, at richard a fowler or hash tag watchingbp. i am relating tweets as they come in. or if you give us a call at
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1-866-557-7377. first story of the morning for you, and it's definitely al good one. before i get to the that, we are going to talk about syria and this red line thing. i think it's a big deal. let's get to the "full-court press" and have a little fun before we get serious. >> this is the full court press. >> the real news you need to know as we head into the weekend on this friday. the head of news corp parent of fox news is having trouble in his personal life. rupert murdoch yesterday filed for divorce from his wife of 14 years. the 82-year-old married 44-year-old we needey deng in new york. a spokesman said it broke down hard over the last six months. they have two young children together. murdoch's first divorce cost him 1.7 billion -- billion$17,000,000,000 -- billion with a b dollars. no word on what this one may cost. but i think wendy is going to make out quite nicely. >> she is taking him to the cleaners. in by 9:00, out by 5:00.
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>> that's right. >> one unsuspecting short order cook at charlie's sandwich shop in boston had a big order to fill on wednesday. the boston globe caught up with ronnie alfarro who got a ticket for a burger with let us mustard and fries and at the bottom, it said obama. he is the one that cooked that burger for the president wednesday night after his campaign stop for ed markey. he said he was so nervous but just started cooking and it came together naturally even though there were two secret service agents standing next to him at the griddle. >> that has to be tough. i would be so scared. you don't want to messes up. you want to make sure you get the order right. >> that's one order you don't want to screw up. >> you are a burger flipper and two guys in suits with guns standing next to you making sure you cook the burger. >> don't mess it up. >> i am sure they were nice. 0 my goodness. >> one person forgot edge comic
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book has become a new windfall for a homeowner. a family was doing renovations on their home in minnesota when they found a copy of action comics 31 that introduced the world to superman. it was stuck inside insulation. they found it when they ripped down an old wall. it sold this week for $175,000. but, that is actually a low number because it was not in the greatest condition. a mint condition copy of the same comic book sold a couple of years ago for over $2 million. >> there is a story to that one. we covered this on the fowler show. so the story behind it is the reason why it wasn't in mint condition is because the guy who owned the house went to his father-in-law. they had a. ussel over it appeared it broke it into pieces. >> i didn't know that. >> that's the back story there. >> wow. 175,000 for a comic book that wasn't yours to begin with, that's pretty good. >> thank you. thank you, so much dan. >> that's a good story.
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it's not as good as them syria story. so we are going to break it down for you. i think this is big, big news. you know, basically what will we know to be true is that assad has used a chemical and biological weapon -- excuse me -- chemical weapons on some rebels. the president indicated very strong on this position that that will be a red line or a game changer in which the united states will intervene. now, there are a lot of questions about what united states intervention looks like. before we get into that, let's listen to ben whoedz explain for us. >> the assad regime has used chemical weapons including seron multiple times in the last year. >> i think because of that, later on in the conversation, ben talks about how -- mr. roads, ben roads talks about how we are going to increase support to syria. >> as we review this evidence we have increased our support and provision of assistance to
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the opposition. >> i don't always agree with john mccain. in this particular situation now, pump the brakes i know. people itching at the bit. i give you my opinion. i want to hear yours, too. 1866-55-press. i sort of -- i really do believe that this situation has gone on way too long. i think assad has gone on way too long. if we are truly supposed to be the city on a hill and, you know, the prom oaters or democracy, we have to get engaged. i am not saying we should get engaged like how we gotten engaged in iraq and afghanistan. i am saying we need to sprotte to people as they fight for true and real democracy. let's take a listen to what john mccain said last night and i will tell you. >> also will announce that we will be assisting the syrian rebels in syria by providing them with weapons and other
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assistance. i applaud the president's decision. >> john, i apaul the president's decision, too. like i say, john is a broken record because john mccain always wants to arm the rebels. it will solve all of the problems. if we arm the rebels no matter what the situation is, arm the rebels. i think we have to be very, very prudent about how we arm the rebels and how we go about doing it. we got a tweet in from don griffin, who is somebody who is on the bill press show. it seems every time we help other countries with weapons, somehow, they are used on us and we cannot start. why can't we start with a no-fly zone. i think we should. i think the no-fly zone has to be part of this policy. i think we have to do a no-fly zone and i think we should arm the rebels with something. we have -- i mean we have been training rebels already. you know the u.s. cia official
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operatives have been training them on how to use anti-aircraft weaponry and so on and so forth. so i think this is the beginning of, hopefully, we won't be totally engaged. but i think this is a chance for us to go to the international commune did i and have a conversation about how we work on helping these individuals. there is a couple of pieces they're that i think is amiss that we need to sort of figure out what's going on. i think we need to find out where the russians are on this. we also need to find out where, you know, where turkey is and a lot of other pieces that have sort of help -- give us a full spectrum of what's going down and what's happening. i think to add to that the fact that now you know, hamas is saying that we are sort of with aassad. >> that's just wrong. it's vial. it doesn't work. i think we could agree there. if you disagree with this and think we should not get involved at all and sit on our hands and
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do nothing, i want to hear your opinion. 1866-55-press. but either way, you know, i got to tell you, i got to tell you folks, i think the president is doing the right thing here this is why we are the united states of america. this is why we whether people like assad they cross the line, they blur the line our job has to be saying listen. wait a minute. pump the brakes. we have to fix the situation. i think it's exactly, exactly what we are doing here and i think it's a really, really good thing. it's imports that we get it done. and it's just one of those things where if we do nothing, who will. right? how many people very long to die? are we going to continue to let him kill his people for him to stay in power? like this guy is a tin pot dictator who has really just gone too far like moammar
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gadaffi. it's not a situation -- i don't think it's a situation that's complicated as e videotape gist where mubarak was eye. the only reason why we even worked with syria is because their stable governmental organization. but even that is questionable at this point in time. and he's got to step down. hillary clinton when she was secretary of state asked him to step down. the president asked him to step down numerous times. now, i think it's time for us to sort of, you know, show him what we are made of. and that means saying you have to step down. it's just that simple. step down. create a new democracy. get nat 0 in there. work on fixing the situation. assad crossed the red line. we warned this guy over and over and over again: don't cross the
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red line. it's a pretty definite and clear red line. let's listen to the president telling assad don't cross the red line. >> i have made clear that the use of chemical weapons is a game changer. >> he made clear that time use of chemical weapons is a game changer. the game has been changed. there is evidence of it. i think it's a perfect, perfect time for the president to step in and do something. don't go anywhere. we are coming back on the bill press show. we have so much to talk about. marco rubio and before that, we are going to talk to marco rubio about what he said and didn't say. give us a call at 1866-55-press. we want to hear from you. we will be right back. >> like politics? then like "the bill press show" on facebook. this is "the bill press show."
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>> this is "the bill press show." >> use of chemical weapons violates international norms and crosses red lines that have existed in the international community for decades. >> red lines that didn't exist. assad has crossed them, america. this morning, we are talking about on the bill press show richard fowler here, filling in for the one and only bill press who is at home with a sore throat. we are taking your calls. 1-866-55-press. 1-866-557-7377 talking about syria and the phone lights have lit up. i have managed to awaken america. >> when someone says on this show, i happen to agree with john mccain, that may happy. >> let's talk to william until st. louis, missouri. william, how are you?
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>> caller: good. >> william, don't yell at me. >> caller: how are you? >> good. how are you >> caller: i have a question for you. where are we going to get money? we cut out head start, meals to wheels. i am a truck driver out here driving across roads that are breaking up, bridges that are falling down. where are we going to find money to do this now? >> listen, i have to tell you i agree with you on what you are saying. i think you are sort of right. i think we need to obviously rebuild america. i completely, completely agree: the sad part is this money is allotted for. 25% of our budget in this country and more than that goes to funding our military. that money is already there. and i would rather -- i would rather our military -- i wouldraries use those arms to promote democracy than have those arms sort of sitting doing absolutely nothing which is where they are now. >> that's my opinion it, william. but i hear you. and i think you are right. we are going to be talking about
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it later on in the show. listen for the whole show. we are talking about how we can rebuild america and invest in america's future with the centre for american progress report coming out. i think you are on the money there. i think you are in the money. david, baltimore? >> caller: yes. i disagree. i think i think it's totally immoral and my crater tells me in my heart this is wrong. listen to the script. you guys know the script. he's killing his own people. how long have we hold that same ol' script. this could have been nipped in the bud a long time ago. they should have stabilized the regime instead of supporting al-qaeda rebels. what good is going to come out of a a violent revolution. >> i hear you. what do you suggest we do? >> caller: what we should do is we should have negotiations directly with assad and figure out how to stabilize the regime. >> are you suggesting -- i am just trying to hear the facts.
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so you are suggesting that we negotiate with assad even though we know he is basically killing his people. he was killing them before. i agree with you. he was killing people before. but i am not sure we can negotiate with somebody who is determined to do anything to stay in power. >> caller: they are going to continue to fight. if they don't get support, if you cut off the rebels, who is he going to fight? nobody. >> he is still going to kill his people. the fact that these people -- i think this is pretty clear, the people have said assad we are done with your game like when we were done with george w. bush we voted him out. people are like we want to get rid of you and he won't go anywhere. we want him to leave. he should leave because the people like, hey, we are done with you. it doesn't seem to be a peaceful transfer of power. that's the problem. >> caller: that's the process that would happen anyway.
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frankly, tens of thousands of especially black africans were murdered. is that what you are asking for? i think, you know -- >> i completely agree with you. we don't want people to be murdered. >> that's why we are going to arm the rebels so we can stop the assad regime. on top of that, i think the president has been clear and i will defend the president because he has been clear. he says, i am going to let this go on and let self determination rule here but at some point in time, you are going to cross the red line and that red line is the use of chemical or biological weapons against your people because if you are willing to use those weapons against your people then there is probably a great likelihood that you are willing to use them against americans. >> that's my opinion on that one. bill, kansas city, how are you? >> i am doing great. the concern i have is the same thing we talked about in libya. we armed the rebels in libya and then they attacked our embassy in benghazi. there is a lot more places we could be fighting this fight like in the sudan and in
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northern sdprik and the con goingafrica and the con going going -- congo. >> i will agree with you a lot of other people are worse than assad. but because his name is in the news and in sort of a region that is not geo-politically stable. like i said there are a lot more moving pieces on this chessboard than just syria. i completely agree. i think we waited too long in darfur. we waited too long in rwanda. mugabi is still around. he should be gone. i agree with you. >> caller: exactly. >> i agree with you. i just think because this is a lot of public pressure, we are sort of forced to deal with this whole thing. if you are quick, don, we can take you. >> caller: very good morning. >> morning. how are you? >> caller: doing great. doing great. >> i love the fact that you are
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so chipper this morning. >> caller: you are right, assad has gone way, way, way too far, and i think we should get involved if absolutely necessary. on the trayvon martin thing, if you don't mind a sidestep f that was thet self defense, i am a kaiser of germany. >> you are right. i am going to talk about trayvon when we come back to the from the break. i want to talk about what this george zimmerman case means to america. but we will be back on the bill press show. don't go anywhere. there is a seat here for you at the table. go ahead and give us a call. 1866-55-press. with syria, student loans, george zimmerman and trayvon martin, stay with me. i promise you i won't do you wrong. we will be right back after the break.
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>> this is "the bill press show."
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>> heard around the country and seen on "the bill press show." >> good morning. we are back on the bill press show. before we switch topics on this one, richard fowler, by the way, filling in for bill press. i know you turn on your television or you turned on your radio and you didn't see or he bill and you are like, what is going on? this is the black man filling in today. it's okay. life gets better. happy father's day to all of the fathers out there. we appreciate you. we appreciate you, daddy on daddy's day. we are going to take a call from
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sandy in fayetteville north carolina. sandy, how are you? >> good morning. >> i got to tell you. i am in the military. i have been in active duty for the last 24 years. >> thank you for your service. >> you know, we all have a job. i think it's rather flippant to say, let's just arm the rebels because there is multiple rebel groups. and honestly, they don't have any consolidated leadership. so we really don't know where we need to turn to even provide any support. i mean that's the bottom line. you have to know and if you have done any reading at all, there are some great articles out there that will tell you that al-qaeda is pushing hard to intervene in the syria problem. so we are just going to get ourselves in trenched if we don't approach this carefully and don't exhaust all diplomatic means first. we are going to find ourselves in another war where we really don't know who the enemy is. >> i have known -- i feel as
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though, sandy, we have used our diplomatic means and put sanctions on them. we've, you know, hillary clinton sort of dealt with this issue. now, john kerry is dealing with it. what are you thinking, sandy? tell me? >> caller: i don't know if the military solution is always the right solution unless you have clear attainable objectives and you absolutely have the moral imperative to intervene. right now, without really understanding who the rebels are -- because there are multiple rebel groups and they don't have cohesive leadership we could get ourselves in trouble. it's a very complications indicated matter. >> that's why it's not easily solved. i would like to comment that because democracy works in our nation doesn't mean every single nation in the world has to copy our democracy. not to say i don't think it's immoral for someone to use
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chemical weapons. my job is not to bring democracy to other nations but to protect and defend the united states on top of protecting the constitution, we have to, you know maintain military dominance? i have never talked to a military person. i want to know. >> caller: can you restate the question? >> all right. as part of our protecting our constitution, upholding, you know, what we are -- who we are as americans on security does that mean that we still have to have this whole military, you know, rule around the world type of thing? >> caller: i don't know what you mean by that. i think that, you know, from where our administration sits and, you know, we have to protect our interests abroad. and i'll just keep it very vague. but really when i look at what i signed up for as a u.s. service member, i signed up and i swore to uphold and defend the constitution of the united states of america. >> that's what i am here for.
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but i think if it's in our national interests to protect national interests abroad, then we have to have clear and attainable goals. >> so the next question is: do you think that asad staying in power protects our national interests in the geo-political climate of the middle east and israel and all of those pieces? >> i think that's questionable. i think that there are some, you know, and i am not speaking on behalf of the military. i just want to make that absolutely clear. >> no. this is sandy and richard having a conversation. >> caller: yeah. i think that, you know we may have not agreed with the way that saddam hussein, for example, ran iraq but as a result of our intervention in iraq, i would venture to say it's a much less stable country than it was before. >> i agree with that. >> caller: we have grown a lot more terrorists as a result of that. don't think for a moment these people love us and want us to liberate them and give them democracy. the only thing they want from us is our money. >> i agree there, sandy. one, i don't think we should have -- i appreciate your
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calling. i don't think we should have military enterintervention where we have boots on the ground fighting guess assad. but i think you are right. and i know i am hoping that i sort of have an inclination this white house is not going to be willie nilie for anybody. they will use the research to make an informed decision about which runnels they should fund or give weapons to. like i said, this is not the thing that i would have said or i would have agreed with three or four weeks ago: even yesterday for that matter. i was like, i think we should stay out of it. we have asked assad to step down. that should be the end of it. i think with the fact that you are using chemical weapons on your people. what stops you from using chemical weapons on israel or on americans or giving those chemical weapons to al-qaeda for them to use it in the united states. i think that is why we have to sort of say, wait a second. you've gone too far. you have crossed the red line.
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i want to change topics here because we could talk about syria all day and while that would be great, i am pretty sure my head will explode at some point in time. so i want to talk about this george zimmerman trial. i said this on my show a couple times but i want to talk to you about how important i think this is is for the national dialogue about race in america. and i want to take your calls on it. so 866-1-866-55-press. so, the judge said that they are going to sequester the jury for the remainder of the trial once the jury is selected which i think is a great idea and something that should be done. but, this stand your ground law which was, you know, put in place by the american legislative council which allowed george zimmerman to shoot trayvon martin in cold blood because he happened to be a black man walking with a hoodie come from seven-11, i say that because there are days of the week america i know i look amazing today and not that i --
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not that i -- but there are days where i am walking around in a hoodie, walking to seven-11 from my house, and i could easily be trayvon. right? my brother could easily be trayvon. my cousin, my relatives could be trayvon but i want to make this very clear and i want to make this point very clear. this is not -- this george zimmerman trial is not a trial about trayvon martin. so when the defense, when the defense tries to -- when they go around and say we need to talk about trayvon martin's character, that's irrelevant. it is absolutely positively irrelevant of trayvon's character. what is relevant is after police told this man not to get out of the car, got out of his car and shot an african-american boy in cold blood. there will be two or outcomes. outcome number 1 is this guy goes to jail for second degree murder which he should. he shot this guy in cold blood. or outcome number 2, this guy
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walks on the stand your ground law, which says i have stood my ground. i felt like i was threatened because i saw a black man in a hoodie. if outcome number 2 is what happened, knock on wood, it's not going to happen. i pray to god it won't happen. i will fast. i will pray. i will go to church every sunday. this guy needs to go to jail. but, if this guy walks on the stand your ground law, this should be a call to action for every progressive, every left-leaning, every african-american. this should be the start of a new civil rights movement because not only real our rights being entrenched upon but we are basically going into the jim crow style where it's okay to shoot a blackman because he happens to be walking on the street. and this should be a call to action. this should be a call for everybody to say wait a minute. wait a minute. we need a new civil rights movement in this country, point blank, period. now, if it goes the other way and this guy goes down, there % should also be a call to action. why?
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america? why should there be a call to action? because we all understand that this stand your ground law is a law that's pretty much made for, you know, people like george zimmerman to go around and shoot people. and shoot african-americans. this is not the first time they have used the stand your ground law to defend their, you know, why i should have a gun and why i am allowed to shoot urban youth because of it. it's wrong. either way, this should be a civil rights call. we cannot just be -- we can't be a reactive movement every time something like this goes down or every time they try to infringe upon our voting rights. we have got to be a constant active pressureo until we make it that you are judged in this country solely by the color of your skin, not by who you love. excuse me. solely by the content of your character, not by who you love who you choose to sleep with, what color you are, what country you are from or how you got into this country or what border you crossed. it does not matter.
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we are all americans. we pledge allegiance to the flag. that was a dieatribediatribe. i had to go on it. we will take one call before we go to break. let's talk to john. hi, john. >> hi. yeah. the florida stand your ground law, i think is a racist law. you know, there was that case of that woman who was being threatened by her ex-husband. she retreated into the garage of their house. she was like, get away from me. get away from me. she found a gun, shot it up in the air. it went through the ceiling of the garage. she was not allowed -- they did not allow her to use the stand your ground law, and i don't know why it doesn't apply to her. but she's in jail right now for 10 years. it only applies to like white people. i am a white guy and it drives me nuts. i will talk to people about the trayvon martin case. right? and my liberal progressive friends agree with me, but, like, older people who are
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scared of black people have a knee-jerk reaction like well, he shouldn't have picked a fight with a guy who had a gun. zimmerman -- >> zimmerman picked a fight with him. >> caller: that's exactly right. zimmerman followed him. trayvon martin said you got a problem with me and zimmerman lied and said, no. he should have said yes, i have a problem. i am neighborhood watch. he should have had a dialogue there. he has the gun. he had control over the situation. and, you know, it deteriorated. he ended up killing the kid. he is guilty. it's just such an open and -- it just drives me nuts. >> it is an open and shut case, john. appreciate you calling. i have to tell you, i think beyond the fact it's an open and shut case, i think what makes matters worse in this whole situation is that, you know you are right, the stand your ground law only seems to help pale stale and male people.
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you know some right guy can go around and shoot black people. i hate to say it that way. it just is. either way, taking more calls after the break. don't go anywhere. right back on the bill press show. >> on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show."
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we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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>> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> and current will let me say anything. >> only on current tv. [ music ] >> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us on bp show and tweet using the hash tag washtching bp.
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this is "the bill press show." >> we are back on "the bill press show." richard fowler here filling in for bill press. i know we don't look alike but we were separated at birth a couple of years ago. and the bill press. i am joking. i am filling in for him. we are talking. the george jimerman trial. let's take a call from debbie in mesa, arizona. deb. can i call you deb? call>> caller: hi richard. >> how are you? good morning. >> fine. i am glad to hear you say his character is not an issue. how is that relevant? they are talking about the fact that he had -- they did toxicology on him and he had marijuana in his system and he had on his cell phone a marijuana leave. let let me tell you, the penalty for marijuana is not the death penalty. >> thank you. >> caller: number 1. no. 2, even if it were he
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should have been allowed due process. what is that show that reverend al sharpton does? i saw him interview the attorney for zimmerman. basically they are saying, it doesn't matter what happened beforehand. what happened was during the seven minutes that they were in contact with each other. but i don't know how the jury is going to get from -- or the prosecution is going to have to be able to prove that he was pursuing him and then all of the sudden he stopped and what did trayvon martin do? say, i don't like the way that guy looks over there? it was the opposite. it was zimmerman who was saying i don't like the way this guy looks. >> i think you are right there. to as to your point, if i was walking down the street and
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someone started following me i would be, yo what's going on, dude? we could go blow for blow if you want to. >> caller: exactly. >> >> caller: i think what happened was because one of the things the attorney said was tray von martin didn't have marks on him and george zimmerman did. i think he got his butt kicked and probably had it coming to him. but that doesn't mean he had the right to pull out a pistol on him. what willing a gravities me is the right -- the way the right-wing pushes this. i mean like sean hannity saying let's let the facts come out, like nobody is letting the facts come out. >> that's not what people were anning reabout. people were angry about the fact that he was still walking the streets after he shot a kid dead they know at a time. one thing to be true if trayvon
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would have shot george zimmerman, he would have been arrested no, questions asked. donald all the way from saint croix. >> caller: good morning. how are you doing? >> is it sunny out there? >> caller: sunny, humid and hot and humid and the beaches -- let me tell you something, it gets so hot, you can't even walk on the sand. >> caller: this trayvon martin thing. it was the right to the stand his ground. do you understand what i am saying? what bothers me about this, it shows the right-wing and everybody, we all know the bigots and racists that run around down south. now, the thing about it if this trial swings in george zimmerman's favor, it's going to be hell in the streets. >> you know what, donald? thanks for calling. i appreciate. all the way from saint croix.
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there should be hell on the streets. come on, america. if this guy walks after killing this boy in cold blood, this should be every mother out there listening, every mother in this country should be outraged because that could be their child next. people thudshould be screaming out in cold blood if this guy walks. there should be protests in every major city. listen, i am telling you folks, this will be the new civil rights movement if this guy walks. and it should be. and it very well should be. people like the nra, sean hannity, bill o'reilly mitch mcconnell, john boehner, eric cantor should be very, very scared of what will happen if george zimmerman walks because this is going to be a rallying cry for millions of people to say we have had enough. we will be right back on the bill press show after this break. break. you haven't had enough of me. so don't go anywhere. >> this is "the full court
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press: the bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv. young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news
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show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!ç]
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding.
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[ music ] >> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time, this is the bill press show, live on your radio and current tv. >> and we are back here. filling in for bill press here let's read some of your e-mails on this trayvon martin thing. i have awoken america. i am happy to be the one to do
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that. robert said, when i first learned of the trayvon incidents, i predicted people wouldn't even know george zimmerman would defend him. >> people are defending george zimmerman. don't get me wrong. i think he has a right to due process, but there is no defending this. i'm sorry. we have sheila saying to us the stand your ground law is a mess. zimmerman was wrong and needs to go to jail. agreed. karen says where was trayvon's martin's right not to be shot. he was standing his ground against zimmerman who was stalking him. indeed, correct. let's see. what else we got? i have one from my good friend don in boston. he said if zimmerman walks, i wouldn't be surprised if we had another rodney king kind of riot for folks in florida. they would be pissed off. they would be pissed off. i will be pissed off. the next hour is action-packed. we will go to eric byrnes.
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don't go anywhere. give us a call
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. >> richard fowler filling in for bill press on the full court press on your t.v. or radio depending upon how you are tuning in to the show. i am here. we have a great show for you in the 7:00 o'clock hour if you are on the east coast. maybe 8:00 o'clock hour if you are in central time. we will talk about the student loan debt crisis. i am joined by eric burns from
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bullfight strategy. we will have a good conversation about the student loan crisis. seventeen days before millions of students see their rates double, america. is that the american dream? we will talk a little bit more about this trayvon martin thing. i have woken up america. give us a call at 1-866-press. give us a call. we are talking about that and trayvon martin. we are going to talk about the whole thing dealing with the transplant case of the young girl who got the lung and whether or not -- because she skipped the line. is that okay? is that not okay? i want to get your calls on that and your take on that. we are being joined by healthcare reporter, brett norman so you want to be here for that. don't go anywhere. like bill always says, a seat for you here at the table. and when i am hear there are two seats. looking for two people to join us at the table and join us in a
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conversation about america. don't go anywhere. we will be right back after this break. (vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real,
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gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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we have a big, big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the conversation started weekdays at 9 eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. (vo) sharp tongue. >>excuse me? (vo) quick wit. >> and yes, president obama does smell like cookies and freedom. (vo) and above all, opinion and attitude. >> really?! this is the kind of stuff they say about something they just pulled freshly from their [bleep]. >> you know what those people are like. >> what could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush? >> my producer just coughed up a hairball. >>sorry. >>just be grateful current tv doesn't come in "smell-o-vision" >> oh come on!
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the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo)only on current tv. [ music ] ic. >> broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv. this is the bill press show. >> oh, and we are back on the bill press show. listen folks. i am joined by a good friend of mine in the studio. you call him a friend, co-founder of bullfight strategies. he will tweet. tweet at theericburns.
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>> a man of talent. >> i saw eric byrnes. get over it, man. >> listen, it's 7:06. happy flag day. we found out during the break from one of our tweeters it's flag day. >> can i ask, what is flag day? i'm sorry for my american ignorance. >> it's an important celebration of the american flag. >> that's what i was assuming. >> do you love america? >> i do. i do. are we honoring betsy ross today? >> all i can tell you when i was in high school my citizen government teacher wonre a flag dress every year. >> come on. >> on flag day for like 25 years. it was legend in my high school. yes, dr. sloan. >> my guidance counsel lor was named sloan. >> talking about high school and
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education. >> yeah. >> so the clock is ticking on this doubling thing. on july 1st, folks out there who don't know student loan rates are going to double. now they are 3.4 for plus loans and stafford loans, higher than some mortgage rates. >> i thought there was a way that you could buy a used car. >> this was like to finance the american dream is going to cost you 6.8% interest. >> where interest rates are 1, 2%. the crazy part is that banks borrow at .75%. banks, wall street. the middle class and working class students 6.8%. i don't know. >> it seems shocking. it reminds me when i was reading up on it like the debt ceiling crisis, you know one of these kind of manufactured chrysrises we
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seem intent on creating where we kin kick can down the road don't solve something and now a looming deadline and we are going to go over the cliff. >> the thing about the student loan interest, the student loan debt crisis, eric you are a finance guy. this is a balloon type of thing because there is no -- it's notnot not -- it's not like where you can get the property back. more and more are going into default. i feel as though this is our next economic crisis. everybody in washington is like, yeah, we sort of know but we don't care. >> you hit the nail on the head. it is not -- it's not back to a mortgage, you know, there is not a piece of collateral sitting there that a bank or the government could come in if someone defaults and say, we want this back. you know, but conversely what we are doing is we are training young people, you know, and investing in minds. we are investing in an economic
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for this country, in maintaining the middle classes. it's much, much more important in my view than any discussion about, you know, home mortgage interest rates. >> on top of it, this is the argument i hate and we are getting ready to go to "full-court press" and we are going to come back and talk about this. but the thing i hate about this situation is republicans make this, we can't put the debt on our children. it's about prosperity and freedom but yet the student loan crisis is slapping debt on our kids. i have a lot of student loan debt. >> that's one of the reasons i fight this fight. i think there are so many people out there who are just i don't know what to do. i don't have a job. i am up to my neck in loan debt and there is nothing there. there is -- my representative in congress i haven't heard toot toot from them. i haven't heard two toots from the president. this crisis is getting worse. >> it's insidious. you know, we were taught in america, you know, people would
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be punished for years for getting -- for having -- for not getting an he had caution for themselves. it's reckless. >> we will talk about more about this. this time, dan henning, if you will court press. >> "full-court press." >> other headlines making news the democrats trounced the republicans in the annual roll call congressional baseball game last night. it was held here in washington at nationals park. the democrats won 22 to nothing. >> all right. >> has that ever happened, dan? do you know? >> yes. the democrats have won the last five years in a row. look at that. >> the democrat from the louisiana gave up just three hits pitching for the democrats. linda sanchez of california she was a power hitter pounded in several rbis. >> wow. >> politico, the game raised over $300,000 for various chair at this. >> fantastic.
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why didn't we see that on cable network? >> my hometown congress deb is a democrat. >> she was a very good ballplayer, too. she is on the congressional women's softball team and they have this young game every year. i am not sure when it is. i know it's early in the summer. they play against the women of the press. so it's the women members of congress and& female members. press. one of the leaders on that is lynn sweet from the chicago sun times". >> with that game, the members of congress get to spy on what the members of the press are doing before the game. >> nsa is doing their background work for them. sarah palin is rejoining fox news as a contributor. this was announced yesterday, five months after she parted ways with the network after not being featured much during election coverage. you remember she was upset about
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it. she said she didn't want to preach to the choir any more and was looking to take our message to, quote, larger audience. that never happened and roger ailes rehired her yesterday. she starts back yesterday morning. >> it took sarah palin five months to figure out what the rest of america knew is. >> with her big gulp. >> and not every member of congress drives a fancy car like some might think. the hill caught up with republican congressman morgan griffith of virginia. he might have the most used car on capitol hill, a 2003 vw passat. it's lost all four hundred caps likely because he put over 327 miles on his car. asked why he has not purchased new had you beencaps he said they would probably be worth more than the car, itself. >> that seems like a psychological trap that you can get into, you know, with a car
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falling apart. i don't know that i buy that. >> good for him. >> i think people in his district appreciate it. >> 300,000 miles on a car? >> pretty impressive. >> change my oil. >> i love it. thank you so much, dan. we appreciate you. >> thank you. nobody says that to me. >> i appreciate dan henning. >> wow. >> newly we had dan henning. >> dan just got married. he was showing it off. >> he is a big boy now. >> still married. aver two weeks. i learned well. >> okay, honey. you are right. yeah. >> folks we are taking your calls on the student loan debt crisis. give us a call.
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i am joined here by eric byrnes. >> hello. >> on bull fit strategy. eric, i want to get to this because i think it's cool. i was telling him this morning that we have -- we've gotten some -- i guess it's breaking news but not so much breaking news is there has been a case and this is very, very interesting for all of those people struggling with student loan debt. there is a gentleman. he had a 10-year court battle to get his -- to get his new loan discharged in bankruptcy now. the law sort of has it that you can only get discharged under undew hardship but he has been able to prove undue hardship in the bankruptcy court and it was upheld by the 9th circuit, which set precedent in america, and the article goes on to talk about in 2007, 59,000 borrowers were good candidates to get relief in this, you know in a profession congressional hearing. i want to say. this is so near. people know i am a big student loan person but you have to go
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through a particular hearing, an adverse cyril hearing. >> that doesn't sound like fun, going through an adverse sailor hearing after you have gone bankruptcy. >> which is separate from your lawsuit to file for bankruptcy. >> uh-huh. >> but this article has indicated that 69,000 people, students, would have been able to get their debt, you know sort of discharged in hardship? >> uh-huh. >> only 300 attempted to discharge their debt. i think this is everything to go with the facts that when you are in the student loan and i think you can get. >> in the system, so to speak. >> in the system in the matrix what it is, of these banks and collectors. they scare you. you are 23, 24. a lot of times, the people who have student loans aren't the people where their people are smart, educated. folks, the first generation, debt collectors start to tell
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you, tell you ner going to garnish their wages. >> they are mean. happened to me when i was college. they were tough. >> these students are basically getting raked over the coals. there has been no solution, like there is nobody out here saying there is a trillion dollars in debt. i don't want to say anybody. like voices in the wilderness. >> her, frederick wilson. >> john larson. >> a lot of folks saying we need to fix this. we need to fix this. we need to fix this. even folks. richard cordray. i think we need to have a conversation about possibly even refinancing. folks out there who don't know you know you cannot refinance student loan debt. people with dyeby a house with no money down if you have bad cred, 4% interest. if you are a student taking out private loans, start at 6, 7, 8%. the banks know you can't
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discharge. >> you cannot re-fi. >> you can't re-fi. you are basically doomed. doomed. >> for the next 20 some-odd years. >> we have a call from paul from buffalo, new york and then we will go to break. paul, buffalo new york. how are you? paul? >> caller: yes. >> how are you? morning >> caller: good. now are you? my comment on the student loan thing is i get it on the interest rate. yeah, it should be at a reasonable rate, but you are dealing with high-risk people number 1. but, secondly, why are kids going out and going to schools that are ridiculously expensive when they can go to an alternative state school or community college or something where they are not running up that kind of a debt. it's irresponsible. >> really? irresponsible, paul? >> what do you mean really? >> listen, frank. i will fight you all day on this one. let me -- no. hold on a second. and let me tell you why i will fight you on this.
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first, first of all, right, the fact that you would say this is irresponsible blows my mind. i have never in my mind heard somebody say it's irrelevant responsible to pursue the american dream >> caller: let me get my point across. my son is extremely bright. he got into notre dame. >> congratulations >> caller: $20,000 a year to go to notre dame. however, he chose to go to the university of buffalo. basically his tuition is paid for. programwise, he will get -- he is an engineering major, engineeringwise, the programs are about the same. i will he will get the exact same education. he will get out of school with no debt, when he is done, works in the summer when he goes to school. it's a responsible decision. >> i hear that. i hear that. what students are doing, it's a calculation that you make. a student says i will take this debt out knowing if i go to college because the man. ra in this country has always
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been the same. you go to -- get the grades, go to school, get a good job. you become part of the middle class. this middle class, the fact that the middle class has been bludgeoned, right, it blows the minds. if i go to college, get a good job, i will be good to go, and that's not happening. so they take out student loans, it's fees on it. these banks are just -- they are going to town on students and i just -- i want to respond to something when we get back to this break. i have to tell you i completely disagree with you. i will tell you why after the break. don't go anywhere. we will be right back. >> radio meets television "the bill press show," now on current tv. you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> and current will let me say anything. >> only on current tv.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the
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spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv! [ music ]
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>> get social with bill press. like us at press show. >> we are back on the bill press show. richard fowler here filling in for bill press. eric byrnes. hello. hello. we are talking being phone calls. a risky investment. i don't know paul. i think what you are suffering from is the plight of privilege. taken don't have options who want to pursue the american dream. you look at some of the greatest americans out there. oprah winfrey, the barack obama of the world who didn't have options. if they didn't get student doaneloan
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debt he wouldn't be. congratulations a personally fine decision. going to noter detail is one of those opportunities it's hashed to pass up. university of buffalo is a great school. most people don't have that option. >> they don't have that option. >> that's a problem. >> to add to that point, i think to add to that point, which makes it even crazier so that's risky. right? so you are telling me that wall street banking and leveraging money, that's nots risky? it doesn't matter. >> yeah. as a former one, education is a safer financial investment than any financial tool out there whether it's bonds. >> on top of that, when you talk about the american dream, you talk about preserving america's
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predominance, why we need to be a strong, great nation for our children. if our children are educated and not getting an education, we will not be a strong nation. i think if you look across the spectrum, they will pay you to go to school. >> i wouldn't to say aroma park. off our over dependence on loans is putting student into lifetime debt. sometimes i wonder if this is
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what the 1% wants seriously. >> i think you are right. i think that is what the 1% wants. if we can keep the middle class burdened in debt have 23, 24, 25% income gap that keeps us rich and them poor. it's like. while that's happening, going to the bank. >> i think it's an important difference, you know, to strike between a responsible reasonable amount of debt that somebody takes on and moving themselves ahead in the world and being just drowning in and mired in debt for 20, 30, 40, 50 years you can't get out of. >> i hear that. >> that's a huge difference. >> that's a huge difference the we will be right back on bill press. we want your calls. 1866-55-press. don't go anywhere. we'll be back.
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>> this is "the bill press show." >> only on current tv.
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>> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us at bp show and tweet using the hash tag watchingbp. this is "the bill press show." >> we are back on the bill press show. >> a journey. >> this is journey. >> they can hear it. >> happy fathers day to the fathers out there. happy flag day to people who seb
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brate. >> i am now educatedcelebrate. >> i am now educated. >> i am an american. i thank you guys. >> eric was trying to insinuate i am not a patriot. brett norman healthcare reporter at politico. >> good morning. >> are you a father? >> next month. >> made my day now. >> write it down in the baby book. >> i am sure we will. >> by the way, folks, i know you guys love me but you love bill press even more.
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he will be back on monday. so no need to worry there. but if he's not, who knows? monday he will be filling better. i am filling in for him. richard fowler here i am not going to lie. i was one of those people when this whole transplant story came down with a young woman who got an adult lung and kathleen sebelius was involved, i knew about the split because i was an er fan. i remember that from er but my mom is a healthcare professional. i was lost. i was dazed and confused. >> brett, before we get to the story, explain to us how this whole organ donation thing works. >> there are a bunch of pieces nobody thinks about until one of these tragic cases comes to light. basically, there is a nonprofit group of transplant surgeons doctors, you know various healthcare providers in the transplant community, patient advocates, all of these people set the policy for how we
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distribute the super scarce resource. there aren't enough of them for the people who need them. they have to try to figure out how they are distributed and the department of health and human services has a contract with them. it's a pretty hands-off thing saying you set the policy. you administer the organ distribution network and basically they take it from there. unos is the group that gets the contract. the actual contract is called organ procurement and transplantation network. and they are in touch with all of the transplant centers around the country and they match donors to those who need it. >> okay. makes sense. the 12-year-old girl who needed a lung sara is her name. she was 10. excuse me. she needed a there aren't that many kids dying these days.
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basically there was a public affairs campaign that i guess her family of lawyers and everybody ran to sort of move her up on the list. >> yes. >> it was about two weeks ago. it's been a pretty quick succession of things, they got in touch with the local media, and she is a very sympathetic case. they were bringing attention to this rule that says kids generally under 12 are at the end of the list for adult lungs because they are noz as healthy. they don't fit. the lungs don't fit. they don't have a lot of experience doing the transplants. they prefer to give them kid organs first. but there aren't many, like you said. so what happens is it kind of snow balled in the media. a house hearing on the budget a
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handful of representatives from pennsylvania started grilling her hard on why she was not stepping in, changing this rule sort of unilaterally accusing her in not so many words of letting this child die. sell eastboundous says we have a contract with these folks. they are the experts. they set the policy. they run the show. i am not going to ask them to review the policy but i am not going to tell them what decision to make. >> right. >> so anyway, then at the took the case to court, federal judge filed a restraining order saying you have to put the kid on the adult list. there was another child, javier acosta, who is 11, same hospital, children's hospital of philadelphia who was also added to the list. this emergency meeting on this
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will unos board of directors and they had all of the their experts look at the latest data and stuff and they decided there wasn't actually a good scientific reason to change the policy. but what they would do is set up kind of an appeals process so that if your kid is almost 12, you know, and you may basically have -- basically physically be like a 12-year-old, we will think about putting you in that group. but we are not going to change the basic policy. so anyway, a donor was found for sara. they did the transplant. it was success. >> did the lung fit? i don't mean to be offensive or stupid. >> no. >> it's annub procedure. it's called, i think, a lobar transplant. it's a piece of the lung they
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take. it's not the full lung. >> i think my question -- i am no scientist on this thing but my question is, if you take a part of the lung will the lung still grow with her, or will the lung be like she will have one big one and one small lung? >> she got a pair of lungs. she had cysticfibrosis. >> wow. >> both of the children do. so you have to replace both. it doesn't actually do much good to do just one. growth, i don't know about. since 2006, i think they have done one of these procedures. they don't know as much as they do about a lot of other things. >> this is a really ground groundbreaking kind of moment here in medicine and treatment for young folks with conditions like cysticfibrosis i think. >> i think the larger question here, i know how -- like i said
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i was an er fan, everybody having a pager. i am pretty sure it is more high tech now during the show er no, you are not. i'm sorry. they probably don't know. they were bumped down and the rest of the world doesn't know. and that's what a lot of the medical ethics folks worry about is that you have this girl who is very sympathetic and of course everybody wants the best for her. but you have no idea who is getting disadvantaged when you move her to first in line and they probably have a very sympathetic story, too. it's just you don't know. and that leads to this kind of favorite that. all of the medical ethics people think is problematic. you can't just jump when the media spotlight, you know -- >> sure. >> comes around. >> that's got to be a challenge
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with any transplant list. i mean with any organ donation list. you have these incredibly compelling stories, not enough organs to go around for folks. do you know where that is in terms of the available lungs, you know, for transplant as opposed to folks that need them? i would think that would be one of the most difficult organize appears to procure if you were in trouble. kidnecks and livers are more resilient apparently. so they are rare. they are much more rare than kidney and liver transplants and about four people a week die waiting for a lung transplant. >> wow four people a week. >> that's crazy. >> if you are out there and you are not an organ donor there should be a call that you are an organ donor. i am just saying if you are thinking about it, give somebody a lung.
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>> i think about 35 or so actually get it done. >> we have a first ever father's day. right back on the bill press show after your calls. if you have a healthcare question come on. we have the answer for you. don't go anywhere. >> this is the full court press, "the bill press show" live on your radio and on current tv.
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>> she gets the comedians
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laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> and current will let me say anything. >> only on current tv. alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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[ music ] this is "the bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> and we are back on "the bill press show." richard fowler filling in for bill press. join the conversation. there is always a seat for you here at the table. hash tag watching bp at bp show, or at the fowler shore or eric byrnes, taking your tweets talking about them. also, on twitter as well. >> at brettnorman, politico reporter. talking about healthcare, the supreme court in a lot of cases coming out on one. one they came on out on yesterday was this whole idea of patenting of human genes like you find an innovation on top of a huge gene, you cannot patent
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it or you can patent it. talk to me what about what supreme court decision is or was and how -- sort of how that decision splays into all of the research stuff that all of these biomedical engineers and folks do. >> sure. so for a long time decades, a couple of decades the precedent has been that if you discover a gene that raises your risk for, you know, whatever, breast cancer in this case braca 1 and braca 2, famous genes, you can put a patent on them and basically the only access other people have, other researchers, other patients who want to get the tuft for whatever -- test for whatever the condition is they have to go through your company or another company that you license or you pay. money. >> yeah. pay money what happens.
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they were not biologist. >> so they are they remember trying to sort out of what is a human invention and what is just kind of stumbling on something that already exists in nature because you can you can't find salt and put a patent on it. this was an example that so. amayor gave. you can't patent salt and butter and eggs but you can patent the chocolate chip cookies that you make make. the genes are products of nature. so you can't -- you don't get to control them. they are there in the public domain.
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now, there are secondary things that the biotech industry was happy about in that synthetic dna. so if you engineer if you engineer the sequence to do different things whether it's clone genes or otherwise kind of manipulate genetic material you can patent that because you have taken it a step beyond sort of how it exists in the natural form. the research community is hopeful about that. for those pat events that are currently out there on genes dorks they all disappear, or is it just a particular precedent? like i know sometimes it's only ol this particular gene. i think about 3,000 of this of them have patents. they are essentially gone.
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biotech the elimination of these patents would eliminate the financial incentive for companies to go out and do this research. the counter argument there is that actually by creating more competition, kind of open sourcing this if you will saying, you know, look these genes are products of nature. you can't patent them, other folks, when something is discovered can create less expensive, you know, financial coors -- potential cures, what so you see winning out in the practical reality of this decision or do you know? >> the other thing is we are moving. we are in the genetic sort of 2.0 now. we know what the genes are. they have been done. the human jemone project pretty much spelled that out. there is not as much of an incentive, a need now for companies, private ones, to go out and find what gene x does. at least we know what they are.
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the research is more about figuring out why gene x does cause condition y because that's when you can start to do something about it. what does this say for? i think the biotech team it was happy they are protected on cd na. so what does the supreme court say for the future of bio technology and medical innovation? >> they, you know, they didn't pronounce on a whole another wave. they also use, to clone genes, make different versions. >> that's stuff that they didn't -- they are not saying. i mean they basically that will can still be patented.
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there is nothing in this ruling that would present that. it's kind of fairly narrow thing that's kind of closing the door on this early stage of what companies can pat he want and kind of the jetgeneraletics revolution, and, you know, thank you for being with us here on the bill press show. we appreciate you. you are the guy on all things healthcare at politico. check out at happy father's day. is it a girl or boy? >> it's a boy. >> it's a boy, america. brett, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> radio meets television "the bill press show" now on current tv. this show is about analyzing >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words
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"carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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(vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more
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documentaries that are real, gripping, current. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. [ music ] >> this is "the bill press show." >> we are back on the bill press
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show. music, i have a love affair with that music? >> i am from texas. i listen to country music. >> i am from florida. i like martina mcbride. >> i am a willie nelson guy, lile lovett. >> i like carrie underwood. i think she is more poppy than country. >> that's almost country. right? >> yeah, i guess. it's popular and makes a lot of money. >> i did watch -- i love the apprentice. >> either way, we are here. >> i know people don't like the donald but i love the apprentice. i admit to watching celebrity
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apresentis. >> i used to watch it until he went crazy. >> eric, we appreciate you being a friend of bill, i area, friend of richard. >> i certainly enjoyed it today. we will be right back on the bill press show. give us a call. >> this is "the bill press show."
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[ music ] >> we are back on the bill press. richard fowler here filling for the one and only, the mighty the all things amazing bill press who is out sick with a sore throat. i hope you get better bill, if you are watching. we have had such a good show. we have talked about student loans. we've talked about syria. and we are talking about more good stuff. we are talking about the special election, special election taking place in massachusetts. we are being joined by someone from the scuffed"boston globe" jim o'sullivan and talking about how we can get our economy on track and create economic growth. taking calls at 1866-55-press. i want to hear your student loan
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story. i think if we are going to talk about economic growth, going to talk about the special election student loans are going to play a part in both of those things. on top of that elizabeth warren, the student loan champion student loan reform champion is one of those big -- you know, from massachusetts. we are talking about all of that on "the bill press show." like i said, like bill always says, there is a seat for you here at the table. so come on in. have a seat. get that cup of coffee and join me in the conversation. give us a call at 1866-55-press or tweet us, hash tag, watching b. see me at richard a. >> fowler or at bp show. we want to hear from you today. this will show is absolutely, positively nothing without you. so i've got to tell you, folks. this hour is going to be action packed like the past two hours. i try to tell you everything i have. we will be right back. you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials?
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those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. (cenk) it's go time! it's go time! it's go time! go time. you know what time it is. go time! it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks go time! it's go time. oh is it? oh, then it's go time. anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. it's go time!
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>> if you believe in state's
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rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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[ music ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> with he back on the bill press show. i am richard fowler here. >> there is so much happening in the calls today. take calls on syria. we will take calls on student loans. we want to hear you. we want to reach out to you. reach out and touch me. no pun intended. either way, this is braking news that's happened early this morning, late last night. the president and the white house have indicated that they will be giving -- they will be giving arms to -- they will be arming the rebels in syria because assad has crossed what
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the white house deemed to be the red line and what that red line is, is using chemical weapons or any type of weapon chemical or biological weapons on your -- on your people. it has been proven, it has been confirmed that they have used these chemical and by logical weapons on their people and, thus, the president will be arming the rebels and already, secret service and special operation trainers are already there training them on anti-aircraft weaponry to begin this battle. like i said at the beginning of the show for those who weren't here, i happen to agree with the white house on this decision and i will tell you why. the reason why i agree is because i think the white house has set a clear line in the sand that if you use chemical weapons, we are going to talk about it. we are going to use diplomacy but if you have the gall to use chemical weapons on your own people, what stops you from using chemical weapons on israel or on americans. using those? >> the red line why the
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president is protecting our national interests and protecting americans in the future. i can't that's what the decision is. it's a great one by the president. taking your calls on it. we are always taking your calls on the fact that in 11 days, the student loan -- the student loan rates will double. student loans, federal student loan raises will double. i want to hear your stories. i haven't heard one yet. i am looking for one. call me. give me something good. before we do that talking with ed markey in this segment. don't go anywhere. if you are from boston from massachusetts. before we do that, if you will court press. >> we will start in sports. square after two games apiece in the nba finals of the miami heat bought back the win in san antonio. they beat the spurs 109 to 93. one of the closest games of the series so far in game for. lebron james did return to familiar form after a her endous performance in game 3. he put up 33 points last night.
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dwayne wade posted 32. chris bosh scored 20. that's the big three, scoring over 80 points, just the three of them, for the spurs, tim duncan had the game high. he only scored 20 a game. 5 is on sunday. >> where is game 5? >> still in texas. and peter is not here today but he is on vacation. he is a big san antonio fan. >> don't mess with texas. >> do not mess with texas. he is on vacation talking about maybe trying to go to game 5. we will see if he shows up there. in hockey americans apparently, are really into the stanley cup playoffs this year. t.v. ratings for game 1 this past tuesday or wednesday night were between chicago and boston were up 100% over game 1 of last year's stanley cup between la and new jersey. the most viewers for game one of the stanley cup fields, a.
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>> go blackhawks. i was born in chicago. >> that's right. you and obama, i guess, rooting for the blackhawks as well. he is a chicago man. >> got to. >> finally the head of news corp having trouble in his personal life, rupert murdoch filing for divorce from his wife of 15 years yesterday. 82-year-old married 44-year-old wendy deng back in 1999. a spokesman said the relationship broke down over the past six months. they have two kids together. murdoch's first divorce was quite pricey. overall cost $17,000,000,000. no word on this one. >> like i said earlier today, this is going to be like dry cleaners, in by 9 out by 5 with at least a couple of billion. >> taken to the cleaners. >> thank you so much, dan henning. "full-court press." love it. love it. love it. now, folks, you know, there is always an election. there is always an election. >> all the time.
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beyond the fact that i am from -- i am a resident of virginia currently so we never have an off year and we have a governor's race. there is governor of new jersey and also a special election happening in massachusetts. and, you know, i think this is one of those things, the president was there this week to help ed markey take on gomez who is the republican running for the seat that was vacated by the one and only john kerry, our current secretary of state. joining me to talk about it is the one and only jim o'sullivan reporter for the boston globe. jim, welcome to the show. >> richard, thanks for having me. i think your listeners want to hear from abruns bruins fan. we are coming back tomorrow night is my prediction. >> best of luck to you, jim. >> boston strong. >> i got to tell you i am still
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one. >> that's okay. the president was there. he is a blackhawks fan. >> sure. >> he was there there week campaigning for ed markey what do you think it will have on this race? >> the president is a very effective figure to rile the base to get folks who might not be paying attention to an off year election in june. it's a tough time to learn, centrist and moderate and casual vote voters. it's in june. the president's a very effective figure. >> you have seen the president campaign in massachusetts before. he campaigned for martha cokely. that didn't turn out too well. >> yes. >> we all know i think, the cokely campaign was a hot mess. they tried -- they do didn't do as much as they should. scott brown didn't have the
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momentum. does he had markey having momentum eight days, 11 days away? >> i am not sure either one of these each of them has failed to really reach out beyond what would be their natural caudery of supporters. the advantage markey has other than the fact that this is a heavily democratic state is that the taste of the scott brown victory still is bitter in the mouths of democrats here and the democratic party leaders in the state have had their hands on the controls, the machine resince 2006 when deval patrick won. these are his advisors in charge of the party. they are not going to allow themselves or say they won't allow themselves to get embarrassed like they did in 20tel 10. we have had the president here, the if irs lady here on saturday, president clinton is going to come and do a rally at worcester. ed markey said vice president biden is going to be here next
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week in the brocklin area. they are leaving no stone unturned. their ground game is very aggressive. >> now let's talk about with gomez for a second. all of the poles that have come out have indicated that gomez is behind by seven to eight points depending upon margin of error. right? the president with a high favorability rate. can gomez benefit? is there going to be a tea party wave that comes out? sort of what's going on, on the right side in this election? >> the bowls have been all over the place. the poles that we have published have showed markey ahead by seven points. like i said, both of these candidates have tried to grow the pie, as it were to reach out and capture independent, moderate voters markey had a tough time against steve lynch, who is a more moderate centrist democrat and he's not really making the big
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play for those voters. gomez has failed to ignite the passion that scott brown ignited. scott brown was largely a creation of the healthcare bill. gomez doesn't -- hasn't done some of the thioamides in washington that the democrats have offered up like the doj. guames hasn't been able to capitalize on those. gomez, i think to add to that point, the fact that there is correlation between the relationship the president has such a high favorability rating in boston as to why the gomez
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hasn't went in more full throttle in attacking the president's nsa? >> absolutely. gomez is more likely to say probably or put out a statement that it almost embracing the president. we had a congressional race here john john. ierney who i couldn't find anybody. i thought he was going to be back, the former senate minority leader moderate republican and turney won by 6 or 7 points.
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>> for someone who knows boston politics what type of senator will he happen to be? i don't think he's sort of the rock star profile that elizabeth warren has. he hasn't accrued the celebrity elizabeth warren accrued. he struggled to say where he would depart from the democratic party on ideology. he is a downwind democrat. he is an issues guy, a policy guy, strong on policy. for years, he's worked on climate change. he's worked on it. elecom policy. he zeros in on these things. he is not a charismatic speaker.
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he gets sort of an odd speaking kadentions. he is not somebody goss going tocadence. he is not somebody goss going to run up the headlines. he is a stall wart policy guy. >> he is a solid democratic vote but not going to go to the senate, you know, to make anything pop off type of thing. >> let's just say there is not a lot of ed markey 2016 talk. >> i love that. tim o'sullivan, thank you so much. boston strong. i know your bruins aren't going to win. it's okay. you will get over it. >> don't be too sure. >> have a good one. right back i want student loan stories. >> heard around the country, seen on current tv this is "the
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bill press show." >> radio meets television, "the bill press show," now on current tv. rich arrested fowler filling in one and only bill press out sick. get better bill. don't worry. he will be all better, raring to go on monday. he will be back sitting in this chair. it won't be me. we will be joined in a little bit by jennifer erickson of competitive economic growth at the center for american progress, also known as capps. in talking about american come petiveness, i want to talk about this topic. we talked about it last hour. i think it's something we are not hearing enough about and we should be. in about 17 days, stafford loan
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interest rates or federally backed student loans will double from 3.4% to 7 -- excuse me -- 6.8% meaning that students will see a doubling in interest rates which will cost them thousands of dollars a year. and you know, i think it brings us to a broader conversation. right? so what we ends up doing is a lot of times at progressive is we sort of go for the big victory, the next battle which is now with immigration, that will be student loans. then we fight the next battle but this student loan debt crisis is we, i think as a movement have got to take on. beyond taking on this movement. we have to win because it's a good electoral thing. this is about -- this is just sheerly about the american dream. arly about the american dream. a lot of students in this country cannot afford to go to middle class. middle class working class families first time, for sometimes first generation college students, and they want to pursue the american dream. we have heard the same mantra over and over and over again in
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this country. that mantra has been the mantra of you do good in school. you know, you go to college. you get a good job. it has racked up over a trillion dollars in student loan debts. the college loan interest rate. some grandmas granted son, their child, don't have a job. so they are not getting paid. now they are gorp issuing social security checks. this is a crisis america. sally mae. i think that's part of the problem. sallie mae spent $6.8 million in direct lobbying.
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in lobby be to make sure their image stays alive. nobody is lobbying on behalf of the student or behalf of the middle class. to make sure student loans stay in place. we need to make them open to the mark and put the american dream on the walls, on the whims of wall street speculation. speaklation, gave it to wall street. speculated. saw what happened there. and the distinction here between, you know, the mortgage crisis and student loan crisis
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because of that, students are taking on mountains of debt. they cannot discharge it. they can't discharge it. suzie orman says student loan debt is the worst because you can't get rid of it. what do you have? defaulting on student loan debt and the banks maining making money. if irin forebearance some companies will charge you up to $8 a day to be in forebearance because you don't have a job. you are racking up interest. also racking up an $8 a day fee. students and the american dream over the coals. if there is anybody out here who wants to say, it's about responsibility, i hear you.
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but where was the argument about responsibility when we bailed out the wall street banks? where are the argument about responsibility and bankers can borrow at .75% and students have to borrow at 3.4% and up? where is the responsibility then? what is the responsibility when sallie mae can spend $6.8 million $6.8 million lobbying and the students have nobody looking out for them. this is a crying shame. you are the richest country in the world. he can't get an education without racking up trill ions of dollars in debt, america. shame on you. we will be right back on "the bill press show." don't go anywhere. [ music ] >> this is "the bill press show." those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what
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you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for
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real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern [ music ]
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heard around the country and seen on current tv this is the bill bill press show. >> hello. hello. hello. this is richard fowler filling in for bill press. i am. i know. when you turned on your television, you saw a black guy and saw that's not bill. we were separated at birth a couple of years ago. we are both trying to deal with it. i am joking. bill is at home with a sore throat. get better, bill. he will be back on monday. we are talking about rebuilding our economy and talking about the whole show. we started talking about student loan debt crisis. we are taking your calls on this, too. give us a call at 1866-55-press, the director of competitiveness and economic growth at the center for american progress.
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jennifer. >> thank you for having me. >> i love that title. director of competitiveness. >> powerful title. >> my job is to direct competition. bam. i love it. so i think i went a dia. r. be about the student lane crisis and while sallie mae is horrible and in this report, you guys have a conversation that is i think, beyond progressive that the country needs to have about how we make our economy more competitive and one of the things is in the report, you talk about how we deal with the student loan debt crisis. first and i have only red the 200 page report. i tried my best to read it last night. i only got through page like 100. no. i am joking. it's a good, good report. you should check it out. but you guys, the one thing you guys talk about is making college more transparent for people going into the process. >> right. right. absolutely. well, we just start with the
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point of the whole report. we believe passionately that if you want a growing economy, you need a strong and growing middle class. >> that's going to be our engine of growth. you need the middle crass to drive demand. all of these things. right? back to what you have been talking about over the last segment. so much of that is making sure our young men and women have the opportunities they need when it comes to higher education. so first thing we need to do is make sure they have access to good information. it's transparent what they are getting into in terms of cost and in terms of value they are likely to get. how many graduates from a particular university get a job? >> how much do they make? >> how much do they make? by major. you know, let's talk about breaking that out so you can really make well informed choices. >> that's the first thing. even before you amass that debt giving people the tools they need to assess what's going to be good for them or not. then beyond that, like you said student loan debt, i mean that is a real problem in terms of the rates young people are facing especially at a time when the job market is still recovering.
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so we also have policies around moving towards more income-base for payment and trying to help alleviate debt in that way. >> i don't think people understand. i think that's sometimes the misnomer here some times people say it's your responsibility to pay your student loan debt. >> that's well and good. you graduate with a degree in, i don't know, political science. right? >> i did. yes. >> prescien. >> the job market. you think i will be great. graduate school or i can go work for a consulting firm. not so much. you are sort of stuck. you might be a lot of waited tress, waiters working retail a hotel front desk while you try to get your bearings. right? >> yeah. >> the loan companies are sticking it to you because even though, yeah, you try to make good-faith payments on those things, you could be paying $500 a month. >> right. >> a paycheck. >> or more.
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let's talk about it. so you are right. first, you need to have a paycheck. >> right. >> then let's talk about what kind of paycheck you have. we have so many young people in part-time instead of full-time work, in temporary work, in contract work. a of mine recently did a great report saying we had 10 million unemployed and under employed young people in this country. so you are talking about a population greater than new york city. right? so that's the kind of people that you are talking about oftentimes who are faced with these sorts of payments. it isn't just a problem for them. it's a problem for our businesses that need those young people to be good customers and buy their goods and services. >> exactly. i think when you talk about american competitiveness and you talk about -- i said this all along to folks advocates for the student loan debt reform. i am one of those big advocates. the receiptors we want you to buy houses. they have hurting all of the other industries that sort of
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effect if you don't buy a house, you don't buy a cable package. there are all sorts of other industries you wouldn't necessarily think about but that are hurting because we have this suppressed demand because of what's happening in the job market. again, the number isn't just the top line we need to think about the under employed. >> that's what makes this crisis worse. we don't find a way to fix this you can lose the number one i hope vest so much with the country where we don't invest, education spending in the developing world, i am give you
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a scary number here between 2010 and 2013, we have cut non-discretionary spending more than at any other period since the korean war. >> crazy. >> that's one of the reasons at cap we have been talking about investing in our young people like pre-kism happy to support it. i hate the fact that when you see republicans, people to the right, say oh we need to grow our economy and they forget that we talk about our economy is sort of predicated and you guys are researchers.
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one of the -- gdp, government spending, you are decreasing economic growth, straight-up. >> yeah. math. it always comes into it. doesn't it. you look at what's happening in terms of the sequester one of the most stupid self-in conflicted wounds you can imagine. we can look across the water to europe. see what's happened in austerity experiments. it doesn't work. you look at what happened in the u.k. >> it doesn't add up. >> the conservative government came in, in 2010, we need to cut government spending so we can deal with our deficit. what did they do? cut government spending and their deficits went up. right? so because just what you are saying. it's math. it came out of the economy when the economy was weak. they went back into a double-dip recession. so that's the kind of thing you have to be mindful of. the problem is when you get stuck into an ideological debate, then you ignore some pretty fundamental realities affecting families and communities around the country. >> you are right on that one. now, part of the report sort of catalogues this whole idea of
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how we get these under employed people employed and that's like one of the things i found, the creation of the apresent is ships. >> yeah. >> how does that work apresent isship, we have some in this country but not very many. we have about 400,000 which, compared with other kuntz trees like germany that have apresentesship programs is tiny. basically what an apprenticeship is you are working in a business to learn a trade, coming out of it with a credential. this is key at the same time. you are earning an income. it's good for the business because, you know, they are getting a worker at a reduced rate. they get a chance to work with that worker and get a sense of them, train them to be good at that specific job. it's good for the worker because, one, they are getting income. two, there is a chance they are going to get that job. but three, you are right. either way, they walk out of that with the credentials that they can take to another employer out of the experience. >> so i think the question to ask the republicans, how do you plan on paying for this?
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>> you know what we propose is one million new apprenticeships that cost about $2,000 an apprentice and if that leads to a good middle class job which most apprenticeships do, i will take that return on investment as a taxpayer any day. >> it's not government spending. it's government investing because that means you get a return, get your money back. >> what you are doing is you are helping educate people get them in good middle class jobs and apprenticeships pay, you know, more than the national average. these are good jobs. and it's a great opportunity, a business and government working together in the education and post secondary space. >> we are taking calls. jennifer is taking calls. we are going to talk about american competition in this report. 1866-55-press. like bill always says, there is a seat here for you at the table here with jennifer. come on. call united states. we want to hear from you. we will be right back on "the bill press show" with jennifer from the center for american
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progress. erickson is the last name. don't go anywhere. stay with us. we'll be right back. >> go mobile with bill press. download podcasts at and listen any time, anywhere. this is "the bill press show."
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>> she's joy behar. >> and current will let me say anything. >> only on current tv. >> on your radio and on current tv. >> back on the bill press show 45 after the hour, depending upon where you are looking into. check out the bill press show. go to
5:47 am also tweet us at richardafowler or hash tag watching bp. gen fer jennifer? >> i am behind. i will learn. >> i am pretty sure the caps media people are watching. >> on twitter. >> i am a late adopter. >> i am sure you have questions for jennifer in this amazing report. let's talk to mike in denver, colorado. mike, welcome to the show. >> good morning, rich and ms. erickson. i just wanted to mention, you just hit it out of the ballpark in terms of mentioning apprenticeships. i think it's a phenomenal tool. it's always been a phenomenal fuel since apprenticeships started to come into -- especially the skill trades
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construction trades and all after world war ii. as we say here, you know, learn while you earn. and apprentices because they are on the lower end of the income scale get out there and work and hopefully you are with a person or, you know, an organization, a contractor that will teach you the full, you know focus of the trade. so, it is a wonderful ideal and all. but how do you sell this with all of the anti-union anti-middle class, anti-worker in general, whether it's organized or not, to the powers that be? there is a lot of people and particularly i will mention the chamber of commerce. you mention something like that to them, that is something that really gets their backs up. >> i hear that. i think you are right on that. we appreciate calling, mike.
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how do you argue this to the conservative maniacs? >> the caller made some excellent points. the first thing i would say is that we actually need to spent more time listening to businesses on this because there are some businesses in the united states right now that are knocking it out of the park with their apprenticeship programs. right? they are great advocates for why this worked for them and how it can work with other businesses. in terms of how we make this case to congress right? the fundamental issue is the american people want congress to act. they see unemployment that is stubbornly at about 71/2 %. they see growth that's slow. incomes have been stag noontide for the last generation. there is going to be a tipping point at which congress realizes it is more painful to not act than to start actually doing things. now, i can't say when that's going to be. i really, really really hope that it is soon. because again, this pain right now is being felt in communities
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across the country. >> i hear that. i he that. rick from scottsdale arizona welcome to the show. >> caller: it's time we start to implement the same thing roosevelt did and use these people that are unemployed pay them a decent wage something they can make an earning and raise a raise a family with and not just be constantly, you know one bill away from disaster. >> i hear that. i think you are completely right on that, rick. he's right. >> infrastructure is a huge part of this plan. the last caller mentioned the chambers. >> that's a place where the chamber of commerce and the afl stand up together and say, our infrastructure is crumbling, hurting our people. it's hurting our businesses. >> that's a great example of what laura tyson called a. wofer. every dollar you spend on
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infrastructure, you are not only investing in your future growth. you are helping put americans back to work. >> i can tell you this, for every billion dollars you put into infrastructure get a huge number of jobs. infrastructure spending is not a left or right issue. it's a smart economic issue. >> that's the thing we should see congress acting on. >> i don't like quoting ronald reagan but rankeagan says good policies are good politics. >> another republican, dwight eisenhower, what was one of the biggest contributions he made as president? the interstate highway system. it was expensive. we spent a lot. in today's dollars about
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$500,000,000,000. we god a lot of it. that fueled our productivity growth. >> i love it. jennifer, where can people read this report? >> they can go to the cap website right on the main page 30 million engines of growth. that's important because the idea is that the economy will be doing better when sorrel americans are doing better. >> the economy will do better when all americans are doing better. >> that's a tweetable thing. the economy does better when all americans do better. >> we have tweeted out a link to the report. 1ri67 arrested a fowler so you can find the report. jennifer erickson for the center for american progress. >> okay. >> director of competitiveness. tell the world about the support. >> thanked for being on the show. we will be right back after the break. >> this is "the bill press show" live on your radio and current tv.
5:53 am
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>> this is the bill press show. >> we are back on "the bill press show." listen, folks, i am not bill press. i have said this all show. bill is coming back on monday. he had a sore throat. get better, bill. he is going in depth on immigration. don't miss the show on monday. also talking more about what happens over the weekend in syria and when the rebels get the arms. how will they use them? it's been my privilege to join y'all on this fine friday, father's day weekend. happy flag day. and, yeah, you know? i always love filling in for bill because he has so much fun.
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you guys the bp audience and built p audience makes me feel at home. i want to reklein in my lazy boy but it's bill's house and i am house sitting, i guess. you can always, you know, the folks here at the bp show know you can gocome to itch arrested fowler's house. check out our youtube page and we will give you five videos each and every day on the 12, 2 6, 4, and the 8s. >> wow. >> yeah. >> school. >> we drop -- i record. i don't even know what i record any more. >> what's on tap today? >> i don't know. you have to ask -- richard squared. our producer is the one who will know hit the subscribe. bill has done it. you can do it, too. i have to tell you folks, ig
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what we talked about today is some real stuff like this george zimmerman case is something that we should focus on. obviously the student loan debt crisis. if you want to hear me talk about it, i guarantee you, i rant on my youtube channel more than anything else. this competitiveness report, check this report out. it's sirius real real stuff. always, when i fill in for bill action i leave you with a quote of inspiration, and so the quote today is from my good friend oprah winfrey. oprah, i would love to meet you. the choice to be excellent comes by aligning yourselves with the thoughts and deeds with the intention to require more from yourself. if you want good, require more from yourself. it will happen. thank you so much. >> this is "the bill press show."
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. happy friday, everybody. sexy liberal john fugelsang coming up. alan grayson also on the big show. >> did you see the deck that collapsed in miami. we used to go to that bar. it was in north bay village where the channel 7 studios


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